第 11 期蒋庆君等.轮胎残余回正力矩与轮胎花纹沟设计之间的关系667轮胎残余回正力矩与轮胎花纹沟设计之间的关系蒋庆君,韩 潇,朱 杰(万力轮胎股份有限公司,广东广州 510940)摘要:研究胎肩横沟花纹对轮胎帘布角度效应引起的残余回正力矩(PRAT)的影响及肩部横沟花纹沟槽与轮胎纵向角度(θ)与PRAT的关系。
关键词:轮胎;残余回正力矩;花纹沟设计;横沟花纹中图分类号:TQ336.1+1 文章编号:1006-8171(2019)11-0667-03文献标志码:A DOI:10.12135/j.issn.1006-8171.2019.11.0667在车辆稳定性中,直线行驶是车辆的安全特征之一。
车辆牵引性的主要参数包括轮胎帘布角度效应引起的残余回正力矩(Ply Steer Residual Aligning Torque,PRAT)、轮胎锥度效应、道路拱起、交叉弧(汽车前束)、交叉脚轮(柱销外倾)和车辆制造不均匀性等。
1 PRAT的计算原理1.1 PRAT的形成原因典型的子午线轮胎是由多层帘布层粘合在一起制成的[1]。
车辆跑偏(Vehicle Pull)Contents1.轮胎基本知识2.跑偏的概念3.影响车辆跑偏因素4.轮胎影响跑偏主要因素5.初期跑偏调查6.分析跑偏倾向7.CONICITY 与车辆跑偏8.PRAT 与车辆跑偏9.参考资料1.支撑汽车的全部重量和负荷.2.提供驱动力和制动力.轮胎的功能1.轮胎基本知识3.缓冲凹凸路面带来的冲击.4.维持及转换汽车行驶方向.2.跑偏的概念•Vehicle Pull。
跑偏: 直行行驶中向左或右偏离的现象直行行驶中向左或右偏离的现象。
四轮定位转向装置Offset 左/右差3.车辆跑偏因素车辆跑偏车辆特性TireChassisPower TrainUnknown Factor载重分布Torque Steer Con/PRAT Con/PRAT//RPK外部因素路面倾斜风向4.轮胎主要跑偏因素Con.-. 制造原因车辆特性TireR PK-.制造原因车辆跑偏PRAT路面倾斜-. 设计因素*.评价跑偏时注意事项评价跑偏时注意事项1. 确认前轮左右轮胎气压2. 禁止混用OE1 / OE2二元化管理轮胎3. Con.方向性管理/确认Marking 状态4. check 风向及风速5. 掌握路面倾斜状态6. 车辆状态: Wheel Alignment7. 跑偏确认评价时-.在同一区域路面上评价5回以上-.均速行驶时评价(禁止加速/减速)-.评价时HANDLE FREE状态下确保车辆及轮胎的直行-.评价时HANDLE FREE状态下确认HANDLIE TORQUE5.初期跑偏调查分析跑偏的基础Data1.轮胎气压: 是否注入标准气压左右气压差2. 轮胎磨损状态3. Con.方向性管理/Marking状态(OE1/OE2)4. 跑偏方向:早期消费者不满内容5. 车辆状态:Wheel Alignment: 前轮Caster/Camber左/右差: 后轮Toe匀速行驶时发生跑偏,前轮左/右交换后跑偏方向不变预测原因及对应方法1. 车辆1) 车辆对道路敏感度过大2) Wheel Alignment左/右偏差2. 轮胎: 跑偏特性原因(PRAT)3. 外部因素: 道路倾斜匀速行驶时发生跑偏,前轮左/右交换后跑偏现象消除预测原因及对应方法1.车辆和轮胎的复合问题ex) 初始: 车辆RH + 轮胎RH => RH发生跑偏前轮左右交换: 车辆RH + 轮胎LH => 消除跑偏6.分析跑偏倾向 6.分析跑偏倾向-3 分析跑偏倾向匀速时发生跑偏,前轮左/ 匀速时发生跑偏,前轮左/右交换时跑偏方向改变预测原因及对应方法 1. Con. Spec Over 措施: ▷ 措施: Service Manual 2. Con.方向性管理有误 Con.