Syntactic Topic Models
判断题:正确写A,错误写BChapter1:1.Linguisticsisthesystematicstudyoflanguage.True.2.Linguisticsdealswithaparticularlanguage.False.3.Linguisticsisscientificbecauseitishelpfultolanguageuse.False.4.Thetaskofalinguististodiscoverthenatureandrulesoftheunderlyinglanguagesystem.True.5.Linguisticsisgenerallydividedintogeneralandspecificlinguistics.False.6.Generallinguisticsdealswiththegeneralaspectsoflanguageapplication.False.7.Generallinguisticsdoesnotstudytheoriesoflanguage.False.8.Phoneticsstudieshumansoundpatterningandthemeaningofsoundsincommunication.False.9.Phonologystudieshowasoundisproduced.False.10.Morphologyisthestudyofsentences.False.11.Syntaxisthestudyoftherulesofwords.False.12.Semanticsisthestudyofwordmeaning.False.13.Pragmaticsisthestudyofmeaningincontextoflanguageuse.True.14.Sociolinguisticsdealswiththerelationbetweenlanguageandsociety.True.15.Psycholinguisticsdealswiththerelationoflanguagetopsychology.True.16.Appliedlinguisticsmeansthelanguageapplicationtospecificareas.False.17.Modernlinguisticsaimsatprescribingmodelsforlanguageuserstofollow.False.18.Synchroniclinguisticsdealswithaseriesoflanguagephenomenaatthesametime.False.19.Diachroniclinguisticsisalsocalledhistoricallinguistics.True.nguemeanscompetence.False.21.ParoleisaFrenchword;itmeanstheconcretelanguageevents.True.22. F.deSaussurewasaSwisslinguist.True.23.N.ChomskyisanAmericanlinguist.True.24.AccordingtoChomsky,theinternalizationofasetofrulesabouthislanguageenablesaspeakertopr oduceandunderstandaninfinitelylargenumberofsentencesandrecognizesentencesthatareungramm aticalandambiguous.True.25.Chomskyregardscompetenceasanactofdoingthingswithasentence.False.26.PerformanceisthefocusofChomsky'slinguisticstudy.False.Competence,instead.27.Detailsoflanguagesystemaregeneticallytransmitted.False.28.Displacementoflanguagemeanslanguageuseinafar-awayplace.False.29.Arbitrarinessoflanguagemeanslanguagecanbeusedfreely.False.30.Dualityoflanguagemeanslanguageisatwo-levelsystem.True.Chapter2:1.Writingismorebasicthanspeech.False.2.Therehavebeensome2,500languagesintheworld.False.3.Abouttwothirdsoflanguagesintheworldhavenothadwrittenform.True.4.Linguistsareinterestedinallsounds.False.5.Thelimitedrangeofsoundsthataremeaningfulinhumancommunicationconstitutethephonicmed iumoflanguage.True.6.Phoneticsimilarity,notphoneticidentity,isthecriterionwithwhichweoperateinthephonologicala nalysisoflanguages.True.7.Thegreatestsourceofmodificationoftheairstreamisfoundintheoralcavity.True.8.Thenarrowingofspacebetweenthehardpalateandthefrontofthetongueresultsinthesound[j].True.9.[k],[g]and[n]arevelarsounds.False.10.[i]isasemi-closevowel.False.11.[h]istheglottalsound.True.12.[ei]isamonophthong.False.13.Phonologyisofageneralnature.False.14.Phoneticsdealswithspeechsoundsinallhumanlanguages.True.15.Aphonedoesnotnecessarilydistinguishmeaning.True.16.Aphonemeisaphoneticunit.False.t.17.‘Tsled'isapossiblewordinEnglish.False.18.Englishisatonelanguage.False.Chapter3:1.Theword‘predigestion'iscomposedof twomorphemes.False.2.‘Teach-in'isacompoundword.True.3.Pronounsbelongtoclosedclasswords.True.4.Theword‘unacceptability'hasfourmorphemes.True.5.Theword‘boy'isafreemorpheme.True.6.T hemorpheme‘—or'in‘actor'isani nflectionalmorpheme.False.7.The-sin‘works'of‘Heworkshard.'isaboundmorpheme.False.8.Theword‘unsad'isacceptableinEnglish.False.poundingisaverycommonandfrequentprocessforenlargingthevocabularyoftheEnglishlan guage.True.10.Theprefixa-in‘asexual'means‘without'.True.Chapter4:1.Phrasescanconsistofjustoneword,butmoreoftentheycontainotherelementsaswell.True.2.InXP,XreferstoanysuchheadasN,V,AorP.True.3.In‘abookaboutghosts',thecomplementis‘ghosts'.False.Thecomplementis‘aboutghosts'.4.InTG,determinerisoftenwrittenasDet.True.Chapter5:1.Hyponymyisarelationofexclusionofmeaning.False.2.Thewords‘alive'and‘dead'arerelationalopposites.False.3.Thewords‘lead'(领导)and‘lead'(铅球)arehomographs.True.4.Thewords‘flat'and‘apartment'arestylisticsynonyms.False.5.Thewords‘politician'and‘statesman'arecollocationalsynonyms.False.6.Thewords‘buy'and‘purchase'are dialectalsynonyms.False.7.Thewords‘shock'and‘surprise'aresemanticallydifferentsynonyms.True.8.Inthesenseset<freshman,sophomore,junior,senior>,‘junior'and‘senior'are co-hyponyms.True.9.Thewords‘doctor'and‘patient'arerel ationalsynonyms.True.10.‘IhavebeentoBeijing.'entails‘IhavebeentoNorthChina.'True.11.‘Hisfriendiscoming.'presupposes‘Hehasafriend.'True.12.‘Maryissingle.'isinconsistentwith‘Maryismarried.'True.13.‘HisdumbboyspokegoodEnglish.'isacontradiction.True.Chapter6:1.Pragmaticsisalinguisticbranchthatdevelopedinthe1890s.False.2.CourseinGeneralLinguisticswaspublishedin1889.False.3.Contextreferstotherelationbetweenlinesorparagraphsofatext.False.4.IfIsaidtoyou,‘It'sverystuffyhere.',thenmyillocutionaryactmaybeaskingyouto switchonthe air-conditioner.True.5.IfSmithsaidtoyouinasupermarket,‘Iamthirstynow,butIhavenomoneywithme',thenhisperl ocutionaryactisyourbuyinghimacoca-cola.True.6.AccordingtoAustin,‘Heisaboy.'isaconstative.True.7.AccordingtoAustin,‘Ibetyousixpenceitwillbefinethisevening.'isaperformative.True.8.‘Openthedoor!'isadirective.True.9.‘Theroomisair-conditioned.'isanexpressive.False.10.‘Wehavenevermetbefore.'isarepresentative.True.11.‘Ifireyou!'isacommissive.False.…isadeclaration.12.‘Iwillreturnthebooktoyousoon.'isanexpressive.False.13.‘Donotsaywhatyoubelievetobefalse'isamaximofrelation.False.14.‘Bebrief'belongstothemaximofmanner.True.15.‘Make yourcontributionasinformativeasrequired(forthecurrentpurposeoftheexchange) .'belongstothemaximofq uality.False.16.B'sreplyviolatesthemaximofqualityinthedialoguebelow:A:Wheredoyoulive?B:InSouthChinaNormalUniversity.False.17.Bprobablymeansthathedoesn'twanttomakeanycommentonthelecture,inthe dialoguebel ow:A:Whatdoyouthinkofthelecture?(Thespeechmakeriscoming)B:Dowehaveclassesthisevening?True.18.Bprobablymeansthatitisimpolitetoaskaboutherage,inthedialoguebelow:A:Howoldareyou?B:Iam80.True.19.BprobablymeansthatAshouldnotlaughathimsincetheyknoweachother,inthedialoguebelow:A:Areyouagoodstudent?B:Areyou?True.Chapter7:1.Soundchangestendtobesystematic.True.2.Theword‘home'waswrittenas'ham'inOldEnglish.True.3.Theword‘mice',whichispronouncedas[mais],waspronouncedas[mi:s]inMiddle English.True.4.InChaucer'stheCanterburyTales,wecanfind‘his'toreplace‘it'inModernEnglish,asin‘Wha nthatAprillewithhisshouressooth'.Thisreflect sthechangeinthe‘agreement'rule.True.5.‘Ilovetheenot.'beforethe16thcentury,hasnowbecome‘Idonotloveyou.'This meansthechan geinnegationrule.True.6.TheEnglishpronoun‘our'hasexperiencedaprocessofsimplificationfromOld English.True.7.Theword‘fridge'isaloanword.False.8.Theword‘walkman'isablend.False.9.Theword‘mike'isaclippedword.True.10.Theword‘videophone'isanacronym.False.11.UNESCOisablend.False.12.Theword‘quake'isthe resultofback-formation.False.13.ISBNmeansInternationalStandardBookNumber.True.14.Theword‘baby-sit'isawordfromback-formation.True.15.Theword‘question'isawordborrowedfromFrench.True.16.Theword‘tea'isaloanwordfrom Chinese.True.17.Theword‘education'comesfromLatin.True.18.Theword‘dinner'comesfromFrench.True.19.Theword‘beer'comesfromGerman.True.20.Theword‘meat'weusenowhasgonethroughthenarrowingofmeaning.True.21.Theword‘holiday'hasgonethroughthewideningofmeaning.True.22.Theword‘silly'usedtomean‘happy'inOldEnglish.True.23.Theuseoftheexpressions‘toupdate',‘tohost'and‘tocheckup'indicatesthe influenceofAmer icanEnglish.True.puterlanguageisoneofthesourcesthathaveinfluencedtheEnglishlanguage.True.25.Onepossibleaccountoftheincreasinguseof‘cheap'insteadof‘cheaply'in‘Hegotitcheap.'is thatofthe‘theoryofleasteffort'.True.26.Theexpression‘It'sme'isNotacceptableinEnglish.False.Chapter8:1.Theterm‘diglossia'wasfirstusedbyFergusonin1959.True.2.Pidginscamefromablendingofafewlanguages.True.3.Atypicalexampleofabilingualcommunityisanethnicghettowheremostoftheinhabitantsareeithe rimmigrantsorchildrenofimmigrants.True.4.Differentstylesofthesamelanguagecanberevealedthroughdifferencesatsyntactic,lexicalandph onologicallevels.True.5.Oneofthemostimportantfeaturesofbilingualismisthespecializationoffunctionofthetwovarietie s.False.6.Of‘reply'and‘answer',thelatterismoreformal.False.7.M.A.K.HallidayisaBritishlinguist.True.8.Thedeletionofthelinkverb‘be'asin‘Youcrazy'istypicalofthe syntaxofBlackEnglish(1,2).True.9.AprominentphonologicalfeatureofBlackEnglishisthedeletionoftheconsonantat theendofaword ,asin‘desk'[des].True.10.Theuseofsuchsentencesas‘Iain'tafraidofnoghosts'tomean‘I'mnota fraidof ghosts'isoneoft hesyntacticfeaturesofBlackEnglish.True.11.Accentisanimportantmarkerofsociolect.True.12.ReceivedPronunciationinBritishEnglishisadialectofLondonthatisrepresentativeofstandardE nglish.False.13.AnRPaccentoftenservesasahighstatusmarker.True.Chapter9:1.Theword‘dog'oftenconjuresupdifferentimagesintheUSandHongKong.True.2.PeopleintheWestEndinLondonspeakdifferentlyfromtheEastEnders.True.nguageplaysamajorroleinsocializingthepeopleandperpetuatingculture,especiallyinprintfor m.True.4.TheEskimoshavefarmoreword sforsnowthantheEnglishnativesinthat‘snow'is morecrucia ltothelifeoftheformer.True.5.FortheBritishpeople,theChinesegreeting‘Haveyouhaddinner?'wouldturninto‘It'sfinetoda y,isn'tit?'.True.6.ItisstandardpracticeforanEnglishnativestudenttogreethisteacherbeforealecture bysaying‘Go odmorning,teacher!'.False.7.TheChinese‘uncle'meansthesameastheBritish‘uncle'.False.8.ItisproperinEnglishtosay‘no,no'inresponsetosuchapraiseas‘You'vemadegoodprogress.' toshowone'smodesty.False.9.YoucanneveraskanEnglishnativethequestionofhisnameorage.False.10.InEnglish,theword‘blue'isassociatedwithunhappyfeelings.True.11.Itisacceptabletotranslate‘Everydoghashisday.'into‘每条狗都有自己的日子。
一文详解general language model-概述说明以及解释
一文详解general language model-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述引言部分是一篇文章的开端,用来向读者介绍文章的主题和目的。
在本篇文章中的引言部分,我们将对general language model进行概述。
General language model是一种基于深度学习的自然语言处理模型,它具有广泛的应用领域和重要性。
具体而言,general language model使用概率模型来预测一个给定上下文下的下一个单词或字符,从而实现对语言的理解和生成。
在过去的几年中,general language model取得了令人瞩目的成果,并在各个领域展现出巨大的潜力。
通过将general language model应用于这些任务,我们可以提高自然语言处理系统的表现,并改善人机交互的体验。
本文将对general language model的原理、应用领域以及其未来的发展进行详细的讨论。
我们将探讨general language model在不同领域的成功案例,并分析其优势和局限性。
同时,我们也会展望general language model在未来的进一步发展,并对其可能的应用和挑战进行展望。
通过本文的阅读,读者将能够全面了解general language model的概念、原理和应用领域。
同时,我们也希望读者能够对general language model在未来的发展趋势有一定的了解,并认识到这一领域所面临的挑战和机遇。
请开始阅读正文,进一步了解general language model的精髓。
1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构来展开对general language model的详细解析:引言部分将概述general language model的基本概念和应用场景,并介绍本文的目的。
English Chinese list of wordnet-related terms 3.3.1A 各类词网|B 词义关系|C 词类及其他术语|D 语意属性A 各类词网Bilingual Wordnet (Bi-WN) 双语词网Chinese Wordnet (CWN) 汉语词网EuroWordNet (EWN) 欧语词网WordNet (WN) 词网(特指Princeton WN)B 词义关系antonym 【反义词】antonymy反义关系autoantonymy反义多义(关系)autohyponymy下位多义(关系)hypernym【上位词】泛称词hypernymy上位关系hyponym 【下位词】特指词hyponymy 下位关系holonym整体词holonymy整体-部份关系meronym部份词meronymy部份-整体关系metonym 转指词metonymy 转指关系near-synonym 近义词near-synonymy 近义关系polysemy 【多义性】synonym 【同义词】synonymy同义关系taxonomy 分类架构troponym方式词troponymy方式关系C 词类及其他术语adjective 【形容词】adverb 【副词】agreement 【对谐】,一致性algorithm 【算法/算法】ambiguity 歧义associations 关联attributes 【属性】auxiliary verbs 助动词basic-level categories 基层范畴,底层范畴buffers 【缓冲区】case propagation 格位相沿,格位沿袭categories 范畴causative 【使动】cause relation 因果关系cause 原因change-of-state verbs 易态动词collocations 【连用语】common nouns 普通名词component-object meronyms组成部份(关系)compounds 复合词concepts概念conceptual semantic relation 概念语意关系concordances【关键词(前后文)排序】,汇编connectivity 连结性constraints 【限制】context 【语境】,上下文co-occurrence 共现count nouns 可数名词cousins in hyponyms 特指亲属,下位亲属data mining 数据挖掘database 数据库decomposition 分解derived adverbs 衍生副词descriptive adjectives 描述性形容词determiners 限定符dictionaries 辞典disambiguation 排歧distance in lexical trees 词汇树间距domain-specific knowledge 特定领域知识,领域知识encyclopedic knowledge 百科全书知识,通识知识entail 蕴涵entailment 【蕴涵】entry 词条euphemisms 委婉用法exceptions 例外factive叙实familiarity index 熟悉度索引frames 【框架】frequency 频率functional hyponymies功能性上位词functions 功能gadability具层级性gender 性别glosses 注释gradable 可分级的gradation/gradability/gradable 层级head synsets同义词集主语hierarchies 层级homographs 同形异义词,同形词idioms 【成语】intension 内涵Inter-Lingual-Index (ILI) 中介索引intransitive verbs 不及物动词IS-A relations 【IS-A关系】lexical chains 词链Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS) 【词汇概念结构】lexical knowledge link (LKL) 词汇知识链接lexical relation 词汇关系lexical subordination 词汇从属lexical superordination词汇上属lexical tree (LexTree) 词树lexicon 【词汇库】词汇malapropism 近音误用;近音误用词markedness有标mass nouns 物质名词meaning extension 意义延伸meaning facet(s) 义面meaning 意义metaphor 【隐喻】metaphoric extension 隐喻延伸modeling 模型制作;模制models 模型morphology 构词法nano-hyponymynominalization 【名物化】noun 【名词】ontology 本体架构parsing 【剖析】;分析;解析participial adjectives 分词形容词part-of-speech (POS) 【词类】phrases 【词组】proper nouns 专有名词quantifiers 数量值questions and answers 问答repetition 重复resultative结果satellitesynsetsschema analysis 基架分析schema 基架semantic concordance (database) 语意汇编(数据库)semantic distance 语意距离semantic domain 语意范畴semantic field 【语意场】semantic opposition 对立语意semantic tags 语意标记sense disambiguation 词义厘清sense 词义subordination 【从属】stative verbs 状态/况动词synset同义词集syntactic classes 语法词类tags 【标记】thesaurus 【同义词辞典】topical clustering 主题丛聚topic 话题topic continuity话题延续training 训练;练习transitive verbs 及物动词unaccusativity非宾格;宾主格unergative verbs 唯(被)动动词;作动词verb 【动词】verb alternations 动词句型替换verbs of action 行动动词weights 加权word 【词】word association 词汇关联word distance 词义距离wordnet词网D 语意属性go topaccount 簿册addictive 嗜好物adverbial 副状affairs 事务age 年龄agent 施事agreement 条约aircraft 飞行器animal 禽兽animate 生物appearance 外观area 面积army 军队artifact 人工物aspiration 意愿attire 装束attitude 态度attribute 属性bacteria 微生物beast 走兽beneficiary 受益者bill 票据bird 禽boundary 界限building 建筑物cause 原因celestial 天体character 文字chemical 化学物classifier 单位词clothing 衣物cloud 云coagent合作施事color 颜色comment 评论community 团体component 部件computer 计算机concentration 浓度concession 让步condition 条件conjunction 并列connective 关联词content 内容contrast 对比countenance 表情crop 庄稼dampness 湿度degree 程度demeanor 风度density 密度depth 深度descriptive 描写direction 方向disease 疾病distance 距离divergence 分歧document 文书drinks 饮品duration 时段duty 责任earth 大地edible 食物electricity 电emotion 情感emphasis 强调entity 实体event 事件expenditure 费用experience 感受experiencer 经验者facilities 设施fact 事实feeling 情绪fineness 粗细fire 火fish 鱼flora 花草food 食品form 形状frequency 频率fruit 水果fund 资金furniture 家具gas 气体hardness 硬度height 高度house 房屋human 人humanized 拟人ice 冰implement 器具inanimate 无生物information 信息insect 昆虫institution 机构instrument 工具kind 类型knowledge 知识land 陆地language 语言law 律法length 长度letter 信件lights 光liquid 液体livestock 牲畜location 位置location 处所machine 机器manner 方式mark 标志material 材料means 手段measurement 量度medicine 药物mental 精神metal 金属method 方法modality 语气modifier 描述money 货币music 音乐natural 天然物negation 否定news 新闻occupation 职位organization 组织paper 纸张part 部分particle 助词partof部分patient 受事phenomena 现象place 地方plans 规划plant 植物possession 领属possessor 领有者posture 姿势price 价格problem 问题process 过程property 属性publications 书刊purpose 目的quality 质量quantity 数量range 幅度readings 读物,读数reason 道理regulation 规则relationship 关系restrictive 限定result 结果rights 权利room 房间scene 景象scope 范围sequence 次序sex 性别shape 物形ship 船situation 状况size 尺寸sky 空域slope 坡度software 软件sound 声音source 来源space 空间speed 速度state 状态static 静态stationery 文具stone 石style 风格supplement 递进symbol 符号system 系统target 目标taste 味道temperature 温度tense 时态,时式text 语文,文本thickness 厚度thing 万物thinking 思想thought 念头thunder 雷tightness 松紧time 时间tool 用具transition 转折treasure 珍宝tree 树unit 单位vegetable 蔬菜vehicle 交通工具volition 意向,意志(力)volume 容积water 水waters 水域wealth 财富weapon 武器weather 气象weight 重量whole 整体width 宽度wind 风wood 木。
语言学第六章Part One
What that? Andrew want that. Not sit here.
