Sucrose accumulation in the sugarcane stem: pathways and control
蔗糖制作观后感(中英文版)Task Title: Reflection on the Making of SucroseAfter watching the documentary on the production of sucrose, I was truly astonished by the intricate process involved in turning the humble sugarcane into the sweetener we use daily.观看关于蔗糖制作的纪录片后,我真的很惊讶,将平凡的甘蔗转化为我们日常使用的甜味剂的过程是多么复杂。
From the initial harvesting of the sugarcane to the refining and crystallization stages, each step requires precision and a deep understanding of the chemical properties of sucrose.从最初的甘蔗收割到精炼和结晶阶段,每一步都需要精确操作和对蔗糖化学性质的深刻理解。
The meticulousness of the farmers in ensuring the best quality cane is impressive, as is the knowledge and expertise of the scientists and engineers involved in the refining process.确保最佳品质甘蔗的农民的细致程度令人印象深刻,参与精炼过程的科学家和工程师的知识和专业技能也同样令人敬佩。
However, the documentary also highlighted the negative impacts of large-scale sucrose production on the environment and the lives of farmers.然而,纪录片也强调了大规模蔗糖生产对环境和农民生活的负面影响。
㊀第45卷第2期2023年4月中国糖料Sugar Crops of China Vol.45,No.2Apr. 2023doi :10.13570/ki.scc.2023.02.007http :// 收稿日期:2022-06-17基金项目:2019年海南省基础与应用基础研究计划(自然科学领域)高层次人才项目(2019RC 301);国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD 1000503);财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系(甜菜)建设项目(CARS -170301)资助㊂第一作者:赵婷婷(1983-),女,山西长治人,助理研究员,博士,研究方向为甘蔗基因工程,E -mail :zhaotingting @ ㊂通信作者:张树珍(1965-),女,云南楚雄人,研究员,博士,研究方向为甘蔗生物技术,E -mail :zhangsz 2007@ ㊂甘蔗叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性及糖含量动态变化特征分析赵婷婷,杨本鹏,王俊刚,甘仪梅,张树珍(中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所农业部热带作物生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室/海南热带农业资源研究院海南省热带农业生物资源保护与利用重点实验室/中国热带农业科学院甘蔗研究中心,海口571101)摘㊀要:为研究甘蔗叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性及糖含量变化,解析甘蔗 源-库 糖分积累调控机制,分别对分蘖期㊁拔节期㊁成熟期 新台糖22号 甘蔗成熟叶片中蔗糖磷酸合成酶㊁蔗糖合成酶㊁酸性转化酶㊁中性转化酶的活性及叶片中蔗糖和还原糖含量采用比色法进行测定㊂结果表明随着茎秆生长及糖分积累,甘蔗叶片中蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性从10.3μmol /(gFW ㊃h )逐渐升高至14.6μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),成熟期甘蔗叶片中蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性显著降低至5.3μmol /(gFW ㊃h );甘蔗叶片中蔗糖合成酶在茎秆中糖分积累时蔗糖合成活性由14.0μmol /(gFW ㊃h )降低至9.1μmol /(gFW ㊃h );分蘖期甘蔗叶片中蔗糖转化酶活性介于26.0~30.2μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),而成熟期甘蔗叶片中蔗糖转化酶活性显著降低至13.9~16.4μmol /(gFW ㊃h )㊂甘蔗叶片中蔗糖含量在茎秆中糖分积累时达到最高20.57mg /gFW ;分蘖期甘蔗叶片中还原糖含量2.1mg /gFW ,而拔节期㊁成熟期甘蔗叶片中还原糖含量分别升高至5.45mg /gFW 和7.15mg /gFW ㊂甘蔗叶片中蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性与蔗糖含量呈正相关,表明甘蔗叶片中蔗糖磷酸合成酶直接调控蔗糖合成㊂研究结果表明叶片中蔗糖磷酸合成酶及蔗糖含量积极响应茎秆中糖分积累信号,蔗糖磷酸合成酶是甘蔗 源-库 糖分积累调控的关键作用靶点,进一步解析甘蔗叶片中蔗糖磷酸合成酶调控网络可为甘蔗糖分性状改良提供理论依据㊂关键词:甘蔗;蔗糖代谢;蔗糖代谢酶;糖含量中图分类号:S 566.1㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-2624(2023)02-0047-07赵婷婷,杨本鹏,王俊刚,等.甘蔗叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性及糖含量动态变化特征分析[J ].中国糖料,2023,45(2):47-53.ZHAO Tingting ,YANG Benpeng ,WANG Jungang ,et al.The change characteristic analysis of enzymes for sucrose metabolism activity and sugar contents in sugarcane leaves [J ].Sugar Crop of China ,2023,45(2):47-53.0㊀引言甘蔗(Saccharum spp .)是一种高光效C 4植物,是世界上重要的糖料和能源作物,甘蔗产糖约占我国食糖总量的80%以上㊂甘蔗茎秆中糖含量直接决定甘蔗品种的经济价值㊂蔗糖是甘蔗光合同化物合成㊁运输㊁积累的主要形式[1]㊂甘蔗茎秆中积累的糖分来自于源端叶中光合作用合成的蔗糖,叶片中蔗糖含量决定韧皮部蔗糖装载的量,进一步影响库端茎秆中蔗糖的利用及积累㊂蔗糖代谢酶催化叶片中蔗糖的合成与分解,直接调控叶片中蔗糖含量和进入韧皮部装载的蔗糖量㊂对不同生长时期甘蔗叶片中催化蔗糖合成与分解的酶活性及糖84中国糖料2023含量动态变化特征进行分析,可以揭示甘蔗叶片中糖分合成对茎秆中糖分积累的响应及调控模式㊂甘蔗叶片中蔗糖含量受蔗糖合成相关酶和分解相关酶的动态调控㊂蔗糖磷酸合成酶(Sucrose phosphate synthase,SPS;EC2.4.1.14)和磷酸蔗糖磷酸酶(Sucrose phosphate phosphatase,SPP;EC3.1.3.24)催化蔗糖合成,SPS是蔗糖合成调控的关键酶[2]㊂蔗糖合成酶(Sucrose synthase,SS;EC2.4.1.13)既可以将蔗糖催化水解成UDP-葡萄糖(ADP-葡萄糖)和果糖,又可以将UDP-葡萄糖和果糖催化合成蔗糖[3]㊂蔗糖可以被转化酶(Invertase,INV;EC3.2.1.26)不可逆分解为葡萄糖和果糖,供给植物细胞的生长发育营养需求及细胞内己糖的积累㊂根据最适反应pH值,可以将INV分为酸性转化酶(Soluble acidic invertase,SAI)和中性转化酶(Neutral Invertase,NI),酸性转化酶包括细胞壁转化酶和液泡转化酶,中性转化酶存在于细胞质中㊂甘蔗叶片和茎秆中均存在SPS㊁SS㊁SAI㊁NI活性,蔗糖代谢酶活性共同决定植物中蔗糖含量和生物量的积累[3-6]㊂源叶中SPS直接调控蔗糖合成速率㊁蔗糖含量及蔗糖输出量,SS参与调控叶片生长发育,调节叶片中蔗糖和果糖含量,参与淀粉及纤维素等多糖的合成[7-9]㊂INV调节叶片中糖稳态㊁碳水化合物分配㊁响应细胞内外糖信号㊁激素信号,调控叶片的生长发育㊁衰老及对逆境的响应等生物学过程[10]㊂叶片中SPS㊁SS㊁SAI㊁NI分工协作,共同调控叶片中蔗糖和己糖含量,以不同方式响应细胞内糖信号,动态调节叶片中蔗糖合成输出及碳水化合物分配以维持细胞正常生长需要[3]㊂甘蔗生长早期,叶片中光合作用合成的蔗糖主要用于植株生长发育,后期主要用于糖分的积累㊂甘蔗中蔗糖合成㊁运输㊁积累形成一种 源-库 反馈平衡调节机制㊂源端叶片中蔗糖合成调节蔗糖供给,库端茎秆中蔗糖积累反馈调节源端蔗糖合成速率[11]㊂研究表明甘蔗中 源-库 平衡机制决定甘蔗茎秆中糖含量[11-12]㊂然而甘蔗中 源-库 反馈调节糖分分配,并最终决定茎秆中糖分积累水平的关键作用因子及分子调控机制还不清楚㊂蔗糖代谢酶控制甘蔗叶片中蔗糖含量并影响甘蔗茎秆中糖分积累,为了探讨甘蔗叶片中蔗糖代谢酶对 源-库 糖分合成与积累的响应机制,对甘蔗不同生长时期叶片中的四种蔗糖代谢酶活性和糖含量动态变化进行分析,以期解析甘蔗叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性动态变化特征㊁酶活性差异㊁糖含量及对茎秆中糖分积累的响应方式,为进一步系统解析甘蔗中 源-库 糖分合成与积累反馈机制奠定基础㊂1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀材料供试甘蔗品种 新台糖22 ,种植于中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所临高试验基地㊂采用随机区组排列,设3个重复,株距0.35m,行距1.3m,每行10m,肥力中等㊂1.2㊀试验设计在甘蔗植株生长的分蘖期㊁拔节前期㊁拔节后期㊁成熟期,在光照充足条件下,取样时间上午9 11点,随机选取供试品种9株生长健壮甘蔗植株+1叶,剪取叶中部位置,去叶脉,将9片叶混合剪碎,各称取1g装入2mL离心管中,放入液氮中冻存备用㊂1.3㊀测定方法分别测定分蘖期㊁拔节前期㊁拔节后期㊁成熟期植株+1叶中的蔗糖㊁还原糖含量及蔗糖合成酶活性㊂将1g剪碎的叶片置于研钵中充分研磨成粉末,糖分提取按照Zhu等[13]的方法,蔗糖含量测定参考van Handel[14]的方法,还原糖含量测定参考王俊刚等[15]的方法㊂酶液提取方法及酶促反应体系参考Zhu等[13]的方法,蔗糖磷酸合成酶㊁蔗糖合成酶活性以37ħ最适pH条件下,反应1h合成的蔗糖量来表示,单位为μmol蔗糖/(gFW㊃h)㊂酸性转化酶㊁中性转化酶以37ħ最适pH条件下,反应1h生成的葡萄糖的量来表示,单位为μmol葡萄糖/(gFW㊃h)㊂1.4㊀数据分析利用Excel和SPSS软件对数据进行统计分析及作图㊂㊀第45卷,第2期赵婷婷,等:甘蔗叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性及糖含量动态变化特征分析2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀不同生长时期甘蔗叶片中四种蔗糖代谢酶活性变化分析为解析甘蔗不同生长时期叶片中的蔗糖代谢酶活性变化(图1SPS ),分别测定分蘖期㊁拔节前期㊁拔节后期㊁成熟期甘蔗植株+1叶中的四种蔗糖代谢酶活性,结果表明从分蘖期到拔节期甘蔗叶片中SPS 酶活性逐渐升高,到拔节后期甘蔗叶片中SPS 酶活性显著升高(p <0.01),合成蔗糖活性达到最高值14.6μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),而在成熟期甘蔗叶片中SPS 酶活性显著降低(p <0.01),合成蔗糖活性降至5.3μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),表明随着甘蔗茎秆库中糖分快速积累,源叶中SPS 酶响应库中糖分积累需求促进源叶中蔗糖合成,在甘蔗茎秆库中糖分积累完成后,源叶中SPS 酶活性降低㊂从分蘖期到成熟期源叶中SS 酶活性变化趋势与SPS 活性变化趋势相反(图1SS ),从分蘖期到拔节后期SS 酶活性逐渐降低,在拔节后期SS 酶活性显著降低(p <0.01),合成蔗糖活性达到最低值9.1μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),成熟期时SS 酶活性较前一时期显著升高,合成蔗糖活性达到12.8μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),表明甘蔗叶片中SS 酶在甘蔗分蘖期和成熟期叶片蔗糖代谢过程中发挥重要作用,在甘蔗茎秆中糖分快速积累时期,叶片中低SS 酶活性可能有利于蔗糖的快速供给㊂对不同生长时期甘蔗叶片中的SAI 酶活性差异进行分析(图1SAI ),结果表明SAI 酶活性在分蘖期㊁拔节前期㊁拔节后期甘蔗叶片中的活性保持稳定没有变化,生成葡萄糖活性介于24.3~26.0μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),而在成熟期甘蔗叶片中SAI 酶活性显著降低,生成葡萄糖活性降低至16.4μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),表明在甘蔗快速生长及茎秆中糖分快速积累时期,叶片中SAI 酶活性都较高,参与调控叶片中蔗糖及己糖代谢,而在成熟期甘蔗叶片中低SAI 酶活性降低甘蔗叶片中蔗糖分解及己糖代谢㊂图1㊀不同生长时期甘蔗叶片中四种蔗糖代谢酶活性变化分析Fig.1㊀The activity change analysis of four sucrose metablismenzymes in leaves of sugarcane plants at different growth periods94中国糖料http :// 2023对不同生长时期甘蔗叶片中的NI 酶活性差异进行分析(图1NI ),结果表明在分蘖期甘蔗叶片中的NI 蔗糖转化酶活性最高,生成葡萄糖活性达到30.2μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),在拔节前期㊁拔节后期㊁成熟期甘蔗叶片中的NI 酶活性显著降低,生成葡萄糖活性分别为17.2μmol /(gFW ㊃h )㊁20.3μmol /(gFW ㊃h )㊁13.9μmol /(gFW ㊃h ),表明叶片中NI 蔗糖转化酶在分蘖期甘蔗生长过程中发挥重要作用,在拔节期和成熟期叶片中NI 酶活性降低可能有利于促进甘蔗茎秆中糖分积累㊂2.2㊀不同生长时期甘蔗植株叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性差异分析对不同生长时期甘蔗叶片中的SPS ㊁SS ㊁SAI ㊁NI 酶活性差异进行分析,结果表明在分蘖期㊁拔节期甘蔗叶片中的SAI ㊁NI 转化酶活性显著高于SPS ㊁SS 酶活性(图2),在成熟期甘蔗叶片中SS ㊁SAI ㊁NI 酶活性显著高于SPS 酶活性(图2),分蘖期NI 活性高于SAI ,拔节期和成熟期SAI 活性高于NI ,表明不同生长甘蔗叶片中SPS ㊁SS ㊁SAI ㊁NI 共同调控蔗糖代谢,且蔗糖转化酶SAI ㊁NI 在不同生长时期甘蔗叶片生长发育过程中起重要作用㊂图2㊀甘蔗叶片中四种蔗糖代谢酶活性差异分析Fig.2㊀The activity differences analysis of four sucrose metabolism enzymes in sugarcane leaves2.3㊀不同生长时期甘蔗叶片中糖含量分析分别对分蘖期㊁拔节前期㊁拔节后期㊁成熟期甘蔗叶片中的蔗糖和还原糖含量进行测定,结果表明在甘蔗叶片中,与分蘖期相比,在拔节前期甘蔗茎秆中糖分开始积累时,叶片中蔗糖含量显著降低,表明可能由于茎秆库糖分需求增加而导致叶片中蔗糖快速输出,致使叶片中蔗糖含量降低;而在拔节后期甘蔗叶片中蔗糖含量显著升高,达到最高值,有利于促进茎秆中糖分积累;在成熟期甘蔗茎秆中糖分积累完成后,叶片中蔗糖含量显著降低(见表1)㊂从分蘖期到成熟期甘蔗叶片中还原糖含量变化趋势与蔗糖含量相反,拔节期蔗糖含量下降时还原糖含量上升,蔗糖含量升高时还原糖含量降低,成熟期甘蔗叶片中蔗糖含量下降时还原糖含量上升(见表1)㊂甘蔗叶片中蔗糖与还原糖含量变化趋势正好相反,表明当叶片中蔗糖含量降低时,部分蔗糖被转化为还原糖,用于叶片细胞自身生长发育需要㊂05㊀第45卷,第2期赵婷婷,等:甘蔗叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性及糖含量动态变化特征分析表1㊀不同生长时期甘蔗叶片中蔗糖和还原糖含量(mg/gFW)Table1㊀The sucrose and reducing sugar contents in leaves of sugarcane plants at different growth stages糖含量Sugar content分蘖期Tillering stage拔节前期Early elongation stage拔节后期Late elongation stage成熟期Maturation stage蔗糖含量Sucrose content17.64ʃ0.08Aa 6.53ʃ0.11Bb20.57ʃ0.28Cc17.86ʃ0.18aADd还原糖含量Reducingsugar content2.1ʃ0.1Aa9.86ʃ0.05Bb 5.45ʃ0.14Cc7.15ʃ0.1Dd2.4㊀甘蔗叶片中糖含量与蔗糖代谢酶活性相关性分析SPS蔗糖磷酸合成酶是甘蔗叶片中蔗糖合成的关键调控酶,对SPS酶活性与叶片中蔗糖含量相关性进行分析,结果表明在分蘖期㊁拔节后期㊁成熟期甘蔗叶片中,SPS酶活性与蔗糖含量呈正相关(r=0.804),进一步分析分蘖期㊁拔节后期㊁成熟期甘蔗叶片中SS㊁SAI㊁NI酶活性与蔗糖含量相关性,结果表明SS酶蔗糖合成活性与蔗糖含量呈负相关(r=-0.986),SAI㊁NI酶活性与蔗糖含量相关性低㊂对分蘖期㊁拔节后期㊁成熟期甘蔗叶片中SPS㊁SS㊁SAI㊁NI酶活性与还原糖含量相关性进行分析表明, SAI和NI酶活性与叶片中还原糖含量呈负相关(r=-0.857,r=-0.998),SPS和SS酶活性与叶片中还原糖含量相关性低㊂3㊀讨论甘蔗作为一种国内外重要的糖料作物,其糖分性状改良一直是甘蔗研究目标与热点㊂经过C14同位素标记分析表明甘蔗叶片中合成的蔗糖直接装载进入韧皮部进行长距离运输至茎秆储藏薄壁细胞中积累,绝大部分没有经过蔗糖水解及重新合成的过程[1]㊂因此甘蔗茎秆中积累的蔗糖量直接受叶片中光合作用蔗糖合成速率及韧皮部中蔗糖输出量的调控㊂已有研究表明甘蔗叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性高低与甘蔗品种糖含量差异相关[13-14,16-18],本研究主要解析甘蔗叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性和糖含量动态变化特征及叶片中蔗糖代谢酶活性变化是否响应茎秆中糖分积累进行探讨㊂SPS是植物调控蔗糖合成的关键酶,影响植物中糖分积累及最终产量㊂对6个不同糖含量印度甘蔗品种叶在240 420天的SPS酶活动态分析发现,从240天至360天SPS活性逐渐升高,到420天SPS活性显著下降[19]㊂本研究对甘蔗品种 新台糖22 分蘖期到成熟期叶片中SPS酶活性进行分析表明,从分蘖期到拔节期酶活性升高,成熟期时显著降低,研究结果与Kalwade[19]一致㊂这些研究表明甘蔗源叶中SPS活性高低与库中蔗糖积累呈正相关㊂当库中蔗糖含量升高时,源端蔗糖合成活性也升高,在甘蔗生长后期,蔗糖积累完成后,源叶中SPS活性显著降低㊂这表明叶片中SPS酶活性变化响应茎秆中糖分积累,是 源-库 间糖分输出与积累调控的关键靶点,进一步揭示甘蔗叶片中调控SPS的分子作用网络,挖掘调控甘蔗糖分积累的关键因子,有利于促进甘蔗糖分性状改良㊂Kalwade[19]研究表明不同印度甘蔗品种叶片中SS酶活性变化趋势与SPS酶活性趋势一致,随着甘蔗茎秆中糖分积累SS酶活性逐渐升高,在茎秆中糖分积累完成后SS酶活性显著下降,并提出叶片中SPS和SS 共同调控甘蔗茎秆中糖分积累㊂而在本研究中不同生长时期 新台糖22 甘蔗叶片中SS酶活性变化与SPS 酶活性变化趋势不一致,表明甘蔗叶片中SS酶活性变化调控机制与叶片自身的生长发育进程更为密切㊂已有研究表明,不同甘蔗品种叶片中转化酶活性,随着茎秆中糖分积累及甘蔗的成熟转化酶活性逐渐降低[13,19],本研究中 新台糖22 甘蔗叶片中SAI和NI活性也是随着甘蔗生长及成熟逐渐降低,成熟期叶片中SAI㊁NI酶活性最低㊂进一步对不同生长时期中甘蔗叶片中的SPS㊁SS㊁SAI㊁NI酶活性差异进行比较分析,发现在甘蔗叶片中SAI㊁NI蔗糖转化酶活性高于SPS㊁SS酶活性,表明甘蔗叶片中SAI和NI参与调控甘蔗叶片生长发育,甘蔗生长早期活性高有利于己糖的快速利用,成熟期活性低有利于促进甘蔗茎秆中糖分1525中国糖料2023积累㊂对甘蔗叶片中的糖含量变化特征进行分析表明,叶片中蔗糖含量响应茎秆中糖分积累信号,叶片中蔗糖合成受茎秆中糖分积累的反馈调节㊂同时研究表明在分蘖期㊁拔节后期㊁成熟期甘蔗叶片中:SPS活性变化与蔗糖含量变化呈正相关,表明SPS直接调控叶片中蔗糖含量;SS蔗糖合成酶活性与叶片中蔗糖含量负相关,可能与SS多参与调控植物中多糖合成有关[7];SAI和NI水解蔗糖产生还原糖,而SAI和NI酶活性变化与还原糖含量呈负相关,表明SAI和NI水解产生的己糖被叶细胞大量吸收利用㊂目前对重要作物如水稻㊁玉米㊁小麦等的蔗糖代谢酶相关研究,无论是从基因水平还是酶学活性调控等方面的研究已经较为深入,而对甘蔗中蔗糖代谢酶相关家族成员的研究,无论是基因功能㊁转录水平还是蛋白水平的调控研究相对滞后㊂今后甘蔗的优良品种选育尤其在糖分改良方面,如果想从常规育种进入分子设计育种或生物育种,必需解析甘蔗品质性状改良的关键基因和蛋白作用网络才能促进甘蔗品种的更新迭代,进一步解析甘蔗中SPS调控机制并挖掘调控SPS关键作用因子,势必促进甘蔗的糖分性状改良,从根本上进一步提升甘蔗品质㊂4 结论甘蔗叶片中SPS活性和蔗糖含量响应茎秆中蔗糖积累信号,在茎秆中糖分快速积累时期叶片中蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性和蔗糖含量达到峰值,蔗糖磷酸合成酶是甘蔗 