



About Lisa’s friends
Name Ways to learn about the world
Millie (1)from_______
Simon (2)through _______________
Listen and fill
Because they allow her to learn about the world in (3) ____________ and places, she can read them (4)__________________________. Because there is (5)______________ information (6)_________________ he clicks the mouse.
Tips: 1. The worries or joy of your growth. 2. The favourite way you learn about the world and the reasons. 3. Your feelings of your growth.
Enjoy a poem
(1)_o_n_h_i_s_m__in.d Eddie thinks it is hard to(2) _g_r_o_w__u_p___. Hobo wants to know (3)_w_h_a_t_'_s__u_p__ because Eddie (4)_h_a_s_b_e_e_n__h_a_p_p_y__ since Hobo met him for the first
and places, she can read them (4)_w__h_e_n_e_v_e_r_s_h_e_w__a_n_t_s _to_______.

9A Unit 4-1 Welcome to the unit

9A Unit 4-1 Welcome to the unit

高邮市初中英语导学案(9A Unit 4Welcome to the unit)班级:姓名:自我评价:【学习目标】1.知识目标:了解与电视节目相关的词汇。



学习过程【预习指导与检测】一、预习导航(一)、预习课文Comic strip 内容,听录音,跟读,做到能正确地朗读该内容中出现的生词及对话内容,并回答下列问题。

1. What does Hobo ask Eddie to do?2. What will Eddie do?3. What support does Hobo hope to receive from Eddie?4. Will Eddie go shopping with Hobo?(二)、预习Welcome to the unit内容,在文章中划出并记住本课生词。


1. 实在太忙了不能去购物2.狗的工作是做不完的3.你自己的电视节目4.通过收音机或电视机发送节目5.一个制作电视节目的房间6.从远处控制一台机器7.最喜欢关于动物的节目8.你最不喜欢的节目(二)、同学们, 在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题。

1. Shall I/we …? 是一个征求对方意见或建议的句型,还有其它表示征求对方意见或建议的句型吗?. 请写下来。

____________________________________________________________________ 2. 翻译“你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?”(用两种方法翻译)What is your ______________________________________________?What TV programme do you ___________________________________________? (四)预学质疑__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________【课堂导学与互动】任务一:学习Hobo与Eddie的对话。

