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学号: 0815540128
外文出处:The American journal of sociology,
Vol. 77,No. 4(Jan., 1972), pp.
附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。








比如下面所举出的一个鲁莽的例子:Alberto Ramirez和他名义上的妻子Elisa 在昨天下午举行了一个仪式纪念一个叫Longina的女人...”记者在诽谤和荒谬确定的“客观性”与“事实”之间,他们自己或其他记者观察或可核实。

验证假设使用或能够使像使用适当的程序,例如通过电话呼叫民事登记处的办公室,以验证是否Alberto 的确是Longina的丈夫。



























































































4. 构建信息在一个合适的词组。






















The journalists confront these pressures emphasizing their "objectivity", arguing that the dangers can be diminished if informative strategies are followed that they identify with the "objective news". They assume that if all the journalists compile and structure "facts" of an independent way, without prejudices and impersonal, the closings will be able to be fulfilled and to be avoided the demands by defamation. The journalists think that most of people she includes/understands the importance of the hours of closing, although only is by the stereotypes of the journalistic work that Hollywood spreads; they explain mainly to profane the dangers of the judgments by defamation. Speaking on their own experiences in defamation judgments, the journalists affirmed that its behavior had been objective, but who had committed inevitable errors. In two words, their commentaries were: the journalist has to put in judgment fabric the facts resorting to the sources, but some facts simply have to be accepted like "true" immediately. If everything had to be put at issue we would arrive at absurd like the following one: "Alberto Ramirez and his thus denominated wife Elisa Sonseca Phons carried out in afternoon of yesterday what could be described like a celebration in his generally denominated home in honor of a woman that says to be called Longina Berrueco Sonseca and to that commonly
attributes to the being the aunt of previously described like, in agreement with its testimony, lady of the house".
The journalists sail between the defamation and the absurd one identifying the "objectivity" with the "facts" that they themselves or other journalists observe or who can be verified. The verification supposes to use or to be able to make use of appropriate procedures like for example calling by telephone to the office of the Civil Registry to verify if Alberto Ramirez is indeed the husband of Elisa Sonseca. If the verification is necessary but it cannot obtain itself, the journalists can resort to other strategies.
Besides to verify "facts", the four following strategic procedures, exemplified like the formal attributes of the news, allow the journalist to proclaim their objectivity.
1. -Presentation of possibilities in conflict. - The journalists have to be able to identify the "facts", even although the authentic character of some of them is not easily verifiable. For example, an American senator affirms that America goes behind the Soviet Union in the development of a specific type of missile. A reporter certainly cannot verify such affirmation on time to arrive at the closing of his edition, and it is even possible that he never could locate the information precise to value to what extent the made affirmation is or not a "fact". The reporter only can determine that the senator affirmed
"A". The journalists understand that affirmation "X said To" is a "fact", although "To" it is false.
This as much creates problems to the reporter as to the informative organization. In the first place, the consumer of the news which wants is to know if the affirmation "To" is or not a "fact", and a function of the news is to say to him to the consumer of the news which wants and needs to know. Secondly, since the affirmation of the senator cannot be verified, the consumer of the news can blame the reporter and his informative company of parcialidad (or "to favor" the senator) if he also does not present/display the alternative opinion. For example, if the senator is democratic and the president is republican, the consumer of the news can accuse the newspaper to favor the democrats, because the only "mentioned fact" has been that the democratic senator affirms "A". The journalist will notice that his capacity to proclaim his "objectivity" before the future critics is in danger. Although the reporter cannot by itself verify the truth of the affirmation of the senator, can look for which yes can. For example, he can ask the republican minister of defense if the affirmation of the senator is true. If the defense minister affirms that the accusation of the senator is "false", the reporter will not be able to prove that the affirmation of the minister is "factual". Of all ways he will be able to write that the defense minister affirmed "B". When presenting/displaying both claims really, the "A" of the senator and the "B" of the defense minister, the journalist will be able to
affirm that it is "objective", because he presents/displays "both sides of history" without favoring to a political party or person some. In addition, when presenting/displaying both claims really, "the objective" journalist leaves supposedly is the consumer of the news that if decides the senator or the minister "says the truth".
