湖北省第二十二届外语翻译大赛非英语专业 A 组笔译预赛试题选手姓名:参赛编号:请将全部答案全部填写在[答题纸]上。
I.Each of the following Chinese phrases is provided with three English translations, marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)[ ] 1. 武汉园博会A. Wuhan International Garden ExhibitionB. Wuhan Garden ExhibitionC. Wuhan International Garden Expo[ ] 2. 跳槽A. job-hoppingB. job-jumpingC. job-skipping[ ] 3. 口水战A. a mouth and water warB. a war of wordsC. a mouth-water war[ ] 4. 自然保护区A. natural conservationsB. natural preservationsC. natural conserves[ ] 5. 火药B. fire power B. fire medicineC. gunpowder[ ] 6. 文房四宝A. the Four Precious of the StudioB. the Four Treasures of the StudyC. the Four Jewelries of Scholars[ ] 7. ft寨货A. false goodsB. mountain village goodsC. counterfeit goods[ ] 8. 磁悬浮列车A.Suspension TrainB. High-speed RailC. Mag-lev train[ ] 9. 战国A.the War StatesB. the Warring StatesC. the States in War[ ] 10. 儒教A.ConfucianB. ConfucianismC. Confucianist[ ] 11. 公务员考试A.National Exam for Civil ServantsB. National Entrance Exam for Civil ServantsC. National Civil Service Exam[ ] 12. 分期付款A. payment in installmentsB. payment in one installmentC. down payment [ ] 13. 隐形眼镜A. invisible glassesB. contact lensesC. unseen lenses[ ] 14. 农民工A. rural workersB. country workersC. migrant workers[ ] 15. 植入广告A. product placementB. commercial insertsC. built-in ads[ ] 16. 节能减排A. energy control and emission decliningB. energy cutting and pollution decreaseC. energy saving and emission reduction[ ] 17. 一带一路A. The Belt and the RoadB. the Belt and RoadC. the Belts and Roads [ ] 18. 统筹兼顾A. to adopt a holistic approachB. to adopt a whole viewC. to take everything into consideration[ ] 19. 端午节A. the Dragon Boat DayB. the Zongzi FestivalC. the Dragon Boat Festival [ ] 20. 黄鹤楼A. the Yellow Crane TowerB. the Yellow Tower of BirdsC. the Yellow Tower of LarksII.Each of the following English phrases is followed by three Chinese versions marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)[ ] 1. a bolt from the blueA.大地惊雷B.晴天霹雳C. 一鸣惊人[ ] 2. white dayA.白雪皑皑的日子B. 黄道吉日C. 灯火通明的日子[ ] 3. International Nuclear Security ArchitectureA.全球核安全条例B. 全球核安全建设C. 全球核安全体系[ ] 4. tailored taxi serviceA.代驾服务B.招手即停C. 专车服务[ ] 5. virtual mobbingA.虚拟暴徒B. 虚拟围攻C. 虚拟群众[ ] 6. Yellow PagesA.淫秽书籍B. 电话黄页C.政府报告[ ] 7. mortality rateA.出生率B. 存活率C. 死亡率[ ] 8. drug smugglingA.药品代购B. 毒品走私C. 药品走私[ ] 9. a guard of honorA.仪仗队B. 荣誉士兵C.号鼓队[ ] 10.deportation orderA.引渡公约B. 驱逐令C.外交豁免权[ ] 11.financial intelligence exchangesA.金融情报信息B. 金融高管交流C. 金融智能交流[ ] 12. as tough as old bootsA.意志坚强B. 重蹈覆辙C. 老马识途[ ] 13. advertising endorserA. 广告代理商B. 广告代言人C. 发表广告的客户[ ] 14. to carry coals to NewcastleA. 不辞辛苦B. 兢兢业业C. 多此一举[ ] 15. a fair-weather friendA. 不能共患难的朋友B. 同甘共苦的朋友C. 非常风光的朋友[ ] 16. the salt of the earthA. 平民百姓B. 社会中坚C. 官僚贵族[ ] 17.vulgar interestsA. 大众爱好B. 低档趣味C. 大众利益[ ] 18.ticket scalpingA. 暗箱操作选票B. 拉票C. 倒票[ ] 19. the Apple of DiscordA. 禁果B. 争斗之源C. 心爱之物[ ] 20. social security systemA. 社会保障体系B. 社会保护体系C. 社会保险体系III.Each of the following Chinese sentences is followed by three English versions marked A,B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)[ ] 1. 这艘船容易翻,由于它造型不合理。
湖北省翻译大赛历届试题湖北省第十三届外语翻译大赛英语专业组初赛试题I. Choose the one best translation of the Chinese phrases :(每题2分,计20分)(1) 弱肉强食A. the weak is the meat of the strongB. the weak are the prey of the strongC. the jungle principalD. the weak is the mercy of the strong(2) 如鸟兽散A. flee helter skelterB. as if birds and beasts disappearingC. flying away as birdsD. running away as animals(3) 深文周纳A. well versed in literature and artB. try to help innocent people out of troubleC. to enjoy great learning and popularityD. convict sb by deliberately misinterpreting the law(4) 首鼠两端A. take both for grantedB. catch the first mouse coming alongC. there being two sides to everythingD.shilly-shally(5) 师直为壮A.an army fighting for a just cause has high moraleB.an honest teacher is always eloquent in speechC. a great master is always speak out his mindD.strong physique is associated with moral life(6) 文不加点A. article with no definite argumentB. have a facile penC. without the use of any punctuationD. plain style without and flourish(7) 殊深轸念A. fall a prey toB. be sympathetic aboutC. express deep solicitude forD. become bosom friends(8) 余勇可贾A. valor to encourage othersB. with strength yet to spareC. energy left over for future useD. great deeds for praise(9) 纵横捭阖A. criss-crossing the vast countryB. a wide stretch of beautiful fieldC. maneuver among various political groupingsD. search up and down for a bosom friend(10) 责有攸归A. duty is well placedB. obligation should be observedC. blame goes to its destinyD. responsibility rests where it belongsII. Choose the best version among the four given.(每题2分,计40分)11.她是一个坚强的女人,在体格上、在精神上都是如此,我每天都从她身上吸取精神食粮。
01)We have the eagle shits!(A) 我们比赛获胜了!(B) 我们发工资了!(C) 我们不干了!(D) 我们完蛋了!02)The comedian got the bird.(A) 那个小丑并没有吃亏。
(B) 那个喜剧演员让人喝了倒彩。
(C) 那个小丑让人捧腹大笑。
(D) 那个喜剧演员抓住一只鸟。
03) He is a jack-leg lawyer.(A) 他是个很有名望的律师。
(B) 他是个正直的律师。
(C) 他是个不称职的律师。
(D) 他是个身患疾病的律师。
04)She stepped off the carpet last week.(A) 她上周结婚了。
