

GBT 18851-2渗透材料的检验

GBT 18851-2渗透材料的检验
— 第1 部分: 总则 ; — 第 2部分: 渗透材料的检验; — 第 3部分: 参考试块 ; — 第 4部分: 设备; — 第 5部分: 验证方法 。
其中“ 部分: 第3 参考试块” 发布时的标准编号和名称为 G / 181 02无损检测 渗透检验 BT 5-20( 8 (
进行 。
62 报告 . 62 1 型式检验 .. 独立实验室( 6 11应出具一份执行 G / 18 1的本部分的鉴定证书和一份详列了所得结果 见 .. ) B T 5 8
的报告 。
如果生产渗透材料的成分出现变化 , 应重新进行型式检验和产品鉴定。 622 批,检验 .. 渗透材料的制造商应出具一份执行 G / 181的本部分的鉴定证书 , E 124中所规定的。 B T 5 8 如 N 0 0
633 显像剂 .. 显像剂的性能应按表 4的检验方法进行型式和( 批量检验。 或) 表 4 显像剂的性能和必要的检验
63 4 压力罐批f控制检验 .. 批量控制检验应进行如下检验 :
产品性能, . 见 710 8
G / 18 1 - 2 0 /S 3 5 - :0 0 B T 5 . 8 2 0 5 IO 4 22 2 0
62 3 过程控制检验 .. 所得结果应作记录( 见附录 B o ) 63 必要的检验 . 6 31 渗透剂 .. 渗透剂的性能应按表 2的检验方法进行型式和( 批量检验。 或) 表 2 渗透剂的性能和必要的检验
术 上 是等 同 的 。
G / 18 1 -2 0/S 35-:0 0 B T 5 . 05IO 4222 0 8 2
表 1 检 测 产 品
一 介川
52 灵敏度等级 . 52 1 荧光产品族 .. 1级灵敏度( 普通的) ; 2级灵敏度( 高灵敏度) ; 3级灵敏度( 特殊用途的超高灵敏度) 。



(UT) 或 RT
钛 T 型接头
(UT)或 RT
UT 或(RT)
( )表示有限制的使用。
9.3 不完全焊透的对接和 T 型接头及角焊缝 对于部分焊透焊缝和角焊缝而言,当采用表 3 中所列的方法时,未熔的根部会妨碍实施令人满意的体积
3.2 检测标准:用检测程度和参数设定值来选择检测方法,不同的值应对应检测装置不同灵敏度和/或不同 可能性,类似检测标准的选择是与质量要求息息相关的。
3.3 评定标准:依据检测标准,对显现的情况加以评估(见附录 B)。
3.4 记录水准:根据检测标准,对显现的情况进行记录(见附录 B)。
3.5 可接受的水准:达到检测水准的组成部分是可以接受的(见附录 B)。
在实施标准中,或在合同双方的协议中给出检查的内容。在附录 C 中给出了有关随机检测的指导。 5.3 材料 本标准适用于下列材料和其合金及其组合材料的熔焊焊缝:

○c 2009 WTI Harbin
EN473 无损检测人员培训教材
3.6 检测组织:实施无损检测的内部或外部组织。





2、引用标准JB4730-2005 《压力容器无损检测》GB/T5097-1985《黑光源的间接评定方法》GB11533-1989 《标准对数视力表》3、人员要求3.1 从事渗透检测的人员必须持有国家质检总局制发的并与其工作相适应的特种设备无损检测人员资格证书。

3.2 渗透检测人员裸视或矫正视力不得低于1.0,按GB11533规定的测试方法每年检查一次,并不得有色盲、色弱。

4、设施和器材4.1 采用荧光渗透检测方法时,检测现场应保持清洁,检测时可见光照度不大于20LX;黑光灯的紫外线波长应在0.32-0.40μm范围内,被检表面的紫外线强度应不低于1000μw/cm2。

4.2 渗透检测剂渗透检测剂包括渗透剂、乳化剂、清洗剂和显像剂。

4.2.1 渗透检测剂应配套使用,不同厂家、不同牌号、不同批号的渗透检测剂不得混用,本规程推荐选用国际型、标准型或适用型渗透检测剂。

4.2.2 用于检测镍基合金、奥氏体不锈钢或钛钢的渗透检测剂应有氟(F)、氯(CL)和硫(S)含量的控制,当无专门要求时,用于奥氏体不锈钢或钛钢的渗透检测剂,其氟(F)、氯(CL)总含量不得超过1%,用于高温下的镍基合金钢的渗透检测剂,其硫(S)含量不得超过1%;当有专门要求时,应按要求严格控制其含量。

4.2.3 荧光渗透剂的荧光效率不得低于75%,试验方法按GB/T5097标准附录A中的有关规定执行。

4.3 对比试块4.3.1 铝合金试块(A型对比试块)铝合金试块是由具有相同大小且具有细密相对称裂纹的两部分组成。




中国国标无损检测术语——渗透检测中华人民共和国国家标准无损检测术语渗透检测GB/T 12604.3-90Terminology for nondestructive testingPenetrant testing1 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了在渗透检测的一般概念、渗透检测设备、器件和材料、渗透检测方法中使用的术语。



2 渗透检测的一般概念2.1 渗透探伤penetrant flaw detection通过施加渗透剂,用洗净剂除去多余部分,如有必要,施加显像剂以得到零件上开口于表面的某些缺陷的指示。

2.2 可见光visible light波长在400~700 nm范围内的电磁辐射。

2.3 紫外辐射ultraviolet radiation单色分量的波长小于可见光而大于约1 nm的辐射。

国际照明学委员会,将紫外辐射的频谱范围分类如下:UV-A:315~400 nmUV-B:280~315 nmUV-C:100~280 nm2.4 A类紫外辐射UV-A波长在315~400 nm范围内的电磁辐射。

同义词:(黑光black light)2.5 荧光fluorescence一种物质在吸收A类紫外辐射期间方可发射出的可见光。

2.6 英尺烛光footcandle表面上的照度,在一平方英尺面积上均匀分布一流明的光通量。

1 lm/ft2=10.8 lm/m2。

2.7 埃(Å)angstrom unit一种可用于表示电磁辐射波长的长度单位。

1 ?=0.1 nm。

2.8 荧光的猝灭quenching of fluorescence不是由于激发辐射的移开,而是由于强氧化剂或酸、或此两者的作用,或者由于温度或浓度的变化而导致的荧光熄灭。

