材料 外文翻译 外文文献 一种精密电容测量薄膜平面扩张的第三部分:导体和半导体材料
1. 物理气相沉积法(Physical Vapor Deposition,简称PVD)PVD是一种利用物理手段将固态材料转化为气态,然后在衬底表面沉积成薄膜的方法。
2. 化学气相沉积法(Chemical Vapor Deposition,简称CVD)CVD是一种利用化学反应在衬底表面生成具有所需性质的材料薄膜的方法。
常见的CVD技术有热CVD、等离子体增强化学气相沉积(Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition,简称PECVD)等。
1. 拉曼光谱测量拉曼光谱是一种非侵入式的测量方法,可以获得材料的结构信息。
1Conghui Gu , Xin Zhang , Bin Li , ZhulinYuana,(此处填写原文信息)Study on heat and mass transfer of flexible filamentous particles in a rotary dryerPowder Technology,V ol.267, 2014, pp:234-239.1 介绍滚筒干燥器是被广泛应用于化工,食品和烟草行业工业过程的一种重要设备,其在不同的操作条件下能够影响材料的质量。
§1 引言金刚石是当今可以使用的先进科技材料之一。
1)测量的灵敏度与石英晶体薄片的厚度有关,越薄越灵敏! 由式 (5-3) 可知:Dq f0 由式 (5-5) 可知:f0 Df 的测量灵敏度! ■ 如固有频率 f0 = 6 MHz时,若频率变化的测量精度为 1 Hz,则可测得 1.2×10-8 g 的质量变化! 此时假设基片面积为 1 cm2,沉积材料为Al,则厚度灵敏度相当于 0.05 nm ! 2)应用广泛、主要用于实时测量沉积率 实现镀膜过程自动控制! 3)环境温度变化会造成石英晶体固有频率发生变化 要求恒温环境 需要冷却系统! 4)式 (5-5) 只是近似成立,且薄膜的有效面积不完全等于石英片面积 测量结果需要标定和校正!
薄膜与玻璃片之间的距离 S 引起的光程差 为波长 的整数倍,即: 2S ph / 2 N 此处:ph — 光在玻璃片和薄膜表面发生两次反射时造成的相移。 从玻璃片表面反射和从薄膜表面的反射都是向空气反射,其相移之和为 + , 因此干涉极大条件可写作: S ( N 1) / 2 玻璃片与薄膜表面一般不完全平行,也会造成干涉条纹出现:每当 S =/2 时,出现间距为 0的干涉条纹; 如右图所示:台阶造成的条纹间距为 ,且台阶高度 (膜厚) 满足: D 分别测得 和 0,就可以计算出台阶高度 (测得膜厚 D)。
1、类似光学金相,可提供清晰直观的表面/截面形貌像; 2、分辩率高,景深大; 3、可采用不同分析模式作定量/半定量的表面成分分析; 4、是目前材料研究最常用手段之一,应用极为广泛。
1、电子束入射到样品表面后,会与表面层的原子发生各种交互作用, 其作用区域大致为一个梨形区域,深度约 1m; 2、该区域在电子束照射下可实现成像和波谱分析的主要激发粒子是: 最表层 (10Å):俄歇电子; 浅层 (50~500Å):二次电子; 梨形区上部:背散射电子; 梨形区下部:特征X射线。 3、分别接收上述激发粒子,处理后可显示表层的各种形貌/成分信息。
关键词: HfO2;薄膜;纳米压痕;原子力显微镜;纳米压痕。
收稿日期:2002-10-16. 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(69976008)1材料、结构及工艺G a N 缓冲层上低温生长Al N 单晶薄膜秦福文1,顾 彪1,徐 茵1,杨大智2(1.大连理工大学电气工程与应用电子技术系,辽宁大连116024;2.大连理工大学材料科学与工程系,辽宁大连116024)摘 要: 采用电子回旋共振等离子体增强金属有机物化学气相沉积(ECR 2PEMOCVD )技术,在α2Al 2O 3(0001)(蓝宝石)衬底上,分别以高纯氮气(N 2)和三甲基铝(TMAl )为氮源和铝源低温生长氮化铝(AlN )薄膜。
利用反射高能电子衍射(RHEED )、原子力显微镜(AFM )和X 射线衍射(XRD )等测量样品,研究了AlN 缓冲层和氮化镓(G aN )对六方AlN 外延层质量的影响,实验表明在G aN 缓冲层上能够低温生长出C 轴取向的AlN 单晶薄膜。
关键词: AlN ;G aN ;氢等离子体清洗;氮化中图分类号:TN304.053 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-5868(2003)01-0032-05Study on Al N Film G row n on G a N Buffer Layer at Low T emperatureQ IN Fu 2wen 1,GU Biao 1,XU Y in 1,YAN G Da 2zhi 2(1.Department of E lectrical E ngineering and Applied E lectronics ,Dalian U niversity of T echnology ,Dalian 116024,CHN;2.Department of Material Science and E ngineering ,Dalian U niversity of T echnology ,Dalian 116024,CHN )Abstract : AlN film has been grown on α2Al 2O 3(0001)substrate by ECR 2PAMOCVD technique at low temperature using TMAl and highly pure N 2as Al and N sources ,respectively.The effects of G aN buffer layer and AlN buffer layer on the quality of AlN epilayer have been investigated through the measurement of RHEED ,TEM and XRD.The result shows that C axis oriented AlN single crystal film can be grown on G aN buffer layer at low temperature.K ey w ords : AlN ;G aN ;hydrogen plasma cleaning ;nitridation1 引言宽带隙的Ⅲ族氮化物半导体材料AlN 和G aN ,其带隙能量分别为6.2eV 和3.39eV ,是目前制备蓝光到紫外光波段的发光二极管(L ED )、激光二极管(LD )等光电器件的首选材料。
Materials Letters 132(2014)417–420Contents lists available at ScienceDirectMaterials Lettersjournal homepage: /locate/matlet柔性聚吡咯纳米阵列的纸杯及其电容性能的研究aHongxiuDu a,b ,YibingXie a,b,n ,ChiXia a,b ,WeiWang a,b ,FangTian ,YingzhiZhou a a School ofChemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189,Chinab Suzhou Research Institute of Southeast University, Suzhou 215123,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oa b s t r a c tArticle history:以二氧化碳支撑的聚吡咯纳米阵列材料为前驱体,利用化学溶解腐蚀方法去除二氧化钛 模版制备得到自支撑的聚吡咯纳米管嵌纳米孔阵列材料。
所有的聚吡咯纳米管嵌入规整 有序的聚吡咯纳米孔中形成同轴结构且保持均匀间隙。
在1mol 硫酸中循环100次的充放电 循环后,自支撑的聚吡咯纳米管嵌纳米孔阵列薄膜电极比电容保持率为67%,且在电压 为-0.2~0.6V 时的比电容是88.6Fg À1。
