

《麦田里的守望者》ppt 2 - 副本

《麦田里的守望者》ppt 2 - 副本

1953年,塞林格亲口对来访的高中生 说,在一定程度上,《麦田里的守望者》 就是自己的自传:“我的少年时代和书中 的那个少年非常相似„„我把这些经历一 股脑儿说了出来,心里就像是卸下了一个 大包袱。” 1999年,塞林格曾经的恋人梅纳德 一语道破玄机:“他不肯把《麦田的守望 者》搬上银幕的原因是:这个世界上只有 一个人能演霍尔顿·考尔菲尔德,那就是 他自己。只可惜,他现在已经太老了。”
便只身在美国最繁华的纽约城游荡了一天 两夜,住小客店,逛夜总会滥交女友他在 电影院里百无聊赖地消磨时光,糊里糊涂 地召了妓女,情不自禁的与虚荣的女友搂 搂抱抱,与此同时,他的内心又十分苦闷, 企图逃出虚伪的成人世界去寻批纯洁与真 理的经历与感受。这种精神上无法调和的 极度矛盾最终令他彻底崩溃,躺倒在精神 病院里。
• 霍尔顿 主人公 是一个有理想的人,想作一个麦田 守望者,看护儿童;想离家出走,远离尘嚣,过 田园般的纯朴生活。但在现实生活中,他的理想 却被一一击破。
• 菲比 霍尔顿的妹妹,天真可爱,十分喜欢和依赖 霍尔顿,喜欢当小大人。最后,改变了霍尔顿的 主意。
• 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的;改变能改变的, 接受不能改变的。 • Remember what should be remembered,and forget what should be forgetten;Alter what is changeable,and accept what is mutable. • 智慧的代价是矛盾,这是人生对人生观开的玩笑。 • Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.



象征 手法
➢麦田、守望者、悬崖 麦田——儿童纯真乐园式的世界、和谐美好的
大自然 守望者——保护孩子、拯救人类的英雄 悬崖——儿童世界与成人世界、乐世与浊世的
分界线 ➢红色猎人帽——精神世界的寄托 ➢中央湖水公园的鸭子——努力寻找出路的精神 困境者 ➢霍尔顿半边白半边黑头发——世界的叛逆与呵
语言 特色
➢语言生动活泼,朴实无华。准确地反映了那个 时代青少年的语言习惯和精神风貌。
➢霍尔顿学习不好,又极具叛逆个性,不可能用 典雅的语言来叙述和交流。言为心声,霍尔顿的 语言,不仅合乎他的身份,而且是他的性格的准 确体现。
➢霍尔顿鄙视流行的价值观念,对正统的美国文 化有种叛逆,它使用大量的俚语来反映这种心理 ,常为亚文化人群使用,具有一种反文化色彩。
叙事 视角
➢第一层叙事是17岁的霍尔顿正在精神病医院讲 述自己的故事,这是塞林格作为作者给读者的第 一层叙事。
➢第二层叙事,霍尔顿16岁时在纽约进行的导致 他住进精神病院的三天流浪生活。
➢在第二层叙事中,还包含着第三层叙事,即16 岁的霍尔顿,弟弟艾利的故事等16岁以前的事件 的回忆。
麦田里的守望者 1 主要内容 2 作者简介 3 霍尔顿形象 4 艺术特色
该书以主人公霍尔顿·考尔菲 德(Holden Caulfield)第一 人称口吻讲述自己被学校开除 后在纽约城游荡将近两昼夜, 企图逃出虚伪的成人世界去寻 求纯洁与真理的经历与感受。.Fra bibliotek作家简介
❖ 美国作家
❖《麦田里的守望者》被认为是二十世纪美国文学的 经典作品之一



Plot Summary
• It is a story about a rebellious teenage schoolboy and his quixotic experiences in New York, taking place in December 1949.
• The story commences with Holden Caulfield describing encounters he has had with students and faculty of Pencey Prep in Agerstown, Pennsylvania. He criticizes them for being superficial, or, as he would say, “phony.” After being expelled from the school for his poor academic performance, Holden packs up and leaves the school in the middle of the night after a physical altercation with his roommate. He takes a train to New York but does not want to return to his family and instead checks into the dilapidated Edmont Hotel .
Plot Summary
• After leaving his parents' apartment, Holden then drops by to see a former, and much admired, English teacher, Mr. Antolini,and is offered advice on life and a place to sleep.