方向性管理有误 措施: ▷ 措施:方向性管理有误的轮胎反过来安装107.CONICITY和车辆跑偏 7.CONICITY和车辆跑偏• 作用在轮胎的侧向力 (Slip Angle = 0)Top Belt Cord CCW Rotation Force CCW Plysteer CW Rotation Force CW PlysteerPlysteer ForceConicity Force11Conicity和车辆跑偏Conicity和车辆跑偏-1 和车辆跑偏前轮 Conicity 的车辆跑偏影响Case 1Case 3Case 5Case 2Case 4Case 6左 跑偏直线行驶右 跑偏12Conicity和车辆跑偏Conicity和车辆跑偏-2 和车辆跑偏减小Conicity 影响的方案 方向性管理 影响的方案(方向性管理 方向性管理) 减小 10 kgf5kgf 5kgf 5kgf 5kgf10 kgf5kgf 5kgf 5kgf5 kgf0kgfCon方向性管理前 方向性管理前Con方向性管理后 : (-) Con管理 方向性管理后 管理13Conicity和车辆跑偏Conicity和车辆跑偏-3 和车辆跑偏减小Conicity 影响的方案(二元化管理) 减小Conicity 影响的方案(二元化管理)2.5 kgf2.5 kgf5 kgf5 kgf2.5 kgf2.5 kgf0 kgf5 kgf2.5 kgf2.5 kgfGroup - 1Group - 2148.PRAT和车辆跑偏 8.PRAT和车辆跑偏α1 α2RAT RCFAngle的 范围(deg) Slip Angle的 范围(deg) : -1 ~ +1159.参考资料 9.参考资料1. Caster▶ 因为偏差而发生的跑偏现象Caster 角度 大Caster 角度 小▷ 往Caster 角度小的方向跑偏轴Caster角 度前TRAIL后▷ Caster左右偏差设计标准: 0.5˚以内LWR ARM 侧面图接头162. Camber(-) (+)▶ 因为偏差而发生的跑偏现象CamberCamber往Camber而倾斜的方向跑偏.CamberCamber 角度▷ Camber 左/右 偏差 设计标准 : 0.5˚以内90˚正面图173. Toe▶因为偏差而发生的跑偏现象前轮驱动车辆时往后轮Toe倾斜方向的反方向跑偏Toe -out Toe -INA▷ Toe设计标准(一般):B±1mmToe量 : B - A184. 轮胎气压(动负荷半径)气 压 大 动负荷半径大气 压 小 动负荷半径小▶因为偏差而发生的跑偏现象发生左/右 气压 或 动负荷半径差异时 往动负荷半径小的方向跑偏▷ 左/右 偏差设计标准R R : 动负荷半径气压 : 3psi 以下 / 动负荷半径 : ±1mm195. 路面倾斜▶ 因路面倾斜而发生的跑偏现象右侧行驶的车辆因右侧路面低的倾斜度 而产生把轮胎往一边推的力(横力) 因此发生跑偏.▷ 国内建设标准 : 1˚, 新加坡 : 3˚20。
1. 胎体:胎体是轮胎的主体部分,由橡胶制成,承受车辆的重量和内部压力。
2. 胎皮:胎皮是轮胎与地面接触的部分,直接影响轮胎与地面的摩擦力以及抓地力。
3. 帘布:帘布是轮胎的骨架,起着支撑和加固胎体的作用。
4. 胎圈:胎圈是连接轮胎和车轮的部分,确保轮胎与车轮的紧密结合,承受轮胎受力,保证轮胎在高速行驶时的安全性。
5. 轮胎内胎:内胎是充满气体的橡胶套,放置在轮胎内部,用于存放气体,维持轮胎的形状和弹性。
二、轮胎的材料1. 橡胶:橡胶是轮胎的主要材料,它直接影响轮胎的耐磨性、抗老化性和抓地力。
2. 钢丝:钢丝是帘布的主要材料,用于加强轮胎的支撑性和耐磨性。
3. 纤维材料:包括尼龙、聚酯纤维、芳纶等,用于增强轮胎的支撑性和耐磨性。
4. 添加剂:轮胎中还添加了各种添加剂,如硫化剂、促进剂、活化剂、阻燃剂等,用于改善橡胶的性能和特性,增强轮胎的耐磨性、耐高温性、抗老化性等。
三、轮胎的设计和规格1. 规格:轮胎的规格通常由胎宽、截面比、直径、负荷指数、速度级别等参数组成。
2. 花纹设计:轮胎的花纹设计直接影响轮胎与地面的摩擦力和抓地力,不同的花纹设计适用于不同的路况和用途。
• 扁平率
扁平率: 轮胎的高度和轮胎的宽度的比就是轮胎的扁平率。用式
PRAT(Plysteer residual aligning torque) 残留的自动回正力矩:
• 因轮胎的胎面花纹和带束层及帘线的角度而产生 恒定的横向力矩. Plysteer RAT
• V-CAR:-2.5+/-1.5Nm • T-CAR:+/-1.5Nm
• 磨损 ▶ 轮胎界磨限损界限 1.6mm 以下的轮胎
- 制动距离长容易滑移
- 受冲击时,容易破裂
- 雨路上行驶时,发生漂移, 刹车及方向盘操控难.
