058 G16S-0205-01




德国 德国 台湾地区 日本 澳大利亚 美国 台湾地区 台湾地区 荷兰 法国 意大利 澳大利亚 澳大利亚 台湾地区 台湾地区 美国 德国 美国 新西兰 美国 台湾地区 台湾地区 台湾地区 意大利 台湾地区 台湾地区 马来西亚 美国 美国 美国 马来西亚 菲律宾 德国 泰国 泰国



化学品安全技术说明书第一部分化学品及企业标识产品中文名称:无菌检查用洗脱液(含PBS)产品英文名称:Eluent For Sterile Test产品编号:022119企业名称:广东环凯微生物科技有限公司地址:广东省广州市黄埔区广州开发区科学城神舟路788号邮编:510663公司网址电子邮件地址:*********************传真号码:************销售热线:************-8602技术热线:************-8877/8876推荐用途和限制用途:生化研究/分析第二部分危险性概述GSH危害性类别非危险物质或混合物GSH标签要素非危险物质或混合物其它危害(健康危害、环境危害)未见报道第三部分成分/组成信息混合物化学品成分:参考培养基使用说明。








第六部分 泄露应急处理个人防护: 穿个人实验服,佩戴手套和口罩,避免吸入干粉。

环境保护措施: 用湿布和地拖擦拭干净。

清洁/收集措施: 保持干燥。


第七部分 操作处置与储存安全操作注意事项: 防止粉尘扬起,应提供通风设备。

储存注意事项: 贮存于避光、干燥处,用后立即旋紧瓶盖。

第八部分 接触控制/个人防护职业接触限值 没有已知的国家规定的暴露极限。

工程控制: 提供安全淋浴和洗眼设备个人保护措施 呼吸系统防护: 在通风橱里称取产品,佩戴口罩。

眼睛防护: 佩戴安全眼镜。

身体防护: 穿实验室服。

手防护: 戴防化学品手套。

其他防护: 常规的工业卫生操作,工作后及时清洗双手。

第九部分 理化特性外观: 粉末 pH 值: 7.3±0.2 颜色: 淡黄色 气味: 特征性 熔点: 无数据资料 沸点: 无数据资料 燃点: 无数据资料 闪点: 无数据资料 爆炸限度 下限: 无数据资料 上限: 无数据资料 热分解: 无数据资料溶解性: 按产品使用说明上的用量比例加蒸馏水,加热煮沸至完全溶解,溶液呈黄色澄清无沉淀。

Molex 0502128000 微型锁扣母端子 2.00mm 间距、锡(Sn)镀层、24-30 A

Molex 0502128000 微型锁扣母端子 2.00mm 间距、锡(Sn)镀层、24-30 A

Twisted Wire
This document was generated on 09/29/2022
Series image - Reference only
EU ELV Compliant
China RoHS
Not Contained Per -
D(2022)4187-DC (10
June 2022)
Crimp Terminals 50212 Automotive, Signal, Wire-to-Board Yes Micro-Latch Wire-to-Board Connector System 502128100 (Loose) DuraClik, Mi II, Micro-Latch, Sherlock Crimp Terminals 800753644625
Micro-Latch Wire-to-Board Connector System 2.00mm Pitch, Micro-Latch Female Crimp Terminal, Tin (Sn) Plating, 24-30 AWG, Reel
Documents: 3D Model (PDF) 3D Model Drawing (PDF) Product Specification 510650000-PS-000 (PDF) Product Specification 510651000-PS-000 (PDF) Product Specification PS-51089-001-001 (PDF) Product Specification PS-51089-005-001 (PDF) Product Specification PS-51090-003-001 (PDF) Product Specification PS-51090-004-001 (PDF) Product Specification PS-51090-005-001 (PDF) Product Specification PS-51090-009-001 (PDF) Product Specification PS-51090-016-001 (PDF) Product Specification PS-51090-017-001 (PDF) Product Specification PS-51090-018-001 (PDF)



