关键词:高速公路隧道,安全风险,层次分析法,模糊数学1. 引言随着社会经济的快速进步和交通需求的增加,高速公路隧道在现代交通系统中起到了举足轻重的作用。
2. 相关观点和理论2.1 高速公路隧道高速公路隧道是指在高速公路中设置的人工或半人工开掘的道路隧道,用于穿越山体、城市和河流等交通障碍物。
2.2 安全风险安全风险是指隐含在一定活动中可能对人身、财产或环境造成损害的概率。
2.3 层次分析法层次分析法是一种定量分析复杂问题的方法,通过将一个复杂问题分解成若干个互相关联的层次,从而得到问题的最终解。
3. 高速公路隧道群安全风险评估指标体系的构建3.1 识别评估指标通过文献分析和专家咨询,确定了高速公路隧道群的安全风险评估指标,包括隧道年龄、车流量、车速、照明条件、疏散通道、消防设施等。
3.2 构建层次结构将评估指标划分为层次结构,包括一级指标、二级指标和三级指标。
4. 层次分析法的权重分配接受层次分析法对各指标进行权重分配。
关键词:高速铁路;影响因素;安全评价;模糊网络分析法;网络层次分析法;模糊综合评判中图分类号:U298;X951文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-683X(2020)02-0057-09 DOI:10.19549/j.issn.1001-683x.2020.02.0571概述截至2018年底,我国已建成并投入运营的高速铁路里程达2.9万km以上,占全世界高速铁路运营里程的66%以上。
2.影响高速公路交通安全的因素2.1 驾驶员因素驾驶员是道路交通安全的重要环节。
2.2 车辆因素车辆的技术状况、维修保养情况、载荷情况等也是影响高速公路交通安全的重要因素。
2.3 道路因素道路的设计、建设、维护等因素对高速公路交通安全有着直接的影响。
2.4 环境因素环境因素包括天气、能见度等自然环境因素,以及交通拥堵、施工作业等人为因素。
3.1 确定评价指标针对不同的影响因素,本文选择了相应的评价指标。
d t mi dwi e aa ba e ysmpig T ru hcl l ig ih n me n sn edt’s bly e u g e e r n t t t o t ndb e e hh d i a l . ho g ac a n gt yt s d et g h aa ait ,w d et n u t we ma i a t i t St i j h d t i s be ys n addvain T i l,a o rh nie i v la o ytmo ihsedripoet o s co u ly a al b ad r e i o . hr y mpe es s e a t nss f g ・ e l rjc c nt t nq ai a st t t d c v rk ui e h p a u r i t
第2 6卷
第 2期
V 12 b. 6
NO 2 .
21 0 2年 0 4月
J u n l f n i e rn a a e n o r a g n e i g M n g me t o E
Apr 2 2 . 01
基于模糊综 合评价 的高铁工程施工质量风险分析
熊竣 熙 ,薛 晋 ,赵冬梅
( 西南交通大学 ,四川 成都 6 1 5 ,E ma :10 18 5 qtm) 17 6 — i 2 5 2 5 @q . l o 摘 要 :随着我 国高铁的 不断发展 ,需要对其施工质量风险进行研 究。借鉴 5 E分析 法选取风险评价指标体 系,通过采样 M1
年 才建 成 ,而 国 内对 高铁 工程施 工 的探索 还处 于初 级 阶段 。高 铁工 程项 目投 资 巨大 ,工 程技 术复 杂 ,
基于模糊层次分析法的高速公路交通安全综合评价郭礼照;杨三强;周良川;沈宁【摘要】为了对目前高速公路的交通安全进行系统的综合评价,通过选取合理的代表性评价指标,构建了层次分析法和模糊综合评价法有机结合的评价模型,结合具体的工程实例,建立了相应的评价指标体系,运用模糊层次综合法对新疆某高速公路交通安全水平进行了分析评价.结果表明:该方法可用于高速公路交通安全定性分析与初步评价,具有科学适用性,为高速公路安全综合评价提供了新的思路.%In order to make a comprehensive assessment on the current expressway traffic safety systematically, a representative assessment index is chosen reasonably, the combination of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive assessment method is established, a specific engineering example is combined, the corresponding evaluation index system is established, and a highway traffic safety level in Xinjiang is analyzed and evaluated by hierarchical fuzzy synthesis.The result shows that the method can be used for the qualitative analysis and preliminary evaluation of highway traffic safety, for which is more convenient and reliable, and can provide a new idea for safety assessment on expressway.【期刊名称】《交通科技与经济》【年(卷),期】2017(019)002【总页数】5页(P8-12)【关键词】交通安全;层次分析法;模糊数学理论;高速公路;综合评价【作者】郭礼照;杨三强;周良川;沈宁【作者单位】新疆农业大学机械交通学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830052;河北大学建筑工程学院,河北保定071002;新疆农业大学机械交通学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830052;新疆农业大学机械交通学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830052【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U491近年来,随着我国国民经济的飞速发展,高速公路的建设进程也随之加快。
二、相关理论概述2.1 交通安全影响因素高速公路交通安全是一个复杂的系统工程,影响因素众多,包括:道路状况、车辆状况、交通流量、驾驶员素质等。
2.2 模糊综合评价方法模糊综合评价方法是通过模糊数学理论建立数学模型,利用模糊综合运算对多个评价指标进行综合评价的方法。
三、分析高速公路交通安全影响因素3.1 道路状况道路状况是高速公路交通安全的重要影响因素之一。
3.2 车辆状况车辆状况是高速公路交通安全的另一个重要方面。
3.3 交通流量交通流量是高速公路交通安全的重要指标之一。
3.4 驾驶员素质驾驶员素质是决定高速公路交通安全的关键因素之一。
本文通过引入模糊层次分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process,FAHP),对高原高速公路隧道施工的风险进行评价,并提出相应的风险管理措施。
2.模糊层次分析法及其应用2.1 模糊层次分析法简介模糊层次分析法是一种多指标决策方法,它能够处理判断模糊、主客观信息不确定的问题,适用于复杂的风险评价和管理。
2.2 模糊层次分析法在风险评价中的应用模糊层次分析法在风险评价中具有很高的实用性,它能够综合考虑多个评价因素的权重,从而准确评估风险的程度和优先级。
3.高原高速公路隧道施工风险评价指标体系的构建3.1 风险源分类根据高原高速公路隧道施工的特点,将风险源分为地质风险、构造风险、设计风险、施工风险和管理风险等五类。
3.2 风险评价指标的确定通过对每类风险源的详细分析,确定了相应的风险评价指标,如地质风险源的指标包括地质背景、地下水情况、构造裂隙等。
4.基于模糊层次分析法的高原高速公路隧道施工风险评价4.1 建立模糊层次分析模型根据构建的风险评价指标体系,建立了相应的模糊层次分析模型,明确了每个指标的权重和相对优先级。
4.2 数据收集和处理通过现场勘察、文献研究以及专家访谈等方式,收集了相关数据,并使用模糊数学方法对数据进行处理,得到模糊评价矩阵。
4.3 模糊层次分析法的计算和分析通过对模糊评价矩阵的模糊矩阵运算和归一化处理,最终得到了各个风险源的权重值,进而评估了高原高速公路隧道施工风险的程度和优先级。
5.高原高速公路隧道施工风险管理5.1 风险识别与评价根据评估结果,对各类风险源进行识别和评估,明确隧道施工过程中存在的主要风险。
影响铁路行车安全的因素及防范措施分析1. 引言1.1 背景介绍目前,影响铁路行车安全的因素主要包括环境因素、技术因素和人为因素。
1.2 研究目的研究目的是为了深入分析影响铁路行车安全的因素,并提出有效的防范措施,从而提高铁路运输的安全性和可靠性。
2. 正文2.1 影响铁路行车安全的因素影响铁路行车安全的因素主要包括环境因素、技术因素和人为因素。
主题词:高速公路;交通安全;评价指标;层次分析法abstract: china highway construction after 20 years of development has achieved remarkable achievement, however we should clear recognition to the highway construction have made remarkable achievements in at the same time, but also because of the traffic accident frequency and faced a serious challenge. our country has gradually launched highway safety studies, since late start, it is still lack of depth and the systematic characteristic, highway safety operation period of evaluation not form a system, comprehensive evaluation system. based on the analytic hierarchy method, based on the analysis of the accident screening evaluation index, to set up a comprehensive evaluation system, put forward theevaluation standard and evaluating steps, to evaluate the highway operation stage the purpose of safety level.keywords: highways; traffic safety; evaluation index; analytic hierarchy process (ahp)中图分类号:u412.36+6 文献标识码:a 文章编号:我国高速公路建设经过二十年的发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,由于建设速度快、设计理念陈旧、管理水平有限等问题,我国高速公路进入运营阶段后事故率连年攀升,重大、特大事故层出不穷,给社会发展带来极大的危害。
二、高速公路交通安全影响因素分析1. 人为因素- 驾驶员素质:驾驶员的驾驶技术、反应速度、判断力、以及疲劳驾驶等都会直接影响交通安全。
- 乘客行为:乘客的行为也可能影响道路交通的安全性,如随意走动、打闹等行为均可能导致安全隐患。
- 道路使用者:行人、自行车等与高速公路交叉路上的非机动车参与者的行为也增加了交通安全风险。
2. 车辆因素- 车辆性能:车辆的性能状况,如刹车系统、转向系统等是否正常,直接关系到行车安全。
- 车辆保养:车辆的定期保养和维修对于预防交通事故具有重要意义。
- 车辆超速:超速行驶是导致交通事故的重要原因之一。
3. 道路环境因素- 道路条件:路面的平整度、宽度、照明等都会影响行车安全。
