

Roland TD-25_中文说明书

Roland TD-25_中文说明书
连接其他设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 后面板. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 开启/关闭电源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
* 当所有设备正确连接后,请确认按以下顺序开启设备电 源。设备开启顺序错误可能产生故障或损坏。
1. 请将所连接有源音箱的音量调节至最低。 2. 请开启 TD-25 的 [POWER] 开关。
3. 请开启所连接有源音箱的电源并调节其音量。
* 本设备配置有电路保护,开启设备电源后需等待片刻(数 秒钟)才能正常操作。
该接口用于连接耳 机(另购)。 即使您连接耳机, 音频信号同样将从 MASTER OUTPUT 接口输出。
您可以连接音频播放器 并与您喜欢的乐曲一起 弹奏(或录音)。 从该接口输入的音频信 号将同样从 MASTER OUTPUT 接口和 PHONES 接口输出。
您可以选择 U 盘中的音频文件。 &p. 8
套鼓选择转轮用于选择套鼓。 按下套鼓选择转轮用于切换套鼓变化。&p. 5 按下套鼓选择转轮将使屏幕返回 KIT 界面。
打击件按键 当您按下任一按键,各打击垫的音色 将显示于屏幕中。 每当您按下 [TOMS] 和 [CYMBALS] 按键,打击垫将进行交替变化。 &p. 5

人民电器 S、D、T、Q系列开关电源 产品说明书

人民电器 S、D、T、Q系列开关电源 产品说明书

S 、D 、T 、Q 系列开关电源
□ 采用进口元器件,可靠性高;内置滤波器,抗干扰性能好;直流纹波小,工作效率高;

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 100%
EMI 产品特点
S-15W 技术数据
S-35W 技术数据
S-50W 技术数据
S 、D 、T 、Q
S-60W 技术数据
S-100W 技术数据
S-120W 技术数据
S 、D 、T 、Q
S-145W 技术数据
S-200W 技术数据
S-201W 技术数据
S-240W 技术数据
S-250W 技术数据
S 、D 、T 、Q
S-320W 技术数据
S-350W 技术数据。





