英国历史2.1English Culture

• AD – stands for the Latin phrase “anno domini” – means "in the year of our Lord"
• The purpose of the BC / AD dating system
• For nearly 400 years Britain was under the Roman occupation, but it was never a total occupation.
– Roman troops often withdrew.
– Resistance: the Picts – Two great walls to keep the Picts:
An Introduction to British History and Culture
English History
• Prehistoric England • Roman Britain (43-410) • The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings (450-1066) • Normans and Plantagenets (1066-1272) • Lancaster and York (1272-1485) • The Tudors (1485-1603) • The Stuarts (1603-1714) • Order and Disorder (1714-1837) • Victoria and Empire (1837-1910) • Peace and War (1910-1945) • Contemporary Britain (1945- )

英语作文关于英国历史The history of the United Kingdom is a rich tapestry woven with the threads of various cultures, conflicts, and transformations. From its ancient origins to its modern role on the global stage, the British Isles have seen the rise and fall of empires, groundbreaking social reforms, and significant contributions to the arts and sciences.The story of Britain begins with the ancient Celts and the Roman invasion. The Romans conquered much of Britain and brought their civilization to the islands, leaving behind roads, forts, and Hadrian's Wall, which marked the northern limit of their empire. After the Roman withdrawal in the 5th century, various Germanic tribes, including the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, invaded and settled, laying the groundwork for what would become England.The Middle Ages saw the Norman Conquest in 1066, which brought a new ruling class and a feudal system. This period was marked by castles, knights, and the Magna Carta of 1215, which is considered a cornerstone in the development of constitutional governance and therule of law.The Tudor period, from 1485 to 1603, was a time of great change. The Reformation split the Christian church in Britain, leading to the establishment of the Church of England. This era also saw the exploration and expansion of the British Empire, with figures like Sir Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh.The 17th and 18th centuries were significant for the growth of the British Empire and the Industrial Revolution. Britain became the world's leading naval power and colonized large parts of North America, the Caribbean, and India. The Industrial Revolution began in Britain and transformed the country from an agrarian society into an industrial powerhouse.The 19th century was a time of social and political reform. The Victorian era, named after Queen Victoria, was characterized by immense progress in science, technology, and culture, but also by deep social inequalities. The Reform Acts expanded the right to vote, and the labor movement fought for workers' rights.The 20th century brought two world wars, whichreshaped the map of Europe and saw the decline of the British Empire. The UK played a pivotal role in both conflicts, but the aftermath of World War II led to a significant reduction in Britain's global influence. Nonetheless, the British cultural influence remained strong, with the spread of the English language and the British Commonwealth.Today, the United Kingdom stands as a modern, multicultural nation with a rich historical legacy. It continues to be an influential player in international politics, science, and culture.中文翻译:英国的历史是一幅丰富的挂毯,由各种文化、冲突和变革的线编织而成。
British_history_2 英语国家概况 英国历史相关

Steam Engine
Merchant Fleet
2.4 The Industrial Revolution
• By the middle of 19th century, the Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain
❖ Its influence: Britain changed in many ways
The industrial revolution
• Causes: 1. Favorable geographical location 2. Political stability 3. Fast-growing population 4. Enclosure movement 5. Well-trained engineers and craftsmen
2.3 Restoration and the Glorious Revolution
• Restoration: –1661, Charles II: to restore the old social order –1685, James II: to reestablish Catholicism
The industrial revolution
• 5. Compton’s mule spinner(1779) also replaced hand labor and required
steam to drive them 6. Cartwright’s
power loom(1784)
2.4 The Industrial Revolution
Parliamentarians (Roundheads [圆颅党人]) ❖ Result: the monarchy was abolished in 1949

