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Riverbed 优化系统 (RiOS) 6.5
© 2009 Riverbed Technology. 保留所有权利。
RiOS 技术简介
简介............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 选择 Riverbed 的理由 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 RiOS TCP 代理体系结构 ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 透明度 ........................................................................................................................................
RIVERBED 设置广域数 据服务的标准。
Riverbed 的独特愿景: 全面解决问题
Riverbed 成立于 2002 年,当时其愿景是创建 一种综合且智能的解决方案,以解决网络、 应用程序、存储问题,这些问题降低了分布 式网络性能,从而导致远程站点的应用程序 和文件传输速度极慢。 Steelhead 设备的强大功能和简单易用绝非偶 然。从产品开发的第一天开始,我们就关注 IT 经理们反映的问题,并一直依靠全球客户 的需求来指导我们的开发团队,不断调整我 们的方向。作为 WDS 领域的先锋,我们的解 决方案是其他那些凭空想象和拙劣的技术无 法比拟的。 此愿景使我们获得了更多客户,并且安装了 比任何一个竞争对手都要多的设备。Riverbed 以其独特的定位,很好地协调了现实情况、 客户经验以及合作伙伴关系,从而进一步开 发和提供突破性的解决方案。
Riverbed Technology China Shanghai 12/F Shui On Plaza, 333 Huai Hai Zhong Road Shanghai 200021, CHINA Tel: +86 21 5116 0568 Fax: +86 21 5116 0755
Riverbed Technology Hong Kong 45th floor, The Lee Gardens 33 Hysan Avenue Causeway Bay, HONG KONG Tel: +852 3180 2269 Fax: +852 3180 2299
Riverbed Technology Korea Inc. POSCO Center Bldg. West Tower 11th Fl. 892 Daechi 4-Dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, 135 777 KOREA Tel: +82 2559 0760 Fax: +82 2559 0701
(华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司乌弄龙·里底水电工程建设管理局,云南 迪庆 674606)
摘 要:里底水电站为河床式电站,挡水、泄洪建筑物及厂房布置在一条线上,枢纽区建筑物布置紧凑,上下游跨度大,大坝基础仓 位多,跨度大。上部结构复杂,配筋率高,混凝土种类多,施工布置困难较大。里底水电站大坝施工布置在满足初期施工要求的同时, 根据现场实际情况超前考虑,动态调整,通过合理的设备选型和布置,使大坝始终处于稳定、高效的施工状态,为工程施工质量、进度、 安全和工程创优提供强有力的保障。同时良好的路面质量对施工进度、安全文明施工有良好的促进作用,可达到事半功倍的效果。 关键词:大坝;施工设备布置;技术;优化成果 中图分类号:TV512 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1006-3951(2021)05-0067-05 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-3951.2021.05.014
(坝下 0+022m 至下游)常态混凝土的垂直运输。 4 号门机轨道中心线为坝右 0+027m(布置范围为 坝下 0+086m~ 坝下 0+169m)主要承担泄洪底孔 闸室段、消力池段及 1 号机部分常态混凝土的垂 直运输。布料机 BLJ600-40 辅助门机浇筑坝体上 游 1 779.9m 高程以下常态混凝土浇筑及坝体下游 1 757.85m 高程以下混凝土、尾水渠、泄水底孔消 力池底板混凝土浇筑。混凝土汽车泵、HBT60A 拖 泵辅助门机、布料机入仓和厂房、开关站板梁柱 混凝土浇筑。
杨林,汤荣平,杨万涛,龙耀东 里底河床式水电站施工设备配置
Riverbed NPM介绍
▪ 组件3:NetProfiler/Flow Gateway-NetFlow/NetStream/Sflow网络采样
1. 路由器\交换机NetFlow/NetStream/Sflow的监控 2. 针对Riverbed加速设备SteelFlow的监控
▪ NPM产品功能介绍 /s/1i4CihI9 • Rvbd NPM产品使用手册 /s/1pLs9seR
© 2015 Riverbed Technology. All rights reserved.
SC Portal -NPM 可视化服务器
全面的网络可视化平台 整合多种监控组件实现全覆盖的网络性能管理
基于表格 的性能展 现与钻取
基于标准 视图实现 性能监控
定制的性 能监控
主要的性 能指标
© 2015 Riverbed Technology. All rights reserved.
Synthetic testing
▪ Ping ▪ TCP Port ▪ HTTP ▪ Selenium ▪ DNS ▪ Database ▪ External script ▪ LDAP
© 2015 Riverbed Technology. All rights reserved.
组件 2: AppResponse-网络流量探针
© 2015 Riverbed Technology. All rights reserved.
立邦涂料(中国)有限公司Riverbed广域网应用测试项目测试报告二○○八年七月Shanghai Pukka Confidential 7/13/20081 目录 1 测试背景....................................................................................................3 2测试环境....................................................................................................3 2.1 设备连接图.........................................................................................3 2.2 设备使用描述......................................................................................4 2.3 设备配置............................................................................................4 3测试内容....................................................................................................6 3.1 Windows 文件拷贝...............................................................................6 3.2 NOTES 应用测试:..............................................................................7 3.3 HTTP 的访问.......................................................................................9 3.4 SAP 加速...........................................................................................10 3.5 数据传输节省....................................................................................11 3.6 带宽节省报告....................................................................................13 3.7 数据流分析.......................................................................................14 3.8 客户端统计.......................................................................................15 3.9 Steelhead 的Bypass 功能...................................................................16 4Riverbed 优化设备的特色功能....................................................................18 1) 单设备双核心路由/交换机支持...........................................................18 2) 集中管理和控制.................................................................................18 3) 本地文件服务 (19)5Riverbed 与WDS 技术 (20)Shanghai Pukka Confidential 7/13/200825.1 Riverbed 的WDS 体系结构 (21)5.1.1 基于磁盘的系统.......................................................................21 5.1.2 独立于应用的基础....................................................................21 5.1.3 特定于应用的延迟优化.............................................................21 5.2 WDS 的应用范围 (22)5.2.1 应用加速.................................................................................22 5.2.2 远程办公室数据备份.................................................................22 5.2.3 数据复制.................................................................................23 5.2.4 站点整合.................................................................................23 5.2.5 带宽优化.................................................................................23 5.3 屡获大奖的Riverbed 广域网优化产品-Steelhead ............................24 6Riverbed 广域网优化设备-Steelhead (25)Shanghai Pukka Confidential 7/13/200831 测试背景立邦涂料是世界著名的涂料制造商,成立于1883年,已有超过100年的历史,是世界上最早的涂料公司之一。
RiverBed Steelhead安装操作手册
在configure->host settings中修改主机名
在configure->host settings中设置时区
进入configuration->networking->general service settings
在configuration中点击simplifed routing->all,点击apply,开启简单路由,方 便riverbed发现路由。
report->networking->current connections,查看当前连接报告
RiverBed Steelhead安装操作手册
开机启动后,会有向导提示,可以根据向导一步一步向下配置,也可以跳 出向导模式,自己配置,下面为跳出向导配置方法
Juniper Networks, Inc. Riverbed QoS配置和限制说明书
Application NoteJuniper Networks, Inc.1194 North Mathilda AvenueSunnyvale, California 94089USA408.745.20001.888 JUNIPERLimitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS)Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS) configuration and limitationsPart Number: 350130-001 May 2008Limitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS)Table of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Riverbed QoS Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Customer Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Juniper WX Platform Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Riverbed-Steelhead Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14About Juniper Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Limitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS)IntroductionThe goal of this document is to explain the limitations of the Riverbed QoS and how only JuniperNetworks W AN application acceleration platforms (WX application acceleration platforms) reply toend-customer quality of service (QoS) needs .ScopeThis AppNote is targeted for Juniper and partner SEs, especially in competitive dealsagainst Riverbed .Riverbed QoS LimitationRiverbed implements QoS, as routers do . You define the local office W AN bandwidth and configurehow much outgoing W AN guaranteed bandwidth you want for different applications .This design works well for routers, but is not suited for W AN optimization appliances . With such atechnical approach, you can hardly provide per-remote office guaranteed bandwidth . Enterprisesdon’t want to guarantee X percent of their headquarters’ outgoing bandwidth for critical applications .What enterprises need is X percent of their remote offices’ incoming bandwidth for criticalapplications .The following example will demonstrate the complexity of the Riverbed QoS implementation andhow it applies to real customer needs .Customer ExampleThis example is a classic enterprise QoS requirement .You have two centralized critical applications’ FTP servers and file servers (they could be Siebel, SAP,Oracle and so on) and you want to guarantee 25 percent of your remote locations’ bandwidth for ftpand 10 percent for CIFS:•Headquarters link: 10,000 Kbps (10 Mbps)•15 Remote sites: 1500 Kbps•Goal: Allocate to each remote site-25 percent of remote office bandwidth for FTP traffic10 percent of remote office bandwidth for CIFS traffic-Juniper WX Platform ConfigurationYou can configure the QoS via