源-库 间蔗糖合成与积累调控关键靶点;叶片中SS㊁SAI㊁NI活性变化响应叶片自身生长发育需要,调控甘蔗整个生长发育进程㊂参考文献1HARRT C E KORTSCHAK H H P.Sugar gradients and translocation of sucrose in detached blades of sugarcane J .Plant Physiology 1964393460-474.2RUAN Y L.Sucrose metabolism Gateway to 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Laboratory for Biology and Genetic Resources of Tropical Crops of Hainan Province,Hainan Institute for Tropical Agricultural Resources/Sugarcane Research Center of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,Ministry ㊀㊀㊀of Agriculture,Haikou571101)Abstract:To analyze the changing features of sucrose metabolism enzymes and sugar contents in sugarcane leaves at different growth stages and clarify the source-sink sugar accumulation mechanism in sugarcane,the activities of sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS),sucrose synthase(SS),soluble acidic invertase(SAI)and neutral invertase(NI)and sugar contents in mature leaves from ROC22 sugarcane plants at tillering, elongation and mature growth stages were measured with colorimetric methods.The results showed that the sucrose synthesis activity of SPS were increased from10.3μmol/(gFW㊃h)to14.6μmol/(gFW㊃h)in leaves of sugarcane plants from tillering stage to elongation stage and reached the maximum at the sucrose rapid accumulation stage.The SPS activity in sugarcane leaves was decreased greatly to5.3μmol/(gFW㊃h)in plants at maturation stage.The sucrose synthesis activities of SS in sugarcane leaves were decreased from 14.0μmol/(gFW㊃h)to9.1μmol/(gFW㊃h)the plants at the sugar accumulation growth stage.The activities of SAI and NI ranged from26.0to30.2μmol/(gFW㊃h)in sugarcane plants at tillering growth stage and decreased to13.9~16.4μmol/(gFW㊃h)at mature stage.The sucrose content reached the highest of 20.57mg/gFW in sugarcane leaves from plants at sugar accumulation elongation growth stage.The reducing sugar content was2.1mg/gFW in leaves at tillering growth stage and increased to5.45mg/gFW and 7.15mg/gFW at elongation and maturation growth stages,respectively.The SPS activity changes were positive correlation with sucrose content changes in leaves of sugarcane plants.It indicated that SPS directly regulated the sucrose content in sugarcane leaves.These results showed that the SPS activity and sucrose content in sugarcane leaves actively responded to the sugar accumulation signals in sugarcane stalks.It indicates that SPS in sugarcane leaves is the key regulation target during source-sink sugar synthesis and accumulation.The SPS activity and sucrose content in sugarcane leaves reaches the maximum during sugar rapid accumulation in sugarcane stalks. Further clarifying the molecular network regulating SPS activity in sugarcane leaves will provide theoretical basis for improvement of sugar content in sugarcane.Key words:sugarcane;sucrose metabolism;sucrose metabolism enzyme;sugar content。
甘蔗的制作流程科学科普文英文回答:Sugarcane Production Process.Sugarcane, a tall perennial grass, is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Its primary product is sugar, an essential sweetener and ingredient in various food and beverage industries. The production of sugarcane involves several stages, from cultivation to processing, to obtain the final sugar product.Cultivation.Land Preparation: The land is cleared, plowed, and fertilized to provide optimum conditions for sugarcane growth.Planting: Sugarcane is typically propagated through stem cuttings known as "setts." These setts are planted inrows and watered regularly.Crop Management: Sugarcane requires regular irrigation, fertilization, and pest control to ensure healthy growthand high yields. Harvesting typically occurs after 10-12 months.Harvesting.Burning: Prior to harvesting, the sugarcane fields are often burnt to remove leaves and debris, facilitatingcutting and harvesting.Cutting: Specialized harvesting machines or manual laborers cut the mature sugarcane stalks at the base.Transport: The harvested sugarcane is transported to processing mills for further processing.Processing.Crushing: The sugarcane stalks are crushed to extractthe juice, which contains sucrose.Clarification: The sugarcane juice is filtered and treated with chemicals to remove impurities and clarify it.Evaporation: The clarified juice is heated and evaporated to concentrate the sucrose content.Crystallization: The concentrated juice is cooled and crystallized, forming sugar crystals.Centrifugation: The sugar crystals are separated from the molasses by centrifugation.Refining.Washing and Drying: The sugar crystals are washed and dried to remove impurities.Decolorization and Filtration: Activated carbon or other agents are used to decolorize the sugar. The sugar is then filtered to remove any remaining impurities.Packaging: The refined sugar is packaged in various forms, such as granulated, brown, or powdered sugar, for distribution and consumption.Byproducts.Molasses: A thick, dark liquid byproduct of sugarcane processing, used as a sweetener, animal feed, or in the production of ethanol.Bagasse: The fibrous residue left after sugarcane crushing, used as fuel or for making paper.中文回答:甘蔗生产工艺。
雅思小作文sugar cane
雅思小作文sugar caneSugar cane is a tall, perennial grass that is cultivated for its sweet sap, which is used to produce sugar and other products. It is grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, with countries like Brazil, India, and Thailand being major producers.Sugar cane plants can reach heights of up to 6 meters and have long, narrow leaves. The sap, or juice, is extracted by crushing the stalks and then processed to extract the sugar. The fibrous residue left after extraction, known as bagasse, can be used as a biofuel or in the production of paper and other products.Sugar cane cultivation has a long history, dating back thousands of years. It plays a significant role in the economy of many countries, providing income for farmers and employment in sugar mills and refineries.中文翻译:糖甘蔗是一种高大的多年生草本植物,栽培它是为了其甜蜜的汁液,用于生产糖和其他产品。
糖是如何制作的英文作文Sugar is a ubiquitous ingredient in our daily lives, found in a vast array of food and beverages. From the sweet treats we indulge in to the subtle flavors that enhance our meals, sugar plays a crucial rolein shaping our culinary experiences. But have you ever wondered how this versatile and highly sought-after commodity is produced? In this essay, we will delve into the fascinating process of sugar production, exploring the intricate steps that transform the humble sugarcane or sugar beet into the crystalline sweetness we know and love.The story of sugar begins with the cultivation of sugarcane or sugar beets, the primary raw materials used in sugar production. Sugarcane, a tall, grass-like plant, is predominantly grown in tropical and subtropical regions, such as Brazil, India, and Thailand, where the warm climate and abundant rainfall provide the ideal conditions for its growth. Sugar beets, on the other hand, thrive in temperate climates and are widely cultivated in Europe and North America.Once the sugarcane or sugar beets have been harvested, the next step in the production process is extraction. In the case of sugarcane, the stalks are transported to sugar mills, where they are crushedbetween heavy rollers to extract the sugary juice. This juice, known as "cane juice," contains a high concentration of sucrose, the primary sugar molecule. For sugar beets, a similar process takes place, but the beets are first washed, sliced, and then soaked in hot water to extract the sugar-rich juice.The extracted juice, whether from sugarcane or sugar beets, then undergoes a series of purification and concentration steps. This involves the removal of impurities, such as wax, gum, and other organic matter, through a process called clarification. The clarified juice is then heated and evaporated, gradually reducing its water content and increasing the concentration of sucrose.As the juice becomes more concentrated, it reaches a point where the sucrose molecules begin to crystallize, forming the familiar white sugar crystals we recognize. This crystallization process is carefully controlled and monitored, ensuring that the sugar crystals grow to the desired size and purity. The resulting mixture of sugar crystals and molasses (a byproduct of the process) is then centrifuged to separate the sugar from the molasses.The separated sugar crystals are then dried, further processed, and packaged for distribution. Depending on the desired end product, the sugar may undergo additional steps, such as refining or bleaching, to achieve the desired level of purity and appearance.It's important to note that the sugar industry has undergone significant technological advancements over the years, improving efficiency and sustainability. Modern sugar mills and refineries employ advanced equipment and techniques to optimize the production process, minimize waste, and ensure a consistent and high-quality product.Beyond the technical aspects of sugar production, there is also a rich cultural and historical context surrounding this sweetener. Sugar has played a pivotal role in shaping global trade, influencing the economies and societies of many nations. The cultivation and processing of sugarcane and sugar beets have been closely tied to the histories of colonialism, slavery, and the rise of industrialization.Today, sugar remains a vital component of the global food and beverage industry, with its production and consumption continuing to evolve. As consumers become more conscious of their dietary choices, the sugar industry has also responded by introducing alternative sweeteners and exploring sustainable production methods.In conclusion, the story of sugar production is a fascinating one, involving a intricate interplay of agricultural, industrial, and cultural elements. From the cultivation of sugarcane and sugar beets to thefinal packaging and distribution of the refined product, the process of transforming these raw materials into the sweet crystals we enjoy is a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of satisfying our collective sweet tooth.。
