The characteristics of the advertising words
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its core is to adopt various ways to introduce and promote products characteristics and advantages by using a variety of persuade content and form, and induce people to buy.
Comming soon…
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Stylistic Analysis of Advertising Language
1.2.4 fine-sounding
The merchants often make the ads fine-sounding for getting customers’ attention. An easy read ad is remembered clearly by customers, and arouses their interests. For instance: Impossible made possible. (Canon Printers) Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.( TOYOTA Motor) Take TOSHIBA, take the world.( Toshiba)
Ⅰ. The characteristics of advertising language
There is always advertisement in our life, no matter the local ones or those coming from other countries have some characteristics. When you watch the ads carefully, you can find them have some commonalities. Advertising language is distinctive, brief and memorable. And the most special is that the pronunciation is easy to catch. Those characteristics are the necessary elements which make up advertisements.
[摘要] 随着社会经济的发展 ,广告已深入到人们的日常生活中。
广告语言作为一种独立的语体 ,在词法、句法和修辞等方面都独具特点 ,成为许多语言学家研究的对象。
“广告”一词源于拉丁语 advertere , 具有“宣传产品”、“吸引大众注意力”、“推销所需”等含义。
随着社会经济的发展 ,广告已深入到社会的各个角落 ,成为人们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。
而广告语言经过长期的发展 ,已成为一种独立的语体 ,构成语言运用形式的一个组成部分。
由于广告所具有的特殊功能 ,广告语言作为一种实用文体 ,在词法、句法和修辞等方面都独具特点。
正因为这些独特之处 ,长期以来 ,广告语言一直是许多语言学家从不同角度研究的对象。
Leech 开了系统研究广告文体语言特征之先河 ,从文体学的角度对广告语言中的各种语言特征进行了系统研究。
[1 ]展示和评述了最有意义的语言特征。
之后 ,许多学者开始对广告英语的词汇、句法和修辞特征加以研究。
随着语用学理论的兴起 ,许多语言学家又用语用学的观点探索广告语言的特征。
其中Lakoff 发现广告语言为实施劝诱功能而采用新颖的词语和独特的表达方式 ,故意违背格赖斯的会话原则 ,以此来吸引顾客的注意力 ,强化广告的影响。
[2 ]Geis 发现广告英语用间接隐晦的手法 ,寓意言外 ,妙用歧义。
[3 ]与此同时 ,随着社会语言学的不断发展 ,广告语言也一度成为社会语言学研究的重要课题。
社会语言学不仅研究其语言特征 ,而且更注重广告在社会环境中的运用 ,提出了决定广告形式的社会因素及广告所产生的社会影响[4 ]。
广告英语作为一门语言艺术 ,是英语在特定社会条件下的一种变化和具体使用形式。
一、广告英语的词法、句法特征英语广告文体的语言属于“鼓动性语言”,目的在于诱发人们的想象 ,激发人们的感情 ,唤起人们的购买欲。
Language game
New words are created through language games and puns to increase the fun and interactivity of advertisements.
Internationalization elements
Emotional color
Ordinary vocabulary often carries strong emotional colors in advertisements to resonate and interest consumers.
Creative combination
Advertisers create novel and attractive advertising slogans by creatively combining and arranging common vocabulary.
Explore the relationship be…
Analyze how advertising English vocabulary affects the audience's understanding and acceptance of advertising, and how to improve the dissemination effectiveness of advertising.
Short and clear
Advertising English usually strives for brevity and clarity in order to convey as much information as possible within limited time and space.
关键词:功能对等,广告翻译,翻译策略VIAbstractsWith the full development of the economy and the economic globalization trend becoming increasingly evident,advertising is playing a more and more important role in modem society,as a result,there is an increasingly higher requirement in advertising translation.However,despite the fact that people have taken a great dealof practical activities in the field of advertising translation,the Chinese theoreticalresearch of advertising translation still far failed to meet the needs of the community,advertising translation has not yet been fully developed.Advertising is a cross—language,cross—cultural communicative activities,having a direct impact on the consumer psychology and beliefs of the importers,and thereby affecting the share and sales of commodities in the target market.Because of the language and cultural differences between English and Chinese,the advertising translation is a very flexible and complex task.In SO many translation theories,Nida’S functional equivalence theory puts forward such a concept:the reaction ofthe receptors in the target language should be substantially the same as the receptors in the source language.This theory is consistent with the characteristics of advertising translation,that is,the target text should have the same persuasion function as the original text.From this perspective,functional equivalence theory should be a best guiding theory of advertising translation.While pointing out through analysis that the functional equivalence theory is one of the best guiding principles for advertising translation,this thesis focuses on how to deal with the language and cultural differences involved in advertising translation,besides in the end,common strategies of translation are given on the basis of examples.Chapter One first introduces the general theory of translation,and then elaborates on Nida’S functional equivalence theory. Chapter Two includes the basic knowledge of the advertising and advertisement,as well as the language features of advertising,SO as to pave the way for the latter chapters.In the third Chapter,firstly,,thefeasibility of Nida’S functional equivalence theory in advertising translation is fullyVIIelaborated through analysis and discussion,and based on this,the writer further discusses the overall requirements for advertising translation in style,form and content.Chapter Four shows the current strategies of advertising translation.In thischapter,the author states at the outset that the advertisements should be translated totwo levels of equivalence,that is,the language level and the cultural level.Under theguidance of functional equivalence theory,in order to achieve the closest natural equivalence,the author proposes strategies of adaptation based on specific examples of typical advertising translation.The final chapter outlines and summarizes the wholetext,where the author points out the inadequacy of the thesis and the direction offurther study.Keywords:functional equivalence,advertising translation,translation strategies IntroductionAs China is deepening its opening up to the outside world,especially after joining WTO,the international economic activities develop rapidly and the international advertisements grow vigorously.There is a strong need for efficient international advertising communication.Thus the amount of advertising translation keeps increasing.As a specialized and important area of translation,advertising translation has its own features and rules,which deserve an intensive and systematic study.We all know that a successful advertising translation Can influence the customers imperceptibly but enormously,and it can arouse people’S interests in buying the products and bring about profit for a company.While on the other hand,afailed advertisement will not only cause economic losses but also directly influence the image of a company even a country.Incommensurate to its ever growing importance,advertising translation still remains an