如果朋友让你生气,那说明你仍然在意他的友情 From that you would get angry with your friends, we can conclude you still care about the friendship between you.
Thank you
The Catcher in the Rye
Jerome David Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye
• The Catcher in the Rye is a 1951 novel written by J.D Salinger. • It has been listed as one of the best novels of the 20th century.
Jerome David Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye gives us a portrait of a sixteen-year-old American boy, Holden Caulfield . Holden has just been kicked out of yet another boarding school. Having a few days to kill before returning home for the Christmas break, he hops on a train to New York. There he spends his time wandering aimlessly from one brief encounter to another, getting progressively more disgusted with what he calls the phoniness of the adult world.


• Holden makes the decision that he will head out west, and when he mentions these plans to his little sister, she decides she wants to go with him. Holden declines her offer and refuses to have her accompany him. This upsets Phoebe, so Holden does her a favor and decides not to leave after all.
Plot Summary
• After leaving his parents' apartment, Holden then drops by to see a former, and much admired, English teacher, Mr. Antolini,and is offered advice on life and a place to sleep.
Plot Summary
• At the conclusion of the novel, Holden decides not to mention much about the present day, finding it inconsequential. He alludes to "getting sick" and living in a mental hospital, and mentions that he'll be attending another school in September.
• After restless studies in prep schools, he was sent to Valley Forge Military Academy (1934-36), which he attended briefly.

好书推荐《麦田里的守望者》 PPT

好书推荐《麦田里的守望者》 PPT

可是睡到半夜,他发觉这个老师有可能是个同性恋者, 于是只好偷偷逃出来,到车站候车室过夜。 霍尔顿不想再回家,也不想再念书了,决定去西部谋生, 装做一个又聋又哑的人,但他想在临走前再见妹妹一面, 于是托人给她带去一张便条,约她到博物馆的艺术馆门 边见面。过了约定时间好一阵,菲比终于来了,可是拖 着一只装满自己衣服的大箱子,她一定要跟哥哥一起去 西部。最后,因对妹妹劝说无效,霍尔顿只好放弃西部 之行,带她去动物园和公园玩了一阵。菲苾骑上旋转木 马,高兴起来。
• 霍尔顿:主人公 是一个有理想的人, 想作一个麦田守望者,看护儿童;想离 家出走,远离尘嚣,过田园般的纯朴 生活。但在现实生活中,他的理想却 被一一击破。 • • D.B.:霍尔顿最喜欢的作者,霍尔顿 的哥哥,也是他的朋友,去了好莱坞, 霍尔顿认为他变得虚伪。 • • 菲比:霍尔顿的妹妹,天真可爱,十 分喜欢和依赖霍尔顿,喜欢当小大人。 最后,改变了霍尔顿的主意。

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
该书的主人公霍尔顿是个中学生,出生于富 裕的中产阶级家庭。他虽只有16岁,但比常 人高一头,整日穿着风衣,戴着猎帽,游游 荡荡,不愿读书。
他对学校里的一切--老师、同学、功课、球赛等 等,全都腻烦透了,曾是学校击剑队队长,3次被 学校开除。又一个学期结束了,他又因5门功课中 4门不及格被校方开除。他丝毫不感到难受。在和 同房间的同学打了一架后,他深夜离开学校,回 到纽约城,但他不敢贸然回家。当天深夜住进了 一 家小旅馆。他在旅馆里看到的都是些不三不四 的人,有穿戴女装的男人,有相互喷水、喷酒的 男女,他们寻欢作乐,忸怩作态,使霍尔顿感到 恶心和惊讶。


