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Fall is here again. And it’s that time of year when it gets a little colder, the days get a little shorter, and the bears get much, much fatter.
Every year at this time, there is a competition for bears in Alaska’s Katmai National Park to look for the fattest bear in the park. Online voters( 网上投票者) around the world will choose the winner. The competition goes on for a week, so it is called Fat Bear Week. This year’s competition ended on October 8. The winner was a bear named Holly. Between July 12 and September 22, she grew from a thin bear into a giant beast(巨兽).
Bears have to get fat so that they can hibernate(冬眠). By the time they go into hibernation, male brown bears weigh from 600 pounds(272 kg)to 900 pounds(408 kg). Adult females usually weigh about a third less. Hibernation can last for half a year and a bear can lose up to one third of its weight during this time. So it’s healthy for the bears to get fat. If the hears don’t get fat enough, they could die during hibernation.
1.can choose which bear is the fattest and wins the competition.
A. Workers in the park C. Scientists in Alaska
B. People around the world D. The bears themselves
2. According to the passage, a 600-pound bear will weigh about after hibernation.
A. 200 pounds
B. 250 pounds
C.300 pounds
.D. 400 pounds
3. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us about
A. Fat Bear Week
B. Alaska’s Katmai National Park
D. Holly, the fattest bear
C. the hibernation of bears
4. We can infer from the passage that the competition began on.
A. September 22 C. October 2
B. September 26 D. October 8
5. What can we learn about Holly from the passage?
A. Holly won the competition on September 22.
B. Holly will hibernate for about a year and may die during that time.
C. Holly was a thin bear before July 12 and then became fat very fast.
D. The aim of the competition was to get ready for hibernation.
I live with my grandmother in a Beijing yard house. One day last year, I was surprised to see a big foreigner coming out of the house next door to ours. He was very tall with short brown hair and a pair of glasses.
The first time I saw him, I was too shy to speak to him. “My English is too bad!” I thought. My grandmother told me that he had just moved into our yard. “I don’t like it!” she said, “Foreigners aren’t like us. Maybe he’ll play loud music and parties every night! I’m sure he’s going to cause trouble.”
Several days later, I met the foreigner as I was walking home after work. “Hello!”he said (in Chinese!). “My name’s Tony. I’ve just moved into the house next door to yours.” While I was wondering what to say, he continued, “ There’s a nice bar( 酒吧) down the road. Why don’t you and your family come and have dinner with me?”“Bars are bad places,” said my grandmother when I told her, but we decided to go.
The bar was not at all what I had expected. It was in a beautiful little yard house, with several large bookshelves and pictures of Tibet on the walls. Several Chinese people and foreigners were sitting drinking or reading books. I noticed that some of the foreigners were speaking Chinese in a low voice to each other! “Oh, what a civilize p d lace!” my grandmother exclaimed.
The bar served(提供) special “hutong pizzas”. As we ate, Tony told us about himself-he is an English expert( 专家) in environment ( 环境). He always likes to be quiet. My grandmother said to me, “He really seems like a very nice young man.”
1. When the writer first saw the foreigners, she______.
A. was frightened to him
B. wanted to practice English with him
D. hoped to invite the foreigner to the bar
C. felt too shy to speak to him
2. From the sentence “Bars are bad places”, we can know that the grandmother______.
A. was very excited C. didn’t like bars
B. didn’t go to the bar D. was angry with Tony
3. What’s the meaning of the word “civilized” in the passage?
4. Which of the following sentence is NOT true?
A. Tony made a lot of noise every night.
B. Tony was an English expert in environment.
C. There were some foreigners speaking Chinese in the bar.
D. The grandmother thought Tony caused some trouble.
5. The best title for this story is______.
A. A Bar in Tibet
B. A Foreigner in Beijing
C. Bars a re bad places
D. Fore igners l ike bars
Jose Condor i i s a Peruv ian(秘鲁的)boy.When he was jus t seven years o ld,
he s ta r t ed the Bar t se lana S tuden t Bank. The bank i s ve ry unusua l.I t no t on ly
he lps s tuden t s save money, bu t a l so he lps them save the ea r th.
He thought o f t he idea a f te r see ing h i s c lassma tes spend a l l t he i r pocke t
m oney on toys. They even th rew away many old toys every year. Condor i though t th i s was a b ig was te. Afte r t a lk ing with h i s t eachers about i t, he knew he could do something. So he s t a r t e d h i s bank.
