Microstructural development during the quenching and




文章编号:1007-046X(2010)01-0008-03实验研究粉煤灰-石灰-二水石膏胶凝材料的体积稳定性及水化产物的性能Volume Stability of Fly Ash-Lime-Gypsum Binder and Its Hydration Products周万良1,2 ,詹炳根2 ,龙靖华2(1.武汉大学水利水电学院 , 武汉 430072;2.合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院,合肥 230009)0 前 言 粉煤灰水化活性小,不能单独成为胶凝材料,但用石灰和石膏双重激发粉煤灰则能大大提高其活性,从而能配制出一种胶凝材料,这种粉煤灰-石灰-二水石膏胶凝材料(FLD)具有成本低廉、保护环境、水化热低等优点,应用越来越广泛,如配制大体积混凝土、高性能混凝土、绿色混凝土,生产砌筑水泥等。

该胶材中的粉煤灰在石灰激发下会生成水化铝酸钙,继而与石膏反应生成钙矾石,体积膨胀[2] ,因此存在体积稳定性问题。


目前国内外有关 FLD 的研究有很多[1,3 ̄8] ,但都没有对其稳定性进行过长期研究(2 年以上),也没有明确结论。

为此本文对粉煤灰-石灰-二水石膏胶凝材料(以下简称 FLD)的体积稳定性进行了长期研究。

由于胶凝材料体积稳定性与水化产物的数量和形貌有关,本文同时对 FLD 的水化产物进行了 XRD 和 SEM 分析。

8COAL ASH 1/2010摘 要: 用雷氏夹法对粉煤灰-石灰-二水石膏胶凝材料(FLD )的体积稳定性进行了研究,用 SEM 和 XRD 对 FLD 的水化 产物形貌和数量变化规律进行了研究。

FLD 中 SO 3 含量为 2.33% 时体积稳定性良好,而 SO 3 含量大于 4.65% 时体 积稳定性差。

在 FLD 中,随龄期增加,钙矾石数量不断增加,CaSO 4·2H 2O 和 Ca (OH )2 数量不断减少。



第32卷第3期 2017年6月新型炭材料NEW CARBON MATERIALSVol. 32 No. 3Jun. 2017文章编号:1007-8827(2017)03鄄0193-12用于高温气冷堆的核石墨周湘文,唐亚平,卢振明,张杰,刘兵(清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院,先进核能技术协同创新中心,先进反应堆工程与安全教育部重点实验室,北京100084)摘要:自1942年首次在CP-1反应堆中使用以来,核石墨因其优异的综合性能,在核反应堆特别高温气冷堆中被广泛使 用。


在两种堆型中,石墨主要用作慢化剂、燃料 元件基体材料及堆内结构材料。


原材料及成型方式对 于石墨的结构、性能及其在辐照中的表现起到决定性的作用。

辐照中石墨微观结构及尺寸的变化是其宏观热力学性能变化 的内在原因,辐照温度及剂量对于石墨的结构及性能变化起决定性作用。

本文介绍了高温气冷堆中核石墨的性能要求及核 石墨的生产流程,阐述了不同温度及辐照条件下石墨热力学性能及微观结构的变化规律,并对当前国内外核石墨的研究现状 及未来核石墨的长期发展如焦炭的稳定供应和石墨的回收进行讨论。

本文可为有志于研发用于未来我国商业化的高温气冷 堆中的核石墨的生产厂家提供参考。

关键词:核石墨;高温气冷堆;辐照;微观结构;物理、力学及热学性能中图分类号:TQ127.1 + 1文献标识码:A基金项目:国家公派留学基金(201406215002);国家科技重大专项(ZX06901);清华大学自主科研项目(20121088038).通讯作者:周湘文,副教授,博士. E-mail: xiangwen@ . cnNuclear graphite for high temperature gas-cooled reactorsZHOU Xiang-wen,TANG Ya-ping,LU Zhen-ming,ZHANG Jie,LIU Bing (Institute o f Nuclear and New Energy Technology o f Tsinghua University,Collaborative Innovation Center o f Advanced Nuclear Energy Technology,the key laboratory o f advanced reactor engineering and safety,Ministry o f Education,Beijing100084,China)Abstract: Since its first successful use in the CP-1 nuclear reactor in 1942,nuclear graphite has played an important role in nucle­ar reactors especially the high temperature gas-cooled type (HTGRs) owing to its outstanding comprehensive nuclear properties. As the most promising candidate for generation IV reactors,HTGRs have two main designs,the pebble bed reactor and the prismatic re­actor. In both designs,the graphite acts as the moderator,fuel matrix,and a major core structural component. However,the me­chanical and thermal properties of graphite are generally reduced by the high fluences of neutron irradiation of during reactor opera- tion,making graphite more susceptible to failure after a significant neutron dose. Since the starting raw materials such as the cokes and the subsequent forming method play a critical role in determining the structure and corresponding properties and performance of graphite under irradiation,the judicious selection of high-purity raw materials,forming method,graphitization temperature and any halogen purification are required to obtain the desired properties such as the purity and isotropy. The microstructural and correspond­ing dimensional changes under irradiation are the underlying mechanism for the changes of most thermal and mechanical properties of graphite,and irradiation temperature and neutron fluence play key roles in determining the microstructural and property changes of the graphite. In this paper,the basic requirements of nuclear graphite as a moderator for HTGRs and its manufacturing process are presented. In addition,changes in the mechanical and thermal properties of graphite at different temperatures and under different neutron fluences are elaborated. Furthermore,the current status of nuclear graphite development in China and abroad is discussed,and long-term problems regarding nuclear graphite such as the sustainable and stable supply of cokes as well as the recycling of used material are discussed. This paper is intended to act as a reference for graphite providers who are interested in developing nuclear graphite for potential applications in future commercial Chinese HTGRs.Key words:Nuclear graphite;High temperature gas-cooled reactors;Irradiation;Microstructure;Physical,mechanical and ther­mal propertiesReceived date:2017-02-26;Revised date:2017-05-13Foundation item:State Scholarship Foundation of China (201406215002) ;Chinese National S&T Major Project (ZX06901) ;Tsin­ghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program (20121088038).Corresponding author:ZHOU Xiang-wen,Associate Professor. E-mail: xiangwen@ tsinghua. edu. cnEnglish edition available online ScienceDirect ( http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/journal/18725805 ).DOI:10. 1016/S1872-5805(17)60116-1• 194•新型炭材料第32卷1IntroductionThe phrase nuclear graphite began to be used at the end of 1942 when the first nuclear fission occurred in the graphite moderated nuclear reactor CP-1[I]. From the early 1960s, the United Kingdom, the Unit­ed States and Germany began to develop high temper­ature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs). Japan began the construction of a 30 MWth high temperature test reac­tor (HTTR) in 1991, which reached its first criticali­ty in 1998. In China, a 10 MW experimental high temperature gas-cooled reactor ( HTR-10 )[23], whose design started in 1992 and construction com­menced in 1995, reached it criticality in the end of 2000, and its full power in the beginning of 2003. Since the Fukushima accident in March, 2011, the public has paid more and more attention to the safety of nuclear power. As a candidate reactor for the Gen- eration-IV reactors, the construction of a 2x250 MW high temperature gas-cooled reactor pebble-bed mod­ule (HTR-PM) with inherent safety is underway in Shidao Bay, Rongcheng of Shandong province, Chi­na and is expected to complete in 2017[4]. In both of the research and commercial HTGRs, the reactor re­flectors and cores have been constructed by structural graphite components. Past designs represent two pri­mary core concepts commercially favored for HTGRs :the prismatic block reactor (PM R) and the pebble- bed reactor (PB R)[2]. In both of the HTGR concepts the polycrystalline graphite not only is a major struc­tural component which offers thermal and neutron shielding and provides channels for fuel and coolant gas, channels for control and safety shut off devices, but also acts as a moderator and matrix material for the fuel elements and control rods and a heat sink or conduction path during reactor trips and transients.The polycrystalline graphite exhibits significant importance in HTGRs because of its outstanding nu­clear physical properties such as high moderating and reflecting efficiency, a relatively low atomic mass and a low absorption cross-section for neutrons, in addi­tion to high mechanical strength, good chemical sta­bility and thermal shock resistance, high machinabili- ty and light weight[5]. The following example illus­trates the importance of nuclear graphite in more de­tails. For the thorium high temperature reactor ( TH- TR) in Germany with a power of 300 MWe, nearly 400 000 kg of nuclear graphite has been used[2] •In China, approximately 60 tons of graphite was used in HTR-10[3], and more than 1000 tons of nuclear graphite will be used in HTR-PM as the structural ma­terial and matrix graphite of pebble fuel elements ⑷. The raw materials of matrix graphite of fuel elements for HTR-10 and HTR-PM such as natural flake graph­ite and artificial graphite powder are supplied by Chi­nese domestic providers[6,7]. The behavior of the in­dividual fuel particles and the matrix graphite material in which the particles are encased are not considered here. However, it should be noted that although the graphite technology associated with the matrix graph­ite is related to that of the main structural graphite such as the moderator there are differences as non- graphitized materials and natural flake graphite are used in the matrix graphite. Because so far no quali­fied domestic nuclear graphite is available, all the structural nuclear graphite materials for HTR-10 and HTR-PM are imported from Toyo Tanso of Japan. In April 2015, China Nuclear Engineering Corporation Ltd ( CNEC) announced that its proposal for two commercial 600 MWe HTGRs (HTR-600) at Ruijin city in Jiangxi Province had passed an initial feasibili­ty review. The HTR-600 is planned to start construc­tion in 2017 and for grid connection in 2021[8]. In or­der to achieve the economy and security of supply, the structural nuclear graphite must be provided by domestic providers in China in the future. Fortunate­ly, with the rocketing development of photovoltaic in­dustry in China, several Chinese companies have emerged which can produce the fine-grained isotrop­ic, isostatic molded, high strength graphite in large scale. Some of the manufacturers with state-of-the-art graphite manufacture capabilities should be chosen as the potential candidate providers of the structural nu­clear graphite for HTGRs based on qualification pro­grams. However, during the operation of a reactor, many of the graphite physical properties are signifi­cantly changed due to the high fast neutron doses. The physical, mechanical and chemical properties of graphite can be influenced negatively by irradiation induced damage, which would lead to the failure of graphite components. In pebble-bed HTGRs such as HTR-PM in China, the core support graphite structure is particularly considered permanent, although it is expected that certain high neutron dose components ( inner graphite reflector) will be replaced during the whole lifetime of the reactor. During the life time of the reactor, the reflector graphite would be subjected to a very high integrated fluence of fast neutrons of around 3x1022n/cm2(E>0.1M eV)[910]. Therefore, the pre-irradiation and post-irradiation comprehensive properties of nuclear graphite candidates must be thor­oughly examined and evaluated. Those properties of nuclear graphite are strongly dependent on the extent of anisotropy, grain size, microstructural orientation and defects, purity, and fabrication method.In this paper, basic nuclear requirements of nu­第3期ZHOU Xiang-wen et a l:Nuclear graphite for high temperature gas-cooled reactors•195.clear graphite are presented and the specifications such as the manufacture, material properties with three pri­mary areas (physical, thermal and mechanical) and irradiation responses of nuclear graphite suitable for HTGRs are elaborated, which could be a reference for the potential providers who are anxious to develop the nuclear graphite for future commercial HTGRs of Chi­na. The long-term considerations such as those invol­ving the cokes and recycle for nuclear graphite are al­so discussed.2 Nuclear requirements of graphite for HTGRs2.1 Fission reactions with neutronsThe tremendous energy produced in HTGRs is from the fission of isotopes such as 92 U233,92 U235,and 94Pu239 . Fission of a heavy element,with release of energy and further neutrons,is usually initiated by an impinging neutron. The fission of 92U235 can be de­scribed as:92『5+。



热影响区宽度的英文Width of the Heat-Affected Zone: A Critical Aspect in Metallurgical Processes.The width of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) is a crucial parameter in metallurgical processes, particularly welding. It refers to the region of the base metal that experiences changes in microstructure and mechanical properties due to the heat input during the welding process. The understanding and control of the HAZ width are essentialfor ensuring the quality and performance of welded joints.1. Definition and Importance of the HAZ Width.The heat-affected zone is the area surrounding the weld metal that experiences elevated temperatures but does not melt completely. The width of this zone depends on various factors such as welding parameters, base metal composition, and the type of welding process used. The microstructural changes within the HAZ can significantly affect themechanical properties of the welded joint, including its strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance.2. Factors Influencing the HAZ Width.Welding Parameters: The welding current, voltage, and welding speed significantly affect the heat input and, consequently, the width of the HAZ. Higher heat input results in a wider HAZ.Base Metal Composition: The chemical composition of the base metal determines its thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and phase transformation temperatures. These properties influence how the metal responds to the heat input and, therefore, the width of the HAZ.Welding Process: Different welding processes, such as gas metal arc welding (GMAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), and submerged arc welding (SAW), have different heat distributions and, thus, affect the HAZ width.3. Impact of the HAZ Width on Welded Joint Properties.Mechanical Properties: The microstructural changes within the HAZ can lead to variations in hardness, ductility, and strength. If the HAZ width is too wide, it can result in a decrease in joint strength and an increase in the risk of cracks.Corrosion Resistance: Changes in the microstructure of the HAZ can affect the corrosion resistance of the welded joint. Wider HAZs may exhibit increased susceptibility to corrosion.Fatigue Resistance: The HAZ width can influence the fatigue life of welded structures. Wider HAZs may introduce stress concentrations and reduce fatigue resistance.4. Controlling the HAZ Width.Selection of Welding Parameters: Careful selection of welding parameters can help limit the heat input and, thus, the width of the HAZ. Adjusting the welding current, voltage, and speed according to the base metal and desiredjoint properties is crucial.Preheat and Postweld Heat Treatment: The application of preheat and postweld heat treatment can control the cooling rate and minimize the risk of harmful microstructural changes within the HAZ.Use of Filler Materials: The selection of appropriate filler materials can influence the microstructural development within the HAZ and, thus, the width.5. Conclusion.The width of the heat-affected zone is a critical aspect in welding and other metallurgical processes. Understanding and controlling this parameter is essential for ensuring the quality and performance of welded joints. By considering factors such as welding parameters, base metal composition, and welding process, it is possible to optimize the HAZ width and achieve optimal welded joint properties.。