OKI烙铁头型号表STTC系列烙铁头STTC系列烙铁头用于MX系列主机上,该烙铁头不能用于SP200系统,也不能用于镊型手柄和除锡手柄. 最常用的STTC烙铁头型号STTC-X37 凿型,横刃STTC-X36* 凿型,横刃形形30?,1.5mm(0.1″)30?,1.78mm(0.07″)多种用途烙铁头,如果是初次使用Metcal烙铁,建议选用于较长烙铁头的中到大的焊点用STTC-037STTC-X38* 凿型,横刃STTC- X25 凿型,横刃形形30?,1.5mm(0.053″) 30?,1.0mm(0.04″) 较STTC-037细.适用于中小焊点的通孔焊接和一般的表适合各种小焊点的焊接,STTC-025可作为SMT焊接的首面贴焊接选烙铁头STTC-X07 尖锥STTC-X22 尖锥型,1.0mm(0.04″) 型,0.4mm(0.016″)在焊接空间有限时的通用SMT和通孔焊接烙铁头适用于SMT器件和细线的焊接工作(不适用于通孔焊接)STTC-X06 尖锥STTC-X40 弯曲尖头型,0.4mm(0.016″) 30?,0.4mm(0.016″)适合焊接SMT器件,弯头使小电路板和PLCC器件的焊接用于焊接空间有限的SMT返修更加容易STTC-X45 斜面60?,0.4mm(0.016″) X-表示温度系列:X=5为500系列,X=0为600系列,X=1 为700系列,X=8为800系列为加长的尖细烙铁头,适用于SMT器件和细线的焊接工作(不适用于通孔焊接)温度500系列=5,600系列X=0,700系列,1,800系列X=8(带*)温度系列规格无铅应用华氏温度/摄氏温度500 STTC-5XX 温度敏感 575?/302?600 STTC-0XX 温度敏感 675?/357?700 STTC-1XX 玻璃纤维 775?/412?800 STTC-8XX 陶瓷 905?/487?其他的标准的STTC烙铁头型号STTC-X17* 特大凿STTC-X65 大凿形,5.0mm(0.2″) 形,5.0mm(0.2″)STTC-X20 加长凿形STTC-X03* 凿形12?,3.8mm(0.15″) 90?,3.0mm(0.12″)STTC-X13 凿形STTC-X33 凿形90?,3.0mm(0.07″) 90?,2.5m(0.10″)STTC-X04 凿形STTC-X42 加长凿形90?,1.78mm(0.07″60?,1.78(0.07″) )STTC-X98 弯曲凿型STTC-X99 弯曲凿型30?,1.78mm(0.07″30?,1.5m(0.47″) )STTC-X41 长头凿形STTC-X83 长头开槽30?,1.3mm(0.05″) 型,2.0m(0.08″)STTC-X32 尖锥STTC-X02 尖锥形,1.78mm(0.07″) 形,1.78mm(0.07″)STTC-X01 尖锥STTC-X31尖锥形,1.0mm(0.04″) 形,1.0m(0.04″)STTC-X43 尖锥STTC-X12 锥形,0.5mm(0.02″) 形,2.03mm(0.08″)STTC-X11 锥STTC-X16 锥形,0.5mm(0.02″) 形,0.5mm(0.02″)STTC-X44 尖弯STTC-X26 尖弯30?,0.5mm(0.02″) 30?,0.4mm(0.16″)STTC-X14 斜面STTC-X35 斜面45?,2.03mm(0.08″30?,1.78mm(0.07″) )STTC-X47 斜面STTC-X05 斜面60?,1.78mm(0.07″30?,1.78mm(0.07″) )STTC-X15, 斜面型STTC-X24, 斜面型30?,1.3mm(0.05″) 30 ?,1.0mm(0.04″)STTC-X97, 前上端开STTC-X70, 前端异槽,5.3mm(0.21″) 性,4.8mm(0.19″)STTC-X46, 斜面型STTC-X90 圆锥60?,1.0mm(0.04″) 形,0.25mm(0.01″)STTC-X14 倾斜形STTC-X45P 圆锥45?,2mm(0.08″) 形,0.4mm(0.016″)STTC-X01P圆锥STTC-X25P横刃形形,1mm(0.04″) 30?,1mm(0.04″)STTC-X38P横刃形STTC-X37P横刃形30?,1.5mm(0.06″) 30?,1.78mm(0.07″)STTC-X47P倾斜型STTC-X36P横刃形60?,1.78mm(0.07″30?,2.5mm(0.1″))STTC-X173P刀形,5mm(0.2″)温度500系列X=5,600系列=0,700系列X,1,800系列X=8(带*)温度系列规格无铅应用华氏温度/摄氏温度500 STTC-5XX 温度敏感 575?/302?600 STTC-0XX 温度敏感 675?/357?700 STTC-1XX 玻璃纤维 775?/412?800 STTC-8XX 陶瓷 905?/487?SMTC系列烙铁头我们还提供SMTC烙铁头,帮助您完成焊接,起拔芯片与清理焊盘的工作.她的形状有槽形,隧道形和方形.此外,SMTC烙铁头还有其他形状的烙铁头,如,马蹄形,用于托焊;扁铲形,用于清理焊盘;刀形,用于空间狭小的PLCC管脚焊-RM3E标准手柄,不能用于镊形手柄,除锡手柄和SP200,PS800系统. 接.SMTC烙铁头只用于MX槽型烙铁头SMT元件烙铁头尺寸(mm)编号 A B D 烙铁头型号 Chip0805 2.29 1.27 1.79 SMTC-X01 Chip1206,1210 3.56 1.52 1.79 SMTC-X02 Chip1808,1812 4.83 2.03 1.91 SMTC-X03Chip,BoxA(EIASOPM-3224) 3.43 2.03 3.05 SMTC-X35 Chip,BoxB(EIASOPM-3528) 3.81 2.41 2.54 SMTC-X32 Melf,BoxB(EIASOPM-4532) 4.83 2.79 4.06 SMTC-X36 Chip,BoxC(EIASOPM-6032) 6.35 2.41 3.30 SMTC-X33* Chip,BoxD(EIASOPM-7246) 7.62 2.54 3.56 SMTC-X34* SOT-23 1.73 2.54 1.27 SMTC-X05 SOT-89 2.80 6.35 2.03 SMTC-X08 Chip0402,0603,0805(angled) 2.03 1.27 1.52 SMTC-X88Chip0402,0603 1.78 1.02 1.02 SMTC-X96 温度500系列X=5, 600系列X=0, 700系列X=1, *:无500系列. 温度系列规格无铅应用华氏温度/摄氏温度 500 SMTC-5XX 温度敏感 575?/302?600 SMTC-0XX 温度敏感 675?/357?700 SMTC-1XX 玻璃纤维 775?/412?800 SMTC-8XX 陶瓷 905?/487?隧道型烙铁头适用于双排管脚元件SMT元件内部尺寸(mm)编号 A2 A B D 烙铁头型号 DPAC 8.51 8.51 6.35 5.08 SMTC-X47 SO-8 8.13 9.65 19.05 6.10 SMTC-X107 SO-16 8.38 8.38 12.07 5.84 SMTC-X46* SO-8 8.51 8.51 16.90 6.35 SMTC-X68** SOIC-8 5.08 5.08 4032 2.29 SMTC-X04 SOIC-14,-16 5.08 5.08 10.16 2.29 SMTC-X06 SOIC-14 5.18 5.18 8.89 2.54 SMTC-X142 SOIC-24(Mini flat pack) 7.11 7.11 15.75 3.18 SMTC-X77 SOIC-16(Wide) 8.138.13 11.94 6.86 SMTC-X124 SOIC-20 9.53 9.53 13.21 3.18 SMTC-X10 SOIC-249.53 9.53 15.75 3.18 SMTC-X09 SOIC-28,SOL-36 9.53 9.53 18.29 3.18 SMTC-X07 SOIC-32 13.21 13.21 20.45 4.32 SMTC-X42 SOJ-28,SOM-36 8.00 8.6418.80 1.88 SMTC-X26 SOJ-32,34 8.00 8.64 21.34 3.18 SMTC-X140 SOJ-40,SOM-32 10.41 11.43 25.91 1.91 SMTC-X40 SOJ-42 10.41 11.43 27.18 3.18 SMTC-X148 SOMC-14,-16,DB-20 6.86 6.86 11.18 2.29 SMTC-X20 SOP-20 6.86 6.86 7.24 2.54 SMTC-X138 SOP-28 10.67 10.67 18.29 3.18 SMTC-X39 SOP-40 11.68 12.95 25.4 3.18 SMTC-X134* SOP-44 12.95 14.35 27.18 2.67 SMTC-X83 TSOP-28 11.94 12.83 8.13 1.65 SMTC-X95 TSOP-40 18.54 19.30 10.16 3.05 SMTC-X154 TSOP-56 18.54 19.30 14.12 3.05 SMTC-X62 TSOP-32 18.51 19.30 8.13 3.05 SMTC-X84** 温度600系列X=0,700系列X=1,*:无600系列,**:无700系列. 