Here i s how the bank works: S tuden ts b r ing in p l as t i c was te. Then they so ld i t to a recyc l ing company. The company tu rns some of t he was te in to new produc ts(产品). Condor i’s bank makes money f r o m th i s p rocess(过程). Pa r t o f t he money i s pu t in to the s tuden ts’bank accounts(账户). The s tuden t s can take the money ou t when they reach the i r sav ings goa l.
At f i r s t, the bank had on ly 20 me mbers.Now, t he re a re 2, 000 me mbers.Tha t nu mber i s s t i l l r i s ing. Condor i i s br ing h i s bank to more c i t i es. He wants to he lp more people save money whi le sav ing t he env i ronment.Wil l you becom e a me mber o f the bank when i t comes to your c i ty one day?
1. Which o f the f ol lowing i s NOT t rue abou t Jose Condor i according to the passage?
A. He i s f rom Peru.
B. He s ta r t ed the Bar t se lana S tuden t Bank a t the age o f 7.
C. He thought h i s c lassmates shouldn’t spend a l l t he i r pocke t money on toys.
D. He d id no t help s tuden t s save m oney to save the ea r th.
2. Why d id Jose Condor i want to s ta r t the bank?
A. Because he thought i t was a was te to spend a l l pocke t money on toys.
B. Because h i s t eachers asked h i m to do so.
C. Because the bank tu rned was te i n to new product s.
D. Because he thought h i s bank could make money fo r h im.
3. Which i s the r igh t o rder o f how the bank makes money?
①The recyc l ing company recyc les the was te.
①The bank ge t s m oney f rom the i r p rocess.
①S tuden t s b r ing i n p las t i c was te.
①The was te i s turned in to new produc ts.
4. Who can get the money the bank makes?
A. The recycling company.
C. Condori’s teachers.B. The students.
D. The students’ parents.
5. Which of the follwing is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The Bartselana Student Bank isn’t different from other banks.
B. Condori likes throwing away old toys.
C. The Bartselana Student Bank is becoming more and more popular.
D. Condori helps people save toys to save the environment.
I t i s a co ld and dry win te r morn ing.When you wake up, you fee l t ha t your th roa t hur t s. You beg in t o sneeze and l a t e r you may cough. You mus t have a co ld!Wai t a
m o ment. Could i t jus t be a com m on co ld o r the f l u(流感) go ing a r ound?
A cold gives you a runny nose and cough. But it’s usually easy to deal with. Some
t ake medic ine whi le o thers d r ink herba l t ea o r ch i cken soup. Usual ly you fee l be t t e r
af te r a week.
On the o ther hand,the f lu can be m uch more dangerous.I t usua l ly gives you fever.
So met imes i t can cause dea th. Accord ing to an A mer ican magaz ine, the wors t f lu ki l l ed about 50mil l ion peop le f r o m 1918to 1919.
Don’t worry. If you get a flu vaccine(疫苗), i t can s top you f rom ge t t ing the vi rus(病毒). F lu vacc ines work by g iv ing the body a smal l amount o f f lu v i ruses.This causes your body to have an t ibod ies(抗体). So nex t t ime you ge t the f lu, t he an t ibodies shoul d he lp you.
The f lu v i rus changes every few years. So the re a r e so many types of f lu,such as
H1N1 and H5N1. The antibodies for one type of flu can’t help us against all types of flu. That’s why we need to get the vaccine every year.
Ho wever, good hea l th hab i t s may a l so he lp you away f rom a co ld or f lu. Washing your hands of ten s tops you f rom ge t t ing v i ruses eas i ly. I t i s a l so impor tan t to ge t regu la r exerc i se and ea t hea l thy f ood. Al l these can he lp you s t rengthen your im m une sys tem (增强免疫系统).
1. If you have a common cold, usually you’ll feel better after ______ days.
A. 7
2.What does the under l ined“it”i n Paragraph 3refe r to?
A. Herba l t ea.
B. Chi cken soup.
C. A f lu vi rus.
D. A f lu vacc ine.
3.We need to get a f lu vacc ine every year because ______.