(B) 她上周离婚了。
(C) 她上周被人骗婚了。
(D) 她上周拒绝参加婚礼。
05)The young man had a fling at swimming.(A) 那个小伙子尝试学游泳。
(B) 那个小伙子害怕游泳。
(C) 那个小伙子对游泳不感兴趣。
(D) 那个小伙子喜欢游泳。
06)Mike bought the farm in the World War II.(A) 迈克在二战中发了大财。
(B) 麦克在二战中购买农场。
(C) 迈克在二战中阵亡。
(D) 麦克在二战中过得很安逸。
07)He was called to the bar at 21.(A) 他21岁就被关进了牢房。
(B) 他21岁就取得了律师资格。
(C) 他21岁就取得了调酒师资格。
(D) 他21岁就取得了医生资格。
08)I am as old again as you.(A) 我现在长大了,和你一样。
(B) 还没有你那么老。
(C) 我又和你一样老了。
(D) 我的年纪比你大一倍。
09)He is a fair-haired boy of the boss.(A) 他常受到老板的使唤。
湖北省第十九届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译初赛试题及答案2湖北省第十九届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译初赛试一each of following italicized english words or phases is followed by two Chinese versions marked A and B separately, tick off the one which you think better. (15分,每小题1.5分)1.secondhand opinionsA.二手的观点B人云亦云的观点2.storm sandy affects Washington DCA沙尘暴B桑迪飓风3.Security Council of the united nationsA联合国安保会议B联合国安全理事会4.the Republicans and Democrats of the USA美国共和党和美国民主党B美国共和民主党5.once—in—a-centuryA百年不遇B一百年一次6.coordinated _process serviceA"一条龙“服务 B 协调服务7.unhealthy practiceA不健康的训练 B 不正之风8.income from moonlightingA晚间收入B灰色收入9.enterprises running in the redA红色企业 B 亏损企业10.debt chainA三角债B债链二each of following underlined Chinese phrases is followed by two english versions marked A and B separately ,tick off the one which you think better.(15分,每小题1.5分)11.布衣蔬菜A wear coarse clothes and eat simple foodB wear cotton clothes and eat vegetables12.当心扒手A take care of the thief B.avoid theft13.中共十八大A the 18th national congress of CPC B.the 18th national meeting of CPC14.城市经济圈A.City economic circle B economic strip of the city15.东湖高新区A.east lake high tech zoneB.Donghu High new district speed16.首先,抓住有利时机,创造条件,寻求更快更好的发展。
湖北省第十三届外语翻译大赛非英语专业组决赛试题I.下面的英语段落后提供的汉语译文有未完成的地方,这些未完成的地方用划线标出,并均提供了三个译文(分别标为A,B,C),请选择你认为最好的译文.(2x10=20%)Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem. ①Both men and women, ②nine times out of ten, are firmly convinced of the superior excellence of their own sex. There is abundant evidence on both sides. If you are a man, you can point out that most poets and men of science are male; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals. ③The question is inherently insoluble, but self-esteem conceals this from most people. We are all, whatever part of the world we come from, ④persuaded that our own nation is superior to all others. Seeing that each nation has its characteristic merits and demerits, ⑤we adjust our standard of values so as to make out that the merits possessed by our nation are the really important ones, while its demerits are comparatively trivial. ⑥Here, again, the rational man will admit that the question is one to which there is no demonstrably right answer. It is more difficult ⑦to deal with the self-esteem of man as man, because we cannot argue out the matter with some non-human mind. The only way I know of dealing with this general human conceit ⑧is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe, ⑨and that for aught we know, other parts of the cosmos may contain beings ⑩as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly-fish.对于那些容易助长你狂妄自大的观点尤宜提防。
05)It'stimetoputonthefeedbag.(A)上班时间到啦!(B)吃药的时间到了!(C)吃饭时间到啦!(D)睡觉时间到啦!06)PleasegivemeabottleofAdam'sale. (A)请给我一瓶水。
10)ThestorRhappenedbeforetheFlood. (A)故事在洪水之前就已经发生。
湖北省第十九届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译初赛试一each of following italicized englishwords or phases is followed by two Chinese versions marked A andB separatel y, tick off the one which you think better.(15分,每小题1.5分) 1.secondhand opinionsA.二手的观点 B人云亦云的观点2.storm sandy affects Washington DCA沙尘暴 B桑迪飓风3.Security Council of the united nationsA联合国安保会议 B联合国安全理事会4.the Republicans and Democrats of the USA美国共和党和美国民主党 B美国共和民主党5.once—in—a-centuryA百年不遇 B一百年一次6.coordinated _process serviceA"一条龙“服务 B 协调服务7.unhealthy practiceA不健康的训练 B 不正之风8.income from moonlightingA晚间收入 B灰色收入9.enterprises running in the redA红色企业 B 亏损企业10.debt chainA三角债 B债链二each of followingunderlinedChinese phrases is followed by two english versionsmarked A and B separately ,tickoff the one which you think better.(15分,每小题1.5分)11.布衣蔬菜A wear coarse clothesand eat simple foodB wear cotton clothes and eat vegetables12.当心扒手A take care of the thief B.avoid theft13.中共十八大A the 18th national congress of CPC B.the 18th national meeting of CPC14.城市经济圈A.City economic circle B economic strip of the city15.东湖高新区A.east lake hightech zoneB.Donghu Highnew district speed16.首先,抓住有利时机,创造条件,寻求更快更好的发展。
(每题2分)1.When it came to reading, they were as good as blind.A,来读书时,他们和瞎子一样好。
C, 说到读书,他们可都是瞎子。
2.They did not reopen the Pandora’s Box they had peeked into in 1972.A,他们在1972年曾挖掘过这些丑事了,如今却不要开这个潘多拉的盒子。
3.The United Nations is no stronger than the collective will of the nations thatsupport it.A,联合国没有支持它的各成员国的集体意志强大。
4.In some poverty-stricken areas now, not a few people are found failing to achievefood security.A,现在在一些贫困地区,还有相当多的人被发现未达到食物安全。
5.Watching television, of course, is an evening ritual for people throughout theworld.A,晚上看电视当然已成了人们的习惯,全世界都如此。
