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教育科学出版社初中英语单词表 2021全英英解释版教育科学出版社初中英语单词表(2021全英英解释版)
教育学科出社初中英语版词表(单012 全5英英解版)















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u释esd ot hswo htaty ou ae raltkign abutoso eonmeor s moehtni gtah tas nht oeeb nmetionend beorf,e or thta yuroli tesen rodseno t knw oaout bhet taste f obeing blea t ood soemhtig nsomenoes l'veleo f kilslat doig sonemtingha litlet orme o lerss hta tnhe staet ndubemr r aomout;n paropixamely tin amny differnt eidrceitosn withnia aptirculr palac,aeornu podstiineo dr oomvng ini orne a ar plac, oetfne ithwot a cular edireticon,p ruosp eroo drreon ht eusjbcteof; co nectnd withe ererf tos meothin gemtinned on aine
raile rarp ot thfes ae mpiee ofc riwtnig nia h igehrposi ion ttah nomstehng eiles het aprt f o ward tohat yuo shuol emdhapisze hwn eyuo ay stithe wa yosmeoe nronoupnce tsehw rdsoo fa l nauage, shgwoignwh ch iounctr yor wich hapr tfoa ocuntyr the cymeofr om smothein wgich hahppnseunexpect dey lad nuintenniotanly,l and wihcho fentdam geas soetmihg nr iojnure ssoemneos meoting hhta hatpenpswith out anony eplnanngio rniendtin it to plgaya msicual insrtmuentwh il eomesneo ingss a sno gro palsy te mhina ute no tgosomew hree iwt shoemon er too ebp ovider dr oxiet as tteh asme tmie sa osmteing hocntnuiuo,sb u tot vnrey shrap api thner feor mnoeside t ot he other f osmoething wthic lae lirmti, ssuh ca s aoar do rirervsom tehnigtha tou yth preoces ofsdo ing soemhing,te spceaily lweh ndeailg withn aporblemor dfifculit
/a ətsonrgeɪ/
inifte aricte
ablliiy atbliti ybout aabut about obautoabov eab oev acecn
/təbɪl'ɪt/i ə/'blɪɪit //ə'bau/ tə/bau'/t /əba'ut/ ə/baut/'/ 'bəvʌ//ə 'bv/ʌ
/æk'snət SU æ'kestn
/nun nouo andv dv,areppad verb,pr peositon,i daejticv erpep ajda dv, perp oun
/'cækəns UtS æk'sen/t
edtn caomcapn
æsɪkəndt //ə'kmpʌəin/
oun venbr
accomapnya hc aerosc sactoni catin
o/'əʌkmpnəi //ek/ɪə/kr'ɔs S əUk'rɔs/ /'æːkəʃn//' kʃəæn/
evrb nonuv,ebradv er,b rpeopisito nonnuno nu
aciotnac tvi ecatve
ækʃ'ən /'/æktɪ/v /'kætɪ/
onu adnja dj
aticitv acytiitv actyaulyla tcuall
/yækt'vɪɪit //k'ætvɪtiɪ/ 'æ/tʃkuli,ə t-ʃəi/ /'lktæʃulə, -itəlʃi
/ounn nun oavdad v
əd/'aɪə UmS -maɪ'/
raventdur aedertvsi affoedr afford fraaid
ə/dv'ntʃeəU S ər/ /'æd-ətvaɪz US- r-ə /ə'fɔ/ːdUS -ɔːdr/ /əfɔːd' SU -ɔrː/
u verbnv rb veeb adr
/ɑ'ftə US 'ːætfər/
rep c,njo ad,
vth eeffct esoethinm ghas on aonthre hitg nlwaysa usb yoidn ghtngsi,e psceilayl pysicahl acititvesi invloved i nanor gainazitn or actoivtyian
doniglots of prcaitalcthings t ocahive yoeru ias mosemtihgn htt asi one dofre njymoen,te pesiclal ya nrgonazid eevet nwhen aoltof t hing asr eahpepinngor pepolea er ovming aound tre whroko f a rgup oro oranizagtoi ton chaive an aie inmfa ct o rraelyl usd ein esnentes in cwichh threeis nifroamtoi nhat ti in sosem wy asrpriusin og rteho posptei o wfhta mso tpeolep wulode xpetc pt sumoehitg nwti shoethmnig lsee o incrtasee he nutbme ror moaut nr to iomproevt hew olh resepet cna daprpve oof omseoen o rhtei brehvioua, or tr oinfds mooee orn omethisg nttarcatvie an dpeasaln tt looko a atgereu wnillngly itahtsom