ATK-VS1053 MP3模块用户手册_V1.0
3.3V(串电阻后,可与 5V 系统连接)
WAV(PCM/IMA ADPCM)、OGG(需要加载 patch)
1 路 3.5mm 耳机接口、1 路 3.5mm LINE IN 接口、IIS 接口、供电及控制接口
VS1053 MP3 模块用户手册
板载 3.5mm 耳机插口,可直接插入耳机欣赏高品质音乐;
板载咪头(MIC),无需外部麦克风,即可实现录音; 板载 IIS 输出,可以接外部 DAC,获得更高音质;
P1 排针为模块的供电与通信接口,采用 1*10P 排针,各引脚详细描述如表 2.2.1 所示:
5V 供电口,只可以供电
3.3V 3.3V 供电口,当使用 5V 供电的时候,这里可以输出 3.3V 电压给外部使用
XCS 片选输入(低有效)
XDCS 数据片选/字节同步
VS1053 MP3 模块用户手册
2.1 模块简介
VS1053 MP3 模块一款高性能音频编解码模块,该模块接口 丰富、功能完善,仅需提供电源 (3.3V/5.0V),即可通过单片机(8/16/32 位单片机均可)控 制模块实现音乐播放,或者录音等功能 -VS1053 MP3 模块不但外观漂亮,而且功能齐全、接口丰富, 模块尺寸为 34mm*52.6mm,并带 有安装孔位,非常小巧,并且利于安装,可方便应用于各
硬 件 部分 介 绍 : 本 次 设 计所 做 的是 耩 于 S T M 3 2 的 录 音器 ,解 码 芯 片 V S 1 0 5 3 的作 用 不 言而 喻,因为此次录 音文件是保存在S D 卡 上的,自然少不 了对s D 卡的 介 绍。S T M 3 2 F 1 0 3 系列微处 理器是首款基 于A R M v 7 一 M 体 系结构 的3 2 位标 准R I S C ( 精 简指令集 )处理器 ,提供很高的代 码效率,在通常8 位和 l 6 位 系统 的存储空 间上发挥 了A R M 内核的高性能。该系列微处理器工 作频率为7 2 t  ̄ i z , 内置 高达 1 2 8 K 字 节 的F l a s h 存储器 。 其 内 部 结构 图如 图 l 所示:
P V I ) f 辘 电 瓶 扮 刺 嚣
RI ' C 时时. I 呻 A  ̄ : R T C州 僻 的 舟础 映 删 鞠 雠 P OR: 上 电 位
蒜 t %
潞鹰 慧瑚. 荦电 2O , 6、 f
e 1 ) R : 电 位
旺‘ ¨ 现l 拜礴锚帮
1 O . 内含能驱动3 O欧负载的耳机驱动器; l 1 . 模拟,数字,i / o单独供 电; 1 2 . 为 用户 代 码 和 数据 准 备 的 1 6 K B 片 上R A M 1 3 . 可 扩展 外 部 D A C 的I 2 S 接 口: l 4 . 用 于控 制 和 数据 的 串行 接 口 ( S P I ): 1 5 . 可 被用 作 微 处 理器 的从 机 ; l 6 . 特 殊应 用 的 S P I F l a s h  ̄ l 导; l 7 . 供 调试 用 途 的U A R T 接口: l 8 . 新功能可 以通过软件和 8 G P I O添加。 V S 1 0 5 3 解 码 芯 片 电路 原牲利
PlayerController.exe 主控程序文件接收控制指令,可来自于触摸屏交互控制界面,UMPC或PDA控制程序等(服务端、客户端均可,配置文件里有设置),凡是通过Socket发送的指定格式的指令都能响应,与发送指令的控制程序形式无关。
当播放类指令(play, repeat,loop)执行完毕会返回给控制程序一条信息“Playfinished|x”, x表示播放完成的视频编号。
SocketPlayer.exe 客户端播放程序文件连接输出显示设备的电脑上运行的视频播放程序,由主控程序控制。
config.xml 配置文件设置相关配置信息。
DelayExec.exe 顺序延时启动工具(可选)可按指定顺序和延时启动指定的程序。
TL-AC1000 V1.0用户手册1.0.0
配置指南 .......................................................................................................... 8 登录 Web 界面 ................................................................................................. 8 Web 界面简介 .................................................................................................. 9 3.2.1 3.2.2 界面总览 ................................................................................................. 9 界面常见按键及操作 ............................................................................. 10
1. 最常见的方法就是,通过MCU控制VS1053进行解码。
2. 直接使用VS1053进行控制,这样就节约了一块MCU。
VS1053的应用其实非常简单,基本的步骤如下:1. 编写好SPI总线驱动代码;2. 编写好VS1053初始化代码;3. 编写正弦波测试代码;4. 内存测试代码。
/************************************************************** ************************* FunctionName : VS1053SineTest()* Description : 正弦波测试* EntryParameter : freq - 测试频率 0x24,0x44等* ReturnValue : None*************************************************************** ***********************/void VS1053SineTest(uint8 freq){uint8 i;uint8 test[] = {0x53, 0xEF, 0x6E, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00}; // 向vs发送正弦测试命令uint8 back[] = {0x45, 0x78, 0x69, 0x74, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; // 向vs发送退出测试命令VS_XRESET_CLR(); // xreset = 0VS1053_Delay(100);SSP1Send(0xFF); // 发送一个字节的无效数据,启动SPI传输VS_CS_SET(); // cs = 1VS_XDCS_SET(); // xdcs = 1VS_XRESET_SET(); // xreset = 1VS1053_Delay(100);VS1053WriteReg(VS_SCI_MODE, 0x0820); // enter vs1003 test modelwhile (VS_DREQ_PIN() == 0); // wait for DREQ Highlevel GPIOSetValue(1, 2, 0); // xdcs = 0test[3] = freq; // 写入频率for (i=0; i<8; i++){VS1053WriteData(test[i]); // 程序执行到这里后应该能从耳机听到一个单一频率的声音}VS_XDCS_SET(); // xdcs = 1VS1053_Delay(100000);GPIOSetValue(1, 2, 0); // xdcs = 0for (i=0; i<8; i++){VS1053WriteData(back[i]); // 退出正弦测试}VS_XDCS_SET(); // xdcs = 1VS1053_Delay(200);/************************************************************** ************************* FunctionName : VS1053RamTest()* Description : 内存测试,0x8000表示测试完成,0x83FF表示完好* EntryParameter : None* ReturnValue : 完好返回0,否则返回1*************************************************************** ***********************/uint8 VS1053RamT est(void){uint16 res = 0x0000;uint8 i;uint8 test[] = {0x4D, 0xEA, 0x6D, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; //VS_XRESET_CLR(); // xreset = 0VS1053_Delay(100);SSP1Send(0xFF);VS_CS_SET(); // cs = 1VS_XDCS_SET(); // xdcs = 1VS_XRESET_SET(); // xreset = 1VS1053_Delay(100);VS1053WriteReg(VS_SCI_MODE, 0x0820); // Allow SCI tests while (VS_DREQ_PIN() == 0); // wait for DREQ Highlevel //After this sequence wait for 1100000 clock cycles.//The result can be read from the SCI register SCL_HDATA0 GPIOSetValue(1, 2, 0); // xdcs = 0for (i=0; i<8; i++)VS1053WriteData(test[i]); // 写入测试代码}VS_XDCS_SET(); // xdcs = 1VS1053_Delay(10000);res = VS1053ReadReg(VS_SCI_HDAT0); // 如果得到的值为0x83FF,则表明完好。
它使用的 IO 为:
VS1053 的 SPI 支持两种模式: 1, VS1002 有效模式 (即新模式) 。 2, VS1001 兼容模式。这里我们仅介绍 VS1002 有效模式(此模式也是 VS1053 的默认模 式) 。 从原理图中,我们看出 VS1053 跟单片机相连的引脚主要有 7 根,他们是: 1) VS_MISO:SPI 输入线 2) VS_MOSI:SPI 输出线 3) VS_SCK:SPI 时钟线 4) VS_XCS:器件片选 5) VS_XDCS:数据片选和字节同步 6) VS_DREQ: 数据请求, 输入总线。 这个信号引脚是用来反馈 VS1053 的 2048 字节 FIFO 是否可以接受数据。如果它为高电平,则 VS1053 可以接收最少 32 字节的 SDI 数据或者接受 SCI 命令。 当流缓冲区太 满和 SCI 命令正在执行的期间,DREQ 会转换到低电平,此时应该 停止想 VS1053 发送新数据和命令。 7) VS_RST:复位端 31.2 VS1053 的操作 VS1053 通信支持 SPI 协议,所以我们使用 STM32 的硬件 SPI 发送接收数据 就可以了, 开发板上面使用的是 STM32 的硬件 SPI1, 具体操作跟之前介绍的 SPI 操作时一样的,这么我们就不详细介绍了。 1. SCI 串行命令写操作 此串行命令接口 SCI 的串行总线协议包括:一个指令字节、一个地址字节和 一个 16 位的数据字,也就是 4 个字节。
MP3 播放器实验
学习目标 1. 复习 STM32 硬件 SPI 2. 学会操作 VS1053 播放音乐 前几年,MP3 曾经风行一时,几乎人手一个,今天我们用开发板自己来实现 一个 MP3 播放器。 31.1 VS1053 简介 VS1053 是继 VS1003 后荷兰 VLSI 公司出品的又一款高性能解码芯片。该 芯片可以实现对 MP3/OGG/WMA/FLAC/WAV/AAC/MIDI 等音频格式的解码, 同 时还可以支持 ADPCM/OGG 等格式的编码, 性能相对以往的 VS1003 提升不少。 开发板上面自带了一个 VS1053 解码芯片,电气原理图为:
VS1053b是单片Ogg Vorbis/MP3/AAC/WMA/MIDI音频解码器,及IMA ADPCM编码器和用户加载的Ogg Vorbis编码器。
它包含了一个高性能、有专利的低功耗DSP处理器内核VS_DSP4、工作数据存储器、供用户应用程序和任何固化解码器一起运行的16KiB 指令RAM及0.5KiB多的数据RAM、串行的控制和输入数据接口、最多8个可用的通用I/O引脚、一个UART、并有一个优质的可变采样率立体声ADC(“咪”、“线路”、“线路+咪”或“线路*2”)和立体声DAC、和跟随的一个耳机功放及一个公共电压缓冲器。