和大多数人不一样,我中学或更小的时候没读过这本书,读它的初衷是因为它就是一个叛逆的孩子的絮絮叨 叨,展现着强烈的自我意识和隐形思维的流动过程,语言很俗也很有趣。那时候我意识到,即使似乎长大了,自 己内心也还有霍尔顿的投影——胆怯的、思虑过盛的、自我意识强烈的……面对现实,我心里也有霍尔顿,所以 无法挥舞出畅想中的那一拳;向往着凯鲁亚克式自由和远方,最后却休息在家中或精神病院。
一个不成熟的人的标志是他愿意为了某个理由而轰轰烈烈地死去,而一个成熟的人的标志是他愿意为了某个 理由而谦恭地活下去。'”
不管那种离别是伤感的还是糟糕的,但是在离开一个地方时,我希望我明白我正在离开它。如果不明白,我 甚至会更加难受。
不管怎么样,我老是想象一大群小孩儿在一大块麦田里玩一种游戏,有几千个,旁边没人——我是说没有岁 数大一点儿的——我是说只有我。我会站在一道破悬崖边上。我要做的,就是抓住每个跑向悬崖的孩子——我是 说要是他们跑起来不看方向,我就得从哪儿过来抓住他们。我整天就干那种事,就当个麦田里的守望者得了。我 知道这个想法很离谱,但这是我唯一真正想当的,我知道这个想法很离谱。”
读起来令人沮丧的一本书。一个美国少年朴实的语言,粗俗的口吻,乃至直觉性、非理性的视角,都跃然纸 上。这片麦田的守望者,当遗世孤独的他走在街上,城市会是怎样的色彩?书中展示了这部分。
读完麦田这本书,起先没有太看懂。书本的结尾,妹妹的善良纯真打动了 Holden,原本打算离家出走的他 决定回家好好和父母在一起。
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 精彩摘录 06 作者介绍



About Holden
Holden is a middle-school student,although he only then 16 years old, but stands head and shoulders above others compared to the average man, all day is putting on the windproof raincoat, wears the duckbill cap, loafs,and is not willing to study.He finds in school all teachers, schoolmates, schoolwork, sports match and so on, all boring thoroughly.A semester had ended, and 4 of his 5 schoolworks dool authorities,he is dismissed. Holden shares a dream (based on a mishearing of Robert Burns' Comin' Through the Rye) acting himself as the sole guardian of numerous children playing in a huge rye field on the edge of a cliff. His job is to catch the children in case that they wander close to the brink; Holden believes that to be a "catcher in the rye" means to save children from losing their innocence. Holden describes everything as 'phoney' and is constantly in search of sincerity. Holden represents the early hero of adolescent angst, but full of life, he is the great literary opposite of Goethe's young Werther.



Characterization: Holden is a cynical, yet sensitive character who is struggling with the complexities of growing up and the loss of innocence. His encounters with other characters provide insights into the adult world and its hypocrisies.
Themes: The novel explores themes such as alienation, loss of innocence, the meaning of life, and the search for authenticity.
Overview of Works
J.D. Salinger Biography
Salinger was influenced by several writers, including Thomas Wolfe and F. Scott Fitzgerald, but his work also reflects his own experiences and observations of society.
Holden's anger
He is angry at the world and its hypocrisy, which he sees all around him.
Despite his disillusionment, Holden is still looking for a purpose and meaning in life.


杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格(Jerome David Salinger,1919年~2010年) 美国作家, 1919年1月1日生于纽约。父亲是犹太进 口商。他的著名小说《麦田里的守望者》 被认为是二十世纪美国文学的经典作品 之一。2010年1月27日,杰罗姆·大卫·塞 林格在位于美国新罕布什尔州的家中去 世,享年91岁。
• 麦田里的守望者从1951年出版到现在给全世界无数彷 徨的年轻人心灵的慰藉。小说一问世,霍尔顿这个对 虚伪深恶痛绝的少年形象竟然被千万读者看成是迷人 的新英雄,文中的崇尚自由的亲切语言受到热烈欢迎。 并且这本小说反映了二战后美国青少年矛盾混乱的人 生观和道德观,代表了当时相当一部分人的思想和处 境。主人公霍尔顿那种没有清楚目的的反抗,是当时 学生和青少年的典型病症。《麦田里的守望者》发表 后,大中学学生争相阅读,家长和教师也视小说为 “必读教材”,把它当作理解当代青少年的钥匙。
3.我的意思只是说我想老斯宾塞想得太多了,想他想得太多 之后,就难免会想到像他这样生活究竟有什么意思。
5.人们总是以为某些事情是完全对的。我压根儿就不理这个 茬儿,除非有时候人们说我,要我老成些,我才冒起火来。 有时候我的一举一动要比我的年龄老得多——确是这样— —可是人们却视而不见。他们是什么也看不见的。
1.我是说我也离开过一些学校,一些地方。可我在离开的时 候自己竟不知道。我痛恨这类事情。我不在乎是悲伤的离别 还是不痛快的离别,只要是离开一个地方,我总希望离开的 时候我自己心中有数。
2.天冷得像在地狱里一样,我差点摔了一跤。我深知不知道 自己为什么要奔跑——我揣摩大概是一时高兴。我穿过马路 以后,觉得自己好像失踪了似的。那是个混账的下午,天气 冷的可怕,没太阳什么的,在每次穿越马路之后,你总会有 一种像是失踪了的感觉。



