3M 1425经济型耳罩
3M 1435 三种佩戴位置耳罩说明
6300 36.1 3.2
8000 36.9 3.7
质量保证: 3M 对存在缺陷的产品提供维修、更换或退回货款,详细情况参见有关说明。
注意:根据降噪检测数据计算出 3M 1435 耳罩的降噪率(NRR)为 23.0dB。必须遵照使用方法 正确佩戴耳罩,否则有可能导致听力损失。请参考使用方法正确佩戴。
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佩戴方法: 使头带位于头顶部,将耳罩盖在双耳上,使耳罩罩杯完全盖住耳部(参见 A 图)。根据头型, 上下调整耳罩罩杯的位置,以便使头带与头顶部形成稳固和舒适的配合(参见图 B)。
用手将头发尽可能地从耳罩垫下移出,确保耳罩密封垫紧密地与头部贴和,尽量避免将呼吸防 护口罩的头带或眼镜镜腿垫在罩杯下,以便取得最佳的防护效果。
维护方法: 1. 在每个工作班结束后,用中性皂液清洗耳罩罩杯、密封垫和罩杯内填充物,保持卫 生。 2. 每次使用前,应检查耳罩密封垫和填充物是否有坏损或变形现象,如果存在这些现 象,应立即更换;检查罩杯是否有坏损和开裂现象,如果存在,应废弃整个耳罩。还 应检查头带,确认头带具有足够的柔韧性和弹性,能将耳罩紧密地固定在头部。 3. 如果无法清理耳罩上的污物,或受损部件无法得到更换,应整体废弃耳罩,更换新耳 罩。
3M 耳聆保护指南:了解耳聆保护说明书
3M Hearing ConservationLeading the advancement of hearing conservationNoise is everywhere. It is the most pervasive environmental pollutanton the planet. Virtually everything we do makes noise, and the morewe do it, the faster we do it, and the more of us there are - the morenoise is made. In fact, silence, by which we mean complete absolutequiet, is so rare that few of us have had the joy, or perhaps even thepossibility to experience it. If we have, it is so unusual that we canlikely cite the time and place of its last occurrence. The opportunitiesto savor such tranquility are rapidly vanishing.Know your hearing protectionThe Sound Around UsNot only is noise present in our daily routines and recreational activities,but upwards of 5 million Americans, possibly as many as 30 million, work in hazardous noise on a daily basis. Estimates from the National Institutes of Health suggest that hearing loss afflicts 28 million Americans. About 1/3 of those cases are at least partially attributable to noise. Later in this booklet we’ll tell you how the ear works and how noise can affect it, so you will understand why you should protect your ears from too much sound today in order for your hearing to serve you tomorrow.In a world as noisy as ours we frequently tune out. Moreover, our culture is so visually dominant that often sight overwhelms the other senses such as audition (the hearing of sounds), which is habitually relegated to second-class status. The purpose of this pamphlet is to address these issues – to increase your appreciation and awareness of the sounds around you and to provide some tools to help you protect yourselves from loud, annoying and/or hazardous sound.Pain threshold Dual protection may be needed Short exposures can cause perma-nent hearing loss Prolonged exposure causes moderate to severe loss. Wear hearing protectors with extra careProlonged exposure causes mild to moderate loss. Hearing protectors requiredProlonged exposure causes slight hearing loss. Hearing protectors recommended Residential boundary-noise limit Sleep disruption may begin Threshold of HearingJet Takeoff Basketball Game Crowd Noise Large Stamping Press Chain Saw Vacuum Cleaner Inside Mid-Size Auto (65 mph)Drilling Concrete Leaf Blower Conversation Floor Fan Quiet Library Rice Krispies Watch Ticking Quiet Wilderness (no wind)Measuring NoiseNoise hazard depends on the level (sometimes called intensity) of the noise, its duration , and how often the exposure occurs. The point above which regular exposure to sounds becomes hazardous is a level of about 85 decibels (abbreviated dB, or sometimes dBA which is the value that more closely corresponds to human hearing). Noise is measured using a soundlevel meter.You Don’t Get “Used to Noise”Noise does not have to be uncomfortably loud, or even painful, to be damaging. You may think your ears are “used to the noise,” but what has probably happened is that your hearing has been temporarily dulled or that hearing loss has already begun. A Rule of Thumb When you feel the need to shout in order to be heard three feet away, the noise levels are probably 85 dBA or more and hearing protectors are ing Your Ears to Assess Noise Risk If, after the noise stops, you notice a ringing, buzzing, or whistling in your ears that wasn’t there before, this is a warning indicator. Called tinnitus , this is like a “sunburn” of the nerve cells of your inner ear, indicating that they have been irritated and overworked. Tinnitus is especially noticeable in a quiet place, such as when you are trying to go to sleep at night. If you don’t protect your ears from noise, tinnitus can become a permanent, constant annoyance in your life.Apparent muffling or softening of sounds after noise exposure is a warning sign that your hearing is affected by a temporary threshold shift . Repeatedly exposing your ears without protection can cause the shift to worsen and become permanent, resulting in untreatable damage to your hearing ability.Hearing ProtectionHearing loss due to noise is almost entirely preventable by judicious use of hearing protection. To find what is best for you, try different devices from the wide variety available today. Be sure to carefully read the instructions because hearing protectors must fit properly and be worn correctly to do the job. Hearing protector effectiveness is specified by a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR), typically ranging from 15-35 decibels. In practice the protection that normally can be achieved is about 10-20 decibels. The more carefully you fit and wear hearing protectors, the higher your protection will be. Hearing protectors may feel uncomfortable at first, but give yourself a chance to get used to them, just as you do with a new pair of shoes or glasses.Foam plugs, made from