An Interpretation of the Veil in William Somerest Maugham(对《面纱》中面纱的解读




















列宁:革命领袖与思想家的传奇人生Vladimir Lenin, a renowned revolutionary leader and thinker, stands tall in the annals of history. Born in 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia, he dedicated his life to the cause of socialism and communism, leaving an indelible mark on the world with his ideas and actions.Lenin's early life was shaped by the hardships and injustices of Tsarist Russia. His family's financial struggles and social exclusion instilled in him a sense of outrage and a desire for change. This led him to embrace Marxism, which he saw as a means to eradicate the exploitation and oppression that he witnessed in his country.In 1905, Lenin returned to Russia from exile in Switzerland and threw himself into the revolutionary struggle. He quickly emerged as a leader of the Bolshevik Party, which advocated for a violent revolution to overthrow the Tsar and establish a socialist state. Lenin's charismatic leadership and unwavering commitment to the revolution won him legions of followers.The Russian Revolution of 1917 marked a turning point in history. Lenin led the Bolsheviks to seize power in October, ending the Tsarist era and ushering in a new socialist era. As the leader of the new Soviet Union, Lenin implemented a series of radical reforms, including the abolition of private property, the establishment of collective farms, and the prioritization of heavy industry. These measures were aimed at creating a socialist society based on equality and justice.Lenin's legacy is not only in the political and economic transformations he brought about in Russia, but also in his contributions to Marxist theory. His writings, such as "What Is to Be Done?" and "State and Revolution," provided a critical analysis of the development of socialism and communism, and offered insights into the nature and strategy of revolution. Lenin's emphasis on the role of the proletariat in leading the revolution and the need for a strong party leadership remain important principles in Marxist-Leninist thought.Despite his many achievements, Lenin's rule was not without its challenges and controversies. His autocraticstyle and one-party rule led to the suppression of dissent and the emergence of a cult of personality around him. The economic policies implemented during his tenure also led to significant hardships for the Soviet people, particularly during the period of War Communism.Lenin's death in 1924 marked the end of an era. However, his ideas and vision continue to resonate in the hearts and minds of people across the globe. His legacy is a reminderof the power of revolution and the importance of social justice and equality. As we look towards the future,Lenin's contributions to the cause of socialism and communism remain a beacon of inspiration and a source of guidance for those who seek to create a more equitable and just world.**列宁:革命领袖和思想家的传奇人生**弗拉基米尔·列宁,这位著名的革命领袖和思想家,在历史长河中留下了深刻的印记。



Philosophy Now – Issue 83 –/issue83/Justice_Whats_The_Right_Thing_To_Do_by_Michael_Sandel Justice: What’s The Right Thing To Do? by Michael SandelPhil Badger is out for Justice.This book, based on Professor Sandel’s long running course of the same name, has some hugely enviable qualities. It is supremely clear and instructive, it will promote genuine thought in any serious reader, and it’s a one volume antidote to the frequent accusation that philosophy is obscure and irrelevant. Also, it’s by a man who is clearly striving for an honest and serious engagement with some famously difficult issues. Given all this, it is with some trepidation that this reviewer has to declare himself in significant disagreement with him.Justice is primarily about the values that should underpin the state, politics and the law, with particular reference to Western pluralistic societies. Sandel presents us with a three-cornered debate between utilitarian, liberal and communitarian perspectives, in which the latter, heavily reinforced by a dose of neo-ristotelianism, emerges the victor. Along the way we are treated to a wonderful exposition of the subtleties of these positions, as well as a forensic analysis of their limitations.Utilitarianism emerges as the lame duck of moral philosophy, largely because it seems to defend the indefensible, such as sacrificing the innocent for the ‘greater good’. Justice, Prof Sandel argues, has to have something to do with desert, that is, what people deserve. That thought is at the heart of his next move, his discussion of liberalism.Liberal JusticeSandel starts this section by looking at libertarian philosophies, and particularly the work of the late Robert Nozick, best known for Anarchy, State and Utopia (1974). What’s attractive about Nozick’s position is that it attributes to each of us the quality of ‘self-ownership’, and with this comes an absolute rejection of the idea that I can morally be used by someone as a convenient means to an end. Since I belong to myself I can be held responsible for my actions, but I can’t be used to attain someone else’s goal. To use Philippa Foot’s classic example, I can’t be dropped onto a railway track to save others from being squashed by a runaway train.Things don’t go so well when we examine the further implications of this libertarian position. Firstly, Nozick argues that we can demand virtually nothing from our fellow citizens beyond that they leave us alone. For Sandel this is problematic, in that some services we render to the community (serving on juries, for example) are things often taken to trump our claims to self-ownership. Furthermore, Sandel takes issue with Nozick’s view that given initially fair conditions, any subsequent distribution of material goods brought about by voluntary transactions would not justifiably be subject to any modification. Yet to think, as Sandel does, that Nozick’s self-ownership position rules out any obligation to serve our communities, seems premature. Liberals can invoke ‘contractual’ arguments to say that implicit obligations to a group flow from the benefits I gain from membership of it. However, we also recognise a kind of ultimate self-ownership in respect of these issues. The notion, for example, of conscientious objection is established in respect of military service, and we can imagine it being invoked in relation to other issues. If, for example, a Christian with an over-literal interpretation of theinjunction not to judge others refuses to serve on a jury, we might invoke some penalty against her, but this would rightly be tempered by our acknowledgement that she was responding to the demands of deeply held principles – what we can call her ‘large-scale concept of the good’. By contrast, Nozick’s objections to redistributive notions of economic justice don’t seem to be defensible by reference to concepts of the good, as opposed to being defended in terms of naked self-interest. Indeed, the gaping hole in Nozick’s argument is the notion that the ‘initial conditions’ people operate from are anything like fair. This leads us to Sandel’s discussion of egalitarian liberal notions of justice, and, in particular, the ideas of Immanuel Kant and Nozick’s former neighbour at Harvard, John Rawls.These two philosophers share Nozick’s distaste for the potential injustices of utilitarianism, but little else with him. What Kant and Rawls have in common is a desire to define justice in a way that makes it independent of any particular individual’s inclination or vested interest. Their point is that judging what is just from anything other than a ‘universal’ standpoint is liable to yield self-serving conclusions of the kind that Nozick reaches. For Rawls, wealth was no guarantee of desert; nor was being male, or white, or heterosexual. Indeed, even talent is not an indicator of desert, because such talent is the product of chance and its value is reliant on the caprice of society, ie, on whether the talent is for something society currently values.Kant and Rawls both think in terms of a kind of moral abstraction. For Kant this was expressed in terms of the universalisation of principles, while for Rawls it involved asking what we would accept as a just society if we were considering it from behind a ‘veil of ignorance’ which prevented us from knowing our personal situations in it. For both of them, from the point of view of justice we have no particular identity but only a generalised humanity, such that conclusions about what is just pertain to all of us. In other words, justice implies neutrality.Aristotle’s StoryFor Aristotle, whom Sandel enlists in his cause, this neutrality would have been an entirely alien notion. Rather than ethics requiring us to leave our personal values at the door, to him it is intimately connected with promoting ‘excellence’ in citizens. For Aristotle excellence has to do with our distinctive nature as human beings, and the good life is about developing our characters in such a way that we’ll make the right moral choices when we need to without recourse to any kind of moral decision-making procedure. This approach is called ‘virtue ethics’. So far so good – but if we’re looking for a guide-book to doing the right thing, we’re not going to find one here.Filling the guidance hole in virtue ethics, are culturally-specific stories about virtue which tell us what and who to value. For Aristotle, the stories of his time told him that different types of people had different natures, such that not all were worthy of participating in the political ‘conversation’. Sandel does not defend Aristotle’s ethics here, but does maintain Alasdair MacIntyre’s neo-Aristotelian faith in the importance of narratives in our lives. In part this is a reaction to what both MacIntyre and Sandel see as the austerity of the Kant/Rawls picture of morality. Sure, from those two we get a kind of rule book on how to treat others; but it’s one which hollows out life by telling us that our attachments to any particular people, society or set of values are only culturally contingent. There is no warm glow of belonging to be found in this model of justice, no sense of shared obligation or merit. To use Rawls’ phrase, ‘the right is prior to the good’ – in other words, the demands of justice have nothing to do with what people value.For Sandel this contradicts some profound moral intuitions, and he explores this thought through a series of issues, including collective responsibility for historical wrongs, and special obligations to those with whom we share our ‘collective narrative’. There is an intriguing discussion of conflicts between group loyalty and abstract principle here. Unfortunately, what we don’t get is any recognition that we don’t all have the same chance to shape our stories, or that there might be any external way to evaluate their merits.There is psychological value to be gained from seeing ourselves as part of a meaningful story, but that seems rather short of a philosophical endorsement. Western history since the Enlightenment has involved challenging our ‘stories’ so that more people have found a place in them. Other races,women, homosexuals, and even non-humans are now, for some, included in the circle of justice. It is plausible to say that a huge amount of good has followed from the willingness to step back from the particular in order to assert the universal.I’ll concede that we’re all suckers for a good yarn. I, for example, got quite misty-eyed last year listening to accounts of the Battle of Britain on its seventieth anniversary. For me this ‘story’ was a tale of the heroic defence of essentially liberal values against their absolute opposite. I got very upset when I saw an election broadcast in which a member of the BNP [an extreme right-wing party] posed in front of a Spitfire. However, precisely because stories have this seductive quality, we should be hugely suspicious of them; especially so when they are enlisted for illiberal causes.Early in my career, teaching an all-Muslim group of students in the UK at the time of the publication of Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses (1988), I explained to the group that UK law protected Christianity by means of a blasphemy law, but that this protection did not extend to other religions (things have changed since). I asked the group how the law might be altered to bring about equality. The liberal option – the notion of abolishing the law of blasphemy altogether – did not even occur to them: all simply wanted to extend the existing law to cover other religions. Liberal neutrality, as opposed to Sandel’s ‘narrative communitarianism’, suggests that we deprioritise the stories people immerse themselves in, reducing the importance we attach to our particular stories. Instead, what is absolutely important, is that your life is yours to live uncoerced in respect of what I referred to as your large-scale concept of the good. Defending this principle is as close as I get to such a concept of the good myself.All of this should I hope inspire the reader to read Justice for themselves. Professor Sandel’s work is rich (hugely more so than the constraints of a review allow me to explore) and deeply impressive. That I can’t agree with his conclusions is, ultimately, a tribute to the fact that reading his work has helped me understand my own position better than I did. I suspect that would please him, even if my conclusions do not.© Phil Badger 2011Phil Badger teaches philosophy and sociology in Sheffield.• Justice: What’s The Right Thing To Do?, by Michael Sandel; Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010, 320 pps, $15 pb, ISBN: 978-0374532505.Michael SandelMichael Sandel is a professor of political philosophy at Harvard. He is best known for the course‘Justice’, which he has been teaching there for more than two decades. It has been made into a twelve episode TV series, and is available to view online.。