2.9 污染物contaminant存在于试件表面上或是在检查材料中对液体渗透材料的性能起有害影响的任何外来物。



2 检验人员2.1 凡从事锅炉、压力容器及压力管道原材料、零部件和焊缝渗透检测人员,都必须经技术培训,掌握了解必要的设计、材料、制造、检验方面的基本知识,并按照国家质量监督检验检疫总局文件“特种设备无损检测人员考核与监督管理规则”的要求,经过考核取得渗透检测技术资格。

2.2 无损检测人员按技术等级分为高、中、初级。


2.3 凡从事锅炉、压力容器及压力管道渗透检测的人员,除具有良好的身体素质外,视力必须满足下列要求:未经矫正或经矫正的近和远视力应不低于5.0(测试方法应符合GB11533的规定),并一年检查一次。


3 作业程序、方法及工艺要求3.1 准备工作3.1.1 技术准备3.1.1.1 根据《金属试验委托单》了解被检工件情况,包括材料、规格等。 确定检验工作质量等级、检验比例、数量、受检工件质量验收级别。

3.1.2 工艺制订根据有关标准规定及现场情况等制订工艺,确定检测方法、工艺流程等。


3.1.3 探伤剂准备3.1.3.1 本作业使用的是喷灌式溶剂去除型的渗透探伤剂。


喷灌必须标明生产日期和有效期并按要求存放,要附带产品合格证和使用说明书。 对镍基合金材料、奥氏体钢、钛及钛合金材料,渗透探伤剂的选择必须符合标准JB/T4730.5的3.2.6~3.2.8条款的要求。 用A型试块鉴别渗透探伤剂是否有效。

3.1.4 工艺试验3.1.4.1 将B型试件放在第一批被检验工件中,按正常的操作工艺进行渗透探伤,并与预先保存的该试件的缺陷复制板或照相记录进行比较,达到相同效果时,开始进行其他的检验。

这项工作在检测前、检测过程或检测结束认为必要时应随时进行。 如果被检工件只有一两件,可将工艺试验与正常检验工作同时进行。









本标准主要起草(编制): 顾秋兵标检: 徐玉珍审核:孙嘉钧本标准由总工程师南大庆批准。

1 范围本标准规定了渗透检测的检验前准备、人员、检验要求和检验过程.本标准适用于金属材料制成的船用产品及其零部件表面开口缺陷的检测方法和缺陷等级评定。

2 规范性引用文件HB/Z 61—1998 渗透检验JB/T 6064 渗透探伤用镀铬试块条件3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。












4 检测前准备4。

1 探伤剂4。

1.1 探伤剂包括渗透剂(荧光和着色)、乳化剂、清洗剂、显像剂。



2 对奥氏体不锈钢制件检测时,每种探伤剂的氯和氟含量之和不得大于1%。

4.1.3 探伤剂的性能要求及其试验方法应符合HB/Z 61中的有关规定,不同厂家、不同型号的探伤剂不能混用。


2 标准试块4。

2.1 标准试块应符合JB/T 6064的规定。


2 不锈钢镀铬试块(B型试块)和黄铜镀镍铬定量试块(C型试块),主要用于检验操作方法和工艺系统灵敏度。




二、检测剂选择1. 荧光渗透剂:具有灵敏度高、检测速度快、可重复性好等优点,适用于重要工件的检验。

2. 着色渗透剂:操作简单、价格便宜,适用于一般工件的检验。

三、检测前准备1. 被检工件表面应无油污、锈蚀、氧化皮等杂质,否则会影响渗透效果。

2. 准备好显像剂、清洗剂、干燥剂等辅助材料。

3. 准备好检测设备,如渗透剂、清洗剂、显像剂等。

四、渗透过程1. 将被检工件表面涂上渗透剂,并保持一定时间,使渗透剂充分渗透。

2. 渗透时间根据工件材质和厚度而定,一般为10-15分钟。

3. 渗透过程中,要保持工件表面湿润,避免干燥。

五、乳化过程1. 乳化剂的作用是使渗透剂中的染料和水分离,形成乳浊液。

2. 将乳化剂涂在被检工件表面,并保持一定时间,使乳化剂充分作用。

3. 乳化时间根据工件材质和厚度而定,一般为5-10分钟。

六、水洗过程1. 水洗的目的是去除被检工件表面多余的渗透剂和乳化剂。

2. 将水洗剂涂在被检工件表面,并保持一定时间,使水洗剂充分作用。

3. 水洗过程中要保持水洗剂的清洁,避免污染被检工件表面。

七、干燥过程1. 干燥的目的是使被检工件表面干燥,以便进行显像。

2. 将干燥剂涂在被检工件表面,并保持一定时间,使干燥剂充分作用。

3. 干燥过程中要保持干燥剂的清洁,避免污染被检工件表面。

八、显像过程1. 将显像剂涂在被检工件表面,并保持一定时间,使显像剂充分作用。

2. 显像过程中要注意防止显像剂污染被检工件表面。

3. 在显像过程中要注意观察被检工件表面的缺陷,以便进行结果判定。

九、结果判定1. 根据显像结果,观察被检工件表面的缺陷情况。

2. 对缺陷部位进行拍照记录,以便后续分析处理。

3. 根据缺陷的性质和数量,对被检工件的质量进行评价。

4. 对于存在严重缺陷的被检工件,应进行返修或报废处理。

十、安全环保要求1. 在进行渗透检测过程中,要遵守相关安全规定和操作规程,确保人员安全和设备安全。






01渗透检测标准的使用情况1美国标准美国在承压类特种设备和民用核安全设备领域应用最为广泛的渗透检测标准是ASME(美国机械工程师协会)系列标准和ASTM E165 Standard practice for liquid penetrant examination for general industry(通用工业渗透检测的标准操作方法)系列标准。

ASME(以下以2021版为例)标准只规定了一种渗透检测对比试块,其结构与我国标准JB/T 6064-2015 《无损检测渗透试块通用规范》中的A型铝合金对比试块大致相同,如图1所示。



图1 A型铝合金对比试块结构示意ASME标准没有直接对渗透检测剂的相关灵敏度做出要求,但是标准ASTM E165-2018指出,无论是哪个制造商生产的渗透检测剂,只要是列在标准QPL-AMS-2644-2020 Qualified products of inspection materials, penetrant(合格产品目录检验材料渗透检测)中的均可使用(不能混搭使用)。