• V/T-CAR:0~+/-55N
Ⓑ. TRACTION = 牵引力 (以TRACTION 系数区分的数值)即轮胎 的抓地性能分AA, A, B, C等级, 驱动力最好的产品开始用AA到C等 级来表示.
▶ 轮胎磨损界限 1.6mm 以下的轮胎 - 制动距离长容易滑移 - 受冲击时,容易破裂 受冲击时, - 雨路上行驶时,发生漂移, 刹车及方向盘操控难 雨路上行驶时,发生漂移, 刹车及方向盘操控难.
锥度conicity 锥度conicity
轮胎制造时因尺寸的差异产生轮胎似锥体状, 轮胎制造时因尺寸的差异产生轮胎似锥体状,造 成把车辆往一边作用的横向力, 成把车辆往一边作用的横向力,不因轮胎旋转方向改 变而改变方向。 变而改变方向。 • V/T-CAR:0~+/-55N •
▣. DOT NO : 只有符合美国运输省基准规定的产品可以标识 DOT—Department of Transportation, ,
轮胎气压对轮胎磨损及行驶安全性,燃料, ▶ 轮胎气压对轮胎磨损及行驶安全性,燃料,轮胎的破损 等问题起决定作用 高速行驶时,气压稍微高的话(建议提高 建议提高0.2~0.3kgf/cm2) , ▶ 高速行驶时,气压稍微高的话 建议提高 减少胎侧屈挠变形产生的热, 防止缺气碾压, 提高行车安全。 减少胎侧屈挠变形产生的热 防止缺气碾压 提高行车安全。 正常气压:建议气压:胎侧表明最大气压的 胎侧表明最大气压的80%左右, 左右, ▶正常气压:建议气压 胎侧表明最大气压的 左右 1kPa=1.45psi
扁平率: 轮胎的高度和轮胎的宽度的比就是轮胎的扁平率。用式 扁平率 轮胎的高度和轮胎的宽度的比就是轮胎的扁平率。 表示为:扁平率= 表示为:扁平率=H/W×100%。 × %。 那么,轮胎由高变低,由窄变宽, 那么,轮胎由高变低,由窄变宽,即轮胎矮形化以后 有什么优点呢? ,有什么优点呢? 首先,因为轮胎变宽以后,胎面与地面的接触面积增 首先,因为轮胎变宽以后, 这样,操纵的安定性增强,摩擦系数增大,制动性能提高, 大,这样,操纵的安定性增强,摩擦系数增大,制动性能提高, 轮胎的耐久性增加;其次,因为胎侧变矮以后, 轮胎的耐久性增加;其次,因为胎侧变矮以后,汽车在转弯时周 向滑移率变小,同时,触地面韧性加强,旋转性能上升,所以, 向滑移率变小,同时,触地面韧性加强,旋转性能上升,所以, 转弯性能变佳。此外,轮胎矮形化以后, 转弯性能变佳。此外,轮胎矮形化以后,在轮胎总体高度没有大 的变化时,轮胎可以适当加宽,能增强车辆的美观性, 的变化时,轮胎可以适当加宽,能增强车辆的美观性,给人以饱 满的感觉。 满的感觉。 国外专家估计,扁平率由70%降为60%的轮胎, 国外专家估计,扁平率由 %降为 %的轮胎,车辆转弯性能 约提高15%,摩擦系数增大10%。 %,摩擦系数增大 约提高 %,摩擦系数增大 %。
将轮胎充气到大约15%轮胎压降(tire drop),可以优化自行车的性能,舒适度和操控性。
幸运的是,Frank Berto已经为我们完成了相关测试。
重量分配:45%/ 55%。
轮载:45 公斤/55公斤。
1. 弹性特性:聚氨酯材料的弹性特性使得轮胎能够在承受重压的同时,能够迅速恢复原状,提供稳定的支撑和较好的弹性。
2. 摩擦力和抓地力:聚氨酯轮胎采用特殊的纹路和配方设计,能够提供优异的摩擦力和抓地力。
3. 噪音降低:聚氨酯材料的高阻尼特性使得轮胎在与地面接触时能够吸收和分散震动和冲击力,从而降低噪音的产生。
4. 耐磨损性:聚氨酯轮胎具有较好的耐磨损性能,能够在不同路况下保持较长的使用寿命。
1. 尺寸匹配:轮胎和轮辋的尺寸必须匹配,包括直径、宽度和轮辋孔径。
2. 负荷指数:轮胎和轮辋的负荷指数必须匹配,以确保轮胎能够承载车辆的重量。
3. 速度指数:轮胎和轮辋的速度指数必须匹配,以确保轮胎在高速行驶时能够承受相应的速度。
4. 类型匹配:轮胎和轮辋的类型也需要匹配,包括轿车轮胎、越野轮胎、卡车轮胎等。
轮胎拖距 回正力矩
第 12 期刘朝阳等.带束层排列及成型方式对轮胎性能的影响719带束层排列及成型方式对轮胎性能的影响刘朝阳,陈 龙,李 虎,阳 圣,郜宪杰*[中策橡胶(泰国)有限公司,泰国罗勇 21140]摘要:研究带束层排列及成型方式对轮胎性能及胎体帘布层转向残余回正力矩(PRAT)的影响。
结果表明:调整带束层排列及成型方式对轮胎的充气外缘尺寸、均匀性、强度、脱圈性能、耐久性能、低气压耐久性能和高速性能无明显影响;轮胎PRAT增大约2 N·m。
关键词:带束层排列方式;带束层成型方式;成品轮胎性能;转向残余回正力矩中图分类号:TQ336.1 文章编号:1006-8171(2023)12-0719-03文献标志码:A DOI:10.12135/j.issn.1006-8171.2023.12.0719车辆驾驶方向分为左驾及右驾,车辆行驶方向相应也不同,因路面拱度的设计,车辆生产厂家对轮胎胎体帘布层转向残余回正力矩(PRAT)也会提出不同的要求,从而保证车辆的安全行驶[1-3]。
为了加快设计开发速度,更好更快地满足客户要求,选取原配套235/55R19 101V RP76+规格轮胎,研究带束层排列及成型方式对轮胎PRAT 及其他性能的影响。
1 实验1.1 轮胎规格试验轮胎规格为235/55R19,负荷指数 101,速度级别 V,花纹类型 RP76+。
1.2 主要设备和仪器XYG-4S550-1300型钢丝帘布压延生产联动线,江阴勤力橡塑机械有限公司产品;SCM-G 4000-5型钢丝帘布裁断生产线,德国卡尔·尤根·费舍尔股份有限公司产品;VMI EXXIUM型一次法成型机,荷兰VMI公司产品;LLY-B1220×1800×2型液压轮胎硫化机,巨轮智能装备股份有限公司产品;ASTEC FX型轮胎均匀性试验机,美国Micro-Poise检测设备有限公司产品;FDB-6142T型轮胎动平衡检测机,Kokusai国际计测器株式会社产品;LT-5000型轮胎综合强度试验机,高铁检测仪器(东莞)有限公司产品;TJR-2-PC(J)型轿车及轻载轮胎耐久/高速性能试验机,天津久荣车轮技术有限公司产品;MTS Flat-trac Ⅲ CT型六分力试验机,美国MTS系统公司产品。
Prediction of tread geometry influence on Ply steer Residual Aligning Torque (PRAT)T.Muthu Siva Sankar*, P. Sankarganesh, S.K.P.Amarnath and Peter BeckerApollo Tyres Ltd., Vadodara, IndiaKey words: Tyre, PRAT, Vehicle Pull, Tread PatternABSTRACT:Ply steer residual aligning torque (PRAT) is one of major parameters which influences vehicle pull. A vehicle pull problem is directly related to safety and comfort. The value of PRAT is influenced by the various constructional parameters and treads pattern designs. Experimental evaluation of PRAT is time consuming and costly. This paper presents the numerical procedure for computation of PRAT values of tyres and investigation is restricted to change in tread pattern design. This procedure helps the tyre designers to meet/balance the Vehicle pull requirements at an early stage of product development.Introduction:Among the problems related to vehicle stability, straight running of a vehicle is a relevant safety feature of vehicle performance. Vehicle pull/drift canFig 1be easily sensed by driver. Vehicle drifts to one particular side when there is an asymmetry present either in steering system/suspension system, tyre uniformity, road crown or incompatible interaction among them. Vehicle pull is affected by force and moment generated either by tyre or