how to read a paper

how to read a paper

2004年复旦大学生物医学前沿文献讨论课参考资料1 HOW TO EVALUATE A PAPERA thorough understanding and evaluation of a paper involves answering severalquestions:a. What questions does the paper address?b. What are the main conclusions of the paper?c. What evidence supports those conclusions?d. Do the data actually support the conclusions?e. What is the quality of the evidence?f. Why are the conclusions important?a. What questions does the paper address?Before addressing this question, we need to be aware that research in biochemistry andmolecular biology can be of several different types:Type of research Question asked:Descriptive What is there? What do we see?Comparative How does it compare to other organisms? Areour findings general?Analytical How does it work? What is the mechanism? Descriptive research often takes place in the early stages of our understanding of a system. We can't formulate hypotheses about how a system works, or what its interconnections are, until we know what is there. Typical descriptive approaches in molecular biology are DNA sequencing and DNA microarray approaches. In biochemistry, one could regard x-ray crystallography as a descriptive endeavor.Comparative research often takes place when we are asking how general a finding is. Is it specific to my particular organism, or is it broadly applicable? A typical comparative approach would be comparing the sequence of a gene from one organism with that from the other organisms in which that gene is found. One example of this is the observation that the actin genes from humans and budding yeast are 89% identical and 96% similar. Analytical research generally takes place when we know enough to begin formulating hypotheses about how a system works, about how the parts are interconnected, and what the causal connections are. A typical analytical approach would be to devise two (or more) alternative hypotheses about how a system operates. These hypotheses would all be consistent with current knowledge about the system. Ideally, the approach would devise a set of experiments todistinguish among these hypotheses. A classic example is the Meselson-Stahl experiment.Of course, many papers are a combination of these approaches. For instance, researchers might sequence a gene from their model organism; compare its sequence to homologous genes from other organisms; use this comparison to devise a hypothesis for the function of the gene product; and test this hypothesis by making a site-directed change in the gene and asking how that affects the phenotype of the organism and/or the biochemical function of the gene product.Being aware that not all papers have the same approach can orient you towards recognizing the major questions that a paper addresses.What are these questions? In a well-written paper, as described above, the Introduction generally goes from the general to the specific, eventually framing a question or set of questions. This is a good starting place. In addition, the results of experiments usually raise additional questions, which the authors may attempt to answer. These questions usually become evident only in the Results section.b. What are the main conclusions of the paper?This question can often be answered in a preliminary way by studying the abstract of the paper. Here the authors highlight what they think are the key points. This is not enough, because abstracts often have severe space constraints, but it can serve as a starting point. Still, you need to read the paper with this question in mind.c. What evidence supports those conclusions?Generally, you can get a pretty good idea about this from the Results section. The description of the findings points to the relevant tables and figures. This is easiest when there is one primary experiment to support a point. However, it is often the case that several different experiments or approaches combine to support a particular conclusion. For example, the first experiment might have several possible interpretations, and the later ones are designed to distinguish among these.In the ideal case, the Discussion begins with a section of the form "Three lines of evidence provide support for the conclusion that... First, ...Second,... etc." However, difficulties can arise when the paper is poorly written (see above). The authors often do not present a concise summary of this type, leaving you to make it yourself. A skeptic might argue that in such cases the logical structure of the argument is weak and is omitted on purpose! In any case, you need to be sure that you understand the relationship between the data and the conclusions.d. Do the data actually support the conclusions?2004年复旦大学生物医学前沿文献讨论课参考资料1One major advantage of doing this is that it helps you to evaluate whether the conclusion is sound. If we assume for the moment that the data are believable (see next section), it still might be the case that the data do not actually support the conclusion the authors wish to reach. There are at least two different ways this can happen:i. The logical connection between the data and the interpretation is not soundii. There might be other interpretations that might be consistent with the data.One important aspect to look for is whether the authors take multiple approaches to answering a question. Do they have multiple lines of evidence, from different directions, supporting their conclusions? If there is only one line of evidence, it is more likely that it could be interpreted in a different way; multiple approaches make the argument more persuasive.Another thing to look for is implicit or hidden assumptions used by the authors in interpreting their data. This can be hard to do, unless you understand the field thoroughly.e. What is the quality of that evidence?This is the hardest question to answer, for novices and experts alike. At the same time, it is one of the most important skills to learn as a young scientist. It involves a major reorientation from being a relatively passive consumer of information and ideas to an active producer and critical evaluator of them. This is not easy and takes years to master. Beginning scientists often wonder, "Who am I to question these authorities? After all the paper was published in a top journal, so the authors must have a high standing, and the work must have received a critical review by experts." Unfortunately, that's not always the case. In any case, developing your ability to evaluate evidence is one of the hardest and most important aspects of learning to be a critical scientist and reader.How can you evaluate the evidence?First, you need to understand thoroughly the methods used in the experiments. Often these are described poorly or not at all. The details are often missing, but more importantly the authors usually assume that the reader has a general knowledge of common methods in the field (such as immunoblotting, cloning, genetic methods, or DNase I footprinting). If you lack this knowledge, as discussed above you have to make the extra effort to inform yourself about the basic methodology before you can evaluate the data.Sometimes you have to go to the library, or to a lab that has a lot of back issues of common journals, to trace back the details of the methods if they are important. One new development that eventually will make this much easier is the increasing availability of journals on the Web. Second, you need to know the limitations of the methodology. Every method has limitations, and if the experiments are not done correctly they can't be interpreted.For instance, an immunoblot is not a very quantitative method.Moreover, in a certain range of protein the signal increases (that is, thesignal is at least roughly "linear"), but above a certain amount ofprotein the signal no longer increases. Therefore, to use this methodcorrectly one needs a standard curve that shows that the experimentallanes are in a linear range. Often, the authors will not show thisstandard curve, but they should state that such curves were done. Ifyou don't see such an assertion, it could of course result from badwriting, but it might also not have been done. If it wasn't done, a darkband might mean "there is this much protein or an indefinite amountmore".Third, you need to distinguish between what the data show and what the authors say they show. The latter is really an interpretation on the authors' part, though it is generally not stated to be an interpretation. Papers usually state something like "the data in Fig. x show that ...". This is the authors' interpretation of the data. Do you interpret it the same way? You need to look carefully at the data to ensure that they really do show what the authors say they do. You can only do this effectively if you understand the methods and their limitations.Fourth, it is often helpful to look at the original journal (or its electronic counterpart) instead of a photocopy. Particularly for half-tone figures such as photos of gels or autoradiograms, the contrast is distorted, usually increased, by photocopying, so that the data are misrepresented.Fifth, you should ask if the proper controls are present. Controls tell us that nature is behaving the way we expect it to under the conditions of the experiment. If the controls are missing, it is harder to be confident that the results really show what is happening in the experiment. You should try to develop the habit of asking "where are the controls?" and looking for them.f. Why are the conclusions important?Do the conclusions make a significant advance in our knowledge? Do they lead to new insights, or even new research directions?Again, answering these questions requires that you understand the field relatively well. (John W. L ittle and Roy Parker--University of Arizona)2004年复旦大学生物医学前沿文献讨论课参考资料2Dr. Plopper’s Guide To Critical Reading of Primary Literature Overall tips:1. Just because a scientific study has been published, this does not mean it is perfect. And the imperfections are not so minute that a non-expert cannot find them. Any student of science can, and indeed should, read science critically. This means you can read a paper by a Nobel laureate and find fault with it. It is in fact expected that, as a practicing scientist, you can criticize any science. The level of your critical analysis will differ with your experience level, but you should be able to criticize science even as a relatively inexperienced undergraduate.2. Manuscripts are not read the same way newspapers or novels are read. One does not simply read every word, from the front to the back, in a single pass. The reason for this is fairly obvious: manuscripts contain a high density of information, and not all of this information is of equal value to the reader. In fact, quite a lot of effort is made by the authors and editors to break the information into discrete units that can be read almost independently. Inexperienced readers of primary literature should pay close attention to how manuscripts are organized, and seek specific types of information from each section. You should read the manuscript many times, but each time read only a portion of it, and do so because you are looking for specific information.3. Have a good textbook handy to look up background information and definitions.4. Reading a manuscript takes a lot of time, especially if you are unused to it. To do all of the procedures outlined here will take you at least three hours.Step-by-step method:1. Read the Title.1a. Understand each word. The title provides the most important information in