- 交通标志:交通标志的清晰度、设置位置等也是影响交通安全的重要因素。
- 天气状况:雨雪雾等恶劣天气条件会严重影响驾驶员的视线和判断力。
4. 交通管理因素- 交通监控:交通监控系统的完善程度和监控效率直接影响交通事故的预防和处置。
- 交通法规:交通法规的制定和执行对于规范道路交通行为具有重要意义。
- 应急救援:应急救援体系的完备性对于减少交通事故损失和保障行车安全至关重要。
1. 建立评价指标体系:根据高速公路交通安全的影响因素,建立包括人为因素、车辆因素、道路环境因素和交通管理因素等多个评价指标体系。
A fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy-analytical hierarchy process based approach to the process of railway risk information:A railway risk management systemMin An ⇑,Yao Chen,Chris J.BakerSchool of Civil Engineering,University of Birmingham,Birmingham B152TT,UKa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 14July 2010Received in revised form 1April 2011Accepted 29April 2011Available online 10May 2011Keywords:Railway risk assessment Railway safety risk assessment system Fuzzy reasoning approach (FRA)Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (fuzzy-AHP)Shunting at Hammersmith depota b s t r a c tRisk management is becoming increasingly important for railway companies in order tosafeguard their passengers and employees while improving safety and reducing mainte-nance costs.However,in many circumstances,the application of probabilistic riskanalysis tools may not give satisfactory results because the risk data are incompleteor there is a high level of uncertainty involved in the risk data.This article presentsthe development of a risk management system for railway risk analysis using fuzzy rea-soning approach and fuzzy analytical hierarchy decision making process.In the system,fuzzy reasoning approach (FRA)is employed to estimate the risk level of each hazard-ous event in terms of failure frequency,consequence severity and consequence proba-bility.This allows imprecision or approximate information in the risk analysis process.Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (fuzzy-AHP)technique is then incorporated into therisk model to use its advantage in determining the relative importance of the risk con-tributions so that the risk assessment can be progressed from hazardous event level tohazard group level and finally to railway system level.This risk assessment system canevaluate both qualitative and quantitative risk data and information associated with arailway system effectively and efficiently,which will provide railway risk analysts,man-agers and engineers with a method and tool to improve their safety management ofrailway systems and set safety standards.A case study on risk assessment of shuntingat Hammersmith depot is used to illustrate the application of the proposed risk assess-ment system.Ó2011Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe risk,in the railway sector,can be defined in relation to accidents and incidents leading to fatalities or injuries of pas-sengers and employees [31].Recent structured hazard identification work within the industry has confirmed the high-risk0020-0255/$-see front matter Ó2011Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ins.2011.04.051Abbreviations :ALARP,As low as reasonably practicable;CP,Consequence probability;CS,Consequence severity;DHG,Derailment hazard group;EFA,Equivalent fatality analysis;EHG,Electrocution hazard group;EI,Expert index;FAHP,Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process;FEM,Fuzzy Estimation Module;FF,Failure frequency;FHG,Falls from height hazard group;FO,Frequency of occurrence;FRA,Fuzzy reasoning approach;FMEA,Failure mode and effect analysis;Fuzzy-AHP,Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process;FWM,Fuzzy weighting module;HAZOP,Hazard and Operability;MF,Membership function;ODBC,Open database connectivity;OM,Output module;PRA,Probabilistic risk analysis;RISRAS,Railway intelligent safety risk assessment system;RL,Risk level;RTM,Risk Tree Module;SHG,Slips/trips hazard group;TfHG,Train fire hazard group;TsHG,Train strikes person hazard group;UFN,Uniform format number;WF,Weight factor.⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+441214145146;fax:+441214143675.E-mail address:M.An@ (M.An).M.An et al./Information Sciences181(2011)3946–39663947 scenarios of the types of accidents such as collision,derailment andfire[11,25,30,32].The statisticfigures of accidents and incidents include not only workers,but also a significant number of people not employed in the industry,including children and members of the public.In the UK railway industry,many people have been injured and there even have been fatalities in relation to this industry over the past years[25,27,28,34].This shows the dangerous nature of the railway industry and demonstrates the need for increased awareness and better safety management[2,29,33].To assess how this can be effectively achieved,knowledge on the nature and causes of these accidents is fundamental.Therefore,risk analysis plays a central role in the railway safety and health management framework.The most common hazards in the railway depots identified by the railway industry over the years[18,25,27,28,32,34]provide very useful information for risk analysis,for example,derailment hazards,collision hazards,fire hazards,electrocution hazards,falls hazards,train strike hazards,slip/ trip hazards,and platform train interface hazards.The requirement of risk analysis is to demonstrate that if risks associated with a railway system are high,risk reduction measures must be applied or operation and maintenance have to be recon-sidered to reduce the occurrence probabilities or to control the possible consequences.If risks are negligible,no actions are required but the information produced needs to be recorded for