suger canes雅思小作文
suger canes雅思小作文Sugarcane is a widely cultivated crop, known for its high sugar content and versatile use in various industries. However, the production and consumption of sugarcane have raised concerns regarding its environmental impact, labor practices, and health implications. In this essay, I will explore the multifaceted issues surrounding sugarcane production and consumption, considering the perspectives of environmentalists, labor advocates, and health experts.From an environmental perspective, the cultivation of sugarcane has been associated with deforestation, soil degradation, and water pollution. Large-scale sugarcane plantations often lead to the clearing of natural ecosystems, resultingin loss of biodiversity and disruption of ecological balance. Additionally, the intensive use of agrochemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides in sugarcane farming contributes to soil erosion and water contamination, posing a threat to both terrestrial and aquatic environments.Furthermore, the processing of sugarcane into sugar involves significantenergy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The extraction and refining of sugar from sugarcane require substantial amounts of water and electricity, contributing to the carbon footprint of the industry. As such, environmentalists have called for sustainable practices in sugarcane production, including agroecological approaches, organic farming methods, and renewable energyutilization to mitigate its environmental impact.Labor advocates have also raised concerns about the working conditions and human rights issues in the sugarcane industry. In many sugarcane-producing regions, laborers, often from marginalized communities, endure long hours of arduous workin the fields, with minimal job security and inadequate wages. Moreover, child labor and forced labor have been reported in some sugarcane plantations, highlighting the need for ethical labor practices and social responsibility within the industry.Health experts have highlighted the health implications of excessive sugar consumption, which is derived from sugarcane. The high prevalence of processed foods and sugary beverages in modern diets has been linked to various health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. The overconsumption of sugar, particularly in the form of refined products like white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, has raised public health concerns and prompted calls for reduced sugar intake and healthier dietary choices.In response to these multifaceted issues, various stakeholders have proposed strategies to address the challenges associated with sugarcane production and consumption. Sustainable farming practices, such as organic and regenerative agriculture, aim to minimize the environmental impact of sugarcane cultivation by promoting soil health, biodiversity conservation, and resource efficiency. Additionally, the adoption of fair trade principles and certification programs seeks to improve the livelihoods of sugarcane farmers and uphold their rights in the global supply chain.Moreover, public health campaigns and regulatory measures have been advocated to raise awareness about the health risks of excessive sugar consumption and to promote healthier alternatives. These initiatives include sugar taxes, front-of-package labeling, and educational programs to empower consumers to make informed choices and reduce their sugar intake. Furthermore, technological advancements in sugar production, such as the development of alternative sweeteners and biodegradable packaging, offer promising solutions to mitigate the environmental and health impacts of sugarcane-derived products.In conclusion, the production and consumption of sugarcane present complex challenges that intersect with environmental, labor, and health concerns. While sugarcane remains a valuable commodity with diverse applications, it is imperative to address the associated issues through collaborative efforts that prioritize sustainability, social equity, and public health. By embracing innovative practices and responsible policies, the sugarcane industry can strive towards amore ethical and sustainable future, balancing the needs of people, planet, and prosperity.。
The Sweet Science of Sugar ProductionIn the annals of human history, sugar has played a pivotal role, sweetening our lives and fuelling our industries. From its humble beginnings as a natural sweetener extracted from fruits and honey, sugar has evolved into a commodity traded worldwide, essential in bakeries, confectioneries, and beyond. This essay delves into the fascinating world of sugar production, tracing its journey from field to table and examining the science, economics, and environmental impacts of this global industry.**The Growth of a Sweet Crop**Sugar production begins with the cultivation of sugarcane, a robust tropical plant that thrives in warm, wet climates. The cane, with its high sucrose content, is the raw material for sugar production. Farmers plant sugarcane in vast fields, carefully managing irrigation and fertilization to optimize yield. The cane takes several months to mature, and when ready, it is harvested using mechanical combine-like machines.**The Milling Process**Once harvested, the sugarcane is transported to a sugar mill, where it undergoes a complex transformation. The cane is crushed to extract the juice, which is then clarified to remove impurities. This juice, known as raw sugar juice, is then concentrated and boiled to crystallize the sugar. The resulting sugar crystals are separated, dried, and packaged for distribution.**Environmental Considerations**Sugar production, however, is not without its environmental costs. Sugarcane cultivation requires significant amounts of water, which can strain local water supplies. Additionally, the industry's reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides can have negative impacts onsoil health and biodiversity. Sustainable sugar production practices are emerging, focusing on water conservation,soil stewardship, and the use of eco-friendly farming methods.**The Global Sugar Market**The sugar industry is a global one, with sugar traded internationally and used in a wide range of products from soft drinks to chocolates. Price fluctuations in the global sugar market are influenced by supply and demand, weather patterns, and trade policies. This market dynamism has a direct impact on farmers' incomes and consumer prices.**Sugar in Modern Life**Sugar's place in modern life is undeniable. It sweetens our coffee and tea, adds a dash of happiness to our desserts, and powers our bodies with quick energy. However, with the rise of health concerns related to sugar intake, consumers are becoming more discerning about the types and amounts of sugar they consume. This shift towards healthier sugar options is driving innovation in the sugar industry, leading to the development of natural sweeteners and sugar alternatives.**The Future of Sugar Production**As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, sugar production will need to adapt. Innovations in sustainable farming practices, water management, and waste reduction will be key. Additionally, the sugar industrywill need to respond to changing consumer preferences for healthier, more natural sweeteners. The sweet science of sugar production is constantly evolving, and the industry's future lies in balancing profitability, environmental stewardship, and consumer health.**糖生产的甜蜜科学**在人类历史的长河中,糖一直扮演着举足轻重的角色,它让我们的生活更加甜美,也为工业发展注入了活力。
甘蔗制糖流程英语Sugarcane, a tropical and subtropical crop, is a primary source of sugar. The process of converting sugarcane into sugar involves several stages, each designed to extract and refine the natural sweetness of the plant. Here is a detailed overview of the sugar production process from sugarcane:1. Harvesting: The first step in sugar production is the harvesting of mature sugarcane. This is typically done mechanically or by hand, depending on the region andavailable technology.2. Transportation: Once harvested, the sugarcane is transported to the sugar mill, usually within a short time frame to ensure the sugar content remains high.3. Preparation: At the mill, the sugarcane is washed to remove dirt and debris. It is then chopped into smaller pieces to increase the surface area for the next steps.4. Extraction: The chopped sugarcane is crushed between heavy rollers to extract the juice, which is rich in sucrose. This juice, known as cane juice or syrup, is collected and further processed.5. Clarification: The cane juice is treated with lime to precipitate impurities, and then filtered to remove these particles, resulting in a clearer liquid.6. Evaporation: The clarified juice is heated in a series of vacuum pans to evaporate excess water, gradually thickening it into a syrup.7. Crystallization: As the syrup becomes more concentrated, sugar crystals begin to form. This process is carefully controlled to produce the desired size and quality of sugar crystals.8. Centration: The sugar crystals are separated from the syrup (known as molasses) using a centrifuge. The molasses, which still contains some sugar, is often used for other products, such as alcohol or animal feed.9. Drying: The sugar crystals, or raw sugar, are dried to remove any remaining moisture, which helps to preserve the sugar and prevent clumping.10. Refining: The raw sugar is further refined to remove any remaining impurities. This typically involves dissolving the sugar in water, filtering it, and then re-crystallizing it.11. Packaging: The refined sugar is then packaged into various forms, such as granulated sugar, caster sugar, or icing sugar, depending on the desired end product.12. Distribution: Finally, the packaged sugar is distributed to retailers and consumers, completing the journey from sugarcane field to the dining table.This process requires careful management and control to ensure the quality and consistency of the sugar produced. The entire process is a testament to the transformation of a natural resource into a staple commodity enjoyed worldwide.。
