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1. 甲方系________(注明公司名称),是一家依法成立并有效存续的________(注明公司类型),注册地址为________,统一社会信用代码为________;

2. 乙方系________,身份证号码为________;

3. 甲方拟向乙方转让其持有的________%股权,转让价格为________元;

4. 双方经友好协商,就甲方股权转让事宜达成一致意见。



1.1 甲方同意向乙方转让其持有的________%股权,转让相关手续应当在本协议签订之日起________个自然日内办理完毕。

1.2 股权转让价格为________元整。乙方应自本协议签订之日起________日内一次性支付给甲方。


2.1 乙方应按照上述约定的价格支付给甲方。支付方式为________。

2.2 若乙方未按时支付全部转让价格,甲方有权解除本协议,并追究乙方违约责任。


3.1 本协议项下产生的各项税费由甲乙双方承担。

3.2 转让完成后,双方应协助完成股权过户手续,由乙方承担相关过户手续费用。


4.1 本协议任何一方应妥善保管涉及对方商业秘密的文件及资料,不得擅自泄露给第三方。

4.2 乙方不得将所得股权转让给第三方,否则应承担相应法律责任。


5.1 本协议履行过程中如发生争议,甲乙双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交________仲裁委员会仲裁。

5.2 仲裁裁决是终局的,对甲乙双方均有约束力。


6.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至双方履行完毕本协议项下各项义务止。

6.2 本协议如有未尽事宜,甲乙双方可另行签订补充协议。





Party A: ________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party A")

Party B: ________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party B")


1. Party A is ________ (state the company name), a legally established and validly existing ________ (state the company type), registered address at ________, with unified social credit code of ________;

2. Party B is ________ with ID number ________;

3. Party A intends to transfer ________% equity to Party B at a transfer price of

________ RMB;

4. After friendly negotiation, both parties have reached unanimous agreement on the equity transfer matter.

Therefore, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the transfer of equity held by Party A to Party B:

Article 1 Transfer of Equity and Price

1.1 Party A agrees to transfer ________% equity to Party B, and the transfer procedures shall be completed within ________ natural days from the date of this agreement.

1.2 The transfer price of the equity is ________ RMB. Party B shall pay the full amount to Party A within ________ days from the date of this agreement.

Article 2 Payment Method

2.1 Party B shall pay the agreed price to Party A according to the above provisions. The payment method is ________.

2.2 Party A has the right to terminate this agreement and hold Party B liable for breach of contract if the full transfer price is not paid on time.

Article 3 Tax and Transfer Procedures

3.1 The taxes and fees arising under this agreement shall be borne by both parties.

3.2 After the transfer is completed, both parties shall assist in completing the equity transfer procedures, with Party B bearing the related transfer costs.

Article 4 Confidentiality

4.1 Each party to this agreement shall properly keep confidential documents and materials involving the other party's trade secrets and shall not disclose them to third parties.

4.2 Party B shall not transfer the acquired equity to a third party, otherwise, shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

Article 5 Dispute Resolution

5.1 In the event of a dispute during the performance of this agreement, Party A and Party B shall resolve it through friendly negotiations. If negotiations fail, the dispute shall be submitted to the ________ Arbitration Commission for arbitration.

5.2 The arbitration award is final and binding on both Party A and Party B.

Article 6 Effectiveness and Termination

6.1 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties, and shall cease upon the completion of all obligations under this agreement by both parties.

6.2 For matters not covered in this agreement, Party A and Party B may enter into a supplementary agreement.

Party A (Seal): __________