ethig ni tsureo rt ha tsmeooenel seis righ atllw oomesne too enetr pabuil pclace,joi na onranigztiao,nc lbu te cna unsual, exciuitng an possdbly iangerouds actviti yushc saa ojrneyu o erperixenecm akeso mthenig nokwng enealrly roi n pubic,le pecsialy tlosel l ti ave heounhgm oey&hnae venoguh imett odo s oetmihg provndi seomehing ort lalw sooemthing ot hpaepnfeel ig nfea, or rfeeiln gnaxeiy tboau tth epossbil resuetsl ofa partic lua srtiuaiot wnoried arbout haw might thppane or, tht sameothing abdw illhap en pte sehcodnl raget csonitnetn; locteda suot hfo Erupo ena dbrdoree td ohte wst ey bhet oSth uAltnaictan d tot eh aetsb y te IhdnainO caen folowlign n tiim, pelaec ro odre
atfera tefrage nta g aoreeg greae iara iprane alirpot
/'rːɑtəfUS 'fætər //'ɑːtf UəS'æ fət/ /'rɪedəʒnt //ə'guəU Sə' guo/ ə'/rgi/
/ːəgr'iː /eə/ʳ/US e/r/ '/əpleeɪn US'er -/ /'eəpɔːt SU' repɔrt/ː
oncjno nua dvv re vbrbe onunno nuno nu
les alub allm al lallw
lɪ// æ'lbəm //ɔl UːS ɔːl// ɔl UːɔSːl//ə'l au
on ununoadv de temirne,rp reedtrmeinre,p ro nervb
u/a 'ɔ/ːməuls UtS' ːɔloustm, ːɔl'mous/ /tə'ɔl US ŋəl'ɔː/ ŋə/'lɔŋS əUlɔː'/ŋ
ta lng oaonlg
avd prpe
lhabpe atrealdy laraed aylwyas laawy aslayw Asmrieca
ləfbt/e /ːɔlr'di US ɔeːl-/ /ɔːl'edirU ɔːSl-/ /ɔːlwɪz' -w,ezɪU Sɔ'lː- //'ɔlːwzɪ ,w-ɪze SU ɔːl-'/ /ɔ'lːwɪz ,weɪ- zS Uɔ'lː- /ə/'merkəɪ/
nun oadvad vav davdad v nuno
aterl hat snoeonme or osmetihn glsee t aati mew ihhc si atlr etah nanohert venet a prsoe nor copamyn tat rehrpseetn asonthr epersono rc opmay,nespecial y in busilenssus d toes oh hww for back ina teh pas tosmethign hppaene daveh ht eameso inpino,or t oaccpte sugaegtsiono rid a eor smothieng wt oor mor etsaements, tdies,at eh ayret eh ame sr ovry eimisla thermix utr oefgase saornud the aErht,t ahtwe br aehe a vehtcil etht afliest rhogu hteha r ian dahs on ero mreo enignse plaacewh ee rplaens aketof anf ldad, wint buhldiigns orf pasengsre ts owatiin a l on nagrorw psace bteewn rows oe sfaet sinan ai crrat,f cnime ar ohcucrha boo ktah toy uptu hptoorapghs ,stmas eptcin omcletepyl thew ohel fo naamount ,t hin ogrev ery ne of oa numer admit bor gaer thea tsmoehtngi i tsrue akm eitp soibslef r oomsene otodo s meohitn, orgt noto preevnt omsehtingfr o mhappeingn
;pemrtine ray, bult nt coompeltely o nrotqu ie tgion fogwradrf omr onep acl eon somtehnig uchsa sa inel,r ado,or e ged otwrasdt ehothe r ne odf tia s et ofl ettes, arrangrd in e aarticpualr roedr, andu eds ni witrnigb efoer te presehn tite mo rearlire han thett me iepecxet dsed uto ayssom etinhg as bhenedo ne eborf ead non tneded iong gaia norfev real l th eitme at, al ltiem, osre vry etmei,fo erve fror vear lyog nime tTeh niUtde taStes
Amercin aamoutn
ə/m'erkənɪ/ ə/'mant/u
djanoun no,nu
naanim a
/əl nstrno æn/ /g'næməlɪ /n
ndeiinifte atrile ncun,aod
nnkal eanounncemen
t'/æŋkəl/ ə'n/aunsəmn/
oun nounn
nuanlano terh nsawr answere nsawe antr axnous anymiore aynon anythieg apnramtetna oplgoie
z/æ'njuəl/ ə/'nʌəUSð- ər /'/ɑnsːə U Sæ'nsə/r 'ɑː/snəU 'ænSəs/r /ɑ'nsːə U
Sæ'nər/ sæ /n/ t/æ'kŋəsʃ/
ad jedetmrinre,p on rvrbe oun,vnerb ounn oun adn jdv
/a'niwenʌ//en'iθɪŋ //'əpɑtːmətnU S-ɑrː/ /ə'p-lɔədaʒz Uɪə'Spː-/ɑ
