



●Synonymy 同义关系●synonym 同义词●Antonymy 反义关系●antonym 反义词●Polysemy 多义关系●polyseme 多义词●Homonymy 同音(同形)异义关系●homonym 同音同形异义词,homograph同形异义词,homophone 同音异义词●Hyponymy 上下义关系●superordinate 上义词, hyponym下义词●Taxonymy 分类关系●superordinate上类词, taxonym 分类词●Meronymy 部分整体关系●superordinate 总项词, meronym 分项词幻灯片3Synonymy●Synonymy is a relationship of ‘sameness of meaning’that may hold between two words.●Synonym: a word that means the same as another.●Linguists make a distinction between ‘strict’or ‘absolute’synonymy and ‘loose’or‘relative’synonymy.幻灯片4Strict synonymy●Strict synonyms refer to two words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects. They areinterchangeable in all contexts.●Strict synonyms are very rare, and some linguists even argue that strict synonyms do notexist.●Strict synonymy is uneconomical; it creates unnecessary redundancy in a language.幻灯片5Loose synonymy●When we speak of synonymy, we mean ‘loose’or ‘relative’synonymy, where we find notonly a significant overlap in meaning between two words, but also some contexts where they cannot be used interchangeably.●John found/discovered the basketball in the grass.●Maria Curie discovered radium in 1898.●*Maria Curie found radium in be the first one to come across somethingfind: experience something in some way幻灯片6Distinguishing synonyms●We often take the following things into consideration when we try to find the differencesbetween synonyms.●Different English dialects●Different stylistic meanings●Different connotative meanings幻灯片7Synonyms from different dialects●Some synonym pairs differ in that they belong to different dialects of English. Here are someexamples of synonyms from British and American English:BrE AmE BrE AmElift elevator farm ranchlawyer attorney biscuit cookierubbish garbage pavement sidewalk幻灯片8Synonyms with different stylistic meanings●One of a pair of synonyms may be used in a more formal context than the other. Here aresome examples of synonym pairs.Informal Formal Informal Formaldie decease daddy fatherblame chide guy manwest occidental praise eulogy幻灯片9Synonyms with different connotative meanings●Synonyms may have different emotive associations (connotative meanings).famous notorious(disreputably) misuse abuse(of privilege orpower)ambiguous equivocal(deliberately) new novel(strikingly)hate loathe(with disgust) obtain procure(with effort)幻灯片10Source of synonyms●Why are there so many synonyms in English?●The primary reason for this has to do with the heavy borrowing from other languages,especially from French and Latin.English French Latinask question interrogatetime age epochbegin commencebuy purchase幻灯片11Antonymy (反义关系)●Antonymy is a relationship of ‘meaning opposition’ that may hold between twowords.●Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning.●Major types of antonyms:●Gradable antonyms●Contradictory or complementary antonyms●Converse antonyms幻灯片12Gradable antonyms●Gradable antonyms include pairs like the following:●beautiful ugly●expensive cheap●fast slow●hot cold●long short●rich poor●wide narrowThese pairs are called gradable antonyms because they do not represent a more/less relation. The words can be the end-points of a continuum (连续体).Since they are gradable, they allow comparison.幻灯片13Contradictory (complementary) antonyms●Contradictory antonyms include pairs like the following:●asleep awake●dead alive●on off●remember forget●win lose●true falseThese pairs are called contradictory antonyms because they represent an either/or relation.If you permit some behavior, then it is not forbidden.Since they are not gradable, they do not allow comparison.幻灯片14Converse antonyms (逆行)●The following are examples of converse antonyms:●lend borrow●husband wife●above below●before after●behind in front of●buy sell●give receive●parent child●speak listenLend is the converse of borrow and vice versa; i.e. the substitution of one member for the other does not change the meaning of a sentence if it is accompanied by the change of subject and object.John lent Mary five dollars.=Mary borrowed five dollars from John.幻灯片15Contradictory antonyms vs. Converse antonyms1,The bridge is above the river.The river is below the bridge. Converse antonyms are relational antonyms.2,This behavior is allowed.This behavior is not prohibited. Contradictory antonyms are either/or antonyms.幻灯片16Polysemy●When a word is first coined, it is always the case (true) that it has only one meaning(monosemic). But in the course of development, the same symbol may be used to express new meanings. The result is polysemy.●Polysemy shows the economy and efficiency of human languages.