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
A.the f lu o f ten ki l l s us
B.the an t ibod ies can he lp us aga i ns t a l l types o f f l u
C.the f lu v i rus changes every few years
D. you don’t need to take any medicine after that
4. The fo l lowing ways can he lp s top the f lu EX C EPT ______.
A. s tay ing indoor s
B. ge t t ing regular exerc i se
C. ea t ing hea l thy food
D. wash ing our hands of ten
M o was fee l ing s ick. She had two exams tha t day and Phys ics was f i r s t. She rea l ly ha ted Phys ics. I t was he r wors t sub jec t. Ter ry l ooked back a t her and then looked away qu ick ly. Ter ry was he r friend but these days she didn’t help her prepare for the phys ics exam or answer he r ca l l s.
Mo couldn’t answer Question Five. She looked up . Mo couldn't believe it! Terry was ho ld ing her phone under the t ab le and read ing f rom i t.I s tha t how Ter ry a l ways got good grades? It wasn’t fair( 公平的). Mo never chea ted and she fa i l ed the phys ics exams many t imes.
“Stop writing and put your pens down," said Mr. Reed as he started to collect the exam papers. Oh no, Mo hadn’t answered two of the questions. She was goin g to fa i l again! “It wasn’t fair!” she thought . “Terry was getting good grades by cheating!”Just then Mr. Reed walked past. “Mr. Reed .…”
M o was s i t t ing beh ind Ter ry aga i n in the h i s to ry exam tha t a f t e rnoon. Mo was bes t a t His to ry but she wasn’t feeling good. Mr. Reed wanted her to look a t he r and nod(点头) i f she saw t ha t Ter ry had her phone in the exam. She was working on the l as t ques t ion when s he saw tha t Ter r y had her phone under the t ab le.Without th ink ing,
M o looked up and nodded to Mr. Reed. Ter ry was look ing a t her phone. Mr.Reed didn't say any th i ng. He jus p icked up her exam paper,to re(撕)i t i n ha l f and to ld Ter ry to l eave the room. Ter ry was c r ying as she walked to the door.
Mo and Terry met at the school gate. “Mo, please wait. I want to talk to you.” Mo could see that her eyes were red. “Listen,” said Terry. “ I’m really sorry I didn’t answer your calls, but we’re having a terrible time at home. My dad had a heart attack two weeks ago and he’s in hospital. He had a big heart operation( 手术)today and I was very wor r ied about h im.I know i t was s tup i d, bu t I was reading tex t s f rom my mum to see how it was going, but Mr. Reed caught me.”
1. At the beg inn i ng o f the s to ry M o fe l t s i ck most p robab ly because ______.
A. Ter ry was looking a t he r f rom the f ron t
B.she was worr i ed tha t she would fa i l the phys ics exam
C.she had to t ake two d i f fe ren t e xams in the morning
D. she wasn’t good at Physics or History
2.When Mo found Ter ry read ing he r phone,she t hought maybe _____.
A. Ter ry was copying answers on i t C. Ter ry was cha t t ing wi th he r f r i ends
B. Ter ry was reading t ex t s f rom her mu m D. Ter ry was ca l l ing someone fo r he lp
3.When Mr. Reed passed by, Mo to ld h im tha t _____.
A. Terry didn’t help her prepare for the physics exam
B. Ter ry was go i ng th rough a ha r d t ime these days
C. Ter ry chea ted i n the phys ics e xam tha t morn ing
D. Ter ry looked back a t he r dur ing the phys ics exam
4. After hearing Terry’s words, Mo might felt _____.
A. exc i ted
B.sor ry
C. nervous(紧张)
D. cheer fu l
Meiyu, born in 1995, is from Turkey. She is the youngest child of her family. After high school, many people learned English or Japanese, but Meiyu decided to learn Chinese in university. She learned Chinese for four years in Ankara University in Turkey, and got her name Meiyu there.
Meiyu fell in love with Chinese after going to university. She became more interested after she knew more about Chinese history. She graduated (毕业)from Ankara University in 2017.Since then, more Chinese have been visiting Turkey. The trade between the two countries also needs Chinese﹣speaking people."Speaking Chinese means more job opportunities" said Meiyu.
Now Meiyu has been in Wuhan, China for about two years. Besides going on studying Chinese, she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu as well, so she spends her free time on kung fu training with her coaches. Not only can kung fu help improve(改善)her health, but she is also interested in the history and culture behind it. Meiyu said, "The more I know about China, the luckier I feel to have been here. "
In the future, Meiyu decides to go back to Turkey to teach more students to learn Chinese.