expandable slow-recoveryfoam, provide the best combination of comfortand protection for most users. They must be properlyprepared for insertion. One size fits most. Once in theear, foam plugs expand to provide a snug and securecustom fit. The two most common complaints about foamplugs (“not enough protection,” and “they don’t stay in”)are almost always solved by greater practice and care ininsertion.Premolded plugs are made from flexible materialsthat are preformed to fit the ear. They are generallyavailable with a joining cord to prevent loss. Althoughthe version pictured at the left is a one-sized product,many premolded plugs are sold in two or more sizes andmust be individually sized for each ear. If after aperiod of regular wear you’ve been unable to get used toyour earplugs, try another size, type, or brand of hearingprotector.Earplug Fitting TipPress firmly cupped hands over your ears while listening to a steady noise. With properly fitted plugs the noise levels should be about the same whether or not the ears are covered.How Much ProtectionDon’t get hung up on the NRR, the government-mandated noise protection factor that appears on all hearing protector packaging. The numbers are based on optimized laboratory tests that, in practice, represent what only a few of the most-motivated best-trained users can achieve. Your best bet is to use the NRR only as an indicator that a product was designed and tested for noise reduction. Except for very loud noises such as gunfire where selection is more critical, most hearing protectors provide sufficient protection when worn properly and consistently. Foam plugs or earmuffs, or a combination of the two generally provide the highest levels of protection.Slowly roll andcompress foamplugs into a verythin crease-freecylinder. Whilecompressed,insert plug wellinto the earcanal.Fitting is easier if youreach around the head to pull the ear outward and upward during insertion.Keep the plugs cleanand free from materialthat can irritate theearcanal. They maybe washed in mildliquid detergent andwarm water. Squeezeexcess water from theplugs and allow to fullyair dry. Washing may berepeated several times. Discard plugs if they noticeably change their firmness or do not re-expand to their original size and shape.Premolded plugs willnormally last severalmonths or moredepending uponthe type, andenvironmentalfactors. They shouldbe replaced if theyshrink or swell, hardenor soften, tear, crack, orbecome permanently deformed. Wash them in warm soapy water and rinse well.When dry, store them in a carrying case.Reach around the backof your head andpull outward andupward on the earwhile insertingthe plug until youfeel it sealing.This may seem tightat first, especiallyif you’ve never wornearplugs. Carefully twist the plug to break the seal for a slow, safe removal.Hearing ProtectionInitially you may be concerned that you’ll be unable to hear while wearing protection. However, unless you already have a significant hearing loss you’ll be surprised how well you can hear speech and many other sounds while protected in the noise.When you properly wear hearing protectors you’ll be protected from temporary hearing shifts so that you are able to hear as well after a noise exposure as when it started. People with hearing loss also benefit, since without protection noise will continue to damage their hearing until it is difficult to distinguish sounds under even the best of conditions.Semi-inserts, also called canal caps, consist of pods orflexible tips on a lightweight headband. Because they arequick to put on and take off and easy to store around theneck, they are ideal for intermittent use. Those thatjust cap the canal entrance give rise to a larger occlusioneffect (see above) which can be annoying to some wearers.Earmuffs have rigid cups with soft plastic cushions thatseal around the ears to block noise. Muffs come in one-position or multi-position bands, and are also sold in stylesfor attachment to hard hats. Cushions may be filled withfoam, liquid, or a combination; let personal preference beyour guide. For sustained exposures to very loud noises,or if you feel the need for more protection, wear muffs andplugs together (dual protection) for an additional 5-10dB of noise reduction.Hearing Protector Fitting TipWhen either a plug or muff is properly fitted, the sound of your own voice should change, becoming deeper, hollow, or muffled due to what is called the occlusion effect. If you don’t hear the change, or if it isn’t the same in both ears, you have not obtained a proper fit and acoustic seal in either one or both ears.Tip: Talking in NoiseWhen you wear plugs or muffs in noise you tend to speak less loudly than otherwise because the protector makes your own voice seem louder and the surrounding noises seem quieter. So, you have to speak up – speak more loudly than you think you need to. Others will appreciate this, and your message will be better understood.Hold the large endsof the pods andswivel them todirect the tipsinto the earcanalopenings. Firmlypush and wigglethe pods intothe canals untila snug seal isobtained. Pulling on the outer ear while pushing on the pods will behelpful to most wearers.Most semi-inserts can becleaned in the sameway as premoldedearplugs. Since theheadband holdsthe tips in place toprovide an acousticseal, don’t tamperwith it or the protectionthe device provides maybe reduced. Many manufacturerssell replacement