npr on nuo nerbv
ə'/pɪə S əUpɪr'/
ə'/plɔd ːU ə'Spɔlː/
laetin gott heU So rit seppoelor omesno eformthe US a olclecion or matss sepecaliylo fs omthieg wnhch caniotnbe c onutd endiefniit aeticlr,eued swhenthe followi n gowr bdeinsgw ti ha vwol esuodna l iivn gcreaurte uschas adog ro cat,th atis ont anin sct e fial,m etlveiiso npogrramme ,ompcteur agm ete tcha tahsp ctuiesr,c ayl odelms ec thatt seemto be erall yoving mhte
ojnitb tweeeny oru foo atdny ou ler ag nipmotanr tor offcial itsteaenm otr hetac t of etllin pgoeple tha tosethimn gaboo kor magazne pibliuhes odne a yeac, repecsailyl fo rhildrec,nwit hhet smaetit lea dn stley bt uidffrenet cotnetn sappenhig onneceve yrye ra ,o relraint gt ao epiordo fon eeayr on eomr peesro orn htig nfot e shae tmpey r oa iffdreet onenw rte ailet et tort e heprosn wh oahs rwittne i tsomehitg nyuo sy whae noyurepl yt aoq esuitont ah
tsmeoneo ah asskedy uoa w a yfo deailngwith a pr olem ab smal linesc thtatli vsei n lagregr ouspwor rei abdou sotmtheing r storonly gawn to do tosethmingat ht pereent osr rof mnow n; uouaslly seud ithw aenativgeused i quesniots anndne gtiaev to mesa 'nap eros nor eoppel'a n yveent,a t cro bjeoctwhat eev, rro(e pseiallcyi qunstionse r nogetaive)s omsehting mE a Aest o froms on oon efloor ofa alre gbuidingltell som one thaety o uae rosryrtha t oyu hva deneos
moethngi rong wtsra tot eb seen, t aorire,v o rot xeit insa pace,les peialcly uddsney ltoh t iyor upeo nhands ogttehe ro sthwothat y o huae vnjeoyd a
elay,pconce r, tspeaekretc = cal
appladu apoinptmetna ppiotmnetn apperiatc
ə/'plːɔ dU əSpl'ːɔ/d/ 'əɔɪnptəmnt //ə'pɔntɪəntm/ ə/pri'ːieɪʃt
vrbe nun noun veob
eriatce pAirl arcithecta ra eara eraeaa reaargu ea gue rrgament
u/'ərpːiiʃɪet//' ɪperlə //ɑːk'ɪtektU S' ɑrː- //'əriəeU S' reiə/ /e'riəəUS'e
ir/ə/ e'rəə iU Se'ir/ ə/'əeriə US'e rə/ /iɑ'gjuː
ː SU' ːrɑ- //ɑ'gjuːːSU' ɑː-r /'ɑ/ːjgməntʊU S'ɑ ː-/
re nbou nnon nuon noun unon nouu vnrbeve brno un
/uɑ'ːgjʊəmtnUS 'ɑːr-/
anrm yariralv rairal avrirev arrvie arrveia r tatra t
/'ːmiɑU S'ɑː -/r ə/'ravɪəl //ə'ravəɪl /ə'raɪv/ //'əarv/ ɪ/'ərɪa/ vɑ/ːt S ɑUrːt//ɑ tːUS ɑ ːr/ tɑːt/US ɑ ːt/
onuno nu onun vrbe evb rvebrno nun uno oun
exorepss tsorg appnorvlao f a ndiea ,panl et cn aarragenenm tfroa emeitnga ta nagr eed imteand pla ce f,ora aptrculair puropsewhe n someoen i chosesn fr
a positooni or jobu edst o hatnks meone io anp lito ewa ory o sat ytah tyouar eg rtafeu flo rot nduestarnd howserious ro impotrntaa stiutaino or porlbm ies
o rhat someown'es feelnis agr ehe tfuotr mhoth nf toh eeya, brewten eaMrchan dMa ysomenoe wohe jos bis o tesdgi bnuidings lhe tsiz efo flat suarfce aclaulatec dby umtlipliyng is letgtnhby tiswid tha praitucarl partof ac ounryt, haous,e offiec g,rdaenet c htea oumt onf sacpe tah ta lat sufracfeo srahe cpoerv sa ubjest or cctaiitv, yo rap rta foi tidagser ewit sohmoee nni word,s ofen tin a nangr wyayg iv ete hearsno fosr you ropinin,oi ed,a ebiefl et, a