suspension system.Major parameters causing the pull problem are includes PRAT and conicity of tires, road crown, cross camber, cross caster and other manufacturing non uniformity of the vehicle. Force and moment behaviours are function of tyre body parameters (profile, belt angle, belt constructions etc) and contact behaviour of tread pattern by the geometry of tread pattern.To minimize vehicle drift VRAT should be counter balanced by PRAT. So co work between vehicle and tyre industry is mandatory to optimize the vehicle pull. This paper describes the effect of pattern in particular and influences of Shoulder lateral groove angle on ply residual aligning torque.PRATA typical radial tyre structure is made with multiple layers of plies bonded together. The individual plies have various prescribed orientations of carcass layer which are parallel to the meridonial direction and anti symmetric belt package in the crown region. The classical lamination theory assumes that the orthotropic layers are perfectly bonded together with an infinitely thin bond line and the deformations across the bond line are continuous. Generally, the multi-ply systems twist and bend when subjected to simple tensile load. The result is a combination of bending, shearing and stretching of the laminate. Moreover If the tyre is free rolling, the toroidal shape of tyre (shown in fig2) becomes flat at the contact patch, so lateral and longitudinal shear stresses are generated in the contact area (tread blocks) and additional in plane shear also occurs due to change in belt tension at contact patch. These shear stresses applied to the individual tread blocks cause coupled reaction forces, resulting in an aligning torque. Thus radial tyres generate measurable lateral force and self aligning moment under straight rolling condition. Ply steer side force is an inherent property of a belted radial tyre which is the nonzero side force at zero slip angles.Fig 2PRAT is defined as the level of tyre aligning torque at the slip angle where the lateral force is zero. The phenomenon is governed by the structural parameters of both tire body and treads pattern asFig 3Well as the frictional dynamics of rolling tire, which is mechanically complex? Conventionally, tyre PRAT is adjusted through the classical approach in which trial productions of tires by adjusting the construction and tread design parameters are too costly and time-consuming and there has been a demand for a new approach to address the above method.The mechanism of PRAT can be decomposed into two effects, i.e. the pattern effect and the body effect. The pattern effect is usually extracted by changing the signs of belt cord angle about a particular tread design. The pattern effect is can be calculated by below formula.The pattern effect = (PRAT1 + PRAT2)/2PRAT1 – PRAT evaluated at Regular belt cord orientationPRAT1 – PRAT evaluated at Reverse belt cord orientationTire engineers have to evaluate the sensitivity of the tread pattern design to PRAT on the occasion of accommodating the design to several markets of different PRAT requirements.Modelling Strategy:To investigate the effects of Tread Pattern, the tread pattern is modeled with longitudinal and lateral grooves consisting of 50 numbers of pitches around the circumference. Tread and carcass is modelled separately and later Tread region is tied with carcass model. Rubber components are modeled with continuum 8 noded brick and 6 noded penta elements. Reinforcements which are embedded in rubber elements are modeled with 4 noded membrane elements. Road and rim are modelled as analytical rigid.Coulomb friction law is used between tyre/ rim as well as with Tyre/ road.Fig 3Under the assumption of cyclic symmetry inflation and rim mounting was performed in single pitch. Using symmetric model generation and symmetric result transfer, full tyre model was generated. Vertical loading was performed in the subsequent step.Steady