1US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Superior elongation and tensilestrength help to prevent tearing in use due to mishandling. Typical properties for CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 materi-al are shown on pages 33 and 32respectively.High Shielding PerformanceCHO-SEAL 1310 material provides more than 80 dB of shielding effectiv-ness from 100 MHz to 10 GHz, while CHO-SEAL 1273 material provides more than 100 dB.Low Volume ResistivityBoth materials have exceptionally low volume resistivity, which makes them well suited for grounding appli-cations in which a flexible electrical contact is needed.Low Compression GasketSpacer gaskets are typicallydesigned to function under low deflec-tion forces. Chomerics uses design tools such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to accurately predict compres-sion-deflection behavior of various cross section options. Refer to page16.LCP Plastic SpacerLiquid crystal polymer (LCP)spacers, including those made with Vectra A130 material, provide aCHO-SEAL ®1310 or 1273Conductive ElastomersWith EMI spacer gaskets, shielding and grounding are provided by Chomerics’CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 conductive elastomers, specifi-cally formulated for custom shape molded parts. They provide excellent shielding and isolation against electro-magnetic interference (EMI), or act as a low impedance ground path between PCB traces and shielding media. Physically tough, these elas-tomers minimize the risk of gasket damage, in contrast to thin-walled extrusions or unsupported molded gaskets.Silicone-based CHO-SEAL 1310and 1273 materials offer excellent resistance to compression set over a wide temperature range, resulting in years of continuous service. CHO-SEAL 1310 material is filled with silver-plated-glass particles, while 1273 utilizes silver-plated-copper filler to provide higher levels of EMI shielding effectiveness.EMI Spacer GasketsThe unique design of Chomerics’EMI spacer gaskets features a thin plastic retainer frame onto which a conductive elastomer is molded. The elastomer can be located inside or outside the retainer frame, as well as on its top and bottom surface. EMI spacer gaskets provide a newapproach to designing EMI gaskets into handheld electronics such as dig-ital cellular phones. Board-to-board spacing is custom designed to fit broad application needs. Customized cross sections and spacer shapes allow for very low closure forcerequirements and a perfect fit in any design or device.Robotic InstallationSpacer gaskets can be installed quickly by robotic application. Integral locater pins in the plastic spacer help ensure accuratepositioning in both manual and pick-and-place assembly. Benefits include faster assembly and lower labor costs.The integrated conductive elastomer/plastic spacer gasket is a low cost,easily installed system for providing EMI shielding and grounding in small electronic enclosures.Figure 1Single Piece EMI Gasket/Locator PinsCHO-SEAL 1310 or 1273 Conductive Elastomer (Inside)Plastic Spacer Around Outsideor InsideApplications for EMI Spacer GasketsThe spacer gasket concept is especially suited to digital and dual board telephone handsets or other handheld electronic devices. It provides a low impedance path between peripheral ground traces on printed circuit boards and components such as:•the conductive coating on a plastic housing•another printed circuit board •the keypad assemblyTypical applications for EMI spacer gaskets include:•Digital cellular, handyphone and personal communications services (PCS) handsets •PCMCIA cards•Global Positioning Systems (GPS)•Radio receivers•Other handheld electronics, e.g.,personal digital assistants (PDAs)•Replacements for metal EMI shield-ing “fences” on printedcircuit boards in wireless tele-communications devicesstable platform for direct, highprecision molding of conductive elas-tomers. The Vectra A130 material described in Table 1 has excellent heat deflection temperature character-istics (489°F, 254°C). For weight con-siderations, the LCP has aspecific gravity of only 1.61. This plas-tic is also 100% recyclable.Typical EMI