audit purpose[2,11,25].Therefore,railway engineers, managers and safety analysts need to develop and employ risk assessment approaches for their safety management and set safety standards.Many of risk assessment techniques currently used in the railway industry are comparatively mature tools,which have been developed on the basis of probabilistic risk analysis(PRA),for example,fault tree analysis,event tree analysis,Monte–Carlo simulation,consequence analysis and equivalent fatality analysis(EFA)[8,25,27,28,32,34].The results of using these tools heavily rely on the availability and accuracy of the risk data[2,3,8,32].However,in many circumstances,these methods often do not cope well with uncertainty of information.Furthermore,the statistic data does not exist and it must be esti-mated on the basis of expert knowledge and experience or engineering judgement.Therefore,railway risk analysts often face the circumstances where the risk data are incomplete or there is a high level of uncertainty involved in the risk data[2,4]. Additionally,railways are a traditional industry,whose history extends for at least two centuries.Much of their safety record depends upon concepts developed many years ago and established practices over the whole of their history.However,the existing databases contain a lot of data and information,but the information may be both an excess of other information that cannot be used in risk analysis or a shortage of key information of major failure events.There are numerous variables inter-acting in a complex manner which cannot be explicitly described by an algorithm,a set of equations or a set of rules.In many circumstances,it may be extremely difficult to conduct PRA to assess the failure frequency of hazards,the probability and the magnitudes of their possible consequences because of the uncertainty in the risk data.Although some work has been con-ducted in thisfield,no formal risk analysis tools have been developed and applied to a stable environment in the railway industry[2,8,32].Therefore,it is essential to develop new risk analysis methods to identify major hazards and assess the associated risks in an acceptable way in various environments where such mature tools cannot be effectively or efficiently applied.The railway depot safety problem is appropriate for examination by FRA and fuzzy-AHP.The magnitude of a risk can usually be assessed by considering two fundamental risk parameters:failure frequency(FF) and consequence severity(CS)[2,29,32,34].The FF defines the number of times an event occurs over a specified period,e.g. number events/year.The CS represents the number of fatalities,major injuries and minor injuries resulting from the occur-rence of a particular hazardous event.However,it should be noted that the magnitude of a particular risk also highly de-pends on the probability that the effects will happen given by the occurrence of the failure.Therefore,the probability of current consequence caused by a particular failure should be taken into consideration in the risk assessment process to obtain a reliable result.In order to assess the risks associated with a railway depot efficiently and effectively,a new risk parameter,consequence probability(CP)is introduced in the proposed risk analysis model to determine the risk level (RL)of a hazardous event.The use of FRA allows imprecision or approximate information involved in the risk assessment process[3,5,18,22,24–26].In this method,a membership function(MF)is regarded as a possibility distribution based on a proposed theory;and an apparent possibility distribution expressed by fuzzy set theory is transferred into a possibility mea-sure distribution.FRA method provides a useful tool for modelling risks and other risk parameters for risk analysis involving the risks with incomplete or redundant safety information[2,8,18,34].Because the contribution of each hazardous event to the safety of a railway depot is different,the weight of the contribution of each hazardous event should be taken into consideration in order to represent its relative contribution to the RL of the railway depot.Therefore,the weight factor (WF)is introduced,which indicates the magnitude of the relevant importance of a hazardous event or hazard group to its belongings in a risk tree.Fuzzy-AHP is then employed to calculate the WFs[2–4,6–9,14–17,35–41].The outcomes of risk assessment are represented as the risk degrees,the defined risk categories of RLs with a belief of percentage and risk contributions that provide safety analysts,managers,engineers and decision makers useful information to improve their safety management and set safety standards.This article presents the development of a railway risk assessment system using FRA and fuzzy-AHP.After the introduction,Section2presents a new risk model.The application of qualitative descriptors and corresponding MF to represents risk factors and RLs are discussed in Section3and the development of fuzzy rule base is also addressed to describe the relationship among risk factors and RL expressions.Section4introduces the application of the proposed risk assessment system and presents a case study on risk assessment of shunting at Hammersmith depot to demonstrate the pro-posed risk assessment methodology.Finally,Section5gives conclusions and a summary of the main benefits of using the proposed methodology in railway risk analysis.3948M.An et al./Information Sciences181(2011)3946–39662.Proposed safety risk assessment modelA risk assessment is