the Setup Wizard or manually .The Setup Wizard does reply to a large number of requests . But this example requires a manualsetup . Anyway, our manual setup is simple and easy .The configuration steps for this QoS requirement are as follows:1 . S et up the Outbound QoS Endpoints for the WX platform in the Headquarters .Select: QoS – Templates .Limitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS)Technical Note: You don’t manually define the 15 locations (endpoints). They are automatically listedonce the WX platform is registered to the registration server.What you define is simply:•The local max W AN link (Outbound Speed)•The max W AN link to remote locations with no WX platform (Other traffic Circuit Speed)•Each remote max W AN link (remote endpoint Circuit Speed)2 . D efine the “ftp” class for the application FTP and CIFS .Select: QoS – Traffic Classes – Edit Classes .Limitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS)3 . A ssociate the application FTP to the class “ftp” and CIFS to the class “CIFS .”Select: QoS – Traffic Classes .Technical Note: The WX platform proposes 53 predefined applications (such as FTP and CIFS). Thereis obviously the ability to create your own applications if they are not prelisted. The applications can be defined with Layer 3 information (IP addresses) and/or Layer 4 information (TCP/UDP ports) and even Layer 7 information (HTTP URL or Citrix application name).4 . D efine the Class Template “CompanyX-QoS” with 25 percent guaranteed for the class “ftp” and 10 percent for the class “CIFS .”Select: QoS – Templates – New template .Technical Note: Priority definition is optional. The excess bandwidth not guaranteed (in that case bandwidth above 35 percent) will be used in high-priority for ftp Traffic Class, then CIFS and at last for the default traffic class.5 . S elect the Class Template to the different endpoints .Select: QoS – Overview .Limitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS)Via the “Edit” button, select the template “CompanyX-QoS” for each remote location . In thisexample, the “Other traffic” (traffic with destination where there is no WX platform) remains withouttemplate, as we don’t want to guarantee bandwidth for it .Technical Note: You can’t allocate in guaranteed bandwidth more than 80 percent of the WAN bandwidth.In that example the WAN bandwidth is 10 Mbps => 8 Mbps as the max for the total guaranteedbandwidth. You can see via the WX WebUI how much you have already allocated by selecting the “Showbandwidth as: Kbps.”Limitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS)Technical Note: And in case you try to overallocate, a warning message will prevent the configuration change.Limitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS)Riverbed-Steelhead ConfigurationRiverbed has no concept of remote locations . So you can’t allocate a guaranteed bandwidth for aremote location .Riverbed proposes a real complex workaround with limited scalability .You have to create one QoS class with W AN guaranteed bandwidth per remote location/perapplication . And you have to apply the correct QoS class to each destination subnet .This means with Riverbed, you have to manually do the following:•Calculate how much local W AN bandwidth percentage is each remote location’s guaranteedbandwidth .Note: The Juniper WX platform detects each remote location WAN bandwidth. So you simplyspecify the percentage of remote location WAN bandwidth you want to guarantee.•Gather each remote location’s subnets .Note: Each Juniper WX platform automatically detects other Juniper WX platforms’ local subnets.So there is no need to manually define the remote locations subnetsCreate one QoS class per remote location and per application .Note: You simply create a single QoS template with the Juniper WX platform, whatever thenumber of remote locations and applications .•Create a specific QoS rule per remote subnet and per application for each remote location .Note: You simply associate the QoS template to each remote location with the Juniper WXplatform.And in that specific basic example you have to create manually:•30 QoS classesThere ar e 15 remote locations and 2 applications (ftp and CIFS): 15 x 2 = 30 QoS classesNote: The Riverbed high-end platforms support only up to 200 QoS classes. So Riverbed can’tsupport more than 200 sites with 1 single application classified or 50 sites with 4 applicationsclassified.For information, that was one single QoS template created on the Juniper WX platform .90 QoS rules•There are 15 remote locations, 3 local subnets per location and 2 applications (FTP and CIFS):15 x 3 x 2 = 90 QoS classesNote: The Riverbed high-end platforms support only up to 600 QoS rules. So Riverbed can’tsupport more than 200 sites with 3 subnets and 1 single application classified or 50 sites with 3subnets and 4 applications classified.For information, the 15 remote locations were simply associated with the QoS template onthe Juniper WX platform .Limitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS) The configuration steps for Steelhead are as follows:Technical Note: The screenshots are based on the Riverbed RiOS 4.1.1 . E nable QoS and specify W AN bandwidth .Select: Setup – Advanced Networking - QoS Classification2 . C reate manually the 30 QoS classes: One for each remote location/applicationManually repeat this 15 times for each 15 remote locations .Select: Setup – Advanced Networking - QoS ClassificationTechnical Note: Riverbed cannot determine the remote location bandwidth. So you have to manually calculate how much local bandwidth is 25 percent of the remote location bandwidth. In that case, 25 percent of 1.5 Mbps is 375 Kbps. And 375 Kbps is 3.75 percent of 10 Mbps.Limitation of Riverbed’s Quality of Service (QoS)Technical Note: Riverbed cannot determine the remote location bandwidth. So you have to manuallycalculate how much local bandwidth is 10 percent of the remote location bandwidth. In that case, 10percent of 1.5 Mbps is 150 Kbps. And 150 Kbps is 1.5 percent of 10 Mbps.So at the end of the 30 QoS classes that were manually configured, you have the following:3 . C reate the port label for CIFS (TCP 139 + 445) .Riverbed doesn’t have predefined applications .QoS rules (see next point) are based on source and destination IP and ports . In the case of CIFS application, two TCP ports are used: 139 and 445 . To avoid the creation of two QoS rules for each CIFS rule, you can create a port label for CIFS .Select: Setup – Port Labels4 . C reate manually the 90 QoS rules: One for each remote subnet/applicationManually repeat this 15 times for all 15 remote locations .Select: Setup – Advanced Networking - QoS ClassificationNote: The three subnets in the branch office 1 are “”, “”, and “”Those three QoS rules are for the application CIFS .Note : The three subnets in the branch office 1 are “”, “”, and “”Copyright 2008 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, NetScreen, and ScreenOS are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the United States and other countries. JUNOS and JUNOSe are trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners. Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS AND SALES HEADQUARTERS FOR NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA Juniper Networks, Inc.1194 North Mathilda Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USAPhone: 888.JUNIPER (888.586.4737) or 408.745.2000 Fax: EAST COAST OFFICE Juniper Networks, Inc. 10 Technology Park DriveWestford, MA 01886-3146 USA Phone: 978.589.5800 Fax: 978.589.0800ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL SALES HEADQUARTERS Juniper Networks (Hong Kong) Ltd. 26/F , Cityplaza One 1111 King’s RoadTaikoo Shing, Hong Kong Phone: 852.2332.3636 Fax: 852.2574.7803EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST , AFRICA REGIONAL SALES HEADQUARTERS Juniper Networks (UK) Limited Building 1 Aviator Park Station Road AddlestoneSurrey, KT15 2PG, U.K.Phone: 44.(0).1372.385500 Fax: 44.(0).1372.385501To purchase Juniper Networks solutions, please contact your Juniper Networks sales representativeat 1-866-298-6428 or authorized reseller.SummaryEven if both Juniper and Riverbed support QoS, this document explained how only Juniper can reply to QoS enterprise needs .For more information about the Riverbed solution and the Juniper advantages, you can look at the latest Riverbed competitive information available on the partner site: https://www .juniper .net/partners/partner_center/content/reseller/products/wan_kit .jsp#comp .About Juniper NetworksJuniper Networks, Inc . is the leader in high-performance networking . Juniper offers ahigh-performance network infrastructure that creates a responsive and trusted environment for accelerating the deployment of services and applications over a single network . This fuels high-performance businesses . Additional information can be found at www .juniper .net .。
