Preparation, characterization and dielectric tunability of La2NiMnO6 ceramics
When transitioning from high school to university,students often experience a variety of differences that can be both exciting and challenging.Here are some key distinctions between the two educational stages:1.Academic Freedom:In university,students have more freedom to choose their courses and tailor their academic path according to their interests and career goals.This is a stark contrast to high school,where the curriculum is often more rigid and standardized.2.Class Size:University classes,especially in the first year,can be significantly larger than high school classes.This can lead to less personalized attention from professors, requiring students to be more independent and proactive in seeking help.3.Teaching Style:Professors in university often expect a higher level of critical thinking and selfdirected learning.Lectures may be less didactic and more discussionbased,with an emphasis on understanding concepts rather than memorizing facts.4.Assessment Methods:Assessment in university can include a wider variety of methods, such as essays,research papers,presentations,and group projects.High school assessments are often more focused on exams and tests.5.Time Management:University students are typically responsible for managing their own time,including when and how to study.This is a significant change from the structured daily schedules of high school.6.Residential Life:Many university students live away from home,either in dormitories or offcampus housing.This can be a new experience that requires learning to live independently and navigate new social dynamics.7.Extracurricular Opportunities:Universities offer a vast array of clubs,societies,and organizations that cater to diverse interests,providing opportunities for personal growth, networking,and skill development beyond the classroom.8.Research Opportunities:Undergraduates in university may have the chance to participate in research projects,which can be a valuable experience for those considering graduate studies or a career in academia or research.9.Career Preparation:Universities often have career services and internship programs that help students prepare for their future careers,providing resources and guidance that may not be as readily available in high school.10.Cultural Diversity:Universities typically have a more diverse student body,with students coming from different countries,cultures,and backgrounds.This exposure can broaden ones perspective and understanding of the world.11.Financial Responsibility:The cost of attending university is often higher than high school,and students may need to manage student loans,parttime jobs,and budgeting for the first time.12.Academic Support Services:Universities provide various support services such as tutoring,writing centers,and counseling,which students can utilize to enhance their academic performance and overall wellbeing.Adjusting to university life involves navigating these differences and developing new skills and habits.It is a time of growth and selfdiscovery,where students can truly explore their passions and prepare for their future careers.。
preparation, characterization, materials
Creation of a dual-porosity micromodel for pore-level visualization of multiphase flowM.Buchgraber,M.Al-Dossary 1,C.M.Ross,A.R.Kovscek ⁎Department of Energy Resources Engineering,Stanford University,Stanford,CA 94305,USAa b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 22November 2011Accepted 14March 2012Available online 27March 2012Keywords:micromodelflow visualization two-phase flow pore-level carbonateThis paper describes the creation and testing of an etched-silicon micromodel that has the features and char-acteristics of a dual-porosity pore system mimicking those found in certain carbonate reservoir rocks.This micromodel consists of a two-dimensional (2D)pore network etched into a silicon wafer with a bonded glass cover that permits direct visual examination of pore-level displacement mechanisms and pore-network characteristics during fluid flow experiments.The approach began by creating a mosaic of images from a carbonate thin section of a sample with both high porosity and permeability using a scanning electron microscope (SEM)in back-scattered mode (BSE).Connections based on high-pressure mercury injection data were made to ensure that the 2D connectivity in the imaged pore structure was representative of the three dimensional (3D)pore network of the carbonate sample.Microelectronic photolithography techniques were then adapted to create micromodels for subsequent fluid flow experiments.Micromodel surfaces were made oil-or water-wet by various techniques.One of the main advantages of having a representative carbonate dual-porosity micromodel is the ability to observe pore-level mechanisms of multiphase flow and interpret petrophysical properties.Another advantage is that multiple replicates are available with iden-tical conditions for each new experiment.Micromodel utility is demonstrated here through the measurement of porosity,permeability,fluid desaturation patterns,and recovery factors.©2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMicroporosity can be a signi ficant porosity type in carbonate reservoirs.Micropores or pores that are 10μm or less in diameter in the Middle Eastern Arab-D reservoir quality rock comprise 25%to as much as 50%of the total porosity (Cantrell and Hagerty,1999).The abundance of microporosity has signi ficant implications for fluid flow properties as well as for the distribution of fluids and sometimes leads to misinterpretation of log response.There is also a strong rela-tionship between pore types,their distribution,and sizes as well as pore throat sizes associated with each given pore type (Ross et al.,1995).Direct pore-level observation of displacement mechanisms improves our understanding of two-phase flow behavior and petrophysical properties that depend strongly on the pore network structure (Oren et al.,1992).This paper reports the creation of a dual-porosity micromodel that simulates typical Arab-D carbonates including microporosity.The task is more dif ficult with carbonate rocks,in comparison to sand-stones.Carbonates tend to show a variety of length scales with some correlation among the pore and throat sizes and pore shapes (Ross et al.,1995).We attempt to understand further the keycomponents of a rock's pore system which impact multiphase flow behavior and,hence,the petrophysical properties.The paper starts with an overview of microporosity types and their signi ficance.Next,the methodology is given for the creation and development of the carbonate micromodel mask and etched-silicon micromodels.A first step is to mosaic and modify SEM BSE micrographs from an epoxy-impregnated thin section.Next,the apparatus and procedures used during the experiment are presented.The petrophysical characterization of the carbonate micromodel follows.A summary completes the paper.2.MicroporosityBefore discussing the geologic features of Arab-D reservoir rocks and our carbonate thin section,a de finition for microporosity is needed as there are multiple de finitions.For example,microporosity in carbonate rocks was de fined by Choquette and Pray (1970)as any pore less than 62.5μm in diameter,whereas Pittman's (1971)de finition has a threshold less than 1μm in size.For the design of our carbonate micromodel,however,we use the de finition of Cantrell and Hagerty (1999)in which micropores are 10μm or less in diameter.The Arab-D Member is part of the Jurassic Arab Formation that consists mainly of skeletal and non-skeletal grainstones and pack-stones sealed with an impermeable anhydrite layer.Producing from the Arab-D interval,Ghawar is the largest oil field in the world atJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 86–87(2012)27–38⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+16507231218;fax:+16507252099.E-mail address:Kovscek@ (A.R.Kovscek).1Currently at SaudiAramco.0920-4105/$–see front matter ©2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2012.03.012Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineeringj o u r n a l h om e p a g e :ww w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /p e t r o l1260square miles.It currently produces5million barrels of oil per day(6.25%of global production)and its total estimated reserves are around70billion barrels of oil(US EIA,2011).Microporosity in the Arab-D Member contributes a quarter to half of the total core porosity(Cantrell and Hagerty,1999).This micropo-rosity exists as microporous grains,microporous matrix,microporous fibrous to bladed cements,and microporous equant cements(Cantrell and Hagerty,1999).Microporous grains contribute the“most volumetrically significant microporosity type”in the Arab carbonates (Cantrell and Hagerty,1999).Micropores are observed in most skeletal and non-skeletal grain types.SEM examination reveals that microporosity within grains occurs as pores0.3to3.0μm in diameter and is highly interconnected by uniform-sized straight tubular to laminar pore throats as determined using epoxy pore casts(Cantrell and Hagerty,1999).Given the abundance of intragranular porosity in the Arab-D formation,microporous grains and,to a lesser extent, interparticle micropores are incorporated in the micromodel design.Microporosity has direct and indirect implications onfluidflow properties andfluid distribution.Microporosity is also relevant to wireline log interpretation in that calculations of producible water saturations are sometimes too high.For example,micropores are usuallyfilled with capillary-bound water while macropores arefilled with oil for mixed-wet reservoir rocks.This gives a high water satura-tion response and may lead to a decision of not producing the inter-val,even though most of the water is immobile and only the oil filling the macroporesflows(Petricola and Watfa,1995).According to Chilinger and Yen(1983),80%of carbonate oil reservoirs are oil-wet,while12%are intermediate-wet and8%are water-wet.Furthermore,literature on Arab-D carbonate wettability found that Arab-D rocks exhibit neutral to oil-wet properties(Clerke, 2009).3.MicromodelsA typical micromodel consists of a silicon wafer in which the image of a pore network is etched to a certain depth(say20μm)and bonded to a glass wafer(e.g.,Rangel-German and Kovscek,2006).The concept of developing micromodels has been around for decades,and most early micromodels were etched glass with uniform mesh pore geometry(Mattax and Kyte,1961).Due to the drawbacks of such micromodels including concave shaped pore walls during the etching process,a new technique was developed whereby a photoresist was used to coat the glass,a network pattern was exposed selectively removing the photoresist,and the glass was etched where the photore-sist was removed(Davis and Jones,1968).This technique showed better pore geometry representation(Chambers and Radke,1989).In cross section,however,this technique results in pores that are mainly eye shaped.The pore networks and structures incorporated into a micromodel are typically created in one of two ways:(1)by analyzing thin section images or(2)by process-based analysis.McKellar and Wardlaw (1982)used a photo-imaging technique of thin sections followed by chemical etching of glass to produce micromodels.Thefirst silicon micromodel replicated the pore body and throat sizes of a Berea sand-stone pore network(Hornbrook,et al.,1991).Currently,micromodels are made from silicon wafers and glass plates.The attraction of silicon is that the etching process is more controllable,more precise,and small-scale pore structures can be represented.This results in the ability to etch more complex and multifaceted pore network structures that are more similar to real pore structures found in reservoir rocks.3.1.Mask creationMicromodel fabrication starts by defining a base image that undergoes some digital modification to improve pore network connectivity and allow for seamless overlap of the edges.Once the base image is completed,it is used for mask preparation.The modi-fied base image serves as a unit cell that is repeated or arrayed to fill the pore network portion of the micromodel.The number of repeats used in the array depends upon the size of the base image as well as the desired size of the micromodel.In this case,a three by three matrix was used.The base image for our Arab-D proxy micromodel was collected using a JEOL JSM-5600LV SEM in BSE mode.An epoxy-impregnated thin section was imaged using overlapping views at a magnification of250×(Fig.1).Each SEM image is2048by1600pixels with a pixel size of0.235μm.The resulting composite or mosaicked image has dimensions of10,065by13,407pixels that represent a thin section area of2.4by3.15mm.The resulting image is135megapixels. The pixel size was increased later during the mask preparation due to resolution limitations of the mask makingsystem.Fig.1.Carbonate micromodel base image generated by creating a mosaic of SEM EDS gray scale images,250×.Black represents epoxy-filled pores and white represents rockmatrix.Fig.2.Example views from(a)carbonate micromodel base image and(b)modified bi-nary image.Red circles highlight where areas of incomplete epoxy impregnation were filled and pores isolated in2D were reconnected.Black(or gray)represents epoxy-filled pores and white represents rock matrix.28M.Buchgraber et al./Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering86–87(2012)27–38Once the mosaic was constructed,it was converted to a binary image.In BSE images,gray-scale values correlate to average atomic number values that provide contrast between mineral and epoxy-filled regions.Thresholding the gray scale values produces a binary image in which black pixels correspond to the epoxy-filled pores whereas the white pixels represent the rock matrix.Further modi fica-tions were performed by hand to correct areas of incomplete epoxy impregnation,reconnect pores isolated in the 2D image,and erase regions obstructed with pore-filling gypsum cements (Fig.2).In regions with incomplete impregnation,the areas are painted black for porosity unless particles intersect the uppermost plane of the thin section.Epoxy-filled pores that are isolated in the 2D base image are reconnected with throat-sizes derived from mercury injection data measured at pressures up to 33,000psi (not shown).The presence of epoxy in the isolated pores indicates that they are connected in 3D.Also,the edges of the base image were modi fied to allow for seamless overlap during the array process and ensure flow conductivity between the arrayed images.After the work of digitizing and modifying the base image was finished and the optimal array pattern had been selected,the mask preparation process continued.The base image was arrayed three times in both vertical and horizontal directions to fill a matrix area of 5by 5.3cm.Channels were added along the entire length of the inlet and production sides of the micromodel.These channels improve flow communication and provide a linear flow boundary condition rather than a point boundary condition.Each channel is connected to two ports that allow fluids to be either injected or pro-duced from the micromodel.The repeated pattern image was then used,essentially,to create a photographic negative picture depicted on a chrome glass mask.Only one mask is needed for producing an endless supply of micromodels.Complications arose due to machine limitations for writing the mask in that the system has a guaranteed minimum write dimension of 1.5μm whereas our smallest size in the base image is 0.235μm.This problem was overcome by converting the pixel size from 0.235μm to 1.5μm thereby retaining the heterogeneity and relativeabcFig.3.(a)Carbonate-based chrome-quartz mask with nine repeated base images,injection and production ports,and communication fractures or channels outlined in red;(b)SEM micrograph of etched silicon wafer at 1000×;(c)Typical flow direction schematic for micromodels.29M.Buchgraber et al./Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 86–87(2012)27–38pore size distribution compared to other options such as resampling.The base image will be used in the future when technology allows for the base image to be written such that it preserves its high resolution and matrix size.Fig.3shows the carbonate pore structure mask with the nine repeated base images with four ports (inlet and production)and the two flow-distribution channels as well as a flow direction schematic and an SEM image of the etched-silicon wafer.3.2.Micromodel fabricationMicromodel fabrication occurred at the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF).It has a clean room equipped with machines and tools used to fabricate micro and nano devices ( ).The fabrication process includes etching,cleaning,and bonding and it is presented schematically in Fig.4.The steps in the fabrication process are the same for each micromodel;only the duration of certain steps is changed depending on the desired etch depth.The imaging process begins by spin coating uniformly the type K-test silicon wafer with a Shipley 3612photoresist layer that is 2μm thick.One quality control action is to make sure that the wafers are dry and no moisture is present before the coating begins.If the wafers are suspected of being wet,they are “cooked ”for 20min at a temperature of 150°C in a singe oven.After the wafers are coated,the mask is placed over the wafer and the assembly is exposed to ultra-violet (UV)light.Then,the excess photoresist is removed and the wafers are ready to be etched.Hydro fluoric acid gasses etch the regions exposed to UV light to the desired depth.The micromo-dels used in this study have etch depths of 5,12,14,18,and 25μm;however,most experiments were completed with a 25μm±2μm depth.A special tool,known as the Zygo White-Light 3D Surface Pro filer,was used to verify the etching depths especially before depth sensitive measurements such as micromodel permeability.The Zygo has the ability to characterize and quantify the surface topographical characteristics.(Fig.5;/Equipment/EquipByName.html )After the wafers are etched,holes for the four ports used for the inlets and outlets are drilled through the wafer.Wafers then undergo an intensive cleaning process to make sure that noremainingabd e fFig.4.Micromodel fabrication process:(a)vapor prime HMDS coating,(b)photoresist coating (1.6μm),(c)contact alignment using themask,(d)developing,(e)etching,and (f)anodic bonding.Fig.5.Zygo pro filometry measurement for quality control:(a)top view and (b)side view.Negative values indicate etched channels.30M.Buchgraber et al./Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 86–87(2012)27–38photoresist and precipitated particles are present.To do so,the wafers are cleaned by immersing them in piranha,that is a heated solution consisting of sulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide(9:1 H2SO4:H2O2),for20min.The last step of the fabrication process is the bonding(Fig.4).At this stage,the silicon wafers are etched and depict a pore network structure,but they are open on the top.A wafer is bonded anodically to a500μm thick,opticallyflat,borosilicate(Pyrex)glass cover plate that has a similar thermal expansion coefficient as the silicon.To achieve this,a silicon wafer is placed on top of a temperature-controlled hot plate at700°F for30min.During heating,the silicon surfaces of the wafer are oxidized.Once heated,the glass plate is placed on the micromodel and a roughly1000V potential is applied to complete the bonding.More details of bonding are discussed else-where(George,1999;George et al.,2005).3.3.Wettability alterationNeinhuis and Barthlott(1997)showed that the hydrophobicity of a solid surface is governed by the chemical composition and micro-structure of the surface.In our attempt to change micromodel wettability from water to oil wet,we tried various techniques.One successful method adapted a process described by Rao et al.