9A Unit 4 Welcome全面版

9A Unit 4 Welcome全面版
有些事情注定会发生,有的结局早已就预见,那么就改变你可以改变的,适应你必须去适应的。面对幸与不幸,换一个角度,改变一种思维,也许心空就不再布满阴霾,头上就 是一片蔚蓝的天。一生能有多少属于我们的时光,很多事情,很多人已经渐渐模糊。而能随着岁月积淀下来,在心中无法忘却的,一定是触动心灵,甚至是刻骨铭心的,无论是 伤痛是欢愉。人生无论是得意还是失意,都不要错过了清早的晨曦,正午的骄阳,夕阳的绚烂,暮色中的朦胧。经历过很多世态炎凉之后,你终于能懂得:谁会在乎你?你又何 必要别人去在乎?生于斯世,赤条条的来,也将身无长物的离开,你在世上得到的,失去的,最终都会化作尘埃。原本就不曾带来什么,所以也谈不到失去什么,因此,对自己 经历的幸与不幸都应怀有一颗平常心有一颗平常心,面对人生小小的不如意或是飞来横祸就能坦然接受,知道人有旦夕祸福,这和命运没什么关系;有一颗平常心,面对台下的 鲜花掌声和头上的光环,身上的浮名都能清醒看待。花不常开,人不常在。再热闹华美的舞台也有谢幕的时候;再奢华的宴席,悠扬的乐曲,总有曲终人散的时刻。春去秋来, 我们无法让季节停留;同样如同季节一样无法挽留的还有我们匆匆的人生。谁会在乎你?生养我们的父母。纵使我们有千般不是,纵使我们变成了穷光蛋,唯有父母会依然在乎! 为你愁,为你笑,为你牵挂,为你满足。这风云变幻的世界,除了父母,不敢在断言还会有谁会永远的在乎你!看惯太多海誓山盟的感情最后星流云散;看过太多翻云覆雨的友 情灰飞烟灭。你春风得意时前呼后拥的都来锦上添花;你落寞孤寂时,曾见几人焦急赶来为你雪中送炭。其实,谁会在乎你?除了父母,只有你自己。父母待你再好,总要有离 开的时日;再恩爱夫妻,有时也会劳燕分飞,孩子之于你,就如同你和父母;管鲍贫交,俞伯牙和钟子期,这样的肝胆相照,从古至今有几人?不是把世界想的太悲观,世事白 云苍狗,要在纷纷扰扰的生活中,懂得爱惜自己。不羡慕如昙花一现的的流星,虽然灿烂,却是惊鸿一瞥;宁愿做一颗小小的暗淡的星子,即使不能同日月争辉,也有自己无可 取代的位置其实,也不该让每个人都来在乎自己,每个人的人生都是单行道,世上绝没有两片完全相同的树叶。大家生活得都不容易,都有自己方向。相识就是缘分吧,在一起 的时候,要多想着能为身边的人做点什么,而不是想着去得到和索取。与人为善,以直报怨,我们就会内心多一份宁静,生活多一份和谐没有谁会在乎你的时候,要学会每时每 刻的在乎自己。在不知不觉间,已经走到了人生的分水岭,回望过去生活的点滴,路也茫茫,心也茫茫。少不更事的年龄,做出了一件件现在想来啼笑皆非的事情:斜阳芳草里, 故作深沉地独对晚风夕照;风萧萧兮,渴望成为一代侠客;一遍遍地唱着罗大佑的《童年》,期待着做那个高年级的师兄;一天天地幻想,生活能轰轰烈烈。没有刀光剑影,没 有死去活来,青春就在浑浑噩噩、懵懵懂懂中悄然滑过。等到发觉逝去的美好,年华的可贵,已经被无可奈何地推到了滚滚红尘。从此,青春就一去不回头。没有了幻想和冲动, 日子就像白开水一样平淡,寂寞地走过一天天,一年年。涉世之初,还有几分棱角,有几许豪情。在碰了壁,折了腰之后,终于明白,生活不是童话,世上本没有白雪公主和青 蛙王子,原本是一张白纸似的人生,开始被染上了光怪陆离的色彩。你情愿也罢,被情愿也罢,生存,就要适应身不由己,言不由衷的生活。人到中年,突然明白了许多:人生 路漫漫,那是说给还不知道什么叫人生的人说的,人生其实很短暂,百年一瞬间;世事难预料,是至理名言,这一辈子,你遇见了谁,擦肩而过了谁,谁会是你真心的良朋益友,

9a unit 4 welcome课件

9a unit 4 welcome课件

You can learn how to cook meals, eat 1 food 2 3 and 4 5 keep 6 7 healthy fit.8 9 10
drama series (连续剧)
2 have 3 4 such 5 6 7 8 9 10 They 1 also interesting stories.
have nothing __ to do Hobo :Busy? But you ____ __!
Eddie :No,you are wrong! ____ From 9 __ to 12,I
have to watch TV.Then I’ll have lunch and a little sleep between ______ 2 and ___ 7. ____ After that,it’s dinner time.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Which is your favourite TV programme? Why? Which is your least favourite TV programme? Why?
Answer the questions:
What does Hobo want to do ?
How can the programmes be sent out?
broadcast vi broadcast n
(传播, 广播)
broadcasting Programs can be sent out by_____________.
What can you use to control the TV
remote control

9Aunit4.welcome to the unit&vocabulary

9Aunit4.welcome to the unit&vocabulary
比较级也可以用far, much,even ,still, a bit, a little, a lot, rather等来进行 修饰。
Choose the right answer.
1. I feel ___ better than yesterday. ( D ) A. more B. very C. the D. far
Listen and answer
1.Will Eddie go shopping with Hobo? No,he won’t. 2.Why or why not? Because Eddie says he is far too busy to go shopping. 3.Does Hobo think Eddie is so busy? No,he thinks Eddie has nothing to do.
Unit 4 TV programmes

remote control

from a distance
broadcast (n./v.) send out programs on the radio or TV
actor (n.)
actress (n.)
Match the words with the meanings A.send out progrsmmes 1.studio on the radio or TV 2.broadcast 3. remote control channel 5. actor B. a room where TV
As we know, all the students in Grade 9 are very busy all day .Some parents and teachers don’t think it is good for you to watch TV.Do you agree with them?Why or why not? If you have time to watch TV, what is your favourite program? Why?