Britain: 大不列颠
British:联合王国的,英国人民的,也可指代英国人,但 其泛指的是不列颠人(包括英格兰人English 、威尔士人 Welsh合苏格兰人Scotch)。
英国人口中百分之八十是英格兰人,其他是苏格 兰人、威尔士人和爱尔兰人。英语是官方语言, 但许多人不讲英语,在威尔士讲凯尔特语,在苏 格兰高原有八万人左右讲盖尔语。
century as the beginning of the modern world
Focal Points
Henry Ⅲ Bloody Mary The Elizabethan age The English revolution in the 17th
century King Charles Ⅰ Oliver Cromwell The Industrial Revolution Victorianism
Alfred 是英国Saxon民 族的一位国王。他成 功地阻止了丹麦人的 入侵。据说有一次他 深入丹麦人占领区时 被敌人包围,一位农 妇把他掩护起来,让 他烤饼。当敌人认出他来。
king Arthur (亚瑟国王) 是六世纪时英格兰统 治者,有关他的传说 很多,king Arthur and
English History
Focal Points
geographical position of Britain Beginning of the middle ages Alfred the Great King Arthur The Crusades The Hundred Years’ War Joan of Arc Languages used in English history The Wars of the Roses The characteristic of the 16th

World War II saw Britain stand
economic changes in the
alone against Nazi Germany, and
subsequent years.
the country's bravery in the face of
the Blitz remains an enduring
Stuart Era
James I and the Gunpowder Plot
King James I faced numerous challenges during his reign, including the infamous Gunpowder Plot in 1605.
Charles I and the English Civil War
Innovation and technological advancements led to a seismic shift in the way goods and services were produced, transforming the British economy and society adernize the country.
The decision to leave the European
Union in 2016 has plunged Britain
into years of uncertainty and
debate, as the country grapples
Victorian Era
Queen Victoria and the British Empire
Queen Victoria's reign marked the height of British power and influence, as the country enjoyed unprecedented prosperity and global supremacy.

What is the meaning of B.C. and A.D.?
• BC – stands for "before Christ"
• AD – stands for the Latin phrase “anno domini” – means "in the year of our Lord"
Chapter 1 Early England
1. Old Stone Age, 70,000—8000 BC 2. Middle Stone Age , 8300—3500 BC 3. New Stone Age , 3500—2500 BC 4. Bronze Age, 2500—700 BC (Iberians) 5. Iron Age, 700—100 BC (Celts) 6. The Dawning of English History 150
1.2 Early Settlers
• New Stone Age , 3500—2500 BC
– Stonehenge 史前巨石阵
• a monumental circular setting of large standing stones surrounded by an earthwork
1.2 Early Settlers
• Hunters and gatherers
– Old Stone Age (Paleolithic), 70,000—8000 BC – Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic), 8300—3500 BC – New Stone Age (Neolithic), 3500—2500 BC

二、盎格鲁-撒克逊时期 Anglo-Saxon Period
五、工业革命 Industrial Revolution

英国历史英文介绍简短The history of the United Kingdom is long and complex, stretching back thousands of years. It is a story of invasions, conquests, and migrations, of kings and queens, of wars and revolutions, and of the development of a unique and diverse culture.The earliest inhabitants of the British Isles were the Celts, who arrived around 500 BC. They were followed by the Romans, who invaded in 43 AD and ruled for nearly 400 years. In the 5th century, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes arrived from northern Europe and established the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Wales.In 1066, the Normans invaded England and brought with them a new language, culture, and government. This period saw the development of the English language and the establishment of the monarchy. In the 16th century, England began to expand its empire, colonizing North America, India, and other parts of the world.The 18th century saw the Industrial Revolution, which transformed the country and made it one of the most powerful nations in the world. In the 19th century, the British Empire reached its peak, ruling over a quarter of the world’s population.The 20th century saw two world wars, the decline of the British Empire, and the emergence of the United Kingdom as amodern, democratic nation. Today, the UK is a member of the European Union and a major player in world affairs. Its history is a fascinating and complex one, and its culture is unique and diverse.。
uk history英国历史(英语国家概况)