a process that can be divided intofive phases:problem definition phase;data and information col-lection and analysis phase;hazard identification phase;risk estimation phase and risk response phase[2,8,25,32].This pro-cess provides a systematic approach to the identification and control of high-risk areas.A risk assessment model based on FRA and fuzzy-AHP approaches is proposed as shown in Fig.1in which EI and UFN stand for expert index and uniform format number,respectively.The proposed risk model consists offive phases:preliminary phase,design phase,FRA risk estimation phase,fuzzy-AHP risk estimation phase and risk response phase.The details of the proposed risk model are described in the following sections.2.1.Preliminary phaseRisk assessment begins with problem definition which involves identifying the need for safety,i.e.specific safety require-ments that should be made at different level,e.g.hazardous event level,hazard group level and the railway depot level.The requirements may include sets of rules and regulations made by the national authorities and classification societies,deter-ministic requirements for safety,reliability,availability,maintainability,and criteria referring to probability of occurrence of serious hazardous events and the possible consequences[2,8,25,32].Once the need for safety is established,the risk assessment moves from the problem identification to the data and infor-mation collection and analysis.The aim of data and information collection and analysis is to develop a good understanding ofM.An et al./Information Sciences181(2011)3946–39663949 what serious accidents and incidents occurred in a particular railway depot over the years and generate a body of informa-tion.If the statistic data does not exist,expert and engineering judgements should be applied.The information gained from data and information collection will then be used to define the standards of qualitative descriptors and associated MFs of risk parameters,i.e.FF,CS,CP and RL.The purpose of hazard identification is to systematically identify all potential hazardous events associated with a railway depot at each required level,e.g.hazardous event level,hazard group level with a view to assessing their effects on railway depot safety.Various hazard identification methods such as brainstorming approach,check-list,‘what if?’,HAZOP(Hazard and Operability),and failure mode and effect analysis(FMEA),may be used individually or in combination to identify the potential hazardous events of a railway depot[8,11,18,25,32].The hazard identification can be initially carried out to identify hazardous events at hazardous event level,and then progressed up to hazard group level andfinally to the depot level.The information from hazard identification will then be used to develop a risk tree.2.2.Design phaseOnce the risk information of a railway depot is obtained in preliminary phase,the risk assessment moves from prelimin-ary phase to design phase.On the basis of information collection,the tasks in the design phase are to develop a risk tree and MFs of FF,CS,CP and RL and a fuzzy rule base.2.2.1.Development of a risk treeThere are many possible causes of risks that impact on railway depot safety.The purpose of development of a risk tree is to decompose these risk contributors into adequate details in which risks associated with a railway depot can be efficiently assessed[3,8].A bottom-up approach is employed for the development of a risk tree.Fig.2shows a typical risk tree that can be broken down into hazardous event level,hazard group level and the depot level.For example,hazardous events of E1;E2;...;E n at hazardous event level affect the RL of S-HG1at sub-hazard group level,the RLs of S-HG1;S-HG2; ...;S-HG n contribute to the RL of HG2at hazard group level and RLs of HG1;HG2;...;HG n contribute to the overall RL ofa railway depot at system level.2.2.2.Development of a fuzzy rule baseA fuzzy rule base consists of a set of fuzzy if-then rules[5,13,23,26]that are often employed to capture the imprecise modes of reasoning,which plays an essential role in the human ability to make decisions in the environments of uncertainty and imprecision.The fuzzy rules can be derived from several sources such as historical data analysis,engineering judgement and expert knowledge.These approaches are mutually supporting and a combining of them is often the most effective way to determine the rule base.A fuzzy rule is developed in terms of qualitative descriptors of input parameters:FF,CP,CS and the output RL.The qualitative descriptors are characterised by fuzzy sets that are derived from historical incidents and acci-dent information.The fuzzy sets are defined in the universe of discourse and described by MFs.Currently,there are several geometric mapping functions widely adopted,such as triangular,trapezoidal and S-shaped MFs.However,triangular and trapezoidal MFs are the most frequently used in railway risk analysis practice[3,8,24,28].For example,in the railway risk assessment,input parameters of FF,CP,CS and output of RL are constructed by trapezoidal MFs,where the FF is defined as‘Remote’,‘Rare’,‘Infrequent’,‘Occasional’,‘Frequent’,‘Regular’,and‘Common’;CS is defined as‘Negligible’,‘Marginal’,‘Moderate’,‘Critical’,and‘Catastrophic’;and CP is defined as‘Highly unlikely’,‘Unlikely’,‘Reasonably unlikely’,‘Likely’,‘Rea-sonably likely’,‘Highly likely’and‘Definite’;the RL is defined as‘Low’,‘Possible’,‘Substantial’,and‘High’.The fuzzy rules are subjective defined on the