tips.Cushions can be cleanedwith warm soapy waterand rinsed thoroughly.Do not use alcoholor solvents. Cushionsnormally needreplacing at leastyearly, or wheneverthey become stiff,cracked, or no longer seal.Don’t modify earmuffs in any way, and especially do not stretch or abuse the headbandsas this will reduce your protection.Muffs must fully enclosethe ears to sealagainst the head.Adjust the head-band so cushionsexert even pressurearound the ears toget the best noisereduction. Pull hair backand out from beneath the cushions. Don’t store pencils or wear caps under cushions. Thick or poorly fitting eyeglass tem-ples may also cause some loss in noise reduction.Specialized Hearing ProtectorsMusician’s EarplugsCertain earplugs are designed for moderate noise reduction andbetter sound quality (more uniform attenuation across therange of frequencies). For many sound exposures such as livemusic, public events, and transportation, these devices providethe needed protection, while making listening easier and moreenjoyable. The effect with these earplugs can be compared towearing medium neutral-gray sunglasses instead of very darkcolor-tinted lenses that dramatically change one’s perception. TheProfessional Musician 3M™ E-A-R™ Plug is one such product.Special types of custom earmolds also provide this feature.Custom Molded EarplugsCustom earmolds can be very comfortable. They are suitable for useas hearing aids and as earplugs for hearing protection. As earplugsthey can be made from a custom impression of the earcanal usingmaterial with the consistency of thick honey (usually sent to a labfor final fabrication), or in the case of a unique product calledthe 3M™ CustomE-A-R™, by injecting silicone into a speciallydesigned (yellow) bladder. The bladder design is safer to make,ready to wear, and can be immediately acoustically verified forfit. Such fit verification is important since the acoustic seal of anearmold can be compromised if the impression is not precise for anexact fit.Electronic EarmuffsSome earmuffs use a microphone embedded in the earcup topickup sounds and transmit them through the earmuff to anearphone inside. This allows better hearing at low soundlevels without the need to remove the device, while stillproviding sufficient protection at higher sound levels. Typicallythe electronics in the muff limit the amplified sound to apredetermined safe value such as less than 85 dBA. These muffscan be excellent for use while hunting or on the firing line, and forthose with a mild hearing loss they can actually amplify sounds, thusmaking it easier to hear.Active Noise Reduction (ANR)Today it is possible to use sound to cancel sound. A microphone withinthe earmuff detects the sound passing through the cup walls andsends that signal through circuitry to generate an anti-phase versionthat is rebroadcast through a speaker in the cup. The result is soundcancellation, but due to physical limitations this process only workswell in the lower frequencies, middle C and lower. This is effective incertain military situations, and in general aviation, especially when thedevices also include communications. The principal consumer applicationis reduction of nuisance noise such as experienced while traveling. An ANRearmuff, which also plugs into an earphone jack on entertainment devices, can provide balanced noise reduction while simultaneously permitting listening to music or movies.Your Hearing How it works and how we measure it How We HearHealthy inner-ear nerves (hair cells) are the key to good hearing.Although some die off naturally as you age, many more are killed early if your ears aren’t protected from harmful noise.The outer ear collects andthe earcanal to the eardrum.The middle ear contains a chain of three tiny bones, called ossicles, which link the eardrum to the inner ear. When sound waves strike the eardrum, the ossicles conduct the vibrations to the cochlea in the inner ear.Measuring HearingHearing is measured by a professional with an audiometer that sends tones to each ear through earphones. You listen carefully and respond each time you hear a tone. The levels at which you can barely hear the tones are your hearing threshold levels .Your thresholds (measured in decibels) are recorded on a chart called an audiogram , for tones at different pitches or frequencies (measured in “Hertz,” which is a special term for cycles/second). Normal thresholds fall within the unshaded area on the chart. When hearing loss occurs the thresholds fall into the shaded areas, meaning sounds must be increased in level for you to hear them.It is a good idea to have a complete hearing evaluation even if you don’t suspect a hearing problem. This gives you a baseline if problems occur. Professionals suggest evaluations every 10 years; more often for those over 50. If you anticipate regular exposure to high-level noise, for example if you are an avid recreational shooter, you may wish to obtain more frequent tests until you can assure that your hearing is stable. Unusual changes would alert you and your hearing specialist (audiologist or otolaryngologist) to look for noise-related (inadequate or improperly fitted protection) or medical causes before it’s too late.Do Yourself a Favor -Save Your Hearing!Person-to-PersonCommunicationInarguably, the most important functionof our hearing is communication. Aperson with hearing loss may not hear orunderstand family members and friends,particularly