Spacer Gasket Design ParametersThe EMI spacer gasket concept can be considered using the design parameters shown in Table 2. Some typical spacer gasket profiles are shown below.Figure 2Typical Spacer Gasket Profiles3US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Finite Element AnalysisChomerics, a division of the Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Seal Group, is the headquarters of Parker Seal’s Elastomer Simulation Group. This unit specializes in elastomer finite element analysis (FEA) using MARC K6 series software as a foundation for FEA capability.Benefits of FEA include:•Quickly optimizing elastomer gasket designs•Allowing accurate predictions of alternate elastomer design concepts •Eliminating extensive trial and error prototype evaluationTypical use of FEA in EMI spacer gasket designs is to evaluate the force vs. deflection requirements of alternate designs.For example, onespacer design features a continuous bead of con-ductive elastomer molded onto a plastic spacer. An alternative designemploys an “interrupted bead,” where the interrup-tions (gaps left on the plastic frame) are sized to maintain the requiredlevel of EMI shielding. Figure 4illustrates these alternative designs.Gasket DeflectionFigure 5 compares the effect of continuous and interrupted elastomer gasket designs in terms of the force required to deflect the conductive elastomer. This actual cellular handset application required a spacer gasket with interrupted bead to meet desired deflection forces.Chomerics Designand Application ServicesChomerics will custom design a spacer for your application. Advice,analysis and design assistance will be provided by Chomerics Applications and Design engineers at no additional fee. Contact Chomerics directlyat the locations listed at the bottom of the page.Figure 3FEA Example of an EMISpacer Gasket Cross SectionFigure 4Continuous (top) and InterruptedElastomer GasketsFigure 5Typical Spacer Gasket Deflection。
控制柜调试指导书(总16页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除6.5、起动力矩调整6.5.1、安装称重开关,按照额定载重的10%、25%、50%、80%、100%数值调整开关位置,100%时为超载。
6.5.3、 L3的货梯,将132中的5和6的地址分别改为61-3和61-4,此装置装在机房中,不用调整加载补偿量6.6、电子称重装置的使用6.6.1. 仪器只接开门信号。
6.6.2. 设定开关位于运行位置,给开门信号(即给电子称重5号线24V)。
6.6.3. 电梯空载清零。
6.6.4. 电梯装入99%的额定载荷,按住清零按钮5秒以上,听到一声长响后,立即松开,三位数码显示为099-100。
6.6.5. 再将载重量增加至额定载荷就可达到超载报警。
操作手册ASCO 300 系列 自动转换开关H design 600--1200安培目 录 章节 安 装........................... 1 动作顺序........................... 2 测试与维护......................... 3 调整与设置......................... 4 控制功能........................... 5 索 引........................ 封底 须由有经验和许可证的电工安装ATS本手册中危险用以警告高压可能导致的电击、灼伤或死亡。
铭 牌 转换开关铭牌包含每一台ASCO 300系列ATS的参数。
目录号标识 典型的目录号如下所示,其中包括各个单元的解释。
例中所示:4极、600安、480伏、I类外箱的ASCO 300系列ATS目录号。
中性线B-转换C-叠加空白-固定相线极数2-单相3-三相电 流60080010001200控制器1-标准1X-带有附件外 箱C-I类F-3R类G-4类*L-12类*空白-无外箱中性线连接电源连接转换开关端子排TB,发电机启动端子及状态接点电源连接薄膜操作面板控制器*只对600-1000安培有效中性线连接ASCO 300系列自动转换开关(ATS)符合UL1008有关ATS的标准。
ASCO 300系列自动转换开关同样符合CSA C22.2第178条有关自动转换开关的标准。
ASCO 300系列自动转换开关适用于应急和备用电源系统。
它们符合NEC Article 700 和 UL 1008有关应急系统规定的条件。
目录1 引言 (4)1.1 编写目的 (4)1.2 注意事项 (4)2 启动 (4)3 初始界面 (4)4 应用程序结构与模块 (6)4.1 用户管理 (9)4.1.1 用户登记 (9)指纹登记 (13)ID(Mifare)卡登记 (13)原声录制 (14)拍照 (15)4.1.2 删除登记记录 (17)4.2 设置 (18)4.2.1基本设置 (18)时间设置 (18)语言设置 (18)语音提示 (18)音量调节 (19)按键音 (19)报警设置 (19)4.2.2 高级设置 (19) 验证界面设置 (19)是否实时拍照 (19)是否显示照片 (19)实时指纹显示设置 (19)删除全部记录 (19) 删除全部登记数据 (20) 恢复出厂设置 (20) 固件升级 (20) 夏令时设置: (20) 功能键设置 (20)4.2.3 电源管理 (20)定时开机 (21)定时关机 (21)定时休眠 (21)响铃设置 (21)空闲设置 (21)锁闭关机键 (21)定时状态转换 (21)4.2.4 通讯设置 (22)机器编号 (22)RS232 (22)RS485 (22)波特率 (22)以太网 (22)IP地址 (22)子网掩码 (22)网关地址 (22)连接密码 (23)动态IP分配 (23)后台地址 (23)4.2.5 记录设置 (23)管理记录警告(报警) (23)验证记录警告(报警) (23)重复确认时间 (23)4.2.6 自动检测 (23)4.3门禁功能设置 (24)4.3.1 时间段设置 (24)4.3.2 分组功能设置 (25)4.3.3 用户门禁设置 (25)4.3.4 开锁组合设置 (26)开锁组合基本设置 (26)开锁组合设置 (26)4.3.5 锁驱动时长 (28)4.3.6 门磁延时 (28)4.3.7 门磁开关设置 (28)4.3.8 胁迫报警设置 (28)胁迫指纹管理 (28)验密码报警 (28)按键求助 (28)报警延迟 (29)4.3.9 错按报警 (29)4.3.10 反潜功能设置 (29)4.3.11 绑定ID (29)4.4 U盘管理 (29)4.5解除报警 (29)4.6系统信息 (30)4.6.1 用户登记数 (30)4.6.2 指纹登记数 (30)4.6.3 验证记录数 (30)4.6.4 管理记录数 (30)4.6.5 已用内存 (30)4.6.6 剩余容量 (30)4.6.7 设备信息 (30)4.7数据查询 (31)验证记录查询 (31)管理记录查询 (31)用户登记查询 (31)5外接端口连接方式 (31)5.1 外接端口总体描述 (31)5.2 连接说明 (32)5.2.1 RS232连接 (32)5.2.2 RS485连接 (32)5.2.3 出门开关连接 (33)5.2.4 门磁连接 (34)5.2.5 报警连接 (34)5.2.6 电锁连接 (35)5.2.7 电铃连接 (36)5.2.8 指纹读头连接 (37)6组网方式 (37)6.1 分体机组网方式 (38)6.2 一体机组网方式 (38)6.3 指纹读头组网方式 (38)7 终端设备组网调线方式说明 (39)7.1分体机调线连接方式图 (40)7.2一体机调线连接方式图 (41)8 控制器使用说明 (41)8.1 控制器外接端口图说明 (42)8.2 控制器连接说明 (42)8.2.1 出门开关连接 (42)8.2.2 门磁连接 (43)8.2.3 报警器连接 (43)8.2.4 电锁连接 (44)8.2.5 电铃连接 (46)9 基本概念与说明 (47)误判 (47)拒判 (47)权限级别 (47)状态键 (47)消息通知 (47)主从机 (48)夏令时(时区设置) (48)1 引言1.1 编写目的用户使用说明书.1.2 注意事项本考勤机不可阳光直射或强烈阳光下工作。
