2003b) Mining the implicit ratings for focused collaborative filtering for paper recommenda
Strategic Game Theory For Managers
R.E.Marks © 2003
Lecture 1-7
1. Strategic Decision Making
Business is war and peace. ➣ Cooperation in creating value. ➣ Competition in dividing it up. ➣ No cycles of War, Peace, War, .... but simultaneously war and peace. “You have to compete and cooperate at the same time.” — Ray Noorda of Novell.
It’s no good sticking to your knitting if there’s no demand for jumpers.
R.E.Marks © 2003
Lecture 1-11
Question: High or low? You can choose Left or Right: Profits: Left You Rival $40 m $20 m Right $80 m $160 m
R.E.Marks © 2003y
❝Conventional economics takes the structure of markets as fixed.
People are thought of as simple stimulus-response machines. Sellers and buyers assume that products and prices are fixed, and they optimize production and consumption accordingly. Conventional economics has its place in describing the operation of established, mature markets, but it doesn’t capture people’s creativity in finding new ways of interacting with one another. Game theory is a different way of looking at the world. In game theory, nothing is fixed. The economy is dynamic and evolving. The players create new markets and take on multiple roles. They innovate. No one takes products or prices as given. If this sounds like the free-form and rapidly transforming marketplace, that’s why game theory may be the kernel of a new economics for the new economy.❞ — Brandenburger & Nalebuff Foreword to Co-opetition
北美精算师 exam P 2003 真题
Which of the following represents g?
15 y for 0 < y < 1 g ( y) = otherwise 0 15 y 2 for x 2 < y < x g ( y) = 2 0 otherwise 15 y 2 for 0 < y < 1 g ( y) = 2 0 otherwise
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
0.07 0.29 0.38 0.42 0.57
May 2003
Course 1
An insurance company examines its pool of auto insurance customers and gathers the following information:
Course 1
Form 03A
Let X and Y be continuous random variables with joint density function
8 xy f ( x, y ) = 3 0
for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, x ≤ y ≤ 2 x otherwise.
Let X be a continuous random variable with density function
x for − 2 ≤ x ≤ 4 f ( x ) = 10 0 otherwise.
Calculate the expected value of X.
1 5 3 5
Calculate g′(3).
−34e −3 −29e −3 −5e −3 −4e −3 63e −3
Course 4Fall 2003 Society of Actuaries**BEGINNING OF EXAMINATION** 1. You are given the following information about a stationary AR(2) model:=.(i) ρ105(ii) ρ201=.Determine φ2.(A) –0.2(B) 0.1(C) 0.4(D) 0.7(E) 1.0(i) Losses follow a loglogistic distribution with cumulative distribution function:F x x x b g b g b g =+//θθγγ1(ii)The sample of losses is:10 35 80 86 90 120 158 180 200 210 1500Calculate the estimate of θ by percentile matching, using the 40th and 80th empirically smoothed percentile estimates.(A) Less than 77(B) At least 77, but less than 87(C) At least 87, but less than 97(D) At least 97, but less than 107(E) At least 107(i) The number of claims has a Poisson distribution.(ii) Claim sizes have a Pareto distribution with parameters θ=0.5 and α=6.(iii) The number of claims and claim sizes are independent.(iv) The observed pure premium should be within 2% of the expected pure premium 90% of the time.Determine the expected number of claims needed for full credibility.(A) Less than 7,000(B) At least 7,000, but less than 10,000(C) At least 10,000, but less than 13,000(D) At least 13,000, but less than 16,000(E) At least 16,0004. You study five lives to estimate the time from the onset of a disease to death. The times todeath are:2 3 3 3 7Using a triangular kernel with bandwidth 2, estimate the density function at 2.5.(A) 8/40(B) 12/40(C) 14/40(D) 16/40(E) 17/405. For the model i i i Y X αβε=++, where 1,2,...,10i =, you are given:(i) X i i =R S T1, if the th individual belongs to a specified group 0, otherwise(ii) 40 percent of the individuals belong to the specified group.(iii) The least squares estimate of β is β=4.(iv) ()2ˆˆ92i i Y X αβ−−=∑Calculate the t statistic for testing H 00:β=.(A) 0.9(B) 1.2(C) 1.5(D) 1.8(E) 2.1(i) Losses follow a Single-parameter Pareto distribution with density function:()()1,1f x x xαα+=>, 0 < α < ∞ (ii) A random sample of size five produced three losses with values 3, 6 and 14, and twolosses exceeding 25.Determine the maximum likelihood estimate of α.(A) 0.25(B) 0.30(C) 0.34(D) 0.38(E) 0.42(i) The annual number of claims for a policyholder has a binomial distribution withprobability function:()()221x x p x q q q x −⎛⎞=−⎜⎟⎝⎠, x = 0, 1, 2(ii) The prior distribution is:()34,01q q q π=<<This policyholder had one claim in each of Years 1 and 2.Determine the Bayesian estimate of the number of claims in Year 3.(A) Less than 1.1(B) At least 1.1, but less than 1.3(C) At least 1.3, but less than 1.5(D) At least 1.5, but less than 1.7(E) At least 1.78. For a sample of dental claims 1210,,...,x x x , you are given:(i) 23860 and 4,574,802i i x x ==∑∑(ii) Claims are assumed to follow a lognormal distribution with parameters µ and σ.(iii)µ and σ are estimated using the method of moments.Calculate ∧ for the fitted distribution.(A) Less than 125(B) At least 125, but less than 175(C) At least 175, but less than 225(D) At least 225, but less than 275(E) At least 2759. You are given:(i)Y tij is the loss for the j th insured in the i th group in Year t . (ii)ti Y is the mean loss in the i th group in Year t . (iii)X j i j i ij =R S T0, if the th insured is in the first group (=1)1, if the th insured is in the second group (=2) (iv)21ij ij ij ij Y Y X δφθε=+++, where 1,2i = and 1,2,...,j n = (v)Y Y Y Y 2122111230374041====,,, (vi) ˆ0.75φ=Determine the least-squares estimate of θ.(A) 5.25(B) 5.50(C) 5.75(D) 6.00(E) 6.2510. Two independent samples are combined yielding the following ranks:Sample I: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 19, 20Sample II: 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18You test the null hypothesis that the two samples are from the same continuous distribution.The variance of the rank sum statistic is:()112n m n m ++Using the classical approximation for the two-tailed rank sum test, determine the p -value.(A) 0.015(B) 0.021(C) 0.105(D) 0.210(E) 0.420(i) Claim counts follow a Poisson distribution with mean θ. (ii) Claim sizes follow an exponential distribution with mean 10θ. (iii) Claim counts and claim sizes are independent, given θ. (iv) The prior distribution has probability density function:b g=5, θ>1πθθCalculate Bühlmann’s k for aggregate losses.(A) Less than 1(B) At least 1, but less than 2(C) At least 2, but less than 3(D) At least 3, but less than 4(E) At least 4(i) A survival study uses a Cox proportional hazards model with covariates Z 1 and Z 2,each taking the value 0 or 1.(ii) The maximum partial likelihood estimate of the coefficient vector is:, .,.ββ12071020e j b g=(iii) The baseline survival function at time t 0 is estimated as .S t 0065b g =.Estimate S t 0b gfor a subject with covariate values 121Z Z ==.(A) 0.34(B) 0.49(C) 0.65(D) 0.74(E) 0.84(i) Z 1 and Z 2 are independent N(0,1) random variables.(ii) a , b , c , d , e , f are constants.(iii) Y a bZ cZ X d eZ f Z =++=++1212 andDetermine ()E Y X .(A) a(B) ()()a b c X d ++−(C) a be cf X d ++−b gb g(D) a be cf e f +++g d /22(E) a be cf e f X d +++−g d g/22(i) Losses on a company’s insurance policies follow a Pareto distribution with probabilitydensity function:()(),0f x x x θθθ=<<∞+(ii) For half of the company’s policies θ=1, while for the other half θ=3.For a randomly selected policy, losses in Year 1 were 5.Determine the posterior probability that losses for this policy in Year 2 will exceed 8.(A) 0.11(B) 0.15(C) 0.19(D) 0.21(E) 0.2715. You are given total claims for two policyholders:Year1 2 3 4PolicyholderX 730 800 650 700Y 655 650 625 750Using the nonparametric empirical Bayes method, determine the Bühlmann credibilitypremium for Policyholder Y.(A) 655(B) 670(C) 687(D) 703(E) 71916. A particular line of business has three types of claims. The historical probability and thenumber of claims for each type in the current year are:Type HistoricalProbabilityNumber of Claimsin Current YearA 0.2744 112B 0.3512 180C 0.3744 138You test the null hypothesis that the probability of each type of claim in the current year is the same as the historical probability.Calculate the chi-square goodness-of-fit test statistic.(A) Less than 9(B) At least 9, but less than 10(C) At least 10, but less than 11(D) At least 11, but less than 12(E) At least 1217. Which of the following is false?(A) If the characteristics of a stochastic process change over time, then the process isnonstationary.(B) Representing a nonstationary time series by a simple algebraic model is often difficult.(C) Differences of a homogeneous nonstationary time series will always be nonstationary.(D) If a time series is stationary, then its mean, variance and, for any lag k, covariancemust also be stationary.(E) If the autocorrelation function for a time series is zero (or close to zero) for all lagsk>0, then no model can provide useful minimum mean-square-error forecasts offuture values other than the mean.18. The information associated with the maximum likelihood estimator of a parameter θ is 4n,where n is the number of observations.Calculate the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimator of 2θ.(A) 12n(B) 1n(C) 4n(D) 8n(E) 16n19. You are given:(i) The probability that an insured will have at least one loss during any year is p.(ii) The prior distribution for p is uniform on []0,0.5.(iii) An insured is observed for 8 years and has at least one loss every year.Determine the posterior probability that the insured will have at least one loss during Year 9.(A) 0.450(B) 0.475(C) 0.500(D) 0.550(E) 0.62520. At the beginning of each of the past 5 years, an actuary has forecast the annual claims for agroup of insureds. The table below shows the forecasts (X) and the actual claims (Y). Atwo-variable linear regression model is used to analyze the data.t X t Y t1 475 2542 254 4633 463 5154 515 5675 567 605You are given:(i) The null hypothesis is0:0,1Hαβ==.(ii) The unrestricted model fit yields ESS = 69,843.Which of the following is true regarding the F test of the null hypothesis?(A) The null hypothesis is not rejected at the 0.05 significance level.(B) The null hypothesis is rejected at the 0.05 significance level, but not at the 0.01 level.(C) The numerator has 3 degrees of freedom.(D) The denominator has 2 degrees of freedom.(E) TheF statistic cannot be determined from the information given.21-22. Use the following information for questions 21 and 22.For a survival study with censored and truncated data, you are given:Time (t) Number at Riskat Time t Failures at Time t1 30 52 27 93 32 64 25 55 20 4 21. The probability of failing at or before Time 4, given survival past Time 1, is31q.Calculate Greenwood’s approximation of the variance of 31 q.(A) 0.0067(B) 0.0073(C) 0.0080(D) 0.0091(E) 0.010521-22. (Repeated for convenience) Use the following information for questions 21 and 22.For a survival study with censored and truncated data, you are given:Time (t) Number at Riskat Time t Failures at Time t1 30 52 27 93 32 64 25 55 20 4 22. Calculate the 95% log-transformed confidence interval for H3b g, based on the Nelson-Aalenestimate.(A) (0.30,0.89)(B) (0.31,1.54)(C) (0.39,0.99)(D) (0.44,1.07)(E) (0.56,0.79)(i) Two risks have the following severity distributions:Amount of Claim Probability of ClaimAmount for Risk 1Probability of ClaimAmount for Risk 2250 0.5 0.72,500 0.3 0.260,000 0.2 0.1(ii) Risk 1 is twice as likely to be observed as Risk 2.A claim of 250 is observed.Determine the Bühlmann credibility estimate of the second claim amount from the same risk.(A) Less than 10,200(B) At least 10,200, but less than 10,400(C) At least 10,400, but less than 10,600(D) At least 10,600, but less than 10,800(E) At least 10,800(i) A sample x x x 1210,,,… is drawn from a distribution with probability density function:1211exp()exp(), 0[]x x x θθσσ−+−<<∞(ii)θσ>(iii) x x i i ==∑∑15050002 andEstimate θ by matching the first two sample moments to the corresponding population quantities.(A) 9(B) 10(C) 15(D) 20(E) 2125. You are given the following time-series model:115.028.0−−−++=t t t t y y εεWhich of the following statements about this model is false?(A) 10.4ρ=(B) 1,2,3,4,....k k ρρ<=(C) The model is ARMA(1,1).(D) The model is stationary.(E) The mean, µ, is 2.26. You are given a sample of two values, 5 and 9.You estimate Var(X ) using the estimator g (X 1, X 2) = 21().2i X X −∑Determine the bootstrap approximation to the mean square error of g .(A) 1(B) 2(C) 4(D) 8(E) 1627. You are given:(i) The number of claims incurred in a month by any insured has a Poisson distributionwith mean λ.(ii) The claim frequencies of different insureds are independent.(iii) The prior distribution is gamma with probability density function:()()6100100120efλλλλ−=(iv) Month Number of Insureds NumberofClaims1 100 62 150 83 200 114 300 ?Determine the Bühlmann-Straub credibility estimate of the number of claims in Month 4.(A) 16.7(B) 16.9(C) 17.3(D) 17.6(E) 18.028. You fit a Pareto distribution to a sample of 200 claim amounts and use the likelihood ratio testto test the hypothesis that 1.5α= and 7.8θ=.You are given:(i) The maximum likelihood estimates are α= 1.4 and θ = 7.6.(ii) The natural logarithm of the likelihood function evaluated at the maximum likelihoodestimates is −817.92.(iii) ()ln 7.8607.64i x +=∑Determine the result of the test.(A) Reject at the 0.005 significance level.(B) Reject at the 0.010 significance level, but not at the 0.005 level.(C) Reject at the 0.025 significance level, but not at the 0.010 level.(D) Reject at the 0.050 significance level, but not at the 0.025 level.(E) Do not reject at the 0.050 significance level.29. You are given:(i) The model is Y X i i i =+βε, i = 1, 2, 3.(ii)i X i Var εi b g11 12 2 93 316 (iii)The ordinary least squares residuals are εβi i i Y X =−, i = 1, 2, 3.Determine E X X X ,,ε12123d i.(A) 1.0(B) 1.8(C) 2.7(D) 3.7(E) 7.630. For a sample of 15 losses, you are given:(i)Interval Observed Number ofLosses(0, 2] 5(2, 5] 5(5, ∞) 5 (ii) Losses follow the uniform distribution on 0,θb g.Estimate θ by minimizing the function()231j jjjE OO=−∑, where j E is the expected number oflosses in the j th interval andjO is the observed number of losses in the j th interval.(A) 6.0(B) 6.4(C) 6.8(D) 7.2(E) 7.631. You are given:(i) The probability that an insured will have exactly one claim is θ.(ii) The prior distribution of θ has probability density function:πθθθb g=<<3201,A randomly chosen insured is observed to have exactly one claim.Determine the posterior probability that θ is greater than 0.60.(A) 0.54(B) 0.58(C) 0.63(D) 0.67(E) 0.7232. The distribution of accidents for 84 randomly selected policies is as follows:Number of Accidents Number of Policies0 321 262 123 74 45 26 1Total 84 Which of the following models best represents these data?binomial(A) Negativeuniform(B) Discrete(C) Poisson(D) Binomial(E) Either Poisson or Binomial33. A time series yt follows an ARIMA(1,1,1) model with φ107=., θ103=−. and σε210=..Determine the variance of the forecast error two steps ahead.(A) 1(B)5(C) 8(D)10(E) 12(i) Low-hazard risks have an exponential claim size distribution with mean θ. (ii) Medium-hazard risks have an exponential claim size distribution with mean 2θ. (iii) High-hazard risks have an exponential claim size distribution with mean 3θ. (iv) No claims from low-hazard risks are observed.(v) Three claims from medium-hazard risks are observed, of sizes 1, 2 and 3. (vi) One claim from a high-hazard risk is observed, of size 15.Determine the maximum likelihood estimate of θ.(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 5(i)partial X =pure premium calculated from partially credible data(ii)partial E X µ⎡⎤=⎣⎦ (iii) Fluctuations are limited to ±k µ of the mean with probability P(iv) Z = credibility factorWhich of the following is equal to P ?(A) partial Pr k X k µµµµ⎡⎤−≤≤+⎣⎦(B) partial Pr +Z k Z X Z k µµ⎡⎤−≤≤⎣⎦(C) partial Pr +Z Z X Z µµµµ⎡⎤−≤≤⎣⎦(D) ()partial Pr 111k Z X Z k µ⎡⎤−≤+−≤+⎣⎦(E) ()partial Pr 1k Z X Z k µµµµµ⎡⎤−≤+−≤+⎣⎦36. For the model 1223344i i i i i Y X X X ββββε=++++, you are given:(i) N = 15(ii)(iii) ESS =28282.Calculate the standard error of 32ˆˆββ−.(A) 6.4(B) 6.8(C) 7.1(D) 7.5(E) 7.837. You are given:Assume a uniform distribution of claim sizes within each interval.Estimate E X X 2150c h g −∧.(A)Less than 200(B)At least 200, but less than 300(C)At least 300, but less than 400(D)At least 400, but less than 500(E)At least 50038. Which of the following statements about moving average models is false?(A) Both unweighted and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) models canbe used to forecast future values of a time series.(B) Forecasts using unweighted moving average models are determined by applying equalweights to a specified number of past observations of the time series.(C) Forecasts using EWMA models may not be true averages because the weights appliedto the past observations do not necessarily sum to one.(D) Forecasts using both unweighted and EWMA models are adaptive because theyautomatically adjust themselves to the most recently available data.(E) Using an EWMA model, the two-period forecast is the same as the one-periodforecast.39. You are given:(i) Each risk has at most one claim each year.(ii)Type of Risk Prior Probability Annual Claim ProbabilityI 0.7 0.1II 0.2 0.2III 0.1 0.4 One randomly chosen risk has three claims during Years 1-6.Determine the posterior probability of a claim for this risk in Year 7.(A) 0.22(B) 0.28(C) 0.33(D) 0.40(E) 0.4640. You are given the following about 100 insurance policies in a study of time to policysurrender:(i) The study was designed in such a way that for every policy that was surrendered, ar, is always equal to 100.new policy was added, meaning that the risk set,j(ii) Policies are surrendered only at the end of a policy year.(iii) The number of policies surrendered at the end of each policy year was observed to be:1 at the end of the 1st policy year2 at the end of the 2nd policy year3 at the end of the 3rd policy yearn at the end of the n th policy year(iv) The Nelson-Aalen empirical estimate of the cumulative distribution function at time n, F, is 0.542.)(ˆnWhat is the value of n?(A) 8(B) 9(C) 10(D) 11(E) 12**END OF EXAMINATION**Course 4, Fall 2003PRELIMINARY ANSWER KEYQuestion # Answer Question # Answer 1 A21 A 2 E22 D 3 E23 D 4 B24 D 5 D25 E 6 A26 D 7 C27 B 8 D28 C 9 E29 B 10 D30 E 11 C31 E 12 A32 A 13 E33 B 14 D34 B 15 C35 E 16 B36 C 17 C37 C 18 B38 C 19 A39 B 20 A40 E。
Education Research.