sitcautoi nn wiichh wto r oomre eoplped iagseer ,fotnea grnly ia rason eor resaonswh y yuo spuopr otr oposep n adiea orsu ggetios, on rth eroceps ofsexp alniingt eh am ocunty'r smlitaiy rorfe ctaht s iraintd toefi gt ho lanndi na w r The aerchani of ag golaor o jebticv as a eersult f eofforto ra proc se sosemnoe ho whasjust arirev dina plcaeif so mehitgn raivrs,e t is irbouhtg o derilvere do ytouif an veent or praitclar uperodio ftmi erraves, iti hpaepnsr aceha p laec,e specailly atth ene do f jaornuye the se ofupa niitg, drnwiag,n cuslpure ett ctorepre snet tinhsg r oxepres sdeia psaitninsg ,rdwingasan
ordrel tiag tno ojecbt r soiklle sk il lf oradwng oi raintpin
'ːɑtsɪt U 'ɑSr-/ ːn
nsahmad Aeia ssakask a skas elep asigsmentnas ssitnceaa sistsantas tornutaathlete
/əʃe'ɪmd /'e/ʃɪə' ɪʒəe //ɑskː U æSsk// ɑːs Uk æSk/ sɑ/sː kS æUk/s ə'/siːl/p
daj nuo nvrbev erb erv abdjnou
/ən'ssɪətn/s /ə'ɪssənt/t 'æ/strnəɔː tSU-n ːtɔ ,nɑː-t //'θæliː/
notnunoun ad,j nun nouon
ttca aktttuid aetttiud attetudei
/'əætk //'tæɪtjːud US- tudː /'/tæɪjutː Ud -tuːdS/ 'æ/ɪtjutːd S -Utːd/
vrbenou, noun nnon uonn
dince auedincee utahr authoor
'/ːdɔəis USn ɔː-,' ɑ'-ː //ɔ'ːdəin USs 'ɔ-ː ,'ɑ-/ː/' ɔθː USə 'ɔθər/ː '/ːθɔə US' ːɔəθ/
nunou nnou nnonuv,ebr
ɔːtəm' S 'Uɔː-/
smoenoew o hpodrcue arst, especaily lpiatinnsg o drrawngi ors a
singer ,adncref elinge embraarses add ngultyi becuseaof osethmnig oy uhaev doen the alresgt ocntnein witth6 %0 oft heeart 's popuhlatoin exept orc
emaddnso emhtng reqiest uo rivntei smoeneot ogo s oemhwre wethi yu or ootcome t ooyr uomehput a q estiunot someonoe ,r to oerqesutan aswenr fro msomonee leesingpo rnto waka
a pece of iowk riven tg osmeono,etypic aly ls aaprt o tfhir studeies ro obj hlp eo rsuppot sormeneowh oehlps oseonemel s ine heir torw, ekspeiclay by loing dhte esslim orpant jtos
b smeooenw hot arelv asdnw orsk ni spacecraft soaemno weho ocpemte ins psotr socmpeittoins, epseciall ruynnign,j mpingu, andthrow ni an agt cofvi oence tlht asi nitendedto hurta p eson ro radamg ea lpcaeth e opiionn and sefeligsn hattyou us uall yahev boau somtehtig nfor(am) a positiol no fhetb dyot h wea tyha tyo bueavheto wads romsoee nori n a apticrula sritutaino, espeiaclyl henwth isshows hw yoo ueel makef osmone eitenresedtin soemhint,g rom ka etemh wna tot tak parte in osmthein gagr op uf peoplo who ceom eo twtcah nd liatens tos meone opeaking or persfomirn gn piulb
c ai fromlam eetignwith a erv imyoptart neprsonfo mra tlhe prsoe whons atrt a plasn o irda ehetw rier otfa boko ,ariclt,e payl,et croa pesor nhwo ebigsn or ceartes smotheingt h esaesno btweeen usmme ardn inwtr,e henw leveas chang eoloucr n
d ta
e weahterhb eocems oolerc
waar daway aayw awflu awfl uabby
w'ːdɔ SU- ɔːrd /ə'w/ɪ/e /'əeɪw/ /'ɔfːə UlS' ː-ɔ /'ɔːf/ə Ul Sɔː-/'/' eɪbib/
nv,erb ad adv vadvad nvuon,veb
/'bæ kpkæ k/
oc nbdaminot bnggagae
be'ɪkn/ə/bædmɪntə'/ n/b'æɪdʒ/
goun nnun ooun
aberyk alabcne
'be/kərɪi// b'æləns/
unno nu,vre,abd
badndban bkna kbr
a/b ænd//b æ n/ /bdæŋk/ b/æk/ŋ/bɑ ː U bɑSrː
/nun noun voeb,nrun oerv,nbuo nnon
guvei onme yora ripezfo lolinw ang officali edciisn osedu ot sayt ha tsmeono eelvea sapl ae or pcesorn, ros tas soymedis atncefr moa p lce orape
sor atn adi stnae (cf oo rfomrhe r) exeretmley bd oa urnleasant pephmaizseve y grreato r hwo oog, dbdae t sometchnig s iervy yonu gcihldo ranmia olr rteat
bba yepesiacly lBr E baag use dofr acrying trhing so ynur boca, kspeceiallyb y eppoe ln olngo alwk(=srcukacks)salt de orsm ked moea tfomrt h bacek or idss of ae pgi,of te nesvrde i nnrraw thin oa agem lik etenisnpl aey dy bwotor our pfepleo, usualyl idnorso epsceially mE Ahet aces, sabg, sboxese t ccrarie by dsomoee wnoh i travesllin,glugggaea palec werehbrea d nd cakeas ar bakeed o, a shop wrereh hte yrae slo das ate wtehert ihns gar eofequ l aewihgt or frce oo rwiehiggnd veicet arroang ea yssemt tah trleate to msnoe yo shtta he atomunt
of mnoe ypesnt i sot norm thaen teh maout nreecved stirutucer hat ytou cn astadn o, tnhta isa tathecd t toh ouestie wdal olfa biuldig, naovebg rundo
evll ean areaof esast ta n apuper level n ia tehtra a sealml v,ey rhtnir uber bba tghta yuo bolw ir aino ort fll wiith ali ght ags nuil titis ro ud in nhspe, usead of recodatiro at pnatirseo ras a ch ldrie'sn to ya fal, tnraro wiece
pfos mothinge wihton eedn oinje td ote htohr te ofro mac rcilea g orup fomu isiacsn, epscielly aa gorp thuta lpyasp oulaprm usc ia usiness btat hkeep
s na ledds monen ayndp oridevs toeh frninciaa slervcesil ad nlong tae sihedo fa rier ovr alk ea oucntr weheeral choloc driink osrfoo dar esevre
/rɑb USːb ːrɑ/ /bː US bɑːrɑ/
u nounn
/bɑ ːS Ubːɑr
babre braberrsophb sabaell
/b'ɑːə USb' bːrɑərb// bɑː'əʃɔp USb b'ːrɑbərɑːp/ ʃ/'ebɪsbːɔ lS Ub-ɔːl/
on unuo noun
/bɑː'sktɪbɔː lU 'bSækɪstbːl/ɔ
tb atbat h
bæt / b/æt /b/ːɑθUS bæ/
nθounno n,uvebrnou n
hbɑːθ /S bUæθ
aht abhtorm batote
/bːθ US bæɑ/θ /'bɑθrumː ,r-umː S Ub'æθ-/ /b' ælt
n onunno un,veb
/tb'æt /
each bbae rber abarebea rb ceuase
itʃː// ebəUS ber/ beə /SU erb //beəU S ebr /beə /SUb r/ /beɪ'kɔ, bɪzk'zə SU
ɪ'kɔːz,bbɪ'k ə/z
nou,nvreb evr bnuno erbv evbrc njo
ap lcae hewre speceillya acloholc driink sre sola add nrudnka s mal lblokcof s lid oamteril athati songerltha ni t i wside legth of mental o rood wptu arocss aoord, inwowd et cto eekp t ihut so tr orepentvp epoel ogng iin r oouta man hwseojob is ctutngi mens 'hir aa hsop wehr emn'e hsira sicu tanou toor dgmaei nwihhc palyres ty rotget po intsby ihtitg a balnlan d rnnunig raoundf ur oabses uedswhen r eferrng toi te mhai nromost i mopranttc hractaeirstic ro fetuaer of omsthine g gaam pelyead ndooisr, echa taemtr is et wino oiptsn b thryoinwga abl tlhorugh aneto rba ll i thisn agmea s mal alinma llke aim ose uwih wting thst alfeisa t ighnta psceilay slapehd ipec efo oowd
usdefor hit tig tnh eball ni may nagme ors t hiot ab al witl h aab a batthromo, ued sesepcilayli na vdetrsiin ag lrgea olg nonctanirethat oy uifllw thi wteara nd st iorli in et oawh syursolfeo rw ahs smoone en ai athb ifyo tauk eab aht
y,ou wahs you rody ib a nbtah ar om woher ehete ris bata ho shroer, w baain,s na sdmeoimets at ilot erty hradto ach ive esmotehin gin adificufl tituastoina fgih tebtweneop psongi ramis, ergous pofshi p,s rogupsof epplo etc,eespecia ll yoe thnatis p rt oa f laagerr aw an arearof sand o rsaml ltonss eatt e edgheof t h seeaor a l kea ccepa,tto erlaetor nderuee pseiacllysomet inh gunplesant a alareg,st ongrw il mammal dwith ahtck firur cyoatt ht laivse fomarlt o igv
eirth to ba abybt o cary arnd moe svmothieg to n aplcea sud ehen ywuoa regivin tgeh earso nfr osoethmni
coe bmceoe bmdreoombe ebfoerebef roebe g
b/ɪk'ʌ/m/b ɪk'mʌ /'/ebrdum,-ru ː/m/ bː/i /bɪ'fːɔSU-' fɔːr/ b/'fɔːɪ US '-ɔfː/
bVeb norun noun epp,adr,cvno pjrpe evb
egb beggr aegib nehave bebavhir obelif eblieefb leivee bel blnefite bnefei
t/bg/e/'be ə gUS-ər/ / ɪb'ɪng/ /bɪ'hɪv/e /b'ɪehɪjə vU Sə-/r/b 'ɪilː/ f/bɪ'liːf
/b/ɪl'iː/ /vebl// 'bnɪeɪt/ f'b/nɪefɪ/t
ebr nounve rb vrb noune ounn oun vnrebno n uonu nnuon
deb eises dbsetb est
bɪ/'sadɪ /bɪ/s'ɪadz //bset/ be/ts
/pep arv,pdeprn uona jd
ebingt obe somehint, go to dre
velop in partaciularw yat ob esuitbale fo rsomeoe on ro loot atktarcitv enot em h roam foor sleeinpg nia yellowa nd lbca fkylinginsec t hiwhcma kseh noy ena dan ctings ou at yro urdni ga iteme rlaeir htan( th thine mgntioned)ei n rfon to askffor smethiongi na nnxiaos uorur gent wy, baecauesyou w atni t
vey rumc askh popele ot ivegy uof ood, onmy eetc,usu lal ybecasu yeu aroev ry peoo sroeomnew o lhiesvb y skaignpe plo efr foodo ndam noyesta r tto b, doe
e,t actci anpart ciula wray ,ort ob eg oodb y actign i n away hwci hha
sscioty'es aprpvoa lth tehigns hat tape sonr r animoa dolesthe efline og ceftranti tyat shomthein gxiste sro i stue anr ieadth a yout blieeev tob et
uer,es ecpiall oyen hta tormsfpa tro f asyste mo fdeias hitnkt ht saoethimngi s tue,r corretcor r elaa h lolow emtla bojce thasped ile k cupa hwichma ks e rianging sund ohewnhi ta andavtange, iprmovmente,or hel p hta ytu goetf omr omethsngi exra moteny roo the arvdanagtse tah touy et gas patro fyour ojbo rf ormi nsuracent athy u havoea t htes ie od,fn xtet oro omcared to panohertp reon sr thoin gniad diiotn t; olaost he ost mxceelenlt n a griopuof thin gsor peopl ef oht higheestqua ily,t ro eibn tgh eomt ssituabl,e pelainsgor e ffecitv eypt of ehtni og rerpsn inot h eomt ssutiblae,p easiln go sraistaftorcy ay,w orto the gr aetet dserge
bteertbet ertb cyilc
e/b'tə eS -ər/U 'betə /S -ərU //b'asɪɪəlk
ver/bnou, adj,nadvn uo,vnreb
illb ilb lbll bin iiborapgy
ɪ/l b/ɪl //bɪl/ b/nɪ//b ɪaɔ'rəgf USi -ɑːg-/
'nun nounonoun,v er nbonun uno
ːədU Sb ərː/d
/rbɪtə'U S-rə
ttr ebitet rlbakc
'bɪtə /US -ə/r/'b tɪəUS - r/əb/l æ/k
adja j adj,dounnve,r
bækblɔdː U -Sbːrɔ/
nlibdnb inldblind
bl/ɪad/n /baɪnd/l/ lbɪadn/
nun oda vjrbe,ad
cb/lɔ kSU lbːk/
torr iskmo nye o thn reseutlof na eent vr a ocomepittino, scu ha a shrseo rae,c in theh oep ofw nniingm ro eomeyni provmea s iuttainot, oahig erh stnaaddr o qrulaityo fa ihgerh tsandad,r orm ro suieabtl oe mrreo sutabli a veeicleh wtiht o whweeslt hatyou riedb yuspinhg ist pedlas withy or uefe at fomarlstat meneto f aplnnade nw elawthat i dissuscedsbef oe being voted or nap eie cfop aer mpneoy arequ ets for aympetn fomone yow de ,o the piere ocfp aepr o nhiwch i ts writtie Brn Eac noatnei for pruttnigwas et nia ook thab teltlswhat h as hppened ain omsoeen'sl fi, eriwtet nyb smeoone lseea rcetaur eiwthwin gs na fedtahrse hatt ca nsuualy flly .Manybirds sing na budld nietss, ad nfmeal berdsila egygs .feelign agnry, jaelos,u nd upaste becaseu you thinky ouh aevbe ne tertad enufialryd seciresb ewathr ethtai esxretmely olc,d speecailylin awa yt at chusas pehyisacl pina wit anhun pleasanlt syhar ptats the eardesk tolocur teher s, liki eingthw itouth ligt oh rutp alabck usbtsanc eons methoinga boa dr with a adkr msoohts rfuce, usedai n cshool sof rrwtiign
on wit chhal a klfat ovce rmde ofa owo or simillr aarmw mtaeria,lus aull usey ond aedb orcov e somethrnigcom lpetel yiwh att ick haylrea cveroni, gespciellayo e nadm eo cfoth, tlat can bh roeleld puan ddwn oo tcovera widon inswieda buidinlg, nuableto see make smeoneo naubl et uodenrtasdnsome thign revepn tovementm hrtugoh smoetingh, ort orpvene sotmtheng frio hapmepinn gors uceedincg
lbckob lco
lɔk bSU lɑːkb// lɔk bSUblɑ kː
nou/nno un
w bloow bolwbl w olbu bleeuboa d
r/bləu U Sbou/ /blləu US blo/u /blə USu lbuo// ləbuUS bou/ /llubː /bl/uː// ɔːb dS Ubːrɔd/
vrb eoun nnou nvrb aedj,nuno ad jvreb
r/ɔbd ːU bSːɔdr
bɔːd/ U bɔːrS/
oabd brao btoydbody boydb dyo oiblbo li
/ɔbd USːɔbːrd //əubt U Sbuot //b'dɔi US 'bɑdː/i/ 'ɔdib SU 'ɑbdi/ /'ːɔdbi US 'bɑdiː/ /b'diɔU S'bːdɑ/ i/bɪɔl /b/ɔl/ɪ
nun noonunou nnuno non uonu nverbve r
/buənUS oubn/
n asliod tsairhg-tidesd lmu pfo hadrm tariea or l arougp o thfnig ste hdisatnc ealng ao cit ysreet trfom herw oee ntreste rocsss iett oth next emvoe nadmak currenest o afr ior make soand bu forcyin air gutoof our yomut ah action nor vent ehat tcuass eidficflutyo r sadenss orf smooneea hadr ht wiih tosmone'esh and,a t ol,oor waapoenmo ev r ot oomve smethoin bgythe froceo tfhew in orda cu rrnt oef ar ihvain tge holouc orfthe s y ork he ste aona f ien aydfeeling o r howsnigsa ndes get sotn oor alolwpeop l eo gte ottno boaat, ratin r oaricartf he gtrupo f peoolepw oh raer sepnsiboe lfroc ntoorlinlg nad roganizin ag ompcnayo r roaginatzon aifla t wdi peeic ofe woo,dpl atsi ctc thaetyou c n uaest soho inwfomatrion than flia tpicee ofc utw od orooth erhard mate iral seud fr oa aptriulca purproe a ssall vmhecli foe trravllineg n watorea sh,pi hte ead dbod oyf apeson rag rop ouf epple owh hoaevj onei togdthee or a rlare gaount ofm soethingmthe m in,ac etrnl,a ro omtsim optant rart opf omethingsthe hwleo phsicayl trsucurt teat hofms ar erpon orsan
mait,he ami panr ta ,edda epson rt cook osmeohint gniboil ig wnatre hen wa liquidbo is,lor wh neyo buiol ti it be,ocmes othen ugh to torn inuto ag ose nf ohteh ar pdrtsa hat ttgetoer horf mhet ramefof aumhna, nimaa alt yp oef soheth ta cveosr our whyoe lootfan thde owelrp atro your fel gtird andei pmateni tbcaueseyou do n ot thin ksomethig isn
bɔːd/U Sb ɔrd/
iːternsetni, or bgecuse aou hyve anothng itodo boring bor or /'wbːrɪŋ/ɔ/'
ɔrbu əSU 'bːɑrou,'b ɔ-ː/ dj vear bno intteresitn gni na wyay tae okr cpoy osmeneo' idsesa wo,rs etd acnd su tehem ni yor oun wowrk,cet atke tah betlnos gtoso moen else anedt hatyo umu st ivge bck ao tatelr(r fereinrgt ) owo petopleo rtings hogethet a rcontiane rforl qiuds, usualil mydeao glfsas orpl asitc w,th ia nraro nwck teh leowestin en srufarce f someohtnig usc ash aonctaier nte howlst paert f oomethsig bennd te htpo apr tofyo rubod yorfwar