women and children withhigh-pitched voices. Communication overthe telephone for business or pleasurebecomes more difficult. The individualwill confuse similar-sounding wordsand mistake the message. Embarrassedto ask the speaker to repeat, the listenermay just “tune out.” Conversing ingroups is most difficult, especially ifthere is background noise. People withhearing loss often become socially isolatedas others find it too much trouble to speak to them.What’s more, hearing aids can’t completely correct the problem because louder sounds are not necessarily clearer to the damaged ear.Often the message is as much in the sound of the voice as in the content of the speech. Poet Maya Angelou has observed, “Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning.”Effects of Age and Noise on HearingHearing loss from the natural aging process causes agradual hearing decline, as shown in the figure to theright. It affects mainly the ability to clearly hear high-pitched sounds such as children’s voices, rustling leaves,and some musical instruments.Although age-effect hearing loss up through age 60 doesnot usually impair one’s ability to hear and understandspeech, problems occur when noise-induced loss is addedto age loss. The noise-induced component can comefrom occupational exposures as well as the many loudrecreational sounds we willingly expose our ears to on adaily basis. With noise damage, even a 30-year-old canhave trouble listening in situations in which backgroundsound is present, such as in restaurants and other socialsituations.Sounds You Want to Hear A hearing-impaired person may notbe able to enjoy ordinary sounds ofnature or even the sounds of pets, and distortion from damaged hair cellsmay make music seem like “just a racket.” It becomes difficult to detect problems with tools or car engines by listening for changes in the soundsthey make. It can be inconvenient to miss the sound of the alarm on your wristwatch or the phone ringing in the next room. Hearing-impaired people worry about getting hurt by missing danger signals such as warning beepers or smoke detectors. Remember:You Need Your Hearing! These comments from people with noise-induced hearing loss show why it is worth the effort to wear hearing protectors properly: your qualityof life depends on keeping your good hearing. Once hearing is lostit is gone forever. And if you aren’t willing to wear an earplug for hearing protection today, how would you tolerate wearing a hearing aid that fits to the ear with an earplug-like tip, every day and every waking hour for the rest of your life.Even if you already have some hearing loss, it is still essential to wear hearing protectors from now on to prevent the loss from worsening. Carry them with you like a pair of sunglasses so that whenever annoying or potentially damaging sounds assault your ears, you have the protection you need. It’s never too late to start conserving your hearing!…Always this ringing in my ears.My daughter no longer seems to speak clearly.I miss the birds, the wind in the trees, the whispers.I miss all the good sounds…Written by:Elliott H. Berger, M.S.,Senior Scientist, Auditory ResearchNoise Is All AroundBe aware of noisy situations such as theones illustrated to the right, so you canprotect yourself and enjoy a lifetime ofgood hearing.Occupational Health &Environmental Safety Division3M Center - Building 235-2W-70Saint Paul, MN 55144-1000Sales Assistance: 1-800-328-1667Technical Assistance: 1-800-243-4630Website: /OccSafety © 2010 3M Company.3M and all other trademarks used hereinor hereon are trademarks of 3M Company.These hearing protectors help reduce exposure to hazardous noise and other loud sounds. Misuse or failure to wear hearing protectors at all times that you are exposed to noise may result in hearing loss or injury. For proper use, see supervisor, User Instructions, or call 3M in U.S.A. at 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414. If there is any drainage from your ear or you have an ear infection, consult with your physician before wearing ear plugs. Failure to do so may result in hearing loss or injury.WARNING!XX-XXXX-XXXX-X Please recycle. Printed in USA.。
2.6 40.1 2.8 38.0 2.8 40.6 2.4 38.3 3.4 38.6 2.5
2.3 37.0 2.6 35.9 3.3 38.0 2.5 35.7 2.9 34.4 3.0
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3.0 39.0 2.9 36.3 4.1 41.3 2.5 41.3 3.1 35.3 2.3
31dB 31dB 平均降噪值(dB) 标准偏差(dB) 平均降噪值(dB) 标准偏差(dB) 平均降噪值(dB)
125 33.9 4.7 33.9 4.7 37.4 5.7 38.4 4.8 32.9 4.2 37.8 4.9 28.7 5.0 28.5 4.7 35.2 4.7 35.3 6.3
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H7B耳罩 颈带式 H7F耳罩 折叠式 H7P3E耳罩 配安全帽 H10A耳罩 头带式 H10P3E耳罩 配安全帽 PTL 一按即听耳罩
125 14.0 2.9 19.5 2.9 20.4 4.2 18.5 3.4 11.0 3.0 12.0 3.5 12.1 3.3 12.3 2.7 15.5 3.0 16.8
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100多种3M胶的规格产品名称:3M============================================产品名称:3M 4926/4936/4936F/4941/4941F/4956/4956F/4979F胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):(15)/(25)/(25)/(45)/(45)/(62)/(62)/(62)特性:灰黑色,闭孔结构丙烯酸泡绵基材,服贴性高,适用一般涂漆表面,抗增塑剂。
