

第 20 卷第 2 期

2013 年 3 月
抗温 180 ℃ 水包油钻井液研究及应用
马文英 1,刘彬 2,卢国林 1,王玉海 3,李保慧 1
(1.中国石化集团中原石油勘探局钻井工程技术研究院,河南 濮阳 457001;2.中联煤层气有限责任公司晋城分公司,山西 晋城 048000; 3.中国石化集团中原石油勘探局钻井一公司,河南 濮阳 457331)
但是, 水包油钻井液高温条件下易破乳成为制约 其使用的难题之一。针对该技术难题,笔者开展了抗高 温水包油钻井液的研究,并在城深 7、城深 9 井成功进 行现场应用,取得了良好效果。
通过研发抗高温乳化剂、降滤失剂等主要处理剂, 综合考虑油水比、配制工艺等条件,确定了水包油(柴 油或白油)钻井液的基础配方:(3%~4%)膨润土+(0.2%~ 0.5% )NaOH +(0.1% ~0.3% )CPS-2000 +(0.2% ~0.5% ) LV-CMC+(2%~3%)SMP+(0.8%~2.0% )SMC+(0.05%~ 0.15%)高温稳定剂+(1%~3%)抗高温乳化剂+(3%~7%) KCl+(2%~5%)沥青。 油水比为 7∶3~3∶7,不同油水比的 钻井液性能见表 1。 可以看出,随着油水比的提高,钻
表 5 抗岩屑污染评价
PV/ YP/ Gel/Pa FL/
浓度/(g·L-1) (g·cm-3) (mPa·s) (mPa·s) Pa 10 s 10 min mL



2011年7月断块油气田20世纪40年代以来,注CO 2开发油气藏逐渐受到人们的重视。

2008年,世界共有注气开发项目169个,其中注CO 2项目124个,占73.4%[1]。

注CO 2驱油已成为提高油藏开发效果的一种有效方法。

大庆外围扶杨油层注水开发实践表明,裂缝不发育、渗透率小于2×10-3μm 2的特低渗透油藏,注水开发难以建立起有效的驱动体系[2]。

为了探索未动用储量的有效开发方法,2002年底在宋芳屯油田南部芳48断块开展了扶余油层CO 2驱油先导性现场试验,结果表明油层吸气能力强,注CO 2能在一定程度上解决特低渗透油藏注入难的问题,而且能够建立起有效的驱动体系,油井见到一定效果,但是油井见气后产量大幅度下降,气窜对开发效果的影响很大。

为了进一步研究CO 2的驱油效果,2007年在先导性试验区北部进一步扩大了试验规模,扩大试验区含油面积为2.49km 2,平均有效厚度为6.6m ,孔隙度为12.3%,地质储量为90×104t ,渗透率为1.26×10-3μm 2,地层温度为85.1℃,地层压力为20.3MPa 。


以芳48断块为对象,采用数值模拟技术,利用Eclipse 软件研究改善注CO 2驱油效果的方法。

研究结果表明,超前注气能够提高油藏压力和初期产能,降低特低渗透油藏早期的产量递减;周期注气能够有效改善流度比,扩大CO 2的波及体积,降低黏性指进的影响;注轻烃段塞可以提高油藏的混相程度,增大驱油效率;水平井注气可以有效延缓气窜,增大波及面积。



积系数与原始溶解气油比有较好的函数关系, 经
Boi = aRsi + b
( 1)
式中: Boi 为原油原始体积系数; Rsi 为 原 始 溶 解 气
油比, m3· t-1; a、b 为公式系数。
从表 1 可以看出, 公式中的系数 a 值变化范
围 0.002 5  ̄ 0.003 0, 多在 0.002 7 左右; b 值变化
1.163 9 0.013 8 1.423 9 0.013 8
E3s13、E3s2 1.130 1 0.020 5 1.420 1 0.010 5
E2s31、E2s32、E2s33 1.139 8 0.010 8 1.409 8 0.020 8
1.168 4 0.017 8 1.468 4 0.037 8
This paper studies on the development cost rising in development later stage from the cost structure angles. The influence factors on development cost are analyzed and the relationship among the development cost , depreciation and depletion is concretely studied. The expression formulas of various depreciation methods are also given. The application range of this method is explained. Using this method, the field cases are analyzed and researched. Finally, this paper puts forward concrete control methods, countermeasures and suggestions aimed at the development cost problems in maturing oilfield, which can play a referential role in oilfield cost control.



孤岛油田孤北1地区稠油油藏特征及储层敏感性分析李琴(中国石油大学图书馆,东营)摘要孤岛油田孤北1地区馆陶组N g3)Ng5砂层组原油为重质稠油,原油具有高密度、高粘度、高含硫的特点,且分布规律受断层影响,具有越靠近断层原油更粘稠和上轻下重的特点。










孤北2号断层在很大程度上控制本区的油水分布,研究区两大断块G Q9断块和GB1断块构造上具有非常强的继承性,两断块之间构造特征差异显著。




储层以长石砂岩为主,石英含量34%~43%,长石占36%~43%,岩屑占15%~ 25%;长石风化程度中等,表面新鲜,节理清晰,反映砂岩成熟度较低。



2010年9月断块油气田Numerical simulation study and practice on buried-hill reservoir development with overlapped horizontal wellZhou Wanshan(Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Liaohe Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Panjin 124010,China)Abstract:Block XG7of Xinglongtai Oilfield is a buried hill oil reservoir discovered in recent years.This reservoir has the characteristics of special geological condition,old formation,complex internal structures,diverse lithology,huge pay layer and strong heterogeneity.Unique geological conditions bring enormous challenges to reservoir development.Faced with a number of negative factors and aimed at low development degree of vertical wells,researchers present development from separate zones with overlapped horizontal well and optimize the key parameters of overlapping way of horizontal wells,vertical spacing,horizontal segment length and water injection through innovative,preliminary practice and numerical simulation studies.Practice proves that it is feasible to use overlapped horizontal wells and achieves a good development effect.The successful development of XG buried-hill reservoir provides a reference for similar reservoir development.Key words:numerical simulation,overlapping,horizontal well,buried hill reservoir.XG7块开发目的层为兴隆台太古界潜山,是具有双重介质特征的裂缝性储层[1-3],区域构造裂缝以中高角度裂缝为主,油藏埋深2335~3960m ,油层从潜山顶部到底部均有发育。



