Automotive Wireless Networks
1、分句翻译British similarities and differences between education and American education英国教育与美国教育的异同UK education designed to help students develop their personal skills, primary and secondary education are compulsory education, All the people in five ten-year-old were to accept the compulsory education period・And these can be trained, And thus contribute to society. Britain,s United States education system and most other national education system昴戚四族如qW,spgd¥珂弱鯉yi^e曲節胡i书詛曲@堤餉丄野肪就匪ofSet up with a tax free education, apart from a general school subjects such as math, history, languages, there are sewing, typing, wireless and automotive repair and other subjects・ Students according to their own interests, future plans and to individuals, from many elective courses in their own. The main purpose of American education, is to develop thetalents of each child, no matter to what extent the high or low, while giving each child,s civic awareness. So great importance to education, committed to the development of individual students is the commonfeatures of American education. Of course, British and American education has its own characteristics; Comparison of the UK,s education standard, the ・education more open, pay attention to pragmatism・Education on the University of British universities for teaching quality is the best in the world, However, the advantages of American universitiesin research, Another system more relaxed, unlike England, the curriculum homology between the two countries have common historical background of education, Education in the United States inherited the ancient tradition of education in Europe, but developed to have its own characteristics.and graduation time is too rigid・British and American culture has a Although the Anglo-American culture with homologous, but the difference between the two countries is still very large. Britain is a constitutional monarchy, while the United States is the federal presidential system of the State, The two countries have different education system, which isdifferent between the two countries as long as the reason for education.2、整篇翻译英国教育与美国教育的异同British similarities and differences between education and American education英国的教育旨在帮助学生尽量发展个人才能,并将这些才能加以培训,进而贡献社会。
An Overview of Internet of Vehicles 车联网综述
signal range and drop out of the network, oth-er vehicles can join in, connecting vehicles to one another to create a mobile Internet. We de-termine that V ANET only covers a very small mobile network that is subject to mobility con-straints and the number of connected vehicles. Several characteristics of large cities, such as traffic jams, tall buildings, bad driver behav-iors, and complex road networks, further hin-der its use. Therefore, for V ANET, the objects involved are temporary, random and unstable, and the range of usage is local and discrete, i.e., VANET cannot provide whole (global) and sustainable services/applications for cus-tomers. Over the past several decades, there has not been any classic or popular implemen-tation of VANET. The desired commercial interests have not emerged either. Therefore, V ANET’s usage has begun to stagnate.In contrast to VANET, IoV has two main technology directions: vehicles’ neworking and vehicles’ intelligentialize. Vehicles’ net-working is consisting of V ANET (also called vehicles’ interconnection), Vehicle Telematics (also called connected vehicles) and Mobile Internet (vehicle is as a wheeled mobile termi-nal). Vehicles’ intelligence is that the integra-tion of driver and vehicle as a unity is more intelligent by using network technologies, which refers to the deep learning, cognitive computing, swarm computing, uncertainty artificial intelligence, etc. So, IoV focuses on the intelligent integration of humans, vehi-cles, things and environments and is a largerAbstract: The new era of the Internet of Things is driving the evolution of conventional Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). With the rapid development of computation and communication technologies, IoV promises huge commercial interest and research value, thereby attracting a large number of companies and researchers. This paper proposes an abstract network model of the IoV , discusses the technologies required to create the IoV , presents different applications b a s e d o n c e r t a i n c u r r e n t l y e x i s t i n g technologies, provides several open research challenges and describes essential future research in the area of IoV .Keywords: internet of vehicles; VANET; vehicle telematics; network modelI. I NTRODUCTIONAccording to recent predictions 1, 25 billion “things” will be connected to the Internet by 2020, of which vehicles will constitute a significant portion. With increasing numbers of vehicles being connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), the conventional Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are changing into the Internet of Vehicle (IoV). We explore the reasons for this evolution below.As is well-known, V ANET [1] turns every participating vehicle into a wireless router or mobile node, enabling vehicles to connect to each other and, in turn, create a network with a wide range. Next, as vehicles fall out of theAn Overview of Internet of VehiclesYANG Fangchun, WANG Shangguang, LI Jinglin, LIU Zhihan, SUN QiboState Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, ChinaV EHICULAR N ETWORKING1/7037738/The_Inter-net_of_Things_A_Study_in_Hype_Reality_Disrup-tion_and_Growtthe conventional Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks (V ANETs), Vehicle Telematics, and other con-nected vehicle networks have to evolve into the Internet of Vehicle (IoV). The question accordingly arises as to why such systems did not evolve into IoT, Internet or wireless mo-bile networks.The main reason is that some characteris-tics of IoV are different from IoT, Internet or wireless mobile networks. Firstly, in wireless mobile networks, most end-users’ trajectories follow a random walk model. However, in IoV , the trajectory of vehicles is subject to the road distributions in the city. Secondly, IoT focuses on things and provides data-aware-ness for connected things, while the Internet focuses on humans and provides information services for humans. However, IoV focuses on the integration of humans and vehicles, in which, vehicles are an extension of a human’s abilities, and humans are an extension of a vehicle’s intelligence. The network model, the service model, and the behavior model of human-vehicle systems are highly different from IoT, Internet or wireless mobile network. Finally, IoV interconnects humans within and around vehicles, intelligent systems on board vehicles, and various cyber-physical systems in urban environments, by integrating vehi-cles, sensors, and mobile devices into a global network, thus enabling various services to be delivered to vehicles and humans on board and around vehicles. Several researchers have referred to the vehicle as a manned computer with four wheels or a manned large phone in IoV. Thus, in contrast to other networks, ex-isting multi-user, multi-vehicle, multi-thing and multi-network systems need multi-level collaboration in IoV .In this paper, we first provide a network model of IoV using the swarm model and an individual model. We introduce existing re-search work focusing on activation and main-tenance of IoV. Then, we survey the various applications based on some currently existing technologies. Finally, we give several open re-search challenges for both the network model and the service model of human-vehicle sys-network that provides services for large cities or even a whole country. IoV is an open and integrated network system with high manage-ability, controllability, operationalization and credibility and is composed of multiple users, multiple vehicles, multiple things and multiple networks. Based on the cooperation between computation and communication, e.g., col-laborative awareness of humans and vehicles, or swarm intelligence computation and cog-nition, IoV can obtain, manage and compute the large scale complex and dynamic data of humans, vehicles, things, and environments to improve the computability, extensibility and sustainability of complex network systems and information services. An ideal goal for IoV is to finally realize in-depth integration of human-vehicle-thing-environment, reduce social cost, promote the efficiency of trans-portation, improve the service level of cities, and ensure that humans are satisfied with and enjoy their vehicles. With this definition, it is clear that V ANET is only a sub network of IoV. Moreover, IoV also contains Vehicle Telematics [2], which is a term used to define a connected vehicle interchanging electronic data and providing such information services as location-based information services, remote diagnostics, on-demand navigation, and au-dio-visual entertainment content. For IoV , Ve-hicle Telematics is simply a vehicle with more complex communication technologies, and the intelligent transportation system is an applica-tion of IoV , but vehicle electronic systems do not belong to IoV .In the last several years, the emergence of IoT, cloud computing, and Big Data has driven demand from a large number of users. Individ-ual developers and IT enterprises have pub-lished various services/applications. However, because V ANET and Vehicle Telematics lack the processing capacity for handling global (whole) information, they can only be used in short term applications or for small scale ser-vices, which limits the development and popu-lar demand for these applications on consumer vehicles. There is a desperate need for an openand integrated network system. Therefore,people who consume or provide services/ap-plications of IoV . Human do not only contain the people in vehicles such as drivers and pas-sengers but also the people in environment of IoV such as pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers’ family members. Vehicle in IoV terminology refers to all vehicles that consume or provide services/applications of IoV . Thing in IoV ter-minology refers to any element other than hu-man and vehicle. Things can be inside vehicles or outside, such as AP or road. Environment refers to the combination of human, vehicle and thing.The individual model focuses on one vehi-cle. Through the interactions between human and environment, vehicle and environment, and thing and environment, IoV can provide services for the vehicles, the people and the things in the vehicles. In the model, the in-tra-vehicle network is used to support the interaction between human and vehicle, and the interaction between vehicle and thing in that vehicle. The inter-vehicle network is usedtems, i.e., enhanced communication through computation and sustainability of service pro-viding, and outline essential future research work in the area of IoV .The rest of this paper is organized as fol-lows. Section 2 describes o ur proposed net-work model of IoV. The overview of IoV is presented from three different perspectives in Section 3. In Section 4, several open research challenges and essential future research work related to IoV are outlined. Finally, we present this paper’s conclusions in Section 5.II. N ETWORK M ODEL OF IOVAs shown in Fig. 1, we propose a network model of IoV based on our previous work [3], in which the model is composed of a swarm model and an individual model. The key as-pect of the network model is the integration between human, vehicle, thing, and environ-ment.Human in IoV terminology refers to all theFig.1Network model of IoVsignificantly improve the quality of vehicle service, while a bad wireless access may often lead to the breakdown of services. As is well-known, routing technology is the research core of traditional networks. For IoV , while routing is still the core of the inter-vehicle network, it is also essential for delivering the control message. Finally, IoV has the two most im-portant elements, i.e., users and network. For a simple IoV, wireless access is its user, and routing is its network. With the development of IoV , however, these elements might be less important, and other technologies may play a vital role, such as collaboration technology and swarm intelligence computing. However, due to page limitations, a detailed discussion is beyond this paper.Note that the technologies introduced in this section cannot cover the technologies of IoV , and most of them belong to V ANET [4] or Ve-hicle Telematics. The reason is that IoV is an open and integrated network system composed of multiple users, multiple vehicles, multiple things and multiple networks, and an integrat-ed IoV is not described. Hence, this section mainly focuses on existing technologies and applications, even if they do not represent the technologies and applications of IoV .3.1 Activation of IoVThere are many steps in the activation of IoV , but the most important step is to take the vehi-cles into the integrated network of IoV using wireless access technologies. At present, there are many existing wireless access technologies such as WLANs, WiMAX, Cellular Wireless, and satellite communications [5]. As shown in Fig. 1, most of these technologies are used to connect vehicles to each other in IoV .WLAN contains IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/p standards. IEEE 802.11-based WLAN, which has achieved great acceptance in the market, supports short-range, relatively high-speed data transmission. The maximum achievable data rate in the latest version (802.11n) is ap-proximately 100 Mbps. IEEE 802.11p is a new communication standard in the IEEE 802.11 family which is based on the IEEE support the interaction between human and environment, vehicle and environment, and thing and environment. Swarm model focus-es on multi-user, multi-vehicle, multi-thing and multi-network scenarios. Through swarm intelligence, crowd sensing and crowd sourc-ing, and social computing, IoV can provide services/applications. Moreover, in this model, the interaction between human and human, ve-hicle and vehicle, and thing and thing, all need an integrated network to collaborate with each other and with the environment. Note that IoV has a computation platform for providing vari-ous decisions for whole network, and there are many virtual vehicles with drivers correspond-ing to physica vehicles and drivers. Then we call the virtual vehicle with driver as Autobot. In the IoV, Autobot can interact with each other by using swarm computing technologies and provide decision-making information for IoV in the computation platform.III. T ECHNOLOGY AND A PPLICATION OF IOVOver a decade ago, both industrial and aca-demic researchers proposed many advanced technologies for the application layer, the mo-bile model & the channel model, the physical layer & the data link layer, the network layer & the transport layer, and security & privacy; these technologies are all used in IoV . In this section, we only focus on giving an overview of the technologies and their applications in IoV, and do not describe the details of the technologies. The overview describes the acti-vation of the IoV , maintenance of the IoV , and IoV applications.For the activation and maintenance of the IoV, we only summarize the wireless access technology and the routing technology. There are several reasons for focusing on these two technologies. Firstly, most researchers working on IoV focus on wireless access and routing, for which the number of proposed re-search works are the highest. Secondly, wire-less access technologies play an important role in IoV . A good wireless access technology canquality of service, even for non-line-of-sight transmissions. The key advantage of WiMAX compared to WLAN is that the channel access method in WiMAX uses a scheduling algo-rithm in which the subscriber station needs to compete only once for initial entry into the network.Cellular wireless comprises of 3G, 4G and LTE. Current 3G networks deliver data at a rate of 384 kbps to moving vehicles, and can go up to 2 Mbps for fi xed nodes. 