特性●Ogg Vorbis解码;MPEG1&2音频阶层III(CBR+VBR+ABR);阶层I和II可选;MPEG4/2AAC‐LC(+PNS),HE‐AAC V2(级别3)(SBR+PS);WMA4.0/4.1/7/8/9所有特性注1(profiles)(5‐384kbps);WAV(PCM+IMA ADPCM);通用MIDI1/SP‐MIDI格式0的文件●用软件插件进行Ogg Vorbis编码(2007第四季可用)●“咪/线路”的输入信号可实现IMA ADPCM编码(立体声)●支持MP3和WAV的数据流●EarSpeaker空间效果注2处理●低音和高音控制●只用一个单独的12..13MHz时钟运作●也可以使用一个24..26MHz时钟运作●内建PLL时钟乘法器●低功耗运作●芯片内建高质量和通道间无相位误差的立体声DAC●过零交叉注3(Zero‐cross)侦测和平滑的音量调整●立体声耳机驱动器可以驱动一个30Ω的负载●安静的电源通断功能●可扩展外部DAC的I2S接口●分离的模拟、数字、IO供电电源●供用户代码和数据使用的片内RAM●用于控制和数据的串行接口●可以作为从模式的辅助处理器使用●特殊应用可使用SPI FLASH存储器引导●可用于调试的UART接口●可用软件增加新功能和提供最多8个GPIO●符合RoHS无铅标准的封装(绿色环保)。
3.3HMC基本操作 ............................................................................ 19 3.3.1 HMC的启动 ......................................................................... 19 3.3.2 HMC的停止 ......................................................................... 20 3.3.3 HMC重要数据(Critical Console Data)备份 .......................................... 20 3.3.4 从备份中恢复HMC重要数据(Critical Console Data) .................................. 22 3.3.5 备份主机分区信息 ................................................................... 22 3.3.6 恢复主机分区信息 ................................................................... 23
ACS 5.3配置文档文档修订记录文档编号:目录第一章 ACS5.3介绍 (4)1.1AAA基本理论 (4)1.1.1 A UTHENTICATION (4)1.1.2 A UTHORIZATION (4)1.1.3 A CCOUNTING (4)1.2AAA应用场景 (5)1.3AAA两大通讯协议 (5)1.4传统4.X基于组的策略模型 (6)1.5ACS5.3的最新特性 (6)1.6ACS5.3基于规则的策略模型 (7)第二章 ACS安装 (8)2.1平台准备 (8)2.1.1 软件版本 (8)2.1.2 虚拟硬件环境要求 (8)2.2安装步骤 (8)2.2.1 虚拟环境搭建 (8)2.2.2 运行虚拟机 (9)2.2.3 登陆 (12)2.2.4 L ICENSE注册 (12)第三章 ACS基本认证 (13)3.1配置主备同步 (13)3.1.1 备设备注册 (13)3.1.2 主设备查看状态 (13)3.2创建用户、用户组 (14)3.2.1 主设备创建用户组 (14)3.2.2 主设备创建用户 (14)3.3纳管AAA CLIENTS (14)第四章 ACS高级策略应用 (15)4.1配置网络资源(NDG) (15)4.1.1 编辑网络资源位置 (15)4.1.2 编辑网络设备类型 (15)4.1.3 编辑网络设备所属 (16)4.2配置策略元素 (16)4.2.1 定义设备FILTER(定义一个设备过滤组以便以后调用) (16)4.2.2 定义授权级别 (17)4.2.3 定义精细化授权 (18)4.3配置访问策略 (18)4.3.1 编辑默认的设备管理策略 (18)4.3.2 自定义设备管理策略 (21)第五章 AAA审计 (22)5.1选择LOG数据存储位置 (22)5.2查看监控报表 (22)第六章 ACS主备切换测试 (24)6.1实验拓扑 (24)6.2实验步骤 (24)6.3实验结果 (26)第一章 ACS5.3介绍1.1AAA基本理论1.1.1 Authentication➢知道什么✓密码✓用户名和密码➢拥有什么✓银行卡✓数字证书➢你是谁✓指纹1.1.2 Authorization➢授权用户能够使用的命令➢授权用户访问的资源➢授权用户获得的信息1.1.3 Accounting➢什么人➢什么时间➢做了什么事情1.2AAA应用场景1.3AAA两大通讯协议➢Radius vs Tacacs+➢区别属于静态授权策略,不够灵活1.5ACS5.3的最新特性可以根据用户与规格动态结合,不同的组合方式给予不同的权限,例如上图:同一个用户访问时间和访问场景的不同给予不同的授权结果。
模块二 服务器应用数据初始化
服务器应用安装完成后,还要执行数据初始化,才能使用。数据初始化步骤如下: 1、进入服务器应用的安装目录; 2、双击执行 scm_init10g.bat(执行前,如果您这台机器之前已经安装过北京络捷斯特 科技的第三方物流产品,请先备份之前的版本和数据库再执行此操作)见图 1-2-13;
仓储单证填制 国际单证填制 综合测试
铁路运输业务 航空运输业务 水路运输业务 入库作业
在库作业 出库作业 出口作业
仓 储 + 运 输 + 国 际 综 合 案 随机抽取试题考试练习
单证系统是以企业实际案例为背景,将仓储、运输、国际贸易等多个作业环节的实际作 业情况为基础信息,让学生在系统中学习如何准确、快速的填制作业单据,更快地适应企业 工作任务。
VS1053 PDF
Public DocumentVS1053b Ogg Vorbis EncoderVSMPG“VLSI Solution Audio Decoder”Project Code:Project Name:VSMPGRevision HistoryRev.Date Author Description1.60c2010-05-10HH Enhanced this document,removed XP/Vista demo.1.60b2010-05-04HH Corrected formatting error in this document.1.602010-03-30HH Enhanced sound quality,added stereo VU meter. 1.502009-07-02HH Added byte alignment,mono channel selection.1.402009-03-24HH SCI CLOCKF bugfix.1.312009-02-26HH Added Chapter5.2.1.302009-01-15HH Added sample counter.1.212008-11-21HH Corrected contents for SCI CLOCKF.1.202008-11-20HH Many new features,see Chapter6.1.102008-05-22HH Improved quality,many new profiles.1.012007-12-21HH Added XP/Vista demo binary.1.002007-12-03HH Initial version.Table of Contents1Introduction4 2Using the Ogg Vorbis Encoder52.1Limitations and Requirements (5)2.2Ogg Vorbis Encoder Profiles (5)2.2.1Profile Groups (5)2.2.2Profile Quality Settings (6)2.3Running the VS1053b Ogg Vorbis Encoder (8)2.3.1VS1053b Ogg Vorbis Encoder Registers (8)2.3.2Loading and Starting the Code (9)2.3.3Reading Ogg Vorbis Data (10)2.3.4Reading Additional Data while Recording Ogg Vorbis (11)2.3.5Finishing Ogg Vorbis Recording (11)2.4Recording Levels and Automatic Gain Control(AGC) (12)2.4.1Reading the Recording Level (12)2.4.2Setting AGC (13)2.4.3Building a Useful VU Meter (14)2.4.4Converting from Linear to Decibel Scale (16)2.5Samplerate Considerations (17)2.6Post-Processing the Recording with VorbisGain (17)3The Ogg Vorbis Format183.1Introduction to Ogg Vorbis (18)3.1.1Variable Bit-Rate (19)3.1.2Transcoding (19)3.2Compressing into Ogg Vorbis with a PC (20)3.2.1Preparation (20)3.2.2Compressing CD-Quality Music (20)3.2.3Compressing Speech (21)3.3Post-Processing with VorbisGain (22)4How to Load a Plugin23 5Building a Streaming System245.1Sample Counter (25)5.2Adjusting VS1053b Playback Samplerate (26)6Latest Version Changes27 7Contact Information291.INTRODUCTION 1IntroductionThe VS1053b is a unique device in the VLSI Solution’s VS10XX audio codec family in that it allows for the user to encodefiles into the highly efficient Ogg Vorbis format.This makes it possible for the user to build a device that can record high-quality stereo sound while retaining moderatefile sizes.This document is an instruction manual on how to use the VS1053b Ogg Vorbis encoder application as well as an introduction to the Ogg Vorbis format itself.Chapter2describes how to load and run different Ogg Vorbis profiles on a VS1053b.It also discusses recording levels and recording level meters.Chapter3briefly introduces the Ogg Vorbis format.It also has some suggestions on how to encode data to Ogg Vorbis format as efficiently as possible on a PC.If you are unfamiliar with the Ogg Vorbis format,please read this chapterfirst.Chapter4tells how to load a plugin code to a VS10XX chip.Chapter5describes how a streaming VS1053b system can be built.The document version history is provided in Chapter6.Finally,Chapter7contains VLSI Solution’s contact information.2Using the Ogg Vorbis EncoderThe VS1053b Ogg Vorbis Encoder application is provided as a plugin in the same package as this