牛津英语9A Unit4 Welcome to the unit

牛津英语9A Unit4 Welcome to the unit

Free talk
1.What do you often do at the weekend? 2.Do you like watching TV? 3.How often do you watch TV? 4.What TV programmes do you like watching?
sends out 发送 programmes on radio or TV
They are broadcasting the news.
TV channel
TV station 电视台
The TV programmes are broadcast from a TV channel.
remote control
With what can we turn on the TV?
remote control
A remote control controls a machine from a distance. ['distəns]
['brɔ:dkɑ:st ]
A: What’s your favourite TV programme? B: My favourite programme is …Because I think it's…and I can… . A: What’s your least favourite TV programme? B: My least favourite TV programme is because I think it's a little boring.

牛津英语9A Unit 4 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 教案及练习 (含答案)

牛津英语9A  Unit 4 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 教案及练习 (含答案)

9A Unit 4 TV ProgrammesPeriod1Comic strip & Welcome to the unit教案Teaching aims and demands:a. Knowledge objects1. To understand vocabulary relating to TV programmes.2. To understand the new words and phrases.b. Ability objectTo think about TV preferences and rate different types of TV programmes.c. Moral objectTo use the things about TV Programmes in daily life.Difficult and key points:1. To grasp Aims 1.2 fluently.2. To think about TV preferences and rate different types of TV programmes. Teaching aids:Recorder pictures and cards,Teaching procedures:Step One. Free talk1.Have a free talk about the teenager problems, lead them to talk about theprogrammes they like to watch.2.Talking about the teenage problems and how to relax ourselves.Step Two Leading – inGo over teenage problems and then lead to TV programmes.Step Three Presentation1 Cut out some pictures of TV celebrities from newspapers or magazines. If possible, choose celebrities from English-language TV programmes. However, they should be well-known faces that students will recognize.2 Hold the pictures up one at a time, ask students to name the celebrities or the characters and name the title of the TV programmes that the stars in. As the students get the title correct, write it on the board.3 Once students have named all the programme titles, do a popularity survey, ask students what their favourite programme is.4. Use pictures to teach the new words: far, broadcast, studio and distance.5.完成学案预习题部分并校对。

牛津英语译林版九年级上册 9A Unit4 Welcome to the unit

牛津英语译林版九年级上册 9A Unit4  Welcome to the unit
A: How do you learn about the world? B: I’d like to learn about the world… A: Why do you like to learn that way? B: … What about you? A: I like to learn about the world … B: Why? A: …
A.to laugh
ughing at
C.to be laughed D.to be laughed at
( C)9.—The song You Are My Destiny sounds beautiful.
—I can’t agree more. I think it’s well worth________
don’t know ____ with the problems?
A. ask; how to deal B. to ask; how to do
C. ask; what to deal D. to ask; what to do
( C )5.The sign says 'No smoking'. But some visitors
less worried now.
7.---You always look unhappy! What w__o_r_r_ie_s_(worry) you?
---I really cannot balance my study and hobbies.
1. Do you feel happy to grow up?
( B)11.—Could you tell me ____? —Of course.



We worked through the night.
th单roug击h &此by处表示编“通母过版”时标,题区别样:式
1. through 后常加名词表示手段媒介
He became rich through hard work. He• b单ou击gh此t 处the编b辑oo母k t版hr文ou本gh样a式friend. 2. by •后第常•二第加级三工级具具体名词以及-ing 形式 (1)表示以一• 般第四的级 方法或方式。如: No one in tho•se第五d级ays could live by writing poems.
H单ow击do此yo处u l编ear母n a版bo标ut 题the样wo式rld?
( ) a. Parents and relatives

单击此处编辑母版文本样式 • 第二(级) b. Teachers
• 第( •三)第级四c级. Friends
( ) •d第.五T级 ravelling
The•su单n击lig此ht处wa编s 辑co母mi版ng文in本th样ro式ugh the window. 辨析:•th第ro二u级gh ,across ,over
(1)The Gr•ea第t三W级all winds its way
(2)Go shop.
th• e第四b• 级r第i五d级ge
• 单击此处编辑母版文本样式
• 第二级
9A Unit 4 • 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级 Growing up
Welcome to the Unit