/黑色4956胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性: 93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:中主要用途:卡车子总装,电力机柜,广告标志,LCD,玻璃窗离型纸:A/A/B/A/D/A/B/B注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4932/4952胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):(25)/(45)特性:白色闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,适用于PP或粉末喷涂表面胶型:合成短期耐温性:93`C(200°F)长期耐温性:71`C(160°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:高主要用途:办公家具,车辆总装,建筑标志离型纸:A/A注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4951胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):(45)特性:白色闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,适用施工温度可低至0`C胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性: 93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:建筑低温操作的应用离型纸:C注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4943F/4957F胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):(45)/(62)特性:灰色,高贴服性泡绵胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性: 93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:蜂窝电话天线,电子收费装置离型纸:C/C注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4905/4910胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):(20)/(40)特性:透明闭孔结构基材非常适用于透明材质之粘接胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性: 93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:阳光顶内外层密封,玻璃门把手离型纸:D/D注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4920/4930/4950/4955/4959胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):(15)/(25)/(45)/(80)/(120)特性:白色,闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,通用型号。
Teleconsultation stethoscope TeleSteth™When used with your telemedicine program, the TeleSteth System can store, forward, and stream stethoscope sounds in real time, which you can share with medical personnel across the world. This improves patient outcomes, as you have the option of collaborating with other physicians even when they can't be present. .当使用你的医疗程序,该系统可以存储了telesteth,听诊器的声音,和流的实时共享,您可以与世界各地的医疗人员。
To ensure patient privacy and safety, the sounds are transmitted by a secured internet connection using your private network through the TeleSteth Client Server, or the 3M TeleSteth Cloud Server..确保病人的隐私和安全,声音是通过安全的互联网连接使用您的专用网络的客户端服务器发送telesteth 3M telesteth,或云服务器..In addition, you can evaluate patient sounds remotely, during an exam, or when you have time thanks to the store and forward mode.此外,你可以评估病人的声音远程,在考试中,或你有时间的时候,由于存储转发模式。
1.3M呼吸系统防护产品:随弃型防护口罩:8210 N95防护口罩、=N95级别的便宜款8110S N95防护口罩、=是上面款的小型号,适合儿童佩戴8511 N95防护口罩(带呼吸阀)、=性价比很好的,还有呼吸阀哦1860 N95医用防病毒细菌霉菌型口罩、=防病菌的N95口罩,很棒1860S N95医用病菌防护口罩、=是上面款的小型号,适合儿童佩戴8512 N95焊接口罩(带呼吸阀)、=有活性炭,专业防护防焊接产生的烟尘,防二手烟8514 N95焊接口罩(带呼吸阀)、=有活性炭,专业防护防焊接产生的烟尘,防二手烟8515 N95焊接口罩(带呼吸阀)、=有活性炭,专业防护防焊接产生的烟尘,防二手烟8000 N95防护口罩、=N95级别的便宜款9010 N95防护口罩、=N95级别的便宜款9210 N95折叠式防尘口罩、=折叠的,放包包里很便利,防PM2.5雾霾搓搓有余。
8233 N100防有毒金属烟防核辐射口罩(带呼吸阀)、=N100级别的,口罩业的顶级防护。
8822 FFP2防护口罩(带呼吸阀)、=性价比很好的,类似85119320 FFP2折叠式防护口罩、=折叠的,放包包里很便利,类似9210。
9322 FFP2折叠式防护口罩(带呼吸阀)、=折叠的,类似9320多个呼吸阀。
9332 FFP3折叠式防护口罩(带呼吸阀)、=类似8233,高级别,折叠很赞。
8833 FFP3高级防颗粒防毒口罩(带呼吸阀)、=类似9332,高级别!!!8246 R95酸性气体防护口罩、=有活性炭的,比N95级别好。
8247 R95有机气体防护口罩、=有活性炭的,防护汽车尾气搓搓有余!8576 P95酸性气体及颗粒物防护口罩(带呼吸阀)、=类似8246加个呼吸阀8577 P95有机异味及颗粒物防护口罩(带呼吸阀)、=类似8247加个呼吸阀9913 KN90有机蒸汽异味及颗粒物防护口罩、=有活性炭的,类似82479913V KN90有机蒸汽异味及颗粒物防护口罩(带呼吸阀)、=类似9913加个呼吸阀口9102CS KN90折叠式防尘口罩、=3M最便宜的口罩了,没啥大功能,防灰尘。
以下是一些3M劳动防护产品的介绍:1. 呼吸防护产品:- 非医用口罩:包括N95、KN95等多种型号的口罩,能有效防护空气中的颗粒物、粉尘、烟雾等有害物质。
- 呼吸器:如半面罩呼吸器、全面罩呼吸器等,可提供更高级别的呼吸防护。
2. 眼部防护产品:- 护目镜:提供眼部的物理防护,防止飞溅物、颗粒物及化学品对眼睛的伤害。
- 护目镜防雾剂:能够防止护目镜上发生雾气,提高工作时的视野与安全性。
3. 耳部防护产品:- 耳塞:用于降低噪音对人耳的损害,可分为一次性耳塞和可重复使用耳塞两种类型。
- 耳罩耳塞一体式:结合了耳罩和耳塞的功能,提供更好的耳部防护效果。
4. 头部防护产品:- 安全帽:可提供保护头部的物理防护,防止坠落物、碰撞等对头部的伤害。
- 防护头盔:在安全帽基础上,增加了对侧面和后方的防护,提供更全面的头部安全保障。
5. 手部防护产品:- 防护手套:用于保护手部免受化学药品、溶剂、刺激物等因素的侵害。
- 绝缘手套:用于保护工人在电气作业时免受电流的伤害,能有效降低电击的危险。
6. 身体防护产品:- 防护服:包括一次性防护服和可重复使用的防护服,用于防护工人免受化学物质、细菌、病毒等的侵害。
- 防护背心:用于提醒周围人员注意工作人员的存在,减少在交通等场景中的意外伤害。
7. 足部防护产品:- 防护鞋:提供足部防护,同时防滑、防静电等特性,适用于各种工作环境。
- 防护靴:在防护鞋基础上,增加了对踝部及更高位置的防护,提供更全面的足部保护。
3 1427 三种佩戴位置耳罩 - 3M
4. 根据需要调节头顶带和头带,使之达到这样的位置,即耳罩能罩住耳朵,头顶带又能 稳固地位于头顶,必要时调节头顶带按扣位置缩短或加长带子。
每次使用前检查密合性: 1. 检查耳罩密封垫与眼镜支架处的密封,若无法完全密封,防护效果会降低。 2. 戴着耳罩大声讲话,声音听起来应有些回音,就象在桶里说话一样,声音应不象戴耳 罩前那样大。
储存方法: 应在安全的无污染环境中存放,防止受到损伤。
保证: 3M 保证销售给买方的 3MTM 产品及其组件为合格产品,产品的原料及生产工艺精良,3M 对产 品的适用性提供自发货之日起 90 天的质量担保。如发现产品或组件存在质量问题,买方应及时 通知 3M,并须证明其在储藏、维护、使用 3M 产品时均未违反 3M 使用说明的要求,3M 将根 据具体情况,对产品或其组件进行维修、更换或者退货。
头带位于头后侧的佩戴方法(图 4): 1. 将头顶带的一端穿入其中一个耳罩杯的开孔中(图 3),注意按扣和按扣孔的位置,将 按扣扣入其中一个按孔,固定带子防止滑动。同样方法将带子的另一端穿入另一个耳 罩杯的开孔,固定。
2. 尽量将头发从耳罩和头部接触的部分清理开,若耳环影响耳罩与头部的密合,请摘下 耳环。
3 1427 三种佩戴位置耳罩
头带位于头顶位置 NRR 27
频率 (Hz)
125 250 500 1000 2000 3150 4000 6300
真耳降噪 值(dB) 19.5 22.9 31.7 40.8 36.1 41.5 41.1 40.4
2.9 2.1 2.2 3.2 3.1 2.7 2.4 2.3
Electric Working Shoes 电工鞋
Electric Insulation Shoes 绝缘鞋
Choose one best fit
Mandatory PPE 进入车间必须佩带
PPE Options for Specific Tasks 请根据具体工作选用相应的防护用品
Mandatory PPE 进入车间必须佩带
PPE Options for Specific Tasks 请根据具体工作选用相应的防护用品
Safety is my responsibility! 我的安全,我负责!
Personal Protective Equipment for Visitor
Personal Protective Equipment for Welding
Hard Hat 安全帽
Safety Goggles 防护眼镜
Choose one best fit 请选择最适合自己的眼镜
Welding Mask 电焊面罩
Disposable Ear plugs 一次性耳塞
Choose one best fit 请选择最适合自己的安全鞋
Mandatory PPE 进入车间必须佩带
PPE Options for Specific Tasks 请根据具体工作选用相应的防护用品
Safety is my responsibility! 我的安全,我负责!
Ear Muffs 耳罩
Corded Reusable Ear plugs 树形耳塞
当选择合适的耳塞或耳罩时,我们应该考虑以下几个因素:1. 噪音阻隔能力:不同耳塞和耳罩具有不同的噪音阻隔能力。
3M 耳塞耳朵保护器产品说明说明书
H = 35;
125 33.9 5.3
M = 33;
250 35.9 5.0
L = 32
SNR = 36
2000 37.1 3.7
E-A-R Classic Soft (uncorded)
If you have difficulty accessingthe Terms of Business,you may contact us for a copy.
EC Certificate: 2703
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Revision: 150113
SNR = 33
2000 37.5 3.3
4000 43.1 6.1 37.0
4000 43.3 3.3 40.1
8000 44.6 6.3 38.4
8000 45.0 4.8 40.2
EC Certificate: 2703
Page 4 of5
Pages 1- 5
Initial issue.
