外文翻译---液压密封完整性调查研究Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2007, 21: 1115–1126A study of hydraulic seal integrityP. Chena, P.S.K. Chua, G.H. LimAbstract: The work described in this paper involved on-line detection of seal defects in a water hydraulic cylinder. An obvious effect of seal defect is internal leakage. Therefore, the approach used was to detect the internal leakage using suitable technique. The technique used involved detecting the acoustic emission (AE) due to the internal leakage. This paper evaluated various parameters of AE signals in terms of their capability in estimating the internal leakage rate in a water hydraulic cylinder. Experiments were carried out to study the characteristics of AE parameters at different internal leakage rates, the parameters including the root-mean-square (rms) value, the count rate, the peak magnitude of power spectral density and the energy. The correlations between these parameters and the internal leakage rate wereanalysed carefully. The results show that energy-based AE parameters, especially the rms value, are more suitable to interpret AE signals generated by internal leakage.Keywords: Acoustic emission; Water hydraulic cylinder; Internal leakage; AE count rate; Root mean square; Power spectral density; AE energy1. IntroductionModern water hydraulics, using tap water as the hydraulic fluid, has gained much interest in the past decade due to its inherent advantages compared to oil hydraulics. These advantages include environment friendliness, good product compatibility and no fire hazards [1, 2]. However, some problems with modern water hydraulics are still to be addressed. One of the most common problems is the relatively large internal leakage in water hydraulic components. For example, a water hydraulic cylinder could suffer from internal leakage across the piston seals. This is due to the very low viscosity of water in comparison with that of hydraulic oil [1, 3]. Therefore, it is important to monitor the internal leakage to achieve optimal performance and reliable and safe operations of water hydraulic systems.The work presented in this paper is part of a project that aims to develop a quantitative model to estimate the internal leakage flow rate in a water hydraulic cylinder by means of AE. It is focused on the internal leakage smaller than 1.0 L/min. In order to model the AE signal generated by the internal leakage, suitable parameters must first be selected to interpret the signal. Therefore, experiments were conducted to study the characteristics of various AE parameters in terms of their effectiveness in estimating the internal leakage rate, as described in this paper.2. Acoustic emissionAE is defined as the transient elastic waves that are generated by the rapid release of energy from localised sources. It has been found that AE signals can be generated by fluid leakage. Pollock and Hsu [10] studied the physical origin of these signals in detail and Goodman et al. [12] reported a variety of AE source mechanisms associated with leakage from vessels, tanks and pipelines. In the case of internal leakage in water hydraulic cylinders, the generation of AE signals is largely attributed to the turbulence induced by the internal leakage. AE signals can be categorised into two basic types. The burst-type AE refers to AE signals corresponding to individual AE events, while the continuous-type AE refers to an apparently sustained signal level from rapidly occurring AE events [16]. AE signals generated by internal leakage in water hydraulic cylinders are of continuous type, as shown in Fig. 1.AE counts are widely used as a practical measure of AE activity. This parameter is defined as the number of times the signal exceeds a counter threshold. For continuous-type AE, AE count rate is often used to measure the variation of AE counts with time. The root-mean-square (rms) value is often used to measure the energy content of AE signals. For an AE signal consisting ofx [0],x [1], ……, x [N−1] , its rms value isThe advantage of energy measurement is that the energy content of the AE signal can be directly related to important physical parameters associated with theenergy release at the AE source [14]. The above parameters have been used to describe AE signals in a variety of applications [11, 17, 18].The aforementioned parameters are measured in the time domain. Besides, parameters measured in the frequency domain are also of interest, such as the frequency and magnitude of the dominant frequency component and the energy contained within frequency bands. For the continuous-type AE, these parameters can be obtained through spectral analysis using Fourier transform. The power spectral density (PSD) of AE signals can be computed using the following equation [19]:where P[ k ] is the power spectral density, X [k]] is the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of an AE signal x[n], andT is the sampling period. The PSD represents the distribution of the signal power over frequencies. Some studies of AE signals in the frequency domain can be found in Refs. [10, 13, 20, 21].3. ExperimentationDue to the complexity of AE phenomena, analytical methods are not well established. Therefore, experimental methods are introduced to investigate AE. In order to study the characteristics of AE signals generated by internal leakage in water hydraulic cylinders, experiments were deliberately designed, as described below.For each record of AE signal, the AE count rate, denoted as _N AE was calculated by dividing the AE counts by the signal duration. Both a fixed threshold and a floating threshold were used for counting. Since there was no well-defined procedure to choose the threshold value, a wide range of values were tried. For the fixed threshold, a value of 0.04V yielded the best results, as shown in Fig. 6a. It is noted that the AE count rate drops fast as the internal leakage rate decreases. For the floating threshold, the threshold value was set to be proportional to the rms value of the signal. The resulting AE count rate remained at a constant level, no provide a desirable simulation of the dynamic processes existing in a cylinder subject to internal leakage. Thus in the present work, efforts have been made to simulate the real internal leakage in hydraulic cylinders. In the following, the leakage mechanism is first studied; then, thesimulation of the leakage is presented.In order to simulate scores created by the abrasive action of solid particulates, a file was used, in the present work, to make scores on the piston seal surfaces of a water hydraulic cylinder. Fig. 2 shows the scored piston seals used in the experiments. These seals lead to an internal leakage smaller than 1.0 L/min for the pressure range of 0–70 bar. Sixteen scores were equally distributed along the circumference of the seals. The dimensions of these scores were measured with a non-contact optical measurement system. Fig.3 shows the profile of a score taken by the measurement system. Along the edge of the score, five key points were selected and their coordinates were measured. The width and depth of the score were then measured. In addition, a circular arc fit to these five points was calculated. Thus, an approximate radius of the score could be obtained.Fig. 2. The 16-score piston seals.Fig. 3. The profile of a score.4. Experimental resultsIn the experiment, 100 sets of data were acquired at different internal leakage rates, with each set consisting of 40 records of AE signals measured at a certain leakage rate. Each record of AE signal contained 4096 points sampled at 5 MHz, from which AE parameters were calculated. For each AE parameter, results obtained from the 40 records were then averaged. In the following, all the results are the average values.For each record of AE signal, the AE count rate, denoted as _N AE, was calculated by dividing the AE counts by the signal duration. Both a fixed threshold and a floating threshold were used for counting. Since there was no well-defined procedure to choose the threshold value, a wide range of values were tried. For the fixed threshold, a value of 0.04V yielded the best results, as shown in Fig. 4a. It is noted that the AE count rate drops fast as the internal leakage rate decreases.Fig. 4. AE count rate versus internal leakage rateFor the floating threshold, the threshold value was set to be proportional to the rms value of the signal. The resulting AE count rate remained at a constant level, nom atter how the leakage rate varied. This is shown in Fig. 4b, where the AE count rate was obtained with the threshold equal to the rms value of the signal. It can be seen that there is no desirable trend in the AE count rate with respect to the leakage rate.5. Predict the internal leakage rateAs has been shown in the above, the energy content of AE signal is closely related to the internal leakage rate in the water hydraulic cylinder. Therefore, it may be used to predict the internal leakage rate. The error of prediction, then, is of interest. In the following, an empirical model is built to predict the internal leakage rate based on measured AE signals and the error of prediction is analysed with statistical methods. Due to the simplicity in calculation, the rms value Vrms is chosen instead of the energy Ef to characterise AE signals. From the previous experimental data, the relationship between the AE rms value Vrms and the internal leakage rate Qi is obtained using the least squares method, given byQi=7.86Vrms+0.14.For a measured AE rms value, the internal leakage rate may be predicted with Eq.(7). Suppose the measured AE rms value is Vrms0. A 95% prediction interval for the true value of the internal leakage rate,denoted as Qi0, is given bywhere ^Qi is the internal leakage rate predicted by Eq. (7) based on the measured Vrms0 and d is a measure of the width of the prediction interval. Note that d is not a constant but varies with the measured AE rms value Vrms0. For the range of the internal leakage rates smaller than 1.0 L/min, d is about 0.078 L/min. Eq. (8) means that for the measured AE rms value Vrms0, the true value of the internal leakage rate Qi0 lies inside the intervale ^Qi d; ^Qi t dT with 95% confidence.6. ConclusionsThis paper analysed the characteristics of AE signals generated by internal leakage in a water hydraulic cylinder. Experiments were carefully designed, including the simulation of the internal leakage across the piston seals in a water hydraulic cylinder and the measurement of the internal leakage rate. AE signals obtained from the experiments were analysed, in which several AE parameterswere extracted from the AE signals and their effectiveness for predicting the internal leakage rate were studied.From the analysis results,some conclusions can be made, as follows:(1) AE signals are sensitive to small internal leakage in a water hydraulic cylinder and AE-based methods are able to predict the internal leakage that is smaller than 1.0 L/min.(2)Energy-based AE parameters, whether measured in the time domain or in the frequency domain, are more suitable than the AE count rate and the peak PSD magnitude to interpret AE signals generated by the internal leakage.References[1] G.W. Krutz, P.S.K. Chua, Water hydraulics—theory and applications 2004, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Water Hydraulics, Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC ’04), Louisville, KY, USA, February 8–10, 2004.[2] E. Trostmann, Water Hydraulics Control Technology, Marcel Dekker, New York, USA, 1996.[3] W. Backe′ , Water- or oil-hydraulics in the future, in: Proceedings of the Sixth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, Tampere, Finland, May 26–28, 1999, pp. 51–64.[4] J. Watton, Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis in Fluid Power Systems, Ellis Horwood, New York, USA, 1992.[5] T.T. Le, J. Watton, D.T. Pham, An artificial neural network based approach to fault diagnosis and classification of fluid power systems, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 211 (1997)307–317.[6] T.T. Le, J. Watton, D.T. Pham, Fault classification of fluid power system usinga dynamics feature extraction technique and neural networks, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 212 (1998) 87–97.[7] G. Thompson, G. Zolkiewski, An experimental investigation into the detection of internal leakage of gases through valves by vibration analysis, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 211 (1997) 195–207.[8] M. Pietola, R. Ma¨ kinen, P. Va¨ yrynen, S. Kesanto, J. Varrio, Using a highresolution thermograph in predictive maintenance and fault diagnosis of fluid power components and systems, in: Proceedings of the Fourth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, Tampere, Finland, September 26–29, 1995, pp. 719–725.机械系统与信号处理, 2007, 21: 1115–1126液压密封完整性调查研究P. Chena, P.S.K. Chua, G.H. Lim摘要:本文中所涉及在液压缸的上线检测密封缺陷. 一个明显的影响密封的缺陷是内部泄漏。
Fluke 62 Mini 无接触红外热度测量仪说明书