3G sys-tems deliver smoother handoffs compared to WLAN and WiMAX systems, and many nota-ble works have been proposed. For example, Chao et al. [8] modeled the 3G downloading and sharing problem in integration networks. Qingwen et al. [9] made the first attempt in exploring the problem of 3G-assisted data delivery in V ANETs. However, due to central-ized switching at the mobile switching center (MSC) or the serving GPRS support node (SGSN), 3G latency may become an issue for many applications. Vinel [3] provided an an-IEEE 802.11p is designed for wireless access in the vehicular environment to support intel-ligent transport system applications. The use of wireless LANs in V ANETs requires further research. For example, Wellens et al. [6] pre-sented the results of an extensive measure-ment campaign evaluating the performance of IEEE 802.11a, b, and g in car communication scenarios, and showed that the velocity has a negligible impact, up to the maximum tested speed of 180 km/h. Yuan et al. [7] evaluated the performance of the IEEE 802.11p MAC protocol applied to V2V safety communica-tions in a typical highway environment. Wi-MAX contains IEEE 802.16 a/e/m standards. IEEE 802.16 standard-based WiMAX are able to cover a large geographical area, up to 50 km, and can deliver significant bandwidth to end-users - up to 72 Mbps theoretically. While IEEE 802.16 standard only supports fixed broadband wireless communications, IEEE 802.16e/mobile WiMAX standard supports speeds up to 160 km/h and different classes of Fig.2 Wireless access technologies in IoVAPManagement and Control on the APIEEE 802.16WiMax DatabaseAP Management and Control on the APAPManagement and Control on the APCellular NetworkCellular NetworkDatabaseSatellite NetworkSatellite Network DatabaseAPManagement and Control on the APIEEE 802.11WLAN DatabaseVehicleVehicleVehicleVehicleCentralized Management and Control Unitand Control Unit (CMCU)NetworkDatabaseCMCUIoV3.2 Maintenance of IoVThere are also many aspects to the mainte-nance of IoVs, such as data-awareness, virtual networks, and encoding, but the most im-portant aspect is the switching of the control message for IoV. Routing technology is the suitable solution, and in IoV , is dependent on a number of factors such as velocity, density, and direction of motion of the vehicles. As shown in Fig. 1, vehicles can either be the source or the destination during the process of routing, and various standards have been built to accomplish the task of routing. With the growing needs of the users to access various resources during mobility, efficient techniques are required to support their needs and keep them satisfied.Topology based maintenance: Because of the large overhead incurred for route discovery and route maintenance for highly mobile unco-ordinated vehicles, only a few of the existing routing protocols for inter-vehicle networks are able to handle the requirements of safety applications [10,11]. An important group of routing protocols for ad-hoc networks is based on topology, and needs the establishment of an end-to-end path between the source and the destination before sending any data packet. Due to rapid changes in the network topology and highly varying communication channel conditions, the end-to-end paths determined by regular ad-hoc topology-based routing pro-tocols are easily broken. To solve this prob-lem, several routing protocols have been pro-posed [12,13] [14,15] [16] [17]. For example, Namboodiri and Gao [12] proposed a predic-tion-based routing for V ANETs. The PBR is a reactive routing protocol, which is specifically tailored to the highway mobility scenario, to improve upon routing capabilities without us-ing the overhead of a proactive protocol. The PBR exploits the deterministic motion pat-tern and speeds, to predict roughly how long an existing route between a “node” vehicle and a “gateway” vehicle will last. Using this prediction, the authors pre-emptively create new routes before the existing route lifetimealytical framework which allows comparing 802.11p/WA VE and LTE protocols in terms of the probability of delivering the beacon before the expiration of the deadline. Lei et al. [4] studied the potential use cases and technical design considerations in the operator con-trolled device-to-device communications. The potential use cases were analyzed and classi-fied into four categories. Each use case had its own marketing challenges and the design of related techniques should take these fac-tors into consideration. Gerla and Kleinrock [5] discussed LTE cellular service in a future urban scenario with very high bandwidth and broad range. The so-called cognitive radios will allow the user to be “best connected” all the time. For instance, in a shopping mall or in an airport lounge, LTE will become congested, and the user’s cognitive radio will disconnect from LTE. For vehicles, due to large costs, sat-ellite communications are barely used, except for GPS. It is only a supplement for temporary and emergency uses, when other communica-tion technologies are invalid or unavailable. Looking at the wireless access technologies described above, we think that the 4G or LTE should be the most efficient technology to launch the inter-vehicle network and to acti-vate the IoV . The reasons are as follows. First-ly, 4G or LTE is the most used communication standard, and has been deployed by most countries to provide access services. Obvious-ly, any vehicle can use it to connect to the IoV . Secondly, in the context of high buildings and a complex city environment, the performance of 4G or LTE is the best among all wireless access technologies. Finally, in the past ten years, the development of VANET has been very slow, and can barely be used in the real world. The main reason is that the connected vehicles cannot maintain V ANET in city roads because the goals of drivers are random and different. To maintain the V ANET, all vehicles must access the integrated network of IoV, after which IoV can be activated to provide services for users.which combines store-carry-and-forward tech-nique with routing decisions based on geo-graphic location. These geographic locations are provided by GPS devices. In GeoSpray, authors proposed a hybrid approach, mak-ing use of a multiple copy and a single copy routing scheme. To exploit alternate paths, GeoSpray starts with multiple copy schemes which spread a limited number of bundle cop-ies. Afterwards, it switches to a single copy scheme, which takes advantage of additional opportunities. It improves delivery success and reduces delivery delay. The protocol ap-plies active receipts to clear the delivered bun-dles across the network nodes. Compared with other geographic location-based schemes, and single copy and non-location based multiple copy routing protocols, it was found that Geo-Spray improves delivery probability and re-duces delivery delay. In contrast to the above work, Bernsen and Manivannan proposed [20] a routing protocol for V ANETs that utilizes an undirected graph representing the surrounding street layout, where the vertices of the graph are points at which streets curve or intersect, and the graph edges represent the street seg-ments between those vertices. Unlike existing protocols, it performs real-time, active traffic monitoring and uses these data and other data gathered through passive mechanisms to as-sign a reliability rating to each street edge. Then, considering the different environments, a qualitative survey of position-based rout-ing protocols was made in [21], in which the major goal was to check if there was a good candidate for both environments or not. An-other perspective was offered by Liu et al. [22], who proposed a relative position based message dissemination protocol to guarantee high delivery ratio with acceptable latency and limited overhead. Campolo et al. [23] used the time, space and channel diversity to improve the efficiency and robustness of network ad-vertisement procedures in urban scenarios. Clustering based maintenance: In this type of routing scheme, one of the nodes among the vehicles in the cluster area becomes a clusterhead (CH), and manages the rest ofexpires. Toutouh et al. [13] proposed a well-known mobile ad hoc network routing proto-col for V ANETs to optimize parameter settings for link state routing by using an automatic optimization tool. Nzounta et al.[15] proposed a class of road-based VANET routing proto-cols. These protocols leverage real-time ve-hicular traffic information to create paths. Fur -thermore, geographical forwarding allows the use of any node on a road segment to transfer packets between two consecutive intersections on the path, reducing the path’s sensitivity to individual node movements. Huang et al. [16] examined the efficiency of node-disjoint path routing subject to different degrees of path coupling, with and without packet redundancy. An Adaptive approach for Information Dis-semination (AID) in VANETs was presented in [14], in which each node gathered the in-formation on neighbor nodes such as distance measurements, fixed upper/lower bounds and the number of neighboring nodes. Using this information, each node dynamically adjusts the values of local parameters. The authors of this approach also proposed a rebroadcast-ing algorithm to obtain the threshold value. The results obtained show that AID is better than other conventional schemes in its cate-gory. Fathy et al. [17] proposed a QoS Aware protocol for improving QoS in VANET. The protocol uses Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), which runs over any Layer 2 technol-ogies; and routers forward packets by looking at the label of the packet without searching the routing table for the next hop.Geographic based maintaining. The geo-graphic routing based protocols rely mainly on the position information of the destination, which is known either through the GPS sys-tem or through periodic beacon messages. By knowing their own position and the destination position, the messages can be routed directly, without knowing the topology of the network or prior route discovery. V . Naumov et al. [18] specifically designed a position-based routing protocol for inter-vehicle communication in a city and/or highway environment. Soares et al. [19] proposed the GeoSpray routing protocol,dynamic transmission range, the direction of vehicles, the entropy, and the distrust value parameters. Wang et al. [26] refined the orig -inal PC mechanism and proposed a passive clustering aided mechanism, the main goal of which is to construct a reliable and stable clus-ter structure for enhancing the routing perfor-mance in V ANETs. The proposed mechanism includes route discovery, route establishment, and data transmission phases. The main idea is to select suitable nodes to become cluster-heads or gateways, which then forward route request packets during the route discovery phase. Each clusterhead or gateway candidate self-evaluates its qualification for clusterhead or gateway based on a priority derived from athe nodes, which are called cluster members. If a node falls in the communication range of two or more clusters, it is called a border node. Different protocols have been proposed for this scheme, and they differ in terms of how the CH is selected and the way the routing is done. R. S. Schwartz et al. [24] proposed a dissemination protocol suitable for both sparse and dense vehicular networks. Suppression techniques were employed in dense networks, while the store-carry-forward communication model was used in sparse networks. A. Daein-abi [25] proposed a novel clustering algorithm - vehicular clustering - based on a weighted clustering algorithm that takes into consider-ation the number of neighbors based on theavoidance. At present, collision avoidance technologies are largely vehicle-based systems offered by original equipment manufacturers as autonomous packages which broadly serve two functions, collision warning and driver assistance. The former warns the driver when a collision seems imminent, while the latter partially controls the vehicle either for steady-state or as an emergency intervention [41]. To be specific, collision warning includes notifi -cations about a chain car accident, warnings about road conditions such as slippery road, and approaching emergency vehicle warning [5]. On the one hand, collision warnings could be used to warn cars of an accident that oc-curred further along the road, thus presenting a pile-up from occurring. On the other hand, they could also be used to provide drivers with early warnings and prevent an accident from happening in the first place. Note that driving near and through intersections is one of the most complex challenges that drivers face be-cause two or more traffic flows intersect, and the possibility of collision is high [42]. The intelligent intersection, where such conven-tional traffic control devices as stop signs and traffic signals are removed, has been a hot area of research for recent years. Vehicles coordi-nate their movement across the intersection through a combination of centralized and dis-tributed real-time decision making, utilizing global positioning, wireless communications and in-vehicle sensing and computation 1. A number of solutions for collision avoidance of multiple vehicles at an intersection have been proposed. A computationally efficient control law [43-45] has been derived from ex-ploitation of the monotonicity of the vehicles’ dynamics, but it has not been applied to more than two vehicles. An algorithm that addresses multi-vehicle collisions, based on abstraction, has been proposed in [46]. An algorithmic ap-proach to enforcing safety based on a time slot assignment, which can handle a larger number of vehicles, is found in [41]. Colombo et al. [47] designed a supervisor for collision avoid-ance, which is based on a hybrid algorithm that employs a dynamic model of the vehiclesweighted combination of the proposed metrics. P. Miao [27] proposed a cooperative commu-nication aware link scheduling scheme, with the objective of maximizing the throughput for a session in C-V ANETs. They let the RSU schedule the multi-hop data transmissions among vehicles on highways by sending small sized control messages.Based on the above overview, we provide a relative comparison of all routing protocols in Tab 1. In this table, Route length is the total distance between source and destination. PDR is the packet delivery ratio. Latency is the in-terval of time between the first broadcast and the end of the last host’s broadcast. Latency includes buffering, queuing, transmission and propagation delays.3.3 IoV applicationsWith the rapid development of numeric infor-mation technology and network technology, it is brought forward that theautomatization and intelligentization of vehicle.This gives birth to lots of applications which combine safe driving with service provision. For example, Apple CarPlay, originally introduced as iOS in vehicles, offer full-on automobile integration for Apple’s Maps and turn-by-turn navigation, phone, iMeessage, and music service 5. Similar to CarPlay, Google Android Auto provides a distraction-free interface that allows drivers enjoy the services by connecting Android de-vices to the vehicle. Chinese Tecent recently launched its homegrown navigation app Lu-bao that features user generated contents and social functions 7. For demonstration purposes, in this paper, IoV applications can be divided into two major categories: Safety applications and User applications. Applications that in-crease vehicle safety and improve the safety of the passengers on the roads by notifying the vehicles about any dangerous situation in their neighborhood are called safety applications. Applications that provide value-added services are called User applications.Technologies to enhance vehicular and passenger safety are of great interest, and one of the important applications is collision。
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DS91M125 125 MHz 1 4 M-LVDS Repeater with LVDS Inp
DS91M125 125 MHz 1:4 M-LVDS Repeater withLVDS Input Evaluation KitUSER MANUALPart Number: DS91M125EVK NOPBFor the latest documents concerning these products and evaluation kit, visit . Schematics andgerber files are also available at OverviewThe purpose of this document is to familiarize you with the DS91M125 evaluation board, suggest the test setup procedures and instrumentation, and to guide you through some typical measurements that will demonstrate the performance of the device. The board enables the user to examine performance and all functions of theDS91M125 as a standalone device.The DS91M125 is a high-speed 1:4 M-LVDS repeater with an LVDS input designed for multipoint applications with multiple drivers or receivers. The device conforms to TIA/EIA-899 standard. It utilizes M-LVDS technology for low power, high-speed and superior noise immunity.DescriptionFigure 1 below represents the top layer drawing of the board with the silkscreen annotations. It is a 2.5 x 3 inch 4 layer printed circuit board (PCB) that features a single DS91M125 (U2) device.Figure 1 -DS91M125EVK Top View DrawingDS91M125 Evaluation in a Point-to-Point LinkThe following is a recommended procedure for using and evaluating the DS91M125EVK. Figure 2 depicts a typical setup and instrumentation used.1. Select a single DS91M125 evaluation board.2. Apply the power to the board (3.3 V typical) between J3 and J4 power tabs, observe the value of I CC,and compare it with the expected value (refer to the datasheet) to ensure that the devices arefunctional.3. Enable one of the U2 driver outputs. This is accomplished by setting the DE0-3 pin to VDD (JP3-6).4. Connect a signal source to the driver input (DI+, DI-). The signal needs to be an LVDS/M-LVDS/CML/LVPECL compliant signal. Refer to the DS91M125 datasheet for the receiver inputcompatibility.5. Connect one of the U2 outputs (A0-3/B0-3) to an oscilloscope and observe the waveforms.Figure 2 – DS91M125 Test SetupFigure 3 shows an eye diagram acquired at the output of the DS91M125 driver loaded with a 100-ohm resistor. The generator connected to the driver input simulated a 100 Mbps PRBS-7 NRZ.Figure 3 – DS91M125 OutputIMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications,and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Further,Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or"enhanced plastic."Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications.Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Automotive and Transportation /automotiveAmplifiers Communications and Telecom /communicationsData Converters Computers and Peripherals /computersDLP®Products Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDSP Energy and Lighting /energyClocks and Timers /clocks Industrial /industrialInterface Medical /medicalLogic Security /securityPower Mgmt Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Mobile Processors /omapWireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityTI E2E Community Home Page Mailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
• Future vehicle systems
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每一次这样的技术变革都引起企业间、产业间甚至国家间竞争格局的重大动荡 和变化。而互联网革命一定程度上是由美国“信息高速公路”战略所催熟。
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常见心律失常心电图诊断的误区诺如 病毒感 染的防 控知识 介绍责 任那些 事浅谈 用人单 位承担 的社会 保险法 律责任 和案例 分析现 代农业 示范工 程设施 红地球 葡萄栽 培培训 材料
Partially by Azer Bestavros, Boston University, 2008
常见心律失常心电图诊断的误区诺如 病毒感 染的防 控知识 介绍责 任那些 事浅谈 用人单 位承担 的社会 保险法 律责任 和案例 分析现 代农业 示范工 程设施 红地球 葡萄栽 培培训 材料
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Automotive Systems and Control