幻灯片17Two processes leading to polysemy●There are two important processes in the development of meaning:●Radiation (发散)●Concatenation(串联)幻灯片18Radiation●Radiation is a process in which the primary meaning stands in the center, and the derivedmeanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.●All the derived meanings can be traced back to the primary meaning.幻灯片19Radiation Example: faceWe can get the derived meanings by extension, narrowing, analogy, transfer, etc.the front of the head(Primary Meaning): 1a person,2self-respect,3outward appearance,4the surface of a thing,5countenance(Derived Meaning)幻灯片20Concatenation●Concatenation is a process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually from its primarymeaning by successive shifts, like the links of a chain, until there is no connection between the meaning that is finally developed and the primary meaning.●Unlike radiation where each of the derived meaning is directly related to the primarymeaning, concatenation is a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one.1→2→3→4→5→6幻灯片21Concatenation Example: candidateA a person dressed in whiteA+B(bridging context) a white robed applicant for office (because the Romans wore white robes when standing for office)B a person taking an examinationThere is no connection between A and B, because the middle link (A+B) has vanished.The primary meaning A has also vanished. Now the derived meaning has become the central meaning.幻灯片22Homonymy●Homonymy is the relation between two words that are spelled or pronounced in the sameway but differ in meaning.●Such words are called homonyms.●lie vi. / lie vi. -- perfect homonyms●tear n./ tear vt.--homographs●coarse/course --homophones幻灯片23Perfect homonyms●Perfect homonyms: words identical in both sound and spelling, but different in meaning●bank: n./ bank: n.●bear: n./ bear: vt.幻灯片24Homographs●Homographs: words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning.●bow: vi. to bend one’s head as a greeting●bow: n. the device used for shooting arrows●sow: n. female pig●sow: vi. to scatter seeds●perfect: v. /- ’-/●perfect: adj. /’- -/幻灯片25Homophones●Homophones: words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning.●sun/son●deer/dear●right/write●pair/pear●stationary/stationery幻灯片26Differentiation of perfect homonyms from polysemous wordsthe same lexeme which has several different meaningsperfect homonymshaving different sourcespolysemous wordsdeveloped from the same sourcedifferent lexemes which have the same form幻灯片27The use of polysemy and homonymy●Polysemous words and homonyms are often used as puns, to achieve certain literary effect,such as humor, irony, etc.●Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland●“How is bread made?”●“I know that!”Alice cried eagerly. “You take some flour.”●“Where do you pick the flower?”the White Queen asked. “In a garden, or in the hedges?”●“Well, it isn’t picked at all,”Alice explained: “it’s ground.”●“How many acres of ground?”said the White Queen.幻灯片28Hyponymy●Hyponymy is the sense relationship that relates words hierarchically. The underlyingobservation is that some words have a more general meaning, while others have a morespecific meaning, while referring to the same entity.We are not going to have any food today.We are not going to have any vegetables today.幻灯片29FOOD have a more general meaning(superordinate): FRUIT, MEAT, VEGETABLE(They are subordinate terms. They are hyponyms of the superordinate term FOOD.)MEAT: BEEF, PORK, MUTTON(They are subordinate terms. They are hyponyms of the superordinate term MEA T.)VEGETABLE have a more specific meaning:(CABBAGE,CELERY,SPINACH)FRUIT: APPLE, PEACH, ORANGE(Reading from the bottom of the hierarchy, ORANGE is a ‘kind of’ fruit, which is a kind of food.)幻灯片30Taxonymy●Taxonymy is the relationship in which “X is a kind of Y”(Cruse 1986).●Not all hyponyms are good taxonyms.●Hyponyms large spoon, deep spoon are not “a kind of spoon”●Taxonyms teaspoon, soup spoon are “a kind of spoon”幻灯片31Taxonymy - Focal orientation●Focal orientation: this is a perspective that the taxonym and superordinateterm must share so that the relationship works● A blonde is not a kind of woman because blonde has a hair color focalorientation that woman lacks.幻灯片32Taxonymy –distinctive feature●It appears that a taxonym must engage with the meaning of its superordinate ina particular way, by further specifying what is distinctive about it. (p.121)● A strawberry blonde is a type of blonde.●(Distinctive f. of blonde: fair hair)●?A blonde is a type of woman.●(Distinctive f. of woman: sex)●?A stallion is a type of horse.●(Distinctive f. of stallion: sex)幻灯片33Hierarchical characteristic of Taxonymy●Pine is a kind of conifer, which is a kind of tree, which is a kind of plant.幻灯片34Taxonymy vs HyponymyHyponymy分类关系具有严格的层次性,一般不超过五层,每个层次的词项必须严格地遵守同一分类标准;而上下义关系中的词项虽然也能够划分层次,但没有严密的定义标准,对层次的数目也没有规定。


• synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning, which bear the same meaning but express emotion of the user
e.g. like / love mean / stingy
行李 luggage baggage
卡车 lorry
•stylistic synonym
• synonyms which differ in style (some words tend to be more formal, others casual, and still others neutral in style)
•Denote different ways of laughing
•It is hardly possible to find an English word which has exactly the same meaning and implication as a Chinese word.
•collocational synonym
•synonyms that differ in their collocation, i.e. in the words they go together with
e.g. accuse…of / charge…with
•semantic synonym
• synonyms that differ slightly in what they mean
e.g. Laugh---to smile with sounds of the voice

英语词汇学课件 Unit 7

英语词汇学课件 Unit 7

7.1 Synonymy & synonym
7.1.1 Definition synonymy: the relation between two lexical units with a shared meaning. synonym: A word that is equivalent in sense to another word (in a particular context or contexts) E.g. select/choose • Will you help me choose a new suit? • I don’t choose to wait.
7.1.2 Classification
perfect/absolute synonyms Partial/relative synonyms
decide to/make up one’s mind to/be determined to
7.1.3 Source of synonyms
7.1.4 Differentiation
denotative/conceptual meaning extend, increase, expand rich, wealthy; want, desire • • • • associative meaning answer / respond cop / policeman He is one of the greatest/biggest lyric poets in the world. Look at that lovely little/small/tiny boy.
E.g. rich/poor, big/small, husband/wife

现代英语词汇学概论7 Sense relations between wordsPPT课件

现代英语词汇学概论7 Sense relations between wordsPPT课件

goodness virtue
e of synonyms: 1.) The choice and use of synonyms: ◆Avoiding repetition:
1.Definition of antonyms:
Words that are opposite
2.Types of antonyms: 1.) According to semantic contrast(语义
对比): ◆ Contraries相对性反义词 ◆ Complementaries互补反义词 ◆ Conversives换位反义词
Chapter VII Sense Relations Between Words
Teaching Contents
I. Synonymy 1.Definition 2.Kinds 3.Patterns e II.Antonymy 1.Definition 2.Types 3.Relevant points e III. Hyponymy IV. Semantic Field
3)Fake synonyms: having no similar or identical denotative meaning
doubt & suspect: 怀疑, 疑心
object & oppose反对
Relationship between antonyms (oppositeness of meaning)


– Words are arbitrary symbols and are independent identities so far as their outer facet---spelling and pronunciation, is concerned. But semantically, all words are related in one way or another, hence sense relations. In light of sense relations, words can be classified semantically.
• 2)Comeaning “linking together”, is a semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first signification by successive shifts of meaning, and there is not a shadow of connection between the sense that is finally developed and the primary.
Chapter 9 Sense Relations
9.1 Sense Relations 9.2 Hyponymy 9.3 Synonymy 9.4 Antonymy 9.5 Homonymy
9. Sense Relations
• What are sense relations(语义关系)?
• E.g. candidate a. white-robed b. office seeker in white gowns c. a person who seeks an office d. a person proposed for a place, award

