Marketing Chapter 3
principles of marketing (Armstrong & Kotler) ch3
Focused on consistent products and
“Plan to Win”
reliable service—core competencies. Introduced the “It’s what I eat and what I do. . . I’m loving it” ad campaign and revamped Web site to help consumers understand how to live balanced, active lives. Involved nutrition experts in menu redesign. Added upscale restaurants, such as McCafe coffee shops and offered healthier food options: Go Active! Adult Happy Meal; white meat McNuggets; various salads. Results: Increased sales by 42% while profits quadrupled.
• Resellers • Physical distribution firms • Marketing services agencies • Financial intermediaries
Prentice Hall, Copyright 2009 3-9
The Microenvironment
types of markets that may purchase a company’s goods and services.
Chapter 2 网络营销战略一.Situatian(analysis)情形分析第一步 objective 目标:现实(可行性)、量化、持续、一致第二步 strategy 策略:1)市场产品开发战略2)目标营销战略3)定位和差异化战略4)多渠道分销战略5)多渠道交流战略6)内部结构第三步 tactics 战术Marketing Management 2.E—CRM 3.Socil Media 第四步 action 行动第五步 control 控制二.营销方式传统营销方式:Bricks and mortar (砖块加水泥)现代营销方式:Bricks and Click三.SWOT 分析Strength Weakness Opportunity ThreatChapter3 客户界面屏对屏需要界面一.界面考虑要素:1.场景:(1)美学——面向视觉效果(2)功能(3)美学+功能2.分类和频道:分类在纵坐标频道在横坐标3.颜色:a信息:A.以信息传递为主颜色简洁B.以娱乐为主,大胆夸张C.以销售为主,色调轻b文化:中国(红)阿拉伯(绿)c年龄:儿童鲜艳d性别:男(单一)女(多样)e阶层:粉色:温柔可爱浪漫甜蜜红色:激情力量温暖橙色:温暖积极活泼晚霞西方人眼中:低劣物美价廉蓝色:温馨平静遥远简单商务绿色:自然健康乐观安全鲜艳紫色:高雅黑色:邪恶严肃恐怖庄重白色:朴实纯洁4.内容:a提供物质组合:由企业提供产品服务信息b吸引力组合:1.认知吸引力(功能方面)2.情感吸引力(例七格格)c多媒体组合(音频/视频)视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉、触觉5.社区(社化媒体)6.定制:个性化定制、企业化定制7.沟通:公司与客户的双向对话单向式:规模邮件、FAQ 常见问题汇总交互式(双向)沟通:即时沟通、非即时沟通8.链接:不能连到竞争对手上9.商务:注册;购物车;安全;信用卡核准;配置技术;订单跟踪;交付选择(质量、速度);会员订单10.X图形(页面左上角)Chapter4 网络消费者行为营销环境:宏观营销环境:技术、自然环境、人口微观营销环境:竞争者、经销商、商家、大众第一节网民属性一.网民人口统计属性网民规模:1. 总体网民规模 2.性别结构 3.年龄结构 4. 学历结构 5.职业结构6.收入结构7.城乡结构二、网民技术统计属性1.家庭规模2.手机网民规模3.上网设备4.上网地点三、网民行为属性1.上网时长2.网络消费者属性第二节网络消费者属性一.网络消费者人口普及属性1. 用户规模2. 性别3. 年龄4. 属性二.网络消费者行为属性1. 产品属性2. 购物时间3. 网购频次4. 网络支付三.网络消费者的地理属性:地理差异第三节网络消费者决策的过程一.网络消费者类型direcied information-seeker信息体验undirecied information-seeker非直接信息体验directed buyers直接购买者bargen hunter价格猎手entertainment seekers娱乐体验二.网络消费者决策过程1.无意识的2.有意识的(社会建议)3.供应商的选择4.评估和选择 5 购买刺激实现 6.购后行为评估Chapter5 客户体验管理第一节用户体验设计体验经济:服务经济高级阶段基本特征:1.非生产性2.短周期性3.互动性4.烙印性5.经济价值的高附加性客户体验定义:指目标客户与公司交互过程中遇到的所有激励因素的感知与诠释客户体验管理:是战略性的管理客户对产品或公司全面体验的过程客户体验七要素:1.客观要素2.感知3.遭遇要素4.刺激反应要素(包括多重变量反映)5.感官要素6.认识和情感要素7.相对要素第二节客户体验的层次、阶段a.功能b.熟识:1.定制能力2.沟通3.一致性4.可信赖性5.从消费到休闲活动c.福音传播:1)把好消息扩散分享2)社区的积极分子3)体验的卫士七个致命的过失:没有搜索; Out of stock;没有联络信息;没有礼品选项没有运费信息;没有选项按钮;没有打印第三节客户体验优化、管理方法1)确定传递给目标客户的品牌承诺2)设置评分配置权重,触点配置3)分析与评估客户满意度4)流程分析与评估5)持续的监馈Chapter 6 网络品牌品牌解析:D差异性 R相关性 P认知价值隐性因素:文化属性艺术用户显性因素:型性名称符号色彩音乐故事网络品牌概念广义:通过互联网建立的品牌,对既有的通过互联网宣传的线下品牌;狭义品牌基于互联网建立及发展的品牌;例:七格格、凡客、亚马逊网络品牌构建中的地位1)网络混合型成分a. 宣传产品和服务b. 宣传网站,网站进一步宣传产品与服务2)个人信息的传递3)不断扩大的市场或技术空间4)强化品牌的信息5)加强互动网络品牌的特点1)基于网络2)灵活的价格策略(草根性)3)灵活的产品策略4)轻公司的运作网络品牌决策1)使用现有网络品牌2)在线移植离线品牌(线下品牌)3)创造网络新品牌:个性化简短富有含义易于拼写记忆4)协作品牌Chapter 7 网络营销渠道一.解中介化与再中介化二.网络营销服务商综合性的网络信息平台(阿里)网络信息平台——专业性的(中国化工网)门户网络营销平台(新浪)企业上网综合服务平台(万网——网站建设)专业性的网络营销产品——谷歌关键字、百度竞价位纯粹的网络营销服务商(亿码)三. 网络营销渠道网络营销渠道:商品或劳务由生产者向消费者转移的过程中经历的路径或通道网络营销:基于互联网的拼图,商品或服务向消费者转移的路径网络营销渠道的优势:1)可以继承制造商、中间商、经销商连接一起(集成性)2)交互性:体现在生产者与消费者的沟通上3)快捷服务4)渠道的经济性对比线上线下优势:线下优势:1.地理位置 2.规模优势,产品齐全3.经济优势4.专业优势:理解流通领域的进、销、存网络营销渠道功能:1)物流功能:顾客直接驱动、全面服务、可跟踪性2)支付功能3)融资功能:阿里金融4)信息功能网络营销渠道的分销策略:1)密集型分销(家居日常)2)排他性或奢侈性分销(高档品)3)选择性分销(家电)网络营销渠道冲突类型:1)网络营销渠道与传统营销渠道的冲突2)网络营销渠道的纵向冲突(分销商、生产者等)3)网络营销渠道的横向冲突网络营销渠道成员分类:1)网络营销渠道之辅助商(传统辅助商转型为新兴的网络营销辅助商)2)信息中介:中国的:商业性中介(派代网,艾瑞网);非商业中介(中国互联网信息中心、中国电子商务信息中心)国外的:商业性中介();非商业性的(pew)3)间接网络营销A.网络交易平台:B-B:阿里巴巴、环球B-C:淘宝、京东、卓越、当当淘宝商城:佣金、保证金、技术服务年费京东:保证金、产品销售、技术服务年费(自荐物流)卓越:零投入、佣金、保证金(自荐物流)当当:佣金、保证金、平台使用费B.网络批发商:1.独立 2. 依托于B2B网络批发商特点:交易量大,交易次数少C. 网络零售商4)网络营销直接渠道(戴尔、联想)Chapter 8 网络促销组合第一节网络广告1)网络广告形式的发展:1997年3月,中国第一则商业性的网络广告出现在Chinabyte网2)网络广告的优势1.覆盖范围广;2.信息容量大;3.交互性(互动性);4.实时可控性;5.针对性;6.便于跟踪,统计,评估;3)网络广告形式全屏性;横幅广告;按钮式广告;文字链广告;邮件广告;插入式广告、弹出式广告;游戏广告;对联式广告;悬浮式广告;富媒体广告;拖曳式广告;第二节销售促销:在线折价,打折;网页赠品、样品;网络抽奖、游戏竞赛;优惠劵第三节网络公关概念:网络公共关系,即企业通过网络平台开展公共关系活动,通过网络作为平台支持,开展关于品牌传播的信息发布、信息监控、舆论疏导、评估分析等工作,强化品牌的市场公关执行力量。
商务英语教学课件chapter 3
EXERCISES FOR CHAPTER 3 3-1, 3-2, 3-4, 3-5
(purpose/reason of writing) Examples: Thank you for your letter of… It was good to meet you again at last
week’s conference. We wish to hold our annual conference at
Chapter 3 Paragraph & Whole Composition
Summary of Key Points What should you look for when you revise
paragraph? Check for topic sentences and transitions. Writing processes can include eight activities: planning, gathering, writing, evaluating, getting feedback, revising, editing,and proofreading. Revising means changing the document to make it better satisfy the writer’s purposes and the audience
EMS. Please let me know if you need any
further information. Looking forward to hearing from you. Hope to hear from you soon.
Exploratory Research
• Exploratory Research
Conducted to clarify ambiguous situations or discover
ideas that may be potential business opportunities. Initial research conducted to clarify and define the nature of a problem
• Pretest
A small-scale study in which the results are only preliminary and
intended only to assist in design of a subsequent study.
• Focus Group
A small group discussion about some research topic led by a
Note: Diamond-shaped boxes indicate stages in the research process in which a choice of one or more techniques must be made. The dotted line indicates an alternative path that skips exploratory research.
Temporal sequence—the appropriate causal order of events Concomitant variation—two phenomena vary together
1 1Chapter 11. Marketing is _____.A.another word for advertising and salesB. only used by major corporationsC.about satisfying customer needsD.about simply making a profit2.The first step in the marketing process is to work to understand customers. True False3. Once we have created value for customers, the final step in the marketing process is to capture value from them. True False4.The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of _____. profits products human needs services5.Marketers create social needs in consumers. TrueFalse (Marketers do not create customer needs, whether social, physical or individual. Needs are a basic part of the human makeup.) 6.The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return is called a(n) _____. exchange switch market sale7.The art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them is called profiles marketing maneuvers marketing selection marketing management8.Which marketing philosophy listed below is useful when supply exceeds demand and when production costs are too high and need to be reduced? production conceptproduct conceptselling concept marketing concept9.Which marketing philosophy believes that an organization can achieve its goals if it knows the needs of its target market well and delivers satisfaction better than its competition?production concept product concept selling concept marketing concept 10.Customer relationship management (CRM) is solely about acquiring and keeping customers. TrueFalse (CRM is about acquiring, keeping and growing customers .) 