basis of expert experience and engineering judgement[5,13–18,23,38–41].For example,in railway risk analysis,the following rule is commonly usedIf FF is‘Remote’and CS is‘Negligible’and CP is‘Highly unlikely’,Then RL is‘Low’.2.2.3.Allocation of EIs to expertsRailway risk analysis is a very complicated subject,which is determined by numerous relevant risks associated with a railway system.It is impossible for a single engineer or manager to consider all relevant aspects of a problem.Therefore, many decision making processes take place in group settings by introducing linguistic preference relations under uncertain linguistic environment[14–17,38–41].In practice,risk assessment usually involves a number of experts with different back-ground or discipline regarding the railway safety.Thus,these experts may have different impacts on thefinal decision.The EI is therefore introduced into the risk model to distinguish experts’competence.Suppose there are n experts involved in the risk assessment,the EI of the i th expert can be obtained byEI i¼RI iP nj¼1RI jð1Þwhere RI i is relevant importance of the i th expert according to his experience,knowledge and expertise,which takes an value in the universe of1to9.RI is defined in a manner that‘1’means less importance,whereas‘9’means most importance.Obvi-ously,it is necessary to review EIs when the topic or the circumstance has been changed.2.3.FRA risk estimation phaseIn the FRA risk estimation phase each risk is assessed at hazardous event level based on FF,CS and CP to calculate its RL. However,railway risk analysts often face the circumstances where the risk data are incomplete or there is a high level of uncertainty involved in the risk data.Aflexible method for expressing expert and engineering judgements is proposed [2,3,8].The uniform format number(UFN)is introduced to capture and convert expert and engineering subjective judge-ments.As described earlier in this paper,this allows imprecision or approximate information in risk analysis process.There are six steps to calculate RLs of hazardous events that are described as below.2.3.1.Step1:input FFs,CSs,and CPsThe input data usually can gather from historical data,but,however,in many circumstances,the data may not exist or uncertainty involved in the risk data.Experts may provide their judgements on the basis of their knowledge and expertise for each hazardous event[14–16].The input values can be a precise numerical value,a range of numerical values or a lin-guistic term.For example,if adequate information is obtained and the risk factor is quantitative measurable,an expert is likely to provide a precise numerical value.However,experts sometimesfind that it is hard to give numerical values due to uncertainties involved or the hazardous event is quantitative immeasurable,then a range of numerical values,a linguistic term or a fuzzy number can be used in the proposed model[1–7,14–18,24,37–41],e.g.‘‘CP is60%to70%’’,‘‘CS is around3to7 and most likely to be5in the universe of[0,10]’’and‘‘FF is average’’.2.3.2.Step2:convert inputs into UFNsBecause the input values of hazardous events are crisps,e.g.a numerical value,a range of numerical value,a fuzzy num-ber,or a linguistic term,the UFN is employed to convert these inputs into a uniform format for the composition of afinal decision[2,3,8,14–22,37–41].An UFN can be defined as A¼f a;b;c;d g,and its corresponding MF indicates the degree of pref-erence,which is defined asl A ðxÞ¼ðxÀaÞ=ðbÀaÞ;x e½a;b ;1x e½b;cðxÀdÞ=ðcÀdÞ;x e½c;d ;0;otherwise:8>>><>>>:9>>>=>>>;ð2Þwhere four real numbers(a,b,c and d)with satisfaction of the relationship a6b6c6d determine the x coordinates of the four corners of a trapezoidal MF.Table1shows the possible inputs and its corresponding UFNs.Table1Expert judgement and the corresponding UFNs.Description Input Values Input type UFNs‘‘...is a’’f a g A numerical value f a;a;a;a g‘‘...is between a and b’’f a;b g A range of number f a;ðaþbÞ=2;ðaþbÞ=2;a g ‘‘...is between a and c and most likely to be b’’f a;b;c g Triangular fuzzy numbers f a;b;b;a g‘‘...is between a and d and most likely between b and c’’f a;b;c;d g Trapezoidal fuzzy numbers f a;b;c;d g‘‘...is RARE’’RARE A linguistic term RARE MF f a;b;c;d g3950M.An et al./Information Sciences181(2011)3946–39662.3.3.Step3:aggregate UFNsThe aim of this step is to apply an appropriate operator to aggregate individual judgement made by individual expert into a group preference of each hazardous event.Based on EI s of experts obtained in the design phase,the expert judgments can be aggregated according to weighted trapezoidal averaging operator[3,8,9,38–41].Assume m experts involved in the risk assess-ment and n experts provide non-zero judgments for the i th hazardous event,the aggregated UFN A i can be determined byA i¼f a i;b i;c i;d i g¼P mk¼1a ikEI kP nk¼1EI k;P mk¼1b ikEI kP nk¼1EI k;P mk¼1c ikEI kP nk¼1EI k;P mk¼1d ikEI kP nk¼1EI k ()A i k ¼f a ik;b ik;c ik;d ikgð3Þwhere a ik ;b ik;c ikand d ikare the numbers of UFN A ikthat represents the judgement of the k th expert for the i th hazardous eventand EI k stands for the k th expert’s EI.2.3.4.Step4:calculate fuzzy values of UFNsAssume A iFF ;A iCSand A iCPare three UFNs of FF,CS and CP of the i th hazardous event,respectively.Their corresponding fuzzysets~A iFF ,~A iCSand~A iCPare defined as~A i FF ¼fðu;l A iFFðuÞÞj u2U¼½0;u ;l A iFFðuÞ2½0;1 gð4Þ~A i CS ¼fðv;l A iCSðvÞÞj v2V¼½0;v ;l A iCSðvÞ2½0;1 gð5Þ~A i CP ¼fðw;l A iCPðwÞÞj w2W¼½0;w ;l A iCPðwÞ2½0;1 gð6Þwhere l A iFF ,l A iCSand