2005年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛赛卷(A 级)Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 points)Section A Dialogues (10 points)Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short dialogues. At the end of each dialogue, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the dialogue and the question will be read only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.1. A. The man got the wrong window.B. The woman's window will not be open until 3:00.C. The man didn't make a reservation.D. There's no postal order at presen.2. A. On Monday.B. On Tuesday.C. On Wednesday.D. On Thursday.3. A. Manager and staff member.B. Sales Manager and customer.C. Salesman and customer.D. Teacher and student.4. A. Pleasant.B. Unhappy.C. Indifferent.D. Hesitating.5. A. It's going to snow.B. It's going to rain.C. It's going to be windy.D. It will be sunny.6. A. At 3:00.B. At 3:30.C. At 4:00.D. At 4:30.7. A. They use up too much energy.B. They are not efficient.C. They are too expensive.D. She doesn't believe what it says on the box.8. A. She is offended by the front cover.B. The magazine is too expensive.C. Her friend wants to cancel it.D. She has no time to read it.9. A. Restaurant food.B. Home-cooked food.C. Takeaway food.D. Snack food.10. A. They will go Dutch.B. The man will pay for the bill.C. The woman will pay for the bill.D. The woman will cook for them.Section B News Items (10 points)Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short pieces of news from BBC or VOA. After each news item and question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.11. A. Russia and Germany.B. China and Japan.C. China and Russia.12. A. Ukraine government.B. Members of Parliament from the opposition.C. President of Ukraine.13. A. A library.B. A park.C. An underground museum.14. A. $8 million.B. $18 million.C. $80 million.15. A. In the USA.B. In Uganda.C. In the Sudan.16. A. Because some bacteria are drug-resistant.B. Because the infection is untreatable.C. Because some bacteria can be spread by physical contact.17. A. Washington D.C.B. Baghdad.C. Pennsylvania.18. A. The Airbus A380 can offer more seats than the Boeing 747.B. The Airbus has to change the traffic movements a lot to enable more passengers totravel.C. The Airbus company is exercising the most influence in air travel now.19. A. North Africa.B. South America.C. Hong Kong.20. A. Oil prices got lower.B. Oil prices got higher.C. More than 24.5 million barrels will be produced every day.Section C Passages (10 points)Directions:In this section, you will hear 2 passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear 5 questions. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the first passage you have just heard.21. A. A lot of things remind them of their home country.B. They can have new experiences.C. They will make a lot of friends there.D. They already know a lot about the foreign country.22. A. It makes people feel uncomfortable.B. It makes people become more open to new experiences.C. They will not visit the country again.D. They will go back to their own countries immediately.23. A. When they first arrive in a new country.B. When they have been used to a new country.C. After a few weeks or months.D. After a friendly talk with a trained staff of the health center.24. A. Having more sleep.B. Eating less.C. Trying to put on weight.D. Seeing a doctor.25. A. They will feel pain all over.B. They may think about killing themselves.C. They will not go to school or work.D. No one can help these people.Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the second passage you have just heard.26. A. People waste a lot of time watching it everyday.B. It encourages people to possess guns and knives through advertisements.C. It shows violence, which influences younger people especially.D. People will be willing to put up with violence.27. A. The influence of passive viewing of TV on the development of Children's brain.B. The subject matter it shows to parents.C. The active way of living it promotes.D. The possible harm TV viewing has on the health of old people.28. A. By allowing no time for the family to spend together.B. By preventing children from having contact with their parents.C. By encouraging children to depend on their parents.D. By taking over an essential part of the parents' work.29. A. Recognize the educational merits of the medium.B. Ban TV advertising aimed at younger people.C. Prohibit teenagers from watching TV.D. Help older people survive the “television experience”.30. A. It should be done because TV shows too much violence.B. It is neither necessary nor possible.C. It might not be workable, but we should not overlook the danger of TV.D. It should be done as soon as possible.