BLACK-BOX TESTING IN THE INTRODUCTORYPROGRAMMING CLASSTamara BabaianComputer Information Systems DepartmentBentley Collegetbabaian@Wendy LucasComputer Information Systems DepartmentBentley CollegeABSTRACTIntroductory programming courses are often a challenge to both the students taking them and the instructors teaching them. The scope and complexity of topics required for learning how to program can distract from the importance of learning how to test. Even the textbooks on introductory programming rarely address the topic of testing. Yet, anyone who will be involved in the system development process should understand the critical need for testing and know how to design test cases that identify bugs and verify the correct functionality of applications. This paper describes a testing exercise that has been integrated into an introductory programming course as part of an overall effort to focus attention on effective software testing techniques.1 A comparison of the performance on a common programming assignment of students who had participated in the testing exercise to that of students who had not demonstrates the value of following such an approach.Keywords: testing, debugging, black-box method, introductory programming1 A shorter version of this paper, entitled Developing Testing Skills in an Introductory Programming Class, was presented at the 2005 International Conference on Informatics Education Research.I. INTRODUCTIONFor several years now, object-oriented languages have predominated within introductory programming courses in the Computer Science and Information Systems curricula. Programming in general does not come naturally to all students, and object-oriented concepts can be especially daunting. Students struggling to write their first programs quickly succumb to the mantra that it compiles and runs - therefore it is correct. The importance of testing is lost on these novices in their rush to submit functioning code. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), which are invaluable in many ways, may have the unintended consequence of supporting this attitude; a simple click of a button compiles and runs code with astonishing speed (particularly to those of us who remember punch cards). It is so easy to recompile that one can fall into the trap of making changes and rerunning the program without analyzing errors and thinking through the code to address them. While syntactical errors are caught and promptly drawn to the programmer’s attention by the IDE, trapping logical errors requires careful design of test cases and thorough analysis of outputs. The necessity for these skills is often lost on the novice. A far greater risk is that the novice will become a developer who never learned the value of thorough testing. Attesting to the validity of this concern is the estimated $59.5 billion that software bugs are costing the U.S. each year [Tassey, 2002]; early detection of these errors could greatly reduce these costs [Baziuk, 1995]. As noted by Shepard et al. [2001], although testing typically takes at least 50% of the resources for software development projects, the level of resources devoted to testing in the software curriculum is very low. This is largely due to a perceived lack of available time within a semester for covering all of the required topics, let alone making room for one that may not be viewed as core to the curriculum. The motivation for the work presented here arises from the need for teaching solid testing skills right from the start. Students must learn that testing should be givenat least as much priority as providing the required functionality if they are to become developers of high-quality software.This paper describes a testing exercise that has been used successfully within an introductory programming course taught using the Java language at Bentley College. This course is part of the curriculum within the Computer Information Systems (CIS) Department, and is required for CIS majors but open to all interested students. The contents of this course are in keeping with the IS2002 Model Curriculum [Gorgone et al., 2002], which recommends the teaching of object-oriented programming and recognizes the need for testing as a required part of the coursework. While faculty readily acknowledge this need, developing a similar appreciation for testing in our students has proven far more difficult. The testing exercise described here has been found to be an effective step in this process.The next section of this paper reviews research that is relevant to the work presented here. We then provide an overview of the course and a detailed description of the testing exercise. In order to assess the impact of this exercise, we present an analysis of student performance on a related coding assignment. This paper concludes with a discussion of directions for future work.II. LITERATURE REVIEWThe low priority given to testing within the software curriculum and the need for that to change has been acknowledged in the literature. Shepard, Lamb, and Kelly [2001], who strongly argue for more focus on testing, note that Verification and Validation (V&V) techniques are hardly taught, even within software engineering curriculum. They propose having several courses on testing, software quality, and other issues associated with V&V available for undergraduates. Christensen [2003] agrees that testing should not be treated as an isolated topic, but rather should be integrated throughout the curriculum as“core knowledge.” The goal must be on producing reliable software, and he proposes that systematic testing is a good way to achieve this.Much of the relevant literature describes the use of Extreme Programming (XP) [Beck, 2000] techniques in programming courses for teaching testing. XP advocates a test-first approach in which unit tests are created prior to writing the code. For students, benefits of this approach include developing a better understanding of the project’s requirements and learning how to test one module or component at a time.XP plays a key role in the teaching guidelines proposed by Christensen [2003], which include: (1) fixing the requirements of software engineering exercises on high quality, (2) making quality measurable by teaching systematic testing and having students follow the test-driven approach of XP, and (3) formulating exercises as a progression, so that each builds on the solution to the prior exercise. These guidelines have been applied by Christensen in an advanced programming class.Allen, Cartwright, and Reis [2003] describe an approach for teaching production programming based on the XP methodology. The authors note that, “It is impossible to overstate the importance of comprehensive, rigorous unit testing since it provides the safeguard that allows students to modify the code without breaking it” [Allen et al., 2003, p. 91]. To familiarize students with the test-first programming approach, they are given a simple, standalone practice assignment at the beginning of the course for which most of their grade is based on the quality of the unit tests they write. Another warm-up assignment involves writing units tests for a program written by the course’s instructors. These exercises were found to be effective in teaching students how to write suitable tests for subsequent assignments.The approaches to teaching testing described above are very similar to the approach described in this paper. What differentiates our testing exercise andfollow-up coding assignment is that they are intended for beginning programmers, not the more experienced ones who would be found in advanced or production-level programming courses. This presents the challenge of teaching students who are only beginning to grasp the concept of programming about the importance of testing and the complexities associated with developing effective test cases.Edwards [2004] does address the issues of teaching testing in an introductory CS course and recommends a shift from trial-and-error testing techniques to reflection in action [Schön, 1983], which is based on hypothesis-forming and experimental validation. He advocates the Test Driven Development (TDD) method [Edwards, 2003], which requires, from the very first assignment, that students also submit test cases they have composed for verifying the correctness of their code. Their performance is assessed on the basis of “how well they have demonstrated the correctness of their program through testing” [Edwards, 2004, p. 27]. Edwards [2004] focuses on tools that support students in writing and testing code, including JUnit (/), DrJava [Allen et al., 2002], and BlueJ [Kölling, 2005], and on an automated testing prototype tool called Web-CAT (Web-based Center for Automated Testing) for providing feedback to students. Patterson, Kölling, and Rosenberg [2003] also describe an approach to teaching unit testing to beginning students that relies on the integration of JUnit into BlueJ. While Snyder [2004] describes an example that introduces testing to beginning programmers, his work is built around the use of an automated system for conditional compilation.What differentiates these works from our own is our explicit focus on the testing exercise itself, rather than on the different types of tools that provide assistance with testing, as a means for supporting the teaching of testing to novices. Our testing assignment requires a thorough analysis by students of the inner workings of a program for which they do not have access to the code. Theassignment’s components must therefore be carefully designed for use by beginning programmers.III. COURSE BACKGROUNDIn this section we present an overview of the Programming Fundamentals course and describe how instruction in software testing is positioned within its curriculum. This is the first programming course within the CIS Major at Bentley College, and it is taught using the Java programming language. While it is required for majors, it also attracts non-majors, with students also differing in terms of backgrounds in programming and class levels. To accommodate the majority of students enrolled in this course and prepare them for subsequent classes in software development, it is targeted towards those students who do not have any prior programming experience. The goal of this course is for students to develop basic programming and problem-solving skills. This is accomplished through lectures, in-class laboratory sessions for writing and testing code, and assignments that are completed outside of the classroom.Approximately two-thirds of the material covered in this course focuses on basic data types, control structures, and arrays. The remainder of the semester is spent introducing object-oriented programming concepts, including classes and objects, and instance versus static variables and methods. All of these concepts are reinforced through frequent programming assignments, with an assignment due every one to two weeks. Students are expected to complete all assignments on their own, without collaborating with others in the class, in accordance with our academic honesty policy. There are no group assignments in this course, as we feel that, at the introductory level, individual effort is required to absorb abstract programming concepts. Laboratory assistants and instructors are always on-hand to answer any questions with assignments and help direct student efforts without revealing solutions.Concepts related to the system lifecycle are sprinkled throughout the course to keep the students aware of the big picture and to help explain and motivate effective development practices associated with object-oriented languages. Strongly emphasized are testing and debugging techniques, the development of sound programming logic, and the writing of well-structured code. The decision to devote class time specifically to teaching program verification as part of this course arose from a curriculum revision process. Several of the faculty who teach development courses acknowledged that insufficient training in testing methodologies during the introductory programming classes was adversely impacting the students’ attitudes toward program verification in later courses. By addressing testing early and often in the sequence of courses within our major, we could help students develop proper testing techniques while stressing the important role of program validation within the system development process.As part of this effort, during the introductory lectures we stress the fact that the longest and most expensive part of the software lifecycle is spent in maintenance. We point out that maintenance expenses depend on the clarity of the code and its documentation, as well as on the robustness of the testing performed during the software development process. The formal introduction to testing and verification of software is given in the third week of the course, after most of the basic programming concepts have been covered and students are capable of composing a program with more than one possible outcome. Such an early introduction is necessary to facilitate the early application of testing techniques by students. This also serves to reinforce the importance of testing and good testing practices, which students will apply throughout the rest of the semester in their programming assignments. In addition, opportunities to develop test cases arise during completion of in-class programming exercises. These present students with the opportunity to learn from both the instructor and each other about the process of developing and implementing test cases.IV. TESTING EXERCISEIn this section, we provide a detailed description of the testing exercise that has been included in the Programming Fundamentals course. To set the stage for the testing exercise, the black-box (specification-based) method of testing was introduced in a lecture given during the third week of the course. This lecture was then followed by the testing assignment, in which the students were asked to perform black-box testing of a completed program. They were provided with a requirements specification for the program and with a compiled Java application, created by the instructor, which implemented those requirements with varying degrees of completeness and correctness. As part of their task, students would need to identify the ways in which the program failed to meet the specification. In the following sections, we describe the set of requirements for the program, the compiled code to be tested, the student deliverables and evaluation guidelines, and the instructor’s evaluation process.PROBLEM REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATIONThe application described in the requirements specification for the testing assignment is for automating the billing process for an Internet café (see Figure 1). The specified billing rules resemble those that are typically found in contemporary commerce applications and are based on multiple dimensions, including: the time when the service was provided, the length of that service, the charges associated with the service, and whether or not the customer holds a membership in the Café-Club.In selecting the application domain for this assignment, we wanted one that would reinforce the importance of testing. An Internet café is something with which students are familiar, most likely in the capacity of a customer who would want to be sure that the café was correctly billing for its services. Students could also conceivably be owners of such an enterprise, who would be equally if notmore concerned with the correctness of the billing process. This domain should therefore contribute to the students’ motivation to verify the billing functionality.A new Internet café operates between the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. The regular billing rate for Internet usage from its computers is 25 cents per minute. In addition, the following rules apply:1. Regular (non-member) customers are always billed at the regular rate.2. Café-Club members only receive a special discount during the discount period between 8a.m. and 2 p.m.: the first two hours within that period are billed at the rate of 10 cents perminute; all time past the first two hours (but within the discount period) is billed at the rate of 20 cents per minute. Any time outside of the discount period is billed at the regular rate. 3. If the total cost exceeds $50, it is discounted by 10%.Note that rule 2 above applies to Café-Club members only and rule 3 applies to all customers. The program should help automate customer billing for the Internet café. The program should work exactly as follows.The user should be prompted to enter:1. The letter-code designating the type of the customer: 'r' or 'R' for a regular customer, 'm'or 'M' for a club member.2. The starting hour.3. The starting minute.4. The ending hour.5. The ending minute of the customer's Internet session.The starting and ending hours are to be entered based on a 24 hour clock. Your program must then output the cost in dollars of the service accordin g to the above billing rules.Figure 1. Billing Program RequirementsIt was also important to provide an application that was understandable without being trivial. The logic of the billing rules is straightforward; at the same time, there is a rich variety of situations requiring different computational processes. Several categories of test cases as well as a number of different boundary conditions are necessitated and require thorough testing to verify the correctness of the application.PROGRAM TO BE TESTEDEvery student was e-mailed a compiled Java application implementing the billing program requirements presented in Figure 1. In order to maximize independent discovery and minimize the potential for students to discuss andcopy each other’s solutions, two different billing programs were implemented. Students were informed that more than one program was being distributed, but since the names of both programs and their compiled file sizes were identical and they did not have access to the source code, they could not readily tell who else had been sent the same version.Both versions contained four logical errors that were deliberately and carefully entered into the code by the instructor. While the errors in each version were different, the scope of the input data with which students would need to test in order to identify the incorrect operations was consistent. Hence, the likelihood of finding the problems with the implementations was comparable for the two versions.ASSIGNMENT DELIVERABLES AND EVALUATION GUIDELINES There are two parts to the deliverable that students were required to submit for this assignment (see Appendix I for the complete description). The purpose of the first part is to document the set of test cases they designed and the outcomes of each of the individual tests they ran using those test cases. Test case descriptions must include a complete specification of program inputs, the correct output value (i.e., given those inputs, the cost in dollars of the service based on the business rules shown in Figure 1), and the actual output value produced by the program. The objective of the test must also be described. For example, an objective might be to: “Test regular customer outside of the discount period.” The aim of this requirement is to help the students organize their testing process and learn to identify and experiment with distinct categories of input data.Students were encouraged to design test cases for different computational scenarios and boundary conditions. While there were no explicit requirements on the number of test cases, students were told that they should only include cases with valid application data (e.g. hour values between 0 and 23, inclusive). Thiswas done to limit the scope of the problem to a manageable size for beginning programmers.The second part of the assignment is to summarize the errors identified during testing in the form of hypotheses regarding the unmet requirements of the program. An example of a hypothesis might be: “The 10% discount is not applied within the discount period.” In order for a student to form such a hypothesis, which precisely identifies the error and the circumstances in which it occurs, observations from multiple test cases must be combined. For this particular example, one must combine the results of testing for the correct application of the 10% discount rule during different periods of service for each of the customer types. Thus, students must use their analytical skills to generalize the results of individual tests to a higher level of abstraction. In order to direct the students in this analytical process, the assignment explicitly suggests that they form additional test cases to verify or refine their initial hypotheses.INSTRUCTOR’S EVALUATION OF THE ASSIGNMENTIn evaluating the first part of this assignment, student submissions were checked against a list of twenty-five categories of test cases derived by the instructor. For the assignment’s second part, the summary of findings was checked for consistency with each student’s test case results. Appendix II shows the point value assigned to each graded component of the assignment, with a maximum possible score of 10 points. The first 5.5 points were awarded based on the degree of coverage of the students’ test sets with respect to the instructor’s categorizations. The next 2 points were for the number of actual problems with the code that were correctly identified (Diagnosed problems/summary of findings). The final 2.5 points were for the completeness of the descriptions provided for each test case (Presentation). This last component refers to the format rather than the content of the tests. For example, using the interaction shown in Appendix I, the student should show the starting hour of 12and the starting minute of 0 as two separate values rather than as one value of 12:00.The majority of students precisely identified two of the four program errors. Approximately 68% of submissions received scores of 8 and above out of a possible 10, 20% scored between 6 and 8, and 12% scored below 6. The value of this assignment cannot, however, be discerned solely on the basis of the students’ performance on it; rather, it is how it influences performance on future programming assignments that is most important, as discussed next.V. ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF TRAINING IN TESTINGIn this section, we present an assessment of the results of using the previously described approach to teaching students how to test by evaluating the performance of two groups of students on a common programming assignment. Students in Group 1 were enrolled in this course in a prior semester and did not receive any class time or homework training in testing methodology. They also did not complete the testing exercise. Group 2 students were enrolled in this course in the following semester; they were given a lecture on the black-box method and completed the testing exercise (but had not yet received the instructor’s evaluations of that exercise) prior to being given the programming assignment described below. These differences in testing preparation were the only distinguishing variation between the two groups; there were no significant differences between the number of students in each group or their composition in terms of their majors and prior exposure to programming. All the students were beginning programmers enrolled for the first time in a programming course at Bentley College, and most were in either their sophomore or junior year. Attendance by students in both groups was typically 85% or more for all class sessions.The assignment given to the students was to create a program for the billing requirements specification presented in Figure 1. Both groups were given the programming assignment at approximately the same point in the course. The students’ submissions were tested against the same suite of sixteen test cases. Table 1 summarizes the results of the comparison between the two groups of students on the common programming assignment.Table 1. Students’ Performance on the Billing Requirements ProgramGroup 1: Without testing assignmentGroup 2: With testing assignmentTotal number of students enrolled 39 40Total number of submissions 25 35Percentage of students who submitted 64% 87%Median number of failed tests 5 5Percentage of submitted programs with0 errors detected8% 20% The above comparison yields interesting results. The submission rate, i.e.,the percentage of enrolled students who submitted a program that compiled and ran, is far higher for the Group 2 students, who had received instruction in testing and completed the testing exercise. Based on a two-tailed t-test comparison, the means of the number of submissions are significantly different, with p = 0.015 using the standard 0.05 significance level. This suggests that problem analysis inthe form of creating test cases brings students closer to an understanding of the algorithm being tested. Based on this increased level of understanding, studentsin Group 2 had the confidence to complete an assignment that was perceived by many in Group 1 as being too difficult.The median number of failed test cases is the same for both groups and, while the percentage of “error-free” submissions (those that passed all 16 tests)is 2.5 times higher for Group 2, the means are not significantly different (usingthe two-tailed t-test, p = 0.206). A likely explanation is that only the “best” students in Group 1 were able to complete the programming assignment, so theirperformance was similar to that of those in Group 2, in which a far greater percentage of students were able to complete the assignment.Throughout the semester, it was also observed by the instructor that the explicit lecture on testing coupled with the testing exercise had served to increase the Group 2 students’ awareness of the variety of usage scenarios that could be derived from a program specification. Students were more likely to consider different input categories and suggest test cases capturing important boundary conditions based on the specification. The instructor felt that the introduction of black-box testing to the curriculum had an overall positive impact on the students’ ability to produce robust applications.VI. DISCUSSIONWhile introducing the concept of testing and having students create test cases are not uncommon activities throughout Computer Science and Information Systems curricula, the approach described here has several unique characteristics and advantages. First of all, the testing exercise requires that students develop a set of test cases for an instructor-created, compiled program, rather than for code they wrote themselves. This approach clearly separates the testing of the code from its development and is, therefore, a purer way for students to experience black-box testing than the TDD methodology [Edwards 2003] described earlier. Since creating the set of test cases prior to working on the implementation is not enforced by the TDD method, the testing performed by students may be biased by their knowledge of the code’s structure and how they chose to implement the program. Students participating in our testing exercise did not have access to the source code and were, thus, solely dependent on the requirements specification for developing their test cases.Providing students with a program that has been carefully crafted to include observable errors enables a second unique aspect to the assignment:。
Empirical processes of dependent random variables
n i=1
from R to R. The centered G -indexed empirical process is given by (P n − P )g = 1 n
the marginal and empirical distribution functions. Let G be a class of measurabrocesses that have been discussed include linear processes and Gaussian processes; see Dehling and Taqqu (1989) and Cs¨ org˝ o and Mielniczuk (1996) for long and short-range dependent subordinated Gaussian processes and Ho and Hsing (1996) and Wu (2003a) for long-range dependent linear processes. A collection of recent results is presented in Dehling, Mikosch and Sorensen (2002). In that collection Dedecker and Louhichi (2002) made an important generalization of Ossiander’s (1987) result. Here we investigate the empirical central limit problem for dependent random variables from another angle that avoids strong mixing conditions. In particular, we apply a martingale method and establish a weak convergence theory for stationary, causal processes. Our results are comparable with the theory for independent random variables in that the imposed moment conditions are optimal or almost optimal. We show that, if the process is short-range dependent in a certain sense, then the limiting behavior is similar to that of iid random variables in that the limiting distribution is a Gaussian process and the norming √ sequence is n. For long-range dependent linear processes, one needs to apply asymptotic √ expansions to obtain n-norming limit theorems (Section 6.2.2). The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we introduce some mathematical preliminaries necessary for the weak convergence theory and illustrate the essence of our approach. Two types of empirical central limit theorems are established. Empirical processes indexed by indicators of left half lines, absolutely continuous functions, and piecewise differentiable functions are discussed in Sections 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Applications to linear processes and iterated random functions are made in Section 6. Section 7 presents some integral and maximal inequalities that may be of independent interest. Some proofs are given in Sections 8 and 9.