9A unit4 welcome to the unit

9A unit4 welcome to the unit
The TV programmes broadca are broadcast oadc ['brɔ:dkɑ:st ] ɔ ɑ channel. from a TV channel.
With what can we turn on thours will Eddie spend in watching TV?
Three hours. (From 9 to 12)
• Between 2 and 7, what will Eddie do?
He will have a little sleep.
far too …to do sth. (太…而不能做某事) 而不能做某事) 而不能做某事
A(n) … is send out programmes on radio or TV a room where TV programmes are made a person who performs in TV programmes, films,etc. something that controls a machine from a distance a TV station To… means to
U4 TV Programmes
Welcome to the unit & Comic Strip
Sun Yan
Can you tell me some types of TV programmes
music video
How do TV programmes come to your home?

牛津译林版英语9A Unit4 Welcome to the unitPPT教学课件

牛津译林版英语9A Unit4 Welcome to the unitPPT教学课件
Ways to learn Possible Reasons about the world parents and tell their own experiences relatives teach us much knowledge teachers share everything with each other friends travelling know something new about other places
grow up 7. 长大 learn about theworld 8. 从书中了解世界 from books 9. 通过网络了解世界learn about theworld 10. 不同时代和地方 through the Internet people in different 的人们 times and places 12. 许多信息 a great deal of information
Cooperative inquiry (合作探究)
Words and Phrases on one’s mind 挂在心上;惦念
1 .What’s on your mind, Eddie?
Show Studying Aims (目标展示)
1. 了解认识世界的途径 2. 学会谈论各自认识世界的途径
Check the Preview(检查预习)
1. 挂在心上,惦念 2. 时期,时代 n. 3. 无论何时conj. 4. 以,凭借prep. 5. 一…就 6. 大量,很多
on one’s mind time whenever through as soon as a great deal (of)

9A Unit 4 Welcome to the unit

9A Unit 4 Welcome to the unit

Eddie,shall we go shopping today?
I’m far too busy to go shopping.
Busy?But you have nothing to do!
No,you’re wrong!From 9 to 12,I have to watch TV.Then I’ll have lunch and a little sleep between 2 and 7.After that,it’s dinner time.
• Why is Eddie far too busy to go shopping ? • Can you tell us what makes Eddie get fat ?
Eating too much food Spending a lot of time watching TV Spending less time doing sports
Eddie: No,you’re wrong! ______ 9 ____ 12, From to I have to watch TV. Then I’ll have lunch ______________ and a little sleep ___________2 _______ 7. After that, between and it’s _____________________. dinner time A dog’s work is never done!
• How much time do you spend watching TV a day ? • It’s reported that spending too much time watching TV is harmful to your mind and body. • We call people who spend too much time watching TV in sofa ‘ couch potato’ • Do you think that Eddie is a couch potato ? • Let’s see and listen what his life style is like !

9A U4 Welcome to the unit

9A U4 Welcome to the unit

Teaching Plan of Unit 4 Welcome to the unitDesigned by Zhu Lijin Teaching objectives:To understand vocabulary related to TV programs.To think about TV preferences and rate different types of TV programs.Teaching procedures:Step one: Revision and leading-in1.Talk about teenage problems by asking questions in order to present the newtopic—watching TV. Do you sometimes feel stressed?What makes you feel stressed?How can you feel relaxed? I can feel relaxed by doing ….2.Brain-storm information about TV. Do you like watching TV?Why do you like it?How much time do you spend on TV every day? Step two: All about TV1.Talk about the teacher’s life and present the new words.I like watching TV at night. I usually can’t decide which TV station to choose because there’re so many TV programs, such as cartoons, MTV, sports and so on. They are really interesting and attractive. I often sit in sofa to watch TV. With the remote control in my hand, I can watch what I like from a distance. But in the morning I don’t have enough time for TV. I have to work. So very often I listen to the radio at breakfast. Many programs are broadcast every day. But my favorite program is BBC. It means British Broadcasting Corporation. And it makes a lot of English programs in the studio. If you often listen to this program, you can improve your English a lot.2. Read and learn the new words.TV station cartoon MTV distance broadcast studio3. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.(page59)Step three: Comic strips1.Talk with students like this:A: Hello! Shall we go shopping tomorrow morning?B: ……A: Oh, maybe you are far too busy to go shopping. What will you do?B: I’ll …A: How about tomorrow afternoon?B: I’ll …A: A stude nt’s work is never done.2.Have the students work in pairs and make similar dialogues.3.Look at the pictures and listen to the tape. Check the understanding of the comic strips withtwo questions. Is Eddie far too busy to go shopping?Can you tell us what Eddie will do?4.Read in roles of Eddie and Hobo.5.Make a phone call according to the information given.圣诞节快到了,你打电话给同学,问他明后天有没空去看电影。