温度系列规格无铅应用华氏温度/摄氏温度 500 SMTC-5XX 温度敏感 575?/302? 600 SMTC-0XX 温度敏感 675?/357? 700 SMTC-1XX 玻璃纤维 775?/412? 800 SMTC-8XX 陶瓷 905?/487?方形烙铁头用于PLCC元件SMT元件内部尺寸(mm)编号 A2 A B2 B D 烙铁头型号 PICC18 7.62 8.38 12.70 13.46 3.81 SMTC-X11 PICC20 9.14 10.16 9.14 10.16 3.81 SMTC-X12 PICC28 9.40 10.41 14.48 15.49 3.81 SMTC-X103 PICC32 11.43 12.70 13.97 15.24 3.81 SMTC-X16 PICC28 11.56 12.70 11.58 12.70 3.81 SMTC-X13 PICC44 16.76 12.78 16.76 17.783.81 SMTC-X14 PICC68 24.38 25.27 24.38 25.27 5.59 SMTC-X18* PICC68双主机 24.38 25.27 24.38 25.27 5.59 SMTC-X28 PICC84双主机 29.59 30.35 29.59 30.35 5.59 SMTC-X29 PICC52 19.30 20.32 19.30 20.32 3.81 SMTC-X17* PICC84 29.59 30.35 29.59 30.35 5.59 SMTC-X19* 温度600系列X=0,700系列X=1,所有方形元件推荐用700系列.*:无600系列.注:双主机系列需要二个手柄MX-RM3E和一个MX-DHS(建议使用) 温度系列规格无铅应用华氏温度/摄氏温度 500 SMTC-5XX 温度敏感 575?/302? 600 SMTC-0XX 温度敏感 675?/357? 700 SMTC-1XX 玻璃纤维 775?/412? 800 SMTC-8XX 陶瓷905?/487?方形烙铁头用于QFP元件SMT元件内部尺寸(mm)编号 A2 A B2 B D 烙铁头型号 SQFP48(EIAJ) 8.38 8.38 8.38 8.38 2.54 SMTC-X121 SQFP64(EIAJ) 11.18 11.18 11.18 11.18 2.54 SMTC-X120 TQFP4411.18 12.19 12.19 13.21 2.79 SMTC-X159 TQFP80 12.32 13.34 12.32 13.342.79 SMTC-X132 QFP48 13.97 13.97 13.97 13.97 3.30 SMTC-X115 VQFP100(EIAJ) 14.48 15.49 14.48 15.49 2.79 SMTC-X118 VQFP128(3.2mmfp) 15.75 15.7521.84 21.84 3.30 SMTC-X133 QFP44 16.13 16.13 16.13 16.13 3.30 SMTC-X21 QFP100(长方形) 16.51 16.51 22.48 22.48 3.30 SMTC-X43 QFP64,80 17.1517.15 23.11 23.11 3.30 SMTC-X15 QFP100 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 4.83 SMTC-X45* QFP144 20.45 21.34 20.45 21.34 1091 SMTC-X122 QFP132 25.0225.91 25.02 25.91 3.18 SMTC-X86 QFP100(方形) 26.42 26.42 26.42 26.423.30 SMTC-X44* QFP208(双主机) 28.58 44.96 28.58 44.96 2.90 SMTC-X81QFP120,160(双主机) 29.59 30.48 29.59 30.48 3.05 SMTC-X48 PQFP240()双主机32.77 33.78 32.77 33.78 2.79 SMTC-X125 QFP304(双主机) 40.64 41.91 41.91 40.64 5.08 SMTC-X158** 温度600系列X=0,700系列X=1,所有方形烙铁头建议使用700系列. *:不推荐用600系列;**:无600系列注:双主机系列需要二个手柄MX-RM3E和一个MX-DHS(建议使用). 温度系列规格无铅应用华氏温度/摄氏温度 500 SMTC-5XX 温度敏感 575?/302? 600 SMTC-0XX 温度敏感 675?/357? 700 SMTC-1XX 玻璃纤维 775?/412? 800 SMTC-8XX 陶瓷905?/487?方形烙铁头用于起拔PLCC元件插座SMD元件型号 A B D 烙铁头型号推荐烙铁头型号 PLCC-20SOCKET 9.14 9.14 2.91 SMTC-X144 SMTC-1144 PLCC-32SOCKET 11.58 14.12 3.05 SMTC-X109 SMTC-1109 PLCC-84SOCKET* 40.64 40.64 2.91 SMTC-X145 SMTC-1145 温度600系列X=0,700系列X=1,建议使用700系列 *:双主机系列需要二个手柄MX-RM3E和一个MX-DHS(建议使用) 温度系列规格无铅应用华氏温度/摄氏温度 500 SMTC-5XX 温度敏感 575?/302?600 SMTC-0XX 温度敏感 675?/357?700 SMTC-1XX 玻璃纤维 775?/412?800 SMTC-8XX 陶瓷 905?/487?用于MX系统的SMTC特殊形状烙铁头,用于焊盘清理使用Metcal的扁铲形烙铁头和铜编带配合使用可以清理两面和四面引脚芯片的焊盘,方便、快捷并且非常安全.在清理焊盘时请特别注意,不要用烙铁头和铜编带在焊盘来回拖动,这样会造成焊盘脱落.扁铲形烙铁头SMTC-X110* 扁铲形 SMTC-X62 扁铲形 SMTC-X61 扁铲形 SMTC-X60 扁铲形头宽39.37mm 头宽22.10mm 头宽15.75mm 头宽10.41mm温度500系列X=5,600系列X=0,700系列X=1,800系列X=8. *不提供500、800系列,双主机蹄形和刀形烙铁头,用于拖焊图示型号图示型号SMTC-X167**小蹄SMTC-X147* 蹄形形SMTC-X169*长蹄SMTC-X170*长蹄形形SMTC-X161*刀形, SMTC-X173刀形,涂锡面2.03mm 涂锡面5.84mm温度500系列X=5, 600系列X=0, 700系列X=1, 800系列X=8*无800系列, **无500、800系列其余SMTC特殊形状烙铁头SMTC-X98** SMTC-X100 SMTC-X136** 28针SMT连接头微型XMT头热板形烙铁头温度500系列X=5,600系列X=0,700系列X=1,800系列X=8 **:无500系列,800系列刀片形烙铁头刀片形烙铁头专门用于有效而快速的清洁PCB焊盘.MX-2010系统为此类刀片形烙铁头提供了充足的能量.Metal的TMSmartHeat技术可以确保极其迅速地响应负载要求,实现真正无风险的焊盘清洁过程. 图示型号图示型号SMTC-X64刀片形SMTC-X60刀片形5mm(0.2″) 10mm(0.4″)SMTC-X61刀片形SMTC-X62刀片形15.75mm(0.62″) 22mm(0.86″)SMTC-X63双加热器,刀片形45.46mm(1.79″)SMTC微型烙铁头微型烙铁头适用于间距很小的微型芯片.这种烙铁头既可以从用于拆除0402,0201微小元件,也可以用于微型的PLCC,QFP元件管脚上面的拖焊.您可以根据以下尺寸选择适合的型号:图示型号SMTC-X171适用于拆除0201,0402微型元件,因为弯头,便于观测和拆除.SMTC-X172适用于微细管脚拖焊和点对点的焊接,且便于清理连焊SMTC-X174适用于比小蹄型还小的密管脚处的拖焊SMTC-X175适用于比小蹄型还小的密管脚处的拖焊SMTC-X90适用于0201 ,0402微型元件精细焊接温度500系列 X=5,600系列X=0,700系列X=1,800系列X=8.温度系列规格无铅应用华氏温度/摄氏温度500 SMTC-5XX 温度敏感 575?/302?600 SMTC-0XX 温度敏感 675?/357?700 SMTC-1XX 玻璃纤维 775?/412?800 SMTC-8XX 陶瓷 905?/487?STDC除锡烙铁头(用于MX-5050和MX-500DS除锡系统) 应从下面的STDC系列烙铁头中选购最适合您的型号.它有两种供您选择:标准型和加长型.和所有OK烙铁头一样,更换STDC烙铁头,只需要几秒钟,非常方便.正确选择该烙铁头的型号和温度,对于有效完成通孔除锡十分重要.标准型STDC烙铁头型号与尺寸(mm)型号内径A(mm) 内径B(mm) STDC-X02 0.64 1.40STDC-X03 0.76 1.68STDC-X04 1.02 1.78STDC-X05 1.27 2.03STDC-X06 1.52 2.29STDC-X07 2.41 3.18温度 600系列X=0 700系列X=1 800系列X=8加长型STDC烙铁头型号与尺寸(mm)型号内径A 内径BSTDC-X03L 0.76 1.68STDC-X04L 1.02 1.79STDC-X05L 1.27 2.03温度700系列X=7 800系列X=8选择正确的温度(系列)STDC烙铁头寿命特别长,并且设计为用于传递高热量,使多层电路板的除锡轻而易举。