ODF截⾯图.铁素体区热轧后,ELC钢中形成了较强的⼝织构和很弱的7织构,织构主要组分集中在{001}(110)~{223}(110).⽽IF钢中形成了强的7织构和很弱的⼝织构.两种钢的冷轧织构都是由较强的⼝织构和较弱的y织构组成.ELC钢的退⽕织构中主要是y织构,但仍有较弱的⼝织构存在;IF钢的退⽕织构中只有很强并且均匀的7织构.并且ELC钢退⽕织构的强度明显低于IF钢.图2⽇C钢织构的,=45‘OOF截⾯图Fig.29245‘OOFsectionsortexturehaCs蚓(a)⼀热轧;(b)⼀冷轧;(c)—退⽕.IF钢与ELC钢织构及性能的对⽐作者:郭艳辉,王昭东,李守卫,邹闻⽂, GUO Yan-hui, WANG Zhao-dong, LI Shou-wei , ZOU Wen-wen作者单位:东北⼤学,轧制技术及连轧⾃动化国家重点实验室,辽宁,沈阳,110004刊名:东北⼤学学报(⾃然科学版)英⽂刊名:JOURNAL OF NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE)年,卷(期):2007,28(12)被引⽤次数:3次参考⽂献(9条)1.Huang C;Hawbolt E B;Chen X Flow stress modeling and warm rolling simulation behavior of two Ti-Nb interstitial-free steels in the ferrite region[外⽂期刊] 2001(08)2.Cetlin P R;Yue S;Jonas J J Simulated rod rolling of interstitial-free steels 1993(04)3.Akbari G H;Sellars C M;Whiteman J A Microstructural development during warm rolling of an IF steel [外⽂期刊] 1997(12)4.Humphreys A O;Liu D S;Toroghinejad M R Effect of chromium and boron additions on the warm rolling behavior of low carbon steels[外⽂期刊] 2002(zk)5.王昭东;郭艳辉;赵忠应⽤铁素体区热轧⼯艺开发超低碳热轧深冲板[期刊论⽂]-东北⼤学学报(⾃然科学版) 2005(08)6.Roe R J Orientation distribution function of crystallites materials in materials 1965(06)7.Toroghinejad M R;Humphreys A O;Liu D S Effect of rolling temperature on the deformation and recrystallization textures of warm -rolled steels[外⽂期刊] 2003(05)8.Senuma T;Yada H;Shimizu R Textures of low carbon and titanium bearing extra low carbon steel sheets hot rolled below their Ar3 temperatures 1990(12)9.Ray R K;Jonas J J;Hook R E Cold rolling and annealing textures in low carbon and extra low carbon steels 1994(04)本⽂读者也读过(7条)1.王昭东.郭艳辉.孙⼤庆.薛⽂颖.刘相华.王国栋.WANG Zhaodong.GUO Yanhui.SUN Daqing.XUE Wenying.LIU Xianghua.WANG Guodong IF钢铁素体区热轧和退⽕过程中织构的演变[期刊论⽂]-材料研究学报2006,20(4)2.曹圣泉.张津徐.吴建⽣.陈家光IF钢织构与晶界特征分布的研究[期刊论⽂]-⾦属学报2004,40(10)3.李晋霞.刘战英.李艳娇.刘相华冷变形⼯艺对IF钢深冲性能的影响[期刊论⽂]-东北⼤学学报(⾃然科学版) 2001,23(1)4.王昭东.郭艳辉.⽥勇.王国栋.WANG Zhao-dong.GUO Yan-hui.TIAN Yong.WANG Guo-dong铁素体区轧制⼯艺对IF钢织构及深冲性能的影响[期刊论⽂]-东北⼤学学报(⾃然科学版)2006,27(12)5.于凤云.王轶农.蒋奇武.YU Feng-yun.WANG Yi-nong.JIANG Qi-wu深冲IF钢再结晶{111}纤维织构形成机制探讨[期刊论⽂]-材料科学与⼯艺2008,16(5)6.贺彤.刘沿东.蒋奇武.左良.HE Tong.LIU Yan-dong.JIANG Qi-wu.ZUO Liang异步轧制对IF钢冷轧及再结晶织构的影响[期刊论⽂]-东北⼤学学报(⾃然科学版)2008,29(4)7.张锦刚.蒋奇武.刘沿东.左良.ZHANG Jin-gang.JIANG Qi-wu.LIU Yan-dong.ZUO Liang Ti-IF和Ti+Nb-IF钢铁素体区热轧组织和织构特征[期刊论⽂]-东北⼤学学报(⾃然科学版)2005,26(10)1.⾼鲁峰.康永林.吕超.朱国明.刘仁东.林利Ti-IF钢连续退⽕组织演变及微观织构研究[期刊论⽂]-钢铁研究学报 2011(9)2.肖鸿飞.李壮.吴迪.王昭东深冲⽤超低碳冷轧带钢铁素体区热轧的现场试验[期刊论⽂]-特殊钢 2009(3)3.袁永⽂.李壮.李平瑞不同制度轧制的冷轧带钢退⽕后的组织性能[期刊论⽂]-热处理技术与装备 2009(2)本⽂链接:/doc/577442555.html/Periodical_dbdxxb200712011.aspx。







二、铁素体形态的概念及分类1. 铁素体的定义铁素体是一种由铁和少量的碳以及其他合金元素组成的固溶体组织。


2. 铁素体的分类铁素体可以根据其晶粒的形态和分布特征进行分类,常见的分类包括球状铁素体、网状铁素体、条状铁素体等。


三、铁素体形态的影响因素1. 成分的影响铁素体的形态受材料的成分影响较大,特别是碳含量、铬含量、镍含量等元素的含量和比例对铁素体形态起着决定性作用。

2. 组织转变的影响材料的热处理过程以及冷却速率会对铁素体形态产生影响,合理的热处理工艺可以有助于获得理想的铁素体形态。

3. 加工工艺的影响热加工和冷加工等加工工艺也会对铁素体形态产生一定的影响,需要合理控制加工参数以获得良好的铁素体形态。

四、铁素体形态的控制方法1. 合理设计合金元素的含量和比例在奥氏体不锈钢的合金设计中,需要针对所需的铁素体形态进行合理的合金设计,包括碳含量、铬含量、镍含量等元素的含量和比例。

2. 优化热处理工艺通过对热处理工艺的优化,可以控制铁素体的形态,包括固溶处理、时效处理等工艺。

3. 控制加工工艺参数在材料的加工过程中,合理控制加工工艺参数可以有效地控制铁素体的形态,包括热轧、冷轧、锻造等工艺。





混凝土塑性—损伤本构模型研究一、本文概述Overview of this article混凝土作为一种广泛应用的建筑材料,其力学性能和损伤行为的研究一直是土木工程领域的重要课题。



As a widely used building material, the study of mechanical properties and damage behavior of concrete has always been an important topic in the field of civil engineering. This article aims to conduct in-depth research and exploration on the plastic damage constitutive model of concrete, which can more accurately describe the mechanical response and damage evolution process of concrete under complex stress states. The study of the plastic damage constitutive model of concrete not only helps us better understand the mechanical properties ofconcrete, but also provides theoretical basis and technical support for the design, analysis, and optimization of concrete structures.本文首先介绍了混凝土塑性-损伤本构模型的基本概念和理论框架,包括塑性理论、损伤力学以及混凝土材料的特殊性质。