我喜欢的水果甘蔗作文英文回答:Sugarcane, a tall, perennial grass that belongs to the Poaceae family, is one of my favorite fruits. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and is widely cultivated for its sweet, juicy stalk. Sugarcane is a versatile fruit that can be consumed fresh, juiced, or processed into various products such as sugar, molasses, and ethanol.The sugarcane stalk is composed of several internodes, each containing a soft, fibrous pith that is packed with sucrose. The sucrose content in sugarcane varies depending on the variety and growing conditions, but it typically ranges between 10-15%. The stalk is also rich in other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.Consuming sugarcane provides several health benefits. It is a good source of energy, providing quick bursts ofglucose. The fiber content in sugarcane helps to regulate digestion and prevent constipation. The vitamins and minerals present in sugarcane contribute to overall health and well-being. Additionally, the antioxidants in sugarcane help to protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.Sugarcane can be enjoyed in various ways. It can be chewed fresh, which is a common practice in many countries. The sweet, juicy pith provides a refreshing and satisfying snack. Sugarcane juice is another popular way to consume this fruit. The juice is extracted by crushing the stalks and is often used in beverages, smoothies, and desserts. Sugarcane can also be processed into various products such as sugar, molasses, and ethanol. Sugar is a common sweetener used in many foods and beverages, while molasses is a thick, viscous liquid that is used as a sweetener orin baking. Ethanol, produced through the fermentation of sugarcane, is used as a fuel and in the production of alcoholic beverages.In conclusion, sugarcane is a versatile and nutritiousfruit that offers various health benefits and culinary applications. Its sweet, juicy stalk can be enjoyed fresh, juiced, or processed into a variety of products.中文回答:甘蔗是我最喜欢的水果之一,它是一种高大的多年生草本植物,属于禾本科。
蔗糖铁渗出的应急处理流程英文回答:Emergency Handling Procedure for Sucrose Iron Leaching.Sucrose iron leaching can occur when iron particles come into contact with sugarcane juice during the sugar production process. This can lead to the contamination ofthe final product and potential health risks if consumed. Therefore, it is essential to have an emergency handling procedure in place to mitigate the impact of such incidents.1. Identify the Contamination:The first step in handling a sucrose iron leaching emergency is to identify the contamination. This can bedone through regular quality control checks during the production process. If any signs of iron contamination are detected, immediate action should be taken.2. Stop Production:Once the contamination is identified, production should be stopped immediately to prevent further contamination of the product. This will help minimize the impact on the finished goods.3. Isolate Contaminated Batches:Any batches or products that have been contaminated with sucrose iron leaching should be isolated and clearly marked. This will prevent the contaminated products from being mixed with unaffected ones.4. Investigate the Source:The next step is to investigate the source of the iron contamination. This may involve inspecting the equipment, machinery, or storage containers used in the production process. Identifying the source is crucial to preventfuture incidents.5. Clean and Sanitize:Once the source of contamination is identified, the affected equipment, machinery, and storage containers should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. This will remove any remaining iron particles and prevent further contamination.6. Test for Residual Iron:After cleaning and sanitizing, it is important to test for residual iron to ensure that the contamination has been effectively removed. This can be done through laboratory analysis or on-site testing methods.7. Resume Production:Once all necessary measures have been taken to address the sucrose iron leaching emergency, production can be resumed. However, it is important to closely monitor the production process to ensure that no further contamination occurs.中文回答:蔗糖铁渗出的应急处理流程。
栽甘蔗的英语作文500字Sugarcane Cultivation: A Guide to Growing and Harvesting Sweet Success.Sugarcane, a tall, perennial grass native to tropical and subtropical regions, is cultivated for its sucrose-rich stalks, making it a vital source of sugar globally. Withits versatile applications in food, beverages, biofuels, and other industries, sugarcane plays a significant role in agricultural economies worldwide.Site Selection and Preparation.The ideal site for sugarcane cultivation requires well-drained, fertile soils with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. Adequate sunlight is essential for optimal growth, and the field should be protected from strong winds. Prior to planting, the land should be deeply plowed and harrowed to create a loose and weed-free seedbed.Planting Methods.Sugarcane is typically propagated through stem cuttings known as setts. These setts are derived from mature stalks and planted horizontally in trenches at a depth of 15-20 centimeters. The spacing between setts and rows varies depending on the cultivar and climatic conditions, but generally ranges from 60-120 centimeters.Cultivation Practices.During the growing season, sugarcane requires regular irrigation, especially during the early stages of establishment. Weed control is crucial to prevent competition for nutrients and water. Fertilizerapplications are essential to support the high nutrient demand of the crop. Other cultivation practices include intercropping, which can improve soil fertility and provide additional income streams.Pest and Disease Management.Sugarcane is susceptible to various pests and diseases, including aphids, mealybugs, and red rot. Integrated pest management strategies are employed to control these threats, utilizing biological control agents, natural predators, and chemical treatments when necessary.Harvesting and Processing.Sugarcane is ready for harvest when the stalks have reached maturity, typically 10-12 months after planting. Harvesting involves cutting the stalks close to the ground using specialized machinery. The harvested canes are then transported to processing mills, where they are crushed to extract the juice. The juice undergoes further processingto crystallize and refine the sugar.Economic Significance and Future Prospects.Sugarcane is a major agricultural commodity, withglobal production exceeding 1.8 billion tons annually. Itis the primary source of sugar for human consumption, accounting for over 70% of worldwide sugar production. By-products of sugarcane processing, such as molasses and bagasse, are also utilized for various industrial purposes.Due to its economic importance and role in food security, research and development in sugarcane cultivation are ongoing. Advances in breeding, irrigation techniques, and disease resistance enhance productivity and sustainability. The industry is also exploring alternative uses of sugarcane, such as bioethanol production and the utilization of bagasse in biocomposite materials.Conclusion.Sugarcane cultivation is a complex and demanding agricultural enterprise, requiring meticulous attention to soil preparation, planting techniques, cultivation practices, and pest and disease management. By adhering to best practices and embracing technological advancements, farmers can maximize sugarcane yield and profitability while ensuring sustainable and environmentally friendly production. As the global demand for sugar continues torise, the sugarcane industry remains vital to meeting the needs of societies worldwide.。
The Process of Making Sugar from SugarcaneThe art of extracting sweetness from sugarcane is an age-old tradition, passed down through generations. The process, though simple in its essence, requires patience and skill to ensure the purity and quality of the final product.The journey begins with harvesting ripe sugarcane, which is carefully selected for its sweetness and juiciness. The sugarcane is then chopped into smaller pieces, ready for the next step in the process.The chopping is followed by crushing, where the sugarcane is pressed to extract its juice. This juice, rich in sucrose, is the lifeblood of the sugar-making process. The extracted juice is then filtered to remove any impurities, ensuring the purity of the sugar.Next comes the boiling stage, where the filtered juice is heated to a high temperature. As the juice evaporates, the sugar content concentrates, turning the liquid into a thick syrup. This syrup is then cooled and crystallized, forming sugar granules.The final step involves drying the sugar granules to remove any remaining moisture. This is done carefully to prevent the sugar from hardening or melting. Once dry, the sugar is ready to be packaged and sold.The entire process, from harvesting to packaging, is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the sugarcane farmers and sugar-makers. It is a craft that requires precision and attention to detail, ensuring that each and every granule of sugar is pure and sweet.甘蔗熬糖的过程从甘蔗中提取甜蜜的艺术是一种流传已久的传统,代代相传。