the manuscript. What, really, does this mean? This means the authors have combed through their data and have decided that if you remember nothing else about the paper, this is the one thing you should remember. You may be surprised to learn that most authors spend quite a lot of effort on the title, because they are forced to distil many months (or even years) of work into a single sentence. Imagine crunching an entire year of college courses into a single sentence! As a result, they shuffle and reshuffle their data until the most important point comes out. They also shuffle and reshuffle the words in the title.The result is that each word in a title usually carries a lot of weight. Because a lot of effort is put into creating a title, it should be rich in information content. To the reader, this means you should be able to get a lot of ideas out of the title. I usually spend at least five (real) minutes thinking about the title before I read anything else; most beginning students spend about five seconds on a title, figuring, “If it’s important, I’ll learn about it later in the paper.” Bad idea!1b. Create a list of experiments you expect to see in the paper. In practical terms, this means you should consider the implications of each word in a title. You should be able to derive a list of what sort of experiments you think the authors performed, what the data might have looked like, and how the authors reached their conclusions, before you even read the paper. Write this list down. It may be completely wrong, that’s OK. But try to think ahead about what will be coming. If eventually you discover that your list looks nothing like what the authors did, that is very instructional: did you miss a critical point, or (this happens) did they? Did they mislead you with their title? Many papers have titles that border on being advertisements: they paint the data in the most positive light, but may not be entirely accurate. Your job is to see through that!Example: Although not usually written as a declarative sentence, a title can be translated as such.Here is an example from a cell biology paper: “A Splice-Isoform of Vesicle-associated Membrane Protein-1 (VAMP-1) Contains a Mitochondrial Targeting Signal.” This sentence can be deconstructed easily: “X (verb) Y.” The verb “contains” is not overly scientific, but is has implications you should consider. The “X” in this case is rich in terms: “A Splice-Isoform of Vesicle-associated Membrane Protein-1…” When you read a title, make sure you understand what every single word means, or at least ask yourself how you could find out. In this case, if you don’t know what “splice isoform” means, go find out before you delve any deeper into the paper, because it must be a critical component of the whole manuscript (or it wouldn’t have made it into the title, right?). Usually a good place to find definitions or explanations for especially obscure words is the Introduction section. Likewise the words “vesicle-associated,” “membrane,” and “protein.” These are all very common terms in cell biology, and you should have no trouble understanding them. After you get the meaning of each word down, string them together and determine what they mean collectively. In this case, it means, “A structurally altered form of a protein that binds to vesicles…” and that should conjure an image in your mind: what do vesicle associated proteins do? Don’t know? Go find out. What would make them interesting, especially if they were structurally altered? Any predictions? I’ll wager that you won’t predict that they have anything to do with mitochondria. Hmmm….Do the same deconstruction to the “Y” term: what is a “mitochondrial targeting signal”? Where is it found? What does it do? Look it up if you don’t know.Now combine the two ideas with the verb. The two apparently disparate ideas are actually related, according to this paper. How would you show that? Spend some time thinking hard about that. Any idea how someone might do it? If so, write it down. If not, put down the questions you’d need answered in order to come up with some experiments: “How do you show something is a splice variant?” for example.So, before proceeding, you should have a list: It either has a series of experiments you think might be done, or it has a set of questions that you need answers to in order to generate that list of experiments. Maybe it contains a few statements of each type. A big difference between an inexperienced and an experienced researcher is how easily they can draw up this list of experiments. You should be striving to do this as quickly and thoroughly as possible. And remember: having a list that varies from the list of actual experiments done by the authors is perfectly OK.If you need to look in the paper to find the answers to your list of questions, do that next. Look at the data/figures, and check the Materials and Methods for the “how to” portion of addressing your question. Read these sections only for that information! Do not get bogged down in minute details: know what you are looking for, and find it. Skip/ignore anything that doesn’t answer your questions. Then, generate your list of experiments.Do not read any more of the paper until you get this list together. I usually just abbreviate it in the2004年复旦大学生物医学前沿文献讨论课参考资料2margin of the first page. At this point all you have read is the title (plus maybe you’ve skimmed the rest), yet you have a good handle on what the paper should be about, and even a set of expectations to bring with you as you delve into the meat of the paper. This will help considerably when trying to decide what else in the paper really matters: Sometimes the pH of a buffer is boring, sometimes it is crucial.Given the list, now you can test your ideas by reading the rest of the paper to find out what experiments they actually did. How and where do you find that? In the Results section.But before we go there, let’s get a preview by reading a summary of the results in the abstract.2. Read the Abstract.The abstract is a summary of the whole paper. It usually contains a condensed introduction (1-2 sentences) explaining the rationale for the work. Then a brief summary of the data, with slight reference to the experimental methods at best. Finally, a concluding sentence, perhaps with mention of the implications of the work.Like the title, the abstract is a dense piece of writing. You can get lots of info here, but this time you are looking only for hints as to how and why the experiments were performed. You can then tell how close your list is to theirs. Don’t rewrite your list! Just get it in your head that your experiments and theirs are either similar or not. You will also get a sense for the order in which experiments are going to be presented. Ignore everything else.3. Read the Results section.3a. Read the text of the results without critiquing the data. Go slowly and carefully here. Since this is your first pass through the data, do not try to take it all in at once. Again, look for specific information and ignore the rest. This time, you are looking for a good understanding of what the experiments were: what did they do? The goal here is to get into the minds of the authors: Let them tell you why they did the experiments, and what they think happened as a result. Assume everything they tell you is the absolute truth. This is where you compare your list with theirs. Write down what differences there are, and note why you think the lists are different: are the authors leaving things out you’d like to see, or are they on a different track than you? The key here is to fully understand their train of thought. If you can’t figure it out, write that down, too, specifying exactly where you fell off the train. Then move on. From here on, focus on the material you understand from the Results, and ignore what you don’t understand.3b. Look at the figures and carefully read the figure legends. This is where you get into the nitty-gritty of the paper. Look at each figure, having already understood what the authors claim is happening. BE CRITICAL: Assume they are trying to pull a fast one on you. Make sure that when they say something, the data actually show it. You may be surprised to learn that many papers fail in this respect, sometimes rather badly. Scientists often give themselves the benefit of the doubt, and your job here is to see whether you’d give them the same breaks. It is perfectly OK to be a complete stickler for facts: what are the controls for that experiment? How do you know that this result isn’t due to something else? [Note: This is the one and only time you ever need to read the Materials and Methods section, and you only read it when you need a specific fact about a particular item. Do not dwell in the M&M section.] Challenge yourself to find alternate explanations for the results. An important thing to realize is that you can do this for every single paper ever published. All authors omit things, because they can’t publish every experiment they ever did: what do you think they chose to omit? Why did they omit it?Make sure you understand what they did before moving on. I sometimes have a list, next to my “expected experiments” list.4. Read the introduction.Now, you are looking for a clear justification for why the authors chose to do their experiments. What is the main question that they claim to be answering? Amazingly, some papers never mention this, and the authors assume that we’ll just “get it.” Bad idea! Are you convinced that their question is relevant/interesting?5. Compare the authors’ main question, their data, and their conclusions.Simply put, did they answer their question? Did they do the right experiments to address their question? If your list of experiments differs from theirs, is their line of experimentation better? Sometimes it isn’t! If you had to answer this research question, knowing all that you know now, how would you do it? Maybe borrow some of their experiments? Or do exactly what they did? Great papers are those that do it exactly right, and they are rare.6. Read the discussion.Having reached your own conclusions about the quality of the work, let them have the last say by reading their defense of their work. The discussion should tell you why their work is important, and how it advances the field. By the time you read this, you will have a clear understanding of what you think the weaknesses of the paper are: did they anticipate your questions, and actually answer them here? If so, consider their response. If not, you get the satisfaction of knowing that you been especially thorough in your reading and critical evaluation of the manuscript.7. Project into the future.Having now gotten into the minds of the authors, imagine yourself working along side them. If you joined that lab tomorrow, what would you suggest be done next to advance this study? Are there gaping holes to be filled? Or can you move on to the next issue? To be a critical scientist, you must be able to answer these questions. You may find yourself in a lab one day, or maybe in an interview, where you will be asked, “What would you do next?” and reading manuscripts is where you begin thinking along these lines. Do not neglect this responsibility.8. Wrap up.Give the whole paper a quick read from front-to-back, and see how the paper flows. Look for style, not content. What phrases do they use to introduce their ideas? How are the figures labeled? Is this a well-constructed paper? Is there anything in the paper you'd like to emulate?Send comments to: ploppg@。