标准ASTM E165-2018的引用标准ASTM E1220-2016 Standard practice for visible penetrant testing using solvent-removable process(溶剂去除着色渗透检验标准操作方法)明确规定,除经合同或Ⅲ级人员批准外,应使用满足标准AMS-2644-2020 Inspection material, penetrant(检验材料,渗透材料)要求的渗透检测剂,该标准对着色渗透检测剂没有灵敏度等级划分,只有列入清单(合格)与未列入清单(不合格)之分,其规定应使用如图1所示的铝合金对比试块对着色渗透检测剂的灵敏度进行测试。



Reference number ISO 3452-1:2008(E)© ISO 2008INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3452-1First edition 2008-09-01Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing —Part 1:General principlesEssais non destructifs — Examen par ressuage — Partie 1: Principes générauxISO 3452-1:2008(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2008All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2008 – All rights reservedISO 3452-1:2008(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 3452-1 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (as EN 571-1:1997) and was adopted, under a special "fast-track" procedure, by Technical Committee ISO/TC 135, Non-destructive testing, Subcommittee SC 2, Surface methods, in parallel with its approval by the ISO member bodies.ISO 3452-1 cancels and replaces ISO 3452:1984 which has been technically revised.Throughout the text of this document, read "this European Standard" and "this standard" to mean "this International Standard".ISO 3452 consists of the following parts, under the general title Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing:⎯Part 1: General principles⎯Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials⎯Part 3: Reference test blocks⎯Part 4: Equipment⎯Part 5: Penetrant testing at temperatures higher than 50 °C⎯Part 6: Penetrant testing at temperatures lower than 10 °CAnnex ZZ provides a list of corresponding International and European Standards for which equivalents are not given in the text.© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved iiiISO 3452-1:2008(E)iv © ISO 2008 – All rights reservedPage 2EN 571-1:1997ForewordThis European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 138,Non-destructive testing,the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.This European Standard shall be given the national standard,either by publication of text or by endorsement,at the latest by conflicting national standards shall be the latest by July 1997.In the framework of its scope,Technical Committee CEN/TC 138entrusted CEN/TC 138/WG 4,Liquidpenetrant testing,to prepare this European Standard.EN 571comprises a series of European Standards on penetrant testing which is made of the following:EN 571-1Non-destructive testing ÐPenetrant testing ÐPart 1:General principlesEN 571-2Non-destructive testing ÐPenetrant testing ÐPart 2:Testing of penetrant materials EN 571-3Non-destructive testing ÐPenetrant testing ÐPart 3:Reference test blocksThis European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association,and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations,the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this EuropeanStandard:Austria,Belgium,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland and the United Kingdom.ContentsPageForeword 21Scope 32Normative references 33Definitions 34Safety precautions 35General principles 36Products,sensitivity and designation 47Compatibility of testing materials withthe part(s)to be tested58Test procedure 59Test report 8Annexes A (normative)Main stages of thepenetrant examination9B (informative)Example of a test report10ISO 3452-1:2008(E)© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved1Page 3EN 571-1:19971)In preparation.1ScopeThis standard defines a method of penetrant testing used to detect discontinuities,e.g.cracks,laps,folds,porosity and lack of fusion,which are open to thesurface of the material to be tested.It is mainly applied to metallic materials,but can also be performed on other materials,provided that they are inert to the test media and they are not excessively porous,examples of which are castings,forgings,welds,ceramics,etc.This standard is not intended to be used foracceptance criteria and gives no information relating to the suitability of individual test systems for specific applications nor requirements for test equipment.The term `discontinuity'is used here in the sense that no evaluation concerning acceptability or non-acceptability is included.Methods for determining and monitoring the essential properties of penetrant testing products to be used are specified in EN 571-2and EN 571-3.2Normative referencesThis European Standard incorporates by dated orundated reference,provisions from other publications.These normative references are cited at theappropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter.For dated references,subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of thesepublications apply to this European Standard onlywhen incorporated in it by amendment or revision.For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.EN 473Qualification and certification of NDT personnel ÐGeneral principlesprEN 571-2Non-destructive testing ÐPenetrant testing ÐPart 2:Testing of penetrant materials 1)prEN 571-3Non-destructive testing ÐPenetrant testing ÐPart 3:Reference test blocks 1)prEN 956Non-destructive testing ÐPenetrant testing ÐEquipment prEN 1330-6Non-destructive testing ÐTerminology ÐPart 6:Terms used in penetrant systems 1)prEN1956Non-destructive testing ÐPenetrant testing and testing ÐViewing 3DefinitionsFor the purposes of this standard the definitions of prEN 1330-6apply.4Safety precautionsAs penetrant inspection techniques often require the use of harmful,flammable and/or volatile materials,certain precautions shall be taken.Prolonged or repeated contact of these materials with the skin or any mucous membrane should be avoided.Working areas shall be adequately ventilated and sited away from sources of heat,sparks and naked flames in accordance with local regulations.The penetrant testing products and equipment shall be used with care and always in compliance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.When using UV-A sources,care shall be taken toensure that unfiltered radiation from the UV-A source does not directly reach the eyes of the operators.Whether it forms an integral part of the lamp or is a separate component,the UV-A filter shall always be maintained in good condition.There is legislation and regulations regarding health,safety,pollution and storage,etc.5General principles5.1PersonnelThe examination shall be carried out or supervised by competent personnel and,if required,qualified and certified according to EN 473or to a system agreed upon by the contracting parties.5.2Description of the methodPrior to penetrant testing the surface to be inspected shall be cleaned and dried.Then suitable penetrants are applied to the test area and enter into discontinuities open to the surface.After theappropriate penetration time has elapsed the excess penetrant is removed from the surface and thedeveloper applied.This absorbs the penetrant that has entered and remains in the discontinuities and may give a clearly visible enhanced indication of the discontinuity.Should complementary non-destructive testing be required,the penetrant inspection shall be performed first unless agreed upon between the contractingparties so as not to introduce contaminants into open discontinuities.If penetrant inspection is usedfollowing another non-destructive testing technique,the surface shall be cleaned carefully to remove contaminants before application.ISO 3452-1:2008(E)2© ISO 2008 – All rights reservedPage 4EN 571-1:19975.3Process sequenceThe sequence of operations is illustrated for the general case in annex A.Testing generally proceeds through the following stages:a)preparation and precleaning (see 8.2);b)application of penetrant (see 8.3);c)excess penetrant removal (see 8.4);d)application of developer (see 8.5);e)inspection (see 8.6);f)recording (see 8.7);g)postcleaning (see 8.8).5.4EquipmentThe equipment for carrying out penetrant testingdepends on the number,size and shape of the parts to be tested.For the requirements of equipment,see EN 956.5.5EffectivenessThe effectiveness of the penetrant testing depends upon many factors such as:a)types of penetrant materials and testing equipment;b)surface preparation and condition;c)material under examination and expected discontinuities;d)temperature of the