The Fluke 62 Mini Infrared ThermometerNon-contact temperature measurementNon-contactdiagnostic toolThe Fluke 62 Mini infraredthermometer is a non-contactdiagnostic tool for quickbasic temperature checks inapplications where a technician is close to the target object. Simple to use, the Fluke 62 Mini enables technicians to discover temperature discrepancies before they become problems. Professionals can troubleshoot maintenance problems by measuring surface temperatures of motors, electrical equipment, insulated walls and pipes, heating, ventilation and refrigeration systems allfrom a safe distance.Features include:•T emperature measurement range up to 500 ºC (932 ºF)• High-resolution optics•A ccurate to within ± 1%of reading• MAX temperature display • Laser sighting• Backlit displayTechnical Dataapproximate center of the measurement pact and convenient, the Fluke 62 Mini thermometer makes troubleshootingquick and easy and is useful anywhere that temperature plays a role in product quality or equipment maintenance. The single dot laser indicates the center of the target; the large temperature display provides current and MAX surface temperatures.Optical resolutionUse the Fluke 62 Mini within six feet of the intended target. At greater distances, the measured area will be larger (approximately the distance divided by 10). The Fluke offset single-point laser indicates the approximate center of the measurement area.Ordering informationFluke 62 Mini Infrared Thermometer Included:Storage Pouch-30 °C to 500 °C (-20 °F to 932 °F)10 ºC to 30 ºC (50 ºF to 86 ºF): ± 1 ºC (2 ºF)Outside 10 ºC to 30 ºC (50 ºF to 86 ºF): ± 1.5 ºC (3 ºF) or ± 1.5% of reading,whichever is greater±0.5% of reading or < ±1 °C (±2 °F),whichever is greater Preset 0.95< 500 mSec10:1 calculated @ 80% energy 6.5–18 microns thermopile detector 0.2 °C (0.5 °F)••°C or °F selectable0 to 50 °C (32 to 120 °F)10-90% RH non-condensing, @ up to 30 °C (86 °F)Up to 2 m (6 ft)Single offset laser 200 g (7 oz);152 x 101 x 38 mm (6 x 4 x 1.5 in)9 V Alkaline battery (included)12 hours-20 ºC to 65 ºC (-4 ºF to 150 ºF) without battery Includes protective boot and storage holster 2 years (conditional)Measurement range AccuracyRepeatabilityEmissivityResponse timeDistance to spot size Spectral range Display resolutionDisplay hold (7 seconds)LCD backlitTemperature displayAmbient operating range Relative humidity Typical distance to target (spot)Laser class IIWeight/dimensions PowerBattery life (alkaline)Storage temperature Options/accessories:Warranty:SpecificationsFluke. Keeping your worldup and running.Fluke CorporationPO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BDEindhoven, The NetherlandsFor more information call:In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or Fax (425) 446-5116In Europe/M-East/Africa (31 40) 2 675 200 or Fax (31 40) 2 675 222In Canada (800) 36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116Web access: http://www.fl /©2005 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A. 4/2005 2437622 D-US-N Rev A。
光学自由曲面加工技术English Answer:Optical Freeform Surface Manufacturing Technology.Optical freeform surfaces are complex optical elements with surfaces that deviate significantly from traditional spherical or cylindrical shapes. Their ability to manipulate light in novel ways has led to advancements in numerous fields, including optics, lasers, and imaging systems.The manufacturing of optical freeform surfaces requires specialized techniques to achieve the desired surface form and optical properties. One such technique is diamond turning, which uses a single-point diamond cutting tool to remove material from the workpiece in a controlled manner. Another technique is ultra-precision grinding, which utilizes a grinding wheel with sub-micron abrasiveparticles to shape the workpiece surface. These techniquesallow for precise control over the surface form and roughness, leading to high-quality optical components.Advancements in Optical Freeform Surface Manufacturing.Recent advancements in optical freeform surface manufacturing have enabled the production of increasingly complex and precise optical elements. These advancements include:Improved machining techniques: New diamond turning and ultra-precision grinding techniques have significantly reduced加工误差and improved surface quality.Advanced metrology systems: Non-contact measurement techniques such as interferometry and laser scanning allow for accurate and efficient characterization of freeform surfaces.Computational modeling and simulation: Computer simulations can now predict the behavior of light interacting with freeform surfaces, aiding in the designand fabrication of optical systems.Applications of Optical Freeform Surfaces.Optical freeform surfaces find applications in a wide range of fields, including:Imaging systems: Freeform lenses and mirrors enable compact and high-performance imaging systems with improved resolution and field of view.Optical communications: Freeform surfaces can be used to create optical components for fiber optic networks, improving signal transmission and bandwidth.Laser systems: Freeform surfaces can enhance laser beam quality, stability, and power output.Precision optics: Optical freeform surfaces are usedin instruments for metrology, microscopy, and spectroscopy.Challenges and Future Directions.While significant progress has been made in optical freeform surface manufacturing, several challenges remain:High production cost: The fabrication of freeform surfaces can be time-consuming and expensive, limitingtheir widespread adoption.Complex design and modeling: The design and modeling of freeform surfaces can be complex and computationally intensive.Metrology challenges: Measuring the complex shapes of freeform surfaces accurately and efficiently remains a challenge.Future research and development efforts will focus on addressing these challenges and further advancing the field of optical freeform surface manufacturing.Chinese Answer:光学自由曲面加工技术。
关键词:非接触式测量;canny算子;边缘检测;二值化;阈值检测中图分类号:tp751 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-3044(2013)04-0849-03non-contact measurement of workpiece based on canny operatoryou xiao-long, liu song-lin(school of electronic & information engineering, nanjing university of information science & technology, nanjing 210044 , china)abstract: in order to measure the size of high temperature or other untouchable workpieces, a method based on canny operator is proposed.this method take the original device image and then processing two values, extracting the contour of the workpiece, then takes threshold detection and returnsthe contour coordinates to determine the workpiece parameters. compared with the traditional contact measurement methods ,this method can measure the high temperature workpieces and has the characteristics of higher measurementaccuracy.theory and computer simulation show that this method is effective,and it has a good application prospects.key words: non contact measurement; canny operator;edge detection; two values; threshold detection工业产品形状及尺寸的测量是现代化工业生产的重要环节,测量结果的准确性与时效性直接影响着产品生产的质量与效率[1]。
摘要摘要QCM(Quartz Crystal Microbalance)是20世纪60年代出现的一种基于压电效应进行微质量测量的传感器装置,由于其测量精度可达纳克级,且结构简单、成本低、可实时监测,所以在生物医学、环境保护等领域应用广泛。
关键词:QCM,质量灵敏度,液滴实验IABSTRACTQCM (Quartz Crystal Microbalance) occurs in 1960s as a micro-mass measurement device based on piezoelectric effect. Because of its nanogram-level detection ability, simple structure, low detection cost and real-time monitoring, it is widely used in biochemistry, food safety, environmental protection etc. However, one needs to know the linear relationship between loading mass and resonace frequency offset before taking it into practical use, which limits the use of QCM. In addition, the electrodes on the surface influence the forced vibration. So each region has different displacement which is caused by inverse piezoelectric effect. That leads to uneven distribution of the mass sensitivity, which makes low repeatability and large measurement error while using QCM in application. These disadvantages hinder the popularization of QCM.Based on the piezoelectric characteristics and vibration characteristics of quartz crystal, the calculation method of QCM’s mass sensitivity is deduced and the factors influencing QCM’s mass sensitivity are analyzed. The main contents of this paper are: First, we introduce the characteristics of quartz crystal, the piezoelectric effect,frequency-temperature characteristic and quartz crystal resonator equivalent circuit.Second, based on the piezoelectric equation and the particle displacement equation of quartz crystal, we deduce the vibration amplitude of the quartz crystal resonator in different area, and then obtain the method of calculating the mass sensitivity. We use Matlab to analyze the distribution of the QCM’s mass sensitivity, and the result shows that the mass sensitivity has max value at the center of the electrode and exponentially decaying away from the center. Then we use Matlab as simulation tool to analyze the influence of electrode thickness, electrode size, quartz wafer thickness and the electrode density on the mass sensitivity, which can provide theoretical reference while designing a QCM. Due to the effect of energy trap, the QCM’s non-electrode area is larger than the electrode area. So the non-electrode region cannot be neglected while using in mass measurement. Therefore, we analyze the influence of the non-electrode region on mass measurement.Third, in the liquid phase the resonant frequency offset has relationships with liquid’s viscoelasticity, so if we known the viscosity and density of the liquid, theIItheoretical resonant frequency offset can be calculated. Then we use water and organic reagents as the measured object, and we mearsue the frequency shift of QCM and compare it with the theoretical frequency shift. The maximum relative error between the measured value and the theoretical value is not more than 8.2%.Keywords: QCM, mass sensitivity, droplet experimentIII目 录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 研究意义 (1)1.2石英晶体微天平分类 (1)1.2.1常规石英晶体微天平 (1)1.2.2电化学石英晶体微天平 (2)1.2.3耗散型石英晶体微天平 (2)1.2.4阵列式石英晶体微天平 (2)1.3 QCM在各领域中的应用 (2)1.3.1 在环境污染检测中的应用 (2)1.3.2在生物医学上的应用 (3)1.3.3在食品上的应用 (3)1.3.4在化学上的应用 (4)1.4 工作示意图 (4)1.5本论文的结构安排 (5)第二章QCM基本原理 (7)2.1 QCM的基本结构 (7)2.2石英晶体的基本特性 (7)2.2.1频率温度特性 (10)2.2.2压电效应 (12)2.3石英晶体谐振器 (14)2.3.1等效电路 (14)2.3.2能陷理论 (16)2.4 本章小结 (17)第三章QCM质量灵敏度 (18)3.1 振动位移分布 (18)3.1.1 压电方程 (18)3.1.2 质点位移方程 (20)3.1.3 QCM振动分析 (21)3.2m-m型电极的QCM质量灵敏度分析 (30)3.3影响质量灵敏度的因素分析 (33)IV3.3.1电极尺寸对质量灵敏度的影响 (33)3.3.2石英晶片厚度对质量灵敏度的影响 (34)3.3.3电极厚度对质量灵敏度的影响 (35)3.3.4电极密度对质量灵敏度的影响 (35)3.3.5非电极区质量效应在QCM测量中的影响 (36)3.4本章小结 (38)第四章实验与结果分析 (39)4.1 实验理论基础 (39)4.2 实验和数据分析 (41)4.2.1纯水测量 (42)4.2.2有机试剂一 (45)4.2.3有机试剂二 (49)4.2.4误差分析 (51)4.3 本章小结 (52)第五章总结与展望 (53)5.1 本文总结 (53)5.2 后续工作展望 (53)致谢 (54)参考文献 (55)VVI 主要符号表f S 质量灵敏度 QCM 石英晶体微天平 q ρ石英晶体密度 0f 石英晶体固有频率ij c 石英晶体的弹性刚度常数 R 电极质量负载因子h 石英晶片厚度22ε石英晶体介电常数 r k 波传播常量的径向分量2D 在2x 方向上的电位移 2E 在2x 方向上施加的电场cp f 部分电极区截止频率 ce f 全电极区截止频率cu f 非电极区截止频率 1u 在1x 方向上质点位移k 驱动频率的波数 η液体的粘度ρ液体的密度 e r 电极半径d r 液滴半径 26e 压电常数ij s 石英晶体弹性柔顺常数 226k 机电耦合系数6T 石英晶体表面切应力 6S 石英晶体切应变ϕ石英晶片表面电势 h '电极厚度ρ'电极密度 δ衰减长度66C 压电强化弹性系数第一章绪论本章首先简述了本文的研究意义以及QCM的分类,然后概述QCM在环境保护、生物医学、食品安全和化学等领域的应用,最后指出本文的研究内容及各章节安排。
基于数字图像相关方法的Q235钢单轴拉伸变形研究肖汉斌1 陈 田1 于家硕1 裴雪冬1 李占峰21武汉理工大学交通与物流工程学院 武汉 430063 2大连港散杂货码头公司技术工程部 大连 116001摘 要:数字图像相关(DIC)方法是一种非接触式的光学测量方法,通过高速摄像机记录实验过程,并基于计算机视觉技术对实验过程进行分析与数值计算,从而得出目标区域在实验过程中的应变变化情况。
结果表明,通过DIC 方法得到的分析值与其余两种方式得出的数据相对误差均小于5%,为DIC方法在金属结构拉伸变形研究中提供了有力参考。
关键词:金属结构;数字图像相关;拉伸变形;Q235钢;有限元仿真中图分类号:TP391:U653.921 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0785(2022)16-0019-07Abstract: Digital image correlation (DIC) method is a non-contact optical measurement method. The experimental process is recorded by a high-speed camera, and the experimental process is analyzed and numerically calculated by computer vision technology, so as to obtain the strain change of the target area during the experimental process. Q235 steel is a common material for cranes. It is of great significance to study the deformation of Q235 steel under tensile load to ensure the structural safety of cranes. In this paper, the tensile deformation process of Q235 steel specimen is studied by DIC technology. By comparing the analysis value of DIC method, the measured value of strain gauge and the simulation value of finite element simulation, it can be found that the relative error between the analysis value obtained by DIC method and the data obtained by the other two methods is less than 5%, which provides a powerful reference for the application of DIC method in the research of tensile deformation of metal structures.Keywords:metal structure; digital image correlation; tensile deformation; Q235 steel; finite element simulation0 引言起重机被广泛运用于港口运输、机械等行业,由于其部分金属构件长期处于复杂的载荷条件下,其故障的产生与金属结构的加工工艺、现场环境和作业工况有很大关系,故应力应变是反映金属故障的重要指标[1]。
第 50 卷第 2 期2024 年 4 月Vol. 50 No. 2Apr. 2024航空发动机Aeroengine基于光纤复合测量技术的涡轮叶片气膜孔检测高继昆1,闫峰1,何小妹2,德晓薇1(1.中国航发沈阳发动机研究所,沈阳 110015; 2.航空工业北京长城计量测试技术研究所,北京 100095)摘要:为了解决航空发动机涡轮叶片气膜孔几何特征参数有效检测手段缺乏、测量结果一致性差的问题,设计并搭建了基于光纤复合测量技术的涡轮叶片气膜孔检测系统,提出了利用该系统对涡轮叶片气膜孔进行测量的方法,通过试验进行了方法验证。
结果表明:通过测量不确定度的分析评定可知,该系统对气膜孔直径、位置度的测量不确定度均小于0.01 mm,完全满足设计公差对测量仪器的精度要求,可以用于涡轮叶片气膜孔工程化测量。
关键词:涡轮叶片;气膜孔;几何特征参数;光纤复合测量技术;接触测量;非接触测量;航空发动机中图分类号:V232.4文献标识码:A doi:10.13477/ki.aeroengine.2024.02.019Inspection of Turbine Blade Film Cooling Holes Based on Fiber OpticMulti-sensor Measurement TechniqueGAO Ji-kun1, YAN Feng1, HE Xiao-mei2, DE Xiao-wei1(1. AECC Shenyang Engine Research Institute,Shenyang 110015,China;2. Changcheng Institute of Metrology and Measurement,Beijing 100095,China)Abstract:In order to solve the problems of lacking effective inspection means and poor consistency of measurement results for aeroengine turbine blade film cooling hole geometrical feature parameters, an inspection system for turbine blade film cooling holes was designed and established based on fiber optic-based multi-sensor measurement technique. The measurement method of the film cooling holes using the system was proposed, and verified by measurement practices. The system is a multi-sensor measurement system with the ability of contact and non-contact measurement, spatial attitude positioning, and 3D projection, realizing measurement of film cooling holes over the entire turbine blade. A high-pressure turbine blade was selected for conducting the film cooling hole measurement by using the measurement system. Accurate geometrical feature parameters of the film cooling holes were calculated, including their diameters, axis angles, and position. The results show that through measurement uncertainty analysis and evaluation, uncertainties of the diameters and the positions are both less than 0.01mm, which fully meets the accuracy requirements of the measuring instrument derived from the design tolerances, and the system can be used for the inspection of the film cooling hole of the turbine blade.Key words:turbine blade; film cooling hole; geometrical feature parameter; fiber optic multi-sensor measurement technique; contact measurement; non-contact measurement; aeroengine0 引言涡轮叶片作为航空发动机关键部件之一,其气膜孔测量技术的精度和效率对于提高发动机性能和稳定性具有重要意义[1]。
摘 要 : 为 了测量物体 的转动姿态 ,往往利用接触式测量元件来获取待测 目标转动角度信息 。但在 军事和 民 用 领 域 ,常 需 要 一 种 低 时 间 延 迟 、高输 出 频率 及 高 测量 精 度 的 非 接 触 式 姿 态 测 量 方 法 。 由此 设 计 了一 种 利 用 高 分 辨 率
of object rotation attitude by using EO imaging.It shown by simulation that the measurement method
accuracy is higher than 0.05。and the m easurement data output ̄equency is 500 Hz,and the time delay is less than 2ms.This electro—optical im aging based non—contact m easurement of target rotation is easy,meeting the requirement of non—contact measurement in real time,high frequency and high accuracy.