甘蔗糖的制作过程作文英文回答:Sugarcane sugar, also known as table sugar or sucrose, is a common sweetener used in a wide variety of foods and beverages. The process of making sugarcane sugar involves several steps, starting from the cultivation of sugarcane to the final production of refined sugar.Firstly, the sugarcane plants are cultivated in large fields with the right climate and soil conditions. The plants are grown for about 12 to 18 months before they are ready for harvesting. When the sugarcane reaches the appropriate maturity, it is harvested by cutting the stalks close to the ground.Next, the harvested sugarcane stalks are transported to the sugar mill for processing. At the sugar mill, the sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract the juice. This juice contains a mixture of sucrose, water, and otherimpurities.The juice then undergoes a series of steps to remove impurities and concentrate the sucrose. The first step is clarification, where the juice is heated and treated with lime to remove impurities and solid particles. After clarification, the juice is evaporated to concentrate the sucrose and reduce the water content.Once the juice is concentrated, it is further processed to crystallize the sucrose. This involves boiling the juice until sugar crystals form. The sugar crystals are then separated from the remaining liquid in a centrifuge, leaving behind raw sugar.The raw sugar is then sent to a refinery where it undergoes further processing to remove any remaining impurities and color. The final product is refined white sugar, which is the pure sucrose that we commonly use.中文回答:甘蔗糖,也称为白砂糖或蔗糖,是一种常用的甜味剂,广泛用于各种食品和饮料中。
甘蔗蔗糖积累的规律、影响因素及其调控机制的研究进展周文灵;江永;李奇伟;卢颖林;黄振瑞;敖俊华;陈迪文;黄莹【摘要】The accumulation of high concentrations of sucrose in the stem of sugarcane involved physiological processes including the sucrose synthesis, transport and metabolism. We summarized the research progresses on the rules, influencing factors and regulatory mechanisms of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane, and the directions and measures of further research were also suggested.%甘蔗茎中积累高浓度蔗糖,其积累涉及到蔗糖的合成、运输和代谢等生理过程。
【期刊名称】《甘蔗糖业》【年(卷),期】2011(000)006【总页数】7页(P11-17)【关键词】甘蔗;蔗糖积累;影响因素;调控【作者】周文灵;江永;李奇伟;卢颖林;黄振瑞;敖俊华;陈迪文;黄莹【作者单位】广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室,广东广州510316;广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室,广东广州510316;广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室,广东广州510316;广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室,广东广州510316;广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室,广东广州510316;广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室,广东广州510316;广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室,广东广州510316;广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室,广东广州510316【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S566.10 前言甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum L.)生长于热带和亚热带,是人类最早利用的 C4高光效植物,也是我国南方重要经济作物。
Sugar Production from SugarcaneSugarcane, a tall, tropical grass, has been a vital source of sugar for centuries. The process of extracting sugar from sugarcane is an intricate one, involving several stages from harvesting to refining.The first step in sugar production is harvesting the sugarcane. This involves cutting the stalks at the base using sharp knives or mechanical harvesters. The harvested sugarcane is then transported to the sugar mill, where the sugarcane is cleaned and shredded to remove the leaves and soil.The shredded sugarcane is then crushed to extract the juice, known as "cane juice". This juice contains a high concentration of sucrose, the natural sugar found in sugarcane. The juice is then filtered to remove any remaining solids and impurities.The filtered juice is then heated in large vats, a process called evaporation. As the water evaporates, the sugar concentration in the juice increases. Once the desired concentration is reached, the syrup is ready for crystallization.Crystallization is the process of converting the sugar syrup into solid sugar crystals. This is achieved by cooling the syrup slowly, allowing the sugar crystals to form. The crystals are then separated from the syrup and dried to remove any remaining moisture.The final step in sugar production is packaging. The dried sugar crystals are packaged in bags or containers and are ready for sale.The sugar industry has evolved significantly over the years, with advancements in technology and processes making sugar production more efficient and sustainable. However, the basic principles of sugar production from sugarcane remain the same: harvesting, crushing, filtering, evaporation, crystallization, and packaging.甘蔗,这种高大的热带草本植物,几个世纪以来一直是糖的重要来源。
%In the production process, increasing sucrose recovery in sugar mill was the key to tapping technical transformation equipment in the limited sugarcane resources. The improvement of milling extraction was an effective way in pressing sugar juice section, and the important measures for improving production capacity and milling extraction was increasing the crushing effect of sugarcane. Now sugarcane pretreatment equipment used by most of the sugar mill was rotating drum cane knives (cut-tearing machine), through the combination of 2~3 rotating drum cane knives, sugarcane fragmentation was generally more than 70%, and if we paid more attention to technology reform of sugarcane pretreatment, the sugarcane fragmentation could reach 85%~90%.This article discussed the measures to improve sugarcane crushing effect according to its major influential factors.【期刊名称】《甘蔗糖业》【年(卷),期】2016(000)001【总页数】6页(P31-36)【关键词】甘蔗破碎效果;甘蔗预处理;转鼓式蔗刀机;技术改造【作者】菓青【作者单位】广西来宾东糖迁江有限公司,广西来宾546131【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS243+.1近十年来由于糖价走高,各糖厂纷纷进行技术挖潜改造设备,生产规模得到了大幅提高,许多甘蔗糖厂压榨提汁工段出现2条生产线,部分甘蔗糖厂有3条甚至4条生产线,单条生产线生产规模达到7000~12000 t/d。
作物学报ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2013, 39(1): 142−152 /zwxb/ ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail: xbzw@DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00142应用GGE双标图分析甘蔗品种(系)的产量和品质性状罗俊张华邓祖湖许莉萍徐良年袁照年阙友雄*福建农林大学 / 农业部福建甘蔗生物学与遗传育种重点实验室 / 国家甘蔗产业技术研发中心, 福建福州 350002摘要: 采用GGE双标图分析7个甘蔗参试品种(系)在7个试点的产量和品质性状。
结果表明, 云蔗05-51 (YZ05-51)为单茎产量高且稳定性强的品种, 福农39 (FN39)和柳城03-1137 (LC03-1137)的单茎产量较高, 但稳定性较差; 福农38 (FN38)、粤甘35 (YG35)和新台糖22 (ROC22)有效茎数较高, 但稳定性较差; 福农39 (FN39)和云蔗05-51 (YZ05-51)为蔗茎产量较高且稳定性强的品种, 福农38 (FN38)和柳城03-1137 (LC03-1137)蔗茎产量高, 但稳定性较差; 福农39 (FN39)和赣南02-70 (GN02-70)为甘蔗蔗糖分较高且稳定性强的品种, 云蔗05-51 (YZ05-51)和福农38 (FN38)甘蔗蔗糖分较高, 但稳定性较差; 福农39 (FN39)为产糖量较高且稳定性较强的品种, 福农38 (FN38)、云蔗05-51 (YZ05-51)和柳城03-1137 (LC03-1137)的产糖量较高、但稳定性较差。
云南瑞丽和云南临沧2个试点单茎产量的代表性和区分力较强; 云南保山和广西来宾2个试点有效茎数的代表性和区分力较强; 广西崇左和云南临沧2个试点蔗茎产量的区分力较强; 广西百色和柳州2个试点甘蔗蔗糖分的区分力较强; 广西百色和云南临沧2个试点产糖量的区分力较强。
甘蔗 英语介绍作文
Sugarcane IntroductionSugarcane, scientifically known as Saccharum officinarum, is a perennial grass that is primarily cultivated for its high sucrose content. Originating from New Guinea, it has become one of the world's most important crops, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions.Firstly, sugarcane grows in tall, stout stems that can reach up to 4 meters in height. These stems are solid and juicy, containing more than 10% sucrose by mass, which is extracted through a process of crushing and boiling to produce sugar, a fundamental ingredient in food, beverages, and industrial applications.Secondly, the cultivation of sugarcane requires warm, moist climates, and fertile soils, making it predominantly grown in tropical countries. It is a highly productive crop, with one hectare of sugarcane yielding around 50 to 100 tons of sugar, depending on the variety and growing conditions.Furthermore, sugarcane has multiple uses beyond sugar production. The by-products of sugar extraction, such as bagasse (the fibrous residue) and molasses, are valuable resources. Bagasse is used as a biofuel for the production of heat, energy, and electricity, while molasses serves as a sweetener in the food industry and as a fermentation substrate for the production of ethanol and rum.In addition, sugarcane cultivation has significant environmental benefits. It contributes to carbon sequestration, helping to mitigate climate change. The extensive root system also improves soil structure and fertility, making it a sustainable crop for agricultural land use.In conclusion, sugarcane is a versatile and economically important crop that plays a crucial role in the global food and energy sectors. Its cultivation not only supports the production of sugar but also generates sustainable energy and promotes environmental benefits, making it a vital component in the global economy and ecology.。
甘蔗英语作文Sugarcane is a tropical and subtropical crop that is widely cultivated around the world particularly in regions with abundant sunlight and rainfall. It is known for its high sugar content and is a primary source of sugar production globally. Here is a detailed essay on sugarcane exploring its various aspectsIntroduction to SugarcaneSugarcane scientifically known as Saccharum officinarum is a perennial grass that thrives in warm climates. It is believed to have originated in the South Pacific region and was later spread to other parts of the world through trade and exploration.Cultivation of SugarcaneThe cultivation of sugarcane requires a wellprepared soil that is rich in organic matter and has good drainage. It prefers a sunny location with a consistent water supply. Farmers typically plant sugarcane by setting stalks in the ground allowing them to sprout and grow into tall sturdy plants.Growth and HarvestingSugarcane grows rapidly and can reach heights of up to 3 meters within a year. The plant has long thick and juicy stalks that are rich in sucrose. Harvesting is typically done mechanically or by hand and it is an annual process that involves cutting the stalks close to the ground.Uses of SugarcaneThe primary use of sugarcane is in the production of sugar and its byproducts such as molasses. However it also has other applications. For instance the fibrous residue left after sugar extraction known as bagasse is used for making paper and as a biofuel. Additionally sugarcane juice is a popular drink in many tropical countries enjoyed for its sweet taste and hydrating properties.Economic ImportanceSugarcane is a significant crop for the global economy. It is one of the top agricultural exports for many countries particularly in Latin America the Caribbean and Southeast Asia. The sugar industry provides employment opportunities and contributes to the GDP of these nations.Environmental ImpactWhile sugarcane is a valuable crop its cultivation also has environmental implications. The use of fertilizers and pesticides can lead to soil and water pollution. Moreover the conversion of forests into sugarcane fields can contribute to deforestation and loss of biodiversity.Future ProspectsThere is ongoing research to improve the sustainability of sugarcane cultivation. This includes developing diseaseresistant varieties reducing the need for chemical inputs and exploring more efficient methods of sugar extraction. Additionally the potential of sugarcane as a biofuel source is being studied which could contribute to the development of renewable energy sources.ConclusionSugarcane is an essential crop with a rich history and a significant role in the global food and energy sectors. Its cultivation and use have both positive and negative impacts on the environment and economy. As the world seeks more sustainable agricultural practices the future of sugarcane will likely involve innovations that minimize its environmental footprint while maximizing its benefits to society.This essay provides a comprehensive overview of sugarcane from its cultivation to its various uses and the challenges it faces in the modern world. It highlights the importance of finding a balance between economic gain and environmental sustainability in the cultivation of this vital crop.。