(2010) where the micromodel is immersed in a solution that is10%by volume of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide(C19H42BrN)in hexane solvent for24h.Heating then occurs at100°C and150°C for1h each.This technique needed somefine tuning to avoid foam formation and accumulation within the micromodel when water is injected and mixes with any residual solution.Foaming tends to plug the smallest pore throats.It was also noticed during testing that the wettability of a micro-model changed as a result of beingflooded with crude oil and aged with no initial water saturation.Presumably crude-oil components, such as asphaltenes and maltenes,adsorb to the solid thereby chang-ing wettability in the absence of an aqueous phase(Kovscek et al., 1993).Wettability alteration persisted from test to test provided that micromodels were not cleaned with toluene or other harsh solvents.In the event of cleaning,retreatment with crude oil reestab-lished oil-wet conditions.For both methods of wettability alteration,the technique used to observe the successfulness of the wettability alteration is visual analysis of the oil and water phase distributions at the pore-level under the microscope.Fig.6shows the micromodel with hydropho-bic surfaces.Water is lightly shaded and is found to be disconnected, trapped,and surrounded by continuous oil phase.These observationsare consistent with a surface that is oil wet(Kovscek et al.,1993). Given the somewhat simpler crude-oil treatment procedure,it was adopted as the method of choice for wettability alteration.4.Experimental apparatus and proceduresThis section provides a general overview of the tools,equipment, and procedures used to conductflow experiments.The experimental set-up typically includes a syringe pump,pressure vessels asfluid containers,and a digital video camera for recording images.A model100D Teledyne ISCO syringe pump was used either for water injection immediately to the micromodel or for pushing water into pressure-transfer vessels to displace thefluids inside the vessels.Only deionized water is ever placed in the pump.Thefluid transfer vessels used are steel piston and cylinders that are attached vertically to a holder for stability.Thefluid supply and production tubes used during the experiments are transparent1/8″Teflon that are attached to the vessels.The microscope is a Nikon Eclipse ME 600.A Sony HDR-CX150camcorder was mounted to the microscope using an adapter.Pictures and video were collected and then ana-lyzed using image analysis tools.4.1.Micromodel holderAll experiments were conducted in a pressure range of0to 130psi.Therefore,a regular low pressure micromodel holder was used.The holder provides a means to inject and producefluids through the ports incorporated in the micromodel.The micromodel holder consists of two aluminum plates.This micromodel holder has fourfluid entry and production ports that align with the ports on the micromodel.To seal properly the micromodel,O-rings are used around thefluid injection and production ports.The two halves of the holder are attached with eight screws.During the experiments,fluids are injected into the micromodel through one of the four ports.Fluidsfirstfill the port volumes as well as the O-ring pool before reaching the micromodel,thereby contributing some dead fluid volume.4.2.ProceduresBefore starting the experiment,both the micromodel and micro-model holder have to be cleaned.If a complete cleaning is needed, the process starts byflushing the micromodel and its holder with abFig.6.Wettability altered micromodel with(a)water bubbles trapped in oil and(b)oil film(circled)that is coating the grains.31M.Buchgraber et al./Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering86–87(2012)27–38isopropanol (IPA)at a constant pressure drop of 50psi.Then toluene is pumped also at constant pressure drop of 50psi until no signi ficant residual debris are noted.After that,CO 2is injected to get rid of tolu-ene.If after CO 2injection,toluene appears to still occupy some of the micromodel pore space,the micromodel is subjected to vacuum pump and a heat lamp to evaporate any remaining toluene.Water (or crude oil)was injected with a constant pressure drop of 10to 120psi into the micromodel in order to check if liquid completely filled the micromodel pore space.The micromodel is examined under the microscope at multiple locations until it is found to be 100%saturated.One aspect to note is that the water (or oil)injection time is extended for several hours after breakthrough to ensure no CO 2bubbles are present inside the pore space.Back pressure is increased slightly to drive CO 2into solution.Generally,it is found that either fluid (water or oil)is able to saturate fully a micromodel with the above procedure provided that the micromodel is well-etched and the quality control procedures were followed.4.3.Image analysisAll of the pictures collected throughout the experiments were an-alyzed using image analysis to determine the micromodel porosity,saturations,recovery factors,and flow patterns.The image analysis method is required because of dif ficulties associated with performing accurate material balance calculations.For example,the micromodel etched to 25μm with an average porosity of 46%has a pore volume (PV)of about 0.0294mL.Each of the four ports has a volume of about 0.1mL.Most of the volume of the micromodel is occupied by the four ports and the machined O-ring grooves.Any material balance calculation is,accordingly,dif ficult.In the image analysis method,the pore structure is divided into a de fined number of boxes,pictures are taken using the high resolution camera,and analysis is conducted using photostudio software.During our experiments,G.I.M.P.2.6.0,a photo editing software,was used ( )to convert the images to black and white based on a chosen threshold value between 0and 255for the composite color image.A frequency versus intensity plot and a preview image are utilized to de fine the threshold value.After setting the threshold,all pixels having a lower intensity are converted to black pixels and pixels having greater intensity are converted to white pixels.After-wards the histogram of the resulting black and white image is utilized to obtain the phase saturation.The threshold value is adjusted manually and its value is set by means of visual examination.It is important to choose the correct threshold value to get a representative and accurate calculation.Failing to choose a proper threshold value affects the image analysis accuracy.For instance,Fig.7shows a comparison of an original image that was converted to black and white with two different threshold values.The porosity obtained changes correspondingly.The intensity versus frequency graphs show two humps where the left hump represents the high intensity pixels (oil)and the hump on the right side represents the low intensity pixels (water and grains).5.Characterization resultsThe new micromodels were subjected to a variety of petrophysi-cal characterization tests of increasing complexity.Porosity and permeability were examined first.These were followed by tests ex-amining the connectivity and multiphase flow properties of the micromodel.Color IntensityF r e q u e n c yc.)b.)a b cd100 µmFig.7.(a)Black (grains)and white (voids)image in RGB mode;(b)Transformed black and white image with appropriate threshold value of 146and a porosity of 40.5%;(c)Trans-formed black and white image with inappropriate threshold of 153and a porosity of 38%;(d)Color intensity histogram of RGB picture with different threshold values of 146(b)and 153(c).32M.Buchgraber et al./Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 86–87(2012)27–385.1.PorosityThe base image and the etched silicon wafer both have essential-ly an equal porosity of 45.5%,where pore structures equal to and smaller than 21μm comprise about 25%of the total pore volume.As part of quality control procedures,micromodel porosities were measured to make sure that they exhibit good correlation with the mask ually,micromodel porosity values determined by image analysis differ from mask porosity values.This discrepancy occurs because of the shadowing effects of the grains (Buchgraber et al.,2011).The shadowing effect tends to increase the number of the black pixels that then changes the porosity obtained.In order to remove the shadow effect,the carbonate micromodel was fully saturated with crude oil,the micromodel was illuminated with UV light,and pictures were taken for nine different positions inside one of the repeated patterns.The crude oil fluoresces under UV light providing excellent illumination and negates the shadowing effects observed under plain light.Eight pictures were taken and analyzed.The corresponding porosities averaged to 46%.As a result of being a dual-porosity carbonate micromodel,some areas exhibit very low porosity of 11%compared to some areas that exhibit high porosity values up to 74%(Fig.8).This is a clear indication of dual porosity.5.2.PermeabilityOne of the most important petrophysical properties to be determined for the carbonate micromodel is permeability.Several experiments were conducted to determine the micromodel perme-ability for different etching depths (4,12,14,18,and 25μm).Thepermeability was interpreted using single-phase Darcy's law for in-compressible (Eq.(1))and compressible (Eq.(2))flows,respectively:k ¼q μL A p 1−p 2ðÞð1Þk ¼2q μLp b A p 21−p 22ÀÁ:ð2ÞThe experiments conducted to determine the permeability were done by one or two of the following approaches:(1)The micromodel was flooded with distilled water at constantpressure and the corresponding flow rates measured;or,steady-state flow rates were imposed and corresponding pressure drop.(2)The micromodel was flooded with CO 2gas at various injectionpressures and the corresponding flow rates measured via a bubble flow meter.(3)The permeability value of each etching depth was averagedand plotted as shown in Fig.9.The standard deviation of each measurement is about 35mD.5.3.Tracer testA tracer test with water and water containing a UV-sensitive dye was performed in order to evaluate the main transport channels and check for complete access of injected fluid to all pore spaces.The model was first 100%saturated with distilled water and after-wards flooded with UV dyed water.As expected in a dual-porosity system,the larger interconnected pores that contribute most to the100 µm10 µm100 µmabFig.8.Carbonate micromodel black (grains)and white (voids)images for two different regions that exhibit a wide range of porosity values,(a)regions of intragranular micropo-rosity exist with 12%porosity,and (b)very porous areas with 74%porosity.33M.Buchgraber et al./Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 86–87(2012)27–38。
Preparation and characterization of polysulfoneammonia-functionalized graphene oxide composite
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https:///publication/275408575 Preparation and characterization of polysulfone/ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide composite membrane materialARTICLE in HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS · MARCH 2015Impact Factor: 1.29 · DOI: 10.1177/0954008315576233READS884 AUTHORS, INCLUDING:Livia Elena CricaPolytechnic University of Bucharest 11 PUBLICATIONS 56 CITATIONSSEE PROFILE Alexandru Cosmin ObrejaNational Institute for Research and Develo…27 PUBLICATIONS 51 CITATIONSSEE PROFILEAvailable from: Livia Elena CricaRetrieved on: 05 March 2016Original ArticlePreparation and characterization ofpolysulfone/ammonia-functionalizedgraphene oxide compositemembrane materialMariana Ionita1,Andreea Madalina Pandele1,Livia Elena Crica1and Alexandru Cosmin Obreja2AbstractThe study highlights the first use of ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide(GO-NH2)as an additive to enhance the features of polysulfone(PSF)posite membrane materials with different ratios of GO-NH2(0.25,0.5,1,and 1.5wt%)were obtained by phase inversion method.Subsequently structural and morphological characteristics were investigated by Raman spectroscopy,X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning,and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). Lastly,mechanical and thermogravimetric studies were performed in order to establish whether GO-NH2addition influenced PSF/GO-NH2composite material performance.Raman spectroscopy,XRD,and TEM revealed evenly dis-persed GO-NH2within PSF/GO-NH2composite membrane material forming exfoliated structures for lower concen-tration of GO-NH2.An enhancement in both mechanical and thermal characteristics was attained.The decomposition temperature at which the mass loss is3%,of the composite membrane material with1wt%GO-NH2was increased with 7 C.Conversely,an increase in Young’s modulus from246MPa to285MPa was achieved with the addition of1wt%GO-NH2within the PSF matrix.KeywordsPolysulfone,ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide,nanocomposite,membrane material,mechanical strengthIntroductionLately,significant attention has been directed toward the development of breakthrough separation membranes espe-cially for nanoscience applications.1Numerous studies pro-posed new separation systems,that is,porous polymeric composite membranes prepared using various nanoparticle incorporation strategies.The structure of the obtained membranes is governed by the physical and chemical prop-erties of the nanoparticles,polymer matrix,and method of nanoparticle incorporation.2–5One of the most common materials used in the prepara-tion of polymer and nanocomposite membranes is polysul-fone(PSF),which forms porous asymmetric structures, characterized by good mechanical,thermal,and chemical stability.2,3In recent years,in order to modulate PSF proper-ties and match these to certain application different combi-nations of filler/PSF were proposed.Adding TiO2or SiO2 to PSF showed an increase of skin layer thickness of the membrane and suppressed macrovoids formation while add-ing zirconium dioxide induced higher surface porosity.4–6Carbonaceous fillers were also used to prepare nanocom-posite membranes.7,8PSF was embedded with multiwall carbon nanotubes7or graphene oxide(GO).8Multiwall carbon nanotubes produce a pronounced change in mem-brane surface roughness and an increase of membrane porosity.7Whereas,GO generated simultaneous increase of porous and macrovoids dimension and slight impro-vement of thermal and mechanical features.8Zhao et al. fabricated PSF/isocyanate-treated GO with improved antifouling property due to excellent compatibility of the two components of the system.9Graphene materials 1Advanced Polymer Materials Group,University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest,Romania2National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, Judetul Ilfov,RomaniaCorresponding author:Mariana Ionita,Advanced Polymer Materials Group,University Politehnica of Bucharest,Gh Polizu1-7,Bucharest011061,Romania.Email:mariana.ionita@polimi.itHigh Performance Polymers1–8ªThe Author(s)2015Reprints and permission:/journalsPermissions.navDOI:10.1177/0954008315576233possess astonishing properties such as large specific area and high electrical,thermal,and mechanical perfor-mances.10Yet taking full advantage of graphene excellent properties is restrained due to its agglomeration tendency and lack of interfacial bonding between the graphene sheets and the polymer chain.The results of the studies published to-date strongly imply that the affinity of the fil-ler material for the polymer matrix plays a crucial role in preparing composite materials with desirable properties.8Ionita et al.prepared GO-loaded PSF with the objective of producing improved membrane materials.8The lack of GO–polymer interface bonding and GO tendency to agglomerate at concentration higher than 1wt %generated a moderate improvement of membrane material features.In the current work,we assume that by using graphene fil-ler such as ammonia-functionalized GO (GO-NH 2),which presents the carbon hexagonal ordered network with dif-ferent defects from place to place decorated with chemical functionalities,hydroxyl (–OH),carboxyl (–COOH),epoxy (C–O–C),carbonyl (C ¼O),and amine (–NH 2)enable better dispersion and further embedding of the nanofiller within the polymer matrix.On the other hand,the presence of hydrophilic chemical groups could reduce the hydrophobic feature of the PSF and therefore fouling of the final membrane.Figure 1offers an illustrative model of GO-NH 2structure.This study is aimed at the production of PSF,incorpor-ating GO-NH 2composite membrane materials and to understand how the presence and content of GO-NH 2influ-ence the structure,morphology,thermal,and mechanical features of the nanocomposite membrane material.Phase inversion method was used for the membrane preparation.Structural investigation methods,such as,Raman spectro-scopy,X-ray diffraction (XRD),and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)were used for the bulk characterization.In order to assess surface and cross-section morphology of composite membranes,scanning electron microscopy (SEM)was employed.Eventually,mechanical and thermal investigations were executed.Experimental MaterialsGO-NH 2,PSF with molecular weight of approximately 35,000,N ,N 0-dimethylformamide (DMF)(99%purity),and absolute ethanol (99.8%purity)used in these experiments were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St.Louis,Missouri,USA).The water used was ultrapure supplied by a commer-cial ultrapure water system.Fabrication of PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materialThe first step in the fabrication of PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials with various concentrations of GO-NH 2(0.25,0.5,1,and 1.5wt %)was the preparation of 15wt %PSF solution,by dissolving a certain quantity of PSF pellets in DMF solvent under constant stirring,at approximately 70 C for 48h.Secondly,according to the percentage of reinforcing agent,distinct amounts of GO-NH 2were dispersed within the polymer solution,initially by magnetic stirring for 1h and afterwards by sonication (20KHz)for 3h.Subsequently,the obtained solutions were poured on a glass plate that was immersed in a non-solvent mixture of 3:1v/v ethanol/distilled water.After the phase inversion was achieved,the membranes were peeled off from the glass support and kept in distilled water,to ensure the removal of DMF residues.8,11Figure 1.Illustration of GO-NH 2.GO-NH 2:ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide.2High Performance PolymersCharacterization of PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materialRaman spectroscopy studies were accomplished using a DXR Raman Microscope from Thermo Scientific (Wal-tham,Massachusetts,USA),with a 633nm laser line,at a total number of 10scans.XRD was carried out with the aim of determining the structural features of materials.A PanalyticalX’Pert Pro MPD instrument (Netherlands)employing copper K radiation was used.The measurements were performed at room temperature.TEM analysis was performed for GO-NH 2and PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials on a High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope TECNAI F30G2STWIN,EELS-FEI Company,with 1A˚line resolution,coupled with HAADF and EDAX.The samples for TEM investigation were prepared by the subsequent route:small pieces of the composite material were embedded within an Epoxy resin (D.E.R.332with epoxide equivalent weight of 178,of high purity and lack of polymer)fractions,cut on microtome,transferred to a copper grid,and covered with a thin amorphous carbon film with holes.The morphology of surface and fractured surface of the PSF and PSF/GO-NH 2composite materials was examined using a QUANTA INSPECT F High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope,FEG-FEI Company,equipped with a field emission gun of 1.4nm resolution and with an energy dispersion X-Ray Spectrometer with a resolutionof 133eV at MnK .Samples were freeze fractured in liquid nitrogen and then coated by a layer of gold.The thermal behavior of the probes was evaluated through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)in nitrogen atmosphere at temperatures starting from room temperature to 800 C,with a heating rate of 10 C min À1,on a Q500TA Instruments equipment (New Castle,Delaware,USA).Lastly,mechanical behavior of the materials was studied by testing under tensile stress,in conditions of relative humidity at about 45–50%and a speed of 2mm min À1,using a universal mechanical tester (Model 3382;Instron,Norwood,Massachusetts,USA).A total number of seven specimens per sample were tested and each one had the length of 10cm and the width of 1cm.The tabulated results are average values of the measurements.Results and discussion Raman spectroscopy studiesRaman spectroscopy was employed for the characterization of the synthesized materials with respect to the occurrence of GO-NH 2sheets within the PSF matrix.Figure 2illustrates the Raman spectra of GO-NH 2,PSF,and PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials with each GO-NH 2loading.The GO-NH 2spectrum contains two prominent peaks at approximately 1600and 1325cm À1,ascribed to the graphi-tic sites (G)and disordered structures (D),respectively.Therefore G band is generated by the sp2carbons withintheFigure 2.Raman spectra of (a)PSF,(b)GO-NH 2,PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane material with (c)0.25wt%GO-NH 2content,(d)0.5wt%GO-NH 2content,(e)1wt%GO-NH 2content,and (f)1.5wt%GO-NH 2content.PSF:polysulfone;GO-NH 2:ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide.Ionita et al.3ordered honeycomb-like network of GO-NH 2,while the D band is shaped due to the carbons out of order,involved in defective structures,edges,or sp3bonds.10,12The PSF spectrum is composed of four main peaks situ-ated at approximately 790,1140,1580,and 3065cm À1,correlated to the asymmetric C–S–C,asymmetric C–O–C vibrations,aromatic ring chain vibrations,and C–H vibra-tion,respectively.13,14The Raman spectra of the four