11.To build lasting customer relationships, firms should focus on delivering _____ and _____. high quality products; low pricescustomer value; customer satisfaction customer satisfaction; customer2 2growthcustomer value; high profits12.It costs 5 to 10 times more to find a new customer than to keep a current one happy.True (Due to changing demographics, more competition, and overcapacity in many industries, the cost of finding new customers is rising.) False13.The aim of customer relationship management is to _____. create customer satisfaction create customer profits create customer delight create customer longing14.The portion of the customer’s purchasing power that a company gets in its product categories is called its _____.customer equity share of customer customer quotientcustomer lifetime value15.Customers that are a good fitbetween a company’s offerings and that are expected to be loyal over the long term are called _____. butterflies barnacles true friends strangers 16.The most dramatic new technology is the Internet. True False17.The _____ is the nation’s 24th largest advertiser with an annual budget of over $1 billion. Procter and Gamble Co. Boeing Co .Levi Strauss Co. U.S. Government18.Which of the first four steps of the marketing process asks, “What consumers will we serve?” and “How can we best serve targeted customers?” Step 1: Understanding the marketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketingstrategyStep 3: Constructing the marketing program Step 4: Building profitable relationships with customers19.Which step of the marketing process is the most important? Step 1: Understanding the marketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketing strategyStep 3: Constructing the marketing program Step 4: Building profitable relationships with customers20.In addition to delighting customers, companies today must also harness technology, think globally and be ethically and socially responsible. True FalseChapter 21.This type of business plan involves adapting the firm to take advantage of opportunities in its constantly3 3changing environment. –annual plan–marketing plan –strategic plan –long-range plan2.A good mission statement should be all of the following except _____.–market oriented –product oriented –realistic –motivating3.The organization should base its mission statement on its _____.–profitable goals –customers’ welfare –product’s value–distinctive competencies4.Business portfolio management involves two steps. Step 1 requires the business to analyze its current business portfolio. Step 2 requires it to shape its future portfolio.–True –False5._____ are low-growth, high-sharebusinesses or products.–Question marks –Cash cows –Dogs –Stars6._____ are high-growth, high-share businesses or products.–Question marks –Cash cows –Dogs –Stars7. Which of the following are limitations to the BCG method of strategic planning?–difficult to implement –costly–provide little advice for the future –all of the above8._____ has the main responsibility for achieving profitable growth for a company.–Management –Human resources –Marketing–All of the above 9.Which of the following is an example of market penetration for Starbucks?–adding drive-thru windows to theircurrent coffee shops–adding new stores in the Southeast(market development)–adding hot breakfast items to themenu (product development)–buying Hear Music (diversification)10. Downsizing is reducing the business portfolio by eliminating products or business units that are not profitable or no longer fit the company’s overall image.–True –False11.The _____ takes the customer’s point of view.–Human Resource Dept. –Management Dept.–Information Technology Dept. –Marketing Dept.12._____ should be at the center of a company’s marketing strategy.4 4•Customers•Profits •Products •Employees13._____ involves dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors and who might require separate products or marketing mixes.•Market definition •Target marketing •Product positioning •Market segmentation14.Once the various market segments have been determined, the next step in the marketing strategy process is _____.•market evaluation •target marketing •product positioning •market penetration15.A company should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain it over time.•True •False16.The purpose of a product’s image statement is to present the product in a clear, distinct and desirable way relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers.•True•False (positioning statement)17.The set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends together to produce its response to the wants of its target market are called its _____.•marketing arsenal •marketing mix•marketing portfolio•integrated marketing options (IMOs)18.The four P’s in marketing refer to_____, _____, _____ and _____.•product; place; price; promotion •product; property; price; promotion •production; property; people;promotion•product;place; promotion; people19.Which of the “P’s” listed below relates to a customer’s cost?•product •place •price •promotion20.Managers are correct in thinking that, “doing things right” (implementation) is more important than, “doing the right things” (strategy).•True•False (both are critical to success) Chapter 31.A company’s _____ consists of its suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers, competitors and publics.–macroenvironment –microenvironment –business environment –marketing environment2._____ include resellers, marketing service agencies and financial firms that help a company to promote and5 5sell its offerings to its final customers.–Advertising agencies–Suppliers–Intelligence firms–Marketing intermediaries3.Marketers today are only concerned with their consumer markets.–True–False (marketers today may havefive types of customer markets. These are the consumer market, the business market, the reseller market, the government market and the international market.4.A company’s _____ public includes its workers, managers, volunteers and board of directors.–employee–citizen-action –internal–human resource5.The single most important demographic trend in the U.S. is the changing age structure of the population.–True –False6.Of the seven generations present in the U.S. today, _____ is(are) the largest and most influential.–the Baby Boomers –Generation X –Generation Y –the Millenials7.In the United States today, married couples with children make up _____ of the nation’s 105 million households.–50% –65% –25% –34%8.The disabled market is relatively small in the United States and is not being actively pursued by marketers.–True –False(Marketers are activelypursuing this market, which is larger than the Hispanic and African-American markets)9.The “shop until you drop” mentality of the 1990’s has been replaced with a more _____ approach.–save all you can –value is key –don’t shop at all –splurge regularly10.There are three trends in the natural environment that marketers are monitoring. These are _____, _____ and _____.–shortagesof rawmaterials; increased legislation; increasedconsumerism–the green movement; shortages ofraw materials; increased pollution–increasedpollution; increasedgovernment intervention; shortages of raw materials–increased consumerism; increasedpopulation; increased ethical expectations11.The most dramatic force shaping business today is the _____ environment.6 6–natural–technological –economic –political12.Which country leads the world in research and development spending?–United States –Japan –China –Germany13.Legislation affecting business has _____ over the years.–increased steadily –decreased slightly –remained steady –grown immensely14.This legislation prohibits Web sites or online services from collecting personal information from children without parental consent.–Wheeler-Lea Act –Child Protection Act–Children’s Internet Protection Act –Children’s Online PrivacyProtection Act15.Which of the following is not one of the reasons business legislation is enacted?–Toprotect companies from eachother–Toprotectcompaniesfromconsumers –To protect consumers from unfair business practices–To protect the interests of society16.A person’s core values and beliefs are often erratic.–True –False(People’s core beliefs andvalues have a high degree of persistence.)17.Which of the following is not one of the ways a society’s values are expressed?–people’s view of history–people’s view of society–people’s view of the universe –people’s view of others18.Recently, observers have noted a shift from a “me society” to a “wesociety.”–True –False19.A woman who drives a hybrid car, consistently recycles, and buys “earth -friendly” products, is acting out her view of _____.–society–organizations –others –nature20.A company has several options with regard to its marketing environment. A strong company takes a(n) _____ approach.–proactive –reactive –ingenuous –peaceful21.A company’s macroenvironment consists of all of the following except _____.–demographic forces –economic forces –competitive forces7 7–none of the above Chapter 41.Managers today often receive_____ information.