l A iCPare trapezoidal MFs of A iFF,A iCSand A iCP,and u,v and w are input variables in the universe of discourseU,V and W of FF,CS and CP,respectively.2.3.5.Step5:FRA evaluationFRA evaluation is a process that is developed on the basis of Mamdani method[2,8,24]to determine which rules are rel-evant to the current situation for calculating the fuzzy output,i.e.RL.Relations between input parameters FF,CS,CP and out-put RL are presented in a form of if-then rules that have the following formatR i:if u is~B iFFand v is~B i CS and w is~B i CP;then x is~B i RL;i¼1;2;...;nð7Þwhere u;v;w;and x are variables in the universe of discourse U,V,W and X of FF,CS,CP and RL,and~B i FF,~B i CS,~B i CP and~B i RL are qualitative descriptors of FF,CS,CP and RL respectively,The calculation of thefire strength of a i of the i th rule with inputfuzzy sets~A iFF ,~A iCSand~A iCPusing fuzzy intersection operation is given bya i¼min max lA iFF ðuÞ^l B iFFðuÞ;max l A iCS ðvÞ^l B iCSðvÞ;max l A iCP ðwÞ^l B icpðwÞh ið8ÞWhere l A iFF ðuÞ;l A iCSðvÞand l A iCPðwÞare the MFs of fuzzy sets~A iFF;~A iCSand~A iCP,respectively,and l B iFFðuÞ;l B iCSðvÞand l B iCPðwÞarethe MFs of fuzzy sets~B iFF ;~B iCSand~B iCPof qualitative descriptors in rule R i.After the fuzzy implication,the truncated MF l0B iRLofthe inferred conclusion fuzzy set of rule R i is obtained byl0B iRL ðxÞ¼a i^l B iRLðxÞð9Þwhere a i is thefire strength of rule R i;l B iRL ðxÞis the MF of the qualitative descriptor~B iRLand x is an input variable in the uni-verse of discourse X.The l0BRLðxÞof output fuzzy set can then be calculated by using fuzzy union(maximum)operationl0 B RL ðxÞ¼Vni¼1l0B iRLðxÞð10Þwhere l0B iRLis the MF of conclusion fuzzy set of rule R i and n is the total number of rules in the rule base.2.3.6.Step6:defuzzificationDefuzzification is to convert the aggregated result to a crisp number that represents thefinal result of the FRA evaluation. The centroid of area method,which determines the centre of gravity of an aggregated fuzzy set,is employed for defuzzifi-cation[2,8,24].Assume the output fuzzy set obtained from the FRA evaluation is~B0RL ¼fðx;l0BRLðxÞÞj x2X;l0BRLðxÞ2½0;1 g,RL iof the i th hazardous event can be calculatedRL i¼P mj¼1l0B RLðx jÞÁx jP mj¼1l0B RLðx jÞð11Þwhere m is the number of quantization level of X and x j2X,x j denotes the position of l0BRL ðx jÞin RL expression,RL i is theaggregated output MF which indicates the position in the RL expression and also shows the extent to which RL belongs and the corresponding membership degrees.M.An et al./Information Sciences181(2011)3946–396639512.4.Fuzzy-AHP risk estimation phaseAs stated earlier in section1,because the contribution of each hazardous event to the overall RL is different,the weight of the contribution of each hazardous event should be taken into consideration in order to represent its relative contribution to the RL of a railway depot.The application of fuzzy-AHP may also solve the problems of risk information loss in the hierar-chical process in determining the relative importance of the hazardous events in the decision making process so that risk assessment can be progressed from hazardous event level to hazard group level,andfinally to a railway depot level.A fuz-zy-AHP is an important extension of the traditional AHP method[22,35,36],which uses a similar framework of AHP to con-duct risk analysis but fuzzy ratios of relative importance replace crisp ratios to the existence of uncertainty in the risk assessment.An advantage of the fuzzy-AHP is itsflexibility to be integrated with different techniques,for example,FRA tech-niques in risk analysis.Therefore,a fuzzy-AHP analysis leads to the generation of WFs for representing the primary hazard-ous events within each category.There are six steps to calculate WFs as described below.2.4.1.Step1:establish an estimation schemeFuzzy-AHP determines WFs by conducting pairwise comparison.The comparison is based on an estimation scheme, which lists intensity of importance using qualitative descriptors.Each qualitative descriptor has a corresponding triangular MF that is employed to transfer expert judgments into a comparison matrix[3,8,23,38–41].Table2describes qualitative descriptors and their corresponding triangular fuzzy numbers for risk analysis at railway depots.Each grade is described by an important expression and a general intensity number.When two risk contributors are of equal importance,it is con-sidered(1,1,2).Fuzzy number of(8,9,9)describes that one risk contributor is absolutely important than the other one.Fig.3 shows triangular MFs(solid lines)with‘‘equal importance’’–(1,1,2),‘‘weak importance’’–(2,3,4),‘‘strong importance’’–(4,5,6),‘‘very strong importance’’–(6,7,8)and‘‘absolute importance’’–(8,9,9),respectively.The other triangular MFs(dash lines)de-scribe the corresponding intermediate descriptors between them.2.4.2.Step2:compare risk contributors‘‘HG1’’,‘‘HG2’’,...,and‘‘HG n’’as shown in Fig.2are the risk contributors that contribute to overall RL of a railway depot. Assume two risk contributors HG1and HG2,if HG1is of very strong importance than HG2,a fuzzy number of(6,7,8)is then assigned to HG1based on the estimation scheme as shown in Table2.Obviously,risk contributor HG2has fuzzy number of (1/8,1/7,1/6).Suppose n risk contributors,there are a total of N¼nðnÀ1Þ=2pairs need to be compared.The following clas-sifications can be used in the comparison.-A numerical value,e.g.‘‘3’’-A linguistic term,e.g.‘‘strong importance’’.-A range,e.g.