供应链金融风险研究国内外文献综述1 国外研究现状从上世纪八十年代开始供应链金融的定义逐步被人们关注,国外涉及到供应链金融的思想观点与实践的应用相对成熟,对其定义的内涵外延比国内更为广泛,包括基于债券、股票等金融衍生商品这类动产质押业务风险研究、供应链金融的契约设计等方面。
M.Theodore,Paul D.Hutchison(2002)提出了供应链风险及其管理的相关概念,现金流管控是供应链金融领域十分关键的内容,供应链风控中的核心就是成功的现金流管控。
Cossin and Hricko(2003)基于企业违约概率与质押物价值,研究了具有价格风险商品作为质押的风险工具,质押物有助于进一步缓释银行信贷风险的作用。
Jimenez and Saurina(2004)研究了资产支持信贷中风险的影响因素包括质押物、银行(借款人)类型以及银行企业的关系等,合理的质押率有效缓释风险暴露,减少银行信贷损失。
Menkhoff,Neuberger and Suwanaporn(2006)的研究表明在不同国家,质押物对风险缓释的作用不同,质押物缓释风险的作用在发展中国家比发达国家显得更为重要。
Martin R(2007)系统分析了供应链资金流管控成本和危机、提升资金流效益的具体情况,指出根据供应链金融可让资金管理更加高效,但要严苛控制相应风险。
Lai and Debo(2009)对有资金局限的供应链存货中的相应问题进行了分析,通过库存契约设计能有效识别供应链上下游风险因子,从而提高供应链库存风险评价的准确性。
Qin and Ding(2011)分析了供应链金融领域里的风险变化现象,根据相应的风险迁徙模型,基于符合供应链金融条件,降低了借贷与信贷的风险。
An Evaluation of Unstructured Text Mining Software
An Evaluation of Unstructured Text Mining SoftwareMicah J. Crowsey, Amanda R. Ramstad, David H. Gutierrez, Gregory W. Paladino, and K. P. White,Jr., Member, IEEEAbstract— Five text mining software tools were evaluated by four undergraduate students inexperienced in the text mining field. The software was run on the Microsoft Windows XP operating system, and employed a variety of techniques to mine unstructured text for information. The considerations used to evaluate the software included cost, ease of learning, functionality, ease of use and effectiveness. Hands on mining of text files also led us to more informative conclusions of the software. Through our evaluation we found that two software products (SAS and SPSS) had qualities that made them more desirable than the others.I NTRODUCTIONUnstructured data exists in two main categories: bitmap objects and textual objects. Bitmap objects are non-language based (e.g. image, audio, or video files) whereas textual objects are “based on written or printed language” and predominantly include text documents [1]. Text mining is the discovery of previously unknown information or concepts from text files by automatically extracting information from several written resources using computer software [15]. In text mining, the files mined are text files which can be in one of two forms. Unstructured text is usually in the form of summaries and user reviews whereas structured text consists of text that is organized usually within spreadsheets. This evaluation focused specifically on mining unstructured text files.Many industries are relying on the field of text mining to solve specific applications using a variety of software. Currently, there does not exist a comprehensive review or comparison of the top software suites. Our research was performed so users would have an unbiased reference for looking at the different software features and the pros, cons, and methods for how to most efficiently use them. In comparing the software, we looked at the features that the software had as well as the ease of use and learning of the software. We used a test corpus that we developed for this purpose.Manuscript received April 5, 2007. This work was supported in part by the University of Virginia under a grant provided by an anonymous consultancy.M. J. Crowsey is with the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 22902. (phone: 434-924-5393. e-mail: mjc5s@).A. R. Ramstad is with the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 22902. ( e-mail: arr9p@).D. H. Gutierrez is with the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 22902. (e-mail: dhg9u@)G. W. Paladino is with the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 22902. ( e-mail: gwp2z@)K. P. White is with the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 22902. (e-mail: kpw8h@)The five software suites we reviewed were Leximancer,SAS Enterprise Miner, several products of SPSS, Polyanalyst, and Clarabridge. Most of the software was acquired through an anonymous consulting firm. We also obtained software through the University of Virginia and by requesting online software demos.The evaluators of the software were four fourth year Systems Engineering students at the University of Virginiawho had some previous experience with data mining, butlittle experience with text mining. This inexperience proved useful in determining the ease of use and learning of the software, though it sometimes posed challenges when attempting to find out how the software operates.I.T EXT M INING S OFTWAREA.General Information and PricingThe chart below shows the company, product, version, andcost of the software. Unfortunately, certain vendors wereunwilling to disclose cost information for their products.Table 1Company Product Version CostSAS EnterpriseMiner4.3 notprovideddue to companypolicySPSS Text mining forClementine(needClementine)Text MiningBuilderLexiquestCategorize10.12.03.2$4,534$18,136Server (1 CPU)$69,824Megaputer Polyanalyst 6.0 ProfessionalServer $80,000Client $5,000Leximancer Leximancer pro $2500Clarabridge ClarabridgeContent MiningPlatform2.1 $75,000B.LearnabilityThe criteria used to assess the ease of learning were based on whether software had the following:• A demo version•Tutorials•User’s manual• Sample Solutions • Online helpThe functionality results of the software were recorded using a spots and dots methodology. The ease of learning results can be seen in Table 2.The project team attempted to learn how to use each of the software suites solely by referencing the help files, tutorials, and other learning tools that were provided along with the software package. These materials provided information on the general process each software suite uses to mine text and on the specific features offered at different steps in the text mining process.Table 2: LearnabilitySoftwareDemo version Tutorial User’s manual OnlinehelpClarabridge X X SAS X X Clementine X X Polyanalyst X X X X Leximancer X X X XAs we were unable to obtain working copies of Clarabridge and Polyanalyst, we were unable to gain experience using these software suites. The evaluation of this software was done by looking at product features, going through live internet demonstrations, and performing research on the software companies’ websites.Overall, the help documentation which accompanied the SAS, SPSS, and Leximancer software was sufficient to learn basic processes and features employed by each suite. SAS and SPSS both offer traditional help files which serve as a good starting point for learning the process that each software suite uses to mine text. These resources provide both an introduction to text mining as well as the process flows that each of the software suites use to accomplish different text mining functions such as text extraction, text link analysis, and categorization. At a more detailed level, the help documentation of both software suites provide information on how a user can manipulate various features at different nodes in the text mining process in order to affect the results yielded. Finally, the documentation also provides information on how to view, edit, and make use of results.SPSS help documentation presents basic information which provides as user with a quick start to text mining. Example projects also are provided to show how different nodes can work together to accomplish various text mining functions.SAS documentation presents information on the text mining process and its unique methods and features in much more detail. Step-by-step examples of how to achieve a few text mining functions are also very helpful.Leximancer presents its help documentation in a slightlydifferent fashion than SAS and SPSS. Leximancer provides several help topics describing how to accomplish certain text mining functions within its architecture. Leximancer’s text mining process consists of a preset stream of nodes which a user cannot alter, and information on how a user can manipulate the features of these nodes to achieve different results resides within the nodes themselves.The fact that Leximancer presents information on the features offered by different nodes in the text mining process within the nodes themselves makes for quick referencing, and the content is very helpful in general. Leximancer also allows the user to adjust the level of complexity of the features it offers.Although help documentation and tutorials are sufficient for the beginning of the learning curve with these software suites, the group found that more advanced knowledge of how to get the most out of each product is best achieved through an iterative process of hands on experimentation. Manipulating the unique features of each software suite in various ways provides the best knowledge of how to achieve desired results. Also, experimenting with a variety of nodes in sequence allows a user to see how these nodes can interact to achieve more advanced text mining functions.C. Data PreparationThe importance of data preparation in text mining cannot be stressed enough. Given the importance of proper data preparation to the success of a data mining effort, it is advised that the user perform some “cleaning” on the data to put it into a semi-structured form. Although text mining seeks to find relationships between concepts in unstructured data, we found through our evaluation that mining technology does not eliminate the need for data preparation. If the user wishes to achieve a high level of reliability and extract useful concepts from the data, then structuring the data, even in small ways, is helpful.To achieve useful information for our evaluation, we ran text files through the software in order to see how they were processed. We also looked at the quality of the results after the mining was completed. For this task, we used HTML documents that were gathered from the University of Virginia Cavalier Daily newspaper website, . A software program that copies entire websites was used to gather approximately 1200 HTML pages from the website, and these formed the corpus that we ran through the software.D. Software Pros and ConsLeximancer is a software suite that focuses on extracting concepts and showing the relationships between those concepts, along with the relationship strength. Although its Java-based user interface is somewhat different from the other software suites evaluated, Leximancer still offers many of the same features that allow a user to manipulate stages in the text mining process. Leximancer’s results browser is very effective at presenting several pieces ofinformation at once and allowing a user to browse extracted concepts and concept relationships. Leximancer’s resultsbrowser is shown in Figure 1 below.Figure 1: Leximancer concept map and list of linked termsSAS Enterprise miner uses a unique mining approach called SEMMA (Sampling, Exploration, Modification, Modeling, and Assessment). This package offers features that compare the results of the different types of modeling through statistical analysis and in business terms. The integrated environment allows for the statistical modeling group, business managers and the information technology department to work together. Although SAS supports loading text in a variety of file formats, all externally stored text files must first be converted to a SAS data set via the use of a prewritten macro, adding additional complexity and time consumption to this step in the text mining process. SAS’ user interface is less intuitive than other software, but it still offers many of the same features as other products which affect how text is parsed. In addition to offering these basic features, SAS also offers a user the ability to affect how its algorithm is run which represents parsed documents in a structured, quantitative form. SAS’ term extraction generally yields a larger number of terms than other software, but its results browser allows for easy browsing and filtering of these terms. SAS also simplifies the text mining process somewhat by automatically clustering documents and identifying links between terms when a term extraction is executed. Figure 2 below shows SAS’ text mining browser for documents, extracted terms, and clusters.Figure 2: SAS text mining browserSPSS is flexible in that it supports many text formats, including: plain text, PDF, HTML, Microsoft Office, and XML text files. It has open architecture which allows the program to join together with other text analytics applications including Text Mining Builder, LexiQuest Categorize, and all other SPSS data mining and predictive analytics applications. Clementine’s text extraction does well to offer the use several methods for limiting the scope of an extraction and therefore tends to yield the most informative terms and phrases in its results. Figure 3 below shows Clementine’s text extraction results browser.Figure 3: Ranked list of extracted concepts in ClementineClementine also includes a text link analysis which has two main functions. The first is that it recognizes and extracts sentiments (i.e. likes and dislikes) from the text with the help of dictionary files created in Text Mining Builder.Some of these dictionary files are already provided in the software package while others can be developed by the user. The second is that it detects correlations between things such as people/events, or diseases/genes. SPSS also allows a user to manually define a customized taxonomy with the help of LexiQuest Categorize, which uses training data to learn the characteristics of the taxonomy predict the classification of documents.Polyanalyst, manufactured by Megaputer, can process large scale databases. The software also has a low learning curve and step by step tutorials. The integration of an analysis performed on both structured and unstructured text is available. The results of the analysis can be incorporated into existing business processes.Clarabridge provides analysis of data and is used in conjunctions with commercially available business intelligence tools which are used to view and interpret the results of this analysis. It also allows parallel processing of large amounts of data. During the processing, entities, relationships, sections, headers, and topics, as well as proximal relationships, tables, and other data are recognized. This information is stored into the capture schema thus maintaining metadata and linking it back to its source. Clarabridge can contain large amounts of data and maintain high throughput. The GUI requires a minimal amount of coding from users and processes can be done without human intervention.Table 3 shows the different functions that the software have. For some of these functions, such as extraction, all of the software possesses some form of the function. For others, such as clustering, not all of the software have the feature. A table of this form is useful for a quick visual software functionality comparison.Table 3: FunctionalitySOFTWAREFUNCTIONS SPSS SASClarabridge Polyanalyst Leximancer Extraction X XX X X Summarization X Categorization X X X X XClustering X X XConceptLinking X XX X X DecisionTrees X X XDocumentLinkage XX X X MemorybasedReasoning X X X XRegression X X X Exports data for further analysis in other packagesTime Series X X X Exportsdata forfurtheranalysis inotherpackagesII.R ESULTSUnfortunately we were unable to run the Cavalier Dailyfiles through Clarabridge because this software packagerequires additional business intelligence tools in order toachieve readable results.After running the sample corpus through the other foursoftware suites and comparing the subjective ease of use ofthe software, two products rose to the top: SAS and SPSS.The immediate advantage of these pieces of software isthat they were developed for large projects, so whileprocessing 1200 documents took a significant amount oftime, they were able to display meaningful results. Thechoice between these products, however, rests on theparticular application in which they are used.Because of the non-intuitive interface and steep learningcurve, SAS is best used in situations where the user alreadyhas a general understanding of text mining. It is also anexcellent choice for processing large amounts of documents,however, it only gives truly meaningful information if theinput has been pre-processed and made to be semi-structured.When running the files through, SPSS proved to be thequickest at mining the files. SPSS also is a good choice forprocessing large amounts of documents and provides moreuseful results if the input has been pre-processed and madeto be semi-structured. Another benefit that SPSS has overSAS is that SAS extracts a large amount of useful terms.All of the software products tested primarily extractedsport-related concepts from the given corpus in theexplorative analysis that was done. This indicates that in theCavalier Daily newspaper, sports are the main topics that arereported on. Again, because we were unable to obtainworking copies of Clarabridge and Polyanalyst, we wereunable to test them using our sample corpus. Further resultscould be obtained with a deeper analysis, but as we wereusing our corpus to get only a preliminary idea of thefeatures of the software, we did not pursue a more advancedinvestigation.III.F UTURE W ORKFuture work with text mining software is alreadyunderway. While the test corpus that was used to evaluatethe software in this report was large, the problem that wasattempted to be solved was not well-defined. Therefore, anew problem has been proposed that is well-defined, andwork is underway to analyze and solve it.There is a current project underway in which a group isattempting to extract relationships between the results fromsocial security disability claims in the court systems and thecontent of the claims that are filed with the courts. This is aproblem that is semi-structured and well-defined, and isperfect for further testing of the SAS and SPSS suites.The data for these cases are being gathered from variousstate and federal websites that have cases on record havingto do with social security disability claims. This data will becollected, parsed, inputted into a database table, and thenprocessed by SAS and SPSS in order to extract relationships in the data.The hope is that this processing will lead to discoveries about what types of claims are most often approved or rejected by the courts, if there is such a relationship. For example, it might be the case that if a person mentions “Lou Gehrig’s disease” in their claims, that they are almost always approved for their claim. If such a relationship were true, then text mining software like SAS and SPSS should be able to extract it through predictive capabilities.IV.C ONCLUSIONThe following goals were achieved by the conclusion of this project:•Identified the common needs of users of textmining tools through researching the industries thatuse text mining and the applications for which textmining is employed.•Addressed the current state in text mining through background research in the field and hands onexperience.•Evaluated and compared text mining software. This goal can be improved upon in future projects byconsidering an expanded set of evaluation criteria.A PPENDIXThis Appendix provides a glossary of terms commonly used in discussions of text mining software.KDD-knowledge discovery and data miningQueries-a common way of extracting information from databasesTuples-finite sequence or ordered list of objectEase of Learning-how easy or hard it is to learn how to use the softwareEase of Use-once the software is learned, how easy or hard it is to use the softwareClustering-Clustering algorithms find groups of items that are similar. For example, clustering could be used by an insurance company to group customers according to income, age, types of policies purchased and prior claims experience.Decision tree-A tree-like way of representing a collection of hierarchical rules that lead to a class or value.Regression tree-A decision tree that predicts values of continuous variables. Time series model-A model that forecasts future values of a time series based on past values.Extraction-locating specific pieces of data and extracting it from the documentSummarization- summarization extracts the most relevant phrases or even sentences from a document.Concept Linking- Usually comes in the form of some web-like visualization in which the links between extracted concepts are shown based on their co-occurrence and proximity within documents.Document Linkage – The ability to view in the results wherein the documents the concept occurs. Results link back toinput documents.Categorization- Organization of documents into predefined categories based on existence of specified indicator concepts within the documents.Memory-based Reasoning- MBR uses training records totrain a neural network to learn to predict certain characteristics of new documentsA CKNOWLEDGMENTThe Capstone team would like to thank their technical advisor, Professor K. Preston White for guiding them through the capstone project. Also, the team would like to acknowledge Elder Research Incorporated for allowing themto participate in such a rewarding project through funding it. The team would like to also thank Debbie and Jordan for everything they have done for the team.R EFERENCES[1]Weglarz, G. (2004). Two worlds of data – unstructured and structured.DM Review, 14(9), 19-22.[2]J. Elder et al., An Evaluation of High-end Data Mining Tools forFraud Detection. Available:/Portals/0/tool eval articles/ smc98abbot mat eld.pdf.[3]Megaputer, (2002), Polyanalyst Powerpoint.[4] S. Grimes, The Word on Text Mining. Available: .[5]Saving Lives, Cutting Patient Costs: Louisville Hospitals Advancewith SAS Text Miner, SAS, 2006. Available: /success/louisville.html.[6]R. Rao, From Unstructured Data to Actionable Intelligence, IT Pro,9202(03), 2003, pp. 1-7.[7]P. Fule, J. 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2003美赛B题S奖 Shelling Procedure and Optimization by Simulated Annealing For Sphere Packing