鲫鱼自支撑的聚吡咯纳米管嵌纳米孔阵列电极材 料与凝胶电解质组装了一种全固态柔性超级电容器。
在电流密度为0.005Ag À1.时的比电容是13Fg À1。
自支撑的聚吡咯纳米管铅纳米孔阵列在平面和弯曲状态下都有稳定的储电 性能,表明它具有一定储能性能并在弯曲状态下可以应用。
Received 7May 2014 Accepted 21June 2014Available online 28 June 2014 Keywords: 聚吡咯 纳米阵列 超级电容器 柔性薄膜1. Introduction2.Experimental自支撑的聚吡咯纳米管铅纳米孔阵列材料通过电化学合成方法 来制备.首先,将NH4F (0.2M )和H3PO4(0.5M )溶于体积 比为1:1的水和乙二醇溶液中,然后在此溶液中利用阳极氧化 法制备二氧化钛纳米管阵列,氧化电压范围为30V ,氧化时间 为2h ,在450。
薄圆盘直径端点之间电阻的研究王岚;惠小强【摘要】It was difficult to apply immediate integral to measure the resistance of thin disc conductor.In order to solve this problem,this paper studied the method for measuring the resistance of thin disc by finite element method.Firstly,the measurement platform of thin disc resistance was designed by Comsol multiphysics software.Based on this design of electrode,we studied the relationship between the thin disc resistance and the disc radius,the electrode position,the position and size of the small hole on the thin disc.Then,resistance of thin disc could be measured indirectly by the disc resistance expression,which was fitted by the least square method.Finally,the above measurement method for the resistance of thin disc was verified with immediate integral under the typical condition,and the results show that the error of the method was quite small.This paper was of great significance for the design of resistance of thin disc.In addition,the resistance measurement method could also be promoted the design of resistance of other shapes.%针对薄圆盘直径端点之间电阻难以利用传统直接积分法或数值解法测量的问题,本文利用有限元分析法研究了薄圆盘直径端点之间电阻的测量方法.利用Comsol multiphysics设计薄圆盘电阻测量平台,通过在薄圆盘直径端点设计电极,研究了薄圆盘直径端点之间电阻随薄圆盘半径、电极位置、薄圆盘上小孔位置和大小的变化规律;利用最小二乘法拟合薄圆盘直径端点之间电阻表达式,实现薄圆盘直径端点之间电阻间接测量;在典型条件下,利用直接积分测量法对上述测量方法进行验证,结果表明本文提出的方法误差较小.本文研究工作对薄圆盘电阻的设计具有指导意义,且该研究方法还可以推广用于其他形状电阻的设计.【期刊名称】《物理与工程》【年(卷),期】2017(027)004【总页数】5页(P37-41)【关键词】薄圆盘;电阻;Comsol multiphysics【作者】王岚;惠小强【作者单位】西安邮电大学理学院,陕西西安 710061;西安邮电大学物联网与两化融合研究院,陕西西安 710061【正文语种】中文稳恒条件下导体内电势/电流的分布、不规则或不均匀导体电阻的测量等都是电磁学应用研究中的基本问题[1,2]。
具有超导性能的铍薄膜Rolfe E. Glover, HIStefan Moser and Friedhold Baumann摘要对浓缩在液氦冷却表面的铍薄膜的阻抗温度特性进行测量。
样品在T C= 9.6±0.1K的转变温度下具有超导性能,其表现为冷却状态下阻抗快速下降。
铍的状态是造成在40-60K范围内退火过程中高T C值消失的根本原因。
还没有报道过T C≈6K下的状态。
1、前言Lazarev et al.发现铍通过一个由液氦冷却玻璃基质表面上的钨螺旋物后,在真空蒸发状态下而形成的铍薄膜表现出一个显著超导性能的转变,此时的临界温度T C≈8K(通过对比,随后大量的关于铍的报道的转变温度是0.026K)。
退火后的铍薄膜的阻抗温度转变曲线大约是1K 宽,这个测量出的温度宽度相对应的是残余电阻的10和90%之间,有时1英尺低温区域可以把转变区域扩展超过差不多1½度。
400Å和2300 Å的薄膜有大约相同的残余电阻,而此时1800Å的样品测量出残余电阻却高出2倍。
发现这样一种情况,当退火的温度在大约30K 时与高转换温度相关连的相位即处于稳定状态。
Kelvin M.Palmer;立人
【作者】Kelvin M.Palmer;立人
1.硫化法在金属箔片衬底上制备 ZnS 薄膜研究 [J], 许佳雄;罗少魁;辛辅炼
2.Metallux选择威格斯APTIVTM薄膜制造其新型MetaPot柔性箔式传感器 [J], 威格斯公司
3.基于提高绝缘性——以双面聚酯薄膜复合粉云母箔研究为例 [J], 刘慧;刘群
4.薄膜和箔的测量 [J], Palm.,KM;立人
5.电化学蚀刻钽箔制备高容量薄膜钽电解电容器 [J], 郭永富;王日明;于淑会;初宝进;孙蓉
19 Loeffen W, Mullender S, Goulon J, et al. J. Phys. IV 7 p.333, 1997.20唐晋发郑权. 应用薄膜光学[D],上海科学技术出版社, p.383-384, 1984.21雷欧 S S. 工程最优化原理与应用[D],祁载康,万耀青,梁嘉玉(译),北京理工大学出版社,p. 213-219, 1990.Design and fabrication of the x-ray supermirrorWANG Fengli, ZHANG Zhong, WU Wenjun, QIN Shuji, WANG Zhanshan,CHEN Lingyan (Department of physics, Institute of Precision Optical Engineering,Tongji University, shanghai 200092, China)Abstract: the design and the fabrication of x-ray supermirror have been proposed, which is used as the high mirror in x-ray imaging telescope. First, the coating materials pair W, C is selected by the combination of the Spiller’ and Yamamoto’ criterion. Then using the relation of the peaking reflectivity of period multilayer and the bilayer numbers, the total layer number is determined and at the same time the first coating structure is given by the way of