试剂盒参照中国药典qPCR方法检测相关要求进行验证,提取性能可达5-10 CFU/管,搭配检测试剂盒检测限不大于5CFU/反应。


本试剂盒可以通过rHCD purify®前处理系统实现样品的自动化处理。

⏹试剂盒组分表1.试剂盒组分序号组分产品号规格储存条件Ⅰ裂解液NND046 2.5mL×2瓶室温结合液NND0475mL×2瓶室温洗涤液A NND0487.5mL×2瓶室温洗脱液NND049 2.5mL×2瓶室温稀释液NND050 2.5mL×2瓶室温真菌样品处理管NND00550管室温Ⅱ5M NaCl NND040500μL×2管2-8℃磁珠NND033750μL×2管2-8℃Ⅲ蛋白酶K NND023500μL×2管-18℃及以下助沉剂ⅠNND00325μL×2管-18℃及以下助沉剂ⅡNND004500μL×2管-18℃及以下⏹规格50Extractions。



118 13.11 14.5
137 15.22 16.5
9 6 14 3.5 3.6 4.2 4.8 9.5 5.3 10.5 3.5 4.5 8.5 5.5
153.0 4.78
153.0 9.56
210g*36 210g*2*18
157.5 4.38
157.5 8.75

Endoproteinase Lys-C 产品说明书

Endoproteinase Lys-C 产品说明书

Endoproteinase Lys-C from Lysobacter enzymogenessuitable for Protein Sequencing Catalog Number P3428Storage Temperature 2–8 °CTECHNICAL BULLETINCAS RN 72561-05-8EC Lys-CProduct DescriptionEndoproteinase Lys-C from Lysobacter enzymogenes is a serine endoprotease, which hydrolyzes peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of lysyl residues.1-6Lys-Proand Lys-Glu bonds are also cleaved.5Some minornon-specific cleavage has been reported.2,5The protease readily cleaves at aminoethylcysteineresidues.6Endoproteinase Lys-C is HPLC purified, resulting in a product that is suitable for protein sequencing. In 100 mM NH 4HCO 3, pH 8.5, or 100 mM Tris HCl,pH 8.5, Lys-C specifically cleaves peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of lysine.It is widely used for proteinsequencing work due to this highly specific cleavage of peptides resulting in a limited number of fragments.1-6Average molecular mass:127.96 kDa Optimal pH:1∼8.5Vial content: 5 µg of lyophilized Lys-C containing HEPES, EDTA, and raffinose.Precautions and DisclaimerThis product is for R&D use only, not for drug,household, or other uses. Please consult the Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices.Preparation InstructionsReconstitute the lyophilized product in 50 µl of water.The protease will be in a solution containing 50 mM HEPES, pH 8.0, 10 mM EDTA, and 5 mg/ml of raffinose.Storage/StabilityStore the lyophilized powder desiccated at 2–8 °C. The hygroscopic nature of the lyophilized powder may make it appear wet. The activity and suitability of the enzyme is not affected.After reconstitution in water, frozen aliquots can bestored for several weeks.4ProcedureFor peptide or protein digestion, a ratio between 1/20 and 1/100 (w/w) of enzyme to substrate is recommended.1.Dissolve the peptide or protein to be digested in100 mM NH 4HCO 3, pH 8.5, or 100 mM Tris HCl, pH 8.5.2.Recommended incubation time is between 2 and18 hours at 37 °C depending on the enzyme/ substrate ratio. Notes: Self-digestion of may occur if temperatures >37 °C are used.Lys-C retains most of its activity in 2.0 M urea or 0.1% SDS.2,3,6A peptide such as melittin or the oxidizedB chain of insulin should be run as a control for all experiments. Endoproteinase Lys-C may also be used for in-gel digestions of proteins.7-11ResultsThe suitability of this product is demonstrated by the digestion of melittin (Catalog Number M4171; see Figure 1). The sequence of melittin is:GIGAVLKVLTTGLPALISWIKRKRQQFigure 1.Suitability Assay Of Lys-CMelittin (100 µg) was digested with 5 µg of Lys-C for 18 hours at 37 °C in 100 µl of 100 mM NH 4HCO 3, pH 8.5. A 20 µg aliquot was separated on a Discovery ®C 18column (25 cm ×4.6 mm,5 µm, Catalog Number 504971) using a 20 minute linear gradient from 5–50% B at 0.7 ml/min, and was detected in the UV at 214 nm and by mass spectrometry. Solvent A: 0.1% (v/v) TFA in waterSolvent B: 0.08% (v/v) TFA in acetonitrileThe Lys-C peptide fragments were identified as follows:Retention Time (min)Mass (Da)Fragment5.79429.3Arg(24)-Gln(26)6.08302.3Arg(22)-Lys(23)15.36656.4Gly(1)-Lys(7)22.711,512.0Val(8)-Lys(21)The two short hydrophilic peptides (retention times of 5.79 and 6.08) co-elute with the unbound buffer salts in the injection peak. The retention times for these two peptides were determined by searching for their expected masses.During the 18 hour digestion only the expected peptides were generated with no indication of other majorproteolytic activity. Under the experimental conditions the cleavage of the test peptide was complete in less than one hour.References1.Smith, B.J., Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume3, New Protein Techniques, Humana Press (New Jersey: 1988), p. 57.2.Aitken, A. et al., Protein Sequencing: A PracticalApproach, IRL Press (Oxford, UK: 1989), p. 43.3.Burdon, R.H., and Knippenberg, P.H., (eds.),Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Sequencing of Proteins and Peptides,Volume 9, Elsevier (New York, NY: 1989), p. 73.4.Stone, K.L. et al., A Practical Guide to Protein andPeptide Purification for Microsequencing, Academic Press, Inc. (New York, NY: 1989), p. 31.5.Jekel, P.A. et al., Anal. Biochem., 134, 347-354(1983).6.Tarr,G.E. Methods of ProteinMicrocharacterization: A Practical Approach, Humana Press (New Jersey: 1986), p. 168.7.Xu, S-Q. et al., J. Biol. Chem., 273, 20078-20083,(1998).8.Jeno, P. et al., Anal. Biochem., 224, 75-82 (1995).9.O’Connell, K.L., and Stults, J.T.,Electrophoresis,18, 349-359 (1997).10.Patterson, S.D., Electrophoresis, 16, 1104-1114(1995).11.Fountoulakis, M. et al., Electrophoresis, 19, 1819-1827 (1998).Related ProductsHPLC Purified Products:Product Name Catalog Numberα-ChymotrypsinC6423Endoproteinase Arg-C P6056Endoproteinase Asp-N P3303Endoproteinase Glu-C P6181Endoproteinase Lys-C P3428Leucine aminopeptidase L9776TrypsinT8658Insulin Chain B, Oxidized I1764α-Melanocyte Stimulating HormoneM4135Discovery is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC.GY,LKB,MAM 05/14-1©2014 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. All rights reserved. SIGMA-ALDRICH is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, registered in the US and other countries. Sigma brand products are sold through Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the product(s) for theirparticular use. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see product information on the Sigma-Aldrich website at and/or on the reverse side of the invoice or packing slip.Time (min)A b s o r b a n c e , 214n m (m A u )0400800120016005101520255.796.0815.3622.71。