表 1 短期导流能力测试后支撑剂破碎情况
20~40 目 1
30~50 目
20~40 目∶30~50 目
20~40 目∶30~50 目
20~40 目∶30~50 目
组合方式 单粒径 单粒径 4∶1 7∶3 1∶1
破 碎 率 /% 11.6 6.4 10.3 7.4 7.1
2.3 支撑剂短期导流能力 分别采用单一粒径及其不同比例组合支撑剂进行
During the oil and gas field development, the deep and ultra-deep wells usually have many complex situations as high temperature, high pressure and high closure stress. Hydraulic fracturing operations in such wells are often faced with many questions. For example, at the high closure stress, the flow conductivity of large diameter proppant drops very quickly because of the low compressive resistance ability and high crushing rate caused by small contacted area. On the other hand, the small size proppant can′t supply enough flow conductivity because of limited flow pore. Based on the above two aspects, the experimental study on the short-term and long-term flow conductivity of proppant with different size combination is carried out. The results show that the proppant combination with an appropriate proportion has much higher compressive resistance ability and flow conductivity than that of single size proppant.



( 裂缝渗透率趋于无穷) 的条件。
[#] 表 !$ !! , !# , "! 和 "# 的数值确定
62 1. 867 1. 811 1. 777 1. 693 1. 649 1. 639 2 5 0 5 0 2
由文献 [8] 报道, 一口发现的油井, 为测试原
G/ 0 ( 360 ) 180 120 90 64 45
第 10 卷第 6 期
陈元千等 . 表皮系数的分解方法
2003 年 11 月
写的下式, 分别确定有效渗透率 K 和总表皮系数 S t 的数值: K = 2. 12 g O A O B O / mh
= 1 / SPF。SPF 为每英尺的射孔孔眼数, 若 SPF = 2, 则 h perf = 0. 5 ft; 若 SPE = 4, 则 h perf = 0. 25 ft。
( 10 ) ( 11 ) S3 =
[ 2] 射孔密度表皮系数可由下式计算 :
将 ( 20 ) 式代入 ( 17 ) 式得: ( 12 ) ( 13 ) ( 14 ) ( 15 ) ( 16 ) 2. 71 X 10 - 4 g O B O g O 0. 387 8 A O hr w K ( 21 )
P ws / Mpa 31. 067 ( P wfO ) 32. 232 32. 439 32. 632 32. 749 32. 798 32. 825 序号 8 9 10 11 12 13 !t / 1 3. 0 4. 0 6. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 P ws / Mpa 32. 839 32. 860 32. 887 32. 908 32. 922 32. 936



断块油气田2012年3月Composite flow pressure transformation model of wireline formation testGuan Fujia 1,An Xiaoping 2,Shi Liyong 3(1.Key Laboratory of Oil &Gas Drilling and Production Engineering of Hubei Province,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434023,China;2.Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Changqing Oilfield Company,PetoChina,Xi ′an 710021,China;3.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration &Development,PetroChina,Beijing 100083,China)Abstract:When the wireline formation tester with high duty pump is used for testing in thin reservoir,pressure quickly propagates to the upper boundary and lower boundary of reservoir.Flow pattern is from spherical flow to radical fluid flow.Deliverability evaluation can be executed by the deliverability evaluation theory of conventional well testing or DST.But it is different form DST test.Bottom hole flowing pressure with DST test is radial fluid flow for reservoir thickness,and the probe pressure acquired by wireline formation test is the spherical flow pressure.Therefore,probe pressure must be transformed into equivalent radial fluid flow pressure if we want to obtain the reservoir deliverability through conventional testing method.In view of this problem,this paper derives the pressure transformation model from spherical flow to radical flow by fluid mechanics in porous medium.The spherical flow pressure at the probe of wireline formation tester can be transformed into the equivalent bottom hole flowing pressure of radical flow.Deliverability evaluation can be conducted through the pressure difference -flow rate data with different stable tests,which provide the theoretical base for the deliverability evaluation by wireline formation test with high duty pump,and extend the function of wireline formation test.Key words:wireline formation test;pressure transformation;modei;deliverability evaluation电缆地层测试是通过测量地层中流量与压力的变化关系及储层流体样品,确定地层压力及渗透率等参数的[1-3]。



第25卷第4期摘要威远地区M 井区页岩气水平井钻井过程中易出现井壁失稳、坍塌等问题,而采用油基钻井液时钻屑含油量高、难处理,并且环保压力大。

因此,以新型阳离子复合抑制剂DY ⁃Ⅱ为主要处理剂,结合优选的封堵剂、润滑剂,形成一套适合于页岩气井的强抑制防塌高性能水基钻井液体系,并对体系性能进行了评价。


现场试验结果表明,该体系性能稳定,具有较强的抑制防塌能力,施工过程中未发生井下复杂情况,作业顺利,说明该高性能水基钻井液体系能够满足威远地区M 井区页岩气井的钻井需要。

关键词页岩气;水平井;井壁稳定;高性能水基钻井液;抑制性;封堵性;润滑性中图分类号:TE254文献标志码:A收稿日期:2017 ̄12 ̄24;改回日期:2018 ̄04 ̄27。