❖ 他看不惯潘西中学的一切丑恶行径,贵族学校到处充满着 丑恶龌龊,霍尔顿说“越是贵族化的学校,小偷越多”,学 生们放荡不羁,到处谈论着酒、女人和性。校长和老师也是 虚伪假善“假模假式”人物。
❖ 他迫不及待地想要逃离,与其说学校开除了他,不如说他 抛弃这所学校。
❖ 从学校逃离到社会,可以说,这些虚伪丑陋依然存在。这 些遮盖在文明面纱下的丑陋都没有逃过霍尔顿的锐利目光。 他在逃避这个混乱不堪的现实世界。
• 14、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.
• 15、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。2020年11月2020/11/192020/11/192020/11/1911/19/2020
• 16、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风。2020/11/192020/11/19November 19, 2020
❖霍尔顿的终身追寻的就是保护孩童的纯洁心灵,不让他们越 过那危险的悬崖,被成人世界的肮脏所沾染。这其中也有呼 吁人类回归人类童年,回归美好大自然的美好愿望。

英文 麦田里的守望者

英文   麦田里的守望者

麦田的守望着《The Catcher in the Rye》第一部分:"The Catcher in the Rye" is the only novel of American writer Jerome David Salinger.The novel describes the hero Holton for social confusion and helplessness, for the dream life burst. The bursting of the dream reflects the situation of society. Anger and anxiety is two themes of the book. This article caused us to contemporary social status thinking. This book is known as one of the classic works of American literature of the twentieth Century.第二部分:This book hero young holden is expelled from school for four courses. He wears peaked cap, large dust coat, smoking, drinking. His character has the ugly side as well as their own ideals of pure side, he is also against to reality.Holton Calder was a student of sixteen who was born in a wealthy middle class family in New York. Teachers and parents forced him to study hard in order to become a wealthy people. But what he did in school was something like women, wine and sex, he couldn’t stand all around. He had no desire to study hard, when he was expelled from school the fourth times, he did not dare to go home. He waswandering alone in New York City the most prosperous city of America one day and two nights, he couldn’t help and cuddled with his vanity girlfriend. At the same time, he is very depressed, he was attempt to escape the false adult world, and found pure and truth. This spirit is not accordant contradictions finally made him thoroughly collapse, which made him lie in a mental hospital.It was not hard to see that the hero has a pure and good, the pursuit of a better life and the lofty ideals of childlike innocence. He is very disgusted and helpless to those people who are keen on sex and wine, he feel aversion to his power false principal. From his multiple and struggle inner world we can see his stray of his inner world. He wiped the words which were intolerable to the eye on walls, he generously donated when he met nun. He took care of his sister with sincere love, he even wanted to be a "crop of the watchers" to protect the children for all of his life. All these things let us see the love of the hero in his inner pure and peaceful world. Unfortunately these some cynical strong thought caused negative resistance. Sensitive, curious, pins of his heart needed to vent. Impulsive adolescent psychology makes the hero disgusted in study once again. Do not makeprogress, the pursuit of stimulation, or even be cynical, which made a rebellious attitude grew and expanded. However, he felt there is no one could be trusted in adult world. Finally, he remembered these theories“A mark of the immature man is that he wants to die in heroic way, A mark of the mature man is that he wants to live in humble wa y”. He could not endure in the social reality of the ways of the world, what he longed for is simple and sincere, but what he met was hypocrisy and deceit. When he found himself unable to change the present situation, he became depressed and helpless. There only left pang, hesitation and indulgence in his heart. The last he even wanted to escape from the real world,he wanted to be a deaf and dumb and went to the hinterland. All this tragedy is in the specific environment and context which caused by.In the 1950 s the United States is a quite chaotic period, World War II has not dissipated the haze, the cold war flared again. On one hand the technology developed rapidly; on the other hand, people lacked the ideal and felt depression, because of their unable to change the big social background, they lived in a muddy lethargy life. So Holton was one of them, he lived in a nonstriving life with smokingand drinking. Fortunately he did not made himself drug, because in his deep heart, there were always exist a beautiful and distant dream for him to chase. He also wanted to keep this his original intention——The Catcher in the Rye第三部分:To be honest, when I read the book For the first time, I didn't like Holden Caulfield. I thought he was a bad student, for he doesn't study hard, and he is always talking about women, he drinks a lot of alcohol. All in all he lives a decadent life. In his mind, he doesn't have lofty ideals, such as to be a scientist, a teacher, or an engineer. His dream is just to be a catcher in the rye. However when I read the story of Holden for the second time, my views changed a lot.I began to feel sympathy for him and think he is a good boy in nature. The reason why he turns to be a bad guy is the environment around him. His teachers tell him to study hard just in order to buy an expensive car in the future. His president treats different students with different attitudes. He smiles to the students from rich families, makes handshakes with their parents initiatively, but he shows unfriendliness to the students from poor families. The hypocritical side of the adult world makes Holden verydisappointed, so he uses the alcohol to anaesthetize himself. He thinks he could use the extreme ways to escape from the world or attract the attentions of the adults. On the contrary, he is just a boy who has mental problems in the eyes of the adults. The ending of the story is not a happy one, in another words; the whole story is a tragedy."The catcher in the Rye" is valued, not just because the author has created a new style of art; use the first person to talk the book, but also because it highlights the spiritual essence of a capitalist society. People live a life not only need material, but also a spirit in life. And in a relatively affluent society, the spiritual life is often more important than the material life. Children live in the new era gradually find the essence of confusion. They also understand the gap between the reality and the dream is inevitable. Learn to refuse indecision and flawless, and let the dream enkindles in life may be a better state.We university students’ minds contemporary are becoming increasingly complicate than ever before. They are also pondering their fates and futures like Holden did, who need more love and guidance on the way to grow-up. “To love and be loved”, is what we are calling for.I could not help stir when behave study life over the years, had become numb to their own, gradually recognized the false side of the community have begun to integrate themselves into the subconscious which became a part of them. The total does not admit the reality that we reside in a carefree childhood. Parents taught us how to go step by step his castle fortification. First of all have to go to school, put aside all the tempting things around, then we must strive to realize their social value. In short, everything seems to be style. Maybe we could do it their favorite, but others may think what we do is wasting time.Keep watch, a pure sky, take one's ease, travel in the endless spirit space and can not extricate themselves; keep watch, a pair of dream hunter eyes, act recklessly and care for nobody, eager to owe opinionated pleasure. Rye, Catcher, what a beautiful picture. People will fall into deep reverie inadvertently, and indulge in the hero's inner world.。