RT duroid 5870 5880高频laminate制造指南说明书

RT duroid 5870 5880高频laminate制造指南说明书

RT/duroid® 5870/5880 High Frequency Laminates Fabrication GuidelinesNotes on Packaging, Receiving, Storing, and Preparation for ProcessingPackagingHigh frequency circuit laminates are shipped in reinforced corrugated cardboard containers. Filler cardboard sheets, self-adherent polyethylene sheets, and vacuum-sealed poly bubble pack protect the materials against damage during shipping. Receiving1) Open the shipping cartons and inspect material immediately upon receipt.2) Advise the carrier of any shipping damage noted. It is helpful to photograph the containers and contents to support yourclaim.3) All quality problems should be reported to Rogers’ Customer Service as soon as possible, and not later than 30 days afterreceipt of the product.4) Damaged or rejected material should not be returned without a proper return authorization obtained from the CustomerService Representative. Returns without proper authorization may be refused.5) Every panel is packaged and labeled with the product identification and lot and sheet numbers. An example of a typicallabel is provided. Verify that this label is present on individual cores when the shipment is received.6) Rogers Corporation maintains full traceability records for individual laminates based upon lot and sheet numbers.Maintaining traceability is often essential to understanding and correcting any problems that may arise. It is strongly urged that customers adopt an appropriate procedure for maintaining the identification of individual panels through storage, processing, and delivery of final product.StorageRogers’ laminates can be stored indefinitely at normal ambient room temperatures (65°F to 85°F, 18°C to 30°C) andhumidity levels. At room temperature, the dielectric materials are inert to high humidity and atmospheric pollutants suchas industrial gases and marine salts. However, metal claddings, such as copper foil or thick aluminum, brass, and copper backing can be oxidized or corroded during direct exposure to high humidity, sulfur oxides, and marine salts. The adherent polyethylene cover sheet (thick cores) or polythelene bag (thinlaminates) provides a large measure of protection from corrosiveatmospheres. Normal cleaning procedures, covered later in thispublication, readily remove traces of corrosion from properlystored materials.Storage in Original Shipping Cartons1) Stack cartons on a flat surface that is safely out of the way of mobile handling and moving equipment.2) Cartons should be stacked to a maximum of five high to avoid excessive weight on the bottom packages.Storage of Panels Removed from Cartons1) Thin panels should remain sealed within the polyethylene bags and the adherent polyethylene sheets should remainon thicker cores. These packaging materials deter oxidation and corrosion of the metal layers and provide a measure of protection against mechanical damage (i.e. scratches, pits, dents, etc.).2) Store panels on edge in slotted shelving units keeping the clad surfaces vertical. This provides easy access with low riskof damage to the metal surfaces.3) If storage facilities do not permit vertical stacking:A) The shelf must be flat, smooth, and clean.B) The shelf must extend beyond the full area of the panels being stored.C) Surfaces of the laminates must be free of debris.D) Shelf loading should be kept below 50 pounds per square foot.E) Panels should be interleaved with soft, non-abrasive separator sheets.HandlingPTFE-based materials are softer than most other rigid printed wiring board laminates and are more susceptible to handling damage. Cores clad only with copper foils are easily creased. Materials bonded to thick aluminum, brass, or copper plates are more prone to scratches, pits, and dents. Proper handling procedures should be followed.1) Wear gloves of knit nylon or other non-absorbent material when handling panels. Normal skin oils are slightly acidic andreadily corrode copper surfaces. Fingerprints are difficult to remove as normal brighteners will dissolve the corrosion, but leave corrosive oils in the copper to cause the fingerprint to reappear hours or days later. The following procedure is recommended to remove fingerprints:A) Bright dip in dilute hydrochloric acid.B) Degrease in acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, or vapor degrease with chlorinated solvents.C) Water rinse and bake dry for 60 minutes @ 250°F (125°C).D) Repeat bright dip.2) Keep work surfaces clean, dry, and completely free of debris.3) Leave the polyethylene bag or sheet in place through initial processes such as shearing, sawing, blanking, and punching.4) Only pick panels by two edges. Thin cores in particular lack the stiffness required to support themselves by one edge orcorner, handling them in that manner may dimensionally distort the dielectric or impart a permanent crease.5) During processing, cores should be transported between workstations on flat carrying trays, preferably interleaved with asoft, sulfur-free paper. Vertical racks should not be used unless they are slotted and provide adequate vertical support. Single- and Double-Sided PCB Fabrication GuidelinesSurface PreparationFor panels protected by self-adhering polyethylene sheet, use the following steps to remove it and any adhesive residue. This should be done prior to drill (double-sided process) or just before the final copper cleaning step that immediately precedes the application of photoresist in a single-sided process. As mentioned before, gloves should be worn.1) Lay the panel on a flat clean surface.2) Peel back the film at one corner and extend the starting peel across the short edge.3) Hold the exposed panel end against the flat surface and gently peel off the film in a horizontal direction away from thestarting edge.4) Turn the panel over and remove the film on the other side in a similar manner. Make sure that the work surface remainsclean.5) Remove adhesive residue by wiping with a lint-free cloth soaked in an alcohol solvent. Isopropanol, 70% to 100%,is recommended for low toxicity and flammability. Ketones, such as acetone or MEK, or halogenated hydrocarbon degreasing solvents are not particularly effective for removing adhesive spots.6) The solvent clean should be followed with a clean water rinse.7) Remove copper oxides using commercially available cleaners and microetchants.8) Abrasive cleaning (e.g. pumice powder or conveyorized brush scrubbing) is not recommended. Mechanical surfacepreparation tends to cause microscopic scratches in copper. These scratches become stress risers that can lead tothermal stress cracks in some environmental conditions. While we strongly recommend against abrasive cleaning, we do understand in some circumstances that it can’t be avoided. When abrasive cleaning is required, it should be performed with minimal pressure and an understanding of the risks involved. Brush scrubbing may cause material distortion. Tooling HolesPinning or tooling holes can be punched, drilled, or routed using normal procedures.DrillingAvoiding SmearSmear on drilled via walls is a well-known problem with epoxy-glass laminates. Overheated tools can thermally decompose the epoxy resin system causing it to soften. The softened resin system stretches slightly during drilling causing a connected “flap” of resin to form. Small pieces of debris may become lodged during drilling between the hole wall and the tool when they become shear-deformed and are loosely re-deposited. Resin flaps and re-deposited debris can be removed during plasma or permanganate desmear processes.Similar types of smear occur when drilling PTFE composites. While re-deposited debris can be dislodged using vapor honing, there doesn’t exist a proven way to remove the flap-style smear that is connected to a hole wall. As smear can’t be readily removed, it must be avoided by employing tightly controlled drilling parameters and conservative tool life expectations. Stack ConstructionRT/duroid® 5870/5880 cores can be drilled individually or in stacks using pressed phenolic composite boards for entry and exit. The total thickness of the core material plus entry material and penetration into exit material should not exceed 75% of the drill’s flute length. For most applications, the maximum stack height should be less than 0.240 inch (6.1 mm).Drill TypeCarbide drills should be used to minimize wear of cutting edges. Standard style drills with an included lip angle of 130° are recommended. Undercut style drills where the flute diameter is reduced 0.025” (0.65 mm) from the cutting end may help to reduce re-deposited smear. The use of new drills is strongly urged. Re-pointed drills, if used, must be precision ground and visually inspected prior to use.Drill ParametersThe optimum tool surface speed and infeed rates are 150 to 250 surface feet per minute (45 to 75 meters per minute) and 0.0015” (0.035 mm) to 0.0025” (0.065 mm) per revolution. The retract rate should be maintained between 400 and 500 inches per minute (IPM) (10 and 13 meters per minute). The drill bit should be changed once it has drilled 12” (30 cm) of dielectric.Equations for using surface speed, infeed rate, and tool diameter to calculate spindle and infeed speeds are provided below along with a quick reference table:Entry: Phenolic Composite0.010”-0.030” (0.25-0.75 mm)Exit: Phenolic Composite>0.060” (1.5mm)Chip Load:0.0015-0.0025” (0.032-0.065mm)Surface Speed:150-250 ft/min (45-75m/min)Retract Rate:400-500 inch/min (10-13 m/min)Tool Life Estimates:Stack Height Maximum Hit Count0.060” (1.5mm)3000.120” (3.0mm)2500.180” (4.5mm)100Equations for calculating spindle speed and infeed rate:Spindle Speed (RPM)=765/Tool Dia. (inch)Infeed (IPM) = Spindle Speed X Chip LoadQuick Reference Table for Various Tool Diameters Calculated Using 200 SFM and 0.002”/”:Tool Size Spindle Speed Infeed(in)(mm)(RPM)(IPM)(m/min)0.01970.503880077.6 2.00.02560.652980060.0 1.50.02950.752590051.9 1.30.0394 1.002000040.0 1.00.0492 1.252000040.0 1.00.0625 1.592000040.0 1.00.1250 3.182000050.0 1.0DeburringThe use of flat, rigid entry/exit materials, conservative drilling parameters, and limited hit counts with new drills should minimize the risk of copper burring. When drilled properly, the cores should be ready for subsequent processing. Chemical preparation is preferred, but if mechanical or hand pumice scrubbing processes are used to deburr boards, the force applied must be minimized to prevent gouging and dimensional distortion.Hole PreparationLoosely re-deposited debris in the holes can be removed using vapor- or hydro-honing processes. These processes involve directing abrasive particles carried in water or air streams through the drilled holes. The soft laminates must be adequately supported through these processes. A glass etch in hydrofluoric acid may be required after drill.Drilled holes in PTFE-based laminates must be treated prior to the deposition of a conductive seed layer (e.g. electroless copper or direct metallization). Not performing a surface activation treatment will most likely result in poor metal adhesion or plating voids. Two common pre-treatments for PTFE materials are sodium treatment and plasma treatment. Sodium treatment is very much the preferred option for treating RT/duroid 5870/5880 materials. Plasma treatment should be considered only if a direct metallization process will be used instead of electroless copper.Sodium treatments consist of a highly reactive sodium napthalene complex in glycol ether solution. They are very effective at making PTFE surfaces wettable prior to metal deposition.Sources for sodium treatment chemicals:FluoroEtch® EtchantActon Technologies, Inc100 Thompson StPittston, PA 18640570-654-0612W.L. Gore Tetra-Etch® etchant 500 ML available fromR.S. Hughes Company, Inc1162 Sonora CourtSunnyvale, CA 94086408 739 3211Sources for sodium treatment services:FluoroEtch EtchantActon Technologies, Inc100 Thompson StPittston, PA 18640570-654-0612G & S Associates1865 Sampson Ave.Corona, CA 92879951 739 7513A recommended plasma treatment prior to direct metallization would use a 70/30 H2/N2 blend, NH3, or N2 gases. Plasma conditions would be:Gases:70/30 or 80/20 H2/N2, NH3, N2 or HePressure:100 mTORR pumpdownPower:4000 WattsFrequency:40 KHzVoltage:500-600 VCycle Time:10-30 minutesCourtesy of March PlasmaGases H2/N2He N2Power1800W1800W1800wFrequency13.56 MHz13.56 MHz13.56 MHzPressure150 mTor173 mTor181 mTorGas Mixture (%)70/30100100Temperature200°F200 °F200°FTime (minutes)10 to 20 5 to 10 5 to 10Courtesy of Plasma Etch SystemsMetallizationLow to regular deposition rate electroless copper processes or electroless copper alternatives such as Crimson, Shadow, and Black Hole may be used to deposit a conductive seed layer once the PTFE surface has been properly treated. As the PTFE resin system is soft and somewhat compressible, a flash plate build-up of copper 0.0001”–0.0003” (0.0025-0.0076mm) thick should be applied prior to preparing metal surfaces for photoresist.External CircuitizationThe following guidelines are based upon a conventional pattern plate process.Photoresist Application/Imaging/DevelopingCopper surfaces should be chemically prepared rather than mechanically scrubbed prior to photoresist application. A standard chemical preparation process would include cleaners to remove oily deposits and fingerprints and a microetch to remove copper passivation layers and oxides. Standard photoresist application, imaging, and developing procedures can be used.Electroplating Cu & Sn/Pb or SnConventional electroplating processes can be used. Panels should be handled carefully during racking and unracking to avoid damage or distortion.Resist Strip,Cu Etch, Sn or Sn/Pb StripStandard etchants and strip solutions may be used. Complete rinsing should follow the strip/etch/strip processing. Thin cores may require the support of leader boards or frames through conveyorized processes.The post-etched surface of the cores will retain the imprint of the copper cladding’s dendritic tooth profile. This surface, if left undisturbed, provides adequate surface area for mechanical bonding of most soldermasks and adhesive systems used for multi-layer bonding. Not wiping or scrubbing the etched surfaces will allow the cores to proceed through soldermask application or multi-layer bonding without requiring special pre-treatments. Sodium treatment would become required if the etched surfaces are disturbed in any manner.Soldermask ApplicationEpoxy-based solder masks such as Hysol® SR1000 are preferred if the soldermask will be selectively silver screened. Most photoimageable solder masks have been found to provide adequate adhesion.Final Metal SurfaceAll final metal surface options (i.e. HASL, Sn, Sn/Pb, Ni/Au, Ag, OSP, etc.) can be applied using normal procedures.Final CircuitizationIndividual circuits in RT/duroid 5870/5880 materials can be routed, scored, or punched depending upon edge quality requirements. General recommendations for routing are provided below:Tool type: The preferred tools for routing soft PTFE materials are carbide double-fluted, spiral–up endmills. Tool styles which provide numerous cutting edges (e.g. diamond-cut and multi-fluted chipbreakers) quickly become clogged with resin. Drill point, as opposed to fishtail end, router bit designs are preferred.Entry/Exit/Interleaving MaterialsRigid pressed phenolic composite board materials are required to provide adequate support to the soft dielectric materials. Three to four sheets of kraft paper should be interleaved between cores when routing multi-panel stacks. Kraft paper may be required against circuit surfaces when routing through etched metal features.Rout Parameters and Tool LifeSurface speeds of 150 SFM (45 m/Min) and lateral feed rates of 0.002” (.05 mm) per revolution are recommended. The equations used to calculate drill conditions based upon tool diameters are also used to calculate routing speeds. Tool life expectancy is between 30 and 50 feet of linear travel.Special Considerations For Improved Edge Quality• Pre-rout vacuum channels in backer boards to improve the efficiency of debris removal.• Make rough cuts by moving the router bit along outside edges in a counterclockwise direction and along internal edges in a clockwise direction. Make a second fine cut in a similar direction.• Whenever possible, rout through copper layers, as doing so minimizes burr formation.Multilayer ConsiderationsInner-Layer PreparationStandard photoresist and etch procedures are used. Care should be taken to preserve the as-etched dielectric surfaceor a sodium treatment of the surface would become necessary. Selection of an appropriate copper surface treatment is dependent upon the adhesive system selected.Adhesive SystemsTwo categories of adhesive systems, thermoplastic and thermoset, have been used when bondingRT/duroid 5870/5880 multilayers. Thermoplastics, such as DuPont’s FEP film or Rogers’ 3001 film, are typically selected when electrical properties of the adhesive layers are critical. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor of FEP is 2.1 and 0.0003. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor of 3001 film is 2.28 and 0.003. Thermosets, such as FR-4 prepreg can be chosen when electrical properties are less critical.ThermoplasticsMelting point is an important consideration when selecting a thermoplastic adhesive. FEP melts at 500°F (260°C) and is therefore stable through most PCB and assembly processes. The 390°F (200°C) melting point of 3001 film can result in the film re-melting if subsequent PCB or assembly processes are higher in temperature and longer in duration than a few minutes. Copper surfaces should be prepared using a microetch, brown oxide, red oxide, or one of the subtractive process oxide alternatives. 3001 film should not be used against a continuous metal plane.The thermoplastic adhesives should be bonded with applied pressure between 50 and 250 PSI. The ramp to temperature (525-550°F, 275-290°C for FEP, 425-450°F, 220-230°C for 3001) can be 6-8°F/Min (3.5-4.5°C/Min) and the dwell at temperature should be 20-30 minutes. Cooling to 250°F (120°C) at a rate of 2-4°F/Min (1.5-2.5°C/Min) should be completed under pressure. Transfer cooling can result in delamination.ThermosetsRefer to vendor recommendations for appropriate oxide types and bond conditions when using thermoset adhesive systems. Post-Bond PCB ProcessingGuidelines for double-sided circuit processing would apply to multilayer through hole and outer-layer processing.The information in this fabrication guideline is intended to assist you in fabricating Rogers’ circuit materials. It is not intended to and does not cre ate any warranties express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or that the results shown on this fabrication guid eline will be achieved by a user for a particular purpose. The user should determine the suitability of Rogers’ circuit materials for each application.These commodities, technology or software are exported from the United States in accordance with the Export Administration regulations. Diversion contra ry to U.S. law prohib-ited.The Rogers’ logo and RT/duroid are trademarks of Rogers Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.Teflon and DuPont are trademarks of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co.,Flouroetch is a registered trademark of Acton Associates Inc.,Hysol SR1000 is a registered trademark of Dexter Corporation, Windsor Locks. CT© 2018 Rogers Corporation, Printed in U.S.ARevised 1382 101018 Publication #92-410。