document,downloadable at loading the application into your VS1053b,select one of the profiles shown below.2.1Limitations and Requirements•Maximum SPI(SCI)clock speed is3.5Mbit/s.If a higher speed is used,there may be occasional data read errors.2.2Ogg Vorbis Encoder ProfilesThere are45different Ogg Vorbis profiles available.They are divided intofive groups, depending on their samplerate and number of channels.2.2.1Profile GroupsThefive profile groups are presented below.As a comparison,bitratefigures for IMA ADPCM and16-PCM(WAV)are also shown.Ogg Vorbis ProfilesProfile File name1SRate Ch BRat2W A V3IMA4Time name Hz kbit/s kbit/s kbit/s h/GB Voice venc08k1qXX.plg800011512832149 Wideband Voice venc16k1qXX.plg160001282566579 Wideband Stereo Voice venc16k2qXX.plg1600024951213045HiFi Voice venc44k1qXX.plg4410018770617926 Stereo Music venc44k2qXX.plg4410021351411358161Replace XX with a quality value between00and10.See Chapter2.2.2for details.2Estimate for quality value05.Actual bitrate depends on content being recorded.3Comparison bitrate for a16-bit WAVfile with the same specifications.4Comparison bitrate for a4-bit IMA ADPCMfile with the same specifications.2.2.2Profile Quality SettingsEach of the low-sample-rate profile groups has eleven quality profiles,numbered from00 to10.The high-sample-rate profile groups have six quality profiles from00to05.This chapter presents thefive profile groups and gives estimates of typical bitrates that can be obtained with the profile.In general,quality setting05is designed to be a typical value that gives good quality for the application.Qualities00and01are for emergency use only when there just isn’t storage space for better quality settings.High qualities,starting from07or08, are intended for transparent sound quality,the intent being that compression cannot be heard anymore even under stringent circumstances.The“Voice”ProfilesThe“Voice”profiles are intended for speech applications.VoiceProfile number0001020304050607080910Typical kbit/s68101113152024273033The“Wideband Voice”Profiles“Wideband Voice”is intended to be used when high speech quality is required.Wideband VoiceProfile number0001020304050607080910Typical kbit/s610141823283745525863The“Wideband Stereo Voice”Profiles“Wideband Stereo Voice”is intended to be used when high speech quality with directional information is required.Wideband Stereo VoiceProfile number0001020304050607080910Typical kbit/s917254441496684101119136The“HiFi Voice”ProfilesWhen extremely high quality speech is required,use the“HiFi Voice”profiles.HiFi VoiceProfile number000102030405Typical kbit/s364959717987The“Music”ProfilesThe“Music”profiles are intended for HiFi music,and are capable of offering very high-quality stereo sound.MusicProfile number000102030405Typical kbit/s446380991171352.3Running the VS1053b Ogg Vorbis Encoder2.3.1VS1053b Ogg Vorbis Encoder RegistersRegister Bits DescriptionSCI MODE14Select MIC/LINE112Set to1when told in the instructions1VU meter stereo mode activationSCI AICTRL015:0Maximum signal level,set to0SCI AICTRL115:0Recording gain(1024=1×)or0for automatic gain controlSCI AICTRL215:0Maximum autogain amplification(1024=1×,65535=64×)SCI AICTRL30W:Finish recording,set to01R:Recordingfinished,set to02R:There is at least one byte to read,set to03W:Input channel select(only mono profiles),0=left,1=right7:4W:Max samples in frame=n×4096,0=no limit15:8R:The next data byte if available,set to0Before activating Ogg Vorbis recording,the user must initalize registers SCI AICTRL0 -SCI AICTRL3.SCI AICTRL1and SCI AICTRL2can be altered during recording.SCI AICTRL0records the maximum absolute value of the signal.The maximum value of this linear register is0x7FFF in mono mode,or0x7F7F in stereo mode.For more information on how to use this register,see Chapter2.4.1.SCI AICTRL0is updated once for every Vorbis block,i.e.10...170times per second with the current profiles.SCI AICTRL1controls linear recording gain.1024is equal to digital gain1(recom-mended for best quality),2048is equal to digital gain2,and so on.If the user wants to use automatic gain control(AGC),SCI AICTRL1should be set to0.Speech applica-tions are often better offusing some AGC,as this helps to get relatively uniform speech loudness in recordings.SCI AICTRL2controls the maximum AGC gain if SCI AICTRL1is set to0.This limits amplification of noise when there is no signal.For more information on recording levels, see Chapter2.4.SCI AICTRL3offers run-time controls,channel selection for mono input,the maximum number of samples that are allowed in one Ogg frame with4096sample granularity,and the next unread byte,if any.Normally0(no limit)is a good value for granularity,but streaming applications often have maximum delay considerations,thus making limiting necessary.Note that limiting frame size isn’t entirely accurate,so always select a maxi-mum frame size slightly lower than your absolute upper delay limit.Example:your samplerate is44100Hz and you want frame output at least every500ms. Then you’ll need samples at22100sample intervals.Round this downwards to the closest 4096multiple,and you’ll get16384samples,so you’ll write0x40to SCI AICTRL3.The bitrate penalty of this example is≈0.5kbit/s.For this to work your reads must be byte aligned as explained in Chapter2. and Starting the CodeTo load and start the VS1053b Ogg Vorbis Encoder,do the following steps:1.If you have been doing ADPCM recording,clear bit SM ADPCM from registerSCI MODE(0).2.Set the VS1053b clock to the highest value just below55.3MHz.Example:if theexternal clock is12.288MHz,this can be done by setting the clock to4.5X,or55.296MHz by writing0xC000to register SCI CLOCKF(3).If you use anotherinput clock,adjust SCI CLOCKF accordingly.Examples:Value for12MHz is0xC3e8,12.288MHz is0xC000,13MHz