Automotive Systems and Control As an AI, I am not capable of having emotions or personal experiences. However, I can provide a detailed and comprehensive response to the prompt on Automotive Systems and Control. Automotive systems and control are crucial aspects of modern vehicles, playing a significant role in ensuring safety, efficiency, and overall performance. These systems encompass a wide range of components and technologies, including engine management, transmission control, braking systems, and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Each of these systems is designed to work together seamlessly, providing a smooth and reliable driving experience for the vehicle's occupants. One of the key challenges in automotive systems and controlis the increasing complexity of modern vehicles. With the integration of advanced technologies such as electric propulsion, autonomous driving capabilities, and connectivity features, the number of control units and sensors in a vehicle has grown exponentially. This complexity presents a significant challenge for automotive engineers and technicians, as they must ensure that all systems work together harmoniously while also being resilient to potential faults and failures. From an engineering perspective, automotive systems and control require a deep understanding of mechanical, electrical, and software engineering principles. Engineers must design and optimize control algorithms to ensure that the vehicle operates efficiently and safely in all driving conditions. This involves extensive testing and validation to verify the performance of these systems, both in controlled environments and real-world scenarios. Additionally, engineers must consider factors such as energy efficiency, emissions control, and compliance with regulatory standards when developing automotive control systems. In addition to the technical aspects, automotive systems and control also have a significant impact on the user experience. Features such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, and automatic parking systems have become increasingly commonin modern vehicles, aiming to improve driver comfort and convenience. However, the introduction of these advanced driver assistance systems also raises important ethical and legal considerations, particularly regarding the delegation of control between the driver and the vehicle. As vehicles become more autonomous, questions arise about liability in the event of accidents and the ethical implications ofalgorithmic decision-making in critical situations. Furthermore, the integration of connectivity features in automotive systems and control introduces cybersecurity concerns. With vehicles becoming more interconnected through wireless communication protocols, they are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks. Ensuring the security of automotive control systems is paramount to prevent unauthorized access to vehicle functions and protect the privacy of vehicle occupants. From a user's perspective, automotive systems and control play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of their vehicles. Drivers rely on these systems to operate their vehicles effectively, especially in challenging driving conditions. Features such as anti-lock braking systems (ABS), electronic stability control (ESC), and traction control systems provide drivers with a sense of security and confidence, particularly in adverse weather or emergency situations. Moreover, the integration of advanced driver assistance systems, such as collision avoidance and pedestrian detection, can potentially save lives and reduce the severity of accidents. In conclusion, automotive systems and control are essential components of modern vehicles, encompassing a wide range of technical, ethical, and user-oriented considerations. As vehicles continue to evolve with advanced technologies, the development and integration of automotive control systems will remain a key focus for automotive engineers and manufacturers. It is essential to address the increasing complexity, ethical implications, and cybersecurity challenges associated with automotive systems and control to ensure the safety, efficiency, and reliability of future vehicles.。
wireless receiver感叹号
wireless receiver感叹号Wireless Receiver: The Ultimate Solution for a Tangle-Free ConnectionWireless technology has revolutionized the way we connect and communicate in the modern world. With the increasing popularity of wireless devices, the demand for efficient and reliable wireless receivers has also soared. In this article, we will explore the wonders of wireless receiver technology and its impact on our daily lives.1. Introduction: Embracing the Wireless RevolutionThe growth of wireless devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches has paved the way for a wire-free lifestyle. Wireless receivers play a crucial role in enabling seamless connectivity between these devices and other peripherals, creating a hassle-free user experience. By eliminating the need for cables and wires, wireless receivers offer flexibility, convenience, and freedom.2. How Wireless Receivers WorkWireless receivers, also known as wireless transceivers, utilize radio frequency (RF) technology to establish a connection between devices. They receive signals wirelessly and convert them into usable data, allowing devices to communicate and transfer information without physical connections.These receivers employ various wireless communication protocols, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and NFC (Near Field Communication), to achieve reliable and efficient data transmission. Each protocol offers uniqueadvantages in terms of range, speed, and power consumption, catering to different connectivity needs.3. Applications of Wireless ReceiversWireless receivers find extensive applications across a wide range of industries and everyday scenarios. Let's explore some of the most prominent applications:a. Entertainment Industry: Wireless audio receivers have revolutionized the way we experience music and entertainment. Bluetooth-enabled speakers, headphones, and soundbars provide a seamless audio experience without the hassle of tangled wires.b. Home Automation: Wireless receivers, when integrated with home automation systems, allow us to control various household appliances remotely. From smart thermostats to security cameras, these receivers offer a convenient and connected home experience.c. Automotive Industry: Wireless technology plays a vital role in modern vehicles. Wireless receivers enable hands-free calling, audio streaming, and even wireless charging, enhancing driver convenience and safety.d. Healthcare: Wireless receivers have transformed the healthcare industry, enabling remote patient monitoring and telemedicine. Medical devices equipped with wireless technology ensure real-time data transmission for accurate diagnosis and treatment.4. Advantages of Wireless ReceiversWireless receivers bring numerous benefits that enhance our daily lives. Let's delve into some of the key advantages:a. Mobility and Flexibility: Wireless receivers enable unrestricted movement, allowing us to connect and communicate with devices without being tied down by cables. This freedom of movement enhances productivity and convenience.b. Decluttered Spaces: Say goodbye to the tangle of wires! Wireless receivers eliminate the need for cables and wires, reducing clutter and creating a clean and organized environment.c. Enhanced User Experience: With wireless receivers, connecting devices becomes effortless, streamlining interactions and improving user experience. Quick and easy pairing of devices ensures a seamless connection every time.d. Improved Connectivity: Wireless receivers offer reliable and stable connections, ensuring uninterrupted data transmission. This is particularly crucial for video streaming, online gaming, and other bandwidth-intensive applications.5. Challenges and Future DevelopmentsWhile wireless receivers have come a long way, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. These include limited range, potential interference, and security concerns. However, continuous advancements in wireless technology are pushing these boundaries, offering promising solutions for a more connected future.In the near future, we can expect further improvements in wireless receiver technology, such as increased range, faster data transfer speeds, and enhanced security measures. This will open up new possibilities and revolutionize industries even further.6. Conclusion: Empowering Wireless ConnectivityWireless receivers have transformed the way we connect and interact with devices, providing unparalleled convenience and freedom. From entertainment to healthcare, these receivers have become an integral part of our daily lives, enabling seamless connectivity and enhancing user experience. As technology continues to evolve, wireless receiver technology will play a pivotal role in shaping our wireless future. Embrace the wireless revolution and experience the wonders of wireless receivers!。
Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications
Wireless Sensor Networks andApplicationsWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential to revolutionize various industries and applications. These networks consist of small, low-cost sensor nodes that are wirelessly connected to collect and transmit data from the environment. The applications of WSNs are diverse, ranging from environmental monitoring, healthcare, smart homes, industrial automation, agriculture, and more. However, despite their promising potential, WSNs also face several challenges and limitations that need to be addressed for their widespread adoption and success. One of the primarychallenges of WSNs is their limited power supply. Most sensor nodes are powered by batteries, which have a finite lifespan and need to be replaced or recharged periodically. This limitation poses a significant constraint on the deployment and maintenance of WSNs, especially in remote or inaccessible areas. Researchers and engineers are actively working on developing energy-efficient protocols, algorithms, and hardware designs to prolong the battery life of sensor nodes and enable self-sustainability through energy harvesting techniques such as solar, kinetic, or thermal energy. Another critical issue facing WSNs is their vulnerability to security threats and attacks. Since WSNs are often deployed in unattended or hostile environments, they are susceptible to various security risks, including eavesdropping, data tampering, node impersonation, and denial-of-service attacks. Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data in WSNs is a complex and ongoing research area, requiring the development of robust encryption, authentication, key management, and intrusion detection mechanisms to protect against malicious activities and safeguard sensitive information. Furthermore, the scalability and reliability of WSNs are significant concerns, particularly as the number of deployed sensor nodes increases. As WSNs grow insize and complexity, it becomes challenging to maintain efficient communication, data aggregation, and network management. The dynamic nature of wireless communication, environmental interference, and node failures can lead to packet loss, latency, and network congestion, affecting the overall performance andreliability of WSNs. Addressing these scalability and reliability issues requires the design of adaptive routing protocols, fault-tolerant mechanisms, and quality-of-service optimizations to ensure seamless and dependable operation in diverse WSN applications. In addition to technical challenges, the real-world deployment and commercialization of WSNs also face economic, regulatory, and societal barriers. The high initial deployment costs, interoperability with existing infrastructure, compliance with industry standards, and privacy concerns are all factors that impact the widespread adoption and acceptance of WSNs in various domains. Moreover, the ethical implications of collecting and analyzing large volumes of data from WSNs, such as personal health information or environmental surveillance, raise important questions about consent, transparency, and accountability in the use of sensor-generated data. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of WSNs in enabling smart, connected, and sustainable systems are driving continued research, innovation, and investment in this field. The development of advanced sensor technologies, wireless communication protocols, data analytics, and edge computing capabilities is unlocking new opportunities for WSNs to enhance efficiency, productivity, and quality of life in diverse applications. By addressing the technical, operational, and ethical challenges, WSNs can realize their full potential as a foundational infrastructure for the Internet of Things (IoT) and contribute to a more interconnected and intelligent world.。
Spring 2011Analog and Interface Product Selector Guide⏹ Thermal Management ⏹Battery Management ⏹Interface Peripherals⏹ Power Management ⏹Linear & Mixed-Signal ⏹Safety & Security/analogTable of Contents2 Analog and Interface Product Selector GuideThermal ManagementTemperature Sensors ............................................4Logic Output Temperature Sensors ....................4Voltage Output Temperature Sensors .................4Serial Output Temperataure Sensors .................4Brushless DC Fan Controllers andFan Fault Detectors (5)Motor DriversStepper Motors, DC Motors and 3 PhaseBLDC Fan Controllers (5)Power ManagementVoltage References ...............................................6Linear Regulators50-250 mA LDO Linear Regulators ....................6300 mA LDO Linear Regulators .........................7500-800 mA LDO Linear Regulators ..................71A and > LDO Linear Regulators .......................8Application Specific LDO Linear Regulators ........8Combination Products ...........................................8Switching Regulators .............................................9PWM Controllers ...................................................9Charge Pump DC-to-DC Converters .......................10Inverting or Doubling Charge Pumps ................10Inverting and Doubling Charge Pumps .............10Regulated Charge Pumps ................................10CPU/System Supervisors ....................................11Voltage Detectors ................................................12Power MOSFET Drivers ........................................12Low-Side Drivers, 0.5A to 1.2A PeakOutput Current ...............................................12Low-Side Drivers, 1.5A Peak Output Current .....12Low-Side Drivers, 2.0A to 12.0A PeakOutput Current ...............................................13High-Side/Low-Side Drivers .............................13Synchronous Buck High-Side Drivers ................13Battery Chargers .................................................14Hot Swap Controllers . (15)LinearOp Amps ............................................................15High Precision Operational Amplifiers ...................18Chopper Stabilized .........................................18Auto-Zero .......................................................18Programmable Gain Amplifiers (PGA) ....................18Selectable Gain Amplifiers (SGA) ..........................18Comparators . (19)Mixed SignalSuccessive Approximation Register (SAR)A/D Converters ...................................................19Delta-Sigma A/D Converters ................................20Energy Measurement IC’s ....................................20Dual-Slope A/D Converters ..................................20Binary and BCD A/D Converters ...........................21Display A/D Converters .......................................21Digital Potentiometers .........................................21Frequency-to-Voltage/Voltage-to-FrequencyConverters ..........................................................23D/A Converters (23)InterfaceController Area Network (CAN) Products (24)Infrared Products.................................................24Ethernet Products ...............................................24Passive Access Products .....................................24LIN Transceiver Products ......................................25Serial Peripherals ................................................25IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee® RF Tranceiver Products .....25Stand-alone RF Receiver Products ........................25USB Products .. (25)Safety & SecurityPhotoelectric Smoke Detector ICs ........................26Ionization Smoke Detector ICs .............................26Ionization Smoke Detector Front Ends ..................26Piezoelectric Horn Drivers (26)Analog Design and Development ToolsThermal Management ..........................................27Mixed Signal .......................................................27Power Management .............................................28Interface .............................................................29Linear .................................................................30Analog Blank Evaluation Boards ...........................30Miscellaneous Analog Demonstrationand Evaluation Tools (30)Featured Analog Development ToolsThermal Management ..........................................31Mixed Signal .......................................................31Power Management .............................................31Interface .............................................................32Linear .. (32)Part Number DesignationsAnalog Products with “TC” Prefix ..........................33Analog Products with “MCP” Prefix .......................34Analog Products with “RE46C” Prefix .. (35)Need Additional Support and Resources?Microchip is committed to supporting its customers byhelping design engineers develop products faster and more efficiently. Customers can access three main service areas at . The Support area provides a fast way to get questions answered. The Sample area offers evaluation samples of any Microchip device. microchipDIRECT provides 24-hour pricing, ordering, inventory and credit for convenient purchasing of all Microchip devices and development tools. This site also features online programming capabilities. Finally, the Training area offers opportunities to expand your knowledge with Microchip’s online web seminars and hands-on courses at our worldwide Regional Training Centers (RTCs). Our seminars and training classes are designed to fit your schedule and offer an overview of many product, development tool and application topics. Visit /training for class content and schedules.Have you ever encountered a technical dilemma at a critical point in your design development and your supplier was not available to answer your questions? Microchip’s first ever 24/7 global technical support line brings technical support resources any time help is needed. Because some technical problems require hands-on assistance in order to be resolved quickly, Microchip has also developed a global team of field applications engineers and field sales engineers for local assistance.Microchip’s integrated analog technology, peripherals and features are engineered to meet today’s demanding designrequirements. Our broad spectrum of analog products addresses thermalmanagement, power management, battery management, mixed-signal, linear, interface and safety & security solutions. Combined with “Intelligent Analog” microcontrollers, Microchip offers an extensive analog portfolio for thousands of high-performance design applications in the automotive, communications (wireless), consumer, computing and industrial control markets.Our broad portfolio of stand-alone analog and interface devices offershighly integrated solutions that combine various analog functions in space-savingpackages and support a variety of bus interfaces. Many of these devices support functionality that enhances theanalog features currently available on PIC®microcontrollers.Want a Business Partner,Not Just a Vendor?Successful companies recognize the value of a strategic supplier relationship to help them deliver innovative products to their markets in a timely manner. They trust their suppliers to furnish quality components for current design opportunities as well as provide technology road maps and innovative solutions to stay ahead of tomorrow’s design trends.Microchip Technology provides low-risk product development, lower total system cost and faster time to market to more than 45,000 of these successful companies worldwide. Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, Microchip offersoutstanding technical support along with dependable delivery and quality.Founded in 1989, Microchip’s business model is based on a series of guiding values that aim to establish successful customer partnerships by exceeding expectations forproducts, services and attitude. Continuous improvement, technology innovation and the pursuit of the highest quality possible drive Microchip’s company culture.The result is a worldwide organization dedicated to delivering whole product solutions which include high performance silicon devices, easy-to-use development tools, outstanding technical support and sophisticated technical documentation.Are Quality and Delivery a Concern?Microchip’s quality systems are certified according to the International Organization for Standards/Technical Specification (ISO/TS)-16949:2002 requirements. This demonstrates that the Company’s quality systems meet the most stringent industry quality-management system standards, resulting in high-quality semiconductor products.Direct control over manufacturing resources allows shortened design and production cycles. By owning the wafer fabrication facilities and the majority of the test and assemblyoperations, and by employing proprietary statistical process control techniques, Microchip has been able to achieve and maintain high production yields.Are you Looking for CompleteAnalog & Interface Design Solutions?Microchip Technology’s Stand-Alone Analog & Interface PortfolioAnalog and Interface Product Selector Guide 328Analog and Interface Product Selector GuideAnalog and Interface Product Selector Guide 2930 Analog and Interface Product Selector GuideThermal Management ProductsMCP9700 Thermistor Demo Board (MCP9700DM-TH1)The MCP9700 Thermistor Demo Board contains the analog circuitry to measure temperature. The board uses BC Components’ 232264055103 NTC thermistor to convert temperature toresistance. The thermistor is placed in a voltage divider which converts resistance to voltage. This voltage is filtered and placed at the MCP6S22Programmable Gain Amplifier’s (PGA) CH0 input. The PGA gains and buffers the thermistor.PT100 RTD Evaluation Board (TMPSNS-RTD1)This board demonstrates how to bias a Resistive Temperature Detector (RTD) and accurately measure temperature. Up to two RTDs can be connected. The RTDs are biased using constant currentsource and the output voltage is scaled using a differential amplifier. The output is then connected to a 12-bitdifferential Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) MCP3301. The ADC outputs serial data to a PIC18F2550 device using a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). The data is transmitted to a PC using a USB interface. A Microsoft Excel® macro is used as a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to acquire the data. The acquired data is stored in an Excel worksheet and graphed as a real-time strip chart display.MCP9800 Temperature Data Logger Demo Board(MCP9800DM-DL)Allows users to store up to 128,000 temperature readings from the MCP9800 sensor to the 24LC1025, Microchip’s 1024 Kbit EEPROM. A PIC16F684 MCU communicates with the sensorand EEPROM. In addition, the PIC MCU interfaces to a PC using the PICkit™ 1 Flash Starter Kit and transfers thetemperature readings from the EEPROM to the PC. Microsoft Excel® can be used to view the data.Mixed Signal ProductsMCP3909 and PIC18F85J90 Single Phase Energy Meter Reference Design (MCP3909RD-1PH1)The MCP3909/PIC18F85J90 Single Phase Energy Meter Reference Design is a fully function single phase meter. The design isintended to be low cost and is transformerless. The design uses a half-wave rectified power supply circuit and a shunt current sensing element. A single MCP3909 acts as theanalog front end measurement circuitry. The PIC18F85J90 directly drives the LCD glass and displays active energy consumption.MCP3421 Battery Fuel Gauge Demo Board(MCP3421DM-BFG)This board is used to demonstrate the MCP3421 18-bit delta-sigma ADC for battery fuel gauging applications. It includes two MCP3421 devices,MCP73831 (single cell Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Charger) and PIC18F4550 MCU. The board measures: (1) the battery voltage and (2) the current coming out from the battery in the discharging mode and into the battery in the charging mode using the ADC device (if charging mode is enabled (optional)). It calculates the total fuel used and also fuel remaining.MCP4725 PICtail Plus Daughter Board(MCP4725DM-PTPLS)This daughter board demonstrates the MCP4725 (12 bit DAC with non-volatile memory) features using the Explorer 16 Development Board and the PICkit Serial Analyzer.MCP42XX PICtail Plus Daughter Board(MCP42XXDM-PTPLS)The MCP42XX PICtail Plus Daughter Board is used to demonstrate the operation of the MCP42XX Digital Potentiometers. The operation of theMCP41XX devices is similar to the MCP42XX devices. Therefore, this demo board can be used as a development platform for either device family. This board is designed to be used in conjunction with either the PIC24 Explorer 16 Demo Board or the PICkit Serial Analyzer.Power Management ProductsMCP1631HV Multi-Chemistry Battery ChargerReference Design (MCP1631RD-MCC1)This reference design is a complete stand-alone constant current battery charger for NiMH, NiCd or constant current/constant voltage for Li-Ion battery packs. When charging NiMH or NiCd batteries, the reference design is capable ofcharging one, two, three or four batteries connected in series and one or two series batteries for Li-Ion. This board utilizes the MCP1631HV (high-speed PIC MCU PWM TSSOP-20) and PIC16F883 (28-pin SSOP).MCP73871 Demo Board with Voltage Proportional Current Control (MCP73871DM-VPCC)The MCP73871 Demo Board with Voltage Proportional Current Control is designed to demonstrate Microchip’s stand-alone linear Li-Ion battery charger with system power path and load sharing management controlsolution. The MCP73871 integrates the required elements to meet design challenges when developing new Li-Ion/Li-Polymer battery powered products.TA t d EEPROM Id MCP73831(ilMCP41XX devicesischargingonel ti ThMCAnalog and Interface Product Selector Guide 31LIN Serial Analyzer (APGDT001)The LIN Serial Analyzer developmentsystem enables a Personal Computer (PC) to communicate with a LIN (Local Interface Network) bus. The PC program uses a graphical user interface to enter anddisplay message frames occurring on the target B to UART Converter Evaluation Board(MCP2200EV-VCP)The USB to UART Converter Eval board allows users to store up to 128,000 temperature readings from the MCP9800 sensor to the 24LC1025, Microchip’s 1024 Kbit EEPROM. A PIC16F684 MCUcommunicates with the sensor and EEPROM. In addition, the PIC MCU interfaces to a PC using the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit and transfers the temperature readings from the EEPROM to the PC. Microsoft Excel can be used to view the data.Linear ProductsMCP6V01 Thermocouple Auto-Zeroed Ref Design Board (MCP6V01RD-TCPL)The MCP6V01 design board demonstrates how to use a difference amplifiersystem to measure Electromotive Force (EMF) voltage at the cold junction ofthermocouple in order to accurately measure temperature of the thermocouple bead. This can be done by using the MCP6V01 auto-zeroed op amp because of its ultra lowoffset Voltage (VOS) and high Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR).MCP651 Input Offset Evaluation Board(MCP651EV-VOS)The MCP651 Input Offset Evaluation board is intended to provide a simple means to measure the MCP651 Input Offset Evaluation Board op amp’s input offset voltage under a variety of operatingconditions. The measured input offset voltage (VOST) includes the input offset voltage specified in the data sheet (VOS) plus changes due to: power supply voltage (PSRR), common mode voltage (CMRR), output voltage (AOL), input offset voltage drift over temperature (ΔVOS/ΔTA) and 1/f noise.MCP6271 Active Filter Eval Kit (MCP6XXXDM-FLTR)This kit supports active filters designed by FilterLab® V2.0. These filters are all pole and are built by cascading first and second order sections. The kit includes: one PCB designed to provide mid-supply biasing to the other printed circuit boards,four PCBs that support active filter designs with filter order between n = 1 and 8 (output test point for lab equipment provided) and op amps, zero ohm jumpers, resistors and capacitors that can be used to help build filters.MCP73X23 OVP Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Charger Evaluation Board (MCP73X23EV-LFP)The MCP73X23 Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Charger Evaluation boarddemonstrates the features of Microchip’s MCP73123 and MCP73223 Lithium IronPhosphate (LiFePO4) Battery Charge Management Controller with Input Overvoltage Protection.MCP7383X Li-Ion System Power Path ManagementReference Design (MCP7383XRD-PPM)This reference design is developed to assist product designers in reducing product design cycle and time byutilizing Microchip’s stand-alone Li-Ion battery charge management controllerswith system power path management. Due to the natural characteristics of Li-Ion/Li-Polymer batteries, they are the most popular power sources for mobile devices, however, extra care in design is always important. System Power Path Management allows end-users to charge their batteries without interruption.MCP1640 Sync Boost Converter Evaluation Board(MCP1640EV-SBC)The MCP1640 Synchronous Boost Converter Evaluation board demonstrates the MCP1640 in two boost-converter applications with multiple output voltages. It can be used to evaluate both package options (SOT-23-6 and 2x3-8 DFN). This board was developed to help engineers reduce the product design cycle time.MCP1252 Charge Pump Backlight Demo Board(MCP1252DM-BKLT)The MCP1252 board demonstrates the use of a charge pump device in an LED application and acts as a platform to evaluate the MCP1252 device in general. Light intensity is controlled uniformlythrough the use of ballast resistors. A PIC10F206 MCU provides an enable signal to the MCP1252 and accepts a push-button input that allows the white LEDs to be adjusted to five different light intensities.Interface ProductsMCP2515 CAN Bus Monitor Demo Board(MCP2515DM-BM)The MCP2515 CAN Bus Monitor Demo board kit contains two identical boards which can be connected together to create a simple two node Controller Area Network (CAN) bus, which can be controlled and/or monitored via the included PC interface. The board(s) can also be connected to an existing CAN bus.Tt through the useofit d ith dilthermocouple ino conditionsThe32 Analog and Interface Product Selector GuideOrdering Information for all Microchip Analog Products beginning with “TC” prefix (formerly TelCom Semiconductor Products)TC 7106 A-60 1 C P L 713Taping Direction:TR or 713: Standard Taping, blank: no tape and reel Number of Package Pins (See specific data sheet)Package TypeOperating Temperature Range:C: Commercial Range (0°C to +70°C)E: Extended Industrial Range (-40°C to +85°C)I: Industrial Range (-25°C to +85°C)M: Military Range (-55°C to +125°C)V: See Data Sheet for Specific Temperature Range(Extra Feature Code and/or Tolerance)* (See specific data sheet)(Output Voltage or Detect Voltage)* (If applicable, see specific data sheet)Electrical Performance Grade Option (Variation/Option)* (If applicable, see specific data sheet)A: Test Selection Criteria (See specific data sheet)B:R: Reversed Pin LayoutProduct Part Number (2 to 6 characters, see specific data sheet)Product PrefixNOTE: ( )* Used for voltage regulators and detectors.Analog and Interface Product Selector Guide 33Package Type (see table below)Operating Temperature Range:- blank: Commercial Range (0°C to +70°C)I: Industrial (-40°C to +85°C) E: Extended Industrial Range (-40°C to +125°C Supervisor Bond Options:D:F:H:blank: Not ApplicableReset Voltage Thresholds or Performance Grade Options:(1-3 characters, see specific data sheets)270: 2.7V reset threshold 300: 3.0V reset threshold 315: 3.15V reset threshold 450: 4.5V reset threshold 460: 4.6V reset threshold 475: 4.7V reset threshold 485: 4.85V reset threshold or B: Grade (see specific data sheet)C: Grade (see specific data sheet)or blank: not applicable Tape and Reel:T: Tape and Reel blank: No Tape and ReelProduct Part Number (3-6 characters, see specific data sheet)Product PrefixOrdering Information for all Microchip Analog Products beginning with “MCP” prefixMCP xxxxx T - yyy z h / qq34 Analog and Interface Product Selector GuideAnalog and Interface Product Selector Guide 35Tape and Reel:TF: Tape and Reel F: No Tape and ReelPackage Type (2 to 4 characters, see table below)Product Part Number (3 characters, see specific data sheet)Product PrefixOrdering Information for all Microchip Analog Products beginning with “RE46C” prefixRE46C xxx yyyy zzInformation subject to change. The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo and PIC are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. FilterLab and MXDEV are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. PICkit and PICtail are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. © 2011, Microchip Technology Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 2/11DS21060W*DS21060W*Microchip Technology Inc.2355 W. Chandler Blvd.Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 SupportMicrochip is committed to supporting its customersin developing products faster and more efficiently. We maintain a worldwide network of field applications engineers and technical support ready to provide product and system assistance. 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车载终端通过VNA 可以为监控管理中心和驾驶员提供足够和及时的交通驾驶信息从而提供优质交通疏导来解决交通问题[1]。