电话:025-52107703、8008289967、4008289967 传真:025-52100770 或登陆网站:/ser_sup
公司总部:南京市江宁区苏源大道 69 号,邮编 211102 生产地址:南京市江宁区新丰路 18 号,邮编 211111 公司网址: P/N:ZL_PCS-994B_X_说明书_国内中文_国内标准版_X
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1.1 应用范围 ...........................................................................................................................1 1.2 配置和功能........................................................................................................................1 1.3 性能特征 ...........................................................................................................................3 1.4 订货须知 ...........................................................................................................................3 1.5 产品执行标准 ....................................................................................................................4 第 2 章 技术参数 ............................................................................................................................5 2.1 电气参数 ...........................................................................................................................5 2.2 机械结构 ...........................................................................................................................6 2.3 环境条件参数 ....................................................................................................................6 2.4 通信端口 ...........................................................................................................................6 2.5 型式试验 ...........................................................................................................................7 2.6 认证 ..................................................................................................................................8 2.7 故障录波和事件记录 .........................................................................................................8 2.8 功能 ..................................................................................................................................9 第 3 章 软件工作原理 ...................................................................................................................11 3.1 概述 ................................................................................................................................11 3.2 装置总启动元件 ..............................................................................................................12 3.3 低频减负荷工作原理 .......................................................................................................13 3.4 低压减负荷工作原理 .......................................................................................................17 3.5 过频切机工作原理 ...........................................................................................................20 3.6 过压解列工作原理 ...........................................................................................................22
琪基电子 1004-1000 型号高频耦合器数据手册说明书
Dimensions: [mm]MPPP010473J630DCPP55004890303323004CSMPPP010473J630DCPP55004 890303323004CSMPPP010473J630DCPP55004 890303323004CSMPPP010473J630DCPP55004 890303323004CST e m p e r a t u r eT T T MPPP010473J630DCPP55004890303323004CSCautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WCAP-FTBP of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General:The capacitor is engineered, designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. Do not use the capacitor neither short term nor long term outside the specified values, which are given in the data sheet.2. Product specific:Follow all instructions mentioned in the data sheet, especially:•The soldering profile has to be complied with according to the technical reflow soldering specification, otherwise this will void the warranty.