E ⁃mail :3065247995@。

High inhibition and anti ⁃sloughing water ⁃based drilling fluid systemfor shale gas horizontal wellsCHEN Gengxu,LIU Ao,WANG Qian,ZENG Dongchu,YAN Kang (Petroleum Engineering College,Yangtze University,Wuhan 430100,China)Abstract:With the problems of wellbore instability and wellbore collapse during drilling process of shale gas horizontal wells in MWell area of Weiyuan area,using oil ⁃based drilling fluid will bring large amount of oil in particle debris and cause difficulties to be dealt with,resulting great pressure on environment.Therefore,the new cationic compound inhibitor DY ⁃Ⅱis used as the main treatment agent,combined with the preferred plugging agents and lubricants,forming a set of strong inhibition,anti ⁃sloughing and high performance water ⁃based drilling fluid system suitable for shale gas wells,and the performance of the system was evaluated.The results show that the drilling fluid system has inhibitory and excellent lubricating properties,shale recovery rate reaches 99.2%,and the coefficient of lubrication and the adhesion coefficient of mud cake are equivalent to the oil based drilling fluid system;after aging at 140℃,the rheological properties of the system are stable and have good temperature resistance;high efficiency aluminum based micro nano polymer plugging agent can be used to block the micro cracks and improve the stability of the wellbore;after adding 20%drilling chips,the system has stable performance and strong anti ⁃pollution ability.Field experiment results show that thesystem has stable performance,strong inhibition and anti ⁃collapse ability;no downhole trouble happened in the construction processsuggests that this high performance water ⁃based drilling fluid system can meet the Weiyuan shale gas drilling in M Well area.Key words:shale gas;horizontal well;wellbore stability;high performance water ⁃based drilling fluid;inhibition;sealing;lubrication适用于页岩气井的强抑制防塌高性能水基钻井液体系陈庚绪,刘奥,王茜,曾东初,严康(长江大学石油工程学院,湖北武汉430100)基金项目:国家科技重大专项“大型油气田及煤层气开发”(2016ZX05046)0引言页岩气作为一种非常规油气资源,近年来已成为众多石油科研工作者研究的热点。




关键词综述;油气储量;NI51-101标准;评估要求;储量报告中图分类号:TE15文献标识码:AAnalyzing reserves report by the standard of Canadian National Instrumental51-101Wang Qing Wang Jianjun Qi Mei Wang Xiangdong(CNPC International Research Center,Beijing100083,China)This paper describes the resources-reserves classification principle and reserves definitions for the standard of Canadian National Instrumental51-101.And six general requirements for reserves classification in NI51-101standards,such as ownership considerations,drilling,testing,regulatory considerations,timing of production and development and economic requirement,are briefly analyzed.Reporting requirements for the NI51-101are also discussed on reserves classification,scope of reseres information release,independent auditing of third party,exemptions and the responsibilities of issuers.With the discussion above, how to analyze the reserves report and how to avoid the situations with reserves overbooking are discussed in detail.Key words:review,oil and gas reserves,standard of NI51-101,evaluation requirement,reserves report.现阶段,中国的石油公司正面临越来越多的收购外国油气资产的机会。