TL026- 具有 AGC 的差动高频放大器TL026CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL026CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL031- 增强型 JFET 低功耗精密运算放大器TL031CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL034- 四路增强型 JFET 低功耗精密运算放大器TL034CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL051- 增强型 JFET 精密运算放大器TL051CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL052- 双路增强型 JFET 精密运算放大器TL052CDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL052CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL052A- 增强型 JFET 精密双路运算放大器TL052ACDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL061- 低功耗 JFET 输入通用运算放大器TL061CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL061ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL062- 二路低功耗 JFET 输入通用运算放大器TL062CDR D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL062CP P 库存$0.00 TL062CPW PW 库存$0.00 TL062ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL064- 四路低功耗 JFET 输入通用运算放大器TL064CDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL064CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL064CPWR PW 库存$0.00 TL064IDR D 库存$0.00 TL064B- 四路低功耗 JFET 输入运算放大器TL064BCD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL072- 双路低噪声 JFET 输入通用运算放大器TL072CDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL072CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL072CPWR PW 库存$0.00 TL072ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL072-EP- 增强型产品双路低噪声 JFET 输入通用运算放大器TL072QDREP D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL072A- 低噪声 JFET 输入运算放大器TL072ACD D 库存$0.00 TL072ACP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL072B- 低噪声 JFET 输入运算放大器TL072BCP P 库存$0.00 TL074- 四路低噪声 JFET 输入通用运算放大器TL074CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL074CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL074CPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL074IDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL074A- 低噪声 JFET 输入运算放大器TL074ACD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL074ACN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL081- JFET 输入运算放大器TL081CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL082- JFET 输入运算放大器TL082CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL082CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL082IDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL082IP P 库存$0.00 TL082-Q1- 汽车类 JFET 输入运算放大器TL082QDRQ1 D 库存$0.00 TL084- JFET 输入运算放大器TL084CDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL084CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL084CPW PW 暂时缺货$0.00 TL084ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL084IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TL084QD D 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL084A- JFET 输入运算放大器TL084ACD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL084B- JFET 输入运算放大器TL084BCD D 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL084BCN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TL103W- 具有内部参考的双路运算放大器TL103WIDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL103WA- 具有内部参考的双路运算放大器TL103WAID D 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL103WAIDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL1431- 精密可调节(可编程)并联参考TL1431QD D 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL1431QDG4 D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL1451A- 具有宽输入电压范围的双路信道控制器TL1451ACD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL1451ACN N 库存$0.00 TL145406- 三路 RS-232 驱动器/接收器TL145406N N 库存$0.00 TL16C2550- 具有 16 字节 FIFO 的 1.8V 至 5V 双路 UARTTL16C2550IPFB PFB 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C2550PFB PFB 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C2550RHB RHB 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C2552- 具有 16 字节 FIFO 的 1.8V 至 5V 双路 UARTTL16C2552FN FN 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C2552IFN FN 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C2752- 具有 64 字节 FIFO 的双路 UARTTL16C2752FN FN 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C2752IFN FN 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C550C- 具有 16 字节 FIFO 及自动流控制的单路 UARTTL16C550CFN FN 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C550CIFN FN 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C550CIPT PT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C550CPFB PFB 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C550CPT PT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C550D- 具有自动流控制的异步通信元件TL16C550DIPFB PFB 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C550DIPT PT 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C550DPT PT 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C550DRHB RHB 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C552A- 具有 16 字节 FIFO 并行端口的双路 UARTTL16C552AFN FN 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C552AIFN FN 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C552APN PN 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C554- 具有 16 字节 FIFO 的四路 UARTTL16C554IFN FN 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C554A- 具有 16 字节 FIFO 的四路 UARTTL16C554AFN FN 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C554AIPN PN 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16C554APN PN 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16CP554AIPM PM 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL16CP554APM PM 库存$0.00 TL16C752B- 具有 64 字节 FIFO 的双路 UARTTL16C752BPT PT 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL16C752C- 具有 64 字节 FIFO 的双路 UARTTL16C752CIPFB PFB 库存$0.00 TL16C754B- 具有 64 字节 FIFO 的四路 UARTTL16C754BFN FN 所有无铅库存$0.00TL16C754BPN PN 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TL16C754C- 具有 64 字节 FIFO 的四路 UARTTL16CP754CIPM PM 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TL16CP754CPM PM 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TL16PIR552- 具有 16 字节 FIFO、可选择的 IR 及 1284 模式的双路 UARTTL16PIR552PH PH 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL1963A- 单路输出 LDO、1.5A、可调节(1.21V 至 20V)、快速瞬态响应TL1963ADCQR DCQ 暂时缺货$0.00TL1963AKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL1963A-15- 1.5A 低噪声快速瞬态响应 LDO 稳压器TL1963A-15KTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL1963A-18- 1.5A 低噪声快速瞬态响应 LDO 稳压器TL1963A-18DCQR DCQ 所有无铅库存$0.00TL1963A-18KTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL1963A-25- 1.5A 低噪声快速瞬态响应 LDO 稳压器TL1963A-25KTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL1963A-33- 1.5A 低噪声快速瞬态响应 LDO 稳压器TL1963A-33DCYR DCY 库存$0.00TL1963A-33KTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL1963A-Q1- 汽车类单路输出 LDO、1.5A、可调节(1.21V 至 20V)、快速瞬态响应TL1963AQKTTRQ1 KTT 库存$0.00TL2575-05- 1A 简单降压开关稳压器TL2575-05IKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-05IKV KV 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-05IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-12- 1A 简单降压开关稳压器TL2575-12IKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-12IKTTRG3KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-12IKV KV 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-12IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-15- 1A 简单降压开关稳压器TL2575-15IKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-15IKTTRG3KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-15IKV KV 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-33- 1A 简单降压开关稳压器TL2575-33IKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-33IKTTRG3KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-33IKV KV 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-33IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575-ADJ- 1A 简单降压开关稳压器TL2575-ADJIKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575-ADJIKTTRG3KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575-ADJIKV KV 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575-ADJIN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575-ADJINE4N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575HV-05- 具有输出使能端的 1A 简易步降开关稳压器TL2575HV-05IKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575HV-05IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575HV-12- 具有输出使能端的 1A 简易步降开关稳压器TL2575HV-12IKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575HV-12IKTTRG3 KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575HV-12IKV KV 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575HV-12IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575HV-15- 具有输出使能端的 1A 简易步降开关稳压器TL2575HV-15IKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575HV-15IKTTRG3 KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575HV-15IN N 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL2575HV-33- 具有输出使能端的 1A 简易步降开关稳压器TL2575HV-33IKV KV 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575HV-33IN N 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL2575HV-ADJ- 具有输出使能端的 1A 简易步降电压可调节开关稳压器TL2575HV-ADJIKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2575HV-ADJIKV KV 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2575HV-ADJIN N 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL2842- 电流模式 PWM 控制器TL2842D-8 D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2842B- TL284xB, TL384xBTL2842BDR D 库存$0.00 TL2842BDRG4 D 所有无铅暂时缺货$0.00 TL2842BP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2842BPE4P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2843- 电流模式 PWM 控制器TL2843DR-8 D 库存$0.00 TL2843B- TL284xB, TL384xBTL2843BD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2843BDR-8 D 库存$0.00 TL2843BP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL2844- 电流模式 PWM 控制器TL2844P P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2844B- TL284xB, TL384xBTL2844BP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2844BPE4P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2845- 电流模式 PWM 控制器TL2845DR-8 D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2845B- TL284xB, TL384xBTL2845BD D 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL2845BDR-8 D 库存$0.00 TL2845BP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL2845BPE4P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL3016- 超快低功耗精密比较器TL3016CD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TL3016ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TL3016IDG4 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3016IPW PW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TL3116- 超快低功耗精密比较器TL3116CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3116CDG4 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3116CPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3116ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TL317- 3/8 引脚 100mA 可调节正电压稳压器TL317CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL317CDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL331- 一路差动比较器TL331IDBVR DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00TL331KDBVT DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00TL331-Q1- 汽车类单路差动比较器TL331QDBVRQ1 DBV 暂时缺货$0.00TL3414A- 双路高输出电流运算放大器TL3414AID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3414AIPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TL343- 一路低功耗运算放大器TL343IDBVR DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3472- 高转换速率、单电源运算放大器TL3472CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3472IDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3474- 四路高转换率单电源运算放大器TL3474CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3474ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3474A- 高转换率单电源运算放大器TL3474AIDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3474AIN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3842- 电流模式 PWM 控制器TL3842D-8 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3842P P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3842B- TL284xB, TL384xBTL3842BD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3842BD-8 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3842BP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3842BPE4P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3843- 电流模式 PWM 控制器TL3843P P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3843B- TL284xB, TL384xBTL3843BD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3843BD-8 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3843BP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3843BPE4P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3844- 电流模式 PWM 控制器TL3844DR-8 D 库存$0.00TL3844B- TL284xB, TL384xBTL3844BD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3844BD-8 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3844BP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3844BPE4P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3845- 电流模式 PWM 控制器TL3845DR-8 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3845B- TL284xB, TL384xBTL3845BD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3845BD-8 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3845BP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL3845BPE4P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL4050A50- 精密微功耗并联电压基准TL4050A50QDBZR DBZ 库存$0.00 TL4050B25- 精密微功耗并联电压基准TL4050B25QDBZR DBZ 库存$0.00 TL4050B50-Q1- 汽车类精密微功耗并联电压基准TL4050B50QDBZRQ1 DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL4050C25- 精密微功耗并联电压基准TL4050C25IDBZR DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL4050C25IDBZT DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00TL4050C25IDCKT DCK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL4050C50- 精密微功耗并联电压基准TL4050C50IDCKT DCK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL4051A- 精密微功耗并联电压基准TL4051AQDBZR DBZ 库存$0.00 TL4051C12- 精密微功耗并联电压基准TL4051C12IDBZT DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL4051C12QDCKR DCK 库存$0.00 TL4242- 可调节 LED 驱动器TL4242DRJR DRJ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL4242-Q1- TL4242-Q1TL4242QKTTRQ1KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00$0.00 TL4242TDRJRQ1DRJ 暂时缺货TL431- 可调节精密并联稳压器TL431CD D 暂时缺$0.00货TL431CDBVT DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431CDBZR DBZ 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL431CLPR LP 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431CPK PK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431CPKG3PK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431IDBVR DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431IDBZT DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431ILP LP 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431IPK PK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431IPKG3PK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431QDBZR DBZ 库存$0.00 TL431A- 可调节精密并联稳压器TL431ACDBVR DBV 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL431ACDBZR DBZ 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL431ACDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431AIDBVT DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431AIDBZR DBZ 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL431AIDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431AILPR LP 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431AIPK PK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431AQDBZR DBZ 库存$0.00 TL431AQDBZT DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431AQDCKR DCK 库存$0.00 TL431A-Q1- 可调节精密并联稳压器TL431AQDBVRQ1DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431AQDBZRQ1DBZ 库存$0.00 TL431B- 可调节精密并联稳压器TL431BCDBZT DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431BCLP LP 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431BCP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL431BIDBZT DBZ 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL431BIDR D 库存$0.00 TL431BILP LP 暂时缺货$0.00 TL431BIPK PK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431BQDBVR DBV 库存$0.00 TL431BQDBZT DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL431BQDCKR DCK 库存$0.00 TL431BQDR D 库存$0.00 TL431BQLP LP 库存$0.00 TL431BQPK PK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL432- 可调节精密并联稳压器TL432IDBZR DBZ 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL432A- 可调节精密并联稳压器TL432ACDBZR DBZ 库存$0.00 TL432ACDBZT DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL432AIDBZR DBZ 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL432AQDBZR DBZ 库存$0.00 TL432B- 可调节精密并联稳压器TL432BIDBZR DBZ 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL432BQDBZR DBZ 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TL432B-Q1- 汽车类可调节精密并联稳压器TL432BQDBZRQ1DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL494- 脉冲宽度调制 (Pwm) 控制电路TL494CDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL494CN N 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL494CNSR NS 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL494CPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL494ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL494IDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL494IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL499A- 宽电压范围电源控制器TL499ACP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL5001- 宽输入范围 PWM 控制器TL5001CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL5001A- 具有宽输入电压范围的 PWM 控制器TL5001ACD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL5001AID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL5001A-Q1- 汽车类脉冲宽度调制控制电路TL5001AQDRG4Q1 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL5209- 单输出、500mA、可调节(1.3 至 6.5V)、低噪声 LDOTL5209DR D 库存$0.00TL5580- 双路低噪声宽带宽精密放大器TL5580IPWR PW 库存$0.00TL592B- 差动视频放大器TL592B-8D D 库存$0.00TL594- 脉宽调制 (PWM) 控制电路TL594CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL594CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TL712- 具有推挽输出的差动比较器TL712CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL714- 具有推挽输出的高速差动比较器TL714CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL714CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL720M05-Q1- Automotive Catalog Single Output LDO, 700mA, Fixed(5.0V), 45V LoadDump ProtectionTL720M05QKTTRQ1 KTT 库存$0.00TL720M05QKVURQ1 KVU 暂时缺货$0.00TL750L05- 低压降 (LDO) 稳压器TL750L05CD D 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL750L05CKCS KCS 所有无铅库存$0.00TL750M05-Q1- 低压降稳压器TL750M05QKTTRQ1 KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL750M08-Q1- 低压降稳压器TL750M08QKVURQ1 KVU 所有无铅库存$0.00TL750M12- 单输出 LDO、750mA、固定电压 (12.0V)、低静态电流、60V 负荷卸载保护TL750M12CKVURG3 KVU 库存$0.00TL750M12-Q1- 汽车类单路输出 LDO、750mA、固定电压 (12.0V)、低静态电流、60V 负载突降保护TL750M12QKVURQ1 KVU 库存$0.00TL751M05-Q1- 汽车类单路输出 LDO、750mA、固定电压 (5.0V)、使能端、60V 负载突降保护TL751M05QKVURQ1 KVU 所有无铅库存$0.00TL751M08-Q1- 汽车类单路输出 LDO、750mA、固定电压 (8.0V)、使能端、60V 负载突降保护TL751M08QKVURQ1 KVU 库存$0.00TL751M12-Q1- 汽车类单路输出 LDO、750mA、固定电压 (12.0V)、使能端、60V 负载突降保护TL751M12QKVURQ1 KVU 所有无铅库存$0.00TL760M33-Q1- 汽车类单输出 LDO、500mA、固定电压 (3.3V)、负载突降保护TL760M33QKTTRQ1 KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00TL760M33QKVURQ1 KVU 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7660- CMOS 电压转换器TL7660CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7660CDGKT DGK 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7660CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7660CPE4P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7660ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7660IP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7700- 电压监控器TL7700CDGKT DGK 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7702A- 具有可编程 UV 阈值和重置时间延迟的单 SVSTL7702ACD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7705A- 具有可编程时间延迟的 5V 系统的单电源电压监控器TL7705ACD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7705AIDR D 库存$0.00TL7705B- 用于5V 系统的单电源电压监控器,具有可编程时间延迟TL7705BIDR D 库存$0.00TL7712A- 具有可编程时间延迟的一路 SVS,用于 12V 系统TL7712ACD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7712ACDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7733B- 单路电源电压监控器TL7733BCD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL7733BCDR D 库存$0.00TL780-05- 5V 1.5A 固定正电压稳压器(UA7805 升级)TL780-05CKTTR KTT 暂时缺货$0.00TL780-05KCS KCS 所有无铅库存$0.00TL780-12- 3 引脚 1.5A 固定 12V 正电压稳压器TL780-12KCS KCS 所有无铅库存$0.00TL780-15- 3 引脚 1.5A 固定 15V 正电压稳压器TL780-15KCS KCS 所有无铅库存$0.00TL783- 125V 输入电压 3 引脚 750mA 可调节正电压稳压器TL783CKCSE3KCS 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TL783CKTTR KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL783CKTTRG3KTT 所有无铅库存$0.00 TL851- 声纳测距控制TL851CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL852- 声纳测距接收器TL852CDR D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TL852CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TL972- TL971, TL972, TL974TL972ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL972IP P 库存$0.00TL974- TL971, TL972, TL974TL974ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TL974IPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC04- 巴特沃思带开关电容器滤波器TLC04ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC070A- 具有关断状态的一路宽带宽高输出驱动运算放大器TLC070AIP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC072A- 双路宽带高输出驱动运算放大器TLC072AIP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC074- 四路宽带高输出驱动运算放大器TLC074CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC074ID D 库存$0.00TLC074IN N 库存$0.00TLC081- 单路宽带高输出驱动单电源运算放大器TLC081CDGN DGN 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC081ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC081IP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC081IPE4P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC14- 巴特沃思带开关电容器滤波器TLC14CD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC14ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC1514- 10 位 400kSPS ADC,具有串行输出、SPI/DSP 兼容接口、关断状态、4 通道TLC1514ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC1541- 10 位 32kSPS ADC 串行输出微处理器外设/独立、11 通道TLC1541CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2201- 低噪声精密轨至轨输出运算放大器TLC2201CD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC2201A- 高级 LinCMOS(TM) 低噪声精密运算放大器TLC2201ACD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC2254- 四路轨至轨微功耗运算放大器TLC2254CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2254CPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2254ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC2254IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2272A- 高级 LinCMOS(TM) 轨至轨双路运算放大器TLC2272ACD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2272ACPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2272AID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2272AIP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2274A- 高级LinCMOS™ 轨至轨四路运算放大器TLC2274ACDR D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC2274ACN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2274ACPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2274AID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC2274AIPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2543- 12 位 66kSPS ADC 串行输出,可编程 MSB/LSB 优先,可编程断电/输出数据长度,11 通道TLC2543CDB DB 库存$0.00TLC2543CDW DW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2543CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2543IDB DB 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC2543IDW DW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2543IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2554- 12 位 400KSPS ADC,4 通道具有断电功能的串行TLC2554ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC2554IPW PW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC2574- 串行输出低功耗具有内置转换时钟的 & 8x FIFO,4 通道TLC2574IDW DW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC2578- 串行输出、低功耗,具有内置转换时钟 8x FIFO、8 通道TLC2578IDW DW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC2578IPW PW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC277- 二路精密单电源运算放大器TLC277CD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC277CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC277ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC27L4B- LinCMOS(TM) 精密四路运算放大器TLC27L4BID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC27M2B- LinCMOS(TM) 精密二路运算放大器$0.00TLC27M2BID D 所有无铅/绿色环保暂时缺货TLC27M4- 四路精密单电源低功耗运算放大器TLC27M4CD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00$0.00TLC27M4CPWR PW 所有无铅/绿色环保暂时缺货TLC2932A- 锁相环系统TLC2932AIPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC339- 四路微功耗 LinCMOS(TM) 比较器TLC339ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC3544- 14 位、5V、200KSPS、4 通道单级性 ADCTLC3544IDW DW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC3544IPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC3548- 14 位、5V、200KSPS、8 通道单级性 ADCTLC3548IDW DW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC3548IPW PW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC3578- 串行输出、低功耗,具有内置转换时钟 8x FIFO、8 通道TLC3578IDW DW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC3578IPW PW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC3702- 双路微功耗推挽输出 LinCMOS(TM) 电压比较器TLC3702CP P 库存$0.00TLC3702ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC3702IP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC4545- 16 位 200KSPS ADC,具有串行输出、自动断电和伪差动输入TLC4545ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC5510- 8 位 20MSPS ADC,单通道、内部 S、低功耗TLC5510IPW PW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC5628- 8 位,10us 八路 DAC,串行输入,1x 或 2x 输出可编程,同步更新,低功耗TLC5628CDW DW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC5628CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC5628IDW DW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC5628IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC59108F- 8 位快速模式+ (FM+) 12C 总线 LED 驱动器TLC59108FIPWR PW 库存$0.00TLC5921- 16 通道 LED 驱动器TLC5921DAP DAP 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC5926-Q1- 汽车类 16 位恒流下沉式 LED 驱动器TLC5926QPWPRQ1 PWP 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC7628- 8 位,0.1us 双路 MDAC,并行输入,DSP 快速控制信号TLC7628CDW DW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC7628CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC7733- 具有可编程时间延迟的 3.3V 系统的单电源监控器TLC7733ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLC7733IP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC7733IPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLC7733QD D 库存$0.00TLC7733QPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2022- 双路精密低功耗单电源运算放大器TLE2022CD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLE2022CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2022IP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2022A- Excalibur 高速低功耗精密双路运算放大器TLE2022ACD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLE2022AID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLE2022AIP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2022A-Q1- 汽车类 Excalibur 高速低功率精密运算放大器TLE2022AQDRG4Q1 D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2024- 四路精密低功耗单电源运算放大器TLE2024CDW DW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLE2024CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2024IDW DW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLE2024A- Excalibur 高速低功耗精密四路运算放大器TLE2024AIN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2027- 低噪声精密运算放大器TLE2027CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2027ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2037- 低噪声高速精密解压缩运算放大器TLE2037CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2037ID D 库存$0.00TLE2061- JFET 输入高输出驱动 uPower 运算放大器TLE2061CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2061A- Excalibur JFET 输入高输出驱动微功耗运算放大器(低功耗版 TLE2071)TLE2061ACD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2062A- Excalibur JFET 输入高输出驱动微功耗双路运算放大器TLE2062AID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2064A- Excalibur JFET 输入高输出驱动 uPower 四路运算放大器TLE2064AID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2072- 二路低噪声高速 JFET 输入运算放大器TLE2072CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2072CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2072A- Excalibur 低噪声高速 JFET 输入二路运算放大器TLE2072ACP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2072AID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2074- 四路低噪声高速 JFET 输入运算放大器TLE2074CN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2074A- Excalibur 低噪声高速 JFET 输入四路运算放大器TLE2074ACN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2082- 双路高速 JFET 输入运算放大器TLE2082CD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLE2082ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLE2082IP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLE2084A- Excalibur 高速 JFET 输入四路运算放大器TLE2084ACDW DW 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE2142- 二路低噪声高速精密运算放大器TLE2142CD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE2142CP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE2142ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE2142IP P 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE2142A- Excalibur 低噪声高速精密双路运算放大器TLE2142ACD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TLE2142AID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE2144A- Excalibur 低噪声高速精密四路运算放大器TLE2144AIN N 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE2161A- Excalibur JFET 输入高输出驱动低功耗运算放大器TLE2161ACD D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE2301- Excalibur 三态输出宽带宽功率运算放大器TLE2301INE NE 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE2426- “轨分离器”精密虚拟地TLE2426CD D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TLE2426CLP LP 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLE4275-Q1- 汽车类 5V 低压降电压稳压器$0.00 TLE4275QKTTRQ1KTT 暂时缺货TLE4275QKVURQ1KVU 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLK100- 工业以太网 PHYTLK100PHP PHP 库存$0.00 TLK10002- 双通道 10Gbps 多速率收发器TLK10002CTR CTR 库存$0.00 TLK10021- XAUI 到 XFI 收发器TLK10021ZWQ ZWQ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLK1002A- 二路信号调节收发器TLK1002ARGET RGE 库存$0.00 TLK10034- 四路 XAUI/10GBASE-KR 收发器TLK10034AAJ AAJ 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLK10232- 四路 XAUI/10GBASE-KR 收发器.$0.00 TLK10232CTR CTR 暂时缺货TLK110- 工业 10/100 以太网 PHYTLK110PTR PT 库存$0.00 TLK1101E- 11.3Gb/s 电缆和 PC 主板均衡器TLK1101ERGPT RGP 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00 TLK1102E- 11.3Gbps 双通道电缆和 PC 主板均衡器TLK1102ERGET RGE 库存$0.00TLK1201A- 具有半速率选项的千兆以太网收发器TLK1201ARCP RCP 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK1201AI- 具有半速率选项的千兆以太网收发器TLK1201AIRCP RCP 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK1221- 以太网收发器TLK1221RHAT RHA 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK1501- 0.6 至 1.5GBPS 收发器TLK1501IRCP RCP 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK1521- 500Mbps 至 1.3Gbps 18 位收发器TLK1521IPAP PAP 所有无铅库存$0.00TLK2201AJR- 1.0 至 1.6Gbps 千兆以太网收发器TLK2201AJRZQE ZQE 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK2201B- 1.0 至 1.6 千兆以太网收发器TLK2201BRCP RCP 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK2201BI- 1.2 至 1.6 千兆以太网收发器TLK2201BIRCP RCP 所有无铅库存$0.00TLK2226- 6 端口千兆以太网收发器TLK2226GEA GEA 库存$0.00TLK2501- 1.5 至 2.5GBPS 收发器TLK2501IRCP RCP 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK2521- 1.0-2.5Gbps 18 位串行器/解串器TLK2521IPAP PAP 所有无铅库存$0.00TLK2541- 1.6 to 2.7 GBPS TransceiverTLK2541PFP PFP 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK2701- 1.6 至 2.7GBPS 收发器TLK2701IRCP RCP 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK2711A- 1.6 至 2.5GBPS 收发器TLK2711AIRCP RCP 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK2711AJRZQE ZQE 所有无铅库存$0.00TLK3101- 2.5 至 3.125Gbps 收发器TLK3101IRCP RCP 所有无铅库存$0.00TLK3132- 双通道 600Mbps 至 3.75Gbps 多速率收发器TLK3132ZEN ZEN 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK3134- 4 通道 600Mbps 至 3.75Gbps 多速率收发器TLK3134ZEL ZEL 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLK4015- 4 通道 0.6 至 1.5Gbps/通道收发器TLK4015IGPV GPV 所有无铅库存$0.00TLS1233- 视频前置放大器系统TLS1233N N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV1117-15- 单输出 LDO、800mA、固定电压 (1.5V)、内部电流限制、过热保护TLV1117-15CDCY DCY 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV1117-15CDCYR DCY 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV1117-50- 单输出 LDO、800mA、固定电压 (5.0V)、内部电流限制、过热保护TLV1117-50CDCYR DCY 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV1117-50CDRJR DRJ 库存$0.00$0.00TLV1117-50CKVURG3KVU 暂时缺货TLV1117-50IDCY DCY 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV1117-50IDCYG3DCY 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV1117-50IDRJR DRJ 库存$0.00TLV1117LV12- 1A 固定正电压低压降线性稳压器TLV1117LV12DCYR DCY 库存$0.00TLV1117LV12DCYT DCY 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV1571- 1 通道 10 位 1.25MSPS ADC,具有 8 通道输出、DSP/SPI、硬件可配置、低功耗TLV1571CDW DW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLV1571IDW DW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV1571IPW PW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLV2254- 四路轨至轨低压低功耗运算放大器TLV2254ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00$0.00TLV2254IN N 所有无铅暂时缺货TLV2264A- 高级LinCMOS™ 轨至轨四路运算放大器TLV2264AID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLV2264AIPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2264A-Q1- 汽车类高级 LinCMOS 轨至轨运算放大器TLV2264AQPWRQ1PW 库存$0.00TLV2371- 550uA/通道 3MHz RRIO 运算放大器TLV2371IDBVT DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2372- 550uA/通道 3MHz RRIO 运算放大器TLV2372IDR D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2372IP P 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2374- 550uA/通道 3MHz RRIO 运算放大器TLV2374ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2374IN N 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2374IPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2374-Q1- 汽车类 550uA/通道 3MHz 轨至轨输入/输出运算放大器TLV2374QPWRG4Q1PW 库存$0.00TLV2382- 10uA/通道 160kHz、 RRIO 双路运算放大器TLV2382ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2404- 具有宽电源电压范围和高 CMRR 的四路微功耗 RRIO 运算放大器TLV2404ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2404IN N 库存$0.00TLV2404IPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV2444- 轨至轨输出、宽输入电压四路运算放大器TLV2444ID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLV2765- 具有关断状态的四路 1.8V 微功耗轨至轨单电源放大器TLV2765IPW PW 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLV2774- 四路 2.7V 高转换率轨至轨输出运算放大器TLV2774CD D 所有无铅无偏好** 库存$0.00TLV2774ID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLV3011- 具有电压参考的低功耗漏极开路输出比较器TLV3011AIDBVT DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV3011AIDCKT DCK 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV3012- 采用 SOT23 封装具有电压参考的毫微瓦功耗 1.8V 推挽比较器TLV3012AIDBVT DBV 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLV3012AIDCKT DCK 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLV320AIC26- 具有立体声耳机/扬声器放大器和 12 位电池/温度 / Aux 的低功耗立体声音频编解器TLV320AIC26IRHB RHB 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV320AIC3007- 具有集成 D 类放大器的低功耗立体声编解码器TLV320AIC3007IRSBT RSB 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV320AIC3101- Low Power Stereo Audio CODEC for Portable Audio/TelephonyTLV320AIC3101IRHBT RHB 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLV320AIC3204- 采用 Power TuneTM 技术的超低功耗立体声音频编解码器TLV320AIC3204IRHBR RHB 库存$0.00TLV320AIC3204IRHBT RHB 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV320AIC3253- 具有嵌入式 miniDSP 的超低功耗立体声音频编解码器TLV320AIC3253IRGET RGE 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV320AIC36- 用于便携式音频/电话的低功耗立体声音频编解码器TLV320AIC36IZQER ZQE 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV3494- 四路毫微瓦功耗推挽输出比较器TLV3494AID D 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLV431B- 低电压可调节精密并联稳压器TLV431BCDBVT DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV431BCDBZT DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV431BIDBZR DBZ 库存$0.00TLV431BQDBVR DBV 库存$0.00TLV431BQDBZT DBZ 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV5617A- 10 位 2.5 双路 DAC,具有串行输入、可编程稳定时间TLV5617AID D 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV5639- 12 位,DAC,并行,电压输出,可编程内部参考,建立时间、功耗、1 通道TLV5639IDW DW 所有无铅库存$0.00TLV5639IPW PW 所有无铅/绿色环保库存$0.00TLV702475- 用于便携式设备的 300mA、低 IQ、低压降稳压器TLV71210- 300mA、低 IQ、低输出电压、低压降稳压器TLV71210DBVR DBV 库存$0.00 TLV71210DSET DSE 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLV7211A- TLV7211TLV7211AID D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLV7211AIDBVR DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLV7211AIDBVRG4DBV 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLV7211AIDCKT DCK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLV7211AIDCKTG4DCK 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLV7211AIDG4 D 所有无铅库存$0.00 TLV7211AIDRG4 D 所有无铅库存$0.00。