Shelling Procedure and Optimization by Simulated Annealing For Sphere Packing SummaryWe provide two models (model A and model B) for Gamma Knife treatment planning, one is a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model, and the other is an optimal sphere-packing model.Based on dose distribution and the requirements of Gamma Knife unit, a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model is constructed and discussed.Another model is a sphere packing approach to Gamma Knife Treatment Planning problem. Based on the theory of digital image processing and simulated annealing, an algorithm to obtain an initial sphere-packing plan is designed, and a method from the thought of simulated annealing is used to optimize the solution.Due to the complexity of the MIP model and the large variables, the calculating would cost too much time. Many researchers have developed or have been developing other programming models. There are the same problems of time complexity. So we have to establish model B to speed up the computation and find the best or approximate best plan for the Gamma Knife Treatment.In model B, we simulate some images from CT/MRI, and then translate them into digital-image as matrices by image processing. Then we get an initial result through Shelling Procedure and adjust further.Our algorithm is recursion procedure for sphere packing. It determines the candidate location of the sphere center heuristic from largest sphere radius to the smallest one. As we know, when a ball moves inside a large close region, the track of the sphere center forms a close surface with the shape similar to the boundary of the region. We adopt heuristic method to choose one voxel as the center of the sphere. The idea of finding the largest distance between two voxels is that we should use the space efficiently. The spheres located in these two points can reduce the waste voxels near the boundary, and can spare more space for further utilization.The solution obtained by Shelling Procedure must be adjusted further. From the thought of Simulated Annealing, we realize a program to maximum the sum of volume of spheres and to minimum the number of them.Simulated computation shows model B satisfies the constraints of the Gamma Knife unit treatment planning and can be further studied to use in the real systems.BackgroundGamma Knife Unit[6,7,8,9,10]The Gamma Knife is a highly specialized treatment unit that provides an advanced stereotactic approach to the treatment of tumor and vascular malformations within the head. The Gamma Knife delivers a single, high dose of gamma ray emanating from 201 Cobalt-60 unit sources. Inside a shielded treatment unit, beams from 201 cobalt-60 radioactive sources are focused so that they intersect at a certain point in space, producing an ellipsoidal region of high radiation dose referred to as a shot. (Figure 1)Figure 1: A shot of radiation is formed at the intersection of 201 beamsA brief historyIn 1968, Professor Lars Leskell of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden and Professor Borge Larsson of the Gustaf Werner Institute at the University of Uppsala, Sweden developed the Gamma Knife. As far back as the 1940's, Leskell recognized the need for an instrument to target deep-seated intracranial structures without the risks of invasive open skull surgery. Currently, there are about 200 Gamma Knife machines worldwide.Treatment Procedure1.Fix patient’s head.e “magnetic resonance imaging” (MRI) or “computed tomography” (CT) scan thepatient’s head to find the location and the volume of the tumor.3.Develop the patient's treatment plan. Find a optimal multiple shots plan due to theirregularity and size of tumor shapes and the fact that the focusing helmets are only available in four sizes (4, 8, 14 and 18mm).4.Deliver an efficient high dose of radiation to the target volume.Treatment GoalThe plan aims to deliver a high dose of radiation to the intracranial target volume with minimum damage to the surrounding normal tissue. The treatment goals can vary from one neurosurgeon to the next, so a planning tool must be able to accommodate several differentrequirements. Among these requirements, the following are typical, although the level of treatment and importance of each may vary.1. A complete 50% isodose line coverage of the target volume. This means that thecomplete target must be covered by a dose that has intensity at least 50% of the maximum delivered dosage. This can be thought of as a “homogeneity” requirement. 2.To minimize the nontarget volume that is covered by a shot or the series of deliveredshots. This requirement is clear and can be thought of as a “conformity” requirement. 3.To limit the amount of dosage that is delivered to certain sensitive structures close to thetarget. Such requirements can be thought of as “avoidance” requirements.In addition to these requirements, it is also preferable to use as small number of shots as possible to reduce the treatment time.Problem AnalysisThe goal of stereotactic radiosurgery for a brain tumor is to deliver the desired dosage to the target, and only the target. This is not possible in reality. So they do the next best thing, which is to deliver enough dosage to the target, to avoid as much normal tissue as possible, and to deliver as little radiation as possible to whatever normal tissue must be affected. There are two additional important criteria–dose homogeneity and dose conformality. That is, we do not want ‘hot spots,’ which have been experimentally determined to cause complications; and we do want rapid falloff of dose levels outside the actual tumor. As for simplification, we can firstly consider the focused beams an ideal sphere solid. That means, the dose inside the sphere is homogeneous and the dose level of sphere of different size is the same. And the dose outside the sphere is 0, take D=4mm sphere for example (Figure 2).Figure 2: diameter of 4mm sphere dose distribution curveThe figure shows that a shot merely acts upon in the spherical region; the outside of the sphere is not affected by the shot. Therefore, the target volume can be filled with several shots, and the problem can be reduced to sphere packing problem.However, the dose distribution of a shot in practice is not a simple step function with 0 dose outside the sphere and the dose inside the sphere is not homogeneous, that is, the dose gradient exists. In this situation, we can reduce the target volume to a smaller size and we also use sphere packing plan to solve this problem.Basic Assumptionsz 201 beams of radiation simultaneously intersect at the isocenter forming an idealspherical dose distribution.z A shot is a non-elastic, solid 3D sphere.z The shot sphere diameters are the same size as the diameters of collimator (diameter of 4,8, 14 and 18mm).z The tumor volume is not large. The length, width and height of a tumor region are from20mm to 40mm.z The dose distribution is that the dose level inside the shot sphere is high enough to killcancer cells, and the dose outside is low enough.z A treatment plan is considered acceptable if 50% isodose curve encompasses the target. z We consider isodose curve encompasses the target region tightly and closely.Constructing the ModelsModel A: Model Based on Mixed Integer ProgrammingDose distribution modelLet x be the distance from the isocenter of a dose sphere, r be a measure of the radius of the sphere, A sum of error functions has been noted in the literature to approximate this dose distribution. Then the radius dose distribution for x can be expressed as:∑=−⋅−n i ii i r x erf m 1(1σ (11=∑=n i i m , n =2 for simply) where ∫∞−−=xt dt e x erf 2/221)(π. According the above expression, we could draw the images that dose distribution (Figure 3)and effective area of dose (Figure 4) approximately.Figure 3: Dose distribution Figure 4: Effective dose distribution areaDescription of ModelThe complete dose distribution can be calculated as a sum of contributions from each shot delivered, once the location of the center of that shot (s s s z y x ,,) is known, and the length of time of delivery s t ; w is known as four kinds of diameter. In practice, this means that for all (i, j, k ), we restrict the shot locations to be within the target area, set shot location on grid, (we generate grid on target that values 1mm (Figure 5), and use binary variables to indicate if a pair of (shot location, shot size) is used or not. We choose a grid of possible shot location, and pre-calculate for each grid location, every pixel and each r and use the optimization algorithm to decide whether or not to use a shot as a particular location. Since the only shots that are considered are shots that lie within the target, so we could easily determine whether or not a shot lies within the target by the terms of track bounds of target. When the description of the dose is determined an optimization model can be formulated. The basic variables of the optimization include the number of shots of radiation that will be delivered, along with the coordinates of the center location of the shot (s s s z y x ,,), the dose of any point in the target ),,(k j i D s , the time s t that each shot is exposed, the T of bound on the length of time that a particular shot can be exposed, and s ψ(heuristically. If use the shot s, then, s ψ=1, else s ψ=0).Figure 5: Grid on figureNow, the problem is reduced to solving a MIP (Mixed Integer Programming ):),,(:),,,,,(}1,0{2),,(1:.),,(),,(:k j i D k j i z y x D N t k j i Dose t S k j i D t k j i Dose Min s s s s s s S s s s s s s T T =∈≤≤≤≤≤∗=∑∑∈−−ψψψψDue to the complexity of the MIP model and the large variables, the calculating would cost too much time. Other programming models were constructed by many researchers [6,7,8,9,10], there were the same problems of time complexity. So we have to establish another model to simplify the problem.Model B: Model Based on Shelling Procedure andOptimization by Simulated AnnealingDescription of ModelUnder the assumption that a shot is a non-elastic, solid 3D sphere, the radiosurgical treatment planning can be deduced an optimization of packing unequal spheres into a three-dimensional bounded region. Given an input (R; V; S; L), where R is a 3D bounded region, V a positive integer, S a multiset of spheres, and L a location constraint on spheres. We want to find a packing of R using the minimum number of spheres in S such that the covered volume is at least V, the location constraint L is satisfied; and the number of points on the boundary of R that are touched by spheres is maximized. Wang [14] shows that not only finding an optimal solution to the problem is computationally intractable, but also optimization of the related problems is NP-hard. Therefore, some sort of approximation is needed. The paper [2,3] proposes a model under the assumption that spheres are available with unlimited supply, the 3D bounded region is a polytope, and there are no location constraints. The model is a nonconvex optimization problem with quadratic constraints and a linear objective function. The computation complexity of the model of [3] is very high.Shelling Procedure to produce an initial solutionOur treatment planning for a gamma knife unit is based on sphere-packing problem. We establish a shelling procedure to solve sphere-packing problems.Before we depict our procedure, it is necessary to know the following principles:The sequence of packing is from the sphere of the largest diameter to the smallest one. Definition: Considering a voxel as a three-dimensional box. The length, width and the height of each voxel is 1unit.The major steps of this algorithm are as follows:Step1:Transfer the data of the boundary of the target to three-dimensional 0-1 arrays. The voxel value in the target region is 1, and the voxel value outside the region is 0.Step2: Find a reasonable sphere center.Pack from the largest sphere to the smallest one. First, we pack the sphere of diameter D=18mm into the region. As we know, when a small ball moves inside a large close region, the track of the sphere center forms a close surface with the shape similar to the boundary of the region. However, the shape similarity is small as the diameter increases.The method to obtain the close surface of a sphere center is similar to the methods in [1,7]. Find two voxels on the close surface, the distance between which is the largest. We choose one voxel as the center of the sphere in a heuristic way.The idea of finding the largest distance between two voxels is that we should utilize the space efficiently. The spheres located in these two points can reduce the waste of boundary voxels, and can spare more space for further utilization.Step3: Remove the spherical region. Find whether the sphere of D=18mm can be packed into the remaining region, go on packing the sphere until the remaining region cannot be contain the sphere of this diameter. Repeat step2 using a smaller sized sphere until the remaining region cannot contain any sphere of all sizes.Step4: Find whether the total volume of all sized spheres meets the given requirements, and the sphere number is reasonable.Step5: Store the location of centers of all the spheres and their diameters, thus form an initial solution, which is a feasible Gamma Knife treatment plan.The solution may not be the best plan. A further optimal algorithm will be depicted in the next section.A two-dimensional example of above procedure:As a two-dimensional situation, the close region can be seen as a close curves. Spheres can be reduced to given sized circles. According to above algorithm, we select a close plane region arbitrarily and make a trial of above procedure; the procedure is shown in Figure 7.Figure 7: the procedure of circle packing using above algorithmProcedure details of Figure 7:1. Generate the 0-1 array of given region.2. Find the tracks of the largest circle center (Figure 8), if the track does not exist, that meansthe profile cannot totally contain the circle, we may choose a smaller sized circle, and find the track again.Figure 8: track of circle center3. Then, we may find two points on the track, the distance between which is the largest.Record their locations. Select one location, place the circle, and remove the circle area from initial region; repeat the above procedure, find the largest circle or circles (given four sizes) that can be placed in the remaining region until none of the four sized circles can be placed in the remaining region; record the result.4. Compute the area of all circles in each situation; if the computed area is more enough,such as 90% of origin area and the shot number is less, the better the result is.Optimization by Simulated AnnealingNotice that simulated annealing method can be applied to optimize problems. The initial solution obtained by Shelling Procedure must be further adjusted. The objective function is using as few spheres as possible to occupy maximum space (more than 90% of original space). Denote the objective function as:∑=−=N i i n r V F 1334π where n F is the volume of the residual fractions. V is the target volume. i r is the radius of the sphere i, N is the number of spheres. The solution space is a 4-dimensional space consisting of three continuous and one discrete variable parameters. Denote one solution as:(){}N i r z y x S i i i i ,,2,1,,,,"==where ()i i i z y x ,, is the coordinate of the center of the sphere i. The solution space is so large that they cannot be explored exhaustively. The adjustment algorithm is as follows:Step 1: Calculate the objective function value of the initial solution. Then we obtain 0F andS .Step 2: Obtain the shift matrix W . It must be have the same degree of S .W =(){}N i k q p h i i i i ,,2,1,,,,"=Where i i p h ,and i q can be obtained by random way, and all of these data obey the standard normal distribution from –ε to ε. When the temperature t m is high, we should set ε larger. Where i k is the special data which will be described as follows:Step 3: Obtain new potential solution by W S +.S ′=(){}N i q z p y h x i i i i i i ,,2,1,,,"=+++Where i k +i r must be one element of the set ( 0, 4,8,14,18). And i k +i r can only be near i r . For example, if i r = 18, then i k +i r can select 14 or 18. If i r =4, then i k +i r can be 0, 4 or 8. Step 4: Test if S ′ is the proper solution, in other words, if S ′ obeys the restriction: (1) the distance between each two center of the spheres is lager than or equal to the sum of the radius of these two spheres. (2) the distance from the center of any sphere to the boundary of the target volume is larger than or equal to the sphere’s radius. If S ′ meets the restriction, continue steps 5, or go to step 2.Step 5: Calculate the value of the new solution, then we obtain 0F ′. If 0F ′ is smaller than 0F , in other words, S ′ is better than S , so let S = S ′, 1F =0F ′. Then we have the new solution, go to step 6.Use Shelling Procedure to estimate if we can add one or more sphere to fill lacuna. Note that this way may lead to adding the dimension of the solution matrix. If 0F ′ is larger than 0F , then if()1,0exp 00random t F F m >⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−′ S ′ is better than S , go to step 6. Otherwise go to step 2.Step 6: When new better solution is found, if ζ>−+1n n F F (where ζ is a small number we preassigned.) go to step 1. We should reduce the temperature if ζ<−+1n n F F (which means we have found the best solution at this temperature), but how to realize it? We have many ways. In our program, we select Lundy and Mess’ method:mm m t t t ×+=+β11Where f ft t M t t ××−=00β0t and f t are two critical value. 0t is the lowest temperature and f t is the highest. Both of them have been designated at advance. M is the largest number of adjustable times. In paper [13], the iterate method is one time per each temperature, so the total of iterative times is M .Step 7: Let 1+=m m t t , set ε a lower value, go to step 1. One example on 2-D is as follows (Figure 9):(a) initial result (b) final resultFigure 9: comparison of initial result and the final resultFigure 9 (b) is adjusted from (a). The area of all circles in initial result to total area of origin shape is less than 84% and the shots number is 10, while the area of all circles in final result to total area of origin shape is more than 90% and the shot number is 9. So we get a satisfied result.Evaluation of Our ModelsModel A was established on the basis of dose distribution. We find that many optimization of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery are also based on this distribution. So Model A is available in theory. But in fact the model is a MIP problem. It generates a large enormous data, and is difficult to calculate within time variable. But in some case MIP is flexible and practical on account of that MIP could find global optimization.Shelling Procedure and Simulated Annealing cooperating with each other made our model and method preferable. Shelling Procedure has an advantage on the initial solution: we search for the possible area of spheres’ center. The area is very important to our work. All of the solutions are to be contained in this area. Based on this fact, we find better solutions quickly, but we cannot use this method to optimize the result which is produced by itself. Simulated Annealing needn’t deal with the difference of every target volume. We only need a few data. Computer can treat all other business, and the efficiency can meet the requirements. And itTeam # 167 Page 11 of 11can improve the solution undoubted. Furthermore, we can watch the total movement course, for example, our program can realize it like a cartoon movie. The process is similar to the genuine steel annealing. Like all Simulated Annealing, how to define solution space and objective function is very hard. It is inadvisable to use Simulated Annealing to find the initial solution, the cooperation of shelling procedure and the Simulated Annealing is a efficient way to solve this problem.References1.Taeil YiI, A Tree for a Brain Tumor. Florida Section Newsletter. February 2001,V olume22, Issue 2.2. A. Sutou and Y. Dai, A Study of the Global Optimaization Approach to Spherical PackingProblems, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Sciences Research Reports B-361, Tokyo Institute of Technology, May 2000, submitted, revised July 2001.3. A. Sutou and Y. Dai, Global Optimization Approach to Unequal Sphere PackingProblems in 3D, Journal of Optimization and Applications.4. 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高三英语询问技术创新单选题50题1. Many tech companies are investing heavily in ______ to improve data security.A. artificial intelligenceB. blockchainC. virtual realityD. augmented reality答案:B。
2. The ______ technology has made it possible for self - driving cars to navigate complex roads.A. 5GB. cloud computingC. big dataD. Internet of Things答案:A。
3. Tech startups are exploring the potential of ______ in the field of medical diagnosis.A. quantum computingB. gene editingC. nanotechnologyD. all of the above答案:D。
Abstract A Foundational Approach to Mining Itemset Utilities from Databases