Yamshita. And then the optimization of the multilayer has been achieved by using the algorithm of simplex optimization. The flat reflectivity of broadband supermirror is 21% in the wavelength band of 0.0475~0.0886nm at the grazing incident angle of 8.7mrad. The influence of the roughness and the interdiffusion between the different layer materials on the reflectivity of multiplayer is simply introduced. Finally the designed multilayer structure has been fabricated on the magnetron sputtering system ,and the measured reflectivity is around 15% in the range of 8.7-15.7mrad by the x-ray reflectivity diffractometer (XRD).Key words: broadband supermirror, simplex optimization, roughness, magnetron sputteringZrO2薄膜的X射线衍射分析∗张东平邵淑英洪瑞金邵建达范正修(中科院上海光学精密机械研究所光学薄膜研究与发展中心上海 201800)王文宝(苏州大学分析测试中心苏州 215006 )摘要:用电子束热蒸发的方法生长了ZrO2薄膜,通过X射线衍射分析,我们得到了在不同电子束流下沉积的薄膜其结构和性质是不同的。
1 面发热膜AZO透明导电薄膜通电后会产生热量。
2 液晶显示器。
3 太阳能电池。
4 热反射镜由于AZO薄膜具有可见光区的高透射性,对红外光的高反射性,所以可用于寒冷地区的建筑玻璃窗,起热屏蔽作用,保持一定的室温,节省能源消耗。
5 此外,尤其要提出的是AZO在手机电容屏中的使用,目前手机触摸电容屏普遍使用ITO层会出现高蚀间隔带,ITO层在蚀刻时,更容易出现直线放射型的缺划或电阻偏高带;另一些厂家的玻璃ITO层则会出现微晶沟缝。
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作者:Chad R. Snyder, Member Frederick I. Mopsik国籍:America出处:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENTA Precision Capacitance Cell for Measurement of Thin Film Out-of-Plane Expansion–Part III: Conducting andSemiconducting MaterialsAbstract—This paper describes the construction, calibration, and use of a precision capacitance-based metrology for the measurement of the thermal and hygrothermal (swelling) expansion of thin films. It is demonstrated that with this version of our capacitance cell, materials ranging in electrical properties from insulators to conductors can be measured. The results of our measurements on p-type<100> -oriented single crystal silicon are compared to the recommended standard reference values from the literature and are shown to be in excellent agreement.Index Terms—Capacitance cell, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), guarded electrode, high sensitivity displacement, inner layer dielectrics, polymers, thin films.I. INTRODUCTIONTHE coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is a key design parameter in many applications. It is used for estimating dimensional tolerances and thermal stress mismatches. The latter is of great importance to the electronics industry, where thermal stresses can lead to device failure. For accurate modeling of these systems, reliable values are needed for the CTE.Traditionally, displacement gauge techniques such as thermomechanical analysis (TMA) have been utilized for determining the CTE. However, standard test methods basedm [1-2]. This ison these techniques are limited to dimensions greater than 100 mproblematic for materials which can be formed only as thin layers (such as coatings and certain inner layer dielectrics). Additionally, there is some question as to whether valuesobtained on larger samples (bulk material) are the same as those obtained for thin films, even when the effects of lateral constraints are included in the calculations .It has long been recognized that capacitance-based measurements, in principle, can offer the necessary resolution for these films . For a pair of plane-parallel plate capacitors, if the sample is used to set the spacing of the plates d while being outside of themeasurement path, then for a constant effective area of the plates A , the capacitance in a vacuum vac C is given by the well-known equation d AC vac 0ε=(1)where 0εis the permittivity of free space (m pF 854.80=ε).With the