NANO-SCALE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT FOR FUTUREMAGNETIC APPLICATIONSpM.E.McHENRY and UGHLIN {Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Data Storage Systems Center,Carnegie MellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA 15213,USA(Received 1June 1999;accepted 15July 1999)Abstract ÐDevelopments in the ®eld of magnetic materials which show promise for future applications are reviewed.In particular recent work in nanocrystalline materials is reviewed,with either soft or hard beha-vior as well as advances in the magnetic materials used for magnetic recording.The role of microstructure on the extrinsic magnetic properties of the materials is stressed and it is emphasized how careful control of the microstructure has played an important role in their improvement.Important microstructural features such as grain size,grain shape and crystallographic texture all are major contributors to the properties of the materials.In addition,the critical role that new instrumentation has played in the better understanding of the nano-phase magnetic materials is demonstrated.#2000Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of Acta Metallurgica Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:Soft magnetic materials;Hard magnetic materials;Recording media;Microstructure;Nano-phase1.INTRODUCTIONWhether it can be called a revolution or simply a continuous evolution,it is clear that development of new materials and their understanding on a smaller and smaller length scale is at the root of progress in many areas of materials science [1].This is particularly true in the development of new mag-netic materials for a variety of important appli-cations [2±5].In recent years the focus has moved from the microcrystalline to the nanocrystalline regime.This paper intends to summarize recent developments in the synthesis,structural character-ization,and properties of nanocrystalline and mag-nets for three distinct sets of magnetic applications:1.Soft magnetic materials.2.Hard magnetic materials.3.Magnetic storage media.The underlying physical phenomena that motivate these developments will be described.A unifying theme exists in the understanding of the relation-ships between microstructure and magnetic aniso-tropy (or lack thereof)in materials.The term ``nanocrystalline alloy''is used to describe those alloys that have a majority of grain diameters in the typical range from H 1to 50nm.This term will include alloys made by plasma processing [6±8],rapid solidi®cation,and deposition techniques where the initial material may be in the amorphous state and subsequently crystallized.We discuss processing methods to control chemistry and microstructural morphology on increasingly smaller length scales,and various developing experimental techniques which allow more accurate and quantitative probes of struc-ture on smaller length scales.We review the impact of microstructural control on the develop-ment of state of the art magnetic materials.Finally we o er a view to the future for each of these applications.Over several decades,amorphous and nanocrys-talline materials have been investigated for appli-cations in magnetic devices requiring either magnetically hard or soft materials.In particular,amorphous and nanocrystalline materials have been investigated for various soft magnetic applications including transformers,inductive devices,etc.In these materials it has been determined that an im-portant averaging of the magnetocrystalline aniso-tropy over many grains coupled within an exchange length is the root of the magnetic softness of these materials.The fact that this magnetic exchangeActa mater.48(2000)223±2381359-6454/00/$20.00#2000Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of Acta Metallurgica Inc.All rights reserved.PII:S 1359-6454(99)00296-7/locate/actamatpThe Millennium Special Issue ÐA Selection of Major Topics in Materials Science and Engineering:Current status and future directions,edited by S.Suresh.{To whom all correspondence should be addressed.length is typically nanometers or tens of nanometers illustrates the underlying importance of this length scale in magnetic systems.In rare earth permanent magnets [9],it has been determined that a microstructure containing two or more phases,where the majority phase is nanocrys-talline (taking advantage of the favorable high coer-civity in particles of optimum size)and one or more of the phases are used to pin magnetic domain walls leads to better hard magnetic properties.Still another exciting recent development has been the suggestion of composite spring exchange magnets [10]that combine the large coercivities in hard mag-nets with large inductions found in softer transition metal magnets.Again chemical and structural vari-ations on a nano-scale are important for determin-ing optimal magnetic properties.In the area of magnetic storage media future pro-gress will also rely on the ability to develop control over microstructure at smaller size scales so as to impact on storage densities.Here the issue of ther-mal stability of the magnetic dipole moment of ®ne particles has become a critical issue,with the so-called superparamagnetic limit on the horizon.The need to store information in smaller and smaller magnetic volumes pushes the need to develop media with larger magnetocrystalline anisotropies.2.DEFINITIONSTechnical magnetic properties [11,12]can be de®ned making use of a typical magnetic hysteresis curve as illustrated in Fig.1.Magnetic hysteresis [Fig.1(a)]is a useful attribute of a permanent mag-net material in which we wish to store a large meta-stable magnetization.Attributes of a good permenent magnet include:(a)large saturation and remnant inductions,B s and B r :a large saturation magnetization,M s ,and induction,B s ,are desirable in applications of both hard (and soft)magnetic materials;(b)large coercivities,H c :coercivity is a measure of the width of a hysteresis loop and a measure of the permanence of the magnetic moment;(c)high Curie temperature,T c :the ability to use soft magnetic materials at elevated tempera-tures is intimately dependent on the Curie tempera-ture or magnetic ordering temperature of the material.A large class of applications requires small hys-teresis losses per cycle.These are called soft mag-netic materials and their attributes include:(a)high permeability:permeability,mB a H 1 w ,is the material's parameter which describes the ¯ux density,B ,produced by a given applied ®eld,H .In high permeability materials we can produce very large changes in magnetic ¯ux density in very small ®elds;(b)low hysteresis loss:hysteresis loss rep-resents the energy consumed in cycling a material between ®elds H and ÀH and back again.The energy consumed in one cycle is W HM d B or the area inside the hysteresis loop.The hysteretic power loss of an a.c.device includes a term equal to the frequency multiplied by the hysteretic loss per cycle;(c)large saturation and remnant magneti-zations;(d)high Curie temperatures.The magnetization curve [Fig.1(a)]illustrates the technical magnetic properties of a ferromagnetic material.Its shape is determined by minimizing the material's magnetic free energy.The magnetic free energy consists of terms associated with the®eldFig.1.(a)Schematic of a hysteresis curve for a magnetic material de®ning some technical magnetic par-ameters and (b)rotation of atomic magnetic dipole moments in a 1808(Bloch)domain wall in a ferro-magnetic material.224McHENRY and LAUGHLIN:NANO-SCALE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENTenergy(Zeeman energy),self-®eld(demagnetization energy),wall energy,and magnetic anisotropy energy.The magnetic Helmholtz free energy[13] can be determined by integrating a magnetic energy density as follows:F M 4A rr MM s!2ÀK1 rMÁnM s!2Àm0MÁH5d r1where A(r)is the local exchange sti ness related to the exchange energy,J and spin dipole moment,S A CJS2a a at0K,with C H1depending on crys-tal structure and a is the interatomic spacing),K1(r) is the(leading term)local magnetic anisotropy energy density,M is the magnetization vector,n is a unit vector parallel to the easy direction of mag-netization,and H is the sum of the applied®eld and demagnetization®eld vectors.The magnetic anisotropy energy describes the angular dependence of the magnetic energy,i.e.its dependence on angles y and f between the magnetization and an easy axis of magnetization.For the case of a uniaxial material the leading term in the anisotropy energy density has a simple K1sin2y form.The anisotropy energy can be further subdivided into magnetocrys-talline,shape and stress anisotropies,etc.For the purposes of the discussions here,however,we will devote most of our attention to the magnetocrystal-line anisotropy.The magnetic anisotropy represents a barrier to switching the magnetization.For soft magnetic ma-terials,a small magnetic anisotropy is desired so as to minimize the hysteretic losses and maximize the permeability.In soft materials,the desire for small magnetocrystalline anisotropy necessitates the choice of cubic crystalline phases of Fe,Co,Ni or alloys such as FeCo,FeNi,etc.(with small values of K1).In crystalline alloys,such as permalloy or FeCo,the alloy chemistry is varied so that the®rst-order magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy density, K1,is minimized.Similarly,stress anisotropy is reduced in alloys with nearly zero magnetostriction. Shape anisotropy results from demagnetization e ects and is minimized by producing materials with magnetic grains with large aspect ratios. Amorphous alloys are a special class of soft ma-terials where(in some notable cases)low magnetic anisotropies result from the lack of crystalline periodicity.For hard magnetic materials a large magnetic anisotropy is desirable.As discussed below,large magnetocrystalline anisotropy results from an ani-sotropic(preferably uniaxial)crystal structure,and large spin orbit rge magnetocrystal-line anisotropy is seen,for example in h.c.p.cobalt, in CoPt where spin±orbit coupling to the relativistic Pt electrons invokes large anisotropies,and impor-tantly in the rare earth permanent magnet ma-terials.In future discussions we will®nd it useful to describe several length scales that are associated with magnetic domains and domain walls[Fig. 1(b)].These are expressed through consideration of domain wall energetics.The energy per unit area in the wall can be expressed as a sum of exchange and anisotropy energy terms:g W g ex g K 2 where the anisotropy energy per unit volume,K,is multiplied by volume contained in a domain wall, A W d W,and divided by cross-sectional area to arrive at an anisotropy energy per unit area:g K KA W d WA WK d W K Na 3where d W Na(a is the lattice constant in the direction of rotation and N is the number of planes over which the rotation takes place)is the thickness of the wall.Thus g W can be expressed asg Wp2J ex S2Na2K1 Na 4where the®rst term considers the cost in exchange energy in rotating magnetic dipole moments in a 1808domain wall as illustrated in Fig.1(b).To determine the optimal wall thickness we di eren-tiate g W with respect to d W yielding:N eqp2J ex S2K1a3sX 5For Fe,N eq H300and the equilibrium thickness, t eq N eq a H50nm X Expressed in terms of the exchange sti ness,A ex,and the domain wall width, d W pA ex a K1pXAnother important length scale is the distance over which the perturbation due to the switching of a single spin decays in a soft material.This length is called the ferromagnetic exchange length,L ex, and can be expressed asL exA ex2ssX 6The ferromagnetic exchange length is H3nm for ferromagnetic iron-or cobalt-based alloys.The ratio of the exchange length to d W/p is a dimension-less parameter,k,called the magnetic hardness par-ameter:kp L exd WK1m0M2ssX 7For hard magnetic materials k is on the order of unity and thus there is little di erence between theMcHENRY and LAUGHLIN:NANO-SCALE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT225ferromagnetic exchange length and the domain wall width.On the other hand,for good soft magnetic materials,where K 1approaches zero,k can deviate substantially from unity.Structure sensitive magnetic properties may depend on defect concentration (point,line and pla-nar defects),atomic order,impurities,second phases,thermal history,etc.In multi-domain ma-terials,the domain wall energy density ,g 4 AK 1 1a 2g x ,is spatially varying as a result of local variations in properties due to chemical variation,defects,etc.A domain wall will prefer to locate itself in regions where the magnetic order parameter is suppressed,i.e.pinning sites .Since changes in induction in high-permeability materials occur by domain wall motion,it is desirable to limit variation of g (x )(pinning).This is one of the key design issues in developing soft magnetic materials,i.e.that of process control of the microstructure so as to optimize the soft magnetic properties.In hard materials development of two-phase microstructures with pinning phases is desirable.For ®ne particle magnets the possibility of ther-mally activated switching and consequent reduction of the coercivity as a function of temperature must be considered as a consequence of a superparamag-netic response.This is an important limitation in magnetic recording.Superparamagnetism refers to the thermally activated switching of the magnetiza-tion over rotational energy barriers (provided by magnetic anisotropy).Thermally activated switching is described by an Arrhenius law where the acti-vation energy barrier is K u h V i (h V i is the switching volume).The switching frequency becomes larger for smaller particle size,smaller anisotropy energydensity and at higher temperatures.Above a block-ing temperature,T B ,the switching time is less than the experimental time and the magnetic hysteresis loop is observed to collapse,i.e.the coercive force becomes zero.Above T B ,the magnetization scales with ®eld and temperature in the same manner as does a classical paramagnetic material,with the exception that the inferred dipole moment is a par-ticle moment and not an atomic moment.Below the blocking temperature,hysteretic magnetic re-sponse is observed for which the coercivity has the temperature dependence:H c H c 041À TT B 1a 25X 8In the theory of superparamagnetism [14,15],the blocking temperature represents the temperature at which the metastable hysteretic response is lost for a particular experimental timeframe.In other words,below the blocking temperature hysteretic response is observed since thermal activation is not su cient to allow the immediate alignment of par-ticle moments with the applied ®eld.For stability of information over H 10years,the blocking tempera-ture should roughly satisfy the relationship:T B K u h V i a 40k B X The factor of 40[16,17]represents ln o 0a o ,where o is the inverse of the 10year stab-ility time (H 10À4Hz)and o 0an attempt frequency for switching (H 1GHz).3.SOFT MAGNETIC MATERIALSApproaches to improving intrinsic and extrinsic soft ferromagnetic properties involve (a)tailoringFig.2.