– The Battle of Waterloo – The Battle of Trafalgar
1815 1805,英军在这场海战中击败了拿破仑的
• The Industrial Revolution
Bloody Mary
Elizabeth Ⅰ
Tudor Dynasty • Henry Ⅶ 1485--1509 • Henry Ⅷ 1509--1547 • Edward Ⅵ 1547--1553 • Mary 1553-1558 • Elizabeth Ⅰ 1558—1603
Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ
The Black Death
• 3 plagues
• 在1348年,一场瘟疫 或者黑死病通过从亚 洲来的商人来到欧洲, 并被在那些商人的商 船里的老鼠传播开来。 黑死病在1348年到 1353年这短短的五年 时间里夺去了欧洲大 陆近三分之一的人口。
The 16th Century
• The Wars of the Roses • A New Monarchy • The Reformation Movement / Protestant Movement Bloody Mary The Reign of Queen Elizabeth I)
The Crusades 十字军东征
• A series of wars (from 11th to 14th centuries) in which armies from all over Europe tried to snatch the “Holy Land” (i.e. Palestine, where Jesus Christ once lived) from the “Infidels”异教徒;不 信正统宗教者 (i.e. the Back Muslims).


1.2 Early Settlers
• Hunters and gatherers
– Old Stone Age (Paleolithic), 70,000—8000 BC – Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic), 8300—3500 BC – New Stone Age (Neolithic), 3500—2500 BC
An Introduction to British History and Culture
English History
• Prehistoric England • Roman Britain (43-410) • The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings (450-1066) • Normans and Plantagenets (1066-1272) • Lancaster and York (1272-1485) • The Tudors (1485-1603) • The Stuarts (1603-1714) • Order and Disorder (1714-1837) • Victoria and Empire (1837-1910) • Peace and War (1910-1945) • Contemporary Britain (1945- )
1.2 Early Settlers
• New Stone Age , 3500—2500 BC
– Stonehenge 史前巨石阵
• a monumental circular setting of large standing stones surrounded by an earthwork
– complete control over the land in 43 A.D. – leaving in around 410 A.D.
英美历史文化 英文版

威尔士有自己的语言文化,爱尔兰人扣虽少,却又在 宗教和民族忠于谁的问题上分成了两大派。
Think about the following questions:
whereas 然而、相反。这是 一个在英语中表达对比时候 常用的连接词。
Americana are probably more forward thinking than Britains are, Britaina are quite backward thinking people-by which means Americans look to the future.
美国人考虑未来,而英国人更看中过去。因为英国人觉得对于一个有着悠 久历 史的国家来讲,过去是美好的
There's much more of a remnant of a class system in the UK. What your background is? Where you are from?
I am the saviour!
Remnant ['rɛmnə nt]:n. 残余,剩余
a. 残余的,剩余的;残 留的
Saviour ['sevjɚ]:n.
在英国仍然有残存的等级观 念。英国人眼中的等级是建 立在你的家族背景基础上的, 人们关心的是你 的来头儿而不是你的工作。
Americans citizens believe that one’s personal value. They think they are the master of nature.

目 录第1卷(英国)第1章 土地和人民1.1 复习笔记1.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第2章 英国历史2.1 复习笔记2.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第3章 政治、政府及教育3.1 复习笔记3.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第4章 补充材料4.1 复习笔记4.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第2卷(美国)第1章 总 括1.1 复习笔记1.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第2章 美国的历史2.1 复习笔记2.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第3章 政府形式和社会生活3.1 复习笔记3.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第4章 补充材料4.1 复习笔记4.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第1卷(英国)第1章 土地和人民1.1 复习笔记Ⅰ. The British Isles and Great Britain1. Full name2. Constituents3. Introduction of Each Part4. Physiographic Features5. Climate and W eather6. Factors Influencing English W eather7. Inland W ater8. The English LanguageⅡ. People and the State1. People2. Party Politics3. Central Government4. Local Governments5. Law6. Reform of the Law Court7. Legal Profession8. Police Force9. Religion10. Characteristics of the English PeopleⅢ. National Economy1. General Survey2. Company Law and Framework of Industry3. Heavy and Light Industries4. Textile Industries5. Agriculture6. Transportation and Communication7. British Disease and Thatcher’s Medicine8. CitiesⅠ. The British Isles and Great Britain (不列颠群岛及大不列颠)1. Full name (全称)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2. Constituents (组成部分)(1)The Island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and W ales大不列颠岛:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士(2)Northern Ireland北爱尔兰3. Introduction of Each Part (各部分简介)(1)England (英格兰)England is the largest and most developed of all the three political divisions.英格兰是三个中最大的和最发达的政治分区。