12226hfbTYPICAL APPLICATIONFEATURESAPPLICATIONSDESCRIPTION125°C ADC in LQFPThe L TC ®2226H is a 12-bit 25Msps, low power 3V A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The L TC2226H is perfect for demanding imaging and communications applications with AC performance that includes 71.4dB SNR and 90dB SFDR.DC specs include ±0.3LSB INL (typ), ±0.3LSB DNL (typ) and no missing codes over temperature. The transition noise is a low 0.25LSB RMS .A single 3V supply allows low power operation. A separate output supply allows the outputs to drive 0.5V to 3.6V logic.A single-ended CLK input controls converter operation. An optional clock duty cycle stabilizer allows high performance at full speed for a wide range of clock duty cycles.Typical INL, 2V RangenSample Rate: 25Msps n –40°C to 125°C Operationn Single 3V Supply (2.8V to 3.5V)n Low Power: 75mW n 71.4dB SNR n 90dB SFDRn No Missing Codesn Flexible Input: 1V P-P to 2V P-P Range n575MHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H n Clock Duty Cycle Stabilizer n Shutdown and Nap Modes nPin Compatible Familyn L TC2246H (14-Bit), L TC2226H (12-Bit)n 48-Pin (7mm × 7mm) LQFP PackagenAutomotive n Industrialn Wireless and Wired Broadband Communication•••D0REFH REFLDDCODEI N L E R RO R (L S B )3072 2226 TA01b1024204840961.000.750.500.250–0.25–0.50–0.75–1.0022226hfbCONVERTER CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSupply Voltage (V DD ) ..................................................4V Digital Output Ground Voltage (OGND) ........–0.3V to 1V Analog Input Voltage (Note 3) .......–0.3V to (V DD + 0.3V)Digital Input Voltage ......................–0.3V to (V DD + 0.3V)Digital Output Voltage ................–0.3V to (OV DD + 0.3V)Power Dissipation .............................................1500mW Operating Temperature Range................–40°C to 125°C Storage Temperature Range ...................–65°C to 150°COV DD = V DD (Notes 1, 2)PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS Resolution (No Missing Codes)l 12Bits Integral Linearity Error Differential Analog Input (Note 5)l –1.5±0.3 1.5LSB Differential Linearity Error Differential Analog Input l –0.8±0.150.8LSB Offset Error (Note 6)l –15±215mV Gain Error External Reference l–3±0.53%FS Offset Drift ±10μV/°C Full-Scale Drift Internal Reference ±30ppm/°C External Reference ±5ppm/°C T ransition NoiseSENSE = 1V0.25LSB RMSThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C. (Note 4)PIN CONFIGURATION123456789101112363534333231302928272625GND A IN +A IN –GND REFH REFH REFL REFL GND V DD V DD V DD 131415161718192021222324G N D C L K G N D S H D N O E G N D N C N C D 0D 1D 2G N D 484746454443424140393837G N D V D D V D D V C M V C M S E N S E M O D E O F D 11D 10D 9G N DGND D8D7D6GND OV DD OGND GND D5D4D3GNDTOP VIEWLX PACKAGE48-LEAD (7mm s 7mm) PLASTIC LQFPT JMAX = 150°C, θJA = 53°C/WORDER INFORMATIONLEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONTEMPERATURE RANGE L TC2226HLX#PBF L TC2226HLX#TRPBF L TC2226LX 48-Lead (7mm × 7mm) Plastic LQFP –40°C to 125°C LEAD BASED FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONTEMPERATURE RANGE L TC2226HLXL TC2226HLX#TRL TC2226LX48-Lead (7mm × 7mm) Plastic LQFP–40°C to 125°CConsult L TC Marketing for parts specifi ed with wider operating temperature ranges.For more information on lead free part marking, go to: http://www.linear .com/leadfree/ For more information on tape and reel specifi cations, go to: http://www.linear .com/tapeandreel/32226hfbANALOG INPUT SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITSV IN Analog Input Range (A IN + – A IN –)2.8V < V DD <3.5V (Note 7)l ±0.5V to ±1VVV IN, CM Analog Input Common Mode (A IN + + A IN –)/2Differential Input (Note 7)Single Ended Input (Note 7)l l 10.5 1.51.5 1.92V V I IN Analog Input Leakage Current 0V < A IN +, A IN – < V DD l –1010μA I SENSE SENSE Input Leakage 0V < SENSE < 1Vl –1010μA I MODE MODE Pin Leakagel–1010μA t AP Sample-and-Hold Acquisition Delay Time 0ns t JITTER Sample-and-Hold Acquisition Delay Time Jitter 0.2ps RMSCMRRAnalog Input Common Mode Rejection Ratio80dBThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwisespecifi cations are at T A = 25°C. (Note 4)DYNAMIC ACCURACY SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio5MHz Input12.5MHz Input 70MHz Input l69.671.471.270.9dB dB dB SFDRSpurious Free Dynamic Range 2nd or 3rd Harmonic 5MHz Input 12.5MHz Input 70MHz Input l 74909085dB dB dB SFDRSpurious Free Dynamic Range 4th Harmonic or Higher5MHz Input 12.5MHz Input 70MHz Input l 78909090dB dB dB S/(N+D)Signal-to-Noise Plus Distortion Ratio5MHz Input 12.5MHz Input 70MHz Inputl 69.171.471.270.8dB dB dB IMD Intermodulation Distortionf IN1 = 4.3MHz, f IN2 = 4.6MHz90dBThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the full operating temperature range,otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C. A IN = –1dBFS. (Note 4)INTERNAL REFERENCE CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSV CM Output Voltage I OUT = 01.4751.500 1.525V V CM Output Tempco ±25ppm/°C V CM Line Regulation 2.8V < V DD < 3.5V 3mV/V V CM Output Regulation–1mA < I OUT < 1mA 4ΩT A = 25°C. (Note 4)DIGITAL INPUTS AND DIGITAL OUTPUTS SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSLOGIC INPUTS (CLK, OE , SHDN)V IH High Level Input Voltage V DD = 3V l 2VV IL Low Level Input Voltage V DD = 3V l 0.8V I IN Input Current V IN = 0V to V DD l–1010μA C INInput Capacitance(Note 7)3pFThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the fulloperating temperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C. (Note 4)42226hfbPOWER REQUIREMENTS SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSV DD Analog Supply Voltage (Note 9)l 2.83 3.5V OV DD Output Supply Voltage (Note 9)l 0.53 3.6V I VDD Supply Current l 2530mA P DISS Power Dissipation l7590mW P SHDN Shutdown Power SHDN = H, OE = H, No CLK 2mW P NAPNap Mode PowerSHDN = H, OE = L, No CLK15mWThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the full operating temperaturerange, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C. (Note 8)TIMING CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS f S Sampling Frequency (Note 9)l 125MHz t LCLK Low TimeDuty Cycle Stabilizer OffDuty Cycle Stabilizer On (Note 7)l l 18.952020500500ns ns t HCLK High TimeDuty Cycle Stabilizer Off Duty Cycle Stabilizer On (Note 7)l l18.952020500500ns ns t AP Sample-and-Hold Aperture Delay 0nst DCLK to DATA Delay C L = 5pF (Note 7)l 1.4 2.76ns Data Access Time After OE ↓C L = 5pF (Note 7)l 4.312ns BUS Relinquish Time (Note 7)l3.310ns Pipeline Latency5CyclesThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the full operating temperaturerange, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C. (Note 4)DIGITAL INPUTS AND DIGITAL OUTPUTS The l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the fulloperating temperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C. (Note 4)SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITSLOGIC OUTPUTSOV DD = 3V C OZ Hi-Z Output Capacitance OE = High (Note 7)3pF I SOURCE Output Source Current V OUT = 0V 50mA I SINK Output Sink Current V OUT = 3V 50mA V OH High Level Output Voltage I O = –10μAI O = –200μA l 2.72.9952.99V V V OLLow Level Output VoltageI O = 10μA I O = 1.6mAl0.0050.090.4V VOV DD = 2.5V V OH High Level Output Voltage I O = –200μA 2.49V V OLLow Level Output VoltageI O = 1.6mA0.09VOV DD = 1.8V V OH High Level Output Voltage I O = –200μA 1.79V V OLLow Level Output VoltageI O = 1.6mA0.09V52226hfbNote 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime.Note 2: All voltage values are with respect to ground with GND and OGND wired together (unless otherwise noted).Note 3: When these pin voltages are taken below GND or above V DD , they will be clamped by internal diodes. This product can handle input currents of greater than 100mA below GND or above V DD without latchup.Note 4: V DD = 3V , f SAMPLE = 25MHz, input range = 2V P-P with differential drive, unless otherwise noted.Note 5: Integral nonlinearity is defi ned as the deviation of a code from a straight line passing through the actual endpoints of the transfer curve. The deviation is measured from the center of the quantization band.Note 6: Offset error is the offset voltage measured from –0.5 LSB when the output code fl ickers between 0000 0000 0000 and 1111 1111 1111.Note 7: Guaranteed by design, not subject to test.Note 8: V DD = 3V , f SAMPLE = 25MHz, input range = 1V P-P with differential drive.Note 9: Recommended operating conditions.TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSTypical INL, 2V Range, 25MspsTypical DNL, 2V Range, 25Msps8192 Point FFT , f IN = 5MHz, –1dB, 2V Range, 25Msps8192 Point FFT , f IN = 30MHz, –1dB, 2V Range, 25Msps8192 Point FFT , f IN = 70MHz, –1dB, 2V Range, 25Msps8192 Point FFT , f IN = 140MHz, –1dB, 2V Range, 25MspsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSCODEI N L E R R O R (L S B )30722226H G011024204840961.000.750.500.250–0.25–0.50–0.75–1.00CODED N LE R R O R (L S B )30722226H G021024204840961.000.750.500.250–0.25–0.50–0.75–1.00FREQUENCY (MHz)A M P L I T U D E (dB )2226H G0324681012–10–20–30–40–50–60–70–80–90–100–110–120FREQUENCY (MHz)A M P L I T U D E (dB )2226H G04246810120–10–20–30–40–50–60–70–80–90–100–110–120FREQUENCY (MHz)A M P L I T U D E (dB )2226H G05246810120–10–20–30–40–50–60–70–80–90–100–110–120FREQUENCY (MHz)A M P L I T U D E (dB )2226H G06246810120–10–20–30–40–50–60–70–80–90–100–110–12062226hfbTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS8192 Point 2-Tone FFT ,f IN = 10.9MHz and 13.8MHz, –1dB, 2V Range, 25MspsGrounded Input Histogram, 25MspsSNR vs Input Frequency, –1dB, 2V Range, 25MspsSFDR vs Input Frequency, –1dB, 2V Range, 25MspsSNR and SFDR vs Sample Rate, 2V Range, f IN = 5MHz, –1dBSNR vs Input Level, f IN = 5MHz, 2V Range, –1dBSFDR vs Input Level, f IN = 5MHz, 2V Range, 25MspsI VDD vs Sample Rate, 5MHz Sine Wave Input, –1dBI OVDD vs Sample Rate, 5MHz Sine Wave Input, –1dB, O VDD = 1.8VFREQUENCY (MHz)A M P L I T U D E (dB )2226H G07246810120–10–20–30–40–50–60–70–80–90–100–110–120CODEC O U N T 20502226H G082048204970000600005000040000300002000010000INPUT FREQUENCY (MHz)S N R (d B F S )70712002226H G0969685010015072INPUT FREQUENCY (MHz)0100959085807570651502226H G1050100200S F D R(d B F S )SAMPLE RATE (Msps)0S N R A N D S F D R (d B F S )1101009080706040502226H G11102030INPUT LEVEL (dBFS)–60–50S N R (d B c A N D d B F S )–40–20–30–1002227H G1280706050403020100INPUT LEVEL (dBFS)–60–50–40–20–30–10S F D R (d B c A N D d B F S )2226H G131201101009080706050403020dBFSdBc90dBc SFDR REFERENCE LINE SAMPLE RATE (Msps)03530252015302226 G1410202551535I V D D (m A )SAMPLE RATE (Msps)I O V D D (m A )2226H G1532102030515351025PIN FUNCTIONSGND (Pins 1, 4, 9, 13, 15, 18, 24, 25, 29, 32, 36, 37,48): ADC Power Ground.A IN+ (Pin 2): Positive Differential Analog Input.A IN- (Pin 3): Negative Differential Analog Input.REFH (Pins 5, 6): ADC High Reference. Bypass to Pins 7,8 with a 0.1μF ceramic chip capacitor as close to the pinas possible. Also bypass to Pins 7, 8 with an additional2.2μF ceramic chip capacitor and to GND with a 1μF ce-ramic chip capacitor.REFL (Pin 7, 8): ADC Low Reference. Bypass to Pins 5, 6with a 0.1μF ceramic chip capacitor as close to the pin aspossible. Also bypass to Pin 5, 6 with an additional 2.2μFceramic chip capacitor and to ground with a 1μF ceramicchip capacitor.V DD (Pins 10, 11, 12, 46, 47): 3V Supply. Bypass to GNDwith 0.1μF ceramic chip capacitors.CLK (Pin 14): Clock Input. The input sample starts on thepositive edge.SHDN (Pin 16): Shutdown Mode Selection Pin. ConnectingSHDN to GND and OE to GND results in normal operationwith the outputs enabled. Connecting SHDN to GND and OE to V DD results in normal operation with the outputs athigh impedance. Connecting SHDN to V DD and OE to GNDresults in nap mode with the outputs at high impedance.Connecting SHDN to V DD and OE to V DD results in sleepmode with the outputs at high impedance.If the clock duty cycle stabilizer is used, a >1μs high pulseshould be applied to the SHDN pin once the power suppliesare stable at power up.OE (Pin 17): Output Enable Pin. Refer to SHDN pin func-tion.NC (Pins 19, 20): Do not connect these pins.D0–D11 (Pins 21-23, 26-28, 33-35, 38-40): Digital Out-puts. D11 is the MSB.OGND (Pin 30): Output Driver Ground.OV DD (Pin 31): Positive Supply for the Output Drivers. Bypass to ground with 0.1μF ceramic chip capacitor.OF (Pin 41): Over/Under Flow Output. High when an over or under fl ow has occurred.MODE (Pin 42): Output F ormat and Clock Duty Cycle Stabilizer Selection Pin. Connecting MODE to GND selects offset binary output format and turns the clock duty cycle stabilizer off. 1/3 V DD selects offset binary output format and turns the clock duty cycle stabilizer on. 2/3 V DD selects 2’s complement output format and turns the clock duty cycle stabilizer on. V DD selects 2’s complement output format and turns the clock duty cycle stabilizer off. SENSE (Pin 43): Reference Programming Pin. Connecting SENSE to V CM selects the internal reference and a ±0.5V input range. V DD selects the internal reference and a ±1V input range. An external reference greater than 0.5V and less than 1V applied to SENSE selects an input range of ±V SENSE. ±1V is the largest valid input range.V CM (Pins 44, 45): 1.5V Output and Input Common Mode Bias. Bypass to ground with 2.2μF ceramic chip capacitor.72226hfbFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 1. Functional Block DiagramTIMING DIAGRAMANALOGINPUTCLKD0-D11, OF82226hfb92226hfbDYNAMIC PERFORMANCESignal-to-Noise Plus Distortion RatioThe signal-to-noise plus distortion ratio [S/(N + D)] is the ratio between the RMS amplitude of the fundamen-tal input frequency and the RMS amplitude of all other frequency components at the ADC output. The output is band limited to frequencies above DC to below half the sampling frequency.Signal-to-Noise RatioThe signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is the ratio between the RMS amplitude of the fundamental input frequency and the RMS amplitude of all other frequency components except the fi rst fi ve harmonics and DC.Total Harmonic DistortionTotal harmonic distortion is the ratio of the RMS sum of all harmonics of the input signal to the fundamental itself. The out-of-band harmonics alias into the frequency band between DC and half the sampling frequency. THD is expressed as:THD = 20Log V22+++()⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟V V Vn V 341222.../where V1 is the RMS amplitude of the fundamental fre-quency and V2 through Vn are the amplitudes of the secondthrough nth harmonics. The THD calculated in this data sheet uses all the harmonics up to the fi fth.Intermodulation DistortionIf the ADC input signal consists of more than one spectral component, the ADC transfer function nonlinearity can produce intermodulation distortion (IMD) in addition to THD. IMD is the change in one sinusoidal input caused by the presence of another sinusoidal input at a different frequency.If two pure sine waves of frequencies fa and fb are applied to the ADC input, nonlinearities in the ADC transfer function can create distortion products at the sum and difference frequencies of mfa ± nfb, where m and n = 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. The 3rd order intermodulation products are 2fa + fb, 2fb + fa, 2fa – fb and 2fb – fa. The intermodulation distortionAPPLICATIONS INFORMATIONis defi ned as the ratio of the RMS value of either input toneto the RMS value of the largest 3rd order intermodulation product.Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR)Spurious free dynamic range is the peak harmonic or spuri-ous noise that is the largest spectral component excluding the input signal and DC. This value is expressed in decibels relative to the RMS value of a full scale input signal.Input BandwidthThe input bandwidth is that input frequency at which the amplitude of the reconstructed fundamental is reduced by 3dB for a full scale input signal.Aperture Delay TimeThe time from when CLK reaches mid-supply to the instant that the input signal is held by the sample and hold circuit.Aperture Delay JitterThe variation in the aperture delay time from conversion to conversion. This random variation will result in noise when sampling an AC input. The signal to noise ratio due to the jitter alone will be:SNR JITTER = –20log (2π • f IN • t JITTER )CONVERTER OPERATIONAs shown in Figure 1, the L TC2226H is a CMOS pipelined multistep converter . The converter has six pipelined ADC stages; a sampled analog input will result in a digitized value fi ve cycles later (see the Timing Diagram section). For optimal AC performance the analog inputs should be driven differentially. For cost sensitive applications, the analog inputs can be driven single-ended with slightly worse harmonic distortion. The CLK input is single-ended. The L TC2226H has two phases of operation, determined by the state of the CLK input pin.Each pipelined stage shown in Figure 1 contains an ADC, a reconstruction DAC and an interstage residue amplifi er . In operation, the ADC quantizes the input to the stage and the quantized value is subtracted from the input by theAPPLICATIONS INFORMATIONDAC to produce a residue. The residue is amplifi ed and output by the residue amplifi er. Successive stages operate out of phase so that when the odd stages are outputting their residue, the even stages are acquiring that residue and vice versa.When CLK is low, the analog input is sampled differentially directly onto the input sample-and-hold capacitors, inside the “Input S/H” shown in the block diagram. At the instant that CLK transitions from low to high, the sampled input is held. While CLK is high, the held input voltage is buffered by the S/H amplifi er which drives the fi rst pipelined ADC stage. The fi rst stage acquires the output of the S/H dur-ing this high phase of CLK. When CLK goes back low, the fi rst stage produces its residue which is acquired by the second stage. At the same time, the input S/H goes back to acquiring the analog input. When CLK goes back high, the second stage produces its residue which is acquired by the third stage. An identical process is repeated for the third, fourth and fi fth stages, resulting in a fi fth stage residue that is sent to the sixth stage ADC for fi nal evaluation. Each ADC stage following the fi rst has additional range to accommodate fl ash and amplifi er offset errors. Results from all of the ADC stages are digitally synchronized such that the results can be properly combined in the correction logic before being sent to the output buffer.SAMPLE/HOLD OPERATION AND INPUT DRIVE Sample/Hold OperationFigure 2 shows an equivalent circuit for the L TC2226H CMOS differential sample-and-hold. The analog inputs are connected to the sampling capacitors (C SAMPLE) through NMOS transistors. The capacitors shown attached to each input (C PARASITIC) are the summation of all other capacitance associated with each input.During the sample phase when CLK is low, the transistors connect the analog inputs to the sampling capacitors and they charge to and track the differential input voltage. When CLK transitions from low to high, the sampled input voltage is held on the sampling capacitors. During the hold phase when CLK is high, the sampling capacitors are disconnected from the input and the held voltage is passed to the ADC core for processing. As CLK transitions from high to low,Figure 2. Equivalent Input Circuitthe inputs are reconnected to the sampling capacitors to acquire a new sample. Since the sampling capacitors still hold the previous sample, a charging glitch proportional to the change in voltage between samples will be seen at this time. If the change between the last sample and the new sample is small, the charging glitch seen at the input will be small. If the input change is large, such as the change seen with input frequencies near Nyquist, then a larger charging glitch will be seen.Single-Ended InputFor cost sensitive