关键词:单片机AT89S51;LCD1602;出租车计价器;霍尔传感器;AT24C02ABSTRACTAutomatic taximeter has been universal among Cities for now. The taximeter technology is a foregone conclusion already. So taximeter of cars is still potential at next generation. As an important component taximeter is not only the interests of taxi drivers but also the passengers, so it has played an important role. The good performed taximeter is necessary for the public. The current taxi billing systems don’t meet the wishes of people. In this article we talk about various designs of taximeter system.The point is to design the practicality of the taximeter and as far as possible to make the final finished product close to commodities. The whole system is based on single-chip 89S51 and use a hall-sensor A44E to count the number of revolutions. In this way we can achieve the statistics of the taxi mileage and give out the final results. In this design we use AT24C02 to store the price, mileage and other information when the power is down. The man-machine interface of the exchange is LCD1602 screen, and through the voice chip broadcasts. This circuit design can not only realize the meter taxi valuation function, but also can realize the automatic adjustment according to the clock chips during the day, dark pricing mode, it can automatic processing midway waiting for function. Keywords: single-chip AT89S51; LCD1602; Taximeter; Hall sensor; AT24C02目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT ....................................................................................... I I 1 绪论. (1)1.1 国内外出租车计价器的研究现状 (1)1.2 国内外出租车计价器的发展趋势 (2)1.3 本课题的研究目的及意义 (2)2 出租车计价器的方案论证 (4)2.1 出租车计价器的功能要求 (4)2.2 方案论证与比较 (5)3 出租车计价器的硬件设计 (7)3.1 单片机的介绍 (7)3.2 单片机最小系统 (11)3.3 里程计算模块的设计 (13)3.4 显示模块设计 (16)3.5 语音模块的设计 (18)3.6 掉电存储电路的设计 (21)3.7 按键电路的设计 (23)3.8 时钟电路的设计 (24)4 出租车计价器的软件设计 (27)4.1 模块介绍 (27)4.2 主程序模块 (27)4.3 里程计数中断程序 (28)4.3 定时中断服务程序 (29)4.4 中途等待服务程序 (30)4.5 显示服务子程序 (31)4.6 键盘服务程序 (33)5 系统调试 (34)5.1 软件调试 (34)5.2 里程计价测试 (35)5.2 掉电存储测试 (37)结论与展望 (38)可行性分析报告 (39)参考文献 (40)致谢 (41)附录一 (42)附录二 (43)附录三 (76)1 绪论出租车计价器是出租车营运收费的专用智能化仪表,随着电子技术的发展,出租车计价器技术也在不断进步和提高。
出租车公司出租车信息管理系统毕业论文目录引言 (1)1 概述 (2)1.1 课题研究意义 (2)1.2 课题目的 (2)2 系统概述 (3)2.1 系统现状 (3)2.2 系统开发方法 (3)2.3 项目背景 (4)2.4 用户特征 (4)3 市场调研及可行性分析 (5)3.1 需求分析 (5)3.2 经济可行性分析 (5)3.3 技术可行性分析 (5)4 系统分析 (6)4.1 系统的需求分析 (6)4.2 数据流图与数据字典 (6)4.2.1 数据流图 (6)4.2.2 数据字典 (7)5 系统总体设计 (10)5.1 软件平台的确定 (10)5.2 系统的层次及功能 (10)5.2.1 设计思想 (10)5.2.2 系统H图 (11)5.2.3 系统E-R图 (12)5.2.4 系统流程图 (12)6 详细设计 (13)6.1 数据库设计 (13)6.1.1 数据需求分析 (13)6.1.2 数据库的实现 (14)6.2 系统的主要界面及代码 (17)6.2.1 登录模块 (17)6.2.2 车辆管理模块 (18)6.2.3 驾驶员管理模块 (25)6.2.4 车辆维修管理模块 (26)6.2.5 车辆违章管理模块 (27)6.2.6 车辆缴费管理模块 (35)6.2.7 系统维护模块 (36)6.2.8 帮助模块 (38)6.2.9 退出模块 (39)7 系统的测试及运行 (40)7.1 测试计划 (40)7.1.1 测试方案 (40)7.1.2 测试项目与进度 (40)7.2 测试项目说明 (40)7.2.1 测试用例设计 (40)7.2.2 测试结果评价 (46)7.2.3 测试分析结论 (46)参考文献 (47)小结 (48)致谢 (49)在上世纪80年代到90年代中期,城市出租车司机还是一个高收入阶层。
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智慧城 市运动 目标跟 踪分析
面向智慧 城市的智 能视频分
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于银山 电子科学与技术 基于图像处理和神经网络的人脸识别系统设计 刘斌
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雨洪公园—新沂市沭河大桥桥东绿地的景观规划设计 翁斌 基于色彩理论的淮安钵池山公园景观特征研究 李辰彦 武侠中的桃花源-基于移动互联网领域手游/桌游的景观设计 陈洋
不同浓度重金属Cr6+对不同品种三色堇发芽的影响 陈佳林
交通工 程学院
BIM技术在装配式建筑中的应用研究 代仕均
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“大学叙 事”视阈
吴延生 吴延生
“大学叙事”视阈下大学生价值观演变与引导研究 单丽洁 马冬芹 “后大学时代”文艺作品就业观的现实指导意义与创业的可行性研究
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出租车计价器 计程车里程表 毕业设计论文终稿
本系统采用ATMEL公司的AT89S52单片机为核心,使用12MHz 晶振提供时钟信号,利用霍尔传感器检测车速,通过软件编程的方法实现记时、里程检测、费用计算,同时通过LED数码管将里程数、总费用直观显示出来,从而达到计费的目的。
关键词:计程车里程表;AT89S52;霍尔传感器;硬件设计;软件设计ABSTRACTIntelligent instrument technology is a collection of electronic technology and single-chip microcomputer technology, automation instrument, automatic control technology, computer application, one of the professional technical subjects. Since the early 1990 s, the technology has introduced gradually to domestic engineering professionals, such as electronic information and communications, automation, computer applications, and other information specialty. With the development of economy, the car transport industry also developed rapidly, the taxi also become the important traffic tools city life. Go by car, passengers, and the driver of transactions between the by pressing the mileage of valuation is, the odometer is directly related to the interests of both parties, so the design of a function, the good performance of suitable simple taxi "milestones" system has the actual applications.The system USES the ATMEL company AT89S52 SCM as the core, the use of 12 MHz crystals provides the clock signal, using hall sensor test speed, and through programming method, time, cost calculation mileage detection, and at the same time through LED digital tube will mileage, total cost visual display out, so as to achieve the purpose of pricing. The system has fivebuttons (clear, inquires confirmation, stop, one-way / shuttle, function choose), carries on the corresponding operation can achieve a one-way/shuttle