test surface;e)penetration and development time;f)viewing conditions,etc.6Products,sensitivity and designation6.1Product familyVarious test systems exist in penetrant testing.A product family is understood as a combination of the following penetrant testing materials:penetrant,excess penetrant remover and developer.When tested in accordance with prEN 571-2the penetrant and excess penetrant remover shall be from one manufacturer.Only approved product families shall be used.6.2Testing productsThe testing products are given in table 1.6.3SensitivityThe sensitivity level of a product family shall be determined using reference block 1as described in prEN 5713.The assessed level always refers to the method used for type testing of the approved product family.6.4DesignationThe approved product family to be used for penetrant testing is given a designation comprising the type,the method and the form for the testing products,and a figure which indicates the sensitivity level achieved by testing with the reference block 1as described in prEN 571-3.ExampleDesignation of an approved product family comprising fluorescent penetrant (I),water as excess penetrant remover (A)and a dry powder developer (a),and a system sensitivity of level 2is the following penetrant testing system when using prEN 571-1and prEN 572-2giving the example:product family EN 571-IAa-2.ISO 3452-1:2008(E)© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved3Page 5EN 571-1:19977Compatibility of testing materials with the part(s)to be tested7.1GeneralThe penetrant testing products shall be compatible with the material to be tested and the use for which the part is designed.7.2Compatibility of penetrant testing products The penetrant testing materials shall be compatible with each other.Penetrant materials from different manufacturers shall not be mixed during the initial filling of the facility.Dragout losses shall not be replaced using penetrant materials from different manufacturers.7.3Compatibility of penetrant testing materials with parts under examination7.3.1In most cases the compatibility of products can be assessed prior to use by means of the corrosion test detailed in prEN 571- chemical or physical properties of some non-metallics can be adversely affected by penetrant testing materials;their compatibility has to beestablished before inspecting parts manufactured from,and assemblies that include,such materials.7.3.3In situations where contamination might occur,it is essential to ensure that the penetrant testing materials do not have a deleterious effect on fuels,lubricants,hydraulic fluids,etc.7.3.4For parts associated with peroxide rocket fuel,explosive stores (these include all items containing explosive propellant,initiating or pyrotechnicmaterials),oxygen equipment or nuclear applications the compatibility of penetrant testing materials shall require special consideration.7.3.5If,after postcleaning,penetrant testing materials remain on the parts there is a possibility of corrosion,e.g.of stress corrosion or of corrosion fatigue.8T est procedure8.1Written test procedureWhen contractually required a written test procedure shall be prepared and approved prior to the examination.8.2Preparation and precleaningContaminants,e.g.scale,rust,paint shall be removed,if necessary using or chemical methods or a combination of Precleaning shall ensure that is free from residues and that it to enter any discontinuity.The cleaned area shall be largeenough to prevent interference from areas adjacent to the actual test surface.8.2.1Mechanical precleaningScale,slag,rust,etc.,shall be removed using suitable methods such as brushing,rubbing,abrasion,blasting,high pressure water blasting,etc.These methods remove contaminants from the surface and generally are incapable of removing contaminants from within surface discontinuities.In all cases and in particular in the case of shot blasting,care shall be taken to ensure that the discontinuities are not masked by plastic deformation or clogging from abrasive materials.If necessary,to ensure that discontinuities are open to the surface subsequent etching treatment shall be carried out,followed by adequate rinsing and drying.8.2.2Chemical precleaningChemical precleaning shall be carried out usingsuitable chemical cleaning agents,to remove residues such as grease,oil,paint or etching materials.Residues from chemical precleaning processes can react with penetrant and greatly reduce its sensitivity.Acids and chromates in particular can greatly reduce the fluorescence of fluorescent penetrants and the colour of the colour contrast penetrant.Therefore,chemical agents shall be removed from the surface under examination,after the cleaning process,using suitable cleaning methods which may include water rinsing.8.2.3DryingAs the final stage of precleaning,the parts to be tested shall be thoroughly dried,so that neither water nor solvent remains in the discontinuities.8.3Application of penetrant8.3.1Methods of applicationThe penetrant can be applied to the part to be tested by spraying,brushing,flooding,dipping or immersion.Care shall be taken to ensure that the test surface remains completely wetted throughout the entire penetration time.8.3.2TemperatureIn order to minimize moisture entering discontinuities,the temperature of the test surface shall generally be within the range from 10ÊC to 50ÊC.In special cases temperatures as low as 5ÊC may be used.For temperatures below 10ÊC or above 50ÊC onlypenetrant product families and procedures approved in accordance with prEN 571-2for this purpose shall be used.NOTE.Especially in the low temperature range there is a danger of water condensing in the discontinuities and on the surfaces,and this water will prevent the penetrant from entering the discontinuities.ISO 3452-1:2008(E)4© ISO 2008 – All rights reservedPage 6EN 571-1:19978.3.3Penetration timeThe appropriate penetration time depends on the properties of the penetrant,the applicationtemperature,the material of the part to be tested and the discontinuities to be detected.The penetration time can vary from 5min to 60min.The penetration time should be at least as time used for the determination of If not,the actual penetration time shall be the written test procedure.In no case shall penetrant be allowed to dry during the time.8.4Excess penetrant removal8.4.1GeneralThe application of the remover medium shall be such that no penetrant is removed from the discontinuities.8.4.2WaterThe excess penetrant shall be removed using a suitable rinsing technique.Examples:spray rinsing or wiping with a damp cloth.Care shall be taken to minimize the effect of mechanical action caused by the rinsing method.The temperature of the water shall not exceed 50ÊC.8.4.3SolventsGenerally,the excess penetrant shall be removed first by using a clean lint-free cloth.Subsequent cleaning with a clean lint-free cloth lightly moistened with solvent shall then be carried out.Any other removal technique shall be approved by the contracting parties,particularly when solvent remover is sprayed directly on to the part to be tested.8.4.4Emulsifier8.4.4.1Hydrophilic (water-dilutable)To allow the post-emulsifiable penetrant to be removed from the test surface,it shall be renderedwater-rinsable by application of an emulsifier.Before the application of the emulsifier,a water wash should be performed in order to remove the bulk of theexcess penetrant from the test surface and to facilitate a uniform action of the hydrophilic emulsifier which will be applied subsequently.The emulsifier shall be applied by immersion or by foam equipment.The concentration and the contact time of the emulsifier shall be evaluated by the user through pre-tests according to the manufacturer'sinstructions.The predetermined emulsifier contact time shall not be exceeded.After emulsification,a final wash shall be carried out as described in (oil-based)To allow the post emulsifiable penetrant to be removed from the test surface,it shall be renderedwater-rinsable by application of an emulsifier.This can only be done by immersion.The emulsifier contact time shall be evaluated by the user through pre-tests according to the manufacturer's instructions.This time shall be sufficient to allow only the excess penetrant to be removed from the test surface during the subsequent water wash.The emulsifying