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (5 minutes, 10 points)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.31. Everyone knew that _________ the project would be completed and we'd all have to return to our own separate departments.A. primarilyB. ultimatelyD. precisely32. The planes were delayed and the hotel was awful, but _________ we still had a good time.A. on the contraryB. by the same tokenC. on top of all thatD. for all that33. It's freezing outside; you'd better _________ black ice when you drive home.A. look down onB. check up onC. watch out forD. keep out34. At that time no one's even studied the problem, _________ tried to do anything about it.A. not to sayB. far moreC. in no wayD. much less35. It was odd that you _________ for Margie's address. I just got a letter from her—the first one since her family moved on August 1 1983.A. should have askedB. would have askedC. shall askD. might ask36. The women ran down to assist them in bringing up their seals; but no sooner_________ the house than a voice was heard in the passage, and a man entered.A. after they re-enterB. had they re-enteredC. were they to re-enterD. when they had re-entered37. Several of the administrative participants recognized the support and leadership from their institution's chief executive officers as a serious motivating factor at those moments _________.A. if the problem was challengingB. as the situation became seriousC. when the challenges seemed overwhelmingD. which the counterpart grew manipulating38. Well, really _________ now is start learning what to do with this software and read a lot of tutorials, learn and practice _________ you can.A. what you should do; as much asB. that you need do; whateverC. how you should start; the mostD. as should you do; the longest hours39. _________, and members of the congregation having returned, this church too will start out with _________ effort in the work that lies before them, which will be taken up by the different departments.A. The summer vacation is over; greatB. The summer vacation being over; renewedC. As the summer vacation over; refreshingD. Had the summer vacation been over; sacred40. Although there is some truth to the fact that Linux is a huge threat to Microsoft, predictions of the Redmond company's demise are, _________, premature.A. saying the mostB. to say the mostC. to say the leastD. to the least degreePart III Situational Dialogues (5 minutes, 10 points)Directions: There are 10 incomplete dialogues in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.41. Simon: I'm a reporter from the Hendon Standard.______________Celia: Yes, I was standing at the end of Elm Avenue, by the park.Simon: What happened?Celia: There was a red van traveling west, and several cars and vans behind it.A. Were you present when the accident happened?B. Would you tell me what you have seen?C. What a surprise to see you here!D. Did you do anything special just now?42. Stan: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girl's life.John: ______________Stan: I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done.John: I'm just happy I could help.A. There's nothing to be afraid of.B. This is a wonderful day.C. Anybody would have done the same.D. I am glad to save her.43. Harry: I hear you are going to get married soon.Ron: That's right, next June. June 21st. Can you come to the wedding?Harry: Oh! ______________ That's when we're away on vacation.Ron: Never mind, we'll send you some wedding cake.A. That's great!B. What a pity!C. You have my deepest sympathy.D. You certainly can.44. Mother: You're watching too much TV, Emily.Emily: Oh, come on, Mom.Mother: ______________ And you're eating too many snacks.Emily: I only had some popcorn and some potato chips.A. I mean it.B. You're excused.C. Where's your radio?D. I don't want to know it.45. Karen: I'm not optimistic about finding a job after I finish college.Joseph: Oh? Why not?Karen: The economy is going downhill-fast.Joseph: I know. ______________ It's getting to the point where even a degree won't help you anymore.Karen: That's right. And I'll be lucky to even move out of my parents' house.A. My friend could offer me a job.B. I am not sure whether I agree or not.C. How do you feel about the economy?D. What is this world coming to?46. Ivan: I brought you the new Groove People CD.Dale: What good is a CD if I haven't got a CD player?Ivan: I can bring you a CD player.Dale: What good is a CD player if I don't even have electricity?Ivan: ______________Dale: What good is calling the Electric Company if I haven't got a house?A. Why do you have so many questions?B. What are you going to buy tomorrow?C. Why don't you call the Electric Company?D. Where did you buy the new CD?47. Doreen: We've been waiting for an hour and a half.Trevor: Say your aunt is very ill. A doctor ought to see her at once.Doreen: There isn't a doctor available. They're all busy.Trevor: ______________Doreen: I've asked her over and over again. The more I ask, the longer I wait.A. You're starting to calm down now.B. Ask the receptionist to hurry up.C. There will be a difficult period for your aunt.D. I'm sorry to hear that.48. Bruce: Good morning. Welcome to Supervacation Travel Agency. Can I help you?Mandy: Yes, I hope so. I'm interested in a short holiday