•Wave soldering is only allowed after evaluation and approval.•Do not exceed the lower and/ or upper specified temperature!•Do not use the capacitor with other than specified voltage!•Prevent any kind of mechanical stress to the capacitor terminals!•Do not use the soldered capacitor on a PCB for any movement or transportation to avoid any tensile force to the capacitor!•Do not apply any kind of flexural or compressive force onto soldered or unsoldered component!•Prevent the capacitor surface from any damage or scratches with sharp edges (e.g. chassis, screwdrivers, pincers).•The capacitor must be placed on a PCB while using the recommended drill hole pattern without changing of the specific lead pitch!•Avoid any other than specified temperature and / or time conditions during soldering!•Avoid any overload or conditions that are not specified in the capacitors datasheet!•Avoid any water or heavy dust on capacitors surface which may cause electrical leakage, damage, overheating or corrosion!3. Storage conditions:These film capacitors must be stored in stable climatic conditions, which are listed within the general information on front of data sheet. 4. Storage duration:All products shall be used before the end of the period of 12 months based on the product date code, if not a 100% solderability can´t be ensured.5. Flammability:Avoid any external energy or open fire (passive flammability).6. Vibration resistance:Do not exceed the vibration limits given by IEC60068-2-6.7. Cleaning:Do not use any other cleaning solvents for box-typed capacitors except: ethanol, isopropanol, n-propanol - water mixtures. After cleaning a drying process with temperatures not exceeding 65°C and not longer than 4 hours is mandatory to prevent any kind of electrical damage.8. Full covered or embedded capacitors in final applications:If final assemblies will be placed completely in any plastic resin, physical, chemical and thermal influences must be considered. If any specific evaluation or test is necessary please contact the related Würth Elektronik Capacitor Business Division.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG EMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyTel. +49 (0) 79 42 945 - 0*******************CREATED CHECKED GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODKaS PSL DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTION TECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTBP Film Capacitors MPPP010473J630DCPP55004ORDER CODE890303323004CSSIZE REVISION STATUS DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)BUSINESS UNIT PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG EMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyTel. +49 (0) 79 42 945 - 0*******************CREATED CHECKED GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODKaS PSL DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTION TECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTBP Film Capacitors MPPP010473J630DCPP55004ORDER CODE890303323004CSSIZE REVISION STATUS DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)BUSINESS UNIT PAGE。
可以是 RS-232、RS-485、光纤和网络接口。
4 主要技术指标
4.1 额定参数
交流电压额定值(Un):100V,380V 交流电流额定值(In):5A,1A 电源频率额定值:50Hz 直流电源额定值:220V,110V
4.2 环境条件
环境温度: 工作:温度范围 -10~+55℃。 贮存:温度范围 -25~+70℃,在极限值下不施加激励量,装置不出现不可逆变化,温
测量量显示方式:“一次值/二次值”可选择; 电度测量方式:“脉冲方式/计算方式”可选择。
3 装置硬件资源配置
名称装置工作电ຫໍສະໝຸດ 控制回路电源数量1 1
可以是 DC220V 或 DC110V,在订货时须注明。 可以是 DC220V 或 DC110V,在订货时须注明。
1 概述.......................................................................................................................................3 2 装置主要功能配置...................................................................................................................3 3 装置硬件资源配置...................................................................................................................4 4 主要技术指标...........................................................................................................................4
R-1004说明书 2.0