Electro-optical im aging based non-contact m easurem ent of target rotation attitude YUAN Hong—wei,M IN Zhi—fang
(Huazhong Institute of Electro—optics,Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics,W uhan 430073,China)
SPEETEC 1D 非接触运动传感器说明书
P R O D U C T I N F O R M A T I O NSPEETEC 1DCAPTURES MOTION. WITHOUT CONTACT.Non-contact motion sensorsN o N-c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s|s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice 3LASeR SURFACe MOTION SeNSORS sPeetec 1D Fields of application• Consumer goods industry, e.g., packaging, digital printing • Mechanical engineering, e.g., extrusion, metal processing, surface treatment• Tire manufacturing, e.g., tire building • Construction materials industry, e.g., insulating materials, dry construction• Quality control• Cutting processesDetailed technical dataSafety-related parametersponents, average ambient temperature 40°C, frequency of use 8760 h/a. All electronic failures are considered hazardous. For more information, see document no. 8015532.Performancethe tolerance is possible with restrictions.2) The possible measuring distance depends on the material and must be determined in each case for the material used in the application, see table “Permissible measuring distance”. The static mounting tolerance is already included in the above range and is not additionally available.3) No continuous operation < 0.1 m/s recommended.4) Error limit for systematic measurement deviation in accordance with DIN 1319-1:1995. Valid between 0.2 m/s ... 10 m/s. The achievable measuring accuracy depends on the accuracy of the installation, see table “Dependence of measuring accuracy on pitch angle deviations”.5) Maximum permissible measurement deviation in accordance with DIN 1319-1:1995 under constant conditions. Valid between 0.2 m/s ... 10 m/s, averaged over 0.25 m measuring length.Systemrecommend completely disconnecting the sensor from the voltage supply when it is not needed. No warranty claims relating to the reaching of the service life of the laser will be accepted.2) The device must not be operated if the screen is damaged or missing.N o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice4sPeetec 1D LASeR SURFACe MOTION SeNSORSMechanical dataelectrical data2)Short-circuit to another channel or GND permissible for a maximum of 30 s. No protection in the case of a short-circuit channel of U S .2)Short-circuit to another channel, U s or GND for max. 30 s.3)Digital output DO can have an undefined state during this time.Ambient data2)Condensation on laser modules and screen not permitted.3)If the permissible temperature range is exceeded, the sensor switches off the laser to protect it against damage. No signal is outputted in this case. The variant with parameterization and diagnostic functions offers the option of monitoring the internal temperature and therefore the reserves up until the point of switching off. Operation down to approx. -30°C possible on request.N o N-c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s|s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice 5LASeR SURFACe MOTION SeNSORSsPeetec 1D2) Condensation on laser modules and screen not permitted.3) If the permissible temperature range is exceeded, the sensor switches off the laser to protect it against damage. No signal is outputted in this case. The variant with parameterization and diagnostic functions offers the option of monitoring the internal temperature and therefore the reserves up until the point of switching off. Operation down to approx. -30°C possible on request.N o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice6sPeetec 1D LASeR SURFACe MOTION SeNSORSType codePrefered resolutionsPermissible lengths of cableN o N-c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s|s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice 7LASeR SURFACe MOTION SeNSORS sPeetec 1DFunctions of the parameterization and diagnostics interfaceN o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice8sPeetec 1D LASeR SURFACe MOTION SeNSORSOrdering information• Without parameterization and diagnostic interface • Measuring distance: 50 mm • Supply voltage:12 V ... 30 V• With parameterization and diagnostic interface • Measuring distance: 50 mm • Supply voltage:12 V ... 30 VN o N-c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s|s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice 9LASeR SURFACe MOTION SeNSORS sPeetec 1D Dimensional drawings (Dimensions in mm (inch))SPeeTeC 1D5:1PIN assignmentM12 signal male connector,8-pin and cable, 8-wireView of M12 male device connectorN o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice10sPeetec 1D LASeR SURFACe MOTION SeNSORSTechnical data of digital inputTechnical data of digital outputN o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice11Attachment specificationsNominal alignment of the sensor to the surface (z-axis)1 Sensor2 Mounting surface3 M4 screws4 Surface to be measured5 Measurement point on the surface6 Forward material movement; signal sequence A before B7 Measuring distance between sensor and surface, see also table “Permissible measuring distance”Permissible measuring distanceThe possible measuring distance depends on the material being measured. The following table shows examples of the possibledistances on selected materials. The possible distance must be determined in each case for the material used in the application.Side view with threaded holes for proximity sensorsMx thread for proximity sensors mounting brackets BeF-MK-NCV50-W49G6 (2117457)N o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice12Nominal alignment of the sensor to the surface (x-/y-plane)1 Holes Ø 3 H7 x 3 for mounting dowel pinsAttachment specificationsx1 Mounting surface2 Measurement point on x-/y-plane, 82.5 mm from the mounting planeN o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice13Permissible deviations from nominal alignmentYaw angleZX Roll anglePitch angleYDependence of measurement accuracy on pitch angle deviationsN o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice14Signal outputs for electrical interfaces TTL and HTL with forward material movement (see assembly specifications)N o N-c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s|s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice 15Mounting systems Plug connectors and cablesConnecting cablesDimensional drawings g page 17Dimensional drawings g page 17Cables (ready to assemble)N o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice16Connection cablesDimensional drawings g page 17Alignment aidsDimensional drawings g page 18Mounting bracketsDimensional drawings g page 19Programming and configuration toolsDimensional drawings g page 17N o N-c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s|s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice 17Signal and status indicatorsDevice protectionN o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice18Dimensional drawings for accessories (Dimensions in mm (inch))Plug connectors and cablesDOL-1208-GxxMAC1All dimensions in mm (inch)1/brn 2/wht3/blk 4/pnk 5/yel6/vio7/blu 8/redDOL-1208-WxxMAC1DOS-1208-GA01STe-1208-GA01DSL-1208-G05MAC1N o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice19Alignment bracketsBeF-WN-NCV50-ADJSTYM2A28-C20S01MYAAXN o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice20BeF-MK-NCV50-W49G6BEF-WN-NCV50-Monting bracketMounting bracketsN o N -c o N t a c t m o t i o N s e N s o r s | s i c K 8025354/2023-07-18Subject to change without notice21LASeR SURFACe MOTION SeNSORS sPeetec 1DProgramming and configuration toolsPGT-14BeF-MWS-NCVSICK AG | Waldkirch | Germany | SICK AT A GLANCeSICK is a leading manufacturer of intelligent sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications. With more than 10,400 employees and over 50 subsidiaries and equity investments as well as numerous agencies worldwide, SICK is always close to its customers. A unique range of products and services creates the perfect basis for controlling processes securely and efficiently, protecting individuals from accidents, and preventing damage to the environment.SICK has extensive experience in various industries and understands their processes and requirements. With intelligent sensors, SICK delivers exactly what the customers need. In application centers in Europe, Asia, and North America, system solutions are tested and optimized in accordance with customer specifica -tions. All this makes SICK a reliable supplier and development partner.Comprehensive services round out the offering: SICK LifeTime Services provide support throughout the machine life cycle and ensure safety and productivity.that is “sensor intelligence.”Worldwide presence:Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, USA, Vietnam.Detailed addresses and further locations - 8025354/2023-07-18 ∙ R F _07 ∙ P r e U S m o d e n 51。
自适应蒙特卡洛法评定全站仪测距不确定度仇跃鑫1,2,朱进1,2,王瑛辉1,2*(1.浙江省计量科学研究院,浙江杭州 310018;2.浙江省数字精密测量技术研究重点实验室,浙江杭州310018)摘要:全站仪测距精度的校准需要在标准基线场上进行,由于野外环境不可控和气象条件波动剧烈,因此判断全站仪的测量结果的可靠程度具有重要意义。
为了解决全站仪测距不确定度评定模型的非线性和输入量强相关等问题,本文首先采用了自适应蒙特卡洛法进行不确定度评定,然后与GUM的不确定度评定结果进行对比,当测距距离为1 176 m时,自适应蒙特卡洛法评定的不确定度结果为2.2 mm,GUM为2.6 mm,结果显示两种不确定度评定方法的测量结果均在合理预期之内,且自适应蒙特卡洛法评定的不确定度置信区间更窄。
关键词:计量学;自适应蒙特卡洛法;全站仪;测量不确定度中图分类号:TB921;TH711 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-5795(2023)05-0104-08Evaluation of uncertainty of distance measurement by total station usingadaptive Monte Carlo methodQIU Yuexin1,2, ZHU Jin1,2, WANG Yinghui1,2*(1.Zhejiang Institute of Metrology, Hangzhou 310018, China;2.Key Laboratory of Digital Precision Measurement Technology of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310018, China)Abstract: The calibration of total station distance measurement accuracy needs to be carried out on a standard baseline field, and it is of great significance to judge the reliability of the measurement results of the total station due to the uncontrollable field environment and the drastic fluctuation of meteorological conditions. In order to solve the problems of nonlinearity and strong correlation of inputs of the total station distance measurement uncertainty evaluation model, this paper firstly adopts the adaptive Monte Carlo method to evaluate the uncertainty, and then compares the uncertainty evaluation results with those of the GUM. When the ranging distance is 1 176 m, the un⁃certainty evaluation results of the adaptive Monte Carlo method is 2.2 mm, and the GUM is 2.6 mm. The results show that the measurement results of both uncertainty assessment methods are within reasonable expectations, and the uncertainty confidence interval of the adaptive Monte Carlo method is narrower. The adaptive Monte Carlo method combines the advantages of a large number of data samples and adaptive optimization of the simulation doi:10.11823/j.issn.1674-5795.2023.05.15收稿日期:2023-04-01;修回日期:2023-05-12基金项目:2022年度浙江省科技厅“尖兵”“领雁”研发攻关计划项目(2022C01139)引用格式:仇跃鑫,朱进,王瑛辉.自适应蒙特卡洛法评定全站仪测距不确定度[J].计测技术,2023,43(5):104-111.Citation:QIU Y X,ZHU J,WANG Y H.Evaluation of uncertainty of distance measurement by total station using adaptive Monte Carlo method[J].Metrology & Measurement Technology,2023,43(5):104-111.times, which not only provides a more comprehensive assessment of the uncertainty components introduced by vari⁃ous error sources in the process of total station distance measurement, but also saves 70% of samples compared with the Monte Carlo method, while guaranteeing the accuracy of the uncertainty assessment results of the total station distance measurement.Key words: metrology; adaptive Monte Carlo method; total station; measurement uncertainty0 引言全站仪被广泛应用于精密测量、机械制造和大地测量领域,本质是由一个经纬仪和一个电子测距仪共同组成,这二者的精度直接决定了全站仪的精度。
本文设计的非接触式红外测温系统采用STM32F103MCU 作为主控芯片,采用AMG8833红外热成像模块作为传感器,实现非接触式快速测温,并能够实时显示热像图,当温度超过设定阈值时能够报警,该系统使用方便快捷,具有一定的实用性。
本设计主要实现的功能如下:①在TFT-LCD 显示屏上显示动态热像图;②在热像图的右侧显示三个数据(图像中的最大温度、最小温度和中间位置温度);③当中间位置温度大于预设值(系统默认预设值为50℃,显示在热像图下方)时,LED 灯亮,蜂鸣器响,表示警报;④通过按下设置按钮,可增加或减少预设值,每次增加或减少1℃;⑤按下复位按钮,系统还原到初始状态。
2系统硬件设计非接触式红外测温系统的硬件设计分为6个子模块,分别是AMG8833红外热成像模块、TFT-LCD 液晶显示模块、复位模块、按键模块、LED 模块和蜂鸣器模块。
AMG8833红外热成像模块:该模块可测量产生8*8的热像矩阵,通过I2C 通讯将数据传至MCU 。
在设计时将IIC_SCL 引脚与STM32的GPIOB6引脚连接,SDA 引脚与GPIOB7引脚连接,达到I2C 通讯的目的。
TFT-LCD 液晶显示模块:该模块采用RGB565编码,接收MCU 通过热像矩阵计算出的RGB 颜色矩阵,并实时显示热像图,同时可显示图像中的最大温度、最小温度和中间位置温度。