Agilent87050 50 ohmMultiport Test Sets Configuration Guide87050 50 ohm multiport test sets, 3 MHz to 2.2 GHzThis configuration guide describes standard configurations, options, accessories,firmware upgrades, and service and support products. Agilent 87050E multiport test sets are designed to operate with the 8712E series of network analyzers. Selected information on the 50 ohm 8712ET, 8712ES, 8714ET, and 8714ES is included. For more information about these test sets and network analyzers, please read the following documents: 87050E Technical Specifications 5968-4764E 87050E Brochure (color) 5968-4763E 8712E series RF VNA Technical Specifications: 5967-6314E 8712E series RF VNA Configuration Guide: 5967-6315E 8712E series RF VNA Brochure: 5967-6316E For additional information, please contact an Agilent representa-tive at one of the offices listed on the back page of this guide.Agilent 87050E 50 ohmmultiport test setsStandard test sets include:Three-year return-to-Agilent warranty, power cord,test-set calibration disk, as well as:87050-60058interconnect cable (reflection port) 87050-60060interconnect cable (transmission port) 8120-6818parallel port interface cable87050-9002687050E/87075C User’s and Service Guide Standard test set options(Must order one of the following options with the87050E)❑Option 004 (4 ports)❑Option 008 (8 ports)❑Option 012 (12 ports)Additional test set options❑Option 1CM rack-mount kitIncludes:87050-60059interconnect cable (reflection port) 87050-60061interconnect cable (transmission port) (These cables are shipped with Option 1CM only. Use these cables if you are rack-mounting your system, or if the bottom feet of the analyzer have been removed)❑Option UK6commercial calibration certificate with dataTest set documentation❑Option 0B0delete manual❑Option 0B1add additional manualLocalizationAgilent often provides localized user guides in many languages for no additional charge. The user guides include information on installation, instrument func-tions, measurement optimization, and calibration. Check with your local Agilent sales representative to find out if a localized user guide is available for your multiport test set.Agilent 8712E seriesRF vector network analyzers❑8712ET transmission/reflection vector network analyzer, 300 kHz to 1.3 GHz❑8712ES S-parameter vector network analyzer,300 kHz to 1.3 GHz❑8714ET transmission/reflection vector network analyzer, 300 kHz to 3.0 GHz❑8714ES S-parameter vector network analyzer,300 kHz to 3.0 GHzStandard network analyzers include:• Fully integrated synthesized source and test set• Built-in 3.5 inch floppy disk drive• Narrowband and broadband receivers• LAN interface• IBASIC programming language• 50 ohm system impedance• Type-N economy test-port cable• 175 MHz demonstration bandpass filter• Operating and programming manuals (in binder and CD-ROM format)• Example program disks• Three-year return-to-Agilent warranty2Network analyzer options1❑Option 1E160 dB step attenuatorAdds a built-in 60 dB step attenuator to extend the output-power range down to –60 dBm. This option only applies to the transmission/reflection analyzers (ET models), as the attenuator is standard in theS-parameter analyzers (ES models).❑Option 1CL keyboardAdds a full-size, standard PC keyboard with a mini-DIN cable (model number D4950B, Option ABA). A keyboard overlay is also included (part number 08712-80028) to aid in instrument operation using the keyboard.❑Option 1CM rack mount kitAdds a rack mount kit (without handles) for installation in a test rack.❑Option AFN extra 50 ohm economy cableAdds an extra 50 ohm economy cable and a type-N female-to-female adapter (for high-volume applications,Option B20 is recommended).❑Option B20extra 50 ohm precision cableAdds a (m-m) type-N 50 ohm precision cable. This rugged cable is recommended for high-volume applications. To replace the standard 50 ohm economy cable with a precision cable, order Option B22.❑Option B22replace 50 ohm economy cableReplaces standard 50 ohm economy cable with a rugged (m-m) type-N 50 ohm precision cable. This durable cable is recommended for high-volume applications.❑Option 1FP performance-test software(used for recalibrating instruments)❑Option UK6commercial calibration certificate with test data❑Option 0Q8factory-delivered service training Network analyzer documentation❑Option 0B0delete manual set❑Option 0B1add additional manual set❑Option AVB delete service guide❑Option AV7delete programming guidesThe following options provide manuals that are partially or completely translated into the specified languages, depending on the region.❑Option AB0Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) manual❑Option AB2Simplified Chinese (PRC) manual❑Option ABD German manual❑Option ABE Spanish manual❑Option ABF French manual❑Option ABJ Japanese manual❑Option ABZ Italian manual System measurementaccessoriesA complete line of RF test accessories can be found in the Agilent RF and Microwave Test Accessories Catalog (literature number 5968-4314EN) or at/find/mta.Calibration kitsCalibration kits include mechanical standards such as opens, shorts and precision loads, which are measured by the multiport system during calibration. After a cali-bration has been performed, subsequent measurements are more accurate.❑85032B type-N standard calibration kitContains both male and female 50 ohm precision load, open, and short standards. To delete the 7-mm-to-type-N adapters, order Option 001.❑85032E type-N economy calibration kitContains only male 50 ohm precision load, open, and short standards.❑85033D3.5 mm calibration kitContains both male and female 50 ohm precision load, open, and short standards. Order Option 002 to replace the 7-mm-to-3.5-mm adapters with type-N-to- 3.5-mm adapters.❑85038A7-16 calibration kitContains both male and female open, short, and fixed termination standards. No adapters are included. An 11906B 7-16-to-type-N adapter kit is recommended.❑85038M7-16 calibration kitContains only male open, short, and fixed termination standards. No adapters are included. An 11906B 7-16-to-type-N adapter kit is recommended.❑85038F7-16 calibration kitContains only female open, short, and fixed termination standards. No adapters are included. An 11906B 7-16-to-type-N adapter kit is recommended.CablesTest port cables are used to connect the test set to the device under test. One economy test port cable is shipped with each 8712E series network analyzer as a standard accessory. Test port cables are not shipped with 87050E test sets. Agilent precision test port cables are recommended to ensure high measurement accuracy.❑Economy (m-m) test port cable(part number 8120-6469)Economy 50 ohm 0.61 m (2 ft.) cable. Comes with male type-N connectors on both ends.❑Precision (m-m) test port cable(part number 8120-8862)Precision 50 ohm 0.61 m (2 ft.) cable. Comes with male type-N connectors on both ends. RF performance includes SWR < 1.1 (up to 3 GHz).1. This configuration guide lists only those network analyzer options that are applicable for use when measuring multiport devices. For a full list of network analyzer options, refer to the 8712E series RF VNA configuration guide, publication number 5967-6315E.3Adapters❑11852B Option 004type-N 50 to-75 ohm minimum-loss padThis impedance-matching attenuator is used to con vert a 50 ohm test port to 75 ohms. One end has a 50 ohm male type-N connector and the other end has a 75 ohm female type-N connector. Nominal insertion loss is 5.7 dB.❑11853A type-N accessory kitContains 50 ohm type-N (m-m) and (f-f) adapters, and type-N male and female shorts.❑11854A BNC accessory kitProvides the components generally required for measuring devices with 50 ohm BNC connectors (up to 3 GHz). Contains four type-N to BNC adapters in all combinations of connector sexes, plus a male BNC short.❑11878A3.5 mm accessory kitContains 50 ohm type-N-to-3.5-mm adapters, in all combinations of connector sexes.