法国C E C A氧分子筛 This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.法国CECA氧分子筛(A)制氧分子筛(医用及工业用)OxygenSieves(Medicalandindustrialuse)(B)吸附剂(炼油厂及石化厂)Adsorbents(Refineryandpetrochemicaluse)分子筛产品适合各种应用MolecularSieveproductsforallapplications?石化及其他行业:CECA分子筛应用于CECAproposesMolecularSievesfor:天然气:干燥,脱硫,酸气处理Naturalgas:drying,sweetening,acidgastreatment?化炼厂:干燥,提纯及各种气体、液体的分离Refineryunits:drying,purificationandseparationofliquidorgasstreams?工业气:空气分离(制氧),脱二氧化碳,氢气提纯removal,hydrogenpurificationIndustrialgases:airseparation(oxygenplants),CO2石化厂:裂解气干燥,烯烃干燥及单体纯化Petrochemicals:crackedgasdrying,olefindrying,andmonomerpurification? CECA特别开发下述系列,均属于SILIPORITE名牌分子筛:CECAhasspecificallydevelopedproductsforeachapplicationbycarefullyselectingproductformulationandprocessconditions. Today,ourSILIPORITEflagshipsare:EPX3B及EHP系列:乙醇干燥:适于生物燃料及制药用EPX3B and EHP forethanoldrying:gradesforbiofuelandpharmaceuticalusesNITROXY系列:医用制氧NITROXY rangeformedicaloxygenconcentratorsSRA,SRC及NK10系列:天然气干燥SRA,SRC and NK10fornaturalgasdryingundervariousconditionsOPX系列:各种蒸气裂解OPX rangeforanykindofsteamcrackingprocess,licenceandfeedNPG/NPL系列:正常及ISO烷烃分离,气或液态NPG/NPL rangefornormalandisoparaffinseparation,ingasorliquidphaseSPX系列:正及二甲酚分离SPX rangeforortho-andpara-xyleneseparationinaromaticloops。

Fluke 871A 双通道温度计说明书

Fluke 871A 双通道温度计说明书

871A includes 2 free 1 m (40") Type K insulated FreeThermocouples Included!L-50Thermocouple Thermometerwith Dual InputsSpecificationsAccuracy: ±(0.25% of rdg + 1.8°F) for 1 year, 18 to 28°C (64 to 82°F) ambient; includes NIST conformity (no data points), cold junction compensation and repeatability errors; excludes thermocouple errorsRepeatability: ±0.2°C typical for 1 week at constant ambient temperatureTemperature Coefficient: 18 to 28°C (64 to 82°F); included in accuracy specification; 0 to 18°C (32 to 64°F) and 20 to 50°C (82 to 122°F); less than ±(0.025% of reading) + 0.1°C/°C Linearization: Multislope A/D with 11 piece-wise linear segments from -40 to 1370°C (-40 to 1999°F)Display: 31⁄2 digit LCD, 15 mm(0.6") height, polarity, decimal point, open sensor, overrange and open thermocouple indicationReading Rate: 2.5 per secondTemperature Settings 200°F:Range: -40.0 to 199.9°F Resolution: 0.1°FAccuracy: (±0.25% rdg + 1.8°F)2000°F:Range: -40 to 1999°F Resolution: 1°FAccuracy: (±0.25% rdg + 1.8°F)200°C:Range: -40.0 to 199.9°C Resolution: 0.1°CAccuracy: (±0.25% rdg + 1°C)1370°C:Range: -40 to 1370°C Resolution: 1°CAccuracy: (±0.25% rdg + 1°C)Battery Life: 100 hours typical, with 9V alkaline battery (included)Battery Indicator: Display reads “BAT” when less than 10% of life remains Analog Output: 1 mV/°C (5/9 mV/°F) on 200° ranges; 0.1 mV/°C (5/90°F) on other rangesAnalog Output Accuracy: ±3% ±1 mV on 200° ranges; ±3% ±0.1 mV on other ranges (±5% for 872A)Environmental Limits:Operating: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) Storage: -35 to 60°C (-31 to 140°F)Max Common Mode Voltage: 500V Dimensions:178 H x 78 W x 42 mm D (7 x 3.1 x 1.6")Net Weight: 300 g (10.6 oz)Accessories Supplied: 9V battery, operator’s manual, thermocouple, TAS adaptorthermocouples, TAS adaptor.Ordering Examples: 871A, Type K dual input thermometer, and KTSS-HH, Type K meter probe.OCW-3, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 1-year warranty to a total of 4 years.OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representativefor full details when placingan order. OMEGACARE SMcovers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.U C ertificate Stating NIST-Traceability (No Points) Included U Type K Thermocouple U Heavy-Duty Construction U 0.1° and 1° Resolution U °C/°F Switchable U 0.25% AccuracyU Linearized Analog Output 871A shown smallerthan actual size.No PointsKTSS-HH 6" Type K thermocouple probe (sold separately).。



注册分类第1 页共126 页上海玉瑞生物科技(安阳)药业有限公司硝苯平缓释片(Ⅱ)申报生产资料 模块 --3.2.P.5 制剂质量控制CTD第 2 页 共 126页表 3.2.P.5.3.2-2 鉴别(二)保留时间统计表表 3.2.P. 中国药典流动相(甲醇 - 水( 60:40))实验结果注:峰纯度合格标准:纯度角度<纯度阈值。


碱破坏样品杂质Ⅰ峰纯度不合格表 3.2.P.美国药典流动相(乙腈 - 甲醇 - 水( 50:25:25))实验结果上海玉瑞生物科技(安阳)药业有限公司硝苯平缓释片(Ⅱ)申报生产资料CTD 模块--3.2.P.5 制剂质量控制注:峰纯度合格标准:纯度角度<纯度阈值。



; 表3.2.P.英国药典流动相(乙腈- 甲醇- 水(9:36:55))实验结果第3 页共126页上海玉瑞生物科技(安阳)药业有限公司硝苯平缓释片(Ⅱ)申报生产资料 模块 --3.2.P.5 制剂质量控制CTD第 4 页 共 126页注:峰纯度合格标准:纯度角度<纯度阈值。

结论:各破坏样品溶液中,主峰、杂质Ⅰ、Ⅱ与前后峰分离度均符合规定,峰纯度均符合要求,但主峰保留时间达到 时间可能过长。

45分钟, 后续可能杂质洗脱上海玉瑞生物科技(安阳)药业有限公司硝苯平缓释片(Ⅱ)申报生产资料 模块 --3.2.P.5 制剂质量控制第 5 页 共 126 页CTD① 中国药典流动相改进 总流速 :1.0ml/min 流动相:甲醇 - 水(45:55)表 3.2.P.中国药典流动相改进(甲醇:水 -45 :55)注:峰纯度合格标准:纯度角度<纯度阈值。



Technical Data SheetLOCTITE®Hysol®1C™September2007 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONLOCTITE®Hysol®1C™provides the following productLOCTITE®Hysol®1C™is a general purpose adhesive andsealant that bonds,seals,and repairs a wide variety ofmaterials including metals,most plastics,and wood.TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIALResin:Specific Gravity@ 25°C 1.55Flash Point-See MSDSViscosity@25°C,mPa·s(cP)140,000 to330,000Hardener:Specific Gravity@ 25°C 1.65Flash Point-See MSDSViscosity@25°C,mPa·s(cP)550,000 to870,000Mixed:Specific Gravity@ 25°C 1.55Viscosity@25°C,mPa·s(cP)200,000 to500,000Pot life @25°C, minutes≥20LMSTYPICAL PROPERTIES OF CURED MATERIALCured @ 25°C except where notedPhysical Properties:Coefficient of Thermal Expansion,ISO11359-2,K-163×10-6Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity, ISO8302,W/(m·K)0.544Shore Hardness, ISO868,Durometer D:Cured for2 hours @60°C≥65LMSGlass Transition Temperature,°C98Electrical Properties:Dielectric Breakdown Strength,IEC60243-1,kV/mm13.8Dielectric Constant/Dissipation Factor,IEC60250:1kHz 6.1/0.09Outgassing Properties:Total Mass Loss,%0.81Collected Volatile Condensable Material,%0.02TYPICAL PERFORMANCE OF CURED MATERIALAdhesive PropertiesCured for 3 days @25°CLap Shear Strength,ISO4587:Aluminum (etched):Tested@-55°C N/mm² 6.9(psi) (1,000)Tested@25°C N/mm² 12.1(psi) (1,750)Tested@82°C N/mm² 10.3(psi) (1,500)Tested@121°C N/mm² 4.8(psi) (700)Tested@149°C N/mm² 3.4(psi) (500)Cured for 2 hours @60°CLap Shear Strength,ISO4587:Aluminum (etched):Tested@-55°C N/mm² 10.3(psi) (1,500)Tested@25°C N/mm² 14.5(psi) (2,100)Tested@82°C N/mm² 11.7(psi) (1,700)Tested@121°C N/mm² 5.2(psi) (750)Tested@149°C N/mm² 3.8(psi) (550)GENERAL INFORMATIONThis product is not recommended for use in pure oxygenand/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected asa sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materialsFor safe handling information on this product,consult theMaterial Safety Data Sheet(MSDS).TDS LOCTITE®Hysol®1C™, September2007Directions for useMixing:1.When mixing by hand,combine Part A(Resin)and PartB(Hardener)in the correct ratio and mix thoroughly until the color and consistency are uniform.EPOXI-PATCH®Tube Kits have been designed so that squeezing EQUAL LENGTH BEADS of Part A&Part B will give the proper ratio.2.Mixing the adhesive just prior to use is recommended.The temperature of the separate components prior to mixing is not critical,but they should be close to room temperature.3.Heat buildup during and after mixing is normal.To reducethe likelihood of exothermic reaction or excessive heat buildup,mix less than 900grams at a time.Mixing smaller amounts will minimize heat buildup.Applying1.Bonding surfaces should be clean,dry,and free ofcontamination.2.Once the adhesive is applied,the bonded parts should beheld in contact until the part has developed handling strength(3 to4 hours @25°C)note:this can vary with different bond configurations.It is not necessary to clamp the parts unless movement during cure is likely.Cureplete cure is obtained after72 hours @25°C.LOCTITE®Hysol®1C™can also be fully cured with heat such as;2 hours at a maximum temperature of60°C.2.After24hours,approximately90%of full cure propertiesare attained at room temperature.3.This product can also be cured for1 hour@82°C or20 to30 minutes@121°C.4.Heat cures can be modified to achieve a desired degreeof cure from handling strength to full cure.Clean up1.It is important to clean up excess adhesive from the workarea and application equipment before it hardens.2.Denatured alcohol and many common industrial solventsare suitable for removing uncured adhesive.Loctite Material Specification LMSLMS dated April27,2005. Test reports for each batch are available for the indicated properties. LMS test reports include selected QC test parameters considered appropriate to specifications for customer use. Additionally,comprehensive controls are in place to assure product quality and consistency. Special customer specification requirements may be coordinated through Henkel Quality.StorageStore product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling.Optimal Storage: 8°C to21°C. Storage below8°C or greater than28°C can adversely affect product properties. Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated.If additional information is required, please contact your local Technical Service Center or Customer Service Representative.Conversions(°C x1.8)+32=°FkV/mm x25.4=V/milmm/25.4=inchesµm/25.4=milN x0.225=lbN/mm x5.71=lb/inN/mm²x145=psiMPa x145=psiN·m x 8.851= lb·inN·m x0.738=lb·ftN·mm x0.142=oz·inmPa·s=cPNoteThe data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user's responsibility to determine suitability for the user's purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof.In light of the foregoing,Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose,arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporation’s products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind,including lost profits.The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use,using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.Trademark usageExcept as otherwise noted,all trademarks in this document are trademarks of Henkel Corporation in the U.S.and elsewhere. ®denotes a trademark registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.Reference0.1Henkel Loctite Americas +860.571.5100Henkel Loctite Europe+49.89.320800.1800Henkel Loctite Asia Pacific+86.21.2891.8863For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit:。