(a)Herzer diagram [18]illustrating dependence of the coercivity,H c ,with grain size in magnetic alloys and (b)relationship between permeability,m e (at 1kHz)and saturation polarization for soft mag-netic materials [19].226McHENRY and LAUGHLIN:NANO-SCALE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENTchemistry and (b)optimizing the microstructure.Signi®cant in microstructural control has been rec-ognition that a measure of the magnetic hardness (the coercivity,H c )is roughly inversely proportional to the grain size (D g )for grain sizes exceeding H 0.1±1m m [where the D g exceeds the domain (Bloch)wall thickness,d W ].Here grain boundaries act as impediments to domain wall motion,and thus ®ne-grained materials are usually magnetically harder than large grain materials.Signi®cant recent development in the understanding of magnetic coer-civity mechanisms has led to the realization that for very small grain sizes D g `H 100nm ,[18],H c decreases rapidly with decreasing grain size [Fig.2(a)].This can be understood by the fact that the domain wall,whose thickness,d W ,exceeds the grain size,now samples several (or many)grains and ¯uc-tuations in magnetic anisotropy on the grain size length scale which are irrelevant to domain wall pinning.This important concept of random aniso-tropy suggests that nanocrystalline and amorphous alloys have signi®cant potential as soft magnetic materials.Soft magnetic properties require that nanocrystalline grains be exchange coupled and therefore processing routes yielding free standing nanoparticles must include a compaction method in which the magnetic nanoparticles end up exchange coupled.Random anisotropy [20,21]has been realized in a variety of amorphous and nanocrystalline ferro-magnets as illustrated in Fig.2(b)which shows two important ®gures of merit for soft magnetic ma-terials their magnetic permeability and their bined high permeabilities and magnetic inductions are seen for amorphous Fe-and Co-based magnets with more recent improvements in the envelope occurring with the development of nanocrystalline alloys FINEMET,NANOPERM and HITPERM.The last of these combines high permeabilities,large inductions with the potential for high temperature application due to the high Curie temperature of the a '-FeCo nanocrystalline phase.Typical attributes of nanocrystalline ferro-magnetic materials produced by an amorphous pre-cursor route are summarized in Table 1[22].The basis for the random anisotropy model is il-lustrated in Fig.3(a).The concept of a magnetic exchange length and its relationship to the domain wall width and monodomain size is important in the consideration of magnetic anisotropy in nano-crystalline soft magnetic materials.These length scales are de®ned by appealing to a Helmholtz free energy functional described above.These length scales again are:d W p A a K p and L ex A a 4p M 2s p X The extension of the random ani-sotropy model by Herzer [18]to nanocrystalline alloys has been used as the premise for describing e ective anisotropies in nanocrystalline materials.Herzer considers a characteristic volume whose lin-ear dimension is the magnetic exchange length,L ex H A a K 1a 2X The unstated constant of propor-tionality (k )for materials with very small K can beTable 1.Attributes of nanocrystalline ferromagnetic materials produced by an amorphous precursor routeAlloy name Typical composition Nanocrystalline phase B s (T)T c (8C)FINEMET Fe 73.5Si 13.5B 9Nb 3Cu 1a -FeSi,FeSi (DO 3)1.0±1.2<770NANOPERM Fe 88Zr 7B 4Cu a -Fe (b.c.c.)1.5±1.8770HITPERMFe 44Co 44Zr 7B 4Cua -FeCo (b.c.c.),a '-FeCo (B2)1.6±2.1>965Fig.3.(a)Cartoon illustrating N nanocrystalline grains of dimension D ,in a volume L 3ex X (b)TEMmicrographs for an annealed (Fe 70Co 30)88Hf 7B 4Cu HITPERM magnet ribbons [23].McHENRY and LAUGHLIN:NANO-SCALE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT227quite large.The Herzer argument considers N grains,with random crystallographic easy axes,within a volume of L 3ex ,to be exchange coupled.For random easy axes,a random walk over all N grains yields an e ective anisotropy that is reduced by a factor of 1/(N )1/2from the value K for any one grain,thus K eff K a N 1a 2X The number of grains in this exchange coupled volume is just N L ex a D 3,where D is the average diameter of individual grains.Treating the anisotropy self-con-sistently:K eff H KD 3a 2H K effA !3a 2HK 4D 6A 3!X 9Since the coercivity can be taken as proportional tothe e ective anisotropy,this analysis leads to yield Herzer's prediction that the e ective anisotropy and therefore the coercivity should grow as the sixth power of the grain size:H c H H K H D 6X10Other functional dependences of the coercivity on grain size have been proposed for systems with reduced dimensionality (i.e.thin ®lms)and sup-ported by experimental observations.The D 6power law is observed experimentally in a variety of alloys as illustrated in Fig.2(a).In FINEMET,NANOPERM and HITPERM nanocrystalline alloys,a common synthesis route has been employed resulting in a two-phase nano-crystalline microstructure.This involves rapid soli-di®cation processing of the alloy to produce an amorphous precursor.This is followed by primary (nano)crystallization of the ferromagnetic phase.For synthesis of a nanocrystalline material,the pri-mary crystallization temperature,T x1,is the usefulcrystallization event.In the amorphous precursor route to producing nanocrystalline materials,sec-ondary crystallization is typically of a terminal early transition metal±late transition metal (TL±TE)and/or late transition metal±metalloid (TL±M)phase.This phase is typically deleterious in that it lowers magnetic permeability by domain wall pin-ning.The secondary crystallization temperature,T x2,then represents the upper limit of use for nano-crystalline materials.A typical DTA study of crys-tallization [24,25]is shown in Fig.4(a).Crystallization reactions and kinetics have been examined in some detail for certain of these alloys.For example,Hsiao et al .[26]has examined the crystallization kinetics of a NANOPERM alloy using magnetization as the measure of the volume fraction transformed in the primary crystallization event.Time-dependent magnetization data,at tem-peratures above the crystallization temperature,are illustrated in Fig.4(b).Since the amorphous phase is paramagnetic at the crystallization temperature,the magnetization is a direct measure of the volume fraction of the a -Fe crystalline phase that has trans-formed.M (t )then measures the crystallization kin-etics.Figure 4(b)shows curves reminiscent of Johnson±Mehl±Avrami kinetics for a phase trans-formation.X (t )has been ®t to reveal activation energies of H 3.5eV and JMA kinetic exponents of H 3/2consistent with immediate nucleation and parabolic three-dimensional growth of nanocrystals.Detailed studies of NANOPERM and FINEMET [27,28]alloys have furthered the under-standing of the crystallization events.Ayers et al .[29±31]have proposed a model based on incipient clustering of Cu in FINEMET alloys prior to nucleation of the a -FeSi ferromagnetic nanocrystal-line phase.Hono et al .'s [32±34]atomic probe ®eld ion microscopy (APFIM)studies ofFINEMETFig.4.(a)Di erential thermal analysis (DTA)plot of heat evolved as a function of temperature for a Fe 44Co 44Zr 7B 4Cu 1alloy showing two distinct crystallization events [24,25].(b)Isothermal magnetiza-tion as a function of time (normalized by its value after 1h)for the NANOPERM compositionFe 88Zr 7B 4Cu at 490,500,520and 5508C,respectively [26].228McHENRY and LAUGHLIN:NANO-SCALE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENTalso supported the important role of Cu in the crys-tallization process,though it was thought that Fe±Si nanocrystals grew near but not necessarily on the Cu clusters [Fig.5(b)].Recent three-dimensional APFIM results by Hono et al .elegantly con®rm the original Ayers mechanism.Clear inferences from magnetic measurements,EXAFS,etc.point to the role of partitioning of early transition metals and boron during primary crystallization of NANOPERM and HITPERM alloys [Fig.5(a)].A signi®cant issue in the use of nanocrystalline materials in soft magnetic applications is the strength and especially the temperature dependence of the exchange coupling between the nanocrystal-line grains.The intergranular amorphous phase,left after primary crystallization in FINEMET and NANOPERM,has a lower Curie temperature than the nanocrystalline ferromagnetic phase.This can give rise to exchange decoupling of the nanocrystal-line grains,and resulting magnetic hardening,at relatively low temperatures.HITPERM has been developed with the aim of not only increasing the Curie temperature of the nanocrystals (in this case a '-FeCo)but also in the intragranular amorphous phase.Figure 6(a)shows observations of magnetization as a function of temperature [22,24,25]for two alloys,one of a NANOPERM composition,and the other of a HITPERM composition.The amor-phous precursor to NANOPERM has a T c just above room temperature.The magnetic phase tran-sition is followed by primary crystallization at T x 1H 5008C ;secondary crystallization and ®nally T c of the nanocrystalline a -Fe phase at H 7708C.M (T )for HITPERM,shows a monotonic magnetization decrease up to T c for the amorphous phase.Above 400±5008C structural relaxation and crystallization of the a '-FeCo phase occurs.T x1is well below the Curie temperature of the amorphous phase,so that the magnetization of the amorphous phase is only partially suppressed prior to crystallization.It is this Curie temperature of the amorphous intergra-nular phase that is important to the exchange coup-ling of the nanocrystals in HITPERM.The soft magnetic properties of nanocrystalline magnetic alloys extend to high frequencies due to the fact that the high resistivities of these alloys limit eddy current losses.Figure 7(b)illustrates the frequency dependence of the real and imaginary components of the complex permeability,m 'and m 0,for a HITPERM alloy.m 0re¯ects the power loss due to eddy currents and hysteresis.The losses,m 0(T ),peak at a frequency of H 20kHz.This is re¯ective of the higher resistivity in the nanocrystal-line materials.AC losses re¯ect domain wall in a viscous medium.The largerresistivityFig.5.(a)Schematic representation of the concentration pro®le of Fe and Zr near an a -Fe nanocrystal for during primary crystallization of NANOPERM type alloys [22].(b)Proposed sequence of events inthe nanocrystallization of FINEMET alloys (after Hono et al .[32±34]).Fig.6.(a)M (T )for an alloy with a NANOPERM com-position Fe 88Zr 7B 4Cu and an alloy with a HITPERMcomposition,Fe 44Co 44Zr 7B 4Cu [24,25].McHENRY and LAUGHLIN:NANO-SCALE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT 229r 50mO cm at 300K)extends the large per-meability to higher frequencies where eddy currents (classical and those due to domain wall motion)dominate the losses.The resistivity of the nanocrys-talline materials is intermediate between the amor-phous precursor and crystalline materials of similar composition and is a signi®cant term in eddy cur-rent related damping of domain wall motion.4.HARD MAGNETIC MATERIALSOver the last few decades the most signi®cant advancements in permanent magnet materials has come in the area of so-called rare earth permanent magnets.These have a magnetic transition metal as the majority species and a rare earth metal as the minority species.The large size di erencebetweenFig.7.AC hysteresis loops for the HITPERM alloy at 0.06,4,10,and 40kHz.The sample was annealed at 6508C for 1h and the measurements were made at room temperature with a ®eld ampli-tude,H m 2X 5Oe [24,25].Fig.8.(a)Cartoon showing cellular structure [48]observed in many 2:17based magnets with cells con-taining the rhombohedral and hexagonal 2:17variants and 1:5intergranular phase;(b)crystal struc-tures of the same and (c)TEM picture (courtesy of J.Dooley)of cellular structure observed in 2:17-based magnet.230McHENRY and LAUGHLIN:NANO-SCALE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENTthe rare earth and transition metal species gives rise to the observation of many anisotropic crystal structures in these systems.In such systems the transition metal(TM)species is responsible for most of the magnetization and TM±TM exchange determines the Curie temperature.On the other hand the rare earth(RE)species determines the magnetocrystalline anisotropy.The anisotropic4f-electron charge densities about the rare earth ion gives rise to large orbital moment and consequently large spin orbit interactions that are at the root of magnetocrystalline anisotropy.The development of large coercivities from materials with large(uniax-ial)magnetic anisotropies involves microstructural development aimed at supplying barriers to the ro-tation of the magnetization and pinning of domain walls.Systems based on Sm±Co[35±38]and Fe±Nd±B[39,40]have been of considerable recent interest.Of the two important classes of rare earth tran-sition metal permanent magnets,i.e.Sm±Co based and Nd2Fe14B alloys[39,40],Sm±Co alloys have much larger Curie temperatures,increasing in com-pounds with larger Co concentrations(e.g.the3:29 phase).The so-called1:5,1:7,and2:17alloys and newly discovered3:29materials[41,42],have received attention,where the ratios refer to the RE:TM concentrations.High Curie temperature, T c,interstitially doped(C,N),2:17magnets have also been studied extensively[43±47].The develop-ment of the Fe±Nd±B magnets has been motivated by the lower cost of Fe as compared with Co and Nd as compared with Sm.These magnets do,how-ever,su er from poorer high temperature magnetic properties due to their lower Curie temperatures. The Sm2Co17phase when compared with SmCo5 o ers larger inductions and Curie temperatures at the expense of some magnetic anisotropy.The2:17 materials have favorable and to date unmatched intrinsic properties:B r 1X2T(258C),intrinsic coer-civity i H c 1X2T(258C)and T c 9208C(e.g.in comparison to7508C for SmCo5).The higher three-dimensional metal content(Co)leads to their high values of T c.The2:17magnets currently in com-mercial production have a composition Sm(CoFeCuM)7.5.Additions of Fe are made to increase the remnant induction;Cu and M Zr, Hf,or Ti)additions are made to in¯uence precipi-tation hardening.Optimum hard magnetic proper-ties,notably coercivities are achieved in magnets in which the primary magnetic phase has a50±100nm grain size(approaching the monodomain size)as described below.Typical2:17Sm±Co magnets with large values of H c are obtained through a low temperature heat treatment used to develop a cellular microstructure (see Fig.8).Small cells of the2:17matrix phase are separated(and usually completely surrounded)by a thin layer of the1:5phase as illustrated in Fig.8. The cell interior contains both a heavily twinned rhombohedral modi®cation of the2:17phase along with coherent platelets of the so-called z-phase[48] is rich in Fe and M and has the hexagonal2:17 structure.Typical microstructures have a50±100nm cellular structure,with5±20nm thick cell walls, and display i H c of1.0±1.5T at room temperature. By1508C H c is diminished by H50%.The loss of H c undoubtedly continues with temperature.In the cellular microstructure shown in Fig.8the magnetic anisotropy of the1:5cell boundary phase is important in determining the coercivity. Coercivity at room temperature in2:17Sm±Co magnets is largely controlled by the magnetocrystal-line anisotropy of Sm3+ions in SmCo5in the cell walls.In a100nm cellular material the room tem-perature coercivity is twice that of conventional 2:17alloys.In Co-rich alloys(2:17,3:29,etc.)devel-opment of su cient magnetic anisotropy for hard applications is intimately related to having a prefer-ential easy c-axis and developing a®ne microstruc-ture.Optimization of the Sm(CoFeCuZr)z magnets dis-cussed above have been the subject of much recent work.In particular,improvement of properties at elevated temperatures for aircraft power generators has been of particular interest[49±52].Ma et al.[49]investigated the e ects of intrinsic coercivity on the thermal stability of2:17magnets up to 4508C.Recently,Liu et al.[52]have investigated the role of Cu content and stoichiometry,z,on the intrinsic coercivity at5008C in Sm(CoFeCuZr)z magnets.For magnets with z 8X5,i.e. Sm(Co bal Fe0.1Cu x Zr0.033)8.5,the optimum coercivity (4.0T at room temperature,1.0T at5008C)occurs for a Cu concentration x 0X088X The role of Cu has been elucidated through microstructural studies as decreasing the cell size while concurrently increasing the density of the lamellar z-phase in these alloys.The development of Sm±Co magnets,especially those with good high temperature magnetic proper-ties has resulted in extensive work on a so-called 1:7phase with a TbCu7structure[53].SmCo7is a metastable phase at room temperature.The struc-tures of SmCo7and Sm2Co17are both derived from the structure of SmCo5.The structure of Sm2Co17 can be viewed as one in which1/3of the Sm atoms in the SmCo5are replaced by dumbbells of Co in an ordered fashion.Kim[54,55]have studied the intrinsic coercivity of SmTM7magnets and attribu-ted higher coercivities at5008C to smaller cell sizes. Recent work[54±57]on SmCo7Àx Zr x magnets has been extended to alloys with composition RCo7Àx Zr x x 0±0X8,R Pr,Y or Er).A small amount of Zr substitution contributes to stabiliz-ation of the TbCu7structure,and improves the magneto-anisotropy®eld,H A.The choice and con-centration of various rare earth species in¯uences the easy axis of magnetization.Most recently there has been considerable interestMcHENRY and LAUGHLIN:NANO-SCALE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT231。