❑Type-N female-to-female adapter(part number 1250-0777)Can be used to connect two 50 ohm male type-N cables together. Suitable for use with economy and precision cables.❑11906B7-16-to-type-N adapter kitIncludes adapters for 7-16 (m) to type-N (m), 7-16 (m) to type-N (f), 7-16 (f) to type-N (m), and 7-16 (f) to type-N (f).Test fixtures and device handlersInter-Continental Microwave offers an extensive line of stan-dard RF and microwave test fixtures and non-coaxial calibra-tion standards. They also provide custom design services to satisfy unique customer requirements. ICM also designs and manufactures custom automatic-device-han-dling systems to maximize production throughput.Phone:(408)727-1596E-mail:****************** Fax: (408) 727-0105 Web: ManualsExtra copies of the CD-ROM containing all the manuals for the 8712E series of vector network analyzers and the 87050E mul-tiport test sets can be ordered as part number 08714-90051. For the latest list of instrument manuals available online, please visit our web page at /find/8712.General accessories❑Anti-static mat kit(part number 85043-80013) Agilent recommends using the multiport system on an anti-static mat that has been grounded properly, to minimize the risk of damage due to electrostatic discharge (ESD).❑Barcode readersFor more information about Agilent's line of barcode readers, including a worldwide list of distributors, please visit our web page at:/barcode.❑Foot/hand switchesA rugged footswitch with a 2.4 m (8 ft.) BNC cable is available as Special Option 8714B-K87. Other custom foot or hand switches can be fabricated to suit your particular needs. Please contact your local Agilent sales representative for more information. PeripheralsMonitorsFor enhanced viewing, any external VGA-compatible color monitor can easily be connected to the network analyzer to provide operators with a clear, full-color view of all display information, such as trace data and pass/fail indicators. For information about HP monitors, please visit the web page at /go/monitors. PrintersHardcopy measurement results can be obtained from printers with LAN, parallel, serial and GPIB interfaces. Most PCL-based printers are supported. Windows ® -only printers are not supported. For more information about HP printers, please visit the web page at/go/printers.For a list of HP printers compatible with the RF vector network analyzers, please visit our web page at/find/pcg.Interface accessories❑10833A GPIB cable, 1.0 m (3.3 ft.)❑10833B GPIB cable, 2.0 m (6.6 ft.)❑10833D GPIB cable, 0.5 m (1.6 ft.)❑HP C2950A parallel (Centronics) printer cable, 2.0 m (6.6 ft.)❑HP C2913A serial (RS-232C) printer cable, 1.2 m (3.9 ft.)❑HP 92268A Ethertwist "straight-through" LAN cable, 4.0 m (13.1 ft.)4System service andsupport productsA three-year, return-to-Agilent warranty is standard. Customers may convert the standard three-year warranty to a one-year on-site warranty (at no addition-al charge) by ordering Option W01. This option must be ordered separately for the test set and network analyzer at the time of the initial purchase. Please note thaton-site support is not available everywhere (check with your local Agilent sales or service office for availabilityin your area).Selected service and support products are listed below. The options are available with both the 87050E multi-port test sets and the 8712E series of RF vector network analyzers. For more information on the full range of service, support, and training products available, please consult your local Agilent sales or service office.❑8712E series service kit (part number 08712-60012) Service kit includes extender board, extender cables, voltage reference, and special wrench.Calibration options❑Option W32three-year return-to-Agilent commercial calibration agreement❑Option W34three-year return-to-Agilent mil-standard (standards-compliant) calibration agreement❑Option UK6commercial calibration certificate with test data❑Option 1FP performance-test software (used for recalibrating instruments)Service options❑Option W01converts three-year return-to-Agilent service to one-year on-site service (check with your local Agilent sales or service office for availability in your area)❑Option W50five-year return-to-Agilent service Training options❑Option 0Q8factory-delivered service training Firmware upgrades via LANTo download the latest instrument firmware via LAN, please visit our web page at/find/enasupport.VXIplug&play driverTo download a free VXIplug&play driver, please visit our web page at /find/8712.5Recommended test equipmentThe following test equipment is recommended for self support, adjustments, and performance tests to verify proper instrument operation.Power meters and sensors❑437B power meter (discontinued), or❑438A dual-channel power meter (discontinued), or❑E4118(EPM-441A) power meter, or❑E4419A(EPM-442A) dual-channel power meter❑8482A power sensor❑8481D diode power sensor (for models with step attenuators only)Function generators❑8116A function generator (discontinued) or❑33120A function generatorInstrument controllers and computers❑PC with an GPIB interface card (82350A) andHP BASIC for Windows(model number E2060C) or ❑HP 9000 series 200, 300 or 700(discontinued)Calibration kits❑85032B50 ohm type-NAccessories❑8496A or 8496G10 dB step attenuator❑8491A series20 dB fixed attenuator❑Voltage reference(part number 08712-60031)For service of VNA. Note: this part is included in the service kit (part number 08712-60012)Additional test equipment and accessories that may be helpful include Agilent 8560 series or 8566A/B spectrum analyzers, plus miscellaneous fixed attenuators, cables, adapters and RF power splitters.Additional informationFor online information on Agilent's 8712E series of RF vector network analyzers and multiport test sets, please visit our web page at /find/8712.Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation6Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and Assistance Agilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equip-ment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers.When you receive your new Agilent equipment, we can help verify that it works properly and help with initial product operation.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by con-tracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, project manage-ment, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain depend-able measurement accuracy for the life of those products.For more information on Agilent Technologies’ products, applications or services,please contact your local Agilent office. Phone or Fax United States:Korea:(tel) 800 829 4444(tel) (080) 769 0800(fax) 800 829 4433(fax) (080)769 0900Canada:Latin America:(tel) 877 894 4414(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) 800 746 4866Taiwan :China:(tel) 0800 047 866(tel) 800 810 0189(fax) 0800 286 331(fax) 800 820 2816Other Asia Pacific Europe:Countries:(tel) 31 20 547 2111(tel) (65) 6375 8100Japan:(fax) (65) 6755 0042(tel) (81) 426 56 7832Email:*****************(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Contacts revised: 05/27/05The complete list is available at:/find/contactusProduct specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2001, 2005Printed in USA, June 28, 20055968-4765E/find/emailupdatesGet the latest information on the products and applications you select.Agilent Email Updates/find/agilentdirectQuickly choose and use your test equipment solutions with confidence.Agilent Direct/find/openAgilent Open simplifies the process of connecting and programming test systems to help engineers design, validate and manufacture electronic products. Agilent offers open connectivity for a broad range of system-ready instruments, open industry software, PC-standard I/O and global support, which are combined to more easily integrate test system development.Agilent Open。
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RiverSurveyor – 使用快速指南
这些设置是用来输入有关测量断面的信息,应该在开始 测量前输入。
断面信息 输入有关断面和测量的所有信息 多的信息总是比没有的好
流量测验 - 理论
测量过水断面流量是根据河道的断面平均流速和断面面积计 算而得的。而实际测量中,是将河道的断面分成三个部分: 开始河岸、实测断面、和结束河岸。这三部分流量的总和就 是过水断面流量;如下图所示:
RiverSurveyor – 使用快速指南
测流断面地点的选择是保证整个测流能够获得好成果的 一个很重要的因素。以下是一些有益的忠告和提示: • 尽可能避免水中的障碍物,不要选择桥墩、水坝、
这些设置是用来输入有关测量断面的信息,应该在开始测 量前输入。
断面信息 输入有关断面和测量的所有信息 多的信息总是比没有的好
系统设置 输入垂直波束在水下的深度, 输入盐度 、当地的磁偏角
155Mbps 800Mbps
15,000 1.5TB 700GB 8GB
310Mbps 310Mbps 310Mbps 800Mbps 1Gbps 800Mbps
Note: S in SX indicates short wavelength @ 850 nm
© 2006-2009 Riverbed Technology. Duplication Prohibited.