A通用机枪AAT (Arme Automatique Transformable) 硬度降低 abating离轴的abaxial自动锅炉控制 abc活动]扳手abjustable spanner烧蚀冷却ablative cooling烧蚀材料ablative material异常液体 abnormal liquid超临界状态above critical state磨耗性 abradability磨损试验abrasion test磨损试验机abrasion tester磨料磨损abrasion wear砂带abrasive band砂带磨光abrasive belt grinding砂带磨床abrasive belt grinding machine砂布abrasive cloth砂轮切断机abrasive cut off machine切割砂轮abrasive cut off wheel磨料电解抛光abrasive ecp磨粒abrasive grain磨料喷射加工abrasive jet machining研磨加工abrasive machining砂纸abrasive paper研磨膏abrasive paste研磨粉abrasive powder研磨工具abrasive tool砂轮abrasive wheel砂线切割机床abrasive wire sawing machine研磨材料 abrasives突然扰动abrupt perturbation横坐标 abscissa无碰撞absence of collision失重absence of gravity无应力absence of stress无旋涡absence of vortices绝对的absolute绝对加速度absolute acceleration绝对角动量absolute angular momentum绝对汇编程序absolute assembler绝对升限absolute ceiling绝对坐标absolute coordinates 绝对偏差absolute deviation绝对数字控制absolute digital control绝对尺寸系数absolute dimensional factor 完全弹性体absolute elastic body绝对编码器absolute encoder绝对平衡absolute equilibrium绝对极值absolute extremum绝对飞行高度absolute flying height绝对频率absolute frequency绝对不稳定性absolute instability完全互换性absolute interchangeability绝对测量absolute measurement绝对运动absolute motion绝对路径absolute path绝对扰动absolute perturbation机械手的绝对位置 absolute position of manipulator机扑的绝对位置absolute position of robot 绝对静止absolute rest绝对旋转absolute rotation完全相似性absolute similarity绝对稳定性限度absolute stability margin 绝对单位制absolute system of units绝对温度表absolute thermometer绝对单位absolute unit绝对速度absolute velocity绝对涡度absolute vorticity绝对零度absolute zero吸收媒质absorbing medium吸收阻抗absorbing resistance吸收率计absorptiometer吸收计 absorptiometer?吸收功率计absorption dynamometer吸收式测功器absorption dynamometer?吸收热absorption heat吸收湿度计absorption hygrometer吸收损失absorption loss吸收模型absorption model吸收势absorption potential吸收泵;absorption pump吸收式冷冻机 absorption refrigerating machine吸收式制冷absorption refrigeration吸收管absorption tube吸收式波长计absorption wave meter吸收的absorptive吸收本领absorptive power交流交变电流ac交羚弧焊机ac arc welder交羚弧焊接ac arc welding适应控制电火花机床ac edm交立电机ac generator交羚动机ac motor加速蠕变accelerated creep加速运动accelerated motion加速能力accelerating ability加速场accelerating field加速梯度accelerating gradient加速撞击accelerating impact加速周期accelerating period加速泵accelerating pump加速管accelerating tube加速装置accelerating unit加速度分析acceleration analysis加速度图acceleration diagram加速度能量acceleration energy加速度场acceleration field加速喷嘴acceleration nozzle蠕变加速度acceleration of creep牵连加速度acceleration of moving space 加速度传感器acceleration pick up加速势acceleration potential加速压acceleration pressure加速度时间图acceleration time graph加速度矢量acceleration vector加速波acceleration wave加速功acceleration work无加速的 accelerationless加速栖杆accelerator lever加速皮板accelerator pedal加速泼accelerator pump加速度记录仪 accelerograph自记加速计accelerograph?容许噪声acceptable noise level验收证瞄acceptance certificate 验收试验acceptance test可达性 accessibility可达点accessible point附属品accessory?偶然的 accidental偶然符合accidental coincidence偶然共振accidental resonance适应系数accommodation coefficient 会计计算机accounting machine累积误差accumulated error同节累积误差accumulated pitch error 蓄压器储压器 accumulator蓄电池容量accumulator capacity蓄电池汽车accumulator car蓄电池极板accumulator plate精确度 accuracy精确控制accuracy control精度等级accuracy grade精确度寿命accuracy life对中精度accuracy of alignment仪表精度accuracy of instrument测量准确度accuracy of measurement 读数准确度accuracy of readings再现精度accuracy of reproduction尺寸精度accuracy to size准确化Accuralize精密蝶accurate adjustment精密磨削accurate grinding精确测量accurate measurement准确模型accurate model准确相似accurate similarity准确模拟accurate simulation醋酸纤维素acetylcellulose乙炔 acetylene乙炔燃烧器乙快焊炬acetylene burner 氧炔切割acetylene cutting氧炔切割机acetylene cutting machine 乙炔气acetylene gas乙炔发生器acetylene generator乙炔焊接acetylene welding消色差的 achromatic针状结构铸铁acicular cast iron针状组织acicular structure针状结构acicular structure?酸性转炉acid bessemer converter酸性转炉炼钢法acid bessemer process酸价acid number酸性平炉acid open hearth furnace酸性炼钢法acid process耐酸性的acid proof耐酸保护层acid proof coating酸雨acid rain抗酸合金acid resistant alloy酸性钢acid steel表面钢化acierage亚克米螺纹acme thread最佳适应控制 aco先进光学战斗瞄准具 ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight)声的acoustic声吸收acoustic absorption声吸收率acoustic absorptivity声导纳acoustic admittance音响诊断acoustic diagnosis声弥散acoustic dispersion声音干扰acoustic disturbance声效率acoustic efficiency音频acoustic frequency声学气体分析器acoustic gas analyzer声阻抗 acoustic impedance音响检查acoustic inspection隔音 acoustic insulation隔声材料acoustic material声机械效率acoustic mechanical efficiency声振动acoustic oscillations声动印刷机acoustic printing machine声辐射压acoustic radiation pressure声抗acoustic reactance音响信号acoustic signal柯尔特自动手枪弹ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)柯尔特自动手枪子弹. 由柯尔特公司设计, 一系列用于其生产的半自动手枪子弹名称. 有.25 ACP, .32 ACP, .380 ACP, .45ACP等. ACP: Automatic Colt Pistol,织力acting force酌action 超距酌action at distance活动中心action center酌积分action integral爆燃酌action of deflagration力的酌action of force战斗射击Action shooting酌区action sphere冲唤涡轮action turbine冲动式透平action turbine?酌变量action variable酌波action wave活性污泥泵activated sludge pump有功电流active current织土压active earth pressure累积瓦特计active energy meter织飞行active flight活性气体active gas有功负载反酌active load reaction织压力active pressure织式太阳能供暖active solar heating力功率activity of force实际啮合线actual line of action实际载荷 actual load实际值actual value控制电缆actuating cable执行器 actuator机扑的操 构actuator of robot非循环的 acyclic可以应用的adaptable适应性机扑adaptable robot转接器 adapter紧固套adapter sleeve适应控制adaptive control自适应控制机床 adaptive controlled machine机扑的适应控制adaptive robot control机扑的适应系统adaptive robot system适应性机扑综合技术 adaptive robot technical complex传感曝制自适应机扑 adaptive sensor guided robot适应计 adaptometer模拟数字转换器adc齿顶 addendum齿顶角addendum angletip angle齿顶圆addendum circle齿顶修正addendum modification齿顶修正系数addendum modification coefficient加法器 adder附加阻力additional drag附加质量additional mass附加压力additional pressure添加剂 additive粘着adhere粘附计 adherometer附着系数adhesion coefficient胶合磨损adhesion wear附着重量adhesion weight粘附力adhesive force附着接头adhesive joint粘着强度adhesive strength粘附张力adhesive tension粘附性adhesivity绝热的 adiabatic绝热近似adiabatic approximation绝热大气adiabatic atmosphere绝热式量热器adiabatic calorimeter绝热变化adiabatic change态的绝热变化adiabatic change of state绝热燃烧adiabatic combustion绝热效率adiabatic efficiency绝热椭圆adiabatic ellipse绝热因子adiabatic factor绝热假设adiabatic hypothesis绝热不变量adiabatic invariant涡旋的绝热不变量adiabatic invariant of eddy绝热扰动adiabatic perturbation绝热原理adiabatic principle绝热脉动adiabatic pulsations绝热温度adiabatic temperature伴算子adjoint operator可蝶的 adjustable可蝶轴承adjustable bearing可调隔膜泵;adjustable diaphragm pump齿轮比例泵;adjustable discharge gear pump 可导叶adjustable guide vane 可掂螺旋桨adjustable pitch propeller可第铰刀adjustable reamer可变电阻adjustable resistance可底管铰刀adjustable shell reamer可调式瞄准具Adjustable sight蒂电动机adjustable speed motor可悼锥adjustable tap可调式扳机Adjustable trigger蝶工adjuster可刀丝锥adjustible tap蝶螺栓adjusting bolt第套筒adjusting bush蝶凸轮adjusting cam蝶量规adjusting gauge蝶螺母adjusting nut蝶螺钉adjusting screw蝶弹簧adjusting spring蝶阀adjusting valve照准标志adjustment mark蝶范围adjustment range第式机扑adjustment robot总务部administration/general affairs dept船用黄铜admiralty brass容许的 admissible进气凸轮admission cam进气期间admission period进气管admission pipe吸气口admission port进气压力admission pressure进气冲程admission stroke导纳 admittance掺和物 admixture吸附力adsorption force吸附层adsorption layer吸附真空泵;adsorption vacuum pump提前点火advanced ignition提前进气advanced opening提前击发Advanced primer ignition急回系数advance-to return-time ratio超前速率advancing rate平流 advection平另advection fog平聊 advective通风机 aerator通气设备 aerator?空气的 aerial高架式输送机aerial conveyor高架铁路aerial railway航空弹道学aeroballistics滑翔学 aerodonetics滑翔力学 aerodromics空气速度测量法 aerodromometry气体动力的aerodynamic空气动力酌aerodynamic action空气动力比拟aerodynamic analogy气动迎角aerodynamic angle of attack 风洞天平aerodynamic balance空气动力轴承aerodynamic bearing空气动力制动装置aerodynamic brake 气动中心aerodynamic center气动力系数aerodynamic coefficient空气动力导数aerodynamic derivative 气动阻力aerodynamic drag气动力aerodynamic force气动力加热aerodynamic heating空气动力加热aerodynamic heating?气动升力aerodynamic lift空气动力升力 aerodynamic lift?空气动力力矩aerodynamic moment气动力相似aerodynamic similarity空气动力稳定性aerodynamic stability 空气动力学的 aerodynamical气体动力酌aerodynamical action空气动力天平aerodynamical balance 动力加热aerodynamical heating气动力矩aerodynamical moment空气动力学aerodynamics重航空器aerodyne气动弹性aeroelasticity气动弹性力学 aeroelastics飞机发动机aeroengine翼形剖面aerofoil profile风力发电机aerogenerator空气铃动力学 aerohydrodynamics高空气象学aerology 航空力学 aeromechanics气体比重计aerometer航空的 aeronautical航空学 aeronautics飞机 aeroplane脉动式喷气发动机aeropulse engine气溶胶aerosol悬浮微粒aerosol?航空航天技术 aerospace engineering轻航空器 aerostat空气静力轴承 aerostatic bearing气体静力学aerostatics空气静力学aerostatics?气动热力学aerothermodynamics空气热弹性学;气动热弹性 aerothermoelasticity气动热弹性aerothermoelasticity?气体张力测量法 aerotonometry飞行式无轨列车 aerotrain航空涡轮机aeroturbine仿射变换affine transformation尾发动机aft engine后效函数after effect function提供维修服务after sales service后部 afterbody加力燃烧室afterburner烧完 afterburning最终冷却器aftercooler余震波aftershock wave后处理aftertreatment应变时效ageing烧结机agglomerating plant腐蚀性气体aggressive gas腐蚀介质aggressive medium时效 aging搅拌器 agitator农用飞机agricultural aircraft农具 agricultural implements农业机器agricultural machine农业机械agricultural machines喷灌泵;agricultural spray pump农用喷药泵; agricultural spray pump for chemicals无人搬运车agv推进汽轮机ahead turbine副翼 aileron空气 air空气蓄压器air accumulator空气量 air amount空气轴承air bearing空气制动器air brake喷气发动机air breathing engine空气缓冲器air buffer空中爆炸air burst空气冠 air cap气垫车 air car旋风式发动机air cell engine气錾air chipper压缩空气式卡盘air chuck空气断路器air circuit breaker空气环流air circulation空气分级器air classifier空气滤清器air cleaner气旋塞 air cock空气柱air column空气电容器air condenser空气第器air conditioner空气消耗量air consumption空气污染air contamination气龄送 air conveying空气冷却剂air coolant气冷的 air cooled空气冷凝器air cooled condenser 气冷气缸air cooled cylinder气冷式发动机air cooled engine气冷式透平air cooled turbine气冷阀air cooled valve空气冷却片air cooling fin空间坐标air coordinates空气幕 air curtain气垫air cushion气垫船air cushion ship对地效应飞行器air cushion vehicle 压气缸air cylinder空气气缸air cylinder?空气阻尼器air damper 空气密度air density空气分配器air distributor风钻air drill风动振动机air driven vibrator空气涡旋air eddy空气喷射器air ejector空气分离器风选器air elutriator空气发动机air engine气轮胎air filled tyre气流空气量air flow气疗air flow meter空气摩擦air friction空气燃料混合物air fuel mixture空气燃料比air fuel ratio风煤气 air gas空气煤气air gas?气动测微仪air gauge风动凿岩机air hammer drill空气淬火air hardening空气硬化钢air hardening steel集气管 air header热风炉air heating furnace风动起重滑车air hoist气葫芦air hoist?风管air hose漏风air infiltration轮胎打气air inflating空气喷射柴油发动机 air injection diesel engine进气口air inlet空气侵入air inrush空气喷射air jet空气升液泵air lift?空气液化器air liquefier空气润滑air lubrication空气周路air main空气怜车air mobile vehicle气动发动机air motor风动机air operated machine压缩空气驱动泵;air operated pump气管air pipe空气等离子体air plasma空气压力计air pressure gage空气压头air pressure head空气减压器air pressure reducer空气压力试验air pressure test气密的 air proof空气泵air pump风动夯air rammer空气制冷机air refrigerating machine空气活门air register电器空气第器air register?放气塞air relief cock储气筒air reservoir空气分离air separation空气中凝固, 常温自硬自然硬化air set空气激波air shock wave空气速率air speed空气速率指示器air speed indicator空速指示器空速表示器air speed indicator? 空气弹簧air spring空气吝 air streamline气动悬架装置air suspension空气箱air tank航空集散站air terminal空气温度计air thermometer不透气的air tight气密接头air tight joint空对空导弹air to air missile空气轨迹air trajectory空气涡轮机air turbine气阀air valve净气器空气选净器air washer空气波air wave空气楔air wedge航空母舰aircraft carrier飞机动力学aircraft dynamics航空燃气涡轮机aircraft gas turbine航空工业aircraft industry航空仪表aircraft instrument飞机机械师aircraft mechanician飞机牵引车aircraft tractor气垫顶杆air-cushion eject-rod机翼 airfoil翼型airfoil profile翼剖面airfoil section 机翼理论airfoil theory无气喷射airless injection无气喷射柴油发动机airless injection diesel engine飞行航线 airline班机airliner气锁 airlock空气力学 airmechanics航空港 airport风动活塞泵;air-powered piston pump气动泥浆泵;air-pressure actuated slurry pump空气螺旋桨airscrew飞艇 airship软弹气枪 Airsoft跑道airstrip密闭式螺杆泵;airtight screw pump爱里应力函数airy stress function卡拉希尼可夫自动步枪AK (Avtomat Kalashnikov)警报 alarm闹钟alarm clock警告信号alarm signal告警系统alarm system醇alcohol乙醇计alcohol meter酒精温度计alcohol thermometer代数方程algebraic equation代数应力模型algebraic stress model算法 algorithm照准仪 alidade定向复合材料aligned composite material 定心 alignment对准,定位调整 Alignment定位销alignment pin导系统电源alignment system supply表面渗铝 alitizing硷性蓄电池alkaline battery碱土族金属alkaline earth metal龄咬alkaline etch碱蓄电池alkaline storage battery醇酸尸alkyd resin全青铜泵;all abronze pump铸铁泵;all iron pump万能的 all purpose全钢车身all steel body全天候飞机all weather aircraft全轮驱动all wheel drive方孔螺钉头用扳手allen wrench游标盘 allidade同素异形变化allotropic change容许间隙allowable clearance允许间隙allowable clearance?