soon. I'd like some information.Bruce: Yes, certainly. ______________Mandy: Somewhere with some sunshine.Bruce: Here's a Supervacation brochure. It gives information about lots of holidays.Mandy: Thanks for the information. I expect I'll see you soon.A. What about New York?B. Will you be traveling alone?C. What sort of holiday interests you?D. How are things going with you?49. Mavis: Did you see how close that finish was? It took my breath away!Roger: Wait, they're announcing the winner now. It's Don Jensen!Mavis: What a surprise! He's never won a major race before.Roger: I'm just astounded to see how much he's improved.Mavis: ______________Roger: I'm just floored that my best friend won such an important race.A. Why can't he improve quickly?B. What happened to him in the past two years?C. I'm going to take a break. I'm so tired!D. Let's go down on the track and congratulate him.50. Careth: Good afternoon. I've just joined the library. How many books can I take out?Eunice: You can take two books, and keep them for ten days. If you haven't finished, you can renew them.Careth: How do I do that? ______________Eunice: No, you can telephone. Tell us the titles of the books, and the date they are due for return.Careth: Splendid. I would be A Tale of Two Cities, or David Copperfield.Eunice: These two books have been lended.A. Why can't I keep them for a longer time?B. Must I visit the library?C. How much could I be fined?D. Can I lend them to my friends?Part IV IQ Test (5 minutes, 5 points)Directions: There are 5 IQ Test questions in this part. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.51. A postman delivers mail round a housing estate.He does not want to visit the same street more than once, but can pass over the same street corners.On which housing estate is this possible?52. Here is a riddle.I am suspended in the air, I touch nothing, and I am surrounded by lights. Now I dress myself afresh, and now I am naked, and I am in the heat and the cold, by night and by day. Everyone amuses himself by tramping upon me, even the animals abuse and scorn me, and yet I have such treasures hidden in my bosom that he who finds them I can make full of happiness.What is the answer to the riddle?A. The Sun.B. The Moon.C. The Earth.D. The Sky.53.Which of the following numbers should replace the question mark?A. 417.B. 926.C. 138.D. 172.54. This bar chart shows the heights of a class of pupilsWhich statement must be true?A. 2 children are 125 cm tall or less.B. 8 children are at least 140 cm tall, but less than 145 cm tall.C. 8 children are more than 144 cm tall, but less than 150 cm tall.D. No children are taller than 158 cm.55.Can you guide the robot along the white squares through this grid?It starts on the square marked …Begin‟ and finishes on the square marked …End‟.You can only programme it to move FORWARD, TURN LEFT 90° or TURN RIGHT 90°.Which of the instructions below will guide the robot through the grid?A. FORWARD 4, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 4, TURN LEFT 90°,FORWARD 4, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 2.B. FORWARD 4, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 3, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 4, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 3.C. FORWARD 3, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 3, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 4, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 2.D. FORWARD 3, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 3, TURN LEFT 90°,FORWARD 4, TURN RIGHT 90°,FORWARD 2.Part V Reading Comprehension (25 minutes, 35 points)Section A Multiple Choice (5 points)Directions: There is 1 passage in this section with 5 questions. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.New Findings in Archaeology●South America and Madagascar were joined 70 million years agoPicture: ReutersAn old croc: The discovery in Brazil of a nearly complete fossilised skeleton of the prehistoric crocodile Ubera-basuchus terrificus, above, supports theories that South America and Madagascar were joined 70 million years ago.Picture: ReutersAn old croc: The discovery in Brazil of a nearly complete fossilised skeleton of the prehistoric crocodile Ubera-basuchus terrificus, above, supports theories that South America and Madagascar were joined 70 million years ago.