Embed one constituent inside another:
Give doggie paper. Give big doggie paper.
Teaching points
1. What is cognition? 2. What is psycholinguistics?
Commonalities between language and cognition:
childhood cognitive development (Piaget):
[haj]: hi [s]: spray [sr]: shirt, sweater [sæ:]: what’s that?/ hey, look! [ma]: mommy [dæ ]: daddy
Fromkin,V., Rodman, R., & Hymans, N. (2007)An Introduction to Language (8th Ed.). Singapore/Beijing: Thompson/PUP
Two-word stage: around 18m
Child utterance Want cookie More milk Joe see My cup Mature speaker I want a cookie I want some more milk I (Joe) see you This is my cup Purpose Request Request Informing Warning
1. Diaries-Charles Darwin; 2. Tape recorders; 3. Videos and computers. Eg. Dr. Deb Roy (MIT)
Syntactic Parsing with Hierarchical ModelingJunhui Li,Guodong Zhou,Qiaoming Zhu,and Peide Qian Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Computer Information Processing Technology School of Computer Science&Technology,Soochow University,China215006{lijunhui,gdzhou,qmzhu,pdqian}@Abstract.This paper proposes a hierarchical model to parse both En-glish and Chinese sentences.This is done by iteratively constructingsimple constituentsfirst,so that complex ones could be detected reliablywith richer contextual information in the following processes.Evalua-tion on the Penn WSJ Treebank and the Penn Chinese Treebank usingmaximum entropy models shows that our method can achieve a goodperformance with moreflexibility for future improvement.Keywords:syntactic parsing,hierarchical modeling,POSTagging.1IntroductionSyntactic parser takes a sentence as input and returns a syntactic parse tree that reflects structural information about the sentence.However,with ambiguity as the central problem,even a relatively short sentence can map to a considerable number of grammatical parse trees.Therefore,given a sentence,there are two critical issues in syntactic parsing:how to represent and score a parse tree.In the literature,several approaches have been proposed in parsing by repre-senting a parse tree as a sequence of decisions with different motivations.Among them,(lexicalized)PCFG-based parsers usually represent a parse tree as a se-quence of explicit context-free productions(grammatical rules)and multiply their probabilities as its score(Charniak1997;Collins1999).Alternatively,some other parsers represent a parse tree as a sequence of implicit structural decisions instead of explicit grammatical rules.(Magerman et al.1995)maps a parse tree into a unique sequence of actions and applies decision trees to predict next ac-tion according to existing actions.(Ratnaparkhi1999)further applies maximum entropy models to better predict next action according to existing actions.In this paper,we explore the above two issues with a hierarchical parsing strategy by constructing a parse tree level by level.This can be done as follows: given a forest of trees,we recursively recognize simple constituentsfirst and then form a new forest with a less number of trees until there is only one tree in the newly produced forest.2Hierarchical ParsingSimilar to(Ratnaparkhi1999),our parser is divided into three consequent mod-ules:POS tagging,chunking and structural parsing.One major reason is that H.Li et al.(Eds.):AIRS2008,LNCS4993,pp.561–566,2008.c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2008562J.Li et al.previous modules can decrease the search space significantly by providing n-best results only.Another reason is that POS tagging and chunking have been well solved in the literature and we can concentrate on structural parsing by incor-porating the start-of-the-art POS taggers and chunkers.In the following,we will concentrate on structural parsing only.Let’sfirst look into more details at structural parsing in(Ratnaparkhi1999).It introduces two procedures(BUILD and CHECK)for structural parsing,where BUILD decides whether a tree starts a new constituent or joins the incomplete constituent immediately to its left and CHECKfinds the most recently proposed constituent and decides if it is complete,and alternates between them.In order to achieve the correct parse tree in Fig.1,thefirst two decisions on NP(IBM) must be B-S and NO.However,as the other children of S have not constructed yet at that moment,there lacks reliable contextual information on the right of NP(IBM)to make correct decision.One solution to this problem is to delay the B-S decision on NP(IBM)until its right brother VP(bought Lotus for$200 million)has already constructed.Fig.1.The parse tree for IBM bought Lotus for$200million Motivated by above observation,this paper proposes a hierarchical parsing strategy by constructing a parse tree level by level.The idea behind the hier-archical parsing strategy is to parse easy constituentsfirst and then leave those complex ones until more information is ready.Table1.BIESO tags used in our hierarchical parsing strategy Tag Description Tag DescriptionB-X start a new constituent X I-X joint the previous oneE-X end the previous one S-X form a new constituent X alone O hold the sameTable1shows various tags in the hierarchical parsing strategy.In each pass, starting from left,the parser assigns each tree in a forest with a tag.Consequent trees with tags B-X,I-X,..,E-X from left to right would be merged into a new constituent X.Especially,S-X indicates to form a constituent X alone. The newly formed forest usually has less number of trees and the process will repeat until there is only one tree in the new forest.Moreover,maximum entropy models are used for predicting probability distribution and Table2shows the contextual information employed in our model.Syntactic Parsing with Hierarchical Modeling563 Table2.Templates for making predicates&Predicates used for prediction Template Descriptioncons(n)Combination of the headword,constituent(or POS)label and action annota-tion of the n-th tree.Action annotation omitted if n≥0cons(n*)Combination of the headword’s POS,constituent(or POS)label and action annotation of the n-th tree.Action annotation omitted if n≥0cons(n**)Combination of the constituent(or POS)label,and action annotation of the n-th tree.Action annotation omitted if n≥0Type Templates used1-gram cons(n),cons(n*),cons(n**),−2≤n≤32-gram cons(m,n),cons(m*,n),cons(m,n*),cons(m*,n*),cons(m**,n),cons(m**, n*),cons(m*,n**),cons(m,n**),cons(m**,n**),(m,n)=(-1,0)or(0,1)3-gram cons(0,m,n),cons(0,m*,n*),cons(0,m*,n),cons(0,m,n*),cons(0*,m*, n*),(m,n)=(1,2),(-2,-1)or(-1,1),and cons(1,2,3),cons(1*,2*,3*),cons(1**,2**,3**),cons(2*,3*,4*),cons(2**,3**,4**)4-gram cons(0,1,2,3),cons(0,1*,2*,3*),cons(0*,1*,2*,3*),cons(1*,2*,3*,4*), cons(1**,2**,3**,4**)5-gram cons(0*,1*,2*,3*,4*),cons(0**,1**,2**,3**,4**)The decoding algorithm attempts tofind the best parse tree T*with high-est score.The breadth-first search(BFS)algorithm introduced in(Ratnaparkhi 1999)with a compuation complexity of O(n)is revised to seek possible sequences of tags for a forest.In addition,heaps are used to store intermediate forests in the evolvement.The BFS-based hierarchical parsing algorithm has a computa-tional complexity of O(n2N2M),where n is the number of words,N is the size of a heap and M is the number of actions.3Experiments and ResultsIn order to test the performance of this hierarchical model proposed in this paper,we conduct experiments both on Penn WSJ Treebank(PTB)and Penn Chinese Treebank(CTB).3.1Parsing Penn WSJ TreebankIn this section,all the evaluations are done on English WSJ Penn Treebank.Here, Sections02-21are used as the training data for POS tagging and chunking while Section02-05are used as the training data for structural parsing.Meanwhile, Section23(2,416sentences)is held-out as the test data.All the experiments are evaluated using measures of LR(Labeled recall),LP(Labeled precision)and F1. And POS tags are not included in the evaluation.Table3compares the effect of different window sizes.It shows that,while the window size of5is normally used in the literature,extending the window size to7(from-2to4)can largely improve the performance.564J.Li et al.Table3.Performance of hierarchical parsing on Section23.(Note:Evaluations below collapse the distinction between labels ADVP and PRT,and ignore all punctuation) windows size#events#predicates LR LP F1 5471,137229,43282.0183.2182.61 6520,566302,41084.4885.7985.13 7559,472377,33285.2186.5985.89One advantage of hierarchical parsing is itsflexibility in parsing a fragment with higher priority.That’s to say,it is practicable to parse easy(or special) parts of a sentence in advance,and then the remaining of the sentence.The problem is how to determine those parts with high priority,such as appositive and relative clauses.Here,we define some simple rules(such asfinding(LRB, RRB)pairs or“–”symbols in a sentence)tofigure out the fragments with high priority.As a result,163sentences with appositive structure are found with the above rules.The experiment shows that it can improve the F1by1.53(from 77.42to78.59)on those sentences,which results in performance improvement from85.89to86.02in F1on the whole Section23.3.2Parsing Penn Chinese TreebankThe Chinese Penn Treebank(5.1)consists of890datafiles,including about 18K sentences with825K words.We putfiles301-325into the development sets,271-300into the test set and reserve the otherfiles for training.All the following experiments are based on gold standard segmentation but untagged. The evaluation results are listed in Table4.The accuracy of automatic POS is 94.19%and POS tags are not included in the evaluation.Table4.Evaluation results(<=40words)by hierarchical parsing.Gold Standard POS means using gold standard POS tags;Automatic POS using the best one automatic POS result;Automatic POS*using multiple automatic POS results withλ=0.20.LR LP F1 Gold Standard POS88.2889.7989.03Automatic POS81.0282.6181.81Automatic POS*82.1983.9683.07Impact of Automatic POS.As shown in Table4,the performance gap posed by automatic POS is up to7.22in F1,which is much wider than that of English parsing performance.The second column in Table5shows top5POS tagging errors on the test set.Mistaggings between verbs(VV)and common nouns(NN) occur frequently and make up28%of all POS tagging errors.In order to verify the effect of those POS tagging errors on the whole perfor-mance,for each error,we obtain the F1on the test set and the corresponding decline rate(the last two columns in Table5)by supposing other POS tags areSyntactic Parsing with Hierarchical Modeling565 Table5.The top5POS tagging errors on the test set and their influence.Based on Gold Standard POS,the F1on the test set(348sentences)is86.38.Num.mistagging errors#errors(rate%)F1decline rate(%)1VV→NN70(15.05)85.02 1.572NN→VV60(12.90)84.78 1.853DEC→DEG40(8.60)84.77 1.864JJ→NN38(8.17)85.790.675DEG→DEC26(5.59)85.550.96all correct.In particular,both POS tagging errors between verbs and nouns,such as VV→NN and NN→VV,and de5tagging errors(DEC→DEG,DEG→DEC) significantly deteriorate the performance.This is not surprising because:1)All nouns are immediately merged into NP,and all verbs into VP;2)de5has dif-ferent structural preferences if tagged as DEC or DEG.In order to lower the side effect caused by POS tagging errors,the top K POS results are served as the input of chunking model.Here K is defined as following, whereλ(0≤λ≤1)is the factor for deciding the number of automatic POS tagged results.The third row in Table6shows the performance whenλ=0.20.K=min(20,|{result i|P(result i)≥λ∗P(result0)}|)(1) Table6.Results on CTB parsing for sentences of at most40words Parsers LP/LR/F1Parsers LP/LR/F1Bilke&Chiang200077.2/76.2/76.7Ours80.0/76.5/78.2Levy&Manning200078.4/79.2/78.8Xiong et al.80.1/78.7/79.4Chiang&Bilke200081.1/78.8/79.9Compare with Other CTB Parsers.(Bikel&Chang2000)implemented two parsers:one based on the modified BBN model and the other based on TIG.(Chiang&Bikel2002)used the EM algorithm on the same TIG-parser to detect head constituents by mining latent information.(Levy&Manning 2003)employed a factored model and improved the performance by error analy-sis.Likewise,(Xiong et al.2005)integrated the head-driven model with several re-annotations into a model with external semantic knowledge from two Chi-nese electronic semantic dictionaries.Table6compares above systems.For fair comparisons,we also train our three models(POStagging,chunking and pars-ing)and test the performance with the same training/test sets as theirs.Table 6shows that our system only performs slightly worse than the best reported system.This may be due to our low performance in chunking.With further analysis on the parsing results,our chunking model only achieves80.82in F1on basic constituents,which make up40.9%of all constituents.Therefore,there is still much room for performance improvement by employing a better chunking model.566J.Li et al.4ConclusionsThis paper represents an attempt at applying hierarchical parsing with machine learning techniques.In the parsing process,we always try to detect constituents from simple to complex.Evaluation on the Penn WSJ Treebank shows that our method can achieve a good performance with moreflexibility for future improvement.Moreover,our experiments on Penn Chinese Treebank suggest that there is still much room for performance improvement by employing a better chunking model.AcknowledgementsThis research is supported by Project60673041under the National Natural Sci-ence Foundation of China and Project2006AA01Z147under the“863”National High-Tech Research and Development of China.References1.Bikel,D.M.,Chiang,D.:Two statistical parsing models applied to the ChineseTreebank.In:Proceedings of2nd Chinese Language Processing Workshop(2000) 2.Charniak,E.:Statistical parsing with a context-free grammar and word statistics.In:Proceedings of AAAI1997(1997)3.Chiang,D.,Bikel,D.M.:Recovering latent information in treebanks.In:Proceedingsof COLING2002,pp.183–189(2002)4.Collins,M.:1999.Head-driven statistical model for natural language parsing[D].Ph.D.Thesis,the University of Pennsylvania(1999)5.Levy,R.,Manning,C.:Is it harder to parse Chinese,or the Chinese Treebank?In:Dignum,F.P.M.(ed.)ACL2003.LNCS(LNAI),vol.2922,Springer,Heidelberg (2004)6.Magerman,D.M.:Statistical decision-tree models for parsing.In:Proceedings of the33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics(1995)7.Ratnaparkhi,A.:Learning to parse natural language with 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巴甫洛夫(Ivan Pavlov:1870~1932)“经典条件反射”理论的基础之上,提出了“客观功能主义"的学说。
1957年,斯金纳出版的《言语行为》(Verbal Behavior)一书对言语行为作了较为系统的论述。
尽管他的理论受到语义学家里奇(Geoffrey Leech)的批评并成了乔姆斯基生成语法的“牺牲品”,然而,布隆菲尔德的研究方法不但在语言学的研究领域被广泛采用,而且也成了心理语言学研究“句子加工”的重要方法之一。
Subject, Topic and Topic Chain in Chinese
• In this process, the controller is always the subject, but not topic unless it is also the subject, of the same clause. 張三,爸爸只顧他自己
a. ‘Zhang sani (Topic), (his) fatherj only looks after himselfi.’ b. ‘Zhang sani (Topic), (his) fatherj only looks after himselfi.’