sampleoutside of the measurement path and only air etween the electrodes, the vacuum capacitance is obtained rom the measured capacitance C by air vac C C ε=(2)where air ε is the dielectric constant of air.In three previous papers, the design and data reduction techniques were presented for our three-terminal capacitance-based metrology for thin polymer film measurements. The first paper (I) described the initial design based on gold-coated Zerodur. However, several problems were encountered. It was discovered that Zerodur displays ferroelectric behavior, with an apparent Curie temperature of 206 ℃as determined by fitting with a Curie –Weiss law. The rapid change in the dielectric constant of the Zerodur along with a coupling from the central contact through the guard gap to the high electrode created an apparentnegative thermal expansion . The second problem with the initial design was with the gold coating. This coating had the tendency to “snow plow” when scratches formed in the surface creating raised areas which would result in shorts when measurements were performed on thin samples. The second problem with the gold was that it underwent mechanical creep under loading.To resolve these problems, a new electrode was designed from fused quartz coated with nichrome. A groove filled with conductive silver paint was added to the back side of the bottom electrode around the central contact to intercept any field lines between the central wire contact through the guard gap to the high electrode. The new design was described in the second paper (II) along with thermal expansion measurementson<0001>-oriented single crystal sapphire (32O Al ) and a 14-m μ thick inner layer dielectric material [10]. It was recognized in II that the data reduction was simple as long as the air filling the gap between the capacitor plates was dry. However, to expand the utility of the capacitance cell to hygrothermal expansion (i.e., swelling in a humid environment), the third paper (III) described the data reduction techniques necessary for use of the capacitance cell under humid conditions .Fig. 1. Schematic of the electrodes. Note that the shaded areas correspond tothe nichrome coating.The resolution of the instrument was determined in II and III. For dry, isothermal conditions, the capacitance cell can measure relative changes in thickness on the order of 710- , for a 0.5-mm thick sample; this corresponds to a resolution on the orderof m 11105-⨯. Under dry conditions in which the temperature is changed, thereproducibility of a relative thickness change (e.g., for CTE measurement) is on the order of 610- . Finally, under humid conditions, the ultimate resolution is primarily a function of temperature —the actual values of which are given in III.In II, a deficiency was recognized in the design. Neither semiconducting or conducting materials could be used as the material for testing. This was especially the case for silicon, which forms a Schottky barrier with nichrome and acts as a voltage rectifier. Additionally, because of the nature of the interface, the 1 kHz measurement frequency generates ultrasound which results in the epoxy contacts being shaken loose. We mentioned brieflyin II that if the top electrode had a guard ring added, the sample could be held at zero potential and this would no longer be a problem. To demonstrate this, we constructed such a capacitance cell—the design and testing of which are described in this paper.II. CAPACITANCE CELL DESIGNA.Electrode DesignBecause the construction of the electrodes was thoroughly described in II, a