is0xA4E2.3.Set SCI BASS(2)to0.4.Disable any potential user application by setting SCI AIADDR(10)to0.5.Disable all interrupts except the SCI interrupt by writing0x2to VS1053’s in-ternal register VS1053INT ENABLE.This is done byfirst writing0xC01A to SCI WRAMADDR(7),then0x2to SCI WRAM(6).6.Load the plugin profile you intend to run(Chapter4).Note that you will have toredo this each time you want to activate recording.7.Set bit SM ADPCM(12)in register SCI MODE(0)to1.At the same time,youcan also select LINE input instead of MIC input by setting bit SM LINE1(14)to1.If you want to use the VU meter in stereo mode,set also bit SM LAYER12(1)to1.Do not set SM RESET(2)at the same time!8.Set recording level control registers SCI AICTRL1(13)and SCI AICTRL2(14).Typical good values for conservative AGC are0and4096,respectively.For a HiFi application,recommended values are1024and0,respectively.9.If you want to use a VU meter,write0x8000to SCI AICTRL0(12)if using a monoprofile or0x8080is using a stereo profile.10.Set a proper value(often0)to SCI AICTRL3(15).11.Activate the encoder by writing0x34to register SCI AIADDR(10).12.Wait until DREQ pin is high before reading any data.2.3.3Reading Ogg Vorbis DataAfter Ogg Vorbis recording has been activated,registers SCI HDAT0and SCI HDAT1 have new functions.The Ogg Vorbis bitstream buffer size is409616-bit words,or8KiB.Thefill status of the buffer can be read from SCI HDAT1.If SCI HDAT1is greater than0,you can read that many16-bit words from SCI HDAT0.If data is not read fast enough from SCI HDAT0,the buffer overflows and returns to empty state.A data overflow will result in an incorrectfile that may be undecodable. However,because of the large size of the bitstream buffer and the relatively slow bitrates of Ogg Vorbis,this situation should be easy to avoid.Ogg frames are byte aligned.Because of the16-bit SCI interface this may be a problem for streaming applications where it is important to forward any Ogg frame as soon as possible:the latest frame may pend upon its last byte.If transferring data with a low delay is important,you can read whether there is one extra data byte by reading SCI AICTRL3twice in a row.The result of the latter read will contain the correct data: if bit2is1,then bits15:8contain the odd byte.After reading the odd byte successfully, discard bits15:8of the next read from SCI HDAT0because they contain the same data. (NOTE:if you don’t stream or don’t need the shortest possible delay,you can ignore this paragraph!)If you are having trouble with receiving data,notice that all Ogg Vorbisfiles always begin with the following4bytes:0x4f0x670x670x53(the string“OggS”).If you get0x67 0x4f0x530x67(“gOSg”)instead,you are storing the least and most significant byte in the16-bit data words incorrectly.If you get0x000x000x670x53,you have read data from SCI HDAT0too soon after starting the application.2.3.4Reading Additional Data while Recording Ogg VorbisYou can get extra side information while recording Ogg Vorbis data to see whether VS1053b is still working.The following VS1053b X memory addresses may be read for extra data:X Memory Address Description0x816LSb’s of recording time(seconds)0x916MSb’s of recording time(seconds)0xC16LSb’s of average bitrate(bits/s)0xD16MSb’s of average bitrate(bits/s)0x180016LSb’s of sample counter0x180116MSb’s of sample counterTo read the average bitrate,do the following.First write0xC to SCI WRAMADDR(7). Then read from SCI WRAM(6).This is16least significant bits of the bitrate.Then read the16more significant bits by reading SCI WRAM again.You can read the recording time as a sanity check that VS1053b is working:if the register contents don’t change every second,you’ll have to take protective measures.2.3.5Finishing Ogg Vorbis RecordingTo create fully compliant Ogg Vorbisfiles,Ogg Vorbis bitstreams need to be shut down properly.The following algorithm can be used to implement this:1.Set bit0of SCI AICTRL3(15)to1.2.Continue reading data through SCI HDAT0and SCI HDAT1as usual,but checkSCI AICTRL3’s bit1from time to time.When this bit turns to1,the Ogg Vorbis encoder hasfinished writing to the buffer.3.Write the remaining words from the bitstream buffer as normal using SCI HDAT0and SCI HDAT1.4.Read SCI AICTRL3twice(changed from version1.4!)and check whether bit2is1in the latter read.If it is,then don’t write to thefile the last byte(bits7:0)of the last word that have come through SCI HDAT0.5.Reset VS1053b to normal state using software reset.Remember to clear registerSCI MODE(0)bit SM ADPCM(12)if you don’t wish to start ADPCM recording.Remember to also set bit SM LAYER12(1)to an appropriate value.6.If you want to restart recording,you have to completely reload and restart therecording application.2.4Recording Levels and Automatic Gain Control(AGC) The VS1053b Ogg Vorbis Encoder offers signal level monitoring through SCI AICTRL0. It is recommended that devices that offer recording would show a signal level in a decibel scale.For the decibel scale,see Chapter2.4.4.This can be done by showing and clearing SCI AICTRL0contents at regular intervals.A good VU meter should be implemented in such a way that it visually advices the user to avoid using the last6dB of the available dynamic range.2.4.1Reading the Recording LevelThe recording level meter has two settings:mono and stereo.You can use mono mode with both mono and stereo streams,but you should use the stereo mode only with stereo profiles.The new meter is compatible with versions pre1.60if SCI MODE bit SM LAYER12is clearedfirst.Recording Level Meter:Mono ModeActivate mono mode by clearing SCI MODE(0)register bit SM LAYER12(1)to0.To read the level,repeat the following loop:•Write0x8000to SCI AICTRL0.