fast neutron 快中子fast parallel arithmetic 快速并行运算fast parameter 快参数FAST plot 圆柱面展开图fast pulley 固定轮fast pumping installation 高速抽油装置fast rewind 快速重绕fast sheave 快绳滑轮fast storage 快速存储器FAST 地层层面与井壁相交的模似迹线FAST 功能分析系统技术FAST 公式翻译程序的自动符号翻译程序FAST 公式及语句翻译程序FAST 压裂辅助蒸汽驱工艺fast-acting divereter 快速转换器fast-acting valve 快速作用阀fast-acting 快速的fast-neutron fission 快速裂变fast-rate variable-pulse generator 快速可变脉冲发生器fast-setting cement 快凝水泥fasten 扣紧fastener 接合件;钩扣fastening iron 保温钩fastening screw 固定螺钉fastening wire 绑札用铁丝fastening 连接;连接物;固定faster drilling 异常快钻进faster fibres 快速纤维faster penetration 快速钻进faster-burning propellant 速燃推进剂fastland 大陆;高地;干地fastline sheave 快绳滑轮fastness to alkali 耐碱度fastness to light 耐光度fastness to rubbing 耐磨度fastness to washing 耐洗度fastness 迅速;牢固;不褪色fat acid 脂肪酸fat asphalt 肥沥青fat clay 可塑性粘土fat coal 肥煤;长焰煤fat concrete 富混凝土fat gas 肥气fat lens 厚透镜体fat oil 富油fat price 巨大的代价fat soluble 脂溶性的fat solution 饱和溶液fat 脂肪;肥胖的fat-extracted 脱脂的fat-free extraction paper 脱脂提取纸fat-free filter paper 脱脂滤纸fatal accident 死亡事故fatal dose 致死剂量fatal error 致命错误fate 命运;毁灭;结局fath 英寻father file 父文件fathogram 水深图fathom curve 水深线fathom line 等深线fathom 英寻;测深;推测;揣摩fathometer chart 测深图fathometer 回声测深仪fathoming 测深fatigue bending test 耐弯曲疲劳试验fatigue break 疲劳断裂fatigue breakdown 疲劳损坏fatigue crack 疲劳开裂fatigue crack 疲劳裂缝fatigue criteria 疲劳判据fatigue endurance limit 耐疲劳极限fatigue failure 疲劳破坏fatigue fracture 疲劳折断fatigue life 疲劳寿命fatigue lifetime 疲劳寿命fatigue limit 疲劳极限fatigue machine 疲劳试验机fatigue point 疲劳点fatigue ratio 疲劳比fatigue resistance 抗疲劳性fatigue resistence 抗疲劳性fatigue rupture 疲劳破坏fatigue strength 疲劳强度fatigue stress 疲劳应力fatigue tester 疲劳试验机fatigue testing 疲劳试验fatigue wear 疲劳磨损fatigue 疲劳;使疲劳fatigure failure 疲劳破坏FATT 裂纹扩展转变温度fatty acid alkylolamine condensate 脂肪酸烷醇胺缩合物fatty acid emulsifier 脂肪酸乳化剂fatty acid sulfate 脂肪酸硫酸酯fatty acid 脂肪酸fatty acids 脂肪酸fatty alcohol 脂肪醇fatty amine 脂肪族胺fatty compound 脂肪族化合物fatty group 脂肪族;脂肪基fatty quaternary amine 脂肪族季胺盐fatty series 脂肪系fatty 脂的;多脂的faucet joiont 套筒接合faucet 放液嘴faujasite 八面沸石fault activity 断层活动性fault alarm 故障报警fault amplitude 垂直断距fault analysis 故障分析fault apron 断层冲积扇fault basin 断层盆地;断陷盆地fault bench 断层阶地fault block basin 断块盆地fault block oil reservoir 断块油藏fault block 断块fault boundary 断层边界fault branch 断层分叉fault breccia 断层角砾岩fault bundle 断层束fault clay 断层泥fault cliff 断层崖fault closure 断层圈闭fault coast 断层海岸fault complex 断层组合fault creep 断层蠕动fault crevice 断层裂隙fault current 故障电流fault dam 断层堤fault depression 断层坳陷fault detection 探伤fault detector 故障检测器fault diffraction 断层绕射fault dip 断层倾斜fault displacement 断层移距fault episode 断层幕fault escarpment 断层崖fault field 故障字段fault finder 探伤器fault finding 故障探测fault fissure 断层裂缝fault flexure 断层挠曲fault fluccan 断层泥fault fold 断层褶皱fault gap 断层峡谷fault gathering zone 断层汇集带fault gouge 断层泥fault groove 断层刻槽fault group 断层群fault handling 故障处理fault heave 断层平错fault horst 断层地垒fault image 失真影象fault indicator 探伤器fault inlier 断层内围层fault intersection 断层交叉fault isolation code 故障分离码fault isolation 故障隔离fault ledge 断层崖fault line 断层线fault localization 障碍点测定;断层定位fault location 故障定位fault mechanism 断层机制fault mosaic 断层镶嵌fault mountain 断层山fault movement 断裂运动fault outcrop 断层露头fault outlier 孤残层fault pattern 断层型式fault pit 断层坑fault plane reflection 断面反射fault plane 断层面fault polish 断层磨光面fault population 断层群fault pug 断层粘泥fault ridge 断层脊fault rift 断层峡谷fault rock 断层岩fault rubble 松散的断层角砾fault saddle 断层鞍状构造fault sag 地层下陷fault scarp 断层崖fault set 断层组fault sole 逆断层底面fault space 断层间隔fault splinter 连接两个平行断层末端的斜坡fault spring 断层泉fault strand 断层线fault striae 断层擦痕fault strike 断层走向fault style 断层样式fault subsidence 断层沉陷fault surface 断层面fault system 断层系fault tectonic 断层构造fault terrace 断层阶地fault throw 断距fault trace rift 断层沟;裂谷fault trace 断层迹fault trap 断层圈闭fault tree analysis 故障树分析fault trench 深海槽fault trend 断层方向fault trough submarine valley 断槽海底谷fault trough 断层槽fault valley 断裂谷fault vein 断层脉fault wall 断层壁fault wedge 断层楔fault width 断层滑距fault zone 断裂带fault 故障fault-block architecture 断块构造fault-block closure 断块闭合构造fault-block gas reservoir 断块气藏fault-block mountain 断块山fault-block movement 断块运动fault-block topography 断块地形fault-block valley 断块谷fault-bounded basin 断层限定盆地fault-closed anticline 断层封闭背斜fault-controlled taphrogenic belt 断层控制地裂带fault-fold structure 断层-褶皱构造fault-folding 断层-褶皱fault-fragmented 断层破碎的fault-free 无故障的fault-juxtaposed sands 断层并置砂岩fault-like feature 断层状构造fault-line accumulation 沿断层线聚集fault-line scarp 断层线崖fault-line valley 断层线谷fault-modified closure 断层变位闭合fault-modified 断层变形的fault-related topography 受断层影响的地形fault-scarp shoreline 断崖滨线fault-screened hydrocarbon reservoir 断层遮挡油气藏fault-structure lake 断层构造湖fault-tilted structure 断挠构造fault-time 故障时间fault-tolerant computer 容错计算机fault-tolerant technique 容错技术fault-warp 断层翘曲faultage 断层faulted anticlinal trap 断裂背斜圈闭faulted basin 断陷盆地faulted bedding plane 错动层面faulted block 断块faulted deposit 断裂沉积faulted en echelon 雁行断层faulted flexure 断裂挠曲faulted fold 断裂褶皱faulted overfold 断裂倒转褶皱faulted segment 层错断片faulted structure 断裂构造faulted trough 地堑faulted upfold 断裂隆起褶皱faulted zone 断层带;断裂带faulted 断裂的faulting recurrence 断层复活faulting stress 断裂应力faulting 断层作用;断裂faulty component 有毛病的组件faulty concrete 劣质混凝土faulty insulator 漏电绝缘子faulty lubrication 不准确润滑faulty operation 错误操作faulty part 报废零件faulty soldered joint 不良的焊接接缝faulty tape 坏磁带;记录已坏的磁带faulty 缺点多的fauna 动物群faunal break 动物化石群缺失faunal differentiation 动物分异faunal stage 动物群阶faunal succession 动物群序列faunal zone 动物群带faunichron 动物群时faunistic 动物群的faunizone 动物群带faunle 微动物群Faust's equation 福斯特方程Faust's law 福斯特定律Fauvelle 法维勒钻井法Favididae 巢珊瑚科Faville-Lavally tester 法维叶-勒伐利极压试验器Favolithora 豆石favor 好意favorable condition 优惠条件favorable mobility ratio 有利流度比favorable structure 有利构造favorable 有利的;顺利的favourable balance 顺差fawshmotron 微波振荡管fax 传真机;传真通信faxcasting 电视广播fayalite 铁橄橄石Faye anomaly 法雅异常Faye reduction 法雅归算FB 弹性预算FB 反馈FBC 流化床燃烧器FBF 摩擦-滚珠-摩擦FBH 坏井眼标志FBHP 井底流动压力FBHPF 终井底流压FBHPSI 最终关井井底压力fbp 终沸点FBP 最终恢复压力FBR GL 玻璃纤维FBS 全井眼流量计探头FBS 全井眼涡轮流量计FBS 最终压力恢复曲线斜率FBT 炉膛温度FBT 燃料油压载舱FC 变频器FC 浮箍FC 固定碳FC 快速通道FC 励磁线圈FC 流量控制FC 油田编码FCAL 井径标志FCAW 焊剂心焊丝电弧焊FCC 假彩色合成FCC 流化催化裂化FCD 疲劳裂纹探测仪FCI 液控学会FCL 铁铬木质素磺酸盐FCP 开井套压FCP 最终循环压力FCS ESSO 公司的野外计算机系统FCST 联邦科学技术委员会FCTA temprature 初始结晶温度FCV 空柱体积FCV 流量控制阀FD 倍频器fd 法拉FDBK 反馈FDC 补偿地层密度测井FDL 地层密度测井FDL 流体密度测井fdm 频率划分多路传输FDT 流体密度测井仪FDV 浮点除FDW 给水Fe stabilizer 铁离子稳定剂FE 频率效应Fe 铁FE 现场工程师Fe-laden acid 含铁酸FEA 美国联邦能源局FEA 有限元分析feasibility analysis 可行性分析feasibility assessment 可行性评价feasibility of waterflooding 注水可行性feasibility prediction 可行性预测feasibility report 可行性报告feasibility screening 可行性筛选feasibility study 可行性研究feasibility test 可行性试验feasibility 可行性feasible project 可行项目feasible region 可行区域feasible solution 可行解feasible 可行的feather edge 尖灭feather fracture 羽状断裂feather joint 羽状节理feather key 导向键feather pattern 羽状组合feather piece 刺feather slotted liner 梯形割缝衬管feather tongue 键feather 羽毛feathered slot 梯形割缝feathered stroke 轻接触feathered structure 羽状构造feathered 羽毛状的;薄边的;飞速的featheredging 油层变薄feathering angle 羽角;水平旋转角feathering out 变细feathering 拖缆偏转featherway 滑键槽feature article 专题文章feature extraction 特征抽取feature ordering 特征排序feature recognition technique 图形识别法feature selection approach 特征选择方法feature 特征;地貌featureless 无特征的FEB 电子功能块febetron 冷阴极脉冲β射线管fecal casting 粪便铸型fecal pellet muds 粪粒泥FED 火焰发射检测器FED 四电极地层倾角测井仪feder joint =feather jointFederal Council for Science and Technology 联邦科学技术委员会Federal Energy Agency 联邦能源局Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 联邦能源管理委员会Federal Power Commission 联邦动力委员会Federal regulation 美国联邦政府法规Federal Specification 联邦标准Federal Test Method Standards 联邦试验方法标准federal 联邦政府的federation 联合fee simple 个人拥有的土地fee tail 指定继承人继承的不动产fee 报酬feeble current line 微弱电流线路feeble signal 微弱信号feed arm 馈电臂feed bin 供应仓库feed cable 馈电电缆feed circuit 供电电路feed composition 原料组分feed control 进料控制;控制钻头给进;钻头加压控制feed current 馈电电流;阳极电流的直流分量feed flexibility 原料灵活性feed flow 供液feed gas compressor 原料气压缩机feed gas 进气feed grinding 横向进磨法feed hole 磁带输送孔feed mechanism 给进机构feed motion 结进运动feed nozzle 进料嘴feed of drill 钻头给进feed off 松刹把放钢丝绳feed preheater 进料预热器feed preparation unit 进料预处理装置feed preparation 进料制备feed pressure 给进压力feed pull maximum 最大提升力feed pump 进料泵feed range 钻头进尺数feed rate ratio 进料比率feed rate 进料速度;给进速率feed reel 馈给卷盘;缆给放架盘;给进卷筒feed regulator 进料调节器feed slot 走纸槽feed stock cost 原料成本feed switchboard 馈电配电盘feed system 供给系统feed tank 供液罐feed tray 进料塔板feed valve 给料阀feed water 补给的水feed well 给水井feed zone 进料段feed 供给feed-through capacitor 旁路电容器feed-through connection 直通连接feed-through connector 直通插头feed-through sampler 馈通式取样器feedback admittance 反馈导纳feedback amplifier characteristic 反馈放大器特性feedback amplifier 反馈放大器feedback assembly 反馈装置feedback circuit 反馈电路feedback coil 反馈线圈feedback connection 反馈连接feedback control 反馈控制feedback controller 反馈控制器feedback coupling 反馈耦合feedback differentiator 反馈微分器feedback factor 反馈因数feedback filter 反馈滤波器feedback forecasting technique 反馈预测法feedback gain 反馈增益feedback loop 回授电路feedback matrix 反馈矩阵feedback policy 反馈策略feedback signal 反馈信号feedback solution 反馈解feedback system 反馈系统feedback tap 反馈抽头feedback-system automation 反馈系统自动化feeder cable 输电电缆feeder channel 补给水道feeder fracture 汇输裂缝feeder head 给进头feeder hopper 进料斗feeder line 集油支线feeder panel 馈电盘feeder pay 供油层feeder pump 进料泵feeder system 供料系统feeder 补给河流feedforward compensation 前馈补偿feedforward connection 前馈连接feedforward control 前馈控制feedforward matrix 前馈矩阵feedforward network 前馈网络feedforward 前馈feedhead 浇灌突出口feeding area 补给区feeding burrow 觅食潜穴feeding channel 供应孔道feeding device 给进装置feeding point 馈电点feeding structure 觅食构造feeding trail 觅食遗迹feeding 给食feedleg 风动钻架;气腿feedstock conversion 进料转化率feedstock 原料;进料feedthrough 馈入装置;馈通;连接线feedthru capacitor 旁路电容器feedthru =feed-throughfeedway 供给装置;发射装置;输送装置feel ahead 钻小井眼feel 触feeler arm 探测臂feeler blade 测隙片feeler gage 厚薄规feeler plug 测孔规feeler 试探;探针feero-chromo-lignosulfonate 铁铬木质素磺酸盐feerod 铁氧体棒feet per hour 英尺小时feet per second 英尺秒feet 英尺Fehling's solution 费林溶液Fejer kernel window 费杰核窗FEL 压裂评价测井feld field 无油气地区felder 镶嵌地块feldsarenite 长石砂屑岩feldspar 长石feldspar-basalt 长石质玄武岩feldspar-knot gneiss 珍珠状片麻岩feldsparization 长石化作用feldspath 长石feldspathic arenite 长石质砂岩feldspathic graywacke 长石质杂砂岩feldspathic litharenite 长石质岩屑砂岩feldspathic polylitharenite 长石质复岩屑砂岩feldspathic quartzine 长石质石英岩feldspathic sandstone 长石质砂岩feldspathic subgraywacke 长石质亚杂砂岩feldspathic wacke 长石质瓦克岩feldspathic 长石质的feldspathide 副长石类feldspathization 长石化feldspathoid 副长石类feldspathoidite 似长石岩;副长石岩feldspatite 长石岩feller 伐木工felloe 轮缘fellow 同事fellowship 交情felly =felloefelsenmeer 石海felsiphyric texture 显微隐晶斑状结构felsite 霏细岩felsoandesite 霏细安山岩felsocalstic texture 霏细碎裂结构felsophyre 霏细斑岩felsophyric texture 霏细斑状结构felsophyrite 霏细玢岩felsosphaerite 霏细球粒felt asphalt 油毡沥青felt filter 毡滤器felt paper 绝缘纸felt seal 毡密封felt washer 毡垫圈felt 毡felt-ring 毡环felt-wick lubricator 油毡接触润滑器felty texture 毡状结构FEM Sounding 频率域电磁测深FEM system 频率域电磁测深系统FEM 有限元法female connection 阴螺纹接头female contact 塞孔接点female coupling tap 母锥female drill rod tap 钻杆打捞母锥female ell 阴螺纹弯头female end of pipe 管子承头female fishing tap 打捞母锥female packing brass 内填料铜衬套female plug 插座female receptacle 塞孔盘female screw 阴螺纹female spline 内花键female surface 包容面female thread 内螺纹female union 活接头扣圈female 阴螺纹;雌性的female-male reducer 两端分别带有内外螺纹的大小头femic 铁镁质femto 飞femto 飞母托femtogram 毫微微克femtometer 飞米fen 沼泽fence diagram 栅状图fence effect 篱笆效应fence gang 管道防护物维修队fence section 栅状剖面图fence 围栏fence-jack 抽油拉杆的上紧设备fenchane 葑烷fenchene 葑烯fenchenic acid 葑烯酸fender wall 防护墙fender 保护板fending groin 防护堤Fenestella 网格苔藓虫属fenestra 构造窗fenestrae fenestra的复数fenestral fabric 网格状组构fenestral porosity 网格孔隙fenestral 窗状的fenestrate 穿孔的;假孔粉fenestrated 网状的fenetre 蚀穿掩冲体fenite 霓长岩fenitization 霓长岩化fenland 沼泽地;干沼泽fenny 沼泽的Fenske equation 芬斯克公式fenster 构造窗fenstral fabric 网格状组构fenstral porosity 网格孔隙FEP 氟化乙丙烯FER 前机舱ferberite 钨铁矿FERC 联邦能源管理委员会ferfeiture 罚款Ferganoconcha 费尔干蚌属Fermat number 费马数Fermat path 费马路径Fermat's principle 费马原理Fermat's ray paths 费马射线路径ferment 酵fermentation gas 发酵气fermentation liquor 发酵液fermentation 发酵;激动;动荡fermentative bacteria 发酵细菌Fermi level 费米能级fermi 费米fermion 费米子fermium 镄fern 羊齿fernane 羊齿烷fernico seal 铁镍钴合金接点fernico 铁镍钴合金ferractor 铁氧体磁放大器;铁电振荡器ferrallite 铁铝土ferramic 粉末状的铁磁物质Ferranti-shirley viscometer 费伦提-雪莱粘度计Ferraris instrument 费拉里感应测试仪器ferrate 高铁酸盐ferreed 铁簧继电器ferret 电磁探测飞机;电子间谍;探索ferri-compound 正铁化合物ferric acid 高铁酸ferric chloride 氯化铁ferric citrate 柠檬酸铁ferric compound 正铁化合物ferric hydroxide 氢氧化铁ferric induction 铁磁感应ferric ion 铁离子ferric iron 三价铁ferric oxide 氧化铁ferric protoporphyrin 高铁原卟啉ferric sulfate 硫酸铁ferric sulfide 硫化铁ferric 铁的ferricrete 铁质壳;铁结砾岩ferricrust 铁质结壳;铁结核硬壳ferricyanide process 氰铁酸盐法ferricyanide 铁氰化物ferriferous 含铁的ferriheme 高铁血红素ferrilite 铁岩ferrimag 铁磁合金ferrimagnet 铁磁性材料ferrimagnetic material 亚铁磁性材料ferrimagnetic 铁淦氧磁的ferrimagnetism 铁氧体磁性;铁磁性ferrimontmorillonite 铁蒙脱石ferrimorphic soil 铁成土ferriporphyrin 铁卟啉ferripyrin 铁吡啉ferristor 铁磁电抗器ferrite core 铁氧体磁心ferrite sandstone 铁质砂岩ferrite 自然铁;钙铁石;褐铁矿;铁质岩;铁素体;铁氧体;纯粒铁;铁酸盐ferrite-core memory 铁氧体存储器ferritic electrode 铁素体钢焊条ferritic stainless steel 铁素体不锈钢ferritic steel 铁素体钢ferritic-austenitic alloy steel 铁素体奥氏体合金钢ferritin 铁朊ferrization 铁矿富集作用ferro- 铁的ferro-mangaenese 锰铁ferroactinolite 铁阳起石ferroalloy 铁合金ferroaluminium 铁铝合金ferroan calcite 铁方解石ferroan 含低铁的ferroaxinite 铁斧石ferrobacillus 噬铁菌;铁杆菌属ferroboron 硼铁;铁硼合金ferrocart coil 纸卷铁粉心线圈ferrocart 纸卷铁粉心ferrocene 二茂铁ferrochrome 铁铬合金;铬铁ferrochromium 铬铁ferrocobalt 钴铁ferrocolumbium 铌铁。