com-posites gather both the PSF and GO-NH 2characteristic peaks,with no involving of shifted peaks.Moreover,it can be observed that the G band of GO-NH 2is overlapped by the PSF peak located at approximately 1580cm À1,while the D band clearly appears within composite materials’spectra.Thus Raman spectroscopy indicated the presence of GO-NH 2within the composite membrane materials.XRD studiesXRD analysis was further employed to identify possible structural variations within the samples.Figure 3shows the XRD spectra of GO-NH 2,PSF,and the PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials.From GO-NH 2XRD spectrum,it seems that the presence of ammine groups does not produce any change to the structure of GO,for which the XRD pattern maintains its specific diffraction peak at about 2 ¼11.15The XRD spectrum of the PSF shows a wide,weak diffraction peak located at a 2 value of approximately 17 indicating an almost amorphous structure for PSF.The XRD pattern of the composite membrane material with 0.25wt %showed similar characteristic peaks as pure PSF,with a peak located at about a 2 value of approximately 17 .16A slight broadening of the peak was observed,whichindicates that incorporation of GO-NH 2within the PSF matrix causes a slight increase of polymer chain disor-der,therefore a more amorphous structure for the com-posite membrane materials.The lack of the GO characteristic diffraction peak from the PSF/GO-NH 20.25wt %spectrum could be associated to good disper-sion of GO-NH 2within the PSF.The XRD spectra of the PSF/GO-NH 2composites with higher GO-NH 2con-tent show two diffraction peaks located at 2 values around 6 and 17 .The broad peak centered at 2 ¼17 is characteristic to PSF structure.While the weak diffraction peak at about approximately 2 ¼6 is asso-ciated with GO-NH 2.The shifting toward lower angle val-ues is believed to be generated by the increases of GO-NH 2interlayer spacing,which could take place due to for-mation of intercalated structure PSF-GO-NH 2or alteration of GO-NH 2structure due to ultrasonication treatment.Transmission electron microscopyIn order to visualize the GO-NH 2dispersion,TEM inves-tigation was performed.Figure 4(a)shows a typical image of GO-NH 2sheets dispersed within DMF organic solvent by ultrasonication cure.GO-NH 2displaying folding mor-phology is believed to be characteristic for individual sheets,thus we may say that GO-NH 2flakes were success-fully dispersed.Analogous type of morphology was previ-ously reported for single-layer GO by Ganesh et al.17The homogenous dispersion of GO-NH 2could be observed also in the fabricated PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials (Figure 4(b)).There was just slight sign of GO-NH 2aggregation within samples with low GO-NH 2con-tent (Figure 4(c)).As the GO-NH 2content became higher some areas of small GO-NH 2stacks (Figure 4(d))were noticed.This observation is well supported by XRD results wherein the spectral characteristic for the compo-site membranes with higher (1.5wt %)GO-NH 2content has exhibited a weak peak associated with GO-NH 2stacks.TEM study did not indicate the formation of strong bond at the interface of GO-NH 2sheets and PSF.Morphological studiesSEM images revealed for PSF and PSF/GO-NH 2compo-site membrane materials the characteristic asymmetric structure (Figure 5(a)),with a dense surface (skin layer)followed by macrovoids and porous structure (support layer)typical of PSF prepared by phase inversion parable morphology was reported earlier by Ionita et al.for similar materials,that is,PSF/GO composite materials,obtained by the same fabrication method.8The skin layer surface of PSF and PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials is porous with well-defined pores and typical pore sizes of about 1and 0.5m m.The skin layer features (thickness and surface porosity)remainedFigure 3.XRD patterns of GO-NH 2,PSF,and PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials.XRD:X-ray diffraction;PSF:polysulfone;GO-NH 2:ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide.4High Performance Polymersunchanged with GO-NH 2addition.There was no signifi-cant difference in terms of neither pore diameters nor thickness of skin layer,but a slight smoothing and homo-genization tendency of pore was observed with GO-NH 2addition.A change in the macrovoid morphology was observed with GO-NH 2incorporation within PSF matrix.Pure PSF and PSF/GO-NH 2composite membranes with higher GO-NH 2concentration displayed similar morphol-ogy with macrovoids oriented oblique on membrane sur-face,while for the composite membranes with 0.25and 0.5wt %GO-NH 2the macrovoinds tend to be perpendicu-lar on membrane surface (Figure 5(b)).Thermal studiesAll the TGA curves present similar trends,describing a single degradation step (Figure 6).The relatively constant weights of the samples at temperatures below 500 C can be assigned to the high volatility of the solvent,almost entirely removed during the fabrication of the membrane materials,and to the high hydrophobicity of the PSF that hindered water absorption.16Conversely,the weight loss observed for the temperatures below 500 C might be alsoassigned to the degradation of functional groups existent on graphene surface.Important weight loss was generated by the degradation of the PSF,which took place at temperatures between 500 C and 600 C.Conversely,the decomposition temperature at which the mass loss is 3%(Td 3%)is influenced by the presence of GO-NH 2in the system (Table 1).Td 3%increased by about 7 C in the case of the composite with 1wt %GO-NH 2added to the PSF matrix and then decreased to a value similar to that of pure polymer as the GO-NH 2amount added to PSF matrix increase to 1.5%.In contrary to our expectations,the presence of GO-NH 2sheets into polymer matrix did not produce significant differences in thermal stability of the composite membranes.It is the opinion of the authors that GO-NH 2cannot affect significantly the thermal behavior of polymer matrix;on the one hand,it is widely believed that nanoparticles confer a positive shift in thermal stability when the nanoparticles strongly interact with the polymer matrix and on the other hand the polymer possesses already an excellent thermal stability.Conversely,TGA curves exhibit that composite material PSF/GO-NH 2undergoes mass loss higher than that of pure PSF (Table 1).Further-more,the mass loss is a function of GO-NH 2amount;Figure 4.(a)TEM image of GO-NH 2sheet dispersed in DMF,TEM image of (b)and (c)PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane material with 0.5wt%GO-NH 2,(d)PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane material with 1.5wt%GO-NH 2.TEM:transmission electron micro-scopy;GO-NH 2:ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide;DMF:N ,N 0-dimethylformamide;PSF:polysulfone.Ionita et al.5as GO-NH 2amount increases an increase of a mass loss of the composite material was observed.Phenomenon associated to good thermal conductivity GO enhances the heat diffusion within polymer matrix,which results in faster degradation of the polymer.The GO-NH 2creates degradation centers and so the degradation of the polymer increases with increasing the GO-NH 2amount.Mechanical propertiesFurther on,samples were tested by applying traction forces and results,elastic modulus,and tensile strength are sum-marized in Table 1.Figure 7illustrates stress and strain curves.The elastic modulus and tensile strength values reported in Table 1are mediated values of seven measure-ments per material.It is evident that addition of GO-NH 2does not have a profound effect on tensile properties.The highest gain in tensile strength and Young’s modules from 5.12MPa to 5.96MPa and from 246MPa to 285MPa is obtained for GO-NH 2loading of 1wt %.Higher concentration of GO-NH 2(1.5wt %)leads to a slight decrease of both tensile strength and Young’s modules (Table 1).The aforemen-tioned results can be interpreted by considering the XRD and TEM results.The initial increase in Young’s modulus and tensile strength for PSF up to 1wt %GO-NH 2incorpo-rated is produced by the reinforcing effect of GO-NH 2andon the virtue of homogeneous dispersion.Conversely,the decrease of tensile properties for higher amount of GO-NH 2added to PSF may be ascribed to a slight increase in the aggregation of GO-NH 2as verified by TEM and XRD.Generally,the outcomes of tensile tests indicate that the mechanical properties of PSF/GO-NH 2nanocompositeFigure 5.SEM images of cross section of (a)PSF;(b)PSF/GO-NH 2(0.25wt%);(c)PSF/GO-NH 2(1.5wt%);(d)surface of porous layer of PSF;(e)PSF/GO-NH 2(0.25wt%);and (f)PSF/GO-NH 2(1.5wt%).SEM:scanning electron microscopy;PSF:polysulfone;GO-NH 2:ammonia-functionalized grapheneoxide.Figure 6.TGA curves for pure PSF and PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials.TGA:thermogravimetric analysis;PSF:polysulfone;GO-NH 2:ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide.6High Performance Polymersmembrane materials are slightly improved in comparison to the neat PSF.The slight effect achieved on mechanical properties with GO-NH 2addition is assigned to the lack of strong interaction between the GO-NH 2and PSF matrix;therefore,the GO-NH 2is not acting as network support to transfer local stress to all PSF polymer chains while the negative outcome attained for the composite PSF/GO-NH 21.5wt %could be assigned to the presence of the GO-NH 2stakes that favor harmful concentration of stress.18Shojaee et al.previously studied graphene platelets incorporation within an epoxy resin and reported similar results in their studies,where an increase in modulus,strength and fracture toughness was achieved by 0.125wt %filling,whereas at higher concentrations a decrease of the composites mechanical performances was caused by plate-lets clustering.19,20On the other hand,the mechanical properties of the composite membrane materials could be affected also by the crystallinity,known as an important factor for the enhancement of tensile properties of the polymers.21,22This fact is well supported by our XRD observation,which revealed that GO-NH 2addition produce a slight decrease of structural order of the PSF.Previous studies revealed that bond formation at the interface of graphene sheets and polymer contributes to the adsorption of polymer chainon graphene surface and leads to the formation of more ordered structure (crystalline).14Based on the presented results,it is reasonable to conclude that simple incorpora-tion GO-NH 2within PSF matrix plays a minor role in deter-mining structure,morphology,mechanical,and thermal properties.The current study demonstrated that even if dis-persion of GO-NH 2into individual sheets is an important challenge in the fabrication of nanocomposites,it is worth nothing if there is poor adhesion between GO-NH 2and PSF chains.A more effective routine would involve generating good interfacial adhesion between the GO-NH 2and PSF matrix,which would induce an enhancement of mechanical and thermal properties.14ConclusionsNovel PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials were produced by phase inversion method.The presence of GO-NH 2within the resulting composites was evidenced by Raman spectroscopy.Dispersion of GO-NH 2was assured by applying sonication treatment to PSF/GO-NH 2solution.GO-NH 2sheets were evenly dispersed within PSF/GO-NH 2composites forming exfoliated structures for GO-NH 2concentration lower than 0.5wt %as indicated by XRD and TEM.As GO-NH 2concentration increase to 1and 1.5wt %,the dispersion was more difficult,as evidenced by the occur-rence of regions of intercalated and exfoliated structures according to XRD analysis.Furthermore,TEM analysis indicated the formation of GO-NH 2aggregates.Significant changes in the pore size and porosity of the materials were not observed with GO-NH 2addition.A slight smoothing tendency of pore and changes in macro-void orientation,which tend to be perpendicular on mem-brane surface,was noticed particularly for lower GO-NH 2concentrations.The composite films present similar thermal stability,the highest improvement was obtained by incorporation of 1wt %GO-NH 2within the PSF matrix,which leads to an increase of Td 3%with about 7 C.PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials with low content of GO-NH 2(0.25,0.5,and 1wt %)display enhanced tensile modulus and tensile strength with respect to neat PSF.Further addition of GO-NH 2within the PSF matrix was unfavorable,because of poor dispersion leading to largeTable 1.Mechanical and thermal properties of PSF and PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials.Sample GO-NH 2content (wt%)Td 3%( C)Mass loss a (%)Young’s modulus (MPa)Tensile strength (MPa)PSF048970246+24 5.12+0.73PSF/GO-NH 20.2549172280+19 5.84+0.29PSF/GO-NH 20.549172280+23 5.35+0.43PSF/GO-NH 2149675285+28 5.96+0.52PSF/GO-NH 21.548879277+75.43+0.35PSF:polysulfone;GO-NH 2:ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide;Td 3%:the temperature at which the mass loss is 3%.aMass loss at 800C.Figure 7.Typical stress–strain curves of PSF and PSF/GO-NH 2composite membrane materials.PSF:polysulfone;GO-NH 2:ammonia-functionalized graphene oxide.Ionita et al.7agglomerates that serve as defect initiation sites within mate-rial and result in a reduction of mechanical properties.FundingThis work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research,Executive Agency for Higher Education,Research,Development and Innovation;project num-ber PN-II-TE-17/26.04.2013.References1.Ahn J,Chung WJ,Pinnau I,et 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发表演讲前准备的英语作文英文回答:Preparation for a Speech.When preparing for a speech, there are several key steps to consider:1. Know Your Audience: Understand who you are speaking to, their interests, knowledge level, and perspectives. This will help you tailor your message and connect with them.2. Craft a Compelling Message: Determine the main points you want to convey, and structure your speech with a clear introduction, supporting body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion.3. Research and Gather Evidence: Support your claims with credible evidence from research, studies, or personalexperiences. This will enhance your credibility and make your arguments persuasive.4. Practice and Rehearse: Rehearse your speech multiple times to ensure you are comfortable with the content and presentation. Practice in front of a mirror or with a supportive friend to gain feedback and improve delivery.5. Visual and Technological Aids: Consider using visual aids such as slides, videos, or props to enhance your presentation and make it more engaging. Ensure that your technology is set up and working properly before the speech.6. Vocal and Physical Delivery: Pay attention to your vocal projection, pacing, and body language. Use gestures, eye contact, and movement to connect with your audience and convey confidence.7. Handle Questions and Feedback: Prepare yourself for potential questions or challenges from the audience. Listen attentively and respond thoughtfully, while maintaining a professional and respectful demeanor.中文回答:演讲前的准备。
·生物基水性聚氨酯·生物基可降解水性聚氨酯的制备、表征及性能调控李婷1 冯见艳1,*陈欣1 阚成友2(1. 陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院,轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心,陕西西安,710021;2. 清华大学化学工程系,北京,100084)摘要: 使用内乳化法分别制备聚乳酸基水性聚氨酯(PLA -WPU )与聚己内酯基水性聚氨酯(PCL -WPU ),然后将PCL -WPU 与PLA -WPU 进行物理共混,制备生物基可降解水性聚氨酯(PLA -WPU -PCL X )。
结果表明,当PCL -WPU 含量30%时,制备的PLA -WPU -PCL30综合性能较好,结晶性能较纯PLA -WPU 与PCL -WPU 有明显提升,拉伸强度达22.2 MPa ,断裂伸长率为540%,初始热分解温度为290.5 ℃,堆肥降解14天后质量损失率为2.4%。
对纸张表面进行施胶,施胶后的纸张接触角由99°提升至112°;与淀粉施胶相比,PLA -WPU -PCL30质量分数5%时,纸张施胶度由16 s 增加至71 s ,Cobb 值由68.4 g/m 2降低至44.7 g/m 2,抗张强度由4.6 kN/m 提升至5.4 kN/m ,撕裂指数由1.32 mN·m 2/g 提升至1.42 mN·m 2/g ,耐破度由235 kPa 提升至273 kPa ,耐折度由55次提升至146次。
关键词:聚乳酸;性能可调控;可生物降解;水性聚氨酯中图分类号:TS727+.5 文献标识码:A DOI :10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2023.04.009Preparation, Characterization, and Performance Regulation of Bio -basedDegradable Waterborne PolyurethanesLI Ting 1 FENG Jianyan 1,*CHEN Xin 1 KAN Chengyou 2(1.National Demonstration Center for Experimental Light Chemistry Engineering Education , College of Bioresources Chemical and Materials Engineering , Shaanxi University of Science and Technology , Xi ’an , Shaanxi Province , 710021; 2.Department of Chemical Engineering ,Tsinghua University , Beijing , 100084)(*E -mail :fengjianyan2008@ )Abstract : Polylactic acid (PLA )-based waterborne polyurethane (PLA -WPU ) and polycaprolactone (PCL )-based waterborne polyurethane (PCL -WPU ) were first prepared by internal emulsification , respectively , and then the bio -based degradable waterborne polyurethane emulsion(PLA -WPU -PCL X ) was prepared by physical blending of PCL -WPU and PLA -WPU. The results showed that when the PCL -WPU content was 30%, the comprehensive performance of the prepared PLA -WPU -PCL30 was better , the crystallization performance was significantly improvedcompared with pure PLA -WPU and PCL -WPU , the tensile strength reached 22.2 MPa , the elongation at break was 540%, the initial thermaldecomposition temperature was 290.5 ℃,and the mass loss rate after 14 days of compost degradation was 2.4%. After surface sizing , the con⁃tact angle of the paper increased from 99° to 112°. Compared with starch sizing ,when the dosage of PLA -WPU -PCL30 was 5%, the paper sizing degree increased from 16 s to 71 s , the Cobb value decreased from 68.4 g/m 2 to 44.7 g/m 2, the tensile strength increased from 4.6 kN/m to 5.4 kN/m , the tear index increased from 1.32 mN ·m 2/g to 1.42 mN ·m 2/g ,the bursting strength increased from 235 kPa to 273 kPa , and the folding endurance increased from 55 times to 146 times.Key words : PLA ; performance adjustable ; biodegradable ; WPU水性聚氨酯(WPU )具有分子结构灵活性、良好的耐疲劳性、柔韧性及较低挥发性有机化合物(VOC )排放等优势。
Preparation and Characterization of a Novel
ORIGINAL ARTICLEPreparation and Characterization of a NovelExtracellular Polysaccharide with Antioxidant Activity,from the Mangrove-Associated Fungus Fusarium oxysporumYan-Li Chen &Wen-Jun Mao &Hong-Wen Tao &Wei-Ming Zhu &Meng-Xia Yan &Xue Liu &Tian-Tian Guo &Tao GuoReceived:1August 2013/Accepted:7January 2015/Published online:28January 2015#Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015Abstract Marine fungi are recognized as an abundant source of extracellular polysaccharides with novel structures.Mangrove fungi constitute the second largest ecological group of the marine fungi,and many of them are new or inadequate-ly described species and may produce extracellular polysac-charides with novel functions and structures that could be explored as a source of useful polymers.The mangrove-associated fungus Fusarium oxysporum produces an extracel-lular polysaccharide,Fw-1,when grown in potato dextrose-agar medium.The homogeneous Fw-1was isolated from the fermented broth by a combination of ethanol precipitation,ion-exchange,and gel filtration chromatography.Chemical and spectroscopic analyses,including one-and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies showed that Fw-1consisted of galactose,glucose,and man-nose in a molar ratio of 1.33:1.33:1.00,and its molecular weight was about 61.2kDa.The structure of Fw-1contains a backbone of (1→6)-linked β-D -galactofuranose residues with multiple side chains.The branches consist of terminal α-D -glucopyranose residues,or short chains containing (1→2)-linked α-D -glucopyranose,(1→2)-linked β-D -mannopyranose,and terminal β-D -mannopyranose residues.The side chains are connected to C-2of galactofuranose res-idues of backbone.The antioxidant activity of Fw-1was eval-uated with the scavenging abilities on hydroxyl,superoxide,and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals in vitro,and the results indicated that Fw-1possessed good antioxidant activ-ity,especially the scavenging ability on hydroxyl radicals.Theinvestigation demonstrated that Fw-1is a novel galactofuranose-containing polysaccharide with different structural characteristics from extracellular polysaccharides from other marine microorganisms and could be a potential source of antioxidant.Keywords Mangrove-associated fungus .Fusarium oxysporum .Extracellular polysaccharide .Preparation .Characterization .Antioxidant activityIntroductionMangroves grow in saline coastal sediment habitats in the tropics and subtropics harboring a great diversity of marine fungi (Shearer et al.2007).Mangrove fungi constitute the second largest ecological group of the marine fungi and may produce chemicals with novel functions and structures (Kobayashi and Tsuda 2004).Fungi often produce extracellu-lar polysaccharides that are secreted into the growth media or remain tightly attached to the cell surface (Seviour et al.1992).The research on extracellular polysaccharides from marine fungi is attempted for providing polysaccharide with novel functions and structures (Chen et al.2012;Sun et al.2011).The extracellular polysaccharides produced by marine fungi become an important research area in new drug discovery and show enormous development prospects (Kanekiyo et al.2005).Polysaccharides with hexofuranose units are of interest be-cause of their unique structures and specific properties (Leal et al.2010).The investigations showed that galactose is the most widespread hexose in furanose form in naturally occur-ring polysaccharides (Pedersen and Turco 2003;Peltier et al.2008).The galactofuranose-containing extracellularY .