牛津译林版9A unit4 welcome (共27张PPT)

牛津译林版9A unit4 welcome (共27张PPT)
1. 她每天有许多事要操心。 She has got a lot _o_n_h__er__m_i_n_d__e_v_e_ry__d_a_y____.
2. 我一看到他的后背就认出了他。 I recognized him _a_s__so_o_n__a_s___I saw his back.
How do you learn about the world?
a. Parents and relatives b. Teachers c. Friends d. Travelling e. Books f. TV and films g. The Internet
We can learn about the world through many ways, such as parents and relatives, teachers, friends, travelling, books, TV and films and the Internet.
2. How does Simon learn about the world? Through the Internet.
Name Millie Simon
How does he/ she learn about
the world
from books
Why does he/she like t美满, 生活可能悲伤, 生活常常充满欢乐, 但有时令人沮丧。 生活可能是梦幻一场, 生活可能是智慧结晶; 生活也可能将一个人 送上被告法庭。 生活可能丑陋, 生活甚至可能痛苦; 但生活是你自己创造, 所以努力创造幸福。
• Growing up is hard. • Please remember that life is like a race. • You either take the lead or fall behind.

译林九上 unit 4 Welcome

译林九上 unit 4 Welcome
2. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事。如: My parents don’t allow me to go out at night. 我父母不允许我晚上出去。 Her boss doesn’t allow her to use the telephone. 她的老板不允许她使用电话。 注:有时用于被动语态,但是被动语态时allow后面只能 用to do作宾语即 be allowed to do sth。如: Passengers are not allowed to smoke. 乘客不准吸烟。
through & by 表示“通过”时,区别: 1. through 后常加名词表示手段媒介 He became rich through hard work. He bought the book through a friend. 2. by 后常加工具具体名词以及-ing 形式 (1)表示以一般的方法或方式。如: No one in those days could live by writing poems. (2)表示传达、传递的方式或媒介。如: How did you send the letter, by airmail or by ordinary mail? He got that job _____ his uncle. You can succeed _____ working hard. I sent the letter______ airmail.
I:根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 whatever 无论什么) we do. 1.We must try our best_________( imself 2.You can’t leave your son by h_______ at home. 3.The loss of the money has been a weight on ind my m_____. II:根据汉语意思完成句子 1.不论发生什么事 ,我都不会改变心意。 Whatever __________ happens, I won’t change my mind. 2.每个人登机前都要通过安检。 through Everyone must go______ the security check before boarding the plane. 3.学英语最好的方法是尽可能地多说。 much Thepossible best way to learn English is to speak it as_______ as_______.
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【学习重点、难点】重要语言点课前预习·导学词组翻译1.长大_________________________2.惦念________________________________3.把他唤醒_______________________4.了解世界_____________________________5.长得太大_________________________6.大量的信息__________________________7.出了什么事_________________________8.不同时代和不同地方的人_____________9.通过因特网_________________________10.点击鼠标____________________________ 【教学过程】Step1. Presentation Ask: Do you feel happy to grow up?Listen to the tape and ask:Will Eddie built his house by himself ? Step2. Part B Ask :(1) How does Millie learn about the world ? Why ?(2) How does Simon learn about the world ? Why?【知识点】1. on one’s mind 挂在心上他的话刻在我的心里。

His words _______ ________ ________ ________change one’s mind 改变主意make up one’s mind(s) 下定决心他们已决定要更加努力地学习。