Physical Cable Connections
Non-Switch Crossover Straight Switch
RiOS 5.0+ In-path Interface States
Start, stop, or restart of the optimization service does not cause physical bypass
• No sub-second loss of connectivity (link flap) • Traffic still passes through, but via the intercept module
• IP address must be on a subnet different from the Primary and In-path interface subnet(s) • Does not have a default gateway and binds to the Primary gateway if on the same network
1 Riverbed公司简介Riverbed在2002年成立于美国旧金山,是广域网优化技术的发明者。
全球著名的IT咨询公司Gartner Group对于广域网优化和应用加速这一新兴技术领域的相关公司做了仔细的调研和严格的评估。
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在应用协议层面,Riverbed产品支持最多种类的应用优化,包括:1)对Microsoft CIFS协议进行优化,而且适用于Windows Server2003/2008/2010系统。
Smoothwall Device ConfigurationThe Smoothwall filtering solution offers two methods to configure devices for Internet access. The first is by configuring standard proxy server and port settings on each device, and the other is by installing the Smoothwall IDEX client.Regardless as to whether schools use the standard proxy server configuration or the IDEX client, they will be able to control what websites users are able to access by logging into their Smoothwall portal and adding websites to allowed and blocked filter lists.Standard Proxy Server Configuration OverviewThe most common method of enabling devices for Internet access is by configuring standard proxy server and port settings. This solution is universal, thus can be used for all devices and operating systems, e.g. Microsoft Windows devices, Apple devices, Chromebooks, and other devices. This is the minimum configuration that schools must make on all devices to gain access to the Internet.The proxy server name should be set to in the devices proxy settings.The ports are configured to apply a specific set of filtering policies to a target user group. These policies can be modified independently to meet the school’s Internet access policy, although core restricted content will always remain blocked. The ports should be configured as below, from most restricted access to least restricted accessTarget User Group Proxy PortKey Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Students 8080Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Students 8081Key Stage 5 and Post 16 Students 8888Teaching Staff 9000Office Admin Staff 9091In addition to these settings, a Smoothwall SSL decryption certificate must be installed on all devices accessing the Internet. The Smoothwall certificate can be downloaded from the links below:https:///public/schools/https_interception_2021-2023.crtThe following document provides further guidance on how to install the certificate:https:///assets/Business/IT-services-for-schools-and-academies/smoothwall-certificate-guide.pdfDepending on your IT environment it may be possible to deploy these new settings using Active Directory Group Policies. Devices not controlled by Active Directory Group Policies, such as printers and non-Microsoft devices, will require manual configuration with the above settings.When using the proxy server configuration, schools will also be able to generate IP address-based activity reports from their Smoothwall portal. The proxy server exception of 10.*;* will need to be configured on any devices that will be used to administer the Smoothwall portal.IDEX Client OverviewThe Smoothwall solution offers the Smoothwall IDEX client as an optional solution for Windows computers running in a Microsoft Windows domain environment.The IDEX client forwards usernames, group membership, and information about web requests to the Smoothwall solution for web filtering purposes. Each web request is individually identified; therefore it can identify multiple users logged in at the same workstation. Local user accounts are identified by the workstation, as well as users behind a NAT connection.Further information regarding the IDEX client can be found athttps:///Leeds/Content/idex/about.htmIf your school is running a Microsoft Windows domain environment and you wish to use the IDEX client, your school will need to create the following global security groups in Active Directory.•Internet_Keystage_1-2•Internet_Keystage_3-4•Internet_Keystage_5-6•Internet_Staff•Internet_AdminsSuffolk County Council will need to arrange for their supplier, MLL Telecom, to map these groups to the associated security filtering policies in your school’s Smoothwall system.The groups can contain nested groups of relevant users e.g. your existing security groups can be nested within one of the above groups.Once the security policies have been mapped in Smoothwall your school can install the IDEX client on your Windows computers and populate the security groups with the relevant users. Internet traffic will then begin to be tracked against the logged in user.When installing the IDEX client you will be prompted to enter the following host and port information •Host - •Port - 1080Once installed you will need to configure the client browser proxy settings to and the port to 8080 for Internet access. Do not use the standard proxy and ports (e.g. and 8080) when using the IDEX client.You will still need to install the Smoothwall certificate for any machine accessing the internet.When using the IDEX client, schools will also be able to generate user-based activity reports from their Smoothwall portal. The proxy server exception of 10.*;* will need to be configured on any devices that will be used to administer the Smoothwall portal.All devices that cannot be managed by the IDEX client will need to be configured with the standard proxy server and port settings.。
1use. It allows you to control your amp’s channel switching (1,2 or 3) via MIDI program change messages. The Anniversary amp has an internal memory and can store Channel 1,2 or 3 selection in 128 MIDI addressable patches. These correspond to the 0 - 127 MIDI PROGRAM CHANGE message.Rear Panel FeaturesThe rear panel of the Anniversary amplifier is the most comprehensive that we have ever produced. Inaddition to the connection and control facilities there are a number of major innovations that directly affect the sound and performance of the amplifier. As your sound is personal to you, it is important to try thedifferent options for the most suitable settings for your style.34. Footswitch Socket Accepts the connecting lead from the three way channelswitching footswitch (which is included with your unit).35. MIDI-In Socket For connection from an external MIDI device.36. Balanced Compensated XLR OutputBalanced output featuring Marshall line level SpeakerEmulation for accurate sound reproduction directly throughrecording equipment or PA (see operational note C).37. Compensated Output Level ControlProvides volume level control of the signal from item (36).Operational Note C: Speaker EmulationThe Marshall speaker emulation circuit provides a signal for direct connection to PA or recording mixers, that retains the true character of the amp driving a cabinet. The quality of this emulation is so high that ‘miking up’ cabinets should no longer be necessary, saving you both time and money, and guaranteeing you a great direct guitar tone.This output is active even when the power amp mute switch (item 39) is activated. Although this power amp mutingallows the amp to be used without speaker cabinets as with all valve amplifiers, it is wise to keep the cabinet connected.38. Uncompensated Line Output Line Out suitable for linking to further amplifiers to extendthe system.39. Uncompensated Link Selection SwitchWhen pushed in, this switch mutes the internal poweramp allowing operation as a pre-amp, switching in alsoactivates the line input to the power amp.40. Line Input Line level input jack to take an external pre-amp thususing just the power stage of your amplifier.Operational Note D: Series effects optionItems 38 & 40 can also be used as a 2nd series effects loop (See operational note F). The selection switch (Item 39) will switch the loop in or