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[5] 陈 元 千.预 测 油 气 田 经 济 可 采 储 量 的 方 法 [J].试 采 技 术 ,1997,18 (1):1-6. Chen Yuanqian. Method for forecast economic recoverable reserves of oilfield [J]. Well Testing and Production Technology,1997,18 (1): 1-6.
将已知参数值代入式(2),得到一口井的经济极限 产量为
qEL=15×104/ 30.95×300×(3 000+2×40)(1-0.33) 3= 0.255 m3·d-1
将 已 知 参 数 值 代 入 式 (10), 计 算 得 到 极 限 井 控 面 积为
WSL=0.255×1.2/(0.01×15×0.22×0.75)=12.36 ha·口-1 将 WSL 的数值代入式(12),得到极限井距为
Exploration and Development, SINOPEC, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: After the oilfield development goes into the medium -later stages, infill wells must be an important measure for the development adjustment in order to maintain oil output, decrease production decline rate and improve oil recovery. However, the degree of infill wells depends on production cost, oil and gas price and tax rate, etc. The economically limited production rate and well spacing are two important indexes to estimate the adjustment efficiency of infill wells. Based on the basic economic principle of the balance between input and output, simple methods for determining economically limited production rate and well spacing are proposed in this paper. The methods are proved to be effective with example application. Key words: oil well, economic limit production rate, limit well spacing, determining methods.