目录第1章:产品介绍 (2)1.1 概述 (2)1.2 DVR特性 (2)第2章:安装说明 (2)2.1 安全警告 (2)2.2 安装环境 (2)第3章:操作必读 (3)3.1 面板操作 (3)3.1.1 指示灯介绍 (3)3.1.2 功能键介绍 (3)3.2 背板连接 (3)3.3 摇控操作 (4)3.4 鼠标操作 (5)第4章:菜单设置 (5)4.1 系统设置 (5)4.2 录像设置 (7)4.3 摄像头设置 (8)4.4 运动侦测 (8)4.5 视频检索 (9)4.6 音频设置 (9)4.7 显示设置 (9)4.8 退出 (10)第5章:基本操作 (10)5.1 开机 (10)5.2 软件升级 (10)5.3 PTZ控制 (11)5.4 移动侦测 (11)5.5 搜索回放 (12)5.5.1 时间检索 (12)5.5.2 日历检索 (12)5.5.3 事件检索 (13)5.6 备份 (13)5.7 画质选择及硬盘可录像时间 (13)5.8 PC 客户端软件的使用 (14)5.8.1 登陆 (14)5.8.2 操作 (14)5.8.3 功能键介绍 (14)5.8.4 IE端说明 (16)5.8.5 IE浏览 (16)5.9 关机 (17)第6章:附录 (17)6.1 技术指标 (17)6.2 常见故障解答 (17)第一章产品介绍1.1概述本设备是专为安防行业设计的嵌入式硬盘录像机,它采用了嵌入式处理器和嵌入式操作系统,结合了计算机行业的最新技术,如视频/音频压缩和解压,TCP/IP网络远程控制,大容量硬盘存储等技术,使得系统具有高智能化及高稳定性。
科瑞特 全自动六轴示教系统 用户手册说明书
全自动六轴示教系统用户手册2021-9-26深圳市科瑞特自动化技术有限公司ShenZhen CrtMotion Technology Co.LtD感谢您选用本公司的产品!目录第一章系统概述 (1)1.1 系统组成 (1)1.2 电气规格 (1)第二章快速入门 (2)2.1 示教基础知识 (2)2.2 示教编辑入门 (2)2.2.1 移动例程 (2)第三章实机操作 (6)3.1 DMC660MD控制器接线 (6)3.1.1 接口分布 (6)3.1.2 接口定义 (7)3.2 设备调试 (9)3.2.1 电机参数设置 (9)3.2.2 手动调试 (10)3.3 运行参数及程序编辑 (10)3.3.1 运行参数 (10)3.3.2 程序编辑 (10)3.3.3 矩形轨迹绘制 (12)3.3.4 输入/输出应用实例 (15)3.3.5 圆弧轨迹绘制 (17)第四章其他常用功能 (19)4.1 复位顺序设置(含各轴复位开关) (19)4.2 切换工件序号 (20)4.3 数据备份 (20)4.3.1 数据备份目标设置 (20)4.3.2 备份数据恢复 (21)第五章常见问题 (22)1、怎么定原点? (22)2、限位是什么?用什么接限位?怎么接限位? (22)3、手动调试速度慢怎么设置变快? (22)4、[系统设置→各轴手动速度参数]中的点动设定是什么?复位低速是什么? (23)5、复位速度慢怎么设置变快? (23)6、运行速度慢怎么设置变快? (23)第一章系统概述CRT-DMC660MF六轴示教系统是基于六轴运动控制器DMC660MD的硬件平台,在公司六轴仿形示教系统成熟的技术和广泛的市场应用的基础上,根据市场需求,采纳了广大客户的宝贵意见,并参考国内外高端同类产品的一些功能及优点,经深圳市科瑞特自动化全体同仁的共同努力,推出的一款功能齐全、使用方便灵活的高端运动控制系统。
1.1 系统组成CRT-DMC660MF系统主要由运动控制器(DMC660MD)和手持盒(LeaderSTB)两个部分组成。
テクトロニクス 573 電子測定機 使用者手册说明书
- M fr Code Mfr Part Number
P 6 0 6 5 A PROBE
P6065A Probe
The P6065A Probe is a miniature passive, fast-rise 10X attenuation probe, designed for use to 100 MHz bandwidth with TEKTRON IX 465 Oscilloscope or 75 MHz w i t h other Oscilloscope/Plug-In combinations with 20-24 pF input capacitance. The close tolerance probe resistor nearly eliminates the cascading of errors usually associated with attenuator probes.
U.S.A. and Foreign TEKTRONIX products covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patents pending.
TEKTRONIX is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc.
A ground reference pushbutton on the body of the probe permits the user to obtain a ground reference or to determine which trace of a multitrace display includes the signal from the P6065A Probe. A coding ring on the BNC output connector actuates the Volts/Div readout of the oscilloscope mainframe to include the 10X attenuation of the probe. The connector is compatible with all BNC input connectors.
在检查 AC200V和AC100V 电压时要格外小心。
每一个电压的作用1. 5V 供给中心电子板(如果这块电子板坏了,则机器不再工作了)。
2. 12V 供给所有电子板/CRT显示器/整个机器的感应器。
3. 13V 供给选针器。
4. 30V 供给诸如度目马达这样的步进马达和电磁铁。
5. 12V 供给控制箱的风扇。
6. 12V 供给诸如主电源开关这样的供电设备,PCB和PCU电子板。
b.视频线:采用syv75-5防水铜芯同轴电缆线;每隔600米使用一台视频放大器,最多用两台,最大传输距离1800米, 2.单元内系统用线标准:a.门口机到电源箱电源线:·距离<10米时,采用rvv0.5mm2铜芯线。
在sw61可视对讲系统中:·音频信号线:主线(4芯)+入户线(4芯)长度<80m(楼层前30米+6层+入户30米)时,采用rvv4*0.5 mm2 铜芯线。
·视频信号线:主线采用sywv75-5同轴铜芯电缆线,入户线可采用sywv75—3同轴铜芯电缆线·视频电源线:主线(2芯)+入户线(2芯)长度<80m(楼层前30米+6层+入户30米)时,采用rvv2*0.5mm2 铜芯线。
三. 产品安装与系统开通注意事项(一).产品安装注意事项:1.门口机的安装:门口机可以嵌装于门体上或使用暗装盒安装于墙体上;门口机在单元门上嵌装时,需向门厂提供开口尺寸,36型门口机可以正面和侧面固定;侧装时,使用专用铁片固定于单元门上;可视门口机摄像头距地高度应在1.5米左右,注意防雨,防潮,防阳光直射,安装牢固。
FC300 操作说明书(MG33A143)
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300
FC 300 操作說明書
如何閱讀操作說明 ........................................................ 3
認可 ...................................................................... 4 符號 ...................................................................... 5 縮寫 ...................................................................... 5
供透過 DeviceNet Fieldbus 控制、監控和規劃傳動裝置的必要資訊。 - VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 MCT 10 Operating Instructions (VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 MCT 10 作業說明) 提供在電
腦上安裝和使用軟體的資訊。 Danfoss Drives 技術文獻也可在 /drives 網站上找到。 認可
FC 300 300 Operating Instructions (VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 作業說明) 提供啟動和運轉
傳動裝置的必要資訊。 - VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 Design Guide (VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 設計指南) 詳細說明關於傳動裝置及客戶
DMC230 系列
在安装使用前,请详细阅读本手册,遵循以下注意事项。否则可能发生危险,严重时可能造成设 备损坏,甚至人身伤亡!