Interpretation of the Symbolization of the Black VeilI think the black veil symbolized the dark and evil nature of human’s character, which hides in the deepest part of their soul. Actually, the black veil is an object which can reflects every parishioner’s demon inside. Just like a mirror, when they see the black veil, a strong feeling of darkness and evil will seize them and make them frightened. For some people who have their own secrets, the black veil reminds them of what bad they have done; for the innocent, such as child, the black veil can arouse their evil and bad character inside of their heart. So when they see it, as a decent Puritan, they see something like Satan inside themselves. There’s no wonder that they would evade it.When Elizabeth goes to persuade Hooper to take the veil off, there’s a narration after a silence between them: “But, in an instant, as it were, a new feeling took the place of sorrow: her eyes were fixed insensibly on the black veil, when, like a sudden twilight in the air, its terrors fell around her”. When Elizabeth comes to Hooper’s house at the very first, she’s not afraid of the black veil and doesn’t understand why the villagers are so scared of it. However, after a while, after she talks to her fiancé, she was struck by the darkness and evilness the black veil brings. Why would that happen? Elizabeth is a calm, kind and good person. But after she talks to Hooper, she approximately understands the meaning of the veil suddenly; she can see the darkness inside her heart, too. So she runs away.。


C.The woman hadn't expected the maintenance service to take so long.
D.The woman was satisfied with the improvement in the garage's service
9.A.The man didn't intend to make the woman unhappy.
C.Ask the woman which floor she's going to. D.Stay in the same lift to go down to his floor.7.
7.A.The size of the electric vehicle market.
B.A new trend in the car making industry.
10.A.The man may need to re-evaluate her priorities.
B.The man should deal with the urgent matters first.
C.The man has failed to take care of the urgent matters.
B.The man thought the woman was being unreasonable.
C.The man believed the woman had misunderstood him.
D.The man wanted to say something upsetting to the woman.
Questions 11through 13are based on the following passage.



赏析静夜思的英语作文The Tranquil Allure of "Thoughts in the Quiet Night"In the stillness of the night, when the world is shrouded in a veil of silence, the mind often wanders, seeking solace in the contemplation of the profound and the eternal. It is in these moments of solitude that the Chinese poem "Thoughts in the Quiet Night" (静夜思) by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai (李白) emerges as a shining beacon, illuminating the depths of the human experience with its poetic elegance and profound insights.The poem begins with a simple yet evocative line "Before my bed the moonlight's bright" (床前明月光), immediately transporting the reader to a serene and contemplative setting. The vivid imagery of the moonlight, streaming in through the window, creates a sense of tranquility and introspection, setting the stage for the deeper musings that follow.The second line "I think it's frost upon the ground" (疑是地上霜) further enhances the sensory experience, as the speaker ponders whether the glistening light is indeed the reflection of frost on the ground. This subtle detail not only adds to the atmospheric richnessof the scene but also hints at the speaker's heightened awareness and sensitivity to the natural world around them.The third line "I lift my head and look at the bright moon" (举头望明月) marks a shift in the poem's focus, as the speaker's gaze is drawn upwards to the luminous celestial orb. This simple action of lifting one's head to gaze upon the moon is imbued with a sense of wonder and contemplation, inviting the reader to join the speaker in this moment of quiet reflection.The final line of the poem "I lower my head, and think of home" (低头思故乡) is perhaps the most poignant and resonant. In these few words, the speaker's thoughts turn inward, from the external world of the moonlit landscape to the deeply personal and emotional realm of homesickness and nostalgia. The simple act of lowering one's head, coupled with the evocation of one's homeland, creates a sense of wistfulness and longing that strikes a universal chord within the human experience.The brilliance of "Thoughts in the Quiet Night" lies in its ability to capture the essence of the human condition through the lens of a single, fleeting moment. The poem's power lies in its ability to transcend the boundaries of time and culture, speaking to the universal human experiences of solitude, contemplation, and the longing for connection and belonging.The poem's structure, with its four concise lines, each building upon the previous one, is a testament to the mastery of poetic form. The seamless transition from the external world to the internal world of the speaker's thoughts and emotions is a hallmark of Li Bai's poetic genius, showcasing his ability to weave a tapestry of imagery and emotion that resonates with readers across generations.Moreover, the poem's enduring popularity and widespread recognition can be attributed to its ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing that is deeply rooted in the human psyche. The speaker's contemplation of the moon and the subsequent turn towards thoughts of home strike a chord with readers who have experienced the bittersweet pangs of homesickness or the desire to reconnect with one's roots.In the context of Chinese literature, "Thoughts in the Quiet Night" holds a revered position, recognized as a masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of the Chinese poetic tradition. The poem's elegant simplicity, combined with its profound depth of meaning, has made it a touchstone for generations of readers and scholars, who continue to engage with its timeless themes and explore its multifaceted layers of interpretation.Beyond its cultural significance, the poem's universal appeal lies in itsability to transcend linguistic and cultural boundaries, speaking to the shared human experiences that unite us all. The poem's ability to evoke a sense of wonder, contemplation, and emotional resonance is a testament to the power of poetry to connect us with the deepest recesses of the human experience.In conclusion, "Thoughts in the Quiet Night" stands as a testament to the enduring power of poetry to capture the essence of the human condition. Through its elegant simplicity and profound depth of meaning, the poem invites readers to pause, reflect, and connect with the universal truths that lie at the heart of the human experience. In the quiet stillness of the night, the poem's timeless message continues to resonate, reminding us of the beauty and wonder that can be found in the simple act of contemplation.。