less detailed description will be given with emphasis on the changes in the design. The electrodes were constructed, as before, in the following manner (see Fig. 1).cm210⨯cylindrical blanks of fused quartz were ground and polished to optical flatness.cmSmall holes were drilled through the center of each blank so that 16 gauge wire could be inserted into them. The wires were then cemented with a conducting epoxy (resistivity of 10⨯-44at 25℃). A second hole and wire were then added to each blank Ωcmapproximately 0.75 cm from the edge of the blanks. A coating of nichrome was then added such that it covered all surfaces except for a small area around the back of the blanks. A guard gap was scribed on both the top and bottom electrodes such that no material was raised which could cause a short. On the bottom electrode, the guard gap was scribed on a 3 cm diameter, and on the top electrode it was scribed on a 6 cm diameter. In the bottom electrode, a 1 cm diameter well was cut into the back of the blank which extended to within 5 mm of the front surface. This well was then filled with a thin conductive silver paint. The paint connected the outer guard ring’s metallization to the edge of the well.Fig. 2. Schematic of the assembled capacitance cell.B. Cell Assembly and Capacitance MeasurementsThe holder described in II was employed for the modified cell. In this version of the capacitance cell, both conductors of the semirigid coaxial line were connected to the top electrode. The center connector and braid were connected to the center area and outer guard ring, respectively, by fine 30 gauge wire coils. The coils were terminated with center female contacts from 50ΩBNC connectors, which could be easily connected/disconnected to the 16 gauge tinned copper wire that was epoxied into the electrodes. A schematic of the assembled cell is shown in Fig. 2. The female BNC connector on the brass holder (bottom electrode) was connected to the low terminal, and the female BNC connector on the semirigid coaxial line was connected to the high terminal. All connections from the capacitance cell to the bridge were performed using Teflon insulated low noise cables.The capacitance measurements were obtained using a commercial automatedthree-terminal capacitance bridge which uses an oven-stabilized quartz capacitor and has a cited guaranteed relative resolution of better than 7105⨯ pF/pF for the range of capacitances used with this cell (Andeen –Hagerling 2500 A 1 kHz Ultra-PrecisionCapacitance Bridge with Option E). (Note that the “useful” relative resolution is suggestedby the manufacturer to be typically a factor of 10 or more better that the cited relative resolution.) The capacitance bridge’s c alibration was verified against a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) calibrated standard reference capacitor —the difference between the two was within the capacitor’s uncertainty.All measurements were performed in a temperature/humidity chamber equipped with a 90 ℃ dew point air purge. The cell was equilibrated at each temperature until the relative fluctuations in the vacuum corrected capacitance were no more than 710-10 pF/pF. Barometric pressure was monitored using a digital pressure sensor with a manufacturer’s stated uncertainty of 0.1 mm Hg(13 Pa). As stated previously in II, the temperature of the cell was calibrated in terms of the chamber temperature with aresistance temperature device (RTD) mounted to the cell with thermally conducting paste. The RTD was calibrated against a NIST certified ITS-90 standard reference thermometer. As