昆士兰大学介绍昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland),简称昆大,世界50强名校、澳大利亚顶尖学府、著名高等科研学府之一。
澳大利亚常春藤名校联盟“八大名校”之一,始建于1909年,是昆士兰州的第一所综合型大学,也是澳大利亚最大、最有声望的大学之一,同时还是六所砂岩学府(Sandstone Universities)之一。
昆大也是UNIVERSITAS 21成员之一,其科学研究的经费及学术水平在澳大利亚的大学之中始终位居前列,在校博士生的人数最多。
昆士兰大学拥有一位诺贝尔奖得主,1996年诺贝尔生理学和医学奖的获得者Peter C. Doherty,前澳大利亚总理Kevin Rudd(陆克文)和前国防部长Peter Gration,澳大利亚第一位女总督 Dame Quentin Bryce。
昆士兰大学在最新的202X-202X QS大学排名中位居世界第47位,US NEWS排名世界第45位,202XTimes排名世界第65位,202XARWU排名世界第55位,均处于世界排名前1%位置,稳居澳洲大学前三。
其杰出的商学院颇负盛名,获英国经济学人杂志(The Economist)评选其为亚太地区商学院第一名。
亦获得AFR BOSS 杂志评选其商学院于澳大利亚本国排名第一。
南昆士兰大学奖学金种类和申请条件南昆士兰大学(University of Southern Queensland)创办于1967年,位于昆士兰图文巴,是澳大利亚著名的公立大学。
International Scholarship - ChinaIn xx, USQ will offer 3 International Scholarships - China.ValueThe bursary has a maximum value of $8 000.The bursary will be credited directly to the recipient's USQ student aount as a contribution toward their tuition fees. EligibilityApplicants must:be PRC nationalsnot be a sponsored studentmence their studies in the undergraduate or postgraduate program indicated in their Letter of Offer in Semester 1 xx or Semester 2 xxhold an international student visaapply to USQ during the period this scholarship is offered (not prior and not after)enrol on-campus at Toowoomba, Springfield or Ipswich enrol in a minimum of four study units during their first semestermust provide evidence of having joined USQ China subscription WeChat and Weibo social media sites (copy of QR code or similar) and must forward a photo of themselves with a short description of 100-200 words in Chinese or English explaining ‘What attracts them to study at USQ’ with evidence of having received at least thirty “messages of support” for this posting, with points in judging awarded for the greatest number of “messages of support”.Selection criteriaApplicants may apply to USQI on-line directly or through a USQ registered agent.Subject to applicants meeting the eligibility criteria above, USQI will award the bursaries based on precedent of date received (15% weight); number of “messages of support” (20% weight) quality of application (65% weight).How to applyThe application for the bursary must be included with the student's USQ International Student Application.Closing dateApplications closed.在xx年,昆士兰大学为中国留学生提供国际奖学金。
中国留学生可申请的昆士兰大学奖学金学校名称:澳洲昆士兰大学 The University of Queensland所在位置:澳洲,St Lucia Campus:Brisbane St Lucia,QLD 4072学费:33280录取率:0.569中国留学生可申请的昆士兰大学奖学金,跟着一起来了解下吧,欢迎阅读。
Hong Kong Global Leaders ScholarshipAt a glanceAvailable to:Future StudentLevel of study:UndergraduateCitizenship:International studentAwarded to citizens of Hong Kong who undertake undergraduate coursework study in UQ’s Faculty of Business, Economics & Law.Award value:$5,000 tuition fee scholarship.Applications open:1 May 2017Applications close:30 November 2017EligibilityCitizens of Hong Kong who normally reside in Hong Kong and are not already undertaking studies in AustraliaStudents who wish to commence their program at UQ in Semester 1, 2018Students must have completed the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination or a *recognized Hong Kong sub-degree (Associate Degree or Higher Diploma) programsStudents who have received an unconditional offer for a relevant undergraduate coursework program and who are commencing students at UQ (the opportunity is not open to currently enrolled UQ students, or students studying at UQ onstudy abroad or exchange).* The recognized HK sub-degree programs refers to those business, economics, law or tourism related programs delivered by the following institutions:HKU-School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU-SPACE)Chinese University of Hong Kong - School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUHK-SCS)City University of Hong Kong Community College (CityU-CC) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Hong Kong Community College (HKCC)Hong Kong Baptist University, College of International Education (HKBU-CIE)Tung Wah College (TWC)Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education or The Vocational Training Council (HKIVE or VTC)Caritas Institute of Higher Education (CIHE)About the awardThe Hong Kong Global Leaders Scholarship is an exciting opportunity for high achieving students from Hong Kong to further their studies in UQ’s Faculty of Business, Economics and Law. Challenge yourself academically and develop the skills to thrive in constantly changing and competitive business