●We've all just got 40,000 years olderTwo skulls found in Africa have been identified as the oldest human remains known to science. The fossilised bones found in 1967 were originally thought to be 130,000 years old. But a re-dating of rock layers near those which yielded the fossils showed they are actually about 195,000 years old—from the time modern humans emerged. The skulls, known as Omo I and II, push back the known presence of Homo sapiens in Africa by 40,000 years. The previous oldest Homo sapiens skulls, dated to between 154,000 and 160,000 years old, were found near a village called Herto in the afar region of eastern Ethiopia. Omo I and II were unearthed by famous palaeontologist Richard Leakey along the Omo River in southern Ethiopia, near the town of Kibish. Omo I's more modern features led to disagreement among experts over whether they were the same age. The rocks in which they were found show they are, said Australian archaeologist Prof Ian McDougall, who made the discovery. He told scientific journal “Nature”: “Omo I and Omo II are relatively securely dated to 195,000 years old, making them the oldest anatomically modern human fossils yet recovered.”Questions:56. By which means could the scientists tell the age of fossils they havefound?A. The bones of the fossils.B. The place where they were found.C. The history of humans.D. Identifying the rock layers of the fossils.57. How many years older has our species become by the new discovery?A. 130,000.B. 40,000.C. 195,000.D. Between 154,000 and 160,000.58. Where were the Omo I and II found?A. Near Herto.B. Along the Omo River.C. Near Kibish.D. In Australia.59. What does the word “ homo sapiens” mean in this passage?A. Human being.B. A sample of fossils.C. A river.D. A country.60. Which of the following statements are NOT true according to the passage?A. The discovery of an old crocodile skeleton in Brazil makes people believe that South America and Madagascar were joined 70 million years ago.B. Prof Ian McDougall thought Omo I and II were the oldest human fossils discovered.C. Prof Ian McDougall discovered that Omo I and II were not the same age.D. Omo I and II were discovered in southern Ethiopia.Section B Short Answer Questions (20 points)Directions: In this section, there are 2 passages followed by 10 questions or unfinished statements. Read the passages carefully, then answer the questions in the fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words). Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.Questions 61 to 63 are based on the following passage.King JamesBefore the last shot of Michael Jordan's final game with the Chicago Bulls, he left behind a moment that will hang in the minds of sports fans the way he did in the air. His quick crossover dribble, with the help of a tiny shove, sent Utah Jazz defender Byron Russell to the floor. Wide open, Jordan nailed the game-winning jump shot, and he and the Bulls clinched their sixth—and Jordan's last—NBA title.At the Rose Garden Arena in Portland, Ore., last Wednesday, Cleveland Cavaliers starLeBron James, 20, became the youngest player to reach one of the toughest performance milestones in basketball, the “triple double” (double digits in points, rebounds and assists in a single game—he did it again three nights later). During one play, his quick crossover dribble, sans shove, sent a Portland defender veering to the sideline. Wide open, James shot a three pointer. Swish. Nothing but Mike.Ever since Jordan's first retirement a dozen years ago, the NBA has searched from Chi-town to China for a star as dominant and marketable as His Airness.The race to replace Jordan may end without a winner, but LeBron James, in just his second year out of St. Vincent—St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio, is already far ahead of the pretenders. His game is spectacular. James combines Jordan's ease at filling up the box score (and the stands) with a ruthless instinct to win, a trait that Hill, a gentleman, and Carter, a diffident performer, surely lack. And like Jordan, James knows he can't do it alone. In fact, he is a complete team player who loves to pass the ball and make his teammates better: Iverson and Bryant can't claim much there.The biggest shock of all: the most hyped teen athlete of this century, whosingle-handedly put high school basketball on national television, has actually exceeded the ungodly expectations set before him. “The King James era is here”, says Milwaukee Bucks head coach Terry Porter, who played against Jordan for much of his 17-year pro career. “You could argue that LeBron is kind of carrying the league right now.”Questions:61. What does the sentence “Nothing but Mike.” indicate?62. Hill, a gentleman, and Carter, a diffident performer lack _________, compared with Jordan.63. Can you guess what Terry Porter was before he was a coach?Questions 64 to 70 are based on the following passage.Good news: Olympic chiefs visit London. Bad news: they'll be traveling by TubeIt's crunch week for London's bid to host the 2012 GamesBY ANDREW JOHNSON and JONATHAN THOMPSONSenior government ministers and British sporting heroes will be on hand to extol the capital's virtues when the 12-member International Olympic Committee (IOC) team visits this week to assess the London 2012 bid.Although much of their four-day visit is expected to be spent in the exclusive Four Seasons Hotel in Canary Wharf grilling bid organisers in question and answer sessions, the evaluation commission will spend one day visiting London's proposed venues—and will take a trip on the Tube. It could prove a costly journey.London 2012 organisers, who have spent up to £20m on the project, have pencilled