mode selection, stop billing, waiting time inquires clear reduction, etc. Function. The structure is simple, the operation is convenient, direct display, stable operation, etc, have a high application value.Key words: taxi "milestones";AT89S52;hall element;hardware design;software design目录1 概述 ................................................................1.1计程车里程表概述 ..............................................1.2单片机概述 ....................................................2 设计任务、功能要求 ..................................................2.1设计任务 ......................................................2.2功能要求 ......................................................2.2.1 基本功能...............................................2.2.2 发挥部分...............................................2.3总体方案介绍及工作原理说明 ....................................2.3.1 里程计算...............................................2.3.2 费用计算...............................................3 硬件系统设计 ........................................................3.1硬件系统各功能模块简介 ........................................3.1.1 AT89S52单片机.........................................3.1.2 复位电路...............................................3.1.3 晶振电路...............................................3.1.4 独立键盘电路...........................................3.1.5 指示灯电路.............................................3.1.6 数码管显示电路.........................................3.1.7 车速检测电路...........................................3.1.8 存储电路...............................................3.1.9 时钟显示电路...........................................4 软件系统设计 ........................................................4.1系统主程序 ....................................................4.2数据处理子程序 ................................................4.3等待时间计时子程序 ............................................4.4键盘扫描子程序 ................................................5 系统运行的PROTEUS仿真与测试 ........................................5.1空车状态 ......................................................5.2单双程模式切换 ................................................5.3等待模式 ......................................................5.4查询模式 ......................................................6 结束语 .............................................................. 参考文献 ............................................................... 致谢 ................................................................. 附录 ................................................................. 附录A 元器件清单...................................................... 附录B 源程序清单...................................................... 附录C 设计原理图......................................................1 概述1.1 计程车里程表概述计程车里程表(计价器)是乘客与司机双方的交易准则,它是计程车行业发展的重要标志,是计程车中最重要的工具。
由于计价器的工作环境比较差,它要求有抗振动、抗高低温、抗潮湿、抗电磁干扰等能力,特别是电源方面的干扰,如出租车启动时,发动机打火、电瓶充电等造成输入计价器的+ 12 V电源不稳定。因此采用+ 12 V电瓶电源经过滤波和电源稳压管理芯片7805后得到+ 5 V的稳定电压输出,保证整个系统能够正常工作。如图3.3-1所示。
出租车中需要一个能准确获得车轮转动即路程计量信号的装置,以得到标准的脉冲信号送入单片机的定时/计数器T1即P3. 5引脚,利用单片机的T1的计数功能完成100次的计数后产生一中断来完成路程的测量。(设车轮周长为1 m ,则霍尔传感器每产生100个脉冲便表示车已行程0. 1 km ,根据实际情况在程序中进行设置)。汽车联轴器按圆周间隔嵌入磁钢,用霍尔传感器集成芯片A44E检测并输出脉冲,其工作原理如图2-4所示,霍尔传感器集成芯片A44E有信号转换、电压放大、整形输出等功能,为增加其抗干扰的能力,经过74L S14对信号整形后再通过光偶送入P3. 5引脚。如图5所示。而在此电路中为了防止司机作弊,可采用加密传感器的方法,先对霍尔传感器采集到的计数脉冲加密,使计费脉冲以密文方式传输,最后解密为明文脉冲,传送到计价器计费。在密码传感器中,加密器向解码器发送的是密码,只有加密器和解密器固有密码相同时,解码器才向计价器发送计数脉冲,计价器才计费,因此,密码传感器提高了计价器计费可靠性,不法出租车司机也无法使车费增加,同时司机也不能私自更换计价器传感器,实现了计价器由国家计量部门统一安装、维修和年检的统一管理。
ABSTRACTIn this paper, a multi-channel taximeter that is able to deal with more than one passenger simultaneously is proposed.In order to demonstrate the theory of operation of the proposed system, a complete design for an experimental three-channel taximeter (whose prototype has been built under grant from the EgyptianAcademyfor Scientific and Technological Research> is presented.System location, outline, block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams for the experimental taximeter are also included.1. INTRODUCTIONTransporting people in the morning from their homes to their works and back in the afternoon has become a big problem in big cities especially in undeveloped countries. As a partial solution of this problem, the authorities in some countries had, unofficially, left the taxicab drivers to carry different passengers to different places at the Same time. For example, a taxicab with four seats may carry four different passengers without any relation between them except that their way of travelling is the same.Accordingly, it has become very difficult to rely on the present conventional single-channel taximeter to determine the fare required from each passenger separately. Accordingly, an unfair financial relation was created between the taxicab driver, owner, passengers and the state taxation department.Under these circumstances, taxicab drivers force the passengers to pay more than what they should pay. In some cases passengers had to pay double fare they should pay. With the present conventional single-channel taximeter, taxicab owners are not able to determine the daily income of their taxicab.In some cases (a