◆ 严格遵照执行国家及电力行业相关安全规程,严肃认真对待,以避免设备损坏以及人身伤害 ◆ 如果电流/电压回路经互感器输入,要确保电流回路接线时不能开路;电压回路接线时不能短路 ◆ 在拆卸装置面板时,应避免触及电路,包含电子电路,如果遭受静电,可能会受到损坏,电子电路也可能含
有致命的高电压 ◆ 装置带电工作时,请不要接触装置端子,以防触电 ◆ 装置接线完成后,请上紧螺丝,以防松动 ◆ 装置检修时,请确认是否已停电,不允许带电拆拔端子 ◆ 本手册仅限于相配套的DMC230系列数字式三相测控装置
2 装置使用与设置操作....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 显示屏与操作按键.................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 测量数据的查看........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.2.1 电流/电压值的显示........................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 功率的显示..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.3 电度量的显示................................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.4 谐波/不平衡度的显示.................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.2.5 最大/最小值的显示...................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.3 参数设置的操作...................................................................................................................................................................... 14 2.3.1 地址的设置................................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.2 通信速率的设置........................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.3 CT/PT 变比设置 ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.4 电流额定值设置........................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.5 需量时间窗设置........................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.6 有功/无功电度清零...................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.7 最大/最小值清除.......................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.3.8 AO 通道设置 ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 2.3.9 告警限值设置............................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.3.10 通信口令的设置........................................................................................................................................................... 18
3 产品描述 ................................................................................................................... 7
5 安装 ......................................................................................................................... 38
5.1 安全须知 ....................................................................................................................................... 39 5.2 交付 .............................................................................................................................................. 40 5.3 安装设计 ....................................................................................................................................... 41
KTA-1004 桌面杆固定器安装指南说明书
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N SDESK CLAMP FOR POLE MOUNTSKTA-1004KTA-1004Installation InstructionsDISCLAIMERMilestone AV Technologies and its affiliated corporations and subsidiaries (collectively "Milestone"), intend to make this manual accurate and complete. However, Milestone makes no claim that the information contained herein covers all details, conditions or variations, nor does it provide for every possible contingency in connection with the installation or use of this product. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice or obligation of any kind. Milestone makes no representation of warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the information contained herein. Milestone assumes no responsibility for accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the information contained in this document.Chief® is a registered trademark of Milestone AV Technologies. All rights reserved.IMPORTANT WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS!WARNING: A WARNING alerts you to the possibility of serious injury or death if you do not follow the instructions. CAUTION: A CAUTION alerts you to the possibility of damage or destruction of equipment if you do not follow the corresponding instructions.WARNING: Failure to read, thoroughly understand, and follow all instructions can result in serious personal injury, damage to equipment, or voiding of factory warranty! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure all components are properly assembled and installed using the instructions provided.WARNING: Failure to provide adequate structural strength for this component can result in serious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure the structure to which this component is attached can support five times the combined weight of all equipment. Reinforce the structure as required before installing the component.WARNING: Failure to keep all mounted equipment directly above the desk surface at all times can result in serious personal injury or damage to equipment! All mounted equipment must remain directly above the surface of the desk in order to ensure and maintain a stable mount. WARNING: Exceeding the weight capacity can result in serious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure the combined weight of all components attached to the KTA-1004 desk clamp up to (and including) the display/projector does not exceed the weight limits of the pole mount attached to the desk clamp.DIMENSIONSLEGENDApretar elemento de fijación Befestigungsteil festziehen Apertar fixadorSerrare il fissaggio Bevestiging vastdraaien Serrez les fixationsAflojar elemento de fijación Befestigungsteil lösen Desapertar fixadorAllentare il fissaggio Bevestiging losdraaien Desserrez les fixationsDestornillador Phillips Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher Chave de fendas Phillips Cacciavite a stella Kruiskopschroevendraaier Tournevis à pointe cruciformeLlave de bocaGabelschlüsselChave de bocasChiave a punte aperte SteeksleutelClé à fourcheA manoVon HandCom a mãoA manoMet de handÀ la mainLlave de cabeza hexagonal SechskantschlüsselChave de cabeça sextavada Chiave esagonale ZeskantsleutelClé à tête hexagonale Marcar con lápiz Stiftmarkierung Marcar com lápis Segno a matita Potloodmerkteken Marquage au crayonPerforarBohrlochFazer furo Praticare un foro Gat borenPercez un trouAjustarEinstellenAjustarRegolareAfstellenAjusterQuitarEntfernenRemover Rimuovere VerwijderenRetirezOpcionalOptionalOpcional OpzionaleOptieEn optionLlave de seguridad Sicherheitsschlüssel Chave de segurança Chiave di sicurezza VeiligheidssleutelClé de sécuritéTOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATIONPARTSWARNING:above the desk surface at all times can result in seriouspersonal injury or damage to equipment! All mountedequipment must remain directly above the surface of thedesk in order to ensure and maintain a stable mount.5.Place desk clamp (A) over desired mounting location ondesk. (See Figure 2)6.If there is not enough clearance behind the desk for thedevice to clear, remove the bottom portion of the deskclamp by using 5/32" hex key (D) to remove 2 connectingscrews. (See Figure 2)7.Reinstall bottom portion of the desk clamp (if necessary) byWARNING:serious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is theinstaller’s responsibility to make sure the combined weight ofall components attached to the KTA-1004 desk clamp up to(and including) the display/projector does not exceed theweight limits of the pole mount attached to the desk clamp.9.Install mount to mounting pole according to correspondinginstallation manual for the specific mount to be attached tomounting pole.KTA-1004Installation InstructionsInstallation Instructions KTA-1004KTA-1004Installation InstructionsUSA/InternationalA 8401 Eagle Creek Parkway, Savage, MN 55378P 800.582.6480 / 952.894.6280F 877.894.6918 / 952.894.6918EuropeA Fellenoord 130 5611 ZB EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands P +31 (0)40 2668620F +31 (0)40 2668615Asia PacificARoom 24F, Block D, Lily YinDu International Building LuoGang, BuJi Town, Shenzhen, CHINA.P +86-755-8996 9226 F +86-755-8996 9217Chief Manufacturing, a division of Milestone AV Technologies 8834-000007©2008 Milestone AV Technologies 10/08。
