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Before you get started, please remember:

◆Every visa officer will assume that you are NOT coming back to China, all you have to do is to convince him/her that you ARE coming back!

◆Don’t wait the visa officer to ask the questions you prepared or the questions you assume is going to fit into your answers, you have to fully express yourself positively, you have to seek any chance to express yourself!

◆Every question is a trap! You have to see the trap behind the question!

◆Do notice every answer should be very SPECIFIC,clear and reasonable. Category A---Are you coming back to China?

All the questions below looks like asking about your purpose to go to US, looks like asking about your study goals in US or your study strategies in US.

Q: How do you know about your school, why do you wanna study there?

The trap behind: your answer may concentrate too much on the school details without mention career development plan in China.

Tips: 也就是说,你的学习目的最终应该落在回到中国发展这一个基本点上,不要过多的阐述学校的具体细节,因为你没去过,你不了解。要慎重的使用该学校在美国的排名和毕业生就业状况,因为这会增加你的移民倾向。

The real question behind: Are you coming back to China?

Trick to answer: answer them simply and clearly with your knowledge of major and schools you are applying, then switch to your career plan in China immediately! You have to have a very customized plan for yourself, it has to be very reasonable.

Category B: Are you a serious student?

The visa officer may ask some questions to evaluate if you are a serious student. These are detailed messages about yourself or the school you applied.

The trap behind: They wanna show that you d on’t have a good education background or your language skills are poor, or the way you present yourself is not proper on that day.

The real question behind: Are you a legislate student to go to US without causing any trouble?

The trick to answer: Study more about the school you applied over emails, website or brochures. Know more about your school and department. Express yourself precisely, clearly and honestly. Dress up as a serious student rather than a businessperson unless you have years of working experience and you are going to study MBA in US.


Category C: Do you have enough money to support your study and living?

You might be asked about sch olarships, your income, your parents’ income, your parents’ jobs or your job status; in fact, they are just trying to find out if you are able to pay your study and living in US. But you have to remember:

It is NOT the scholarship that makes you choose that university. The reason you choose that university have to be VERY VERY SPECIFIC and very REASONABLELY related to your future career plan in China!

The trap behind: you don’t seem have enough financial support for your study or living. The financial certificates you present are either looking fake or unreasonable.

怀疑某个文件的真伪是签证官惯用的伎俩,他会观察你的神态和举止来判断一份重要文件的真伪,当他怀疑你时不要慌张,要为自己辩护,无论如何要让他知道这份文件是真的。所有文件最好带原件。我的一份很重要的资金文件不识原件,是公证书,签证官在上面作了文章,他先是问我要原件,我没法拿出来,他问我为什么没有,我先说可能是公证处拿走了,但是他马上反驳了我,他知道公证处没全拿走那个文件的原本,后来我只说我爸妈没给我(千万别编造任何故事来告诉他们为什么没有原件,他们为政府工作,更了解工作流程,很容易就拆穿谎言。)。他又说公证书是很容易作假的,他在怀疑真伪,而我的回答很简单,如果公证书上的印鉴都可以造假,那么制造一份原件就会更简单。 The real question behind: Will you able to pay the tuition and other fees while you stay in US?

The trick to answer: be confident to say that you have enough money to support yourself, it can be either from your savings or from your parents. Seek any chance to speak out very specifically or show the documents (bank statement from you or your parents. A letter from your parents stating that you would like to pay for your study) to visa officer. The documents have to show a proper and reasonable amount.