taxicab with four seats> they may only get one quarter of the income of the taxicab (collected by the taxicab driver>. From which they should pay the salary of the taxicab driver as well as the cost of fuel, minor and major repairs in addition to the car depreciation. As a matter of fact the position of the taxicab owners is not so bad as it seems. A general agreement has been reached between the taxicab drivers and owners such that the drivers should guarantee a fixed daily income to the owners as well as the paying for the cost of fuel as well as the minor repaires. Even though the taxicab drivers still share the large portion ofthe income of the taxicab. Also with the presence of the single-channel taximeter, it has become very difficultfor the state taxation department to know the yearly income of the taxicab and accordingly it has become very difficult to estimate the taxes to be paid by the taxicab owners.In order to face this problem, the state taxation department had to impose a fixed estimated taxes for each seat of the taxicab whatever the income of the taxicab. In this paper, we introduced a multichannel taximeter that can deal with more than one passenger simultaneously. I t should be pointed out that by the term passenger we mean a one person or a group of related persons. I t should also be pointed out that our proposed multi-channel taximeter is not, simply, a multi display readouts. As a matter of fact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per killometer of travelling distance or per minutes of 'waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab. In the following part and as an example, we will present a complete design for a three-channel taximeter.Block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams of the experimental three-channel taximeter are also included. A prototype has been built under grant from the EgyptianAcademy for Scientific and Technological Research.2. AN EXPERIMENTAL THREECHANNEL TAXIMETERTheory of operation of our experimental device to work as an electronic digital taximeter is based on t h e fact thathe speedometer cable rotates one revolution for each meter of travelling distance.Accordingly, if the speedometer cable is coupled with a speed sensor that generates a single pulse for each meter of travelling distance, then our taximeter could be three up counter modules associated with a speed sensor unit.However, our experimental taximeter is not simply a three display readouts. As a matter offact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per kilometer of travelling distance or per minutes of waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab. The device may be splitted into two main parts: The first is the speed sensor unit which may be located anywhere in the taxicab such that an easy coupling to the speedometer cable can be achieved. The second unit contains the main electronic circuit, the displayand control panel. The unit should be located somewhere in front of both the driver and the passengers.A possible components locations is shown in Figure 1.A. Speed Sensor UnitThe main function of this unit is to supply train of pulses whose frequency isproportional to the angular rotation of the wheels. A possible form of a speed sensor is shown in Figure 2.If may consist of a tj.pica1 permanent magnet sine wave generator with its output connected to a pulse shapping circuit (two general purpose silicon diodes, 1K ohms resistor and a schmit trigger inverter>.In order to find some way to detect the movement of the taxicab, the output of the sine wave generator is rectified through a general purpose silicon diode Dl then smoothed by a 1000 F capacitor. The output voltage at terminal Q is then limited to the value of 4.7 volts by using a Ik ohms resistor as well as a zener diode ZD. The level of the voltage at terminal Q would be high whenever the taxicab is moving and will be zero otherwise. This voltage can be used for the automatic switching from distance fare to time fare.B. Main Electronic and Display Unit A suggested shape for the main electronic and display unit is shown in Figure 3. The control and display panel contains all ' controls necessary for operating the taximeter as well as four readout displays. The first channel will give the sum of money required from the first passenger, while the second and third readouts are for the second and third passengers, respectively. The fourth readout will give the total income of the taxicab.The contents of the last readout should be nonvolatile and be able to be retained even during parking the taxicab. The channel rotary selector switchs 1 , 2 and 3 have fully clockwise/anticlockwise positions. In the fully anticlockwise position, the counter of the corresponding readout is blancked and disabled.In the fully clockwise position, the counter is unblanked, cleared to zero and enabled to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the first, second and third passengers, respectively.Pushing the total sum pushbutton 4 unblanks the