以下是TD3330标准电能表的使用说明书:1. 概述TD3330标准电能表是一款基于ADE7755芯片的智能电表,具有高精度、宽量程、低功耗等特点。


2. 设备安装与连接a. 电源要求:请确保电源电压在100V-240V之间,避免过电压或欠电压情况。

b. 接线方式:按照火线、零线、地线的顺序接入电表,确保接线牢固。

c. 通信接口:TD3330标准电能表具有RS485通信接口,可通过串口进行数据读取。

3. 操作与使用a. 开关机:短按电表正面的开机键,等待电表自检完成后即可正常工作。


b. 读数:在电表正常工作时,液晶显示屏会显示当前电能读数。

c. 数据查询:通过RS485通信接口,可使用配套的抄表软件或手持抄表器进行数据查询和导出。

4. 注意事项a. 请勿随意拆卸或改装电表,以免造成设备损坏或安全隐患。

b. 若发现电表故障或异常情况,请及时联系专业人员进行检修或维护。

c. 请保持电表工作环境的清洁干燥,避免粉尘、潮湿等环境因素对设备造成影响。

5. 保养与维护a. 定期检查电表外观,确保无破损、污渍等现象。

b. 定期清理电表表面灰尘,保持清洁。

c. 若发现电表故障或误差超标,请及时联系专业人员进行检修或校准。

6. 技术规格与参数a. 量程:5(60)A, 20(80)A, A三档可选。

b. 精度:±1%读数±%基本电流(In)。

c. 显示:液晶显示。

d. 通信接口:RS485。

e. 工作环境:-20℃~60℃(工作) -40℃~85℃(存储)。

f. 外形尺寸:19mm×96mm×175mm(长×宽×高)。

g. 重量:约1kg。

7. 故障排除与处理a. 电表无显示:检查电源是否正常,检查接线是否牢固。




1. 月份:每个月的日期或周期。

2. 开始库存量:每个月开始时的库存数量。

3. 采购数量:每个月进货或采购的库存数量。

4. 销售数量:每个月销售出去的库存数量。

5. 调拨数量:每个月调拨给其他地点或部门的库存数量。

6. 结束库存量:每个月结束时的库存数量。

7. 库存周转率:每个月的库存周转率,即销售量与平均库存的比率。

8. 预警指标:库存预警指标,通常是一个阈值,当库存低于此阈值时触发报警或提醒。

9. 预警提示:根据预警指标和实际库存量的比较结果,显示预警提示信息,如“库存过低”或“库存过多”等。









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下面提供了一些指导,可以使你在充满险阻的变革旅程中保持坚定的信念,重点关注相应的领域,保持成功的势头:疑虑:IPD 不够灵活。