State Rolling AnalysisThe steady state dynamic interaction between tyre and road is investigated using the steady state transport analysis capability available in Abaqus. Steady state transport is carried out by using mixed Langrangian/Eulerean formulation. This option uses a reference frame attached to the wheel axle, which does not rotate with the tire. The tire then rotates through this frame.Stream lines are defined through axis of rotation in symmetric model generation and the path through which material will flow.This kinematic description that converts the steady-state moving contact problem into a purely spatially dependent simulation in which rigid body rotation is described in a spatial or Eulerian manner, and deformation, which is now measured relative to the rotating rigid body, is described in a Lagrangian manner.This approach represents a huge saving in computational overhead when compared with a transient analysis, with fine mesh defined along the entire surface of the deformable tire. Restarting from the solution of the static deflection analysis, the steady state transport option is first used to obtain the straight line steady state rolling conditions while varying the tire angular spinning velocities at the desired constant road speed (30 km/hr was used in this study). With the straight line free rolling solution obtained, the steady state simulation of the tire when subjected to a prescribed slip angle is then implemented and the tire’s dynamic response in terms of the lateral forces and aligningmoments is obtained.Variants:Three variants have been studied which are in 3 groups. In group I, belt lay is changed from regular orientation to reverse orientation. In group II, shoulder lateral groove angle is varied from 0 to 40 degrees. In Group III, orientation of pattern is reversed. Refer below fig 4Fig 4Influence of belt lay:When reversing the belt lay the sign of the lateral force generated reverses from the reference belt lay and there by PRAT also reverses.Influence of shoulder Lateral groove angle:The value of PRAT increases with increasing groove angle up to 30 degree and any further angle increase reduces the PRAT values.Fig 5bInfluence of Pattern Reverse:When reversing the pattern orientation the PRAT value decreases in magnitude by half.Validation:2 tyres were hand carved, one with regular pattern orientation and the other with reverse tread pattern orientation. PRAT values were evaluated in indoor pulley wheel.Fig 6aFig 6bFig 6cFig 6c, compares the experimental footprint pressure distribution against the simulated foot print and both are comparable. Both simulated and experimental footprint pressure values in the shoulder region shows relatively higher pressure intensity. The experimental and simulated PRATvalues are shown in the table below.Result and Discussion:Based on the investigation, highest influence is observed when we reverse the belt lay orientation and followed by reversing the pattern orientation and then shoulder lateral angle change. The differences between experimental values against simulated values can be improved by incorporating the viscous parameters. The experimental and simulated prat values are in good agreement behaviourally. Item PRAT ( Nmm)AbaqusSimulationExperimentalRegularPattern1246 1643ReversePattern623 380Conclusions:Abaqus evaluation of PRAT results are very well in agreement with experimental results. With this approach Pattern PRAT setting, tuning can be done at tyre design stage and leaves an opportunity to cooperate with Vehicle manufacturers at the design stage itself. PRAT evaluation through Abaqus simulation saves a lot of time and cost.AcknowledgementThe authors wish to express their appreciation to the Apollo tyres management for permitting to share the presentation. And special thanks to both Product Development and Design & Development teams of R&D Apollo Tyres Ltd for their constant support.References1.Abaqus/Standard