under explored field as a branch inthe discipline of translation,the study of advertising translation,especially that between the English and Chinese languages,is far from satisfactory in accordance with its need.Until now,no systematic theoretical research on this issue has been sufficiently conducted.There are only a small number of papers making a summary ofthe experience achieved from the advertising translation practice,among which the majority is published in college journals instead of Chinese key joumals.Many of thearticles are descriptive rather than analytical,dealing with specific aspects of advertising translation,such as translation of rhetoric,slang,brands and slogans,andaesthetic properties and SO forth.This thesis,adopting an analytical approach,discusses the application of Nida’S functional equivalence theory in advertisement translation.Instead of focusing on the specific techniques,it tends to focus on thegeneral principles and general translation strategies that should be followed.In general,it consists of four chapters with introduction and conclusion:Chapter One first introduces the general theory of translation,and then presents Nida’S functionalequivalence theory,its development,content and essence.In chapter Two,basic knowledge of advertising has been discussed in great detail,including the development of advertising,definition of advertising and advertisement,classificationof advertising,purposes and functions of advertising,and features of advertising language which have been analyzed from three aspects,namely,lexically, syntactically and rhetorically.Based on the first two chapters,it is thus safe to drawthe conclusion that the application of the functional equivalence in advertising translation is practical and feasible,therefore in the third chapter,the writer firstelaborates on the feasibility of Nida’S functional equivalence theory in advertising translation through analysis and discussion,and then under the guidance of Nida’Sfunctional equivalence,the writer further discusses the overall requirements for advertising translation in style,form and content.Chapter Four is the most important part of this thesis,which shows the current strategies of advertising translation.SinceNida’S functional equivalence theory proposes that translation shall be target languageoriented and target culture oriented,strategies of adaptation are definitely reasonableand unavoidable.In this chapter,a number of examples are quoted to illustrate the application of Nida’S functional equivalence in advertising translation.The conclusionsummarizes the whole thesis,and the author points out the inadequacy of the essay and the direction of further study.2Chapter One Literature ReviewAny factual analysis and practical application need a systematic theory as the backup.With regard to the field of advertising translation,the author will first of allreview briefly the notion of equivalence and Nida’S functional equivalence theory,as the guiding theory in dealing with advertising translation.1.1 Notion of Translation EquivalenceThe first significant statement on translation was made by Cicero(1 06BC-43)in the first century BC,proposing“not to translate word for word,but to translate sensefor sense”.Since then,translation theories have developed for more than 2000 years.The term‘‘equivalence’’first appeared in J.R.Firth’s writing when he stated that‘‘theSO—called translation equivalents between two languages are never really equivalent’’(Firth,1 957).With the development of linguistics and the linguistic-oriented translation studies in the west,“the concept of translation equivalence has been anessenti al issue not only in translation theory over the last 2000 years,but also inmodern translation studies”(Wilss,200 1:1 34).“Translation is the replacement of arepresentation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in asecond language”(Meetham&Hudson,1 969:7 1 3).The main goal of translation is toestablish a particular type of correspondence between the source text and the target text.The nature of correspondence has been referred to as“faithfulness’’or ‘‘fidelity'’,or more predominantly,to the notion of“equivalence”.Therefore,equivalence is a central concept in the translation theory.But to gain a full equivalence in translation isonly ideal for all translators.Since“there are,properly speaking,no such things asidentical equivalents”(Belloc,1 93 1:37),one must try to find the closest possible equivalence in translation.Generally,Studies of translation equivalence could becategorized into the following types:1)referential or denotative equivalence where source language and target language words supposedly refer to the same thing in the real world;2)connotative equivalence where source language and target language words trigger the same or similar associations in the minds of native speakers of thetwo languages;3)quantitative—scheme equivalence where relationships of lexical equivalence,in particular in the area of terminology,are distincted as one-to —oneequivalence,one—to-many equivalence,one—to-part-of-one equivalence or nil equivalence;4)text—normative equivalence where source language and target language words are used in the same similar contexts in their respective languages;5)textual equivalence where source language and target language information flows are similar and the cohesive roles of source language and devices in their respective textsare more or less the same;6)cultural equivalence where source language and target language cultural information are commonly shared by their respective readers.These six categories of translation equivalence mentioned above can be regarded as equivalence in different degrees,with regard to different levels of presentation and atdifferent ranks.However,such classification seems uncontrollable.According to Eugene Nida,equivalence can be generally categorized into two types,of which one is formal equivalence and the other is functional。
What are the purposes of advertising?
To brand their products To brand their corporate culture To have consumers be interested in their products
To gain profits by taking money from the consumers’ pockets
6.Fresh-up with Seven-up. (Seven-up)
提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜) 7.Intel Inside. (Intel Pentium) 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔 奔腾) 8.Connecting People. (Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚) 9.For the Road Ahead. (Honda) 康庄大道。(本田) 10.Let us make things better. (Philips) 让我们做的更好。(飞利浦)
ads lead customers to form unreasonable consume-habit
ads spread false information an• help consumers make informed choices • entertain people • increase product sales • make people aware of social problems and government policies •….
Magazine Ads Packing Ads
Public Ads
• GOT MILK?”是美国Body By Milk发起的一
商务英语综合教程(中级) Unit 5-《商务英语综合教程》(中级)
Complete the following sentences with the words given.
assessment profile
campaign targeted
promotion simultaneously
branding resources
advertising optimize
Additional Reading
Top 6 Digital Advertising Strategies You Should Use for Mobile
1. Boost social posts
A boosted post on Facebook or Twitter shows up in the news feed like a post from a contact, attracting more attention than traditional advertising and bypassing ad blocks. Boosted posts also have a variety of audience targets you can apply, so you're reaching your ideal customers.
◆ Additional Reading E. Highlights Vocabulary Suggested Answers
Teaching Objectives
• 1. to learn the types of advertising; • 2. to learn advertising slogans; • 3. to learn advertising strategies for small
高中英语新教材译林选修二课件The Mass Media Grammar and Usage
The application of consumer psychology in advertising
• Understanding Consumer Needs and Desires: Analyzing consumer needs, wants, and desires to create advertising that resonates with the target audience
高中英语新教材译林选修二课件 The Mass Media Grammar and Usage
汇报人:XX 2024-02-04
• Media Overview and Classification • The use of grammar in news
reporting • The use of grammar in advertising • The use of grammar in social
Including a clear and competing call to action that resources the audience to take the next step, such as visiting a website or making a purchase
Understanding how to integrate visuals and text effectively to create a cohesive and impactful ad
New media encompasses digital and online platforms such as social
大学体验英语第四版第二册-3A-The development of advertising
Unit 3. Passage A. The Development of Advertising[1] Advertising is the techniques and practices used to bring products, services, opinions, or causes to public notice for the purpose of persuading the public to respond in a certain way toward what is advertised. Most advertising involves promoting a good that is for sale, but similar methods are used to encourage people to drive safely, to support various charities, or to vote for political candidates, among many other examples.广告是将产品、服务、意见或事业公之于众的技术和做法,目的是说服公众以某种方式回应广告上的内容。
[2] Advertising started as early as medieval time by word of mouth and the first step toward modern advertising came with the development of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. The real growth of an advertising industry came with the great expansion of business in the 19th century. It was that century, primarily in the United States, that saw the establishment of advertising agencies and by the early 20th century agencies became involved in producing the advertising message itself, including copy and artwork, and by the 1920s agencies had come into being that could plan and execute complete advertising campaigns, from initial research to copy preparation to placement in various media.广告早在中世纪的口口相传中就产生了,而现代广告的第一步源于十五、十六世纪印刷术的发展。
《中外广告史(双语)》教学大纲课程编号:060892B课程类型:□通识教育必修课□通识教育选修课□专业必修课□专业选修课√□学科基础课总学时:34 讲课学时:34 实验(上机)学时:学分:2适用对象:(专业名称)广告专业先修课程:广告学概论一、教学目标(黑体,小四号字)The course introduces Chinese and foreign advertising development. The students should master the advertising development in different periods, regions and countries. They should also understand the rules and characteristics of the advertising development to improve their ability of analysis and judging to the various advertising phenomenon. After fully understanding the changing process and characteristics of advertising, the students will have a macroscopic understanding of the development history and development trend of advertising, which can improve the students' understanding of other professional courses.二、教学内容及其与毕业要求的对应关系1、教学内容In the part of the Chinese advertising history, the course focuseson ancient forms of advertising and the simple advertising consciousness; several important periods of the modern advertising; the characteristics and problems of the mainland advertising in the new period in China; different characteristics of the advertising development in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the differences between them. In the history of foreign advertising, the course aims at the development of foreign advertising; the characteristics of American advertising and Japanese advertising; the international advertising management system; the future trends of advertising development. So the course not only introduces the development of advertising, bu t also cultivates the students’ ability of combing the advertising development rules from the various complex advertising phenomenon, so as to improve the students' ability of advertising practice.2、教学方法和手段Multimedia teaching means, with a certain number of pictures, historical data.3、考核方式Examination三、各教学环节学时分配(黑体,小四号字)以表格方式表现各章节的学时分配,表格如下:四、教学内容Chapter 1 The Ancient Advertising of ChinaSection 1 The Advertising in the Slave-Owning Society1. The Emergence of Economic Advertising2.The Form of Early Economic AdvertisingSection 2 The Advertising in Han Dynasty1. Banner (悬帜) Advertising2. Hangings(悬物)Advertising3. Named AdvertisingSection 3 The Advertising in Tang and Song Dynasty1. The Form of Advertising in Tang2 The Advertising in SongSection 4 The Advertising in Ming and Qing Dynasty1. Signboard Advertising2.Couplet AdvertisingChapter 2 The Advertising During the Period From the Opium War to the Foundation of ChinaSection 1 The Advertising From The Opium War to the Early 20th Century1. Print Advertising2. The Fierce Economic Competition3. The emergence of advertising agency.4. The extension of advertisement contents and the advanced of the design5. The Organization of AdvertisingSection 2 The Advertising in May Fourth Movement1.The newspapers and magazines advertisement keep on development.2. Advertisement Medium Diversification3. The development of Advertising agency4. Advertising research and educationSection 3 The Advertising in the 1930s1. The advertisement medium continue to develop2. Improve the level of advertising design.3. The specialization of the advertising agencies .Chapter 3 Advertising in the Early Stages of the New China (1949----1976)1 1949-19522 1953-19653 1966-1976Chapter 4 The New Era of Advertising in China ( 1979 and Beyond) Section 1 The Restoration of the Advertising