2.2 Position
• Subject in Chinese occurs preverbally, but it can also be preceded by another NP identifiable as topic. 這個人我不喜歡,我爸爸也不喜歡 • Objects can sometimes occur unmarked between a subject and a verb. 他信寫完了
Unique structures in Chinese
Compared with English, Chinese is very different in sentence structure: • Double Nominals
• 小美 眼晴很大
• Topic chain
• 小美 眼晴很大, 鼻子很高, 長長的頭髮, __很惹 人愛 .
Pioneering work: Li and Thompson
• Li and Thompson (1976): Subject and Topic • Li and Thompson (1981): “One of the most striking features of Mandarin Chinese of Mandarin Chinese structure, and one that sets Mandarin apart from many other languages, is that in addition to the grammatical relations of “subject” and “direct object”, the description of Mandarin must also include the element “topic”. Because of the importance of “topic” in the grammar of Mandarin, it can be termed a topic –prominent language. ” (p.15)
多模态模型中英文训练In the realm of artificial intelligence, multimodalmodels have emerged as a critical tool for understanding and processing data from various sources. These models aretrained to interpret and integrate information from text, images, audio, and more, enhancing their ability to comprehend complex data sets.Training such models in English involves a nuanced understanding of the language's intricacies, including idiomatic expressions and contextual meanings. The process requires vast datasets and a deep learning architecture that can adeptly handle the linguistic subtleties of English.Conversely, training in Chinese presents its own set of challenges, such as the tonal nature of the language and the complexity of its characters. The model must learn to distinguish between homophones and understand the context in which characters are used to convey different meanings.The integration of both English and Chinese training is essential for models that aim to operate in multilingual environments. It demands a sophisticated approach to learning, where the model can switch between languages seamlessly, recognizing the unique features of each while maintaining a unified understanding.To achieve this, the training process must bemeticulously designed, with a focus on both the syntactic and semantic aspects of each language. This includes the use of parallel corpora, where equivalent sentences in both languages are used to align the models' understanding.Moreover, the model's performance is significantly influenced by the quality and diversity of the training data. It is crucial to include a wide range of examples that cover different domains and styles to ensure the model's robustness and adaptability.Finally, the success of multimodal models in a bilingual training context hinges on continuous evaluation and refinement. Regular assessments against real-world scenarios help identify areas for improvement and guide the model towards becoming more effective in handling multilingual and multimodal data.。
L2 contrastive study of E&C
Cut wheat Collocations • Cut cake • Cut fingernails • ―割,切,剪或修‖----CUT He wore dark glasses, and thick jersey, and stopped up his ear with cotton wool. Some Americans pop across the border simply to fuel up on(加油水) flavorful Mexican food and beer. But his attack was always repulsed(击退) by a kick 无忧PPT整理发布 or a blow from a stick.
– – – – – – 四字格词组 He got up in crisis of feeble infatuation. 清晨起床,内心惶恐,浑身无力,都是为情所困. 词语形态变化 Flowers bloom all over the yard. He was as poor as we are.
I admire his learning, but I despise his character. His learning I admire, but his character I despise. (主题意义不同) Translation: 我佩服他的学识,但鄙视他的人格。 他的学识,我佩服;但他的人格,我鄙视。
“阅读是一种心理猜测的游戏”引发的启示王慧晶;栗霞【摘要】Kenneth S. Goodman once said "Reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game. " It reveals the process of reading comprehension from the psyeholinguistic perspective. So, it' s necessary to instruct some related knowledge why reading is a guessing game and how to guess to students. Additionally, some typical reading models including the "top- down" model, which is also proposed by Goodman, and the popular mental model in recent years are quite enlightening on developing efficient readers for both teachers and students.%肯尼斯·古德曼曾经提到"阅读是一种心理猜测的游戏",这一表述从心理语言学的角度揭示了阅读理解的过程。
【期刊名称】《内蒙古工业大学学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(020)001【总页数】6页(P65-70)【关键词】阅读;心理的;猜测游戏;阅读模式【作者】王慧晶;栗霞【作者单位】内蒙古工业大学外国语学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010080;内蒙古工业大学外国语学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010080【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H08Abstract:Kenneth S. Goodman once said “Reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game.” It reveals the process of reading comprehension from the psycholinguistic perspective. So, it’s necessary to instruct some related knowledge why reading is a guessing game and how to guess to students. Additionally, some typical reading models including the “top-down” model, which is also proposed by Goodman, and the popular mental model in recent years are quite enlightening on developing efficient readers for both teachers and students.Keywords:reading;psycholinguistic;guessing game;reading models I. Introduction“Reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game.” Kenneth S. Goodman once expressed his understanding of reading from a psycholinguistic perspective and demonstrated it in a whole article. On reading his words, learners began to think more about reading and reading comprehension process from psycholinguistic perspective and talk more about “guessing”. But if someone only picks up part of it as “Reading is a guessing game”, that will be much misleading.Therefore,it’s necessary to instruct some psycholinguistic knowledge why reading is a guessinggame and how to guess to students. Moreover some typical reading models are quite enlightening on achieving reading comprehension for both teachers and students.II. Reading Comprehension and Psycholinguistic Guessing2.1 ReadingKenneth S. Goo dman published an article “Reading: a psycholinguistic guessing game” in Journal of the Reading Specialist in 1967. It is clearly stated in the article that “Reading: a psycholinguistic guessing game, a process in which readers sample the text, make hypotheses about what is coming next, sample the text again in order to test their hypotheses, confirm (or disconfirm) them, make new hypotheses, and so forth.” [1] From the perspective of semiotics, reading is a process of decoding. This process was well descri bed by Gough: “Graphemes are perceived as forming words, words forming sentences, sentences forming paragraphs and so on. In other words, reading process is from letters to sounds, to words, to sentences and finally to meaning.”[2] In 1984, Wixon and Peter posed that “reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among reader’s prior knowledge, the information suggested by the written language and the context of the reading”. (quoted)[3] This point of view regards reading as an interactive process, and it is the definition most accepted currently.In all, reading is a complicated psycholinguistic process involving many factors which affect reading efficiency.2.2 Reading ComprehensionReading comprehension refers to technique s for improving students’ success in extracting useful knowledge from text. [4] Reading comprehension can not be simply defined as the result of “knowing” a language. Instead, a learner’s background knowledge, or mental patterns,or scaffolding structures of learning and remembering, plays a crucial role in his/her comprehension of language. Reading is an active process of comprehending and the students need to be taught strategies to read more efficiently. [5]2.3 Psycholinguistic GuessingPsycholinguistic study is very important for both language learners and users. Cognitive psycholinguistics is concerned above all with making inferences about the content of the human mind, to study language processing in mind. [6] This paper mainly deals with the part of language processing related to reading. Discussion about the underlying elements of reading will be divided into a description of the representational systems, and of the cognitive systems involved in reading. [7]The identification of words in representational systems is important. We cannot just depend on guessing to understand a text. On the other hand, reading is not simply a matter of word recognition. Reading comprehension is generally considered to be a process related to high-level cognitive skills, such as attention and associative learning. Attention means the success in learning any new relationship, such as learning to read is achieved by depending on our ability to attend selectively to the distinguishing attributes of what we are attempting to learn. Associativelearning refers to the ability to associate one entity with another, which is a basic cognitive mechanism that is critically important for learning in general and for word identification in particular.For reading, the sentence processing and text comprehension are also important. In sentence processing, research suggests that readers typically access all the meanings of the words they hear/see; by the end of a clause, the most plausible meaning is selected and the process continues. If the choice turns out to be a wrong one, as in Garden Path Sentences, then the process must go back and try again.During the sentence processing, parsing must be mentioned. “Parsing is the process of assigning elements of surface structure to linguistic categories. Because of limitations in processing resources, we begin to parse sentences as we see or hear each word in a sentence, rather than waiting to hear the whole sentence.” [8] There are two theories about parsing: Modularity and Context / Interaction Effects. In Modularity, when we process sentences, all known meanings of the word are first automatically activated, then some as yet poorly understood process selects the most appropriate meaning based on various cues. In Context / Interaction Effects, the meaning of sentences is often related to the context in which they appear. We use context, along with shared assumptions about communication, to understand sentences. We usually remember the gist of a sentence and quickly forget its surface form. Exceptions are insults, humor or someone pragmatically significant, whose exact wording is often well remembered. Inferences are seen asembellishments to a core of meaning we have extracted from the sentences. [9]In text comprehension, Propositional Model tells that “when people listen to or read a sentence, they remember its meaning, but typically they retain information about its grammatical form for only a brief time unless the syntactic form is itself meaningful”.[10] Inference also plays a critical role in this process. Inferences are deductions or guess based on evidence in the text or derived from a person’s pre-existing knowledge. Not only do people regularly omit information they encounter, they elaborate upon it, drawing inferences about what was said or meant on the basis of their prior knowledge about the topic of discussion and rules of discourse. [11]In all, no matter in the word access of word identification or the sentence parsing in reading, we can see inference plays an important role. It emphasizes on the attention and associative learning, which are based on evidence in the text or derived from a person’s pre-existing knowledge. That’s the meaning of the word shown in the sentence “psychological guessing”.III. Some Reading Models and TheoryFrom the definitions we can know that reading is definitely not an easy thing. Reading comprehension process is a complex process involving psychological factors and mental process. There are some important reading models and theories, which are quite enlightening and widely adopted in contemporary English reading teaching field.3.1 Top-down modelIn 1960s, Goodman proposed “top-down” model, which is context-driven. This model focuses on predictions and deductions. Namely, the readers remove samples from the material, predict it based on the knowledge in the brain, and then confirm and fix in the reading process. According to this model, reading is divided into four stages: sampling, prediction, validation, affirmation or correction. Thus, reading is not only a process of access to language information, but also an interaction of language with thoughts. By such kind of interaction, more information will be obtained than those who get the language information only.3.2 Bottom-up modelCough and Laberge proposed the “bottom-up” model of reading. This model emphasizes taking the reading material as whole information to input. The reading process begins at the letters and words identifying, then readers gradually form the information portfolio, and finally complete the reading process. This model demands more on language proficiency and skills in order to focus on the semantic level, but not being interfered by the language background information, thus achieving the reading purpose from the parts to the whole.3.3 Interactive modelIn 1980s, Rumelhart, absorbing the research fruit in artificial intelligence, proposed the interactive model. This model states that reading comprehension cannot be achieved by single knowledge of language or background information or what else. The cognitive process should involve the interactions of different cognitive levels. In order to compensate forthe defects of some level, the reader may turn to a higher or lower level for access to information. Therefore the information-getting process may not only transfer to a higher level from low-level, high-level can also affect the lower one.In real reading process, readers’ brains receive visual information and interpret or reconstruct the original writer’s thoughts meanwhile. This process d oes not only involve the printed page but also the readers’ knowledge of the language, of the world, and of the text types. This kind of model involving all the factors in the process is a more comprehensive process and a development but cannot simply be treated as the combination or a replacement of the previous two models.3.4 SchemataU.S. intelligence experts Rumelhart [12] describes schemata as a group of “knowledge structure interaction” or “the building blocks of cognitive” stored in long-term memory hierarchically. Research indicates that what the reader brings to the reading task is more pervasive and more powerful than the general psycholinguistic model suggests. More information is contributed by the reader than by the print on the page. The role of background knowledge in language comprehension has been formalized as schema theory.[13]Schema is divided into content schema and formal schema. Content schema is about the concept of objects, ideas or series of related phenomena. In reading it refers the relevant background knowledge of readers; formal schema is the discourse knowledge of article structure or rhetoric.3.5 Mental ModelMental model is a concept in the field of cognitive psychology and it is widely used in different areas. The theory of mental models was formulated in the early 40’s by Kenneth Craik. He sought to provide a general explanation of the human thought based on the assertion that humans represent the world they interact with through mental models. Johnson Laird [14] based his t heory on Craik’s assumption stating that an individual holds a working model of a certain phenomenon in order to understand it. Mental models are not static.Cognitive linguistics is a quite new field from 1980s. It takes a brand new perspective to see the phenomena in this world. Cognitive scientists are concerned with the mental image, semantic features, semantic networks, prototypes, frames, scripts, schema, ideal cognitive models and perception of symbol system. These forms of internal psychological structure are interlinked. In Kenneth Craik’s words, mental models are representations in the mind of real or imaginary situations. Conceptually, the mind constructs a small scale model of reality and uses it to reason, to underlie explanations and to anticipate events. These models are more than just pictures or images, which are constructed from perception, imagination, or interpretation of discourse. They put emphasis on accumulating knowledge related to schema and problem-solving strategies. The denotation of mental model includes a variety of internal knowledge structures in the reasoning process. In reading comprehension, mental models can be divided into content mental model and rhetoric mentalmodel, which can help us understand the intention of the rending material. IV. Utility of the Models to Teachers and Students4.1 Utility of the Models to TeachersIn stimulus-driven “bottom-up” model, a basic assumption is that word recognition depends primarily on information contained in the stimulus, the actual printed word, and not on the linguistic context. The details are: letters-words-phrases-sentences-paragraph-passage. Many teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and structures first and then going over the text sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph with the students. This is then followed by questions and answers to check comprehension. Also students spent a lot of time on reading aloud the text. This way of teaching reflects the belief that reading comprehension is based on the mastery of new words and structures.Intensive reading courses value language phenomena, but slight information obtainment; value grammatical points, but slight discourse structure; value language skills, but slight reading ability; value accurate understanding, but slight reading speed; value milestones, but slight the ultimate goal. Its ultimate purpose is to enable students to obtain and accumulate knowledge of the language, not the students reading ability [15]. I believe this model is still a vital process to follow which cannot be casted, especially in intensive reading, but it needs to be enriched by other supplementary thoughts and strategies, as well.Goodman’s “top-down” reading model has been extended to a teaching model. Many teachers adopt to teach the background knowledgefirst so that students are equipped with knowledge of guessing meaning from the printed page. In some cases, we may read an article which contains quite a number of new words or difficult structures. By guessing we may get a reasonable understanding, although it needs further verifying reading. Anyway, it is believed that it is a good way that the teacher should teach the background knowledge before starting a new passage about a new topic. I suppose this model is a useful approach to adopt especially when skills are emphasized in extensive reading.“Top-down” reading model and schema theory has always been providing teachers with direction: Extensive reading is a supplement to intensive reading to develop students’ reading ability, so it should be student-centered, to cultivate students into independent readers. Teachers are helpers available to students for solving tough problems. Reading ability can only be realized through a lot of extensive reading. The limitations of the classr oom require teachers’ flexibility in the operation. Efficient combination of classes’ operation and after-class’s assignment is the best solution. Teachers should get prepared before class, and urge the students to preview. In class teachers need to add a certain amount of background information about the reading materials for students’ better understanding. Teachers also need to design some exercises associated with reading materials to inspire students to think and to examine their understandings. In addition, teachers not only make students understand the article, but help them appreciate the authentic and beautiful English. Related reading and writing assignments after the class are essential.Under the requirements and supervision of the teacher, these exercises can be completed as an effective supplement. After all, extensive reading needs a lot of reading after class. Book review or article summary writing related can enhance the students’ ability to use language.4.2 Utility of the Models to StudentsInteractive model and schemata theory are useful for students to improve their reading ability. Schema theory shows that the meaning of the text itself is not a carrier; the process of understanding a text is the process of the reader’s background knowledg e interacting with the text[16]. During the reading process, our mind by interacting with the printed page - its words, phrases, sentences, as well as the context it provides can be stimulated and a proper schema will be activated to allow us to relate the incoming information to prior known information. Without the schema for a particular reading text of specific culture, we may have to resort to our linguistic knowledge or text type knowledge to aid our comprehension. Similarly, without the necessary linguistic knowledge, we will have to resort to our world knowledge to deal with the difficulties in reading comprehension. Therefore, a proficient reader should be with good language skills: automatic recognition of words and phrases, understanding sentence structures, building a discourse structure, etc. Then he integrates this decoding process with his prior related knowledge. In the reading course, teachers should help students approach to the required schematic knowledge through various channels, and take measures to activate the existing schema in their minds, enabling studentsto carry out active and reasonable predictions, thus improving their reading ability.V. Conclusion“Reading: a psycholinguistic guessing game” inspires me a lot about reading from the psychological perspective. Models of other cognitive perspectives are enlightening, as well. With the good utility of different reading models and modern theories, teachers can enrich the mind and widen the way to help Chinese students to become conscious and effective readers.References:[1]Goodman, K. S. Reading: a psycholinguistic guessing game [J]. Journal of the Reading Specialists,1967(6):126-135.[2]Gough, P.B. One Second of Reading [A]. In Kavanagh, S.F. & Mattingly,I.G. (eds.). Language by Ear and by Eye [C]. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press,1972. 331-358.[3]姚喜明,潘攀.英语阅读理论研究的发展[J].外语教学, 2004(1):72-75.[4] Mayer, Richard. Learning and Instruction [M]. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc, 2003. 34.[5]Clark Mark and Silberstein Sandra,1977(1): 135-154.[6]杨信彰.语言学概论[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2005. 241-242.[7]胡壮麟.语言学高级教程[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2002. 406.[8]Carroll, D. W. Psychology of Language, third edition [M]. Beijing: Foreign La nguage Teaching and Research Press,2000. 130.[9]Carroll, D. W. Psychology of Language, third edition [M].Beijing: ForeignLanguage Teaching and Research Press,2000. 133-138.[10][11]胡壮麟. 语言学高级教程[M]. 北京:北京大学出版社,2002. 416- 419.[12][13] Rumelhart, D.E.: Schemata: The Building Blocks of Cognition[R]. In R.J. Spiro, B.C. Bruce, and W.E Brewer (Eds.), Theoretical Issues in Reading Comprehension. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1980. 33-58.[14]Johnson-Laird, P.N.. Mental models: towards a cognitive science of language, inference and consciousness[M]. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1983.[15]范谊.精泛结合, 循环阅读-关于英语阅读教学课堂模式的探讨[J]. 外语界, 1995(4):1-4.[16]Carrell, P.L., C. Eisterhol: Schema Theory and ESL Reading Pedagogy[R].In Methodology in TESOL:A Book of Readings. M.H.Long and J.C.Richards (Eds).Newbury House Publishers,1987.218-230.摘要:肯尼斯·古德曼曾经提到“阅读是一种心理猜测的游戏”,这一表述从心理语言学的角度揭示了阅读理解的过程。
DLV和Smodels是什么 Smodels DLV 小结
Smodels system and DLV system are ASP (Answer Set Programming)solvers which are capable of computing answer sets of programs.