EC Certificate: 2703
Page 3 of5
Revision: 150113
E.A.RTM 311-1101 Classic 圆柱型带线耳塞
独特尺寸、形状和材质 ● NRR: 29 dB SNR: 29dB ● 材料防水,对皮肤无刺激,使用
方便、卫生 ● 慢回弹PVC材质,对耳道压力小,
佩戴更舒适 ● 材料阻燃,遇到火花不会燃烧,
适合焊接作业 ● 包装:200付/盒,10盒/箱=2000付
戴更舒适 ● 包装:500付/瓶,4瓶/箱=2000付
E.A.RTM 391-1000耳塞分配器 底座
● 可以安装在墙上或放在台上, 方便使用者取用
● 独特的耳塞出口旋转设计保 证耳塞取用方便,快捷无浪费
● 耳塞分配器底座可重复使用, 只需订购瓶装耳塞进行更换
● 包装:1个/箱
E.A.RTM 391-1004 Earsoft高降噪子弹型耳塞(配合耳塞分配器使用)
帮助员工正确佩戴耳塞, 更好的防止听力损失
● NRR: 29dB SNR: 31dB
● 子弹型轮廓设计、降噪效果好 ● 表面经防污处理,佩戴卫生、安全 ● 包装:200付/盒,5盒/箱 = 1000付 ★ 防伪鉴别方法请见P59“防伪小贴士”
PELTORTM H7A-PTL 一按即听头戴式耳罩
● NRR: 26dB ● SNR: 31dB ● 佩戴舒适,有效降低噪音 ● 附送1节5号电池,方便更换 ● 包装:10付/箱
PELTORTM H7P3E-PTL 一按即听挂安全帽式耳罩
● NRR: 25dB ● SNR: 29dB ● 配合安全帽使用 ● 佩戴舒适,有效降低噪音 ● 附送1节5号电池,方便更换 ● 包装:10付/箱
一、眼部防护用品的选择及维护1. 眼镜随着电子产品的广泛使用,眼镜成为了我们生活中必不可少的用品。
2. 护目镜对于需要进行高风险工作的人们来说,护目镜是必不可少的防护用品。
3. 眼膜现代人的工作压力大,经常会面临眼部疲劳和干涩的问题。
二、面部防护用品的选择及维护1. 口罩随着全球环境污染和疾病的传播,口罩在2024年将继续被广泛使用。
2. 面膜面膜是一种常见的面部护理产品,可以帮助改善皮肤的水分和营养供给。
3. 日常清洁面部防护也包括日常的清洁工作。
频率 (Hz)
125 250 500 1000 2000 3150 4000 6300 8000
平均降噪值 dB
标准偏差 dB
4.7 5.5 5.6 4.8 3.1 3.8
听 阈
右耳 左耳
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Hz
20 30 40
性 耳
60 70 80
发 展
职业性噪声聋诊断标准(GBZ49-2007 )将职业性耳聋 分为三级: 轻度噪声聋:26dB~40dB(HL) 中度噪声聋:41dB~55dB(HL) 重度噪声聋:≥56dB(HL)
噪声会造成听力损失 • 长期接触过量的噪声会导致听力的永久丧失 • 噪声会伤害耳蜗毛细胞
听力损失的过程有些象发生在这块草坪上的现象 ……
耳鸣,凭空听到嗡嗡 声或其它不正常的声 音
谈话困难,总听不清 别人在说什么
所有的声音都听不真 切,象被闷住了一样
10 - 20
dBA 极微弱
40 - 60
dBA 宁静或 柔和的 乐声
70 - 80
dBA 正常城 市噪音
3M Abrasive Sheets与实用纤维布选择指南说明书
Grade Min./Case50/25010050/25012050/250Request Info863M ™ Utility Cloth Sheets and Rolls 314D• A luminum oxide onX and J wt. cloth backings • Ideal for all utility jobs • C an be torn into strips and rolled without shellingUPCW x LGradeBackingMin./CaseSheets051115-19775-89" x 11"P40X wt.50/250051115-19774-19" x 11"P50X wt.50/250051115-19773-49" x 11"P60X wt.50/250051115-19772-79" x 11"P80J wt.50/250051115-19771-09" x 11"P100J wt.50/250051115-19770-39" x 11"P120J wt.50/250051115-19769-79" x 11"P150J wt.50/250051115-19768-09" x 11"P180J wt.50/250051115-19767-39" x 11"P220J wt.50/250051115-19766-69" x 11"P240J wt.50/250051115-19765-99" x 11"P280J wt.50/250051115-19764-29" x 11"P320J wt.50/250051115-19763-59" x 11"P400J wt.50/250Utility Rolls051115-19794-91" x 50 yds.P50X wt.1/5051115-19793-21" x 50 yds.P60X wt.1/5051115-19792-51" x 50 yds.P80J wt.1/5051115-19791-81" x 50 yds.P100J wt.1/5051115-19790-11" x 50 yds.P120J wt.1/5051115-19789-51" x 50 yds.P150J wt.1/5051115-19788-81" x 50 yds.P180J wt.1/5051115-19787-11" x 50 yds.P220J wt.1/5051115-19786-41" x 50 yds.P240J wt.1/5051115-19785-71" x 50 yds.P280J wt.1/5051115-19784-01" x 50 yds.P320J wt.1/5051115-19783-31" x 50 yds.P400J wt.1/5051115-19813-71-1/2" x 50 yds.P50X wt.1/5051115-19812-01-1/2" x 50 yds.P60X wt.1/5051115-19811-31-1/2" x 50 yds.P80J wt.1/5051115-19810-61-1/2" x 50 yds.P100J wt.1/5051115-19809-01-1/2" x 50 yds.P120J wt.1/5051115-19808-31-1/2" x 50 yds.P150J wt.1/5051115-19807-61-1/2" x 50 yds.P180J wt.1/5051115-19806-91-1/2" x 50 yds.P220J wt.1/5051115-19805-21-1/2" x 50 yds.P240J wt.1/5051115-19804-51-1/2" x 50 yds.P280J wt.1/5051115-19803-81-1/2" x 50 yds.P320J wt.1/5051115-19802-11-1/2" x 50 yds.P400J wt.1/53M™Abrasive Sheets3M ™ Utility Cloth Sheets and Rolls 211K (cont.)UPCW x LGradeMin./CaseSheets051144-02407-09" x 11"15050/250051144-02406-39" x 11"18050/250051144-02405-69" x 11"22050/250051144-02404-99" x 11"24050/250051144-02402-59" x 11"32050/250051144-12501-29" x 11"40050/250051144-12500-59" x 11"50050/250Utility Rolls051144-05010-91" x 50 yds.801/5051144-05009-31" x 50 yds.1001/5051144-05008-61" x 50 yds.1201/5051144-05007-91" x 50 yds.1501/5051144-05006-21" x 50 yds.1801/5051144-05005-51" x 50 yds.2201/5051144-05004-81" x 50 yds.2401/5051144-05003-11" x 50 yds.2801/5051144-05002-41" x 50 yds.3201/5051144-05001-71" x 50 yds.4001/5051144-05000-01" x 50 yds.5001/5051144-05030-71-1/2" x 50 yds.801/5051144-05029-11-1/2" x 50 yds.1001/5051144-05028-41-1/2" x 50 yds.1201/5051144-05027-71-1/2" x 50 yds.1501/5051144-05026-01-1/2" x 50 yds.1801/5051144-05025-31-1/2" x 50 yds.2201/5051144-05024-61-1/2" x 50 yds.2401/5051144-05022-21-1/2" x 50 yds.3201/5051144-05021-51-1/2" x 50 yds.4001/5051144-05020-81-1/2" x 50 yds.5001/5051144-05050-52" x 50 yds.801/5051144-05049-92" x 50 yds.1001/5051144-05048-22" x 50 yds.1201/5051144-05047-52" x 50 yds.1501/5051144-05046-82" x 50 yds.1801/5051144-05045-12" x 50 yds.2201/5051144-05044-42" x 50 yds.2401/5051144-05042-02" x 50 yds.3201/5051144-05041-32" x 50 yds.4001/5051144-05040-62" x 50 yds.5001/5Request Info873M ™ Utility Cloth Sheets and Rolls 314D (cont.)UPCW x LGradeBackingMin./CaseUtility Rolls051115-19826-72" x 50 yds.P40X wt.1/5051115-19825-02" x 50 yds.P50X wt.1/5051115-19824-32" x 50 yds.P60X wt.1/5051115-19823-62" x 50 yds.P80J wt.1/5051115-19822-92" x 50 yds.P100J wt.1/5051115-19821-22" x 50 yds.P120J wt.1/5051115-19820-52" x 50 yds.P150J wt.1/5051115-19819-92" x 50 yds.P180J wt.1/5051115-19818-22" x 50 yds.P220J wt.1/5051115-19817-52" x 50 yds.P240J wt.1/5051115-19816-82" x 50 yds.P280J wt.1/5051115-19815-12" x 50 yds.P320J wt.1/5051115-19814-42" x 50 yds.P400J wt.1/53M ™ Abrasive Sheets3M ™Wetordry ™Sheets 413Q• S ilicon carbide on an A wt. paper backing • R educed clogging eliminates dust when used wet • Excellent conformabilityUPCW x LGradeMin./Case051144-02007-2 9" x 11"22050/500051144-02006-5 9" x 11"24050/250051144-02005-8 9" x 11"28050/250051144-02004-1 9" x 11"32050/500051144-02003-4 9" x 11"36050/250051144-02002-79" x 11"40050/5003M ™ Wetordry ™ Paper Sheets 431Q• S ilicon carbide on a C wt. paper backing • R educed clogging eliminatesdust when used wet • H eavyweight paper backing for increased durabilityUPCW x LGradeMin./Case051144-02018-8 9" x 11"8050/250051144-02017-1 9" x 11"10050/250051144-02016-4 9" x 11"12050/250051144-02015-7 9" x 11"15050/250051144-02014-09" x 11"18050/2503M ™ Paper Sheets 336U/346U• A luminum oxide on D wt. (grades 36–80) and C wt.