英语词汇学授课课件 PPT

英语词汇学授课课件 PPT
development and growth.
A: Historical perspective历史的角度
❖ Development of English and its vocabulary: ❖ 1. Old English古英语/ Anglo-Saxon盎格鲁撒
克逊 (449-1100) ❖ England: Celtic(凯尔特语)/ 450AD,
pagoda 宝塔 ❖ German:zinc锌 ❖ Dutch:dock ❖ Russian: vodka, tsar沙皇
❖ 2. Exploration, colonization and trade---borrow from non-European language
❖ Australian: kangaroo ❖ Arabic: sugar, alcohol ❖ Indian: coolie, khaki ❖ Hebrew希伯来语: ❖ Chinese: yamen
❖ This definition emphasizes syntax(句法), but does not touch upon meaning.
Antoine Meillet
❖ “A word is defined by the association of a given sense with a given group of sounds capable of a given grammatical use.” (p.2, para.2 )
❖ The core of the language: Still English
Modern English(1500-present)
❖ 1. Renaissance: the study of the classics ❖ Latin loan words —science and abstract


face: a. the front of the head
b. a surface of a thing
1.3.processes in the development of word meaning
A. radiation: ---process in which the primary
responsibility c. (sing.only) influence or
agency d. (sing.only) person from
whom news, etc. comes ……
--process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually from its primary meaning because of successive changes in word meaning until there is no trace of connection between the meaning that is finally developed and the primary meaning, e.g.: candidate
structuralist view : (Lyons) -- language is a network of systematic relationships between units. -- Lexemes of a language can be structured into fields.
c. shortening of words pop popular / doc dock



More examples:
submarine U-boat
The second was obsolete
flying saucer UFO
in different style
To best one’s opponent, to worst one’s opponent
Perfect (absolute) synonyms are words whose meaning is fully identical in any context so that one can always be substituted for the other without the slightest change in meaning.
man reeled down the hall;
totter indicates the uncertain, faltering steps of a
feeble old person or of an infant learning to walk.
A man changes his habits, alters his conduct, and varies his manner of speaking.
stagger – reel - totter
stagger implies unsteady movement characterized
Synonyms share a likeness in denotation as well as part of speech, for a verb cannot have an adjective as its synonym.

语言学第四章 ppt课件

语言学第四章 ppt课件
• It also refers to groups of more than one word which may be jointly substitutable grammatically for a single word of a particular set.
• 它也指不止一个单词的词组在语法上可 以连带替代单个单词的特定集合。
• There are totally six possible types of language, they are SVO, VSO, SOV, OVS, OSV and VOS.

Syntactic relations句法关 系
– relations of position位置关系 – relations of substitutability替
• The students smile to the teacher.


Positional Relation
• Positional relation, or WORD ORDER, refers to the sequential arrangement of words in a language.
In (a) one can make a choice from the nominal groups, whereas in (b) one can
make a choice from the adverbial.
• (a)

strong man


• 瘦:中性词underweight , slim(苗条) , skinny (瘦削的) , scrawny (骨瘦如柴的) • Small & little
Little 表达一定的感情色彩,经常暗示所谈到的东西小得令人喜欢、喜爱, 如I’d like to have a little house of my own. 而small 表达客观性,如I wouldn’t like to live in such a small house.
Definition of synonyms
A. Complete synonyms完全同义词
Relative synonyms相对同义词
Kinds of synonyms
plete synonyms 完全同义词
• Words are fully identical in any meaning that one can always be substituted for the other without the slightest change in connotative, affective and stylistic meaning.
• thrifty & miserly pigheaded
bravery & foolhardiness
firm &
Kinds of synonyms
B.Relative synonyms 相对同义词 • Collocation and distribution
Empty implies that there is no one or nothing inside while chair suggests vacant that something empty vacantstreet or some place is not occupied. A B room


aptitude, talent He has a good head for history. mind, imagination to use one's head life It cost him his head. top headline, headgear front headlight, headwind
e.g.-- experiencing something experience
interchangeable under certain conditions undergo
expectation: either good or evil. anticipation: as a rule is a pleasurable expectation
7.1.2 Patterns of synonymous sets in Modern English
Why so many synonyms?
English is a language particularly rich in pairs of synonyms. The primary reason for this has to do with the history of language and especially with the wholesome borrowing from other languages.
•similar •in meaning. But: -- there are •more •polysemic •words •than •monosemic
words, and it is inconceivable that a polysemic word could •have •the •same synonymous word for all its meanings. • e.g. head: chief, boss, leader


e.g. dad / father / male parent / pal / friend / companion
.Hale Waihona Puke 5suitable
lucky dangerous many
appropriate fortunate hazardous myriad
More literary(书面语)
•emotive synonym
• synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning, which bear the same meaning but express emotion of the user
e.g. like / love mean / stingy
行李 luggage
卡车 lorry
•stylistic synonym
• synonyms which differ in style (some words tend to be more formal, others casual, and still others neutral in style)
producing any sound of the voice
Chuckle---to laugh quietly with a closed mouth
Giggle---to laugh repeatedly in an uncontrolled way, especially when
one is amused, nervous or embarrassed