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Sucrose accumulation in the sugarcane stem:pathways and control points for transport and compartmentationAnne L.Rae *,Christopher P.L.Grof,Rosanne E.Casu,Graham D.BonnettCSIRO Plant Industry,Queensland Bioscience Precinct,306Carmody Road,St Lucia,Qld 4068,AustraliaAbstractThe accumulation of high concentrations of sucrose in the stem of sugarcane has been the subject of many studies.Although models have been constructed from the available information,many steps in the transport and accumulation pathway remain unknown.Recent advances in molecular approaches may elucidate some of these processes.Genes encoding proteins associated with sugar synthesis and storage will provide valuable tools.In particular,the use of techniques to localize the sites of expression of sugar transporters and metabolic enzymes will assist in defining possible routes of sugar movement.When combined with an analysis of metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities in cellular and subcellular compartments,these novel approaches will contribute to an integrated picture of stem function.Control points identified will provide useful tools for selection of efficient genotypes and targets for molecular manipulations.#2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Phloem;Sucrose metabolism;Sugarcane;Sugar transporters;Vacuole1.Control points for sucrose storageMature sugarcane stems are capable of accumulat-ing high concentrations of sucrose,approaching 650mM in the storage tissues of some varieties (Welbaum and Meinzer,1990).Although sucrose is commonly found in plant storage organs,it is generally at a low concentration,and starch is the predominant storage carbohydrate (Komor,2000).Storage of assimilate as a small osmotically active molecule might be expected to create metabolicstresses in the cells of the storage tissue.Indeed,a study of the gene transcripts associated with the process of maturation in sugarcane internodes showed increased transcription of many genes involved in stress responses (Casu et al.,2004).The partitioning of sugars into tissues,cells and subcellular compartments is determined by control points in transport pathways.Thus,knowledge of the location of these control elements in the tissue is crucial to an understanding of the sucrose storage process.In addition,these control points will be potential targets for manipulation in strategies to increase sucrose accumulation (Grof and Campbell,2001).Recently,a number of genes which encode enzymes of sugar metabolism or sugar transport in/locate/fcr*Corresponding author.Tel.:+61732142379;fax:+61732142950.E-mail (A.L.Rae).0378-4290/$–see front matter #2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2005.01.027sugarcane have been identified(Zhu et al.,2000; Carson and Botha,2002;Carson et al.,2002;Grivet and Arruda,2002;Casu et al.,2003).Together with a functional analysis of these enzymes,information on the localization of their expression and activity will enable us to build a model of the pathways and control points for sugar movement into the storage sink.This model will highlight where further investigation is required and will be used to develop strategies for increasing sucrose concentration.2.Source to sink pathwaySucrose is synthesized in the photosynthetic tissue of the leaf mesophyll.In some species,sucrose is able to move from the mesophyll cells to the conducting cells of the phloem via direct cell-to-cell connections known as plasmodesmata.Species with numerous plasmodesmata connecting the phloem cells to surrounding cells have been classified as symplastic phloem loaders(van Bel and Gamalei, 1992).However,there is good evidence that loading of sucrose into the phloem occurs from the apoplast in many species.Sucrose transporter proteins,which would permit the import of sucrose from the extracellular solution,have frequently been localized to the phloem cell membranes(Lalonde et al.,2003). Mutant plants with insertions in a gene encoding a sucrose transporter were unable to export sucrose normally(Gottwald et al.,2000).Further evidence that sucrose passes through the apoplast before entering the phloem was provided by transgenic tomato plants that were engineered to express invertase in the leaf apoplast(Dickinson et al., 1991).In the transgenic plants,starch accumulated abnormally in the leaf cells and growth was severely restricted,indicating that sucrose export from the leaf was impaired.The complete pathway of sucroseflow in apoplastic phloem loaders is not known but the vascular parenchyma is considered to be the most likely site for release of sucrose into the apoplast(Lalonde et al.,2003).In sugarcane,the conducting cells of the phloem are not connected to other cells of the leaf by plasmodesmata(Robinson-Beers and Evert,1991).This suggests that phloem loading occurs from the apoplast in sugarcane leaves.In the phloem,sucrose moves out of the leaf and towards sink tissues,including developing shoot and root apices and storage organs.The movement of sucrose through transport phloem is thought to be driven by concentration gradients(van Bel,2003).In source tissues,loading of sucrose causes influx of water and the resulting high turgor promotes move-ment away from the source.Conversely,removal of the sucrose from phloem causes a reduction in osmotic pressure in sink phloem tissues(van Bel,2003). Sucrose transporters continue to be expressed in transport phloem and may act in retrieval of sucrose lost to the apoplast by leakage(Lalonde et al.,2003). Although no direct measurements have been made in sugarcane,the14CO2studies of Hartt et al.(1963) indicate that sucrose is the major carbohydrate transported in the phloem.In the sink tissues,sucrose is unloaded from the phloem.Several pathways of unloading have been described(Patrick,1997).At junctions between maternal andfilial tissue and at interfaces between host and symbiont,the pathway of unloading always includes an apoplastic step.However,in vegetative tissues,movement may be either apoplastic or symplastic.In potato,the tubers are storage sinks that develop from shoot meristems.The movement of the carboxyfluorescein tracer dye,which is restricted to the symplast,showed that phloem unloading is predominantly apoplastic in stolons.However,the onset of tuber development and starch accumulation is accompanied by a switch to symplastic movement of solutes from phloem to storage parenchyma cells (Viola et al.,2001).In storage tissues where soluble sugars are accumulated,the pathway of unloading includes an apoplastic step at the periphery of the phloem or in subsequent cell layers(Lalonde et al.,2003).For sugarcane,which accumulates soluble sugars into a tissue which is relatively mature,this type of pathway may be more relevant.Accumulation of soluble sugars in tomato fruits is an example of an unloading pathway that involves an apoplastic step.In developing fruits, the switch to soluble sugar accumulation is accom-panied by a reduction in symplastic connectivity, shown by the movement of tracer dyes(Patrick,1997). At this stage,invertase activity in the apoplast and hexose transport activity in the storage cells also develop.These observations suggest that sucrose isA.L.Rae et al./Field Crops Research92(2005)159–168 160released into the apoplast and cleaved by invertase, and that hexoses are mobilized into storage cells where sucrose may be re-synthesized(Patrick,1997).Celery petioles provide a further example of an unloading pathway that includes an apoplastic step.In celery,mannitol is exported from mature leaves in addition to sucrose.Mannitol and sucrose transporters have been identified in the leaves and both sugars are found in the transport phloem(Noiraud et al.,2000, 2001).The major storage sink in celery is formed by the parenchyma cells of the enlarged petiole which have been shown to accumulate mannitol and hexoses. Although the pathway of unloading from the phloem in the storage tissue has not been fully characterized, some steps are known.The expression pattern of sucrose transporters in the petiole suggests that unloading involves an apoplastic step(Salmon et al.,1995).Furthermore,protoplasts isolated from petiole parenchyma were able to take up mannitol and hexoses but not sucrose(Salmon et al.,1995).3.Phloem unloading in sugarcaneThe movement of sucrose from transport phloem to the storage parenchyma in sugarcane is influenced by the structure of the storage tissue.Sugarcane stem vascular bundles are surrounded by a layer of thick-walled cells which become progressively lignified and suberized with development.These layers effectively form a barrier to apoplastic movement of solutes during the period of sucrose accumulation(Figs.1and 2;Jacobsen et al.,1992).Thus sucrose probably cannot reach the parenchyma cells from the phloem by a purely apoplastic path.The presence of numerous plasmodesmata suggests that all cells within the vascular bundle are connected symplastically(Walsh et