•Wait for at least1/50s.Note:Omitting this step will not cause a malfunction, but constant reading of side information causes load on the VS1053and may cause unexpected crackles in sound.•Check whether SCI AICTRL0&0x8000is0.If not,wait a little more and read again.•Use the value as explained in this Chapter.Repeat the loop.Recording Level Meter:Stereo ModeActivate stereo mode by setting SCI MODE(0)register bit SM LAYER12(1)to1.To read the left and right channel levels,repeat the following loop:•Write0x8080to SCI AICTRL0.•Wait for at least1/50s.Note:Omitting this step will not cause a malfunction, but constant reading of side information causes load on the VS1053and may cause unexpected crackles in sound.•Check whether SCI AICTRL0&0x8080is0.If not,wait a little more and read again.Note:wait until both bits have cleared!•Left channel value is SCI AICTRL0&0x7F00.•Right channel value is(SCI AICTRL0&0x7F)×256.•Use the values as explained in this Chapter.Repeat the loop.2.4.2Setting AGCWhen the highest dynamic range and soundfidelity is required,AGC should be turned offand recording gain should be set to1(SCI AICTRL1=1024).A good example of this would be music recording.This is particularly recommended for the“HiFi Voice”and“Music”profiles,although there might be cases where recording level control would be needed even with these cases.However,in some cases it is required that the audio dynamic range is compressed.An example of such a case is when a device should retain a uniform recording level of a discussion of several people or of one person moving closer and further from the recording device.In such a case,it is a good idea to use AGC.The AGC unit adjusts signal power in such a way that the maximum sample value from a sine wave would become as close to16300as possible.If the signal is too strong, recording level is decreased,and vice versa.The maximum recording level can be set with register SCI AICTRL2.When AGC is used,conservetive maximum gain values often give the best sounding results.Example:12dB(SCI AICTRL1=0,SCI AICTRL2=4096).In some cases more extreme values may help to make quiet speech more intelligible,but such values may also add excessive background noise and make sound quality less pleasing.2.4.3Building a Useful VU MeterIn an encoder application,if the recording level is too low,extraneous background noise may be introduced to the sound.Conversely,if the recording level is so high that the highest values cannot be represented numerically,signal clipping occurs,and this may cause severe distortion to sound.In a recording device,it is useful to have a VU meter that shows the signal level so that both too low signal levels and clipping is avoided.This is very important so that the user has a chance to either adjust the recording or input signallevel.−40 dB = 161−30 dB = 512−20 dB = 1625−12 dB = 4096−6 dB = 81920 dB = 16384+5 dB = 29193OVERLOAD = 29193OVERLOADFigure2.1:Example Colour VUMeter.OVERLOADFigure2.2:Example Monochrome VU Meter.Figures2.1and 2.2show example VU meters.The0dB reference point has been set to signal level16384,which is one half of the maximum amplitude,leaving a6dB headroom for the device.The lowest signal level shown is a choice that can vary a lot depending on the application. While-40dB is a high-fidelity favourite,a VU meter will work just as well with a lower limit of-20dB.If display space is scarce,low limit could even be set to-12dB.Between-6and+6dB the VU meter precision should preferably be1dB,and at most 2dB.Below-12dB step size can be several decibels.The important thing in a VU meter is to visually show the user that it is not recommended to regularly use the highest6dB of the recording scale,and that an overload situation (≥+5dB,or over linear value29193)is an error condition.To help this the OVERLOAD symbol should be kept lit or blinking for at least2seconds each time an overload situation occurs.Many of these cues are often ignored in digital VU meters,and partly as a result of this even professional recordings are all too often made at recording levels that destroy signal integrity.Figure2.3:Real Record Display with Monochrome VU Meter.Figure2.3shows a real implementation of a recording display that uses a Monochrome VU rmation shown on the top line includes recording time,free disc space, overload warning and a bitrate counter.All this data except from the free disc space number have been obtained from the VS1053b Ogg Vorbis Encoder.Recording gain and AGC can be set at the center of the screen if a profile is used that support these functions.However,they are greyed out in this picture because they are not available in the Stereo Music profile that has been used.The VU Meter is at the bottom.The solid line is the current recording level as read from SCI AICTRL0and converted to Decibel scale as shown in Chapter2.4.4.The greyed line is the top level of the last3seconds.If the greyed line≥+5dB,the orange OVERLOAD message blinks twice a second for three seconds.2.4.4Converting from Linear to Decibel ScaleTo convert from linear to dB scale on architectures where multiplications and logarithms are expensive operations,the following code can be used:const unsigned short linToDBTab[5]={36781,41285,46341,52016,58386}; /*Converts a linear16-bit value between0..65535to decibels.Reference level:32768=96dB(largest VS1053b number is32767=95dB). Bugs:-For the input of0,0dB is returned,because minus infinity cannotbe represented with integers.-Assumes a ratio of2is6dB,when it actually is approx.6.02dB.