3 原油地球化学特征
研究区原油饱和烃组成特征与相应烃源岩相似, 表现为正构物烷烃质量分数高, 支链烷烃质量分数中 等和少量各类甾萜烷标志物。根据原油地球化学特征 分析, 研究区原油可归纳为 2 种类型。
阜四型原油: 来源于阜四段烃源岩系, 主要分布在 石港断阶带 E2d1 及龙岗次凹周围的 E2d 和 E1f4 储集层 中, 正构烷烃以 nC23 主峰或 nC22、nC23 平峰为特征, 具 有奇碳优势, β- 胡萝卜烷质量分数很低, 植烷优势弱, Pr / Ph 小于 0.5, Ph / nC18 小于 1.0; 规则甾烷表现为
阜二型原油: 来源于阜二段烃源岩系, 正构烷烃以 nC22 主峰或 nC22 尖峰、nC28 主峰为特征, 具偶碳优势; 有 明 显 的 植 烷 优 势 , Pr/Ph 小 于 0.5, Ph/nC18 大 于 1.0, 含有较丰富的 β- 胡萝卜烷, 伽马蜡烷质量分数相对较 高( 见表 2) , 规则甾烷表现为 C29>C28>C27, 具有明显的 C29 优势。根据原油成熟度参数可以进一步划分为未熟— 低熟原油和低—中等成熟原油 2 个亚类( 见图 1) 。
2008 年 3 月
文章编号: 1005- 8907( 2008) 02- 016- 04
第 15 卷第 2 期
龚永杰 1 蒋有录 1 何 胜 2
( 1. 中国石油大学地球资源与信息学院, 山东 东营 257061; 2. 胜利油田有限公司胜利采油厂, 山东 东营 257051)
油气的分布首先直接受控于油源, 油源对比的研 究 成 果 对 油 气 勘 探 的 评 价 和 预 测 有 非 常 重 要 的 意 义 [ 2] 。 通过油源对比, 可以确定盆地中各个油藏的油气来源, 圈定可靠的源岩层和油源区, 进而分析油气运移聚集 成藏模式, 建立源与藏的成因关系, 从而为油气勘探提 供理论依据[3- 4] 。