Low-density steels

Low-density steels

Low-density steels
Strengthening without the loss of ductility and other vital engineering parameters has been the triumph of the steel industry. The resulting rise in density-corrected properties has made steels the most successful of structural materials, pervading all aspects of ordinary life. Nevertheless, steel has a density which is greater than those of emerging structural alternatives such as aluminum or magnesium alloys. So, when the light-weighting of structural parts is of concern, the strengthening will not be sustainable strategy by itself without finding ways to maintain structural stiffness. That is why lowering the density of steel is paid attention as one of prospective approaches. Density of steel can be reduced by alloying with light elements such as silicon, aluminum and magnesium. Indeed, alloying considerable quantity of aluminum in steels was attempted in 1950's to replace nickel or chromium for corrosion resistance application [1]. Recently, the interests on the low-density steels or light-weight steels are emerging again since it is estimated that just a 10% reduction in density of steels can renew the competitiveness in automotive applications where specific strength, formability and the ability to join are critical requirements. While it is closely related with industrial application, the success of low-density steels is strongly dependent on scientific achievements. The light elements expand the lattice parameter of steels and at the same time reduce density by virtue of their low atomic masses, and the concentrations required are of the order of 10 wt.% or less [2]. The concept sounds simple, but underlying metallurgical issues are not that straightforward. Apart from density, there are major consequences of alloying on the thermodynamic stabilities of the allotropes of iron. For example, an excessive use of aluminum without compensation with carbon would lead to the ferrite phase being stable at all temperatures where iron is solid, thus eliminating the possibility of heat treatment to optimize microstructure. Furthermore, phases such as (Fe,Mn) 3 AlC, namely к-carbide, form when manganese is used to compensate for the effect of aluminum on the у — » a transformation; such carbides can be detrimental to properties although there is a lack of clarity in published works to make this a firm statement. The study of low-density steels has opened up a burgeoning research field in physical metal-



相场模拟的基本思想和流程The basic idea behind phase-field simulation is to model the evolution of microstructural features in materials by considering them as continuous fields that evolve over time. 相场模拟的基本思想是通过将材料的微观结构特征视为随时间演化的连续场来建模。

In this type of simulation, the evolution of these fields is governed by a set of partial differential equations that describe the kinetics of phase transformations. 在这种类型的模拟中,这些场的演变受到一组描述相变动力学的偏微分方程的控制。