A Foundational Approach to Mining Itemset Utilities from DatabasesHong Yao,Howard J.Hamilton,and Cory J.ButzDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of ReginaRegina,SK,Canada,S4S0A2{yao2hong,hamilton,butz}@cs.uregina.caAbstractMost approaches to mining association rules implicitly con-sider the utilities of the itemsets to be equal.We assume that the utilities of itemsets may differ,and identify the high utility itemsets based on information in the transac-tion database and external information about utilities.Our theoretical analysis of the resulting problem lays the foun-dation for future utility mining algorithms.1IntroductionWe describe utility mining,whichfinds all itemsets in a transaction database with utility values higher than the minutil threshold.Standard methods for mining association rules[1,7]are based on the support-confidence model.Theyfirstfind all frequent itemsets, i.e.,itemsets with support of at least minsup,and then, from these itemsets,generate all association rules with confidence of at least minconf.The support measure is used because it is assumed that only highly frequent itemsets are likely to be of interest to users.The frequency of an itemset may not be a sufficient indicator of interestingness,because it only reflects the number of transactions in the database that contain the itemset.It does not reveal the utility of an itemset, which can be measured in terms of cost,profit,or other expressions of user preference.For example,the small transaction database shown in Figure1indicates the quantity sold of each item in each transaction. This information is of high utility.In association rule mining,support is defined over the binary domain {0,1},where1indicates the presence of an item in a transaction,and0its absence.The share measure[2]was proposed to overcome the shortcomings of support.It reflects the impact of the quantity sold on the cost or profit of an itemset.Lu et al.proposed a scheme for weighting each item using a constant value without regard to the significance of transactions[5].In their scheme,the utilities are attached to the the items rather than the transactions. Wang et al.[9]suggested that it remains unclearTID Item A Item B Item C Item DT110114T20060T31024T40040T50031T600113T70080T84007T901110T1000018Figure1:An Example Transaction Databaseto what extent patterns can be used to maximize the business profit for an enterprise.For example, two association rules{Perfume}−→Lipstick and {Perfume}−→Diamond may suggest different utilities to a sales manager,although both are interesting rules. They assume that the same item can have several utility functions with corresponding profit margins. The goal for profit mining is to recommend a reasonable utility function for selling target items in the future. Chan et al.[3]recently described an alternate approach to mining high utility itemsets.In this paper,we generalize previous work on itemset share[2].We define two types of utilities for items,transaction utility and external utility.The transaction utility of an item in a transaction is defined according to the information stored in the transaction. For example,thequantity of an item sold in the transaction might be used as the transaction utility. The external utility of an item is based on information not available in the transaction.For example,it might be stored in a utility table,such as that shown in Figure2,which indicates the maximum profit for each item.The external utility is proposed as a new measure for describing user preferences.By processing a transaction database and a utilityItem Name Profit($)Item A3Item B150Item C10Item D1Figure2:An Example Utility Tabletable together,data mining can be guided by the utilities of itemsets.The discovered knowledge may be useful for maximizing a user’s goal.For example,if the goal of a supermarket manager is to maximize profit, the itemset utilities should be decided by the quantity of items sold and the unit profit on these items.The quantity sold is a transaction utility,and the unit profit is a external utility.The discovered knowledge is the itemsets that produce the largest profits.The reminder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section2,the problem of utility mining is stated. In Section3,we propose a theoretical model for our utility mining approach.In Section4,conclusions are stated.2Statement of ProblemIn this section,a formal description of the problem of utility mining is given and related concepts are described.The utility mining problem is defined as follows. Definition2.1.(Utility Mining).Let I= {i1,i2,...i m}be a set of items,D be a transaction database,and UT I,U be a utility table,where U is a subset of the real numbers that reflect the utilities of the items.The utility mining problem is to discover all itemsets in a transaction database D with utility values higher than the minutil threshold,given a utility table UT.According to the above problem statement,we need to describe and define the utility of an item and an itemset.In the remainder of this section,wefirst define the utility of an item and then give the definition of the utility of an itemset.We also extend definitions from[2]to define transaction utility.Definition2.2.The transaction utility value in a transaction,denoted o(i p,T q),is the value of an item i p in a transaction T q.The transaction utility reflects the utility in a trans-action database.The quantity sold values in Figure1 are the transaction utility values of the items in each transaction.For example,o(D,T1)=14.In general,a transaction utility value may need to be scaled or normalized to correctly reflect thetransaction utility of items.For example,if the items represent temperatures,we cannot simply say that thetransaction utility of item A is six times that of item B because o(A)=6and o(B)=1.For simplicity,weignore the required transformations in this paper. Definition2.3.The external utility value of an item is a numerical value s(i q)associated with an item i qsuch that s(i q)=U(i q),where U is a utility function,a function relating specific values in a domain to user preferences.The external utility reflects the utility per item that is independent of transaction.Figure2shows profit values, e.g.,s(A)=3and s(B)=150.It reveals that the supermarket can earn$3for each item A that is sold.Often,in practice,it is feasible and more convenient to specify the utility function by roster as a utility table.Definition2.4.(Utility Table).A utility table is a two dimensional table UT I,U over a collection of items I= i1,i2,...i m ,where U is the set of real numbers such that s(i q)=U(i q)for each i q∈I.Before defining the utility value of an item,theutility function needs to be defined.Piatetsky-Shapiro et al.[8]and Kl¨o sgen[4]suggested that a quantitative measure of a rule may be computed as a function and introduced axioms for such quantitative measures.We define a utility function based on their axioms. Definition2.5.A utility function f(o,s)is a two variable function,that satisfies:(1)f(o,s)monotonically increases in f(o,s)forfixed o.(2)f(o,s)monotonically increases in f(o,s)forfixed s.The utility value of an item is defined as follows. Definition2.6.The utility of an item i q in a trans-action T q,denoted u(i q,T q),is f(o(i q,T q),s(i q)),where o(i q,T q)is the transaction utility value of i q,s(i q)is the external utility value of i q,and f is a utility function.The utility of an item can be an integer value,such as the quantity sold,or a real value,such as a profit margin,total revenue,or unit cost.Example2.1.Given the transaction database in Fig-ure1,the utility table in Figure2,and utility func-tion f(o(i q,T q),s(i q))=Amount×Item Profit,we obtain u(A,T1)=1×3=3.The supermarket earns $3by selling one item A in transaction T1.Similarly, u(B,T1)=0,u(C,T1)=10,and u(D,T1)=14.Example2.1shows that the utility of a item depends on the external item utility and the transaction utility as well as the frequency.The utility of item D,a freq uent item sold67times in total,is less than the utility of item B,an infrequent item sold only once.Association rule mining approaches based on the support measure could miss such high utility items.The utility of an itemset is defined according the sum of the utilities of its items.Definition2.7.[2]A k−itemset is an itemset,X= {x1,x2,...,x k},X⊆I,1≤k≤m,of k distinct items. Each itemset X has an associated set of transactions T X={T q∈D|T q⊇X},which is the set of transactions that contain itemset X.Definition2.8.The local utility of an item x i in an itemset X,denoted l(x i,X),is the sum of the utilities of the item x i in all transactions containing X,i.e.,l(x i,X)=T q∈T X u(x i,T q).(2.1)For example,using the transaction database in Figure1 and the utility table in Figure2,l(A,ACD)=2×3=6. Definition2.9.The utility of an itemset X,denotedu(X),is the sum of the local utilities of each item in X in all transactions containing X,i.e.,u(X)=ki=1l(x i,X).(2.2)If f(o(i q,T q),s(i q))=Amount×Item Profit,then for itemset ACD,u(ACD)=l(A,ACD)+l(C,ACD)+ l(D,ACD)=2×3+3×10+18×1=54.3Theoretical Model of Utility MiningA key property of itemsets is the Apriori property(or downward closure property)[1,7],which states that if an itemset is frequent by support,then all its subsets must also be frequent by support.It guarantees that the set of frequent itemsets is downward closed with respect to the lattice of all its subsets[2].This closure property has permitted the development of efficient algorithms that traverse only a portion of the itemset lattice.However,when calculating the utility of an itemset,the itemset utility can increase or decrease as the itemset is extended by adding items.For example, u(A)=3×6=18but u(AD)=43>u(A), u(B)=1×150=150but u(AB)=0<u(B).Thus, itemset utility does not satisfy downward closure,and it is necessary to discover other properties of itemset utility to enable the design of efficient algorithms.In this section,we describe two important proper-ties of utility that allow an upper bound on the utility of a k−itemset to be calculated from the utilities of the discovered(k−1)−itemsets.Furthermore,a heuristic model for estimating itemset utility is proposed that prunes the search space by predicting whether item-sets should be counted.These results provide the the-oretical foundation for efficient algorithms for utility mining.Definition3.1.Given a k−itemset I k={i1,i2,...i k}and i p∈I k,we define I k−1i p=I k−{i p} as the(k−1)−itemset that includes all items in I k except item i p.For the4-itemset I4={A,B,C,D},we have I3A= {B,C,D},I3B={A,C,D},I3C={A,B,D},and I3D={A,B,C}.Definition3.2.Given a k-itemset I k={i1,i2,...i k},we define S k−1={I k−1i1,I k−1i2,...,I k−1i k} as the set of all(k−1)−subsets of I k.For the4-itemset I4={A,B,C,D},we have S3= {BCD,ACD,ABD,ABC}.Lemma3.1.The cardinality of S k−1,denoted|S k−1|, is k.Lemma3.1indicates that the number of the subsets of size(k−1)of I k is k.Definition3.3.Let I k={i1,i2,...i k}be a k-itemset,and let S k−1be the set of all subsets of I kof size(k−1).For a given item i p,the set S k−1i p ={I k−1|i p∈I k−1and I k−1∈S k−1}is the set of (k−1)−itemsets that each includes i p.For the4-itemset I4={A,B,C,D},we have S3A= {ACD,ABD,ABC}.BCD/∈S3A because A/∈BCD.Lemma3.2.The cardinality of S k−1i p,denoted|S k−1i p|, is k−1.Lemma3.2indicates that among the k subsets of I k of size(k−1),there are(k−1)subsets that include item i p and only one that does not.Theorem3.1.Given a k-itemset I k={i1,i2,...i k} and a(k−1)−itemset I k−1such that I k−1⊂I k,then ∀i p∈I k−1,l(i p,I k)≤l(i p,I k−1).Proof:since I k−1is a subset of I k,any transaction T q∈T I k must satisfy T q∈T I k−1.Thus,according to Equation2.1in Definition2.8,l(i p,I k)≤l(i p,I k−1) holds.For the4-itemset I4={A,B,C,D}in Figure1and the utility table in Figure2,we have a3-itemset ACD and a2-itemset AD,and AD⊂ACD.Here,l(A,ACD)=2×3=6,l(A,AD)=6×3=18,and thus l(A,ACD)≤l(A,AD).Theorem3.1indicates that the local utility value of an item i p in an itemset I must be less than or equal to the local utility value of the item i p in any subset of I that includes item i ing Lemma 3.2 and Theorem3.1,we obtain Theorem3.2. Theorem3.2.The local utility of an item i p in an itemset I must be less than or equal to the local utility of item i p in any subset of I of size(k−1).Formally, local utility satisfiesl(i p,I k)≤minI k−1∈S k−1{l(i p,I k−1)}(3.3)≤I k−1∈S k−1l(i p,I k−1)k−1(3.4)where i p∈I k−1.Proof:According to Theorem3.1,thefirst inequality holds.According to Lemma 3.2,there are(k−1) subsets of size(k−1).By substituting each l(i p,I k−1) into min I k−1∈S k−1{l(i p,I k−1)},the second inequalitycan be shown.Example3.1.For a4-itemset I4={A,B,C,D},we havel(A,I4)≤min{l(A,ABC),l(A,ABD),l(A,ACD)}≤l(A,ABC)+l(A,ABD)+l(A,ACD)3Theorem3.2allows the calculation of an upper bound for the utility of an item in a k−itemset I by calculating the utilities of subsets of I of size(k−1).Using Theorem3.2,an upper bound for the utility of an itemset can also be inferred.Theorem3.3.(Utility Bound Property).The utility of an k−itemset I k must satisfyu(I k)≤ ki=1u(I k−1i)k−1(3.5)Proof:Since Equation 3.4holds for each i p∈I. According to Equation 2.1,Equation 3.5is obtained.Theorem3.3indicates that the upper bound of the k−itemset utility is limited by the utilities of all its subsets of size(k−1).Thus,a level-wise method,such as that provided by Mannila et al.[6],can be used to prune itemsets with utilities less than a threshold.As a result,the search space can be reduced.Example3.2.For a4-itemset I4={A,B,C,D},we haveu(I4)≤u(ABC)+u(ACD)+u(ABD)+u(BCD)3Although the utility bound property limits the utility of a k−itemset I to a fraction of the sum of the utilities of all subsets of size(k−1),the upper bound is still high. Thus,we further reduce this bound by considering the support of the itemset,denoted sup(I),the percentage of all transactions that contain the itemset[1,7]. Theorem3.4.(Support Bound Property).IfI k={i1,i2,...i k}is a k−itemset and I k−1i pis a(k−1)−itemset such that I k−1i p=I k−{i p},where i p∈I k,then they satisfysup(I k)≤min∀I k−1i p⊂I k{sup(I k−1i p)}(3.6)Proof:Since I k−1i pis a subset of I k,any transaction T q∈T I k must satisfy T q∈T I k−1i p.Thus,according tothe definition of support,sup(I k)≤sup(I k−1i p)holds.Theorem3.4indicates that the support of an item-set always decreases as its size increases.Theorem3.4 also indicates that if the support of an itemset is zero, then the support of any superset of the itemset is also zero.That is to say that if sup(I k−1)=0and I k−1⊂I k then sup(I k)=0.For example,for the4-itemset I4={A,B,C,D} in Figure1,sup(ABCD)is less than or eq ual tomin{sup(ABC),sup(ABD),sup(ACD),sup(BCD)}.Based on the utility bound property and the support bound property,a heuristic model to predict the expected utility value of a k−itemset I k,denoted u (I k),is given as follows.u (I k)=supmink−1ki=1u(I k−1i)sup(I k−1i)(3.7)wheresupmin=min∀I k−1i p⊂I k{sup(I k−1i p)}(3.8)Since the support bound property only allows us to estimate the number of transactions,Equation3.7may sacrifice some accuracy,and thus our proposed model is a heuristic model.Example 3.3.For the 3-itemset I 3={B,C,D }in Figure 1and the utility table in Figure 2,we have supmin =min {sup (BC ),sup (BD ),sup (CD )}=min {0.1,0.1,0.5}=0.1and u (BCD )=supmin 3−1×(u (BC )sup (BC )+u (BD )sup (BD )+u (CD )sup (CD ))=0.12×(150+100.1+150+100.1+24+24+31+23+200.5)=0.12×(1600.1+1600.1+1220.5)=172.2We can directly obtain u (BCD )=1×150+1×10+10×1=170from Figure 1and Figure 2.Equation 3.7requires that the utilities of all subsets of size (k −1)take part in calculation,which leads to inefficiencies in algorithms.Next,we relax this constraint.Definition 3.4.If I is an itemset with utility u (I )such that u (I )≥minutil ,where minutil is the utility threshold,then itemset I is called a high utility itemset;otherwise I is called a low utility itemset.The following theorem guarantees that only the high utility itemsets at level (k −1)are required to estimate the utility of a k −itemset.Theorem 3.5.Let u (I k )be the expected utility of I kas described in Equation 3.7,and let u (I k −11),u (I k −12),...u (I k −1k )be the k utility values of all subsets of I kof size (k −1).Suppose,I k −1i (1≤i ≤m )are high utility itemsets,and I k −1i (m +1<i ≤k )are low utility itemsets.Thenu(I k)≤supmin k −1mi =1u (I k −1i )sup (I k −1i )+k −mk −1×minutil wheresupmin =minI k −1i ⊂I k ,(1≤i ≤m ){sup (I k −1i )}(3.9)Proof:since u (I k −1i )≤minutil when m +1<i ≤k ,wecan substitute minutil for each u (I k −1i )term (m +1<i ≤k )in Equation 3.7,obtaining the desired result.Example 3.4.For the 3-itemset I 3={B,C,D }in Figure 1and the the utility table in Figure 2,suppose minutil =130.Since u (CD )=122<minutil ,then supmin =min {sup (BC ),sup (BD )}=min {0.1,0.1}=0.1.The estimated utility of BCD is calculated as follows u (BCD )≤supmin3−1(u (BC )sup (BC )+u (BD )sup (BD ))+3−23−1minutil=0.12×(150+100.1)+150+100.1)+12×130=0.12×(1600.1+1600.1)+12×130=225Theorem 3.5is the mathematical model of utilitymining that we will use to design an algorithm to estimate the expected utility of a k −itemset from the known utilities of its high utility itemsets of size (k −1).4ConclusionsIn this paper,we defined the problem of utility min-ing.By analyzing the utility relationships among item-sets,we identified the utility bound property and thesupport bound property.Furthermore,we defined the mathematical model of utility mining based on these properties.In the future,we will design an algorithm and compare it to other itemset mining algorithms.References[1]R.Agrawal,T.Imielinski,and A.N.Swami.Min-ing association rules between sets of items in large databases.In Proceedings of the 1993ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data ,pages 207–216,Washington,USA,1993.[2] B.Barber and H.J.Hamilton.Extracting share fre-quent itemsets 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企业并购的动因和绩效研究国内外文献综述及理论基础目录企业并购的动因和绩效研究国内外文献综述 (1)1.2国内外文献综述 (1)1.2.1国外文献综述 (1)1.2.2国内文献综述 (2)第二章企业并购动因理论及企业并购相关概念 (4)2.1 并购的含义及分类 (4)2.1.1 并购的含义 (4)2.1.2并购的分类 (4)2.2 企业并购的动因理论 (5)2.2.1 协同效应理论 (5)2.2.2 多元化理论 (5)2.2.3委托代理理论 (6)2.2.4市场势力理论 (6)2.2.5价值低估理论 (6)2.2.6 估值套利理论 (6)2.3 企业并购绩效评价方法 (7)2.3.1 事件研究法 (7)2.3.2 财务指标法 (7)2.3.3 非财务指标分析法 (7)参考文献 (7)1.2国内外文献综述1.2.1国外文献综述(1)企业并购动因的国外文献综述在国外,并购活动很早之前就开始进行了。
Halil Kiymazh和TarunK.Mukherjee(2000)[1]通过对并购公司进行问卷调查,结果显示大部分公司为获得正的协同效应,增加股东利益而选择并购。
公司治理问题研究的国内外文献综述目录公司治理问题研究的国内外文献综述 (1)1.1国外研究现状 (1)(1)关于公司治理的研究 (1)(2)关于委托代理理论的研究 (2)(3)关于董事会的研究 (2)1.2 国内研究现状 (3)(1)关于公司治理的研究 (3)(2)关于委托代理理论的研究 (3)(2)关于董事会的研究 (3)第2章相关概念与理论基础 (5)2.1 公司治理的概念 (5)2.2 委托代理理论 (5)2.3激励与约束理论 (6)2.4利益与相关者理论 (6)2.5公司治理模式体系及构成 (7)参考文献 (8)公司治理的相关问题已有400多年的历史,最早可以追溯到公元1600年东印度公司的成立。
Zhi Wang和Ramzan Muhammad(2020)错误!未找到引用源。
Answers must be written in separate, coloured books as follows:-
Section A:Section B:-
Blue Green
Section A
A1 (a) List the principle features of a roller cone drillbit and state how the drilling
conditions would affect the design of these features. [4]
(a) What are the criteria used to assess the performance of a drillbit when it has completed its run? Discuss these performance criteria and suggest which you would recommend as the most meaningful? [4]
A5 (a) List and describe the steps involved in drilling a well from a floating drilling
vessel. Highlight the aspects of the operation particularly concerned with safety.
Section B
B7 (a) Calculate the burst and collapse loads on the 9 5/8" production casing string
detailed in the following data. Select a casing string from those available on the basis of this calculation. State and discuss all assumptions used during the design.
Hunglish nyílt statisztikai magyar-angol gépi nyersfordító