中 图 分 类 号 :TE 25
文 献 标 志 码 :A
Rational dosage calculation method of cementing pad fluid
XU Qiang (Drilling Technology Research Institute, Shengli Petroleum Engineering Corporation Limited, SIN O PEC , Dongying 257000, China)
第 25卷第1期
2018年 1 月
d o i:10.6056/dkyqt201801028
(中 国 石 化 胜 利 石 油 工 程 有 限 公 司 钻 井 工 艺 研 究 院 ,山 东 东 营 257000) 基 金 项 目 :中 国 石 化 石 油 工 程 公 司 项 目 “ 鄂 尔 多 斯 工 区 东 胜 气 田 一 体 化 钻 完 井 成 套 技 术 ” (S G 1 6 -2 4 K )
1 前置液冲洗效率评价
冲 洗 效 率 评 价 方 法 主 要 有 锥 形 瓶 法 、钻 屑 柱 法 、建 立大型模拟井筒和六速旋转黏度计法等[6]。其 中 ,六速 旋 转 黏 度 计 法 操 作 简 单 ,对 比 性 强 。在 不 同 转 速 时 ,作 用在六速黏度计转筒上的切浆 柱 结 构 必 不 可 少 的 组 成 部 分 ,主 要 用 于 稀 释 和 隔 离 钻 井 液 ,以 改 善 顶 替 效 率 和 保 证 固 井 质 量 。 提 高 固 井 质 量 的 关 键 是 有 效 清 除 井 壁 与 套 管 壁 上 的 虚 泥 饼 ,替 净 环 空 各 间 隙 (尤 其 是 窄 间 隙 处 )的 钻 井 液 。根 据 测 试 分 析 和 数 值 模 拟 ,建 立 了 前 置 液 合 理 用 量 的 计 算 方 法 :借 助 六 速 旋 转 黏 度 计 法 ,定 量 评 价 前 置 液 对 井 壁 泥 饼 的 冲 蚀 能 力 ;以 流 体 力 学 软 件 数 值 模 拟 的 方 法 ,研 究 前 置 液 对 水 平 井 段 偏 心 环 空 内 各 间 隙 处 钻 井 液 的 驱 替 能 力 。 现 场 应 用 和 结 果 对 比 表 明 ,该 方 法 有 效 提 高 了 鄂 尔 多 斯 盆 地 定 北 地 区 的 固 井 质 量 。 该 方 法 可 适 用 于 其 他 地 区 、不 同 井 眼 状 况 、不 同 前 置 液 与 钻 井 液 性 能 下 的 前 置 液 设 计 ,为 保 证 固 井 质 量 提 供 了 一 定 的 参 考 。 关 键 词 前 置 液 ' 冲 洗 效 率 ;顶 替 效 率 ;六 速 旋 转 黏 度 计 法 ;数 值 模 拟