<L.Chen :W.<J.Mao (*):H.<W.Tao :W.<M.Zhu :M.<X.Yan :X.Liu :T.<T.Guo :T.GuoKey Laboratory of Marine Drugs,Ministry of Education,Institute of Marine Drugs and Foods,Ocean University of China,5Yushan Road,Qingdao 266003,People ’s Republic of China e-mail:wenjunmqd@Mar Biotechnol (2015)17:219–228DOI 10.1007/s10126-015-9611-6polysaccharides with novel structural characteristics have been isolated from the fermented broth or cell walls of some microorganisms(Gander et al.1974;Ikuta et al.1997;Latgéet al.1994;Unkefer and Gander1990).With today’s interest in new renewable sources of polymers,the galactofuranose-containing extracellular polysaccharides represent potential source to be explored.However,the galactofuranose-containing extracellular polysaccharides from marine fungi have not yet been fully studied.In the current study,a novel galactofuranose-containing extracellular polysaccharide was isolated from the fermented broth of the mangrove-associated fungus Fusarium oxysporum by a combination of ethanol precipitation,ion-exchange,and gel filtration chroma-tography,and its structural characterization was investigated using chemical and spectroscopic methods,including one-and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance(1D and 2D NMR)spectroscopic analyses.The antioxidant activity of the extracellular polysaccharide was also evaluated by scavenging assays involving hydroxyl,superoxide,and1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH)radicals.Materials and MethodsMaterialsMonosaccharides(D-glucose,L-rhamnose,D-xylose,L-arabi-nose,D-mannose,L-fucose,D-galactose,D-glucuronic acid,D-galacturonic acid,D-mannuronic acid,N-acetyl-β-D-glucos-amine),1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl,trifluoroacetic acid, thiobarbituric acid,trichloroacetic acid,and1-phenyl-3-meth-yl-5-pyrazolone were from Sigma-Aldrich(St.Louis,MO, USA).Pullulan standards(Mw=344,200,107,47.1,21.2, and9.6kDa)were from the Showa Denko K.K.(Tokyo, Japan).Q Sepharose Fast Flow and Sephacryl S-100were from GE healthcare(Piscataway,NJ,USA).Dialysis mem-branes(flat width,44mm;molecular weight cut-off,3500) were from Lvniao(Yantai,China).Microbial Strain and Culture ConditionsThe marine fungus F.oxysporum was isolated from fresh leaves of Ipomoea pes-caprae(Linn.)collected from South Sea,China.It was identified according to its morphological characteristics and18S rRNA sequences,and the accession number of Genbank was JN604549.Briefly,the fungus was cultivated in the liquid medium containing yeast extract(3g/ L),peptone(5g/L),glucose(20g/L),malt extract(3g/L),sea salt(24.4g/L),KH2PO4(0.5g/L),NH4Cl(0.5g/L),pH6.0–6.5,at25°C for40days,and50L of fermented broth was obtained.Preparation of the Extracellular PolysaccharideThe fermented broth was filtered through cheese cloth,the filtrate was concentrated to1/15of its original volume under reduced pressure at40°C,and a threefold of the volume of 95%(v/v)ethanol was added.The resulting precipitate was recovered by centrifugation at3600×g for10min,dialyzed in cellulose membrane tubing against distilled water for72h. The retained fraction was dried,and the protein in the fraction was removed as described by Matthaei et al.(1962).The crude polysaccharide was fractionated by anion-exchange chroma-tography using a Q Sepharose Fast Flow column(30×3cm) coupled to an AKTA FPLC system and elution with a step-wise gradient of0,0.2,and1.0M NaCl.The fractions were assayed for carbohydrate content by the phenol–sulfuric acid method.The fractions eluted with distilled water were pooled, dialyzed,and further purified on a Sephacryl S-100column (70×2cm)eluted with0.2M NH4HCO3at a flow rate of 0.3mL/min.The major polysaccharide fractions were pooled, freeze–dried,and designated as Fw-1.Determination of Purity and Molecular WeightPurity and molecular weight were determined by high-performance gel permeation chromatography(HPGPC)with a Shodex Ohpak SB804(7.8×300mm,Tokyo,Japan)column and a refractive index detector(Agilent RID-10A Series),and elution with0.1M Na2SO4at a flow rate of0.5mL/min(Li et al.2012).Of1%sample solutions in0.2M Na2SO4,20μL was injected.The molecular weight was estimated by refer-ence to a calibration curve made by pullulan standards.General AnalysisTotal sugar content was measured by the phenol–sulfuric acid method using galactose as the standard(Dubois et al.1956). Protein content was assayed according to the modified Lowry method(Bensadoun and Weinstein1976).Sulfate content was measured according to Silvestri et al.(1982).Uronic acid con-tent was determined by the carbazole–sulfuric acid method (Bitter and Muir1962).Analysis of Monosaccharide CompositionFive milligrams of polysaccharide was hydrolyzed with2M trifluoroacetic acid at100°C for6h.Excess acid was re-moved by co-distillation with methanol after the hydrolysis was completed.Sample was subjected to reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)after pre-column derivatization and UV detection(Li et al.2011). Sugar identification was done by comparison with reference sugars(D-glucose,L-rhamnose,D-xylose,L-arabinose,D-man-nose,L-fucose,D-galactose,D-glucuronic acid,D-galacturonicacid,D-mannuronic acid,N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine). Calculation of the molar ratio of the monosaccharide was car-ried out on the basis of the peak area of the monosaccharide. Methylation AnalysisMethylation analysis was performed by the method of Hakomori(1964)with some modifications.In brief, 2mg of polysaccharide in dimethyl sulfoxide was meth-ylated using NaH and iodomethane,and the completion of methylation was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectroscopy by the disappearance of OH bands. After hydrolysis with2M trifluoroacetic acid at105°C for6h,the methylated sugar residues were converted to partially methylated alditol acetates by reduction with NaBH4,followed by acetylation with acetic anhydride. The derivatised sugar residues were extracted into dichlo-romethane and evaporated to dryness,and dissolved again in100μL of dichloromethane.The products were ana-lyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry(GC-MS)on a DB225using a temperature gradient of100–220°C with heating at a rate of5°C/min and mainte-nance of a temperature at220°C for15min.GC-MS was performed on an HP6890II instrument.Identification of partially methylated alditol acetates was carried out on the basis of retention time and mass fragmentation patterns.IR Spectroscopy AnalysisFTIR spectra were measured on a Nicolet Nexus470spec-trometer.The polysaccharide was mixed with KBr powder, ground up,and then pressed into1-mm pellets for FTIR mea-surements in the frequency range of4000–500cm−1with a resolution of4.0cm−1and320scans co-addition.NMR Spectroscopy Analysis1H nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)and13C NMR spectra were measured at23°C using a JEOL JNM-ECP600MHz spectrometer.60mg of polysaccharide was deuterium ex-changed by two successive freeze–drying steps in99%D2O and then dissolved in0.5mL of99.98%D2O.1H–1H corre-lated spectroscopy(COSY),1H–1H total correlation spectros-copy(TOCSY),1H–1H nuclear overhauser effect spectrosco-py(NOESY),1H–13C heteronuclear multiple quantum coher-ence spectroscopy(HMQC)and1H–13C heteronuclear multi-ple bond correlation spectroscopy(HMBC)experiments were also carried out.Chemical shifts are expressed in ppm using acetone as internal standard at2.225ppm for1H and 31.07ppm for13C.Analysis of Antioxidant ActivityScavenging ability of hydroxyl radicals was determined ac-cording to the method of Smirnoff and Cumbes(1989). Scavenging ability of superoxide radicals was assessed ac-cording to the method reported by Marklund and Marklund (1974).Scavenging ability of DPPH radicals was measured according to the method described by Shimada et al.(1992). The scavenging ability was calculated according to the equa-tion below:scavenging ability(%)=(1–A sample/A control)×100, where A control is the absorbance of control without the tested samples,and A sample is the absorbance in the presence of the tested samples.The EC50value(mg/mL)was the effective concentration at which the tested radicals were scavenged by 50%.Ascorbic acid was used as positive control in all anti-oxidant assays.All bioassay results were expressed as means ±standard deviation(SD).The experimental data were sub-jected to an analysis of variance for a completely random design,and three samples were prepared for assays of every antioxidant attribute.ResultsPreparation and Chemical Composition of the Extracellular PolysaccharideProcedures used for the preparation of the extracellular poly-saccharides from the fermented broth of the mangrove-associated fungus F.oxysporum were shown in Fig.1.Crude extracellular polysaccharide(0.59g/L)was obtained from the fermented broth,and fractionated using a Q Sepharose Fast Flow column(Fig.2a).The polysaccharide fraction,eluted with distilled water,was a major component of the crude polysaccharides.The fraction was further purified by a Sephacryl S-100column(Fig.2b),and a polysaccharide frac-tion Fw-1was obtained.The yield of Fw-1from crude polysaccharide was about 42.86%.Fw-1gave a single and symmetrical peak in the HPGPC chromatogram(Fig.2c),thus Fw-1could be a homo-geneous polysaccharide.The linear relationship between the logarithm of molecular weight of pullulan standards and re-tention time was obtained.The retention time in HPGPC chro-matogram of Fw-1was used to calculate its molecular weight by the obtained regression equation.Thus,the molecular weight of Fw-1was estimated to be about61.2kDa.Fw-1 contained91.3%total carbohydrate and minor amounts of protein(0.79%)and did not have any sulfate ester. Monosaccharide composition analysis by reversed-phase HPLC showed that Fw-1consisted of galactose,glucose, and mannose with a molar ratio of1.33:1.33:1.00.No acidic sugar and amino sugar were detected in Fw-1.Thepolysaccharide fraction Fs,eluted at 0.2M NaCl,was not further investigated due to the limit of sample amount.It is possible that fraction Fs contains an acidic polysaccharide,such as a polysaccharide with phosphate ester (Chen et al.2013).IR SpectroscopyFrom the FTIR spectrum of Fw-1,the broad and intense band at 3416cm −1was the result of valent vibrations OH groups.The signal at 2931cm −1was attributed to the stretch vibration of the C –H bond.The band at 1649cm −1was assigned to the bending vibrations of HOH,and the band at 1416cm −1originated from the bend-ing vibrations of O –H bond.The band at 1241cm −1was due to the stretch vibration of C –O –C linkages.The signal at 1032cm −1was assigned to the stretch vibration of C –O and change angle vibration of O –H.The characteristic ab-sorption bands at 876and 809cm −1suggested the pres-ences of furan ring and mannopyranose units,respectively (Ahrazem et al.2000;Mathlouthi and Koenig 1986).Methylation AnalysisIn order to determine the linkage pattern of the sugar residues,Fw-1was subjected to methylation analysis (Table 1).A large amount of 1,2,4,6-tetra-O -acetyl-3,5-di-O -methyl-galactitol,which originated from the (1→2,6)-linked galactofuranoseresidue,was detected in Fw-1,suggesting that Fw-1was a highly branched polysaccharide.1,5-di-O -acetyl-2,3,4,6-tet-ra-O -methyl-glucitol,1,2,5-tri-O -acetyl-3,4,6-tri-O -methyl-mannitol,and 1,2,5-tri-O -acetyl-3,4,6-tri-O -methyl-glucitol were also detected,indicating the presence of (1→)-linked glucopyranose,(1→2)-linked mannopyranose and (1→2)-linked glucopyranose residues.In addition,1,5-di-O -acetyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-O -methyl-mannitol,which originated from the (1→)-linked mannopyranose residue,was also found in Fw-1.The results suggested that the structure of Fw-1is com-posed of (1→2,6)-linked galactofuranose,(1→2)-linked glu-copyranose,(1→2)-linked mannopyranose,terminal gluco-pyranose,and mannopyranose residues.NMR SpectroscopyThe 1H NMR spectrum (Fig.3a )of Fw-1showed anomeric proton signals at 5.20,5.10,5.09,4.91,4.75,and 4.65ppm,which were labeled A –F from low to high field.The anomeric signals B and C almost overlapped.The anomeric proton sig-nals A –F had relative integrals of 1.0:0.5:0.5:0.25:0.25:0.25.A might be signal of β-galactofuranose residue.B and C were attributed to the signals of α-configuration pyranose units,and D –F were likely the signals of β-configuration pyranose units.The chemical shifts from 3.42to 4.26ppm were assigned to H2–H6of glycosidic ring.In the anomeric region of the 13C NMR spectrum (Fig.3b )of Fw-1,there were six main anomeric carbon signals that occurred at 107.8,102.4,101.8,101.3,99.6,and 99.5ppm.The anomeric carbon signal at 107.8ppm was due to signal of β-galactofuranose residue because of extremely low field shifts (Ahrazem et al.2006).As shown in the DEPT spectrum,the signal at 70.8ppm was assigned to the substituted C-6of β-galactofuranose units.The result confirmed the presence of the substituted C-6linkage patterns,which was in accordance to the methylation results.The 1H NMR spin systems chemical shifts of the polysac-charide were assigned by means of the 1H –1H COSY spec-trum (Fig.3c )and the 1H –1H TOCSY spectrum (Fig.3d ).Combined with the analysis of the 1H –13C HMQC spectrum of Fw-1(Fig.3e ),the observed 1H and 13C chemical shifts and the assignment of the sugar residues were given (Table 2).A was assigned to →2,6)-β-D -Gal f (1→because of the down-field chemical shifts of the C-2(88.1ppm)and C-6(70.8ppm).B and C were suggested to be Glc p because of the high field chemical shift of H-2(3.59and 3.69ppm).In the 1H –1H TOCSY spectrum,H-1of B and C showed the correlation peaks with H-2,H-3,H-4,and H-5,which con-firmed this speculation.The 1H –13C HMQC spectrum re-vealed the substitution of C at C-2due to the downfield chem-ical shift (77.0ppm)of C-2compared with the parent α-D -Glc p .Thus,B was attributed to α-D -Glc p (1→,and C was due to →2)-α-D -Glc p (1→.Combined with methylationanalysisFig.1Scheme for the preparation of the extracellular polysaccharide produced by the mangrove-associated fungus F .oxysporumand NMR spectra data (Takegawa et al.1997),E was assigned to →2)-β-D -Man p (1→because of C-2(78.0ppm)of E had a relative downfield chemical shifts.D and F were assigned to be β-D -Man p (1→,the different glycosidic bond and sugar rings,which linked with D and F,had different chemical en-vironments and chemical shifts.The sequence of glycosyl residues was determined from the 1H –1H NOESY spectrum,followed by confirmation with 1H –13C correlations obtained from the 1H –13C HMBC spec-trum.In the 1H –1H NOESY spectrum (Fig.3f )of Fw-1,A had a strong NOE contact of its H-1with the H-2of C,indicating C linked to the C-2position of A.B and C had a strongcontactFig.2Isolation and HPGPC chromatogram of the extracellular polysaccharide from the fermented broth of the mangrove-associated fun-gus F .oxysporum .a The crude polysaccharides were fractionated using a Q Sepharose Fast Flow column.The fraction eluted with distill water was pooled and named as Fw.b Fw was purified on a Sephacryl S-100column and eluted with 0.2M NH 4HCO 3.The peak fractions containing the polysaccharides were pooled and named as Fw-1.c HPGPC chro-matogram of Fw-1on a Shodex Ohpak SB-804column and the standard curve of molecular weightof its H-1with the H-2of A,suggesting B and C linked to theC-2position of A.D had a strong inter-residue contact be-tween its H-1and the H-2of E,indicating D linked to theC-2position of E.From the1H–13C HMBC spectrum ofFw-1(Fig.3g),the presence of strong cross peak H-1/C-4,C-6of A confirmed that A wasβ-galactofuranose configura-tion and→6)-β-D-Gal f(1→was the main pattern of linkage.The cross-peak H-1B,C/C-2A,and H-2A/C-1B,C indicatedthat B and C linked to the C-2of→6)-β-D-Gal f(1→.The 1H–13C HMBC spectrum of Fw-1also showed H-1F/C-2 C,H-1E/C-2C,H-1D/C-2E,H-2E/C-1D,B H-1/C-5crosspeaks,which further proved the existence ofβ-D-Man p(1→2)-β-D-Man p(1→2)-α-D-Glc p(1→andβ-D-Man p(1→2)-α-D-Glc p(1→.The results also revealed both the furanoid char-acter of A and the pyranoid structure of B–F.The NMR resultswere thus in agreement with methylation results.These anal-yses allowed the identification of most of the1H and13Csignals of the sugar residues.Thus,structure of Fw-1couldbe characterized to consist of the backbone of(1→6)-linked β-D-galactofuranose residues,with multiple branches at C-2 consisting of theα-D-Glc p(1→,β-D-Man p(1→2)-β-D-Man p(1→2)-α-D-Glc p(1→andβ-D-Man p(1→2)-α-D-Glc p(1→.The hypothetical structure of Fw-1was shown in Fig.4.Analysis of Antioxidant ActivityAs shown in Table3,the scavenging abilities of Fw-1on hydroxyl,DPPH,and superoxide radicals were in a concentration-dependent manner.Less scavenging of hydrox-yl radicals was observed with Fw-1at2mg/mL,but the scav-enging ability of Fw-1on hydroxyl radicals at10.0mg/mL was up to90.2%.Fw-1showed strong scavenging ability on hydroxyl radicals as evidenced by its low EC50value(1.1mg/ mL).The scavenging ability of Fw-1on superoxide radicals was50.2%at2.0mg/mL,and the scavenging ability of Fw-1 was up to89.2%at10.0mg/mL.The EC50value of scaveng-ing ability of Fw-1on superoxide radicals was2.0mg/mL. The scavenging ability of Fw-1on DPPH radicals was up to 88.2%at10.0mg/mL,and its EC50value was2.1mg/mL, indicating that Fw-1was also good effectiveness in the anti-oxidant attribute.The scavenging abilities of Fw-1on hydroxyl,superoxide and DPPH radicals were all relativelylower than that of ascorbic acid at the same concentrations. DiscussionA novel extracellular polysaccharide Fw-1is successfullyobtained from the mangrove-associated fungus F.oxysporum.Fw-1is an extracellular polysaccharidewith different structural characteristics from other extra-cellular polysaccharides produced by Fusarium sp.Thecell wall polysaccharides from F.oxysporum are com-posed of glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine(Fukamizo et al.1992,1996),and the polysaccharidefrom Fusarium sp.M7-1consists of mannose,glucose,galactose,and glucuronic acid(Iwahara et al.1992).However,a small amount of→2)-β-D-Gal f(1→and→6)-α-D-Glc p(1→residues present in the cell wall polysac-charide of Fusarium sp.M7-1(Iwahara et al.1996).Somealkali-extractable and water-soluble extracellular polysac-charides from Fusarium species contain a backbone of β-(1→6)-linked galactofuranose residues almost fully branched at O-2by single residues of glucopyranose oracidic chains containing glucuronic acid and mannose.The extracellular polysaccharide from F.oxysporumY24-2is composed of→2)-β-D-Gal f(1→6)-α-D-Glc p(1→units(Guo et al.2013).The structure of Fw1also differs from othergalactofuranose-containing extracellular polysaccharides re-ported previously(Gómez-Miranda et al.2003;Leal et al.2010).The galactofuranans from Aspergillus niger, A.fumigatus,Trichophyton species and Penicillium charlesii,have been characterized as linear chains of(1→5)-linkedβ-D-galactofuranose units(Gander et al.1974;Latgéet al.1994; Unkefer and Gander1990;Ikuta et al.1997).For the extracel-lular polysaccharide from the deep-sea fungus P.griseofulvum,its galactofuranan chain consists of(1→5)-linkedβ-D-galactofuranose,with additional branches at C-6 consisting of(1→)-linkedβ-D-galactofuranose residues and phosphate esters(Chen et al.2013).Fw-1contains a backbone of(1→6)-linkedβ-D-galactofuranose residues with multipleTable1Results of methylation analysis of Fw-1Methylated sugar Primary mass fragments(m/z)Molar ratio Deduced linkage1,5-Di-O-acetyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-mannitol101,117,129,145,161,205 2.0Man p(→1,5-Di-O-acetyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-glucitol101,117,129,145,161,205 2.0Glc p(1→1,2,5-Tri-O-acetyl-3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-mannitol87,101,129,161,189 1.0→2)Man p(1→1,2,5-Tri-O-acetyl-3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-glucitol101,117,129,161,201,233,277 2.0→2)Glc p(1→1,2,4,6-Tetra-O-acetyl-3,5-di-O-methyl-galactitol87,101,117,129,173,189,201,233 4.0→2,6)Gal f(1→Fig.3NMR spectra of Fw-1.Spectra were performed at23°C on a JEOL ECP600MHz spectrometer Chemical shifts are expressed in ppm using acetone as internal standard at2.225ppm for1H and 31.07ppm for13C.a1H NMR spectrum.b13C NMR and DEPT spectra.c1H–1H COSY spectrum.d1H–1H TOCOSY spectrum.e 1H–13C HMQC spectrum.f1H–1H NOESY spectrum.g1H–13C HMBC spectrum.A→2,6)-β-D-Gal f(1→.Bα-D-Glc p(1→.C→2)-α-D-Glc p(1→.Dβ-D-Man p(1→,linked to→2)-β-D-Man p(l→.E→2)-β-D-Man p(l→.Fβ-D-Man p(1→,linked to→2)-α-D-Glc p(l→.Glcpglucopyranose,Manp mannopyranose,Galf galactofuranosebranches at C-2consisting of terminal α-glucopyranose resi-dues,or short chains containing (1→2)-linked