time shall not be exceeded.Immediately after emulsification,a water wash shall be carried out as described in and solventFirst the excess water-washable penetrant shall be removed with water (see 8.4.2).Subsequent cleaning with a clean lint-free cloth,lightly moistened with solvent,shall be then carried out.8.4.6Excess penetrant removal checkDuring excess penetrant removal the test surface shall be visually checked for penetrant residues.Forfluorescent penetrants,this shall be carried out under a UV-A source.The minimum UV-A irradiance at the test surface shall not be less than 3W/m 2(300m W/cm 2).When faced with excessive background on parts after excess penetrant removal has been carried out,the decision on future action shall be taken by a suitably qualified person.8.4.7DryingIn order to facilitate rapid drying of excess water,any droplets and puddles of water shall be removed from the part.Except when using water-based developer the test surface shall be dried as quickly as possible after excess penetrant removal,using one of the following methods:a)wiping with a clean,dry,lint-free cloth;b)evaporation at ambient temperature after hot water dip;c)evaporation at elevated temperature;d)forced air circulation;e)a combination of the methods listed under a)to d).If compressed air is used,particular care shall be taken to ensure that it is water-and oil-free and impinging pressure on the surface of the part is kept as low as possible.The method of drying the part to be tested shall be carried out in a way ensuring that the penetrant entrapped in the discontinuities does not dry.The surface temperature shall not exceed 50ÊC during drying unless otherwise approved.8.5Application of developer8.5.1GeneralThe developer shall be maintained in a uniformcondition during use and shall be evenly applied to the test surface.The application of the developer shall be carried out as soon as possible after the removal of excess penetrant.ISO 3452-1:2008(E)© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5Page 7EN 571-1:19978.5.2Dry powderDry powder may only be used with fluorescentpenetrants.The developer shall be uniformly applied to the test surface by one of the following techniques:dust storm,electrostatic spraying,flock gun,fluidized bed or storm cabinet.The test surface shall be thinly covered;local agglomerations are not permitted.8.5.3Water-suspendable developerA thin uniform application of the developer shall be carried out by immersion in agitated suspension or by spraying with suitable equipment in accordance with the approved procedure.Immersion time andtemperature of the developer shall be evaluated by the user through pre-tests according to the manufacturer's instructions.The immersion time shall be as short as possible to ensure optimum results.The part shall be dried by evaporation and/or by the use of a forced air circulation oven.8.5.4Solvent-based developerThe developer shall be applied by spraying uniformly.The spray shall be such that the developer arrivesslightly wet on the surface,giving a thin,uniform layer.8.5.5Water soluble developerA thin uniform application of the developer shall be carried out by immersion or by spraying with suitable equipment in accordance with the approved procedure.Immersion time and temperature of the developer shall be evaluated by the user through pretests according to the manufacturer's instruction.The immersion time should be as short as possible to ensure an optimum result.The part shall be dried by evaporation and/or by the use of a forced air circulation oven.8.5.6Water or solvent based for special application (e.g.peelable developer)When an indication that needs to be recorded is shown with the penetrant inspection process the following procedure should be used.±Wipe off developer with a clean,dry,lint-free cloth.±Apply the same penetrant by any convenient means,then follow exactly the same process as initially used,up to application of the developer.±After excess penetrant removal and drying of the part,apply the peelable developer as recommended by the manufacturer.±When the recommended development time has elapsed,carefully peel off coating.Indication(s)appear(s)on coating which was in direct contact 8.5.7Development timeThe development time should be between 10min and 30min;longer times may be agreed between the contracting parties.The development time begins±immediately after application when dry developer is applied;±immediately after drying when wet developer is applied.8.6Inspection8.6.1GeneralGenerally,it is advisable to carry out the firstexamination just after the application of the developer or as soon as the developer is dry.This facilitates a better interpretation of indications.The final inspection shall be carried out when the development time has elapsed.Aids for visual examination,such as magnification instruments or contrast spectacles,can be used.NOTE.The diameter,width or intensity of the indication provide limited information.8.6.2Viewing conditions8.6.2.1Fluorescent penetrantsPhotochromatic spectacles shall not be worn.Sufficient time shall be allowed for the operator's eyes to become dark-adapted in the inspection booth,usually at least 5min.UV radiation shall not be directed in the operator's eyes.All surfaces which can be viewed by the operators shall not fluoresce.No paper or cloth which fluoresces under UV light shall be in sight of the operator.A UV-A background lighting may be provided,ifnecessary,to allow the operator to move freely inside the booth.The test surface shall be viewed under a UV-Aradiation source,in accordance with prEN 1956.The UV-A irradiance at the surface inspected shall not be less than 10W/m 2(1000m W/cm 2).The statements above shall apply to inspections in darkened rooms where the visible light is limited to a maximum of 20lx. contrast penetrantsThe test surface shall be inspected under daylight or under artificial white light with an illuminance of not less than 500lx on the surface of the tested part.The viewing conditions shall be such that glare and reflections are avoided.ISO 3452-1:2008(E)6© ISO 2008 – All rights reservedPage 8EN 571-1:19978.7RecordingRecording may be done by any of the following methods:a)written description;b)sketch;c)adhesive tape;d)peelable developer;e)photograph;f)photocopy;g)video.8.8Postcleaning and protection8.8.1PostcleaningAfter final inspection,postcleaning of the part is necessary only in those cases where the penetrant testing products could interfere with subsequent processing or service requirements.8.8.2ProtectionIf required a suitable corrosion protection shall be applied.8.9RetestingIf retesting is necessary,e.g.because no unambiguous evaluation of indications is possible,the entire test procedure,starting with the precleaning,shall be repeated.If necessary,more favourable test conditions shall be chosen for this procedure.The use of a different type of penetrant or a penetrant of the same type from a different supplier is not allowed unless a thorough cleaning has been carried out to remove penetrant residues remaining in the discontinuities.9T est reportThe test report shall contain the following information with reference to this standard:a)information on the part tested ±designation ±dimensions ±material±surface condition ±production stage;b)purpose of testing;c)designation of the penetrant system used,asspecified in 6.4,giving the manufacturer's name and product designation as well as the batch number;d)test instructions;e)deviations from the test instructions;f)test results (description of discontinuities detected);g)test location,date of testing,name of the operator;h)name,certification and signature of the test supervisor.The layout of a form that can be used for the test report is given in annex B.It shall include all thedetails relating to the method which are important for the evaluation of the test results,and additionalinformation relating to the parts to be tested,although this data should be modified,as appropriate,depending on the type of part.If another form is used it shall contain all the information detailed in items a)to h).The test report may be omitted if a test procedure fulfilling the requirements of 8.1is submitted,containing the information mentioned in clause 9from a)to d)and if the information under e)to h)is documented in an appropriate manner.。