–too much –too little –irrelevant –both 1 and 32.A _____ consists of the people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyze and distribute accurate information to marketing decision makers.–marketing intelligence system –database mining system–marketing information system –marketing research system3.A marketing information system begins and ends with information from _____.–customers –databases –administrators –users4.The costs of obtaining, processing, storing and delivering information is relatively inexpensive. –True –False(the costs can increasequickly, forcing managers to decide if the information is worth the expense) 5.Which of the following is a problem with using internal databases?–the information was collected foranother reason–theinformation is in the wrong format–the information may be out of date –all of the above6.The goal of _____ is to improve strategic decision making, access and track competitors’ actio ns, and to provide early warning of opportunities and threats.–competitive research analysis –marketing intelligence –information technology –marketing segmentation7. A new source for competitor-supplied information is the Internet.–True –False8.What are the four steps (in order) of the marketing research process?–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement the research plan, survey the participants.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement the research plan, report the findings.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, survey the participants, report the findings.–Developthe research plan,implement the research plan, survey the participants, report the findings. 9.What is the often the hardest step in the marketing research process?–defining the problem–developing the research plan –implementing the research plan –reporting the findings8 810.The objective of _____ is to gatherpreliminary information that will help define the problem and suggest reasons.–causal research–competitive research –descriptive research –exploratory research11._____ consists of information that already exists having been collected prior to the research plan.–Primary data –Secondary data –Exploratory data –Sales research12. Researchers usually start with _____ when developing the research plan.–primary data –secondary data –projection research –sales research13.The three types of research approaches a marketer may use are _____, _____ and _____.–surveys;observations; historicreviews–observations; surveys; databases –observations; experiments; surveys –experiments; databases; surveys14. The most widely used form of primary research and the one best suited for descriptive information is _____–survey research–ethnographic research –observational research –experimental research15. Which type of research is best suited for gathering causal information?–survey research–ethnographic research –observational research –experimental research16.If a marketer wanted to collect large amounts of information at a low cost per respondent, she could use _____.–telephoneinterviews–mail questionnaires –focus groups–approach interviews17.If a marketer wanted to collect information quickly and allow for flexible answers, he should use _____.–telephone interviews –mail questionnaires –focus groups–approach interviews18. Interviewer bias is often greater with _____.–telephone interviews –mail questionnaires –focus groups –online surveys19.If an interviewer wanted to reach the teen market, a fast and low cost method would be to use _____.–telephone interviews –mail questionnaires –focus groups –online surveys20.Which of the following is not one9 9of the decisions a marketer mustmake when designing a sample?–who should be sampled–how many people shouldbesampled–how the people in the sampleshould be chosen–allof the above are important sampling decisions21.One of the biggest challenges facing marketing researchers today is that some consumers believe collecting the research violates their privacy.–True –False Chapter 51. Consumer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final customers. –True –False2. According to the textbook, consumer purchases are strongly influenced by cultural, social,personal and _____ characteristics. –psychological –emotional –physical –economic3._____ is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. –Greed –Fear –Culture –Materialism4. Which of the following is not a value normally presented in the U.S. culture?–achievement –progress–material comfort –collectivism5. Groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences are called _____. –cohorts –generations –subcultures –affiliate groups6. The fastest-growing and most affluent subculture in the U.S. is the _____ population. –Hispanic–African American –Asian American –mature7. Social class is determined only by an individual’s income. –True–False (Income is only one of several factors used to determine a person’s social class. Other factors include one’s occupation, education, wealth and type of residence.)8. The _____ is the most important consumer buying organization in society. –school –family–government –business9. Which of the following is not a personal factor that influences a buyer’s decision?10 10–beliefs –age –lifestyle –personality10.The V ALS classification systemmeasures a person’s _____. –income –occupation –lifestyle –personality11. A person’s _____ is his/her unique set of psychological characteristics that are relatively consistent and lasting.–self esteem –self concept –lifestyle –personality12. According to _____, people are largely unconscious about the real psychological forces shaping their behavior.–Abraham Maslow –Bill Gates –Alfred Skinner–Sigmund Freud13.The process of selecting, organizing and interpreting information to form a meaningful picture of the world is referred to as _____.–perception –sensation–subliminal imprinting –rationalization14. When a person changes his/her behavior as a result of an experience, we say that _____ has occurred. –motivation –sensation –learning –perception15.If a person’s attitude reflects one of his/her core values, then the attitude is easy to change. –True–False (Attitudes are difficult to change because they fit into a pattern, and changing one attitude may require difficult adjustments inmany others.)16.A consumer purchasing fine furniture (which is expensive and for which a brand’s name matters) would probably result in _____ buying behavior.–dissonance-reducing –variety-seeking –complex –habitual17._____ buying behavior is characterized by low consumer involvement but significant perceived brand differences.–Dissonance-reducing –V ariety-seeking –Complex –Habitual18.The final step in the buying decision process is _____. –the purchase itself –postpurchase behavior –choosing the product –getting the rebate19. What two factors come betweenthe purchase intention and the purchase decision?–attitudes of others and unexpected situational factor s–attitudes of others and lack of resources–unexpected situational factors and lack of resources–shortages and lack of resources (Note: lack of resources and shortages are examples of unexpected situational factors)20.What are the two largest populations in the adoption process? –innovators and early majority–early adopters and early majority–early majority and late majority–innovators and laggards21. Which of the following does not influence a product’s rate of adoption?–relative advantage–compatibility–divisibility–perceptibility Chapter 61.Business buyer behavior includesretailers and wholesalers who buythings with the purpose of making aprofit.–True–False2. Business markets are _____ thanconsumer markets.–considerably larger–slightly larger–slightly smaller–no different3. The main differences between thebusiness to business (B2B) marketand the business to consumer (B2C)market include all of the followingexcept _____.–the differences in market structureand demand–t hat people assume buying roles–the nature of the buying unit–the types of decisions and thedecision process involved4._____ is demand that ultimatelycomes from the demand for consumergoods.