By solving these equations numerically, researchers can study the complex interactions between different phases and understand how microstructural features develop over time. 通过数值求解这些方程,研究人员可以研究不同相之间复杂的相互作用,并了解微观结构特征随时间发展的过程。

One of the key advantages of phase-field simulation is its ability to capture the dynamics of microstructural evolution without the need for explicit interfaces. 相场模拟的一个关键优势是它能够捕捉微观结构演化的动态过程,而无需明确的界面。

耐高温耐高压 英语

耐高温耐高压 英语

耐高温耐高压英语Enduring High Temperature and High PressureThe ability to withstand extreme environmental conditions is a remarkable feat of engineering and material science. In the realm of industrial applications, where the demands for performance and reliability are paramount, the need for materials that can endure high temperatures and high pressures has become increasingly crucial. This essay delves into the world of materials that possess the remarkable capacity to withstand such challenging environments, exploring their properties, applications, and the ongoing research and development that drives their advancement.At the heart of this discussion lies the fundamental understanding of the behavior of materials under extreme conditions. When subjected to high temperatures and high pressures, materials can undergo a range of physical and chemical transformations that can significantly impact their structural integrity, mechanical properties, and overall performance. This is where the science of materials engineering comes into play, as researchers and scientists work tirelessly to develop new materials and refine existing ones to meet the ever-increasing demands of modern industry.One of the most prominent examples of materials that excel in high-temperature and high-pressure environments is ceramics. Ceramics, such as silicon carbide, alumina, and zirconia, possess remarkable thermal stability, high compressive strength, and excellent resistance to corrosion and wear. These properties make them ideal for applications in industries like aerospace, energy production, and chemical processing, where the operating conditions can be incredibly harsh.In the aerospace industry, for instance, ceramic-based components are extensively used in jet engines, where they are exposed to temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees Celsius and pressures that can reach several hundred atmospheres. These materials not only withstand the extreme conditions but also contribute to the overall efficiency and performance of the engines, helping to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.Similarly, in the energy sector, ceramics play a crucial role in the design and construction of high-temperature reactors, where they are employed in the fabrication of fuel elements, control rods, and other critical components. Their ability to maintain structural integrity and resist degradation under intense heat and pressure is essential for ensuring the safe and reliable operation of these power generation systems.Beyond ceramics, other materials have also been developed to tackle the challenges of high-temperature and high-pressure environments. Superalloys, for example, are a class of metal-based materials that exhibit exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability at elevated temperatures. These alloys, often composed of nickel, cobalt, or iron, are widely used in gas turbines, rocket engines, and other high-performance applications where extreme conditions prevail.The development of these advanced materials is not without its challenges, however. Researchers must grapple with a complex interplay of factors, including chemical composition, microstructural design, and manufacturing processes, to optimize the performance of these materials under extreme conditions. This requires a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on expertise from fields such as materials science, engineering, and computational modeling.One area of particular interest in this field is the use of additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, to create complex, customized parts that can withstand high temperatures and pressures. By leveraging the capabilities of additive manufacturing, engineers can design and produce components with intricate geometries and tailored properties, opening up new possibilities for the application of high-performance materials in various industries.Moreover, the ongoing research and development in this field are not limited to the materials themselves. Equally important is the advancement of the testing and characterization techniques used to evaluate the performance of these materials under extreme conditions. From advanced imaging technologies to sophisticated simulation models, researchers are continuously pushing the boundaries of our understanding of material behavior, enabling the development of even more robust and reliable solutions for high-temperature and high-pressure applications.In conclusion, the ability to endure high temperatures and high pressures is a testament to the remarkable progress made in materials science and engineering. The development of materials that can withstand such extreme conditions has been crucial for the advancement of various industries, from aerospace to energy production. As the demands for performance and efficiency continue to rise, the ongoing research and innovation in this field will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology and engineering. By pushing the limits of what is possible, the materials that can endure high temperature and high pressure are paving the way for a more resilient and sustainable future.。

9612na 托福阅读真题

9612na 托福阅读真题

1996.12 北美考试真题Section Three: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 1-9It is commonly believed that in the United States that school is where people to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education togo to school. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remarkis important.(5) Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Educationknows no bounds. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job,whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal leaning that takes placein school sand the whole universe of informal leaning. The agents of education canrange form a revered grandparent o the people debating politics on the radio, from a (10) child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability,education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with stranger maylead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged ineducation from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is alifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that(15) should be an integral part of one's entire life.Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose generalpattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arriveat school at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught by an adult,use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that (20) are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings ofgovernments, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught.For example, high schools students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newestfilmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite conditions surrounding the(25) formalized process of schooling.1.What is the main idea of the passage?(A) The best schools teach a wide variety of subjects.(B) Education and schooling are quite different experiences.(C) Students benefit from schools, which require long hours and homework.(D) The more years students go to school the better their education is.2.What does the author probably mean by using the expression "Children interrupt their education to go to school" (lines 2-3)?(A) Going to several different schools is educationally beneficial.(B) School vacations interrupt the continuity of the school year.(C) Summer school makes the school year too long.(D) All of life is an education.3.The word "bounds" in line 6 is closest in meaning to(A) rules(B) experiences(C) limits(D) exceptions4.The word "chance" in line 11 is closest in meaning to(A) unplanned(B) unusual(C) lengthy(D) lively5.The word "integral" in line 15 is closest in meaning to(A) an equitable(B) a profitable(C) a pleasant(D) an essential6.The word "they" in line 20 refers to(A) slices of reality(B) similar textbooks(C) boundaries(D) seats7.The phrase "For example", line 22, introduces a sentence that gives example of(A) similar textbooks(B) the results of schooling(C) the working of a government(D) the boundaries of classroom subject8.The passage supports which of the following conclusions?(A) Without formal education, people would remain ignorant.(B) Education systems need to be radically reformed.(C) Going to school is only part of how people become educated.(D) Education involves many years of professional training.9.The passage is organized by(A) listing and discussing several educational problems(B) contrasting the meanings of two related words(C) narrating a story about excellent teachers(D) giving examples of different kinds of schoolsQuestions 10-18The hard, rigid plates that form the outermost portion of the Earth are about 100 kilometers thick. These plates include both the Earth's crust and the upper mantle.The rocks of the crust are composed mostly of minerals with light elements, likealuminum and sodium, while the mantle contains some heavier elements, like iron and (5) magnesium. Together, the crust and upper mantle that form the surface plates are calledthe lithosphere. This rigid layer floats on the denser material of the lower mantle theway a wooden raft flats on a pond. The plates are supported by a weak, plastic layerof the lower mantle called the asthenosphere. Also like a raft on a pond, thelithospheric plates are carried along by slow currents in this more fluid layer beneath (10) them.With an understating of plate tectonics, geologists have put together a new history for the Earth's surface. About 200 million years ago, the plates at the Earth's surfaceformed a "supercontinent" called Pangaea. When this supercontinent started to tearapart because of plate movement, Pangaea first broke into two large continental masses (15) with a newly formed sea that grew between the land areas as the depression filled withwater. The southern one-which included the modern continents of South America,Africa, Australia, and Antarctic- is called Gondwanaland. The northern one-withNorth America, Europe, and Asia-is called Laurasi. North America tore away fromEurope about 180 million years ago, forming the northern Atlantic Ocean.(20) Some of the lithospheric plates carry ocean floor and others carry land masses or acombination of the two types. The movement of the lithospheric plates is responsiblefor earthquakes, volcanoes, and the Earth's largest mountain ranges. Currentunderstating of the interaction between different plates explains why these occurwhere they do. For example, the edge of the Pacific Ocean has been called the "Ring (25) of Fire" because so many volcanic eruptions and earthquakes happen there. Before the1960's, geologist could not explain why active volcanoes and strong earthquakeswere concentrated in that region. The theory of plate tectonics gave them an answer.10.With which of the following topic is the passage mainly concerned?(A) The contributions of the theory of plate tectonics to geological knowledge(B) The mineral composition of the Earth's crust(C) The location of the Earth's major plates(D) The methods used by scientists to measure plate movement11.According to the passage, the lithospheric plates are given support by the(A) upper mantle(B) ocean floor(C) crust(D) asthenosphere12.The author compares the relationship between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere to which of the following?(A) Lava flowing from a volcano(B) A boat floating on the water(C) A fish swimming in a pond(D) The erosion of rocks by running water13.The word "one" in line 16 refers to(A) movements(B) masses(C) sea(D) depression14.According to the passage, the northern Atlantic Ocean was formed when(A) Pangaea was created(B) Plate movement ceased(C) Gondwanaland collided with Pangaea(D) Parts of Laurasia separated from the each other15.The word "carry" in line 20 could best be replaced by(A) damage(B) squeeze(C) connect(D) support16.In line 27, the word "concentrated" is closest in meaning to which of the following?(A) allowed(B) clustered(C) exploded(D) strengthened17.Which of the following can be inferred about the theory of plate tectonics?(A) It is no longer of great interest to geologists.(B) It was first proposed in the 1960's.(C) It fails to explain why earthquakes occur.(D) It refutes the theory of the existence of a supercontinent.18.The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses(A) why certain geological events happen where they do(B) how geological occurrences have changed over the years(C) the most unusual geological developments in the Earth's history(D) the latest innovations in geological measurementQuestions 19-28In the United States in the early 1800's, individual state governments had more effect on the economy than did the federal government. States charteredmanufacturing, baking, mining, and transportation firms and participated in theconstruction of various internal improvements such as canals, turnpikes, and railroads.(5) The states encouraged internal improvements in two distinct ways: first, by actuallyestablishing state companies to build such improvements; second, by providing part ofthe capital for mixed public-private companies setting out to make a profit.In the early nineteenth century, state governments also engaged in a surprisingly large amount of direct regulatory activity, including extensive licensing and inspection (10) programs. Licensing targets reflected both similarities in and differences between theeconomy of the nineteenth century and that of today: in the nineteenth century, stateregulation through licensing fell especially on peddlers innkeepers, and retailmerchants of various kinds. The perishable commodities of trade generally came understate inspection, and such important frontier staples as lumber and gunpowder were (15) also subject to state control. Finally, state governments experimented with direct laborand business regulation designed to help the individual laborer or consumer, includingsetting maximum limits on hours of work and restrictions on price-fixing by businesses.Although the states dominated economic activity during this period, the federal government was not inactive. Its goals were the facilitation of western settlement and (20) the development of native industries. Toward these ends the federal governmentpursued several courses of action. It established a national bank to stabilized bankingactivities in the country and, in part, to provide a supply of relatively easy money to thefrontier, where it was greatly needed for settlement. It permitted access to publicwestern lands on increasingly easy terms, culminating in the Homestead Act of 1862,(25) by which title to land could be claimed on the basis of residence alone. Finally, it set upa system of tariffs that was basically protectionist in effect, although maneuvering forposition by various regional interests produced frequent changes in tariff ratesthroughout the nineteenth century.19.What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) States' rights versus federal rights(B) The participation of state governments in railroad, canal, and turnpike construction(C) The roles of state and federal governments in the economy of the nineteenth century(D) Regulatory activity by state governments20.The word "effect" in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) value(B) argument(C) influence(D) restraint21.All of the following are mentioned in the passage as areas that involved state governments in the nineteenth century EXCEPT(A) mining(B) banking(C) manufacturing(D) higher education22.The word "distinct" in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) separate(B) innovative(C) alarming(D) provocative23.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that in the nineteenth century canals and railroads were(A) built with money that came from the federal government(B) much more expensive to build than they had been previously(C) built predominantly in the western part of the country(D) sometimes built in part by state companies24.The regulatory activities of state governments included all of the following EXCEPT(A) licensing of retail merchants(B) inspecting materials used in turnpike maintenance(C) imposing limits on price fixing(D) control of lumber25.The word "setting" in line 17 is closest in meaning to(A) discussing(B) analyzing(C) establishing(D) avoiding26.The word "ends" in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A) Benefits(B) decisions(C) services(D) goals27.According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Homestead Act of 1862?(A) It made it increasingly possible for settlers to obtain land in the West.(B) It was a law first passed by state governments in the West.(C) It increased the money supply in the West.(D) It established tariffs in a number of regions28.Which of the following activities was the responsibility of the federal government in the nineteenth century?(A) Control of the manufacture of gunpowder(B) Determining the conditions under which individuals worked(C) Regulation of the supply of money(D) Inspection of new homes built on western landsQuestions 29-38Life originated in the early seas less than a billion years after the Earth was formed.Yet another three billion years were to pass before the first plants and animals appearedon the continents. Life's transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as much of anevolutionary challenge as was the genesis of life.(5) What forms of life were able to make such a drastic change in lifestyle? Thetraditional view of the first terrestrial organisms is based on megafossils-relativelylarge specimens of essentially whole plants and animal. Vascular plants, related tomodern seed plants and ferns, left the first comprehensive megafossil record. Becauseof this, it has been commonly assumed that the sequence of terrestrialization reflected (10) the evolution of modern terrestrial ecosystems. In this view, primitive vascular plantsfirst colonized the margins of continental waters, followed by animals that fed on theplants, and lastly by animals that preyed on the plant-eater. Moreover, the megafossilssuggest that terrestrial life appeared and diversified explosively near the boundarybetween the Silurian and the Devonian periods, a little more than 400 million(15) years ago.Recently, however, paleontologists have been taking a closer look at the sediments below this Silurian-Devonian geological boundary. It turns out that some fossils can beextracted from these sediments by putting the rocks in an acid bath. The technique hasuncovered new evidence from sediments that were deposited near the shores of the (20) ancient oceans-plant microfossils and microscopic pieces of small animals. In manyinstances the specimens are less than one-tenth of a millimeter in diameter. Althoughthey were entombed in the rocks for hundreds of millions of years, many of the fossilsconsist of the organic remains of the organism.These newly discovered fossils have not only revealed the existence of previously (25) unknown organisms, but have also pushed back these dates for the invasion of land bymulticellular organisms. Our views about the nature of the early plant and animalcommunities are now being revised. And with those revisions come new speculationsabout the first terrestrial life-forms.29.The word "drastic" in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) widespread(B) radial(C) progressive(D) risky30.According to the theory that the author calls "the traditional view", what was the first formof life to appear on land?(A) Bacteria(B) Meat-eating animals(C) Plant-eating animals(D) Vascular plants31.According to the passage, what happened about 400 million years ago?(A) Many terrestrial life-forms died out.(B) New life-forms on land developed at a rapid rate.(C) The megafossils were destroyed by floods.(D) Life began to develop in the ancient seas.32.The word "extracted" in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) located(B) preserved(C) removed(D) studied33.What can be inferred from the passage about the fossils mentioned in lines 17-20?(A) They have not been helpful in understanding the evolution of terrestrial life.(B) They were found in approximately the same numbers as vascular plant fossils.(C) They are older than the magafossils.(D) They consist of modern life forms.34.The word "instances" in line 21 is closest in meaning to(A) methods(B) processes(C) cases(D) reasons35.The word "they" in line 22 refers to(A) rocks(B) shores(C) oceans(D) specimens36.The word "entombed" in line 22 is closest in meaning to(A) crushed(B) trapped(C) produced(D) excavated37.Which of the following resulted from the discovery of microscopic fossils?(A) The time estimate for the first appearance of terrestrial life-forms was revised(B) Old techniques for analyzing fossils were found to have new uses.(C) The origins of primitive sea life were explained.(D) Assumptions about the locations of ancient seas were changed.38.With which of the following conclusions would the author probably agree?(A) The evolution of terrestrial life was as complicated as the origin of life itself.(B) The discovery of microfossils supports the traditional view of how terrestrial life evolved.(C) New species have appeared at the same rate over the course of the last 400 million years.(D) The technology used by paleontologists is too primitive to make accurate determinations about ages of fossils.Questions 39-50What we today call America folk art was, indeed, art of, by, and for ordinary, everyday "folks" who, with increasing prosperity and leisure, created a market for artof all kinds, and especially for portraits. Citizens of prosperous, essentiallymiddle-class republics-whether ancient Romans, seventeenth-century Dutch(5) burghers, or nineteenth-century Americans-have always shown a marked taste forportraiture. Starting in the late eighteenth century, the United States containedincreasing numbers of such people, and of the artists how could meet their demands.The earliest American folk art portraits come, not surprisingly, form New England-especially Connecticut and Massachusetts-for this was a wealthy and(10) populous region and the center of a strong craft tradition. Within a few decades afterthe signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the population was pushingwestward, and portrait painters could be found at work in western New York, Ohio,Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri. Midway through its first century as a nation, theUnited States' population had increased roughly five time, and eleven new states had (15) been added to the original thirteen. During these years the demand for portraits grewand grew, eventually to be satisfied by the camera. In 1839 the daguerreotype wasintroduced to America, ushering in the age of photography, and within a generation thenew invention put an end to the popularity of painted portraits. One again an originalportrait became a luxury, commissioned by the wealthy and executed by the(20) professional.But in the heyday of portrait painting-from the late eighteenth century until the 1850's-anyone with a modicum of artistic ability could become a limner, as such aportraitist was called. Local craftspeople-sign, coach, and house painters-began topaint portraits as a profitable sideline; sometimes a talented man or woman who began (25) by sketching family members gained a local reputation and was besieged with requestsfor portraits; artists found it worth their while to pack their paints, canvases, andbrushes and to travel the countryside, often combining house decorating with portraitpainting.39.In lines 4-5 the author mentions seventeenth-century Dutch burghers as an example of a group that(A) consisted mainly of self taught artists(B) appreciated portraits(C) influenced American folk art(D) had little time for the arts40.The word "market" in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) pronounced(B) fortunate(C) understandable(D) mysterious41.According to the passage, where were many of the first American folk art portraits painted?(A) In western New York(B) In Illinois and Missouri(C) In Connecticut and Massachusetts(D) In Ohio42.The word "this" in line 9 refers to(A) a strong craft tradition(B) American folk art(C) New England(D) western New York43.How much did the population of United States increase in the first fifty years following independence?(A) It became three times larger.(B) It became five times larger.(C) It became eleven times larger.(D) It became thirteen times larger.44.The phrase "ushering in" in line 17 is closest in meaning to(A) beginning(B) demanding(C) publishing(D) increasing45.The relationship between the daguerreotype (line 16) and the painted portrait is similar tothe relationship between the automobile and the(A) highway(B) driver(C) horse-drawn carriage(D) engine46.According to the passage, which of the following contributed to a decline in the demand for pained protrats?(A) The lack of a strong craft tradition(B) The westward migration of many painters(C) The growing preference for landscape paintings(D) The invention of the camera47.The word "executed" in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) sold(B) requested(C) admired(D) created48.The author implies that most limners (line22)(A) received instruction from traveling teachers(B) were women(C) were from wealthy families(D) had no formal art training49.The word "sketching" in line 25 is closest in meaning to(A) drawing(B) hiring(C) helping(D) discussing50.Where in the passage does the author provide definition?(A) Lines 3-6(B) Lines 8-10(C) Lines 13-15(D) Lines 21-23。