Core Language of DLV: Disjunctive Datalog
The most basic elements of Disjunctive Datalog are constants. Constant names must begin with a lowercase letter and may be composed of letters, underscores and digits. Additionally, all numbers are constants as well Constants: a1, 1, 9862, aBc1, c__
Built-in predicates Comparative Predicates:<, >, <=, >=, = (with == as a deprecated alternative), != Arithmetic Predicates:#int, #succ, #prec, #mod, +, *, -, /
实例-Computing Hamiltonian 实例 Paths
vertex(a). vertex(b). vertex(c). vertex(d). vertex(e). edge(a,b). edge(b,c). edge(c,d). edge(d,e). edge(e,a). edge(a,e). edge(c,e). edge(d,a). The initial node will be specified by an atom: init(a).
神经外科5本杂志目录 英文-中文 2022年10月
神外杂志英-中文目录(2022年10月) Neurosurgery1.Assessment of Spinal Metastases Surgery Risk Stratification Tools in BreastCancer by Molecular Subtype按照分子亚型评估乳腺癌脊柱转移手术风险分层工具2.Microsurgery versus Microsurgery With Preoperative Embolization for BrainArteriovenous Malformation Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 显微手术与显微手术联合术前栓塞治疗脑动静脉畸形的系统评价和荟萃分析mentary: Silk Vista Baby for the Treatment of Complex Posterior InferiorCerebellar Artery Aneurysms点评: Silk Vista Baby用于治疗复杂的小脑下后动脉动脉瘤4.Targeted Public Health Training for Neurosurgeons: An Essential Task for thePrioritization of Neurosurgery in the Evolving Global Health Landscape针对神经外科医生的有针对性的公共卫生培训:在不断变化的全球卫生格局中确定神经外科手术优先顺序的一项重要任务5.Chronic Encapsulated Expanding Hematomas After Stereotactic Radiosurgery forIntracranial Arteriovenous Malformations: An International Multicenter Case Series立体定向放射外科治疗颅内动静脉畸形后的慢性包裹性扩张血肿:国际多中心病例系列6.Trends in Reimbursement and Approach Selection for Lumbar Arthrodesis腰椎融合术的费用报销和入路选择趋势7.Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging Provides Insights Into Cervical SpondyloticMyelopathy Pathology扩散基础频谱成像提供了脊髓型颈椎病病理学的见解8.Association Between Neighborhood-Level Socioeconomic Disadvantage andPatient-Reported Outcomes in Lumbar Spine Surgery邻域水平的社会经济劣势与腰椎手术患者报告结果之间的关系mentary: Prognostic Models for Traumatic Brain Injury Have GoodDiscrimination But Poor Overall Model Performance for Predicting Mortality and Unfavorable Outcomes评论:创伤性脑损伤的预后模型在预测death率和不良结局方面具有良好的区分性,但总体模型性能较差mentary: Serum Levels of Myo-inositol Predicts Clinical Outcome 1 YearAfter Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage评论:血清肌醇水平预测动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血1年后的临床结局mentary: Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for First-Line Treatment ofSurgically Accessible Recurrent Glioblastoma: Outcomes Compared With a Surgical Cohort评论:激光间质热疗用于手术可及复发性胶质母细胞瘤的一线治疗:与手术队列的结果比较12.Functional Reorganization of the Mesial Frontal Premotor Cortex in Patients WithSupplementary Motor Area Seizures辅助性运动区癫痫患者中额内侧运动前皮质的功能重组13.Concurrent Administration of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and StereotacticRadiosurgery Is Well-Tolerated in Patients With Melanoma Brain Metastases: An International Multicenter Study of 203 Patients免疫检查点抑制剂联合立体定向放射外科治疗对黑色素瘤脑转移患者的耐受性良好:一项针对203例患者的国际多中心研究14.Prognosis of Rotational Angiography-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery for DuralArteriovenous Fistulas: A Retrospective Analysis基于旋转血管造影术的立体定向放射外科治疗硬脑膜动静脉瘘的预后:回顾性分析15.Letter: Development and Internal Validation of the ARISE Prediction Models forRebleeding After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage信件:动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血后再出血的ARISE预测模型的开发和内部验证16.Development of Risk Stratification Predictive Models for Cervical DeformitySurgery颈椎畸形手术风险分层预测模型的建立17.First-Pass Effect Predicts Clinical Outcome and Infarct Growth AfterThrombectomy for Distal Medium Vessel Occlusions首过效应预测远端中血管闭塞血栓切除术后的临床结局和梗死生长mentary: Risk for Hemorrhage the First 2 Years After Gamma Knife Surgeryfor Arteriovenous Malformations: An Update评论:动静脉畸形伽玛刀手术后前2年出血风险:更新19.A Systematic Review of Neuropsychological Outcomes After Treatment ofIntracranial Aneurysms颅内动脉瘤治疗后神经心理结局的系统评价20.Does a Screening Trial for Spinal Cord Stimulation in Patients With Chronic Painof Neuropathic Origin Have Clinical Utility (TRIAL-STIM)? 36-Month Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial神经性慢性疼痛患者脊髓刺激筛选试验是否具有临床实用性(TRIAL-STIM)?一项随机对照试验的36个月结果21.Letter: Transcriptomic Profiling Revealed Lnc-GOLGA6A-1 as a NovelPrognostic Biomarker of Meningioma Recurrence信件:转录组分析显示Lnc-GOLGA6A-1是脑膜瘤复发的一种新的预后生物标志物mentary: The Impact of Frailty on Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes: AnAnalysis of 691 821 Nationwide Cases评论:虚弱对创伤性脑损伤结局的影响:全国691821例病例分析23.Optimal Cost-Effective Screening Strategy for Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysmsin Female Smokers女性吸烟者中未破裂颅内动脉瘤的最佳成本效益筛查策略24.Letter: Pressure to Publish—A Precarious Precedent Among Medical Students信件:出版压力——医学研究者中一个不稳定的先例25.Letter: Protocol for a Multicenter, Prospective, Observational Pilot Study on theImplementation of Resource-Stratified Algorithms for the Treatment of SevereTraumatic Brain Injury Across Four Treatment Phases: Prehospital, Emergency Department, Neurosurgery, and Intensive Care Unit信件:一项跨四个治疗阶段(院前、急诊科、神经外科和重症监护室)实施资源分层算法的多中心、前瞻性、观察性试点研究的协议26.Risk for Hemorrhage the First 2 Years After Gamma Knife Surgery forArteriovenous Malformations: An Update动静脉畸形伽玛刀手术后前2年出血风险:更新Journal of Neurosurgery27.Association of homotopic areas in the right hemisphere with language deficits inthe short term after tumor resection肿瘤切除术后短期内右半球同话题区与语言缺陷的关系28.Association of preoperative glucose concentration with mortality in patientsundergoing craniotomy for brain tumor脑肿瘤开颅手术患者术前血糖浓度与death率的关系29.Deep brain stimulation for movement disorders after stroke: a systematic review ofthe literature脑深部电刺激治疗脑卒中后运动障碍的系统评价30.Effectiveness of immune checkpoint inhibitors in combination with stereotacticradiosurgery for patients with brain metastases from renal cell carcinoma: inverse probability of treatment weighting using propensity scores免疫检查点抑制剂联合立体定向放射外科治疗肾细胞癌脑转移患者的有效性:使用倾向评分进行治疗加权的反向概率31.Endovascular treatment of brain arteriovenous malformations: clinical outcomesof patients included in the registry of a pragmatic randomized trial脑动静脉畸形的血管内治疗:纳入实用随机试验登记处的患者的临床结果32.Feasibility of bevacizumab-IRDye800CW as a tracer for fluorescence-guidedmeningioma surgery贝伐单抗- IRDye800CW作为荧光导向脑膜瘤手术示踪剂的可行性33.Precuneal gliomas promote behaviorally relevant remodeling of the functionalconnectome前神经胶质瘤促进功能性连接体的行为相关重塑34.Pursuing perfect 2D and 3D photography in neuroanatomy: a new paradigm forstaying up to date with digital technology在神经解剖学中追求完美的2D和三维摄影:跟上数字技术的新范式35.Recurrent insular low-grade gliomas: factors guiding the decision to reoperate复发性岛叶低级别胶质瘤:决定再次手术的指导因素36.Relationship between phenotypic features in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and thepresence of intracranial aneurysmsLoeys-Dietz综合征的表型特征与颅内动脉瘤存在的关系37.Continued underrepresentation of historically excluded groups in the neurosurgerypipeline: an analysis of racial and ethnic trends across stages of medical training from 2012 to 2020神经外科管道中历史上被排除群体的代表性持续不足:2012年至2020年不同医学培训阶段的种族和族裔趋势分析38.Management strategies in clival and craniovertebral junction chordomas: a 29-yearexperience斜坡和颅椎交界脊索瘤的治疗策略:29年经验39.A national stratification of the global macroeconomic burden of central nervoussystem cancer中枢神经系统癌症全球宏观经济负担的国家分层40.Phase II trial of icotinib in adult patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 andprogressive vestibular schwannoma在患有2型神经纤维瘤病和进行性前庭神经鞘瘤的成人患者中进行的盐酸埃克替尼II期试验41.Predicting leptomeningeal disease spread after resection of brain metastases usingmachine learning用机器学习预测脑转移瘤切除术后软脑膜疾病的扩散42.Short- and long-term outcomes of moyamoya patients post-revascularization烟雾病患者血运重建后的短期和长期结局43.Alteration of default mode network: association with executive dysfunction infrontal glioma patients默认模式网络的改变:与额叶胶质瘤患者执行功能障碍的相关性44.Correlation between tumor volume and serum prolactin and its effect on surgicaloutcomes in a cohort of 219 prolactinoma patients219例泌乳素瘤患者的肿瘤体积与血清催乳素的相关性及其对手术结果的影响45.Is intracranial electroencephalography mandatory for MRI-negative neocorticalepilepsy surgery?对于MRI阴性的新皮质癫痫手术,是否必须进行颅内脑电图检查?46.Neurosurgeons as complete stroke doctors: the time is now神经外科医生作为完全中风的医生:时间是现在47.Seizure outcome after resection of insular glioma: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and institutional experience岛叶胶质瘤切除术后癫痫发作结局:一项系统综述、荟萃分析和机构经验48.Surgery for glioblastomas in the elderly: an Association des Neuro-oncologuesd’Expression Française (ANOCEF) trial老年人成胶质细胞瘤的手术治疗:法国神经肿瘤学与表达协会(ANOCEF)试验49.Surgical instruments and catheter damage during ventriculoperitoneal shuntassembly脑室腹腔分流术装配过程中的手术器械和导管损坏50.Cost-effectiveness analysis on small (< 5 mm) unruptured intracranial aneurysmfollow-up strategies较小(< 5 mm)未破裂颅内动脉瘤随访策略的成本-效果分析51.Evaluating syntactic comprehension during awake intraoperative corticalstimulation mapping清醒术中皮质刺激标测时句法理解能力的评估52.Factors associated with radiation toxicity and long-term tumor control more than10 years after Gamma Knife surgery for non–skull base, nonperioptic benignsupratentorial meningiomas非颅底、非周期性良性幕上脑膜瘤伽玛刀术后10年以上与放射毒性和长期肿瘤控制相关的因素53.Multidisciplinary management of patients with non–small cell lung cancer withleptomeningeal metastasis in the tyrosine kinase inhibitor era酪氨酸激酶抑制剂时代有软脑膜转移的非小细胞肺癌患者的多学科管理54.Predicting the growth of middle cerebral artery bifurcation aneurysms usingdifferences in the bifurcation angle and inflow coefficient利用分叉角和流入系数的差异预测大脑中动脉分叉动脉瘤的生长55.Predictors of surgical site infection in glioblastoma patients undergoing craniotomyfor tumor resection胶质母细胞瘤患者行开颅手术切除肿瘤时手术部位感染的预测因素56.Stereotactic radiosurgery for orbital cavernous hemangiomas立体定向放射外科治疗眼眶海绵状血管瘤57.Surgical management of large cerebellopontine angle meningiomas: long-termresults of a less aggressive resection strategy大型桥小脑角脑膜瘤的手术治疗:较小侵袭性切除策略的长期结果Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons58.5-ALA fluorescence–guided resection of a recurrent anaplastic pleomorphicxanthoastrocytoma: illustrative case5-ALA荧光引导下切除复发性间变性多形性黄色星形细胞瘤:说明性病例59.Flossing technique for endovascular repair of a penetrating cerebrovascular injury:illustrative case牙线技术用于血管内修复穿透性脑血管损伤:例证性病例60.Nerve transfers in a patient with asymmetrical neurological deficit followingtraumatic cervical spinal cord injury: simultaneous bilateral restoration of pinch grip and elbow extension. Illustrative case创伤性颈脊髓损伤后不对称神经功能缺损患者的神经转移:同时双侧恢复捏手和肘关节伸展。
本文 对这一研究方法进行了系统介绍,阐述其产生的背景、理论基础和操作过程,并综述该方法在词汇 语义中的相关应用,评析其优势和不足,以期推动该方法在国内语言研究中的运用。
关键词:行为特征;词汇语义;语料库;量化分析Quantitative Corpus Methods for LexicalSemantic Studies:Behavioral Profile AnalysisWU Shuqiong UU DilinAbstract: The corpus-based behavioral profile analysis, one type of quantitative methods, analyses the morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and other characteristics of lexical items by using the quantitative methods and evaluates the data using statistical techniques. It aims to display the semantic structures and usage models of lexical items in actual data. The behavioral profile analysis has become a mainstream in the lexical studies abroad, but it is not adequately addressed in China. This article introduces this method systematically by reviewing its background, theoretical foundations and procedure基金项目:本文系国家社会科学基金项目“类型学视野下的英汉反义关系认知研究"(18XYY003)和重庆市人 文社会科学重点研究基地项目“基于语料库的词汇同义关系研究”(19JD051)的阶段性成果。
Chapter 6 Language and Cognition1。
1.What is Cognition认知?a。
Mental processes,information processing b。
Mental process or faculty of knowing,including awareness,perception,reasoning, and judgment.2。
The formal approach:形式法structural patterns,including the study of morphological,syntactic, and lexical structure.The psychological approach心理法: language from the view of general systems ranging from perception,memory,attention,and reasoning.The conceptual approach:认知法:how language structures (processes &patterns)conceptual content。
2.Psycholinguistics心理语言学The study of the relationships between linguistic behavior and mental activity.6.2.1 Language acquirement 语言习得① Holophrastic stage独词句阶段Two word stage双词句阶段 Stage of three—word utterances三词句阶段④ Fluent grammatical conversation stage6.2.2 Language comprehension理解Mental lexicon(心智词库):information about the properties of words,retrievable when understanding language For example, we may use morphological rules to decompose a complex word like rewritable the first few times we encounter it and after several exposures we may store and access it as a unit or word。
现代电子技术Modern Electronics TechniqueApr. 2024Vol. 47 No. 82024年4月15日第47卷第8期0 引 言自然语言处理是一种专业分析如文本、图像、视频等多种人类语言的人工智能。
Peng 等人在2020年提出了三元组的概念[3],三元组是指将方面词、情感词以及情感极性作为一个组合共同输出,是当前情感分析的主要方向。
三元组的示例如下:Sentence1:The environment here is poor,but the food is delicious.Sentence2:Overall,it′s okay.Aspect term:environment,food,NULL Opinion term:poor,delicious,okaySentimental Polarities: negative, positive, positive Opinion Triplets:(environment, poor, negative ),(food,delicious,positive ),(NULL,okay,positive )DOI :10.16652/j.issn.1004⁃373x.2024.08.024引用格式:毕晓杰,李卫疆.联合con⁃GRU 与ATGAT 模型的情感分析三元组方法[J].现代电子技术,2024,47(8):149⁃154.联合con⁃GRU 与ATGAT 模型的情感分析三元组方法毕晓杰1,2, 李卫疆1,2(1.昆明理工大学 信息工程与自动化学院, 云南 昆明 650500; 2.昆明理工大学 云南省人工智能重点实验室, 云南 昆明 650500)摘 要: 情感分析三元组任务是情感分析任务的研究热点,其目的在于将方面词、情感词与情感极性组成三元组。
• Structured • Unstructured • Real world
• Annotation • Semantics • Matching
User Interests
• Predefined ontology • Automatically extracted tags • User behavior based user interests • …
Recommendation system
News characteris2cs
Environmental characteris2cs
User characteris2cs
Context characteris2cs
Ar$cle score Score(u,d)=f(class,topic,tag,2me,…)
Linear Model
Shallow CNN of (J&Z 15)
Deep Pyramid CNN (J&Z 17)
Example: Tencent Verticle Search Applications
Jack Ma
Robin Li
Classification + tag
Assessing reading阅读笔记
Assessing reading阅读笔记1.Preface:Reading also plays a critical role in applied linguistics research and in the day-to-day professional life of the language teacher.Assessment techniques: reading aloud, impressionistic judgement, miscue analysis, and self-assessment.2.The nature of readingThe number of different theories of reading: what it is; how it is acquired and taught, how reading relates to other cognitive and perceptual abilities, how it interfaces with memory.Construct of readingProcess and product: the process is what we mean by ‘reading’ proper: the interaction between a reader and the text.Research has focused on examining the eye movements of readers, and interesting insights have been gained from eye movement photography.Levels of understanding: reading ‘the lines’, reading ‘between the lines’, and reading ‘beyond the lines’. The first refers to the literal meaning of text, the second to inferred meani ngs, and the third to readers’ critical evaluations of text.Be able to read: Davis(1968) defines eight skills: 1. Recalling word meanings; 2. Drawing inferences about the meaning of a word in context; 3. Finding answers to questions answered explicitly or in paraphrase; 4. Weaving together ideas in the content; 5. Drawing inferences from the content; 6. Recognizing a writer’s purpose, attitude, tone and mood; 7. Identifying a writer’s technique; 8. Following the structure of a passage.Reading is essentially divided into two components: decoding (word recognition) and comprehension.Reading involves perceiving the written form of language, either visually or kinaesthetically.Top-down and bottom-up processing: Bottom-up approaches are serial models, where the reader begins with the printed word, recognizes graphic stimuli, decodes them to sound, recognizes words and decodes meanings.Top-down approaches emphasize the importance of schemata. Goodman(1982), for example, calls reading a ‘psycholinguistic guessing game’, in which readers guess or predict the text’s meaning on the basis of minimal textual information, and maximum use of existing, activated, knowledge. Goodman’s characterization of the reading process as o ne of sampling, predicting, conforming and correcting might describe a more general process than that of reading.Reading represent problem-solving,First-language reading and second-language reading: reading abilities are assumed to transfer across language, improving second-language reading will lead to improving reading in the first language also. Once reading ability has been acquired in the first language, it is available for use in the second or subsequent language also.Reading as sociocultural practice:Implication for test design: content-centred; individual instruction; silent reading; pre-, during- and after-reading tasks; specific skills and strategies; group work and cooperative learning; read extensively.3.Variables that affect the nature of readingIt has become common practice to divide research into factors that affect reading into the twomain constellations of variables that are typically investigated. The first factors within reader: aspects of the person doing the reading that have been thought or shown to have an effect on the reading process and the product of reading. The second major section will look at those aspects of the text to be read that are of significance.Reader variables: research has looked at the way readers themselves affect the reading process and product, and has investigated a number of different variables.The reader’s knowledge, motivation, and the way this interacts with the reasons why a reader is reading a text at all. The strategies the readers use; relatively stable characteristics: sex, age, and personality; physical characteristics: eye movement, speed of word recognition, automaticity of processing.In second- and foreign language reading studies, there was an early emphasis on the importance of syntactic as well as lexical knowledge, and only recently has rhetorical knowledge and metalinguistic knowledge been studied in any depth.Berman(1984) suggest that the ability to process complex syntax may be more important for the understanding of detailed information in sentences than for the understanding of the gist of a text. Knowledge of subject matter, knowledge of the world, cultural knowledgeKnowledge of subject matter: Alderson and Urquhart(1985) were able to show that reading tests on texts in subject disciplines that students were studying or had studied were sometimes easier to process than those which were not, but not always.Reader skills and abilities:Alderson(2000:49) concludes:’ Answering a test question is likely to involve a variety of interrelated skills, rather than one skill only or even mainly.’Compensation hypothesis: one of the causes of the variation we have noted in reads and reading might be that readers have different amounts of knowledge relevant to the text in hand, as discussed above. Such differences might result in some readers having to call upon certain skills. However, lack of knowledge or skill in one area might be compensated by abilities or knowledge in other areas.Reader purpose in reading:Reader motivation/interest: studies of poor first and second-language readers have consistently shown that poor readers( Coper’s 1984 ‘unpractised’ readers) lack motivation to read or to spend time improving their ability to read.Reader affect: the emotional state of the reader; anxiety;Emotional responses in reading literature have long been the subject of research, at least for first-language readers.Beginning readers and fluent readers: self-regulation strategiesText variables: these factors range from aspects of text content, to text types or genres, text organization, sentence structure, lexis, text typography, layout, the relationship between verbal and non-verbal text, and the medium in which the text is presented.Text topic and content: it is commonly assumed that text content will affect how readers process text.Texts located in familiar settings, on everyday topics, are likely to be easier to process than those that are not.Good tests of reading and good assessment procedures in general will ensure that readers have been assessed for their ability to understand texts in a range of different topics.Text type and genre: text variables only have a crucial role when materials are conceptually more difficult or unfamiliar and when readers are relatively less able.(Alderson,2000:65)Text organization: Meyer(1975) suggests that the organization of texts may make some texts easier to follow and more memorable than others.Text that is coherent is much easier to comprehend then less coherent text.Traditional linguistic variables: Schlesinger(1968) suggests that syntax was not a significant factor.Syntactic and discourse differences might have an effect on word identification.V ocabulary difficulty has consistently been shown to have an effect on understanding for first-language readers as well as for second-language readers( for example, Freebody and Anderson, 1983).It has been shown, however, that topic (un)familiarity cannot be compensated for by easy vocabulary: both difficult vocabulary and low familiarity reduce comprehension, but texts with difficult vocabulary do not become easier if more familiar topics are used, and vice versa. Context is often held to influence text comprehension.Text readability:researchers have long been concerned to identify what features make text readable, in order to adjust text difficulty to the intended readership. This has been especially important in educational contexts. Many attempts have been made to develop formulae, or other simple procedures, which could be used to estimate text readability, based upon empirical research into difficulty.Since syntax and lexis can cause problems in texts, as we have seen in the previous section, estimates of the syntactic complexity and lexical density of text are commonly used. However, it is clearly not very practical to have to analyzes texts for such features, and so indices have been developed to allow rough estimates.One way of estimating lexical load is to check how many words in a sample of the target text appear in a word frequency list like the Thorndike and Lorge list (1994), the West list(1953). Another frequently used readability formula is the Flesch, first used in 1948 and still in use today. The formula produces a reading-ease score:RE=206.835-(0.846*NSYLL)-(1.015*W/S)Where NSYLL is the average number of syllables per 100 words and W/S is the average number of words per sentence(Davies, 1984:188).It has long been known that vocabulary load is the most significant predictor of text difficulty. However, readability formulae give only crude measures of text difficulty, and are rarely suitable for second- or foreign-language readers, even of English texts.Given the range of variables that affect text difficulty- topic, syntactic complexity, cohesion, coherence, vocabulary and readability- language testers should beware a simplistic approach to language difficulty when selecting texts.Typographical features: the layout of print on the page is considered especially important for beginning readers.Verbal and non-verbal information:The medium of text presentation: reading from paper is generally faster, more accurate and less fatiguing.Readers: aspects of reader s that affect both the process and product of reading include the readers’ background and subject/topic knowledge, their cultural knowledge and their knowledge in whichthe target texts are written. The linguistic knowledge; the metalinguistic knowledge.T he reader’s ability to process printed information is clearly also crucial, and indeed might be said to be the main object of any assessment procedure or test.Linguistic features of text clearly affect readability of text and readers’ comprehension, and t ext type, organization, genre and so on as well as text topic clearly influence how well readers can process meaning.Given the (not very strong) evidence for the impact of linguistic variables, like knowledge of syntax, on first-language reading, test designers should examine carefully the language of questions, rubrics and texts to ensure that they fall within the test population’s likely ability range(Alderson, 2000:81).The importance of vocabulary in reading suggests the need for careful control or at least inspection of tests for extraneous lexical difficulty.The influence of motivation on reading is important for test interpretation.4.Research into the assessment of readingOne major area for language-testing research has been test methods: their validity, reliability and factors affecting their use.Factors affecting the difficulty of reading test items: language of questions; types of questions; testing skills; role of grammar in reading tests; role of vocabulary in reading tests; use of dictionaries in reading tests; reading and intelligence.Two levels of comprehension processes: macro-processes; micro-processesA number of issues related to the testing of skills have been investigated.The relevance(or validity) of a skills approach to testing reading might depend on the developmental stage at which the reader is being tested.Bachman et al.(1989) found that almost 70% of the variance in item difficulties on the TOEFL reading subtest could be accounted for by aspects of test content related to grammar and to the academic and topical content of reading items-which is much more than would be expected of a test of a academic reading ability.Bensoussan et al.(1984) investigated the effect of dictionary usage on EFL test performance and concluded tha t the use of dictionaries had no effect on students’ test scores, regardless of whether the dictionary was bilingual or monolingual( although students showed a clear preference for using bilingual dictionaries).It has long been held that ‘ reading is reasoning’(Thorndike, 1917).Clearly vocabulary is important to text comprehension, and thus to test performance.Factors affecting the difficulty of reading test texts: background knowledge versus text content; presence of text while answering questions; text length; testletsThe development of tests of reading for specific purposes ,usually subject-related, is an area where text and background knowledge effects might be thought to be crucial.Hale(1988) examined performance on TOEFL reading tests and established that students in the humanities/social sciences and in the biological/physical sciences performed better on passages related to their own groups than on other passages.A common-sense assumption is that removing the text increases the role of memory in the responding, although not in the comprehending, process.Johnston(1984) found that the availability of the text when students answered the questions influenced performance on some item types.Johnston(op. cit.) found that text removal increased the role of prior knowledge in comprehension.A problem all reading-test developers face is how long the texts should be on which they base their tests (Alderson,2000:108).Engineer(1977) found that when texts longer than 1,000 words were used, the abilities that could be measured changed. The suggestion is that longer texts allow testers to assess more study-related abilities and to reduce reliance on sentential processing abilities that might tap syntactic and lexical knowledge more than discourse-processing abilities.It is also likely to be much easier to measure reading speed using longer texts (as for example in the speed reading test of the Davies Test [EPTB: see the review in Alderson et al., 1985]) than with a number of short passages with associated questions.The reason the TOEFL programme give for using a number of short passages is that it allows a wider range of topics to be covered, thus hopefully reducing the potential bias from a restricted range of topic areas.The relationship between research into reading, research into reading assessment and the nature of reading assessment:Validation is central to testing concerns, and the identification of a suitable construct or constructs is central to such validation(Alderson, 2000:111).Text topic clearly has an important effect on comprehension, and especially in the extent to which it engages background knowledge. Text length is also an important variable, as are aspects of text structure, text wording, and the number of questions asked on a text.5.The reader: defining the construct of reading abilityConstruct: every test is intended to measure one or more constructs.Constructs of reading: what makes a task demanding will relate to variables like text topic, text language, background knowledge and task type (Alderson, 2000:121).Constructs and test specifications: test specifications also describe test tasks, which entails a consideration of task characteristics.The First Certificate in English(FCE)The International English Language Testing System(IELTS): ‘ (Know) how to understand main ideas and how to find specific information; (Do) survey the text; analyse the questions; go back to the text to find answers; check your answers.’Reading ability: descriptors of reading ability, in scales of language proficiency: most scales are of the productive skills of speaking and writing, for the obvious reason that such scales can then be used to assess performance.6. A framework of test designThe Bachman and Palmer framework: two main domains: real-life and language instructionThe framework attempts to provide a description of five aspects of tasks: setting, test rubric, input,Characteristics of the setting:Physical characteristics: Bachman and Palmer consider that physical characteristics include the degree of familiarity of the materials and test equipment to test-takers or language users. Participants: the reader’s relationship with the writer, and their degree of familiarity with their opinions, past, intentions and so o n, is clearly an important part of the reader’s background knowledge, which we have seen many times already is demonstrably an important variable in reading.Time of task:Characteristics of the test rubric:Instructions: Bachman and Palmer include the degree of specificity of instructions in this task characteristic: their length or brevity, the provision or not of examples, and whether all instructions are presented at once, or are related to particular parts of the test. The implication was that they should be thoroughly familiar with the instructions on how to take the test well in advance of the live experience.Structure:Time allotment: a distinction is often made between speeded and power tests: in the latter, readers are allowed all the time they need to complete the test, whereas in the former not all test-takers are expected to be able to complete the tasks.Scoring method: an important aspect of this characteristic that Bachman and Palmer mention is the explicitness of criteria and procedures for scoring: the extent to which test-takers are informed about the nature of the scoring criteria.Characteristics of the input: input represents the material which readers and test-takers are expected to process and respond to. Input is considered from the point of view of its format and its language. Format includes channels: aural, visual or both.Task length will also affect processing difficulty.‘type of input’ defined as test item or task is more familiar to lang uage testers for , as we have seen, it is commonplace to classify items into types, or test methods. Three major types of input: selected response; limited production response; extended production response, longer than a single sentence but ranging from two sentences to virtually free written composition.Speededness refers to the rate at which the reader has to process the information in the input, and this obviously overlaps with time allotment, discussed above.Characteristics of the expected response:Relationship between input and response: three aspects: reactivity; scope and directness of relationshipThe scope of the relationship between input and response is defined as broad or narrow.The directness of the relationship between expected response(this time ) and information in the input or the extent to which the language user must rely on information in the context or in their own knowledge. A direct relationship is one where the response includes primarily information supplied in the input. An indirect task is one where the information is not supplied in the input. There are many variables to which test designers can in principle pay attention, and Bachman and Palmer consider four main categories of such individual characteristics. These are: personal characteristics; topical knowledge; affective schemata; language ability.7.Test in the real world: test purposesTest development: Bachman and Palmer(1996:87) regard test development as having three main components: design, operationalization and administration.Test specifications, it is suggested, should contain statements covering all or most of the following points: test purpose; the learner taking the test; test level; test construct; description of suitable language course or textbook; number of sections to the test; time for each section; weighting for each section; target language situations; text types; text length; text complexity/difficulty; language skills to be tested; language elements(structures/lexis/notions/functions); task types; number and weight of items; test methods; rubrics; examples; explicit assessment criteria; criteria for scoring; description of typical performance at each level; description of what candidates at each level can do in the real world; sample papers; samples of students’ performances on tasks. (Alderson et al., 1995:11-38)Characteristics of the setting: higher-level participants are likely to read paper documents, or on a computer screen, in an office, usually well-fit, comfortable, free from extraneous noise. Characteristics of the (test) rubrics: assessment criteria may also not relate to understanding but degree of involvement.Characteristics of the input: text types; text topicsCharacteristics of the expected response: indeed, at the upper levels, the relationship between input and expected response might be rather indirect precisely because candidates will be expected to use relatively extensive knowledge of the target culture, politics tec. In order to interpret texts. Text would be expected to cover a range of functions, but perhaps especially the imaginative and manipulative, as well as ideational, and a range of different registers, genres and figurative uses of language would be expected. Topics would be expected to vary, but be within the intellectual capacity of the pupils, their developmental stage and to appeal to or reflect their interests. Texts are likely to be culturally embedded, as part of the aim of many reading classes is to transmit cultural values.8.Techniques for testing readingTest method, test technique, test formatTask, task typeMany textbooks on language testing give example of testing techniques that might be used to assess language. Fewer discuss the relationship between the technique chosen and the construct being tested. Fewer still discuss in any depth the issue of test method effect.It is important to consider what techniques are capable of assessing, as well as what they mighttypically assess.No “best m e thod”Cloze tests, of course, very useful in may situations because they are so easy to prepare and score.A variety of questions are used, chosen from the following types: multiple-choice; short-answer questions; sentence completion; notes/summary/diagram/flow chart/table completion; choosing from a “heading bank” for identified paragraph/sections of the text; identification of writer’s view/attitudes/claims: yes/no/not given; classification; matching lists; matching phrasesThe cloze test and gap-filling tests, multiple-choice techniques,Alternative objective techniques: matching techniques, ordering tasks, dichotomous items, editing tests(similar to a proof-reading task)Alternative integrated approaches: the C-test, short-answer tests, the free-recall test, the summary test, the gapped summary, information-transfer techniques,The free-recall test: score- “idea units”The summary test: an obvious problem is that students may understand the text, but be unable to express their ideas in writing adequately, especially within the time available for the task. Information-transfer techniques: the student’s task is to identify in the target text the required information and then transfer it, often in some transposed form, on to a table, map or whatever.‘Real-life’ methods: the relationship between text types and tasksDevising appropriate tasks is a way of developing appropriate and varied purposes for reading. Since purpose and task both relate to the choice of text, a consideration of text type and topic is crucial to content validity.Text chosen were usually between 150 and 350 words in length, were clearly labelled as extracts from larger pieces, and were usually almost entirely verbal, without illustration or any other type of graphic text.