–Consumer demand–Marketing demand–Derived demand–End-user demand5. Which of the following is not acharacteristic of the business market?–Business markets are moregeographically concentrated.–Many business markets haveelastic demand.–Business markets have morefluctuating demand.–Business marketers have far fewerbut larger customers.6. In recent years, relationshipsbetween business customers andsuppliers have grown moreadversarial.(敌对的)–True–False(In recent years, businesscustomers and suppliers have begunworking together more closely as11“partners,” not adversaries.)7.Which of the following is not one of the major types of buying situations faced by business buyers? –straight rebuy–new task buy–online rebuy–modified rebuy8. Which of the business buyer purchase decisions offers the greatest opportunities and the greatest challenges for marketers?–straight rebuy–new task buy–modified rebuy–Both 2 and 39. The decision-making unit of a buying organization is called its _____.–buying center–purchasing department–head office–marketing department10.The _____ role in the purchase decision process is to control the flow of information to others.–buyer’s–gatekeeper’s–influencer’s–decider’s11. A business buying center is afixed and formally identified unitwithin the buying organization.–True–Fals e (The buying center is not afixed and formal unit in the businessbuying organization. It fluctuates asdifferent people are needed to makedifferent purchases.)12. When competing products varygreatly, business buyers pay moreattention to _____ factors.–economic–personal–organizational–interpersonal13.Shortages in key materials is animportant _____ factor.–organizational–individual–environmental–interpersonal14. Individual factors are affected byall of the following except _____.–buyer’s attitude toward risk–buyer’s income–buyer’s buying style–all of the above affect individualfactors15.Once a business buyer determinesa problem or need, the next step inthe business buying process is to_____.–begin a supplier search–solicit suppliers’ proposals–determine a general needdescription–make a purchase16.The 8-stage buyer decision modelwould most likely be used for a_____ buying decision.–straight rebuy–new task–online–modified rebuy1217.E-procurement is being used by _____ of business buyers today.–33%–50%–75%–90%18.Which of the following is not one of the benefits of business to business e-procurement?–reduced transaction costs for suppliers–reduced transaction time between order and delivery–enhanced relationships between decades-old (new)suppliers and customers–increased time for purchasers to focus on strategic issues19.The _____ consists of schools, hospitals, nursing homes and prisons that provide goods and services to people in their care.–government market–institutional market–non-profit market –organizational market20.Unlike business markets,government markets are closelywatched by outside publics.–True–FalseChapter 71.What is the first step in targetmarketing?–market positioning–market segmentation–target marketing–none of the above2.Which of the following steps oftarget marketing takes into accountcompetitors’ offerings to the market?–market positioning–market segmentation–market targeting–all of the above3.Which of the following is not a wayto segment consumer markets?–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation–demographic segmentation–all of the above are ways tosegment the consumer market4.Of the four main types ofsegmentation bases used to segmentconsumer markets, _____ is the mostpopular.–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation–demographic segmentation–behavioral segmentation5.A marketer selling differentofferings in different communitieswould be using _____ segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral6.Marketers selling luxury cars oftenuse income as a segmenting variable.Income is one component of _____segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic13–behavioral7.Social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics are three components of _____ segmentation. –geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral8.Many marketers believe that _____ variables are the best starting point for building market segments.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral9.Marketers usually limit their segmentation analysis to behavioral variables.–True–False (Marketers will use a variety of variables to identify smaller, better-defined, target groups.)10.Marketers believe that buying behavior and _____ provide the best basis for segmenting business markets.–operating characteristics–situational factors–benefits sought–personal characteristics11.Segmenting international marketson the basis of geographic, economic,political and cultural factors is calledintermarket segmentation.–True–False (Intermarket segmentation isforming segments of consumers invarious countries who have similarneeds and buying behavior.)12.In order to be useful, marketsegments need to be which of thefollowing?–differentiable–accessible–substantial–all of the above13.Which of the following structuralfactors is not related to a segment’sattractiveness?–the presence of strongcompetitors in the segment–the existence of potential substituteproducts–the lack of raw materials–a number of powerful suppliers14.When using a _____ marketingstrategy, a firm decides to targetseveral segments and designs separateoffers for each.–differentiated–concentrated–mass–micro15.Micromarketing includes _____and _____.–local marketing; niche marketing–local marketing; individualmarketing–niche marketing; concentratedmarketing–individual marketing; concentratedmarketing16.This type of micromarketing isalso known as one-to-one marketingor mass customization.14–local marketing–tailored marketing–niche marketing–individual marketing17.If a beer manufacturer were to place a commercial on a TV show that was predominantly viewed by children, it could be considered using _____.–socially irresponsible targeting–socially responsible targeting–adult targeting–niche targeting18.A product’s _____is the way the product is defined by consumers on important attributes relative to the competition.–image–equity–position–value19.A firm that practices _____ differentiation gains competitive advantage by the way it designs its channel coverage. –services–product–people–channel20.Which of the following is apowerful value proposition because itoffers consumers a “good deal”?–more for more–more for the same–the same for less–less for much lessChapter 81.A _____ is anything that can beoffered to a market that might satisfya need or a want.–position–product–promotion–none of the above2.Only tangible goods are consideredproducts.–True–False (Products are more thantangible goods. They can beservices, events, persons, places,ideas, or a mix of these.)3.A visit to a doctor’s office is anexample of a _____.–pure tangible good–pure intangible good–mixture of the two–none of the above4.The most basic level of a product iscalled its _____.–center–value–core benefit–customer5.Consumer products includeconvenience products, shoppingproducts, specialty products, and_____ products.–unique–luxury–unsought–all of the above6._____ products are purchasedfrequently, with little comparison orshopping effort.15。
营销英语教学 大纲
《营销英语》课程教学大纲课程代码:9900589课程类型:专业必修课开课部门:应用外语系学时: 64 其中实训学时: 16(课内实践)学分: 4授课对象:工商管理系营销专业与连锁专业的高职学生一、课程的性质和任务随着社会经济的不断发展,商品生产和贸易在经济生活中的地位日益重要,市场营销的重要性日益突出,而经济全球化的趋势也使得市场营销专业的毕业生必须具备一定的专业外语知识,能够较好地进行企业内部外部的有效的沟通。
四、教学方法与重点、难点教学方法:1. 案例教学法通过提供实际案例,引导学生分析和研究这些实际案例,学生能够接触和感受实际工作中将会遇到的真实境况,使行业实际与课堂讲学的距离大大缩短。
Chapter 3 Analysis of Marketplace and Marketing Environment
Contents and Features of Marketing Environment
marketing environment is divided into two parts micro-environment population environment economic environment natural environment sci-tech environment political and legal environment cultural environment macro-environment Suppliers Customers rivals the general public outside an enterprise