●1981年查普曼刺杀约翰·列侬后对记者说,这样做是为塞林格的 作品打广告。
●1981年,欣克利刺杀里根总统前,特意把一本《麦田里的守望 者》留在旅馆的房间里。
上世纪五十年代的美国青年纷纷模仿 《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔登·考尔菲 尔德的生活方式,以酗酒、吸毒、群居等 颓废的方式反抗现实,整整一代充满反叛 精神的年轻人被史学家称为“垮掉的一 代”,这一潮流甚至影响至今,很多现代 艺术家都将塞林格视为精神偶像。
《麦田里的守望者》展现的是“二战”后美国青 少年的精神世界。虽然过去这么多年,我们周围的 环境也不再像当时那样沉闷。但当我读完这本书的 时候,依然能有那种颓废的感觉,塞林格把霍尔顿 刻画的那么真实太深刻了,以至于我们每个人都能 在他身上找到自己的影子,在他身上我找到了真实 的自己,有好也有坏。
成人的世界是虚伪的,只有金钱,地位还有女人。主人公厌 倦这虚伪的成人世界,他享受那份单纯。
一、 成熟的人可以为了自己崇高的理想而卑微的活着。
二、 如果敌人让你生气,那么说明你还没有胜他的把握。
三、你出生的时候,你哭着,你周围的人笑着;你去世的时 候,你笑着,你周围的人却哭着。
四、对一个人来说,一辈子都在寻找着某些东西,要么他们 觉得自己的周围无法提供,而放弃了寻找。而有些人甚至在没 有真正开始寻找前,就放弃了。
塞林格在《麦田里的守望者中》 塑造了霍尔顿•考尔菲尔德这一形象, 他反叛、抽烟、喝酒、搞女人,但 他也有 淳朴善良的一面。他性格复 杂多变,但他的追求却很单纯。他 是美国垮掉的一代的典型,是当代 美国文学中最早出现的反英雄形象 之一。刻画逼真,整整影响了一代 人。


Thank you for listening
1.People are mostly hot to have a iscussion when you’re not.
2.I’m always saying “Glad to’ve met you” to somebody I’m not at all glad I met.
Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around--nobody big, I mean--except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff--I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.