容许挠度allowable deflection容许偏差allowable deviation许用压力角allowable pressure angle许用应力allowable stress; permissible stress容许温度allowable temperature加工余量allowance for machining容许截面allowed cross section容许能带allowed energy band容许度 allowedness合金铸铁alloy cast iron切悉具合金alloy for cutting tools合金生铁alloy pig iron合金泵;alloy pump合金钢泵;alloy steel pump合金工具钢alloy tool steel合金成分alloying component合金元素alloying element字母数字码alphameric code反复浸没试验alternate immersion test交替负载alternate load交变弯曲alternating bending交变弯曲应力alternating bending stress交变弯曲试验alternating bending test交羚桥alternating current bridge交聋劣式电动机 alternating current commutator motor交僚服马达alternating current servomotor交替方向alternating direction交变滞后alternating hysteresis交变冲讳曲试验alternating impact bending test交变冲辉验alternating impact test交替载荷alternating load交变负载变形alternating load deformation 交变压力alternating pressure交替应力alternating stress交变 alternation负载交变alternation of load等高圈altitude circle高度差altitude difference高空锋面altitude front高度指示器altitude indicator铝黄铜合金aluminum brass铝青铜aluminum bronze铝铸件aluminum casting铝氧土aluminum oxide铝质活塞aluminum piston铝铆钉aluminum rivet双手通用 Ambidextrous周围的空气ambient air周围压力ambient pressure周围振动ambient vibration两极性扩散ambipolar diffusion救护车ambulance car阳极机械加工 amm安培计 ammeter阿芒拿 ammonal氨吸收冷冻机 ammonia absorption refrigerator氨气压缩冷冻机 ammonia compression refrigerator氨气压缩机ammonia compressor氨冷凝器ammonia condenser氨冷冻机ammonia refrigerator氨水ammonia water铵 ammonium水陆两用汽车ammphibious car阿米巴式运动amoeboid movement非晶质合金amorphous alloy无定形碳amorphous carbon无定形状态amorphous state能量amount of energy不平衡量amount of unbalance安培数amperage安匝ampere turn水陆飞机amphibian plane水陆两用机扑amphibian robot水陆两用飞机amphibious aircraft放大极限频率amplification limit frequency放大器 amplifier放大器盘amplifier panel脉冲幅度限幅amplitude clipping幅角余弦amplitude cosine振幅甄别器amplitude discriminator波幅畸变amplitude distortion幅频图amplitude frequency diagram振幅频率特性amplitude frequency response振幅函数amplitude function限幅器 amplitude limiter幅值轨迹 amplitude locus爹amplitude modulation振幅灯amplitude modulation?振幅共振amplitude resonance振幅响应amplitude response振幅选择器amplitude selector幅度变动amplitude swing上升锋面anabatic front上滑锋 anafront气压上升区anallobar模似计算机analog computer模拟控制analog control模拟数字计算机analog digital computer模拟数字计算机analog digital computer?模拟法analog method模拟伺服analog servomechanism模拟信号analog signal模拟计算机analogue computer相似法analogue method控制机扑的模拟信号 analogue signal for robot control磁场相似analogy of magnetic field分析学 analysis协方差分析analysis of covariance机构分析analysis of mechanism振荡分析analysis of the oscillation方差分析analysis of variance解析的 analytic解析变换analytic transformation分析化学analytical chemistry解析设计analytical design 分析力学analytical mechanics锚anchor锚链anchor chain起锚绞盘anchor windlass系泊 anchoring与电路and circuit滞弹性材料anelastic material风力自记曲线 anemogram风力记录仪anemograph风速表 anemometer风向仪 anemoscope anergy无液测高计aneroid altimeter空盒气压表aneroid barometer空盒量热计aneroid calorimeter角度量具angle block角撑架angle bracket角旋塞angle cock斜角推土机angle dozer角传动angle drive角误差angle error量角规angle gauge角接 angle joint相角灯angle modulation超前角angle of advance到达角angle of arrival迎角angle of attack咬入角angle of bite毛细角angle of capillarity爬升角angle of climb切线角angle of contingence划孔角angle of countersinking交叉角angle of crossing偏斜角angle of declination起飞角angle of departure偏向角angle of deviation畸变角angle of distortion下洗角angle of downwash仰角angle of elevation出角angle of emergence射出角angle of emergence?襟翼偏转角angle of flap deflection 燎angle of flow点火提前角angle of ignition advance碰撞角angle of impact升角angle of lead偏光角angle of polarization螺纹截形角angle of screw thread侧滑角angle of sideslip失速角angle of stall螺面角angle of thread偏航角angle of yaw保角映射angle preserving mapping剪角铁机angle shears角离散angle straggling弯体式轴向活塞泵angle type axial piston pump角变量angle variable半贯流式轴流泵;弯管轴流泵;angle-type axial flow pump斜轴式轴向活塞泵;angle-type axial piston pump埃angstrom角加速度angular acceleration径向止推滚珠轴承angular ball bearing角皮带传动angular belt drive角系数angular coefficient角接触轴承angular contact bearing角接触向心轴承angular contact radial bearing角接触推力轴承angular contact thrust bearing角坐标angular coordinates角相关angular correlation角铣刀angular cutter角偏向损失angular derivation loss角微商angular derivative角偏差angular deviation角分散angular dispersion角位移angular displacement角距angular distance角分布angular distribution角分度angular division角频率angular frequency角冲量 angular impulse角动量angular momentum角动量守恒定律 angular momentum conservation law角动量算符angular momentum operator角动量张量angular momentum tensor 角动量定理angular momentum theorem 角运动angular motion角度分辨率angular resolution方向夹角angular separation角速度angular speed角单位angular unit角速比angular velocity ratio非低的anharmonic非谐振动anharmonic oscillation非谐振子anharmonic oscillator非低比anharmonic ratio苯胺 aniline动物油animal oil饲槽自动泵;家畜自动饮水泵;animal self-operated drinking water pump阴离子 anion非等熵怜anisentropic flow非等温渗透流anisothermal porous flow蛤异性体anisotropic body蛤异性液体anisotropic liquid蛤异性材料anisotropic material蛤异性岩石anisotropic rock蛤异性湍流anisotropic turbulence蛤异性常数anisotropy constant蛤异性比anisotropy ratio退火 annealing退火箱annealing box退火炉annealing furnace退火温度annealing temperature年用量annual consumption环壳泵;annular casing pump环形燃烧室annular combustion chamber 环状浮子annular float环流annular flow环形流annular flow?环形焦点 annular focus环形炉annular furnace环形槽annular groove环形磁铁annular magnet环形雾状流annular mist flow环形喷嘴annular nozzle环形间隙annular space弹簧环annular spring环状阀annular valve环状空间 annulus?正极 anode阳极被覆膜anode film阳极溅射anode sputtering阳极溶解anodic dissolution阳极保护anodic protection电解加工anodic removing阳性处理 Anodize异常吸收anomalous absorption反常扩散anomalous diffusion反常散射anomalous scattering反扩散anti diffusion防冰装置anti icer反时针方向旋转anticlockwise rotation反符合法anticoincidence method耐蚀薄膜anticorrosion film防腐蚀剂anticorrosive agent耐蚀合金anticorrosive alloy反气旋消散anticyclolysis反气旋涡度anticyclonic vorticity避眩灯antidazzle light防眩罩antidazzle visor防爆剂 antidetonant防泡剂 antifoamer防冻剂 antifreeze抗摩合金antifriction alloy滚动轴承antifriction bearing抗摩铸铁antifriction cast iron滚动导轨antifriction guide耐摩材料antifriction material减摩性anti-friction quality抗爆的 antiknock抗爆震燃料antiknock fuel抗爆汽油antiknock gasoline抗爆性antiknock quality反物资步枪,反设备步枪Anti-material rifle 锑铅 antimonial lead波腹antinode对映空间antipodal space反共振 antiresonance反共振频率antiresonance frequency减摇泵;anti-roll pump 防垢剂antiscale composition防滑链antiskid chain防滑轮胎antiskid tire反对称张量antisymmetric tensor反对称态antisymmetrical state反对称 antisymmetry减速风antitriptic wind抗磨添加剂antiwear additive测砧anvil砧座 anvil block砧面anvil face非周期的 aperiodic非周期衰减aperiodic damping非周期运动aperiodic motion非周期性速度波动 aperiodic speed fluctuation孔径比aperture ratio觇孔瞄准具Aperture sight远日点 aphelion齐酶镜 aplanat消球差的 aplanatic远心点 apocenter复消色差透镜 apochromat无极的 apolar远月点 apolune内切圆半径apothem表观吸收系数 apparent absorption coefficient表观粘力apparent cohesion表观扩散率apparent diffusivity表观能量apparent energy表观平衡apparent equilibrium表观膨胀apparent expansion视在膨胀apparent expansion?表观力apparent force表观弹性模量 apparent modulus of elasticity表面水分apparent moisture表观相角apparent phase angle表观功率 apparent power外表比重apparent specific gravity?表观粘度apparent viscosity表观功apparent work疲劳现象appearance of fatigue阿佩尔方程appell equation应用 application操作图, 应用图application drawing应用程序application program应用弹性学applied elasticity theory作用力applied force应用力学applied mechanics应用热力学applied thermodynamics驶近速度approach velocity核准/审核/承办 approved by / checked by / prepared by近似解析approximate analysis近似模型approximate model近似相似approximate similarity近似模拟approximate simulation近似解approximate solution近似 approximation近似计算approximation calculus拉格朗日函数近似approximation of lagrange function近似理论approximation theory近似值approximative value板式输送机apron conveyor任意单位arbitrary unit心轴 arbor电弧 arc电弧切割arc cutting电弧炉 arc furnace电弧刨削arc gouging弧光灯arc lamp电弧电压arc voltage电焊机arc welder电弧焊接arc welding电弧焊机扑arc welding robot拱形重力坝arch gravity dam拱形结构arch structure拱梁arched beam螺旋泵;Archimedean screw pump阿基米德原理archimedes principle阿基米德蜗杆archimedes' worm建筑术architecture机扑电脑结构architecture of robot computer 面积曲线area curve表面负载area load面积矩area moment接触面积area of contact面积比area ratio面加速度areal acceleration面积坐标areal coordinates面积速度areal velocity比量计 areometer氩激光器argon laser算术平均 arithmetic mean算术平均值arithmetic mean value算术级数arithmetic progression机扑运算处理装置 arithmetic robot processor运算装置 arithmetic unit边 arm力偶臂arm of couple轮辐arm of wheel电枢armature电枢铁芯armature core电枢绕组armature winding电枢绕线机armature winding machine阿姆克铁armco iron装甲板armor plate装甲钢板轧机armor plate mill装甲缆armored cable装甲车armored car络网玻璃armored glass钢丝包皮软管armored hose军用载人装甲车armored personnel carrier 军械士 Armorer穿甲弹armour piercing shell铠装泵;armoured pump芳香族石油aromatic base crude oil?轻型火绳枪Arquebus制动器 arrest阿雷尼厄斯方程arrhenius equation阿雷尼厄斯定律arrhenius law形发动机arrow engine w箭头 arrowhead艺术铸件art casting自廉头artesian head自廉压artesian pressure铰链的 articulated关节杆articulated arm副连杆articulated connecting rod活节联接器articulated coupling铰接机构articulated mechanism关节管articulated pipe多关节型机扑articulated robot铰接式无轨电车articulated trolleybus铰链滑片泵;articulated vane pump铰接式汽车articulated vehicle人造磨料artificial abrasive人工时效artificial aging人工脑artificial brain人造纤维汽车artificial fibre automobile人造纤维飞机artificial fibre plane人造燃料artificial fuel人造石墨artificial graphite人造重力artificial gravity人工水平仪artificial horizon人工智能artificial intelligence人工智能汽车artificial intelligence automobile 人造革artificial leather人造液体燃料artificial liquid fuel人工扰动artificial perturbation人造石油artificial petroleum合成尸artificial resin人工换气artificial ventilation人工视觉artificial vision铸态as cast condition石棉制动摩擦带asbestos brake band石棉纸板asbestos cardboard石棉垫圈 asbestos gasket石棉绒asbestos wool向上气流ascending air current上升运动ascending motion上行冲程ascending stroke上升冲程ascending stroke?灰 ash灰分组成ash composition灰分ash content吹灰器排灰器ash ejector放灰器排灰器ash ejector? 无灰分燃料ash free fuel起灰机 ash hoist灰槽ash pit灰渣泵;ash pump除灰ash removal展弦比aspect ratio吸气冲程aspirating stroke通风湿度计aspiration hygrometer吸引器 aspirator攻击性武器Assault weapon试金炉assay furnace汇编程序系统 assembler programming system. aps安装机;装配机械assembling machine装配机扑assembling robot装配自动化assembly automation装配条件assembly condition装配输送带assembly conveyor装配夹具assembly fixture装配用工业机扑assembly industrial robot 装配厂assembly plant装配过程assembly process装配架assembly stand装配站assembly station装配工艺assembly technology装配单位assembly unit结合累积associate cumulation缔合波associated wave相联只读存储器 associative read only memories. aroms杆组Assur group无定向蒂器astatic governor倒车轮机astern turbine天体力学 astromechanics宇宙航行学astronautics天文导航 astronavigation天体望远镜astronomical telescope天文单位astronomical unit非对称性分布asymmetrical distribution渐近线 asymptote渐近模型asymptotic model渐近稳定度asymptotic stability异步通信适配器asynchronouscommunication adapter. aca异步发电机asynchronous generator异步电机asynchronous machine感应电动机asynchronous motor机扑异步控制asynchronous robot control自动换刀装置 atc菸酒枪械管理局 ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Bureau)冲压喷气发动机 athodyd汽化计 atmometer?大气边界层atmospheric boundary layer大气制动atmospheric braking大气式冷凝器atmospheric condenser大气式冷却器atmospheric cooler大气腐蚀atmospheric corrosion大气飞行atmospheric flight大气湿度atmospheric humidity大气层atmospheric layer大气扰动atmospheric perturbation气压图atmospheric pressure chart大气下沉atmospheric subsidence大气温度atmospheric temperature大气湍流atmospheric turbulence大气波atmospheric wave原子atom原子碰撞因子atom collision factor原子能电池atomic battery原子爆炸atomic blast原子龟裂atomic crack原子能atomic energy原子硬化atomic hardening原子核atomic nucleus原子序数atomic number原子动力atomic power原子飞机atomic powered aircraft核船atomic powered ship核动力推进atomic propulsion核潜艇atomic submarine原子量atomic weight喷雾化 atomization雾化压力atomization pressure自动带读出器 atr附属泵;attached pump 附属装置 attachment减温器过热降低器 attemperator维护规程attendance instruction衰减振动attenuation vibration衰减器 attenuator姿态控制attitude control吸引 attraction引力势attraction potential引力中心attractive center可听性 audibility可听音audible sound审计audit陆军通用步枪 AUG (Arme Universal Gewehr)回转式钻岩机 auger增加 augmentation加速室 augmenter角度偏差augular offset奥氏体 austenite奥氏体钢austenitic steel升车机auto hoist到装置auto levelizer车辆提升机auto lift汽车修理车间auto repair shop自乘谱auto spectrum汽车轮胎auto tire汽车外轮胎auto tyre高压釜 autoclave?自动准直仪autocollimator自动控制 autocontrol自相关autocorrelation自激 autoexcitation自应力加工autofrettage自点火autogeneous ignition自动陀螺仪autogiro旋翼飞机autogyro自动装载机autoloader自动装配automated assembly自动检验automated inspection自动化生产automated production自动仓库automated warehouse自动的 automatic自动弧焊机automatic arc welder。