*/unsigned short LinToDB(unsigned short n){int res=96,i;if(!n)/*No signal should return minus infinity*/ return0;while(n<32768U){/*Amplify weak signals*/res-=6;n<<=1;}for(i=0;i<5;i++)/*Find exact scale*/if(n>linToDBTab[i])res++;return res;}2.5Samplerate ConsiderationsThe Ogg Vorbis encoder cannot always work at exactly the right samplerate.To be exact, the samplerate is accurate only when the input clock is12.288MHz and the nominal samplerate of a profile is either8000Hz or16000Hz.In all other cases the samplerate can be calculated as follows.First let:•f i=input clock divided by4000(same value that you write to SC FREQ(bits10:0) of register SCI CLOCKF,or3072if you have written0to these bits to indicate12.288MHz clock).•f n=nominal samplerate of the profile(8000,16000or44100).•r=3if f n=8000,otherwise r=2.•Now let u=f n×r.•Let d= f i×2000+u2u•Now our real samplerate f s=2000×f id×rExample:We are running at an input clock of12.288MHz and we are running the Stereo Music profile that has a nominal samplerate of44100Hz.First f i=122880004000=3072.Because f n=44100,then r=2. Thus u=44100×2=88200.This leads to d= 3072×2000+88200288200 =70And,finally,our real samplerate f s=2000×307270×2≈43885.7(Hz)As can be seen,in this example the nominal and real samplerate have a difference of 0.5%.While this is normally not significant,it is good to know and important in the case of streaming.2.6Post-Processing the Recording with VorbisGainIt is recommended to post-process your own recording later on a PC machine using VorbisGain to get equal loudness with other recordings.For details,see Chapter3.3.3The Ogg Vorbis FormatThis chapter gives a brief introduction to the Ogg Vorbis format and presents recommen-dations for basic parameters when transcoding MP3files or compressing CD content into Ogg Vorbisfiles on a PC.The intent is to give VLSI Solution’s customers information on how to create high-quality Ogg Vorbis content.Before using the information in this document,you should get the free Ogg Vorbis encoder “oggenc”,minimum version1.0.2(2005),or a version with aoTuV tunings.While the instructions will work with older versions,sound quality will not be as good.Download oggenc at /.It is also strongly encouraged to get VorbisGain,a program that tagsfiles with loudness information(Chapter3.3).For this example,vorbisgain v0.36has been used.Download VorbisGain at /vorbisgain.html.3.1Introduction to Ogg VorbisOgg Vorbis is a license-free audio codec that allows for high-quality sound around a large gamut of bit-rates,ranging from roughly10to500kbit/s.With a given bit-rate,Vorbis is capable of surpassing the quality of MP2,MP3,WMA and AAC LC,particularly in low-bit-rate applications.An Ogg Vorbisfile is a Vorbis compressedfile that has been encapsulated inside an Ogg stream.The defaultfile extension for Ogg Vorbisfiles is“.ogg”.An Ogg Vorbisfile consists of two major parts:header and actual data.Every Ogg Vorbisfile begins with a header which contains compression tables that the decoder needs to correctly decodefirst.After the header has been fully received,Vorbis audio may be decoded.The size of the header information is around4KiB for most encoders. (However,for VLSI Solution’s VS1053b encoder,header size is only roughly1.5KiB.)After the header has been decoded,full random access is available in an Ogg Vorbisfile. As opposed to many other formats,an Ogg Vorbisfile contains its own time code,so absolute position in afile can be displayed after random access operations(fast forward /rewind).Ogg Vorbis is not particularly well suited for encoding very short,low bit-rate samples.E.g.a16kbit/s audio sample that lasts for one second would take2KiB for the actual audio data,so the default4KiB header triples thefile size.However,for normal appli-cations where audio lasts for more than10seconds,this header overhead is negligible.3.1.1Variable Bit-RateFor a long time almost all MP3files had a constant bit-rate,typically128kbit/s.While constant bit-rate(CBR)makes it easy to calculate a relation betweenfile size/position and song length,and while it makes it easier to streamfiles,CBR is not optimal for quality.When there is a difficult passage in music,there may not be enough bits available to encode audioflawlessly.Conversely,in passages that are easier to encode there may be bits left unused because the encoder didn’t need all the bits available in the bitstream.Where CBR tries to keep the bit-rate constant regardless of content,Variable Bit-Rate (VBR)tries to keep quality constant.This will have the effect of changing the bit-rate of thefile depending on how difficult a particular portion of music is to encode.Because sound quality is always kept constant,VBR has a bit advantage to CBR.Thus,VBR allows either for smallerfiles with the same perceived sound quality or equally sizedfiles with better perceived sound quality.Ogg Vorbis is by nature a variable bit-rate format and works best when this feature is not limited.Depending on the material the bit-rate can have significantfluctuations: e.g.songs that have been compressed with a quality setting with a nominal bit-rate of 96kbit/s can easily have average bit-rates between80to105kbit/s,or even more with extreme material.3.1.2TranscodingTranscoding is the process of converting from one lossy format to another,like from MP3 to Ogg Vorbis.It is important to understand that although Ogg Vorbis is a better format than MP3, transcoding never enhances sound quality.What has been lost in the initial MP3com-pression stage,will stay lost when converting to Ogg Vorbis,and there will always be some additional quality loss.While the extra quality loss can be small enough that it may be impossible to tell,the end result still is never better than the originalfile was. If possible,it it recommended that users should avoid transcoding to avoid generation loss.If transcoding is done( get smallerfiles for a portable device),it is a good idea to keep the originalfiles.For best results,compress Ogg Vorbisfiles from uncompressed sources,like CDs.3.2Compressing into Ogg Vorbis with a PCThe whole process of getting Ogg Vorbisfiles looks roughly like this:•Preparation:Decode an MP3/WMA/AAC etcfile or preferably rip a CD to WAV format and make sure that you have“oggenc”(Chapter3.2.1).