al.,1996).We have shown that a symplastic tracer dye can move from the phloem into vascular parenchyma cells and then through the thick-walled cells into thefirst layer of parenchyma cells surrounding the vascular bundle(Rae et al.,2005). While movement of a tracer dye may not directly parallel movement of sucrose,the results suggest that sucrose may be able to exit the vascular bundle through symplastic connections.It is possible that sucrose is able to move symplastically throughout the parenchyma tissue.However,in order to maintain a gradient for sucroseflow,it is likely that sucrose is excluded from the symplastic continuum by export to the apoplast or into the vacuole.High concentrations of sucrose have been found in the apoplasticfluid in the storage parenchyma(Welbaum and Meinzer, 1990).This implies that a mechanism exists for export of sucrose into the apoplast at some point outside the thick-walled cells that surround the vascular bundle.Backflow of apoplastic sucrose into the vascular system would be restricted by the hydrophobic nature of the lignified and suberized cell walls surrounding the bundle,thus forming an isolated apoplastic compartment(Jacobsen et al., 1992;Welbaum and Meinzer,1990).The biophysical properties of the storage tissue may be important in determining storage capacity and mechanisms.At maturity,the concentration of sucrose in the stem would generate very high turgor pressures if retained in the parenchyma cells.Measurements of turgor,wall extensibility and membrane conductivity in sugarcane parenchyma tissue suggested that low turgor is maintained by partitioning of solutes between the symplastic and apoplastic compartments(Moore and Cosgrove,1991).4.Role of transporters in unloadingThe role of transporters in the influx of sucrose during phloem loading has been well documented but their role in unloading and post-phloem pathways is less clear.The gradient of sucrose concentrations suggests that post-phloem efflux from the symplast could occur by facilitated diffusion;movement through a transmembrane pore which has specificity for sucrose but which is driven solely by a gradient of the substrate and not energized by direct or indirect consumption of ATP.The proteins responsible for efflux of sucrose into the apoplast in the post-phloem pathway have not been identified.In many species, transporters with sugar influx activity have been localized to sites where efflux would be expected,for example in the nucellar projection cells in developing wheat grains(Bagnall et al.,2000)and in developing Arabidopsis roots(Truernit and Sauer,1995).These transporters demonstrate the capacity for proton co-transport with sucrose when expressed in yeast mutants.However,in some circumstances,theseA.L.Rae et al./Field Crops Research92(2005)159–168161162A.L.Rae et al./Field Crops Research92(2005)159–168Fig.1.Tissues and cells from sugarcane stem internode8.In a section stained with berberine,yellowfluorescence indicates the presence of suberin in the walls of cells surrounding two vascular bundles(A).Staining of a similar section with phloroglucinol shows that these cell walls also contain lignin(B).The rigidity of these cell walls allows the bundles to be pulled intact from the surrounding parenchyma tissue.Isolated vascular bundles shown in longitudinal view(C)and in cross-section(D)were largely free of parenchyma cells but some damaged fragments adhered to thefibre cells.A segment of parenchyma tissue isolated by micro-dissection(E)shows no contamination by thick-walledfibre cells.A higher magnification(F)shows that the cells are intact.(G)In a protoplast released from the isolated parenchyma tissue by enzymatic digestion,a large central vacuole is visible.When protoplasts were incubated with phenosafranin(H),they failed to accumulate the dye,indicating that the plasma membrane is undamaged.Staining of protoplasts with thefluorescent brightener(I),Calcofluor,showed that the cell wall was completely removed,while cellulose debris in the medium retained strongfluorescence(bars A–D,F:100m m;E:300m m;G–I:50m m).sucrose carriers are also capable of transporting sucrose by facilitated diffusion(Lemoine et al.,1996). These observations have led to the suggestion that sucrose/H+influx transporters may also be responsible for sucrose efflux by facilitated diffusion(Lalonde et al.,2003).In the sugarcane stem we have identified a sucrose transporter,designated ShSUT1,which is localized to tissues surrounding the stem vascular bundles(Rae et al.,2005).While this transporter may have a role in returning apoplastic sucrose to the symplast,it is also possible that it is involved in sucrose efflux into the apoplast of the storage tissue. Further experiments will be needed to investigate this possibility.5.Export of sucrose to the apoplastIn pathways of unloading that include an apoplastic step,sucrose that accumulates in the apoplast may be converted to other sugars.In developing barley seeds, sucrose unloaded from the maternal tissues is cleaved by invertases,and both hexose and sucrose transpor-ters are expressed in the transfer cells at the surface of the endosperm to facilitate uptake.There is evidence in this system that co-ordinated expression of invertase and the transporters regulates the hexose/sucrose ratio which may be an important developmental signal (Weschke et al.,2003).Extracellular invertase activity has been detected in sugarcane stem tissue and may be responsible for converting a proportion of the apoplastic sucrose to hexoses(Glasziou and Gayler,1972).It has been suggested that the activity of the invertases maintains a gradient of sucrose to drive continued unloading. However,both invertase activity and hexose content have been shown to decline with increasing maturity of stem internodes(Welbaum and Meinzer,1990; Rose and Botha,2000;Albertson et al.,2001), suggesting that this pathway may only be significant in immature internodes.In young tissues,demand for glucose as a precursor for cellulose synthesis and for respiration is likely to be higher than in mature tissues.The question of whether sugarcane parenchyma cells are able to take up sugars as sucrose,as hexoses or both has not yet been resolved.Suspension-cultured cells have been shown to take up glucose(Komor et al.,1981).However,there is also evidence that slices of stem tissue can take up sucrose(Lingle, 1989).We have recently identified a sugarcane hexose transporter which is expressed in the parenchyma cells (Rae and Grof,unpublished results).Further investi-A.L.Rae et al./Field Crops Research92(2005)159–168163Fig.2.Possible routes for transport of sucrose into the storage parenchyma of the sugarcane stem.In this model,sucrose is unloaded symplastically from the phloem,and could potentially move symplastically throughout the storage tissue by cell-to-cell connections.However, the presence of sucrose in the apoplast together with the need to maintain a gradient for continued unloading suggests that at some point,sucrose exits the symplastic continuum.Sucrose or the products of invertase activity may be taken up by parenchyma cells via membrane transporters and may subsequently cross the tonoplast.Enzyme activity may interconvert sucrose and hexoses in each of these compartments.The localization of the components of this pathway is critical to completion of this model.The location of sugar transporters and of sugar metabolising enzymes such as sucrose synthase and invertase will be of particular importance.gation of the cell expression patterns of hexose and sucrose transporters in sugarcane may help answer this important question.It has been suggested that glucose and fructose taken up by hexose transporters in the membranes of parenchyma cells could be used to re-synthesize sucrose by intracellular enzymes(Wendler et al., 1990;Whittaker and Botha,1997).The reasons behind this apparent futile cycling are not yet clear,however localization of the components of the sucrose transport pathway may provide the evidence to support or disprove this hypothesis(Fig.2).For example,this pathway would require the expression of both hexose transporters and sucrose synthase or sucrose phos-phate synthase in the parenchyma cells.The genes encoding these metabolic enzymes have been identi-fied in sugarcane and these will be useful tools to clarify the pathway of sugar movement.6.Sucrose in the vacuoles of storage parenchyma cellsSince the vacuole occupies a large proportion of the parenchyma cells in the sugarcane stem,it is likely that much of the stored sucrose resides in this partmentation of sucrose into the vacuole would help to maintain low concentrations in the cytoplasm and thus provide a driving force for continued movement of sucrose into parenchyma cells,either by uptake from the apoplast or through symplastic connections.However the relative con-centrations of sucrose in the vacuole and cytoplasm have not been measured in sugarcane tissue.Recent developments in micro-sampling techniques may permit these measurements with minimum disruption to the tissue.It is known in other species that the activity of H+-ATPase and pyrophosphatase at the tonoplast mem-brane maintain a low pH inside the vacuole and provide a source of energy for active transport across the membrane against a concentration gradient (Maeshima,2001).As both enzymes are modulated by stress(Davies,1997),it would be interesting to measure their activity in the stem of sugarcane,where high concentrations of sucrose could induce osmotic stress.A tonoplast-bound ATPase has been identified in vacuoles isolated from sugarcane suspension-cultured cells(Thom and Komor,1985).Transporters using the H+gradient as a driving force would be expected to act as H+/antiporters and a number of cation transporters of this type have been identified (Maeshima,2001).A sucrose antiporter activity has been reported in membranes from sugarbeet roots (Briskin et al.,1985).However,studies of sugar storage in other species suggest that movement into the vacuole commonly occurs by facilitated diffusion and not via an active