ST - III系列电源用户手册说明书

ST - III系列电源用户手册说明书

ST - III Series POWER SUPPLIESUSER MANUALIntroductionThese instructions detail the installation and operation requirements for the ST20-III & ST35-III power supplies. These have been designed for operation in RV’s providing a DC power system, with optional battery back up.The units operate from 240Vac and provide an isolated 13.65Vdc output at 20A and 35A respectively for powering the load and charging of batteries. All the necessary protection and operating features for the load and batteries are provided. An optional DC input is also provided to enable charging of batteries and powering of the load from an external +13.8V DC power source. The units are fully enclosed ready for direct wall mounting. All connections are at the rear of unit providing convenient wiring and installation. User access to all load and battery fusing has been provided from the front of the unit.OperationSafety: Refer to the installation section before operating. Correct installation is the most critical factor in ensuring the safe use of the power supply. If every consideration of these instructions has been satisfied the power supply will be safe to operate.If the AC supply cord is damaged it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid hazard.The unit is rated to charge a single 12V (up to 6 cells) lead acid battery at 100Ahr Capacity. Functional Diagram:AC/DC Power Supply: This provides an isolated 13.65Vdc output for powering of the load and float charging of the battery. Battery current is sensed and monitored by the power supply to ensure that the maximum charging current is not exceeded.Battery Features: The power supply provides full battery management as per the following.The power supply is a four stage battery charger with Boost (VBoost = 14.05V), Float (VFloat = 13.65V), Store (VStore = 13.25V) and Trickle charge modes to ensure long battery life.Battery Charging current is limited to a maximum of 10A (ST20-II) and 15A (ST35-II). This provides optimum life for the batteries.To charge at the maximum battery charge current above, ensure the load current plus battery current is equal or less than the maximum output current. The charging current will be reduced in situations where the difference between the rated output current and the load current (the available charging current), is less than the maximum charging current.Also note that the battery current sense is provided in the “Batt +ve” battery output. For this feature to work, the load “+ve” and battery “Batt +ve” should not be cross connected. (Appliances should not be connected to both the “Batt +ve” and “+ve” terminals of the power supply. Appliances should be connected to the “+ve” and “-ve” load terminals).Low Voltage Disconnection of the batteries is provided to prevent deep discharge of the battery. Automatic reconnection occurs when battery voltage recovers.Battery Current Drain is less than 2mA.Trickle Charge to the battery is always present. When the battery voltage is below the LVD (Low voltage disconnect) re-connect voltage (<10V and the mains power or auxiliary power is available, the battery will be charging at 0.8A. When the battery voltage is sufficient (>10.5V for first power up, 11.5V and 11.7V for subsequent reconnection with and without mains respectively) the LVD will connect the battery and allow float charging at 10A/15A (ST20-II/ST35-II). The Trickle Charge feature is provided to allow “very” flat batteries to be charged at a rate, which will extend their life.Remote Battery Isolate Switch: The ST-III series power supplies allow for connection to a remotely positioned switch that provides a manual disconnection of the battery from the loads and the main charger. When the switch contacts are closed, the battery will be isolated from the loads. NOTE: When the battery is isolated from the loads using the battery isolate switch it will NOT charge at the 10/15 A rate even if the mains is connected to the power supply. In this condition it will ONLY charge at the Trickle charge rate.Front Panel Indicators: The ST-III series power supplies have 3 indicators visible on the front fascia.Mains(GREEN) – is illuminated when mains power is present.Battery(ORANGE) – is illuminated when the battery is connected to the loads.Fault(RED) – is illuminated when there is a fault with the power supply.Battery fuse Blown1Battery connected reverse polarity2Shut down condition (UV and OT)3Main PCB micro controller malfunction4Notes1.Flashing 1s ON, 1s OFF.2.Solid ON.3.Flashing 1s ON, 1s OFF, with no battery connected the power supply may be in hiccupmode which will cause the indication to flash with random duty cycle and frequency.4.Fault Led= Solid On, All other leds = OFF, irrespective of actual mains or LVD status. Auxiliary Power Input: The power supply terminal “Aux In +VE” provides an alternative option for powering of the load and float charging of the batteries when mains voltages are not present. This input is to be powered by a suitable +12V system. (i.e. CAR). The voltage of the auxiliary power source should not exceed 14.8 volts.When operating via the external input, current and voltage control for the battery must be provided from the external source. The ST20-II/35-II does not provide battery current limit or voltage control when operating in this configuration. Trickle Charge is still functional when powered through “Aux In +VE” terminal of power supply.Suitable fuse protection must be provided for this input. A fuse rating not exceeding 20 Amps for ST20-II and 30 Amps for ST35-II must be used.Solar power should be connected directly across the battery terminals with a voltage regulator in series. A solar panel voltage regulator with maximum output voltage not exceeding 14.8 volts must be used at all times. Failure to use a voltage regulator may result in power supply damage. Generator 12 volt outputs should not be connected across battery terminal whilst battery is connected to power supply or connected to the “Aux In +VE” terminal of power supply. Serious power supply damage or internal explosion may occur. If a flat 12 volt battery has to be charged using the generators 12 volt output, it should first be disconnected from the power supply. Once battery has being charged it can then be reconnected to power supply.Power supply unit should only be powered from either 240VAC mains or Auxiliary Power (Auxiliary Power also includes solar power) but not both. Failure to do so may result in damage to power supply.Protection: the power supply provides automatic protection for overload including short circuit, over-voltage, over-temperature and reverse connected battery. In such instances the Fault indicator will illuminate and the power supply will shut down. It will attempt to automatically restart every 5 seconds until such case that the fault is removed.Fusing: Each load circuit and the battery have been fused to provide fault protection and discrimination. Refer to servicing section for maximum fuse ratings.InstallationHost Equipment: The host equipment must ensure that access to the unit (other than the front panel) by the user is prevented.Personnel: Installation is to be carried out only by suitably qualified personnel.Ventilation: Provide a minimum of 80mm clearance above, below and behind the unit. The final enclosure must also provide adequate ventilation to the outside world (or larger internal cavity) to prevent the build up of hot air. Failure to provide adequate ventilation will mean the unit may prematurely trip thermal shut-down. A minimum ventilation of 20,000mm2 to the outside world must be provided.Mechanical and Mounting:After mounting unit, clip on the front fascia (ensure that all locking clips have engaged) and secure with screw located inside the fuse panel door.Orientation: The unit is to be installed with the front fascia in a vertical plane. Failure to do this will cause premature temperature shut-down.Wiring UpMains: This is pre cabled and fitted with AS/NZ mains plug ready for connection to internal GPO. Ensure that the connection to the mains supply is in accordance with the national wiring rules, and that the earth connection is installed.Load, Battery and External DC Input Connections: Connectors are 0.8 x 6.3mm QC tabs. Use mating QC connector suitable for cable size. Connector pin-out is shown below.Cabling sizes: DC cables must be sized to carry the maximum full load current and not exceed the system volt drop requirements. The following cable sizes are recommended.Where cables pass through any part of a metal panel or cover, ensure that a cable gland or bush is fitted to the hole.Battery Connection Procedures:Battery should be connected as per the following steps.Turn power supply off and all 12 volt equipment connected to power supply.Connect positive battery terminal to “Batt +VE” power supply terminal.Connect negative battery terminal to “Batt -VE” power supply terminal or negative chassis ground.If battery is connected to chassis, ensure a connection exist from chassis to “Batt –VE”terminal of power supply.Battery Disconnection Procedures:Battery should be disconnected as per the following steps.Turn power supply off and all 12 volt equipment connected to power supply.Disconnect negative battery terminal connection to “Batt –VE” power supply terminal or negative chassis ground.1.Disconnect positive battery terminal to “Batt +VE” power supply terminal.BatteriesWhen using batteries with this product always consult with the battery manufacturer for a detailed description of the installation, use and maintenance of the battery.Ensure battery has been charged for several days before a major camping trip (Leave the power supply on for at least 2 – 5 days with battery connected).This product is suitable for charging 12V-Sealed Lead-Acid (SLA) batteries including Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) batteries both Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) and Gel batteries. One or two batteries with max.100Ah capacity each can be charged. Charging current is limited to 10A (ST20-II) and 15A(ST35-II).ServicingPersonnel: This product contains hazardous voltages and energy hazards, which can result in death or injury. Only properly qualified service personnel may service it.There are no internal user serviceable parts. Only the fuses located in the “fuse panel” located on the front panel are serviceable.Isolate mains power, Vext and battery before servicing.Replacement of Fuses: Only the DC output Load and Battery fuses may be replaced.Fuse ratings: Load fuses 20A max, Battery Fuse 35A max.Fuse types: 32V Automotive Bussmann ATC series or Littelfuse 257 series or equivalentSpecificationInput Voltage:ST20-II & ST35-II: 230 – 240Vac nominal, ±10%, 50/60Hz.The power supply will withstand a 5 minute, +15% surge on themaximum nominal voltageInput Surge:< 40A (cold start)Hold-up Time:> 10mS at full load current and over nominal input voltage operatingrangeOutput Current:ST20-II: 20A Continuous (load + battery current)ST35-II: 35A Continuous (load + battery current)Factory Set Voltage 13.65V +/- 0.1V (Vfloat)Load Regulation:< 2%Output RippleVoltage:< 150mVOver VoltageProtection:< 17VOver Current Protection ST20-II: 20A to 25A (load + battery current) ST35-II: 35A to 38A (load + battery current)Battery Current Limit10A ± 1A (ST20-II)15A ± 1A (ST35-II)BatteryConnect/Disconnect Connect: 10.50 ± 0.2V (Input Mains not present) and first power up Connect: 11.70 ± 0.2V (Input Mains not present and not first power up) Connect: 11.50 ± 0.2V (Input Mains present)Disconnect: 10.0 ± 0.2VBattery TrickleCharge0.8A Battery Drain< 2mA. Efficiency:> 84%Cooling Fan Operation ST35-II Only.Cooling fan on temperature of Transformer: 95C + 3 degrees. Cooling fan off temperature of Transformer: 75C + 3 degrees.Ambient0O C – 50O CWeight:< 2kgStandards Safety: AS/NZS 60335-1, AS/NZS 60335-2-29 & AS/NZS 61558EMC CISPR 22 class ACompliance:ERAC+ACMA (RCM)Battery ManagementTo maintain the battery in a good state of health an intelligently controlled charging algorithm is used. The purpose is to ensure that the correct voltages are applied to the battery terminals at the appropriate times throughout it’s usage cycle.To prevent corrosion on the battery positive plate due to continuous float charging current (VFloat = 13.65V), the unit utilises a storage mode voltage (VStore = 13.25V) when no activity on the battery is detected. This extends the battery life. During store mode, the unit exits to boost mode (VBoost = 14.05V) for 15 minutes every 24hrs to maintain charge in the battery. If battery activity is detected during store mode it exits automatically into float mode.For any decision making involving the “loss of mains” detection there is a 2 minute mains debounce period where there must be no mains signal present on the mains detect input for the “no mains” signal to be valid.A detailed description of the operational requirements for the charging algorithm is describedbelow:N/A Microcontroller first powerup.Initial application of powerto the microcontrollereither from 240VAC mainsinput or connection of abattery to the battery input (Includes Auxiliary power).VfloatVfloat (No Mains Input)Mains input detected afterloss of mains for less than1 hour.Float charging mode withmains input voltagedetected (set 24 hourtimer).VfloatVboost Mains input voltage wasdetected for more than 15minutes.Float charging mode withmains input voltagedetected (set 24 hourtimer).VfloatVfloat No mains input voltage isdetected.Float charging mode withno mains input voltagedetected (set 1 hour timer).Vfloat (Nomains input)Vstore No mains input voltage isdetected.Float charging mode withno mains input voltagedetected (set 1 hour timer).Vfloat (Nomains input)Periodic_Vboost No mains input voltage isdetected.Float charging mode withno mains input voltagedetected (set 1 hour timer).Vfloat (Nomains input)Vfloat (No Mains Input)Mains input voltage wasdetected after being absentfor more than 1 hour.Loss of mains, boostcharging mode, active afterresumption of mains inputsupply (set 15 minute boosttimer).VboostVboost (No Mains Input)Mains input voltage wasdetected (this conditionmust also reset the 15minute boost period).Loss of mains boostcharging mode, active afterresumption of mains inputsupply (set 15 minute boosttimer).VboostVboost No mains input voltage isdetected.Boost charging mode whileno mains is detected.Vboost (NoMains Input)Vfloat Mains input voltage waspresent for more than 24hours.Battery storage mode (set24 hour timer).VstorePeriodic_Vboost Periodic boost voltagetimer has timed out.Battery storage mode (set24 hour timer).VstoreVstore Battery storage mode timerhas timed out.Periodic boost mode (set15 minute timer).Periodic_VboostBattery Charging Voltage Over TimeTimeST–III Series Power Supplies USER INSTRUCTIONSElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is defined as “the ability of a device, equipment or system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbance to anything in that environment”.Switch-mode power supplies are good generators of EMI and as such care needs to taken during their designs to limit their emissions. Requirements of the local regulator (ACA) limit the emissions to protect the frequency spectrum. Limits are set down in standards such as EN55022 for radiated and conducted emissions. However, these limits are not satisfactory for devices in close proximity (<3m) and as such do not guarantee that the power supply will not cause interference with devices such as TV’s or radios.The ST20-III/35-III have been designed with equipment interoperability in mind. The emissions are in the order of 10 – 100 times below the regulator requirements (this is expressed in dB (µV)) and greatly reduce the likelihood of causing interference with Radios and TV’s located in close proximity.However, care still needs to be taken with the routing of cables and placement of the unit with respect to appliances. Small emissions can still cause interference. If interference is present, then locate cables from the power supply away from appliance so far as possible and also locate the power supply away as far as practical.Page 11 of 11Issue D。