1. Where did Meiyu learn Chinese at first?
A. In China.
2. How old was Meuyu when she graduated from Ankara University in 2017?
A. 22
B. 25
C. 27
D. 18
3. What's probably the meaning of the word "opportunities" in this passage?
A. decisions
B. orders
C. meanings
D. chances
B. In Turkey.
C. In India.
D. In Australia.
4. What can you learn from the passage?
A. Meiyu is the only child of her family.
B. Meiyu is not interested in Chinese now.
C. Chinese culture has greatly influenced(影响)Meiyu.
D. Meiyu decides to stay in China in the future.
Many Chinese mothers are afraid that their children will fall behind their classmates, so these mothers are becoming "tiger mothers". They believe the harder their children study, the happier life they will have in the future. Is it true?Lulu and her sister Sophia may have a say.
Lulu and Sophia have a "tiger mother". She pushed them a lot when they were young. For example, they were not allowed to get grades lower than A's. They had to practice the piano or violin for several hours a day. There were no games or T V.
The tiger mother, Amy, is a Chinese﹣American professor at Yale Law School in the USA. Several years ago, she wrote a book named Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and shared her strict parenting style in it.
Many people don't like Amy's style of parenting. They once worried that her daughters would not be happy. However, the two girls have grown up and they are thankful to their mother.
Sophia has just graduated from Yale University. She is hard ﹣working, friendly and helpful. Not long ago, she shared some useful studying tips online. Lulu is also a warm smart and popular girl in her friends' eyes. She said tiger mothers believed that a child could succeed by being pushed to o all out.
Still, not everyone agrees with the tiger mother's parenting style. In fact, there isn't a parenting style that fits everyone. What's the best parenting style for you?Maybe you should work it out together with your parents.
1. According to the passage, "tiger mothers".
A. don't mind their children falling behind their classmates
B. don't care about their children's feelings when they grow up
C. believe pushing their children hard can help them succeed
D. believe the more happily the kids study, the harder their life will be
2. What can we know about Amy?
A. She is teaching in China.
B. She loves playing the violin.
C. She is the mother of the two girls.
D. She is liked by many people.
3. In Lulu and Sophia's opinion, their mother is.
A. great
B. worried
C. humorous
D. hateful
4. Which of the following is probably the title?
A. Lulu and Sophia C. Chinese Mothers
B. Do you want a tiger mother?
D. How can you become a tiger mother?
Maniappa was a farmer. He worked in his field all day.
In the middle of the crops in the field, a sparrow(麻雀)had built a nest. She lived in the nest. She got two children. The little sparrows lived with their mother happily.
Days passed by. It was time for the harvesting season. The corns were ripe(成熟的). And everywhere people started their harvests.
The little sparrows said to their mother, "Mummy! We will have to fly away."
The mother sparrow replied, "Not so soon, babies! The farmer is not ready."
One day, they heard the farmer saying, "I must call my neighbours and make them do the harvest."
The little sparrows said, "Mummy, tonight we shall fly away." The mother said, "Not so soon, babies. The farmer won't make it." The words of the mother came true. The neighbours did not turn up.
The next day, the farmer said, "I will call my relatives and make them do the harvest."
This time also the little ones wanted to fly away. But the mother asked them to relax. Once again, the words of the mother came true.
Now, they heard the farmer saying, "Tomorrow I will do the harvest myself." By hearing these words, the mother said, "Come on, my children. It is time for us to leave this field."
1.The underlined word “harvesting” in the passage means “_________” in Chinese
A. 天堂的
2.The little sparrows felt ____when they heard the farmer saying "I must call my
neighbours and make them do the harvest."
A. happy
3.The mother sparrow stopped the little sparrows flying away________in all.
A. twice
B. three times
C. four times
D. five times
4.What is TRUE about the ending of the story?
B. lucky
C. angry
D. worried
A. The neighbours helped the farmer do the harvest.
B. The relatives helped the farmer do the harvest.
C. The farmer did the harvest by himself at last.
D. Only the mother sparrow flew away in the end.
Many animals hide to stay alive. They hide in many ways. Some animals hide in leaves; some animals hide in snow. Usually their colors or shapes help protect them. It’s hard to see an Arctic bear in snow. Its white fur helps protect it. Chameleons(变色龙) can hide by changing colors. Their skin turns the same color as what is around them. Some chameleons can change colors in five minutes.
Many animals try to look bigger than they are to stay alive. Some animals can make other animals think they are very big. If they look very big, animals that are looking for food will run away. Bears can walk on two legs. They look very, very scary(恐怖). Some animals will run away from them.
Many animals try to stay around other animals. This helps them stay alive. Zebras stay close together so that they can help each other look out for danger. Seeing many stripes at once can also confuse animals that want to eat them. Some birds stay in a circle, each towards a different direction. In this way they can also help each other stay alive by looking around for animals that many want to eat one of them.
1. Why do animals hide ?
A. Because they like to play hide-and-seek.
B. Because they are shy.
C. Because they want to catch other.
D. Because they want to protect
1. How do Chameleons hide ?
A. They change colors.
B. They change shapes.
C. They hide in snow.
hide in leaves.
2. How do zebras hide ?
C. Help each other look out for danger.
D. Eat and play together.
3. Why do animals try to look bigger than they are ?
A. They want other animals to run away from them.
B. They want other animals to follow them.
C. They want other animals to see them.
D. They want other animals to like them.
Ext reme spor t s(极限运动) a re very exc i t ing. They a re no t sa fe fo r everyone, bu t
a lo t o f people l i ke them now. Here a re two popul a r ex t reme spor t s. Take a look.
W ingsui t f ly ing(翼装飞行)
Parkour i s a speci a l spor t. Pa rkour p layers ge t a round c i t i es
in a d i f fe ren t way. They jump and c l imb to move ac ross, over
and under any wal l s o r bu i ld ings.At f i r s t, i t was a pa r t o f
mil i t a ry t ra in ing(军事训练) in France. Later the word “parkour”
f i r s t showed up i n 1997. David Be l le made i t popula r a l l over the
wor ld.
1.What does the wr i t e r th ink o f e xt reme spor t s?
①safe②bor i ng③popula r④dangerous ⑤easy
2.Wingsu i t p layers need to ___________.
A.jump ou t o f pl anes
B.jump over wal l s
C. c l imb up mounta ins
D. move across bui ld ings
3. Peop le d id par kour to __________in France a t f i r s t.
A.re lax
B.t r a in
C.s tudy
D. grow
4.Which o f the f ol lowing i s TR U E abou t the passage?
A. There a re th r ee k inds o f ex t reme spor t s in the passage.
B. The wr i t e r th i nks ex t reme spor t s a re good fo r everyone.
C. David Be l le i s an impor tan t man in pa rkour's hi s to ry.
D.Wingsu i t p layers don't need s pec ia l c lo thes when f ly ing.
Li Z iq i,a popular s t a r on the In t erne t,has more t han 58mi l l ion fans on soc ia l media p la t fo rms bo th in China and a round the world.She i s fa m ous because of he r videos.She even became the ambassador(形象大使)fo r the 7th I nte rna t iona l Fes t iva l
on In tang ib le Cul tu ra l Her i t a ge(非物质文化遗产)in2019 i n Chengdu,S i chuan
Prov ince.
Li seems to be a mas te r o f a l l kinds o f sk i l l s—cooking,pa in t i ng,des ign ing and fa rming.The mos t spec ia l th ing i s tha t she does a lmos t every th i ng in a t r ad i t iona l Chinese way.In he r v ideos,L i a lways wears ho me made hanfu.She ra i ses ducks in order to make a sauce f rom sal t ed duck eggs.She makes bamboo furn i tu re a l l by herse l f.She a l so g rows p lan t s and vege tab les,and p repares mea l s wi th wha t she harves t s.She makes l i f e in the count rys ide ve ry beau t i fu l.
Li was born in 1990 in a smal l v i l l age o f S ichuan Province in Sou th-wes te rn China.She grew up wi th he r g r andparen t s.When she was 14,she went to the c i ty in sea rch of work.But she dec ided to re tu rn to the count rys ide in 2012 to t ake ca re of he r grand mother.
Four years later,she began filming her life there.“When I worked in the city,it was about how to survive,” Li says.“Now when I work in the countryside,I feel like
I’m truly living.” Li’s videos record how she works and her daily lives with her grand mot her in their modest home.She says:“I simply want people in the city to know where their food comes from.”
Many people wonder why Li shares these videos.Li once said:“In today’s soc ie ty,many people fee l s t ressed,so when they watch my v ideos a t the end of a busy day,I want them to re lax and sense someth ing n ice,t o t ake away some of the i r wor r y and stress.”
1.Li Z iq i becomes a popu la r on l i ne s ta r because of.