fourth readout enabling any person to retain the readout corresponding to the total income. After the release of the pushbutton, the fourth readout will be blanked again. This unit also contains the main electronic circuit which will be fully described in the following section.3. DESCRIBTION OF THE MAIN ELECTRONIC CIRCUITThe general block diagram of the main electronic circuit is shown in Figure 4. It consists of five subcircuits designated by the symboles CTI up to CT4supporting circuits, these are: The number of passenger deticition circuit CTI, travelling distance scaling circuit CT2, waiting time scaling circuit CT3, circuit CT4 which generatesclock pulses for the display circuit.A. Number of Passengers Detection Circuit CT1 As shown from the general block diagram, the circuit CTI has three inputs I, 2 and 3 as well as three outputs J, K and L. The function of the circuit is to supply a high level voltage at terminals J, K or L if and only if one, two or three passengers are hiring the taxicab, respectively. The term passenger, here, means one person or a group of related persons. When a passenger is getting into the cab, we simply turn on a free readout display by turning the corresponding rotary selector switch to a fully clockwise direction.This will automatically disconnect the corresponding terminal I, 2 or 3 from ground. The logical relation between various input terminals I, 2 and 3 and the output terminals J, K and L is shown in Table 1.As a combinational circuit we start the design by deriving a set of boolean functions. A possible simplified boolean functions that gives minimum number of inputs to gates may be obtained from Table I.A possible logical diagram that is based on the above derived expressions is shown in Figure 5.It consists of two inverters, four 2-input AND, to3-input AND two 3-input OR gates B. Tavelling Distance Scaling Circuit CT2As shown from the block diagram of Figure 4, the circuit CT2 has four input J, K, L and E and one output M. The function of the circuit is to supply a single pulse at the output M for a certain number of pulses generated at the output of the speed sensor (certain number of meters travelled by the taxicab>, according to the number of passengers hiring the car. A suggested fare per kilometer of travelling distance is shown in colomn two of Table 2. the circuit, in this case, should supply a single pulse at the output M for every 100, 125 or 143 pulses generated at the input terminal E according to the level of voltage at input terminale 3, K or L, respectively.Our circuit could be, as shown in Figure 5, three decade counters, connected as a three digit frequency divider whose dividing ratios 100, 125 and 143 are automatically selected by the voltage level at terminals J, K and L, respectively.A possible circuit diagram that may verify the above function is shown in Figure 6. It consists of three decade counters type 7490, one BCD-to decimal decoder type 7445, three 4-input AND, one 3-input ANDone 2-input AND two 3-input OR gates.C. Time Scaling Circuit CT3As shown in the block diagram, the time scalingcircuit will have four inputs J, K, L and F and one output N. The function of this circuit and accordingto colomn three of Table 2 (fare per 2 minuts of waiting time> is to supply a single pulse at the output N for every 120, 240 or 360 pulses supplied at the input terminal F from the I Hz clock according to level of voltage at inputs J, K and L, respectively.Time scaling circuit would be similar to the distance scaling circuit but with different diving ratios. A Possible circuit diagram is shown in figure 7.It consists, in this case, of three decade counter type 7490, two 3-input AND, one 5-input AND, one 2-input AND one 3-input OR gates.D. Circuit CT4 Which Generates Clock Pulses for Display CircuitThe function of this circuit is to supply one, two or three pulses at the output terminal R for each pulse generated at any of the terminals N or M, according to the voltage level at the input terminals J, K or L, respectively. The output P will receive a pulse for each pulse generated at any of the input terminals N or M. This function can be performed by the circuit shown in Figure 8, it consists of one ripple counter type 7493, one half of a dual JK masterslave flip-flops circuit type 7476, three inverters, three 2-input AND, one 3-input AND, one 2-input OR and one 3-input OR gates. When a pulse is generated at either input terminals N or M, a high level voltage will be generated at the output Q of the flip-flop. This will g a t e t h e I Khz signal to be connected to the input A of the ripple counter as well as to the output terminal R. When one, two or three pulses are counted by the ripple counter, according to the level of voltage at the input terminals J, K and L, respectively, a high is generated to reset the counter and change the state of the flip-flopsuch that Q becomes low.Hence, the 1 KHz signal is disabled to reach the outputerminal R or the input A of the ripple counter. In order to ensure the