Concept of Marketing Environment
environment is meant the generic name of external factors and conditions related to the marketing activities of an enterprise.
Sci-Tech Factors
(1) Development of science and technology creates business opportunities. (2) Development of science and technology poses a threat to some enterprises. (3) Science and technology has changed each link and mode in marketing activities.
marketing 题库
Definition 19
The portion of the customer’s purchasing that a company gets in its product categories. Definition 20
The total combined customer lifetime values of all of the company’s customers.
their needs? Term 33
Term 15
Customer Percieved Value
Definition 15
The customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing
D) Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs. E) Marketing is used by for-profit and not-for-profit
Term 25 According to the opening scenario, the Tide marketing team is MOST concerned about which of the
these products. Definition 8
The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.
国际市场营销第16版chapter 3
International Marketing
Strategy Decision Areas Organized by the Four Ps
International Marketing
The Marketing Plan Is a Guide to Implementation and Control
2 Define and describe generic market and productmarkets.
3 know what market segmentation is and how to segment product-markets into submarkets.
4 knowBiblioteka three approaches to market-oriented strategy planning.
International Marketing
A sample marketing plan for a veterinary clinic
• Appendix D provides a sample marketing plan for a veterinary clinic that introduces you to aspects of a marketing plan as related to the topics in chapters. This gives you a step-by-step way to learn how chapter concepts apply to marketing planning, and develop your plan-building skills as you progress through the text. In Chapter 10 we review all of the elements in a marketing plan.
市场营销Chap03 Marketing in the Digital Age
Customization & customerization
The Digital Age
The explosion of the Internet
New types of intermediaries
E-Commerce Domains
Targeted to consumers
Low cost More accurately targeted promotion
Enabled by data-base, data-mining, e-mails, on-line communication technology
Types of e-marketers
Types of e-marketers
Brick-&-mortar store channels
E-commerce channels
Brick-&-mortar marketers
Online advertising & promotion
Corporate or marketing website
E-mail & Webcasting
Web communities
Conducting e-marketing
Questions & Answers
Brick-&-mortar store channels
商务英语综合教程chapter (3)
4. Franchise is a license to operate an individually owned business as though it were part of a chain of outlets or stores. 特许经营权是个人经营一笔生意的许可证,好像这笔生 意是某个连锁店经营的一部分。 1)a license to operate an individually owned business (划线部分不定式作后置定语) 个人经营一笔生意的许可证 2) as though it were part of a chain of outlets or stores (as though it were… 方式状语从句的谓语动词were是 虚拟语气形式) 好像这笔生意是某个连锁店经营的一部分
2. Wholesaling includes all marketing transactions in which purchases are intended for resale or are used in making other products. 批发包括一切旨在转售或用于其他产品制造的营销形式, 不包括与最终消费者的交易。 1) marketing transactions 营销(交易)形式 marketing 营销,销售术 marketing agreement 销售协议 marketing department 销售部 marketing manager 销售经理 marketing plan 销售计划 2) Transaction 商品交易 a transaction on the stock exchange 证券交易所交易 cash transaction 现金交易 exchange transaction 外汇交易
Chapter1Marketing: is an attitude of mind which places the customer at the very center of a business activity, and automatically orientates a company towards its markets rather than its operations.Helps the company to design products and services which will be attractive to buyers, and which have a sustainable competitive advantage;Ensures that the products are known to the customers, available to them at the right time, in suitable quantities, and at an acceptable price.Chapter3Marketing Mix(营销策略组合)refers to the way in which the four key parts of a company’ s marketing policy are combined to achieve its objectives. The four elements, sometimes called the “4Ps” are:(1) Product: deciding on the type and design of the product, the range of products, the packaging of the product.(2) Price: finding out how much the customer will pay for the product and the method of payment, e.g. Hire purchase, credit, cash.(3) Place: deciding where the product will be sold. Here the chains of distribution will have to be considered.(4)Promotion: deciding how to tell customers about the product. This can be done in various ways, e.g. Television advertising, radio advertising, billboards, shop window displays, magazine advertising, cinema advertising, hoardings, word of mouth, free samples, trial sizes, sponsorship, direct mailing, trade shows and exhibitions.The description of a product includes: Appearance, color, design, quality, technical specifications(materials, size), use and time of use.Three Levels of Benefits:This analytical moder looks at a product purely in terms of the benefits it offers. It classifies these on three main levels.(1)First level: the core benefit which is the reason for the product’s existence. This describes the product at its most basic level. Core benefits are usually taken as routine by buyers. We expect an electric kettle to boil water.(2)Second: the real product which is a physical item or service(the features such as the kettle’s shape, capacity, etc), plus additional benefits (such as the kettle’s ability to switch off when it boils).(3)Third: the enhance product, which has had a series of additional benefits added to the first two levels to improve its competitive nature.Methods of pricing:(1)Full cost pricing(全成本定价法) :total production costs are added tpgether,the required profit to this,and the result divided by the output.(2)Contribution pricing(差益定价法):when a business has excess capacity or when it product a number of products it may decied upon the price for a product by contribution pricing.(3)Geographic pricing(地理定价法):the practice of charging a different price in differernt countries or regions of same country reflects the cost of transprt of the goods.(4)Discount(折扣):bulk discount for purchases in large quantities,promotional discount,seasonal discounts,trade discounts.4CsCustomer: Consumer wants and needs (vs Products)Questions you should ask related to product/customer:•What is our product?•How do we know our product is in demand?•What are the demonstrated outcomes of our product?Cost to satisfy(vs Price)Questions you should ask related to price/cost:•How much do we charge for our product?•How does this cost compare with competing products?•Do we clearly and demonstrably offer a better value?Convenience to buy (vs Place)Questions you should ask related to place/convenience:•Do people find these places inviting, attractive, convenient and safe?•What segments of our target market might perceive our location as positive; what segments perceive it as negative?•What other places might serve us better?Communication (vs Promotion)Questions you should ask relating to promotion/communication: •To what media(TV,radio, advertising, direct mail) are our audiences most likely to respond?•How do our promotional activities compare to those used by our competition?•How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our media plan?Chapter 4The buyer decision process (决策过程)(1)Need recognition: the consumer recognizes a problem or need. The market can identify the factors that most often trigger interest in the product and can develop marketing programs that involve these factors.(2)Information search: the search for information, from personal sources(family,friends, neighbors, acquaintances), commercial sources(advertising, salespeople, dealers, packaging, displays, Web sites), public sources(mass media, consumer-rating organizations), experiential sources(handling, examining, using the product) They are convincing; the costs are low.(3)Evaluation of alternatives: the use of information to evaluate alternative brands in the choice set.(4)Purchase decision: the consumer actually buys the product. Tew factor: attitudes of others, unexpected situational factors.