gjb 2367a-2005 渗透检验

gjb 2367a-2005 渗透检验

gjb 2367a-2005 渗透检验1. 概述GJB 2367A-2005《工程材料渗透检验方法》是一项关于材料渗透性能检验的标准,适用于各种工程材料的渗透性能评定和比较。


2. 渗透检验的目的渗透检验旨在确认材料的渗透性能,评估其质量和可靠性。



3. 渗透检验的原理渗透检验采用流体在材料内部的渗透过程来评估材料的渗透性能。



4. 渗透检验的步骤渗透检验包括以下步骤:1)准备样品:根据标准要求,选择代表性样品,并进行必要的加工和处理;2)准备测试设备:准备好所需的渗透检验设备,包括渗透试验仪、压力传感器、流体处理装置等;3)进行渗透测试:将样品置于渗透试验仪内,施加一定压力的流体,并记录渗透过程中的压力变化和流体渗透量;4)数据分析和评定:根据测试结果,对材料的渗透性能进行分析和评定,得出结论并作出建议。

5. 渗透检验的应用GJB 2367A-2005标准规定了一系列的渗透检验方法和技术要求,适用于不同类型和形态的工程材料,包括金属材料、非金属材料、复合材料等。



6. 结论GJB 2367A-2005《工程材料渗透检验方法》是一项重要的材料检验标准,适用于各种工程材料的渗透性能评定和比较。






3规范性引用3.1指导书中所涉及的规程、规范、标准均为加工制造期间最新版本GB9445 《无损检测人员技术资格鉴定通则》JB/T4730.5 《承压设备无损检测(第5部分:渗透检测)》JB/T6064 《无损检测渗透检测用试块》4对作业人员的要求及资格4.1从事焊缝探伤的检验人员必须掌握渗透探伤的基础技术具有足够的焊缝渗透探伤经验,并掌握一定的材料、焊接基础知识。











7 检测时机7.1 除非另有规定,焊接接头的渗透检测应在焊接完工后或焊接工序完成后进行。


7.2 紧固件和锻件的渗透检测一般应安排在最终热处理之后进行。

8 检验程序8.1 检验程序流程图表面制备——预清洗,干燥——施加渗透剂——清洁——干燥——显像、检验——评定、记录——后清洗8.2表面制备8.2.1工件被检表面不得有影响渗透检测的铁锈、氧化皮、焊接飞溅、铁屑、毛刺以及各种防护层。


gjb 2367a-2005 渗透检验

gjb 2367a-2005 渗透检验

gjb 2367a-2005 渗透检验摘要:1.GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的概述2.GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的标准和要求3.GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的方法和步骤4.GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的应用领域和意义正文:一、GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的概述GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验是我国军事标准中的一项重要检验方法,主要用于检测材料表面的裂纹、缺陷等问题。


二、GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的标准和要求GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的标准主要包括以下几个方面:1.检验设备:检验设备应符合相关标准要求,保证检验结果的准确性。




三、GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的方法和步骤GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的方法主要分为以下几个步骤:1.准备工作:将被检材料表面清洗干净,确保表面无油脂、氧化皮等影响检验结果的物质。




四、GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验的应用领域和意义GJB 2367A-2005 渗透检验在多个领域具有广泛的应用,如航空航天、军工、机械制造等。




1.DIN 15310-1985:这是关于载小件货物的电梯的标准,其中包含了吊笼的

2.GB/T 26557-2011:这是关于吊笼有垂直导向的人货两用施工升降机的标

3.JT/T 930-2014:这是关于潜水吊笼的标准。

4.T/CCMA 0069-2019:这是关于多吊笼有旋转导轨的人货两用施工升降机













二、标准依据1. GB/T 50082-2009《混凝土结构耐久性设计规范》2. GB/T 50081-2002《混凝土结构设计规范》3. JGJ/T 70-2009《混凝土结构工程验收规范》4. JGJ/T 152-2008《建筑物室内环境污染控制规范》三、术语和定义1. 混凝土氯离子渗透:氯离子在混凝土中的扩散和迁移过程。