out of the circuit, but will not mute the power amp.41. Effects Send Trim Channel 1 Provides -10 to +4db level control of the effects sendfrom Channel 1 only.42. Effects Send Trim Channel 2Provides -10 to +4db level control of the effects sendfrom Channel 2.Operational Note E: Effects level balancingOn 41 & 42 - When setting up the effects loop, the effects processor’s level controls should be set up against the lead channel -3 and matched using switch (44), then channels 1 & 2 set up via the trim controls for an effects send balance.If desired, more or less sound level can be set for differing amounts of effected signal.543. Series/Parallel Selection Switch Selects series or parallel effects loop operation. Seriesconnection is most suitable for Graphic Equalizers,compressor limiters etc. Parallel connection suits delay,reverb and chorus effects. It is generally not advisableto link distortion effects through the loop. Operational Note F: Effects LoopThe main effects loop on this amplifier can be configured either as a series or a parallel loop by using theseries/parallel selection switch (item 43). The parallel loop (switch out) splits the pre-amp signal into two, retaining the direct signal within the amplifier itself, whilst sending a parallel signal out to the effects processor. By turning the direct signal within the processor to zero only an effects signal is returned to the amplifier where it will be mixed back in with the direct signal. This leaves the original direct signal uncoloured by any circuitry within the processor. By using the effects level control (item 28) your ideal mix of dry and effects signal can be easily set up.The series loop (switch in) diverts the whole pre-amp signal through the effects loop and switches off the internal direct signal. The effects level control (28) now acts as an overall master level control.In terms of application, units that are time based (eg Chorus, Delay, Reverb etc) are best suited to the parallel loop. Real time effects (eg. Graphic or Parametric EQ, Compressors etc.) suit series loop operation.It is worth noting that the line in (40) and line out (38) circuit could be used as a series effects loop at 0 dBm, giving you the ability to use both types of loop simultaneously.44. Loop Level Selector Switch Selects the general level of the effects loop (-10 or+4dB) to match processor linked to (45 & 46)45. Effects Send Jack Output for connection to the input of an externaleffects processor.46. Effects Return Jack Input for connection from the output of externalprocessor.47. Damping Select Switch Three position switch to select high, low or autodamping positions. (See operational note G). Operational Note G: Damping ControlThis unique feature controls the power amp damping. Effectively this is the way that the amplifier drives the speaker. High damping gives tight speaker movement and is ideal for clean sounds, where a precise and defined response gives sweet clear picked notes and chords.Low damping, with greater speaker movement, suits breathing heavy overdrive and full distortion. In the auto position the amp automatically selects high damping for clean selections and low damping for crunch and lead. It is probably best to leave the amplifier in auto mode for normal use.48. Power Selection Switch Two position switch to select high power (all 4 valvesworking) or low power (2 valves working). The amplifiermust be switched to standby before selection.(Seeoperational note H).Operational Note H: Power selectionThis useful feature gives excellent flexibility for all playing situations. When switched to half power, with only 2 valves working, these two valves will be driven harder than normal and will therefore have a shorter working life. If a low power selection is required for long periods then it would be better to use the pentode/triode switch (Item 52). ‘Triode’operation will give a slightly different tone to half power. 4 valves give 100 Watts in pentode - 50 Watts in triode. 2 valves give 50 Watts in pentode - 25 Watts in triode.649. Output Fuses With LED Fail IndicatorsIn the event of valve failure the HT fuse will blow toprotect the amplifier from damage. The LED will indicatewhich valve pair is faulty. The Marshall “Failsafe” circuitallows the amplifier to continue running on two valves(providing it is not switched to half power), to get you tothe end of the gig.50. Loudspeaker Outputs Twin loudspeaker output jacks. It is important that thespeakers used are correctly wired and that the impedanceis correctly selected. Also ensure that the speakers arecapable of handling the full power of the amplifier. Thecabinet must be connected before switching on the standbyswitch.51. Impedance Selector Switch Selector to ensure correct match of cabinet impedanceto the amplifier (see impedance chart on page.9).52. Pentode/Triode Selection Switch“Triode” operation gives half the rated power output(Triode operation also gives a smoother tone) and“Pentode” operation provides full rated output. (Seeoperational note I).Operational Note I: Pentode/triodeThis feature is particularly useful when tailoring your system to suit different sized venues and recording applications. When switching this function the standby switch should always be switched off. The same also applies to items 39, 44, 47, 48 & 51.53) Mains Input & Fuse Socket for connection from the mains. Always ensurethat the fuse matches the labelling on the amplifier’srear panel. If you have any doubts contact your dealeror a qualified technician.7Footswitch OperationThe three way footswitch provided with your Anniversary amplifier is for channel switching between the three channels. Connection should be made to the DIN connector on the rear panel of the amp. An LED above the switch corresponds to the channel which has been selected. Switching can also be achieved via MIDI. (See operational note B).Speaker ConnectionThe type of cabinet and speakers has a fundamental effect on the quality of your sound. Also vitallyimportant is the matching of speaker impedance to the amplifier. Incorrect matching will impair theperformance and eventually damage the amplifier.Impedance is usually marked on the cabinet input socket. If you have any doubts, have the speakerschecked by a qualified technician. When using a single cabinet the amp and cabinet should be identical(e.g. 16 Ohm 4x12 cab = 16 Ohm amp selection). If two 16 Ohm cabinets are used, then the amplifiershould be switched to 8 Ohms. Where two 8 ohm cabinets are employed the amp should be switched to4 Ohms. A speaker load below 4 Ohms cannot be used. Following these simple rules should maintainlong life and minimise amplifier servicing requirements. Unlike solid state amps, valve amplifiers don'tincrease in power as speaker impedance is lowered.Operational Note J: Impedance switchingIt should be noted that although the output transformer has 3 impedance connections, only two are switchable from outside the amplifier. These are 16 ohm and 8 Ohm on heads and 8 Ohm and 4 Ohm on combo’s. If your particular application requires this to be different, the transformer connections can easily be altered by a qualified technician.Marshall Cabinet ChartIn some cabinets the speaker type may vary (refer to rating plate for correct impedance).8 Except in US8Trouble Shooting GuideIf you have a problem with your amplifier, it is always best to let a fully qualified approved techniciancheck it over. Regular servicing should prevent any major breakdowns and is an extremely beneficial long term precaution.Often it is the simplest thing that needs attention and it may not be possible to get technical assistance. In this case you may be able to keep the amp running at least until the end of the show. The greatest care should be taken, before removing the back panel, that all mains power is disconnected. Also remember that even after short periods valves will become very hot.Phase splitter9The following list outlines some of the most obvious