什么是你最喜欢的课 为什么 英文作文

什么是你最喜欢的课 为什么 英文作文

什么是你最喜欢的课为什么英文作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1One of my favorite subjects in school is English. I have always enjoyed learning and studying English for a variety of reasons. In this essay, I will explain why English is my favorite subject and why I find it so interesting and rewarding.First and foremost, I love English because it allows me to express myself freely and creatively. Through writing essays, poems, and stories, I am able to communicate my thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a unique and personal way. I find writing to be a therapeutic and cathartic process that helps me to organize my thoughts and make sense of the world around me. Additionally, I love reading novels, plays, and poems in English because they allow me to escape into different worlds and perspectives, expanding my imagination and empathy.Furthermore, I enjoy studying English because it is a dynamic and ever-evolving subject. The English language is constantly changing and adapting to new technologies, cultures, and ideas. By learning English, I am able to stay current with the latesttrends in literature, language, and communication. I also appreciate the rich history and diversity of the English language, which has been shaped by centuries of literary, political, and cultural influences.Moreover, I find English to be a practical and versatile subject that offers a wide range of career opportunities. Proficiency in English opens doors to various fields such as journalism, marketing, education, and international business. In today's globalized world, English is the universal language of communication and commerce, making it essential for success in many professional fields. By mastering English, I am preparing myself for a successful and fulfilling career.In conclusion, English is my favorite subject because it allows me to express myself creatively, stay informed and connected with the world, and pursue a wide range of career opportunities.I am grateful for the opportunity to study English and I look forward to continuing my exploration of this fascinating and rewarding subject.篇2My Favorite Subject: EnglishEnglish has always been my favorite subject in school. It is a subject that I truly enjoy and excel in for several reasons. First and foremost, I have always had a great passion for reading and writing, and English provides me with ample opportunities to indulge in these activities. Whether it is analyzing a novel, writing a creative story, or crafting a persuasive essay, I find immense joy in expressing my thoughts and ideas through the written word.Furthermore, I believe that mastering the English language is essential for success in today's world. English is the universal language of communication in many fields, including business, academia, and the arts. By improving my English skills, I am not only enhancing my overall communication abilities but also increasing my opportunities for future success in any career path I choose to pursue.Another reason why I love English is the endless learning possibilities it offers. From studying classic literature to exploring modern poetry, there is always something new and exciting to discover in the world of English language and literature. I enjoy delving into different genres, styles, and periods of writing, which broadens my understanding of the human experience and allows me to see the world from diverse perspectives.In addition, studying English has helped me improve my critical thinking and analytical skills. Engaging with complex texts and ideas requires me to think deeply, question assumptions, and form coherent arguments. These skills are not only beneficial in my English classes but also in other subjects and real-life situations where logical reasoning and problem-solving are crucial.Lastly, I appreciate the supportive and encouraging environment created by my English teachers. They have inspired me to push myself, explore my creativity, and strive for excellence in my writing. Their guidance and feedback have been invaluable in helping me grow as a student and as a writer.In conclusion, English is my favorite subject because it allows me to indulge in my passion for reading and writing, enhances my communication skills, offers endless learning possibilities, improves my critical thinking abilities, and provides a supportive learning environment. I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that studying English has given me, and I look forward to continuing my journey of learning and growth in this fascinating subject.篇3What is My Favorite Class and WhyIn my academic journey, there have been numerous classes that I have taken and enjoyed. However, if I were to pick the one that stands out the most and has left a lasting impression on me, it would be my literature class. So, what exactly is it about this class that makes it my favorite? Let me delve into the reasons behind my choice.First and foremost, my love for literature has always been deeply ingrained in me. Since a young age, I have found solace in the words of poets and authors, their ability to transport me to different worlds and evoke a myriad of emotions within me. Literature, to me, is not just a subject to study, but a gateway to understanding the human experience in all its complexities.Moreover, in my literature class, I have had the opportunity to explore a wide range of literary works from different time periods and cultures. From Shakespeare to Toni Morrison, from ancient Greek tragedies to modernist novels, each piece of literature has broadened my perspective and enriched my understanding of the world around me. The beauty of literature lies in its ability to transcend boundaries and connect people from diverse backgrounds through the universal themes of love, loss, and redemption.Furthermore, the discussions and debates that take place in my literature class are intellectually stimulating andthought-provoking. I have had the privilege of engaging in lively debates with my classmates about the themes, characters, and symbolism in various literary works. These discussions have not only deepened my understanding of the texts but have also honed my critical thinking and analytical skills.Another aspect of my literature class that I cherish is the creative freedom it allows me. Whether it be writing a reflective essay on a poem or creating a modern adaptation of a classic play, my literature class has encouraged me to think outside the box and express myself in new and exciting ways. The creative assignments have pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me discover hidden talents and interests that I never knew I had.In conclusion, my literature class is my favorite not just because of the captivating works of literature we study, but also because of the intellectual challenges, creative opportunities, and meaningful discussions it offers. It has opened my eyes to the power of words and the beauty of storytelling, and for that, I am truly grateful. Literature, to me, is not just a class – it is a journey of self-discovery, empathy, and wonder.。


The autumn rain, it is a happy song, a song for children.
秋天的雨英语作文 2
What is the rain in the autumn? It is not like a thunder in spring, it is not as heavy rain as the summer, it is not as rain and snow as winter. Then what is it in the end it? Let us go together to reveal the mysterious veil of autumn it!
Autumn is a magnifying glass, it is useful for people to enlarge things, people are eyeful harvest scene.
秋天的雨英语作文 3
Autumn rain is a password, it shut the heat, opened the cool autumn.
秋天的雨英语作文 1
The autumn rain, like a key, open the door of autumn.
Rain, autumn is colorful paint. It makes the ginkgo tree dyed yellow, yellow leaves, fan, fan, fan to cool autumn; It gave the girl a red maple, red maple leaf, floating ah float, like the dancing butterflies; It give the golden rice fields, the wind blows over, golden rice fields like golden sea, the rice is a wave after wave, a wave, a wave, very spectacular.



猫咪的身体语言英语作文Feline Body Language: A Window into the Feline MindCats are often regarded as enigmatic and mysterious creatures, their behavior and emotions seemingly hidden behind a veil of indifference. However, beneath the surface, cats possess a rich and complex language that is expressed through their body language. Understanding the nuances of feline body language can provide valuable insights into the inner workings of our feline companions and strengthen the bond between humans and their beloved pets.One of the most prominent aspects of feline body language is the position and movement of the ears. Cats have a remarkable ability to rotate and position their ears in a way that conveys their current emotional state. Ears that are upright and forward-facing typically indicate a relaxed and attentive cat, while ears that are flattened back against the head can signal fear, aggression, or discomfort. Additionally, the subtle twitching or swiveling of the ears can communicate a cat's level of interest or alertness.The tail is another crucial component of feline body language. A cat's tail can be used to convey a wide range of emotions and intentions.A tail that is held high and straight up often indicates confidence and a friendly disposition, while a tail that is tucked between the legs can signify fear or submission. The speed and direction of the tail's movement can also be informative – a slow, gentle swishing can suggest contentment, while a rapid, agitated lashing can indicate irritation or aggression.Another important aspect of feline body language is the position and posture of the cat's body. A relaxed, loose-limbed posture with a slightly lowered head can indicate a calm and comfortable cat, while a more rigid, upright posture with a raised hackles (the hair on the back and neck) can signal a state of heightened alertness or potential aggression. The angle of the cat's head and the direction of their gaze can also provide clues about their emotional state and level of engagement.Facial expressions are yet another crucial component of feline body language. Cats have a remarkable ability to convey a wide range of emotions through the subtle movements of their whiskers, eyes, and mouth. A slow blink or a gentle squint can indicate a feeling of trust and contentment, while a wide-eyed stare or a tense, closed-mouth expression can suggest fear or discomfort.It's important to note that feline body language can be highly nuanced and context-dependent. A single behavior or expressioncan have different meanings depending on the situation and the individual cat's personality and temperament. Therefore, it's crucial for cat owners to observe their pets closely and learn to interpret the subtle cues that their cats provide.By understanding the language of feline body language, cat owners can better anticipate their cat's needs, respond appropriately to their emotional state, and foster a deeper, more harmonious relationship with their beloved companions. Whether it's the gentle swish of a tail, the tilt of an ear, or the blink of an eye, the secrets of the feline mind are waiting to be unlocked through the careful observation and interpretation of these captivating creatures.。