applications, the analog inputs can be driven single-ended. With a single-ended input the har-monic distortion and INL will degrade, but the SNR and DNL will remain unchanged. For a single-ended input, A IN+ should be driven with the input signal and A IN– should be connected to V CM or a low noise reference voltage between 1V and 1.5V.Common Mode BiasF or optimal performance the analog inputs should be driven differentially. Each input should swing ±0.5V for the 2V range or ±0.25V for the 1V range, around a common mode voltage of 1.5V. The V CM output pin (Pins 44, 45) may be used to provide the common mode bias level. V CM can be tied directly to the center tap of a transformer to set the DC input level or as a reference level to an op amp differential driver circuit. The V CM pins must be bypassed to ground close to the ADC with a 2.2μF or greater capacitor.A INA IN2226H F02102226hfbInput Drive ImpedanceAs with all high performance, high speed ADCs, the dy-namic performance of the L TC2226H can be infl uenced by the input drive circuitry, particularly the second and third harmonics. Source impedance and reactance can infl uence SFDR. At the falling edge of CLK, the sample-and-hold circuit will connect the 4pF sampling capacitor to the input pin and start the sampling period. The sampling period ends when CLK rises, holding the sampled input on the sampling capacitor. Ideally the input circuitry should be fast enough to fully charge the sampling capacitor during the sampling period 1/(2F ENCODE); however, this is not always possible and the incomplete settling may degrade the SFDR. The sampling glitch has been designed to be as linear as possible to minimize the effects of incomplete settling.For the best performance, it is recommended to have a source impedance of 100Ω or less for each input. The source impedance should be matched for the differential inputs. Poor matching will result in higher even order harmonics, especially the second.Input Drive CircuitsF igure 3 shows the L TC2226H being driven by an RF transformer with a center tapped secondary. The secondary center tap is DC biased with V CM, setting the ADC input signal at its optimum DC level. Terminating on the trans-former secondary is desirable, as this provides a common mode path for charging glitches caused by the sample and hold. Figure 3 shows a 1:1 turns ratio transformer. Other turns ratios can be used if the source impedance seen by the ADC does not exceed 100Ω for each ADC input.A disadvantage of using a transformer is the loss of low frequency response. Most small RF transformers have poor performance at frequencies below 1MHz.Figure 4 demonstrates the use of a differential amplifi er to convert a single ended input signal into a differential input signal. The advantage of this method is that it provides low frequency input response; however, the limited gain bandwidth of most op amps will limit the SFDR at high input frequencies.F igure 5 shows a single-ended input circuit. The impedance seen by the analog inputs should be matched. This circuit is not recommended if low distortion is required.The 25Ω resistors and 12pF capacitor on the analog inputs serve two purposes: isolating the drive circuitry from the sample-and-hold charging glitches and limiting the wideband noise at the converter input.APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONFigure 3. Single-Ended to Differential Conversion Using a T ransformer Figure 4. Differential Drive with an Amplifi er Figure 5. Single-Ended DriveANALOG INPUT 0.1μF T11:1T1 = MA/COM ETC1-1TRESISTORS, CAPACITORSARE 0402 PACKAGE SIZE2226H F032226H F04ANALOGINPUT112226hfbReference OperationFigure 6 shows the L TC2226H reference circuitry consist-ing of a 1.5V bandgap reference, a difference amplifi er and switching and control circuit. The internal voltage reference can be confi gured for two pin selectable input ranges of 2V (±1V differential) or 1V (±0.5V differential). Tying the SENSE pin to V DD selects the 2V range; tying the SENSE pin to V CM selects the 1V range.The 1.5V bandgap reference serves two functions: its output provides a DC bias point for setting the common mode voltage of any external input circuitry; additionally, the reference is used with a difference amplifi er to gener-ate the differential reference levels needed by the internal ADC circuitry. An external bypass capacitor is required for the 1.5V reference output, V CM. This provides a high frequency low impedance path to ground for internal and external circuitry.The difference amplifier generates the high and low reference for the ADC. High speed switching circuits are connected to these outputs and they must be externally bypassed.Other voltage ranges in-between the pin selectable ranges can be programmed with two external resistors as shown in Figure 7. An external reference can be used by apply-ing its output directly or through a resistor divider to SENSE. It is not recommended to drive the SENSE pin with a logic device. The SENSE pin should be tied to the appropriate level as close to the converter as possible. If the SENSE pin is driven externally, it should be bypassed to ground as close to the device as possible with a 1μF ceramic capacitor.Input RangeThe input range can be set based on the application. The 2V input range will provide the best signal-to-noise performance while maintaining excellent SFDR. The 1V input range will have better SFDR performance, but the SNR will degrade by 3.8dB.APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONFigure 6. Equivalent Reference CircuitFigure 7. 1.5V Range ADCFigure 8. CLK Drive Using an LVDS or PECL to CMOS ConverterTIE TO VTIE TO V2226H F06CLEAN IF LVDS USE FIN1002 OR FIN1018.FOR PECL, USE AZ1000EL T21 OR SIMILAR122226hfbDriving the Clock InputThe CLK input can be driven directly with a CMOS or TTL level signal. A differential clock can also be used along with a low-jitter CMOS converter before the CLK pin (see Figure 8).The noise performance of the L TC2226H can depend on the clock signal quality as much as on the analog input. Any noise present on the clock signal will result in additional aperture jitter that will be RMS summed with the inherent ADC aperture jitter.Maximum and Minimum Conversion RatesThe maximum conversion rate for the L TC2226H is 25Msps. For the ADC to operate properly, the CLK signal should have a 50% (±5%) duty cycle. Each half cycle must have at least 18.9ns for the ADC internal circuitry to have enough settling time for proper operation.An optional clock duty cycle stabilizer circuit can be used if the input clock has a non 50% duty cycle. This circuit uses the rising edge of the CLK pin to sample the analog input. The falling edge of CLK is ignored and the internal falling edge is generated by a phase-locked loop. The input clock duty cycle can vary and the clock duty cycle stabilizer will maintain a constant 50% internal duty cycle. If the clock is turned off for a long period of time, the duty cycle stabilizer circuit will require a hundred clock cycles for the PLL to lock onto the input clock. To use the clock duty cycle stabilizer, the MODE pin should be connected to 1/3V DD or 2/3V DD using external resistors.If the clock duty cycle stabilizer is used, a >1μs high pulse should be applied to the SHDN pin once the power supplies are stable at power up.The lower limit of the L TC2226H sample rate is determined by droop of the sample-and-hold circuits. The pipelined architecture of this ADC relies on storing analog signals on small valued capacitors. Junction leakage will discharge the capacitors. The specifi ed minimum operating frequency for the L TC2226H is 1Msps.DIGITAL OUTPUTSTable 1 shows the relationship between the analog input voltage, the digital data bits, and the overfl ow bit.Digital Output BuffersFigure 9 shows an equivalent circuit for a single output buffer. Each buffer is powered by OV DD and OGND, isolated from the ADC power and ground. The additionalN-channel transistor in the output driver allows operation down to low voltages. The internal resistor in series with the output makes the output appear as 50Ω to external circuitry and may eliminate the need for external damping resistors.As with all high speed/high resolution converters, the digital output loading can affect the performance. The digital outputs of the L TC2226H should drive a minimal capacitive load to avoid possible interaction between the digital outputs and sensitive input circuitry. The output should be buffered with a device such as an ALVCH16373 CMOS latch. For full speed operation the capacitive load should be kept under 10pF.Lower OV DD voltages will also help reduce interference from the digital outputs.APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONTable 1. Output Codes vs Input VoltageA IN+ – A IN–(2V Range)OFD11 – D0(Offset Binary)D11 – D0(2’s Complement)>+1.000000V +0.999512V +0.999024V 111 11 1111 111111 11 1111 111111 11 1111 11100111 1111 11110111 1111 11110111 1111 1110+0.000488V 0.000000V –0.000488V –0.000976V 010 00 0000 000110 00 0000 000001 11 1111 111101 11 1111 111000 00 0000 000100 00 0000 000011 11 1111 111111 11 1111 1110–0.999512V –1.000000V <–1.000000V10000 0000 00010000 0000 00000000 0000 00001000 0000 00011000 0000 00001000 0000 0000 Figure 9. Digital Output Buffer2226H F09132226hfb。
目前,常见的汽车无线充电协议主要有以下几种:1.无线电力传输联盟(Wireless Power Transfer Alliance, WPC)推出的Qi标准。
2.汽车无线充电联盟(Automotive Wireless Power Consortium, AWPCC)推出的Made for iPhone(MFi)标准。
该标准专为苹果设备设计,适用于iPhone、Apple Watch等产品。
3.特斯拉推出的Tesla Supercharger标准。
第 43 卷第 3 期2024年 5 月Vol.43 No.3May 2024中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of South-Central Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)基于FL-MADQN算法的NR-V2X车载通信频谱资源分配李中捷,邱凡,姜家祥,李江虹,贾玉婷(中南民族大学a.电子信息工程学院;b.智能无线通信湖北重点实验室,武汉430074)摘要针对5G新空口-车联网(New Radio-Vehicle to Everything,NR-V2X)场景下车对基础设施(Vehicle to Infrastructure,V2I)和车对车(Vehicle to Vehicle,V2V)共享上行通信链路的频谱资源分配问题,提出了一种联邦-多智能体深度Q网络(Federated Learning-Multi-Agent Deep Q Network,FL-MADQN)算法. 该分布式算法中,每个车辆用户作为一个智能体,根据获取的本地信道状态信息,以网络信道容量最佳为目标函数,采用DQN算法训练学习本地网络模型. 采用联邦学习加快以及稳定各智能体网络模型训练的收敛速度,即将各智能体的本地模型上传至基站进行聚合形成全局模型,再将全局模型下发至各智能体更新本地模型. 仿真结果表明:与传统分布式多智能体DQN算法相比,所提出的方案具有更快的模型收敛速度,并且当车辆用户数增大时仍然保证V2V链路的通信效率以及V2I链路的信道容量.关键词车联网;资源分配;深度Q网络;联邦学习中图分类号TN929.5 文献标志码 A 文章编号1672-4321(2024)03-0401-07doi:10.20056/ki.ZNMDZK.20240315Spectrum resource allocation for NR-V2X in-vehicle communicationbased on FL-MADQN algorithmLI Zhongjie,QIU Fan,JIANG Jiaxiang,LI Jianghong,JIA Yuting(South-Central Minzu University,a.College of Electronic andInformation Engineering;b.Hubei Key Laboratory ofIntelligent Wireless Communications,Wuhan 430074,China)Abstract To address the spectrum resource allocation problem of shared uplink between vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I)and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) in 5G New Radio-Vehicle to Everything (NR-V2X) scenario. A Federated Learning-Multi-Agent Deep Q Network (FL-MADQN) algorithm is proposed. In the decentralized algorithm, each vehicle user is treated as an agent to learn the local network model using the DQN algorithm based on the obtained local channel state information and the optimal network channel capacity as the objective function. Federated learning is used to speed up and stabilize the convergence rate of each agent 's model training. The local model of each agent is uploaded to the base station for aggregation to form the global model,and then the global model is distributed to each agent to update the local model. Simulation results show that this scheme has a faster model convergence speed compared with the traditional distributed multi-agent DQN algorithm, and the communication efficiency of the V2V link and the channel capacity of the V2I link are still guaranteed when the number of vehicle users increases.Keywords V2X; resource allocation; deep Q network; federated learning随着智能汽车和移动通信的发展,车联网(Vehicle to Everything,V2X)通信已被认为是支持安全和高效智能交通服务的关键技术[1].蜂窝车联网(cellular-Vehicle to Vehicle,C-V2X)也因其能够达到收稿日期2022-01-06作者简介李中捷(1974-),男,教授,博士,研究方向:无线通信网络,E-mail:*********************基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(61379028,61671483);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(CZY23027)第 43 卷中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)更好的覆盖率和服务质量(coverage and quality of service,QoS)已经被第五代汽车协会(5th Generation Automotive Association,5GAA)广泛开发和部署. 第三代合作伙伴计划(the 3rd Generation Partnership Project,3GPP)在第16版推出了NR-V2X,作为C-V2X向5G的延伸和补充,其中定义了两种信息传输模式,即model-1(基站集中调度的资源分配方式)和model-2(终端自主式的资源分配方式).在model-1中,基站(base station,BS)在其覆盖范围内的每个传输期内为车辆分配资源,车辆在分配的资源上相互通信,而在model-2中,车辆可选择自己的资源[2].这项技术包括V2I通信与V2V通信两种重要的通信模式.V2I通信的重点是满足高数据率服务,V2V通信的重点则是保证安全关键信息的传递.为了满足V2X通信的严格要求,C-V2X需要共享频谱资源,从而实现V2I和V2V的同步通信.因此,如何在有限的频谱资源内减少干扰并且同时保证V2I链路的信道容量和V2V通信的可靠性,成为V2X通信亟待解决的一个重要问题.传统的优化方法已经被用来应对V2X通信中的资源分配和干扰管理[3-8].在文献[3]中,提出了一种资源分配策略,以提高基于设备到设备(Device-to-Device,D2D)的车辆通信框架的吞吐量.在文献[4]中,提出了一种无线电资源管理(Radio Resource Management,RRM)算法保证基于D2D的V2X系统的延迟和可靠性要求.基于类似的V2X框架,文献[5]提出了一个优化问题,在只考虑缓慢变化的大规模衰减信道的情况下为D2D车辆系统设计一个高效的频谱和功率分配算法.此外,在文献[7]和[8]中研究了排队延迟对吞吐量和可靠性的影响.针对动态的资源分配问题,由于车辆的高速移动性导致快速变化的信道以及多样化的服务需求,传统的优化算法难以利用数学方法进行精确建模并且会产生大量的计算开销,机器学习被认为是一种有前途的技术,可以解决传统优化方法中的挑战.强化学习(Reinforcement Learning,RL)作为一种可以与动态环境交互学习的机器学习技术广泛应用于无线通信领域,通过将RL与深度神经网络(Deep Neural Networks,DNN)相结合,深度强化学习(Deep Reinforcement Learning,DRL)已被广泛采用来解决V2X通信场景中更复杂的资源管理问题[9-12]. 在文献[10]中提出了一种DQN算法,通过一个综合框架控制复杂的资源来提高车辆网络的性能.在文[11]和[12]中分别使用单智能体和多智能体算法研究了考虑V2V链路延迟和V2I链路总信道容量的资源分配问题,文献[12]在提出的多智能体RL算法基础上,采用集中式学习和分布式实现来选择资源.但是集中式学习方案中V2V链路与BS交互会提高计算复杂度,违背车辆通信低延迟的原则;传统分布式学习方案中V2V链路不能获取全局信道状态信息(Channel State Information,CSI),可能导致模型无法达到最优效果.本文提出了FL-MADQN算法来解决上述问题.为了避免集中式决策方案上传车辆用户的相关信道数据,本文采用了联邦学习上传模型参数的思想,将传输成本较低的模型数据上传至中央服务器进行聚合.另一方面针对分布式决策方案V2V链路信息无法交互的问题,本文采用聚合后产生的全局模型反馈至V2V链路的方法实现信息交互.本文的其余部分安排如下:第一部分介绍系统模型以及问题描述,第二部分介绍FL-MADQN算法的详细设计和训练计划,第三部分介绍仿真结果与分析,第四部分得出最终结论.1 系统模型与问题描述1.1 系统模型本文考虑一个城市道路下的单小区V2X通信系统,如图1所示一个基站为多个车载用户提供服务,根据V2X通信不同的业务需求,系统内所有参与通信的车辆被分为m条V2I链路和n对V2V链路.其中V2I上行链路将高数据率信息从车辆传输至基站,V2V链路则用于车辆之间可靠的安全关键信息的互相传输.此通信系统基于mode-2通信模式,每V2Vm'图 1 NR-V2X车载通信系统Fig. 1 NR-V2X vehicular communication systems402第 3 期李中捷,等:基于FL-MADQN算法的NR-V2X车载通信频谱资源分配个车辆可以自主为其V2V链路选择频谱资源.假设每条V2I链路已经预先分配有一个固定发射功率的正交子频带,并且子频带的数目与V2I链路数m相等.此外,多对V2V链路可以共享同一个子频带,但每对V2V链路只能选择一个子频带进行通信.在单个时隙内,第m条子频带上的第n对V2V链路的信道增益g n[m]表示如下:gn[m]=αn h n[m],(1)其中αn和h n[m]分别表示包含每条通信链路的路径损耗和阴影的大尺度衰落和小尺度衰落.基于3GPP协议中关于V2X通信的信道准则,小尺度衰落服从零均值和单位方差的瑞利分布[15].其中第m个子频带上的第m条V2I上行链路和第n对V2V链路的SINR分别表示为:γv2im[m]=P v2imgm,B[m]σ2+∑nρn[m]P v2v n[m]g n,B[m],(2)γv2vn[m]=P v2vn[m]g n[m]σ2+I n[m],ρn[m]=1,(3)In[m]=P v2i m g m,n[m]+∑n'≠nρn'[m]P v2v n'[m]g n',n[m],(4)其中P v2v n,P v2i m和σ2分别表示第n对V2V链路和第m 条V2I链路的发射功率以及噪声功率,g m,B[m]为第m条V2I链路发射端对BS的第m个子频带上的信道增益,g n[m]为第m个子频带上的第n对V2V链路的信道增益,g n,B[m]为第n对V2V链路发射端对BS 的第m个子频带的信道增益.I n[m]为复用第m个子频带的第n对V2V受到的信道干扰,g n',n[m]为第n'对V2V链路发射端对第n对V2V链路接受端在第m 个子频带上的信道干扰,g m,n[m]为第m条V2I链路发射端对占用第m个子频带的第n对V2V链路接受端的信道干扰. ρn[m]以及ρn'[m]是一个二进制频谱分配,当其数值为1时,则表示该V2V链路占用第m个子频带,否则其数值为0.将公式(2),(3)代入香农公式C=W log2(1+ S/N)后可得出在第n个子频带上第m条V2I链路和第n对V2V链路的信道容量,表示如下:C v2im[m]=W log2(1+γv2i m[m]),(5)C v2vn[m]=W log2(1+γv2v n[m]),(6)其中W表示每条子频带的带宽.1.2 问题描述本文目标在传输功率约束和复用资源块(Resource Block,RB)约束下,联合优化V2V链路复用V2I链路RB决策和V2V链路传输功率的大小,保证所有V2V链路传输成功概率最大化的前提下,使得所有V2I链路信道总容量最大,问题定义为:max{∑m C v2i m[m]+∑m C v2v n[m]}s.t.ìíîïïïïïïγv2vn[m]≥SINR0,∀n∑m=1Mρn[m]≤1,∀nρn[m]ϵ{0,1},∀m,nP v2vn[m]≤P max.(7)其中SINR0表示V2V链路对通信时设定的信干噪比阈值,ρn[m]以及P v2v n[m]为V2V链路对复用频谱资源约束以及最大功率约束.2 多智能体联邦深度Q网络算法2.1 FL-MADQN算法考虑到现实场景下车辆计算能力较弱,本文结合联邦学习与深度强化学习,并对其进行改进形成FL-MADQN算法,如图2所示,该算法既能减少集中式资源分配所消耗的大量通信开销,又避免了分布式资源分配获取信息不全的缺点,实现了动态的资源分配.FL-MADQN算法步骤如下:(1)本地模型训练:BS与覆盖范围内的车辆节点建立通信并且生成V2V链路,初始化网络参数,车辆用户根据周围环境数据以及ϑavg j-1训练本地模型ϑw n j.(2)本地模型上传与聚合:车辆用户w n将训练一定轮次的本地模型ϑw n j发送给BS,BS将每对V2V 链路的网络模型进行聚合成全局模型.本文根据本地DQN模型训练奖励值r n进行加权平均,表示如下:ϑavgj←∑n=1N r n r1+r2+⋅⋅⋅+r Nϑw n j.(8)(3)基站反馈全局模型: V2V链路接收到全局模型,同时更新信道状态信息并利用该模型进行训练.该步骤不断重复直至V2V链路做出理想的决策,此过程中每对V2V链路协同训练但避免了状态信息传输的过程.2.2 DQN本文将资源分配问题建模为一个马尔科夫决策过程(Markov decision processes,MDP),其特征由403第 43 卷中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)状态空间、动作空间、转换概率和即时奖励组成.本文考虑的问题是连续状态空间和离散动作空间,在C -V2X 场景下,其MDP 模型中的状态与动作集合以及奖励函数如下所述.(1)状态集合用O (S t ,n )来表示第n 对V2V 链路在t 时间段下的C -V2X 环境下的状态集合,表示如下:O (S t ,n )={B n ,T n ,{I n [m ]}m ∈M ,{G n [m ]}m ∈M },(9)其中,B n ,T n 分别为第n 对V2V 链路在t 时间段下传输信息的剩余负载量以及完成传输信息的剩余时间,{I n [m ]}m ∈M 为第n 对V2V 链路复用子频带m 受到的干扰,{G n [m ]}m ∈M }为与第n 对V2V 链路相关的增益.(2)动作空间由于在解决资源分配问题时运用到DQN 网络,因此在设计动作空间时,V2V 链路的功率为P v 2v=[p 1,p 2,...,p r ]离散集,RB 数目为s ,所以动作空间可表示为:a n (t )={P v 2vn [m ],ρn [m ]},(10)根据公式(10)可知,a n (t )包含r ×s 组动作可供V2V 链路选择.(3)奖励函数设计在C -V2X 场景下资源分配的目标是保证V2V 链路的可靠性的同时使V2I 链路的信道容量最大化,所以奖励函数设计如下:r n (t )=c 1∑mC v 2i m [m ]+∑mc 2C v 2vn [m ]+c 3∑mψ(γv 2vn [m ]-SINR 0),(11)其中c 1,c 2为V2I 链路与V2V 链路对奖励函数的权重,c 3为V2V 链路的SINR 约束权重.2.3 联邦学习由于隐私和通信成本问题,大多数边缘设备都拒绝分享私人数据.另一方面,在设备端对本地数据进行模型训练和数据分析总是耗时且不精确的.而联邦学习作为一种分布式学习范式,边缘设备只将本地训练的模型参数上传至服务器,而原始数据保存在本地客户端,然后服务器聚合形成全局模型反馈回边缘设备,直到模型达到收敛.联邦学习包括以下4个步骤:(1)本地更新:每个客户端根据其原始数据在本地并行地更新学习模型.(2)权重上传:每个本地客户端将训练好的模型ϑw nj 的更新参数,发送到中央服务器.(3)全局汇总:中央服务器根据从本地客户端收到的参数计算出平均权重ϑavg .(4)权重反馈:服务器将更新后的参数广播给每个本地客户,以便进行下一次迭代.通过避免原始数据的传输,联邦学习解决了隐私问题,减少了通信开销,并将计算从中央服务器转移至本地客户端.在车联网通信场景下,本地客户端通过无线连接且数量巨大,将数据集中传输至BS 训练后反馈,这会消耗大量的通信资源并且无法保证较低延迟,利用联邦学习可以减少在BS 处理数据的计算开销,有效地分配有限的通信资源.avg图 2 FL -MADQN 算法流程Fig. 2 Flow chart of FL -MADQN algorithm404第 3 期李中捷,等:基于FL-MADQN算法的NR-V2X车载通信频谱资源分配2.4 复杂度分析FL-MADQN算法总时间复杂度为Ο(k),其中k为DQN网络算法计算规模,Ο(k)根据V2V链路对数量呈倍数增长,传统分布式算法的时间复杂度与其一致皆为Ο(k),但本文算法在训练一定轮数进行常数阶模型加权平均,其算法输入数值k大于传统分布式算法,导致其运算时间高于传统分布式算法,而集中式DQN算法在忽略对信道数据进行预处理的情况下,其总时间复杂度为Ο(nk),因此FL-MADQN算法的时间复杂度低于集中式DQN算法,而运算时间高于分布式DQN算法.3 仿真结果与分析本文使用3GPP-TR38.886协议中城市案例的参数建模,其中车辆基于空间泊松过程被投放在十字路口,BS位于中心,每条道路每个方向由两条车道组成,每个V2V发射端与其广播范围内最近的车辆建立V2V链路. LOS状态、路径损耗参数是基于协议中城市街道场景的计算公式确定,其中各相关参数如表1所示.仿真中采用的DQN是一个由输入层、隐藏层和输出层构成的全连接神经网络,同时随机初始化网络的参数.整个信道系统在TensorFlow中实现,使用的超参数如表2所示以及ReLu激活函数和Adam优化器. 为满足车辆通信延迟需求,在训练及测试过程中,本文将最大传输时间设置为100 ms.为了验证FL-MADQN算法的效率,我们在模拟实验中采用了三种对比算法.集中式DQN算法(C-DQN):所有车辆的位置以及信道信息都传输到BS,经过DQN训练后,为每对V2V链路分配最佳RB和发射功率.分布式DQN算法(D-MARL):在这种算法中的车辆用户只获取与其参与通信的相关信道信息,并且每条V2V链路独立选择其RB和基于本地DQN模型的发射功率.