Hunglish:ny´ılt statisztikai magyar-angol g´e pinyersford´ıt´oHal´a csy P´e ter ,Kornai Andr´a s ,N´e meth L´a szl´o∗,Rung Andr´a s∗,Szakad´a tIstv´a n∗,Tr´o n Viktor ,Varga D´a niel∗Abstract.A Budapesti M˝u szaki Egyetem M´e dia Oktat´o´e s Ku-tat´o K¨o zpontj´a nak vezet´e s´e vel2004j´u lius´a ban indult Hunglish pro-jekt1egy szabadon felhaszn´a lhat´o,statisztikai g´e pi nyersford´ıt´o t,il-letve ford´ıt´a st´a mogat´o rendszert hoz l´e tre,magyar nyelv˝u sz¨o vegekangolra val´o´a t¨u ltet´e s´e hez.A g´e pi ford´ıt´o tan´ıt´a s´a hoz egy k´e tnyelv˝uillesztett p´a rhuzamos korpuszt hozunk l´e tre.A projekt lez´a r´a sa ut´a nnemcsak a kifejlesztett szoftvereket,hanem a korpuszt´e s az ezalapj´a n´e p´ıtett/jav´ıtott k´e tnyelv˝u magyar–angol sz´o t´a rat is szabadonhozz´a f´e rhet˝o v´e tessz¨u k b´a rki sz´a m´a ra.1Bevezet´e sA glob´a lis szolg´a ltat´o k szemsz¨o g´e b˝o l a helyi nyelv haszn´a lata elengedhetetlen term´e keik´e s szolg´a ltat´a saik´u j piacokra t¨o rt´e n˝o bevezet´e s´e hez´e s elterjeszt´e s´e hez –k¨u l¨o n¨o sen a term´e kle´ır´a sok´e s az inform´a ci´o-szolg´a ltat´a sok k¨o vetelnek´a lland´o ford´ıt´a si munk´a t.A lok´a lis piacok,a nemzeti kult´u r´a k szemsz¨o g´e b˝o l tekintve azonban m´a s¨o sszef¨u gg´e sek v´a lnak fontoss´a!Az inform´a ci´o´a raml´a s´e s az ebb˝o l fakad´o gazdas´a gi el˝o ny¨o k biztos´ıt´a sa´e rdek´e ben els˝o sorban arra van sz¨u ks´e g, hogy a helyben rendelkez´e sre´a ll´o inform´a ci´o glob´a lisan el´e rhet˝o legyen.A mag-yar viszonyokra vet´ıtve teh´a t kulcsfontoss´a g´u nak tartjuk azt,hogy a magyar term´e kek,szolg´a ltat´a sok´e s´a ltal´a ban magyar nyelven el´e rhet˝o inform´a ci´o k min´e l hat´e konyabban´e s min´e l sz´e lesebb k¨o rben v´a lhassanak ismertt´e.Ahhoz,hogy magyar nyelv˝u inform´a ci´o m´a s nyelven is el´e rhet˝o legyen,t¨o m´e rdek ford´ıt´a si munk´a ra van sz¨u ks´e g.Miut´a n az angol nyelv mind a gazdas´a gi´e letben,mind az inform´a ci´o´a raml´a sban k¨o zponti szerepet kap,´u gy gondoljuk,hogy a magyar nyelvb˝o l val´o g´e pi ford´ıt´a s szempontj´a b´o l az angol a kulcsfontoss´a g´u c´e lnyelv.A projekt els˝o dleges c´e lja´ıgy egy magyar-angol nyersford´ıt´o rendszer´e p´ıt´e se.Nem tekintj¨u k c´e lunknak a magas szint˝u,net´a n irodalmi ig´e ny˝u g´e pi ford´ıt´a st.C´e lunk olyan rendszer elk´e sz´ıt´e se,melynek kimenete egynyelv˝u Budapesti M˝u szaki Egyetem M´e dia Oktat´o´e s Kutat´o K¨o zpont,{hp,nemeth, runga,szakadat,daniel}@mokk.bme.huMetaCarta Inc.,andras@International Graduate College,Saarland University and University of Edinburgh, v.tron@1A projekt indul´a s´a t az Informatikai´e s H´ırk¨o zl´e si Miniszt´e rium ITEM2003 p´a ly´a zat´a n elnyert¨o sszeg biztos´ıtja.inform´a ci´o-visszakeres˝o(IV,angolul information retrieval)rendszerek be-menetek´e nt szolg´a lhat.A t¨o bbnyelv˝u IV rendszerek kutat´a sai,k¨u l¨o n¨o sen az Amerikai Szabv´a ny¨u gyi Hivatal(NIST)´a ltal´e vente megrendezett TREC kon-ferencia“keresztnyelvi IV”(cross-language information retrieval)vizsg´a latai vil´a goss´a tett´e k,hogy az IV rendszerek maguk sem k´e pesek afinom´a rnyalatok megk¨u l¨o nb¨o ztet´e s´e re,´e s l´e nyeg´e ben ugyanazt a teljes´ıtm´e nyt ny´u jtj´a k gyeng´e bb min˝o s´e g˝u(pl.besz´e dfelismer´e sb˝o l sz´a rmaz´o,25-30%-ban hib´a s)sz¨o vegeken,mint a hib´a tlan nyelvtan´u,v´a laszt´e kosan meg´ırt anyagokon.Ez annyit jelent,hogy nyersford´ıt´a s bizonyos haszn´a lati helyzetekben ugyanolyan hasznos,mint egy ig´e nyes emberi ford´ıt´a s.A projekt v´e geredm´e nyek´e nt egy m˝u k¨o d˝o k´e pes nyersford´ıt´o szolg´a ltat´a s pro-tot´ıpusa fog elk´e sz¨u lni.A szoftvereket,vagyis a ford´ıt´o program k´o dj´a t´e s a munka sor´a n kifejlesztett eszk¨o zk´e szletet,valamint a fel´e p´ıtett adatb´a zisokat, a k´e tnyelv˝u illesztett korpuszt´e s a k´e tnyelv˝u sz´o t´a rat szabadon hozz´a f´e rhet˝o v´e tessz¨u k.A munka sor´a n kidolgozott m´o dszereket´e s technol´o gi´a t publik´a ci´o k,il-letve haszn´a lati k´e zik¨o nyvek form´a j´a ban kiadjuk.A projekt eredm´e nyeit ez´a ltal b´a rki el´e rheti,felhaszn´a lhatja,illetve tov´a bbfejlesztheti,vagy a technol´o gi´a ra ´e p´ıtve¨o n´a ll´o szolg´a ltat´a st ind´ıthat.Az eredm´e nyekhez val´o szabad hozz´a f´e r´e s a projekt egyik kulcsfontoss´a g´u eleme,amellyel sz´a mos c´e lunk van.Egyr´e szt´ıgy l´a tjuk biztos´ıtva,hogy a t´a mogat´a s megsz˝u n´e s´e vel a fejleszt´e sek tov´a bb folytat´o dhatnak,ak´a r a jelen pro-jekt r´e sztvev˝o it˝o l teljesen f¨u ggetlen¨u l is.M´a sr´e szt,minden olyan kutat´o-´e s fe-jleszt˝o csoport munk´a j´a t t´a mogatni k´ıv´a njuk,amely valamilyen m´o don a magyar nyelvtechnol´o gi´a val foglalkozik.A projekt olyan alapvet˝o fontoss´a g´u technol´o giai megold´a sokat´e s adatforr´a sokat tesz hozz´a f´e rhet˝o v´e,melyek mind tov´a bbi alap-kutat´a sokhoz,mind gyakorlati alkalmaz´a sok fejleszt´e s´e hez elengedhetetlenek. 2A projekt c´e ljaiA g´e pi ford´ıt´a s l´e nyeg´e ben a sz´a m´ıt´o g´e p megjelen´e s´e vel egyid˝o s v´a llalkoz´a s;az els˝o ilyen c´e l´u programot1947-ben fejlesztett´e k ki Weaver´e s munkat´a rsai.A g´e pi ford´ıt´a s neh´e zs´e geit¨o sszegz˝o ALPAC jelent´e s[2]meg´a llap´ıt´a sai sok tekintetben m´a ig´e rv´e nyesek,´e s emiatt nem meglep˝o,hogy a g´e pi ford´ıt´a s alkalmaz´a si k¨o re meglehet˝o sen korl´a tozott.K¨o ztudom´a s´u,hogy a g´e pi ford´ıt´o rendszerek kimenete k´e zi ut´o szerkeszt´e s n´e lk¨u l emberi kommunik´a ci´o ra nem alkalmas,az automatikus ford´ıt´a sok gyakran kifejezetten komikus hat´a st keltenek.´Eppen ez´e rt jelen pro-jekt c´e lja sem az els˝o dlegesen emberi fogyaszt´a sra sz´a nt v´e gleges ford´ıt´a s,hanem csak a g´e pi vagy ut´o szerkeszt˝o i felhaszn´a l´a sra sz´a nt nyersford´ıt´a s.Ehhez a f˝o c´e lhoz vezet˝o munk´a lataink sor´a n a projekt t¨o bb olyan r´e szeredm´e nyt is felmutat majd,amelyek¨o nmagukban is jelent˝o s nyelvtech-nol´o giai hozz´a j´a rul´a sk´e nt tekinthet˝o ek:–magyar-angol sz´o t´a r:szabad felhaszn´a l´a s´u,gyakoris´a gi inform´a ci´o kat is tar-talmaz´o elektronikus magyar-angol sz´o t´a r–a statisztikai alap´u sz´o t´a rak el˝o´a ll´ıt´a s´a hoz,karbantart´a s´a hoz´e s jav´ıt´a s´a hoz sz¨u ks´e ges infrastrukt´u ra–p´a rhuzamos korpusz:szabad felhaszn´a l´a s´u,mondatonk´e nt illesztett magyar-angol p´a rhuzamos sz¨o vegkorpusz–nyersford´ıt´o:szabad forr´a s´u rejtett Markov modell alap´u nyersford´ıt´o tech-nol´o giaA nyersford´ıt´a s legfontosabb eszk¨o ze a k´e tnyelv˝u sz´o t´a r.Imm´a r harminc ´e ve vannak forgalomban olyan ford´ıt´a st´a mogat´o rendszerek,melyek els˝o sorban a szavak sz´o t´a ri kikeres´e s´e nek munk´a j´a t automatiz´a lj´a k.Projekt¨u nk els˝o c´e lja egy jogtiszta,szabadon felhaszn´a lhat´o magyar-angol sz´o t´a r publik´a l´a sa,ame-lyet az egy´e ni felhaszn´a l´o k´e s a szoftverfejleszt˝o k¨o z¨o ss´e g szabadon b˝o v´ıthet tov´a bb.Ehhez komoly hozz´a j´a rul´a s Vony´o Attila k¨o zismert k´e tnyelv˝u g´e pi sz´o t´a ra.Amennyiben a magyarorsz´a gi K+F-t´a mogat´a si rendszer keret´e ben tov´a bbi angol-magyar rendszerek is´e p¨u lnek,´e s amennyiben az alkot´o k hajland´o k ezek sz´o anyag´a t is ny´ılt forr´a sk´o d´u v´a tenni(ide´e rtj¨u k nemcsak a kutat´a si,hanem a kereskedelmi c´e lra val´o tov´a bbfelhaszn´a l´a s korl´a toz´a s n´e lk¨u li enged´e lyez´e s´e t is), annyiban rendszer¨u nk sz´o t´a ra ezekkel tov´a bb b˝o v´ıthet˝o.A sz´o t´a ri ekvivalenci´a n alapul´o(nyers)ford´ıt´a snak ragozott szavak´e s sz´o t´a ri t´e telek probl´e m´a j´a n k´ıv¨u l k´e t alapprobl´e m´a val kell megk¨u zdenie.Az els˝o probl´e ma a c´e lnyelv´e s t´a rgynyelv nyelvtani elt´e r´e sei.Eset¨u nkben ez k¨u l¨o n¨o sen nagy probl´e mak´e nt jelentkezik az angol´e s a magyar nyelvi rendszer jelent˝o s k¨u l¨o nbs´e gei miatt.Amit az angol tipikusan sz´o rendis´e ggel fejez ki(pl.az alany/´a ll´ıtm´a ny/t´a rgy megk¨u l¨o nb¨o ztet´e st)azt a magyar ragokkal´e rz´e kelteti. Miut´a n c´e lunk els˝o sorban a g´e pi IV-t t´a mogat´o nyersford´ıt´a s,a probl´e ma nagy-obb r´e sz´e t–els˝o sorban az angol sz´o rendfinoms´a gainak algoritmiz´a l´a s´a t–mi figyelmen k´ıv¨u l hagyhatjuk,hiszen az inform´a ci´o-visszakeres˝o rendszerek eleve a sz¨o veg sorrendis´e g´e t elhanyagol´o“sz´o zs´a k”(angolul bag of words)modelleken alapulnak.Egy m´a sik probl´e ma a sz´o t´a ri t¨o bb´e rtelm˝u s´e g.P´e ld´a ul a magyar nap sz´o egyszerre jelenti az´e gitestet´e s az id˝o egys´e get,amelyet az angol nyelv k´e t k¨u l¨o n sz´o val fejez ki(sun,illetve day).Miut´a n egy magyar sz´o n´a l´a tlagban h´a rom an-gol ekvivalenssel is lehet sz´a molni,egy h´e tszavas magyar mondat leford´ıt´a sa37 (teh´a t t¨o bb mint k´e tezer)vari´a nst k´ın´a l.Erre a probl´e m´a ra megold´a st ny´u jt a sz¨o vegk¨o rnyezetben tal´a lhat´o inform´a ci´o,p´e ld´a ul abban a kifejez´e sben,hogy ’a nap´e s bolyg´o i’a nap sz´o egy´e rtelm˝u en a sun,m´ıg abban,hogy’egy es˝o s nap’egy´e rtelm˝u en a day ford´ıt´a st kaphatja.Vil´a gos,hogy az ilyen k¨o rnyezett˝o l f¨u gg˝o val´o sz´ın˝u ford´ıt´a sok megtal´a l´a s´a hoz sz¨u ks´e ges,hogy a sz¨o vegk¨o rnyezet ´a ltal ny´u jtott inform´a ci´o t pontosan meg tudjuk ragadni´e s azt elvszer˝u en in-tegr´a ljuk a potenci´a lis ekvivalensek kiv´a laszt´a s´a nak folyamat´a ban.A nyelvi elemek egym´a s k¨o rnyezet´e ben val´o megjelen´e s´e nek statisztikai elm´e let´e t m´e g a m´u lt sz´a zad elej´e n alkotta meg A. A.Markov.Ma en-nek az elm´e letnek k¨u l¨o nf´e le v´a ltozatai l´e teznek:a Markov-l´a ncok(angolul Markov chains)´e s az´u n.rejtett Markov modellek(HMM,angolul Hidden Markov Model)a nyelvtechnol´o gia sz´a mos´a g´a nak alapvet˝o eszk¨o zei,ezek k¨o z¨u l k¨u l¨o n kiemelj¨u k a besz´e dfelismer´e st´e s a HMM alap´u g´e pi ford´ıt´a st[1].A Markov modellez´e s nyelvtechnol´o giai haszn´a lhat´o s´a g´a t a franci´a t´o l a k´ınaiig m´a r sz´a mos nyelvhez k´e sz¨u lt alkalmaz´a s bizony´ıtja.A projekt m´a sodik c´e lja teh´a ta rejtett Markov modell technol´o gi´a nak alkalmaz´a sa a sz´o t´a ri t¨o bb´e rtelm˝u s´e g probl´e m´a j´a nak megold´a s´a ra.A statisztikai m´o dszer–b´a r k´e ts´e gk´ıv¨u l eredm´e nyesebb,mint a hagyom´a nyos szab´a lyrendszereken alapul´o GF–az´e rt nem csodaszer.Legfontosabb gyenges´e ge abban´a ll,hogy a rendszer meg´e p´ıt´e se kifejezetten sok adatot ig´e nyel.A statisztikai alap´u g´e pi ford´ıt´a s alapvet˝o adatforr´a sa a p´a rhuzamos korpusz.A p´a rhuzamos korpusz olyan sz¨o vegminta,amely egy adott tartalmat k´e t nyel-ven jelen´ıt meg´e s a nyelvi egys´e gek(p´e ld´a ul mondatok)sorrendileg illesztve vannak egym´a shoz.A projekt harmadik c´e lja magyar-angol p´a rhuzamos korpusz l´e trehoz´a sa.P´a rhuzamos k´e tnyelv˝u sz¨o vegkorpusz k´e sz´ıt´e s´e nek bevett m´o dja sz´e pirodalmi sz¨o vegek´e s ig´e nyes m˝u ford´ıt´a saik gy˝u jt´e se´e s illeszt´e se.Ez a statisztikai alap´u GF m´o dszerhez sz¨u ks´e ges adatmennyis´e gnek csup´a n t¨o red´e k´e t(n´e h´a ny sz´a z megabyte-ra tehet˝o anyagot)k´e pes ny´u jtani.Enn´e l nagyobb baj,hogy az el´e rhet˝o irodalmi jelleg˝u forr´a sok(pl.a Biblia vagy Orwell1984c´ım˝u reg´e nye)a gyakorlati(nyers)ford´ıt´a shoz nem megfelel˝o ek.Mivel a gyakorlati g´e pi ford´ıt´a s legfontosabb c´e lsz¨o vegei¨u zleti,technol´o giai´e s jogi tartalmak,elengedhetetlen, hogy a sz¨o vegkorpusz ezeknek a ter¨u leteknek a jellemz˝o szaksz´o kincs´e t min´e l nagyobb mennyis´e gben tartalmazza.A c´e l nem lehet Miksz´a th angolra ford´ıt´a sa, hiszen ilyesmire v´a llalkozni automatiz´a lt m´o dszerrel egyszer˝u en sarlat´a ns´a g lenne.Praktikus lehet viszont,hogy a magyarul ki´ırt tenderek angol nyelven is el´e rhet˝o ek legyenek,ami lehet˝o v´e tenn´e a besz´a ll´ıt´o k k¨o r´e nek n¨o veked´e s´e t,´e s a magyar vev˝o potenci´a lisan t¨o bb´e s jobb aj´a nlat k¨o z¨u l v´a laszthatna.A korpusz el˝o´a ll´ıt´a s´a n´a l´ıgy els˝o sorban nem a sz´e pirodalmi sz¨o vegekre,hanem a vil´a gh´a l´o n tal´a lhat´o t¨o bbnyelv˝u szerverekre koncentr´a ln´a nk(l.[3]).El˝o zetes becsl´e seink sz-erint ett˝o l egy nagys´a grenddel nagyobb,´e s persze gyakorlati szempontb´o l sokkal hasznosabb,p´a rhuzamos korpusz v´a rhat´o.References1.Brown,Peter F.,Della Pietra,Stephen,Della Pietra,Vincent J.,Mercer,RobertL.:The Mathematic of Statistical Machine Translation:Parameter Estimation.In Computational Linguistics19(1994)263–311.2.ALPAC1966:Languages and machines:computers in translation and linguistics.A report by the Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee,Divisionof Behavioral Sciences,National Academy of Sciences,National Research Coun-cil.Washington,D.C.:National Academy of Sciences,National Research Council.(Publication1416.).3.Resnik,Philip:Mining the Web for Bilingual Text.Proceedings of the InternationalConference of the Association of Computational Linguistics.Maryland.(1999)。
杨百寅简历---清华大学经济管理学院-CRM-系统通讯地址:清华大学经济管理学院人力资源与组织行为系中国北京清华园100084电话:86-10-62796314传真:86-10-62772021电子信箱:yangby@1990-1992:(加拿大)萨斯卡彻温大学继续教育专业硕士1992-1996:(美国)佐治亚大学人力资源开发专业博士工程师(管理)1996-1998:(美国)奥本大学助理教授1998-2001:(美国)爱达荷大学助理教授、(终身)副教授2001-2006:(美国)明尼苏达大学助理教授、(终身)副教授、(终身)教授2006-至今:清华大学经济管理学院系主任教授•2010年:美国管理学会年会,最佳论文提名奖【Academy of Management, Carolyn Dexter Award Nominee】•2010年:中国管理学会,年会优秀论文《如何提高战略决策效果?TMT社会资本与冲突的作用》•2009年:长江学者奖励计划, 教育部长江学者特聘教授。
•2009年:中国管理学会,年会优秀论文《家长式领导,冲突与决策效果》•2008年:杰出人力资源开发学者奖,国际人力资源开发学会【Outstanding HRD Scholar Award, Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD), 2008】。
•2007年:友好全球人力资源最佳教授奖,(印度)友好大学【Amity Best Global HR Faculty Award, Amity University, India】。
•2004年:2003年度最佳论文奖,人力资源开发评论【Outstanding Article for 2003, Human Resource Development Review, 2004】。
•2000年:早期职业奖,美国成人教育教授协会【Early Career Award, Commission of Professors of Adult Education (CPAE), 2000】。
Pedosphere24(1):13–38,2014ISSN1002-0160/CN32-1315/Pc 2014Soil Science Society of China Published by Elsevier B.V.and SciencePressSources and Deficiency Diseases of Mineral Nutrients inHuman Health and Nutrition:A ReviewU.C.GUPTA1,∗1and S.C.GUPTA21Agriculture and Agri-Canada Canada,Crops and Livestock Research Centre,Charlottetown,PE C1A4N6(Canada)2The Department of Plastic Surgery,Loma Linda University,Loma Linda,CA92354(USA)(Received August30,2013;revised December8,2013)ABSTRACTMineral nutrients are fundamentally metals and other inorganic compounds.The life cycle of these mineral nutrients begins in soil,their primary source.Soil provides minerals to plants and through the plants the minerals go to animals and humans;animal products are also the source of mineral nutrients for humans.Plant foods contain almost all of the mineral nutrients established as essential for human nutrition.They provide much of our skeletal structure,e.g.,bones and teeth.They are critical to countless body processes by serving as essential co-factors for a number of enzymes.Humans can not utilize most foods without critical minerals and enzymes responsible for digestion and absorption.Though mineral nutrients are essential nutrients,the body requires them in small,precise amounts.We require them in the form found in crops and they can be classified into three different categories:major, secondary,and micro or trace minerals.This classification is based upon their requirement rather than on their relative importance. Major minerals such as potassium(K)and phosphorus(P)are required in amounts of up to10g d−1.The daily requirement of secondary and micro minerals ranges from400to1500mg d−1and45μg d−1to11mg d−1,respectively.To protect humans from mineral nutrient deficiencies,the key is to consume a variety of foods in modest quantities,such as different whole grains,low fat dairy,and different meats,vegetables and fruits.For insurance purposes,a supplement containing various mineral nutrients can be taken daily.Key Words:deficiency diseases,deficiency symptoms,origin,recommended daily dose,toxicityCitation:Gupta,U.C.and Gupta,S.C.2014.Sources and deficiency diseases of mineral nutrients in human health and nutrition: A review.Pedosphere.24(1):13–38.INTRODUCTIONLike water,carbohydrates,proteins,fats,vitamins and the enzymes required to digest them,mineral nu-trients are also essential to life.Minerals are inorganic substances,present in all body tissues andfluids and their presence is necessary for the maintenance of cer-tain physicochemical processes which are essential to life(Soetan et al.,2010).Over99%of the adult body’s 1000–1200g calcium(Ca)is in the bones and teeth, yet the remainder,less than1%,plays an essential part in the functioning of many diverse vital activities,such as maintenance and functioning of cell membranes and activation of enzymes and hormone secretion(Wise-man,2002).Humans require a number of mineral nu-trients known to play key role in maintaining human health.This investigation will include mineral nutri-ents which have been shown to be essential and of ut-most importance to human health.Silica(Si),tin(Sn) and cobalt(Co)are excluded from discussion as these are in plentiful supply in nature and their deficiency is seldom encountered.Furthermore,the understanding of their roles is less exact.Carbon(C),oxygen(O)and hydrogen(H)are primarily derived from air and water and are not discussed;nitrogen(N),a major mineral, has also been excluded as it is a component of proteins and that is not a part of the objective of this study.Mineral nutrients are the key to the engines we know of as vitamins.No vitamin can be absorbed or can carry out its intended function without the spe-cific minerals in very particular amounts.Minerals are fundamentally metals and other inorganic compounds that provide much of our skeletal structure,e.g.,bones and teeth.In addition,they are critical to countless body processes(Wikipedia Foundation Inc.,2002).Mineral nutrients can be separated into major,se-condary and micro or trace minerals.This classifica-tion is based on their requirement by humans rather than their relative importance.The mineral nutrients included in this study are categorized as follows.Ma-jor:P and K;secondary:calcium(Ca),magnesium (Mg)and sulfur(S);and micro,trace or rare:boron∗1Corresponding author.E-mail:umesh.gupta@agr.gc.ca.14U.C.GUPTA AND S.C.GUPTA(B),chlorine(Cl),chromium(Cr),fluoride(Fl),iodine (I),iron(Fe),manganese(Mn),molybdenum(Mo), nickel(Ni),selenium(Se),sodium(Na),vanadium(V) and zinc(Zn).With ongoing and future research,this list is expected to grow longer.The objective of this review was to report up-to-date information on mineral nutrients,their origin and natural occurrence,sources,daily requirement,func-tions,symptoms associated with their deficiency dis-eases,and their role in human nutrition.NATURAL OCCURRENCE OF MINERALSPlant foods contain almost the entire nutrient mi-nerals and organic nutrients established as essential for human nutrition.Every form of living matter re-quires these inorganic elements or mineral nutrients for their normal life processes(Soetan,2010).Mine-rals are inorganic(non-carbon)containing nutrients and are either positively charged(cation)or nega-tively charged(anion).Mineral nutrients are elements remaining after foods are burned completely to ash (Greene,2000).The primary and the only source of mi-neral nutrients found in plants,animals and humans is soil.The kinds of nutrients found vary depending upon the origin of the soil.For example,B occurs in high concentrations in sedimentary rocks and in clay-rich marine sediment due to the relatively high concentra-tion of B in seawater(Samir et al.,2011).Deposits of B are found in association with volcanic activity and where marshes or lakes have evaporated under arid conditions(Samir et al.,2011).The abundance and diversity of nutrient minerals are controlled directly by their chemistry,in turn de-pendent upon elemental abundance in the earth.The majority of minerals are derived from the earth’s crust (Stipanuk and Caudill,2012).Eight elements in order of decreasing abundance are:O,Si,aluminum(Al),Fe, Mg,Ca,Na and K,which comprise98%of the earth’s crust by weight(Stipanuk and Caudill,2012).Inor-ganic minerals include matter other than plant or ani-mal and do not include C,H and O as in living things.RELATIONSHIP OF MINERAL NUTRIENTS TO HUMAN NUTRITIONMineral nutrients are absolutely essential for good health.Scientists have established that at least28mi-neral elements are indispensable for normal nutrition (Health Lifestyles Inc.,1993).Furthermore,they are even more important than cking vitamins, the body can make some use of minerals,but lacking minerals,vitamins are useless(Health Lifestyles Inc., 1993).The shocking fact is that even if one prides themselves on eating a well-balanced diet,they are probably among the95%of Americans who are lac-king in at least one major mineral nutrient.The root of this problem lies in a mineral-poor earth.As far back as1936,Senate Document No.264warned Ame-ricans that the soils used to grow fruits and vegetables were seriously deficient in needed minerals.Continu-ous cropping and the ravages of pollution were even then robbing the soil of the minerals needed to sustain life(Health Lifestyles Inc.,1993).Unlike the body’s complex organic compounds (carbohydrates,lipids,proteins,vitamins)that are used metabolically in the generation of energy,mine-rals are often found in the form of salts in the body that are inorganic and not metabolized(Carpenter et al.,2013).Minerals constitute about4to6percent of body weight—about one-half as Ca,one-quarter P as phosphates,and the remainder being made up of the other essential minerals that must be derived from the diet(Carpenter et al.,2013).Minerals not only impart hardness to bones and teeth but also function broadly in metabolism,e.g.,as electrolytes in controlling the movement of water in and out of cells,as components of enzyme systems,and as the constituents of many organic molecules(Carpenter et al.,2013).Mineral nutrition in humans is defined as the pro-cess by which substances in foods are transformed into body tissues and provide energy for the full range of physical and mental activities that make up human life(Carpenter et al.,2013).The ultimate goal of nu-tritional science is to promote optimal health and re-duce the risk of chronic diseases,such as cardiovascular disease and cancer,as well as to prevent classic nu-tritional deficiency diseases,such as kwashiorkor and pellagra(Carpenter et al.,2013)MAJOR CROP AND ANIMAL SOURCES AND THEIR RECOMMENDED DAILY DOSESRecommended daily doses of all mineral nutrients stu-diedAll foods contain several mineral nutrients;ho-wever,some are higher in certain minerals than other minerals.The recommended doses vary considerably as established by various agencies related to regulation of mineral nutrients in various foods.A dietary requirement is defined as the lowest con-tinuing intake of a nutrient that,for a specified indica-tor of adequacy,will maintain a defined level of nutri-ture in an individual(Sutherland et al.,1998).An es-sential dietary component is one that the body can not synthesize in sufficient quantities to maintain health.SOURCES AND DEFICIENCY DISEASES OF MINEARL NUTRIENTS15Recommended dietary allowances are based on esti-mates of the dietary requirements,and are designed to prevent deficiency diseases and promote health through an adequate diet(Lenntech,1998).In1996, the Food and Nutrition Board(FNB)began a revi-sion process of the recommended dietary allowances using as criteria specific indicators of adequacy and functional end points for reducing the risk of chronic diseases.Boron is a dietary component,and evidence from animal studies indicates that it is a dietary essential; it can not be synthesized in tissues,and organisms ex-posed to very low levels of B show developmental de-fects(Lenntech,1998).Recommended daily dosages of various mineral nutrients are reported in Table I.It is evident that their amounts vary considerably.BoronThe average B concentration in the earth’s crust is17mg kg−1and most soils fall within the range of 3–100mg kg−1(Samir et al.,2011).In general,these amounts in soils are lower than most essential micronu-trients with the exception of Mo and Se.Deficiency of B has been found to affect the physi-ology of human beings(Shaaban,2010).Boron may be beneficial for bone growth and maintenance,cen-tral nervous system function,and the inflammatory response(Nielsen,2009).The best documented benefi-cial effect of B is on Ca metabolism and utilization,and thus affects bone calcification and maintenance (Nielsen,1998a).The highest B concentration is found in bones,indicating one of the potential benefits in its ability to protect humans from osteoporosis(Nielsen, 1998).It has been reported that B appears to lessen effects of a low Mg-diet on body growth,serum choles-terol and ash concentration in bone,but exacerbate deficiency symptoms,without affecting the Mg or Ca concentration in the serum(Kenny and McCoy,2000).The elevation of endogenous steroid hormones as a result of B supplementation suggests that B may be used as an ergogenic,safe substance for athletes,but needs further