The concept of a Vengeance Wanderer in literature and film often embodies a character who is driven by a deepseated desire for retribution against those who have wronged them.This essay will delve into the characteristics,motivations,and the impact of such a figure in storytelling.Characteristics of a Vengeance Wanderer1.Isolation:A Vengeance Wanderer is typically a solitary figure,often shunning society and its norms.Their focus on revenge isolates them from forming deep connections with others.2.Moral Ambiguity:These characters often exist in a moral grey area.While their quest for justice may be understandable,their methods can be brutal and unforgiving.3.Skill and Expertise:To carry out their mission,Vengeance Wanderers are often portrayed as highly skilled in combat or other forms of retribution.They may be experts in martial arts,marksmanship,or other forms of physical prowess.4.Emotional Turmoil:The emotional journey of a Vengeance Wanderer is fraught with pain and anger.Their quest for revenge often consumes their every thought,leading to a complex inner struggle.Motivations Behind a Vengeance Wanderer1.Personal Loss:The most common motivation for a character to become a Vengeance Wanderer is a personal loss,such as the death of a loved one or a betrayal by someone close.2.Injustice:A perceived injustice in the world can also drive a character to seek revenge. They may feel that the legal system has failed them,and thus take matters into their own hands.3.Honor:In some cultures,honor is a powerful motivator.A character may seek revenge to restore their honor or that of their family.4.Redemption:Some Vengeance Wanderers are driven by a desire for personal redemption,seeking to atone for past mistakes or failures.Impact of a Vengeance Wanderer in Storytelling1.Conflict:The presence of a Vengeance Wanderer introduces a highstakes conflict that can drive the narrative forward,creating tension and suspense.2.Moral Dilemmas:Their actions often force other characters to confront moral dilemmas,challenging the audiences own sense of right and wrong.3.Character Development:The journey of a Vengeance Wanderer can provide rich opportunities for character development,as they grapple with the consequences of their actions and the possibility of redemption.4.Catharsis:The conclusion of a Vengeance Wanderers story often provides a cathartic release for the audience,whether through the character achieving their goal or finding a path to forgiveness and peace.In conclusion,the Vengeance Wanderer is a compelling archetype that offers a deep exploration of human emotions,morality,and the consequences of our actions.Their stories serve as a reflection on the nature of revenge and the potential for redemption, providing a rich tapestry for narrative exploration.。



云鬟雾鬓的英语Clouds and Mist's EmbraceThe morning mist swirls gently, caressing the treetops with its ethereal fingers. As the sun slowly rises, its golden rays pierce through the hazy veil, casting a warm glow over the landscape. The air is crisp and fresh, carrying the scent of damp earth and the promise of a new day.In this serene setting, one can't help but be captivated by the beauty of the natural world. The clouds, like wisps of delicate lace, dance across the sky, their ever-changing forms mesmerizing the observer. They seem to whisper secrets of the universe, inviting the curious mind to ponder the mysteries of the heavens.As the mist settles, it clings to the leaves and branches, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. The world appears to be shrouded in a veil of mystery, where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur. It is as if the landscape has been transformed into a realm of enchantment, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.The soft, wispy tendrils of the mist caress the face, cool andrefreshing, a gentle reminder of the ever-present force of nature. It is a moment of tranquility, a respite from the bustling world, where one can simply be present and absorb the beauty that surrounds them.In this serene setting, the mind is free to wander, to explore the depths of its own thoughts and emotions. The mist, like a gentle companion, seems to embrace the soul, offering a sense of comfort and solace. It is a time to reflect, to reconnect with the natural world, and to find a sense of inner peace.As the day progresses, the mist slowly dissipates, giving way to the warm sunlight. But the memory of its ethereal presence lingers, a testament to the fleeting yet profound beauty of the natural world. It is a reminder that even in the midst of the chaos of daily life, there are moments of serenity and wonder to be found, if only we take the time to pause and appreciate them.The clouds and the mist, with their ever-changing forms and elusive nature, have long captured the imagination of artists, poets, and philosophers alike. They have been the subject of countless works of art, each one reflecting the unique perspective and interpretation of the artist.In the world of literature, the imagery of clouds and mist has been used to convey a wide range of emotions and themes. From themelancholic musings of the Romantic poets to the Zen-like contemplations of Eastern philosophy, the interplay of light and shadow, of form and formlessness, has been a source of endless fascination.In the realm of visual art, the clouds and mist have been rendered in a multitude of ways, from the ethereal and dreamlike landscapes of the Impressionists to the bold and abstract compositions of modern artists. Each interpretation reflects the unique perspective and artistic vision of the creator, inviting the viewer to engage with the work on a deeper level.Whether in the written word or the visual arts, the beauty and mystery of the clouds and mist continue to captivate and inspire. They are a reminder of the ever-changing nature of the world around us, and the importance of taking the time to appreciate the fleeting moments of wonder and beauty that life has to offer.In the end, the clouds and mist are not just physical phenomena, but a metaphor for the ephemeral nature of existence itself. They remind us that even in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty of life, there are moments of tranquility and clarity to be found, if only we have the courage to embrace them.。



其实他是谁作文英语Title: Unveiling the Mystery: Who Is He?Have you ever encountered someone whose identity seems shrouded in mystery? Such enigmatic figures often pique our curiosity, leaving us eager to unravel the secrets they conceal. In this essay, we embark on a journey to explore the identity of a mysterious individual, delving into clues and insights to uncover the truth.The quest to unveil his identity begins with observations of his demeanor and actions. From his reserved nature to his elusive past, every aspect hints at a complex persona waiting to be deciphered. As we delve deeper into his world, we encounter a myriad of theories and speculations, each offering a glimpse into the enigma surrounding him.One prevalent theory suggests that he could be a prodigy, blessed with extraordinary talents and intellectbeyond conventional norms. His proficiency in various fields, coupled with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, lends credence to this hypothesis. However, the absence of concrete evidence leaves room for skepticism, urging us to explore alternative possibilities.Another intriguing perspective posits that he might be a clandestine operative, operating in the shadows tofulfill a covert mission. His discreet demeanor and ability to blend seamlessly into different environments fuel suspicions of a hidden agenda. Yet, the lack of conclusive proof renders this theory more fiction than reality, prompting us to venture further in our quest for truth.Amidst the conjectures and conjectures, one prevailing sentiment emerges – the sense of intrigue and fascination surrounding his persona. Whether viewed as a genius, a secret agent, or something entirely different, he captivates our imagination and invites us to contemplate the mysteries of human existence.Beyond the realm of speculation, perhaps the trueessence of his identity lies not in his past or profession, but in his character and values. His actions speak volumes about his integrity, compassion, and unwavering commitmentto making a difference in the world. Regardless of his enigmatic façade, his impact resonates deeply with those fortunate enough to cross paths with him.As we reflect on our journey to uncover his identity,we come to realize that the quest for truth is often as enriching as the revelation itself. In our pursuit of knowledge, we discover insights not only about him but also about ourselves and the world around us. It is in the exploration of the unknown that we find meaning and purpose, transcending the boundaries of perception and understanding.In conclusion, the question of his identity remains unanswered, shrouded in the enigma that defines his existence. Yet, in our quest to unravel the mysteries surrounding him, we uncover profound truths about thenature of curiosity, perception, and the human experience. Perhaps, in the end, it is not his identity that mattersmost, but the journey of discovery that brings us closer to the essence of who we are.。