(P256)Informal methods of assessment:In the second-language reading context, Natuall(1996) does not recommend regular formal testing of extensive reading.Open-ended, wh-questions are recommended as more useful than closed questions.The use of profiles and portfolios in the assessment of reading in a foreign language.Informal methods of assessing reading are frequently claimed to be more sensitive to classroom reading instruction, and thus more accurate in diagnosing student readers’ strengths and weaknesses.9.The development of reading abilityNational frameworks of attainment(the UK): there are ten levels of performance, and four Key Stages.Reading scales: the ACTFL(the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Language) proficiency guidelines“ text-based factors such as ‘type of text’ do little to explain the reading abilities of second language learners.”The ALTE( the Association of Language Testers in Europe) framework for language tests: text type, cultural familiarity, the nature of the information, predictability of use, speed, length of text, amount of reading, awareness of register, confidence, simplicity and complexity of text, authentic text.10.The way forwardLanguage testing has traditionally been much more concerned with establishing the products of comprehension than with examining the processes.Some research shows that judges find it difficult to agree on what skills are being tested by reading items(Alderson, 1990b).ESL reading research has long been interested in reader strategies: what they are, how they contribute to better reading, how they can be incorporated into instruction.The ability to infer the meaning of unknown words from text has long been recognized as an important skill in the reading literature. (P310)Word-formation, link-words,Prediction strategies are frequently held to be important for readers to learn, both to engage their background knowledge and to encourage learners to monitor their expectations as the text unfolds. Strategies during test-taking: Although language-testing researchers are increasingly using qualitative research methods to gain insights into the processes that test-takers engage in when responding to test items, that is not the same as trying to model processes of reading in the design of assessment procedures.Introspection: introspective techniques have been increasingly used in reading research, both in the first language and in second- and foreign-language reading, as a means of gaining insight into the reading process.Classroom observation: reader can be asked what texts they have read, how they liked them, what the main ideas of the texts were, what difficulties they have experienced, and what they have found relatively unproblematic, how long it has taken them to read, why they have chosen the texts they have, whether they would read them again, and so on.Immediate-recall protocols: Bernhart(1991:120ff) identifies three text-based factors and three knowledge-based factors that influence the reading process. These are: word recognition, phonemic/graphemic decoding and syntactic feature recognition, for the former, and intratextual perception, metacognition and prior knowledge, for the latter.Miscue analysis:Self-assessment: self-assessment is increasingly seen as a useful source of information on learner abilities and processes. The use of self-assessment in Can-Do statements to get learners’ views of their abilities in reading.Miscellaneous methods used by researchers:Chang (1983) divides methods used to study reading into two: simultaneous and successive. Simultaneous methods examine the process of encoding; successive methods look at memory effects and the coded representation.Encoding time is a good predictor of reading proficiency.Word-identification process: the phonological and the orthographicThe word-recognition efficiency and the ability to guess the meaning of unknown words from context might be quite unrelated skills.Word-guessing processes: traditional exercises include getting learners to pay attention to morphology and syntax in order to guess word class or function.Good readers tend to use meaning-based cues to evaluate whether they have understood what they read whereas poor readers tend to use over-rely on word-level cues, and to focus on intrasentential rather intersentential consistency.Computer-based testing and assessment: limitationThe use of qualitative methods, like thinking-alouds, immediate recall, interviews,。
linguistics .ppt
The Connectionist Model
• A sentence to be spoken would be represented by spreading activation扩展 through a network of nodes节点 representing phonologocal语音,lexical and morphological词态 levels.
to form sentences)句法 • --detailed phonetic and articulatory
planning详细发音 • --phonological encoding(words into sound) • 语音编译
Identifying the Meaning 标识意义
Language Production
• 1 The complexity of language production • 2 The definition of language production • 3 Two models
Hale Waihona Puke The complexity of language production
The fromkin`s six-stage model of speech production(1971)
• ---identification of meaning确定意义 • ---selection of a syntactic structure选择语法结构 • ---generation of intonation contour形成语调轮廓 • ---insertion of content words插入实义词 • ---formation of affixes and function words用词缀
目前对新闻话题的挖掘方法主要分为基于向量空间模型(Vector Space Model, VSM)的文本分类[2-4]或聚类研究方法[5-6]以及基于潜在语义分析的话题挖掘方法。
前者虽然简单,但文本维数及计算复杂度高,话题检测效率较低;后者中的潜在语义分析(Latent Semantic Analysis, LSA)模型[7]、概率潜在语义分析(Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis, PLSA)模型[8]以及隐含狄利克雷分配(Latent Dirichlet Allocation, LDA)模型[9]等成为话题识别中的主要方法。
热奈特叙事话语重点概念精简版目录Narrative Discourse (3)Chapter One order (6)Chapter Two Duration (10)Chapter Three Frequency (14)Chapter Four Mood (16)Chapter Five Voice (20)Narrative DiscourseBy Gerard Genette Pbed in 1980 Narratology denotes both the theory and the study of narrative and narrative structure and the ways that these affect our perception. As a matter of fact, this word is an anglicisation of French word narratologie, coined by Tzvetan Todorov (Grammaire du Décaméron, 1969). Since the 1960’s, the contemporary narrative theory has been rapidly developing towards maturity, in which French structuralist critic Gerard Genette plays a pivotal role. On the basis of absorbing the other s’ research results, he constructs his own narrative theory, whose origin mainly includes Saussure Linguistics, Structuralism, Russian Formalism, and New Criticism.Russian formalists argue that the literary characteristic is not what to write but how to write. Literary narrative mainly includes “sjuzhet” (plot) and “fa bula” (usually refers to story. Fabula and sjuzhet (also syuzhet, sujet, sjužet, or suzet) are terms originating in Ru ssian Formalism and employed in narratology that describe narrative construction. Sjuzhet is an employment of narrative and fabula is the order of retelling events. They were first used in this sense byVladimir Propp and Shklovsky.). And the plot determines the story. On the basis of this formalist concept, Propp places emphasis on form and structure of works in his Morphology of the Folktale (1928). But he only takes note of the syntactic relationship of the surface of the story. Later Gremas, Levi Strauss, and French narratologist Bremond carry out a series of comprehensive researches on the relationship between the surface and deep structures of the story, and sum up a wide variety of grammatical patterns of the story. Though large and vague, these narrative structure models provide a great reference for Genette. New Criticism representatives Brooks and Warren collaborate on Understanding Fiction(1979), put forward the question of “who speaks”, and hence draw forth the concept of “focus of narration”, which lays a solid foundation for Genette’s "focalization" theory. Moreover, as far as the study of the narrative formula, it is obvious that Genette is influenced by Wayne Booth's The Rhetoric of Fiction (1983). However, in terms of the narrative form, Booth has a similar view to New Critics.Accepting and absorbing the above-mentioned scholars’ advantages and strengths, Genette published Narrative Discourse in 1972, which makes Marcel Proust’s In search of Lost Time the research object and proposes his own unique narrative outlook. In the book, at first he indicates that narrative contains three distinct notions, namely, narrative, story and narrating, and further distinguishes them. Narrative refers to narrative discourse, which means “the narrative statement, the oral or written discourse that undertakes to tell of an event or a series of events” (Genette, 1980: 25). Story means an event or a series of events told in narrative discourse, real of fictitious. Narrating is the act of someone recounting something. To analyzing narrative discourse is, essentially,to study the relationship between narrative and story, between narrative and narrating, and between story and narrating.Excluding Introduction and Afterword, Narrative Discourse is divided into five chapters, which are Order, Frequency, Duration, Mood, and Voice in turn. In the five chapters, Genette at length analyzes the artistic techniques of In search of Lost Time, and hence summarizes and establishes a set of his own narratology. Genette incorporates French structuralist narrative theories, constructs rather comprehensive and systematic narrative theory, and thus lays a solid foundation for contemporary narratology. It is under the influence of his narrative discourse that many subsequent scholars and experts such as Miede Bal, Gerald Prince, and Rimmon-Kenan further explore and deeply dig the narrative theories. These scholars speak highly of his narrative discourse, and in the meantime put forward some doubts and challenges, in view of which Genette also published Nouveau discours du récit (new narrative discourse) in 1983 as a response. In this new narrative discourse, he discusses such questions as the classification of person, the application of the present tense, the interrelation between mood and voice, and focalization, and consequently interprets and perfects his narrative theory.In short, Genette presents a lot of concepts which has become the standard terms of classic in the narrative field. Besides, the publication of his Narrative Discourse has aroused strong reaction and sensation in the literary theory circle. According to his narrative theory, many analyze and interpret the specific works and bear great fruit.Chapter One orderTime is thought of as a uni-directional and irreversible flow, a sort of one-way street, just as Heraclitus said early in western history: “You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters and yet other waters go ever flowing on.”However, as far as narrative activity is concerned, “the time of even the simplest story escapes the ordinary notion of time conceived as a series of instants succeeding one another along an abstract line oriented in a single direction” (Ricoeur, 1980: 169). Narrative is the art of TIME, which is the main subject that the majority of structuralist narratological works dwell on. In narratives, TIME can be defined as the relations of chronology between story and text, possessing the duality, namely, the time of the thing told and the time of the narrative. German theoreticians refers to this kind of temporal duality as the opposition between “erzählte Zeit” (story time) and Erzählzeit (narrative time). In Les catégories du récit littéraire, Todorov divides the narrative into three categories: tense, aspect, and mood. Here the tense means the relationship between the story time and the discourse time.In Narrative Discourse, Genette spends almost half of the book researching TIME( from p.33 to p.160). According to Genette, time can be viewed in three respects: order, duration and frequency, under which he sets out to examine the relations between the story time and the text time.Definition of OrderAccording to Genette, to “study the temporal order of a narrative is to compare the order in which events or temporal sections are arranged in the narrative discourse withthe order of succession these same events or temporal segments have in the story” (Genette, 1980: 35). Actually, the order is intended for exploring the relations between the story time and the narrative time. In Genette’s terms, the main types of discrepancy between them are called anachronies, which mainly include three types: analepsis, prolepsis, and achrony.An analepsis is “any evocation after the fact of an event that took place earlier than the point in the story where we are at any given moment” (Genette, 1980: 40). That is to say, it is a narration of story-event at a point in the text after later events have been told. This narration goes back to a past point in the story. A prolepsis is “any narrative maneuver that consists of narrating or evoking in advance an event that will take place later” (Genette, 40). It is a narration of story-event at a point before earlier events have been mentioned. The narration takes an excursion into the future of the story. In order to determine the anachrony, Genette introduces two concepts:reach and extent.The former refers to the temporal distance far from the “present”moment, when an anachrony appears, whether analeptic or proleptic. The latter means the duration of story covered by the anachrony. If reach and extent of an (or mainly isolated) event can not be clearly determined, the event is dateless and ageless. This kind of anachrony deprived of temporal connection is called an achrony.According to Genette, every anachrony is made up of a narrative that is temporally second, namely, “second narrative”. With respect to the anachrony, “the totality of the context can be taken as first narrative” (Genette, 1980: 49). Based on the differences between an analepsis and the first narrative in reach an extent, Genette classifies analepses into three types: external analepsis, internal analepsis and mixed analepsis.External analepsis means its “entire extent remains external to the extent of thefirst narrative” (Genette, 1980: 49). The second analepsis is, in Genette’s terms, internal analepsis, whose temporal departure and extent are within the first narrative. The third analepsis referred to by Genette is called mixed analepsis, whose “reach goes back to a point earlier and whose extent arrives at a point later than the beginning of the first narrative” (Genette, 1980: 49). In others words, if the period covered by the analepsis begins before the starting point of the first narrative but at a later stage either joints it or goes beyond it, then the analepsis is considered “mixed”. On the whole, analepses can add the narrative capacity in unit of time. It, more often than not, contains the rich and long train of thoughts and the diverse and confused from analepses, the second common form of anachronies is prolepses, which can be defined as “any evocation after the fact of an event that took place earlier than the point in the story where we are at any given moment” (Genette, 1980: 40). Prolepses are a kind of anticipation or a hint at the future event. Like analepses, prolepses are also divided into external prolepses and internal prolepses.The limit of the temporal field of the first narrative is clearly marked by the last non-proleptic scene and some events take place after this scene. As opposed to external prolepses, internal prolepses can be designated as some episodes told earlier than the last non-proleptic scene of the story.AchronyIn such anachronies as analepses and prolepses, their reach and extent can essentially be confirmed. However, in the achrony, the events “express the narrative’s capacity to disengage its arrangement from all dependence on the chronological sequence of the story it tells.”(Genette, 1980: 84) From the context, readers cannot obtain any inference. It is an anachrony deprived of every temporal connection. Inachronies, the most outstanding way is “synchrony”, which brings the story time upon the same plane, blurs the linear relation of time and highlights the spatiality of the event. Genette insists, “Proleptic analepses and analeptic prolepses are so many complex anachroies, and they somewhat disturb our reassuring ideas about retrospection and anticipation…some events not provided with any temporal reference whatsoever, events that we cannot place at all in relation to the events surrounding them…they need only be attached not to some other event but to the (atemporal) commentarial discourse that accompanies them.” (Genette, 1980: 83)Another form of achronies is the atemporal commentarial discourse. Expounding the achronies in Marcel Proust’s In search of Lost Time, Genette points out that the narrative order of the story has no connection to the temporal order of the events, or only a partially coincidental connection. “The truth is that the narrator had the clearest of reasons for grouping together, in defiance of all chronology, events to be connected by spatial proximity, by climatic identity, or by thematic kinship; he thus made clear, more than anyone had done before him and better than they had, narrative’s capacity for temporal autonomy.” (Genette, 1980: 85)Chapter Two DurationDefinition of DurationDuration refers to the relations between the time the events are supposed to have taken to occur and the amount of the text devoted to their narration in the novel. According to Genette, there are totally four basic forms of narrative movements, which are two extremes, namely, ellipsis and descriptive pause, and two intermediaries: scene and summary. All these four narrative movements signify the narrative speed or pace. Genette proposes to employ constancy of speed to examine the degrees of duration. The maximum speed is ellipsis, where there is zero textual space corresponding to some story duration. On the other hand, the minimum speed is indicated as a descriptive pause, in which a certain segment of the text corresponds to zero story duration. In theory, there are infinite possibilities of speed between the two extremes while in practice all of them can be conventionally reduced to summary and scene. In summary, the speed is accelerated through a textual “condensation” or “compression” of a given story-period into a relatively short statement of its main features. The degree of condensation can, of course, vary from summary to summary, producing multiple degrees of acceleration. In scene, story duration is conventionally equal to text duration. The purest scenic form is dialogue, in which story time is identical to narrative pseudo-time. In addition, a detailed narration of an event can also be regarded as scenic.Genette schematizes the temporal values of such four movements as Pause, Scene, Summary and Ellipsis with the following formulas, with ST designating