in trips to the proposed sites, including the planned stadium at Stratford, the Millennium Dome at Greenwich and the ExCel centre in Docklands.However, the commission can insist on being taken anywhere, including the new Wembley stadium, which will host the football, or to the archery venue at Lord's, or even to Wimbledon or Hackney.Earlier this month, the Madrid bid suffered a setback over lack of accommodations, which was criticised by IOC members. Will transport prove Londons' Achilles' heel? On Friday The Independent on Sunday sent four reporters on various journeys across London to put the transport infrastructure to the test.Questions:64. How many people can the London's planned Olympic stadium hold?65. How many International Olympic Committee(IOC) members will visit London and where are they going to have the question and answer sessions?66. What does “tube” mean in American English?67. London 2012 organisers have spent up to £20m on the project. The proposed sites include _________ at Stratford, _________ at Greenwich and _________ in Docklands.68. Why was Madrid criticised by International Olympic Committee members?69. The Independent on Sunday sent four reporters on four journeys across London. The four journeys are from Canary Wharf to the followingdestinations: ①, ②, ③, ④ .70. What is the problem which the authors worried about London's bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games?Section C True (T) or False (F) (10 points)Directions: In this section, there is 1 passage with 10 statements. Read the passage and decide which of the statements at the end of the passage are true and which are false. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.Questions 71 to 80 are based on the following passage.Statements:71. The Oxford University Press are looking for some enthusiastic and hard-working higher education sales representatives to fill UK field sales positions based in South West, South London & West Midlands.72. The Higher Education Sales Representatives are required to manage their territories in a way that maximises sales growth.73. As one of the higher education sales representatives, he will get competitive salary plus car and bonus scheme and he will not work at home.74. Excellent organizational, presentation, and proven people management skills are essential to be a Sales Support Co-ordinator.75. HTML skills are essential to be a Sales Support Co-ordinator currently.76. You have to work in Oxford if you are the Sales Support Manager or the Sales Support Co-ordinator.77. You can contact with either Sue Smith or Chris Tatton if you are interested in the post of Marketing Systems Executive.78. The closing date for all the mentioned posts is 4 October 2004.79. You can contact the Oxford University Press by post or email if you want to apply the posts.80. You can get more information about all the posts from /recruit.Part VI Cloze-Test (10 minutes, 10 points)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the passage. For each blank, the first letter of the word has been given. Read the passage below and think of the word which best fits each blank. Use only one word in each blank. Remember to write the answer on the Answer Sheet.Farmers, as we all know, have been having a hard time of it in Britain, and have been turning to new ways of earning income from their land. This involves not onlyp 81 new kinds of crops, but some strange ways of making money, the mostu 82 of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you heard me correctly! A farmer in the West of England now holds sheep races on a regular basis, and d 83 the past year over 100,000 people have turned up to w 84 the proceedings. “I was passing the farmon my way to the sea for a holiday,”one punter told me, “and I thought I'd have a look. I didn't believe it was serious, to tell you the truth.” A85 to a regular visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses. “At proper horse races everyone has already studied the form of the horses in advance, and there are clear f 86 . But nobody has heard anything about these sheep! Most people find it d 87 to tell one from another in any case. ”I stayed to watch the races, and I must admit that I found it quite exciting. In a typical race, half a dozen sheep race downhill o 88 a course of about half a mile. Food is waiting for them at the other end of the track, I ought to add! The sheep run s 89 fast, although presumably they haven't eaten for a while just to give them some m 90 . At any rate, the crowd around me were obviously enjoying their day out at the races, judging by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.Part VII Translation (15 minutes, 20 points)Section A English-Chinese Translation (10 points)Directions: Translate the underlined sentences of the following passage into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.The symbolic importance of the burger cannot be underestimated. (91) Under its beefburger guise, it was the first of the new range of “convenience” foods which were about to make the world a better place and begin the liberation of women from the drudgery of home-cooking and housework. The older generation did not approve, which made it all the better. In the Sixties the hamburger was a symbol of the techno age —perfectly circular and streamlined. It was as uniform and relentlessly predictable as only the latest technology could make it.