观看学校诗词大会作文英语Title: A Glance at the School Poetry Competition。

Introduction:In the hallowed halls of academia, where intellect intertwines with creativity, the School Poetry Competition stands as a testament to the beauty of language and the power of expression. Recently, I had the privilege of attending such an event, where verses flowed like rivers of emotion, captivating hearts and minds alike. Let me take you on a journey through the enchanting realm of poetry as witnessed in our school's prestigious competition.The Atmosphere:As I stepped into the auditorium, a wave ofanticipation washed over me, mingled with the sweet fragrance of inspiration. The room buzzed with excitement, students and teachers alike eagerly awaiting thecommencement of the poetic spectacle. The stage, adorned with a simple yet elegant backdrop, beckoned to the participants, urging them to weave their magic with words.The Performances:Each participant brought forth a unique tapestry of emotions, painted with the vibrant hues of their experiences and imaginations. From heartfelt sonnets to whimsical haikus, every poem revealed a glimpse of thepoet's soul, bared for all to see. Some recited with fiery passion, their voices echoing with conviction, while others whispered their verses with gentle reverence, as if sharing a secret with the universe.The Judges' Deliberation:As the last echoes of applause faded into the ether, the judges retreated to deliberate, their task of selecting the winners no doubt a daunting one. Each poem had left an indelible mark on the audience, making the choice a matter of subjective interpretation rather than mere technicality.Yet, amidst the sea of talent, certain pieces stood out like beacons of brilliance, destined to be immortalized in the annals of our school's literary history.The Winners:Finally, the moment arrived when the winners were announced, eliciting a chorus of cheers and applause from the audience. As their names were called, each victor ascended the stage with a mix of humility and pride, their eyes alight with the joy of recognition. Yet, in the end, it was not just the winners who triumphed, but the spirit of poetry itself, which had touched the hearts of all who bore witness to its transcendent power.Conclusion:In the grand tapestry of human experience, poetry serves as a thread that binds us together, transcending barriers of time, space, and culture. The School Poetry Competition, with its celebration of creativity and expression, serves as a reminder of the profound impactthat words can have on our lives. As I reflect on the enchanting spectacle that unfolded before me, I am reminded of the immortal words of Percy Bysshe Shelley: "Poetrylifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar."。



字谜游戏英语作文好开头Delving into the Labyrinth of Riddles: An Enigmatic Odyssey.Amidst the realm of words and the tapestry of human ingenuity, riddles emerge as enigmatic gems that challenge the boundaries of our intellect and provoke our curiosity. From ancient civilizations to the modern age, these cerebral puzzles have captivated minds, enticing us to unravel their hidden meanings and unravel the secrets they conceal.The origins of riddles, shrouded in the mists of time, can be traced back to the earliest civilizations. In ancient Egypt, the enigmatic Sphinx posed a perplexing riddle to Oedipus, guarding the entrance to Thebes. In ancient Greece, riddles were an integral part of religious ceremonies and social gatherings, where the ability to solve them demonstrated wisdom and cunning.As civilizations flourished, so too did the art of riddling. In the Middle East, the Thousand and One Nights, an anthology of captivating tales, features a princess who poses a series of riddles to her suitors. In Europe,riddles became a popular form of entertainment during the Middle Ages, often incorporated into courtly rituals and literary works.Over the centuries, riddles have evolved in form and complexity, reflecting the changing tides of human thought and technological advancements. From the cryptic verses of medieval manuscripts to the witty wordplay of modern puzzle books, riddles have adapted to the ever-evolving landscape of language and culture.Unveiling the Essence of Riddles.What is it that possesses no voice, yet speaks to the heart? What resides within us, yet remains unseen? The answer, enigmatic yet profound, is a riddle.Riddles, at their core, are puzzles expressed in theform of questions or statements that conceal a hidden meaning. They often employ ambiguity, wordplay, and metaphor to disguise the intended solution, inviting us to decipher their cryptic language.The essence of a riddle lies not solely in itsdifficulty but in its ability to engage our minds, stimulate our imaginations, and challenge our assumptions. By grappling with riddles, we embark on a cognitive adventure, honing our critical thinking skills, expanding our vocabulary, and fostering a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of language.A Tapestry of Riddle Types.The world of riddles is a vast and multifaceted tapestry, woven with diverse types that cater to a wide range of interests and abilities. From simple riddles designed for children to mind-bending conundrums that perplex even the keenest intellects, there is a riddle for every taste and inclination.Enigmatic Enigmas: These riddles, shrouded in a veil of ambiguity, present cryptic statements that may requirelateral thinking and creative interpretation to unraveltheir hidden meanings.Wordplay Wonders: These riddles exploit themalleability of language, using puns, homonyms, and other wordplay techniques to disguise the intended solution.Logic and Reasoning: These riddles challenge ourlogical reasoning abilities, presenting puzzles thatrequire careful analysis of the given information to deduce the correct answer.Lateral Thinking: These riddles demand anunconventional approach, encouraging us to think outsidethe box and consider alternative perspectives to uncoverthe hidden solution.Knowledge and Trivia: These riddles test our knowledgeof various subjects, from history to science to pop culture, requiring us to recall specific facts or pieces ofinformation.The Enduring Power of Riddles.Throughout history, riddles have endured as a testament to the enduring power of human curiosity and the allure of the unknown. They have transcended cultural boundaries, spoken across generations, and continue to captivate mindsto this day.In the modern era, riddles find new life in the digital realm, appearing in online puzzles, social media challenges, and interactive games. They have also become a popular form of edutainment, used in educational settings to enhance problem-solving skills and promote critical thinking.Conclusion.Riddles, with their enigmatic nature and timeless appeal, offer a tantalizing glimpse into the depths of human ingenuity. They challenge our intellect, expand our vocabulary, and foster a deeper appreciation for theintricacies of language. Whether we encounter them in ancient texts, modern puzzle books, or online platforms, riddles continue to enthrall and entertain, reminding us of the enduring power of the human spirit to unravel mysteries and embrace the unknown.。




Simple modern style double-door wardrobe, with a strong sense of vision.2、不需要华丽的修饰,你所需要的一切都这里开始!There's no need for gorgeous decoration. Everything you need starts here!3、在时尚家居中感受如梦般的闲情,让人们感悟似水年华的家居生活。

In the fashion home, people feel like a dream of leisure, so that people feel like water life at home.4、金碧辉煌、富丽堂皇;大理石的台阶,名贵的地毯、玉制的石像,一切极尽奢华之至!Brilliant and magnificent; marble steps, precious carpets, jade statues, everything is as luxurious as possible!5、生活具有多样的风格,一切只因你而不同,品味生活的每一种格调,心境因此而变得格外丰富。

Life has a variety of styles, everything is different only because of you, savor every style of life, mood has become particularly rich.6、简单的棱角和构架,外观上显得有点轻薄,让人心疑能否承受得住我们伏案阅读。

Simple edges and frames, the appearance seems a little light, people wonder whether we can withstand reading.7、时尚撞色布艺沙发,追求个性别致,一扫视觉上的沉闷,演绎客厅的视觉盛宴,享受多姿多彩的生活。




Simple modern style double-door wardrobe, with a strong sense of vision.2、不需要华丽的修饰,你所需要的一切都这里开始!There's no need for gorgeous decoration. Everything you need starts here!3、在时尚家居中感受如梦般的闲情,让人们感悟似水年华的家居生活。

In the fashion home, people feel like a dream of leisure, so that people feel like water life at home.4、金碧辉煌、富丽堂皇;大理石的台阶,名贵的地毯、玉制的石像,一切极尽奢华之至!Brilliant and magnificent; marble steps, precious carpets, jade statues, everything is as luxurious as possible!5、生活具有多样的风格,一切只因你而不同,品味生活的每一种格调,心境因此而变得格外丰富。

Life has a variety of styles, everything is different only because of you, savor every style of life, mood has become particularly rich.6、简单的棱角和构架,外观上显得有点轻薄,让人心疑能否承受得住我们伏案阅读。