2. 混凝土氯离子扩散系数:混凝土中氯离子扩散的速度。

3. 混凝土氯离子扩散深度:混凝土中氯离子扩散的距离。

四、测定方法1. 氯离子含量的测定采用离子选择电极法或荧光法测定混凝土中氯离子含量。

2. 混凝土氯离子扩散系数的测定采用稳态法、非稳态法或溶液浸泡法测定混凝土氯离子扩散系数。

3. 混凝土氯离子扩散深度的测定采用电渗法或荧光法测定混凝土氯离子扩散深度。

五、评价标准1. 氯离子含量混凝土中氯离子含量应符合以下标准:(1)混凝土表层氯离子含量不超过0.3%;(2)混凝土内部氯离子含量不超过0.1%。

2. 混凝土氯离子扩散系数混凝土氯离子扩散系数应符合以下标准:(1)普通混凝土氯离子扩散系数不超过2.5×10^-12m^2/s;(2)高性能混凝土氯离子扩散系数不超过1.0×10^-12m^2/s。

3. 混凝土氯离子扩散深度混凝土氯离子扩散深度应符合以下标准:(1)普通混凝土氯离子扩散深度不超过30mm;(2)高性能混凝土氯离子扩散深度不超过20mm。

六、检验方法混凝土氯离子渗透可通过以下检验方法进行检验:1. 混凝土氯离子扩散系数可通过实验室测定;2. 混凝土氯离子扩散深度可通过现场测定;3. 混凝土中氯离子含量可通过采集样品送至实验室测定。


渗 透 检 测标准解读 (2)

渗  透 检 测标准解读 (2)

• 散装渗透剂的浓度应根据制造厂说明书规 定进行校验。校验方法是将10mL待校验的渗透剂 和基准渗透剂分别注人到盛有90mL无色煤油或其 他惰性溶剂的量筒中,搅拌均匀,然后将两种试 剂分别放在比色计纳式试管中进行颜色浓度的比 较。如果被校验的渗透剂与基准渗透剂的颜色浓 度差超过20%时,就应作为不合格。 • 对正在使用的渗透剂进行外观检验,如发 现有明显的混浊或沉淀物、变色或难以清洗,则 应予以报废。 • 被检渗透剂与基准渗透剂利用试块进行性 能对比试验,当被检渗透剂显示缺陷的能力低于 基准渗透剂时,应予报废。 • 荧光渗透剂的荧光效率不得低于75%。试 验方法按GB/T 5097-1985附录A中的有关规定执 行。
• 3.3 设备、仪器和试块 • 3.3.1 暗室或检测现场 • 暗室或检测现场应有足够的空间,能满足检测 的要求,检测现场应保持清洁,荧光检测时暗室 或暗处可见光照度应不大于201x。 • 3.3.2 黑光灯 • 黑光灯的紫外线波长应在320nm~400nm的范 围内,峰值波长为365nm,距黑光灯滤光片38cm 的工件表面的辐照度大于或等于1000μW/cm², 自显像时距黑光灯滤光片15cm的工件表面的辐照 度大于或等于1000μW/cm²。黑光灯的电源电压 波动大于10%时应安装电源稳压器。
渗 透检测
•无损检测通用工艺规程至少应包括以下内 容: • a)适用范围; • b)引用标准、法规; • c)检测人员资格; • d)检测设备、器材和材料; • e)检测表面制备; • f)检测时机; • g)检测工艺和检测技术; • h)检测结果的评定和质量等级分类; • i)检测记录、报告和资料存档; • j)编制(级别)、审核(级别)和批准人; • k)制定日期。

EN 571-1无损检测—渗透检测—第1部分:一般原则

EN 571-1无损检测—渗透检测—第1部分:一般原则

EN 571-1 无损检测—渗透检测—第1部分:一般原则1. 应用范围本标准定义了渗透测试方法,用来探测诸如裂纹、分层、折叠、气孔和未熔合这些在待测材料表面开口的不规则性。




EN 571-2 和EN 571-3 指出了确定和监测渗透检测产品基本特性所采用的方法。



当使用UV-A 源时,应确保UV-A 源产生的未过滤辐射不会直接照射操作者的眼睛,不管它是灯的组成部分还是一个独立的部件,UV-A 过滤器应一直保持在良好的状态。

5.一般原理5.1 人员应由胜任的人员来执行或监督该项检测,并且如果有要求的话,应按照EN473 或合同双方认可的系统对人员作出资格认证。

5.2 方法说明在渗透检测前应先清洗并干燥待测表面,然后将合适的渗透剂施加到检测区,并且让它们渗入到表面的不规则性中,经过一段渗透时间后从表面除去多余的渗透剂,并施加显像剂,显像剂吸收已经进入并保留在不规则性中的渗透剂,使不规则性显示痕迹增强,从而变得清晰可见。


5.3 处理顺序附录A 中图示说明了一般情况下的操作顺序,检测通常按照以下步骤进行:a) 准备和预清洗见8.2 条;b) 施加渗透剂见8.3 条;c) 清除多余的渗透剂见8.4 条;d) 施加显像剂见8.5 条;e) 观察见8.6 条;f) 记录见8.7 条;g) 后清洗见8.8 条。



渗透检测技术规范1.1 检测人员1.1.1从事渗透检测的人员应满足NB/T 47013.1的有关规定。


测试方法应符合GB 11533的规定,且应一年检查一次,不得有色盲。

1.2 检测设备和器材1.2.1 渗透检测剂渗透检测剂包括渗透剂、乳化剂、清洗剂和显像剂。渗透剂的质量应满足下列要求:a) 在每一批新的合格散装渗透剂中应取出500mL贮藏在玻璃容器中保存起来,作为校验基准;b) 渗透剂应装在密封容器中,放在温度为10℃~50℃的暗处保存,并应避免阳光照射。

各种渗透剂的相对密度应根据制造厂说明书的规定采用相对密度计进行校验,并应保持相对密度不变;c) 散装渗透剂的浓度应根据制造厂说明书规定进行校验。


然后将两种试剂分别放在比色计纳式试管中进行颜色浓度的比较,如果被校验的渗透剂与基准渗透剂的颜色浓度差超过20%时,就应作为不合格;d) 对正在使用的渗透剂进行外观检验,如发现有明显的混浊或沉淀物、变色或难以清洗,则应予以报废;e) 各种渗透剂用试块与基准渗透剂进行性能对比试验,当被检渗透剂显示缺陷的能力低于基准渗透剂时,应予报废;f) 荧光渗透剂的荧光亮度不得低于基准渗透剂荧光亮度的75%。