(92) True, there were those who rebelled against it, but to most the hamburger wasa reflection of the national love affair with Americana(美国文化). It was a phenomenon which was made fresh in Seventies London with the trendy burgers of the Great American Disaster and the Hard Rock Café, and in many other cities round the world.In the Eighties another subtle shift occurred. People became aware that America was no longer another place but a culture which had spread throughout the world. And the hamburger became globalized, too, in the form of McDonald‟s. With its US home market, like the fat in its burgers, heavily saturated, McDonald‟s looked abroad. (93) By the end of the Eighties it had grown to such a size that every day 28 million global citizens ate there and the Big Mac became omnipresent.(94)McDonald‟s stormed the world, but its successes also drew upon it in the Nineties the criticisms which were levelled at that era. (95) Food experts began to see the world‟s changing culinary (烹调的)tastes as a symbol of what is wrong with the new consumerism. “The hamburger is a metaphor for our times — cheap, convenient and an indication that we have given up any real interest in what we eat,” said the leading food writer Frances Bissell, lamenting the trends of our increasingly obese society towards snacking on the hoof or before the TV instead of eating proper meals.Then along came “Mad Cow Disease” and even though the average person was told they had more chance of winning the National Lot tery than contracting “Mad Person。
(1)I'm below him in intelligence.(A) 我的智力比他差。
(2)He had been kept in quarantine for a week.(A) 他接到隔离审查长达一周。
(3)A stumble may prevent a fall.(A) 跌跌撞撞者不常摔跤。
(4)The old car is an albatross around my neck.(A) 那部老爷车我到哪就开到哪。
(B) 这台车已经不新了,但又不舍得丢。
(C) 那辆旧车成了我的累赘。
*(D) 这部古董车的价值相当于我脖子上的信天翁项链。
(5)At the age of seven I changed forever, like the faithful who see Christ on the side of a barn or peering up from a corn tortilla.(A) 年方七岁的我,整个人仿佛脱胎换骨,宛如虔诚的信徒目睹耶稣现身于谷仓一侧或在一张煎玉米饼里抬头张望那样,与先前判若两人。
(B) 那年我七岁,身心具彻变。
(C) 我七岁时,整个人就永远改变了。
(D) 吾方七岁,目睹耶稣,显身谷仓,手握米饼,抬头观望,俨然信徒,永久改变。
(6)Termites are a gourmet treat in Africa.(A) 在非洲,白蚁是美食家的专利。
1.原文:I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes.译文:我对太太撒了个_____C_________,称赞她穿上新衣好看极了。
A.白色的谎言B.不会造成伤害的谎言C.善意的小谎2.原文:Dr. Lee is a very famous scientist but literature is all Greek to him.译文:李博士是位著名的科学家,____________B__________。
A.但文学对他来说就像希腊语一样B.但对文学却一窍不通C.但对文学却没有一点兴趣3.原文:Alex is the black sheep of the family.译文:亚力克斯是______A________。
A.不肖之子B.家里的黑羊C.家里的害群之马4.原文:Jack has had five jobs within three years! A rolling stone gathers no moss.译文:杰克在三年内换了五份工作!____________A___________________。
A.这样浮游不定,难成大器B.真是水往高处流啊C.这样便不会对同一工作产生厌倦或惰性了5.原文:English is going to the dogs.译文:___________C_____________。
a. A Chinese puzzle;b. Achilles’s heel;c. add salt to the wound;d. bite off more than one can chew;e. born in the purple;f. build castles in Spain;g. catch somebody red-handed;h. cry wolf;i. face the music;j. go west;k. hot potato;l. make bricks without straw;m. milk the bull;n. take the bull by the horns;o. the apple of one’s eye1.原文:他生于贵族之家,所以自幼所受的教育,有异于常人。
湖北省第十三届外语翻译大赛英语专业组初赛试题I. Choose the one best translation of the Chinese phrases:(每题2分,计20分)(1)弱肉强食原指动物中弱者被强者吞食。
B. the weak are the prey of the strong(2)如鸟兽散形容溃逃的样子。
A. flee helter skelter(3)深文周纳歪曲或苛刻地援引法律条文,想尽办法陷人以罪。
D. convict sb by deliberately misinterpreting the law(4)首鼠两端歪曲或苛刻地援引法律条文,想尽办法陷人以罪。
D.shilly-shally(5)师直为壮A. an army fighting for a just cause has high morale(6)文不加点指写文章迅速,不加涂改就写成。
B. have a facile pen(7)殊深轸念非常悲痛地怀念C. express deep solicitude for(8)余勇可贾尚有未用尽的勇力可以使出来。
B. with strength yet to spare(9)纵横捭阖以辞令测探、打动别人,在政治和外交上运用联合或分化的手段为“纵横捭阖”。
C. maneuver among various political groupings(10)责有莜归Responsibility to have YouD. responsibility rests where it belongsII. Choose the best version among the four given.(每题2分,计40分)11.她是一个坚强的女人,在体格上、在精神上都是如此,我每天都从她身上吸取精神食粮。
She is a strong woman, in the physical, the spirit is so, every day I learn from spiritual food from her body.12.他相识不久就想动手动脚。
(每题2分,共20分)B C C C A, B C A A B一.1.When it came to reading, they were as good as blind. ( B )A.来读书时,他们和瞎子一样好。
C. 说到读书,他们可都是瞎子。
2.T hey did not re open the Pandora’s Box they had peeked into in 1972. ( C )A,他们在1972年曾挖掘过这些丑事了,如今却不要开这个潘多拉的盒子。
3.The United Nations is no stronger than the collective will of the nations that support it. ( C)A,联合国没有支持它的各成员国的集体意志强大。
i4.In some poverty-stricken areas now, not a few people arefound failing to achieve food security.(C)A,现在在一些贫困地区,还有相当多的人被发现未达到食物安全。
5.W atching television, of course, is an evening ritual for people throughout the world. ( A )A,晚上看电视当然已成了人们的习惯,全世界都如此。