G7125-250 品牌:Belimo,类型:商品说明书

G7125-250 品牌:Belimo,类型:商品说明书

•••••Type overviewTypeDN G7125-250125Technical dataFunctional dataValve size [mm]5" [125]Fluidchilled or hot water, up to 60% glycol Fluid Temp Range (water)32...350°F [0...176°C]Body Pressure Rating ANSI Class 250, up to 280 psi below 350°F Flow characteristic linearServicing repack/rebuild kits available Rangeability Sv 50:1Flow Pattern 3-way Mixing Leakage rateANSI Class III Controllable flow range stem up - open B – AB Cv280MaterialsValve body Cast iron - ASTM A126 Class B Valve plug bronze Stem stainless steelStem seal NLP EPDM (no lip packing)SeatStainless steel AISI 316Pipe connection250 lb flanged Suitable actuatorsNon-Spring RVB(X)Electrical fail-safe(2*GKB(X))Safety notesWARNING: This product can expose you to lead which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information go to The valve has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Only authorized specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied during installation.The valve does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.When determining the flow rate characteristic of controlled devices, the recognised directives must be observed.DimensionsTypeDN WeightG7125-250125209.48 lb [95 kg]EVB, EVX, RVB, RVXA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes16.6" [422]15.5" [394]28.0" [711]17.5" [445]5.5" [140]5.5" [140]82*GMB, 2*GMX, 2*GKB, 2*GKXA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes15.1" [383]16.6" [422]30.0" [762]17.5" [445]5.0" [127]6.3" [160]8RVB24-3FootnotesOn/Off, Floating Point, Non-Spring Return, Linear, 24 VTechnical dataElectrical dataNominal voltageAC/DC 24 V Nominal voltage frequency 50/60 HzNominal voltage rangeAC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 V Power consumption in operation 6 W Power consumption in rest position 1.5 W Transformer sizing 11 VAElectrical Connection 18 GA plenum cable, 1 m, with 1/2" conduit connector, degree of protection NEMA 2 / IP54Overload Protection electronic throughout full stroke Electrical Protectionactuators are double insulated Functional dataActuating force motor 4500 N [1010 lbf]Position feedback U note No Feedback Direction of motion motor selectable with switchManual override 5 mm hex crank (3/16" Allen), supplied Stroke2" [50 mm]Running Time (Motor)90 s /Running time motor note constant, independent of load Noise level, motor 65 dB(A)Position indicationMechanical, with pointer Safety dataPower source ULClass 2 Supply Degree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2Agency ListingcULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSA E60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU Quality Standard ISO 9001Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Ambient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature -40...176°F [-40...80°C]Servicingmaintenance-free Weight Weight9.02 lb [4.1 kg]MaterialsHousing material Die cast aluminium and plastic casing† Use flexible metal conduit. Push the listed conduit fitting device over the actuator’s cable to butt against the enclosure. Screw in conduit connector. Jacket the actuators input wiring with listed flexible conduit. Properly terminate the conduit in a suitable junction box. Rated impulse Voltage 800V. Type of action 1. Control pollution degree 3.RVB24-3 AccessoriesElectrical accessories Description TypeBattery backup system, for non-spring return models NSV24 USBattery, 12 V, 1.2 Ah (two required)NSV-BAT Electrical installationINSTALLATION NOTES ArrayActuators may be connected in parallel. Power consumption and input impedance must beobserved.Actuators may also be powered by DC 24 V.Control signal may be pulsed from either the Hot (Source) or Common (Sink) 24 V line.For triac sink the common connection from the actuator must be connected to the hotconnection of the controller. Contact closures A & B also can be triacs. A & B should both beclosed for the triac source and open for triac sink.Actuators with plenum cable do not have numbers; use color codes instead.Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessaryto work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individualwho has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks.Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical componentscould result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagramsOn/Off Floating Point。





地址:511356 广东省广州市广州经济技术开发区永和经济区斗塘路1号

钢结构施工方案 Rev.00(优.选)

钢结构施工方案 Rev.00(优.选)

中国核工业二三建设有限公司China Nuclear Industry23 Construction Co., Ltd.斯泰隆丁苯胶乳(张家港)有限公司扩建5万吨/年水性胶乳项目Styron ZJG S/B Train 4 Project钢结构施工方案Steel Structure Construction Scheme项目名称Project Name: Styron ZJG S/B Train 4 Project项目编号Project No.: ESTY1401文件编号Doc. No.: ESTY1401-000-TC-00XX02 第三次发布Third Issue01第二次发布Second Issue00 第一次发布First Issue版本Rev.签发或版本说明Issue or RevisionDescription编制Origin by日期Date审核Review by日期Date批准Approve by日期Date目录Table of Contents1.工程概述 (3)2.施工依据 (3)3.施工工序 (4)4.施工前准备 (4)5.钢结构预制 (5)6.钢结构安装 (8)7.质量控制体系 (13)8.安全管理措施 (15)9.JHA作业危险分析 (19)1. 工程概述张家港斯泰隆丁苯胶乳扩建5万吨/年水性胶乳工程项目钢结构制作安装量大约为90吨左右。

主要为反应区的装置以及设备支架,楼梯等,型钢有H型钢约为80吨,槽钢约为5吨,其他材料约为5吨;所有主体结构采用Q345B材料,次结构采用Q235B材料;所有钢构件均热镀锌,整体安装效果图如图示:2. 施工依据●GB 50205 - 钢结构工程施工及验收规范●JGJ 81 - 建筑钢结构焊接规程●SH 3507 - 石油化工钢结构工程施工及验收规范●JB/T 7949 - 钢结构焊缝外形尺寸●YSJ 404 - 结构安装工程施工操作规程●SH 3137 - 石油化工钢结构防火保护技术规范G16S-0205-02 - 镀锌表面现场涂漆适用的规范 3. 施工工序4. 施工前准备放样/号料/切割 Loft, Mark, Cut,构件组对、焊接 Parts fit-up, welding焊缝无损检测 Weld NDE构件除锈防腐(热镀锌)Rust corrosion (hot galvanization)构件安装 Assembly尾项消减 (防腐补刷完善)Punch cutting竣工资料整理归档 Completion Data Archive组对焊, 高强螺栓连接 Butt welding & High-strength bolted connection钢结构整体检查验收 Overall Inspection,Acceptance施工准备 Construction prepare图纸审核Design drawing review技术文件准备 Technical doc. prepare制定焊接工艺WPS/POQ安全技术交底 EH&S / TC introduce材料验收PMI构件几何尺寸复验 Geometry re-inspection4.1. 技术准备➢施工图纸会审➢施工方案编制➢对班组进行技术交底4.2. 现场准备➢现场道路畅通➢预制厂已经准备就绪,包括钢平台搭设、机具布置、堆放场地等➢施工机具备齐4.3. 材料检验材料进货、检验程序要按公司的质量保证体系文件运行。