(2,4),the scale is likely between2and4.-A fuzzy number,e.g.(2,3,4),the scale is between2and4,most likely3or(2,3,4,5),the scale is between2and5,most likely between4and5.-0,e.g.the two risk contributors cannot be compared at all.2.4.3.Step3:convert comparison pairwise into UFNsAs described in steps1and2,because the values of risk contributors are crisps,e.g.a numerical value,a range of numer-ical value,a linguistic term or a fuzzy number,the FRA is employed again to convert these values into UFNs according to Table1.A series of UFNs can be obtained to correspond to the scores and the scales of the defined risk contributors in the risk tree.Table2Fuzzy-AHP estimation scheme.Qualitative descriptors Description Parameters of MFs(triangular)Equal importance(EQ)Two risk contributors contribute equally(1,1,2)Between equal and weak importance(BEW)When compromise is needed(1,2,3)Weak importance(WI)Experience and judgment slightly favour one risk contributorover another(2,3,4)Between weak and strong importance(BWS)When compromise is needed(3,4,5)Strong importance(SI)Experience and judgment strongly favour one riskcontributor over another(4,5,6) Between strong and very strong importance(BSV)When compromise is needed(5,6,7)Very strong importance(VI)A risk contributor is favoured very strongly over the other(6,7,8)Between very strong and absolute importance(BVA)When compromise is needed(7,8,9)Absolute importance(AI)The evidence favouring one risk contributor over another isof the highest possible order of affirmation (8,9,9)3952M.An et al./Information Sciences181(2011)3946–3966。
1设备缺陷或故障设备缺陷或者设备 故障的形式有很多种。例如,强度不够, 当相关设计、制造和安装不能保证强度性 能满足相关要求时。材料质量不合格:在 设计制造中选择不符合标准的材料,或在 实际施工过程中掺入不合格材料,导致高 速铁路基建施工的整体质量。受到严重影 响。安装问题:对应的技术人员在安装过 程中没有遵循相应的技术规范,各部件的 应用不匹配,且原零件的位置与已建立的 位置有一定的差距。问题:在实际应用过 程中没有标准的应用,导致设备的严重损 耗。许多老化设备没有及时更新。在实际 应用过程中。故障问题的发生具有一定的 随机性和偶然性,但相关技术人员需要清 楚地认识到故障的发生是有规律的。通过 大量的实验和反复的研究,可以避免设计、 生产、安装和使用过程中存在的不良因素。 技术人员定期检查、维修和保养,能使设 备处于健康运行状态,有效避免意外事故 的发生。
2.1关于物的防范针对各级铁路的高 速管理,根据应用设备本身的特点和设备 维护的要求。仔细阅读设备维修记录,对 维修数据进行深入分析,研究不良高速铁 路的凹坑和设备故障的情况。造成高速铁 路事故的不利因素。随着科学技术的不断 发展,越来越多的新技术和新设备被应用 到实践中。研究新技术和新设备的安全性。 充分发挥科学技术的优势,消除新技术的 风险点是十分必要的。
二、规避高速铁路安全风险的预防措施 1遵循风险识别的原则。把握高速铁路 安全风险管理的度 1,1系统性原则。安全风险识别系统非 常复杂。有必要对风险和高速铁路运营的 各个方面进行科学、系统的分析,落实责 任制.使责任落实到个人的头上。从员工 的综合素质、应用设备的质量、各种制度 的建立和完善等方面,消除可能出现的风 险。并在每个管理层、每个岗位和人员中 实施了安全风险管理的职责。真正实现全 方位的管理。 1.2有效性原则。高速铁路安全生产的 客观规律毖须给予一定的尊重。过去有效 的实践应该继续保持下去。或者要改进和
铁l 路l 工 程
基 于 模 糊 综 合 评 价 的 高 速 铁 路 安 全 运 营 研 究
陈慧 阳, 沙 明华
( 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院 , 四川 成都 6 1 0 0 3 1 )
要 :文章 从高速 铁路 的综合 运输 特征 出发 , 通过 分析高 速铁路 安全 运营 的影响 因
en c i n g f a tor c s i n t o t wo l e v e l s, t h e n b as ed o n t h e f u z z y c omp r eh e n s i v e ev al u a t i on me t h o d a n d o m— c b i n ed wi t h t h e q u es t i on n a i r e s u r v e y f o 40 p a s s e n g e r s i n Sh a o y an g Nor t h S t a t i o n, i t e s t a b l i s h d e t h e f u z z y o mp c r eh e n s i v e e v a l u a t i o n mo d e l , a n d t h e ob t a i n e d e v a l u a t i o n r e s u l t i s e x c e l l e n t , wh i c h c an pr o— v i d e t h e b a s i s f or i mp r ov i n g t h e op er at i on s a f et y f o Sh ao y an g No th r St a t i on .
一、高速列车运行安全的问题高速列车运行安全问题的出现主要与以下几个方面有关:1. 列车设备高速列车的设备是保证其运行安全的基础。
2. 维修保养高速列车需要经常进行维修保养,以保持其设备的正常运作。
3. 线路质量列车行进的线路质量也是影响运行安全的因素之一。
4. 精神状态高速列车驾驶员的疲劳、注意力不集中等都可能导致安全隐患。
关键词:高铁;安全;系统安全;影响因素中图分类号:U262文献标识码: A1安全管理概述1.1安全的概念安全的定义,是指在生产的过程中,能够把人或者物的损伤和损失控制在可以接受的水平范围之内。
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长 的 3 8 ; 线 铺 设 无 缝 线 路 。全 线 用 地 总 计 .% 全
5 0 0 km。 0
3 提高安全运行可采取的措 施
经 分 析发 现 , 响 高 速铁 路 运 行 安 全 的 主要 因 影
在 已运 营 的高 速 铁路 中 , 有很 多 因素影 响行 车 安 全 , 路 、 、 道 、 车 车 辆 、 引 供 电 、 程 调 如 桥 轨 机 牵 远
保 证 运行 安全 的重 要措 施之 一 。 3 2 改善 线路 情况 .
高速 铁路 线路 状况 和工 程措 施都 必须 保证 行 车 安全 , 线路 选线 应尽 量避 免 塌 陷和滑坡 地 带 、 动 断 活 裂 带 和软 弱地基 等 不 良地 带 , 免 路 堤 浸 水 和 洪水 避 冲刷 路堤 。运 营 阶段 , 主要 针 对 线 路 中 已 出现 的 问
研 究对 象 , 照 系统分析 的步骤和 方 法 , 据运 营条 件和现 状 , 用模 糊层 次分析 法对 所建 立 的模 型 按 根 利
进行 分析 , 确 定 3条 准则 , 并 即确保 设备 正 确运行 状 态 、 少 自然环境 影 响和确 保人 为操 作 正确 。在 减 此基 础 上对 所提 出的 4条措 施进 行 定性 、 定量 分析 , 而确定 可采取措 施 的优 先性 , 从 即首先是 提 高信
号设 备 的可 靠性 , 次是 保证 牵引供 电系统 的安 全 可靠性 。 其
关键 词 : 高速 铁路 ; 全运 行 ; 安 影响 因素 ; 糊层 次分析 法 模 中图分 类号 : 2 8 U 3 文 献标识 码 : B 文章 编号 :0 7— 8 0 2 1 ) 3— 0 0— 3 10 9 9 (0 2 0 0 3 0
H ih e d Ral y S f t g Sp e iwa a e y Ope a i n Rea e c o sAnay i r to l t d Fa t r l ss
Ba e n he Fuz y An l tc H i r r h o e s sd o t z a y i e a c y Pr c s
机车 驾驶 员工 作环 境和 条件 差 , 生活 无规 律 , 但 驾 使 工作 专业 性强 , 备操 作 复杂 , 设 稍有 不 慎 , 引 会 发 行 车事 故 , 成 人 员 伤 亡 和 财产 损失 。根 据 京 沪 造 高速铁 路 的特 点 , 对 机车 驾驶 员进 行定 期培 训 , 应 提 高技 术 水平 、 务 素质 和 心 理 素质 。对工 务 、 业 电务 、 牵引供 电等 系统维 护 维 修 人 员 也 要 进 行定 期 培 训 ,
度 、 输指挥 、 营管 理等 。那 么影 响行 车 安全 的诸 运 运
多 因素 中 , 哪些 因素 为主 要影 响 因素 , 该采 取 哪些 应 措施 , 是值 得研究 和 亟待解 决 的问题 。
2 确 定 目标
根据 某 高速 铁 路 运 营条 件 和 现状 , 用 系统 分 利 析等 方法研 究 分析各 影 响 因素对 高速铁 路 运 营的影
3 ・ 0
基 于 模 糊 层 次 分 析 法 的 高 速 铁 路
安 全 运 行 相 关 因 素 分 析
龙 腾 子
( 西南交通 大学 交通运输与物流 学院,四川 成都 6 0 3 ) 10 1
摘 要: 铁路 运输 是 一个 复杂 的 系统 , 各种 因素都会 对其 安全 运行 产 生影响 。此 文 以某一 运 营的 高速 铁路 为
信 号 设 备 是 保 证 列 车运 行 安 全 的重 要 基 础 设 备 , 可靠 性 的高低 直接 关 系到 行 车安 全 和 运 输 效 其
能 力 和用户 需求 等经 全 面 比选 确定 。 () 3 路基 、 涵 、 道 、 道 等 各 类结 构 物 的 设 桥 隧 轨
率。在迈向高速化 、 自动化 、 信息化的高速铁路时代 的发 展进 程 中 , 应依 靠 先进技 术 提升 安全 保 障能力 ,
t n hs rc ks ihsedri a s h sac bet nt m o s m a aicl tp n i .T i at l t e hg p e l ya er e r ojc.I r f yt n lia s s d o ie a a aw t e h e s e t e a
A b t a t Th al y ta s o t t n i o p e y t m . Va i u a tr a a e i fu n e o t ae y o e a sr c : e ri wa r n p ra i s a c m lx s se o ro s fc o s c n h v n e c n is s f t p r — l
4 12 经 营和经 济环 境 ..