in odrder o stowh rspect fer somoe
oneim prtoat, onr s a awa yof thakingnan audiecne anok tf olcto ohrst rig niwtha crvedupart no iethersi ed, na dwto loos endes ,worni tne hahr as deicrationo or of rytign soelachesa w dei roudnc otniaernth a is toep at tnhe
ot,pu esd to oldh iluqid, fsood ,lfowes rtc eawide ronu dcontanie thrat i soenp tathe t p ao innodro age in mwhic yho rulo al arle hegay vball loagna w ooendtr cak ino dre rt okocnk owd ang orp oufp isn (woo=de nojbcests ahpd eliek btoltes )o mtenatly lr ohypsialcl yrpepare oyurelsf r oomesne olse for esmetohing unplasante httais goin g o happen to tuphspa r of tyuro bdyoag anist osmthine golsdi in oder troma ke yuorelsf orm setadeyso mthien thag tsiuse dto s tengrhet no rsppuor somtthieng o, rot amek t stiiffd alingew ithda nger,p ai, orndi fficutl itustaoni sitw cohruage nadc noidfenc ethem ea loyu hva en ite mohrinn tgka eirai nto yor uulnsg na sdne idto ut aagi
nbroor wbtohb ttoe lbtootm otbtmobo w
'ɔbəruU S'b ːrouɑ,' bː-/ /ɔəbθu U Souθb /'/btlɔ U S'bːtɑ/l 'b/ɔtməU S'bːɑ- //bɔtəm'US bɑ'-/ː/ bu/a
vebr pon,determrneir onnu,ver bonun nuno ervb
nowb bowll
bə/ul US oulb /bəul /USb ul/o
/'gbuəlŋɪU 'Sbu-/
bnarevbr eakfatsbr etae
b/rɪve //'rebfkstə //biːðr/
djno u venrb
bride bgrgit hbriht bgigrt hrblilait nbrililnt arbilialtnb rngi
ɪdʒ/ /bart/ ɪb/rɪat/ /bratɪ //'rbljɪnət //br'ljəɪn/ t/brɪ'ljətn/ brɪ/ŋ
/noun ajda jd dajad adj adj jerb
rignBr itsih robnwb rshu
ɪŋ/ /rbrɪ'ɪtʃ/ /raubn/ /brʌ/
rbead jn,oun aj,nduo,nvre bvreb
sh bug buuid bliudl
br/ʃʌ //bgʌ//b ld/ɪ/ ɪldb
nun ooun nevr berv
buibdinlg un bbu nusby
'ɪldbɪ/ /bʌŋ/n/ ʌb/ /nbɪ'zi/
onuno u nnou anjd
'b/ʌt əS -Uə/
efly buyrc banic ain
/b'bʌtflaəɪU S ər-/- /ab/ /'kæɪɪn/b/ kæb'ɪ/n
onuve rb oun nnun
ao sructuterb iut olerva ivrer ,orad etct ht allaws opoelep or evichel osrc noecnts omtehing of ( apreosn) leverc ad nuiqc to lkerna tsrngoin ocoul rful of lilgth, hisingn ful of lilht gor olourcis ery vrbgih tad strnng oxteemerylc levr er skilfou lo ro hrihgl yksileld xceelent,vlery oogdta ek ro acryrs moonee ors omteihgn ot alpca orea erspo,n roin tehdire ciotn f ohe persotn spakein cauge,s eruslti no rrpoucdea st te oa condiriot nrlaetnigt o riBtinao irs petolpeor pepolef ro mritaBnith e clouro focho ocatl eroea rh otrma ekfoo brodwnb yocoinkgit c lea somentinh go rmakes omteihg nmosto whthi arusbha n bjeoct httayo usuefor clea nig,n pinatin,g akmignyo u hria trid etyc,m dea witha lt oof aihr espsciaely lmE A samall insetc mke sametohnigd evelpo orfo r makems mothinge byputti ngbr cksi root he mrteairal tsgoeher to crreta eadn evelod sometpingha st rctureu usc asha house ,hta hasta orf ondawa ls olrt e prhcosse r bosiuens sfo ubliidgnt hings asmlla ornu tdypeo fbread Br Ea small orundsweet c aekwork nigha rda
nd ahev alt ofot hnig st do oor fllu f woro skoethmign soaldiye lolwf odo mde arofm ilkm o crear mthat you sprad on breed or asu en iockoigna tye of pnseit that cha larse wings, gftenow ihtbea tuful iocolur sobtina omsthengiby aypin mogneyfo irt a msla hluso,e esepicalyl oenb iluto foow ind n aaraeof oresf ot rmuntoins a small raom oona s hip niwhic h yo luive ro seep。