in II, because we are using a dry air purge, we can use the ideal gas law correction to determine the molar volume of the air air v to calculate vac C pRT v air =(3) WhereT---absolute temperature;P---pessure;R---gas constant(11314507.8--⋅⋅⋅=K mol kpa L R )[12].From this and the value of the molar polarization of dry air obtained from the literature, mol L P 31031601.4-⨯=[13], the dielectric constant of the air separating the electrodes is ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=aie air aie air air v P v P 112ε(4) III. MEASUREMENTSA. Cell CalibrationTo use (1) to calculate the thickness of the sample, the effective area must be known. To determine this value as a function of temperature, as in II, we calibrated the area andarea expansion through the use of Zerodur spacers with thicknesses of approximately 2.0 mm. As in II, the actual dimensions of the Zerodur spacers were measured in a ball to plane configuration with a specially designed caliper equipped with a linear voltage displacement transducer (LVDT) that had a resolution of mm 4101-⨯±. The cell was assembled with the Zerodur spacers using the sample preparation described in II.Measurements were performed at 0 ℃, 25 ℃, 50 ℃, 75℃, 100℃, 125 C, and 150℃. The cell was cycled through this range of temperature three times, and the values for vac C were determined for each run after averaging all the properties over approximately 1 h using 10 s increments (a total of 360 data points) after equilibrium was achieved. The area A was calculated using the room temperature thickness measurements and the 25 ℃ value for vac C . All subsequent determinations of A, at higher and lower temperatures, were corrected for the slight expansion and contraction of the Zerodur as a function oftemperature (161005.0--⨯=K Zerodur α). The results of the effective radius of the electrode as a function of temperature are plotted in Fig. 3.Fig. 3. Effective radius of the bottom electrode as a function of temperature obtained by measurements using Zerodur and correcting for its slightexpansion.Fig. 4. Relative expansion of the<100>-oriented single crystal silicon as afunction of temperature. The line is a plot of the data fromB. p-Type Doped<100> Single Crystal SiliconTo demonstrate the ability of the cell to measure silicon and to provide accurate values for thermal expansion, a 0.6-mm thick wafer of single-side polished, back side stress relieved, p-type, <100>-oriented single crystal silicon with a resistivity of 15 cm was1cm. The pieces broken (by scribing) into three pieces. Each piece was approximately2were then cleaned with ultra pure distilled water and ethanol. The cell was assembled in the same fashion as was described in II and was placed in a vacuum oven at ambient temperatures for approximately 1 h to effectively wring the sample.3 . Measurements were performed at 25℃, 50 ℃, 75 ℃, 100 ℃, 125 ℃, and 150℃, a minimum of two times each. (Note: No point was taken at 0 ℃ due to problems with the compressor in the environmental chamber.) The wafer thickness was determined using the effective radius versus temperature data shown in Fig. 3. The results of this analysis are shown in Fig. 4 along with the recommended expansion data on silicon obtained from [14]. It should be noted that the standard reference data was defined relative to 20 ℃ whereas we havemeasured, for convenience, relative to 25 ℃. Therefore, the standard reference, relative expansion data was shifted in Fig. 4 by an amount S equal to()()K S T 5-=α(5)where T α is the CTE at temperature T taken fromIt is apparent that