试验方法按JB/T 7523中的有关规定执行。显像剂的质量控制应满足下列要求:a) 对干式显像剂应经常进行检查,如发现粉末凝聚、显著的残留荧光或性能低下时,应予以报废;b) 湿式显像剂的浓度应保持在制造厂规定的工作浓度范围内,其比重应经常进行校验;c) 当使用的湿式显像剂出现混浊、变色或难以形成薄而均匀的显像层时,则应予以报废。 渗透检测剂必须标明生产日期和有效期,并附带产品合格证和使用说明书。

无损检测 渗透检测

无损检测 渗透检测
无损检测 渗透检测
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing (请将你们对本标准征求意见稿的意见和建议寄至: 上海市辉河路 100 号全国无损检测标准化技术委员会秘书处,
邮编 200437;或:E-mail:tc56@)
中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会 发 布
JB/T 9218—××××
前言......................................................................................................................................................................II 1 范围.................................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 规范性引用文件.............................................................................................................................................. 1 3 术语和定义.........................................................................
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2 检验人员
2.1 凡从事锅炉、压力容器及压力管道原材料、零部件和焊缝渗透检测人员,都必须经技术培训,掌握了解必要的设计、材料、制造、检验方面的基本知识,并按照国家质量监督检验检疫总局文件“特种设备无损检测人员考核与监督管理规则”的要求,经过考核取得渗透检测技术资格。

2.2 无损检测人员按技术等级分为高、中、初级。


2.3 凡从事锅炉、压力容器及压力管道渗透检测的人员,除具有良好的身体素质外,视力必须满足下列要求:未经矫正或经矫正的近和远视力应不低于5.0(测试方法应符合GB11533的规定),并一年检查一次。


3 作业程序、方法及工艺要求
3.1 准备工作
3.1.1 技术准备 根据《金属试验委托单》了解被检工件情况,包括材料、规格等。 确定检验工作质量等级、检验比例、数量、受检工件质量验收级别。

3.1.2 工艺制订


3.1.3 探伤剂准备 本作业使用的是喷灌式溶剂去除型的渗透探伤剂。


喷灌必须标明生产日期和有效期并按要求存放,要附带产品合格证和使用说明书。 对镍基合金材料、奥氏体钢、钛及钛合金材料,渗透探伤剂的选择必须符合标准JB/T4730.5的3.2.6~3.2.8条款的要求。 用A型试块鉴别渗透探伤剂是否有效。

3.1.4 工艺试验
4.1 将B型试件放在第一批被检验工件中,按正常的操作工艺进行渗透探伤,并与预先保存的该试件的缺陷复制板或照相记录进行比较,达到相同效果时,开始进行其他的检验。


4.2 如果被检工件只有一两件,可将工艺试验与正常检验工作同时进行。

3.2 渗透检测程序及工艺
3.2.1 表面准备 工作被检表面不得有影响渗透检测的铁锈、氧化皮、焊接飞溅、铁屑、毛刺以及各种防护层。 被检工件机加工表面粗糙度Ra≤25µm;被检工件非机加工表面的粗糙度可适当放宽,但不得影响检验结果。 局部检测时,准备工作范围应从检测部位四周向外扩展25mm。

3.2.2 预清洗 清洗范围:检测部位及其四周向外扩展25mm。 根据工件表面的污物性质选择溶剂、洗涤剂等进行清洗,具体选择见表3.2.2.2。 铝、镁、钛合金和奥氏体钢制零件经机械加工的表面,如确有需要,可先进行酸洗或碱洗,然后再进行检测。 清洗后,检测面上遗留的溶剂、水分等必须干燥,且应保证在施加渗透剂之前不被污染。

表3.2.2.2 清洗剂选择表
3.2.3 施加渗透剂 施加方法及要求


在整个渗透时间内,着色渗透液必须润湿覆盖全部受检工件表面。 渗透温度及时间
表3.2.3.2 溶剂去除型着色渗透探伤的渗透时间
各种材料热处理裂纹 2



3.2.4 去除多余的渗透剂



3.2.5 干燥处理

3.2.5 施加显像剂 显像剂使用前要摇动使其充分混和均匀。 用喷罐喷施显像剂时,喷嘴离被检面距离为300~400mm,喷洒方向与被检面夹角为30°~40°。

喷施的显像剂应薄而均匀,不可在同一部位反复多次施加。 禁止在被检面上倾倒湿式显像剂,以免冲洗掉渗入缺陷内的渗透剂。 施加好显像剂后,应进行自然干燥或用温空气(小于50℃)吹干。 显像时间取决于显像剂种类、需要检测的缺陷大小以及被检工件温度等,一般不应少于7min。

3.2.6 观察及记录 观察显示应在显像剂施加后7min-60min内进行。


对于溶剂悬浮显像剂应遵照说明书的要求或试验结果进行操作。 着色渗透检测时,缺陷显示的评定应在白光下进行,通常工件被检面处白光照度应大于等于1000lx;当现场采用便携式设备检测,由于条件所限无法满足时,可见光照度可以适当降低,但不得低于500lx。 辨认细小显示时可用5倍~10倍放大镜进行观察。

必要时重新进行处理、检测。 缺陷的显示可采用照相法、录像法和可剥性塑料薄膜法等方式进行记录,同时应用草图进行标示。

3.2.7 复检 当出现下列情况之一时,需进行复检:
c)供需双方有争议或认为有其它需要时; 当决定进行复检时,必须对被检表面进行彻底清洗,以去除前次检测时所留下的痕迹。


3.2.8 后处理


3.3 渗透显示的分类、记录及质量分级
3.3.1 缺陷解释 显示分为相关显示、非相关显示和虚假显示。

非相关显示和虚假显示不必记录和评定。 小于0.5mm的显示不计,除确认显示是由外界因素或操作不当造成的之外,其他任何显示均应作为缺陷处理。 缺陷长轴方向与工件(轴类或管类)轴线或母线的夹角大于或等于30°时,按横向缺陷处理,其他按纵向缺陷处理。 长度与宽度之比大于3的缺陷显示,按线性缺陷处理;长度与宽度之比小于或等于3的缺陷显示,按圆形缺陷处理。 两条或两条以上线性显示在同一条直线上且间距不大于2mm时,按一条缺陷处理,其长度为两条缺陷显示之和加间距。

3.3.2 质量分级

3.4 出具评定结果
3.4.1 出具返修单

3.4.2 出具报告 按报告填写规定,填写并出具报告。 报告至少应包括下列内容:
