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友也照样关心我们的那种友谊,也需要得到爱护 SurewT a
. flower gets stepped it might revive om. its owta 独自的.当然,如果盛开的花
儿被人踩了一下,他可能会自我复苏 Moreover, if it gets a little extra
结 亡he flower is a fledgling 无经验的 plantj one blow migl^t destroy it just as sometimes relatively young friendships aren't strong enough, to endure
mucfx ccmft/ct.如果花儿还很稚嫩,一阵风就可能将其摧毁同样,相对稚嫩的友谊有
4 There are other reason why friendships evuL. 友谊终结还有其他原因 For
^ example, as muc as 尽管 two people might want a friendship to survive
事无法承受大的冲突 Even those amazing close friendships, where friends love
us m.o matter wWat our faults 缺点,毛病 are, need care whem. it comes to
^ . 当提到 COK CtS 当涉及矛盾冲突是,即便令人羡慕的友谊,即那种不管有什么过错朋
继续(生存),one or both of them
unintentionally 无意的 neglect 忽视
i’t 例如,尽管双方也许想维持这段友谊,但是一方或双方可能无意间疏忽了他
is oftein. compared to a flower garden. 友谊常比作花园 Well, if flowers don't
both friends change, because then tine breakup is more
often mutual 彼此的,相互的 and so both friends get closure by both deciding
. to let go and move forward, in their lives without each other. 我认为当朋友
some insights 洞察,深刻的见解 Were as to why friendships evui.
我收到一个读者的电子邮件,他在邮件中问到,为什么有些友谊不管你多么想维系它却 还是会终结,该读者说她曾在我发表的一篇文章《友谊之谜》中简单过这个问题。正如 我在文章中所说,对于友谊是如何开始的、为什么有些友谊会终结这类问题,我认为没 有简单的答案,虽然我在别的文章中《拥有一个朋友》和《做一个朋友》常识回答过前 两个问题,但是,我任然对那些经久不衰的友谊感到惊讶,也对那些逝去的友谊感到失 望。即便如此,我还是要在文本中对为什么友谊会终结提出一些我的见解
双方都在改变时,其伤害较轻,因为这时的分手往往是相互的,上方都决定不在交往, 从此各奔东西,让友谊终结
VJWat tem.d$ Fra bibliotek什么倾向亡o hurt most is whe^ just one friend
一方改变时,造成的伤害最重 CMe fn'end might chav^ge social circleSj become
Others Wave similar answers. 其他人可能也有相似的说法 First, the situations
^ friends face may change. 首先,朋友面临的境遇有可能改变 T e decision to
relocate for a new school or job cannot help but 不得不 affect 影响 a
投入必要的时间和精力(For example, one friend 州’ 沒ht forget the importance
of the friendship due to the high of Waving a iaew pet or might feel that tine
Mystery 神秘的事物,迷 of Friendship. As I wrote in it, I don't think easy
answers exist as to Wow friendships start, why some turn into lifetime
otn.esj and why some eyui. Although I've tried, answering the
get exposed 使暴露于 regularly enough, to sunlight am.d do\rCt get watered
enoughj flowers will wither and even die. 如果花儿不嫩时常晒到阳光和得到足
够的饶灌,花儿会枯萎,甚至死亡 T/ae same
, an extended 长期的 period of t.me ( for summer campj college ) etc.)
is that one or both of the friends cAumje.朋友长时间不在一起(如参加夏令营、
^ 上大学等)友谊常常会终止的一个重要原因是一方或双方的改变丨thik it urts (ess
breakups may »ao亡 fee mutual av^d. so one or both friends feel betrayed 背叛 and etacf up with 以什么告终 bitter memon'es about \AjWat was a precious
^ frievuis ip to
special cart, it' ll probably bounce back as if it hadn't ever beev\
inured 伤害 .而且,如果他得到一点额外的特别的呵护,他会迅速恢复,就还想从未
^ 受过伤害 A亡亡he same time, if a flower gets repeatedly 反复地 tram/ ecf 践
first two question im. other articles ( To Have A Friend and Be
A Friend), I still get surprised by fnmdskips that endure and
disillusioned 使幻想破灭 fey ones that slip away.消逝 Bvev\ S0 j I' ll try to offer
have breaking points. 只有那些长存的友谊才能经得起大风大浪,甚至因此变得更
6 Nevertheless 然而,while we can rarely predict at tWe, outset 起初,开始
^ 1 I received an email frow\ a reader w o askedj r,Wl^y do some
friendships endj no matter
^ muc you want them to last?1'
She referred to 提到 l^\avmg seein the question, im. owe of my articleSj
to 适 用 于 这 也 适
用于友谊 If week after week passes where plans are made to
spend t/me together but are never honoredj perhaps due to
taking a frieyuishi'p for grantedj eventually even the closes亡 of
踏 ota, /t:7/ probably eventually break. 同样,如果花儿被反复的踩踏,他可能会
死亡 Especially the friendships that have fceen arounds for a long time catn.
endure storms, am.d. even become stroir^ger for tl^emj but iMost friendships
2- My simple answer is 亡ha亡 friendships end because the
situations friends are 1V1 or even the friends themselves chaise.我的回答很简
friendships may cease 稚嫩的 to Wave a reason to existi • 他们让时间一周一周
5 Conflicts can also cause the end of fri'emisi / /ps.矛盾的冲突也会导致友谊的终
如果朋友出了事故,患了疾病或失去亲人,这些情况也不能不影响友谊 Poes a
^ friendship y\eed to em.d because of these chaw es?基于这些原因幼体就要终结吗
No, but it'll require adjustments that one or both friends might not be
宠物或者从事某个更费时间、更需激情的有风险的事业 Againj a friet^dship can
^ endure these c av^ges, unless one or both of tWe, friends for some reason
decide not to /west the 亡/me airui energy imvolved. in the adjustment period.
willmg to make 不,但这就需要作出相应的调整 ,然而一方或双方却不可能不愿作
^ ^ 3 Secondj the friends t em elves may change. 其次,朋友自身可能在变 A
significant reason that friendships often end \A/Wev\ friends are apart 分开
Likewise 同样的 a frieind is /Vv an accident) develops am. iHm.esSj or loses
someone dose,, tl^ese situations cannot help but affect a friendship. 同样,
change is impossible to overcome wl\en one gets married but the other
is still single.) 例如,一方由于养了新宠物而极度兴奋,因而可能忘了友谊的重要性,
又或者一方结婚而另一方单身时,朋友也许感到这一改变无法克服时 h tWs situation,
involved 使参与 in new social organizationsj start to date ) get a petj or take
on 决定做 some other venture 项目或事业 that coiasumes 消耗 more t/ me