•Compression to Ogg Vorbis(Chapters3.2.2and3.2.3).•Optional post-processing with VorbisGain(Chapter3.3).3.2.1PreparationIf you intend to transcode(=recompress)MP3files,youfirst have to convert them to 16-bit RIFF WAV format(usually known for a“.wav”file name extension).However, before you do that,please have a look at Chapter3.1.2for details on transcoding.If you encode CDs,you have to make sure they are read initially into WAV format.It is recommended to use CD sources for compression if possible.When you have audio in WAV format,you can use oggenc to compressfiles,either in stereo or mono.Before continuing to the next stage,make sure you have the free Ogg Vorbis encoder “oggenc”,minimum version1.0.2(2005).3.2.2Compressing CD-Quality MusicIf we assume the inputfile is calledfile.wav and the output is to be calledfile.ogg,the following parameters may be used.It is assumed that the input audio is sampled at the CD44.1kHz sample rate.While these commands will also work for other samplerates,quality andfile sizes may differ.For each quality setting,the table shows the command needed to convert thefile,a typical bit-rate for that quality,how many hours of music could be stored to a1gibibyte memory card,and a short description of the mode.For comparison purposes,also an uncompressed CD bitstream is shown in the table.CD music compressionCommand Typ.Hours/Descriptionkbit/s1GiBoggenc-q-1file.wav4553Smallestfiles size,better than96kbit/s MP3 oggenc-q0file.wav6437Ok quality,equals112kbit/s MP3 oggenc-q2file.wav9625Better than most128kbit/s MP3files oggenc-q4file.wav12819Often CD transparentoggenc-q6file.wav19212CD quality almost alwaysCD1411 1.7Uncompressed CDGraphical front-ends usually contain one or several CBR bit-rate slider(s)and a quality slider that usually goes from-1to10.CBR sliders should be deactivated,and the quality slider should be set to the“-q”value presented in the table.。
PHYCR1 (PHY 控制寄存器 1) ...................................................... 35 SLCR (SOCKET-less 控制寄存器) ................................................... 36 SLRTR (SOCKET-less 重传超时时间寄存器) ...................................... 37 SLRCR (SOCKET-less 重传次数寄存器) ........................................... 37 SLPIPR (SOCKET-less 目标 IP 地址寄存器) ........................................ 37 SLPHAR (SOCKET-less 目标 MAC 地址寄存器) ................................... 37 PINGSEQR (PING 序列号寄存器) ................................................... 38 PINGIDR (PING ID 寄存器) .......................................................... 38 SLIMR (SOCKET-less 中断屏蔽寄存器) ............................................ 38 SLIR (SOCKET-less 中断寄存器) .................................................... 39 CLKLCKR (时钟锁定寄存器) ......................................................... 39 NETLCKR (网络锁定寄存器)......................................................... 40 PHYLCKR (PHY 锁定寄存器 ) ....................................................... 40 VERR (芯片版本寄存器) ............................................................. 40 TCNTR (Ticker 计数器寄存器) ..................................................... 40 TCNTCLR (Ticker 计数器清除寄存器) ............................................ 40 Sn_MR (SOCKET n 模式寄存器) .................................................... 41 Sn_CR (SOCKET n 控制寄存器) .................................................... 42 Sn_IR (SOCKET n 中断寄存器) ..................................................... 44 Sn_SR (SOCKET n 状态寄存器) ..................................................... 44 Sn_PORTR (SOCKET n 源端口寄存器)............................................. 46 Sn_DHAR (SOCKET n 目标 MAC 地址寄存器) ..................................... 47 Sn_DIPR (SOCKET n 目标 IP 地址寄存器) ......................................... 47 Sn_DPORTR (SOCKET n 目标端口寄存器) ........................................ 48 Sn_MSS (SOCKET n 最大分段寄存器) ............................................. 48 Sn_PROTOR (SOCKET n IP 协议寄存器) .......................................... 48 Sn_TOS (SOCKET n IP 服务类型寄存器) .......................................... 49 Sn_TTL (SOCKET n IP 生存时间寄存器) .......................................... 49 Sn_RXBUF_SIZE (SOCKET n 接收缓存大小寄存器) .............................. 49 Sn_TXBUF_SIZE (SOCKET n 发送缓存大小寄存器) .............................. 49 Sn_TX_FSR (SOCKET n 空闲发送缓存寄存器) ................................... 50 Sn_TX_RD (SOCKET n 发送读指针寄存器) ........................................ 50 Sn_TX_WR (SOCKET n 发送写指针寄存器) ....................................... 50 Sn_RX_RSR (SOCKET n 接收大小寄存器) ......................................... 51 Sn_RX_RD (SOCKET n 接收读指针寄存器) ....................................... 51 Sn_RX_WR (SOCKET n 接收写指针寄存器) ....................................... 51 Sn_IMR (SOCKET n 中断屏蔽寄存器) .............................................. 52 Sn_FRAGR (SOCKET n IP 包头片段偏移寄存器) .................................. 52
浪潮英信服务器 CMC升级手册说明书
浪潮英信服务器CMC升级手册文档版本1.1发布日期2021-10-29版权所有© 2021浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司。
变更记录目录1概述 (1)1.1文档用途 (1)1.2目标读者 (1)1.3适用范围 (1)2升级前必读 (2)2.1升级影响 (2)2.2注意事项 (2)2.3版本要求 (3)2.4升级原理 (3)3升级准备 (4)3.1升级前检查 (4)3.2获取升级包和文档 (4)3.3检验软件包完整性 (5)4升级固件 (6)4.1HPM升级概述 (6)4.1.1功能介绍 (6)4.2通过Web升级 (6)4.2.1CMC更新过程步骤 (6)4.2.2BMC更新过程步骤 (11)4.2.3BIOS更新过程步骤 (16)4.2.4CPLD更新过程步骤 (21)4.3通过YafuFlash升级 (25)4.3.1YafuFlash工具获取 (25)4.3.2工具使用方法 (25)缩略语 (27)A.1缩略语表 (27)1.1文档用途描述了浪潮机箱管理控制器(CMC)的升级流程和操作方法。
vs1003播放MP3卡的问题vs1003播放MP3卡的问题第二次制作MP3 了,把第一次搞得源码搬出来,按上边的说明接好线,结果发现,不能工作了,第一次的确调出来了啊,我还清楚地记得,虽然调处来了但是效果并不好啊,还是卡卡的,然而这次竟然连声音都没有,我崩溃了,苦恼自己上次没有做好笔录。
这次用到的模块和上一次一样,也是STM32F103RBT6 最小系统板,VS1003 模块,SD 卡模块,还有一个按键模块就这些。
SD 卡模块和stm32 通信采用的是SPI 接口,这里使用的是SPI1,vs1003 和stm32 通信也是SPI,这里使用是SPI2,sd 卡模块的引脚加上电源和地也就6 根,vs1003 的引脚相对较多,电源地2 根+SPI 的4 根+ XDCS 和XCS+DREQ 共9 根。