environments. Successful Global Leaders scholars will receive: $5,000 tuition fee scholarship.You will simultaneously develop your employability skills though priority access to exciting programs on offer through our award-winning Student Employability Team, as well as receive exclusive invitations to selected ‘Invite only’ s eminars, presentations, and events throughout your studies. Upongraduation, you will join a global network of outstanding Global Leaders scholarship alumni, and build upon your professional networks at home and abroad.How to applyLodge an official UQ application form for international students. You must apply for your chosen degree program first before applying for the scholarship.Receive a UQ Student ID Number and an unconditional offer (or a conditional offer providing that all conditions are to be met by the scholarship application closing date).Once you have received your offer, complete the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law International Scholarship Application Form online here. You will be required to submit the following with your scholarship application:CV/ResumePersonal/motivational statementThis statement should be no more than 1,000 words and address:- The reasons for your interest in your chosen degree program, including why you wish to study this program at UQ - Your personal goals and ambitions and evidence of any previous activities or experiences (including voluntary activities) which demonstrates your commitment to those goals and ambitions.One reference letter from teaching staff at your institution or from an employer, if available (in English). The academic reference letters should ideally rank your academic performance against your peer group.Please ensure that you read through all information outlined above and provide relevant documents as outlined in theScholarship and UQ Application Forms.If your application for your chosen degree program has not been assessed by the scholarship application closing date, unfortunately we cannot take your scholarship application into consideration.Applications close:30 November 2017Before you apply:You are encouraged to read the definitive rules for this scholarship prior to application, in particular any specific eligibility conditions and check the FAQs if you have any questions.可申请学生:即将入学的学生学术水平:本科国籍要求:在昆士兰大学商学院、经济学院和法学院即将攻读本科或者研究生课程的中国香港的学生。
ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS GUIDELINES - 2014The University of Queensland’s Academic Scholarship program aims to reward the achievements of outstanding school leavers and gap year students.The Academic Scholarships available for award are:i.UQ Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships (awarded to applicants achieving at the very top of the OP1 bandor equivalent).ii.UQ Excellence Scholarships(awarded to OP 1 applicants who demonstrate outstanding academic, leadership and/or community service achievements during their senior secondary studies).iii.UQ Merit Scholarships(awarded to high academic achievers across a range of study areas who demonstrate significant leadership and/or community service).1.Eligibility requirementsThe scholarships are open to current Year 12 and gap year students who:a)are Australian Citizens and Australian Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders; orb)are Australian Permanent Residents, New Zealand Citizens or international students who are completingor have completed Years 11 and 12 in Australia.ANDc)have not undertaken/commenced any previous tertiary study other than that undertaken as part of Year11-12 studies (eg Enhanced Studies Program); andd)have applied for a tertiary place through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC); ande)are intending to enrol as a full-time student in a coursework degree program at The University ofQueensland in 2014 (or 2015 if a deferment of their tertiary offer is approved); andf)have UQ listed as either their 1st or 2nd QTAC preference.2. Application Process2.1 The On-line application form is available on the UQ Scholarships website from August 2013.2.2 Once the Online Application form has been submitted, applicants will receive an email to confirm thattheir application has been received by the University. It is the responsibility of applicants to contact theUndergraduate Scholarships and Prizes Office if they have not received their Confirmation Email within 2days of submitting their Online Application Form.2.3 Applicants must provide copies of all requested supporting documentation, including a copy of theConfirmation Email, in order to be considered for a scholarship. This documentation must reach TheUniversity of Queensland by the 31 October 2013. Late applications will not be considered.3. UQ Selection PoliciesPlease note that the level of demand for academic scholarships significantly exceeds the number of scholarships available and not all eligible applicants will be successful.3.1 A person will not be selected for a UQ Academic Scholarship unless the University is satisfied that he/shemeets the eligibility criteria for a scholarship as set out in Section 1 of these Guidelines3.2 Recipients will be determined by a panel of senior UQ staff and selection is completely at the University’sdiscretion. No appeals against the non-award of an academic scholarship will be entered into.3.3 Academic scholarships will be awarded with consideration to a range of factors including but notnecessarily limited to academic achievement, demonstrated leadership and/or community service,financial need, program preferences and secondary school attended.3.4 The University of Queensland will aim to award scholarships to students across a broad range of highschools and study programs. When awarding scholarships, the Selection Panel will rely on the 1stpreference program noted in the scholarship application. The panel will only consider an applicant’s 2ndpreference program where UQ is not listed as their 1st preference.3.5 The University of Queensland will not award more than one Academic Scholarship to an individualstudent.3.6 Academic merit will generally be assessed on the basis of the students’ OP score (or InternationalBaccalaureate score or equivalent rank) or, in the case of the UQ Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships, theAustralian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).3.7 Bonus ranks applied as a result of undertaking a language other than English, Maths C or enhancedstudies, or applied as a consequence of a special entry program will NOT apply for the purposes ofdetermining academic rank for one of these scholarships.3.8 Assessment of leadership achievements and/or community service will be based on informationcontained in the scholarship application AND the documentation provided by the applicant with theirapplication. The University will make its own judgement about what constitutes the most meritoriouscases.3.9 The University of Queensland reserves the right not to offer all the scholarships available and to set amaximum limit on scholarships available for any one program or in any one faculty.4. Offer Process4.1 The number of scholarships available in each category will be determined each year by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).4.2 The University will conduct one Academic Scholarship round in December each year, to select and awardscholarships to students intending to commence their undergraduate studies at UQ in 2014, (or in 2015,where approval has been given to defer their tertiary place). A number of scholarships will be held inreserve for award in early January 2014 to International Baccalaureate and interstate students whoseresults were not available in time for the December offer round.4.3 Successful applicants will be officially notified in writing of the outcome of their applications as soon aspracticable after the release of Year 12 results. Unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.4.4 The award of an Academic Scholarship will be conditional on the recipient taking up the offer of a place atThe University of Queensland in 2014, unless approval to defer both the tertiary place and the scholarshiphas been granted.4.5 Students, at the time of accepting an offer of an Academic Scholarship, must accept the conditions of thescholarship and agree to provide any information relevant to assessing their ongoing eligibility for ascholarship.4.6 The award of an Academic Scholarship does NOT guarantee a place at The University of Queensland.Scholarship recipients will compete for a place through the usual QTAC offer round process and QTAC willmake offers to academically qualified and eligible students on behalf of the University in January 2014.5. Named ScholarshipsMost academic scholarships are transferrable between UQ programs. However, a number of academic scholarships are fully funded by UQ faculties, private donors and/or industry sponsors. Recipients who are awarded a fully funded faculty, donor or industry sponsored named scholarship based on a nominated program of study, will be required to maintain continued enrolment in that program for the term of the scholarship, unless otherwise approved by the faculty’s Executive Dean. Named scholarships include the UQ Excellence (Colonel D E Evans Memorial) Scholarship and the UQ Excellence (A J Deakin Memorial) Scholarship.6.Value and duration of scholarships6.1 The value of an Academic Scholarship in 2014 will be as follows:i) Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships - $12,000 a year payable for up to 5 years, conditional on continuedfull-time enrolment in an undergraduate coursework (including Honours) or subsequentpostgraduate coursework program.ii) UQ Excellence Scholarships - $6,000 a year payable for up to 4 years, conditional on continued full-time enrolment in an undergraduate coursework (including Honours) or subsequent postgraduatecoursework program.iii) UQ Merit Scholarships - $6,000 for the first year of study only, conditional on continued full-time enrolment in an undergraduate program.7. Payments to students7.1 Two payments a year will be made, each within one month after the Census Date in semester 1 andsemester 2, to the value of 50% of the annual scholarship amount, subject to the student maintainingongoing eligibility requirements.7.2 Payments will be made directly to students via electronic funds transfer to the bank account nominatedby the student.8. Full-time study requirements8.1 To remain eligible for continuing payments, scholarship recipients must remain enrolled in a full-timestudy load of at least 6 units in semester 1 and 6 units in semester 2. A student enrolling in less than a full-time study load is not eligible for a UQ Academic Scholarship.8.2. The University will consider exceptional circumstances such as disability or serious medical condition,significant carer responsibilities and the unique circumstances of Indigenous Australian students indetermining inability to study full-time.8.3 A student whose course load falls below 6 units in a semester, will have their eligibility status reviewedand will be required to show cause why their scholarship should not be terminated. Such students will beineligible to retain their Academic Scholarship unless they provide evidence that there are exceptionalcircumstances that prevent them studying on a full-time basis.8.4 Students who undertake a component of their studies while on overseas student exchange (UQ Abroad),or with another university through an approved cross-institutional arrangement, will not be precludedfrom accessing the scholarship if this study will count towards the requirements of the program in whichthe student is enrolled.9. Academic progress9.1 The University will confirm a student’s ongoing eligibility for an Academic Scholarship on a twice-yearlybasis prior to payment in semester 1 and semester 2.9.2 The University requires students holding an Academic Scholarship to achieve satisfactory academicprogress, as set out in section 9.3 below.9.3 Satisfactory academic progress means:(a)achieving a passing grade for all courses in which the scholarship recipient is enrolled as at eachsemester Census date; and(b)for UQ Excellence Scholarship recipients:(i) achieving a grade point average (GPA) of at least 5 at the completion of the first year ofstudy; and(ii) achieving a GPA of at least 5.5 in each semester thereafter.(c) for UQ Vice-Chancellor’s scholarsh ip recipients:(i) achieving a grade point average (GPA) of at least 5.5 at the completion of the first year ofstudy; and(ii) achieving a GPA of at least 6.0 in each semester thereafter.10. Deferral and suspension of an Academic Scholarship10.1 Scholarship recipients may apply to have their scholarship deferred for up to one year only if approval todefer their tertiary place has been granted. Scholarship recipients who do not take up their universityplace in the year following an approved deferment of study, shall have their scholarship offer withdrawn.10.2 Once commenced, approval to suspend an Academic Scholarship will only be granted in exceptionalcircumstances and only for a maximum period of one year. Such circumstances must be explained in fullto the satisfaction of The University of Queensland and must be supported by evidentiary documentationeg letter from health practitioner, counsellor etc.11. Termination of an Academic Scholarship11.1 Academic scholarship recipients who fail to meet the full time enrolment and academic progressrequirements set out in these guidelines will be required to show cause why their scholarship should notbe terminated. Such students will be ineligible to retain their Academic Scholarship unless they provideevidence that exceptional circumstances have impacted on their studies.11.2 The University will also terminate an Academic Scholarship:(a) if the student has committed serious misconduct including, but not limited to, the provision of falseor misleading information in their Application Form; or(b) if a recipient of a named scholarship transfers to another program not eligible for the scholarship, or(c) once the full value of the scholarship has been paid, or(d) if the student does not resume study at the conclusion of an approved period of suspension.12. Appeals process12.1 The award of an Academic Scholarship to selected recipients is entirely at the discretion of The Universityof Queensland’s Academic Scholarship Selection Panel and no appeals regarding the non-award of anAcademic Scholarship will be entered into.12.2 Appeals regarding the termination of an Academic Scholarship, once commenced, will be heard by theUniversity’s Senate Student Appeals Committee.July 2013。
1 昆士兰大学健康与行为科学学院优势简介据立思辰留学360介绍,昆士兰大学健康与行为科学学院建立于2014年,有692名教职员工,其中学术教师367人,研究人员325人,教授52名,以及荣誉教授,兼职教授总计585名。
2009年TIMES最新世界排名41, 2010年美国《美国新闻和世界报道》(USNWR),和英国QS最新世界排名43。
2 昆士兰大学健康与行为科学学院奖学金介绍昆士兰大学健康与行为科学学院通过覆盖广泛的设置灵活的本科,硕士及博士课程,辅以先进的教学设施,提供给学生世界一流的教育质量。
昆士兰大学健康与行为科学学院奖学金的设立旨培养学生的研究能力,通过本专业知识的学习,学生能把专业技能应用到临床实践中;学生能够为了提高客户健康质量与团队进行良好的合作;3 昆士兰大学健康与行为科学学院奖学金申请攻略昆士兰大学健康与行为科学学院院申请攻略介绍:奖学金名称:Science Undergraduate Excellence Scholarships 自然科学院优秀本科生奖学金金额:入学第一年第一学期$6000以及第二学期$6000申请条件:申请人完成中学教育并被昆士兰大学自然科学院录取。
昆士兰科技大学本科申请基本信息TOEFL要求90 学费23,424-40,416 申请截止日期1月12日IELTS要求6.5 生活费见具体项目说明开学时间每年2-3月高中平均分要求- 申请费55 可申请学期第一、二学期是否认可高考成绩Yes 高考分数要求- 有无语言课程Yes 注(1)TOEFL/IELTS单项要求、语言课程、桥梁课程等其它具体要求请见下方的申请说明。
对国内学生而言,昆士兰科技大学共有四种方式可以入读,分别是使用高考成绩直接申请昆士兰科技大学使用IB或A-level课程成绩直接申请先申请昆士兰科技大学预科学院(International College),预科完成且合格后,直接升读本科国内先读大一,读完大一后,使用大一成绩高中成绩高考成绩申请国内转学至昆士兰科技大学本科注昆士兰科技大学本科申请说明多见具体项目申请要求,这里是以“设计”本科申请为例,具体可查看各课程项目申请要求。
机械电子工程-机器人学 Mechatronics - Robotics Second Major 航空电子学
工程学 每年秋
4 工程学 每年秋 理工学 $27400
Aerospace Avionics
公司系统管理 Corporate Systems Management
信息技术 Information Technology
游戏与交互娱乐 Games and Interactive Entertainment
昆士兰科技大学共设有 6 个学院(Faculty),分别为商学院、创意产业学院、教育学 院、卫生学院、法学院、理工学院。而其中的商学院、教育学院、法学院的课程是优势课程。 昆士兰科技大学的商学院是澳大利亚第一所同时拥有全球三大顶级教育认证机构权威认可 的“三桂冠”商学院。也是全球少数同时拥有三大认证(AMBA*、EQUIS*、AACSB*)的商 学院之一。
约合 14
管理学和国际商务二专业 Management with International Business Second Major
约合 14
管理学和营销学二专业 Management with Marketing Second Major
7、昆士兰大学百年奖学金申请条件:申请人完成A水平测验A levels (min aggregate 15* / 17.5**)或取得国家文凭士兰大学。
1 昆士兰科技大学申请攻略据立思辰留学360介绍,昆士兰科技大学是澳大利亚的一流高等学府,拥有出色的毕业生就业率、良好的国际业界关系、以及世界知名的应用科研实力。
昆士兰科技大学是一所研究性大学,在澳洲大学中排名前十,世界TOP 3%,现有本科生近35,000人,研究生5,000人。
2 昆士兰科技大学申请条件及材料昆士兰科技大学申请条件:一:授课型硕士:以授课为主,课程比较实用,适合就业。
1 昆士兰科技大学简介据立思辰留学360介绍,昆士兰科技大学位于澳大利亚阳光之都-布里斯班市。
2 昆士兰科技大学毕业日期是多少昆士兰科技大学毕业日期介绍:昆士兰科技大学毕业时间:昆士兰科技大学本科毕业时间:2月、7月。
3 昆士兰科技大学毕业攻略昆士兰科技大学毕业攻略介绍:必须修满学分,认真对待专业课程在昆士兰科技大学留学的学生如果想要顺利毕业一定要修够一定的学分。
一般本科学位4年,约120学分;硕士学位 2 年,约 40 个学分,学生获得学分的途径一般来源于一下几类课程:A、基础教育 B、选修课程 C、完成专业要求。
南昆士兰大学奖学金种类和申请条件学校名称:澳洲昆士兰大学 The University of Queensland所在位置:澳洲,St Lucia Campus:Brisbane St Lucia,QLD 4072学费:33280录取率:0.569南昆士兰大学(University of Southern Queensland)创办于1967年,位于昆士兰图文巴,是澳大利亚著名的公立大学。
International Scholarship - ChinaIn 2017, USQ will offer 3 International Scholarships - China.ValueThe bursary has a maximum value of $8 000.The bursary will be credited directly to the recipient's USQ student account as a contribution toward their tuition fees.EligibilityApplicants must:be PRC nationalsnot be a sponsored studentcommence their studies in the undergraduate or postgraduate program indicated in their Letter of Offer in Semester 1 2017 or Semester 2 2017hold an international student visaapply to USQ during the period this scholarship is offered (not prior and not after)enrol on-campus at Toowoomba, Springfield or Ipswichenrol in a minimum of four study units during their first semestermust provide evidence of having joined USQ China subscription WeChat and Weibo social media sites (copy of QR code or similar) and must forward a photo of themselves with a short description of 100-200 words in Chinese or English explaining ‘What attracts them to study at USQ’ with evidence of having received at least thirty “messages of support” for this posting, with points in judging awarded for the greatest number of “messages of support”.Selection criteriaApplicants may apply to USQI on-line directly or through a USQ registered agent.Subject to applicants meeting the eligibility criteria above, USQI will award the bursaries based on precedent of date received (15% weight); number of “messages of support” (20% weight) quality of application (65% weight).How to applyThe application for the bursary must be included with the student's USQ International Student Application.Closing dateApplications closed.在2017年,昆士兰大学为中国留学生提供国际奖学金。
昆士兰科技大学健康科学学院基本信息:QS世界排名-学费$24,672-$40,416申请截止日期1月12日TOEFL要求90高中平均分要求无可申请学期第一学期IELTS要求 6.5是否认可高考成绩Yes高考分数要求无注:(1)TOEFL总分不低于90分,单项成绩均不低于20分,IELTS总分不低于6.5分,单项不低于6.0分,PTE总分不低于64分,单项不低于58分;护理学项目、营养与饮食学项目、药学项目、足疗项目、放射治疗项目、视觉科学项目、护理与行为科学双学位项目、护理与公共健康双学位项目要求IELTS总分7.0以上,单项成绩均不低于6.5分;TOEFL总分不低于100分,单项均不低于22分;PTE总分不低于72,单项均不低于64分。
申请说明360教育集团介绍,昆士兰科技大学健康科学学院(Faculty of Health)共开设有以下学位项目,国际学生均可申请,分别是:项目名称项目英文名学制开学时间申请要求学费要求(48个学分)授课地点行为科学学士Bachelor of Behavioural Science(Psychology)3年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,700Kelvin Grove生物医学学士Bachelor of Biomedical Science3年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$15,300*GardensPoint临床运动生理学学士Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,900*Kelvin Grove运动与运动科学学士Bachelor of Exercise and MovementScience3年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,900*Kelvin Grove健康信息管理学士Bachelor of Health InformationManagement3年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,700*Kelvin Grove人类服务学士Bachelor of Human Services3年2月/7月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,000*Kelvin Grove医学影像学士Bachelor of Medical Imaging4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,600*GardensPoint医学实验室科学学士Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science4年2月/7月*国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$14,400*GardensPoint护理学士Bachelor of Nursing3年2月/7月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,100*Kelvin Grove护理学研究生预科学士Bachelor of Nursing - Graduate Entry2年2月/7月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,100*Kelvin Grove营养与饮食学学士Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,700*Kelvin Grove营养科学学士Bachelor of Nutrition Science3年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,400*Kelvin Grove药学学士Bachelor of Pharmacy4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,600*GardensPoint足疗学士Bachelor of Podiatry4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,700*Kelvin Grove足疗研究生预科学士Bachelor of Podiatry - Graduate Entry 2.5年7月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,700*Kelvin Grove公共健康学士Bachelor of Public Health3年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,100*Kelvin Grove放射治疗学士Bachelor of Radiation Therapy3年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,700*GardensPoint社会工作学士Bachelor of Social Work4年2月/7月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,000*Kelvin Grove视觉科学本硕连读项目Bachelor of Vision Science/Master ofOptometry4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,600*Kelvin Grove行为科学与法学双学位Bachelor of Behavioural Science(Psychology)/Bachelor of Justice4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,600KelvinGrove、GardensPoint行为科学与法学荣誉双学位Bachelor of Behavioural Science(Psychology)/Bachelor of Laws(Honours)5.5年2月(9月1日起开学)国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,300KelvinGrove、GardensPoint行为科学与社会工作双学位Bachelor of Behavioural Science(Psychology)/Bachelor of Social Work4.5年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,700*Kelvin Grove生物医学与法学荣誉双学位Bachelor of BiomedicalScience/Bachelor of Laws (Honours)5.5年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$13,900*GardensPoint运动科学与行为科学双学位Bachelor of Exercise and MovementScience/Bachelor of Behavioural Science(Psychology)4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,900*Kelvin Grove人类服务与法学双学位Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor ofJustice4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$12,800*KelvinGrove、GardensPoint护理与行为科学双学位Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor ofBehavioural Science (Psychology)4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$11,400*Kelvin Grove护理与公共健康双学位Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of PublicHealth4年2月国内本科大一成绩单及高考成绩$11,400*Kelvin Grove注:(1)护理学研究生预科项目学制2年(已拥有护理学相关专业或工作背景者),非护理学专业并无相关工作经验者学制3年。
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1 昆士兰科技大学健康学院优势简介
2 昆士兰科技大学健康学院奖学金介绍
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