Middle Ages
The Development and Transformation of Medieval England
Detailed description
medieval England experienced a transformation from feudal society to capitalism, and made tremendous progress in economy, culture, and technology. At the same time, this period was also filled with wars and political turmoil, such as the Rose Wars and the Hundred Years War between England and France.
During the Industrial Revolution
The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Britain
Detailed description
The Industrial Revolution from the late 18th to early 19th century completely changed the face of Britain, making it the world's first industrialized country. The Industrial Revolution brought about a great increase in productivity, but

英伦历史的斑斓画卷Encompassing a vast array of events and transformations, British history is a tapestry of diverse threads that weave together the rich cultural, political, and social fabricsof the nation. Spanning from ancient times to the modern era, this essay aims to delve into the fascinating journeyof Britain, highlighting key moments and figures that have shaped its identity.The ancient history of Britain begins with the settlement of the first humans on the island, known as the Stone Age. This period is marked by the development of primitive tools and structures, such as the Stonehenge, a mysterious monument that remains a testament to the ancient civilization's sophisticated understanding of astronomy.The Bronze Age saw the emergence of more advanced communities and trade networks, followed by the Iron Age, during which the Celtic tribes established their influence across the British Isles. However, it was the Romaninvasion in 43 AD that marked a significant turning pointin British history. The Romans brought with them newtechnologies, infrastructure, and a centralized government, leaving a lasting impact on British culture and society.The fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century led toa period of political instability and cultural fusion known as the Dark Ages. This era was followed by the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, when the French-speaking Normans overthrew the Anglo-Saxon kingdom and established a new feudal system. This event marked a significant shift in the language and culture of England, as French became the language of the government and nobility.The Tudor period, marked by the reigns of Henry VII, Henry VIII, and Elizabeth I, saw the emergence of Englandas a major European power. Henry VII consolidated power and established the Tudor dynasty, while Henry VIII's reign saw significant religious changes, as he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and established the Church of England. Elizabeth I, known as the "Virgin Queen," presided over a period of economic and cultural prosperity, during which England's naval power and exploration reached new heights.The 17th century marked a period of political upheaval, as the English Civil War erupted between the Royalists andthe Parliamentarians. This conflict ended with theexecution of King Charles I and the establishment of the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell. However, theRestoration of the Monarchy in 1660 marked the return ofthe Stuart dynasty and the end of the Puritan era.The 18th century was a time of significant social and economic transformation, known as the Industrial Revolution. This period saw the development of new technologies and manufacturing methods, which led to rapid urbanization and economic growth. The Empire expanded under the leadershipof George III, as Britain emerged as a global power, controlling vast territories and trading networks.The 19th century was marked by furtherindustrialization and imperial expansion. The Victorian era, named after Queen Victoria's long reign, saw significant economic and social progress, as well as the development of major cities like London. However, it was also a period of social and political tensions, as the working class struggled for better conditions and rights.The 20th century brought with it two world wars and significant social and political changes. Britain'sinvolvement in the First World War led to significant casualties and economic hardships, while the Second World War saw the country stand against fascism and emerge as a key ally of the United States and the Soviet Union. Post-war Britain saw the implementation of welfare reforms and the decolonization of its Empire, as well as the electionof the first female prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, in 1979.In conclusion, British history is a rich tapestry of events and transformations that have shaped the nation's identity. From ancient civilizations to modern times, the threads of this history are woven with the stories of brave leaders, innovators, and ordinary people who havecontributed to building a nation that is respected and admired worldwide. As we delve into the past, we gain a deeper understanding of the present and a clearer perspective on the future of this fascinating country.**英国历史的斑斓画卷**英国历史是一幅丰富多彩、交织着各种事件的画卷,这些事件共同塑造了英国丰富多样的文化、政治和社会风貌。