电信集团IDC业务网管系统规目录1前言 (1)2适用围 (1)3名词与术语 (1)4参考资料 (2)5总体要求 (2)5.1整体架构 (2)5.2与外部系统的关系 (3)5.2.1与省IP 城域网网管系统的关系 (4)5.2.2与省级SOC 系统的关系 (5)5.2.3与省级综合故障管控系统的关系 (5)5.2.4与集团IDC 资源管理系统的关系 (5)5.3建设目标 (6)5.3.1远期目标 (6)5.3.2近期目标 (6)5.4建设原则 (7)5.4.1省级IDC 业务网管系统的建设原则 (7)客户为导向 (7)充分利旧 (7)分省接入 (7)5.4.2本地IDC 机房安防系统、动环监控系统建设原则 (8)6IDC 业务网管系统功能要求 (8)6.1运营支撑管理 (8)6.1.1作业计划管理 (8)6.1.2自动巡检 (9)6.1.3自动故障告警 (9)6.2设备故障管理要求 (9)6.2.1端口异常监控 (10)6.2.2故障信息集成 (10)6.2.3故障上报 (10)6.2.4异常及告警的展现 (10)6.2.5异常及告警的处理 (11)6.3设备信息管理要求 (11)6.3.1网络设备管理 (11)6.3.2主机管理 (12)6.3.3地址管理 (12)6.3.4电路管理 (12)6.3.5电路群管理 (13)6.3.6VLAN 管理 (13)6.3.7AS 管理 (13)6.3.8配置文件管理 (13)6.3.9规性检查 (14)6.3.10设备OS 版本管理 (14)6.3.11设备历史档案管理 (14)6.4性能管理要求 (14)6.4.1性能门限管理 (14)6.4.2实时性能处理 (14)6.4.3历史性能处理 (14)6.4.4性能监测 (15)主机性能监测 (15)网络性能监控 (15)应用性能监测 (16)性能检测与分析 (17)6.5网络拓扑管理要求 (17)6.5.1拓扑发现 (17)6.5.2拓扑展现 (17)6.5.3拓扑定制 (17)6.5.4拓扑监视 (18)6.6流量流向管理要求 (18)6.6.1流量流向管理 (18)6.6.2流量流向分析 (19)6.7业务/产品质量管理要求 (21)6.8用户集中权限认证管理 (21)6.9客户管理系统要求 (22)6.9.1大客户管理 (22)6.9.2前端服务管理 (22)6.9.3SLA 管理 (22)7演示系统要求 (22)7.1报表管理系统要求 (24)7.2系统管理要求 (25)7.2.1权限管理 (25)角色管理 (25)用户管理 (25)7.2.2系统数据的备份和恢复 (25)7.3日志管理要求 (25)8IDC 业务网管系统外部接口 (25)9IDC 业务网管系统性能要求 (28)10本地IDC 机房安防系统要求 (29)10.1本地视频安防监控系统要求 (29)10.2入侵报警系统要求 (30)10.3出入口门禁系统要求 (30)11本地IDC 机房动环监控系统要求 (30)11.1数据采集容及要求 (30)11.2告警管理 (31)11.3综合查询分析报表 (31)D) 环比分析报表(趋势分析)__ (32)1前言互联网数据中心(Internet Data Center,IDC)(以下简称IDC)是中国电信依托电信级机房设备、高质量的网络资源、系统化的监控手段、专业化的技术支撑,为客户提供标准机房环境、持续安全供电、高速网络接入、优质运行指标的设备托管以及相关增值服务,并向客户收取相应费用的一项业务。