பைடு நூலகம்
某高速铁路运营以来 , 车票有较大富余 , 旅客基
本 能 随到 随走 。 由于票价 偏高 , 票销 售不 算很 好 。 车 为 使广 大旅 客有 车 票 价 格选 择 的空 间 , 开行 2种 速 度 等级 的列 车 , 分别 对 应 执 行 2种 车 票 价 格 。故 这
1 问题 与 系统 界 定
某新 建 铁 路 客 运 专 线 , 线 全 长 138k 双 正 1 m,
线 , 计 时 速 3 0 k 安 全 运 营 速 度 3 0 k h或 设 5 m, 0 m/ 20k / , 设 2 5 m h 共 4个 车 站 。其 中桥 梁 总 延 长 11 0 4
设 施 和不易 改建 的建 筑 物 、 备 为 远 期发 展 预 留条 设 件。
度高 、 特性稳” 作为确保设备可靠运用的质量保证 。
采 取 专题 研究 、 中攻关 、 时 预 防 等有 效 措 施 , 集 及 全
程防范信号设备的安全 隐患 , 让信息化在保证行车
安 全 中发 挥 引航 作 用 。故提 高信 号设 备 的可靠 性是
素 是人 为 因素和设 备 因素 , 对 人 为 因素 和设 备 因 针
第2卷 第3 7 期
龙腾子 : u基于模糊层次分析法 的高速铁路安全运行相关 因素分析
・ 31・
素可 采取 的措 施有 以下 4个 方 面 。 3 1 提高 信号 设备 的可 靠性 .
度 、 车组 类 型 、 车运行 控 制方 式 、 度方 式 、 动 列 调 最小 间隔 时分应 根据 列 车速 度 、 线地 形地 质条 件 、 送 沿 输
响 , 提 出保证 运行 安全 的有 效措 施 。 并
k 占线 路全 长 的 8 . % ; m, 6 5 隧道 总 延 长 1 m, 6k 占线 路全 长 的 1 2 。全 线铺 设 无 砟 轨 道 12 8k 占 .% 6 m,
线路 全 长 的 9 . % ; 6 2 铺设 有砟 轨道 5 m, 0k 占线路全
条 串联 中国经济 最 活 跃 区 域 的黄 金 通 道 , 成 为 经 将
题和安全隐患进行及时整修和养 护 , 使线路处 于 良
好 的安全 运行 状态 。
3 3 提高 牵 引供 电 系统 的安 全可 靠性 .
济 要素 快速 流动 的 “ 大动 脉 ” 发 挥 其 协 调 区域 平 衡 , 发 展 、 快 产业 转移 优化 、 加 提升 轨道 交通 建设 能力 的 作 用 , 建 中 国经济跨 越式 提 升 的“ 构 脊梁 ” 。
安全 可靠 供 电。 3 4 加强 人 员培训 。 高业 务素 质和 操作 水平 . 提
( ) 究 该 目标是 根 据 各 主要 因素 对 高速 铁 路 1研
运 行安 全 的影 响 , 取 针 对 性 措施 提 高 高速 铁 路 的 采
安 全可 靠性 。高 速铁 路是 连接 区域问 的经 济命 脉之
meh d n c o d n o o e ai n c n iin n he p e e tsta in,t e e tb ih d mo e sa a t o s a d a c r i g t p r t o d to s a d t r s n i to o u h sa ls e d lwa n — l z d b u z n l i i rr h o e s y e y f z y a a i c h e a c y pr c s .Th e u e r e i e i h i o e ur q i me tr n i g t r er lswe e d c d d wh c st ns e e u p n n n u c n iin a d r d c au a ih n io o d t n e u e n t r lrg te v rnme tli a ta d e s r ri c a p r t n rg t On t e b - o n a mp c n n u e a f ilo e a i i h . ti o h a ss o c hep o s d furme s r s e r u lttv n u niai e a a y e i fwhih t r po e o a u e a swe e q aiaie a d q a tt t n lz d.S st tr n v O a o dee mi e t e ro i o a ig me s r s n me y mp o i g sg a q i me t r la i t i t e h p irt f t kn a u e , a l i r vn i n l e u p n ei bl y s h mo t mp ra t y i s i o n t t ng,t e s c n n s t uaa te t e s f t n e ib l y o he ta to we u p y s se hi h e o d o e i o g r n e h ae y a d r l ii ft r ci n po r s p l y t m. a t K e or yW ds: g pe d r i y;s f t pe ain;i fu n i g fco s u z n l tc h e a c y p o e s hih s e a l wa aey o r to n e cn a tr ;f z y a ay i i rr h r c s l