英语作文关于英国历史The history of England is a rich tapestry woven with the threads of conquest, cultural evolution, and the rise andfall of powerful monarchs. It is a story that begins with the ancient Britons, continues through the Roman occupation, the Norman Conquest, and into the modern era marked by the Industrial Revolution and the British Empire.The early history of England is marked by the arrival of various tribes and peoples, such as the Celts, Romans, and Anglo-Saxons. The Roman period, from the 1st to the 5th century, brought significant advancements in infrastructure, including the construction of roads, aqueducts, and forts.The fall of the Roman Empire led to a period of Anglo-Saxon rule, which saw the development of a distinct English culture and language.The Norman Conquest in 1066, led by William the Conqueror, was a pivotal moment in English history. It not only changed the ruling class but also had a profound impact on the language, architecture, and legal system. The Middle Agesthat followed were characterized by the feudal system, the Crusades, and the Hundred Years' War with France.The Renaissance brought about a rebirth of art, science, and literature, with figures like William Shakespeare leaving an indelible mark on the English language and culture. The Tudor period, with its dramatic shifts in power and religiousupheavals, saw the rise of England as a major European power.The 17th century was a time of great change, with the English Civil War leading to the execution of King Charles I and the brief period of the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 established a constitutional monarchy and the Bill of Rights, setting the stage for modern democracy.The 18th and 19th centuries were the age of theIndustrial Revolution, which transformed England from a rural society to an urban, industrial powerhouse. This period also saw the expansion of the British Empire, with colonies stretching across the globe, bringing both wealth and conflict.The 20th century was marked by two World Wars, which significantly impacted England's role in the world. Post-war Britain saw the establishment of the National Health Service and the gradual decline of the empire, leading to a redefinition of its place in the global community.Today, England's history continues to influence its culture, politics, and identity. It is a history that is celebrated in its landmarks, museums, and the stories passed down through generations, reminding us of the complex and fascinating journey that has shaped the nation we know today.。

英国历史英语作文80词The history of Britain is a tapestry of rich cultural threads, weaving together diverse stories of conquest, revolution, and progress. From the ancient Roman occupation to the Norman invasion, the story of Britain is marked by foreign influence and internal struggle. The Middle Ages saw the emergence of powerful monarchs like King Arthur and the Norman Kings, who left lasting impacts on the country's political and cultural landscape. The Tudor period marked a renaissance in literature, art, and exploration, with Queen Elizabeth I presiding over a golden age of English culture. The Industrial Revolution transformed Britain into a global superpower, shaping not just its economy but also itssocial and political landscape. The 20th century sawBritain involved in two world wars, emerging as a key ally in the fight against fascism. Today, Britain stands as a symbol of democratic values and economic prowess, a testament to its rich and storied history.**英国历史的独特轨迹**英国历史是一幅丰富多彩的文化织锦,编织着征服、革命和进步的多样化故事。