the two sets of data agree within the experimental uncertainty. (The error bar is smaller on the 25 ℃ data point than on the higher temperatures due to the fact that more repeat runs were performed, which reduced the uncertainty for that data point.) This demonstrates several key conclusions regarding the capacitance cell. First, thelimitations of the previous design have been eliminated; silicon and conducting samples can be measured. Second, the results show that the capacitance cell produces data that agree with literature data. Finally, we have further demonstrated the advantage of our technique for measurement of thin samples over commercially available TMAs. Thevalidity of this statement can be shown by considering the results of a round robin study. This study was performed among researchers at NIST, IBM Endicott, DEC,Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, Naval SurfaceWarfareCenter —Crane Division, CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Center at the University of Maryland, Cornell University, University of Texas at Austin, Purdue University, and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) on the measurement of the CTE of single crystal<100> silicon using various commercial TMAs [15]. A 1.1765-mm thick sample of <100>single crystal silicon was used by all participants. All reported values for the CTE of silicon were below the literature values for the corresponding temperature ranges by 15% to 40%. Our sample was approximately half as thick as their sample, yet our values are within the experimental error. (It should be recalled that our total precision is independent of actual thickness and the main error is due to electrode/sample interfacial effects.Therefore, had we used the thicker sample, as was used in the round robin study, the error in our results would have been reduced.)In closing, it should be mentioned that since silico n was the “worst case” scenario for the new capacitance cell, it was deemed unnecessary to perform measurements on single crystals of a metallic sample which have a much higher CTE. However, a singlemeasurement was taken on the silicon by connecting the braids from the high and low terminals together shorting the two guard rings as if it were done by a metallic sample. The measured capacitance was unchanged; this therefore demonstrated that conducting materials can be measured.IV. CONCLUSIONSWe have presented the designs and implementation of our capacitance cell for the measurement of conducting and semiconducting materials (as well as dielectrics). The thermal expansion data, obtained with the new version of our capacitance cell, on p-type doped single crystal silicon have demonstrated both the ability of the cell to measure silicon and conducting samples and the ability of the cell to provide accurate CTE data on these types of materials. As a result, it is apparent that this metrology can also be applied to thin polymer films deposited on silicon substrates. Furthermore, this cell can also be used to study the hygrothermal expansion (swelling due to the presence of moisture) by utilizing the data reduction techniques described in III. Accordingly, this technique should be especially useful to the microelectronics packaging industry for the characterization of inner layer dielectrics as well as composite structures.ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to thank Dr. J. R. Ehrstein in the Semiconductor Electronics Division at NIST for providing the silicon sample.一种精密电容测量薄膜平面扩张的第三部分:导体和半导体材料 摘要—本文介绍了设计、校准,并且使用精密电容基础计量学来测量薄膜的热、湿热(肿胀)的扩张。