proper function of the circuit, the flip-flop should be cleared whenever a new channel is operated. This has been achieved by the input 5 and will be explained later when describingthe function of the channels rotary selector switchs.E. Display CircuitAs shown in Figure 2, the display panel would contain three 4-digit displays that give the sumof money required from each passenger separately as well as a one six-digit display that gives the total income of the taxicab. A possible wiring diagram for the display circuit is shown in Figure 9. Rotating any of the rotary selector switches to fully clockwise direction will supply the corresponding display by5 volts through terminals 1, 2 and 3, respectively.The corresponding display will be unblanked by supplying a low level of voltage through terminals A, C and G, respectively. Keeping terminals 8, D and H, respectively, at low level will keep them reset to zero. The corresponding display is then enabled by removing the low voltage from terminals B, D, and H, respectively, to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the corresponding passenger starting from zero.The counting pulses for these three displays are supplied through terminal P. The total sum display will be enabled whenever any of the three displays is enabled (this is done by a 3-input OR gate as shown in Figure 8>. Retaining the contents of the last display will be done by unblanking it by supplying a low level of voltage to terminal I as shown in Figure 10 b.F. Changing Over Between Time and Distance FaresIn the following part, two different methods for changing over between time andistance fares are suggested:The first is to switch to time fare whenever the distance fare is less than the time fare. Hence,a simple look to fares table (Table 2> can show that time fare should be used whenever the taxicab moves with speed less than 50 m/min. A possible circuitthat can perform this switching action is shown in Figure IO c. It contains one rpm limit switch and a one inverter as well as two 2-input AND gates.The contacts of the limit switch are normally closed and will be opened whenever the angular speed of the speedometer cablexceeds 50 rmp. The second alternation is to connect the input of the inverter in Figure 10 c. to the output terminal Q of the speedometer circuit, Figure 2.In this case, the switching into time fare will be done whenever the taxicab is at stand still.G. Function of the Rotary Selector Switches The voltage levels that should be supplied bythe terminals of the rotary selector switches in order to ensure proper operation by the electronic circuit are given in Table 3. Connection of three rotary selector switches each witb four decks of five poles each, that satisfy the logic function of Table 3, is shown in Figure 10 a. Rotating any of the three switches into fully clockwise direction will pass through five positions. The function of the rotary selector switches can be described starting from the first position passing through variousteps until reaching the final position as follows:Initial position: In this position a low voltage level is applied to terminals I, 2 and 3, this will disconnect the 5 volts supply from the three first displays, set the three inputs of the number of passenger detection circuit CTI to low level. A low voltage level is applied to terminals 8, D and H, this is to ensure that the total income display is disabled.V oltage levels at terminals A, C, G and S are at no care condition.Step I: Rotating any of the rotary selector switches one step toward clockwise direction will supply 5 volts to the corresponding display, provides a high level voltage at terminals 1, 2 or 3 indicating that one passenger have entered the taxicab. A high level voltage should be applied to terminals A, C or G in order to ensure that the corresponding display is still blanked. Other terminals B, D, H and S are kept unchanged. Step 2: Rotating the rotary selector switch onestep further, will change the state of voltages at terminal A, C or G to be at low level and unblanks the corresponding display. States of voltages at terminals I, 2, 3 and S are remained unchanged.Terminals B, D and H should be remained at low level to ensure that the corresponding readout is cleared to zero while unblanking the display.二、中文翻译摘要本文提出了一种出租车多通道计价的方案,能同时处理一个以上乘客的情形。
201 届毕业设计说明书模板基于单片机的出租车计价器设计院、部:电气与信息工程学院学生:指导教师:职称:专业:电子信息工程班级:完成时间:摘要随着时代的发展,出租车已经成为一个城市公共交通的重要组成部分。
本设计利用单片机AT89S52 为核心设计一款多功能出租车计价器,通过A44E霍尔传感器检测出租车运行里程,脉冲的提取。
它比市场上的一些计价器使用更方便, 功能更全,能为加强出租车行业管理提供可靠的依据。