(5)Postpurchase behavior(购后行为): consumers take further action after purchase based on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction.Model of consumer behavior(消费者行为的模式)(1)Marketing and other stimuli(marketing,4P,economic,political,cultural)(2)Buyer’s black box(buyer’s characteristics,decision process)(3)Buyer’s res ponses(product choice.brand choice,dealer choice,purchase timing,purchase amount)The marketer should understand how the four factors affect consumer behavior.(1)Culture:Cultural factors exert the broadest and deepest influence on consumer behavior. The marketer needs to understand the role played by the buyer’s culture, subculture, and social class.~CultureCulture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. So it can influence all the consumers who have the same cultural characteristics. Cultural characteristics affect consumer’s lifestyle under a particular culture.Every group or society has a culture, and cultural influences on buying behavior may vary greatly from country to country. Failure to adjust to these differences can result in ineffective marketing or embarrassing mistakes. International marketers must understand the culture in each international market and adapt their marketing strategies accordingly.Marketers are always trying to find cultural shifts in order to discover new products that might be wanted.~subculture亚文化Each culture contains smaller subcultures, or groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations. Subcultures include nationalities, religions, racial groups, and geographic regions. Many subcultures make up important market segments, ans marketers often design products ans marketing programs tailored to their needs.~social class(社会阶层)Almost every society has some form of social class structure. Social classes are society’s relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviors.Social class is measure as a combination of occupation, income,education,wealth, and other variables. Marketers are interested in social class because people within a given social class tend to exhibit similar buying behavior. Social classes show distinct product and brand preferences in areas such as clothing, home furnishings, leisure activity, and automobiles. Your social class may affect your camera decision.(2)SocialA consumer’s behavior is also influenced by social factors, such as the consumer’s small groups, family, and social roles and status.~reference groups~Family~roles and status(3)Personal (age & lifecycle stage, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle)(4)Psychological~Motivation (Maslow’s Theory of Motivation:Physiological needs;Social needs;Esteem needs;Self-actualization)~Perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes, personality &self-conceptTypes of Buying Decision Behavior(1)Complex buying behavior(复杂型购买行为)Consumers undertake complex buying behavior when they are highly involved in a purchase and perceive significant differences among brands. Consumers may be highly involved when the product is expensive, risky, purchased infrequently, and highly self-expressive. Typically, the consumer has much to learn about the product category.This buyer will pass through a learning process, first developing beliefs about the product, then attitudes , and then making a thoughtful purchase choice. Marketers of high-involvement products must understand the information-gathering and evaluation behavior of high-involvement consumers. They need to help buyers learn about product-class attributes and their relative i mportance, and about what the company’s brand offers on the important attributes. Marketers need to differentiate their brand’s features, perhaps by describing the brand’s benefits using print media with long copy. They must motivate store salespeople and the buyer’s acquaintances to influence the final brand choice.(2)Dissonance-reducing buying behavior(和谐型)(3)Habitual buying behavior(习惯型)(4)Variety-seeking buying behavior(多变型)Segmentation of Customer market(1)Geographic Segmentation—to divide the market into different geographic units.such asNations, states, regions, counties, cities.(2)Demographic Segmentation(人文)—consists of dividing into groups based on demographic variables such as age, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, and nationality.(3)Psychographic SegmentationDividing buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics.(4)Behavioral SegmentationDividing a market into groups based on consumer knowledge, attitude, use or response to a product.Characteristics for Effective Segmentation(1)MeasurableTo make scientific research, you should have enough data about the size, potential, structure and so on(2)AccessibleSegment can be effectively reached and servedE.g the segment is attractive, but for some political reason, the consumer groups are difficult to reach(3)SubstantialityIt means that market segments are large or profitable enough to serve.To every business profit plays an improtant roles.(4)ActionablilityEffective programs can be designed for attracting & serving the segments.E.g the company doesn’t have enough resources—capital, staff or technology.Market targeting(目标化)—the process of deciding the right segment and selecting the most attractive segments to enter with a particular product or product line.Global marketing refers to the marketing of goods and services in the global scenario. That is it operates not only in the country it originated but also in other countries.Factors Considered in Global Marketing(1).Economic environment(income level,the location of population,the consumption patterns)(2).Social and culture environment(3).Legal and regulatory environment(4)Foreign Exchange and Financial DecisionsForeign exchange: (The currency of an overseas country,which is purchased by a particular country in exchange for its own currency,which is then used to fiance trade and capital transactions between the two countrise.)A service :is any act or performance that one party can offer to another that isessentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical productCharacteristics of ServicesIntangible(无形性)-No physical properties-Not measurable through the five senses-Touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste-May cause uncertainty in user-To reduce uncertainty, buyers will draw inferences about service quality from the place, people, equipment, and price they see.Inseparable(不可分离性)-Services produced and consumed simultaneously-Provider is part of the service (technical skills, interpersonal skills)-Customers are part of the experiencePerishable(非持久性)-Services cannot be stored for later use-Use it now or it’s gone- Unused room today cannot be sold tomorrow, even at a discount-to find ways of smoothing demand levels to match capacityVariable(易变性)-Services depend on who provides them and when and where they are provided.--New employees may be slower at fulfilling duties-Difficult for organizations to improve control quality and offer a consistent product.Marketing Communication Mix(1)Advertising: any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.(2)Personal Selling:short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service(3)Sales PromotionShort-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service. (4)Public RelationsBuilding g ood relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories and events.Two types of communication that are controlled by the organization(1)Impersonal communication:aimed at providing information to large numberof people,for example,an advertising campaign in the mass media.(2)Personal communication:involves the supply of information directly toindividuals by personal,postal or phone contact.Advertising Campaign: newspaper, magazines, TV, radio, cinema, outdoors display。
Chapter 3 - E-Marketing Plan
Sources of funding
Where does an entrepreneur go for start-up capital? Bank loans Private funds Angel investors Venture capitalists (VCs) From 2008-2009, U.S. venture capital investment in Internet companies increased by 38%.