α-D -glucopy-ranose,(1→2)-linked β-D -mannopyranose,and terminal β-D -mannopyranose residues.To the best of our knowledge,this is the first report of such kind of galactofuranose-containing mannoglucogalactan isolated from fermented broth of micro-organism.The present result suggested that mangrove-associated fungi could be a potential source of extracellular polysaccharides with unique structures to be worth being fur-ther studied.In order to investigate the antioxidant activity of Fw-1,the assays based on scavenging abilities of hydroxyl,superoxide,and DPPH radicals were carried out and compared with that of ascorbic acid,one standard antioxidant.Hydroxyl radical is considered to be a highly potent oxidant,which can react with most biomacromolecules functioning in living cells and in-duce severe damage to the adjacent biomolecules.In cellular oxidation reactions,superoxide radical is normally formed first,and its effects can be magnified because it produces hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical through dismutationTable 21H and 13C chemical shifts for the extracellular polysaccharide Fw-1Sugar residuesChemical shifts (ppm)a H1/C1H2/C2H3/C3H4/C4H5/C5H6/C6A b 5.20/107.8 4.21/88.1 4.26/76.9 4.05/83.9 4.02/71.0 3.94,3.69/70.8B c 5.10/99.5 3.59/72.6 3.77/73.1 3.47/71.0 3.79/73.8 3.91,3.73/62.1C d 5.09/99.6 3.69/77.0 3.81/73.1 3.45/71.0 3.76/72.6 4.12,3.79/62.3D e 4.91/102.4 4.18/72.6 3.73/72.4 3.61/72.6 3.45/71.9 3.79,3.90/62.6E f 4.75/101.3 4.24/78.0 3.68/68.3 3.95/71.2 3.76/73.5 3.96,3.45/62.4F g4.65/101.84.02/71.93.73/72.43.96/71.13.80/73.63.47,3.86/62.3Glcp glucopyranose,Manp mannopyranose,Galf galactofuranoseaThe spectra were recorded using a JEOL JNM-ECP 600MHz spectrometer.Chemical shifts are referenced to internal acetone at 2.225ppm for 1H and 31.07ppm for 13C b →2,6)-β-D -Gal f (→c α-D -Glc p (1→d →2)-α-D -Glc p (1→e β-D -Man p (1→,linked to →2)-β-D -Man p (l →f →2)-β-D -Man p (l →gβ-D -Man p (1→,linked to →2)-α-D -Glc p (l→Fig.4One of the possible structures of Fw-1(Glcp gluco-pyranose,Manp ,mannopyranose,Galf ,galactofuranose,n ≈16)and other types of reaction and was the source of free radicals formed in vivo.DPPH is a useful reagent to evaluate the free radical scavenging ability of the hy-drogen donating antioxidant,which can transfer hydro-gen atoms or electrons to DPPH radicals.It was found that Fw-1had a more noticeable scavenging ability on hydroxyl radicals than the extracellular polysaccharide AVP produced by coral-associated fungus Aspergillus versicolor LCJ-5-4,and the EC50value of AVP was 4.0mg/mL(Chen et al.2012).Moreover,the scaveng-ing ability of Fw-1on superoxide radicals appears to be higher than that of the extracellular polysaccharide As1-1produced by marine fungi Aspergillus sp.Y16,and the EC50value of As1-1was 3.4mg/mL(Chen et al. 2011).Scavenging ability of Fw-1on DPPH radicals was similar to that of extracellular polysaccharide AVP produced by coral-associated fungus,A.versicolor LCJ-5-4,and its EC50value was2.05mg/mL(Chen et al. 2012).Fw-1had a higher scavenging ability on DPPH radicals than the extracellular polysaccharides PS2-1, PS1-2,and PS1-1isolated from marine fungus Penicillium sp.F23-2(EC50value 2.53–6.81mg/mL) (Sun et al.2009).The present result suggested that the extracellular polysaccharide Fw-1could be a potential antioxidant.The antioxidant activity of Fw-1may be attributed to the extracellular polysaccharide can connect with radicals,and terminate the radical chain reaction. However,the antioxidant mechanisms of polysaccha-rides are complex.Further study on antioxidant property of extracellular polysaccharides with different structural characterization will play an important role in the un-derstanding of the mechanism of antioxidant activity.In conclusion,the extracellular polysaccharide Fw-1pro-duced by the mangrove-associated fungus F.oxysporum is a galactofuranose-containing mannoglucogalactan differing from previously described extracellular polysaccharides.Fw-1exhibits good antioxidant activity in vitro.An in-depth investigation of the antioxidant activity of Fw-1will be re-quired to determine if the extracellular polysaccharide will be useful in the food and pharmaceutical industry. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Science and Tech-nology Development Program of Shandong Province,China (2014GHY115015),NSFC-Shandong Joint Fund for Marine Science Re-search Centers(U1406402),and the National Oceanographic Center of Qingdao of China.ReferencesAhrazem O,Gómez-Miranda B,Prieto A,Barasoaín I,BernabéM,Leal JA(2000)An acidic water-soluble cell wall polysaccharide:a che-motaxonomic marker for Fusarium and Gibberella.Microbiol Res 104:603–610Ahrazem O,Prieto A,Giménez-Abián MI,Leal JA,Jiménez-Barberoa J, Bernabe M(2006)Structural elucidation of fungal polysaccharides isolated from the cell wall of Plectosphaerella cucumerina and Verticillium spp.Carbohydr Res341:246–252Bensadoun A,Weinstein D(1976)Assay of proteins in presence of in-terfering materials.Anal Chem70:241–256Bitter T,Muir HM(1962)A modified uronic acid carbazole reaction.Anal Biochem4:330–334Chen Y,Mao WJ,Tao HW,Zhu WM,Qi XH,Chen YL,Li HY,Zhao CQ, Yang YP,Hou YJ,Wang CY,Li N(2011)Structural characterization and antioxidant properties of an exopolysaccharide produced by the mangrove endophytic fungus Aspergillus sp.Y16.Bioresour Technol102:8179–8184Chen Y,Mao WJ,Yang YP,Teng XC,Zhu WM,Qi XH,Chen YL,Zhao CQ,Hou YJ,Wang CY,Li N(2012)Structure and antioxidant activity of an extracellular polysaccharide from coral-associated fun-gus,Aspergillus versicolor LCJ-5-4.Carbohydr Polym87:218–226 Chen Y,Mao WJ,Wang BF,Zhou LN,Gu QQ,Chen YL,Zhao CQ,Li N, Wang CY,Shan JM,Yan MX,Lin C(2013)Preparation and char-acterization of an extracellular polysaccharide produced by the deep-sea fungus Penicillium griseofulvum.Bioresour Technol132: 178–181Dubois C,Gilles KA,Hamilton JK,Rebers PA,Smith F(1956) Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related sub-stances.Anal Chem28:350–356Table3Antioxidant activity of the extracellular polysaccharide Fw-1in vitroa The results were expressed as means±standard deviation(SD). The experimental data were subjected to an analysis of variance for a completely random design,and three samples were prepared for assays of every antioxidant attribute Sample Concentration(mg/mL)a0 2.0 4.0 ability on hydroxyl radicals(%)Fw-10.059.5±1.482.5±2.885.6±2.486.8±3.590.2±2.3 Ascorbic acid0.097.2±2.497.2±2.697.4±2.697.5±1.997.7±2.1 Scavenging ability on superoxide radicals(%)Fw-10.050.2±1.868.3±3.179.1±2.385.7±3.289.2±2.8 Ascorbic acid0.097.2±1.997.3±2.297.4±2.797.5±2.897.8±2.4 Scavenging ability on DPPH radicals(%)Fw-10.049.1±1.766.9±2.475.0±2.585.2±2.388.2±2.6 Ascorbic acid0.097.2±2.297.3±1.797.4±2.097.5±2.597.7±2.8。
preparationPreparationIntroductionPreparation is a crucial step in achieving success in any endeavor. Whether it is for a job interview, an examination, or a major project, taking the time to adequately prepare can greatly increase the chances of accomplishing one's goals. In this document, we will explore the importance of preparation and discuss various strategies to ensure effective preparation.Section 1: Understanding the Importance of Preparation1.1 Setting Clear GoalsBefore beginning any preparation, it is important to establish clear goals. Understanding what you want to achieve is the first step towards effective preparation. By defining your goals, you can create a roadmap and structure your preparation accordingly.1.2 Enhancing ConfidencePreparation helps in boosting confidence. When you are well-prepared, you feel more confident and self-assured. This confidence can have a positive impact on your performance, allowing you to present your ideas or skills with conviction and ease.1.3 Time ManagementPreparing in advance enables better time management. It allows you to allocate sufficient time to each task and avoid last-minute rush. By managing your time effectively, you can prevent stress and maintain a calm and focused mindset.Section 2: Strategies for Effective Preparation2.1 Conducting ResearchResearch is an integral part of preparation. Whether it is for a presentation, an exam, or a project, gathering relevant information is essential. Research helps in gaining a deeper understanding of the topic, identifying key points, and staying updated on the latest developments. Utilize reputable sources such as books, journals, and reliable websites for comprehensive research.2.2 Creating a Study/Work PlanA study or work plan is a useful tool for organizing your preparation. It allows you to break down your tasks into manageable chunks and allocate specific time for each. Prioritize the most important tasks and establish deadlines to ensure you stay on track. Regularly reviewing and updating your plan will help you stay focused and motivated.2.3 Practice and RehearsalFor tasks that require practical skills or presentations, practice and rehearsal are crucial. Whether it is practicing interview questions, delivering a speech, or solving mathematical problems, repetitive practice helps in honing your skills and boosting your confidence. It also gives you an opportunity to identify and rectify any weaknesses or areas that need improvement.2.4 Seeking Guidance or MentorshipSometimes, seeking guidance from a mentor or an expert in the field can greatly enhance your preparation process. They can provide valuable insights, offer constructive feedback, and guide you in the right direction. Mentorship can help you gain a fresh perspective, challenge your thinking, and offer practical advice based on their experiences.Section 3: Overcoming Challenges in Preparation3.1 ProcrastinationProcrastination is a common challenge that can hinder effective preparation. This is often caused by a lack of motivation or fear of failure. Overcoming procrastination requires self-discipline and motivation. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps, setting deadlines, and rewarding oneself upon completion can help in overcoming this challenge.3.2 Managing DistractionsIn today's digital age, distractions are ubiquitous. Social media, phone notifications, and other distractions can easily derail your preparation efforts. Minimize distractions by creating a designated study or work area, turning off notifications, and using website blockers if needed. Practice self-control and remind yourself of the importance of staying focused.3.3 Handling Anxiety and StressPreparation can sometimes lead to anxiety and stress, particularly in high-stakes situations. Adopting relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or meditation can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety. Engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, andmaintaining a healthy lifestyle can also contribute to better stress management.ConclusionIn conclusion, preparation plays a vital role in achieving success. By setting clear goals, enhancing confidence, effectively managing time, conducting research, creating a study plan, and seeking guidance, individuals can significantly improve their chances of accomplishing their objectives. Overcoming challenges such as procrastination, distractions, anxiety, and stress requires dedication, self-discipline, and an understanding of effective coping strategies. Remember, proper preparation sets the stage for success.。
为英语辩论做准备作文Certainly, let's begin:---。
Title: Enhancing Critical Thinking Through English Debates。
English debates serve as a quintessential platform for fostering critical thinking skills, honing language proficiency, and nurturing effective communication abilities. In a world characterized by diverse perspectives and complex issues, the significance of honing these skills cannot be overstated. Through structured arguments, rebuttals, and the analysis of diverse viewpoints, participants in English debates cultivate a holistic approach towards problem-solving and decision-making. This essay delves into the multifaceted benefits of English debates in preparing individuals for the challenges of the modern world.First and foremost, English debates provide astructured framework for participants to articulate their thoughts coherently and persuasively. The process of preparing arguments necessitates in-depth research,critical analysis, and the synthesis of information from various sources. By engaging in this process, individuals develop the ability to discern credible information from misinformation, a skill imperative in today's era of information overload. Moreover, the articulation of arguments in a debate setting enhances public speaking skills, instilling confidence and eloquence in participants.Furthermore, English debates foster empathy and tolerance by necessitating the exploration of diverse viewpoints. Debaters are often required to argue positions contrary to their personal beliefs, thereby fostering empathy towards opposing perspectives. This ability to empathize and understand differing viewpoints is invaluable in fostering constructive dialogue and resolving conflicts amicably. Additionally, exposure to diverse perspectives nurtures cultural sensitivity and promotes inclusivity,essential attributes in an increasingly globalized world.In addition to enhancing communication and empathy, English debates sharpen critical thinking skills by encouraging participants to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize complex information. Debaters must scrutinize evidence, identify logical fallacies, and construct sound arguments based on empirical data. This rigorousintellectual exercise hones analytical skills andcultivates a discerning mindset, enabling individuals to navigate the complexities of contemporary issues withclarity and precision.Moreover, English debates cultivate teamwork and collaboration, as participants often work in teams to formulate arguments and counterarguments. Collaborative debate preparation fosters interpersonal skills such as negotiation, compromise, and conflict resolution, essential qualities in professional and personal settings alike. Furthermore, the camaraderie forged through shared intellectual pursuit fosters a sense of community and belonging among participants, enriching the overalllearning experience.Importantly, English debates empower individuals to become active and informed citizens capable of effecting positive change in society. By engaging with pressing social, political, and environmental issues, debaters develop a sense of civic responsibility and agency. Through advocacy and activism, debaters leverage their communication skills to raise awareness, influence public opinion, and advocate for policy change on issues of paramount importance.In conclusion, English debates play a pivotal role in preparing individuals to navigate the complexities of the modern world by enhancing critical thinking, communication, and empathy. Through structured argumentation, exposure to diverse perspectives, and collaborative teamwork, participants develop a holistic skill set essential for success in both professional and personal endeavors. As we confront an array of global challenges, the cultivation of these skills is paramount in fostering a more informed, empathetic, and equitable society.--。
preparation and characterization
preparation and characterizationPreparation and CharacterizationPreparation and characterization are two important aspects of scientific research. Preparation refers to the process of obtaining and producing a material or sample,while characterization refers to the process of identifying and analyzing the properties of that material or sample. In this article, we will discuss the different steps involved in preparation and characterization.PreparationThe preparation step involves obtaining or producing the material or sample for study. Depending on the type ofmaterial or sample, different preparation methods may be used. For example, if the material is a chemical compound, it maybe synthesized in the laboratory using a specific reaction.On the other hand, if the material is a biological sample, it may need to be extracted from a tissue or fluid, and then purified.Once the material or sample has been prepared, it may need to be processed further for analysis. For example, ifthe material is a solid, it may need to be ground into fine particles to improve the surface area for further investigation. Alternatively, if the sample is a liquid or gas, it may need to be concentrated or diluted for proper analysis.CharacterizationOnce the sample or material has been prepared, it is ready for characterization. Characterization involvesidentifying the physical and chemical properties of the material or sample. This can be done using various analytical techniques such as microscopy, spectroscopy, and chromatography.Microscopy involves the use of a microscope to examine the physical structure of the material or sample at a microscopic level. This can provide information about the size, shape, and texture of the sample.Spectroscopy involves the use of various types of electromagnetic radiation to measure the energy levels and wavelengths of molecules in the sample. This can provide information about the chemical composition and molecular structure of the sample.Chromatography involves separating the various components of a sample based on their chemical properties using a chromatography column. This can provide information about the chemical composition and purity of the sample.ConclusionIn conclusion, preparation and characterization are important steps in scientific research that involve acquiring and analyzing a material or sample. Preparation involves the process of obtaining and producing the material or sample, while characterization involves identifying and analyzing the properties of that material or sample. Proper preparation and characterization are crucial for accurate scientific analysis and reliable results.。
英语作文 大学生活
University life is a significant phase in ones educational journey,offering a blend of academic rigor,personal growth,and social experiences.Here are some key aspects that can be included in an essay about university life:1.Academic Freedom:University life provides students with the opportunity to explore a wide range of subjects and disciplines.Unlike high school,where the curriculum is often fixed,universities offer a broad spectrum of courses,allowing students to tailor their education to their interests and career goals.2.Research Opportunities:Many universities encourage undergraduates to engage in research projects,often alongside faculty members.This not only enhances their understanding of the subject matter but also develops critical thinking and problemsolving skills.3.Campus Life:The campus environment is a vibrant community where students from diverse backgrounds come together.It is a place where friendships are formed,and lifelong connections are made.Campus life includes various clubs,societies,and organizations that cater to a wide array of interests,from sports to arts to academic pursuits.4.Living Arrangements:For many students,university life is the first time they live away from home.This can be both exciting and challenging.Dormitories,shared housing,and offcampus apartments offer different living experiences,each with its own set of social dynamics and responsibilities.5.Time Management:Balancing academic commitments with social activities and parttime jobs is a crucial skill that students develop during their university years. Effective time management is essential for success in both academic and personal life.6.Cultural Exposure:Universities often host cultural events,guest lectures,and international student exchanges,providing students with a global perspective and the opportunity to learn about different cultures and ideas.7.Career Preparation:Career services,internships,and networking events are integral parts of university life.These resources help students prepare for their professional lives by offering guidance,experience,and connections in their chosen fields.8.Personal Development:University life is a time of selfdiscovery and personal growth. Students learn to be independent,make decisions,and navigate the complexities of adult life.9.Financial Management:Many students face financial challenges during their university years.Learning to budget and manage finances responsibly is an important life skill that can be developed during this time.10.Mental Health and Wellbeing:The pressures of university life can sometimes lead to stress and anxiety.Universities typically offer counseling services and wellness programs to support students mental health.11.Extracurricular Activities:Participation in sports,arts,and other extracurricular activities is a significant part of university life.These activities not only provide a break from academic work but also contribute to the development of teamwork,leadership,and other soft skills.12.Transition to Professional Life:As students approach the end of their university education,they begin to transition into the professional world.This includes preparing for job interviews,building a professional network,and making career decisions.In conclusion,university life is a transformative period filled with opportunities for learning,growth,and exploration.It is a time when students can define their identities, discover their passions,and lay the foundation for their future careers.。