英语作文英国历史English History: Origins & Roman RuleThe history of England is a tapestry woven with diverse threads of invasions, settlements, and political evolution. Its narrative begins in prehistoric times, with evidence of human habitation dating back to the Paleolithic era. However, it was during the Iron Age that the Celtic tribes, particularly the Britons, emerged as the dominant force, shaping the land's early culture and society. The Romans, under the command of Julius Caesar, first attempted to invade Britain in 55 BC but were met with fierce resistance. It wasn't until AD 43 that Emperor Claudius successfully established Roman rule over the island, marking the start of a significant chapter in English history. This period saw the introduction of Roman law, infrastructure, and governance, leaving an indelible mark on the nation's landscape and identity.Paragraph 2: 中世纪英格兰:盎格鲁-撒克逊人与诺曼征服Medieval England: Anglo-Saxons & Norman ConquestWith the decline of the Roman Empire, Britain entered a phase of instability and fragmentation. In the 5th and6th centuries, various Germanic tribes, collectively known as the Anglo-Saxons, migrated to Britain, gradually supplanting the Celtic Britons. They established several kingdoms, which eventually coalesced into the unified kingdom of England under King Egbert in 827. Christianity also took root during this time, with the arrival of missionaries like St. Augustine of Canterbury.The Norman Conquest of 1066 marked another pivotal moment in English history. William, Duke of Normandy, defeated King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings, claiming the English throne. This event brought profound changes to English society, including the introduction of Norman-French language and culture, a reorganization of the feudal system, and the construction of iconic structures such as the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey.Paragraph 3: 中世纪晚期至近代早期:玫瑰战争、都铎王朝与宗教改革Late Medieval to Early Modern: Wars of the Roses, Tudor Dynasty & ReformationThe Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) were a series of dynastic conflicts fought between the Houses of Lancasterand York, both branches of the Plantagenet dynasty, for control of the English throne. This tumultuous period ended with the ascension of Henry Tudor as King Henry VII, establishing the Tudor dynasty. Under the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I, England experienced significant religious, political, and cultural transformations.Henry VIII's break with Rome and the establishment of the Church of England, motivated by his desire for a divorce, marked the beginning of the English Reformation. Edward VI continued the Protestant reform, while Mary I briefly restored Catholicism through her reign of terror. Finally, Elizabeth I steered England towards a moderate Protestant path, fostering a golden age of literature, exploration, and naval power.Paragraph 4: 近代英国:工业革命、帝国扩张与世界大战Modern Britain: Industrial Revolution, Imperial Expansion & World WarsThe 18th and 19th centuries witnessed the Industrial