随机选择算法:V2V链路从候选RB池中随机选择RB与发射功率.图3给出了FL-MADQN算法以及对比算法的训练过程以及奖励值.在网络收敛速度方面,C-DQN 算法因其输入信息更全面,在1000次迭代后已经趋近平稳, D-MARL算法在2600次迭代后逐渐平稳. FL-MADQN算法则在1600次迭代后达到平稳状态,其使用加权平均方法,使奖励值平稳上升,能够获得理想的收敛速度.随着训练迭代次数的增加,可以看出三种算法的奖励皆呈上升趋势,并且在相同场景下FL-MADQN算法奖励值趋近于C-DQN算法,但其计算量比C-DQN算法更少,可以更快地进行信表 1 默认仿真参数Tab.1 DEFAULT SIMULATION PARAMETERS参数载波频率BS天线高度车辆天线高度RB数量单个RB带宽V2I链路数量V2V链路数量V2V链路路径损耗V2I链路路径损耗车辆速度最大传输功率噪声功率值5.9 GHz25 m1.5 m4180 kHz44,8,12,16PL=38.77+16.7log10(d3D)+18.2log10(f c)LOS:PL=28.0+40log10(d3D)+20log10(f c)-9log10((d'B P)2+(h BS-h UT)2)NLOS: PL=32.4+20log10(f c)+30log10(d3D)[10,15] m/s23 dBm-114 dBm表 2 训练超参Tab.2 Training super parameters参数训练轮次学习率折扣因子初始探索率最终探索率经验池大小目标网络更新step数联邦聚合step数奖励权重值30001.00e-030.7010.0120004001200.1,1,0.1图 3 FL-MADQN学习过程对比Fig.3 Comparison of FL-MADQN learning process405第 43 卷中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)息传输.图4和图5分别给出了V2V 链路数对于V2V 链路信道容量以及V2V 链路传输成功概率的影响对比,可以看出FL -MADQN 算法在这两个性能指标上都优于其他分布式算法.伴随着V2V 链路的数目增多,每个V2V 链路会受到更多干扰,也会有更多车辆处于非视距(Non Line of Sight ,NLOS )状态,这会导致分布式算法状态无法做出最佳动作选择,而FL -MADQN 算法可以依据网络模型达到平衡每条V2V 链路的效果,可以进一步观察到FL -MADQN 算法与C -DQN 算法性能接近.然而全局CSI 的获取以及集中调度V2V 链路对在大规模车联网中可行性较低,另一方面,FL -MADQN 算法仅基于本地观察做出决定,所以其更加符合车联网的需求.图6和图7分别给出了在4对V2V 链路的通信场景下,V2V 有效负载对V2V 链路信道容量以及V2V 链路传输成功概率的影响对比,随着传输有效负载的增大, V2I 链路性能都呈下降趋势,但是FL -MADQN 算法的V2I 链路性能优于其它分布式算法,而且FL -MADQN 算法在随着有效负载的增大,V2I 链路性能呈非常小的线性下降,这证明该算法对于传输负载有较好的适应性和优越性.4 总结针对NR -V2X 通信场景下的频谱资源分配问题,本文提出一种基于深度强化学习和联邦学习相结合的多智能体网络框架,并解释了设计的初衷,成功地提高了通信的性能.在与随机算法和其它网络模型对比后发现FL -MADQN 算法表现最平衡,特别是在计算量以及信息传输效率方面.另外实验表明,在车辆数目增多的情况下,FL -MADQN 算法相较于传统分布式算法仍能保证90%以上的V2V 链路传输成功率.然而在单小区内车辆数量变化对于整体资源分配方案的影响等方面还需要更为充分详实的研究,这也是接下来的研究重点.C v 2i M b p sV2V 链路数图 4 V2I 链路信道容量与V2V 链路数量对比Fig.4 Capacity of V2I versus the number of V2V pairs.V 2V 有效负载传输成功概率V2V 链路数图 5 V2V 链路通信的成功率与V2V 链路数量对比Fig.5 Satisfied rate of V2V versus the number of V2V pairs.负载(×1060 Bytes )C v 2i M b p s图 6 V2I 链路总容量与V2V 有效负载对比Fig.6 Sum capacity of V2I versus V2V payload.V 2V 有效负载传输成功概率负载(×1060 Bytes )图 7 V2V 链路通信的成功率与V2V 有效负载对比Fig.7 Satisfied rate of V2V versus V2V payload.406第 3 期李中捷,等:基于FL-MADQN算法的NR-V2X车载通信频谱资源分配参考文献[1]WANG J, LIU J, KATO N. 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关于5g覆盖率的英语作文The Widespread Adoption of 5G Technology: Transforming the FutureThe advent of 5G technology has ushered in a new era of connectivity, revolutionizing the way we interact with the digital world. As the fifth generation of wireless communication networks, 5G promises to deliver unprecedented speed, reliability, and connectivity, paving the way for a future where seamless and ubiquitous access to information becomes the norm rather than the exceptionOne of the most significant aspects of 5G is its ability to significantly improve network coverage and reliability. Unlike previous generations of wireless networks, 5G technology utilizes a combination of low-band, mid-band, and high-band spectrum to ensure that users can access the network regardless of their location. This comprehensive coverage means that even remote or underserved areas can now enjoy the benefits of high-speed internet and advanced digital servicesThe impact of 5G's widespread coverage cannot be overstated. Inrural and suburban communities, where access to reliable internet has often been a challenge, 5G promises to bridge the digital divide. Farmers can now leverage precision agriculture techniques powered by real-time data and remote monitoring, while small businesses can reach new markets and customers through e-commerce and cloud-based services. Furthermore, the improved connectivity can enable the deployment of smart city infrastructure, transforming urban landscapes with intelligent traffic management, efficient energy grids, and enhanced public safetyBeyond the geographical reach, 5G's coverage also extends to the realm of mobile connectivity. With its low latency and high bandwidth, 5G enables seamless connectivity for a wide range of devices, from smartphones and tablets to wearables and IoT (Internet of Things) sensors. This connectivity revolution has far-reaching implications for industries such as healthcare, where remote patient monitoring and telemedicine can become more accessible and effective. Similarly, the automotive sector is poised to benefit from 5G-powered autonomous driving technologies, improving safety and efficiency on our roadsThe widespread adoption of 5G technology also has the potential to revolutionize the way we work and learn. With the increasing prevalence of remote work and online education, 5G's reliable and high-speed connectivity can enable more immersive and interactiveexperiences. Virtual and augmented reality applications can be seamlessly integrated into the workplace and classrooms, allowing for more engaging and collaborative learning environments. Additionally, the low latency of 5G can facilitate the use of cloud-based applications and services, reducing the need for local computing power and storageFurthermore, the widespread coverage of 5G networks can have a significant impact on the development of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing. With 5G's ability to support a vast number of connected devices, the IoT ecosystem can thrive, enabling the creation of smart homes, smart cities, and intelligent industrial systems. Edge computing, which brings data processing and storage closer to the source, can also benefit from 5G's low latency, allowing for real-time decision-making and enhanced responsiveness in various applicationsHowever, the widespread adoption of 5G technology is not without its challenges. Ensuring equitable access to 5G networks across all socioeconomic and geographical demographics remains a significant hurdle. Governments and telecommunications providers must work together to develop strategies that prioritize the deployment of 5G infrastructure in underserved areas, ensuring that the benefits of this transformative technology are distributed fairlyAdditionally, the rollout of 5G networks has raised concerns about potential health and environmental impacts. While research has not conclusively proven any direct health risks associated with 5G, the public's perception of these potential issues must be addressed through transparent communication and robust scientific studiesDespite these challenges, the potential benefits of widespread 5G coverage are undeniable. By enabling faster, more reliable, and more ubiquitous connectivity, 5G has the power to transform numerous aspects of our lives, from how we work and learn to how we access healthcare and entertainment. As the deployment of 5G networks continues to accelerate, it is crucial that policymakers, industry leaders, and the general public work together to ensure that the transformative potential of this technology is realized in a responsible and equitable manner。
河南的巨大变化作文英文Here is an English essay about the tremendous changes in Henan, with a word count exceeding 1000 words.Henan, a province in central China, has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent decades. Once known primarily for its agricultural heritage, Henan has emerged as a hub of economic and technological development, a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its people. This essay will explore the multifaceted changes that have swept through the region, highlighting the remarkable progress and the challenges that have accompanied this dynamic evolution.At the heart of Henan's transformation lies its burgeoning economy. The province has experienced a surge in industrialization, with the establishment of numerous manufacturing hubs and the rise of high-tech industries. The automotive sector, in particular, has become a driving force, with major automakers setting up production facilities in the region. The development of the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone has further bolstered Henan's economic prowess, attracting a diverse range of businesses and investments.Alongside the industrial growth, Henan has also witnessed a significant shift in its agricultural landscape. Traditional farming methods have given way to more modern and efficient practices, with the introduction of advanced technologies and the implementation of sustainable agricultural initiatives. The province has become a leader in the production of staple crops such as wheat and corn, contributing significantly to China's food security.The transformation of Henan's urban landscape is equally remarkable. Cities like Zhengzhou, the provincial capital, have undergone extensive urban renewal, with the construction of gleaming skyscrapers, modern transportation networks, and state-of-the-art infrastructure. The skyline of these cities has been transformed, reflecting the province's aspirations to become a hub of innovation and progress.Alongside the economic and physical changes, Henan has also experienced a cultural renaissance. The province's rich heritage, including its ancient sites and traditions, has been meticulously preserved and celebrated. Cultural festivals and events have become increasingly popular, drawing visitors from across China and beyond. The integration of traditional elements with modern sensibilities has resulted in a vibrant and dynamic cultural landscape that celebrates Henan's unique identity.However, the rapid changes in Henan have not been without their challenges. The influx of people and the pace of development have put a strain on the region's resources, leading to issues such as environmental degradation and urban congestion. The province has had to grapple with the delicate balance between economic growth and sustainable development, working to mitigate the negative impacts of industrialization and urbanization.Another challenge has been the need to ensure that the benefits of Henan's transformation are equitably distributed. While the province has experienced remarkable economic progress, there are concerns about the widening gap between the affluent and the marginalized communities. The government has made efforts to address this issue, implementing social welfare programs and investing in the development of rural areas, but more work remains to be done.Despite these challenges, Henan's remarkable transformation has captured the attention of the world. The province has become a model for other regions in China, showcasing the potential for rapid development and the ability to balance economic progress with cultural preservation and environmental sustainability. The resilience and determination of the Henan people have been the driving force behind this transformation, and their story serves as an inspiration for others seeking to navigate the complexities of modernization.In conclusion, Henan's journey of transformation is a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the ability to adapt to changing times. From its agricultural roots to its emerging status as a hub of industry and innovation, the province has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis that has left an indelible mark on the landscape of China. As Henan continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly serve as a shining example of the remarkable changes that can occur when a region embraces the challenges of progress and harnesses the boundless potential of its people.。
介绍一个发明英语作文1One of the most remarkable inventions in modern times is the smartwatch. A smartwatch is a small wearable device that combines the functions of a traditional watch with advanced technological capabilities.The main purpose of a smartwatch is to provide users with convenient access to various information and functions at any time. It can monitor our physical activities such as steps taken, heart rate, and sleep patterns, helping us keep track of our health and fitness. Moreover, it allows us to receive and send messages, make phone calls, and access apps directly from our wrists, offering seamless communication and entertainment.The working principle of a smartwatch involves a combination of sensors, microprocessors, and wireless connectivity. Sensors collect data about our movements and vital signs, while the microprocessor processes this information and displays it on the screen. The wireless connection enables the smartwatch to sync with our smartphones and access the internet.This invention has had a profound impact on our lives. It has made communication and information retrieval more immediate and effortless, allowing us to stay connected without having to constantly reach for our phones. It also encourages us to be more conscious of our health and adopta healthier lifestyle. In conclusion, the smartwatch is not just a gadget but a useful companion that enhances our daily experiences and well-being.2One of the remarkable inventions that have transformed our lives is the electric vehicle. Its emergence was driven by the pressing need to address environmental issues. In the past, traditional fuel-powered cars dominated the roads, but they came with significant drawbacks such as high levels of pollution and noise.The electric vehicle, on the contrary, offers numerous advantages. It operates with low noise, creating a quieter driving experience. Most importantly, it has zero emissions, which greatly reduces the negative impact on the environment. These vehicles are powered by advanced battery technology, allowing for longer driving ranges and shorter charging times.Looking into the future, the trend of electric vehicles is highly promising. With continuous advancements in battery technology and charging infrastructure, they are expected to become even more efficient and accessible. As governments around the world implement stricter environmental regulations and offer incentives for electric vehicle adoption, it is highly likely that they will eventually replace traditional fuel cars completely. This shift will not only lead to a cleaner and healthier planet but also reshape the automotive industry and related sectors.One of the most remarkable inventions that has transformed the way people work is the computer. In the past, people had to handle various tasks manually, which was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. However, with the advent of computers, a revolutionary change occurred. The computer enables office automation, making it possible to process large amounts of data and documents in a short time. This has significantly enhanced work efficiency and accuracy.For instance, in the field of finance, complex calculations and data analysis can be accomplished swiftly with the help of specialized software. In the design industry, graphic designers can create intricate and precise designs using advanced computer-aided design tools.Another notable invention that has changed the work landscape is the remote working software. This innovation has broken the constraints of time and space. People no longer need to be physically present in an office to get their work done. They can work from the comfort of their homes or any location with an internet connection. This flexibility has not only improved the quality of life for many but also allowed companies to access a wider talent pool regardless of geographical boundaries.In conclusion, these inventions have not only streamlined work processes but also opened up new possibilities and opportunities, shaping the modern workplace as we know it today.One of the most remarkable inventions of our time is the artificial intelligence algorithm. It has revolutionized various fields and brought about significant changes.The core of this technology lies in its complex and sophisticated design. It uses deep learning and machine learning techniques to process and analyze large amounts of data. Through neural networks and multiple layers of algorithms, it can extract useful information and patterns.In the field of image recognition, artificial intelligence algorithms can accurately identify and classify objects, faces, and scenes. This has wide applications in security systems, autonomous driving, and medical imaging. In voice processing, it enables accurate speech recognition and natural language understanding, facilitating human-computer interaction and the development of intelligent voice assistants.Moreover, it also plays a crucial role in areas such as financial risk prediction, industrial production optimization, and scientific research. It helps predict market trends, improve production efficiency, and accelerate scientific discoveries.The development of artificial intelligence algorithms not only showcases human wisdom and technological progress but also opens up endless possibilities for the future. It is a powerful tool that continues to drive innovation and transformation in different industries.One of the most remarkable inventions that has profoundly shaped our society and culture is the Internet. The advent of the Internet has brought about revolutionary changes in various aspects of our lives.It has facilitated the rapid dissemination of information, enabling people to access knowledge and news from all over the world within seconds. This has not only expanded our horizons but also enhanced our learning efficiency and capabilities.Moreover, it has significantly shortened the distance between individuals. People can now communicate with each other effortlessly, regardless of geographical barriers. Through video calls and social media platforms, we can maintain close connections with friends and family who are miles away.The Internet has also transformed the way we socialize and entertain ourselves. Online gaming, streaming services, and virtual communities have provided countless forms of entertainment and opportunities for people to interact and build relationships.In conclusion, the Internet is an invention that has had an immeasurable impact on our society and culture, shaping the way we live, work, and interact with one another.。
OSI Layers in Automotive Networks
The Transport Layer is used for Off-Board Communication like Diagnosis and also for OBD on these typical Automotive Area Networks.