User’s Manual, Version 6.102.Okonieski, R. E., Moseley, D. J., Cai, K. Y., "Simplified Approach to Calculating GeometricStiffness Properties of Tread Pattern Elements," Tire Science and Technology, TSTCA, Vol.31, No. 3, 20033.K. Ohishi, H. Suita, and K. Ishihara, " The Finite Element Approach to Predict thePlysteer Residual Cornering Force of Tires ," Tire Science and Technology, TSTCA, Vol. 30, No. 2, 20024.Kabe, K. and Morikawa, T., "A New Tire Construction Which Reduces Ply Steer," TireScience and Technology, TSTCA, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1991.5.G ent, A. N., The Pneumatic Tire, NHTSA US DOT, Washington, D.C., August, 2005。
1. 配置高性能轮胎。
2. 定期进行轮胎维护和保养。
3. 驾驶员应该注意车辆的行驶状态,在制动和转弯时适当减速,以减少轮胎平点效应对车辆操控性的影响。
胎肩(SHOULDER)部胎面端部与胎侧上端之间的部分,具有保护胎体和发散行驶时产生热量的作用胎侧(SIDEW ALL)部胎肩下端和胎圈之间的橡胶层,有保护胎体的作用胎体(CARCASS)部构成轮胎骨架的单层或多层覆胶帘线部分,要求有良好的耐冲击性能和耐屈挠性能胎圈(BEAD)部胎体帘线缠绕其上,与轮辋结合的部位,由胎圈钢丝及橡胶等构成气密层(INNER)部轮胎的内衬层,要求有良好的气密性能轮胎规格标记法:胎侧文字标记内容包括主商标,辅商标,规格,负荷,结构,认证,生产周期,用途等内容。
速度记号轮胎的分类斜交轮胎与子午线轮胎斜交轮胎(BIAS TIRE)从很久以前就开始使用的轮胎结构,指构成胎体的帘线与轮胎的行驶方向呈一定角度(38度左右)的轮胎。
子午线轮胎(RADIAL TIRE)胎体帘线的排列与轮胎行驶方向呈90度或者接近90度的结构,利用带束层来提高强度的轮胎。
相对斜交轮胎,子午线轮胎具备以下特点:良好的操纵稳定性能安全的转弯性能良好的耐磨性能生热少滚动阻力低,节省燃油费用牵引能力强,打滑少高速行驶时的乘车舒适感好有内胎轮胎与无内胎轮胎有内胎轮胎(TUBETYPE TIRE)在轮胎内部装入内胎,并充气使用的轮胎。
构成:轮胎+内胎+垫带+轮辋正确的使用管理方法:- 选用合适规格的内胎,而且新的外胎一定要用新内胎- 子午线轮胎要选用相应的子午线轮胎用内胎- 无气压情况下,如果内胎宽度变形在10%以上,则不能继续使用- 刚开始充气的时候,要先以低压使内胎和垫带正确就位,然后再充以合适气压无内胎轮胎(TUBELESS TIRE)不使用内胎,而在轮胎内表面使用了代替内胎的特殊橡胶(气密层)来保证轮胎气密性能的轮胎。
1. 斜交轮胎(Bias Ply):
- 斜交轮胎是较早期的轮胎结构,其帘布层在花纹方向呈交叉角度排列,帘线交叉在胎侧。
- 这种轮胎结构相对简单,制造成本较低,但其性能较差,易产生较大的滚动阻力,耐久性相对较低。
2. 系列式轮胎(Bias Belted):
- 系列式轮胎是在斜交轮胎的基础上引入胎带结构,带线与花纹方向呈角度排列。
- 它在提高了轮胎的稳定性和耐久性的同时,仍然保留了部分斜交轮胎的特点。
3. 径向轮胎(Radial):
- 径向轮胎是目前广泛使用的轮胎结构,其帘线与胎侧垂直排列,呈径向结构。
- 这种轮胎结构具有较低的滚动阻力,提供更好的操控性能和更高的舒适性,耐久性较好。
4. 斜交-径向混合轮胎(Bias Belted and Radial):
- 斜交-径向混合轮胎结合了斜交轮胎和径向轮胎的优点。
- 在这种结构中,带线与花纹方向呈交叉角度排列,同时胎带与胎侧呈垂直排列。
- 它在一定程度上平衡了斜交轮胎和径向轮胎的特点,提供了较好的性能和耐久性。
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Prediction of tread geometry influence on Ply steer Residual Aligning Torque (PRAT)T.Muthu Siva Sankar*, P. Sankarganesh, S.K.P.Amarnath and Peter BeckerApollo Tyres Ltd., Vadodara, IndiaKey words: Tyre, PRAT, Vehicle Pull, Tread PatternABSTRACT:Ply steer residual aligning torque (PRAT) is one of major parameters which influences vehicle pull. A vehicle pull problem is directly related to safety and comfort. The value of PRAT is influenced by the various constructional parameters and treads pattern designs. Experimental evaluation of PRAT is time consuming and costly. This paper presents the numerical procedure for computation of PRAT values of tyres and investigation is restricted to change in tread pattern design. This procedure helps the tyre designers to meet/balance the Vehicle pull requirements at an early stage of product development.Introduction:Among the problems related to vehicle stability, straight running of a vehicle is a relevant safety feature of vehicle performance. Vehicle pull/drift canFig 1be easily sensed by driver. Vehicle drifts to one particular side when there is an asymmetry present either in steering system/suspension system, tyre uniformity, road crown or incompatible interaction among them. Vehicle pull is affected by force and moment generated either by tyre or suspension system.Major parameters causing the pull problem are includes PRAT and conicity of tires, road crown, cross camber, cross caster and other manufacturing non uniformity of the vehicle. Force and moment behaviours are function of tyre body parameters (profile, belt angle, belt constructions etc) and contact behaviour of tread pattern by the geometry of tread pattern.To minimize vehicle drift VRAT should be counter balanced by PRAT. So co work between vehicle and tyre industry is mandatory to optimize the vehicle pull. This paper describes the effect of pattern in particular and influences of Shoulder lateral groove angle on ply residual aligning torque.PRATA