Study of automobiIe tire rolling resistance and testing technoIogy Human activities on the ecological damage to the environment has become a global problem, to reduce fuel consumption, reduce automobile exhaust emissions is energy conservation, prevention of air pollution in an important measure. Vehicle energy consumption is closely related with the tire rolling resistance. On cars or light trucks, the 3.4% 〜6.6% of fuel consumption used to overcome rolling resistance tires; of loaded radial truck tire with the car example, 12.4% 〜14.5% of fuel consumption to overcome the rolling resistance tires . Tire rolling resistance by 10%, fuel-efficient cars will be 1.2 percent, 4 percent savings trucks. To this end,the tire manufacturers have at home and abroad to develop new low-power tires to reduce rolling resistance, saving fuel.Automobile tires in the rolling process, the total vehicle rolling resistance accounts for about 20% of the resistance, if reduced by 10% per tire rolling resistance, lower 2% 〜3% of fuel, then rolling resistance tires to enhance the level of control of vehicle contribution to fuel economy will be significant, but also in a wide range can be achieved. Therefore, how to effectively control the tires rolling resistance is the industry facing a key issue. This article will explore the various angles and analysis as well as tire rolling resistance testing technology.L SummaryIn the tire rolling process, the cycle of changes in the stress and strain lead to energy loss, the formation of tire rolling resistance, also known as the tire hysteresis energy loss. Studies have shown that to overcome tire rolling resistance on fuel consumption of the general accounting for the total fuel consumption of motor vehicles more than 10%. Reduce rolling resistance tires can reduce vehicle energy consumption, so that the car farther away from efficient. Tire rolling resistance is the overall energy consumption of material, equivalent to the tire rolling units of energy loss from the rolling units in addition to its distance, the dimensionless N • m / m, although its equivalent to the dimensionless force, but from the point of view of energy analysis and understanding more convenient and reasonable.Through the measurement of rolling resistance tires can study the best section. However, the results of lab experiments can only make a comparison, the final road test should be used as the basis of the results.Second, research the history ofAs early as age 60 in the 20th century, Beijing Research and Design Institute of Rubber Industry in turn on the drum machine and measured the wire cotton tire cord tire power loss,also measured on the road when the vehicle speed steady traction resistance. At that time, due to restrictions on the use of equipment, the pilot is in its early exploratory phase of long-term. Since the mid-80s, with the accelerated development of China's tire needs, a small number of tire manufacturers from the United States, Japan and Germany with the introduction of the rolling resistance of the switch position test tire drum testing machine, combined with the development of a new type of radial tire and the analysis of foreign samples a number of tire rolling resistance tires test.Inspection. 70s from the 20th century in the United States, Japan and Europe, such as the economically developed countries, in order to solve energy shortages and the deterioration of environmental quality issues and the rolling resistance tires for a large number of experiments and research work. At the same time, tire rolling resistance testing technologies have also made remarkable progress. Beginning in 2004, the U.S. National Research Center on the control of rolling resistance tires to start a new round of extensive research. In 2007, the European Rubber Manufacturers Association also made to the EU to control the level of rolling resistance of the recommendations. Therefore, China will also face the control of rolling resistance.Third, testing technologyAt present, China has established a laboratory test-based, supplemented by the direction of the outdoor experiment. Steady-state conditions in the interior that is a constant load and speed, the tires when driving to reach thermal equilibrium Tire rolling resistance measurement method of standardization has been achieved.Preliminary results show that the simulation of the city of tire rolling resistance condition than under the conditions of steady-state rolling resistance by 26% 〜47% of the difference between the two aroused people's interest in the emergence of a simulation of various operating conditions of automobile tires non-steady-state test. But so far did not see a unified standard test methods or test protocols. Carried out in the outdoor tire rolling resistance test methods are mainly trailer Act, taxiways and three kinds of torque method, in which a wider application of the trailer Act.Fourth, laboratory equipmentLaboratory test equipment, through decades of effort, has appeared in various types of tire rolling resistance testing machine. Their roads in accordance with the form of simulation points, and to have a steel drum two broad categories. Strip-type test machine to simulate the continuous flat surface, is very expensive test equipment tires. At present, it is the mostwidely to drum testing machine, in particular, a diameter of 1.7 meters to the drum. These test equipment measuring tire rolling resistance by way of points, and measuring method, torque law, power law and reduce the rate of four kinds of law. The use of existing equipment to load and torque of law are most welcome. In the past two decades, the accuracy of test equipment greatly enhanced to reduce the double measurement error, and has formed a set of test data to ensure the repeatability of the equipment necessary for accuracy. Has the full realization of Chinas current industrial production equipment is Jiurong Tianjin rolling resistance testing machine, is divided into car and truck tire with two types of tires, and its accuracy in line with the requirements of ISO. As the outdoor test line tire rolling resistance of non-standard test, the test equipment they use is not changed. Association for the Study of the British automobile industry with the use of the pilot housing trailers, all kinds of tires for air resistance in the same test under the conditions created.V. Test Methods1.Indoor and outdoor test testIndoor and outdoor test test test is based on the distinction between the two types of tire place test method. Indoor test of tire rolling resistance testing machine were conducted, and its experimental conditions, although the Department of simulated conditions of use but can be under control, so that good reproducibility of experimental data. Outdoor test rolling resistance tires are used on test vehicles on the road completed, it is true although the experimental conditions, but susceptible to external factors, pilot error, and therefore tire rolling resistance test to test the main indoor and outdoor test Des.2.Steady-state conditions and non-steady-state conditionsSteady-state conditions in the constant refers to the tire load and speed, and traveling in the tire to reach thermal equilibrium when measuring rolling resistance; non-steady-state conditions, it means the tire change with time in the load and speed, and tire temperature in the process of moving measuring rolling resistance. Of course, the tires in the car on the non-steady-state condition is varied. To the total points, tire condition of the car has the city, the suburbs of the car and coach on. However, a breakdown, and another empty, heavy vehicles, drive, driven, acceleration, deceleration, taxiways, brake, turn, etc. and combinations there of. Typical working condition of the tires as the standard test of non-steady-state conditions, needs to be done to investigate and test a large number of research work. So whether it is the latest ISO 18164 or the existing SAEJ 1269, they were under steady-state conditions. In addition, SAEJ 2452 slowdown is a complex experiment, the experimental conditions thanunder the uniform steady-state movement is much more complicated, but it is not completely under non-steady-state experiment. As can accurately predict tire rolling resistance is uniform or slowdown, more tests need to be verified, such comparison tests being investigated. However, the tire manufacturers tire rolling resistance testing machine mostly for the use of steady-state conditions, if used for non-steady-state conditions by the test needs Plus many new features, testing may be a substantial increase in cost.First of all, to deal with the choice of tires to test full consideration, such as the representativeness of the sample, the tire size, type, rated speed, the original production equipment and the type of wheel rim, as well as the technological level of producers and industry status.Secondly, the performance evaluation of the establishment of test methods. Is not any test method can be used to evaluate the performance level, especially the study of test methods, and therefore take into account the actual tire, the combination of existing technology and the means test, set up in line with the experimental detection conditions.Third, laboratory equipment to ensure precision and accuracy of the equipment of the establishment of standards to ensure that test reproducibility and repeatability, such as samples of the same specifications of the rolling resistance tires are consistent and repeatable, with the control tire for the different experiments comparison.Fourth, the establishment of quality control procedures to ensure that the different rolling resistance testing machine test results are consistent and repeatable, the data in these experiments should also include information such as equipment.Fifth, repeat the same tire test, test results are consistent and repeatable.Sixth, tire prices and the relationship between the dynamic resistance.Seventh, most importantly, in the protection of national industries and safeguard the environment and conserve fuel, to resist the flow of low-quality tires to enter the market, the need for serious thinking.A lot of tests in measuring very small load rolling resistance tire rolling resistance is measured the basic characteristics of the tire positioning accuracy, therefore, control precision and accuracy requirements and other equipment is key. According to many years of experience confirm the accuracy of test equipment requirements is necessary, otherwise the test data can not be guaranteed to reach the standards of repeatability and comparability.Lower rolling resistance tires can significantly save energy and protect the environment, with considerable economic and social benefits. Under the conditions of typical use of thetire rolling resistance and fuel consumption the relationship between the steady-state conditions with non-steady-state conditions compared with the torque method, power law and measured by the speed difference in rolling resistance tires will be The next step of our research objectives.Should be established and planned research projects, and used to determine the appropriate control of the rolling resistance or grade; from different points of view to promote and strengthen the grasp of the concept of rolling resistance and applications.探讨汽车轮胎滚动阻力以及测试技术人类活动对生态环境的破坏已成为全球性问题,减少燃料消耗、降低汽车尾气排放量是节约能源、防止大气污染的重要措施。
Arbin Instruments MSTAT 4电化学测试仪说明书
The MSTAT 4 contains four potentionstat/galvanostat stations fine tunedfor Battery, Supercapacitor, and Electrochemistry allowing multiple, inde-pendent PST/GST experiments to run simultaneously.Primary Applications:■Electrochemical research & development■Half cell testing and materials research■Cathode and anode research■Primary & secondary battery testing■Lead, lithium, & alkaline battery cycling■Small direct methanol fuel cells■Four independent channels with each channel capable of functioning as anindependent PST/GST. Each channel can be reffered to its own referenceelectrode (RE).■Each channel comes with three current ranges with 16 but resolution■In multi-electrode applications, each channel accommodates an individual RE,or several channels can share one RE (such as in a combinatorial cell). Thisresults in accurate control and measurement and enables individual IR dropcompensation. Channels share ground as the counter electrode (CE).■ A unique mathematic filter is adapted in software to reduce the fluctuation ofcurrent or voltage in nature of a digitalized control system.■Three current ranges■Advance software package, MITS Pro (Multiple Integrated Testing System,professional versions), provides flexible scheduling, user-friendly interface,distributed system control and DAQ, and easy automatic or manualmaintenance and calibration.■Software must provide easy data plotting based on Microsoft Excel macro.Model Number: MSTAT4 (-2V)-10V, 5A/0.1/0.001ANumber of channels 4 channelsCircuit Type BipolarLinearVoltage Range (max/min) -2V to +10V standard-5V to +5V as an optionAccuracy of Voltage Control & Reading (0.02%FSR) ±4mVVoltage Clamp Group voltage clampVoltage Measurement Input Impedance ~10GΩMinimum V at Maximum Current -2V @ 5ACurrent Ranges (0.02% FSR) High: 5A ± 2mAMedium: 100mA ± 40µALow: 1mA ± 400nACurrent Rising Time 50µSCurrent and Voltage Resolution 16 bit or 0.0015% FSRMaximum Continuous Power per channel 50WDimension (w x d x h) 12.5in x 25in x 10.5inWeight (estimate) <100 lbsMaximum # of channels per chassis 4 channelswith expansion for auxiliaries onlyConnection for batteries Standard 6ft cables with alligator clipsArbin can also provide different batteryholder configurations. Please visit/Store/store.htmConnection for computer TCP/IPVentilation Method Air-cooled, front-to-rear airflowRoom Operating Temperature 10 to 35Input Power 110V or 220V AC selectableLabeling requirements Power input labelLabel with PN and serial number on thefront of chassisLabel each channel on the front panelModel Number: MSTAT4 (-2V)-10V, 5A/0.1/0.001AInput Modules: Auxiliary inputs can be used to record desired data as well as to terminate or regulate charge and discharge processes based upon measured conditions. Selectable inputs are of V (voltage), T (temperature), P (pressure), and pH (pH value)Input/Output Modules: Digital I/O is an integrated peripheral on/off control. The output is commonly used to control valves and switches. The input al-lows external control signal to control testing procedure.Control Modules: Arbin provides control modules for auto-calibration, SMART bat-tery testing, external charger, temperature chamber interface, and AC impedance measurement. For more information please visit: /products/accessories/auxiliaries.htm Arbin Software MITS Pro 4.0 Standard Types of Control Current and voltage control via constant, ramp, staircase, pulse, or formulaConstant power, constant loadChannel paralleling End ConditionsTime, Voltage, Current, Capacity, Energy, ΔV, DV/dt, formula, meta-variables, and other combinations Data Logging Rate50ms per point per channel per computer during Standard Step. Faster times available in pulse modePulse Capability Single pulse, GSM, CDMA, and other custom high-speed pulse included for all channels. 