Richtek RT7296C 3A 同步步进下降电源说明书

Richtek RT7296C 3A 同步步进下降电源说明书

RT7296C 3A, 17V Current Mode Synchronous Step-Down ConverterGeneral DescriptionThe RT7296C is a high-efficiency, 3A current mode synchronous step-down DC/DC converter with a wide input voltage range from 4.5V to 17V. The device integrates 80mΩhigh-side and 30mΩlow-side MOSFETs to achieve high efficiency conversion. The current mode control architecture supports fast transient response and internal compensation. A cycle-by-cycle current limit function provides protection against shorted output. The RT7296C provides complete protection functions such as input under-voltage lockout, output under-voltage protection, over-current protection, and thermal shutdown. The PWM frequency is adjustable by the EN/SYNC pin. The RT7296C is available in the TSOT-23-8 (FC) package. Ordering InformationG : Green (Halogen Free and Pb Free) RT7296CNote :Richtek products are :④RoHS compliant and compatible with the currentrequirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.④Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes. Features● 4.5V to 17V Input Voltage Range●3A Output Current●Internal N-Channel MOSFETs●Current Mode Control●Fixed Switching Frequency : 1.4MHz●Synchronous to External Clock : 300kHz to 3MHz ●Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit●External Soft-Start Function●Input Under-Voltage Lockout●Output Under-Voltage Protection●Thermal ShutdownApplications●Industrial and Commercial Low Power Systems●Computer Peripherals●LCD Monitors and TVs●Set-top BoxesMarking Information00= : Product CodeDNN : Date CodeSimplified Application CircuitEnableOUTV INRT7296CPin ConfigurationsS SS WG N D F BE N /S Y N CB O O TV I NP V C C(TOP VIEW)TSOT-23-8 (FC)Functional Pin DescriptionRT7296CFunction Block DiagramBOOTGNDSWFBOperationUnder Voltage Lockout ThresholdThe IC includes an input Under Voltage Lockout Protection (UVLO). If the input voltage exceeds the UVLO rising threshold voltage (3.9V), the converter resets and prepares the PWM for operation. If the input voltage falls below the UVLO falling threshold voltage (3.25V) during normal operation, the device stops switching. The UVLO rising and falling threshold voltage includes a hysteresis to prevent noise caused reset. Chip EnableThe EN pin is the chip enable input. Pulling the EN pin low (<1.1V) will shutdown the device. During shutdown mode, the RT7296C’s quiescent current drops to lower than 1μA. Driving the EN pin high (>1.6V) will turn on the device.Operating Frequency and SynchronizationThe internal oscillator runs at 1400kHz (typ.) when the EN/SYNC pin is at logic-high level (>1.6V). If the EN pin is pulled to low-level over 8μs, the IC will shut down. The RT7296C can be synchronized with an external clock ranging from 300kHz to 3MHz applied to the EN/SYNC pin. The external clock duty cycle must be from 20% to 80% with logic-high level = 2V and logic-low level = 0.8V. Internal RegulatorThe internal regulator generates 5V power and drive internal circuit. When VIN is below 5V, PVCC will drop with VIN. A capacitor (>0.1μF) between PVCC and GND is required. Soft-Start FunctionThe RT7296C provides external soft-start function. The soft-start function is used to prevent large inrush current while converter is being powered-up. TheRT7296Csoft-start timing can be programmed by the external capacitor between SS pin and GND. The Chip provides a 11μA charge current for the external capacitor. Over Current ProtectionRT7296C provides cycle-by-cycle over current limit protection. When the inductor current peak value reaches current limit, IC will turn off High Side MOS to avoid over current.Under Voltage Protection (Hiccup Mode)RT7296C provides Hiccup Mode of Under Voltage Protection (UVP). When the FB voltage drops below half of the feedback reference voltage, V FB , the UVP function will be triggered and the IC will shut down for a period of time and then recover automatically. The Hiccup Mode of UVP can reduce input current in short-circuit conditions. Thermal ShutdownThermal shutdown is implemented to prevent the chip from operating at excessively high temperatures. When the junction temperature is higher than 150︒C, the chip will shutdown the switching operation. The chip is automaticallyre-enabledwhenthejunctiontemperature cools down by approximately 20︒C.RT7296C Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1)●Supply Input Voltage, VIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 20V●Switch Voltage, SW-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to V IN + 0.3V<20ns--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -5V●BOOT to SW, V BOOT – SW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 6V (7V for < 10μs) ●Bias Supply Output, PVCC---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 6V (7V for < 10μs) ●Other Pins--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 6V●Power Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25︒CTSOT-23-8 (FC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.428W●Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)TSOT-23-8 (FC), θJA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70︒C/WTSOT-23-8 (FC), θJC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15︒C/W●Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 260︒C●Junction Temperature ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -40︒C to 150︒C●Storage Temperature Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -65︒C to 150︒C●ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)HBM (Human Body Model) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2kV Recommended Operating Conditions(Note 4)●Supply Input Voltage, VIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5V to 17V●Junction Temperature Range ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -40︒C to 125︒C●Ambient Temperature Range ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -40︒C to 85︒C Electrical Characteristics(V = 12V, T = 25︒C, unless otherwise specified)RT7296Cstress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability.Note 2. θJA is measured at T A= 25︒C on a high effective thermal conductivity four-layer test board per JEDEC 51-7. θJC is measured at the exposed pad of the package.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution recommended.Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.RT7296CTypical Application CircuitOUT 3.3VVNote : All input and output capacitance in the suggested parameter mean the effective capacitance. The effective capacitance needs to consider any De-rating Effect like DC Bias.Table 1. Suggested Component ValuesRT7296CTypical Operating CharacteristicsEfficiency vs. Output Current010203040506070809010000.51 1.52 2.53Output Current (A)E f f i c i e n c y (%)Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage3. Voltage (V)O u t p u t V ol t a g e (V )Reference Voltage vs. Temperature0.760.770.780.790.800.810.820.830.84-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)R e f e r e n c e V ol t a g e (V )Output Voltage vs. Output Current3. Current (A)O u t p u t Vo l t a g e (V )UVLO Voltage vs. Temperature3.003.203.403.603.804.004.204.40-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)U V L O V o l t a ge (V )EN Threshold vs. Temperature1. (°C)E N T h r e s h o ld (V )RT7296CV IN = 12V, V OUT = 3.3V, L = 1.5μH,I OUT = 1.5A to 3A to 1.5AV OUT (50mV/Div)I OUT (1A/Div)Time (200μs/Div)Load Transient ResponseV IN = 12V, V OUT = 3.3V,L = 1.5μH,I OUT = 3AV OUT (20mV/Div)V LX (5V/Div)Time (1μs/Div)Output Ripple VoltageV IN = 12V, V OUT = 3.3V, I OUT = 3AV OUT (2V/Div)V EN (2V/Div)V LX (10V/Div)I LX (3A/Div)Time (2ms/Div)Power On from ENV IN = 12V, V OUT = 3.3V, I OUT = 3AV OUT (2V/Div)V EN (2V/Div)V LX (10V/Div)I LX (3A/Div)Time (2ms/Div)Power Off from ENV IN = 12V, V OUT = 3.3V, I OUT = 3AV OUT (2V/Div)V IN (10V/Div)V LX (10V/Div)I LX (3A/Div)Time (5ms/Div)Power On from VINV IN = 12V, V OUT = 3.3V, I OUT = 3AV OUT (2V/Div)V IN (10V/Div)V LX (10V/Div)I LX (3A/Div)Time (5ms/Div)Power Off from VINRT7296CApplication InformationThe RT7296C is a high voltage buck converter that can support the input voltage range from 4.5V to 17V and the input voltage range from 4.5V to 17V and the output current can be up to 3A. Output Voltage SelectionThe resistive voltage divider allows the FB pin to sense a fraction of the output voltage as shown in Figure 1.OUTFigure 1. Output Voltage SettingFor adjustable voltage mode, the output voltage is set by an external resistive voltage divider according to the following equation :OUT FB R1V V 1R2=+⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭Where V FB is the feedback reference voltage (0.807V typ.). Table 2 lists the recommended resistors value for common output voltages.External Bootstrap DiodeConnect a 100nF low ESR ceramic capacitor between the BOOT pin and SW pin. This capacitor provides the gate driver voltage for the high side MOSFET. It is recommended to add an external bootstrap diode between an external 5V and BOOT pin, as shown as Figure 2, for efficiency improvement when input voltage is lower than 5.5V or duty ratio is higher than 65% .The bootstrap diode can be a low cost one such as IN4148 or BAT54. The external 5V can be a 5V fixed input from system or a 5V output (PVCC) of the RT7296C.Figure 2. External Bootstrap DiodeExternal Soft-Start CapacitorRT7296C provides external soft-start function. The soft-start function is used to prevent large inrushcurrent while converter is being powered-up. The soft-start timing can be programmed by the external capacitor (C SS ) between SS pin and GND. The Chip provides a 11μA charge current (I SS ) for the external capacitor. The soft-start time (t SS , V REF is from 0V to 0.8V) can be calculated by the following formula :SS SS SS C (nF) 1.3t (ms) = I (A)μ⨯Inductor SelectionThe inductor value and operating frequency determine the ripple current according to a specific input and output voltage. The ripple current ∆I L increases with higher VIN and decreases with higher inductance.OUT OUT L IN V VI 1f L V ⎛⎫⎛⎫∆=⨯- ⎪ ⎪⨯⎝⎭⎝⎭Having a lower ripple current reduces not only the ESR losses in the output capacitors but also the outputvoltage ripple. High frequency with small ripple current can achieve highest efficiency operation. However, it requires a large inductor to achieve this goal.For the ripple current selection, the value of ∆I L = 0.3(I MAX ) will be a reasonable starting point. The largest ripple current occurs at the highest V IN . To guarantee that the ripple current stays below the specified maximum, the inductor value should be chosen according to the following equation :OUT OUT L(MAX)IN(MAX)V V L 1f I V ⎛⎫⎛⎫=⨯- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⨯∆⎝⎭⎝⎭RT7296CThe inductor's current rating (caused a 40︒C temperature rising from 25︒C ambient) should be greater than the maximum load current and its saturation current should be greater than the short circuit peak current limit. C IN and C OUT SelectionThe input capacitance, C IN , is needed to filter the trapezoidal current at the source of the top MOSFET. To prevent large ripple current, a low ESR input capacitor sized for the maximum RMS current shouldbe used. The RMS current is given by :RMS OUT(MAX)I I 1= This formula has a maximum at V IN = 2V OUT , where I RMS = I OUT /2. This simple worst-case condition is commonly used for design because even significant deviations do not offer much relief.Choose a capacitor rated at a higher temperature than required. Several capacitors may also be paralleled to meet size or height requirements in the design. The selection of C OUT is determined by the required Effective Series Resistance (ESR) to minimize voltage ripple. Moreover, the amount of bulk capacitance is also a key for C OUT selection to ensure that the control loop is stable. Loop stability can be checked by viewing the load transient response as described in a later section. The output ripple, ∆∆V OUT , is determined by :OUT L OUT 1V I ESR 8fC ⎛⎫∆≤∆⨯+⎪⎝⎭The output ripple will be highest at the maximum input voltage since ∆I L increases with input voltage. Multiple capacitors placed in parallel may be needed to meet the ESR and RMS current handling requirement. Dry tantalum, special polymer, aluminum electrolytic and ceramic capacitors are all available in surface mount packages. Special polymer capacitors offer very low ESR value. However, it provides lower capacitance density than other types. Although Tantalum capacitors have the highest capacitance density, it is important to only use types that pass the surge test for use in switching power supplies. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have significantly higher ESR. However, it can be used in cost-sensitive applications for ripplecurrent rating and long term reliability considerations. Ceramic capacitors have excellent low ESR characteristics but can have a high voltage coefficient and audible piezoelectric effects. The high Q of ceramic capacitors with trace inductance can also lead to significant ringing. Thermal ConsiderationsFor continuous operation, do not exceed absolute maximum junction temperature. The maximum power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC package, PCB layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and difference between junction and ambient temperature. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the following formula : P D(MAX) = (T J(MAX) - T A ) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature, and θJA is the junction to ambient thermal resistance.For recommended operating condition specifications, the maximum junction temperature is 125︒C. The junction to ambient thermal resistance, θJA , is layout dependent. For TSOT-23-8 (FC) package, the thermal resistance, θJA , is 70︒C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-7 four-layer thermal test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25︒C can be calculated by the following formula :P D(MAX) = (125︒C - 25︒C) / (70︒C/W) = 1.428W for TSOT-23-8 (FC) packageThe maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for fixed T J(MAX) and thermal resistance, θJA . The derating curve in Figure 3 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation.RT7296CFigure 3. Derating Curve of Maximum PowerDissipationLayout ConsiderationsFor best performance of the RT7296C, the following layout guidelines must be strictly followed.Input capacitor must be placed as close to the IC as possible.SW should be connected to inductor by wide and short trace. Keep sensitive components away from this trace.Keep every trace connected to pin as wide as possible for improving thermal dissipation.SW should be connected to inductor by Wide andVia can help to reduce power trace and improve thermal dissipation.trace wider for thermal.Figure 4. PCB Layout Guide0. Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )RT7296C Outline DimensionTSOT-23-8 (FC) Surface Mount PackageRichtek Technology Corporation14F, No. 8, Tai Yuen 1st Street, Chupei CityHsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.。



数据中心节能降耗解决方案目录一、前言 (2)1.1 背景介绍 (2)1.2 解决方案目的 (3)二、数据中心能源消耗现状分析 (3)2.1 数据中心能源消耗构成 (4)2.2 数据中心能源效率现状 (5)2.3 节能降耗潜力分析 (6)三、数据中心节能降耗解决方案 (7)3.1 空调系统节能改造 (9)3.1.1 高效空调设备应用 (10)3.1.2 智能化空调控制系统 (10)3.2 供电系统节能改造 (12)3.2.1 高效UPS应用 (13)3.2.2 低压直流供电系统 (14)3.3 服务器及存储设备节能优化 (15)3.3.1 低功耗服务器推广 (16)3.3.2 存储设备节能技术 (17)3.4 网络及通信系统节能策略 (18)3.4.1 低功耗网络设备应用 (20)3.4.2 数据中心内部光纤通信优化 (20)3.5 视频监控及照明系统节能改造 (21)3.5.1 智能视频监控系统 (22)3.5.2 节能照明系统应用 (24)四、实施步骤与建议 (25)4.1 实施步骤 (26)4.2 项目实施建议 (28)五、预期效果与评估方法 (29)5.1 预期效果 (30)5.2 评估方法 (31)六、结语 (33)6.1 节能降耗的重要性 (34)6.2 持续改进与创新 (35)一、前言随着信息技术的快速发展,数据中心作为支撑各类业务的重要基础设施,其能源消耗和运营成本不断攀升,已经成为当前社会面临的一大挑战。