Industry1. The Redevelopment of the Advertising Industry2 The Intermediate Period of the 1980s3 The Developing Stage of the 1990s4. The integrate and international stage (2000 and beyond)Section 2 Advertising Agencies1 The type of advertising company1.1 Limited-Service (specialty)1.2 Full-Service2. The type of full-service agencies2.1 Department Type2.2 Group TypeSection 3 System of Advertising Agent1. Definitions2. The key of Advertising agency system3. The functionSection 4 Advertising Regulations1 Major Legislation1.1 Regulationsion Control of Advertisement(for trial )1.2 Regulationsion Control of Advertisement1.3 ADVERTISING LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBL IC OF CHINA2 Advertising self-regulationChapter 5 Advertising in TaiwanSection 1 The Growth of the Advertising Industry 1 Historical Review1.1 The beginning period of the 1960s1.2 The developing period of the 1970s1.3 The International period of the 1980s1.4 The stable period of 1990s2 Evolutionary changes of the advertising Industry2.1 advertising creativity2.2 market research2.3 agency structure3 current problem of the advertising industrySection 2 Advertising Media1. Television and Advertising2. Radio3. Newspaper Advertisings4. MagazinesSection 3 The Regulatory and Self-screening Environment of Advertising1 governmental agency and advertising law2 trade groups and self-regulations3 consume interest groupsChapter 6 The Development of Foreign AdvertisingsSection 1 Primeval Advertising1 .Babylon2. Ancient Egypt3. Ancient Greece and Ancient RomeSection 2: Age of print1 Printed Handbills2 Newspaper advertisementSection 3: Transition Stage1 Advertising Media2 The emergence of advertising agencies3 Advertising TheoriesScientific Advertising , Claude Hopkins ,1923Section 4 Landmark Age1. 1920’s----1940’s2. 1950’s2.1 More of the consumer viewpoint and of economic analysis were introduced.2.2 The concept of marketing was being reformulated2.3 Two schools of strategic thought :3. 1960’s4. 1970’sSection 5 After the 1980s1. 1980’s1.1 Emotion is the king!1.2 Invention of ROI1.3 Differentiate or die2. 1990’s2.1Brand is the king2.2 Integrated efforts2.3Long live consumerismChapter 7 Advertising in AmericaSection 1 The Development1. European Precedents2. Colonial America3. The Age of the Newspaper4. Meanwhile in the Small Towns5. P.T.Barnum and the Age of Excess6. Advertising Agents Come on the Scene7. The Birth of the Slogan8.The Emergence of Brands9.The Origins of the Consumer Movement10.Advertising to Women11.Broadcasting Advertisements12. Depression and War13. Television and Commercials14. Advertising Globally15 Commercializing CyberspaceSection 2 The Creative Revolution1.Rosser Reeves develops2.Leo Burnett3.David Ogilvy4. William BernbachSection 3 The Management of the U.S. Advertising 1. Advertising Regulation1.1 Federal Trade Commission (FTC)1.2 Correcting advertising2. Self-RegulationChapter 8 Advertising in JapanSection1 The Development1. Pre-war period1.1 ancient1.2 modern(近代) advertising1.3 Stage of development1.4 Military forces2. The post-war3.Introduction of marketing4. InternationalizationSection 2 The Features of Japanese Advertising1 major agencies take the lion’s share of the market2 no ‘one product per category’ system3 wider range of agency services4 no western agencies are in dominant position5 media-buying practices6 Dentsu’s role in the advertising industrySection 3 Advertising Regulations1 Advertising self-regulation2 The Japan Advertising Review Organization, Inc. (JARO)Section 4 The EducationThe feather of advertising educationChapter 9 Advertising in BritishSection 1 The Development1. In Europe, it is the most developed countries in advertising industry.2 .It is the center of world advertising in the early stages of printing applicationsSection 2 The Management1. AdministrationIndependent Tele-vision Commission, ITCRAThe Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)2.Rgulations3. International advertising management3.1 International Advertising Association (IAA)3.2 European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA)1 The advertising in French2 Other countries……五、考核方式、成绩评定本课程的考核方式为考试或者提交论文。
• 1. 偏爱简单句 • 广告语言在形式上也具有鲜明特色,或行文工整,或对仗 押韵,朗朗上口,使人耳目一新,经久难忘。所谓“优秀 的商品广告无不以简短精炼而著称”。 • The taste is great.(雀巢咖啡) • Apple thinks different.(苹果电脑) • In touch with tomorrow.(东芝)
• 指取原文内容而舍弃其形式,容许译者有一定的创造性。
翻译中通常考虑译文目标读者因文化而产生的阅读和理解 上的差异,出产的译文从读者角度看比较地道,可读性较 强。
• Ask for More. • 摩尔香烟,多而不厌。 • A diamond is forever. • 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。
• 19世纪的一位美国广告专家将广告称之为“印在纸上的推销员”。作
为一种目的性很强的语言,广告英语经常会使用一些文学中的修辞方 法,因此又被称为“半文学体”。这些修辞方法包括比喻,拟人,押 韵,夸张,双关等。各种修辞格赋予广告简洁,生动,幽默,形象等 特点,使广告语言成为一种具有独特魅力的语言艺术。
• 4. 巧用疑问句 • 疑问句式的特点就是口语色彩浓厚、浅显易懂,具有浓郁
的生活气息,没有距离感,在引起人们共鸣的同时,又不 留痕迹的突出了商品的特征。
• Where do you want to go today?(微软) • What should luxury cars be?(林肯汽车)
• 在国外的广告文案创作中,有一个为广告界认可的广告创作原 则:KISS——Keep it Short and Simple
本文通过对大量英语广告实例进行分析,并参照国外著名广告人Guy Cook等的理论,详细剖析了广告英语的语言特点。
本文共分为五章,第一章追溯了广告的起源,对广告的分类、作用及定义做了简单概要;第二章介绍了广告和文体学的基本定义,广告中,文字和图像的完美结合取决于创意和所用媒体,但它们共同组成了广告语言;第三章从句法学、修辞学、词汇学等理论切入,用大量例子分析了广告英语的语言特点,并从语篇分析的角度对其语言特点进行了剖析;在语篇分析的章节中,引用了Guy Cook的语篇分析模型,并引入了广告问题研究领域新近提出的"文章关联性"等概念;第四章结合了第三章的观点,通过具体英语广告实例对标题中的用词、句子结构、称谓模式、修辞格进行了阐述,分析了广告语言对广告效果的影响;最后一章指出了广告英语发展的口语化和简单化趋势及其目前存在的模糊性语言特点,揭开了广告华丽词藻下所掩盖的非真实的广告氛围,批判了其模糊性误导消费者的消极一面。
关键词:广告;广告英语;语言特点AbstractAs a way of propagating and transmitting information, advertising's role connot be underestimated because it is not only an artful technique in persuading people to buy, but also gradually has become a must for social communication which in turn influences the development of society and economy. The purpose of this paper is to study the linguistic features and sociological features of advertising English, in the hope to help copywriters at home markets in their creating process.Nowadays advertising has penetrated into every corner of our life as its transmitting media in many forms: newspaper, magazine, TV, radio as well as network. The goal of advertising decides its language to be simple and direct, distinct from the characteristics of other discourses. Thus an analysis on the linguistic features of advertising English in the linguistic field is worthwhile. Under such circumstances, a study on the linguistic features of advertising