Simple edges and frames, the appearance seems a little light, people wonder whether we can withstand reading.7、时尚撞色布艺沙发,追求个性别致,一扫视觉上的沉闷,演绎客厅的视觉盛宴,享受多姿多彩的生活。



Interpretation of The Implication of "The Painted
作者: 刘小勤
作者机构: 昆明医学院人文学院,云南昆明650500
出版物刊名: 贵州大学学报:社会科学版
页码: 126-129页
年卷期: 2011年 第1期
主题词: 面纱;意蕴;解读



W. B. Yeats

W. B. Yeats

Yeats and the Irish myth and Folklore
One of the major contributions to modern Irish literature in English was the rediscovery of the old Irish Legends. This can be traced back to the 1500’s and seems fresh, unexplored and virtually inexhaustible– ―the most plentiful treasure of legend in Europe‖. (Yeats: Letters,308) The Ireland depicted in the old texts, full of beauty and epic heroism, appeared extremely attractive; the contrast in fact made that earllistic than it really was.
Yeats and Irish Renaissance
The earliest and noblest part of [ancient Irish] literature was national, but not nationalist. It was fully Irish, written out of the heart of her own people. It was but little influenced by other literature; and in it, at least, we can forget our quarrels of party and quarrels of religion. It is not so easy to forget about quarrels when we read the literature which followed the invasion of Ireland by the English… That literature may be said to be nationalist as well as national. It was forced to conceive Ireland as a whole and as set over against England. ---- Stopford Brooke: The Need and Use of Getting Irish Literature into the English Tongue, (London, 1893)pp. 11--12
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英国文学选读期末论文An Interpretation of the Veil in William Somerest Maugham’s ThePainted V eil1. IntroductionWilliam Somerest Maugham(25 January 1874-16 December 1965) who is a famous British novelist, playwright and short story writer was among the most popular writers of his era and reputedly the highest paid author during the 1930s. He wrote many notable novels, including Of Human Bondage(1915), The Moon and Sixpences(1919), Cakes and Ale(1930) and The Razor’s Edge(1944). His works mainly talks about family, love and the twists in marriage n upper class, and has the sense of satire.The Painted Veil which was written in 1925 by Maugham was one of the popular works. It is story about tolerance and love between husband and wife. Kitty is a beautiful British woman, and Walter Fane is an English middle-class, lackluster bacteriologist. Kitty married with Walter quickly. However, Kitty Accepted Walter’s proposal not for love, but to rebel against her mother, which means that she is irresponsible to marriage. Kitty born lively and Walter's silence often dampened her enthusiasm. And their interests were totally different, so her marriage was not happiness. Kitty met Hongkong assistant Chief Secretary Charley Dowson who hadmarried and had three sons. She was seduced by his appearance, and then she had an affair with him. After Walter knew her disloyalty, he started to revenge her. Walter forced Kitty to go to a remote town with him – Mei Tanhu, where a serious cholera epidemic spread crazily. Walter healed the sick, clean up the city, and strained every nerve to let people drink water clean. There, he made him very busy and ignored Kitty. There, they both experienced a lot and gradually understood each other and accepted each other again. However, when they started to live another life, Walter died of a serious cholera.2. An Interpretation of the VeilFrom the beginning to the end, there is no scene that related to veil, but why is the story called The Painted Veil? What’s the meaning of “veil” in the movie?This novel begins with Shelley’s poem The Painted Veil: “Lift not the painted veil which those who live call Life: though unreal shapes be pictured there”. By this, we can know Maugham’s intention of this writing: to lift the veil.This is a quote from Edward Norton: “We often fall in love with the illusions we have of about a person rather than who they really are. That is the ‘painted veil’ that is in front of our vision of the truth and when those illusions get torn away it can be process of disenchant ment and pain.”So, what is the “veil” in the movie? In my opinion, in front of the hero Walter, the heroine kitty wears a veil. She was very beautiful and fascinating. Facing the enigmatic Kitty, Walter had a hasty proposal. After knowing Kitty's affair, Walter thought that she was a frivolous and immoral woman. He was cheated by her beautiful appearance. After that he knew that he didn't like the veiled woman. In Kitty’s opinion, Walter was rather withdrawn, and he usually depressed her. They had no common interests, so she thought their life was dull. Then they experienced the cholera together, which was the process of unveiling. After unveiling, Walter knew that Kitty cared about him, and she was easy-going in the monastery, and she has the gift of music. All in all, she was a good wife. Kitty saw that Walter learn to work with the people not seemingly against them, and he risked his own health to care forthe sick and dying. She saw his self-sacrifice and tenderness towards the suffering children. At last, Walter saw Kitty’s courage and kindness, and Kitty also knew that Walter was not so boring, but kind, responsible and compassionate. The hero and heroine accepted each other again after they experienced collision and the unveiling.There is estrangement between the heroine and her husband, and the estrangement is like a veil which is ambiguous. Therefore, the love between Walter and Kitty is also ambiguous. At first, there was no true love in their marriage. Walter was attracted by Kitty’s appearance, and Kitty married with Walter not for love, but to rebel against her mother. As a result, after marriage, their life was not happy. We can say that the estrangement was the result of their irresponsibility to their marriage. So their love was ambiguous, and they didn’t know what true love is. The relationship between them is intimate and strange. In the maintaining of the marriage, they got along with each other closely but strangely. They did not have a clear understanding about each other, and everything was dim, and they had to go through with guess. The marriage which has no love is unfortunate. Then there was the disloyalty of Kitty and the revenge of Walter. Although at last, their feelings were exposed to each other, they were apart forever. And the story ended with the tragedy.The veil is also the true love. The process of unveiling is also the process of seeking true love. At first, both Kitty and Walter did not know the true love, and they both did not know how to love. Kitty’s love was irresponsible, selfish, indifferent and heartless, for she accepted Walter’s proposal, not for love, but to rebel against her mother. After her marriage, she engaged in a sordid affair with a married British diplomat named Charles Townsend, which was immorality, disloyalty and irresponsibility to herself and her marriage. As for Walter, he just loved Kitty’s appearance, for he saw her, he had a haste proposal to her, and he even had no other understanding about her, except her appearance. This is also irresponsibility. After knowing her affair, he started to revenge her, and this is not love. However, what is true love? How to love? In my opinion, I think love includes duty, tolerant, sacrifice, understanding, confidence and loyalty. Just as people said: “When love and duty merges into one, grace is within you”, so love and responsibility can not be separated.After Walter and Kitty experienced a lot, and after collisions, they finally knew how to love, and they found the true love. So, we can say that they lift the veils, or they found the true love. Just as the poster said: “The true love is unveiled only once in a lifetime”, and after the lover died, it will not be unveiled again. Therefore, after Walter died, Kitty was equanimous when they met Charley again.3. ConclusionThough there is no description about the veil in The Painted Veil, the veil plays an important role in revealing the main thrust: Love and marriage are not the real painted veils, and after unveiling, there will be a road that leads to the serenity.The veil can be the exterior that misleads each other, so that the hero and the heroine can not have a better understanding about each other, which leads to the subsequent tragedy. The veil is also the true love. And the process of unveiling is also the process of pursuing true love. They also understood what the true love is and how to love with the unveiling.In our life, there are also many veils, and we should learn to unveil them and not be cheated by the cover. Many people look at the life through a painted veil; however, in order to seek knowledge and truth, we must lift the painted veil, though there are pains and sufferings under the veil, and that is the true life. The process of unveiling is just the process of growing, the more we experienced, we more we will understand, and the more mature we will be. At last, we can find the peace that exists in our soul.References黄佩君.出轨与救赎——解读毛姆《面纱》[J]. 天津大学学报(社会科学版).2007(2):150-153.刘宪之译.《华丽的面纱》[M].北京:北京十月文艺出版社,1988.刘小勤.关于《面纱》的意蕴解读[J].贵州大学学报(社会科学版). 2011(1):126-129. 李欣. 试论《彩色面纱》中的悲情婚姻[J].湖南广播电视大学学报.2009(2):18-20. 孙欣. 论W·S·毛姆小说中的精神追求[J]. 电影文学学报.2007(10):80-82.阮景林译.《面纱》[M].重庆:重庆出版社,2006.。