1.1 背景介绍随着云计算、大数据、物联网等技术的快速发展,数据中心作为信息系统的核心基础设施,其建设和运营成本不断攀升。

三里屿 PR-25 电源修理指南说明书

三里屿 PR-25 电源修理指南说明书

TrippLite PR-25 Repair Notes – Rich N1IXFRecently, a ham friend asked me to look at his PR-25 power supply and fix it if I could. In that process, I learned that there is very little information available to help guide a ham’s repair of one of these TrippLite power supplies. For example, it is next to impossible to find a schematic diagram or any circuit descriptions for these power supplies. I did manage to find an on-line copy of a schematic for the PR-60 and with that I explored the power supply I wanted to fix. The quality of the only available schematic was a bit rough, so I decided to draw one as I proceeded to troubleshoot the circuit. I even found a mistake in the main fuse location. These notes don’t describe the troubleshooting process that I undertook but I hope they will give you a better picture of the power supply and what to look for if you must repair one.The PR-25 is a 13.8 VDC / 20A continuous duty linear power supply using negative regulation. That negative regulation is something I’m not used to, and it took a while to wrap my head around the schematic. Here’s a block diagram to go along with the schematic I created (see below):Step-Down Transformer, Rectifier, and Filtering –The power supply uses two center tapped secondary windings to step the 120 VAC input down to approximately 17.6 VAC each side of the high current windings and 4.5 VAC each side of the other secondary windings. The high current supply uses a rectifier module attached to its own heatsink. This rectifier supplies two parallel diodes for each side of the center tap. The unfiltered DC is passed to a parallel bank of five 6800 uF filter capacitors ( totaling 34 mF of capacitance). The filtered DC measured 22.5 VDC on the PCB with the filter caps, emitter resistors and pass transistors. The other secondary is used for the supply to the drive transistor (Q1) and is rectified by D1 & D2 and filtered by C2 (6800 uF). This measures 5.5 VDC at the collector of Q1 (2N6388).Voltage Regulation and Current Limiting Foldback Circuits–This power supply uses a LM614CN as the core of the voltage regulation and current limiting foldback circuit. It is powered with 21.9 VDC at pin 4 (Vcc) through D3 and a separate filter cap, C1 and ground at pin 13. The LM614CN contains a precision voltage reference that can be programmed with external resistors and four operational amplifiers in a single 16 pin DIP. According to the datasheet, the reference voltage is set by selecting two external resistors (R2 & R3 in the power supply). With those values, the Vro (reference voltage output) will be 5.5 VDC at pin 9. That reference voltage is adjusted with the variable voltage divider feeding pin 5 (RV8 and R9). The voltage adjustment provided by this potentiometer is used to set 13.8 VDC at the output terminals.The op amp (section U2-B) is configured as a negative voltage comparator, it produces an output voltage by comparing the input voltage (Vin) at pin 6 against the established reference voltage (Vref) at pin 5. When Vin is less than Vref, the op amp’s output will saturate toward Vcc. When Vin is greater than Vref, the op amp’s output will saturate towards the negative supply rail, ~0V. The op amp’s output supplies the bias to the power supply drive transistor, Q1. I believe the RC network (R18 and C5) between the inverting input and the output provide some hysteresis and transient stability to the comparator.Section U2-A of LM614CN samples the power supply output voltage and provides Vin to section U2-B just discussed above. This op amp is configured as a differential amplifier where the output of the op amp will be a bit more than one-third (R4/R5 = 6.65k/18.2k = 0.365) of the difference between the supply’s output voltages that are placed across the resistors on the inverting and non-inverting pins.Section U2-D is configured as a comparator to form the core of the power supply’s current limiting foldback circuit. This circuit senses the load current at the pass transistor’s emitter resistors (R25 and R26) and compares the resulting voltage across that resistor combination with the reference voltage from the resistor network at the non-inverting input of the comparator. It effectively switches off the power supply by shunting the drive transistors’ bias if the sense voltage is larger than the reference voltage. By adjusting the current limiting foldback potentiometer RV15 and, in turn, the reference voltage at pin 14, the current limit of the supply can be set.Crowbar Circuit –The crowbar circuit is a straightforward implementation of the basic configurations detailed in the MC3423 (U1) datasheet. This circuit provides over-voltage protection as it “…senses the overvoltage condition and quickly “crowbars” or short circuits the supply, forcing the supply into current limiting or opening the fuse (hopefully!)…”The trip voltage threshold is adjustable by selecting the values of the voltage divider resistors at the sense pin 2 of U1. In the case of the PR-25 power supply, R22 (14.7k) and R23 (2.61k) set that threshold at 17.24V [ Vtrip = 2.6V(1+(14.7k/2.61k)) ]. A delay can also be programmed by selecting a capacitor (C7) which determines the minimum duration of the over-voltage condition which is necessary to trip protection. In our case, the 1 uF capacitor provides a delay of 13 ms.Output Filtering & Bleeder Resistor -As noted on the schematic, C6, a 2200 uF capacitor across the output terminals of the power supply helps to filter any sags or spikes due to sudden changes in the load. C21 provides high frequency bypass for any RF noise entering the terminals and the bleeder resistor R25 will slowly discharge the power supply’s filter capacitors when it is powered down.Test Voltages –Here’s a table of voltages from the working power supply without a load attached:。




















1. 重要物资:涉及关键业务环节、价值较高、对生产和销售有重大影响的物资,如电池、马达、集成电路等。

2. 一般物资:对生产和销售影响较小的物资,如螺丝、钉子、文具等。

1. 高危险性物资:易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性等危险物资,如硝酸铵、硫酸、氰化物等。

2. 低危险性物资:普通化学品、普通电子元器件等。

1. 严格存储条件:对温度、湿度、光照等条件有严格要求的物资,如精密仪器、特殊化学品等。

2. 一般存储条件:对温度、湿度、光照等条件没有特殊要求的物资,如普通货物等。

1. 紧急需求:物资需求紧急,需要快速发货的物资,如生产急需的零部件、关键设备等。

2. 非紧急需求:物资需求不紧急,可以按照正常流程发货的物资,如一般零配件、普通设备等。

1. 对重要物资进行重点管理和保护,确保其在断电情况下的安全。

2. 对高危险性物资进行特殊管理和保护,确保其在断电情况下的安全。

3. 对严格存储条件的物资采取相应的措施,确保其在断电情况下的安全。

4. 对紧急需求的物资优先处理和发货,确保其及时到达需求方手中。


鸿利 鸿利 鸿利 鸿利
5730白光 A-3528H252W-S1-10-HR1白光
光源厂家 億光 鸿利
规格 NT-5630-01 14*1
光源厂家 国星 瑞丰 鸿利 鸿利
规格 COB 9V NT-MR16-3S 3*1
3528 5730 1W NT-TD-3SA-01
储位编号 A1-1
3535-3W 3535-3W 3535-1W NT-TD-3SA-01
自然光 白光 8D版 暖白
储位编号 A1-2
光源厂家 三星 三星 三星
欧斯朗 欧斯朗
瑞丰 瑞丰 瑞丰 国星 鸿利
规格 5730 5730 3528 3528-30MA 3528 3528-30MA 3528-20MA 5730 5730
光源厂家 瑞丰 瑞丰 鸿利
规格 3528/20MA 3528/30MA
瑞丰 瑞丰 国星
3528/30MA 3528/20MA 3528/20MA
储位编号 A2-1
薪火 薪火 薪火 薪火 薪火 HH-L01-3B 薪火 薪火 薪火 薪火
GT-P04W3410180 1W-45E 1W-45E 45E(绿) 45E(绿) 45E(蓝) 45E(红) 45E
0.5W/24B 0.5W/24B 0.5W/24B 0.5W/24B
储位编号 A3-4



Eaton HFD3125LEaton Series C complete molded case circuit breaker, F-frame, HFD, Complete breaker, Fixed thermal, fixed magnetic trip type, Three-pole, 125A, 600 Vac, 250 Vdc, 100 kAIC at 240 Vac, 65 kAIC at 480 Vac, Line and load, 50/60 HzGeneral specificationsEaton Series C complete molded case circuit breakerHFD3125L 7866791752007.4 in 4.9 in5 in 4.3 lb Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of the Product or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment of the Product, whichever occurs first.UL Listed Product NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCertificationsSeries C65 kAIC at 480 Vac100 kAIC at 240 VacFHFD50/60 HzComplete breakerLine and load600 Vac, 250 Vdc125 AFixed thermal, fixed magnetic Three-pole UL listed 100%-rated molded case circuit breakersApplication of Multi-Wire Terminals for Molded Case Circuit Breakers Application of Tap Rules to Molded Case Breaker TerminalsMotor protection circuit breakers product aidMulti-wire lugs product aidMOEM MCCB Product Selection GuidePower metering and monitoring with Modbus RTU product aidCircuit breaker motor operators product aidPlug-in adapters for molded case circuit breakers product aidCurrent limiting Series C molded case circuit breakers product aid StrandAble terminals product aidCounterfeit and Gray Market Awareness GuideBreaker service centersMolded case circuit breakers catalogEaton's Volume 4—Circuit ProtectionTime Current Curves for Series C® F-Frame Circuit BreakersHFD3 3D InventorHFD3 2D PDFHFD3 AutoCAD 2D Footprint (mm)HFD3 3D Model XchangeInstallation Instructions for EHD, EDB, EDS, ED, EDH, EDC, FDB, FD, HFD, FDC, HFDDC Circuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesCircuit Breakers ExplainedEaton Specification Sheet - HFD3125LMOEM MCCB product selection guideSeries C G-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curves Series C F-Frame molded case circuit breakersSeries C J-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curvesSeriesInterrupt ratingFrameCircuit breaker type Frequency ratingCircuit breaker frame type TerminalsVoltage rating Amperage RatingTrip TypeNumber of poles Application notesBrochuresCatalogsDrawingsInstallation instructions MultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。