English will have practical effects on the composing and translating work of the copywriters. The whole paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter traces back the origin of advertising and a brief introduction on the classifications, roles and definitions of advertising is presented for the later discussion.The second chapter introduces the theory of advertisements and stylistics, the precise balance of words (either spoken or written) and pictures is determined by the creative concept and the medium used, but the combination of images and words makes up the language of advertising.The third chapter starts from the theories in syntax, lexicology, rhetoric and ends with the linguistic features analyzed in the field of discourse analysis.The fourth chapter combines the viewpoints from the previous chapter third and explores the effect of the advertising English as a whole advertising process. The last chapter, also theconclusion part, shows that though advertising language appears to be flowery and refined, its content is no better than commonest language could convey. By exposing the various techniques advertisers have employed in their writing, this part hopes to remind consumers that advertising English is gradually attaining the negative and ambiguous role in guiding people to buy.Keywords: Advertising, Advertising English, Linguistic FeaturesChapter 1 IntroductionNo other statement could have summed up the charm of advertisement than what Aldous Huxley has commented. As he has said advertisement as a literary form is the most exciting, the most arduous literary form of all, and the most pregnant in curious possibilities. In his comment he asserted advertisement is a literary form and the copywriting process is the delightful and salubrious exercise for the mind. But all in all, what is advertising, and what makes it unique?1.1 History of AdvertisementAdvertisement emerged from the womb of commodity production and exchange. The condition for the existence of advertising is "at least a segment of the population must live above the subsistence level". When this situation occurs it also becomes necessary for "the producers of materially 'unnecessary' goods to do something to make people want to acquire their commodities." (Vestergaard and Schroder 4)The embryonic form of advertising in the world is street cries, which exist even today. Advertising was not unknown in ancient Greece and Rome, but advertising as we recognize it did not start until the seventeenth century in the West. It was at about this time that newspaper began to circulate. Before that, it is printing which was first invented in China and then introduced to the West that played a vital role in the production of print advertising. "Classified" (small ads) types of advertising were dominant before the nineteenth century and style and language used in ads at that time tended to be direct and informative. The industrial Revolution, which began in England in the mid-1700s and reached the United States by the early 1800s, facilitated mass-production of goods. Meanwhile advertising became more and more important in the industrial market. The great breakthrough for advertising came only in the late nineteenth century. Technology and mass-production techniques were then sufficiently developed for more firms to be able to turn out products of roughly the same quality and at roughly the same price. This brought on a crisis ofover-production and under consumption which meant that the market needed to be stimulated by advertising. At this time advertising changed its function from proclamation to persuasion. In the twentieth century, advertising developed rapidly alongside the advent of new media-radio and television in succession.According to Richard Pollay's content analysis of two thousand print ads from ten leading magazines in the USA, ads have progressively turned towards the emotional rather than the informative approach and there is a shift seeing human nature as rational to seeming it as emotional.Today in China, while our economic structure is shifting from the entirely planned economy to the socialist market economy system, advertising is becoming more and more active and sophisticated. In 1992, China's advertising expenditure reached $ 862 million, among thefastest growing countries in Asia. This year with the entry of China into WTO, this expenditure figure will undoubtedly rise up, which will support the view that advertising is an indispensable means for providing the information that all market-oriented industrialized societies need for their economies to function efficiently.1.2 Classifications of AdvertisingAdvertising may be classified by medium (newspaper, magazine, radio, television). By target audience (consumer, industrial, business), by geography (international, national, regional, local), or by its function or purpose (product or non-product, commercial or noncommercial, primary demand or selective demand, direct action or indirect action).Because it is difficult to gain access to enough date for English commercials and ads on radio or TV, thus, the subject of this research paper will mainly concentrate on the print advertising.1.3 Roles of AdvertisingAn advertiser's main purpose is to present and exhibit product or service, and to spread the influence and coverage of which to the extent that the potential purchasing population becomes real and actual. Simply put, advertisers try by the various means at their disposal to get people to buy the product or service advertised. Moreover, advertisers want potential purchasers to consider what is advertised to the exclusion of all other similar products or services. They therefore attempt to construct an advertisement that will fully involve the attention of the potential purchaser and which will have a persuasive effect. Advertisers thus create a semiotic world in order to persuade their audience of essential "rightness" of purchasing the product or service advertised.1.4 Definitions of AdvertisingAfter a brief introduction of the classifications and roles of advertising, we now come to the definitions of advertising. From different perspectives or purposes, the definitions might also vary. In English, the word "advertise" has its origin in "advertere" in Latin, meaning "to inform somebody of something", "to bring into notice" or "to draw attention to something", etc. In Chinese, the equivalent term "guanggao" means "widely announce".The father of modern advertising, Albert Lasker said that advertising was "salesmanship in print". Although the definition was given long before the advent of radio and television, and the nature and scope of advertising at that time were considerably different than they are today, this often-repeated saying indicates that the ultimate objective of advertising is to sell. Obviously it is not a working definition because we cannot use it to cover all advertisements. Today, a widely quoted working definition of advertising was put forward by Courtland L. Bovee and William F. Arens :" Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods or services) or ideas by identified sponsors through various media."