investigation(Naghii,1999).Boron sup-plementation also has been found to result in high B absorption efficiency and the elevation of endogenous estrogen suggests a protective role of B in atheroscle-rosis(Naghii and Samman,1997).In humans,there is evidence of homeostatic regulation of B;e.g.,human milk B concentrations are under apparent homeostatic control(Hunt,2007).Boron satisfies the criterion of essentiality and tissue B concentrations during short term variations in intake are maintained by homeo-static mechanisms(Hunt,2007).In most studies it has been found that B affects human steroid hormone levels.Circulating testoste-rones and estradiol levels have been proposed to mo-dify prostate and cancer risk(Wiseman,2002).After controlling for age,race,smoking,body mass index, dietary caloric intake,and alcohol consumption,incre-TABLE IRecommended daily dosages a)of mineral nutrientsMineral nutrient Lenntech(1998)Wikipedia—The Free Balch and Balch(2000)Encyclopedia(2012)Boron(mg)20-3–6Calcium(mg)10001000–13001500–2000(as citrate or ascorbate) Chlorine(mg)3400(in chloride form)2300–3400-Chromium(μg)12035–120150–400(as glucose tolerance factor orpicolinate or polynicotinate)Copper(mg)20.9–22–3Fluoride(mg) 3.54-Iodine(mg)0.150.15100–225Iron(mg)151818–30Magnesium(mg)350400–420750–1000Manganese(mg)52–2.33–10Molybdenum(μg)7545–7530–100(as ascorbate or aspartate) Nickel(mg)<1--Phosphorus(mg)10001000-Potassium(mg)3500350099–500(as citrate)Selenium(μg)3570100–200Sodium(mg)24002400-Sulfur(mg)---Vanadium(mg)<1.8 1.80.2–1(as vanadyl sulfate)Zinc(mg)1511–1530–50a)A range of values from recommended daily intake to maximum recommended daily allowance of daily reference intakes.16U.C.GUPTA AND S.C.GUPTAased dietary B intake was generally associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer with a dose-response pattern(Cui et al.,2004).When with the high B in-take,low dietary B resulted in significantly poorer performance on tasks emphasizing manual dexterity, eye-hand coordination,attention,perception,encoding and short-term memory,and long-term memory.Col-lectively,the data from these studies indicate that B may play a role in human brain function and cognitive performance,and provide additional evidence that B is an essential nutrient for humans(Penland,1994).One of the reasons why many researchers think B helps treat arthritis is that it is essential for the strengthening of bones.Boron helps metabolize many bone strengthening minerals like Ca,Cu and Mg(Sti-panuk and Caudill,2012).There is also evidence that B provides several health benefits to the brain.It is widely believed that B can positively influence a di-verse set of brain functions including memory,concen-tration,and even hand-eye coordination(Stipanuk and Caudill,2012).Data on dietary B intake by human beings are fairly sparse.Boron is not included in the United States Department of Agriculture nutrient databases,and no comprehensive analytical database exists on the B con-tent of specific foods.In an American study,the B levels were slightly higher in vegetarian adults than in the general population(Rainey et al.,1999).It was stated that the top two B contributors,coffee and milk, are low in B,yet they make up12%of the total B in-take by virtue of the volume consumed.Peanut butter, wine,raisins,apples,pears,grapes,avocados,legumes, peanuts and other nuts are good sources of B(Rainey et al.,1999;Stipanuk and Caudill,2012).Diets low in fruits,vegetables,legumes and nuts may not provide an adequate amount of B.CalciumCalcium is thefifth most abundant element by mass in the earth’s crust.It is everywhere on the planet,and this common mineral provides a number of health benefits to the human body(Stipanuk and Caudill,2012).Most well-known health benefit of Ca is the important part it plays in developing strong bones. Almost all the body’s Ca can be found in the bones and teeth,and there are countless studies which show that proper Ca intake helps young people develop strong bones while keeping the bones of older people strong and healthy.It also helps to prevent and treat a vari-ety of bone-related illnesses,such as osteoporosis(Sti-panuk and Caudill,2012).In addition to fulfilling the needs for Ca ions re-quired in numerous intracellular functions as well as for the regulation of blood clotting(hemostasis),prac-tically all of the body’s remaining Ca exists in skele-tal salts that support the body,enable ambulation, and protect internal organs.Afixed amount of Ca forms the teeth which,after formation,remains static in the oral cavity and which,unlike the bones,do not participate in Ca metabolism(Anderson and Garner, 2011).Following the achievement of peak bone mass in the second or third decade of life,dietary Ca is needed to replace Ca lost from bone tissue as part of the normal dynamic turnover of the skeleton.Adult bone mineral content and bone mineral density are better maintained by an adequate amount of Ca in the diet(Anderson and Garner,2011).Dietary supplement use is associated with a higher prevalence of groups meeting the adequate intake for Ca and vitamin D.Monitoring usual total nutrient in-take is necessary to adequately characterize and evalu-ate the population’s nutritional status and adherence to recommendations for nutrient intake(Bailey et al., 2010).Knowledge of osteoporosis and the importance of dietary intake of Ca and vitamin D did improve after the intervention(Bohaty et al.,2008).Osteoporosis is a painful,disabling illness and its prevention is a lifelong process.Older women may suffer its devastating effects because of these nutrient deficiencies in their diet as young adult women(Bohaty et al.,2008).Epidemio-logical and prospective studies have related vitamin D deficiency not only to osteoporosis but also to cardio-vascular disease,diabetes,cancer,infection and neu-rodegenerative disease(P´e rez-L´o pez et al.,2012).In a study in Japan,an excessive intake of400mg Ca-fortifiedfish sausage,a special health food in Japan, appeared to be a safe means to obtain the daily Ca requirement(Murota et al.,2010).Inadequate sunlight exposure and Ca intake during rapid growth at puberty lead to hypocalcemia,hypovi-taminosis D and eventually to overt rickets(Dahifar et al.,2007).It was concluded that low daily Ca intake and vitamin D acquirement are two important prob-lems in Iranian girls during rapid growth at puberty; therefore,for prevention of overt rickets,Ca and vita-min D supplementation appears to be necessary(Dahi-far et al.,2007).In a study involving the mean daily Ca intake at553mg d−1,along with other minerals in pregnant women,it was found that only Ca intakes were significantly correlated to birth weight(Denguezli et al.,2007).In a US study,milk and milk products were by far the lowest-cost sources of dietary Ca and also were among the lowest-cost sources of riboflavin and vita-SOURCES AND DEFICIENCY DISEASES OF MINEARL NUTRIENTS17min B12(Drewnowski,2011).An intake of approxi-mately1500mg Ca d−1could aid in the management of body and truncal fat.It has been recommended that young adults be encouraged to increase their total Ca intakes to at least the recommended daily allowance of 1000mg d−1for reasons extending beyond bone health (Skinner et al.,2011).The tolerable upper Ca intake level ranges from1000to3000mg d−1,based on Ca excretion or kidney stone formation,and vitamin D from1000to4000international units daily,based on hypercalcemia adjusted for uncertainty resulting from emerging risk relationships(Ross et al.,2011).Due to the nutrient synergy of foods,dietary Ca sources should continue to be promoted in nutritional counselling efforts as the optimal method of obtaining adequate Ca(French et al.,2008).Nutrition education should emphasize strategies to decrease the side effects associated with Ca-rich foods and alleviate concerns re-garding the cholesterol and fat content of some Ca-rich foods.In addition to strategies to increase consump-tion of dietary Ca sources,supplementation should be considered as an acceptable method of increasing Ca intake among women with low bone mineral den-sity(French et al.,2008).In a study in USA,African Americans in all age groups did not meet dairy re-commendations from the2005US Dietary Guidelines and the2004National Medical Association(Fulgoni III et al.,2007).Calcium and Zn intakes in Australian children from core foods were below70%of the recommended dietary intakes for adolescent girls(Rangan et al.,2008).It was concluded that the extra foods are over-consumed at two to four times the recommended limits and con-tribute excessively to the energy,fat and sugar intakes of Australian children,while providing relatively few micronutrients,including Ca(Rangan et al.,2008).Milk,cheese and most other dairy products,beans (Phaseolus vulgaris),broccoli(Brassica olereracea var. italica)kale(Brassica oleracea var.acephala),collards (Brassica oleracea hardiness)and raisins are some of the best sources of Ca(Stipanuk and Caudill,2012).ChlorideDrinking water disinfection has been shown to be an important public health measure since the turn of the century.In USA,it was perhaps the single most important factor in controlling typhoid fever,a water-borne disease that was rampant throughout the world during the last century(Akin et al.,1982).Disinfec-tion was important in limiting diseases,such as cholera, amoebiasis,salmonellosis,and hepatitis A(Akin et al., 1982).Still,despite its beneficial effects and lifesaving reputation,other chlorine effects on health and envi-ronment are dangerous to humans(Conjecture Corpo-ration,2003).Chlorine is essential for bodyfluid regulations in humans(Evans and Solberg,1998)and exists in the safe,inorganic form as the negative chloride ion as NaCl(Belkraft,2005).But when Cl reacts with organic compounds in the water,it produces poisonous che-mical compounds,which cause cancer and other health problems(Belkraft,2005).Following inhalation and skin or eye contact,exposure to HCl acid is toxic by ingestion and skin or eye exposure(Bul,2011).It has been hypothesized that organochlorine pesticides may be associated with the increased incidence of breast cancer in women and decreased sperm concentrations and reproductive problems in men(Safe,1995).Ho-wever,elevation of some organochlorine compounds in breast cancer patients is not consistently observed (Safe,1995).Methyl chloride is very toxic;mice ex-posed to high levels of methyl chloride by inhalation for two years had an elevated incidence of liver and lung tumors(Green,1997).The mouse seems to be unique in its response to methyl chloride and thus it is an inappropriate model to assess human health(Green, 1997).The data from Bangladesh showed that the ma-rine salt deposition is significant up to a distance of about200m from the seashore and from this point onward,the amount of chlorides drops sharply(Hos-sain and Said,2011).Chloride exists in aqueous solu-tions as a monovalent anion and its salts are readily soluble.Consequently,it is not absorbed by organic matter or clay in most soils,and does not readily pre-cipitate out of solution(Hossain and Said,2011).For these reasons,Cl is mobile in the soil and is readily leached where rainfall and/or irrigation exceeds evapo-transpiration.Chloride is one of thefirst elements re-moved from minerals by soil weathering processes.This is why most of the world’s Cl is found in oceans or in salt deposits left by evaporation from old inland seas (International Plant Nutrition Institute,2012).Many soils and crops receive more than an adequate supply of Cl from sea spray carried by rain and snow.This diminishes rapidly with the distance from the ocean (International Plant Nutrition Institute,2012).Results from disinfecting student health centres (SHCs)in Taiwan suggested that the air quality guide-lines prescribed by the Taiwan Environmental Protec-tion Agency for SHCs and other healthcare facilities can best be achieved by applying chlorine dioxide at regular(daily)intervals(Hsu et al.,2012).The results from southern Italy on ground water provided valuable18U.C.GUPTA AND S.C.GUPTAinactivation constants of cultural indicators,e.g.,co-liforms,enterococci,Clostridium spores and viruses in the wastewater that have been injected into the fra-ctured aquifer since1991(Masciopinto et al.,2007). Hypochlorination reduces somatic coliphages and Clo-stridium spores in groundwater but did not achieve complete inactivation in all tests.It was concluded that complete disinfection of groundwater samples was pos-sible only when there was an initial count of Clostrid-ium spores of≤10colony-forming units100mL−1 (Masciopinto et al.,2007).It has been reported that naturally occurring indicator bacteria and bacterio-phages respond differently to chlorination in drin-king water distribution networks in northeastern Spain (Mendez et al.,2004).Though several chlorinated organic compounds are produced by humans,some are also produced by the biotic and abiotic processes in the environment(My-neni,2002).These carcinogenic and toxic compounds are formed at rapid rates from the transformation of in-organic Cl during humification of plant material,thus playing a critical role in Cl cycling,and from the trans-formation of several major and trace elements in the environment and may influence human health(My-neni,2002).Chlorinated drinking water is one of the chief source of Cl.Disinfection with chlorine is one of the safest way of limiting the number of diseases known to be capable of waterborne transmission,e.g.,cholera, amoebiasis,salmonellosis and hepatitis A(Akin et al., 1982).ChromiumChromium is an essential trace mineral that hu-mans require in trace amounts.In1959,Cr wasfirst identified as an element that enables the hormone in-sulin to function properly(Wong,2012).Since then, Cr has been studied for diabetes and has become a po-pular dietary supplement(Wong,2012).Chromium is essential for maintaining health and has many uses and applications in the human body.For instance,there is a great deal of research that suggests that Cr is beneficial to those with impaired glucose tolerance(Stipanuk and Caudill,2012).Impaired glucose tolerance,which is a precursor to type2diabetes for about25%of those who acquire it,is a state in between the glucose levels of dia-betes and normal glucose levels.A meta-analysis on the relationship between Cr and impaired glucose tolerance found that12of the15studies showed a positive effect (Stipanuk and Caudill,2012).The pooled data from the studies using chromium picolinate(CrPic)supple-mentation for type2diabetes mellitus subjects showed substantial reductions in hyperglycemia and hyperin-sulinemia,which equate to a reduced risk for disease complications(Broadhurst and Domenico,2006).Col-lectively,the data support the safety and therapeutic value of CrPic for the management of cholesterolemia and hyperglycemia in subjects with diabetes(Broad-hurst and Domenico,2006).Tissue Cr levels of subjects with diabetes are lower than those of normal control subjects,and a correla-tion exists between low circulating Cr levels and the incidence of type2diabetes(Hummel and Schnell, 2009).However,supplementation with Cr has been shown to reduce insulin resistance and to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type2diabetes (Hummel and Schnell,2009).The effect of Cr treat-ment on glycemic control in a Western population of insulin-dependent patients with type2diabetes using high-dose Cr treatment showed no evidence that it was effective in obese patients with type2diabetes (Kleefstra et al.,2006).There is evidence of hormonal effects of supplemental Cr besides the effect on in-sulin.Chromium supplementation does result in tis-sue retention,especially in the kidneys,although no pathogenic effect has been demonstrated despite con-siderable study(Lamson and Plaza,2002).In two cases,one involving a diabetic patient and the other a non-diabetic patient,Cr administration appeared to decrease insulin requirements.Infusion of chromic chloride appeared to reduce insulin requirements in one diabetic patient and one non-diabetic patient(Phung et al.,2010).Chromium deficiencies result in decreased insulin sensitivity,glucose intolerance and increased risk of diabetes.In a French study,the Cr status decreased with age,suggesting that the elderly may be at a high risk of Cr deficiency(Roussel et al.,2007).Although these subjects had well-balanced diets,their daily Cr intakes did not reach the French recommendations.It is likely that the low Cr intakes were due to the low Cr density of the foods.A negative correlation was found between Cr intakes and insulin,body mass index and leptin(Roussel et al.,2007).Of all the“essential”elements,the role of Cr is un-doubtedly the most controversial.Recently,its status as an essential element,first proposed nearly60year ago,has been challenged;this challenge will probably result in the general consensus on the status changing (Stallings and Vincent,2006).These new researchers were attracted to thefield by the rapidly expanding po-pular attention received by Cr nutritional supplements, which was not being mirrored by scientific advances in understanding how these supplements could work at a。
组织经济学与管理学ch12 Limited cognition and organisation
• A division reports doubtful when the reports of the local managers are mixed
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Complexity ofபைடு நூலகம்the colour recognition problem
Economics and Management of Organisations:
置了一定的障碍,因为企业要有能力在出口前克服一 的基础上,引入了生产率异质性和固定成本,其 中, 次性的固定成本。 这种固定成本通常与企业本身的规 行业的固定进入成本 ( f e ) 、出口固定成本 ( f ex ) 和生 模有关,即不同规模的企业具有不同的出口固定成本, 产率 ( φ ) 都是外生决定的,生产率服从一个随机分 另外,具有较多出口经验的企业相比于新出口企业面 布函数。该模型研究了从封闭经济到开放经济的均衡 临较小的出口固定成本。在此基础上, Suzanne Thorns状态,并进一步求解了贸易自由化加深时市场均衡的 * 各项重要指标: ( 1 ) 进入行业的临界生产率: φ = inf { φ : ( φ ) > 0 } ,( 2 ) 进入出口市场的临界生产率:
实的经济活动提供更好的解释,同时也更具有说服力。 他们还进一步深入地分析了贸易自由化对企业出口行 为的影响,研究发现,在异质性出口固定成本的假设 下,贸易所引致的产业内资源重新配置的情况更为复 杂,对产业总体生产率的上升或下降的影响并不确定, 具体情况需要视出口固定成本的分布而定。 三、生产率、出口固定成本与企业出口行为的实
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厂商的加成率会随着消费者需求价格弹性变化而变化 。 边关税可以使福利最大化,即较小的双边关税可以提 Jean ( 2002 ) 假设不同企业的边际成本采用离散的方 高两国福利水平。 Jan G. Jorgensen 的突破性贡献在于 式,由低到高进行单调递增的序列排列。 Asplund and 对冰山成本的假设提出了质疑。 他认为,冰山成本的 Nocke ( 2006 ) 假设异质性企业的生产率服从马尔科夫 假设意味着单个企业内部的边际生产成本不变,在企
* φ = inf { φ : φ > φ andπ x ( φ ) * x
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Mining Implicit Ratings for Focused Collaborative Filtering for Paper RecommendationsTiffany Ya Tang and Gordon McCalla1Department of Computer Science, University of SaskatchewanSaskatoon, SK S7N 5A9 CANADA{yat751@ask.ca, mccalla@ask.ca}Abstract. In this paper, we describe our on-going work on applying webmining to guide focused collaborative filtering for paper recommendations in aweb-based learning system. In particular, we propose to first apply a dataclustering technique on web usage data to form clusters (groups) of users withsimilar browsing patterns, which can be viewed as filtering based on implicitratings (browsing sequences) according to [21]. Then, collaborative filteringtechniques would be adopted on each cluster, instead of on the whole pool ofusers for recommendations as in other clustering-based collaborative filteringapproaches. By using our two-layered collaborative filtering approach, we willnot only maintain the diversity of users, but also focus on groups of users withsimilar browsing patterns. Therefore, our proposed approach could not onlymake personalized but also ‘grouplized’ recommendations, thus overcomingprevious claims that data clustering will only produce ‘less-personalrecommendations’ [33]. In addition, both explicit and implicit ratings are takeninto consideration, which can reinforce and complement each other to makemore accurate recommendations.1. IntroductionFor a web-based system where many users interact with each other, with the system and with the open Web, it is not trivial to design a system to make use of the trace data to gain insight into users’ web activities and take actions accordingly. In order to develop and maintain such a kind of system, there exist many challenges, among them:1.How to deal with the huge amount of web data (content, usage, or evenstructural information about the web system itself), which can easily be collected?2.What kind of user data, usage data, context data and environment data wouldbe necessary to model users’ web activities and respond appropriately, effectively and efficiently?3.How to deal with the so-called ‘cold-start’ problem [31, 34] when new user(s)who have not left too many ‘traces’ come in?1This work is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.2 Tiffany Ya Tang and Gordon McCalla4.Should these systems recommend items based on individual users orcommunities of users or both?5.Even when these systems recommend items based on an observation ofcommunities of users with similar patterns, how would the system take actions in order to maintain the uniqueness of each individual user?Of central importance is how to model users in such environments in order to find out critical contextual information, such as what are their information needs, what kind of information they are looking for etc. This information would, in turn, help the system support users at an appropriate time effectively and efficiently.In our on-going work, we attempt to explore these issues in the context of an adaptive and evolving web-based learning environment, where learners with various background knowledge engage in an advanced web-based course on data mining and web mining. Specifically, the evolving system can adapt itself not only to its users, but also to the open Web in response to the usage of its learning materials. Our system is open in the sense that learning items (referring to papers in our system) related to the course could be added, maintained, or deleted. A more complete description of the system is discussed in [43]. In this paper, we will focus specifically