(grades 100–150) paper backing • O pen coat resists loading on soft materials • G eneral purpose sheets ideal for hand or machine sanding of many different materials,including wood, metals, paints, plastics and fiberglassUPC W x L Grade Min./Case336U051144-02114-79" x 11"100100/1000051144-02113-09" x 11"120100/1000051144-02112-39" x 11"150100/1000346U051144-02119-29" x 11"3650/250051144-02118-59" x 11"4050/250051144-02117-89" x 11"5050/500051144-02116-19" x 11"6050/500051144-02115-49" x 11"8050/500Request Info88Scotch-Brite™ Hand Pads744574487448 PRO74477447 PRO844774467440Scotch-Brite™ Light DutyCleansing Pad 7445• V ery mild abrasive for gentle,yet thorough cleaning• C ommonly used with liquid detergent• P erformance similar to steel wool grade 0000UPC W x L Grade Color Qty./Case048011-16976-76" x 9" F SFN White60Scotch-Brite™ Ultra FineHand Pad 7448• U ltra fine consistent finishes on metals,woods, plastics and composites• P erformance similar to steel wool grade 00UPC W x L Grade Color Qty./Case048011-04028-86" x 9" S ULF Gray60Scotch-Brite™Hand Pads 7448 PRO• H igh performance pad takes lesstime to prep surface and lasts longer• T ightly graded abrasive particlesfor consistent, uniform scratchthroughout life of the hand pad• N ew, long lasting pad made with durablenon-woven nylon web is flexible enough to get intohard-to-sand places; Specially coated to minimize loading• I deal for everyday uses like prepping surfaces for color coat;general scuffing, cleaning and hand blending• C enter perforated for convenienceUPC W x LGrade Color Qty./Case048011-64935-16" x 9" S ULF Gray20048011-64933-7Trial Pack — Includes one each: 7447 PRO and 7448 PROScotch-Brite™ GeneralPurpose Hand Pad 7447• W orldwide standard for surface conditioning• C lean, blend, finish and deburrfaster, easier, and with betterresults than conventional abrasives• P erformance similar to steel wool grade 1UPC W x L Grade Color Qty./Case048011-04029-56" x 9" A VFN Maroon60Request Info89Hand Finishingfor consistent, uniform scratch throughout life of the hand pad • N ew, long lasting pad made with durablenon-woven nylon web is flexible enough to get into hard-to-sand places; Specially coated to minimize loading • I deal for everyday uses like prepping surfaces for color coat; general scuffing, cleaning and hand blending • Center perforated for convenienceUPCW x LGradeColorQty./Case048011-64926-96" x 9" A VFN Maroon 20048011-64933-7Trial Pack —Includes one each: 7447 PRO and 7448 PROScotch-Brite ™ Production Hand Pad 8447• H igh cut for paint prep, blending and scuffing •L ong life performance on aluminum, stainless steel, plastics, wood and fiberglass • P erformance similar to steel wool grade 2UPCW x LGradeColorQty./Case048011-24037-46" x 9" A VFN Maroon 60scratches on many metals, wood and synthetic surfaces • P erformance similar to steel wool grade 3UPCW x LGradeColorQty./Case048011-04051-66" x 9" S MED Gray 40Scotch-Brite ™ Heavy Duty Hand Pad 7440• M ost durable and aggressive pad for quick stock removal • C uts fast to remove contaminants and oxides in demanding cleaning and finishing applications • P erformance similar to steel wool grade 4UPCW x LGradeColorQty./Case048011-04050-96" x 9" A MED Gray 40Scotch-Brite ™ DurableFlex Hand Pads• H igh performance pads arepacked with tightly graded abrasive mineral for more consistent, fast cut • F lexible pad cleans, blends and finishes where conformability is needed • I deal for prepping surfaces for primer and color coat, general scuffing, cleaning and hand blending • S Ultra Fine (S ULF) produces a finish similar to steel wool grade 00• A Very Fine (A VFN) produces a finish similar to steel wool grade 1UPCW x LGradeColorQty./Case048011-64659-64-1/2" x 9"A VFN Maroon 100048011-64660-24-1/2" x 9"S ULFGray100Scotch-Brite ™ Multi-FlexSheet Rolls• H ighly conformable non-woven web roll is perforated to easily tear into sixty 8" x 4" sheets • E xcellent sharpness and conformability for cleaning and finishing surfaces by handUPCW x LGradeColorQty./Case051131-07521-48" x 20' A VFN Maroon 2051131-07522-18" x 20'S ULFLight Gray2Request Info90Scotch-Brite ™ Hand Pad Trial Packs 744574487448 PRO 74477447 PRO 844774467440Scotch-Brite ™Hand Pad Trial Pack 961S• C ontains 1 each of the following: – Scrubbing Sponge 74 – Light Duty Pad 6448 – Heavy Duty Pad 7440– Light Duty Cleansing Pad 7445 – Blending Pad 7446– General Purpose Pad 7447 – Ultra Fine Pad 7448 – Production Pad 8447 – Twist-Lok ™ Pad Holder 961UPCSizeMin./Case048011-17144-96" x 9"5Scotch-Brite ™ Hand Pad Trial Pack 7447 PRO and 7448 PRO• C ontains 1 each of the following:– Scotch-Brite ™ Hand Pad 7447 PRO (Maroon) – Scotch-Brite ™ Hand Pad 7448 PRO (Gray)UPCSizeMin./Case048011-64933-76" x 9"20 packs/case1-800-453-1692Request Info91Scotch-Brite ™Clean and Finish Rolls• H ighly conformable non-woven web can be cut to desired length for hand sanding or oscillating sandersUPCW x LGradeQty./Case048011-00291-0†2" x 30' A FIN 6048011-00260-62" x 