antiport mechanism.When partitioning of mannitol inside the parenchyma cells of celery petioles was studied,mannitol was found at a similar concentration in both the cytoplasm and in the vacuole.Analysis of the transport properties of the tonoplast membrane demonstrated the existence of a mannitol-specific carrier that operates by facilitated diffusion(Greutert et al.,1998).In other examples,the H+efflux characteristic of active transport could not be detected when sugars were added to purified tonoplast vesicles from tomato fruits(Milner et al.,1995)or lime fruits(Echeverria et al.,1997).Purification of vacuoles from sugarcane has been problematical and has produced conflicting results on sugar transport across the tonoplast membrane(Moore,1995).In preparations of vacuoles that accumulated sucrose, there was no evidence for active transport,suggesting that facilitated diffusion may be responsible for accumulation of sugars(Priesser and Komor,1991; Williams et al.,1990).The tonoplast proteins that mediate vacuolar uptake of sugars in sugarcane have not yet been identified.7.Developing tools to elucidate control pointsfor transport and accumulation of sucrose Although many questions still remain,a few steps in the pathway of sucrose transport to the storage parenchyma in sugarcane can now be tentatively defined(Fig.2).For example,the evidence suggests that sucrose is exported from the vascular bundles by a symplastic pathway.Symplasticflow of solutes may be influenced by differences in osmotic pressure between cells.These could be generated by regulating the intracellular and apoplastic concentrations of solutes through the activity of invertases and other sugar metabolising enzymes(Patrick,1997).Trans-porters that control the trans-membrane movement ofA.L.Rae et al./Field Crops Research92(2005)159–168 164salts have also been implicated in osmotic regulation. Interestingly,one of the most strongly up-regulated transcripts in maturing stem of sugarcane is homo-logous to a Na+/H+antiporter from Arabidopsis(Casu et al.,2004).This may indicate an increased need for osmotic adjustment as sucrose content increases in the stem.Alternatively,water movement can be regulated by the activity of aquaporins,or trans-membrane water channels.A number of cDNA clones with sequences homologous to aquaporins have been isolated from maturing sugarcane stem(Casu et al.,2004).Symplastic transport may also be regulated by control of solute movement through plasmodesmata (Roberts and Oparka,2003).Small molecules appear to move through these membrane-lined pores by simple diffusion,thus forming a rate-limiting step in transport pathways.However,transport through plasmodesmata is sensitive to a wide range of physiological changes and regulation of transport capacity is feasible.The molecular components of plasmodesmata have been difficult to identify.Some information was derived by inference from ultra-structure and from the movement of dyes with a known molecular size.The study of viral movement proteins demonstrated that effective pore size could be manipulated(Roberts and Oparka,2003).A small number of mutants with defects in plasmodesmata function have been identified.The sxd1mutant in maize was unable to export sucrose normally from leaves due to blockages in plasmodesmata connecting the bundle sheath and vascular parenchyma cells (Russin et al.,1996).It now appears that sxd1is not a plasmodesmata protein and the defect in plasmodes-mata function is a pleiotropic effect of a mutation that affects differentiation of bundle sheath cells(Mezitt Provencher et al.,2001).Recently,a novel approach to high-throughput screening of genes by localization of protein-GFP fusions has identified11cDNAs that encode plasmodesmata proteins(Medina Escobar et al.,2003).This approach should permit significant advances in our understanding of plasmodesmata function in the near future.Transfer of solutes between the apoplastic and symplastic compartments is controlled by carrier proteins embedded in the plasma membrane.These proteins are considered to be rate limiting steps in many pathways of nutrient uptake(Kunze et al.,2002) and are a common target for genetic manipulation.A number of putative transport proteins were identified in a collection of cDNA clones from maturing sugarcane stem(Casu et al.,2003).We are currently investigating the sugar transport capacity and cellular localization of these proteins in the sugarcane stem. Two approaches have been useful for localization. Antibodies raised to peptides that match the sequence of the transporter protein have been used in immunolabelling experiments to detect the proteins in tissue sections.Transcripts corresponding to the genes encoding the transporters have also been used to pinpoint sites of gene expression by in situ hybridiza-tion.The information from these localization studies has been used to suggest roles for the transporters in the sugarcane stem.We have shown that a hexose transporter is probably involved in retrieval of sugars into the phloem(Casu et al.,2003)and that a sucrose transporter may play a role at the interface between transport and storage tissue(Rae et al.,2005). Experiments to localize the other sugar transporters within the stem tissue in a similar way will further define possible routes of sugar transport.Fig.2highlights the paucity of information regarding the cellular and subcellular location of enzymes that interconvert sugars in the sugarcane stem.Recently,genes encoding a number of enzymes have been identified from sugarcane gene libraries (Zhu et al.,2000;Carson and Botha,2002;Carson et al.,2002;Grivet and Arruda,2002;Casu et al., 2003).As described for the transporters,these genes and the encoded protein sequences will be valuable tools for the localization of enzymes in sugarcane tissue.Together with an analysis of metabolite concentrations in the cellular and subcellular compart-ments,this information can be used to establish pathways and control points for metaboliteflux.The metabolic activities of storage parenchyma cells are not well understood.Some of the activities suggested in the model(Fig.2)are derived from studies of suspension-cultured cells,which may differ markedly from cells in intact tissue.In mature internodes of the sugarcane stem,the parenchyma cells are large and highly vacuolated.Both micro-scopic examination and analysis of gene expression suggest that these cells are no longer actively dividing. Transcripts were also reduced in maturing internodes for genes that encode enzymes associated with transcription and translation mechanisms(CasuA.L.Rae et al./Field Crops Research92(2005)159–168165et al.,2004).However,the metabolic activities of the parenchyma cells are presumably important to maintaining and regulating the high concentrations of sucrose in the tissue.We are using several new approaches to investigate gene expression in parench-yma cells.Vascular and parenchyma tissue can be physically separated by micro-dissection of the sugarcane internode(Fig.1C–F).The vascular bundles and their surrounding sheath of thick-walledfibre cells can be pulled away from the parenchyma cells relatively easily,allowing the extraction of RNA from separate tissue types.We have used this RNA to test the tissue-specific expression of genes that were identified by microarray experiments as being strongly up-regu-lated in mature stems.Few of these genes show significant activity in the parenchyma tissue(Rae et al.,unpublished results).This suggests that parenchyma genes may be poorly represented in cDNA libraries made from whole stems,consistent with low transcriptional activity in this tissue.It may be necessary to develop new approaches to target parenchyma genes specifically.RNA isolated from the parenchyma cells will be used to construct a single-tissue cDNA library,so that the genes expressed in these cells can be characterized.This approach may allow the identification of proteins that are involved in sugar accumulation but which have previously been difficult to isolate,such as plasma membrane and vacuolar transporters.As a means of testing the functional properties of parenchyma cells,we have also developed a procedure for releasing protoplasts from the stem parenchyma cells using enzymic digestion(Fig.1G–I).Intact protoplasts will be an important tool to further dissect parenchyma cell function.8.ConclusionsIn summary,information on the cellular and sub-cellular location of the proteins that facilitate sugar transport will be immensely valuable in building a complete picture of the pathways and control points.It is important to be aware that the metabolic activities in the storage tissue are not uniform from one internode to another but will change with development.As the internodes mature,the balance between synthesis,growth and storage of carbohydrates changes.This is reflected by changes in sucrose/hexose ratios,inver-tase activity and expression of transporters in older internodes.A comprehensive model of sugar transport and accumulation pathways will need to take these developmental changes into account.This review has covered some of the recent developments in thefield;for more information the reader is referred to reviews by Moore(1995),Komor (2000)and Grof and Campbell(2001).An under-standing of sugar transport pathways will be the basis for strategies to increase theflux of sugars and ultimately the amount of sucrose in the storage tissue (Grof and Campbell,2001).A broad genetic resource of varieties and species of sugarcane with a range of sucrose contents is available to help define which steps of the pathway are critical.Control points identified during this process will be useful as markers for enhanced selection in breeding programs and may also be targets for genetic manipulation to increase sucrose accumulation.AcknowledgementThe authors’research is supported by the Sugar Research and Development Corporation,Australia and the Cooperative Research Centre for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology. 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