(Cook,Guy. The Discourse of Advertising. London: Routledge,1992)Another linguist Bolen defines advertising as a "Paid, non-personal communication through various mass media by business firms, nonprofit organizations, and individuals who are in some way identified in the message and who hope to inform or persuade members of a particular audience." (Carter, Ronald and Goddard, Angela, Reah Danuta et al. Working with Texts. London: Routledge,1997)If the definitions of advertising were too vague and abstract to comprehend, a few words of its function would help to clarify this crucial term. Broadly speaking, advertisements have atleast one of two functions: informing or persuading, although overlap may often take place in one single piece. The trick here is that an informative advertisement informs "the customer about goods, services, or ideas and then tells how to get them means of an identified sponsor" (Bolen 6). Examples of informative advertisements are not a few, ranging from flyers to insertions in magazine and newspapers, all of that aim to advertise newproducts/services or special prices on certain products/services. This type of advertisement gives basic, factual information and sometimes shows a photos or an illustration of the product/service to give the target audience a better view about the advertised product. Persuasive advertisements are thus the instruments used by advertisers "who have defined their target audiences and determined the effect they hope to achieve through persuasive advertisements in the media" (Bolen 9). And a persuasive advertisement should try to persuade the potential customers to buy the new product. (Bolen 6) The persuasive function is not only limited to attracting the potential customer into buying a certain object, but also including the selling of services, ideas, norms and values.To summarize, we would get the idea that firstly advertising is a communication process. Secondly, at least a medium is used. Thirdly, this communication process has a definite purpose to convince the target audience. The above three characteristics suggest advertising is closely connected with the society, employing its media, interconnecting with its people and guiding their buying habit. Also in achieving the advertising effect, the advertising language should be vivid and attractive, whose linguistic characteristics would be covered in the Chapter 3.Chapter 2 Theoretical Background2.1 Advertisement2.1.1 Definition and GoalAdvertising is the paid, impersonal communication of information about products or ideas by an identified sponsor through mass media in an effort to persuade or influence behavior. Not all advertising is alike. Advertisements differ depending on who the message is intended for, where the advertisement is shown, which media are used, and what the advertiser wants to accomplish.(see Table 2.1)Table 2.1Advertising can be classified in four ways: by target, geographic area, media used, and purpose.By Target By Geographic Area By Media Used By Purpose AudienceConsumerBusiness: Industrial Trade Professional Agriculture InternationalNationalRegionalLocal Print: Newspaper MagazineElectronic: Radio Television InternetOut-of-home: Outdoor Transit Direct mail Directories Other media Productive or nonproductiveCommercial or noncommercialPrimary demand or selective demandDirect action or indirect actionThe purpose of copywriting is to persuade or remind people to take some action to satisfy a need or want. But first people need to be made aware of the problem or, if the problem is obvious, of a solution. To create awareness, the copywriter must first get people's attention-for example, by using large type and provocative visuals. Next, the copywriter must stimulate the prospect's interest in the product and build credibility for the product claims. Then the copywriter focuses on generating desire and finally on stimulating action.These five aspects should be present in every advertisement or commercial.Here is the advertising pyramid.2.1.2 Elements of an AdvertisementAs one will see, any advertisement is made up of several elements. Most advertisements used all of them. They include the headline or display line; the illustration; the body copy or text; the theme line or slogan, trade character, seal, and other marks; and the logotype or signature. Each will be considered in some detail below.(1)HeadlinesThe headline or display line appears in most advertisements for several reasons. First, it is an attention-getting device; secondly, it also selects an audience by appealing to a specific group, as this line dose: Arthritics reduce painful inflammation and get stomach upset protection. (An ad for medicine) Finally, it is the key factor in getting people to read the body copy.(2)IllustrationIn addition to headlines, most advertisements contain illustrations. The illustration like the headline, attracts attention, selects the audience, and stimulates interest in body copy. What is more, the illustration can be invaluable in showing the product or product use and explaining graphically certain ideas or situations that are cumbersome to put into words. The old saying that one picture is worth a thousand words has much merit in it.