关键词:出租车计价器;单片机;液晶显示;霍尔传感器ABSTRACTWith the development of the times, . Taxi meter taxi operating costs is dedicated inligent instruments, is an important and indispensable tool for a taxi. It is the passengers and the driver's trading standards related to the interests of both parties. For many years, widespread use of the meter the industry as well as reduce disputes with passengers starting, this single-function meter increasingly unable to meet people's needs . Therefore taxi meter technology is constantly improving and innovation, design a good performance multifunctional taxi meter is particularly important.This design uses a single-chip AT89S52 as the core design Multifunctional taxi meter, taxi via Hall sensor A44E running mileage, pulse extraction. Use MCU for LCD LM016L control, while completing the entire taxi meter signal read-write process. As the simulation can not be achieved A44E Hall sensor, in the simulation instead of a pulse generator, at a different frequency pulses simulate different speed, according tot a wait state, automatically jump By the meter to billing or time billing. The meter can achieve mileage and valuation display, clock display. It is on the market than some of the meter easier to use, more feature-full, able to strengthen the management of the taxi industry to provide a reliable basis. Using single-chip design, the relative use of analog and digital circuit design meter is more powerful, with less easily complement each other to achieve the design requirements, and flexibility, not only through software programming to achieve the requiredfunctionality and can to a large extent on the expansion of functions, you can easily up grade the system.Key words: multifunctional taximeter; micro controller; lcd;and experiment [M]. 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Beijing: National Defense Industry Press,2001.附录附录一:程序计程车计价器设计该模拟程序折合规则:1km-1m,等待30s-1km-1m,1m-1.4元底层规则:若脉冲个数秒< 10,则判为低速,1m-200个脉冲#include<reg51._Show_Time(uchar time_data[7]);void Money_Show(uint money[2]);void Show_Wait_Time(uint);void Show_Mileage(void);void Run_BackGround(void); 运行起来后,将在LCD上一直出现的void Run_BackGround(void){WriteChar('', 3,0);WriteChar(':',10,0);WriteChar(':',13,0);WriteChar('.',3,1);WriteChar('Y',6,1);}void Show_Mileage(void){WriteChar('.',12,1);WriteString("km",14,1);}void Show_Wait_Time(uint time_count){WriteChar('s',15,1);WriteChar(' ', 10,1);}void Money_Show(uint money[2]){WriteDecimal(money[0],0,3,1);WriteDecimal(money[1],1,3,1);}void Run_Show_Time(uchar time_data[7]) {WriteInt(BcdToInt(time_data[2]),1,2, 1,0);WriteInt(BcdToInt(time_data[3]),1,2, 4,0);WriteInt(BcdToInt(time_data[4]),1,2, 8,0); }void Time_Show(uchar time_data[7]){WriteChar('',6,0);WriteChar('',9,0);WriteChar(':',6,1);WriteChar(':',9,1);WriteInt(BcdToInt(time_data[0]),1,2, 4,0);WriteInt(BcdToInt(time_data[2]),1,2, 7,0);WriteInt(BcdToInt(time_data[4]),1,2, 4,1);WriteInt(BcdToInt(time_data[5]),1,2, 7,1);}void System_init(void){RstLcd();ClrLcd();P1 = 0x00;config_ok = 0;Time_Show(time);LcdPos(5,0);SetCur(3);INT1_init();while(config_ok == 0); 等待配置时间结束标志ClrLcd();SetCur(1);WriteString("set time over...",0,0);Delay(60000);ClrLcd();Run_BackGround();P1= 0xff;}void Delay(uint dtime){uint temp;for(temp=0;temp<dtime;temp++);}void INT0_init(void){EA = 0;IT0 = 1;EX0 = 1;EA = 1;}void INT1_init(void){EA = 0;IT1 = 1;EX1 = 1;EA = 1;}void main(){uchar time_tmp[7],i;System_init();DS1302_GetData(time);pulse_count_tmp = pulse_count;mileage_count_new = mileage_count_old = 0;Money_Show(money);if(k==1)Money_Show(money);elseMoney_Show(money1);Run_Show_Time(time);Show_Mileage();while(1){if(config_ok == 0) 若设置时间未完成System_init();DS1302_GetData(time_tmp);if(!(P1 & 0x04)){P1 &= 0xfe;P1 |= 0x02;pause = 0;if(time[6] != time_tmp[6]){Run_Show_Time(time_tmp);for(i = 0;i < 7;i++)time[i] = time_tmp[i];}first_3_km = 0;if(k==1){money[0] = 8;money[1] = 0;}else{money1[0] = 10;money1[1] = 0;}mileage_count_new = mileage_count_old = 0;WriteString(" ",0,1);WriteString(" ",9,1);if(k==1)Money_Show(money);elseMoney_Show(money1);Money_Show(money);pulse_count = 0;Show_Mileage();time_count = 0;}else if(pause == 0){INT0_init();if(time[6] != time_tmp[6]){Run_Show_Time(time_tmp);for(i = 0;i < 7;i++)time[i] = time_tmp[i];if(pulse_count - pulse_count_tmp < 10) 判断是否是低速行驶(计时),即一秒内,脉冲数目的个数变化值若小于10,则判为低速{state = 1;P1 &= 0xfe;P1 |= 0x02;time_count ++; 等待计时加1if(time_count % 10 == 0 && first_3_km > 2)由等待时间换算公里数,10s折合为1km(1m){if(k==1)money[1] += 40;elsemoney1[1] += 40;if(money[1] > 99){money[0] += 1;money[1] %= 100;}if(k==1)money[0] += 0;elsemoney1[0] += 0;if(k==1)Money_Show(money);elseMoney_Show(money1);}else if(time_count % 10 == 0 && first_3_km <= 2)first_3_km ++;else ;mileage_count_old = mileage_count_new;Show_Wait_Time(time_count);}else 否则则判为全速状态(计里程){state = 0;P1 &= 0xfd;P1 |= 0x01;time_count = 0; 全速状态下,把等待时间清0}pulse_count_tmp = pulse_count;}if(state == 0){mileage_count_new = pulse_count 200;if(mileage_count_new != mileage_count_old && first_3_km > 2) {Show_Mileage();for(i = mileage_count_old;i < mileage_count_new;i++){if(k==1)money[1] += 50;elsemoney1[1] += 20;if(money[1] > 99){money[0] += 1;money[1] %= 100;}if(k==1)money[0] += 1;elsemoney1[0] += 1;if(k==1)Money_Show(money);elseMoney_Show(money1);}mileage_count_old = mileage_count_new;}else if(mileage_count_new != mileage_count_old && first_3_km <= 2){first_3_km ++;mileage_count_old = mileage_count_new;Show_Mileage();}}}else{if(time[6] != time_tmp[6]){Run_Show_Time(time_tmp);for(i = 0;i < 7;i++)time[i] = time_tmp[i];}}}}static void INT0_ser(void) interrupt 0{pulse_count ++;}static void INT1_ser(void) interrupt 2{char result;uchar i;static uchar pos; 配置到哪一项配置时间if(!