二战中断了塞林格的写作。1942年塞林格从军,1944年他 前往欧洲战场从事反间谍工作。战争令塞林格恐惧,他之后写了多 本以战争为题材的书。
1981年查普曼刺杀约翰.列依后对记者说,这样做 是为塞林格的作品打广告。
1981年, 欣克利刺杀里根总统前,特意把一本 《麦田里的守望者》留在旅馆的房间里。
上世纪五十年代的美国青年纷纷模仿《麦田里的守 望者》主人公霍尔登.考尔菲尔德的生活方式,以酗酒、吸 毒、群居等颓废的方式反抗现实,整整一代充满反叛精神 的年轻人被史学家称为“垮掉的一代”,这一潮流甚至影 响至今,很多现代艺术家都将塞林格视为精神偶像。
1953年,塞林格亲口对来访的高中生说,在一 定程度上,《麦田里的守望者》就就是自己的自 传:“我的少年时代和书中的那个少年非常相....把这些 经历一股脑儿说了出来,心里就像是卸下了一个大包 袱。”
塞林格出生于纽约的一个犹太富商家庭,他在15岁时就被父 亲送到宾夕法尼亚州的一所军事学校。1936年塞林格从军事学校 毕业,1937年又被做火腿进口生意的父亲送到波兰学做火腿。塞 林格在纽约的时候就开始向杂志投稿,其中大部分都是为了赚钱, 但也不乏一些好文章,其中包括了《香蕉鱼的好日子》。
他在电影院里百无聊赖地消磨时光,糊里糊涂地召了妓女,情不自禁的 与虚荣的女友搂搂抱抱,与此同时,他的内心又十分苦闷,企图逃出虚伪的成 人世界去寻找纯洁与真理的经历与感受。
这种精神上无法调和的极度矛盾最终令他彻底崩溃,躺倒在精 神病院里。
节选片段记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 一个不成熟的理想主义者会为理想悲壮的死去,而一个成熟的理想主义者则愿意为理想苟且的活着。 我将来要当一名麦田里的守望者。有那么一群孩子在一 大块麦田里玩。几千几万的小孩子,附近没有 一个大人,我是说一除了我。我呢。就在那混帐的悬崖边。我的职务就是在那守望。要是有哪个孩子 往悬崖边来,我就把他捉住我是说孩子们都是在狂奔,也不知道自己是在往哪儿跑。我得从什么地方 出来,把他们捉住。我整天就干这样的事,我只想做个麦田里的守望者。 我们确实活得艰难,一要承受种种外部的压力,更要面对自己内心的困惑。在苦苦挣扎中,如果有人 向你投以理解的目光,你会感到一种生命的暖意,或许仅有短暂的一瞥,就足以使我感受兴奋不已。