To say that this practical one is a mechanism to maintain the objectivity is problematic. In this simple example we can label this practice saying that it supposes "to provide a sufficient number of data to the consumer of the news so that decides by itself". The procedure can be complicated more and more. For example, within argument "B", the defense minister can accuse the senator that he is making political with the national defense. The head of the General Staff of the army, a democrat, will compensate then the attacks of the defense minister having affirmed that he is the republican government who is putting in danger the national security with his systems of intelligence and their vain position in the subject of the military budget for the armamentístico development. On the following day, the president of a pacifist group of national scope will summon a press conference to blame both started off in controversy to overvalue the armamentístico development in damage of the diplomatic efforts for La Paz and the world-wide security. The minister spokesman of the government will make a sentence then of the pacifist leader being a supporter of the Comunism that tries to attack the American political processes.
In this point, there are five people (the senator, the minister of defense, the head of the General Staff of the army, the pacifist leader and the spokesman of the government) who demand the truth for their affirmations of a nonverifiable way, and each one represents a possible reality. Analyzing the controversy about the marijuana, Goode (1970, pp. 50-68) he calls to this gets into the mud of opinions that are said to themselves made "the policy with the reality". Although this notion is important sociological, is useless for the journalists who face the dilemma to identify and to verify the "facts". Anyway, the journalists claim to be "objective" when really match these claims and they publish them as they are followed one another day after day. According to he described a journalist to it, the consumer of the news will not receive in a single day all the sides of a history, but he will be seeing in a period of time a diversity of points of view on the subject.
Like forum where the "policy with the reality" is ventilated, the journalistic definition of the situation goes beyond the presentation of the sufficient data so that the consumer of the news reaches a conclusion. A cluster of contradictory claims really, like which we have put as typical case, can that it is seen like a beneficial invitation, to the consumer of the news, so that exerts its selective perception, in a characteristic reaction before the news. Without a doubt which the invitation to a selective perception is insistent, because each version of the reality demands the same potential validity. In as much as soon as we define the "objectivity" as "attention towards external
objects to the mind" and call "objective" to which "it belongs to the object of the thought and not to the thinking subject" (both definitions of dictionary), it will be difficult to maintain, since the journalists do, whom to
present/display possibilities in conflict objectivity generates.
2. -Presentation of the lifting evidence. Of course, there are occasions in which the journalist can obtain an evidence that really maintains a claim. A lifting evidence is the appointment and positioning of "additional facts" that commonly we accepted like truth. This insistence in the "lifting facts" is generalized, appearing between the critics of the publishers and platoon leaders to the reporters, like between the critics of the reporters to the publishers and heads.
For example, late an assistant to the director of the edition requested to the writing that "became more objective necros", after reading an obituary note that he described to the deceased like a "skillful musician". He asked: "and how we know that the deceased was a" skillful musician ", and not a" musician from three to the quarter "that touched in the municipal band". One said to him that paragraphs more down in the note consisted that the concluded one had touched with John Philip Sousa. The "additional fact", was suitable the edition head, justified the skillful "musical" term.
Of seemed way, a reporter criticized his edition heads because they corrected bad and "nonobjective", when an article was published on "communist propaganda" in certain surroundings. He expressed that the
article at issue must have mentioned more "done", for example what examined work titles were considered propaganda communist. Although he recognized that the label of "communist propaganda" was not a very fine characterization of each individual piece of Literature, insisted in which one more a more concrete presentation would be "objective more". He would offer "facts" (titles) that they really supported the initial affirmation. In addition, the presumably mentioned titles would allow the reader in the same way to value the degree in which the description "communist propaganda" was exact and with "factual" it, in which the association of the musician passed away with Sousa would allow the reader to decide by itself if the label of "skillful musician" were accurate.
The affirmation of the journalists, of which "the facts speak by themselves" is instructive. This saying implies a distinction generalized between the "facts that speak" and the own reporter (or the orador, or cotilla, etc.) that it speaks of "facts". If the journalist had to speak by the "facts", she could not proclaim that he is objective, "impersonal" or "without prejudices". Of course, it is a sociological obviedad that the "facts" do not speak by themselves. For example, Shibutani (1966) demonstrates that the affirmation and acceptance of the "facts" depend in much measurement of the social processes.
3. -The judicious use of the comiles. The journalists see the appointments of the opinion of other people as a form of lifting evidence. When putting in
the opinion of somebody more, thinks that they themselves of the participation in history move away, and with it they leave "done them" speak, as she shows the discussion between platoon leaders in the following incident.
A building in a marginal district, whose proprietor was absent, had remained during several days without heating, to a temperature near the zero degrees. The proprietor declared to have sent to somebody to fix the boiler at those same moments. When Smith, the premises head, telephoned to the building, nobody was working to repair the heating, "fact" that Smith added to the information of the reporter who covered the event. When verifying history, Jones, the section director, called to its subordinate Smith so that it was put in contact with more renters of the building to increase the number of names mentioned in the information.
Jones said: "If you obtain to me más(declaraciones of renters) we removed it". (After some time) Jones repeated that it wanted more appointments of declarations because "was having difficulties". Without lifting evidences, history could give rise in opinion.
When adding more names and declarations the reporter can clear his own opinions of the story and obtain that others say what he himself thinks. For example, in the news coverage of a visit of a group of affected by a massacre of black students in Orangeburg, Carolina of the South, a federal public prosecutor, a reporter asked the protestant shepherd of the group for
its reaction before the conduct that the federal public prosecutor had had with them.
The priest answered: "We felt great preoccupation by everything what it is happening. He is lamentable that our preoccupation receives an answer that really does not recognize that there are people who have been assassinated, are many emotions that are growing and to that attention is not being lent when it is said to us that olvidemos"... the then reporter asked," to say it in two words, you are you insatisfecho ". The priest talks back, "I think that she has had an unnecessary hardness". Sight to a friend and continuous "Cruelty is the word"."
When we finished, the reporter explained us that he had interviewed the shepherd specifically to be able those affirmations and thus not to have to editorializar the information calling he himself cruel one to the federal public prosecutor.
The use of the appointments to avoid the presence of the journalist in the story extends until the use of the comiles like a device to indicate certain aspects. For example, the comile can be used to mean "this one is a made affirmation by which she is not the same journalist". Also they can have the meaning of "sic". For example. the New Left (without comiles) designates to a group. The "New Left" (with comiles) indicates a group that is called to itself the New Left; in this case, the legitimacy of the group is put at issue.
Made an impression by a radical manifestation against the recruitment, a reporter used all the comiles possible to appease the opinion of his edition heads to which he knew opposite to the manifestation. The article said: Some (thousands) of people moved the sunny afternoon from yesterday to the local Park where an incredibly successful "pacifist march against the recruitment took place", that reached its climax when more of... young they showed his records of recruitment.
The average manifestation of two hours and turned around the growth of the Left "New" movement and to the idea that it is necessary to change the American policy for "constructing a America in which we are not shamed to live".
The protest of the Park is framed within the manifestations that of coast to coast, in 60 cities, are taking place in the National Day of the Resistance. This event, that has lasted two days, concludes today with the beginning of "political factories" in the zone.
The march in the local Park has been seen relatively free of violence, if we considered the high number of participants, the majority young. The commissioner of the municipal police John Smith, in charge of the local police station, has declared: "Only two or three fights, quickly controlled, have darkened something a so perfect day".
(the appointments of the first three paragraphs were taken from the speeches that was pronounced in the event, although the source is not identified in the news).
Although the reporter personally was in agreement with the affirmations and entrecomillados terms, the comiles allow him to affirm that it has not interfered with his opinions in the subject. The comiles turn to history "objective" and they protect to him before his superior ones. This journalist received most of the orders of cover of manifestations, although she got along with the demonstrators, on the contrary who its platoon leaders. If these had noticed their political affections not him they had returned to command to manifestations. In addition their stories would have undergone considerable alterations. Without a doubt the edition heads praised among them the work of the reporter. In sum, the reporter manipulated to his superior ones, interfering with his own opinions by means of the use of a mechanism associated to the objectivity.
4. -To structure the information in an appropriate phrase. To structure the information in appropriate phrases is also a procedure to denote objectivity that is put like example of formal attribute in the news. The most important information of an event has to appear in the first paragraph, and the successive paragraphs will contain the information in decreasing importance. The structure of the news theoretically is looked like an inverted pyramid.
This one is the more problematic formal aspect of the objectivity for a journalist. With respect to the other three formal attributes, the journalist can affirm that she has presented/displayed the different affirmations really in conflict, that are additional evidences and that he has limited himself to compile them, and who the appointments and the entrecomillada information represents the opinion of the others, to not hers own one it. Anyway, although a journalist even can unconsciously act by experience choosing a heading which they will approve his platoon leaders and it to fold itself to the policy of means, the journalist continues being responsible for the holder of the news. He cannot adduce that the election has made it another person. The journalist can invoke his professionalism and only affirm that to his holder valued the his own journalistic judgment.
To invoke the own journalistic judgment (the journalistic sense of smell) is an intrinsically defensive mechanism, because the "journalistic valuation" is the ability to choose "objectively" between "facts" that compete to each other, deciding what "facts" are more "important" or "interesting". "Important" or "interesting" it denotes content. In other words, to justify the structuring of the information the journalist must adduce his slight knowledge of content, "important" or "interesting".
Until certain point the difficulties of the informer are reduced thanks to the well-known formula according to which the news have to contain "who, what, when, where, how and why". These five questions are what it is called。