TD230005EN 电力容器参考数据 效果:2017年3月初发布 新发布 COOPER POWER

TD230005EN 电力容器参考数据 效果:2017年3月初发布 新发布 COOPER POWER

Group fusing is generally used for protecting pole-mounted distribution capacitor racks. In this type of application, the fuse links are installed in cutouts and mounted on a cross arm above the capacitor rack.The main purpose of the fuse on a capacitor rack is to clear a fault if a capacitor unit or anyof the accessories fail. The fuse must clear the fault quickly to prevent any of the equipment from failing violently and to assure continuous operation of the rest of the system (the unfaulted portion).The fuses must be sized to withstand normal currents, including harmonics, inrush, and outrush. This document describes the following considerations for selecting a group fuse:• Continuous current• Transient current• Fault current• Tank rupture curve coordination• Voltage on good capacitors Continuous currentThe fuse protecting the capacitor is chosen such that its continuous current capability is equal to or greater than 135% of rated capacitor current for grounded-wye connected racks, and 125% for ungrounded-wye racks. This overrating includes the effects of overvoltage, capacitor tolerance, and harmonics. The minimum size fuse link for a grounded-wye application is calculated as follows:This calculation is based on the link being 150% rated. That is, in the case of 150% NEMA typeT and K tin links, they can carry 150% of rated current continuously.1Transient currentFuses can be damaged due to high-magnitude, high-frequency currents. It is desirable to minimize spurious fuse operations by selecting an appropriately large fuse link so as to withstand these transient currents.Three sources of transient currents are capacitor bank switching, lightning surges, and discharge through to external faults (primarily on grounded-wye systems).Switching is typically only a concern when capacitor banks are switched on the same bus, i.e., back-to-back switching. This is seldom the case for pole-mounted capacitors. However, capacitor fuses are subject to high-frequency transients due to lightning surges and discharges through external faults.1 The 150% current-carrying capability applies to tin links,not silver links. Silver T and K links can carry 100% oftheir rating continuously.Group Capacitor Fusing for Pole-Mounted Capacitor Banks in Grounded and Ungrounded Wye Applications2Reference Data TD230005ENEffective March 2017Group Capacitor Fusing for Pole-Mounted Capacitor Banksin Grounded and Ungrounded Wye Applications/cooperpowerseriesFault currentThe fuse link/cutout and the capacitor must be able to handle the available fault current adequately. When capacitors are connected grounded-wye or delta in a pole-mounted rack application, a capacitor failure (terminal-to-terminal) will cause system fault current to flow. The capacitor must be able to withstand the fault current until the fuse interrupts the circuit. Additionally, the fuse must be able to successfully interrupt the available fault current.The available symmetric fault current should not exceed the limits shown in Table 1 or the limits for the selected cutout.T able 1. Fault current limitations:Cooper Power Series T ype SD, HD & XD capacitorsCapacitor Type Maximum Symmetric FaultCurrent (RMS amps) when X/R is:Maximum Link Rating Which Coordinates with Available Fault Current 051015NEMA K NEMA T SD & HD 10,0007,8006,9006,500100K*65T*XD15,00011,70010,3509,750100K*65T** These fuse links coordinate with the capacitor tank rupture curves only up to the currents given in the table.When the available fault current for a given application exceeds the capacitor or cutout capability, possible solutions include the following:•Use current-limiting fuses which will limit the available fault current seen by the capacitor.•Unground the neutral and operate the bank ungrounded-wye. This is generally a more cost-effective solution.2 In this type of connection, the available current is limited to three times the line current due to the impedance of the capacitors in adjacent phases. See Table 1 for proper fuse selection. (If a majorinsulation failure or simultaneous failures in two phases should occur, then fault current could flow. These events are usually very rare and are normally not considered when applying fuses in an ungrounded-wye application.)•Move the capacitor rack to a location with an acceptable fault current level.2 Additional factors must be considered for operating the bank ungrounded-wye. Capacitor units need to have two bushings and, if the bank has a switch, the switch should be capable of handling the transient recovery voltage (TRV) present in an ungrounded-wye installation.Tank rupture curve coordinationThe maximum clearing time-current curve (TCC) for the fuse link must coordinate with the tank rupture curve for the capacitor. This coordination is necessary to ensure that the fuse will clear the circuit prior to tank rupture occurring.For the maximum fault current, the fuse should melt and clear at a time faster than the corresponding time on the tank rupture curve for that fault current level. In other words, the fuse maximum clear TCC must fall below the tank rupture TCC curve at and below the level of available fault current. In the case of high fault currents, the tank rupture curve should be compensated for asymmetry.In general, the largest fuse size recommended for coordination with the tank rupture curve for the Cooper Power Series type SD, HD and XD capacitors is a NEMA 100K link and a NEMA 65T link. (See publications R230-91-1, R230-91-2, R240-91-1, and R-240-91-2 for tank rupture curves and fuse time-current curves.)Voltage on good capacitorsFor ungrounded-wye capacitor banks, the voltage on the goodcapacitor units, when one is shorted, is equal to system line-to-line voltage, i.e., 1.73 times its rating. If the failed unit is not cleared from the circuit quickly, this high overvoltage condition could lead to a second capacitor failure, resulting in a phase-to-phase fault. For this reason, it is desirable to use the fastest clearing fuse possible so as to minimize the possibility of a second unit failure. This criterion pushes for a fast-clearing fuse, such as a K-link, while the transient-current criterion dictates a slow-clearing fuse, such as a T -link. Therefore, fuse-selection criteria for ungrounded-wye applications are more restrictive than for grounded-wye applications.3Reference Data TD230005ENEffective March 2017Group Capacitor Fusing for Pole-Mounted Capacitor Banks in Grounded and Ungrounded Wye Applications /cooperpowerseries Summary of group fusing recommendations for pole-mounted capacitor racksTable 2 and Table 3 list group fusing recommendations for the Cooper Power Series type SD, HD and XD capacitors. These recommendations are given assuming a typical level of lightning incidence. Consult Eaton’s Power Systems Division technical staff when unusual operation conditions are encountered or where other types of fusing products are utilized.T able 2. Grounded wye pole-mounted capacitor racksLine-to-Gnd.Voltage Recommended Link/Alternate Link NEMA 150% Rated T or K Links3-Phase KVAR150300450600900120013501800240027003600240020T 40T/40K 65T/65K 80K 277020T 40T/40K 50T/50K 65T/65K 100K 416012T 25T/30K 40T/50K 50T/50K 65T/65K 100K 100K 480012T 20T/30K 30T/40K 40T/50K 65T/65K 80K 100K 720012T 15T/30K 20T/40K 25T/50K 40T/65K 50T/65K 65T/65K 80K 100K 762012T 15T/30K 20T/40K 25T/50K 40T/50K 50T/65K 65T/65K 80K 100K 796012T 15T/30K 20T/40K 25T/50K 40T/50K 50T/65K 65T/65K 80K 100K 832012T 15T/30K 20T/40K 25T/50K 40T/50K 50T/65K 50T/65K 65T/80K 100K 100K 954012T 15T 20T/40K 25T/40K 30T/50K 40T/65K 50T/65K 65T/80K 80K 100K 996010T15T 20T/30K 25T/40K 30T/50K 40T/65K 50T/65K 65T/80K 80K 100K 1247012T 15T/30K 20T/40K 25T/50K 30T/50K 40T/65K 50T/65K 65T/80K 65T/80K 100K 1320012T 15T/30K 20T/40K 25T/50K 30T/50K 40T/65K 50T/65K 65T/80K 65T/80K 100K 1380012T 15T/30K 20T/40K 25T/50K 30T/50K 30T/65K 40T/65K 65T/80K 65T/80K 100K 1440012T 15T/30K 20T/40K 25T/50K 30T/50K 30T/65K 40T/65K 50T/80K 65T/80K 100K1992010ET12ET 15ET/30EK 20ET/40EK 25ET/50EK 30ET/50EK 30ET/65EK 40ET/65EK 50ET/80EK 65ET/80EK 2160012ET15ET/30EK20ET/40EK25ET/50EK25ET/50EK30ET/65EK40ET/65EK40ET/80EK50ET/80EKT able 3. Ungrounded wye pole-mounted capacitor racksLine-to-Neut.Voltage Recommended Link NEMA 150% Rated T or K Links3-Phase KVAR150300450600900120013501800240027003600240020T 40K 65K 80K 277015T 30K 50K 65K 100K 416010T 20T 30T 40T 65K 80K 100K 480010T 20T 30K 40K 65K 80K 80K 72006T 12T 20T 25T 40K 50K 65K 80K 100K 76206T 12T 20T 25T 40K 50K 50T 65T 100K 100K 79606T 12T 15T 25T 30T 50K 50K 65T 100K 100K 83205T 10T 15T 20T 30T 40T 50K 65K 80K 100K 95405T 10T 15T 20T 30K 40K 40T 65K 80K 80K 99605T10T 15T 20T 25T 40K 40K 50T 65T 80K 100K 124708T 10T 15T 20T 30K 30T 40T 65K 65K 80K 132008T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30K 40K 50T 65K 80K 138006T 10T 12T 20T 25T 30K 40K 50T 65K 80K 144006T 10T 12T 20T 25T 30K 40K 50K 65K 80K 199205ET8ET 10ET 15ET 20ET 20ET 25ET 40EK 40EK 50ET 216006ET8ET12ET15ET20ET25ET30ET40EK50EKEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United StatesEaton’s Power Systems Division 2300 Badger Drive Waukesha, WI 53188United States/cooperpowerseries© 2017 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. TD230005EN Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.For Eaton‘s Cooper Power series productinformation call 1-877-277-4636 or visit:/cooperpowerseries.Reference Data TD230005EN Effective March 2017Group Capacitor Fusing for Pole-Mounted Capacitor Banks in Grounded and Ungrounded-Wye Applications。



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本次 剩余 调出 本次调出成本 数量 数量 0 2 8 17472 0 0 0 7 0 21 0 0 5 0 0 23 42 51368.016 0 50 61152.4 497 0 0 5 0 0 24 0 0 96 0 0 360 4 1896.64 0 5 30976.13 0 0 5 4 15600 0 0 0 7 0 13 8 21472 10 0 5 2 14010 19 6 8880 57 5 22700 0 15 20805 0 5 3600 0 0 10 26993226.254 296100 20175.845 92808.887 0 607854.856 3318.55 13224 67603.2 359609.4 0 0 22720 0 13860 182715 26840 33510 133095 84360 0 0 0 67020 2059508.992
发出货位 批号
可用数 参考成本 量
申领 数量 12768 17472 21926.254 296100 20175.845 92808.887 51368.016 669007.256 3318.55 13224 67603.2 359609.4 1896.64 30976.13 22720 15600 13860 182715 48312 33510 147105 93240 22700 20805 3600 67020 2329441.178
低压负荷分配柜.宁波隆兴.列头柜. E002|M1171002| 架 2 6384 2 直流配电箱.沈阳有色.DPZ-48/200X E002|M1171002| TD直流配电箱 面 8 2184 8 交流配电屏.DPJ-380/100P.科海 E002|M1171002| TD电源配套交流屏 套 7 3132.322 7 EPS电源.DXB14-220/4KVA(N) E002|M1171002| TD四期电源配套室内EPS 台 21 14100 21 机架600A, 48V组合开关电源架(两路输入手动倒换,并有机械互锁) E002|M1171002| TD网络2011年电源配套 架 5 4035.169 5 机架600A, 48V组合开关电源架(两路输入手动倒换,并有机械互锁) E002|M1171002| 抚顺TD四期一阶段电源工程 架 23 4035.169 23 50A,48V整流模块 E002|M1171002| TD网络2011年电源配套 块 42 1223.048 42 50A,48V整流模块 E002|M1171002| 抚顺TD四期一阶段电源工程 块 547 1223.048 547 48V组合开关电源监控模块 E002|M1171002| TD网络2011年电源配套 块 5 663.71 5 48V分立开关电源监控模块 E002|M1171002| 抚顺TD四期一阶段电源工程 块 24 551 24 2V/600Ah一般基站用阀控式铅酸蓄电池 E002|M1171002| 抚顺TD网络 只 96 704.2 96 2V/800Ah一般基站用阀控式铅酸蓄电池 E002|M1171002| 抚顺TD四期 只 360 998.915 360 蓄电池软连接电缆 E002|M1171002| 抚顺TD网络 套 4 474.16 4 基站专用柜式分体7KW 冷暖 三相空调 E002|M1171002| 抚顺3G(TD-SCDMA)工程 台 5 6195.226 5 配电箱(100A ) E002|M1171002| TD网络2011年电源配套 架 5 4544 5 基站监控器MD07B E002|M1171002| TD电源配套环境监控设备 套 4 3900 4 避雷器 冲击通流容量≥50/100KA E002|M1171002| 抚顺TD四期一阶段电源 套 7 1980 7 集束型基站天线900&1800+TD双极化多系统共用65°&65°&100° E002|M1171002| TD电源工程集束型基站天线 14dBi&16dBi 副 &12dBi非电调倾角可选 13 14055 13 室外防盗箱 E002|M1171002| 迷彩3G防盗箱 个 18 2684 18 网络机柜 E002|M1171002| TD电源工程户外机柜 台 5 6702 5 基站远供电源局端 E002|M1171002| 远供电源局端2400W 套 21 7005 21 基站远供电源远端 E002|M1171002| 远供电源远端500W 套 63 1480 63 远程供电设备2400W E002|M1171002| 远供局端机2400W 台 5 4540 5 远程供电设备500W(适用DC-48V供电) E002|M1171002| 远供远端机500W 台 15 1387 15 远程供电设备分配单元1分1-3路 E002|M1171002| 远程供电分配单元1分1-3路 个 5 720 5 配电柜 E002|M1171002| TD电源配套户外机柜 台 10 6702 10