热带作物学报2022, 43(4): 829 839 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops收稿日期 2021-10-15;修回日期 2021-11-26基金项目 广西农业科学院基本科研业务专项(桂农科2020YM58,桂农科2021YT152)。

作者简介 唐毓玮(1992—),男,硕士,农艺师,研究方向:观赏园艺栽培与育种,E-mail :**************。

睡莲品种‘公牛眼’和‘泰国王’授粉后子房的发育差异研究唐毓玮1,李佳慧1,毛立彦1,黄秋伟1,龙凌云1,於艳萍1,苏 群21. 广西壮族自治区亚热带作物研究所,广西南宁 530001;2. 广西农业科学院花卉研究所,广西南宁 530007摘 要:睡莲属(Nymphaea )植物是我国新兴的水生花卉,其中重瓣型睡莲的花态丰满艳丽,一直倍受睡莲爱好者、育种者的喜爱和关注,在水生园林景观中的应用日渐广泛,但在育种的过程中,育种者经常遇到杂交不结实的现象,导致重瓣型睡莲品种难以培育。

为探索重瓣睡莲难以结实的原因,以重瓣睡莲中较具代表性的品种‘泰国王’为实验组,以育性较好的品种‘公牛眼’为对照组,利用石蜡切片技术对其授粉后不同时期的子房进行显微结构比较,采用扫描电镜进一步观察样本的柱头和胚珠,通过RNA-seq 测序分析发育与败育子房的基因表达差异。


‘公牛眼’授粉7 d 后子房中大部分胚珠发育成红色种子,10 d 后子房膨大成果实,种皮由红色转黑色,形成成熟的种子;重瓣睡莲‘泰国王’授粉7 d 后无种子形成,子房中有部分胚珠发育,其表皮变为红色,形态特征与‘公牛眼’授粉4 d 后的红色胚珠相似,由此推测少量胚珠可能完成了受精,但无法进一步发育,10 d 后子房完全败育。



我研究微波遥感的英语作文Microwave remote sensing is a fascinating field that allows us to study the Earth's surface using microwaves. It provides valuable information about various aspects of our planet, ranging from weather patterns to land cover changes. The use of microwave technology in remote sensing has revolutionized our understanding of the Earth and its processes.Microwave remote sensing involves the use of sensorsthat emit and receive microwave signals. These signals interact with the Earth's surface and are reflected, refracted, or absorbed by different materials. By analyzing the characteristics of these signals, we can gather information about the properties of the surface, such asits roughness, moisture content, and composition.One of the key advantages of microwave remote sensingis its ability to penetrate through clouds, vegetation, and even some types of soil. This allows us to collect dataregardless of weather conditions or land cover, making it a versatile tool for monitoring the Earth's surface. Additionally, microwave signals have a longer wavelength compared to visible light, which means they can provide information about large-scale features and phenomena.The data collected through microwave remote sensing can be used for a wide range of applications. For example, it can help us monitor and predict weather patterns, which is crucial for disaster management and agriculture. It can also be used to study the dynamics of ice and snow, providing valuable insights into climate change and its impact on polar regions.In recent years, advancements in microwave remote sensing technology have led to the development of new sensors and techniques. For instance, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) allows us to capture high-resolution images of the Earth's surface, even in areas with limited accessibility. This has opened up new possibilities for mapping and monitoring remote areas, such as forests and wetlands.In conclusion, microwave remote sensing is a powerful tool that enables us to study the Earth's surface using microwaves. Its ability to penetrate through clouds and vegetation, along with its versatility and wide range of applications, make it an invaluable asset in understanding our planet. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more exciting developments in this field.。



P92钢蠕变过程中Laves相的析出规律林琳,周荣灿,贾建民,范长信,郭岩,侯淑芳西安热工研究院有限公司,陕西省西安市710032Precipitation of Laves during creep of P92steels LIN Lin,ZHOU Rongcan,JIA Jianmin,FAN Changxin,GUO Yan,HOU Shufang Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co.Ltd.,Xi’an710032,Shaanxi Province,ChinaAbstract:Laves phase which precipitated during creep affect the properties of P92steel.This paper was focused on the law of Laves precipitation during creep by measuring the Laves phase particle amount sizes in the creep rupture samples.The result showed that the precipitation of Laves was controlled by stress and temperature.The growth process of Laves phase was accelerated by stress,and the number was suppressed by temperature.Key words:Laves phase;Nucleation and growth; Stress;Temperature摘要:P92钢在蠕变过程中析出的Laves相影响其性能。


大脑中动脉不同部位急性脑梗死的DKI 表现特点

大脑中动脉不同部位急性脑梗死的DKI 表现特点

国际医学放射学杂志InternationalJournalofMedicalRadiology2021Sep 鸦44穴5雪:551-555;565大脑中动脉不同部位急性脑梗死的DKI 表现特点孙海珍1,2吴亚琳3何澈3倪红艳4尹建忠4【摘要】目的比较DKI 各峰度参数与扩散参数早期诊断急性脑梗死的能力,评估大脑中动脉供血区不同部位急性脑梗死后DKI 峰度参数的变化特点,探究早期诊断不同部位脑梗死的优势参数图。


行DKI 扫描并获得轴向扩散率(AD )、平均扩散率(MD )、径向扩散率(RD )、轴向扩散峰度(AK )、平均扩散峰度(MK )、径向扩散峰度(RK )图。


采用配对t 检验比较各参数值患侧与健侧的差异,采用秩和检验比较各峰度参数变化率(Δ参数值%)的差异,采用单因素方差分析比较3组间各峰度参数健侧绝对值的差异。

结果与健侧对照区相比,所有梗死灶的扩散参数(AD 、MD 、RD )值均减低,而峰度参数(AK 、MK 、RK )值均增高(均P <0.05)。

其中,扩散参数的变化率均小于其对应峰度参数的(均P <0.05)。

健侧对照区中,皮质下白质区和基底节区的MK 、RK 值均高于皮质区,而基底节区的RK 值也高于皮质下白质区(均P <0.05)。

皮质、皮质下白质、基底节区病灶的ΔAK%依次增大(P <0.05)。

皮质组的ΔAK%、ΔMK%、ΔRK%的差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);皮质下白质组的ΔAK%与ΔMK%均大于ΔRK%(均P <0.05);基底节区组的ΔAK%、ΔMK%、ΔRK%数值呈降序分布(均P <0.05)。



中心碳偏析评定方法The assessment method for center carbon segregation in steel is essential for ensuring the quality and performance of steel products. 中心碳偏析评定方法对于确保钢铁产品的质量和性能至关重要。

It is crucial to have an accurate and reliable assessment method in place to identify and address any issues related to carbon segregation, as it can significantly impact the mechanical properties and overall performance of the steel. 有一个准确可靠的评定方法至关重要,可以识别和解决与碳偏析有关的任何问题,因为这会极大地影响钢材的机械性能和整体表现。

In order to achieve this, various assessment methods and techniques have been developed and utilized within the steel industry. 为了实现这一点,钢铁行业已经开发和利用了各种评定方法和技术。

These methods include macroscopic examination, microstructure analysis, and both destructive and non-destructive testing methods. 这些方法包括宏观检查、微结构分析以及破坏性和非破坏性试验方法。

Each method offers its own unique advantages and limitations, and a combination of multiple methods is often necessary to obtain a comprehensive assessment of carbon segregation in steel. 每种方法都有其独特的优势和局限性,通常需要结合多种方法才能全面评定钢材中的碳偏析。






用社会科学统计软件包SPSS 20.0版进行数据分析,采用两独立样本t检验比较MCI组和NC组间各部位的DKI参数值,应用Pearson相关分析DKI参数值与临床简易精神状态检查量表(MMSE)的评分之间的相关性。