Revolution, a period of unprecedented technological advancement and economic growth that transformed England from an agrarian society into an industrial powerhouse.Innovations in textiles, steam power, and transportation fueled this revolution, reshaping the country's social structure and urban landscape.Simultaneously, Britain embarked on a trajectory of imperial expansion, building a vast colonial empire that spanned continents and oceans. At its height, the British Empire encompassed nearly a quarter of the world's landmass and population, exerting immense global influence.The 20th century saw Britain weather two devastating world wars. World War I, sparked by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, thrust Europe into a brutal conflict that ultimately led to the collapse of empires and the redrawing of international borders. World War II, ignited by Nazi Germany's aggression, further tested Britain's resilience. Despite suffering immense losses and damage, the nation emerged victorious, playing a crucial role in the Allied victory and the subsequent formation of the United Nations.Paragraph 5: 当代英国:战后重建、去殖民化与欧洲一体化Contemporary Britain: Post-War Reconstruction, Decolonization & European IntegrationPost-war Britain focused on rebuilding its economy, society, and international standing. The welfare state was expanded, and national infrastructure modernized. Concurrently, the nation began the process of decolonization, granting independence to many of its former colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. This process, though often fraught with challenges, marked the end of the British Empire and the birth of the Commonwealth.In the latter half of the 20th century, Britain joined the European Economic Community (EEC), later renamed the European Union (EU), seeking closer economic ties and political cooperation with continental Europe. However, concerns over sovereignty and immigration led to a referendum in 2016, resulting in the decision to leave the EU – a move known as "Brexit." After years of negotiations, the UK officially left the EU on January 31, 2020, ushering in a new era of independence and uncertainty in its relationship with Europe.In summary, the history of England spans thousands of years, chronicling the rise and fall of civilizations, religious upheavals, technological revolutions, imperial conquests, and political realignments. Each epoch has leftan indelible mark on the nation's identity, culture, and global role, making the story of England a rich and enduring testament to the complexities of human history.。
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除英国国教会内残留的天主教旧制和繁文缛节,提 倡勤俭清洁的简朴生活,故名。 派别: A. 温和派/长老派(Presbyterian Party):主张采用 长老制,甚至脱离国教会,简化仪式,放弃任何形 式的偶像崇拜,在政治上提倡共和制。 B. 激进派/独立派(Independents Party) :提倡从 国教会内部改革,以实现净化教会为目的,在政治 上主张君主立宪。
(1)清教的兴起打破了国教教会的思想垄断地位,动摇了封建王 权的精神支柱,使世俗政权很难维持稳固的统治了,从而有利于 革命的较早发生; (2)清教传教士主动把布道和政治鼓动结合起来,自觉地充当了 革命的宣传员,在动员群众反封建的斗争中起了组织领导作用; (3)清教的民主管理方式也为英国人民创建政治共和国提供了参 照模式。清教在组织上分为长老派和独立派,两派均实行民主的 管理形式,与世俗政权中的君主专制制度迥然不同。 总之,清教运动从表面上看是清教和国教之间的矛盾冲突,实际上 它不是一场纯意义上的宗教运动,它是英国资产阶级和新贵族在 意识形态领域内以信仰和传播清教对抗国教的形式表达自己的政 治、经济主张,动员其他阶层和人民群众进行反封建斗争的思想 运动。它为资产阶级革命做了思想舆论和组织上的准备。