typical radial tyre structure is made with multiple layers of plies bonded together. The individual plies have various prescribed orientations of carcass layer which are parallel to the meridonial direction and anti symmetric belt package in the crown region. The classical lamination theory assumes that the orthotropic layers are perfectly bonded together with an infinitely thin bond line and the deformations across the bond line are continuous. Generally, the multi-ply systems twist and bend when subjected to simple tensile load. The result is a combination of bending, shearing and stretching of the laminate. Moreover If the tyre is free rolling, the toroidal shape of tyre (shown in fig2) becomes flat at the contact patch, so lateral and longitudinal shear stresses are generated in the contact area (tread blocks) and additional in plane shear also occurs due to change in belt tension at contact patch. These shear stresses applied to the individual tread blocks cause coupled reaction forces, resulting in an aligning torque. Thus radial tyres generate measurable lateral force and self aligning moment under straight rolling condition. Ply steer side force is an inherent property of a belted radial tyre which is the nonzero side force at zero slip angles.Fig 2PRAT is defined as the level of tyre aligning torque at the slip angle where the lateral force is zero. The phenomenon is governed by the structural parameters of both tire body and treads pattern asFig 3Well as the frictional dynamics of rolling tire, which is mechanically complex? Conventionally, tyre PRAT is adjusted through the classical approach in which trial productions of tires by adjusting the construction and tread design parameters are too costly and time-consuming and there has been a demand for a new approach to address the above method.The mechanism of PRAT can be decomposed into two effects, i.e. the pattern effect and the body effect. The pattern effect is usually extracted by changing the signs of belt cord angle about a particular tread design. The pattern effect is can be calculated by below formula.The pattern effect = (PRAT1 + PRAT2)/2PRAT1 – PRAT evaluated at Regular belt cord orientationPRAT1 – PRAT evaluated at Reverse belt cord orientationTire engineers have to evaluate the sensitivity of the tread pattern design to PRAT on the occasion of accommodating the design to several markets of different PRAT requirements.Modelling Strategy:To investigate the effects of Tread Pattern, the tread pattern is modeled with longitudinal and lateral grooves consisting of 50 numbers of pitches around the circumference. Tread and carcass is modelled separately and later Tread region is tied with carcass model. Rubber components are modeled with continuum 8 noded brick and 6 noded penta elements. Reinforcements which are embedded in rubber elements are modeled with 4 noded membrane elements. Road and rim are modelled as analytical rigid.Coulomb friction law is used between tyre/ rim as well as with Tyre/ road.Fig 3Under the assumption of cyclic symmetry inflation and rim mounting was performed in single pitch. Using symmetric model generation and symmetric result transfer, full tyre model was generated. Vertical loading was performed in the subsequent step.Steady State Rolling AnalysisThe steady state dynamic interaction between tyre and road is investigated using the steady state transport analysis capability available in Abaqus. Steady state transport is carried out by using mixed Langrangian/Eulerean formulation. This option uses a reference frame attached to the wheel axle, which does not rotate with the tire. The tire then rotates through this frame.Stream lines are defined through axis of rotation in symmetric model generation and the path through which material will flow.This kinematic description that converts the steady-state moving contact problem into a purely spatially dependent simulation in which rigid body