500µs minimum pulse width Simulation for Non-Formulated Profile Current, voltage, or power simulation, response at seconds DC Resistance Measurement DC pulse method, the time-domain analysis; average over 10 pulses, Pickup time of the second data point for DC resistance 50µs ~2.0ms Network Capabilities Provide TCP/IP access for networking Data Result File Imported into Microsoft Excel; Arbin’s Excel Data Pro macro included for easy data manipulation Data File Content Channel data: test time, step time, voltage, current, capacity, energy, first/second derivative of I or V, aux-iliary input data (optional). Statistical data: cycle #, cycle capacity/energy, max voltage, etc.Arbin Instruments provides a wide variety of auxiliary modules for expanding the capability of the main I and V control circuitry. Each module plugs securely to the bus board. These auxiliary modules are classified as input-only, input/output, and control modules.Model Number: MSTAT4 (-2V)-10V, 5A/0.1/0.001ASeveral safety provisions are provided in every Arbin system. The system itself is secure from the inside so the users do not have to worry about is. There are three levels of fusing provided inside the system for further protection at the channel, board, and power supply level. The software also has several safety functions with which the user can avoid over charging the cells, over discharging, overheating, etc.Smart UPS: This option uses a very small Smart UPS to back up power to the computer only. This allows the user to enable auto resume options to all of specific channels after a stop due to power interruption. Provision is provided for the user to intervene if they so desire before the channels resume. This is an essential component for any user with an unreliable power source unless you have the whole facility on backup power.Auxiliary Measurement Modules Aux Voltage Input module —8 channels (w/o cables) ………………………………………... Aux Temperature input module (type T thermocouple) - 8 channels (w/o sensors) ….. Cables and Sensors Aux Voltage Cables (each) ………………………………………………………………………… Type T Thermocouples (each) ……………………………………………………………………. $1,586.00 $1,386.00 $27.73 $76.64。
关键词:单片机;数字控制;温度计;TN9AbstractIn daily life and industrial production process, often used in the detection and control of temperature, temperature is the production process and scientific experiments in general and one of the important physical parameter. In the production process, in order to efficiently carry out the production, to be its main parameters, such as temperature, pressure, flow control, etc... Temperature control in the production process of a large proportion. Temperature measurement is the basis of temperature-controlled, more mature technology. Traditional thermocouple and temperature components are the second resistor. The thermocouple and thermal resistance are generally measured voltage, and then replaced by the corresponding temperature, these methods are relatively complex, requiring a relatively large number of external hardware support.Therefore, this article uses a relatively simple way to measure.In this paper, a simple portable and non-contact characteristics, using TN9 infrared temperature measurement module as a test module.TN9 can be directly read out the temperature on the north side, and three-wire system with single-chip connected to a decrease of the external hardware circuit.With response speed, high accuracy,wide measurement range and simultaneous measurement of the ambient temperature and target temperature .In the foundation of simulation researches,an enbedded hypethermia temperature measure system has been designed using STC89C516 microcontroller as the core controller,and the design work of hardware and software has been completed in this dissertation.In hardware part, it has realized paltform function of embedded system,which includes Main circuit,temperature signal collection,showing the temperature data and series communication,etc.In software part,it has realized these functions which are the data handling of temperature measure,Led lcd and serial communication,etc.Digital thermometer based on this design is simple, but also achieved the purpose of portability.Key words: microcontroller; digital control; thermometer;TN9便携式数字温度计设计目录引言.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第39卷第3期 吉林大学学报(信息科学版)V〇1.39 N〇.3 2021年 5月Journal of Jilin University (Information S c i e n c e Edition) M a y 2021文章编号:1671-5896(2021)034)282^06基于法布里-珀罗干涉的全光纤振动检测仪段志伟,苏皓,刘冬冬,丛至诚,徐开传(东北石油大学电气信息工程学院,黑龙江大庆163318)摘要:在传统的振动测量中,激光监测装置只能测量电机的单个参数为实现对轴中心高为56m m及以上电机的机械振动测量,建立了双通道独立测量系统。
实验结果表明,振动测量误差小于255m n,速度测量相对误差小于0. 11%。
关键词:法布里-珀罗干涉;振动测量;转速测量;电机检测中图分类号:T P732;T M306文献标识码:AAll-Fiber Vibration Detector Based on Fabry-Perot InterferenceDUAN Zhiwei, SU Hao, LIU Dongdong, CONG Zhicheng, XU Kaichuan(School of Electrical Engineering and Information,Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, China)Abstract :In the traditional vibration measurement, the laser monitoring device measures the single parameter of the motor only. To measure the mechanical vibration of the motor whose shaft center height is 56 mm and above, the dual channel independent measurement system is established, which can be used to measure the speed and vibration of the motor shaft at the same time. The vibration signal and velocity signal are obtained based on the principle of Fabry-Perot interference and speckle interferometry. After the synthetic signal is decomposed, the vibration signal is demodulated by Hilbert transform and the velocity signal is processed by autocorrelation function. The experimental results show that the accuracy of vibration measurement is less than 255 nm, and the relative error of velocity measurement is less than 0. 11%. The advantages of this experiment are non-contact, anti-electromagnetic interference and high precision. It is simple in stmcture and easy to operate and implement. Key words:fabry-perot intervention;vibration measurement;rotational speed measurement;motor testing0引言电机在运行过程中的速度、振动等特性信息可以有效地反映电机的工作状态[w]。
关键词:非接触法;相对介电常数;电场;有限元方法;修正;插值中图分类号:TM934.3文献标志码:A文章编号:1009-9239(2021)04-0078-08DOI:10.16790/ Method About Relative Permittivity Measured by Contact-free Arrangement Based on Electric Field Finite ElementAnalysisWEI Liqiang,SU Jingang,JIA Boyan,ZHANG Peng,YI Xiaoyu(State Grid Hebei Electric Power Research Institute,Shijiazhuang050021,China)Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy of relative permittivity measurement by means of non-contact method, we built a corresponding model by electric field finite element analysis and obtained the distribution of electric field and potential of the electrode and around.The edge effect of electrode was analyzed and its influences on the measuring result of relative permittivity were investigated.In addition,the influence of potential factors on the measuring error of non-contact method was analyzed,and then the factors which should be taken into consider‐ation in the correction was confirmed,which were the electrode gap distance,the ratio of sample thickness to elec‐trode gap distance,and the relative permittivity.The results show that the measuring error of relative permittivity increases with the increase of electrode gap distance and relative permittivity of the sample,while decreases with the increase of the ratio of sample thickness to electrode gap distance.Under the model with the electrode gap dis‐tance of0.2−5mm,the ratio of sample thickness to electrode gap distance of0.5−1,the relative permittivity of1−20,2380groups of actual and calculated values of relative permittivity are obtained,and the relative error is -0.37%−-41.72%.According to the above relationship among the electrode gap distance,the ratio of sample thick‐ness to electrode gap distance,the measured value and real value of relative permittivity,the measured relative per‐收稿日期:2020-06-09修回日期:2020-07-11基金项目:国网河北省电力有限公司科技项目(kj2019-059)作者简介:魏力强(1985-),男(汉族),河北邢台人,高级工程师,主要从事电力电缆寿命评估和诊断技术的相关研究。
k = AB
由上述推导可知,一阶共振下的系数 kAB 只与模态
ΦT i
ΦT i
ω2 i
ΦiTCΦi = 2ωi ξi
式中,Φi 为叶片第 i 阶模态振型向量,ωi 为第 i 阶
模态圆频率,ξi 是第 i 阶阻尼比,根据式(3)、(4)、(5)、
· 83 ·
Chinese Journal of Turbomachinery
自上世纪 70 年代起,美国、德国、日本等国家就先 后开展了透平叶片动应变、应力测量的研究,其中基于 叶尖定时方法的动应变测量一直以来都是研究的热 点,而且极具发展潜力。Jones 等[6]依据仿真计算数据和 试验测试数据创建了叶片模态数据库,基于该数据库 将非接触测量系统获取的叶尖振幅转化为叶片动应 力。Khan 等[7]针对低压透平叶盘以应变片测量的数据 作为参考,用叶尖定时方法间接测量叶片动应变,最终 证明测量的动应变相对误差在 15%以内。近年来,国内 也有许多学者对叶片动应变非接触测量做出了研究, 敖春燕等[8]基于振动响应传递比的概念推导了叶片任 意测点位移与任意测点动应变的传递比,给出了单模 态共振下响应传递比关于位移和应变模态振型的解析 表达式,同时进行了应力反演实验并保证误差在 15%以 内。王维民等[9]提出了一种改进的基于基本失谐模型 的非接触动应力测量方法,与传统的直接计算法相比, 该方法动应力测量精度可提高 4%以上,同时总应力测 量误差小于 12%。户东方等 考 [10] 虑到叶盘失谐对应力 响应预测的影响,提出标准失谐系数的概念,分析了质 量失谐和刚度失谐的协同效应,实现了旋转叶盘的在 线实时失谐识别并最终对型进行了标定。
CRYSTA-Apex S系列CNC坐标测量机用户手册说明书
Coordinate Measuring MachinesBulletin No. 2024High-performance, low-price CNC CoordinateMeasuring Machine that meets global standardsThe CRYSTA-Apex S comes equipped with a temperature compensation system that guarantees the accuracy of measurement under temperature conditions of 16 to 26 °C. This system, based on permanently installed temperature sensors on each scale working together with sensors placed on the workpiece, monitors scale and workpiece temperatures and, monitors the temperature and, before outputting the measurement result to the controller, corrects it to the value that would be measured at 20 °C, taking into account the workpiece material expansion coefficient as well as the CMM's characteristics. The combined scale/workpiece temperature compensation scheme used on the CRYSTA-Apex S gives markedly superior results compared to systems that only compensate for scale temperature.Temperature sensor (for Scale)WorkpieceControllerTemperaturemeasuring and compensating deviceMPE accuracy specification limits at 20 ± 2 °CMPEE accuracy specification limits at 16 to 26 °C Measured length (mm)E r r o r (µm )The CRYSTA-Apex S is a high-accuracy CNC coordinate measuring machine that guarantees a maximum permissible error of MPE E = (1.7+3L/1000) μm [500/700/900 Series]. Let's compare the CRYSTA-Apex S with CMMs offering MPE E of approximately (2.5+4L/1000) μm. If, for example, the required tolerance on a dimension is ±0.02 mm, then the measuring machine uncertainty should be no more than one-fifth (ideally one-tenth) of that, i.e. 4μm. This means that with a general-purpose CMM, when the measured length exceeds 14.8"(375mm), machine uncertainty exceeds one-fifth of the dimension tolerance in this case. In contrast, as shown in the figure on the right, with the CRYSTA-Apex S the measurement uncertainty remains within one-fifth of the dimension tolerance up to 30.2"(766mm). The higher accuracy specification of the CRYSTA-Apex S therefore gives it more than double the 01002003004005006000.0020.0040.0060.008-0.002-0.004-0.006-0.008Measuring length (mm)CMM accuracy comparison700800900Accuracy envelope of the CRYSTA-Apex S Accuracy envelope of CMM with MPEE = (2.5+4 L/1000) µmM a x i m u m p e r m i s s i b l e e r r o r (m m )effective measuring range in terms of accuracy-guarantee capability in this case.High Accuracy in the 1.7 μm classTemperature Compensation System500 SeriesCNC Coordinate Measuring Machine CRCRYSTA-Apex S544The CRYSTA-Apex S Series offers a maximum drive speed of 519 mm/s and a maximumacceleration of 2,309 mm/s2, resulting in an increase of almost 100 mm in drive distance in onesecond, when compared with general-purpose CNC coordinate measuring machines (with amaximum speed of 430 mm/s and a maximum acceleration of 1,667 mm/s2).Furthermore, with a maximum measuring speed (i.e., the speed with which the stylus tracesover the workpiece) of 8 mm/s, the CRYSTA-Apex S produces measurements much morequickly than ordinary CMMs (with a maximum measuring speed of 5 mm/s). Combininghigh speed and high acceleration, the CRYSTA-Apex S dramatically reduces measuring time,with the difference between the CRYSTA-Apex S and ordinary CMMs only increasing as thenumber of measuring points increases, resulting in a significant reduction in measuring cost.As is the case with Mitutoyo’s conventional CMMs, various structures areemployed in the CRYSTA-Apex S in order to give the body higher rigidity. TheY-axis guide rail, which is integrated into one side of the granite surface plate,shows very little deterioration with use, and thus promises to maintain highaccuracy for a long time. The air bearings located on the bottom face, in additionto those at the front, rear, and upper surfaces of the slider unit of the X-axis,minimize vibration even during high-speed, high-acceleration movement, thusensuring stable linear motion.501001502002503003504004505000. maximum speed in 0.253 secondsReaches maximumspeed in 0.225secondsTime (second)Effect of higher speed and acceleration on drive distanceCRYSTA-Apex S SeriesGeneral-purpose CMMMaximum speed: 430 mm/sMaximum acceleration: 1,667 mm/sDrivedistance(mm)High-speed, high-acceleration driveDesigned for high rigidity700 Series900 SeriesCRYSTA-Apex S776CRYSTA-Apex S9106 YSTA-Apex S SeriesIntegrated Y-Axis inGranite Tabletemperature environments 1 and 2.