A.her v ideos about he r da i ly l ives
B.her poor l i f e as a ch i ld
C.ra i s ing ducks i n the coun t rys ide
D.becoming t he ambassador
2.Why d id L i go t o the c i ty a t the age o f 14?
A..In o rder to l ive a t rue l i f e.
B.In o rder to t ake ca re o f her g rand ma.
C.In order to s tudy some sk i l l s.
D.In o rder to l ook for a chance to work.
3.When d id Li beg in f i lming her l i f e in the coun t r ys ide?
4.What was Li’s main reason of sharing the videos?
A.She wants to t each peop le some l iv ing sk i l l s.
B.She wants to s how people he r beau t i fu l c lo thes.
C.She wants to make peop le l e s s s t r essed.
D.She wants to be famous and make money.
A lion , the king of the jungle, walked around, showing off his power and pride(骄
The lion took a long lazy sleep under his favorite tree every day. He always dreamed of weaker animals bowing before him. One day a mouse ran through the jungle and tripped over the lion’s huge paws. The lion woke up, with a start, “How dare(敢) you wake me up!” he shouted angrily. The lion grabbed the mouse with one paw. On the second thought, “ I'm in the mood for the snack,and you'll make a delicious meal”, he said .The mouse cried out,“King Lion, please spare me! If you let me leave, I’ll always remember your kindness. And, some day, I might be able to help you.” “How could such a weak little mouse help me?” The thought made the lion laugh so much that he decided to let the mouse go. One day, the lion was walking through the jungle. On the way to his favourite tree when he stepped onto a hunter’s net. The net scooped ( 抓取 ) him up. No matter how he tried, he couldn’t escape.When the mouse heard the lion’s frightened shouts, he ran to help. The mouse quickly made a hole in the net. Soon, the line moved out and was free. The lion looked down at the little mouse. “Thank you for saving me,” he said. “and you're not
a powerless little mouse. You're a great friend.”
1. What did the lion do every day?
A. He stepped on to a hunter net.
B. He played with weaker animals.
C. He showed kindness to animals in the jungle.
D. He had a very good sleep under his favourite tree.
2. How did the mouse wake up the lion?
A. He helped him make a hole in the net.
B. He shouted at the lion.
C. He tripped over the lions paws.
3. Why did the lion let the mouse go?
A. Because he made a hole in the net.
B. Because the lion thought he was only a powerless little mouse.
C. Because the lion believed him.
D. Because he was the lion's good friend.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Pride makes you lose friends.
B. Don't put your eggs in one basket.
C. Even the small can show great strength(力量).
D. When the cat is away,the mice will play.
5. From the passage, What do you think of the mouse?
A. weak
B. lovely
C. helpful
D. happy
I work as a volunteer for an organization that helps the poor in Haiti. I decided to take my son Brain there for a week, hoping to educate(教育) him.
Before getting out, I told Brain this trip would be tiring and hard. For the first two days, he said almost nothing. Then on the third day, when we were climbing over high rocky mountains, he turned to me and smiled, “Really hard.”
After that, a five-year-old girl, wearing a too large dress and broken shoes, followed Brain around. Later he said regretfully(遗憾地), “I wish I could speak French.” I was surprised that this was from a boy who always hated French classes.
However(然而), the moment that really reached my heart occurred in a village(村庄) deep in the mountains. I was interviewing( 采访) a woman villager for an article. By working hard, she had learned to read and write and became part of the leadership(领导层) of the village.
Learning her story, Brain was greatly touched. His eyes were wet and there was love and respect(尊重) on his face. He finally understood the importance of my work. When leaving for home, Brain even offered to stay in as a volunteer. This trip was very meaningful.
1.Why did the writer take his son to Haiti?
A. Because they wanted to take a trip there.
B. Because the writer wanted to educate his son.
C. Because his son wanted to help the poor there.
D. Because they went there to visit a friend.
2.Why was the writer surprised about his son?
A. Because his son wished to speak French.
B. Because a little girl liked his son.
C. Because his son said nothing about the hard trip.
D. Because his son wanted to talk with the little girl.
3. What does the underlined word “occurred” mean?
A. Left.
B. Offered.
C. Happened.
D. Reached.
4. What did NOT the boy learn from this trip?
A. To love and respect poor people.
C. To offer help to people in need.
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A. An exciting trip.
B. To be an excellent leader.
D.To be a kind and hard-working man.
B. How to be a volunteer.。