(3) Body CopyTo begin with, some explanation of the word copy is necessary. The job of body copy is to stimulate interest in the product or service or idea being advertised, creates desire for it, and urge action. This is a big task and calls for right words. Although headlines and illustrations clear the way, it is body copy that must carry the burden of the selling job.(4)Theme lines, slogan, trade characters, seal and other marksA number of different marks and devices may appear in an advertisement, including theme lines, trade characters, and seals; For example, General Foods uses the corporate identity symbol in all its advertisements. The automatic use of these elements in the advertisement, however, does not diminish their importance.2.2 Stylistics2.2.1 The Need for StylisticsWhen talking about the English language, one should not be misled into thinking that the label should in some way refer to a readily identifiable object in reality, which he can isolate and examine in a classroom as a test-tube mixture, a piece of rock or a poem. The label of the English language is in fact a complex of many different 'varieties' of language in use in all kinds of situations in many parts of the world. Naturally, all these varieties have much more in common than differentiates them-they are all clearly varieties of one language, English. But at the same time, each variety is definably distinct from all the others.As an educated speaker of English, a student of English is, in a sense, multilingual: for in the course of developing his command of language, he has encountered a large number of varieties, and to certain extent, has learned now to use them. A particular social situation makes him respond with an appropriate variety of language, the language of conversation, the language of newspaper reporting, the language of advertising and so on. But what is stylistics?2.2.2 DefinitionIn the past, men have been intrigued with style and many students of human communication have offered their ideas about it. Some are concerned with clarity-or lucidity, as Aristotle called it. For this ancient Greek critic, it was important that the speaker or writer not only has ideas but that he says them 'in the right way', a way an audience can understand clearly. He also said that style should be neither above nor below the dignity of the subject but must be 'appropriate'. Another student of language and human use of it, the Scottish writer George Campbell, also believed words (the author's diction or word choice) were the foundation of style. He believed the best style comes from diction that the listener notices so little that he is barely 'conscious that it is through this medium diction he sees into the speaker's thoughts' (The sense of style by Geoffrey N. Leech). But unfortunately, they do not clarify matters greatly, at least four commonly occurring senses of the term style need to be distinguished. Style may refer to some or all of the language habits of one person-as when people talk of Shakespeare's style (or styles), or the style of James Joyce. More often, it refers to a selection of language habits, shared by a group of people at one time, or over a period of time, as when we talk about the style of the Augustan poets, the style of Old English 'heroic' poetry, the style in which civil services forms are written, or styles of public-speaking.Style is given a more restricted meaning when it is used in an evaluative sense, referring to the effectiveness of a mode of expression. This is implied by such popular definitions of style as 'saying the right thing in the most effective way' or as 'good manners'. (Investing English style by David Crystal & Derek Davy)Partly overlapping with the three senses just outlined is the wide spread use of the word style to refer solely to literary language. Style has long been associated primarily or exclusively with literature, as a characterized 'good', 'effective', or 'beautiful' writing.Of the above four senses, the first and second come nearest to what is meant by style. As a starting-point, the aim of stylistics is to analyze language habits with the main purpose of identifying from the general mass of linguistic features common to English as used on every conceivable occasion. Those features which are restricted to certain kinds of social context are to explain, where possible, why such features have been used, as opposed to other alternatives, and to classify these features into categories based upon a view of their function in the social context.。
广告运动 Advertising Campaigns
Then and Only Then, Talk Executions-A Campaign Outline
• Build the plan book then after presenting the high points of the plans book show the executions
Some Campaign Theme Examples Ad Campaigns • Windmills of Your Mind • If They Could See Me Now • Can we Build One for You (Have One Built for You, we’ve had One Built for You) • In the Relentless Pursuit of Excellence • A Passion for Perfection • Now the Excitement Begins. We Build Excitement . Fuel for The Soul
- An Advertising Campaign is a series of advertisements [consumer communications] and the activities that help produce them, which are designed to achieve interrelated goals. - A campaign is a big undertaking (i.e. War) (lets talk about the difference between goals and objectives strategy versus tactics) - Main characteristic of a campaign and its plans book is theme (unity). Put something in each ad that relates the theme (Just Do It, The Pursuit of Perfection-Lexus, Built Ford Tough) A good campaign just keeps going, and going, and going (Still going.)
Translation of product descriptions
The Development Trends of Advertising English Translation
Cultural differences
In advertising English translation, cultural differences are increasingly emphasized to adapt to the cultural backgrounds of different countries and regions.
Preservation of cultural elements
The translation should preserve the cultural elements of the source text, ensuring that they are accurately conveyed to the target audience
Misunderstandings caused by cultural differences
Summary: Misunderstandings caused by cultural differences are a major challenge in advertising English translation, as advertising language often contains rich cultural connotations and symbolic meanings.
Summary: The translation of product descriptions needs to be accurate, vivid, and able to clearly convey the characteristics and advantages of the product.