problems and causes.PROBLEM/SYMPTOM/CUREValves And Pilot Light On, But No Sound.1.Check valve fuse fail lights to see if HT fuses are blown. If they are, replace them with the same valuefuse. If they blow again replace all the power valves if possible.2.Check standby switch.3.Check that the series/parallel switch and power amp mute switch are both out, unless their operation isintended.Constantly Blows HT Fuses.Check the output valves; If they need replacement use matched sets and replace all power valves if possible.Have a service centre check the bias on the output valves. If it’s too low the amp will not clean up. If it’s too high it will stay too clean no matter how loudly you play.High Pitched Whistle At Hi Gain SettingsMost likely this is a microphonic pre-amp valve. Replace if necessary.Rattling Noise From Head Or Chassis99% of the time this is caused by the spring output valve retainers jangling against the valve. Gently bend the spring holders out a fraction.No Sound, Lights, Hum, Etc.1. Check mains fuse, but never with the amp plugged in.2. Make sure the amp is plugged in.Quick HintSomeday, probably at a most inconvenient time, you will blow a fuse or your valves will go. This is noreflection on any amp, valves have a definite lifespan. Always make sure you have replacements, just like you carry spare strings, or you could be left stranded. Always thoroughly check speaker leads to ensure that (A) they are properly connected and (B) they are fully working. Also, use good quality guitar leads and check them regularly.Spares And AccessoriesSuperb engineering is a part of Marshall tradition and your amplifier is built to withstand the abuse of a working musicians heaviest demands. However it is worth remembering that at it’s heart, your amplifier is full of electrical components and glass bottles. If you think of it as an extension to your guitar and treat it accordingly, then long life and small service bills should be the norm. Using only Marshall valves asreplacements will give you optimum performance from your amplifier and will remove the need for any re-biasing by a technician.In the event of component damage Marshall agents worldwide maintain a stock of spares and accessories capable of refurbishing your road-worn beast!10。
河流调查者s5 m9 说明书 软件版本1.0
SonTek/YSIE:\SonTek\M9\Chinese\RiverSurveyor 使用手册.doc1SonTek/YSI 公司9940 Summers Ridge Road, San Diego, CA 92121-3091 USA电话: (858) 546-8327 • 传真: (858) 546-8150电子邮箱: inquiry@ • 网址:河流调查者 S5/M9用户手册软件版本 1.0 Copyright 2009 by SonTek/YSI. All rights reserved. This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior consent in writing from SonTek/YSI. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual. However, SonTek/YSI makes no warranties with respect to this documentation and disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. SonTek/YSI shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the examples herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.SonTek/YSI2 RiverSurveyor S5/M9 使用手册 (2009年2月)软件版本升级记录 开始日期描 述 2009年2月15日首次发布 CPU 固件版本 1.0SonTek/YSI 手册发布通知河流调查者S5/M9用户手册,发布时间为:2009年2月15日。
Arduino Riverdi TFT shield 用户手册说明书
User ManualRev.1.22015-12-17REVISION RECORDCONTENTSREVISION RECORD (2)CONTENTS (2)1. INTRODUCTION (3)2. DEVELOPMENT KIT SET (3)3. DESCRIPTION (4)3.1 Board description (4)3.2 Display ZIF connector (5)3.3 Multiple display pin headers (CN2) (7)3.4 External speaker connector (CN1) (7)3.5 Micro-SD card slot (J1) (7)3.6 Backlight power supply selection jumper (CN4) (7)3.7 Current measure headers (7)4. MECHANICAL DRAWING (8)5. ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC (9)6. TFT DISPLAY CONNECTION (10)7. LEGAL INFORMATION (11)1.INTRODUCTIONThe Arduino Riverdi TFT shield allows to connect Arduino with Riverdi TFT displays with FT80x and FT81x chips.This Arduino shield contains external speaker connector. On the board is also micro – SD card slot, which can be used to store graphics or music. There is a Reset button which can be used for reset Arduino.Visit https:///product/arduino-riverdi-tft-shield/to see the examples of using The Riverdi Eve Arduino Shield.2.DEVELOPMENT KIT SETArduino Riverdi kit contains:Arduino Riverdi TFT shield board,20 pin, 0.5mm, 15 cm length FFCMicro-SD slotFigure 1. The Riverdi EVE Arduino Shield –parts3. DESCRIPTION3.1 Board descriptionThe Arduino Riverdi TFT shield contains:- Display ZIF connector (20 pin) - Multiple display pin headers - External speaker connector - Micro-SD card slot- Backlight power supply selection jumper - Reset buttonFigure 1 shows The Arduino Riverdi TFT shield significant parts.Multiple display pin headers (CN2)ZIF connector (20pin, 0.5mm) Reset button LCD logic current measurement (CN5) LCD backlight current measure connector (CN3)External speaker connector (CN1) Backlight power supply select jumper (CN4)Micro-SD card slot (J1)3.2 Display ZIF connectorTFT module is connected to Arduino Shield with DISPLAY CONNECTOR (ZIF, 20 pin, 0.5mm). Pin description depends on the display module type. There are two types. One of them is for displays with FT80x controllers, other one is for displays with FT81x controllers. The tables below describe pins of display connectors and show their connection to Arduino. To check which controller is used in TFT module model refer to a specific datasheet on /products/.Table 1. PIN description for FT80x1 VDD 3V3 Power Supply2 GND GND Ground3 SPI_SCLK/ I2C_SCL SCKSPI SCK Signal / I2C SCL Signal, Internally 47k Pull UP 4 MISO/ I2C_SDA MISO SPI MISO Signal / I2C SDA Signal, Internally 47k Pull UP 5 MOSI/ I2C_SA0 MOSI SPI MOSI Signal / I2C Slave Address Bit 0, Internally 47k Pull UP 6 CS/I2C_SA1 D10 SPI Chip Select Signal / I2C Slave Address Bit 1, Internally 47k Pull UP7 INT D9 Interrupt Signal, Active Low, Internally 47k Pull UP 8 PD D8 Power Down Signal, Active Low, Internally 47k Pull UP9 MODED7 Host Interface SPI(Pull Low) or I2C(Pull Up) Mode Select Input, Internally 10k Pull DOWN 10 AUDIO_OUT- Audio Out Signal 11 NC - Not Connected 12 NC - Not Connected 13 NC - Not Connected 14 NC - Not Connected 15 NC - Not Connected 16 NC - Not Connected17 BLVDD - Backlight Power Supply, Can Be Connected to VDD 18 BLVDD - Backlight Power Supply, Can Be Connected to VDD 19 BLGND - Backlight Ground, Internally connected to GND 20BLGND-Backlight Ground, Internally connected to GNDTable 2. PIN description for FT81x3.3Multiple display pin headers (CN2)The Arduino Riverdi TFT shield allows to expand Riverdi TFT module pins to user friendly 2.54 mm pin headers. The multiple display pin headers are designed for TFT modules with FT80x and FT81x controllers.3.4External speaker connector (CN1)The external speaker connector (CN1) is used for connecting external speaker 8 Ohm and 1W. Amplifier Circuit schematic is presented in ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC section. Amplifier circuit can be muted by AUDIO SHUTDOWN pin connected to DIGITAL PIN 4.3.5Micro-SD card slot (J1)The micro-SD slot allows to connect micro-SD card. The stored data can be used by Arduino. The Arduino communicates with both micro-SD and Riverdi TFT display via SPI.Micro-SD card Chip Select is available on DIGITAL PIN 5 and Micro-SD Card Detection Signal is available on DIGITAL PIN 6.3.6Backlight power supply selection jumper (CN4)Riverdi TFT modules has independent backlight power supply module. The backlight power supply can be 3.3V or 5V and it is selected on CN4.3.7Current measure headersIn the Arduino Riverdi TFT shield you can measure the current consumption of LCD logic and backlight inverter. LCD logic current consumption can be measured on CN5. Backlight inverter logic can be measured on CN3. By default CN5 is short circuited with R6 and CN3 is short circuited with R4. Current measure is available after unsoldering mentioned resistors.`© 2014 Riverdi Page 8 of 11Arduino Riverdi TFT shield datasheet Rev.1.2 4.MECHANICAL DRAWING© 2014 RiverdiPage 9 of 115. ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC© 2014 Riverdi Page 10 of 11 6.TFT DISPLAY CONNECTIONZIF connector(20pin, 0.5mm, Down-side)`© 2014 Riverdi Page 11 of 11 Arduino Riverdi TFT shield datasheet Rev.1.2 7. LEGAL INFORMATION Riverdi makes no warranty, either expressed or implied with respect to any product, and specifically disclaims all other warranties, including, without limitation, warranties for merchantability, non-infringement and fitness for any particular purpose. Information about device are the property of Riverdi and may be the subject of patents pending or granted. It is not allowed to copy or disclosed this document without prior written permission. Riverdi endeavors to ensure that the all contained information in this document are correct but does not accept liability for any error or omission. Riverdi products are in developing process and published information may be not up to date. Riverdi reserves the right to update and makes changes to Specifications or written material without prior notice at any time. It is important to check the current position with Riverdi. Images and graphics used in this document are only for illustrative the purpose. All images and graphics are possible to be displayed on the range products of Riverdi, however the quality may vary. Riverdi is no liable to the buyer or to any third part for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages (including without limitation lost profits, lost savings, or loss of business opportunity) relating to any product, service provided or to be provided by Riverdi, or the use or inability to use the same, even if Riverdi has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Riverdi products are not fault tolerant nor designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail – safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines or weapons systems in which the failure of the product could lead directly to death, personal injury or severe physical or environmental damage (‘High Risk Activities’). Riverdi and its suppliers specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. Using Riverdi products and devices in 'High Risk Activities' and in any other application is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Riverdi from any and all damages, claims or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Riverdi intellectual property rights.。
1.Riverbed 公司Steelhead加速设备基本配置步骤连接Console线用随机所带Console线,从设备的console口,连接到计算机的串行口上。
启动终端仿真程序启动Windows超级终端程序,或其他终端仿真程序.终端仿真程序应当进行如下设置:速率:9600 数据位:8停止位:1 奇偶位:无流控:无设备加电用随机所带电源线,将设备连接到电源上。
如下所示,其中用户的输入用红色字体表示:Riverbed Steelheadamnesiac login: adminPassword:password开始配置登录成功之后,会自动进入初始配置向导。
下面是配置向导的示例:Last login: Thu Jan 3 07:50:57 on ttyS0Riverbed Steelhead configuration wizard.Do you want to auto-configure using a CMC? nDo you want to use the wizard for initial configuration? yStep 1: Hostname? [amnesiac] test-beijing <- 给设备指定一个名称Step 2: Use DHCP on primary interface? [yes]Step 3: Admin password?Step 4: SMTP server? []Step 5: Notification email address?Step 6: Set the primary interface speed? [auto]Step 7: Set the primary interface duplex? [auto]Step 8: Would you like to activate the in-path configuration? [no] yStep 9: In—Path IP address? 172。
Riverbed操作手册(用户手册)文档信息目录第1章ARX3800基本配置 (3)1.1 System部分 (4)1.2 Diagnostic部分 (11)1.3 Backup部分 (16)1.4 Action部分 (17)1.5 Reports部分 (18)1.6 Integration部分 (19)1.7 Launch部分 (19)第2章J AVA C ONSOLE 配置 (21)2.1 Java Console功能介绍 (21)2.2 应用定义 (21)2.3 业务组定义 (24)2.4 Insight视图定义 (25)2.5 告警定义 (33)2.6 报告定义 (35)2.7 问题定位(Search) (38)2.8 Favoriate Table操作 (39)第3章D ASHBOAD配置 (44)3.1 Dashboad描述 (44)3.2 Dashboad功能 (45)3.3 新建Dashboard (46)3.4 定义Dashboard背景图 (47)3.5 Logo定义 (48)3.6 新建Panel与定义Panel的属性 (48)3.7 阈值定义 (51)第1章ARX3800基本配置在ARX3800正式上线之前,需要做一些基本的参数配置,这些基本的参数配置在Syetem界面下进行,主要的配置包括:接口状态、网络基本参数、IP地址、DNS地址、NTP服务器地址、SNMP信息、RADIUS信息、操作系统升级等。
1.1System部分1.1.1Setup配置参数配置参见下表:1.1.2SNMP配置参数配置参见下图:1.1.3Radius配置1.1.4Traceroute配置1.1.5Mail配置1.1.6Ports配置1.1.8History配置1.1.10Pages配置1.1.11Interface groups配置1.1.12Advanced配置1.2Diagnostic部分1.2.1Bundle配置1.2.2Subscription配置1.2.5Log viewer配置1.3Backup部分1.3.1Servers配置1.3.2Backup now配置1.3.3Schedule配置1.3.4Recovery配置1.3.5History配置1.4Action部分Action部分配置选项参见下图1.5Reports部分1.5.1Console reports配置1.5.2SLA dashboards配置1.6Integration部分1.6.1AppInternals Xpert配置1.6.2Element polling配置1.7Launch部分Launch选项参见下图:第2章Java Console 配置2.1Java Console功能介绍java console 控制台允许你根据网络流量建立详细的分析视图,这些视图可以以图表和拓扑的形式展现网络流量度量值。
冰河中文说明书(通用型 )
Riverbed提供了一整套软硬件产品,包括 WAN加速器、应用程序加速器、网络性能分析和管理工具等。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1.Riverbed 公司Steelhead加速设备基本配置步骤连接Console线用随机所带Console线,从设备的console口,连接到计算机的串行口上。
终端仿真程序应当进行如下设置:速率:9600 数据位:8停止位:1 奇偶位:无流控:无设备加电用随机所带电源线,将设备连接到电源上。
如下所示,其中用户的输入用红色字体表示:Riverbed Steelheadamnesiac login: adminPassword: password开始配置登录成功之后,会自动进入初始配置向导。
下面是配置向导的示例:Last login: Thu Jan 3 07:50:57 on ttyS0Riverbed Steelhead configuration wizard.Do you want to auto-configure using a CMC? nDo you want to use the wizard for initial configuration? yStep 1: Hostname? [amnesiac] test-beijing <- 给设备指定一个名称Step 2: Use DHCP on primary interface? [yes]Step 3: Admin password?Step 4: SMTP server? []Step 5: Notification email address?Step 6: Set the primary interface speed? [auto]Step 7: Set the primary interface duplex? [auto]Step 8: Would you like to activate the in-path configuration? [no] yStep 9: In-Path IP address? <- 设备的IP地址Step 10: In-Path Netmask? [] <- 设备的掩码Step 11: In-Path Default gateway? <- 设备的缺省网关Step 12: Set the in-path:LAN interface speed? [auto]Step 13: Set the in-path:LAN interface duplex? [auto]Step 14: Set the in-path:WAN interface speed? [auto]Step 15: Set the in-path:WAN interface duplex? [auto]You have entered the following information:1. Hostname: test-beijing2. Use DHCP on primary interface: yes3. Admin password: (unchanged)4. SMTP server:5. Notification email address:6. Set the primary interface speed: auto7. Set the primary interface duplex: auto8. Would you like to activate the in-path configuration: yes9. In-Path IP address: In-Path Netmask: In-Path Default gateway: Set the in-path:LAN interface speed: auto13. Set the in-path:LAN interface duplex: auto14. Set the in-path:WAN interface speed: auto15. Set the in-path:WAN interface duplex: autoTo change an answer, enter the step number to return to.Otherwise hit <enter> to save changes and exit.Choice:Configuration changes saved.To return to the wizard from the CLI, use the "configuration jump-start" command in configure mode. Enter configuration mode using commands "enable" and "configuration terminal." Launching CLI...test-beijing >至此,设备的基本配置完成。
命令如下:test-beijing > enabletest-beijing # reset factory reload设备会清除掉现有配置,并自动重新启动。
test-beijing > enabletest-beijing #然后在特权模式下,输入下列命令:test-beijing #conf ttest-beijing (config) # telnet-server enable<- 允许Telnet远程访问test-beijing (config) # in-path peering auto <- 启用自动发现最远端的优化设备test-beijing (config) # in-path simplified routing all<- 当为三层交换机时,启用简单路由,避免环路test-beijing (config) # wr mem <- 保存配置test-beijing (config) # exittest-beijing #2. Riverbed 公司Steelhead 加速设备的连接Riverbed 加速设备的典型部署方式,是串接在路由器和交换机之间,如下图所示:Riverbed 设备上的WAN 端口,连接到广域网侧的设备,如广域网路由器。
Riverbed 设备上的LAN 端口,连接到内网侧的局域网设备,如局域网交换机。
Riverbed 设备的LAN 、WAN 端口,是10/100/1000M 自适应的以太网端口。
3. 验证联通性选取一台计算机,将其以太网口的IP 地址设为与Riverbed 加速设备位于同一个子网。
将计算机的以太网口直接连接到Riverbed 设备的WAN 端口或LAN 端口上。
从该计算机上直接ping 加速设备的IP 地址,应当可以ping 通。
同时验证可否telnet 到riverbed 设备。
Ping也可以从Riverbed 设备上ping 到计算机的IP 地址,如下所示:test-beijing # ping -I inpath0_0 ( from inpath0_0: 56(84) bytes of data.--- ping statistics ---2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 999mstest-beijing #telnet -b 7800//查看riverbed 的优化的7800端口是否通,是否有防火墙阻挡4. 截图指导1) 登录到riverbed 设备。
用户网线把电脑连到riverbed 的Primary 端口,直接的浏览器上输入您配置的IP 地址,如下图: LAN 端口 交叉网线广域网WAN 端口直通网线2)调整设备的时区和时间3)启用需要优化的端口5)若需要把部分服务器IP地址进行透传,需要选择pass though,并输入要保护的IP地址6)启用自动发现功能,自动发现对端7)调低日志管理级别(此时不用设置,是在排除故障时为了看到更多的日志信息时使用)8)若使用Exchange 2007,需要把该功能开启,2003是默认是已开启的9)若使用MS SQL数据库,需要开启10)若用Lotus Notes,需要开启11)停止服务按钮,若加入riverbed加速器后,出现故障,则可把riverbed设备的优化功能停止,相当于riverbed对所有业务透传。