《麦田里的守望者》反映了青年一代成长中的生存状况和精神状态,整本书 充满了愤懑和焦虑.也有了更为激进的“垮掉的一代”
我将来要当一名麦田里的守望者。有那么一群孩子在一 大块麦田里玩。几千几万的小孩子,附近没有一个大人, 我是说—除了我。我呢。就在那混帐的悬崖边。我的职 务就是在那守望。要是有哪个孩子往悬崖边来,我就把 他捉住—我是说孩子们都是在狂奔,也不知道自己是在 往哪儿跑。我得从什么地方出来,把他们捉住。我整天 就干这样的事,我只想做个麦田里的守望者。
美国作家,1919年1月1日生于纽 约。他于1951年发表的著名小说 《麦田里的守望者》被认为是二 十世纪美国文学的经典作品之一, 引起世界性轰动,尤其受到美国 学生的疯狂追捧。他发表的著作 还包括《弗兰尼和卓埃》、《高 举屋梁,木匠们》、《西摩:一 个介绍》和一部短篇集《九故事》 2010年1月27日,杰罗姆·大卫·塞 林格在位于美国新罕布什尔州的 家中去世,享年91岁。
《麦》表现的社会是一个异化的社会,也是一个道德堕落的社会。在这种 社会范围内的整体性的堕落中,个体的堕落有可能在表层的堕落之下蕴含 着深层的反堕落和道德的信息,有可能具有积极的内涵。霍尔顿以其自身 的堕落揭示和反抗着异化社会中道德的堕落。在其堕落中可以窥见某种道 德性,他所展示的是堕落行为里的道德,一种堕落的道德。
因为你在我心里。 于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,
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• Holden tries to reverse her saddened mood by taking her to the Central Park Zoo. He realizes his mistakes as she rides the carousel that lies within the zoo. While watching Phoebe, Holden realizes that he can’t be the “Catcher in the Rye" and that he is in need of help.
Plot Summary
• It is a story about a rebellious teenage schoolboy and his quixotic experiences in New York, taking place in December 1949.
• The story commences with Holden Caulfield describing encounters he has had with students and faculty of Pencey Prep in Agerstown, Pennsylvania. He criticizes them for being superficial, or, as he would say, “phony.” After being expelled from the school for his poor academic performance, Holden packs up and leaves the school in the middle of the night after a physical altercation with his roommate. He takes a train to New York but does not want to return to his family and instead checks into the dilapidated Edmont Hotel .
• Holden spends a total of three days in the city, and this time is characterized largely by drunkenness and loneliness.
Plot Summary
• At one point he ends up at a museum, where he contrasts his life with the statues of Eskimos on display. For as long as he can remember, the statues have been unchanging. These concerns may have stemmed largely from the death of his brother, Allie.
• Holden says that he has surprisingly found himself missing two of his former classmates, Stradlater and Ackley, and even Maurice the elevator operator.
• Critical reviews agree that the novel accurately reflected the teenage colloquial speech of the time.
Classic Sayings
• Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.
Plot Summary
• After leaving his parents' apartment, Holden then drops by to see a former, and much admired, English teacher, Mr. Antolini,and is offered advice on life and a place to sleep.
The Catcher in the Rye
• The Catcher in the Rye is a 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger.
• It has been listed as one of the best novels of the 20th century.
• There is flow in the seemingly disjointed ideas and episodes; for example, as Holden sits in a chair in his dorm, minor events such as picking up a book or looking at a table, unfold into discussions about experiences.
• Eventually, he sneaks into his parents' apartment while they are away, to visit his younger sister, Phoebe, who is nearly the only person with whom he seems to be able to communicate. Phoebe views Holden as a hero, and she is naively unaware that Holden's view of her is virtually identical.
• Holden is upset when he wakes up in the night to find Mr. Antolini patting his head in a way that he perceives as "flitty."
• Holden leaves and spends his last afternoon wandering the city.
Plot Summary
• Holden makes the decision that he will head out west, and when he mentions these plans to his little sister, she decides she wants to go with him. Holden declines her offer and refuses to have her accompany him. This upsets Phoebe, so Holden does her a favor and decides not to leave after all.
• Holden describes everything as 'phoney' and is constantly in search of sincerity. Holden represents the early hero of adolescent angst, but full of life, he is the great literary opposite of Goethe's young Werther.
Plot Summary
• At the conclusion of the novel, Holden decides not to mention much about the present day, finding it inconsequential. He alludes to "getting sick" and living in a mental hospital, and mentions that he'll be attending another school in September.
• Holden shares a fantasy he has been thinking about (based on a mishearing of Robert Burns' Comin' Through the Rye): he pictures himself as the sole guardian of numerous children running and playing in a huge rye field on the edge of a cliff. His job is to catch the children if they wander close to the brink; to be a "catcher in the rye." Although misinterpreted, Holden believes that to be a "catcher in the rye" means to save children from losing their innocence.
• The last words of the novel are, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."
About Hห้องสมุดไป่ตู้lden
• Holden is a middle-school student, the family background in the wealthy middle class family.Although he only then 16 years old, but stands head and shoulders above others compared to the average man, all day is putting on the windproof raincoat, wears the duckbill cap, loafs, is not willing to study.He to in school all - - teacher, schoolmate, schoolwork, sports match and so on, all was bored thoroughly, once was school fencing team party chiefs, 3 times by school dismissal.A semester had ended, and further because he in 5 schoolworks 4 does not pass an examination by the school authorities is dismissed.