Market and product strategies, called Tier 1 tasks or strategies, are outcomes of strategic planning. Segmentation Targeting Differentiation Positioning Marketers conduct analyses to determine strategies. Market opportunity analysis (MOA) Demand analysis Segment analysis Supply analysis
Strengths 1. Strong customer service department. 2. Excellent Web site and database system.
Threats 1. Pending security law means costly software upgrades. 2. Competitor X is aggressively using ecommerce.
• Channel Strategy and Logistics Management
• Promotion strategies and communication methods
01 Marketing Overview
Definition and Importance of Marketing
Studying customer needs, preferences, and buying behavior to develop targeted marketing strategies
Analyzing competitors' strategies, products, pricing, and market share to identify opportunities and threats
Demographic Environment (1 of 3)
• Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics.
• Five types of customer markets
– Consumer markets – Business markets – Reseller markets – Government markets – International markets
Figure 3.2 - Major Forces in the Company’s Macroenvironment
steadily over the past three decades.
• Trends:
– Shortages of raw materials – Increased pollution – Increased government intervention
Technological Environment (1 of 2)
• The U.S. population contains several generational groups:
– Baby Boomers – Generation X – Millennials (or Generation Y) – Generation Z
Demographic Environment (3 of 3)
Figure 3.1 - Actors in the Microenvironment
Chapter 3 Analyzing the Marketing Environment1) Which of the following is NOT a type of factor in a company's macroenvironment?A) demographicB) economicC) technologicalD) competitiveE) politicalAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 66Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-12) All of the groups within a company are called the ________.A) cultureB) diversityC) internal environmentD) climateE) rangeAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 67Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-13) A ________ is defined as any group that has an actual or potential interest in, or impact on, an organization's ability to achieve its objectives.A) teamB) competitorC) marketD) publicE) intermediaryAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 69AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ConceptObjective: 3-14) Which of the following is NOT an example of the type of public that is part of a company's marketing environment?A) financialB) mediaC) governmentD) citizen-actionE) marketing departmentAnswer: EDiff: 1 Page Ref: 69AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ConceptObjective: 3-15) Which type of market buys goods and services for further processing or for use in the production process?A) businessB) resellerC) wholesaleD) consumerE) retailAnswer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 69Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-16) Which type of market buys goods and services to produce public services or to transfer them to others who need them?A) governmentB) resellerC) wholesaleD) consumerE) retailAnswer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 69Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-17) Your marketing department is currently researching the size, density, location, age, and occupations of your target market. Which environment is being researched?A) demographicB) psychographicC) economicD) geographicE) culturalAnswer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 70Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-28) As a group, ________ are the most affluent Americans.A) baby boomersB) Generation XersC) the MillennialsD) echo boomersE) seniorsAnswer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 71AACSB: Multicultural and DiversitySkill: ConceptObjective: 3-29) Which of the following descriptions most accurately characterizes the baby boomers?A) They are increasingly likely to retire early.B) They are a shrinking market for new housing and home remodeling.C) They are past their peak earning and spending years.D) They hold 75% of the country's assets.E) They are uninterested in adapting new technologies.Answer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 71AACSB: Multicultural and DiversitySkill: ConceptObjective: 3-210) In the 1950s, the American population began shifting from large cities to ________.A) farming communitiesB) rural areasC) foreign countriesD) suburbsE) coastal townsAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 76Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-211) The ________ environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns.A) culturalB) politicalC) technologicalD) economicE) naturalAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 79Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-212) Value marketing is the strategy of offering consumers ________.A) high quality at a high priceB) luxury quality at a high priceC) lesser quality at a low priceD) reasonable quality at a fair priceE) little quality at a low priceDiff: 2 Page Ref: 80Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-213) Even the most liberal advocates of free-market economies agree that the system works best with ________ regulation.A) privateB) maximumC) intermittentD) at least someE) noAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 84AACSB: Ethical ReasoningSkill: ConceptObjective: 3-414) Business legislation has been created for three basic reasons: to protect companies from each other, to protect consumers, and to ________.A) protect the interests of societyB) regulate pricesC) increase world tradeD) regulate monopoliesE) promote social responsibilityAnswer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 84AACSB: Ethical ReasoningSkill: ConceptObjective: 3-415) Cause-related marketing is a(n) ________.A) response to customer needsB) primary form of environmental awarenessC) primary form of corporate givingD) response to corporate legislative problemsE) attempt to influence consumers' core beliefsAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 86AACSB: Ethical ReasoningSkill: ConceptObjective: 3-416) A society's basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors are all part of its ________ environment.A) socialC) politicalD) cultural-economicE) naturalAnswer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 87Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-417) A society's ________ are expressed in how people view themselves, organizations, society, nature, and the universe.A) social codesB) cultural valuesC) demographicsD) public policiesE) economiesAnswer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 87AACSB: Multicultural and DiversitySkill: ConceptObjective: 3-418) Trends in people's views of organizations indicate that which of the following has increased in the past twenty years?A) employees' loyalty to their employersB) confidence in American political organizationsC) distrust in big American businessesD) distrust in small, local businessesE) employees' view of work as a source of satisfactionAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 89Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-419) Today's marketers must successfully build relationships to connect effectively with customers, others in the company, and external partners.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 66-67AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ConceptObjective: 3-120) The microenvironment consists of larger societal forces that affect a company, such as demographic, economic, political, and cultural forces.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 66Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-121) The demographic environment is of major interest to marketers because it involves people, and people make up markets.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 70Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-222) As baby boomers reach their peak earning and spending years, they become lucrative markets for financial services, travel, and entertainment.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 71AACSB: Multicultural and DiversitySkill: ConceptObjective: 3-223) Millennials represent a larger demographic segment than the baby boomers or Gen Xers. Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 74AACSB: Multicultural and DiversitySkill: ConceptObjective: 3-224) The American workforce today is better educated but less white-collar than it was a generation ago.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 77Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-225) Companies in several industries have recognized the buying power of the gay and lesbian segment of the U.S. population and have begun explicitly targeting these consumers withgay-specific marketing efforts.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 78AACSB: Multicultural and DiversitySkill: ConceptObjective: 3-226) According to Engel's laws, consumers tend to spend a larger percentage of income on savings as income rises.