(P2 & 0x20) && config_ok == 0) ++{for(i = 0;i < 100;i++);if(!(P2 & 0x20) && config_ok == 0){result = BcdToInt(time[pos]) + 1;if((pos == 0 && result == 50) || (pos == 4 && result == 24) || (pos == 5 && result == 60) || (pos == 6 && result == 60))result = 0;else if(pos == 2 && result == 13)result = 1;else if(pos == 3){month_day[1] = (time[0] % 4 == 0 && time[0] % 100 != 0) || time[0] % 400 == 0 ? 29:28;判断润平年if(result == month_day[time[2] - 1] + 1)result = 1;}time[pos] = IntToBcd(result);}else;}else if(!(P2 & 0x40) && config_ok == 0) --{for(i = 0;i < 100;i++);if(!(P2 & 0x40) && config_ok == 0){result = BcdToInt(time[pos]) - 1;if((pos == 0 && result == -1))result = 49;else if(pos == 2 && result == 0)result = 12;else if(pos == 3){month_day[1]=(time[0] % 4 == 0 && time[0] % 100 != 0) || time[0] % 400 == 0 ? 29:28;判断润平年if(result == 0)result = month_day[time[2] - 1];}else if(pos == 4 && result == -1)result = 23;else if((pos == 5 || pos == 6) && result == -1)result = 59;else ;time[pos] = IntToBcd(result);}}else if(!(P2 & 0x08) && config_ok == 0) NEXT{for(i = 0;i < 100;i++);if(!(P2 & 0x08) && config_ok == 0){pos++;pos %= 7;if(pos == 1)pos = 2;}}else if(!(P2 & 0x10) && config_ok == 0) PREVIOUS {for(i = 0;i < 100;i++);if(!(P2 & 0x10) && config_ok == 0){pos--;if(pos == -1)pos = 6;if(pos == 1)pos = 0;}}else if(!(P2 & 0x80) && config_ok == 0) ENTER {for(i = 0;i < 100;i++);if(!(P2 & 0x80) && config_ok == 0){config_ok = 1;pos = 0;DS1302_Reset();DS1302_SettingData(time);}}else if(!(P2 & 0x80) && config_ok == 1) CONFIG {for(i = 0;i < 100;i++);if(!(P2 & 0x80) && config_ok == 1){config_ok = 0;}}else if(!(P1 & 0x08) && config_ok == 1){for(i = 0;i < 100;i++);if(!(P1 & 0x08) && config_ok == 1){pause = ~pause;EX0 = 0;}}if(config_ok == 0){WriteInt(BcdToInt(time[pos]),1,2,time_pos[pos],pos > 3 ?1:0 );LcdPos(time_pos[pos]+1,pos > 3 ?1:0);}}Type#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intuchar IntToBcd(uchar);uchar BcdToInt(uchar);uchar IntToBcd(uchar num){uchar result;result = (num10)<<4 | (num%10);return result;}uchar BcdToInt(uchar num){uchar result;result = ((num & 0x70)>>4)*10 + (num & 0x0f);return result;}Lcddisp**************************************************;连线图:; DB3---DPROT.3 DB7---DPROT.7 VLCD接10K可调电阻到GND*;80C51的晶振频率为12MHz;液晶显示程序;**************************************************#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned int#include "reg51.(uchar ); 送控制字子程序(不检测忙信号)void mDelay(uchar ); 延时,毫秒数由j决定void WaitIdle(); 正常读写操作之前检测LCD控制器状态void WaitIdle1();void WriteString(uchar *,uchar,uchar);void WriteChar(uchar,uchar,uchar);void IntToString(uint,uchar *,bit,uchar);待转换的数字;存储用的字符串;显示数时是否添零:0:不添,1:添;若要添零,则该参数有效。
百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我1毕业设计(论文)设计(论文)题目:出租车计费系统分析与设计百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我I 重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文)任务书设计(论文)题目出租车计费系统分析与设计学生姓名刘宏博系别自动化专业自动化班级07指导教师潘显兵职称副教授联系电话教师单位重庆邮电大学移通学院下任务日期2014 年 2 月18 日百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我II摘要随着经济的发展,带动汽车行业快速发展,出租车日益普遍,了解在出租车上应用的计费系统,对我们日常生活也有帮助。
【关键词】时钟芯片DS1302 语音芯片ISD1420 单片机AT89C51 掉电保护芯片24C02百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我IIIABSTRACTThe abstract this graduation project instruction booklet in view of the rental car whichcompletes with monolithic integrated circuit AT89C51 counts the price system. Along with the economical development,leads the automobile profession fast development, the rental car is day by day common, understood on the rental car the application cost system, also has the help to our daily uses the monolithic integrated circuit to realize this system, is deepens the monolithic integrated circuit application the good way. This system is composed by monolithic integrated circuit AT89C51 and some periphery original part, has the operation to be simple, demonstration perspicuity, function formidable characteristic. Overall system only then two pressed keys, “start/stop” “replacement”; Uses six seven section of nixie tubes to take the monitor, may demonstrate the numeral, the letter cause the system information to be clear; This system besides course statistics and calculation of charge, but also has ten thousand calendars and the pronunciation disseminates news the function. Ten thousand calendars real-time provide the clock signal by clock chip DS1302, again transfers the demonstration by the monolithic integrated circuit; The pronunciation disseminates news by pronunciation chip ISD1420 provides the pronunciation information, the pronunciation information places in the different address, transfers the appropriate pronunciation by the monolithic integrated circuit from these addresses to carry on the broadcast. This plan full display user friendly characteristic, uses ISD1420 the pronunciation function, the simulation realization belt voice prompt rental car counts the price with really simulates the rental car the spatial vehicle, carries passengers, to station of arrival and to various conditions tariff computation, the statistics, the demonstration and the pronunciation disseminates news and so on the functions. This system involves the theory knowledge includes: The AT89C51 monolithic integrated circuit knowledge, the ISD1420 pronunciation chip may scratch the pronunciation chip principle of work and the application, the real-time clock chip principle of work and the application, the rental car cost system principle and the realization method which, write.