story time and NT the pseudo-time or conventional time, of the narrative:Ellipsis: NT=0, ST=n. Thus: NT<∞STSummary: NT<STScene: NT=STPause: NT=n, ST=0. Thus: NT∞>ST(Genette,1980: 94-95)Here, >means longer than<means shorter than∞ means infiniteEllipsisAn ellipsis can be called “omission”. Here, it refers to temporal ellipses. As far as temporality is concerned, “the analysis of ellipses comes down to considering the story time elided” (Genette, 1980: 106). The first question that should be known is whether duration is indicated or not. If duration is clearly indicated, it is definite ellipses. If not, it is indefinite ellipses. Generally speaking, from the formal point of view, according to Genette, ellipses can be distinguished as the following three types: Explicit ellipses, Implicit ellipses, and Hypothetical ellipses.Generally speaking,explicit ellipses mainly arise from two forms of the lapse of time. The former refers to the indication (definite or not) of the lapse of the time they elide, which, by and large, is equal to the quick summaries to be mentioned hereinafter of the “some years passed” type. Implicit ellipses are “those whose very presence is not announced in the text and which readers can infer only from some chronological void or gap in narrative continuity”(Genette, 1980: 108). Hypothetical ellipsis is the most implicit form of ellipsis, which is “impossible to localize, even sometimes impossible to place in any spot at all, and revealed after the event by an analepsis”(Genette, 1980: 109).SummaryAmong the four basic forms of narrative movements, summary is only second to ellipsis in narrative rhythms. It is a “narration in a few paragraphs or a few pages of several days, months, or years of existence, without details of action or speech” (Genette, 1980: 95-96). In the tradition of the novel, insignificant events which do not greatly influence the course of the plot are quickly summarized, while the turning points or the dramatic climaxes which have a strong influence on the course of the plot are presented extensively in scenes. Generally speaking, summary is the most usual transition between two scenes, the basic background which makes scenes stand out, and thus the most excellent connective tissue of novelistic narrative. The narrative speed is accelerated through a textual “condensation” or “compression” of a story time into a relatively short statement. The degree of compression can, of course, vary from summary to summary, which will contribute to different degrees of acceleration.In addition to accelerating the narrative, summary is also a suitable instrument for presenting background information, or for connecting various scenes. Another function of summary is to connect different scenes.SceneIn a scene, story time and narrative time are conventionally considered identical. In this situation, an event is described in detail, almost in extenso. Thus it gives us a feeling of participating in the scene in person. As mentioned in the last section, the fundamental rhythm of the novelistic narrative is defined by the alternation of summary and scene. Obviously, in so doing, the aim is neither to overtire readers with too rapid a tempo nor to bore them with one that was too slow. According to Genette, the purest scenic form is dialogue, which basically realizes the equality of time between story and narrative. Of course, a detailed description of an event is also considered scenic. Thus,what characterizes a scene is the quantity of narrative information and the relative effacement of the narrator.PauseAs mentioned above, compared to ellipses, pause is the minimum speed in these two extremes of the narrative movements. In a pause, some segment of the text corresponds to zero story time while the narrative time can infinitely go on. There appear two kinds of pauses: the descriptive pause and the commentary pause.Chapter Three FrequencyDefinition of FrequencyNarrative frequency is one of the main aspects of narrative temporality. It refers to, according to Genette, “the relations of frequency (or, more simply, of repeti tion) between the narrative and the diegesis”(Genette, 1980:113). An event is not only capable of happening; it can also happen again, or be repeated. The “repetition” is in fact a mental construction that is attained by the elimination of the peculiar aspects of each occurrence itself, and a preservation of only those qualities shared by all the others of the same class. From the multiplication of the two possibilities given on both sides: the event repeated or not, the statement repeated or not, we can reduce the system of relationships between the narrated events of the story and the narrative statements of the text to three virtual types: singulative narrative, repeating narrative and iterative narrative.Singulative NarrativeSingulative narrative is far and away the most ordinary and normal form in the three kinds of frequency, and it means “narrating once what happened once (or, if we want to abbreviate with a pseudo-mathematical formula: 1N/1S)” or “narrating n times what happened n times (nN/nS)” (Ge nette, 1980: 114-115).Repeating NarrativeIn repeating narrative, the recurrences of the statement do not correspond to any recurrence of events, and it refers to “narrating n times what happened once” (Genette, 1980: 115). On the one hand, the same event can be told several times with stylisticvariations; on the other hand, it can also repeat with variation in “point of view”.Iterative NarrativeIterative narrative is a type of narrative, where a single narrative utterance takes upon itself several occ urrences together within the same event, and it means “narrating one time (or rather: at one time) what happened n times (1N/nS)” (Genette, 1980:116). Every iterative narrative is a synthetic narrating of the events that occur and reoccur in the course of an iterative series that is composed of a certain number of singular units (Genette, 1980:127).Chapter Four MoodDefinition of MoodThe term “mood” invokes a grammatical category in a metaphorical way. To be more strictly, it categorizes verb forms into indicative, imperative, interrogative and subjunctive according to whether they state a fact, give an order, tell a possibility or express a wish. Metaphorically, Genette defines mood from “degrees of affirmation” and “the different points of view from which the life or action is looked at” (Genette, 1980:161). Narrative mood aims at the capability of telling things from whose point of view. Narrative representation, or narrative information, has its degrees according to Genette. He believes that “the narrat ive can furnish the reader with more or fewer details, and in a more or less direct way, and can thus seem (to adopt a common and convenient spatial metaphor, which is not to be taken literally) to keep at a greater or lesser distance from what it tells” (Genette, 1980:162). The narrative can also choose to regulate the information it delivers according to the capacities of knowledge of one of another participant in the story, with the narrative adopting or seemingly adopting the participant’s vision or poi nt of view. Thus narrative mood involves two aspects, in which way the narrative information is regulated and the different degrees of its provision. The word “mood” in French is the same as the word for “music”. Genette said that narrative mood is depende nt on the “distance” and “perspective” of the narrator, and like music, narrative mood has predominant patterns.MoodDistanceBefore we come to the analysis of distance in this novel, it is necessary to have a look at when the term of “distance” was addr essed for the first time and its essential meaning. In Book III of The Republic, Plato contrasts two narrative modes. They include whether the poet “himself is the speaker and does not even attempt to suggest to us that anyone but himself is speaking”, which Plato calls pure narrative, or the poet “delivers a speech as if he were someone else”, which is called imitation or mimesis(Genette, 1980:162). Indirection and condensation are two distinctive features of pure narrative, and it is more distant than imitation: it says less, and in a more mediated way. At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth in the United States and England, the contrast surged forth in novel theory, in the barely transposed terms of showing vs. telling. Showing in a novel, with little or no narratorial meditation, allows readers to experience the story through a character’s action, words, thoughts, senses and feeling, while in a telling mode, the narrator controls the action, the characterization and the point-of-view arrangement as well as readers instead through the narrator’s exposition, summarization and description. To study distance, there are other two terms that should be distinguished: narrative of events and narrative of words.Narrative of events is a narrative in which the nonverbal is transcribed into the verbal. It involves mimesis and diegesis (or we can say “showing”and “telling”). The mimetic factors come down to those two data: the large quantity of narrative information and the effacement of the narrator. Generally speaking, mimesis leaves no trace of the narrator telling. On the other hand, diegesis can be defined by a minimum of information and a maximum of the informer. That is, the quantity of information and the presence of the informer are in inverse ratio. Actually, the verbal “imitation”of nonverbal events is just an illusion of mimesis, not a real mimesis. It is not realistic that in the narrative of events there is no interference of the narrator or no traces of thenarrator telling.Narrative of words involves the distance between the narrator and the character s’speech. According to Genette, it can be divided into three types: narrated speech, transposed speech, and reported speech.Among them, narrated speech is the most distant, and the most reduced; transposed speech is more mimetic and capable of exhaustiveness; the most “mimetic” form is reported speech.PerspectiveGenette defines narrative perspective, after distance, “the second mode of regulating information” (Genette,1980:185) in narrative fictions. It is also called “focalization”. According to Mieke Bal, focalization refers to “the elements presented and the vision through which they are presented” (Bal, 1997:100). Focalization, then, becomes a matter of whose point of view orients the narrative perspective. Since the end of the nineteenth century, among all the questions related to narrative techniques, “point of view” is the one most frequently studied, with indisputable critical results. Genette’s replacement of i t to the slightly more abstract term “focalization” makes an attempt to avoid the specifical visual connotations of the terms “vision”, “field” and “point of view”.Each narrative has both a narrator and a focalizer. A narrator is the speaker of the narrative, the agent who establishes communication with a narratee and decides what and how the story will be told. The narrator tells what the focalizer sees. A focalizer is the agent whose point of view orients the narrative text. A text is anchored on the point of view of a focalizer when it presents (and does not transcend) the thoughts, reflections and knowledge of the focalizer, his or her actual and imaginary perceptions, as well as his or her cultural and ideological orientation. It goes without saying that the narrator and the focalizer do not always overlap within the same person or narrative agent, andhence the different kinds of narrative situations. Genette divides focalization into three kinds: zero focalization, external focalization and internal focalization.Zero focalization has the same features with the traditional omniscient point of view, where the narrator knows more than the character, or to be more exact says more than any of the characters knows. It can be symbolized by the formula: Narrator>Character by Todorov.Internal focalization takes place when events or thoughts are mediated through the point of view of the focalizer, and it can be symbolized by Narrato r=Character, signifying that the narrator says only what a given character knows. It is always employed by modern narrators to see an event or to experience a feeling from a character’s perspective, emphasizing the description of the thoughts, feelings of characters, as well as analysis and interpretation of their actions. This narrative type includes three sub-types: fixed internal focalization, referring to that the presentation of narrative facts and events from the constant point of view of a single focalizer, variable internal focalization, which means the presentation of different episodes of the story as seen through the eyes of several focalizers, and multiple internal focalization, a technique of presentation of an episode repeatedly, each time through the eyes of a different focalizer.External focalization occurs when the narrator presents the aspects of the story using solely observable, external information, and it denotes a focalization that is limited to what the observer could actually have observed from the outside. This focalization has the narrator focusing on some visible and external aspects of the events and characters in the narrative, and the narrator merely relates physically ascertainable facts to the reader. It could be formulated as: Narrator<Character.Chapter Five VoiceDefinition of VoiceThe term “voice” easily reminds readers of its grammatical definition that refers to a verb either active or passive. More generally, it indicates the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses. On the narrative level, the subject is not only the person who carries out or submits to the action, but also the person (the same one or another) who reports it, and, if needed, all those people who participate, even though passively, in this narrating activity (Genette, 1980:213). In narratology, the basic question involving voice is “Who speaks?” It means that who narrates this story. Voice has a great deal to do with characterization and consciousness of the narrator or narrators. According to Genette, narrative voice concentrates on the study of the narrating instance from three aspects: time of narrating, narrative levels and person.VoiceTime of NarratingTime of narrating in a text can’t be avoided, since a writer must necessarily tell the story in a tense, no matter whether it is present, past, or future, and it can keep various temporal relations with the events of the story. The narrator is always in a specific temporal position relative to the story he or she is telling. From the point of view of temporal position, Genette describes four types of narrating.The most frequently used one far and away is called subsequent narrating, which is the classical position of the past-tense narrative, telling readers the events after they happen; the second type is a kind of predictive narrating, which is called prior narrating。
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Syntactic Topic ModelsJordan Boyd-Graber Department of Computer Science35Olden StreetPrinceton UniversityPrinceton,NJ08540jbg@David BleiDepartment of Computer Science35Olden StreetPrinceton UniversityPrinceton,NJ08540blei@ AbstractWe develop the syntactic topic model(STM),a nonparametric Bayesian modelof parsed documents.The STM generates words that are both thematically andsyntactically constrained,which combines the semantic insights of topic modelswith the syntactic information available from parse trees.Each word of a sentenceis generated by a distribution that combines document-specific topic weights andparse-tree-specific syntactic transitions.Words are assumed to be generated in anorder that respects the parse tree.We derive an approximate posterior inferencemethod based on variational methods for hierarchical Dirichlet processes,and wereport qualitative and quantitative results on both synthetic data and hand-parseddocuments.1IntroductionProbabilistic topic models provide a suite of algorithms forfinding low dimensional structure in a corpus of documents.Whenfit to a corpus,the underlying representation often corresponds to the “topics”or“themes”that run through it.Topic models have improved information retrieval[1],word sense disambiguation[2],and have additionally been applied to non-text data,such as for computer vision and collaborativefiltering[3,4].Topic models are widely applied to text despite a willful ignorance of the underlying linguistic structures that exist in natural language.In a topic model,the words of each document are assumed to be exchangeable;their probability is invariant to permutation.This simplification has proved useful for deriving efficient inference techniques and quickly analyzing very large corpora[5]. However,exchangeable word models are limited.While useful for classification or information retrieval,where a coarse statistical footprint of the themes of a document is sufficient for success, exchangeable word models are ill-equipped for problems relying on morefine-grained qualities of language.For instance,although a topic model can suggest documents relevant to a query,it cannot find particularly relevant phrases for question answering.Similarly,while a topic model might discover a pattern such as“eat”occurring with“cheesecake,”it lacks the representation to describe selectional preferences,the process where certain words restrict the choice of the words that follow. It is in this spirit that we develop the syntactic topic model,a nonparametric Bayesian topic model that can infer both syntactically and thematically coherent topics.Rather than treating words as the exchangeable unit within a document,the words of the sentences must conform to the structure of a parse tree.In the generative process,the words arise from a distribution that has both a document-specific thematic component and a parse-tree-specific syntactic component.We illustrate this idea with a concrete example.Consider a travel brochure with the sentence“In the near future,you couldfind yourself in.”Both the low-level syntactic context of a word and its document context constrain the possibilities of the word that can appear next.Syntactically,ita travel brochure,we would expect to see words such as“Acapulco,”“Costa Rica,”or“Australia”more than“kitchen,”“debt,”or“pocket.”Our model can capture these kinds of regularities and exploit them in predictive problems.Previous efforts to capture local syntactic context include semantic space models[6]and similarity functions derived from dependency parses[7].These methods successfully determine words that share similar contexts,but do not account for thematic consistency.They have difficulty with pol-ysemous words such as“fly,”which can be either an insect or a term from baseball.With a sense of document context,i.e.,a representation of whether a document is about sports or animals,the meaning of such terms can be distinguished.Other techniques have attempted to combine local context with document coherence using linear sequence models[8,9].While these models are powerful,ordering words sequentially removes the important connections that are preserved in a syntactic parse.Moreover,these models gener-ate words either from the syntactic or thematic context.In the syntactic topic model,words are constrained to be consistent with both.