1053 1054 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1036 1037 1056 1038 1039 1040 1032 1033 1034 1035 1027 1028 1029 1008 1041 1013 1055 1057 1030 1030-1 1031 1031-1 1060 1063 1062 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 106儿水润洗发沐浴露(二合一) 婴儿水润洗发沐浴露(二合一) 婴儿植物盈润洗发露 婴儿植物盈润洗发露 婴儿植物盈润洗发露 婴儿植物水润沐浴露 婴儿植物水润沐浴露 婴儿植物水润沐浴露 婴儿牛奶营养润肤露 婴儿植物保湿润肤露(清爽型) 婴儿植物保湿润肤露(倍润型) 宝宝植物全效湿疹膏 宝宝植物红臀护理膏 婴儿植物奶癣护理膏 婴儿全效植物保湿面霜 婴儿全效防冻滋养霜 婴儿多效凡士林 婴儿牛奶保湿面霜 松花植物爽身粉 松花植物热痱粉 松花植物尿湿粉 松花植物爽身粉 奶瓶果蔬清洗剂 纯植物婴儿洗衣液《超浓缩》 婴儿抗菌洗衣粉 婴儿抗菌洗衣皂 25 片婴儿手口柔湿巾 25 片婴儿手口柔湿巾(特惠装) 80 片婴儿手口柔湿巾 80 片婴儿手口柔湿巾(特惠装) 婴儿草本润唇蜜 精装礼盒两件套 精装礼盒套装系列(A 套装)5 件套 精装礼盒套装系列(B 套装)6 件套 植物柔顺洗衣液 1.2L 婴儿抑菌洗衣液 1.2L 植物多效洗衣液 1.2L 婴儿柔顺洗衣液 1200ml 婴儿抑菌洗衣液 1200ml 婴儿多效洗衣液 1200ml
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REPAIR OF HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED SURFACES (two coats)i(Maximum Operating Temperature 120°C/250°F)1. SCOPE1.1 This specification describes the surface preparation, application procedure, and approved materials to repair damaged hot dip galvanized surfaces for new construction at the job site.1.2 This paint specification shall be used to repair galvanized surfacessubjected to mechanical damage, cutting or welding.1.3 When SSPC, NACE; ISO or DIN standards are referenced, the appropriatespecification that prevails in the country where the coating system is applied shall be used.1.4 Unless other requirements are included in this specification, the Painting Specifications common in the respective country (e.g. ISO 12944 in Europe) and the paint manufacturer’s recommendations shall be followed.2. Surface Preparation2.1 Prior to surface preparation, surfaces shall be tested for soluble salts. Chloride levels shall be less than 30μg/cm²; if chloride levels are greater than 30μg/cm² surfaces shall be washed as per SSPC-SP-1 or ISO 12944.2.2 Surface cleanliness shall be as follows:2.2.1 Mechanical damage < 10 cm² (8 sq inch) with zinc layer intact or cut ends.Hand/Power tool clean as per SSPC- 2/3. PSt 3 or PMa per ISO8501-2 / ISO 129442.2.2 Field welds, mechanical damage resulting in exposure of carbon steel or areas larger than 10 cm² (8 sq inch)NACE-2 - near white blastSSPC – SP 10 - near white blastISO–8501-1 - Sa 2 ½ very thorough blast-cleaningISO 12944 - Sa 2 ½Abrasive selected for blasting shall create a sharp angularprofile (i.e. mineral grit); abrasive which peen the surface(i.e. steel shot) shall not be used.Surface profile range 2.0 mil (50 microns) to 3.0 mils (75 microns). Surface profile measured as per ASTM-4417, method C,ISO-8503-1, or DIN 4768 (R z).If dry abrasive blasting is not allowed, surfaces shall be vacuum blasted or wet abrasive blasted. Wet blast cleanliness shall beas per 2.2, medium flush rusting of the surface according ISO DIS 8501-4 / SSPC –VIS 5 (I) NACE No. 9 is acceptable for priming.2.3 Well adhered galvanizing adjacent to the area of repair shall be roughened and feathered. The feathered edge shall be approximately 1” (2.5 cm) in width.3 Film thicknessSurface Tolerant AluminiumFilled Epoxy Primer125 (5)Surface Tolerant AluminumFilled Epoxy Finish125 (5)Total 250 (10)SPECIFIED DRYFILM THICKNESS in microns(mils) General typeNotes:1)Specified dry film thickness = thickness as per SSPC-PA-2 / Nominal dryfilm thickness (NDFT) according to ISO 129442) Items damaged as per 2.2.1 shall be primed only or painted as per ISO1461.4 Application4.1 The coating material shall be mixed and applied in accordance to thecoating manufacturer’s latest published data sheets. These data sheets shall be present at the jobsite and shall be considered part of this specification.4.2 The primer shall be applied by brush. The second coat may be applied by brush or roller.4.3 Stripe coating is mandatory for corners, edges, welds, nuts and bolts. Stripe coating shall be performed prior to application of the second coat; material used shall be as specified for the second coat and shall be applied by brush.4.4 To prevent adhesion loss between coats when performing field or shopwork, the painted surfaces shall be checked for contamination. If contamination is detected the surfaces shall be cleaned as per SSPCPA- 1, Solvent Cleaning / water, solvent or chemical cleaning per ISO 12944, part 4; maximum soluble chloride level is 30 μg/cm².5 Quality Assurance5.1 The applicator shall perform all inspections and tests necessary toensure surface preparation and coating application comply with the requirements of this specification. The applicator shall documentdaily the test results using a Quality Assurance form or the Dow Quality Assurance form when issued.5.2 Each coat shall be of the correct color, free of defects such as butnot limited to pinholes, blisters, dry spray, detrimental runs and sags, excessive or inadequate film build, improper recoat times, foreign inclusions and adhesion between coats and to the substrate shall equal the manufacturer’ limits. Defects shall be corrected prior to application of the next coat and when necessary a new coat shall be applied.5.2.1 Dry film thickness (NDFT) shall be as specified in Section 3 ofthis specification. Test procedures shall be in accordance to SSPC-PA-2, ISO-12944 and ISO-2808. Maximum allowable, dry film thickness shall be as per material data sheets.6 Materials6.1 Coating materials shall be selected from the material specifications(see Tables 1 and 2).6.2 The color of the finish coat shall be similar to the hot-dip Galvanizing.6.2.1 Table 1: Approved materials list when ambient air or metal temperature is above 10°C/50°F.Manufacturer Paint Type Product ID Max TempAmercoat / PPG Primer Amerlock 400 AL 120°C(250°F)Amercoat / PPG Finish Coat Amerlock 400 AL 120°C(250°F)Carboline Primer Carbomastic 15 120°C(250°F)Carboline Finish Coat Carbomastic 15 120°C(250°F)Devoe / International Primer Bar-Rust 231 AL 120°C(250°F)Devoe / International Finish Coat Bar-Rust 231 AL 120°C(250°F)Hempel Primer Hempadur Mastic 45881#19870120°C(250°F)Hempel Finish Coat Hempadur Mastic 45881#19870120°C(250°F)International Primer Interplus 356 120°C(250°F)International Finish Coat Interplus 356 120°C(250°F)Jotun Coatings Primer Primemastic Universal –Aluminum Filled120°C(250°F)Jotun Coatings Finish Coat Primemastic Universal –Aluminum Filled120°C(250°F)Sherwin-Williams Primer Epoxy Mastic Aluminum II 120°C(250°F)Sherwin-Williams Finish Coat Epoxy Mastic Aluminum II 120°C(250°F)Sigma / PPG Primer Sigmacover 630 Aluminum 120°C(250°F)Sigma / PPG Finish Coat Sigmacover 630 Aluminum 120°C(250°F)Sika Primer Sika Poxicolor Primer HE 120°C(250°F)Sika Finish Coat Sika Poxicolor Primer HE 120°C(250°F)6.2.2 Table 2: Approved materials list when ambient air or metal temperature is less than 10°C/50°F or if a faster cure is required.Manufacturer Paint Type Product ID Max TempAmercoat / PPG Primer Amerlock 2 AL 120°C(250°F)Amercoat / PPG Finish Coat Amerlock 2 AL 120°C(250°F)Carboline Primer Carbomastic 15 FC 120°C(250°F)Carboline Finish Coat Carbomastic 15 FC 120°C(250°F)Devoe / International Primer Bar-Rust 231 AL with 060Cold Weather Cure120°C(250°F)Devoe / International Finish Coat Bar-Rust 231 AL with 060Cold Weather Cure120°C(250°F)Hempel Primer Hempadur Mastic 45880#19870120°C(250°F)Hempel Finish Coat Hempadur Mastic 45880#19870120°C(250°F)International Primer Interplus 356 120°C(250°F)International Finish Coat Interplus 356 120°C(250°F)Jotun Coatings Primer Primemastic Universal CC– Aluminum Filled120°C(250°F)Jotun Coatings Finish Coat Primemastic Universal CC– Aluminum Filled120°C(250°F)Sherwin-Williams Primer Epoxy Mastic Aluminum II 120°C(250°F)Sherwin-Williams Finish Coat Epoxy Mastic Aluminum II 120°C(250°F)Sigma / PPG Primer Sigmacover 630 LTAluminum120°C(250°F)Sigma / PPG Finish Coat Sigmacover 630 LTAluminum120°C(250°F)Sika Primer Sika Poxicolor Primer HE 120°C(250°F)Sika Finish Coat Sika Poxicolor Primer HE 120°C(250°F)i 11/11/09, MOC 2009-8065, By: Lynda Mink, Supercedes Issue Date: 07-Oct-2002,Reviewed and updated by Paint and Coatings TRN.。