【Key words】:Clock chip DS1302 Pronunciation chip ISD1420 Monolithic integrated circuit AT89C51 Fulls electricity protection chip 24C02百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我IV 目录前言 (1)第一章系统分析与设计题目要求 (2)第一节设计的意义 (2)第二节设计要求 (2)第二章概述 (3)第一节出租车计费器概述 (3)第二节单片机发展前景概述 (4)第三节单片机的应用范围 (5)第三章系统介绍 (6)第一节系统组成 (6)第二节里程计量及费用计算功能 (7)第三节NE555脉冲计量功能 (7)第四节按键功能 (8)第五节时钟功能 (8)第六节语音功能 (8)第七节电路设计原理图 (9)第四章硬件设计 (10)第一节主程序/CPU模块 (10)第二节NE555脉冲发射器模块 (13)第三节按键扫描模块 (14)第四节时钟模块 (15)第五节语音播放模块 (17)第六节掉电保护模块 (25)第七节显示模块 (26)第五章程序设计 (28)第一节主程序流程框图 (28)第二节里程和费率计算程序流程图 (29)第三节程序设计 (30)附录 (30)一、英文原文 (30)二、英文翻译 (33)百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我V百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我1前言随着生活水平的提高,人们已不再满足于衣食住的享受,出行的舒适已受到越来越多人的关注。
该系统主要采用B/S 模式,前台采用ASP,后台采用Access数据库来实现。
关键词出租车管理出租车司机累加AbstractNowadays transportation is more and more convenient and the numberof taxis is increasing. So the number of the accidents caused by breaking traffic law is also increasing. The creation of the system is to makethe management of the taxi drivers more efficient.The system applies B/S mode and ASP .The backstage applies Access database. This paper states the general design method, the design of the database and the function mode. It shows the general process of the taxi management. It realizes the counting of auto adding and deduction. It includes the establishment of the backstage database and maintenance.The taxi management system is a kind of business management software which can realize the management systematic, automatic and make the operation easy, fast and convenient.Key words Rental car management,Taxi driver,Add up目录第1章概述 (1)1.1题目的来源及背景 (1)1.2现状与分析 (1)1.3研究意义 (2)第2章需求分析 (3)2.1项目内容及要求 (3)2.1.1 具体完成功能 (3)2.1.2 实现目标 (3)2.2可行性分析 (4)2.2.1 经济可行性 (4)2.2.2 技术可行性 (4)2.3开发工具的论述 (5)2.3.1 前台开发工具 (5)2.3.2 后台数据库 (7)第3章系统结构特性设计 (8)3.1系统分析模型 (8)3.2数据库设计 (10)第4章系统行为特性设计 (13)4.1软件结构设计 (13)4.2功能子模块设计 (14)4.2.1 管理员登录模块 (14)4.2.2 注册司机模块 (16)4.2.3 司机信息模块 (17)4.2.4 违章管理模块 (18)4.2.5 信息查询模块 (20)4.3系统的数据流图 (22)第5章系统测试 (25)5.1系统测试方案 (25)5.2测试结果分析与调试 (26)结论 (28)参考文献 (29)致谢 (30)第1章概述1.1 题目的来源及背景随着生产社会化趋势的扩大、科学技术的进步、人类知识总量的增长速度不断加快、以及市场竞争的日益激烈,使人们对信息的认识产生了根本性的变化。
20.基于S7-300 PLC的混合液体温度控制系统设
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正⽂.. (1)中⽂摘要及关键词 (1)引⾔ (2)第⼀章出租车计价器系统功能描述 (3)1.1 计价器整体功能描述结构 (3)1.2 各部分电路功能描述 (3)第⼆章⽅案论证 (4)2.1 主控电路选择 (4)2.2 显⽰电路选择 (4)第三章计价器系统电路功能单元设计 (5)3.1 电源模块设计 (5)3.2 ⾥程、计价单元的设计 (5)3.3 数据显⽰单元的设计 (7)3.4 按键及数据显⽰单元的设计 (7)第四章主要元器件选择及介绍 (8)4.1 单⽚机选择 (8)4.2 MCS-51系列单⽚机内部结构及功能部件 (8)4.2.1 MCS-51系列单⽚机的内部结构框图 (8)4.2.2 单⽚机外部引脚说明 (9)4.2.3 并⾏输⼊/输出接⼝ (11)4.3 1602字符液晶显⽰简介 (12)第五章程序设计 (15)5.1 系统主程序设计 (15)5.2 定时中断服务程序 (15)5.3 ⾥程计数中断服务程序 (15)5.4 中途等待中断服务程序 (15)5.5 显⽰⼦程序服务程序 (15)5.6 键盘服务程序 (16)5.7 程序流程图 (16)第六章设计总结及致谢 (18)6.1 设计总结 (18)6.2 致谢 (18)参考⽂献 (19)附件 (20)附录1 (20)附录2 (20)毕业论⽂答辩委员会表决意见.......................... 错误!未定义书签。
毕业论⽂答辩过程记录表.............................. 错误!未定义书签。
出租车里程显示系统的设计方案研讨(doc 13页)
出租车里程显示系统的设计方案研讨(doc 13页)参考必读下列资料与各个论文题目均有所出入,相关内容仅供参考,不可雷同。
出租车里程显示系统的设计第1章概述1.1 国内外研究现状自今汽车走过了100多年的发展历程,汽车仪表也在不断开发和发展之中。
单片机EEPROMLCD显示LM1819驱动器双线圈转速表图1-2 双线圈式车速里程表原理框图1.2.3 方案三:步进电机式车速里程表本方案的步进电机式车速里程表是一种用指针指示速度、用液晶显示里程的电子式车速里程表。
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出租车里程显示系统的设计第1章概述1.1 国内外研究现状自今汽车走过了100多年的发展历程,汽车仪表也在不断开发和发展之中。
1.2 方案比较根据设计任务,车速里程表机芯的研制主要设计出车速的指示和里程的显示,具有小计里程和总里程的双显示功能,车速具有回零功能。
1.2.1 方案一:动磁式车速里程表电子车速里程表是由步进电机M驱动机械式里程记录机构(计数器),装在变速箱内霍尔传感器的输出信号控制步进电机。
1.2.2 方案二:双线圈式车速里程表本方案是通过单片机来实现里程累计、清零及存储,存储由E2PROM芯片AT24C02组成,并以LM1819集成电路驱动十字线圈表头,从而实现车速的指示。
当然,这只是一种实现方案,也可以由单片机通过软件来驱动十字线圈表头, 即由单片机分别控制表头的正弦线圈和余弦线圈而省去LM1819 集成电路。
图1-2 双线圈式车速里程表原理框图1.2.3 方案三:步进电机式车速里程表本方案的步进电机式车速里程表是一种用指针指示速度、用液晶显示里程的电子式车速里程表。
图1-3 步进电机式车速里程表原理框图1.2.4 方案论证实现以上方案都可以达到车速和里程显示的目的,但采用动磁式车速里程表在装配过程中易发生针轴与轴承间间隙不一致、阻尼油阻尼不合适等问题。
并把显示的总里程保存在E2PROM 中。
2.1 总体结构的设计和原理概述步进电机式车速里程表机芯研制的硬件原理框图如图2-1所示。
单片机构成了控制部分,单片机把霍尔传感器送来的信号,通过单片机的计数器T0做相应编程,记录下汽车行驶0.1km时霍尔传感器所产生的信号脉冲个数,通过单片机转换为BCD码送给LCD显示,也就实现了最小显示为0.1km ,如果累计到1km,就把1km累加到总里程并送入E2PROM保存,再从E2PROM中调入LCD中进行总里程显示。
图2-1 步进电机式车速里程表机芯的原理框图显示模块由驱动芯片PCF8566和LCD 显示屏组成。
在显示模块中,显示里程的信号是由P2口送入的,P2输出的信号要先经过驱动芯片PCF8566再送给LCD 显示。
步进电机式车速里程表机芯的转动和LCD 中里程的显示都是受控于霍尔探头输出的方波个数。
图2-2 霍尔传感器组件2.3 控制模块电路的设计控制模块由单片机构成,单片机的复位电路和振荡电路的连接如图2-3所示,复位选用自动上电复位方式,晶振选用典型值11.0592MHz。
图2-3 开关按钮复位和晶振连接图P0口的低四位承担着传送步进电机时序信号的任务,这个时序信号用来指示相对应的速度,因此P0口的低四位接ULN2003。
由于P0口是一个8位漏极开路的双向I/O 口。
P2口中的P2.0和P2.1接E2PROM 芯片AT24C02的SDA和SCL管脚,P2.2和P2.3接PCF8566的SDA和SCL管脚。
2.4 里程显示电路的设计里程显示可由LED和LCD来显示。
但本系统只用到一个PCF85 66器件,器件的默认子地址为00H,不需要再进行器件选择,故可省去器件选择这个控制命令字。