结果: NC组和MCI组之间,皮质的DKI各参数无显著性差异。





1 背景:随着世界人口的老龄化,老年性痴呆和阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s Disease, AD)的发病率迅速攀升。


轻度认知功能障碍(mild cognitive impairment, MCI)最初由纽约大学的老化与痴呆研究中心的研究组在1991年提出,用于表达痴呆发病前的状态,是具有疾病特征的、处于正常老化和阿尔茨海默病之间的一种临床过渡状态,其临床特点表现为轻度的记忆和智能损害,但一般的认知功能和生活能力保持完好,达不到痴呆的诊断标准[1]。




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依据热力学原理中,高熵合金相的稳定性与Gibbs自由能之间存在的联系[23],其方程为:ΔG mix=ΔH mix-TΔS mix(1)公式(1)中,ΔH mix为高熵合金体系的混合焓,ΔS mix为高熵合金体系的混合熵;再依据Hume-Ruthery规则,公式如下:ΔH mix=Nv=1,j≠1∑4ΔH mix AB C v C j(2)s=Nv=1∑C v1-r v/N v=1∑C v r v()()√(3)上述公式中,s为存在高熵合金原子半径得差;r v为v 原子的半径;ΔHmixAB为A-B二元合金的混合焓。

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Microstructural development during the quenching and partitioning process in a newly designed low-carbon steelM.J.Santofimia a ,b ,⇑,L.Zhao a ,b ,R.Petrov c ,b ,C.Kwakernaak b ,W.G.Sloof b ,J.Sietsma baMaterials Innovation Institute (M2i),Mekelweg 2,2628CD Delft,The NetherlandsbDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering,Delft University of Technology,Mekelweg 2,2628CD Delft,The NetherlandscDepartment of Metallurgy and Materials Science,Ghent University,Technologiepark 903,9052Ghent,BelgiumReceived 25March 2011;received in revised form 6June 2011;accepted 8June 2011Available online 11July 2011AbstractThis paper presents a detailed characterization of the microstructural development of a new quenching and partitioning (Q&P)steel.Q&P treatments,starting from full austenitization,were applied to the developed steel,leading to microstructures containing volume fractions of retained austenite of up to 0.15.The austenite was distributed as films in between the martensite laths.Analysis demonstrates that,in this material,stabilization of austenite can be achieved at significantly shorter time scales via the Q&P route than is possible via a bainitic isothermal holding.The results showed that the thermal stabilization of austenite during the partitioning step is not necessarily accompanied by a significant expansion of the material.This implies that the process of carbon partitioning from martensite to austenite occurs across low-mobility martensite–austenite interfaces.The amount of martensite formed during the first quench has been quantified.Unlike martensite formed in the final quench,this martensite was found to be tempered during partitioning.Measured volume fractions of retained austenite after different treatments were compared with simulations using model descriptions for carbon partitioning from martensite to austenite.Simulation results confirmed that the carbon partitioning takes place at low-mobility martensite–austenite interfaces.Ó2011Acta Materialia Inc.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Steels;Microstructure;Phase transformations1.IntroductionThe development of steels containing combinations of martensite and austenite is one of the most promising approaches being explored for the creation of new advanced high-strength steels (AHSS)[1].Significant addi-tions of elements such as Si retard the formation of car-bides and give rise to the carbon enrichment of austenite via partitioning of carbon from supersaturated martensite.This concept lies at the core of the “quenching and parti-tioning ”(Q&P)process [2,3],which consists of a partialmartensite formation (quenching step)from a fully [4]or partially [2]austenitic microstructure,followed by an annealing treatment (partitioning step)at the same or higher temperature to promote carbon partitioning from supersaturated martensite to austenite.During the parti-tioning step austenite is enriched with carbon,thus allow-ing its stabilization at room plete control of the fraction of martensite (strong phase)and the carbon enrichment of austenite is possible and distin-guishes the Q&P process from other AHSS routes.Although carbon partitioning from martensite to aus-tenite is the principle underlying the Q&P concept,the mechanisms governing this process are the subject of some controversy.It has been postulated that carbon partition-ing from martensite to austenite is controlled by the con-strained carbon equilibrium (CCE)criterion [2].This1359-6454/$36.00Ó2011Acta Materialia Inc.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2011.06.014⇑Corresponding author at:Delft University of Technology,Mekelweg2,2628CD Delft,The Netherlands.Tel.:+31152788250;fax:+31152786730.E-mail address:m.j.santofimianavarro@tudelft.nl (M.J.Santofimia)./locate/actamatActa Materialia 59(2011)6059–6068implies that the chemical potential of carbon equilibrates acrossfixed martensite–austenite interfaces.However,this model does not account for the expansion of the material frequently observed during the partitioning step[5].The possible mechanisms by which such an expansion can occur include the formation of bainite[6]from austenite, the continued growth of the martensite that was formed during the quenching step[7],or the isothermal nucleation and growth of new martensite[8,9].In cases where parti-tioning is performed above the martensite start tempera-ture,the third option is considered unlikely and the possible mechanisms that can produce the observed expan-sion are reduced to either bainite formation or martensite growth.For steels with compositions similar to low-alloy trans-formation-induced plasticity(TRIP)steels the expansion observed during the partitioning step can be readily explained by the formation of bainite[6],since TRIP steel compositions are designed to promote the formation of bainite.In spite of this,a substantial amount of the Q&P research reported to date has focused on TRIP chemical compositions[5,6,10–13]for which bainitic transformation almost certainly plays a role.To date,studies on chemical compositions specifically optimized for Q&P have not been published in detail. Due to the absence of studies of the Q&P process in alloys in which bainite formation is effectively suppressed,the growth of martensite during the partitioning step has nei-ther been confirmed nor disproved.Even if bainite forma-tion is suppressed,it would be difficult to experimentally detect movement of individual martensite–austenite inter-faces.Zhong et al.[7]reported an apparent change in cur-vature of martensite–austenite interfaces in a steel after partitioning at450°C,but it was not clear if that curvature change was actually due to martensite growth.Thermodynamic studies demonstrate that growth of martensite in the partitioning step is physically possible [9]and warrants study of the kinetics involved.If the CCE condition is relaxed and it is assumed that a difference in chemical potential of iron at the interface acts as a driv-ing force for the movement of the interface,the behavior of martensite–austenite interfaces can be simulated[9].Such predictions reveal that a net growth of martensite is ther-modynamically and kinetically possible until both phases reach equilibrium in the assumed absence of carbide precipitation.The aim of the present study is to arrive at an improved understanding of the mechanisms governing the partition-ing process in the absence of bainitic transformation.With this aim a new steel composition has been designed in which the formation of bainite during the application of Q&P heat treatments can be suppressed.Analysis of the microstructure development during the application of Q&P treatments as well as during isothermal holding in the bainitic transformation range has been performed by dilatometry,X-ray diffraction,optical and scanning electron microscopy,electron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD)and electron probe microanalysis(EPMA).2.Theoretical design of the Q&P steel chemical compositionThefirst step of this work was the design of a steel in which a microstructure formed by martensite laths separated by thinfilms of retained austenite was obtained by the application of appropriate Q&P heat treatments. This steel was designed on the basis of the following requirements:(a)Absence of ferrite and/or pearlite formation duringthe quenching step.(b)Retardation or inhibition of bainite formation,inorder to minimize possible overlapping of carbon partitioning and formation of bainite.(c)Retardation or minimization of the precipitation ofcarbides,which consumes carbon that is then no longer available for carbon enrichment of the austenite.(d)A sufficiently high carbon content for thermal stabil-ization of a considerable fraction of retained austen-ite at room temperature.The carbon concentration of the alloy was chosen as 0.2wt.%.Assuming full partitioning of carbon into austen-ite,and considering that austenite can be stable at room temperature when its carbon content is around1.2wt.%, the chosen carbon concentration is expected to lead to a volume fraction of retained austenite of around0.16.This volume fraction of retained austenite is close to the frac-tions usually observed in conventional low-alloy TRIP steels[14].Manganese,nickel and chromium were included in the chemical composition to retard ferrite,pearlite and bainite formation and to decrease the bainite start temperature,as well as to enhance the austenite stability.A silicon content of1.5wt.%was used to inhibit carbide precipitation during the partitioning step.The thermodynamic model of Bhadeshia for the predic-tion of TTT diagrams[15],widely applied for the design of steels[16–19],was used for the selection of the steel compo-sition studied in this work.The selected chemical composi-tion is displayed in Table1and the predicted TTT diagram is shown in Fig.1.The predicted martensite and bainite start temperatures(Ms and Bs)are314and320°C,respec-tively.This indicates that the predicted temperature range for isothermal bainite formation is very narrow,only 6°C.The predicted incubation times for bainite formation and ferrite/pearlite formation are500and5000s, Table1Chemical composition of the steel(wt.%).C Mn Ni Cr Si0.204 2.5 1.47 1.01 1.506060M.J.Santofimia et al./Acta Materialia59(2011)6059–6068respectively.These times suggest that the probability of obtaining ferrite and/or pearlite during cooling is very low in this steel,although formation of bainite during the partitioning step cannot be completely excluded.This fact, together with the reported effect of the martensite transfor-mation promoting the nucleation of bainite[20],justified a detailed experimental analysis of possible formation of bai-nite during the partitioning step in this steel,which is there-fore part of the experimental schedule.3.Selection and application of heat treatmentsThe steel was produced using a laboratory vacuum induc-tion furnace.After casting,the steel was hot rolled to afinal thickness of4.5mm and then air cooled.Cylindrical speci-mens4mm in diameter and10mm long were machined par-allel to the rolling direction for dilatometry.Heat treatments microstructure showed only martensite.The absence of bainite and ferrite was also confirmed by the corresponding dilatometry curve.Therefore,a cooling rate of50°C sÀ1 was selected as an appropriate cooling rate for the forma-tion of martensite in the quenching step in the subsequent experiments.The measured martensite start temperature (Ms)was338°C,which is slightly higher than the value predicted by the model in Fig.1(314°C).3.2.Bainite treatments(HT2,see Fig.2b)Treatments consisting of austenitization followed by cooling at50°C sÀ1to350,400and450°C and isothermal holding for times ranging from10to16,000s.The temper-atures were chosen to evaluate the possible formation of bainite within the range of interest for partitioning.These treatments are not Q&P treatments,since they do not include a quenching step below Ms.3.3.Q&P treatments,partitioning time and temperature dependence(HT3,see Fig.2c)Q&P treatments were applied,starting with full austen-itization,followed by cooling at50°C sÀ1to a quenching temperature of275°C,isothermal holding at that temper-ature for5s and then heating at10°C sÀ1to partitioning temperatures of350,400and450°C for times ranging from3to2000s.The effect of the partitioning step on the microstructure of the steel is evaluated with these treatments.Prediction of the TTT diagram characteristic of the designed(solid lines)together with experimental values of Mstemperatures(dashed lines).applied to the steel:(a)HT1to establish the required quenching rate;(b)HT2to investigate bainitepartitioning conditions;(d)HT4to investigate the dependence on quenching temperature.59(2011)6059–606860614.Procedures for microstructural characterizationHeat-treated specimens were cut in half to analyze the surface transverse to the rolling direction.After conven-tional metallographic preparation,specimens were etched with2%nital for subsequent optical microscopy and scan-ning electron microscopy(SEM).SEM observations were performed using a JEOL JSM-6500Ffield emission gun scanning electron microscope(FEG-SEM)operating at 15kV.Specific regions were selected using the FEG-SEM for further study of the alloying element distribution by EPMA.EPMA measurements were performed with a JEOL JXA8900R microprobe using a10keV electron beam with beam current of50nA employing wavelength-dispersive spectrometry(WDS).The composition at each analysis location of the sample was determined from the X-ray intensities of the constituent elements after background cor-rection relative to the corresponding intensities of reference materials.The thus-obtained intensity ratios were processed with the matrix correction program CITZAF[21].An in situ air jet was used to decontaminate the sample surface and to prevent the deposition of carbonaceous substances. The points of analysis were located along a line at intervals of0.5l m and carbon,silicon,manganese,chromium, nickel and iron concentrations were determined.In order to determine the volume fraction of retained austenite in the specimens,X-ray diffraction experiments were performed using a Bruker type D8-Advance diffrac-tometer equipped with a Bruker Vantec Position Sensitive Detector(PSD).Co K a radiation was used and a2h range from30°to135°,containing the(111),(200),(220)and (311)austenite reflections,was scanned using a step size of 0.05°.Error bars in calculations of the volume fraction of retained austenite were estimated to account for possible deviations caused by crystallographic texture.The austen-ite lattice parameter a c was determined from the positions of the maximum of the four austenite reflections using Cohen’s method[22].The carbon concentration x C of the austenite was obtained using[23,24]:a c¼0:3556þ0:00453x Cþ0:000095x Mnþ0:00056x Alþ0:0006x CrÀ0:0002x Ni;ð1Þwhere a c is the austenite lattice parameter,in nm,and x C, x Mn,x Al,x Cr and x Ni are the concentrations of carbon, manganese,aluminum,chromium and nickel,respectively, in wt.%.The effect of silicon on the austenite lattice param-eter has not been found in the literature and is therefore not included in Eq.(1).The results of this calculation indi-cate the average value of carbon content in austenite,and do not reveal information on gradients or variations be-tween austenite grains.An error bar of±0.05wt.%was estimated for the determination of the carbon content in austenite.Selected specimens were metallographically prepared for EBSD examination with afinal polishing step of0.05l m using an OPS suspension.The last specimen preparation step was electrolytic polishing with an electrolyte consisting of78ml perchloric acid,90ml distilled water,730ml etha-nol and100ml2-butoxyethanol at40V for10s.Specimens were analyzed by orientation imaging microscopy(OIM) on a FEI Nova600Nanolab dual-beam(focused ion beam)electron microscope equipped with a FEG column. The analysis was performed under the following condi-tions:acceleration voltage,20kV;working distance, 7mm;tilt angle,70°;step size,20nm.The orientation data were post-processed with Channel5software provided by Oxford-HKLÒ.5.Results and discussionIn this section,experimental results obtained after appli-cation of heat treatments HT2(bainite treatments),HT3 (Q&P treatments,partitioning dependence)and HT4 (Q&P treatments,quenching dependence)are presented, compared and discussed in Sections5.1–5.3,respectively. Observed microstructural features lead to the identification of the martensite formed in thefirst quench of the Q&P treatments in Section 5.4.Finally,experimental results are compared with simulations in Section5.5.5.1.Analysis of bainite formation during isothermal holding after full austenitizationBainite formation in this steel was studied by applica-tion of the HT2heat treatments shown in Fig.2b.Bai-nite was observed in the microstructures after full austenitization followed by an isothermal holding at 350°C.As an example,Fig.3a shows that the micro-structure formed after4000s at350°C comprises bainite surrounded by martensite.An isothermal hold at400°C for16,000s and subsequent quenching(Fig.3b)led to formation of a martensitic microstructure with a small fraction of ferrite grains(volume fraction less than 0.01).Such ferrite grains have not been observed after shorter times.Consideration of the micrographs alone does not reveal whether these ferrite grains are bainitic or allotriomorphic in nature.However,quenching after isothermal holding at450°C for16,000s results in a fully martensitic microstructure(Fig.3c)that does not contain any bainite.This strongly suggests that the fer-rite formed at400°C is bainitic.These observations indicate that the kinetics of austenite decomposition at400and450°C is hardly significant after annealing for as long as16,000s,in agreement with the predicted TTT diagram of Fig.1.This makes the experi-mental determination of the Bs temperature very difficult. However,we can be confident that,on a time scale shorter than around16,000s,the maximum estimate for the tem-perature range for bainite transformation in this steel is between338°C(the Ms temperature as measured in the dilatometer)and400°C.This temperature range is wider than the range predicted in Fig.1,but still leaves a signif-6062M.J.Santofimia et al./Acta Materialia59(2011)6059–6068icant temperature and time window free of isothermal decomposition of austenite into bainite.Figs.4and 5show the change in length vs.time as mea-sured by dilatometry (Fig.4)and the measurements of vol-ume fraction and carbon content of retained austenite (Fig.5)after application of heat treatments HT2and HT3.Results for HT3heat treatments will be discussed in Section 5.2.Fig.4a shows the change in length observed during isothermal holding at 350,400and 450°C.At 350°C,the observed change in length corresponds to the formation of bainite,as confirmed by the metallographic analysis.On the other hand,at 400and 450°C,the expan-sion was much less (volume changes less than 0.05%),indi-cating very slow kinetics for austenite decomposition,which was also corroborated by metallographic analysis.In any case,dilatometry shows that the end of the austenite decomposition is not fully reached in the time scale used in the experiments.Application of HT2treatments for isothermal treat-ments at 400and 450°C did not lead to the detection of retained austenite after isothermal holdings as long as 16,000s.In the case of the isothermal holding at 350°C (Fig.5a),retained austenite was detected,reaching a vol-5.2.Microstructural evolution during Q&P treatments:different partitioning conditionsIn order to determining the effect of partitioning param-eters for a fixed quenching temperature (heat treatment ser-ies HT3),the target quenching temperature was set to 275°C,followed by an isothermal holding for 5s;however,a detailed analysis of the recorded data reveals that the actual quenching temperatures achieved vary in the range 275±5°C.Dilatometry curves corresponding to the parti-tioning step at 350,400and 450°C for 2000s show expan-sions of 0.06%,0.03%and 0.02%,respectively (Fig.4b).Excluding the effect of carbon partitioning on the lattice parameter,the experimentally observed expansions can be associated with formation of volume fractions of body-centered cubic (bcc)phase equal to approximately 0.04,0.02and 0.01,respectively.These expansions cannot be associated with nucleation and growth of martensite,since they occurred at tempera-tures above Ms.As a consequence,they are likely to be related to the formation of bainite or to isothermal growth of martensite.As discussed in Section 5.1,bainite was observed in micrographs after isothermal treatment at optical micrographs of the steel after HT2treatments consisting of austenitization at 900°C for 600s,cooling at 50°C s 350°C for 4000s;(b)400°C for 16,000s,and (c)450°C for 16,000s.Circles in (b)indicate zones with isolated ferrite.The nital.isothermal holding time at 350°C (4000s),400°C (16,000s)and 450°C (16,000s)in HT2treatments.350°C (2000s),400°C (2000s)and 450°C (2000s)in HT3treatments.Volume fractions of retained austenite obtained after quenching and partitioning at350,400and450°C for dif-ferent partitioning times are presented in Fig.5a,and cor-responding carbon contents are shown in Fig.5b.After partitioning at350°C,the fraction of austenite continu-ously increases with partitioning time up to a maximum of around0.15after partitioning for2000s.The average carbon content of the retained austenite reaches a maxi-mum after partitioning for100s and,in general,values fall between0.75and0.95wt.%.When the partitioning step takes place at400°C,the volume fraction of retained austenite reaches a maximum equal to0.10after100s and remains approximately con-stant for further increase in partitioning times.The trend is similar to that observed at350°C.In the case of partitioning at450°C a maximum in the retained austenite fraction of approximately0.12is observed after partitioning for only3s.Thereafter a grad-ual decrease is observed until the partitioning time is equal to500s,beyond which the volume fraction of retained aus-tenite remains approximately constant with further increase in time.Austenite diffraction peaks corresponding to partitioning at450°C for1000and2000s were not strong enough to permit a reliable determination of carbon content of retained austenite.It is clear that the maximum in the volume fraction of retained austenite is reached at shorter times for higher partitioning temperatures,which is in agreement with the expected kinetics of carbon partitioning[9].For most tem-perature and time conditions,fractions of retained austen-ite obtained by the applied Q&P processes are considerably higher and occur at much shorter treatment times than those obtained by cooling directly to an isothermal hold in the bainitic transformation range(HT2).Dilatometry results shown in Fig.4b indicate that,if bainite is formed during the partitioning step in HT3treatments,its volume fraction would be too low to explain the observed fractions of retained austenite.Therefore,it is confirmed that,in this steel,the Q&P process is significantly more effective than a bainitic isothermal treatment for the stabilization of austenite.Microstructures of specimens partitioned at350,400 and450°C for1000s are compared in Fig.6.The three microstructures look quite similar,consisting of martensite that has responded in two different ways to etching with2%nital:some laths of martensite are clearly more strongly etched than others.In these micrographs,retained austenite cannot be distinguished from martensite.No significant carbide precipitation is resolved under the elec-tron microscope for any of the samples,indicating that the level of silicon addition is sufficient to inhibit carbide formation.The morphology of the microstructure present in these materials was further studied by EBSD.Fig.7shows an EBSD analysis of the specimen after partitioning at 450°C for10s.Fig.7a shows a combined band contrast map and color-coded phase map in which blue corresponds to bcc lattice(martensite)and red corresponds to face-centered cubic(fcc)lattice(austenite).Darker bands corre-spond to a low band contrast.Retained austenite is distrib-uted both as smallfilms of around200nm thickness and 1–2l m in length and as grains of nanometer size(which is at the limit of the instrumental resolution)between mar-tensite laths.Most of the austenite grains are located between martensite laths with higher band contrast and lar-ger size.This observation suggests that martensite with higher band contrast and larger size was formed during thefirst quenching step and underwent partitioning of car-bon to the surrounding austenite,contributing to its ther-mal stabilization,whereas martensite with lower band contrast was formed in the last quench.Fig.7b shows a combined band-contrast map and inverse pole-figure map of the austenite grains.Thisfigure shows that austenite grains situated in the same region share the same crystallo-graphic orientation.These austenite grains probably origi-nate from a single prior austenite grain.5.3.Microstructural evolution after Q&P treatments with variable quenching conditions and partitioning at400°C for 100sAs was shown in Section5.2,for a quenching tempera-ture of275±5°C,a local maximum in the volume fraction of retained austenite,is observed after application of a par-titioning step at400°C for100s in the absence of bainitic transformation.In the heat treatment series HT4,these partitioning conditions of100s at400°C were applied after quenching to differenttemperatures. fractions of retained austenite after HT2(only350°C)and HT3treatments.(b)Carbon content in retainedthe measurements of volume fraction andof retained austenite as a function of the temperature.The average carbon content ofaustenite ranges from0.8to 1.0wt.%andalmost independent of the quenching tem-However,a distinct maximum in the volumeretained austenite is observed for a quenching230°C.If the partitioning of carbon iscomplete after100s at400°C[9],a hypo-explanation for this observation can be offered[2].quenching temperature results in the formation other hand,after quenching to a higher temperature,themartensite fraction available to transfer carbon to austen-ite is lower,potentially leading to a high fraction of rela-tively unstable austenite that transforms to martensite in thefinal quench.The compromise between the two situa-tions can be envisaged to lead to a maximum in the vol-ume fraction of retained austenite as a function of quenching temperature,which in the case of this material is found at around230°C.5.4.Characterization of the martensite formed in thefirst quench of the Q&P processIt is interesting to further investigate the effect that the partitioning step has on the martensite formed in thefirst quench.EBSD results reveal two types of martensite and it is suggested that the martensite with a higher band con-trast and larger size was formed during the quenching stepelectron micrographs of the steel after full austenitization,quenching to275°C±5°C and partitioning for1000C.The specimens were etched with2%nital.analysis of the microstructure obtained after full austenitization,quenching to275±5°C and partitioning atVolume fraction of retained austenite and correspondingafter full austenitization,quenching to different temperaturespartitioning at400°C for100s(heat treatment HT4).and has released its carbon to the surrounding austenite during the partitioning step.The same martensite grains were observed in FEG-SEM images to be differently etched by2%nital,According to these observations,martensite with higher band contrast and larger size can be expected to contain less carbon than the rest of the microstructure. To provide confirmation,EPMA analyses were performed on the HT3specimen partitioned at450°C for1000s.The results are shown in Fig.9.Fig.9a shows a FEG-SEM image of the specimen,where the arrow indicates the line along which the EPMA analysis was performed.Fig.9b and c shows the observed carbon and substitutional-element compositions.The heavier etched areas in the microstructure contained less carbon than the lightly etched ones.The substitutional alloying elements concen-trations are constant,independent of the position with respect to an interface separating grains of the two types of martensite.These observations strongly suggest that the heavily etched martensitic regions correspond to mar-tensite formed in thefirst quench(subsequently referred to as M1),whereas the rest of the microstructure consists of martensite formed in thefinal quench and retained aus-tenite.The absence of any significant dilatation during par-titioning at400and450°C implies that these etched laths correspond to martensite and not to another bcc phase such as bainite.Similar conclusions were recently presented by Wang et al.[25].Due to compositional differences between M1and the martensite formed in thefinal quench of the Q&P process,variations in the volume fraction of M1can lead,in principle,to changes in the mechanical properties of the material.This observation demonstrates the importance of a good control of the quenching temperature.The volume fraction of the martensite laths that under-went strong etching with2%nital were measured for all available specimens,including specimens described in the bars represent the standard deviation of the measurements. Values for the volume fraction of M1have been normalized to0.96because a volume fraction of retained austenite equal to0.04was measured in the specimen obtained after application of a direct quench(HT1).The multiple data points plotted at temperatures around275°C reveal that the scatter observed in the quenching temperature in the HT3series of heat treatments(±5°C)led to a scatter in the resulting volume fraction of M1.Measurements of the volume fraction of M1werefitted to the Koistinen–Marburger equation[26]:v M1¼1ÀexpðÀa mÁðT KMÀT QÞÞ;ð2Þwhere a m is the rate parameter,T KM the so-called theoret-ical martensite start temperature(which can be somewhat lower than Ms[27]),v M1is the calculated volume fraction of M1,and T Q is the quenching temperature.Thefit yields values of a m=0.01824KÀ1and T KM=325°C.A line rep-resenting thisfit is shown in Fig.10.It is interesting to point out that obtained values forfitting parameters are in agreement with the ones obtained for the compositional dependence of a m and T KM proposed by Van Bohemen et al.[27](0.01827KÀ1and304°C,respectively),which in-clude all alloying elements present in the steel except silicon.5.5.Prediction of volume fractions of retained austenite after Q&P treatments and comparison with experimental results The inhibition of bainite in HT3treatments when parti-tioning occurs at400and450°C makes the experimental results observed on those specimens suitable for compari-son with simulations performed using the model of the kinetics of carbon partitioning from martensite to austenite presented in Refs.[9,28].Applying the method presented in Ref.[29],calculated carbon profiles were also converted into volume fractions of retained austenite for comparisonFig.9.EPMA analysis of the steel after full austenitization,quenching at275±5°C and partitioning at450°C for1000 6066M.J.Santofimia et al./Acta Materialia59(2011)6059–6068。