the two main techniques involved in the system. In particular, we propose to apply both web mining and collaborative filtering (CF) techniques to model individual as well as group behaviors, and made recommendations accordingly. Specifically, we will first perform data clustering on usage data in order to group users with similar browsing behaviors, which will allow us to shrink the candidate set. This step can also be viewed as CF based on implicit ratings. We will then operate CF techniques on each individual cluster instead of on the whole set of data. Therefore, when a new user comes to the system, the system will first match her/him against a specific cluster based on the existing browsing patterns; after that, personalized recommendations will be made within the cluster he/she belongs to. By doing this, we can not only maintain the diversity of users in terms of their learning interests, activities etc, but also are able to identify their uniqueness. To the best of our knowledge, there is little research addressing mining on implicit ratings for focused CF to make recommendations, although these implicit ratings might be of great value and thus provide rich data to make recommendations as effectively as explicit ratings can.The organization of this paper is as follows. In the next section, we will first give a brief background description of CF and web mining techniques. Then, we will present the two-layered, focused CF framework for paper recommendations in a web-based learning environment. A comparison to related work is presented in the third section. We conclude this paper by describing some lessons learned so far, and point to some future research.2. Background: Collaborative Filtering and Web Mining2.1 Collaborative Filtering and Recommender SystemsAs the World Wide Web becomes an increasingly popular medium, information overload intensifies: users are overwhelmed by the information pouring out from theMining Implicit Ratings for Focused Collaborative Filtering for Paper Recommendations 3 web, and are usually confused by which information should be consumed. Recommender systems offer a reliable solution to this issue. They have been studied extensively over the last couple of years [2, 4, 21, 23, 32, 36]. There are two basic approaches to providing personalized recommendations: content-based and collaborative filtering [22]. Regardless of approach, at the core of personalization is the task of building a model of the user. Content-based approaches build user models that link the contents of the information a user has browsed to the preferences of the user concerning those artifacts. CF approaches build user models that link the information preferences of a user to those of other users with similar tastes or preferences. Therefore, in CF, the system will try to match a user’s preferences against other similar clusters of users.A purely content-based approach only considers the preferences of a single user, and is concerned with only the significant features describing the content of an item, whereas, a purely CF approach ignores the contents of the item, and only makes recommendations based on comparing the user against clusters of other similar users. Consider, however, that item information (features that would best categorize the item) can be obtained through a content-based approach, and user information (relative distance of the user to other clusters of users, and users’ opinions) can be obtained from CF. By combining these two techniques, perhaps we can have both individual as well as collective experiences with respect to the items being recommended. [1, 2, 19] discuss systems which apply such hybrid approaches to make movie recommendations.2.2 Web Mining: Knowledge Discovery on the WebWeb mining first appeared in 1996 [15]. As its name indicates, the goal is to apply data mining techniques to extract as well as discover information automatically from web documents and services. It can be grouped into three categorizes, i.e. content, structure, and usage mining.2.2.1 Web Content MiningWeb content mining refers to the process of uncovering interesting and potentially useful knowledge from web contents/documents. At present, content mining focuses mainly on text mining techniques including clustering, classification, and categorization of web contents. Most text mining on the content of web pages is key word driven (e.g. [16]).2.2.2 Web Structure MiningWeb structure mining is interested in both the structure within web documents (intra-links) and the structure of the hyperlinks between web sites (inter-links). The most significant research concerning web structure mining is proposed by Kleinberg [24], who introduces the notion of authorities behind the enormous link structures of the web. Authorities are those highly referenced pages on a certain topic. And the numerous pages that point to these authorities are called hubs. They have been4 Tiffany Ya Tang and Gordon McCallautilized for emerging web community identification [18], focused crawling [10], and scientific literature retrieval and recommendations [26].2.2.3 Web usage miningWeb usage mining has been applied for various kinds of decision support, among them: web site modification/evaluation (e.g. [30]), personalization of information filtering (e.g. [12]), learning about consumers or individual users or groups of users (e.g. [17, 35]). Web usage mining, with an aim of designing efficient techniques to predict as well as analyze user behaviors, is a powerful tool for web site designers and owners to gain insights into the usage patterns and make sound decisions accordingly.3. Focused Collaborative Filtering for Paper Recommendations3.1 Problem DomainProblem Statement: Given a collection of papers and a matrix of user/ratings of these papers, recommend a set of papers, so as to meet both the learner’s knowledge level and interests.As pointed out in [42] that making recommendation for learners is different from making recommendation for users in many other domains. In particular, in e-learning, recommending mechanism should consider not only learners’ interest towards the items like most other recommender systems do, but also their knowledge of domain concepts relative to the learning environment. For instance, not to recommend highly technical papers to a first-year-undergraduate student or popular-magazine articles toa senior-graduate student. A recommendation model for our system is presented in[42], which will not be described here.Our proposed system makes recommendations in the context of an advanced course on data mining and web mining. The course contains 14 chapters, covering basic concepts and operations of data mining and web mining and their applications in e-business, intelligent tutoring, bioinformatics, recommender systems, user modeling etc. Hence, each chapter can roughly be grouped at a category level2. The recommendation part initially would consist of approximately 250 papers and two glossaries. We are also building a web crawler to crawl NEC’s CiteSeer (the largest scientific digital library for computer science) to accommodate more up-to-date papers. The system is aimed at graduate students majoring in computer science, bioinformatics, engineering, or business.2According to [9], prediction model works by inferring a user’s preference for a category from his/her accesses of that category. And categories are organized in a hierarchical structure. We believe that it is reasonable to capture learners’ information needs at the category level as described in [9] because it would enough for us to track down their category–level (coarse-grained) interest in order to make recommendations.Mining Implicit Ratings for Focused Collaborative Filtering for Paper Recommendations 5 3.2 The First Layer: Clustering Communities of LearnersAt the first layer of the system, learners’ web activities will be collected and grouped into clusters of learners’ with similar browsing sequences. In our previous work on this issue, we reported an experimental study where informed clustering is performed based on a feature construction technique to cluster learners with similar knowledge levels [39, 40]. Course content is organized as a directed tree where each node represents a chapter, and each directed-edge denotes the prerequisite relationship between two chapters. It is assumed that there is one main topic in each chapter. For instance, chapter 2 of our system discusses some basic operations of data mining. There are three main properties which describe the difficulty of learning that chapter, i.e. W: writing level, T: technical level, and P: presentation level. The writing level of a topic includes page length, number of conceptual definition, verbal usage and writing organization. Technical level includes mathematical/symbolic formulation, algorithms, proof of theorems, etc. Presentation level contains graphical presentation, say, system architecture or flow diagram, examples, case study, etc. These levels are determined subjectively by tutors based on their experiences. Moreover, in order to learn each chapter smoothly, the learner should understand some important part of its prerequisite chapters.Formally, for chapter/topic j, we have Φj, denoting content complexity, whereΦj = { Ch j W, Ch j T, Ch j P, MinKn j }(1) Ch j W, Ch j T, Ch j P denote chapter j’s writing, technical and presentation level respectively; MinKn j denotes the minimum average knowledge of the prerequisite chapter(s) of chapter j in order to understand chapter j.For learner i, we have L i denoting his/her overall learning characteristics, whereL i = {R, T, A, B, Ex} (2) R, denotes the overall reading skill of each learner. T, or TechnicalKnowledge denotes learners’ previous knowledge, which might help them understand any chapter’s technical aspects. A, or AnalyticalSkill represents learners’ analytical abilities. Some learners may possess relevant knowledge to some extent, denoted as their B or BasicKnowledge, which can facilitate their learning speed and overall learning outcomes. Ex specifies a learner's subjective attitude and expectancy towards the knowledge to be acquired. It can also be seen as how much knowledge the learner should acquire before she moves on. In most research on web learning, it is assumed that learners will move on to learn a new topic only after they have understood current one(s) [37]. However in our framework, they are allowed to proceed as long as they have met their expectations for the topic.Since the learner may visit the same chapter more than once, then, we perform a simple computation by counting the total number of visits (Frequency) and the total time spent in reading each chapter (TotalTime). Thus, for each chapter we get the pair data (Frequency(ch j), TotalTime(ch j)).6i V Then, using features of the curriculum knowledge described in equation (1), we apply the weighted-Euclidean-distance-based clustering to infer learners’characteristics and cluster them accordingly. The weight is defined as:w x = [G j (W) + G j (T) + G j (P)]-1 (5)where G j is the arithmetic-composition function specifically for contrasting x ∈{W ,T , P } (see [39] for details).We conducted an experiment with synthesis datasets, and results showed that although the clustering algorithm could infer learners’ learning characteristics relatively accurately, deviations occur especially when learners differ substantially in terms of their educational levels and abilities. In this case, it is believed that model-based clustering would perform better. Currently, we are conducting experiments on a new model-based clustering.3.3 The Second Layer: Focused Collaborative FilteringCollaborative filtering (CF) works by making recommendations or predictions based on a database of explicit accumulated ratings. One of the key steps involved for CF is to form neighbors for a target user. The goal of neighborhood formation can formally be expressed in the following way.Given a target user u , find an ordered list of l neighboring users N ={N 1, N 2, …N l },such that u ∉N and sim (u ,N 1) > sim (u ,N 2) > …> sim (u , N l ), where sim (u , N i ) denotes the similarity of user model u to its neighbor N i .There are two common similarity measurements in the CF literature: Pearson-correlation based and Cosine-based similarity. Since Pearson-correlation neighborhood forming outperforms the Cosine-based approach [6], we apply the former in our study. Specifically, the Pearson correlation between users a and b is given by:Where V i,k is the vote rated by user i on item k ,is the mean vote for user i ,and K is the set of items co-rated by both a and b .In our proposed approach, after we identify clusters of users with similar interests and knowledge level, we form Pearson-correlation similarity based CF to make recommendations for target user(s). Such web mining not only shrinks candidate sets,but also guides CF in a more delicate and focused manner, which is desirable if web based adaptive systems are to deal with the scalability issue. Therefore, we seek to make recommendations based on more focused sub-groups of users, whose ratings might be of more valuable in comparison to the whole pool of users.For example, suppose ten users have been using our system to learn. Based on specific criteria they could be clustered into 2 groups {User1, User2, User3} and {User4, User5, …, User10}. Thus, CF would then focused on each cluster (Figure 1)∑∑∑−−−−=K b k b K a k a K b k b a k a V V V V V V V V b a W 2,2,,,)()())((),(Mining Implicit Ratings for Focused Collaborative Filtering for Paper Recommendations 7Figure 1. An illustration for focused CFIt is obvious that by first applying data clustering, the number of a user’s neighbors might be less; that is to say, similarity between the user and his/her “shrunken”neighbors would be higher. Hence, from this perspective, we say that data clustering can guide CF into a focused area, where the ‘distance’ between the target user and his/her neighbors would be smaller. In addition, it might be possible that by applying our approach, the recommendation accuracy could be increased. Because we believe that users with similar ratings towards specific items(s) are not necessarily ‘close neighbors’, we will first group users with similar learning patterns for CF. In essence, both explicit and implicit ratings are taken into consideration, which can reinforce and complement each other to make more accurate recommendations.In our approach we do not alter the data. Thus, the clustered data would still faithfully capture the original merits of the data. Therefore, although we have not conducted experiments using our approach, we can safely claim that our proposed approach would yield a performance as least as good as those techniques which perform data clustering directly on the whole pool of data [46].4. Related WorkRelated work can be categorized into the following four groups: making recommendations in e-learning systems, applying web-mining in e-learning systems, recommending scientific literature on the web, and modeling users on the web.4.1 Making Recommendations in E-learning SystemsRecommending course contents to serve the needs of users has been studied extensively in the adaptive hypermedia community. According to [7], generally, there are two kinds of adaptation: adaptive navigation (link level) and adaptive presentation (“content level”). Content-level adaptation can be viewed alternatively as content-based recommendations when users’ past reading items/pages are recorded and analyzed. So far, for web based adaptive learning systems (e.g. [46]),“knowledge/model tracing” has been commonly applied, and has been proved to be very effective [13, 14]. Nevertheless, several researchers have realized that in order to best make both course contents and structure adaptable to learners and thus provide8customized learning environments, learners’ web learning activities should be utilized [7, 25]. There are very few studies addressing this issue, except our recent studies [39, 40].As far as we know, there is no research applying CF techniques for e-learning. However, we believe that the success of and relative fertile research on recommender systems can readily be applied for adaptive web-based learning systems, in order to support social collaborations of learners.4.2 Applying Web Mining in E-learning SystemsBy recording students’ browsed documents, JUPITER is capable of recommending relevant kanji words to them, mainly through text mining techniques [29]. Tang et al [38] propose to construct a personalized e-articles reading tree based on predetermined keyword (s), and recommend it to learners based on keyword-driven text mining. Zaiane [48] adopts association rules mining to make recommendations (mainly learning activities) to learners. In these cases, learners’ learning characteristics (including learning activities, skills, learning patterns etc) are ignored, although the authors admit that certain students’ information should be included.4.3 Recommending Scientific Literatures on the WebCompared to conventional recommendation systems which have been explored extensively, scientific literature recommendations have received little attention until recently thanks to some hugely acclaimed digital libraries, especially NEC’s CiteSeer [26]. Basu et al [3] define the paper recommendation problem as: “Given a representation of my interests, find me relevant papers.” They studied this issue in the context of assigning conference paper submissions to reviewing committee members. For reviewers, they do not need to key in their research interests as they usually do; instead, a novel autonomous procedure is incorporated in order to collect reviewer interest information from the web. Bollacker et al [5] refine CiteSeer, NEC’s digital library for scientific literature, through an automatic personalized paper tracking module which retrieves each user’s interests from a well-maintained heterogeneous user profiles. Citeseer adopts the well-known notion of hubs and authorities originally developed by Kleinberg [24]. Woodruff et al [47] discuss an enhanced digital book with a spreading-activation-geared mechanism to make customized recommendations for readers with different type of background and knowledge. McNee et al [28] use CF techniques to recommend papers for researchers, but the focus is mostly on recommending additional references for a target research paper. Common to all the above approaches is the utilization of citation [3, 5, 47], self-citation [5], fused citation [47] techniques, the first two of which have been widely adopted for document retrievals.Mining Implicit Ratings for Focused Collaborative Filtering for Paper Recommendations 9 4.4 Modeling Users on the WebWebb et al [45] identify two approaches to the modeling of individual users and communities of users: machine learning relying on users’ explicit relevance feedback [11, 23] or labeled user activities [27, 45, 23], and web mining relying on implicit observations of users’ web activities [17, 39].Zaiane [48] further argues that although applications in electronic commerce “relate to forming generic models of user communities”, most work has been carried out in modeling individual users. In fact, data clustering does pretty well in handling communities of users, while association rules mining deals well with finding correlation between items liked by clusters of users and individual user with similar interests.5. Discussion and Conclusions5.1 The Social Aspects of Collaborative FilteringCF is a domain whose social aspects can be explored. For example, the network value of users who either directly or indirectly influence each other’s subsequent behaviors. Unfortunately, it is still unclear how one user’s rating(s) might affect the ratings or activities of another no matter what user groups they are in. Currently, some users do not want to bother to rate items they have tried (movies, CDs, news, books etc) unless they perceive some benefit to providing ratings [20]. For potential target users for which recommendations are made, they are not sure about the sources of the recommendations [22]. Some commercial recommendation systems have already been equipped with a bonus point mechanism to encourage more users to give out their ratings towards the items they have consumed. In our proposed system, we will study this issue, in particular, how learners might take advantage of fellow learners’ratings towards those items they have read during the learning process.5.2 Informed Web Mining for E-LearningA knowledge discovery process guided by prior background knowledge is known as “informed knowledge discovery” (or informed KDD for short) [8]. Although the importance of informed KDD has been realized and discussed extensively in the data mining community, it has largely been ignored by researchers who use data mining to support e-learning. We believe that incorporating course contents, and other knowledge of the learning situation (environment data to aid contextual computing for obtaining situated user models) can allow us to inform web mining algorithms for contextual computing of user models.105.3 A Two-Way-Collaboration between Users, Web System and the Open Web As far as we know, current web-based adaptive learning systems have been focusing on the interrelations between users and the system. Hence, the system, if deemed intelligent, must be capable of detecting users’ needs, following their footsteps, and finally adapting to their needs in a manner that in essence is to collaborate with its users. We argue that only implementing this channel of interactive and collaborative relationships is not enough [41], since to do so we ignore the dynamics of the open Web. Indeed, this is an issue, which has already grown too large to ignore. 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