基于成果导向理念、客观结构化临床考试的英文名称全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1What's Up with OBE and OSCEs?Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm here to tell you all about something super important in the world of education and medicine – OBE and OSCEs. Don't worry, I'll explain what those big words mean!OBE stands for Outcome-Based Education. It's a way of teaching that focuses on what students should be able to do by the end of their studies. Instead of just cramming our heads full of facts, OBE wants us to learn skills and knowledge that we can actually use in the real world.For example, in math class, instead of just memorizing times tables, OBE would want us to be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers to solve real-life problems. That way, we're not just learning stuff by heart, but actually understanding how to use it.In medicine, OBE means that doctors and nurses need to learn how to take care of patients properly, not just remember a bunch of medical terms. They need to know how to diagnose illnesses, give the right treatments, and communicate clearly with patients and their families.Now, let's talk about OSCEs. This stands for Objective Structured Clinical Examinations. They're a type of test used to see if medical students have learned the skills they need to be good doctors or nurses.In an OSCE, students go through different stations where they have to show what they've learned. At one station, they might have to take a patient's medical history. At another, they might have to examine a pretend patient and figure out what's wrong. There could even be stations where they have to explain a condition to a patient or break bad news gently.The cool thing about OSCEs is that they're like a pretend doctor's office or hospital ward. Students get to practice their skills in a safe environment before working with real patients. It's kind of like a dress rehearsal for being a doctor or nurse!And because OSCEs are structured and objective, it means that everyone gets tested on the same things in the same way.The examiners use clear criteria to score the students, so it's fair for everyone.OSCEs are really important for making sure that new doctors and nurses have the right skills to take care of people properly. After all, you wouldn't want someone who's never really practiced examining a patient to be your doctor, would you?Both OBE and OSCEs might sound a bit confusing at first, but they're actually really great ways to make sure that students learn what they need to in a practical, hands-on way. Instead of just reading from textbooks, we get to apply what we've learned to real-life situations.So there you have it! OBE is about learning skills and knowledge we can actually use, while OSCEs test if medical students have learned those crucial skills for taking care of patients. Pretty cool, right?I hope this has helped you understand a bit more about these important concepts in education and medicine. Learning sure is an adventure, isn't it? But now you know a bit more about how we're training the next generation of awesome doctors and nurses!篇2Performance-Based and Objectively Structured Clinical ExaminationDo you know what a doctor has to go through to become a real doctor? It's not as easy as you might think! They have to study for many, many years and take lots of difficult tests. One of the hardest tests they have to take is called the "Performance-Based and Objectively Structured Clinical Examination." That's a really long name, isn't it? Let's just call it the "OSCE" for short.The OSCE is a special kind of test that allows the people training to be doctors (we call them "medical students") to show that they have learned all the practical skills they need to take care of patients. It's different from the other tests they take because instead of just answering questions on paper, they have to actually perform different medical tasks in front of examiners.Imagine you went to a pretend doctor's office, but all the patients there were just actors pretending to be sick or injured. That's kind of what the OSCE is like! The medical students go from room to room, and in each room, there's a new fake patient with a different problem. The student has to interact with the fake patient, ask them questions, examine them, and evensometimes perform procedures, like taking their blood pressure or listening to their heartbeat.But here's the really cool part – the fake patients are actually trained actors who have been given a script to follow! They have to act out their fake illness or injury in a very specific way, just like they would if they were in a movie or a play. And the examiners, who are real doctors and nurses, watch the whole thing and grade the student on how well they handle each situation.The OSCE tests all sorts of different skills that doctors need, like:Communication skills – Can the student explain things clearly to the patient and make them feel comfortable?Clinical skills – Can the student perform medical procedures properly and safely?Professionalism – Does the student behave in a respectful and ethical way?Patient-centered care – Does the student really listen to the patient's concerns and address their needs?It's kind of like a big performance, but instead of acting out a play, the medical students are acting out what it's like to be a real doctor!The best part is that the OSCE is designed to be as objective as possible. That means that it's fair and consistent for everyone who takes it. The examiners have a checklist of things they need to look for, and they grade each student based on the same set of criteria. It doesn't matter if the examiner knows the student or not – they have to judge them based only on their performance during the exam.I think the OSCE is a really cool way to test medical students because it's so practical and hands-on. It's not just about memorizing facts from a book, but about being able to actually apply that knowledge in a real-life situation. After all, that篇3What's in a Name? The Outcome-Oriented Objective Structured Clinical ExaminationHave you ever wondered why some exams have really long names that sound like someone just mashed a bunch of big words together? I sure have! Like the other day, my teacher mentioned something called the "Outcome-Oriented Objective Structured Clinical Examination" and I was like, "Whoa, that's a mouthful!"But you know what? Even though the name is super long, it actually makes a lot of sense once you break it down. Let me explain..."Outcome-Oriented" - This part basically means the exam is focused on what you can actually do at the end, not just memorizing a bunch of facts. It's about showing you've learned important skills."Objective" - This one is pretty straightforward. It means the exam tries to be fair and unbiased by having very clear rules about how it's graded. No favorites or anything like that."Structured" - Instead of just a huge test all at once, this type of exam breaks things down into different stations or sections. It has a organized plan to it."Clinical" - Now this part might sound weird since we're just kids. But "clinical" refers to the medical field and working with patients. So for doctors and nurses, this tests their abilities to take care of people properly."Examination" - Duh, it's an exam! A way to see what you've learned and how well you can apply it.So put it all together, and the Outcome-Oriented Objective Structured Clinical Examination is a special kind of test, usuallyfor future doctors and nurses. It focuses on whether they have mastered important medical skills by having them go through a series of realistic situations and stations. Their performance gets scored objectively based on clear criteria.Instead of just bubbling in answers on a printed test, this exam actually has them demonstrate their knowledge and abilities in practical ways. For example, they might have to show how to properly take a patient's vitals, give an injection, or even just explain a diagnosis clearly.From what I've heard, it's a lot more engaging than just sitting at a desk with a pencil. But it also sounds pretty nervewracking to have someone watching and grading your every move! I'm glad I don't have to take anything that least not yet!Even though it has a crazy long name, I think it's a really smart way to make sure doctors and nurses are prepared before they start taking care of real people. Just memorizing facts from a textbook isn't enough - they need to prove they can actually apply that knowledge safely in the real world. Anoutcome-oriented objective structured clinical exam seems like the best way to do that.I may only be a kid, but I definitely appreciate havingwell-trained medical professionals when I'm not feeling well. Knowing they had to pass a rigorous test focused on practical skills and objective evaluation makes me feel a lot more confident putting my health in their hands.So sure, the name is a bit of a tongue-twister. But breaking it down piece-by-piece, you can see it makes total sense for an exam with such an important role. I may just start calling it the "OO-OSC Exam" for short!I bet even professional doctors and nurses still have to remind themselves exactly what all those words mean whenever they say the full name out loud. Maybe someday I'll get to experience an outcome-oriented objective structured examination myself when I'm studying to become a doctor or nurse. If that's the case, I'll be sure to remember why the name is worth the mouthful - it represents a way of testing that helps make sure we have skilled, competent medical professionals keeping us healthy and safe.篇4Title: My Experience with the Funny Test at the Doctor's OfficeHi there! My name is Timmy, and I'm 10 years old. I want to tell you about this really weird test I had to do at the doctor's office the other day. It's called the "OSCE," which sounds like some kind of monster from a scary movie, but it's actually just a bunch of little tasks that the doctors use to check篇5Title: The Fun Test for Future DoctorsHave you ever wondered how doctors learn to take care of people? Well, it's not as easy as you might think! They have to go through years and years of studying and practicing before they can become real doctors. And one of the most important things they have to do is take a special test called the "Objective Structured Clinical Examination."Now, I know what you're thinking – "Ugh, another boring test!" But trust me, this one is actually pretty cool! You see, instead of just sitting at a desk and filling out bubbles on a sheet of paper, the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (or OSCE for short) is all about showing what you can do in real-life situations.Imagine this: You're a student doctor, and you have to go from room to room, meeting different pretend patients. In oneroom, there might be someone acting like they have a tummy ache, and you have to figure out what's wrong and how to help them feel better. In another room, there could be a pretend patient who's really scared about getting a shot, and you have to calm them down and explain everything in a way they can understand.It's kind of like playing make-believe, but with a really important purpose – making sure you know how to talk to people, listen to them, and figure out the best way to help them when they're not feeling well.But wait, there's more! The OSCE isn't just about talking to pretend patients. There are also stations where you have to show that you can do things like taking someone's blood pressure, checking their reflexes, or even giving them an injection (don't worry, it's just a pretend injection!).And here's the really cool part: You're not just being watched by your teachers or professors. There are also people called "standardized patients" who are specially trained to act like real patients and give you feedback on how you did. They'll tell you if you were kind and caring, if you explained things in a way they could understand, and if you made them feel comfortable and safe.Now, you might be wondering, "Why do they call it the'Objective Structured Clinical Examination'?" Well, that's because it's designed to be fair and consistent for everyone. Each student has to go through the same stations and meet the same pretend patients, so nobody has an advantage or a disadvantage. And the people watching and grading you have a set篇6My Big Brother's Special TestMy big brother Johnny is in medical school, and he has to take all sorts of tests and exams. Some are written tests where he has to answer questions on paper. But he also has to take these really weird practical tests called OSCEs. OSCE stands for "Objective Structured Clinical Examination." It's a big mouthful, but it's a cool name for a cool kind of test!Johnny told me all about OSCEs, and they sound like a crazy adventure! Basically, an OSCE is a test where you go through different rooms or "stations," and in each room, you have to do something different with a pretend patient or a manikin (that's a fake human body). The teachers watch you through a one-way mirror and grade you on how well you do.In one station, Johnny might have to take a medical history by asking the right questions to a person pretending to be a patient. In another, he might have to do a physical exam like checking someone's heartbeat or reflexes. And in others, he might need to explain a medical condition, show how to do a procedure, counseling, or even break bad news. It's like being a real doctor for a little while!The crazy part is that the "patients" are actors who have been trained to act out different medical cases and scenarios. So it feels totally real, even though it's just a test! Johnny says it can be pretty nerve-wracking having to perform all those tasks while being watched and graded.But here's the really neat part about OSCEs - they are based on something called the "Results-Oriented Philosophy." That means the test is focused on whether the student can actually DO the right thing, not just memorize facts. It's all about showing you have the proper skills and behaviors to be a good doctor in the real world.Instead of just writing down what you would do on paper, you have to demonstrate it for real. Can you communicate clearly with patients? Can you perform exams and procedures correctly?Can you think on your feet and handle different situations? That's what OSCEs aim to test.I think it's a great way to make sure doctors-in-training aren't just book-smart but can walk the walk when they start treating real people. Knowing the textbook stuff is important, sure, but being able to actually apply it is what really matters for keeping people healthy and safe.Johnny says the scoring for OSCEs is really specific too. The teachers have checklists of all the essential steps and behaviors they expect to see for each station. They literally check boxes as you go through each part correctly or make mistakes. It leaves no room for subjective judging - it's all based on objective criteria of what you did right and wrong. That seems super fair to me.From what Johnny describes, doing an OSCE sounds equal parts exciting and terrifying! Having to go from room to room, never knowing what kind of situation you'll face next. Having to stay calm and focused while under that pressure of being evaluated the whole time. But he says it's incredible practice for the real high-stakes situations he'll face as a doctor.I got to watch Johnny do a practice OSCE before his big exam, and it was just like being at a real clinic or hospital! Oneroom was set up as an ER trauma bay. Another looked like a regular doctor's office. They even had a fake operating room and a pediatric ward. The level of detail was awesome.Seeing Johnny quickly shift gears between taking histories, giving exams, and explaining diagnoses really drove home how skilled doctors need to be. Handling each case professionally, following proper protocols, all while making the "patient" feel comfortable and cared for. It's a lot to juggle!Johnny didn't get everything perfect, but that's why it was just practice. The teachers gave him tons of feedback on what he did well and what needs more polish. That's the beauty of OSCEs - you get to make mistakes in a safe environment and learn from them before treating real patients.I know Johnny studies really hard for OSCEs by practicing repeatedly with fake patients and studying checklists until procedures become second nature. It's intense preparation, but that's because OSCEs are all about making sure he has honestly mastered those crucial skills, not just cramming facts.When Johnny takes his real high-stakes OSCE at the end of the year, part of me will be stressed just thinking about all the challenges and pressures he'll face. But an even bigger part of me feels good knowing this crazy test exists to ensure he and hisclassmates are truly ready to be capable, skilled, and compassionate doctors that patients can trust.Objective, structured, clinical exams focused on results - it's the perfect way to see if future doctors have the right stuff when it matters most. Johnny knows his stuff cold, so I'm sure he's going to knock those OSCEs out of the park! I'll be the proudest little brother ever.。
生物制剂学英语作文Biological preparations, also known as biological products or biologics, are a type of pharmaceutical product that is derived from living organisms or contains components of living organisms. These products have become increasingly important in the field of medicine and have revolutionized the treatment of various diseases. In this article, we will explore the field of biological preparations and their significance in modern healthcare.Biological preparations encompass a wide range of products, including vaccines, blood and blood components, gene therapies, and cell-based therapies. These products are typically produced through complex manufacturing processes that involve the use of living cells or organisms. Unlike traditional pharmaceuticals, which are chemically synthesized, biological preparations are derived from natural sources and are often more complex in structure.One of the key advantages of biological preparations is their ability to target specific disease mechanisms. For example, vaccines work by stimulating the immune system to recognize and destroy harmful pathogens. This targeted approach not only provides effective treatment but also minimizes side effects. Additionally, biological preparations can be tailored to individual patients, allowing for personalized medicine and improved treatment outcomes.In recent years, biological preparations have played a crucial role in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer, autoimmune disorders, and genetic disorders. Monoclonal antibodies, a type of biological preparation, have revolutionized cancer treatment by specifically targeting cancer cells and sparing healthy cells. Gene therapies, another category of biological preparations, hold promise for treating genetic diseases by replacing or modifying faulty genes.The development and manufacturing of biological preparations require stringent quality control measures to ensure safety and efficacy. Regulatory authorities, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, have established guidelinesand regulations to govern the production and distribution of these products. These regulations aim to ensure that biological preparations meet the highest standards of quality, purity, and potency.Despite their numerous benefits, biological preparations also present challenges. The complexity of their manufacturing processes often leads to higher production costs, making them more expensive than traditional pharmaceuticals. Additionally, the storage and transportation of biological preparations require careful temperature control to maintain their stability, further adding to the logistical challenges.In conclusion, biological preparations have revolutionized the field of medicine and have significantly improved treatment outcomes for various diseases. Their ability to target specific disease mechanisms and provide personalized medicine has transformed the way we approach healthcare. However, the development and manufacturing of these products require stringent quality control measures and present logistical challenges. As research and technology continue to advance, the field of biological preparations holds great promise for the future of healthcare.。
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Advanced: A set of authentic exam practice materials, including reading, writing, listening and speaking practice tests.