They have ______ up their ______ to study harder.mind doing sth. mind v. 介意Do you mind __________(close) the window?2.That’s all right. (1)回答别人的感谢,相当于That’s OK./Not at all./You are welcome. (2)回答别人的道歉,相当于Never mind / It does n’t matter.All right. (1)表示同意对方的意见,“行,好吧”(2)用于系动词后,表“身体好”相当于fine,well. That’s right. 同意对方看法,表示“对,正确”3. times 时代你必须随着时代的转变而改变。

You must change with the ___________. time 时间不可数名词;次数,可数名词。

你在家怎么打发时间的?How do you _________ your __________ at home ?我去过海南五次。

I have been to Hainan five _________ .tak e one’s time __________ at all times ___________ at any time ______________at times ______________ at the same time _____________ from time to time _____________ in no time ______________ in time ________________ on time______________________ ahead of time ____________ all time _________________ at a time _____________________ have a good time __________________4. whenever 每当,不论何时wherever whatever whoever无论何时我看到鸟,我都会梦想着在天空中飞翔。

__________ I see the birds, I’ll_____ ____ flying in the sky.5. a great deal 表示“大量”“许多”,可单独使用,也可以用在形容词或副词的比较级前。

a great deal of 只能用在不可数名词前。

We learned _______ _______ _______ from them . (很多)I have _________ ________ ________ ________ homework to do . (许多)【达标检测】一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。

1.Could you tell me about your hometown in different _________(时代).?2.He asked about our health ________(无论何时) he met me.3.That boy got a job _______(以,凭借)his uncle in the company.4.We can find a great _______(很多) of information on the Internet.5.I have something on my ________(头脑).二. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.This is my ________(one) time to come to Nanjing.2.You should buy a new pair of shoes for _________(you).3.Please wake ______(I) up at six o’clock tomorrow morning,Mom.4.How many_______(place) of interest in Nanjing have you been to?5.I would never forget those ________(moment).【教后感】2.Do your parents allow you _______to play football after school?3.Can you finish ________this book before next Sunday?4.You ________fat since I met you last time.5._________flowers is my father’s only hobby.二、单项选择。

()1.----_________________? ----I’m not feeling very well.A.What’s outsideB.What’s in your headC.What’s upD.What’s inside? ( ) 2.Tom doesn’t go to bed _________he finishes his homework every night.A.afterB.whenC.untilD.because( ) 3. ----I’m very sorry I can’t go to the park with you tomorrow.----____________ A.All right B.That’s right C.Right D.That’s all right ( ) 4.----Could you tell me who has influenced you __________ in your life?A.manyB.muchC.moreD.most( ) 5.It is easy and fast to send and receive e-mails ___________ the Internet.A.inB.thoughtC.toD.throught( )6. Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to _______ there are no mistakes.A.look forB. make sureC. find outD. think about()7. _________ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A.The walkB. WalkingC. To walkD. Walk( )8. I want to stay in the city for ______ two days.A.T he otherB. otherC. anotherD. others ( )9. There used to be a house __________ on the top of the mountain.A.S tandingB. standsC. stoodD. stand( )10. Would you mind ________ me how _______ English words?A.t elling; to rememberB. telling; rememberC to tell; to remember D. to tell; remember()11. People are not allowed _____ in the cinema, but they will allow ________ in the restroom.A.t o smoke; smokeB. smoking; to smokeC to smoke; smoking D. smoking; smokes( )12. ________ you do, I will support you.A.H oweverB. WheneverC. WhereverD. Whatever ( )13. ---when will you come to Nanjing? ---I’ll call you ________ I arrive.A.t illB. whileC. as quickly asD. as soon as三.根据汉语提示写出单词1.Eddie thinks that _________ (生长) up is hard.2.I’ll discuss it with you _________ (无论何时) you like.3.No matter how the _________ (时代) change, my situation will never change.4._________ (凭借) the Internet , you can buy goods from faraway places.5.Books _______(使;容许) me to learn about people in different times and places.6.There’s a great deal of information as soon as he (点击)_____ the mouse.四.用所给词的正确形式填空1.Would you mind _________ (change) the seat with me?2.Is there _________ (other) train for Washington?3._________ (pick) apples is really interesting.4.What do you think __________ (make) your mother so angry yesterday?5.He won’t go back home until he __________ (finish) his schoolwork.6.He cares only for others and not for __________ (he).五.完成句子 1.我父母不允许我晚上出去。