(1)推行有利于资本主义发展的措施 a 出卖没收来的封建地产; b推行海外贸易保护主义政策: 《航海条例》(The Navigation Acts)
颁布时间:1651 目的:鼓励发展英国的航海事业和海外贸易 ,打击
竞争对手荷兰 内容:凡从欧洲运往英国的货物,必须由英国船只 或商品生产国的船只运送;凡从亚洲、非洲、美洲 运往英国或爱尔兰以及英国各殖民地的货物,必须 由英国船只或英属殖民地的船只运送。英国各港口 的渔业进出口货物以及英国国境沿海贸易的货物, 完全由英国船只运送。
(1)对国王的司法、财政、军事等权力做出 种种限制,增强国会的司法、财政、军事等 方面权力。如:
第一,凡未经议会同意,以国王权威停止法律或停止法律实施 之僭越权力,为非法权力。 第二,近来以国王权威擅自废除法律或法律实施之僭越权力, 为非法权力。 第四,凡未经国会准许,借口国王特权,为国王而征收,或供 国王使用而征收金钱,超出国会准许之时限或方式者,皆为 非法。 第六,除经国会同意外,平时在本王国内征募或维持常备军, 皆属违法。
护国公制的实质是军事专政。 在护国公制下,行政权、立法权和最高军事指 挥权都集中在护国公一人手里。
克伦威尔:17世纪英国资产阶级革 命家,独立派领袖。1645年起取得 国会军的领导权;1649年处死国王 查理一世,宣布成立英吉利共和国, 又掌握了英国的立法权和行政权。 1653年建立资产阶级军事专政的护 国政治,任护国主。掌权期间,代 表资产阶级和新贵族的利益,大力 发展工商业,镇压王党叛乱和群众 运动,进行对外扩张和夺取殖民地。
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector (1653-58)
1.否定说:蒋孟引 2.基本肯定说: 3.有功有过,但功大于过:陈利今等 4. 主张分段评价克伦威尔。
第二,阶级与个人实践关系。 第三,动机与效果的关系。
四、斯图亚特王朝复辟和1688年宫廷 政变
The Self-denying Ordinance
消极怠战。 1644年12月,国会下院通过。 规定:议员不得担任军职。
新模范军法(The Militia Ordinance)
新模范军(New Model Army )
摹本:克伦威尔的铁骑军( 'Iron-sides'
对内巩固统治、对外扩张和掠夺的需要,渴 望建立军事独裁政权。 b. 克伦威尔1642年来的文治武功,证明了他 有能力满足资产阶级、新贵族及其他既得利 益集团各方面的需要。 c. 1642年以来不断的内外战争使克伦威尔本 人的权力不断膨胀,使独裁政权的建立到了 水到渠成的程度。
也称英格兰圣公会或安立甘教会 (Anglican
Church) 。 1534年亨利八世颁布《至尊法案》(Act of Supremacy ),正式宣布国王为英教会的最高 首脑,建立脱离罗马教廷的英国国教会。但 基本沿用旧教教义、礼仪和主教制。
第二章 17世纪迄工业革命前的东 西方世界
第一节 英国资产阶级革命
English Bourgeois Revolution
1、{法}弗朗索瓦· 基佐:《1640年英国革命 史》,商务印书馆1985年版。 2、蒋孟引(1907-1988):《英国史》,中 国社会科学出版社1988年版。
Putney Debates,1647年10月28日—11月8日 艾尔顿多次强调缔约和继承的自然权利,事实上是
一般自然财产权利的重要性;他反对平权主义者提 出的与财产资格无关的普遍选举权要求,“因为我 会注意财产……让每一个人都认识到他不能剥夺所 有财产吧。因为这是英国宪法中最为基本的部分, 若你要剥夺了财产,你就由此剥夺了一切”。
《大抗议书》:1641年11月由英国长期国会通 过。主要 内容是:在英国建立大臣对国会负 责的制度;保证工商业的自由发展。它是英 国资产阶级革命初期的纲领性文件。
问题: 为什么长期国会的召开标志着英国资产阶级 革命的开始?
cavalry regiment ) 编制:11个骑兵团(每团600人),12个步兵团 (每团1200人)和1000名龙骑兵;此外还配有 一支强大的炮队,装备有德米卡弗林中型火 炮和萨克小炮。 由国会拨款、骑兵占三分之一,约2.2万人。
The Battle of Naseby (1645.6.14)
(2)实施多种措施保障国会行使立法等 项权力。如:
第八,议会之选举应是自由的。 第九,国会内之演说自由、辩论或议事之自由,不应 在国会以外之任何法院或任何地方,受到弹劾或讯 问。 第十三,为申雪一切诉冤,并为修正、加强与维护法 律起见,国会应时常集会。
五、关于英国资产阶级革命结束时间的争议 (1)1688年“光荣革命” (2)以1649年处死国王、建立共和国作为革 命的终点。 (3)1660年说 (4)1658年及1688年说
1、长期国会的召开与革命的开始 革命的导火线: 1637年苏格兰人民起义 为什么苏格兰人民要起义 ?
2、阶级关系的变化: (1)封建贵族集团的分裂——“新贵族” 新贵族与旧贵族的最大区别: 生产方式 (2)城乡资产阶级的出现 (3)农民阶级激烈地反对封建制度 (4)城市劳动人民也成为革命的基本力量
3、意识形态:清教运动 (Puritanism)
圈地运动 (enclosure movement)
时间:15世纪末叶至19世纪中叶 西欧新兴资产阶级和新封建贵族使用暴力剥夺农民
土地的过程。 英、德、法、荷、丹等国都曾先后出现过,而以英 国的圈地运动最为典型。 资本原始积累的最重要手段之一。 托马斯· 莫尔:“羊吃人”运动 ( 《乌托邦》(1516) )
部分城市贫民的利益。 领导人:杰拉尔德•温斯坦莱 时间:1649年4月-1650 地点:伦敦附近圣•乔治 规模:最初仅30多人,后来扩展到4000多人, 并从伦敦扩展到邻近各郡
长老派、独立派和平等派(Levellers) (代表的阶级,政治主张和目标?)
长老派:代表大资产阶级和上层新贵族利益; 独立派:代表中等贵族和资产阶级利益; 平等派:代表社会中下层人民利益的
《人民公约》 Agreement of the People
平等派 (Levellers)提出的一项社会公约,要 求所有生而自由的英国人享有参加一个权利 分散的民主国家的充分权利;所有担任公职 的人只能在短期内任职,并且应对他们的选 民负责;任何人都可以自由地信仰某一种宗 教或从事自己愿意的任何一种基督教形式, 而不应受到议会和政府的侵犯 .
六、英国资产阶级革命的特点和历史 意义
(一)英国资产阶级革命的特点 1. 资产阶级和新贵族结成了联盟,共同组成了 革命的领导集团。 2. 革命是在宗教外衣下进行的。 3. 以大土地所有制的形式完成了土地所有制的 彻底变革。
会,把110名议员清洗了出去,另有约200个 议员自愿退出议会,这就是所谓“普莱德清 洗”。此后议会里剩下的议员大约有200人 左右,称“残余议会”,独立派占据统治地 位。
1.共和国(Commonwealth )的对内对外
1688),查理一世之次子,查理子 查理二世 弟 詹姆士二世