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决定选择专业,为学好专业做准备的英语作文Choosing a major is one of the most important decisions that a student will make in their academic career. It will not only determine their future career path, but also shape their future goals and aspirations. To excel in a chosen major, it is crucial to make the right decision and adequately prepare for the challenges ahead.The first step in choosing a major is to reflect on one's interests, skills, and values. It is important to choose a major that aligns with one's passions and strengths, as this will make the learning process more enjoyable and fulfilling. Students should take the time to explore different fields of study, talk to professors and professionals in the field, and participate in internships or volunteer opportunities to gain a better understanding of their interests.Once a major has been chosen, it is essential to begin preparing for success in that field. This can be achieved through a variety of ways, such as taking relevant courses, participating in extracurricular activities related to the major, and seeking out mentorship or guidance from professors and professionals. Developing strong study habits and time management skills is also crucial for success in any major.In addition to academic preparation, students should also focus on developing relevant skills and experiences that will set them apart in their chosen field. This can include gaining practical experience through internships or research opportunities, networking with professionals in the field, and building a strong portfolio of work to showcase their talents and abilities.Finally, it is important for students to remain flexible and open to new opportunities and challenges as they progress in their chosen major. The world is constantly changing, and it is important to adapt and evolve in order to stay competitive in the job market. By staying curious, proactive, and committed to their chosen field, students can increase their chances of success and fulfillment in their academic and professional pursuits.In conclusion, choosing a major and preparing for success in that field requires careful reflection, planning, and dedication. By following these steps and committing to their academic and professional development, students can confidently pursue their passions and achieve their goals in their chosen field.。
关于准备和应变的作文800字英文回答:When it comes to preparation and adaptation, I believe that having a well-thought-out plan is crucial. Whetherit's preparing for a big presentation at work or adapting to a new environment, having a plan in place can make all the difference. For example, when I was preparing for a major exam, I made sure to create a study schedule andstick to it. This allowed me to cover all the material and feel confident going into the exam. On the other hand, when I had to adapt to a new job, I made a point to learn as much as I could about the company and its culture before my first day. This helped me feel more comfortable and prepared as I transitioned into the new role.In addition to having a solid plan, I also believe that flexibility is key when it comes to adaptation. Thingsdon't always go according to plan, and being able to adapt to unexpected changes is important. For instance, when Iwas traveling in a foreign country, I encountered a language barrier that I hadn't anticipated. Instead of getting frustrated, I adapted by using gestures and simple phrases to communicate. This flexibility allowed me tostill enjoy my trip and connect with the locals, despite the language barrier.Furthermore, being open-minded is essential when preparing and adapting to new situations. It's important to be willing to consider different perspectives and approaches. For example, when working on a group project, I found that being open to my teammates' ideas and suggestions led to a more successful outcome. On the other hand, when I had to adapt to a new team dynamic at work, I made an effort to be open-minded about different workstyles and communication methods. This helped me integrate into the team more smoothly and effectively.In conclusion, having a well-thought-out plan, being flexible, and staying open-minded are all important factors when it comes to preparation and adaptation. By incorporating these principles into my approach, I havebeen able to navigate various challenges and transitionswith confidence and success.中文回答:当涉及到准备和适应时,我相信制定一个深思熟虑的计划是至关重要的。
有关preparation英语作文Title: The Art of PreparationIntroduction:Preparation is an essential aspect of achieving success in any endeavor. It involves careful planning, organization, and anticipation of future events. This essay aims to highlight the importance of preparation and how it can significantly impact one's personal and professional life.Body:1. The Benefits of Preparation:- Reduced Stress: Proper preparation helps alleviate stress and anxiety by providing a sense of control and confidence in handling situations.- Improved Performance: Being well-prepared enhances one's ability to perform effectively, leading to better outcomes and achievements.- Time Management: Adequate preparation allows for efficient time management, ensuring that tasks are completed within deadlines.- Adaptability: Preparation enables individuals to anticipate potential challenges and develop contingency plans, making them more adaptable to unforeseen circumstances.2. Strategies for Effective Preparation:- Goal Setting: Clearly defining goals provides a sense of directionand purpose, guiding the preparation process.- Research and Information Gathering: Gathering relevant information and conducting thorough research helps in understanding the task at hand and making informed decisions.- Prioritization: Identifying important tasks and prioritizing them based on urgency and importance ensures that limited resources are allocated effectively.- Practice and Rehearsal: Engaging in practice sessions and rehearsals helps in improving skills, familiarizing with processes, and building confidence.- Seeking Feedback: Actively seeking feedback from others allows for continuous improvement and refinement of preparation strategies.3. Overcoming Procrastination:- Procrastination is a common barrier to effective preparation. To overcome this, it is important to:- Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps.- Set realistic deadlines and stick to them.- Create a conducive environment that minimizes distractions.- Develop self-discipline and hold oneself accountable for completing tasks.4. The Role of Preparation in Different Areas:- Academic Success: Preparation through consistent studying,reviewing, and understanding concepts enhances academic performance.- Career Advancement: Being well-prepared for interviews, presentations, and projects demonstrates professionalism and increases the likelihood of career advancement.- Personal Development: Preparation is crucial for personal goals, such as learning a new skill, maintaining health, or achieving personal milestones.Conclusion:Preparation is a cornerstone of success. It minimizes stress, maximizes performance, and enhances the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes. By implementing effective preparation strategies, individuals can navigate through life's challenges with confidence and ultimately reach their goals. Embracing the art of preparation is a lifelong skill that yields numerous benefits in both personal and professional aspects of life.。
Practicing Life Planning and Preparation
Practicing Life Planning and Preparation Life planning and preparation is a crucial aspect of our lives, as it helps us to achieve our goals and aspirations. It involves setting goals, making plans, and taking action to achieve those goals. It is a continuous process that requires dedication, commitment, and hard work. In this response, I will discuss the importance of life planning and preparation from various perspectives.From a personal perspective, life planning and preparation is essential for achieving personal goals and aspirations. It helps individuals to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles and challenges. For example, if an individual wants to start a business, they need to plan and prepare by researching the market, developing a business plan, and acquiring the necessary skills and resources. Without proper planning and preparation, the chances of success are minimal.From a professional perspective, life planning and preparation is crucial for career advancement and success. It involves setting career goals, developing skills and knowledge, and networking with others in the industry. For example, if an individual wants to advance in their career, they need to plan and prepare by acquiring new skills, taking on new challenges, and building relationships with colleagues and mentors. Without proper planning and preparation, career advancement may be difficult to achieve.From a financial perspective, life planning and preparation is essential for achieving financial stability and security. It involves setting financial goals, developing a budget, and saving and investing money. For example, if an individual wants to save for retirement, they need to plan and prepare by setting a savings goal, developing a budget, and investing in a retirement plan. Without proper planning and preparation, financial stability and security may be difficult to achieve.From a societal perspective, life planning and preparation is crucial for contributing to society and making a positive impact. It involves identifying societal needs and challenges, and developing solutions to address them. For example, if an individual wants to make a positive impact in their community, they need to plan and prepare by identifying the needsof the community, developing a plan of action, and collaborating with others to implement the plan. Without proper planning and preparation, it may be difficult to make a positive impact in society.From a global perspective, life planning and preparation is essential for addressing global challenges and making a positive impact on the world. It involves identifying global issues, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality, and developing solutions to address them. For example, if an individual wants to make a positive impact on the world, they need to plan and prepare by identifying global challenges, developing a plan of action, and collaborating with others to implement the plan. Without proper planning and preparation, it may be difficult to make a positive impact on the world.In conclusion, life planning and preparation is crucial for achieving personal, professional, financial, societal, and global goals and aspirations. It involves setting goals, making plans, and taking action to achieve those goals. It is a continuous process that requires dedication, commitment, and hard work. By planning and preparing, individuals can overcome obstacles and challenges, advance in their careers, achieve financial stability and security, make a positive impact in society and the world, and ultimately, live a fulfilling and meaningful life.。
做准备的作文英语As the day of the annual school science fair approaches, I find myself immersed in the final stages of preparation. The process of getting ready for such an event is as crucial as the presentation itself. Here's how I'm ensuring that I'm fully prepared:1. Research and Understanding: The first step in my preparation was to conduct thorough research on my chosen topic. Understanding the subject matter is essential for crafting a compelling presentation.2. Project Design: With a solid foundation of knowledge, I moved on to designing my science project. This involved selecting the right materials, creating a hypothesis, and outlining the methodology.3. Practice: Rehearsing my presentation multiple times helps me to refine my delivery and anticipate potential questions from the audience. I practice in front of a mirror and with friends to get feedback.4. Visual Aids: To make my presentation more engaging, I've created visual aids such as charts, graphs, and a PowerPoint presentation. These tools help to illustrate complex concepts in a more digestible format.5. Time Management: I've allocated specific time slots foreach part of my presentation to ensure that I stay within the time limit. This includes time for setup, the presentation itself, and a Q&A session.6. Backup Plans: Murphy's Law dictates that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. To mitigate potential issues, I have backup plans in place, such as extra batteries for my equipment and a printed copy of my presentation.7. Dress Rehearsal: A full dress rehearsal in the space where the event will take place is invaluable. It helps me to familiarize myself with the environment and make any necessary adjustments.8. Mental Preparation: Staying calm and confident is key. I practice relaxation techniques and positive affirmations to keep my nerves in check.9. Health and Well-being: Getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising are all part of my preparation routine. A healthy body supports a healthy mind, which is essential for a successful presentation.10. Final Checks: On the day before the event, I do a final check of all my materials, equipment, and notes to ensure everything is in order.By following these steps, I aim to present my project with confidence and clarity, making the most of the opportunity to showcase my hard work and learning. Preparation is the key tosuccess, and I'm committed to making this science fair a memorable experience.。
为汉语演讲做准备的建议英语作文Preparing for a Chinese SpeechIntroductionGiving a speech in Chinese can be a daunting task, especially if you are not a native speaker. However, with proper preparation and practice, you can deliver a successful and engaging speech in Chinese. In this article, I will provide some tips and advice on how to prepare for a Chinese speech.1. Choose a topicThe first step in preparing for a Chinese speech is to choose a topic that you are passionate about and knowledgeable about. This will make it easier for you to speak confidently and fluently. You should also consider the audience and the occasion when choosing a topic.2. Research your topicOnce you have chosen a topic, it is important to research and gather information to support your speech. Make sure to use reliable sources and facts to back up your points. This will help you to speak with authority and credibility.3. Create an outlineBefore writing your speech, it is helpful to create an outline to organize your thoughts and ideas. Start with an introduction to introduce the topic and grab the audience's attention. Then, develop your main points and arguments in the body of the speech. Finally, conclude with a summary of your key points and a memorable closing statement.4. Write your speechAfter creating an outline, you can start writing your speech. Keep your language simple and clear, avoiding complex and difficult vocabulary. Use transitional phrases to connect your ideas and ensure a smooth flow of the speech. Practice speaking aloud to check the rhythm and pacing of your speech.5. Practice, practice, practicePractice is key to a successful speech. Practice speaking your speech aloud multiple times to improve your pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. You can also record yourself speaking and listen back to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to get feedback and build confidence.6. Pay attention to body languageIn addition to practicing your speech, pay attention to your body language. Use gestures and facial expressions to emphasize key points and engage the audience. Maintain eye contact with the audience and stand with good posture to project confidence and authority.7. Seek feedbackFinally, seek feedback from others before your speech. This could be from a teacher, colleague, or friend who can provide constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. Take their feedback into consideration and make any necessary adjustments to your speech.ConclusionIn conclusion, preparing for a Chinese speech requires careful planning, research, and practice. By following these tips and advice, you can deliver a successful and engaging speech in Chinese. Remember to choose a topic you are passionate about, research your topic thoroughly, create an outline, write your speech, practice speaking aloud, pay attention to body language, and seek feedback. Good luck with your Chinese speech!。
Materials Characterization