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.We describe the syntactic topic model,and develop an approximate posterior inference technique based on variational methods.We study its performance both on synthetic data and hand parsed data[10].We show that the STM captures relationships missed by other models and achieves lower held-out perplexity.2The syntactic topic modelWe describe the syntactic topic model(STM),a document model that combines observed syntactic structure and latent thematic structure.To motivate this model,we return to the travel brochure sentence“In the near future,you couldfind yourself in.”.The word thatfills in the blank is constrained by its syntactic context and its document context.The syntactic context tells us that it is an object of a preposition,and the document context tells us that it is a travel-related word.The STM attempts to capture these joint influences on words.It models a document corpus as exchangeable collections of sentences,each of which is associated with a tree structure such as aparse tree(Figure1(b)).The words of each sentence are assumed to be generated from a distribution influenced both by their observed role in that tree and by the latent topics inherent in the document. The latent variables that comprise the model are topics,topic transition vectors,topic weights,topic assignments,and top-level weights.Topics are distributions over afixed vocabulary(τk in Figure 1).Each is further associated with a topic transition vector(πk),which weights changes in topics between parent and child nodes.Topic weights(θd)are per-document vectors indicating the degree to which each document is“about”each topic.Topic assignments(z n,associated with each internal node of1(b))are per-word indicator variables that refer to the topic from which the corresponding word is assumed to be drawn.The STM is a nonparametric Bayesian model.The number of topics is notfixed,and indeed can grow with the observed data.The STM assumes the following generative process of a document collection.1.Choose global topic weightsβ∼GEM(α)2.For each topic index k={1,...}:(a)Choose topicτk∼Dir(σ)(b)Choose topic transition distributionπk∼DP(αT,β)3.For each document d={1,...M}:(a)Choose topic weightsθd∼DP(αD,β)(b)For each sentence in the document:i.Choose topic assignment z0∝θdπstartii.Choose root word w0∼mult(1,τz0)iii.For each additional word w n and parent p n,n∈{1,...d n}•Choose topic assignment z n∝θdπzp(n)•Choose word w n∼mult(1,τzn)The distinguishing feature of the STM is that the topic assignment is drawn from a distribution that combines two vectors:the per-document topic weights and the transition probabilities of the topic assignment from its parent node in the parse tree.By merging these vectors,the STM models both the local syntactic context and corpus-level semantics of the words in the documents.Because they depend on their parents,the topic assignments and words are generated by traversing the tree.A natural alternative model would be to traverse the tree and choose the topic assignment from eitherthe parental topic transitionπzp(n)or document topic weightsθd,based on a binary selector variable.This would be an extension of[8]to parse trees,but it does not enforce words to be syntactically consistent with their parent nodes and be thematically consistent with a topic of the document.Only one of the two conditions must be true.Rather,this approach draws on the idea behind the product of experts[11],multiplying two vectors and renormalizing to obtain a new distribution.Taking the point-wise product can be thought of as viewing one distribution through the“lens”of another, effectively choosing only words whose appearance can be explained by both.The STM is closely related to the hierarchical Dirichlet process(HDP).The HDP is an extension of Dirichlet process mixtures to grouped data[12].Applied to text,the HDP is a probabilistic topic model that allows each document to exhibit multiple topics.It can be thought of as the“infinite”topic version of latent Dirichlet allocation(LDA)[13].The difference between the STM and the HDP is in how the per-word topic assignment is drawn.In the HDP,this topic assignment is drawn directly from the topic weights and,thus,the HDP assumes that words within a document are ex-changeable.In the STM,the words are generated conditioned on their parents in the parse tree.The exchangeable unit is a sentence.The STM is also closely related to the infinite tree with independent children[14].The infinite tree models syntax by basing the latent syntactic category of children on the syntactic category of the parent.The STM reduces to the Infinite Tree whenθd isfixed to a vector of ones.3Approximate posterior inferenceThe central computational problem in topic modeling is to compute the posterior distribution of the latent structure conditioned on an observed collection of documents.Specifically,our goal is to compute the posterior topics,topic transitions,per-document topic weights,per-word topic assign-ments,and top-level weights conditioned on a set of documents,each of which is a collection of parse trees.This posterior distribution is intractable to compute.In typical topic modeling applications,it is approximated with either variational inference or collapsed Gibbs sampling.Fast Gibbs sampling relies on the conjugacy between the topic assignment and the prior over the distribution that gen-erates it.The syntactic topic model does not enjoy such conjugacy because the topic assignment is drawn from a multiplicative combination of two Dirichlet distributed vectors.We appeal to varia-tional inference.In variational inference,the posterior is approximated by positing a simpler family of distributions,indexed by free variational parameters.The variational parameters are fit to be close in relative entropy to the true posterior.This is equivalent to maximizing the Jensen’s bound on the marginal probability of the observed data [15].We use a fully-factorized variational distribution,q (β,z,θ,π,τ|β∗,φ,γ,ν)=q (β|β∗) d q (θd |γd ) k q (πk |νk ) n q (z n |φn ).(1)Following [16],q (β|β∗)is not a full distribution,but is a degenerate point estimate truncated so that all weights whose index is greater than K are zero in the variational distribution.The variational parameters γd and νz index Dirichlet distributions,and φn is a topic multinomial for the n th word.From this distribution,the Jensen’s lower bound on the log probability of the corpus is L (γ,ν,φ;β,θ,π,τ)=E q [log p (β|α)+log p (θ|αD ,β)+log p (π|αP ,β)+log p (z |θ,π)+log p (w |z ,τ)+log p (τ|σ)]−E q [log q (θ)+log q (π)+log q (z )].(2)Expanding E q [log p (z |θ,π)]is difficult,so we add an additional slack parameter,ωn to approximate the expression.This derivation and the complete likelihood bound is given in the supplement.We use coordinate ascent to optimize the variational parameters to be close to the true posterior.Per-word variational updates The variational update for the topic assignment of the n th word is φni ∝exp Ψ(γi )−Ψ( K j =1γj )+ K j =1φp (n ),j Ψ(νj,i )−Ψ K k =1νj,k + c ∈c (n ) K j =1φc,j Ψ(νi,j )−Ψ K k =1νi,k − c ∈c (n )ω−1c K j γj νi,j P k γk P kνi,k +log τi,w n .(3)The influences on estimating the posterior of a topic assignment are:the document’s topic γ,the topic of the node’s parent p (n ),the topic of the node’s children c (n ),the expected transitions be-tween topics ν,and the probability of the word within a topic τi,w n .Most terms in Equation 3are familiar from variational inference for probabilistic topic models,as the digamma functions appear in the expectations of multinomial distributions.The second to last term is new,however,because we cannot assume that the point-wise product of πk and θd will sum to one.We approximate the normalizer for their produce by introducing ω;its update is ωn = i =1 j =1φp (n ),j γi νj,i K k =1γk K k =1νj,k .Variational Dirichlet distributions and topic composition This normalizer term also appears in the derivative of the likelihood function for γand ν(the parameters to the variational distributions on θand π,respectively),which cannot be solved in a closed form.We use conjugate gradient optimization to determine the appropriate updates for these parameters [17].Top-level weights Finally,we consider the top-level weights.The first K −1stick-breaking proportions are drawn from a Beta distribution with parameters (1,α),but we assume that the final stick-breaking proportion is unity (thus implying β∗is non-zero only from 1...K ).Thus,we only optimize the first K −1positions and implicitly take β∗K =1− K −1i β∗i .This constrained optimization is performed using the barrier method [17].4Empirical resultsBefore considering real-world data,we demonstrate the STM on synthetic natural language data.We generated synthetic sentences composed of verbs,nouns,prepositions,adjectives,and determiners. Verbs were only in the head position;prepositions could appear below nouns or verbs;nouns only appeared below verbs;prepositions or determiners and adjectives could appear below nouns.Each of the parts of speech except for prepositions and determiners were sub-grouped into themes,and a document contains a single theme for each part of speech.For example,a document can only contain nouns from a single“economic,”“academic,”or“livestock”theme.Using a truncation level of16,wefit three different nonparametric Bayesian language models to the synthetic data(Figure2).1The infinite tree model is aware of the tree structure but not docu-ments[14]It is able to separate parts of speech successfully except for adjectives and determiners (Figure2(a)).However,it ignored the thematic distinctions that actually divided the terms between documents.The HDP is aware of document groupings and treats the words exchangeably within them[12].It is able to recover the thematic topics,but has missed the connections between the parts of speech,and has conflated multiple parts of speech(Figure2(b)).The STM is able to capture the the topical themes and recover parts of speech(with the exception of prepositions that were placed in the same topic as nouns with a self loop).Moreover,it was able to identify the same interconnections between latent classes that were apparent from the infinite tree. Nouns are dominated by verbs and prepositions,and verbs are the root(head)of sentences. Qualitative description of topics learned from hand-annotated data The same general proper-ties,but with greater variation,are exhibited in real data.We converted the Penn Treebank[10],a corpus of manually curated parse trees,into a dependency parse[18].The vocabulary was pruned to terms that appeared in at least ten documents.Figure3shows a subset of topics learned by the STM with truncation level32.Many of the re-sulting topics illustrate both syntactic and thematic consistency.A few nonspecific function topics emerged(pronoun,possessive pronoun,general verbs,etc.).Many of the noun categories were more specialized.For instance,Figure3shows clusters of nouns relating to media,individuals associated with companies(“mr,”“president,”“chairman”),and abstract nouns related to stock prices(“shares,”“quarter,”“earnings,”“interest”),all of which feed into a topic that modifies nouns(“his,”“their,”“other,”“last”).Thematically related topics are separated by both function and theme.This division between functional and topical uses for the latent classes can also been seen in the values for the per-document multinomial over topics.A number of topics in Figure3(b),such as17, 15,10,and3,appear to some degree in nearly every document,while other topics are used more sparingly to denote specialized content.Withα=0.1,this plot also shows that the nonparametric Bayesian framework is ignoring many later topics.Perplexity To study the performance of the STM on new data,we estimated the held out proba-bility of previously unseen documents with an STM trained on a portion of the Penn Treebank.For each position in the parse trees,we estimate the probability the observed word.We compute the perplexity as the exponent of the inverse of the per-word average log probability.The lower the per-plexity,the better the model has captured the patterns in the data.We also computed perplexity for individual parts of speech to study the differences in predictive power between content words,such as nouns and verbs,and function words,such as prepositions and determiners.This illustrates how different algorithms better capture aspects of context.We expect function words to be dominated by local context and content words to be determined more by the themes of the document.This trend is seen not only in the synthetic data(Figure4(a)),where parsing models better predict functional categories like prepositions and document only models fail to account for patterns of verbs and determiners,but also in real data.Figure4(b)shows that HDP and STM both perform better than parsing models in capturing the patterns behind nouns,while both the STM and the infinite tree have lower perplexity for verbs.Like parsing models,our model was better able to 1In Figure2and Figure3,we mark topics which represent a single part of speech and are essentially the lone representative of that part of speech in the model.This is a subjective determination of the authors,does not reflect any specialization or special treatment of topics by the model,and is done merely for didactic purposes.(c)Combination of parse transition and document multinomialFigure2:Three models werefit to the synthetic data described in Section4.Each box illustrates the topfive words of a topic;boxes that represent homogenous parts of speech have rounded edges and are shaded.Edges between topics are labeled with estimates of their transition weightπ.While the infinite tree model(a)is able to reconstruct the parts of speech used to generate the data,it lumps all topics into the same categories.Although the HDP(b)can discover themes of recurring words,it cannot determine the interactions between topics or separate out ubiquitous words that occur in all documents.The STM(c)is able to recover the structure.predict the appearance of prepositions,but also remained competitive with HDP on content words. On the whole,the STM had lower perplexity than HDP and the infinite tree.5DiscussionWe have introduced and evaluated the syntactic topic model,a nonparametric Bayesian model of parsed documents.The STM achieves better perplexity than the infinite tree or the hierarchical Dirichlet process and uncovers patterns in text that are both syntactically and thematically consistent. This dual relevance is useful for work in natural language processing.For example,recent work[19, 20]in the domain of word sense disambiguation has attempted to combine syntactic similarity with topical information in an ad hoc manner to improve the predominant sense algorithm[21].The syntactic topic model offers a principled way to learn both simultaneously rather than combining two heterogenous methods.The STM is not a full parsing model,but it could be used as a means of integrating document context into parsing models.This work’s central premise is consistent with the direction of recent improvements in parsing technology in that it provides a method for refining the parts of speech present in a corpus.For example,lexicalized parsers[22]create rules specific to individual terms, and grammar refinement[23]divides general roles into multiple,specialized ones.The syntactic topic model offers an alternative method offinding more specific rules by grouping words together that appear in similar documents and could be extended to a full parser.1357912151821242730D o c u m e n t Figure a many is also extent more sparingly for semantic content.P e r p l e x i t y (a)Synthetic P e r p l e x i t y (b)Treebank Figure 4:After fitting three models on synthetic data,the syntactic topic model has better (lower)perplexity on all word classes except for adjectives.HDP is better able to capture document-level patterns of adjectives.The infinite tree captures prepositions best,which have no cross-document variation.On real data 4(b),the syntactic topic model was able to combine the strengths of the infinite tree on functional categories like prepositions with the strengths of the HDP on content categories like nouns to attain lower overall perplexity.While traditional topic models reveal groups of words that are used in similar documents,the STM uncovers groups that are used the same way in similar documents.This decomposition is useful for tasks that require a more fine-grained representation of language than the bag of words can offer or for tasks that require a broader context than parsing models.6AcknowledgmentsDavid M.Blei is supported by ONR 175-6343,NSF CAREER 0745520,and grants from Google and Microsoft.References[1]Wei,X.,B.Croft.LDA-based document models for ad-hoc retrieval.In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIRConference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval.2006.[2]Cai,J.F.,W.S.Lee,Y.W.Teh.NUS-ML:Improving word sense disambiguation using topic features.InProceedings of SemEval-2007.Association for Computational Linguistics,2007.[3]Fei-Fei Li,P.Perona.A Bayesian hierarchical model for learning natural scene categories.In CVPR’05-Volume2,pages524–531.IEEE Computer Society,Washington,DC,USA,2005.[4]Marlin,B.Modeling user rating profiles for collaborativefiltering.In S.Thrun,L.Saul,B.Sch¨o lkopf,eds.,Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.MIT Press,Cambridge,MA,2004.[5]Griffiths,T.,M.Steyvers.Probabilistic topic models.In 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