rotation is described in a spatial or Eulerian manner, and deformation, which is now measured relative to the rotating rigid body, is described in a Lagrangian manner.This approach represents a huge saving in computational overhead when compared with a transient analysis, with fine mesh defined along the entire surface of the deformable tire. Restarting from the solution of the static deflection analysis, the steady state transport option is first used to obtain the straight line steady state rolling conditions while varying the tire angular spinning velocities at the desired constant road speed (30 km/hr was used in this study). With the straight line free rolling solution obtained, the steady state simulation of the tire when subjected to a prescribed slip angle is then implemented and the tire’s dynamic response in terms of the lateral forces and aligningmoments is obtained.Variants:Three variants have been studied which are in 3 groups. In group I, belt lay is changed from regular orientation to reverse orientation. In group II, shoulder lateral groove angle is varied from 0 to 40 degrees. In Group III, orientation of pattern is reversed. Refer below fig 4Fig 4Influence of belt lay:When reversing the belt lay the sign of the lateral force generated reverses from the reference belt lay and there by PRAT also reverses.Influence of shoulder Lateral groove angle:The value of PRAT increases with increasing groove angle up to 30 degree and any further angle increase reduces the PRAT values.Fig 5bInfluence of Pattern Reverse:When reversing the pattern orientation the PRAT value decreases in magnitude by half.Validation:2 tyres were hand carved, one with regular pattern orientation and the other with reverse tread pattern orientation. PRAT values were evaluated in indoor pulley wheel.Fig 6aFig 6bFig 6cFig 6c, compares the experimental footprint pressure distribution against the simulated foot print and both are comparable. Both simulated and experimental footprint pressure values in the shoulder region shows relatively higher pressure intensity. The experimental and simulated PRATvalues are shown in the table below.Result and Discussion:Based on the investigation, highest influence is observed when we reverse the belt lay orientation and followed by reversing the pattern orientation and then shoulder lateral angle change. The differences between experimental values against simulated values can be improved by incorporating the viscous parameters. The experimental and simulated prat values are in good agreement behaviourally. Item PRAT ( Nmm)AbaqusSimulationExperimentalRegularPattern1246 1643ReversePattern623 380Conclusions:Abaqus evaluation of PRAT results are very well in agreement with experimental results. With this approach Pattern PRAT setting, tuning can be done at tyre design stage and leaves an opportunity to cooperate with Vehicle manufacturers at the design stage itself. PRAT evaluation through Abaqus simulation saves a lot of time and cost.AcknowledgementThe authors wish to express their appreciation to the Apollo tyres management for permitting to share the presentation. And special thanks to both Product Development and Design & Development teams of R&D Apollo Tyres Ltd for their constant support.References1.Abaqus/Standard User’s Manual, Version 6.102.Okonieski, R. E., Moseley, D. J., Cai, K. Y., "Simplified Approach to Calculating GeometricStiffness Properties of Tread Pattern Elements," Tire Science and Technology, TSTCA, Vol.31, No. 3, 20033.K. Ohishi, H. Suita, and K. Ishihara, " The Finite Element Approach to Predict thePlysteer Residual Cornering Force of Tires ," Tire Science and Technology, TSTCA, Vol. 30, No. 2, 20024.Kabe, K. and Morikawa, T., "A New Tire Construction Which Reduces Ply Steer," TireScience and Technology, TSTCA, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1991.5.G ent, A. N., The Pneumatic Tire, NHTSA US DOT, Washington, D.C., August, 2005。