Materials Characterization Materials characterization is an essential aspect of scientific research and development, playing a crucial role in various fields such as materials science, engineering, and chemistry. This process involves the analysis and evaluation of the physical, chemical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of materials to understand their behavior and performance. In this article, we will delve into the significance of materials characterization, its various techniques, and its impact on advancing technological innovation and scientific understanding. First and foremost, the importance of materials characterization cannot be overstated. It enables researchers and scientists to gain valuable insights into the structure-property relationships of materials, which is integral to the design and development of new materials with tailored properties. By understanding the composition and microstructure of materials at the atomic and molecular levels, researchers can make informed decisions regarding the selection and optimizationof materials for specific applications. This knowledge is particularly valuable in industries such as aerospace, automotive, energy, and electronics, where the performance and reliability of materials are of paramount importance. Materials characterization also plays a crucial role in quality control and failure analysis. By employing various analytical techniques such as spectroscopy, microscopy, and thermal analysis, researchers can identify defects, impurities, and degradation mechanisms in materials, thereby ensuring the reliability and safety of products. Furthermore, when unexpected failures occur, materials characterization can helpin investigating the root causes, facilitating the implementation of preventive measures to avoid future recurrences. From a scientific standpoint, materials characterization contributes to the advancement of fundamental knowledge in the field of materials science. Through the study of material properties and behaviors under different conditions, researchers can uncover new phenomena and mechanisms that broaden our understanding of the natural world. This knowledge not only fuels further research and innovation but also has the potential to lead to breakthroughs in various technologies, from advanced materials to medical devices. Now, let's explore the various techniques employed in materials characterization. One of the most widely used techniques is scanning electron microscopy (SEM),which provides high-resolution imaging and elemental analysis of materials at the micro and nanoscale. This technique is invaluable for observing surface topography, morphology, and phase distribution in a wide range of materials. Another common technique is X-ray diffraction (XRD), which is utilized to analyze the crystal structure of materials, providing information on crystalline phases, crystal orientation, and lattice parameters. Spectroscopic techniques such as Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy are employed to investigate the chemical composition and molecular vibrations of materials,offering insights into their chemical bonds and functional groups. Additionally, thermal analysis techniques like differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) are used to study the thermal properties and stability of materials, including phase transitions, decomposition temperatures, and heat capacity. In the realm of materials characterization, it is important to highlight the emerging trend of advanced and in-situ characterization techniques. These techniques enable real-time monitoring and analysis of material properties under various environmental conditions, providing a deeper understanding of dynamic processes such as phase transformations, mechanical deformation, and chemical reactions. Examples of advanced techniques include in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM), in-situ X-ray imaging, and in-situ mechanical testing, which offer unprecedented insights into the behavior of materials at the micro and nanoscale. In conclusion, materials characterization stands as a cornerstone of scientific and technological advancement, driving innovation and progress across diverse industries and scientific disciplines. Its role in elucidating the properties and behavior of materials, guiding the development of new materials, ensuring product reliability, and expanding our fundamental understanding of the natural world cannot be overstated. As we continue to push the boundaries of materials science and engineering, the importance of robust and comprehensive materials characterization will only grow, paving the way for new discoveries and transformative technologies.。
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Preparation,characterization and dielectric tunability of La 2NiMnO 6ceramicsChangnian Li a ,Bangxu Liu b ,Yanyan He a ,Chao Lv a ,Hua He a ,Yebin Xu a ,⇑a School of Optics and Electronic Information,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China bSchool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,Hubei 430074,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 26October 2013Received in revised form 17December 2013Accepted 18December 2013Available online 28December 2013Keywords:CeramicsOxide materials Sol–gel processes Dielectric responsea b s t r a c tLa 2NiMnO 6powders were prepared by using a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)sol–gel route.Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),thermogravimetric (TG)analysis,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR),X-ray diffraction (XRD)and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM)were used to characterize the precursors and the derived oxide powders.Single-phase La 2NiMnO 6of about 40–50nm diameters was synthesized at 600°C for 2h,without the formation of any intermediate 2NiMnO 6ceramics sintered at 1000°C had tunability of 28%and 20%at 8V/mm at 100kHz and 1MHz,respectively.The electric field dependence of dielectric constant of the ceramics was well described by using the ‘‘multi-polarization mechanism’’model.Ó2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMagnetodielectric materials,which have a dielectric constant that is modulated by applying magnetic field,are expected to lead to novel devices,including capacitive magnetic field sensors and tunable high-frequency filters [1–3].Double-perovskite La 2NiMnO 6,a magnetic semiconductor,has received considerable attention recently because the material has a relatively high Curie temperature (T c )of 280K [4]and a colossal magnetodielectric coupling (up to $20%)over a wide temperature range across room temperature [5,6].A giant tunability of dielectric permittivity was also reported in bulk La 2NiMnO 6[7].Unlike conventional ferroelectrics,such as barium strontium titanate [8,9],La 2NiMnO 6shows low voltage tunability.The structure of La 2NiMnO 6is rhom-bohedral at high temperatures and transforms to monoclinic or orthorhombic [5,10–12]at low temperatures.Both high tempera-ture rhombohedral and low temperature monoclinic/orthorhombic phases coexist over a significantly wide temperature range,across room temperature [5,11,12].Generally,La 2NiMnO 6was prepared by using solid-state reactions at high temperatures [5,7,13–15].Several wet chemical methods,including Pechini method [4,6,11,16,17],glycine–nitrate method [12,18],ethylene glycol gel method [19]and nitrate decomposition method [10],have been used to synthesize La 2NiMnO 6and La 2NiMnO 6nanoparticles [16,17,19].It is reported that synthetic conditions affected thecrystallographic forms of La 2NiMnO 6[4,12,16–19].Samples prepared by the glycine–nitrate method at temperatures of less than 500°C in air are orthorhombic;annealing the samples at 1300°C produces La 2NiMnO 6phase with rhombohedral symmetry [18].La 2NiMnO 6synthesized by using the Pechini method in air at 550–800°C is rhombohedral;samples heated to T >800°C in air were biphasic:monoclinic and rhombohedral [4].La 2NiMnO 6nanoparticles prepared by the same Pechini method showed orthorhombic symmetry [18,19].Chandrasekhar et al.[19]prepared La 2NiMnO 6nanoparticles at 600°C by ethylene glycol gel method,with coexistence of rhombohedral and orthorhombic phases.More recently,Mao et al.[20]synthesized La 2BMnO 6(B =Ni and Co)nanoparticles using a molten-salt reaction at 700°C in air.Kumar and Kaur [21]reported the structural and magnetic properties of La 2NiMnO 6thin films deposited using the pulsed laser deposition technique.The aim of this paper is to synthesize La 2NiMnO 6nanoparticles by using PVA sol–gel method and study the dielectric tunability of La 2NiMnO 6ceramics.PVA route has been used successfully to syn-thesize various monophase,fine and pure mixed-oxide powders [22–27],but no literature currently reported the synthesis of La 2NiMnO 6.On the other hand,although dielectric tunable properties of La 2NiMnO 6has been reported,the relationship between dielec-tric constant and electric field has not well studied.In the present paper,PVA sol–gel method was used to prepare nanocrystalline La 2NiMnO 6powder.Single phase La 2NiMnO 6was prepared at 600°C.Electric field dependence of the dielectric constant of La 2NiMnO 6ceramics was well described by using the ‘‘multi-polarization mechanism’’model.0925-8388/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.12.170Corresponding author.Tel.:+862787543855;fax:+862787543427.E-mail address:xuyebin@ (Y.Xu).2.Experimental proceduresLa2NiMnO6nanoparticles were synthesized by using a PVA sol–gel route.The similar method has been described previously[24–27].High purity La2O3,MnCO3 and Ni(NO3)2Á6H2O were used as the starting ingredients.5%PVA solution was made by dissolving PVA(MW=79,000)in deionized water at80°2O3and MnCO3powders were dissolved in nitric acid and mixed with the PVA solution.Fi-nally,stoichiometric Ni(NO3)2Á6H2O was added to the solution.The molar ratio of hydroxyl groups of PVA to metal ions(OH/M)was1.5.With continuous heating at80°C under constant stirring to evaporate superfluous water,the volume of the solution decreased and the solution viscosity increased continuously.A colloid was formed with the evolution of NO x gas resulting from decomposition of the ni-trate ions.Throughout the process,no precipitation was observed.Then,the sample was heated in an oven at250°C for2h.The colloid swelled and self-ignited with a large volume of gases.The auto-ignition resulted in a voluminous La2NiMnO6pre-cursor powder.The as prepared powder was calcined at400–800°C for2h in air.Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry(STA449F3,Netzsch,Germany) was used to monitor decomposition and pyrolysis of the precursor at a heating rate of10°C/min in static air.Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR,Vertex70, Bruker Optik GmbH,Ettlingen,Germany)was used to determine chemical bonding of the La2NiMnO6precursor and powders.Crystalline phases were identified by using powder X-ray diffraction(XRD)with Cu K a radiation(XRD-7000S,Shimadzu Corp.,Kyoto,Japan).Field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM,JSM-7600F,JEOL,Kyoto,Japan)was used to observe grain size and the morphology of La2NiMnO6powders.The La2NiMnO6powders calcined at800°C for2h were pressed into disks of 12mm in diameter and1–2mm in thickness.The disks were sintered in air at 1000°C for3h and then electroded with silver paint.Dielectric constant was mea-sured by using an Agilent4294A precision impedance analyzer(Agilent Technolo-gies,Santa Clara,CA)at25°C.XRD and SEM were used to characterize phase compositions and microstructure of the sintered samples.3.Results and discussionFig.1shows DSC–TG curve of the La2NiMnO6precursor.The weight loss in the temperature range between room temperature and600°C is12.3%.Thefirst broad endothermic peak between 70°C and230°C in the DSC curve,accompanied by a mass loss of about4.3%in the TG curve,is due to dehydration of the precur-sor.Thefirst exothermal peak at about400°C in the DSC curve in-volves the decomposition of nitrates and the carbonization and volatilization of PVA.The second small exothermal peak around 600°C,accompanied by a sharp mass loss of about3.8%in the TG curve,is associated with oxidation of residual organics and the crystallization of La2NiMnO6.Fig.2shows FT-IR spectra of the La2NiMnO6precursor and pow-ders calcined at400–600°C.For the La2NiMnO6precursor,the broad absorption band at3448cmÀ1can be assigned to O–H stretching.The absorption band at about1489and1388cmÀ1 can be assigned to the splitting of the m3asymmetric stretching of metal carbonates[28],while those at about1068and 850cmÀ1are attributed to the m1and m2modes of the carbonate ions,respectively[29].For the precursor calcined at400°C,the intensities of bands related to carbonate decreased.After calcining at500°C,the absorption due to carbonate decreased greatly and a well-established strong absorption band at606cmÀ1indicates the formation of La2NiMnO6.For perovskite ABO3,the B–O bond stretching vibration of the BO6octahedra was observed in the 500–700cmÀ1[30].The606cmÀ1band is due to the joint action of the Ni–O and Mn–O stretching vibrations.After calcining at 600°C,all the peaks of carbonate disappeared.Fig.3shows XRD patterns of the La2NiMnO6precursor calcined at various temperatures for2h.The precursor is XRD amorphous, as characterized by the broad continuum.After heating the precur-sor at400°C for2h,the powder is still amorphous.At500°C,all the reflections correspond to perovskite structure,indicating the formation of La2NiMnO6.According to the FT-IR spectra,there ex-ists a small amount of amorphous carbonate.After calcining at 600–800°C,the diffraction peaks become stronger and sharper, reflecting higher crystallization.Therefore,we can concludethat542 C.Li et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds590(2014)541–545single-phase La2NiMnO6was formed at600°C.The phase has rhombohedral structure[4].Lattice parameters calculated by using a least-squares refinement program[31]are a=0.551003nm,and=1.323343nm,which are comparable to those reported previously[11,12].This low-temperature rhombohedral phase is different from the orthorhombic phase reported by Joseph et al.[18]in air at T<500°C.The main function of PVA is to provide a polymeric network to hinder cation mobility,allowing local stoichiometry to be main-tained and minimize precipitation of unwanted phases.In aqueous PVA solutions,many metals can be stabilized by the polymer through interactions with OH groups[23].Pure La2NiMnO6that can be obtained at a low temperature is attributed to the molecular level mixing of the cations in the solution.Fig.4shows FESEM micrographs of the La2NiMnO6precursor calcined at600°C and800°C 2NiMnO6nanoparticles with a diameter of40–50nm were obtained at600°C.The sample calcined at800°C showed larger particle size(80–90nm).On the other hand,the sample was partially sintered,so that neck forma-tion between particles is clearly observed.Fig.5shows XRD pattern of the La2NiMnO6ceramics sintered at 1000°C for2h.It is similar to that of the powder calcined at 800°C.SEM photograph of the La2NiMnO6ceramics is shown in Fig.6.The sample is porous due to the low sintering temperature.Fig.7shows dc bias electricfield dependence of dielectric con-stant of the La2NiMnO6ceramics at100kHz and1MHz at room temperature.The dielectric constant decreases from749at 100kHz to320at1MHz,showing obvious dielectric dispersion. Loss tangent of the sample at1MHz is about9,which is compara-ble with that reported in Ref.[7].The high loss tangent is due to the high porosity.A non-linearity is observed,with a tendency towards saturation at$5V/mm.Tunability is calculated byt¼ðeð0ÞÀeðEÞÞ=eð0Þ¼ðCð0ÞÀCðEÞÞ=Cð0Þwhere C is the capacitance and E is the applied dc electricfield.At a given appliedfield E=8V/mm,tunability of the La2NiMnO6ceram-ics at100kHz and1MHz are28%and20%,respectively.These values are lower than that reported by Tang et al.[7].Their sample was at1400°C.However,we found that the La2NiMnO6ceramics sintered at1300°C had too low resistance,and dielectric constant cannot be measured.This difference can be attribute to the differ-ence in synthesis methods.The lower tunability of our samples as compared with the reported data in Ref.[7]is due to its porosity and the different crystal structure.Fig.4.FESEM micrographs of La2NiMnO6precursor calcined at(a)600°C and(b)800°C for2h.Fig.5.XRD pattern of La2NiMnO6ceramics sintered at1000°C for2h.Fig.6.The SEM photograph of La2NiMnO6ceramics sintered at1000°C for2h.The tunability of ferroelectrics is generally explained by using the phenomenological theory of Devonshire,as described by the Johnson equation[32]:e E e E0¼1ð1þa e30e3E0E2Þ1ð1Þwhere e0is the vacuum dielectric constant,E is the external dc bias field,e E0is the dielectric constant at zero bias,e E is the dielectric constant at E,and a is the anharmonic coefficient that is supposed to be an order parameter of the anharmonic interactions.In order to further understand the dielectric nonlinear behavior of the La2NiMnO6,the dielectric constants under bias electricfield was fitted to the phenomenological Johnson equation,but poorfitted results were obtained.In this case,a more sophisticated model should be considered,by taking into account extrinsic polarization contribution.Chen and Zhi[33]introduced a‘‘reorientational polarization’’to describe the‘‘extrinsic’’contribution to the dielectric constant and a multi-polarization-mechanism model was suggested,with the following equatione E¼e E0ð1þa e30e3E0E2Þ1þP0xe0½coshðExÞÀ2ð2ÞIt was adopted to describe thefield dependence of the dielectric constant,where x=P0V/k B T,and P0is the polarization of a polar nanoregion,V is the volume of a nanoregion,k B is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature[33].Thefirst term of the equa-tion,i.e.the Johnson term,represents the intrinsic contribution, while the second term,ngevin term,represents the extrinsic reorientational polarization[33].Using Eq.(2),the dielectric con-stant-electricfield data of the La2NiMnO6ceramics were wellfitted (Fig.5)at100kHz and1MHz to be:e E¼574:4ð1þ0:00601E2Þ13þ165:0½coshð0:45398EÞ À2ð3Þe E¼265:2ð1þ0:00183E2Þ13þ55:2½coshð0:43833EÞ À2ð4ÞAccording to thefitted Johnson contribution,the calculated ‘‘intrinsic’’tunability at8V/mm was10%,at both100kHz and 1MHz,indicating that the intrinsic contribution to tunability is independent on frequency.Therefore,the electricfield dependence of dielectric constant of the La2NiMnO6ceramics are well described by including the additional‘‘extrinsic’’contribution,instead of the Johnson’s approximation.Tang et al.[7]argued that the tunability of La2NiMnO6ceramics was intrinsically related to electronic ferroelectricity due to the charge ordering of Ni2+and Mn4+.Our present work shows that extrinsic reorientational polarization has contribution to the tun-ability.The‘‘extrinsic’’tunability of the La2NiMnO6ceramics at 100kHz at8V/mm is18%,exceeding the‘‘intrinsic’’tunability of 10%.The‘‘reorientational polarization’’is more likely arisen from polar nanoregion[17,33],i.e.,mesoscopic regions with local polar-ization ascribed to the most well known relaxor ferroelectrics.The inhomogeneous distribution of the B-site cations(due to the coex-istence of two B-site cations Ni2+and Mn4+)with different charges and chemical bonding characteristics in the double perovskite structure is responsible for the quenched random electricfield (originating from charged compositionalfluctuations in the nano-particles)and hence polarized nano-regions[17,34].4.ConclusionsPVA sol–gel method has been used to synthesize La2NiMnO6. Phase pure rhombohedral phase La2NiMnO6powders of 40–50nm in diameter were obtained at600°C for2h,without the formation of any intermediate 2NiMnO6ceramics have tunability of28%and20%at8V/mm at100kHz and1MHz, respectively.The electricfield dependence of dielectric constant can be well described by using the‘‘multi-polarization mecha-nism’’model.The‘‘extrinsic’’polarization due to‘‘reorientation of the polar nanoregions’’has contribution to the tunability of the La2NiMnO6ceramics.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.10975055and60771021.The authors wish to acknowledge the Analytical and Testing Center in Huazhong University of Science and Technology for FT-IR analysis. 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