在这里我们使用了15 根杜邦线将他们连接到一起。
我在调试中有点着急,眉毛胡子一把抓,以为连接好硬件后,下载软件聚会OK 的,结果没有好的情况的下依然处在这种泥潭下,毫无头绪的找毛病,改改这,动动那,在没有搞懂状况的情况下。
建议,把两者区分开,先把vs1003 线拔下来,直接调试sd 卡模块,这样线少,不会产生凌乱的感觉。
sd 卡模块是采用的SPI1,对照原理图,将mosi,miso,sck,cs 一对一的重新接好,在初始化处设置断点,观察返回值是否为零。
进一步调试fat 初始化是否成功,按照这样的思想,同样调试vs1003.我就是这样终于vs1003 正弦测试成功。
但是,两者都能正常初始化没问题的情况下,依旧有一个让人头疼的问题,就是播放卡带的问题,就像老家使用VCD 播放电影时有卡带并且还有机关枪突突的声音,虽然能播放出来,但突突的断续却感觉不到成功的喜悦。
那问题就出在SPI 的问题上,或者是SPI1 或者是SPI2,说不定两者在设置速率上都存。
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第一章 安装、启动及卸载1.1 系统要求计算机必须符合以下最低系统要求,才能安装软件。
操作系统: Windows XPWindows 2000Windows 9X (win95需要升级系统文件)中央处理器: Pentium 166MHz 或以上 内存: 256MB 或以上 硬盘空间: 100MB 以上 光驱: CD-ROM 或以上显示器: 1024 × 768 像素或以上/高彩(16位)或以上即使符合上述要求,不保证在特殊系统上能正常运行。
1.2 安装1.2.1 安装核心服务端软件运行光盘中核心服务端安装程序:“Server_SetupDog.exe ”,按提示完成安装程序。
←核心服务端软件图标1.2.2 安装数字音频管理中心软件运行光盘中核心服务端安装程序:“Manager_Setup.exe ”,按提示完成安装程序。
凌阳科技 音乐播放器 操作说明书
音乐播放器操作说明书V1.0 – 2006.01.10凌阳科技大学计划教育推广中心北京海淀上地信息产业基地中黎科技园1号楼5层TEL: 86-10-62981668 FAX: 86-10-62962425 E-mail:unsp@ http://www:版权声明凌阳科技股份有限公司保留对此文件修改之权利且不另行通知。
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目录1 操作说明书概述 (1)1.1 功能简介 (1)1.2 电气参数 (1)1.3 注意事项 (1)2 硬件连接说明 (2)2.1 硬件框图 (2)2.2 硬件功能模块连接说明 (2)3 操作说明 (3)3.1 制作过程 (3)3.2 操作步骤 (7)4 常见问题 (8)1 操作说明书概述随着IC集成度越来越高,成本越来越低,使得MP3得到了很大的普及。
1.1 功能简介可以实现多首音乐的播放;可以实现音乐播放的开始、暂停、停止、上一首、下一首的控制功能;在音乐播放时可以在液晶1602上显示均衡效果;具有友好的用户界面。
1.2 电气参数61板I/O口电压5V供电电源电压5.0V-5.5V1.3 注意事项电源不能接反注意接地电源提供的电压必须大于5V,否则液晶1602不能被点亮2 硬件连接说明2.1 硬件框图系统以SPCE061A为核心,可以划分为键盘(61板上自带的按键)输入、液晶LCD1602用户界面提示与均衡器效果、SPR4096资源存储与61板语音播放等部分,如下图所示。
关键词:智能,垃圾桶;语音识别;应用;1 概述为更好地解决城市垃圾分类难题,可以借助技术手段来进行垃圾分类工作,以此提高垃圾分类工作的效果与质量。
2 系统方案设计在智能垃圾桶中应用语音识别技术的主要目的有两点,(1)进行垃圾名称的识别,比如干垃圾、湿垃圾、有害垃圾等。
图1 智能垃圾桶运行流程第1步:智能垃圾桶通过红外线感测功能感测垃圾桶周边范围内是否有扔垃圾的居民靠近。
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ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块用户手册
板载 3.5mm 耳机插口,可直接插入耳机欣赏高品质音乐; 板载咪头(MIC),无需外部麦克风,即可实现录音; 板载 IIS 输出,可以接外部 DAC,获得更高音; 板载电源指示灯,上电状态一目了然; 采用国际 A 级 PCB 料,沉金工艺加工,稳定可靠; 采用全新元器件加工,纯铜镀金排针,坚固耐用; 人性化设计,各个接口都有丝印标注,使用起来一目了然;接口位置设计安排合理,
咪头(MIC)放大增益 26dB
咪头(MIC)总谐波失真 0.07%(Max)
LINE IN 信号幅度
LINE IN 总谐波失真
表 1.2 ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块模拟电路特性
2.1 模块简介............................................................................................................................2 2.2 模块引脚说明....................................................................................................................3 2.3 模块使用说明....................................................................................................................4
P3 接口不对外连接,当用跳线帽短接 P3 的 1 脚和 2 脚的时候(默认设置),咪头是直 接连接在 VS1053 芯片上的,录音的时候,我们可以直接通过咪头实现声音采集。当不采用 咪头拾音,而采用外部线路输入的时候,为了防止 MIC 拾音器对线路输入的影响,此时我 们拔了 P3 的跳线帽即可。
2.3 模块使用说明
ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块用户手册
ATK-VS1053 MP3 MODULE 是 ALIENTEK 推出的一款高性能音频编解码模块,该模块 采用 VS1053B 作为主芯片,支持:MP3/WMA/OGG/WAV/FLAC/MIDI/AAC 等音频格式的 解码,并支持:OGG/WAV 音频格式的录音,支持高低音调节以及 EarSpeaker 空间效果设置, 功能十分强大。
模块通过 SPI 接口与外部单片机通信,模块可以直接与 3.3V 单片机系统连接,通过串 电阻的方式(详见后文),也可以方便的与 5V 单片机系统连接。模块自带稳压芯片,外部 仅需提供 5V/3.3V 电压即可,使用非常方便,该模块各参数如表 1.1、表 1.2 和表 1.3 所示:
接口特性 解码格式 编码格式 对外接口 板载录音
DC3.3V/5.0V(推荐 5.0V 供电)
工作电流 Voh
15mA~40mA 2.31V(Min)
表 1.3 ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块电气特性
2.2 模块引脚说明
ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块总共有 3 组排针:P1、P2 和 P3,均采用纯铜镀金排针,2.54mm 间距,方便与外部设备连接。
P1 排针为模块的供电与通信接口,采用 1*10P 排针,各引脚详细描述如表 2.2.1 所示:
5V 供电口,只可以供电
3.3V 3.3V 供电口,当使用 5V 供电的时候,这里可以输出 3.3V 电压给外部使用
XCS 片选输入(低有效)
XDCS 数据片选/字节同步
SCK SPI 总线时钟线
SPI 总线数据输入线
SPI 总线数据输出线
DREQ 数据请求
RST 复位引脚(硬复位,低电平有效)
表 2.2.1 供电与通信接口 P1 口各引脚功能表
3.结构尺寸 .................................................................................................................. 10 4.其他.......................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 SPI 通信
ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块通过 SPI 接口与外部控制器连接,VS1053(即本模块)的控制 以及音频数据,都是通过 SPI 接口,VS1053 通过 7 根信号线同控制器,分别是:RST、XCS、 XDCS、SI、SO、SCK 和 DREQ。其中 RST 是 VS1053 的复位控制线,低电平有效。DREQ 是数据请求线,用于通知控制器,VS1053 是否可以接收数据。SI(MOSI)、SO(MISO)、SCK 则是 VS1053 的 SPI 通信接口,他们在 XCS 和 XDCS 的控制下执行不同的数据通信。
ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块用户手册
P2 排针为模块的 IIS 输出接口,采用 1*5P 排针,各引脚详细描述如表 2.2.2 所示:
MCLK 主时钟
DIN 数据输出
SCLK 位时钟
LRCK 帧时钟
方便顺手。 PCB 尺寸为 34mm*52.6mm,并带有安装孔位,小巧精致; ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块的背面如图 2.1.2 所示:
图 2.1.2 ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块背面图 从图 2.1.2 可以看出,ATK-VS1053 模块的背面非常整洁,没有一个元器件,方便安装。
VS1053的SPI支持两种模式:1,VS1002 有效模式(即新模式)。2,VS1001兼容模式。 这里我们仅介绍VS1002有效模式(此模式也是VS1053的默认模式)。表2.3.1.1是在新模式 下VS1053的SPI 信号线功能描述:
2.3.1 SPI 通信............................................................................................................4 2.3.2 SCI 寄存器........................................................................................................5 2.3.3 播放音频文件...................................................................................................8 2.3.4 patch.................................................................................................................8 2.3.5 模块与单片机连接.........................................................................................10
User Manual
ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块用户手册
ALIENTEK 广州市星翼电子科技有限公司
版本 V1.00
日期 2013/11/12
ATK-VS1053 MP3 模块用户手册
1.特性参数 .................................................................................................................... 1 2.使用说明 .................................................................................................................... 2
3.3V(串电阻后,可与 5V 系统连接) MP3、OGG、WMA、WAV、MIDI、AAC、FLAC(需要加载 patch) WAV(PCM/IMA ADPCM)、OGG(需要加载 patch) 1 路 3.5mm 耳机接口、1 路 3.5mm LINE IN 接口、IIS 接口、供电及控制接口 支持