7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical
Logical Link Control (LLC)
Protocol Operation Control
Medium Access control(MAC)
Media Dependant Interface(MDI)
2013-03-20 - IEEE 802.1 Plenary Meeting - Orlando
OSI Layers in Automotive Networks
Automotive Bus Systems in the OSI Model: Example of the MOST Bus
OSI Layers in Automotive Networks
Automotive Bus Systems in the OSI Model: Example of the CAN Bus
7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical
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A LLIEDB USINESS I NTELLIGENCE A UTOMOTIVE W IRELESS N ETWORKSO PPORTUNITIES FOR W I -F I , B LUETOOTH , RFID, S ATELLITE AND O THER E MERGING W IRELESS T ECHNOLOGIESW HAT D OES T HIS R EPORT A NSWER ?W HO N EEDS T HIS R EPORT ?● What applications will drive the implementation of Bluetooth and 802.11?● How will Bluetooth and 802.11 interact within and outside the vehicle?● What new OEM strategies are emerging?● What is the automotive market potential for Bluetooth and 802.11? ● What role will newly emerging technologies such as UWB and DSRC have in the vehicle?● What is the potential for satellite and terrestrial digital radio in the vehicle?● What are the current and planned automotive applications for RFID?● Automotive OEMs ● Silicon Vendors ● Tier 1 Suppliers ● Software Developers ● Systems Integrators ● Hardware Suppliers ● Telematics Service Providers ● Antenna Manufacturers ● VCsT ECHNOLOGIESM AIN T OPICS OF T HE R EPORTT HE D IGITAL C AROEM Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities In Global Consumer TelematicsA FTERMARKET T ELEMATICSGlobal Market Opportunities for Next-Generation Automotive Navigation, Safety, And Security ServicesF LEET M ANAGEMENT S YSTEMSExploring Global Market Opportunities, Trends, and Technologies in Commercial TelematicsABI research Related Reports (see back page for details)R EPORT I NFORMATIONReport Code: AWNPages: ~185Publication Date: 4Q 2003Number of Figures: 40▪ Bluetooth ▪ 802.11a/b/g/h/n▪ Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)▪ UltraWideband (UWB)▪ Radio Frequency Identi Þcation (RFID)▪ Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services (SDARS)▪ High-De Þ nition Radio (HD Radio)▪ SatelliteTV ▪ Telematics▪ Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)▪ Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)▪ Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH)▪ WiMAX / 802.16K EY M ARKET F ORECASTS▪ Automotive Bluetooth Node Shipments ▪ Automotive 802.11 Node Shipments ▪ Bluetooth Handset Shipments ▪ Bluetooth Headset Shipments▪ OEM Vs. Aftermarket Bluetooth Shipments ▪OEM Vs. Aftermarket 802.11 ShipmentsSection 1Strategic Overview1.1 So What’s Holding Up Bluetooth in North America?1.1.1 Why Aren’t The HandsetVendors and Wireless CarriersHelping?1.2 Bluetooth Headset Sales At The Expense of Car Kit Sales?1.3 Could Ad Hoc Bluetooth Standardization Undermine The BT SIG’s Efforts?1.4 UWB Vs. 802.111.5 Wireless Telematics Data Pipes: Which to Choose?1.5.1 Satellite Radio1.5.2 Terrestrial Digital Radio (HD Radio)1.5.3 Bluetooth Vs. 802.111.5.4 Satellite TVSection 2Technologies2.1 Bluetooth2.1.1 Bluetooth Spectrum Allocation 2.1.2 Bluetooth Power Classes2.1.3 Bluetooth Data/V oiceTransmission2.1.4 Bluetooth Security2.1.5 Bluetooth SpeciÞ cation Updates 2.1.6 Bluetooth-Enabled Devices2.1.6.1 Mobile Handsets2. Mobile HandsetObstacles and Issues2. Bluetooth Handset Forecasts2.1.6.2 Bluetooth Headsets2. Headset Obstacles and Issues2. Bluetooth Headset Forecasts2.1.6.3 Bluetooth PDAs2. PDA Obstacles and Issues2. PDA Forecasts2.1.6.4 Bluetooth Car Kits2. Car Kit Obstacles and Issues2.2 IEEE 802.112.2.1 802.11 Security2.2.2 802.11i2.2.3 802.11b2.2.4 802.11g2.2.5 802.11n2.2.6 802.11a2.2.7 802.11h2.2.8 802.162.2.9 802.16a (WiMAX)2.2.10 802.16e2.3 Mobile Broadband Peer-To-Peer Networks2.3.1 Similar Offerings FleetNet2.3.1.2 MOTERAN2.4 Dedicated Short RangeCommunications (DSRC)2.4.1 DSRC Distinctions From802.11a2.4.2 DSRC Global Band Allocation2.4.3 DSRC Standardization Status2.4.4 DSRC Dual-Mode Chipsets2.4.5 DSRC Roadside InfrastructureRequirements2.5 4.9 GHz For Public Safety2.6 Radio Frequency IdentiÞ cation(RFID)2.6.1 Transponders2.6.2 Readers2.6.3 RFID Frequency Bands2.6.3.1 Low-Frequency2.6.3.2 High Frequency2.6.3.3 Ultra High Frequency(UHF) Microwave2.7 Ultra Wideband2.8 Satellite-Based Digital Audio RadioServices (SDARS)2.8.1 Sirius Satellite Radio2.8.1.1 Sirius Partners2.8.2 XM Satellite Radio2.8.2.1 XM Partners2.9 HD Radio2.10 Satellite TV For AutomotiveSection 3Business Issues3.1 Bluetooth Automotive Drivers3.1.1 The Automotive Design Cycle3.1.2 Driver Focus3.1.3 Central CommunicationsInterface3.1.4 Multiplexing3.2 Bluetooth Automotive Issues3.2.1 The Automotive Environment3.2.2 Overpopulated Spectrum3.2.3 Reliability In Automotive3.2.4 Bluetooth Node Limitations3.2.5 Throughput3.2.6 Ad Hoc Standardization3.3 802.11 Issues3.3.1 Security3.3.2 Throughput3.3.3 Quality of Service3.3.4 Frequency Allocation3.44.9 GHz For Public Safety Issues3.5 RFID Issues3.6 UWB Issues3.7 SDARS Issues3.8 HD Radio Issues3.9 Satellite TV Drivers3.10 Satellite TV Issues3.11 Key Standards Organizations3.11.1 ASTM International3.11.2 Automotive MultimediaInterface Collaboration (AMI-C)3.11.3 Bluetooth Special InterestGroup3.11.3.1 Automotive Expert Group3.11.3.2 Car ProÞ le Working Group3.11.4 The Ultra Wideband WorkingGroup3.11.5 The Wi-Fi Alliance3.11.6 Vehicle SafetyCommunications Consortium3.11.7 WiMAX ForumSection 4Applications and Markets4.1 Automotive Bluetooth Applications4.1.1 Current Bluetooth Applications4.1.1.1 BMW4.1.1.2 Chrysler UConnect4.1.1.3 Lincoln4.1.1.4 Maybach4.1.1.5 Mobile-Ease4.1.1.6 Toyota/Lexus4.1.1.7 Saab4.1.2 Future Bluetooth Applications4.1.2.1 Automotive Manufacturing4.1.2.2 Automotive Supply ChainManagement4.1.2.3 Remote Vehicle Diagnostics4.1.2.4 Navigation4.1.2.5 Electronic Toll Collection4.1.2.6 POS Transactions4.1.2.7 Keyless Entry & RemoteStart Systems4.1.2.8 Automotive SpeakerSystems4.1.2.9 Speaker System Issues4.1.2.10 Simple On/OffAutomotive System Control4.1.3 Automotive Bluetooth Forecasts4.1.3.1 Automotive BluetoothNode Shipments4.1.3.2 OEM Vs. AftermarketBluetooth Shipments4.1.3.3 Bluetooth Penetration Rates4.2 Automotive 802.11 Applications4.2.1 Current 802.11 Applications4.2.1.1 Rockford OmniÞ4. OmniÞ Issues4.2.2 Future 802.11 Applications4.2.2.1 Music Downloading/AudioStreaming4.2.2.2 Gasoline Retailing(Smart-Fueling) Why GasolineRetailers? Potential Issues4.2.2.3 Navigation4.2.2.4 Electronic Toll Collection4.2.2.5 Remote Diagnostics4.2.3 Automotive 802.11 ForecastsT ABLE OF C ONTENTS • World Comparison of Wireless LAN Protocols• World Bluetooth Power Classes • Shipments of Bluetooth-Enabled Mobile Handsets, World Market, 2002 to 2008• Mobile Handsets Available With Bluetooth, Global Market: 2003 • Shipments of Bluetooth-EnabledHeadsets, World Market, 2002 to 2008 • Shipments of Bluetooth-Enabled PDAs, World Market, 2002 to 2008 • Global Frequency Allocations for 5 GHz WLAN• Bluetooth-Enabled Mobile Handset Shipments, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Bluetooth-Enabled Mobile Handset Shipments, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Bluetooth-Enabled Headset Shipments,World Market, Moderate Forecast:2002 to 2008 • Bluetooth-Enabled Headset Shipments, World Market, Aggressive Forecast:2002 to 2008• Bluetooth-Enabled PDA Shipments, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Bluetooth-Enabled PDA Shipments, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Vehicles Available with DaimlerChrys-ler’s UConnect Bluetooth Car Kit, North America: 2003• Automotive-Targeted Bluetooth Shipments, World Market: 2002 to 2008• OEM and Aftermarket Automotive Bluetooth Node Shipments, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008• OEM and Aftermarket Automotive Bluetooth Node Shipments, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Penetration of Embedded Bluetooth Nodes into New Vehicles, World Market: 2003 to 2008• Automotive-Targeted 802.11 Shipments, World Market: 2002 to 2008• OEM Versus Aftermarket Automo-tive 802.11 Shipments, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2003 to 2008 • OEM and Aftermarket Automotive 802.11 Shipments, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2003 to 2008• Penetration of Embedded 802.11 Nodes into New Vehicles, World Market: 2006 to 2008 • OEM Tire Monitoring SystemShipments, US: 2002 to 2008 • Automotive Collision Avoidance System Shipments, World Market: 2002 to 2008• Automotive-Targeted Bluetooth Node Shipments, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Automotive-Targeted Bluetooth Node Shipments, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Installed Base of Vehicles with OEM Bluetooth Hardware, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008 • Installed Base of Vehicles with OEM Bluetooth Hardware, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Installed Base of Vehicles with After-market Bluetooth Hardware, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Installed Base of Vehicles with Aftermarket Bluetooth Hardware, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Automotive-Targeted 802.11 Node Shipments, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Automotive-Targeted 802.11 Node Shipments, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Installed Base of Vehicles with OEM 802.11 Hardware, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008 • Installed Base of Vehicles with OEM 802.11 Hardware, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008 • Installed Base of Vehicles with After-market 802.11 Hardware, World Mar-ket, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008 • Installed Base of Vehicles with Aftermarket 802.11 Hardware, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008• A VI Transponder ASP, Shipments, and Revenue, World Market, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008• A VI Transponder ASP, Shipments, and Revenue, World Market, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008• Tire Tracking Transponder ASP, Shipments, and Revenue, World Mar-ket, Moderate Forecast: 2002 to 2008 • Tire Tracking Transponder ASP, Shipments, and Revenue, World Mar-ket, Aggressive Forecast: 2002 to 2008T ABLE OF C ONTENTS (CONT .)L IST OF T ABLES AND C HARTS4.2.3.1 Automotive 802.11 Node Shipments OEM Vs. Aftermarket 802.11 Shipments4.2.3.3 802.11 Penetration Rates 4.3 Automotive RFID Applications 4.3.1 Asset & Supply Chain Management4.3.2 Passive Entry Systems 4.3.3 Vehicle Immobilizers4.3.3.1 Immobilizer Market Potential4.3.4 Toll Collection & Vehicle Identi Þ cation4.3.4.1 Vehicle Identi Þ cationMarket Potential4.3.5 Tire Tracking/Monitoring Tire Tracking/Monitoring Market Potential4.4 UWB Automotive Applications Section 5Selected Player Pro fi les5.1 Atheros Communications Inc. 5.2 Broadcom Corp5.3 Cambridge Silicon Radio 5.4 DaimlerChrysler AG 5.5 Extended Systems Inc5.6 In Þ neon Technologies AG 5.7 Jabra Corp.5.8 Johnson Controls Inc 5.9 MeshNetworks Inc5.10 OKI Semiconductor Co 5.11 Plantronics Inc 5.12 Rockford Corp 5.13 Widcomm Inc Appendix AMarket Participants Appendix B AcronymsPayment: ! Check Enclosed !!! Bill My Company * (SEE BELOW )!!! Send me Automotive Wireless Networks for $4400 -BASIC License (1 to 4 users)For 5 or more users, please contact your ABI Client Relations RepresentativeFormat Options:! Online Access at (.pdf format) ! Printed Version! CD-ROM (.pdf format)Shipping Options:! $25 S&H for non-prepaid orders (US only) ________ ! $35 Overnight Delivery (US only)________! $75 Expedited Service for international orders________Total ________- Purchase orders accepted from pre-approved credit clients only.- Orders are shipped via UPS Ground Delivery unless otherwise indicated.- NY State deliveries must add applicable sales tax.- Non-US orders must be pre-paid by wire or check drawn on a US bank.- Please contact ABI for bank & shipping details.- Note: Orders placed after 3:30pm EST are shipped the following day.*69 Hamilton Avenue "Oyster Bay, NY 11771 USAPhone 516-624-3113 "Fax 516-624-3115 "CARD NUMBER EXP . DA TE CARDHOLDER’S SIGNA TURE NAME ON CARDNAME EMAIL COMPANY TITLE ADDRESS CITY ,STA TE,ZIP COUNTRYTELEPHONE FAXT O O RDER - V ISIT : ABIRESEARCH .COM - C ALL : 516-624-3113 - F AX : 516-624-3115 - E MAIL : INFO @ABIRESEARCH .COMT HE ABI research C LIENT S UPPORT G UARANTEEAll ABI reports include 30 minutes of support. If you have questions about theindustry covered, methodology used, or require analyst opinions on matters related to the licensed report, please send an email to clientservices@.©2003 Allied Business Intelligence Inc.ABI R ELATED R EPORTSThe Digital CarOEM Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities In Global Consumer TelematicsThe global automotive industry faces some of the most daunting challenges witnessed in sev-eral years. Now more than ever it is imperative for OEMs develop telematics strategies that will succeed from the very beginning. However, suc-cess cannot be measured by volume, but rather through customer retention and tangible value to the consumer and OEM alike.This study describes global OEM efforts to adopt innovative business models in order to drive a new generation of services and applica-tions. It also gives recommendations on how new opportunities may be exploited to bene Þ t all members of the telematics value chain.A slew of wireless data pipes to the vehicle are rapidly emerging, partially including satellite, 802.11, Bluetooth, and terrestrial digital. The bene Þ ts and challenges of these protocols are examined as are the burgeoning applications which may best be served by them.Business issues including, regulations andsystem architectures are examined, along with end-user applications and an overview of stan-dardization efforts. The report contains dozens of charts, quantifying major world markets to 2008, including US, Europe, Japan, and Rest of World. The report concludes with a detailed list of international market participants.Report Code: DCARAftermarket Telematics Global Market Opportunities for Next-Gen-eration Automotive Navigation, Safety, AndSecurity ServicesTremendous activity is taking place in the US automotive security aftermarket, as the majority of manufacturers are currently shipping newly developed, GPS-enabled systems. Promising to take vehicle security to the next level, a suite of new, low-priced telematics services will provide customers with such capabilities as geo-fencing,automatic theft noti Þcation, tracking, and route assistance. Much foresight has gone into the systematic deployment of these new aftermarket systems, but can these simple, security-centric telematics offerings succeed where OnStar andsimilar OEM efforts have thus far failed?Aftermarket Telematics explores the potential impact of these new systems and provides insight into all the world’s major aftermarket telematics offerings. Business issues such as distribution channels, regional consumer char-acteristics, and potential hurdles are also clearly outlined.System shipments, service revenues, and adjunct equipment including navigation sys-tems are forecasted over the next 5 years on a regional basis. The report concludes witha comprehensive player pro Þles section and includes a detailed list of international marketparticipants. Report Code: AMT Fleet Management SystemsExploring Global Market Opportunities, Trends, and Technologies in Commercial TelematicsThe current stall of the personal telematics industry in many regions has been prompting a new focus on the commercial side of tele-matics. Alongside this, the issue of homeland security is fostering a slew of new technologies and applications in the commercial telematics industry. FMS tackles several relevant topics, partially including promising market segments, wireless location and communication technolo-gies, and market-driving applications. There are over 200 commercial telematics vendors in the US alone. As large players move down market to the smaller ß eets, increased niche market specialization will occur. Segments of particular interest covered in the study partially include taxis/black cars, leased ß eets, heavy equipment, transit ß eets, and intermodal shipping. Of Þ cial vehicle ß eets include ambulances, buses, po-lice cars, and government car pools. The study contains numerous charts quantifying the world commercial telematics markets for the next Þ ve years, as well as the market potential for key vertical markets. The study also includes a player pro Þ les section and a comprehensive list of international market participants.Report Code: FMS。