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目录目录DMC300A三轴运动控制器 ..........................................................................................................1 第一部分 概述 ....................................................................................................................1 第二部分 控制器使用说明 ................................................................................................2 2.1 硬件说明............................................................................................................2 2.2 操作说明............................................................................................................5 2.3 软件说明............................................................................................................9 第三部分 Motion300A使用说明....................................................................................26 3.1 关于软件名称(Motion300A) ...................................................................26 3.2 安装到本地....................................................................................................26 3.3 Motion300A 的编辑环境使用说明 .............................................................26 3.4 编程操作........................................................................................................26 第四部分 编程实例 ........................................................................................................32 4.1 PC编程实例....................................................................................................32 4.2 控制器手动代码编程输入............................................................................35 附 录 ........................................................................................................................................38 1、 RS232 简单无硬件握手通信线缆制作........................................................38 2、 名词解释........................................................................................................38 3、 常见问题解答................................................................................................40-I-DMC300A 三轴运动控制器DMC300A 三轴运动控制器第一部分 概述DMC300A 非常感谢您使用 DMC300A 步进电机运动控制器。
该款控制器是科瑞特自动化 DMC 系列 运动控制器的高端产品,采用高性能的 DSP+FPGA 控制,配合中文屏幕液晶显示,系统功能 强大、外观大方,可完全替代“PLC+文本显示”,是开发高性能数控设备的首选。
该控制器和国内外同类高档控制器相比,先进的特点如下:1. 用户编程方便DMC300A 控制器指令设置合理并简单, 符合人们的思维习惯, 不用在指令的熟悉上花费您 太多的宝贵时间;该控制器提供独立的编程环境,您可以随时对程序进行修改或重写。
2. 可控制三轴步进电机DMC300A 控制器具有同时驱动三轴步进电机的能力,每个轴带两个硬件限位点;3. 高速、高精准控制普通步进电机,最高速度可达 5000 转/分钟,突破传统步进电机低速的概念;理想梯形 加速曲线,实现平稳快速起停,定位误差为零;4. 带直线和圆弧插补指令、支持任意两轴插补DMC300A 控制器自带直线和圆弧插补指令,动作完成精度高,速度快,可帮你实现复杂的 曲线运动;5. 128×64 点阵的液晶显示DMC300A 控制器带有 128×64 点阵的液晶屏,显示内容可随时通过计算机下载; 显示方式可 以编程设定改变,指令简单、可操作性强;6. 通用 16 个输入、8 个输出点,强大的逻辑控制功能DMC300A 控制器除了三套完整的步进电机控制口外, 另有 16 个通用输入点(包括: 个“限 6 位”输入点,1 个“运行”1 个“急停”外接输入点)、8 个通用输出点,功能完全可以自定义,帮你实现 任意的逻辑、点位控制;7. 支持手动指令代码编程和计算机编程下载DMC300A 控制器支持手动编程和计算机编程下载两种编程模式: 手动编程界面友好、 操作 方便;计算机编程有单独的编译软件,并可帮你自动找错,使用简单。
- 1 -DMC300A 三轴运动控制器第二部分 控制器使用说明DMC300A图 1- 1DMC300A 面板2.1 硬件说明2.1.1 功能特点适用于步进电机的各种场合控制应用; 控制轴数:三轴(X 轴,Y 轴,Z 轴) ; 中文点阵液晶显示(128×64 点阵)和 27 键薄膜开关; 包含直线插补、圆弧插补指令,自动完成任意两轴直线、圆弧插补,实现空间曲线的加 工; 坐标参数支持相对坐标和绝对坐标; 独有立即数和寄存器两种寻址指令; 提供运算指令,可进行复杂控制; 16 个通用输入点、8 个输出点,实现各种复杂的逻辑、点位控制; 六个硬件限位点(每轴两个限位); 简单方便的键盘编程及上位机编程两种方式; RS232 串口支持计算机编程,下载程序、参数、液晶画面; 60 多条指令组成完备的指令空间,帮您完成任意功能。
2.1.2性能指标输出脉冲频率:1~200KHz/轴; 控制步进电机转速最高达到 5000 转/分钟; - 2 -DMC300A 三轴运动控制器 14M 用户程序空间:支持 768 个程序,每个程序 682 条指令; 14M 用户参数存储空间:支持 770 页参数页面(其中: ‘-1’页为手动参数和系统参数 页, ‘0’页有 8192 个参数(备用) ,程序与参数页组合后相当于可存放 580000 余种产 品) ,另外 768 页参数每页 4096 个参数,参数允许范围为:±999999999。
2.1.3电气特性DMC300A工作电源:DC 24V; 输入检测口:24V 开关信号(16 路低电平有效) ;图 1- 2 输入口接线方式与原理 输出控制口: 150mA/24V (8 路常开)。
图 1- 3 输出口接线方式及原理- 3 -DMC300A 三轴运动控制器2.1.4控制器接线示意DMC300A图 1- 4 DMC300A 背部接线示意 说明:V+、V-:工作电源 DC24V(外接电源注意正负极); PU0、PU1、PU2:三轴脉冲控制信号; DR0、DR1、DR2:三轴方向控制信号; OT0~OT7:8 个点位输出信号; IN0~IN7:输入信号触发开关; Run(IN14) 、Stop(IN15) :运行、停止外接输入点; L0~L2+/-:三个轴的左右限位,其中: L0+,L0-(IN8,IN9)为 X 轴的左右限位; L1+,L1-(IN10,IN11)为 Y 轴的左右限位; L2+,L2-(IN12,IN13)为 Z 轴的左右限位; V+(24V)、V-(GND) :电源和地(内部提供电流<500mA/路);RS232: PC 通信口。
图 1- 5 DMC 控制系统接线图例 (注:本控制器脉冲、方向信号内部已做限流处理,故连接驱动器时不用外接限流电阻)- 4 -DMC300A 三轴运动控制器2.1.5安装尺寸DMC300A图 1- 6 DMC300A 安装尺寸 (注意:在嵌入的工作台面开孔时要预留有虚位,即长宽各扩宽 2~3mm,否则会装不下)2.2 操作说明2.2.1 键盘功能及显示说明2.2.1.1 按键构成(27 个键) :10 个数字键“0~9”、编程键“编程”、参数键“参数”、复位键“复位”、两个光标移动键 “↑”“↓”、小数点键“·”、负号键“-”、插入键“Inc”、删除键“Del”、确认键“Enter”、 运行 键“运行”、停止键“急停”、功能键“F1”、“F2”、“F3”、“F4”、“F5”。
特殊按键说明编程键:用于输入程序、程序修改及参数设置;在编程状态下再次按下后退出编程状态; 参数键: 确定运行程序时选择的程序序号及所使用的参数页面号, 在待机状态下有效, 再 次按下后退出参数状态; (向下翻页进入可视参数输入界面) ; 复位键:准待机状态下该键按下,系统状态恢复到刚上电时的状态(待机状态) ; 小数点:浮点数值输入时小数点的输入; 插入键、删除键: (功能保留) ; 光标移动键:移动光标,用于程序、参数输入时切换到其它参数的输入; 确认键:在参数输入时用于确认当前参数的输入数值,并转入下一参数的输入; 运行键:该键按下后运行用户程序,程序及参数页为待机时按下参数键后所输入的程序 序号及参数页号; 急停键:执行用户程序时终止程序运行(立即响应,当前状态不保留) ; 功能键:F1-手动状态下,用于记入系统第二原点;F2-进入/退出手动状态;F3-进 入/退出联机通讯及查询控制器版本号;F4、F5-程序编辑、参数输入时用于翻页,手动 状态时,用于手动速度的倍乘倍减; X、Y、Z 进退键:手动状态下,三轴点动正反转,按下后相应电机运转,按键抬起后自 - 5 -DMC300A 三轴运动控制器 动停止;分别对于‘4’、‘6’、‘2’、‘8’、‘7’、‘9’各键; 显示模式DMC300A 控制器的显示功能主要有以下几种:欢迎界面、参数界面、状态界面。