词汇学ppt--Differences Among Synonyms

词汇学ppt--Differences Among Synonyms

Synonyms differ in collocation
Different adjectives are used for different kinds of food: rotten tomatoes addled eggs rancid butter sour milk
+ +
+ +
Group ,shoal ,gang, flock, herd,swarm A ____ of birds flock A ______of bees swarm gang A ______of hooligans herd A ______of elephants shoal A ______of fish group A ______of people
English Time Belly End Goodness Holy French Age Stomach Finish Virtue Sacred Latin Epoch['iːpɒk] Abdomen Conclude Probity Consecrated
In this pattern, native, French, and Latin or Greek words co-exist. Native French Latin/Greek Begin terror trepidation Rise flame interrogate Ask commence ascend Fire firm conflagration Fear question secure Fast mount initiate
(1)Accuse…of… Charge…with… Rebuke…for…

语言学同义词与反义词 ppt课件

语言学同义词与反义词 ppt课件
❖ 相对同义词, 这些词在概念意义上基本相同, 但在所表达的理 性意义、色彩意义和用法方面存在着细微差别, 所以也称为 近义词。
E.g. help --- aid careful --- cautious end --- finish --- complete care --- concern --- anxiety --- worry able --- capable --- competent --- qualified
C. Social opposites : husband – wife teacher-student finance -fiancée
❖ 把反义词放在一起用,使两个词相得益彰,可产生对比强烈 ,形象鲜明的效果。英语的成语当中,有一类成对词就是用 反义词组成的:
❖ first and last(总的来说), ❖ to play fast and loose(反复无常),等等。 ❖ 许多谚语里都成对地使用反义词: ❖ “More haste, less speed”(欲速则不达), ❖ “United we stand, divided we fall”(团结则存,分裂则亡), ❖ "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst"(从最好处希望
(1)The assertion of one means the denial of the other,and the denial of one means the assertion of the other.
(2)can’t be modified by “very” (3)Do not have comparative and superlative degrees (4)Do not have intermediate degrees
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• synonyms that differ slightly in what they mean
e.g. Laugh---to smile with sounds of the voice
Smile---to show amusement with an expression of the face without
•Big •Large •Huge
A great leader -----more emphatic than big A great strategist
----- the most emphatic
A great composer
•Great -----modify abstract nouns ( wisdom, courage,
•collocational synonym
•synonyms that differ in their collocation, i.e. in the words they go together with
e.g. accuse…of / charge…with
•semantic synonym
e.g. dad / father / male parent / pal / friend / companion
lucky dangerous many
appropriate fortunate hazardous myriad
More literary(书面语)
•emotive synonym
•Denote different ways of laughing
•It is hardly possible to find an English word which has exactly the same meaning and implication as a Chinese word.
行李 luggage
卡车 lorry
•stylistic synonym
• synonyms which differ in style (some words tend to be more formal, others casual, and still others neutral in style)
producing any sound of the voice
Chuckle---to laugh quietly with a closed mouth
Giggle---to laugh repeatedly in an uncontrolled way, especially when
one is amused, nervous or embarrassed
• Words are only roughly or approximately synonymous.
• It is difficult to find two words that have exactly the same meaning, carry the same implication, are used in the same collocation, or have the same stylistic value.
• Little:
• Imply a feeling of fondness
• 多带主观感情色彩,含小而 可爱或小巧的意味
• Objective.
• Often used to modify amount, mistake, number, etc…
Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are… 要强调满天都是可爱的小星星,当然就用little来表示咯
• synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning, which bear the same meaning but express emotion of the user
e.g. like / love mean / stingy
persons with special qualities)
•dialectal synonym
•synonyms which are used in different regional
秋天 autumn
电梯 lift
•We have to be careful when we use those English words which we thinБайду номын сангаас are equivalent to certain Chinese words.