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 81Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-227) The introduction of new technologies is beneficial to all industries, as new markets and opportunities are created.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 83AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 3-328) In the cultural environment, core values and beliefs and secondary values and beliefs differ in that the former are more open to change.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 87Skill: ConceptObjective: 3-429) When a company hires lobbyists to influence legislation affecting its industry, it is taking a reactive approach to the marketing environment.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 91AACSB: Reflective ThinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: 3-530) Who are the major players in a company's microenvironment? Explain the role each major actor plays.Answer: Within the company, marketing management takes other groups into account, such as top management, finance, research and development, purchasing, operations, and accounting. Decisions made and implemented by any of these groups have the power to affect marketing. Suppliers form an important link in the company's overall customer value-delivery system. Problems with supply, such as labor or material shortages, will negatively affect the company. Marketing intermediaries help the firm to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers. They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries. Competitors are also part of the microenvironment, as they can affect the company's ability to serve its customers. The company's microenvironment is also made of various publics, including financial, media, government, citizen-action, and local groups. One or several of the five types of markets–consumer, business, reseller, government, and international–may be part of the company's microenvironment, depending on the company's products.Diff: 2 Page Ref: 67-69Skill: ApplicationObjective: 3-131) In marketing, what is a public? Briefly describe the seven main types of publics faced by marketers and explain how marketing might communicate with these publics.Answer: A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization's ability to achieve its objectives. We can identify seven types of publics. Financial publics influence the company's ability to obtain funds. Media publics carry news, features, and editorial opinions. Government publics develop public policy to guide commerce with sets of laws and regulations. Citizen-action publics include consumer, minority, and environmental groups. Local publics include neighborhood residents and community organizations. The general public has concerns about the company's products and actions. Internal publics include workers, managers, volunteers, and the board of directors. Marketing can treat these influential publics like consumer markets, creating marketing plans to build relationships and elicit a desired response. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 69AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ApplicationObjective: 3-132) What are the major trends in today's natural environment? How do these trends affect companies?Answer: The natural environment shows three major trends: shortages of certain raw materials, higher pollution levels, and more government intervention in natural resource management. Environmental concerns create marketing opportunities for alert companies. As concern about global warming and other environmental issues continues to grow, more and more consumers are demanding environmentally responsible products. Companies who heed these demands will benefit, as environmentally responsible actions are today linked with good business.Diff: 2 Page Ref: 81AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 3-3。
• Market myopia: the mistake of paying more attention to the specific products a company offers than to the benefits and experinces produced by these products. • Smart marketers look beyond the attributes of the products and services they sell, but create brand experinces for consumers. • “Consumers want more than attributes and benefits, and even solutions. They want delightful shopping, usage, and service experiences they look forward to, time after time.”fey, CEO of Procter&Gamble
•Marketing is the art and science of finding, retaining, and growing profitable customers.
The marketing process
• Using one of the cafés as an example, define marketing and explain the goal of marketing. How does the company achieve its marketing goal?
Customer Value and Satisfaction
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Technological Forces
‣ Technology: Inventions for innovation from applied
science and engineering.
‣ Technology impacts customer value partly to reduce costs associated
LO 2
Learning Review
Describe three generational cohorts.
Answer: Baby Boomers were born between 1946 in 1964. Generation X was born between 1965 in 1976 Generation Y was born between 1977 and 1994
‣ The Canadian Population
‣ Relatively stable and aging (Median from 37 to 46 by 2050) ‣ Generational Cohorts
‣ Baby boomers (1946-1964) ‣ Olay’s Products ‣ Generation X (1965-1976) ‣ Hiliger and DKNY extending to the children of generation Xers ‣ Generation Y (1977-1994) ‣ Toyota’s Scion for generation Yers
‣ Changes in the World Wide
Web ‣ Collaboration ‣ Open sharing of information ‣ Customer control
‣ Value consciousness: concern for getting the best
quality, features, performance for a given price
‣ Implications: higher comfort, more value, private brands
‣ Tracking Environmental Trends ‣ An Environmental Scan of Canada
LO 1
Will the reported healthful benefits of drinking specialty teas lead to increased tea consumption in Canada?
‣ Population Shifts
‣ Census metropolitan areas (CMA’s: Census metropolitan areas
(CMAs) are geographic labour market areas having a population of 100,000 persons or more) ‣ 65% of Population live in 27 CMAs ‣ 50% of Population live in 4 major Urban Areas
content (CGC) ‣ Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) ‣ Customer-to-business (C2B)
LO 3
Competitive Forces
‣ Alternate Forms of Competition
‣ Pure competition (many firms with similar products) ‣ Monopoly ‣ Oligopoly ‣ Monopolistic competition (Many firms market their
LO 2
Learning Review来自What is a census metropolitan area?
Answer: Census metropolitan areas (CMAs) are geographic labour market areas having a population of 100,000 persons or more.
Marketing MGCR 352: S06 Chapter Three
Scanning the Marketing Environment
Learning Objectives
1.Explain how environmental scanning provides information about social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory forces. 2.Describe how social forces, such as demographics, and culture and economic forces, such as macroeconomic conditions and consumer income, affect marketing. 3.Describe how technological changes are impacting marketers and customers. 4.Discuss the forms of competition that exist in a market, key components of competition, and the impact of small businesses as competitors. 5.Explain the major legislation that ensures competition and protects consumers in Canada.
LO 2
Learning Review
Why are many companies developing multicultural marketing programs? Answer: They recognize the growing ethnic diversity within Canada.
But, Tea is not doing as well as coffee and other beverages. Why?
LO 1
FIGURE 3-1 Environmental forces affecting the organization, as well as its suppliers and customers
LO 2
Economic Forces
‣ The Economy ‣ Macroeconomic Conditions :Inflation, Recession,
Growth, Instability ‣ Consumer Confidence and Expectations: Are you/ Do you expect to be better or worse off? ‣ Consumer Income ‣ Gross Income: Total Annual Income ‣ Disposable Income: Gross less Taxes for necessities ‣ Taxes: 20%; food (11%) + shelter + transport (14%): 45% ‣ Discretionary Income: Left over after taxes and necessities
and its suppliers) Marketspace: communication & information exchange environment E-business: company activities within and outside the company E-marketing: on-line marketing E-commerce: on line conduct of business (buying and selling) SEM & SEO
LO 3
Technological Forces: Twitter
‣ Tom Hawk and Twitter
‣ 677000 Twits to publicize his
Birdhouse and Ride Brands
‣ Technology’s Impact on
Customers ‣ Blogs ‣ Consumer-generated
LO 2
FIGURE 3-3 Top ten most populous countries by 2050
LO 2
‣ The Canadian Family
‣ 1971: 1/3 was one income family ‣ Now: 1/7 is one income family ‣ Blended family
LO 2
‣ Ethnic Diversity
‣ There are 100 Minorities ‣ 70% are visible minorities and will be 20-25% by 2017 ‣ Ethnic marketing reflecting the unique characteristics of
with its use. It also provides value for the development of new, better products. Existing products and the ways in which they are produced may also be changed.