30' A VFN 6048011-00261-33" x 30' A VFN 4048011-00264-44" x 30' A MED 3048011-00265-14" x 30' A FIN 3048011-00266-84" x 30' A VFN 3048011-00270-54" x 30' A VFN 3048011-00263-74" x 30' F SFN 3048011-00267-54" x 30' F SFN 3048011-00268-24" x 30'S ULF 3048011-00262-04" x 30'TALC 3048011-00274-36" x 30' A MED 2048011-00275-06" x 30' A FIN 2048011-00276-76" x 30' A VFN 2048011-00284-212" x 30' A VFN 1048011-00254-512" x 30'TALC1† Made-to-OrderScotch-Brite ™ Production Clean and Finish Rolls• P recision web/mineral configuration for most uniform general purpose finishing in roll form • E xcellent for critical finishes and long lifeUPCW x LGradeColorQty./Case048011-28175-9†4" x 30' A VFN Maroon 3048011-28176-6†6" x 30'A VFNMaroon2† Made-to-OrderScotch-Brite ™ Cut and Polish Rolls• A unique and aggressive material for cleaning and finishing • S turdy, long lasting web material is great for heavy industrial cleaning and light deburring applications • W orks well for stropping and other bench applicationsUPCW x LGradeQty./Case048011-04085-11" x 30' A MED 2048011-05206-92" x 30' A MED 2048011-05207-64" x 30'A MED2Scotch-Brite ™ Clear Blend Prep Scuff 7745• I deal for top coat rubbing, sealer sanding prior to lacquer, and defuzzing or denibbing wood • P erformance similar to steel wool grade 000UPCW x LGradeColorQty./Case051131-07745-44-3/4" x 15' A ULF Gold 3Scotch-Brite ™ 7447/7448 PRO Rolls• H igh performance abrasive takes lesstime to prep surface and lasts longer • T ightly graded abrasive particles for consistent, uniform scratch throughout life of the abrasive • N ew, long lasting pad made with durable non-woven nylon web is flexible enough to get into hard-to-sand places; Specially coated to minimize loading• Ideal for everyday uses like prepping surfaces for color coat; general scuffing, cleaning and hand blendingUPCW x LGradeColorQty./Case048011-64964-1†Belt sizes made to order.Specify UPC, grade and belt size (W" x L").S ULF Gray Determinedby belt size.048011-64956-6† A VFNMaroon† Made-to-OrderScotch-Brite ™ RollsRequest InfoAccessories for Hand FinishingProduct NameUPCQty./CaseFor Use WithSize/DescriptionMax RPMForked Spindle051144-45121-010For attaching utility cloth strips1/4" x 3"N/A3M ™ Wetordry ™ Sponge Pad 051131-05526-150Wetordry ™ Paper Sheets 2-3/4" x 5-1/2" x 3/8"N/A 3M ™ Stikit ™ Soft Hand Pad 051144-05530-25/10Stikit ™ Sheet Rolls2-3/4" x 5-1/2" x 3/8"N/AScotch-Brite ™ Pad Holder No. 961048011-09493-410Scotch-Brite ™ Hand Pads; Provides increased leverage and eliminates “finger” marks3-1/2" x 4-3/4"N/AMini Mandrel No. 935048011-04020-25Scotch-Brite™ Strips to clean and polish inner diametersand other tight areas2-7/8" x 1/4"14,00092Request Info。
3M Scotch 27 Glass Cloth Electrical Tape 说明书
4. SpecificationsScotch™ 27 tape is a glass cloth electrical tape with a rubber thermosetting adhesive. The tape shall be white and 7 mils (0,177 mm) thick. The tape shall be coated on one side with pressure-sensitive adhesive which shall not require heat, moisture, or other preparation prior to or subsequent to application. The adhesive coating shall be smooth and uniform and be free of lumps and bare spots. There shall be no separator between adjacent layers of the roll. The tape shall be UL Recognized under UL Standard 510. The tape shall perform at a temperature of 130°C without loss of physical or electrical properties.Engineering/ArchitectureAll splices for 600-volt wire rated at 266°F (130°C) shall be insulated with a minimum of two half-lapped layers of Scotch 27 Glass Cloth Electrical Tape.5. Shelf LifeScotch 27 Glass Cloth Electrical Tape has a 3-year shelf life from date of manufacture when stored under the following recommended storage conditions. Store behind present stock in a clean dry place at a temperature of 70°F and 40-50% relative humidity. Good stock rotation is recommended.6. AvailabilityScotch 27 glass cloth electrical tape is available from your local authorized 3M electrical distributor in the following sizes:1/2 in x 66 ft. (12,7 mm x 10 m)3/4 in x 66 ft. (19 mm x 10 m)Other lengths and widths are available by special request.3M and Scotch are trademarks of 3M. Important Notice:All statements, technical information, and recommendations related to Seller’s products are based on information believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed. Before utilizing the product, the user should determine the suitability of the product for its intended use. The user assumes all risks and liability whatsoever in connection with such use.Any statements or recommendations of the Seller which are not contained in the Seller’s current publications shall have no force or effect unless contained in an agreement signed by an authorize office of Seller. The statements contained herein are made in lieu of all warranties, expressed or implied,including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose which warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed. SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO THE USER OR ANY OTHER PERSON UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY, FOR ANY INJURY OR FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SUSTAINED OR INCURRED BY REASON OF THE USE OF ANY OF THESELLER’S PRODUCTS.。
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3M 1425经济型耳罩
3M1425经济型耳罩,性价比最优,适用于不同工作环境中的多种需求3M 1425经济型耳罩
【结构及功能】噪音降低率(NRR) 22分贝,杯罩内衬海绵,外周用仿皮包边,头箍可调松紧,佩带卫生、安全、柔软舒适,隔音效果良好。