* When a mouse table is used: 33.5”(850mm)When a 2-monitor dedicated rack is used: 39.4”(1,000mm)CRYSTA-Apex S500 Series Dimensions unit: inch (mm)Installation floor spaceunit: inch (mm)When a 2-monitor dedicated rack is used: 39.4”(1,000mm)When a 2-monitor dedicated rack is used: 39.4”(1,000mm)F.LCRYSTA-Apex S900 Series Dimensions unit: Inch (mm) CRYSTA-Apex S700 Series Dimensions unit: Inch (mm)Installation floor space unit: Inch (mm) Installation floor space unit: Inch (mm)Group of options that enable various kinds ofGEOPAK (High-functionality general-purpose Measurement Program)This module is the heart of the MCOSMOS software system and is used to measure and analyze geometric elements. All the functions are provided by icons or pull-down menus, so even novices can promptly select desired functions. Its main features include easier viewing of measuring procedures and results such as real-time graphic display of measurement results and a function for direct call-up of elements from results graphics.MeasurLink ® STATMeasure Plus (Statistical-Processing and Process-Controlling Program)Performs various types of statistical computations using measurement results. In addition, by displaying a control diagram on a real-time basis, this program allows defects that may occur in the future (e.g., wearing or damaging of cutting tools) to be discovered early on. This program can also be linked to a higher-level network environment to build a central control system.CAT1000S(Freeform Surface Evaluation Program)Checks and compares the workpiece with the CAD data containing freeform surfaces and directly outputs the results in the form of CAD data in various formats. Software to directly convert from/to various types of CAD data is available as an option.CAT1000P (Programming from a CAD model)This module enables the user to use CAD data and on-screen simulation to create parts programs for making automated measurements (off-line teaching). This module allows the user to begin creating a parts program as soon as the design data has been finalized, shortening the entire process.SCANPAK (Contour Measurement Program)Software for scanning and evaluating workpiece contours (2D). Evaluates contour tolerance between measurement data and design data, and performs various types of element and inter-element calculations based on a desired range of measurement data specified by the user. SurfaceMeasure606(Non-Contact Laser Probe)Lightweight, high-performance, non-contact probe developed for CNC coordinate measuring machines. Simplified measurement has been achieved through automatic setting of appropriate laser intensity and camera sensitivity according to environment or material, providing a simpler and more comfortable laser scanning environment.MSURF (Non-Contact Laser Measurement and Evaluation Program)MSURF-S is used for obtaining measured point cloud data with the SurfaceMeasure (non-contact laser probe), while MSURF-I is used for comparing this data with the master model data, and for making dimensional measurements. Furthermore, MSURF-G for offline teaching allows the user to create a measurement macro even without the actual workpiece, improving the measuring machine's uptime.measurementsGEARPAK (Gear Evaluation Program)For evaluating the most types of involute gears.MPP-310Q (Scanning Probe)Probe that collects coordinate values (point cloud data) at high accuracy by moving at speeds of up to 120 mm/s while in contact with the workpiece. Because MPP-310Q can also be used with the rotary table (MRT320) for synchronous scanning, it is effective for measuring gears, blades, ball screws, cylindrical cams, etc.SP25M (Compact high-accuracy scanning probe)This is a compact, high-accuracy, multi-function scanning probe with a1"(25mm) outside diameter that makes scanning measurements, high-accuracy point measurements, and centripetal point measurements (optional function). The SP25M is used with the PH10MQ/10M auto probe head to provide a high degree of measurement freedom.MPP-10 (Probe for effective screw depth measurement)The probe that made it possible for a coordinate measuring machine to measure effective screw depthfor the first time in the world. The introduction of the auto probe changing system allows normal dimensional measurements as well as effective screw depth measurements to be made automatically.VISIONPAK(Vision Measurement Program)This program controls QVP and performs various computational analyses on captured images.Solid Model DeveloperThis program generates CAD data from data measured using MCOSMOS.MRT320QVP (Vision Probe)This probe automatically detects edges from image data of the workpiece magnified by a CCD camera. It is extremely useful for measuringmicrofabricated products that cannot be measured using a contact-type probe and soft objects that cannot be subjected to any measurement force. The QVP can also be used for measuring height based on autofocusing.UMAP-CMMThis head makes it possible to use an ultra-small diameter stylus (0.1- or 0.3-mm diameter). It can be installed on PH10MQ to measure the shape and dimensions of microfabricated products from multiple directions.NC-Auto measureThis program generates CAD data from NC data.Note: All information regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimensional and performance data contained in this printed matter as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs. The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of our General Trading Conditions will apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive.Mitutoyo products are subject to US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Re-export or relocation of our products may require prior approval by an appropriate governing authority.Trademarks and RegistrationsDesignations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where Mitutoyo America Corporation is aware of a claim, the product names appear in initial capital or all capital letters. The appropriate companies should be contacted for more complete trademark and registration information.© 2011 Mitutoyo America Corporation, Aurora IL5M – 0111-16 Printed in USA, May 2011Aurora, Illinois(Corporate Headquarters)Westford, Massachusetts Huntersville, North CarolinaMason, OhioPlymouth, MichiganCity of Industry, CaliforniaOne Number to Serve You Better 1-888-MITUTOYO (1-888-648-8869)。
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New data of diagnostic relevance can be found with the measurement of the impedance of biological tissue. A noninvasive method of measuring the impedance can give information on the electrical characteristics of tissue. A change in the impedance for example can give a prediction of the healing process of wounds. If the patient has acute pain it is not always possible to touch the skin, so a non-contact method must be used. In some applications (e.g. impedance measurement in the brain) impedance can hardly be measured with surface electrodes [1]. The developed sensor should be an instrument, which is moved around on the skin of a patient, in order to detect areas with impedances that deviate from normal.
D˜ A−1C˜D˜ SDµ−1DA−1CDS − ω2
D + Dσ iω
e = −iωje (5)
0.01 m 0.0085 m 0.0055 m
0.004 m 0.006 m 0.01 m
excitation coil
upper detection coil lower detection coil
geometries, a numerical method was used. The simulations
are done with MAFIA [3]. This program is based on the
Finite Integration Technique. Therefore the Maxwell equa-
excitation coil is calculated:
A(rn, t)
µi(t) 4π
PE ∂rs
1 ds
PB ∂s | rn − rs |
Here rn is any measurement point, i(t) is the alternating excitation current, PB the beginning and PE the end of the path. Using this magnetic vector potential the flux Φ(t) can
0.03 m
z y x
0.03 m
0.03 m
Figure 2: The coils are simulated as rectangular coils. The measurement coil is simulated as two coils parallel one upon the other. The measurement system is above the tissue.
The primary field is created directly by the excitation coil and induces a voltage Uind in the sensor. The induced voltage dUind created by the eddy currents is proportional to the frequency and lags the primary excitation field and the induced voltage Uind by 90◦. In general dUind will have a real and an imaginary part but for biological tissue the imaginary part is dominant [2]. Fig. 1 shows the induced voltage Uind from the primary field and from the secondary field dUind using only the imaginary part. To calculate the induced voltage Uind without tissue, first the geometric arrangement of the excitation coil is parameterized with the parameter s. Then the magnetic vector potential A of the
C and S denote the discrete curl and div operators in the grid and C˜ and S˜ denote them in the dual grid. The material properties are descrbed by the diagonal matrices Dµ, D and Dσ. DS, DA, D˜ S and D˜ A are diagonal matrices and describe the dimension of the grid [4]. The coils are simulated as filaments. The excitation coil is driven by an alternating current. The measuring coils are simulated as ideal filaments with no current flow. The measured voltage can be calculated using the electric field. Using MAFIA the whole Maxwell equations are solved and there is now negligence of the displacement currents is done. Geometrical arrangement: In this part a three coil system is examined. The first is used as an excitation coil. The others, an upper and a lower coil, are built up as a vertical gradiometer. A homogeneous tissue block is placed underneath. Fig. 2 shows the geometrical arrangement for the simulation. The tissue block has the size of 0.03 m x 0.03 m x 0.03 m. The excitation coil has a length of 0.01 m on each side and the distance to the tissue is 0.01 m, the gradiometer coil has an upper and a lower coil with a length of 0.004 m and 0.006 m on each side and the distances to the tissue are 0.0085 m and 0.0055 m. The excitation coil is driven by an alternating current of 1 A. The volume which is used for the numerical field calculation is 0.05 m x 0.05 m x 0.06 m. A mesh with equidistant mesh points and a distance of 0.5 mm is used. The frequency
tions are written as discrete equations in frequency space. So the the electric field e can be expressed as a function of the driving current density je:
C.H. Riedel, M.-A. Golombeck, O. Do¨ssel Institut fu¨r Biomedizinische Technik, Universita¨t Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Abstract—The measurement of the impedance of biological tissue can be a non-invasive method to find new data of diagnostic relevance. A system for a non-contact measurement of the electrical impedance of biological tissue is presented. The system consists of an excitation coil and two sensing coils, an upper and a lower coil. If the two sensing coils are coupled it can be used as a gradiometer coil. Numerical experiments with focus on the eddy currents in the tissue and on the detection of the small changes of the signal are carried out to calculate the fields, eddy current distributions and induced voltages. Hereby tests with different frequencies of the excitation current and different conductivities of a tissue block are used. Then the homogeneous tissue block is replaced with a fraction of the arm of an anatomical model which contains different tissue classes.