Characteristics of advertisement翻译理论与实践
Case studies of trademarks
Coke Cola: 可口可乐 (c.f. “口柯口腊”) Pizza Hut 必胜客 Crest 佳洁士 Xerox 施乐 HP (Hewlett Pachard) 惠普
Translation of Brand Names
The most important feature of trademarks does not lie in their clear, specific meaning but in their uniqueness, which make them easy to remember while providing some aesthetic enjoyment. translation lays much importance in seeking phonetic iconicity, so that people can easily identify the same trademark expressed in different languages. Transliterated/creativeness
Characteristics of advertisement
Attention value (attracting people’s attention) Memory value (easy to remember) Readability (interesting) Loaded persuasion (arousing people’sadvertisements: brevity, novelty, sonority, elegance, relevance
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The characteristics of the advertising wordsAbstract:Commercial advertisement is an indispensable part in life. Advertising English words with unique characteristics: a simple and direct words; The use of spoken words mean; Borrow foreign words; New invention; Use compound; Using opposites; Adjectives comparative and superlative high frequency of use, etc. A successful advertising to use words conciseness, popularity, novelty, specific and fuzziness as the foundation, to make its wording has strong appeal and convincing.English vocabulary in the wide application of advertising, and has formed a special of style. With its unique characteristic, simple language and huge attraction and become isolated another language. Advertising English is the language of development, formed its own characteristics, in the following several aspects about play a very important role in expression of their special role. Each method has its own unique characteristic, and use these features in the commodity advertising can highlight different goods function, so as to produce attract, stimulation, guide, influence on the role of the consumers. In order to create more successful advertising characteristics, we should analyze and select the application of vocabulary in advertising will be brought to consumer an unforgettable impression.Keywords: advertising English features consumersThe development of advertising and its wide application, created a unique style of business English. Advertising English is an indispensable part of English advertisements, form and has its own features. Now, with the development of technology and the diversity of the mass media, advertising also affect our daily life. However, no matter the original strategy needs, language is still the main carrier of advertising information. As the function of advertising is to persuade, visit and encourage people to do one thing, for example to things. Advertising language use should catch the sight, have directly affects and fast persuasive. This paper will focus on advertising vocabulary features and choose in advertising English unique way of talking.A American sales manager's manual points out that a successful advertising should have four function:AIDA,this represents four words--Attention,Interest,Desire,Action.To these four words as the basis,the choice of advertisement must be compact,vivid,image,emotion and attractive.Ⅰ.Simple and informal words is a good choiceThe function of advertising is to attract consumers, should use of market, theguarantee quality to provide comprehensive information. This information should fast and easy to be record, will be so popular, the oral language made it easy to understand and memory. For example, For example: My Goodness! My Guinness! This is beer ads, its advertising slogan only four words but catchy. It says in the oral English is very surprised, here express beer is great. Rhyming words, so it is easy to be consumer memory and persuade consumers. Out of this colloquial language besides, similar to the dialect spoken words or application in advertising is also the reason, also more common.Ⅱ.Create some new words make it full of noveltyPsychologists have confirmed that the words used in some creative advertising more quickly and more easily will catch consumer visual, guide consumers for its products have a kind of special impression. In addition, according to the rules of word formation, two words misspell, mix, adding new prefix and suffix or common words mean to form a new words will stimulate consumer produce novelty.Eg:Bayer relieves the major source of arthritis pain Tylenol can't touch. "toleraid"Is a new word composition two parts,one part is from "toler"and "tolerance"another part is from"aid"this word.Toleraid i s a composition more easy to relieve pain patients are medicine.This new word used in advertising above shows the medicine function, so consumer to it is love. The Times, innovation, the creation of some new things is much needed, so when a new product advertising appeared in fresh vocabulary, consumers will could not help noticing that this product, and thus stimulated consumer understanding and the purchase of goods desire, and also to the purpose of the business.Ⅲ.Reduction can let advertising concise and comprehensiveThe most common is advertising shorten the length saving money, omits some section of the rest of the letters and symbols or main letter to express its want to express information.There is a advertising:Secretary/ Recept/Admin Assistant Eyewitness views.Assistant& Private secy to pres of Real Estate which produce cable TV real estate show.Will train in video editing.Duties incl recept,coordination of Reagents,some typing 50wpm required.Flexible hours OK.Varied job initiative well rewarded.Call 212-474-6030 for Appointment.Like this omit some letters and these words the main information, can let advertising become clearer and obvious. Consumers will have the patience to read ads and remember advertising is about anything. In addition to cut this method outside, also can use to become simple advertising, composed of interesting and easy to attract attention and memory, and consumers.Ⅳ.The usage of the comparative and superlative adjectives can highlight characteristicsAdvertising use adjectives comparative and superlative can to a certain extent stimulate consumer attention and use the products.Eg:In just a few drops, this man's skin is going to feel Better.Words are simple, but because the use of theadjectives are level, so outstanding products, and it has said the role or so stimulated consumer buying this product of desire. This is also in advertising application a kind of most method, this method has the characteristics of outstanding advertising exaggerated, can immediately attracted consumers, with the most rapid method to achieve the purpose of "advertising".Ⅴ.The choice of appropriate verbs help to increase salesAdvertising is used to persuade consumers to buy their products, but the statistics show that use the "buy" directly will make consumers reluctant to buy products, because "buy" means to obtain something by money. So it is difficult to make consumers enjoy spending, so, verbs advertising should be carefully monly used verbs have:make, get, take, try, come, go, have, need, see, use, give, discover, introduce, remember, serve, choose, look for, let/send for, call, come on etc.In advertising to attach great importance to the use of the words and apply, take full advantage of consumers' consumption psychology, through the proper words to replace the "distraction" to let consumers "hooked", guide the consumer trust to consumption, to buy the product.Ⅵ.Compound in advertising play a very important roleMany of the compounds used in advertising is the main reason of the elements of the compound word can be any part of speech, almost no limit in grammar and word order.Eg:high-fashion knitwear;sugar-crisp bubbles of wheat;the only chocolate-flavored cereal;the best-looking small car in the world etc.The compound used in advertising the advantage is can let consumer can quickly find a look at product characteristics, composition, the role of advantages, simple, and easy to remember, deep in the consumers' mind can product of impression, and can focus on product features a word or a word for businesses to save a lot of spending.In short, more and more manufacturers found in the use of English in the advertisement of the product will bring them more profit, so more than sixty percent of the firms concentrate on using the words in the English advertising the advertisement of the product. We analysis the English advertising industry and the characteristics of the English vocabulary, and put them together, will bring more profits for businesses and guiding people to a better future. A successful advertising not only cannot leave the powerful visual image, needs to have the appeal of advertising language and persuasion, bright and charming strange wording to make a further mass, fascinating advertising.References[1] Courland L.Bovee. William F Arens. Contemporary Advertising. U.S.A: Von Hoffman Press, 2000.[2] Grey Myers. Advertising Language Varieties and Its Social Contexts. London: Paul Ltd: 1994.[3] N. G. Leech . Principle of Pragmatic. London: Longman, 1983.[4] Qi Yunfang. Advertisement and English in Advertising. Zhejiang University Press, 2003.[5] Qi Yunfang. English Advertising. Human Education Press, 1987.[6] Wang Yanxi. English Adverising. 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