质量流量计利用流体流经计量管时产生的科 里奥利( Corioiis)效应,通过安装在计量管入口和 出口的两组检测线圈,精确地测量出计量管因流 体流动惯性而引起的振动相位的变化量。该变化 量乘以固定的标定因子,就能够获得流体的精确 质量流量。同时,由于计量管的振动频率与流经 管内的流体的瞬时密度成反比关系,通过测定计 量管的实际振动频率,再乘以相应的标定因子,就 能够获得流体的密度数值。 l. 2. 2 智能气体流量计
上述过程中油、水分相流量的计算公式可根 据质量守恒原理推导得出:
!O =[ !(O !w - !)!][/ (! !w - !O )] !w =[ !(w ! - !O )!][/ (! !w - !O )] 式中,!、!O和 !w分别为混合液体、原油和伴生水 的质量流量,g / S;!、!O 和 !w 分别为混合液体、原油 和伴生水的密度,g / cm3 。 在上述计算公式中忽略了液相中残余气体的 影响,这主要是由于其密度远远小于液相的密度, 即使液相中仍含有较多的残余气体,其质量也非 常小,不会影响液相的质量流量计量。 若需要油井各相流体的日产量,则可以根据 各相的流量数据,由微型计算机控制器通过数值 积分的方法自动完成。
虽然残余气体对液相质量流量计量精度的直 接影响很小,但是如果含气量过大,就会使计量管 的 振 动 产 生 严 重 的 非 线 形,从 而 引 入 粗 大 误 差。 因此,应选用分离效率较高的计量分离器。 3. 2 气相计量系统误差
伴生气的流量计量误差,主要来源于气体流 量计的计量精度。对于智能气体流量计来说,该 部分误差一般小于 5% 。 3. 3 其它因素对计量精度的影响
影响系统计量精度的其它因素主要有流体温 度、流体压力,以及流体中固相杂质的含量等,这 些因素对液相质量流量的计量精度影响较小,对 于气体的计量精度有一定的影响,但通过实时检 测气体温度和压力,用计量软件进行在线修正,能 够使系统的计量精度不受影响。


Aimming at the accidents happened under holes frequently with the development of the oilfield, a composite washover and fishing technology was developed, in which the special tool is put down on the top of the fish in fish cylinder , the washover make the fishing enter into the cylinder, and the rotating cylinder grab
关键词 天然气 地下储气库 盐穴 造腔淋洗 几何形状 密封 稳定 检测
全世界天然气储气库的种类大致分为 4 类, 即枯竭油气藏储气库、含水层储气库、废旧矿井储 气库和盐穴储气库。与其它 3 种类型的储气库相 比, 盐穴储气库具有构造完整、夹层少、厚度大、物 性好、结构坚实、可在储集构造上建较大的溶腔; 非渗透性好, 对液态和气态的碳氢物质都可以完 好地储存, 不易流失; 可缩性强、密封性好以及被 水溶蚀之后容易开采等优点。尤其是盐穴地下储 气库具有注气及采气迅速的特点, 越来越被更多 的人们所重视。这类天然气储气库目前在世界上 有 44 座, 约占各类储气库总 和的 8% 左右, 其中 美国 18 座, 德国 13 座, 加拿大 7 座, 法国 3 座, 其 它国家 3 座。盐穴地下储气库示意见图 1。
Salt- Cavern Gas Storage. O il & Gas Journal, 1994 3 Gomm H, Quast P. Status of G as Storage in Caverns in West Germany



断块油气田FAULT-BLOCK OIL&GAS FIELD2020年11月第27卷第6期doi:10.6056/dkyqt202006020普光气藏千万级网格高精度水侵数值模拟技术顾少华^2,曾大乾^2,孙兵张睿徐中一W(1.中国石化海相油气田开发重点实验室,北京100083;2.中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083)基金项目:中"化科技攻关项目"超深高含硫气田提高采收率"(P18065)摘要普光气藏储层具有强非均质性,导致水体侵入在各层及单井间存在差异。




关键词数值模拟;云计算;水侵;{质建模;普光气藏中图分类号:TE319文献标志码:AHigh definition water intrusion numerical simulation of Puguang gas reservoir with tens ofmillions of gridGU Shaohua1-2,ZENG Daqian1-2,SUN Bing1-2,ZHANG Rui1-2,XU Zhongyi1-2(1.SINOPEC Key Laboratory for Marine Oil&Gas Field Development,Beijing100083,China;2-Petroleum Exploration&Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,Beijing100083,China) Abstract:The reservoir of Puguang gas reservoir has strong heterogeneity,which leads to the difference of water intrusion in different layers and single wells.The existing numerical simulation techniques are lack of accuracy and efficiency,so it is difficult to accurately characterize the characteristics of water non-uniform inrush along fractures.In view of the above problems,the dual mixed medium modeling technology is adopted to improve the characterization accuracy,which can not only improve the characterization accuracy of geological model,but also control the number of grids,so as to make rational use of computing resources;in terms of improving the calculation efficiency,the large-scale parallel cloud computing technology is adopted to greatly improve the model calculation speed,and the calculation time of10million level dual medium model is reduced to no more than4 hours.History matching by geological modeling and reservoir simulation integrated method is used to tune the parameters of the model to accurately characterize the feature of rapid waterflooding along the fractures,so that the simulation results of water invasion in gas reservoirs are more authentic.The simulation technology realizes the high-definition and fast simulation of Puguang gas reservoir%s10million grid dual medium model,accurately the water invasion characteristics of the gas reservoir,and provides reliable decision-making basis for the sustainable and efficient development of gas reservoirs.Key words:numerical simulation;cloud calculation;water flooding;geological modeling;Puguang gas reservoir0引言随着开发的持续深入,受储层非均质性、裂缝发育程度及采气速度等因素的影响,普光气藏不同井区、层位的水侵特征差异较大,边部气井相继见水,导致整个气藏产能受到严重影响,气藏水侵规律急需深化认识(1)。



《断块油气田》第四届编辑委员会主任:王志刚副主任:朱伟林 蔡希源 金之钧 李 阳 赵文智 王寿平特邀院士编委(按姓氏笔画排序):杨文采 张国伟 贾承造 康玉柱 戴金星编委会委员(按姓氏笔画排序):马永生马新华王中华王生朗王寿平王志刚王良书毛凤鸣孔凡群邓军邓瑞健付广印兴耀冯建辉毕义泉毕建霞吕新华朱伟林朱筱敏任玉林刘伟刘斌刘玉琳刘池阳杜志敏杨文采杨树锋李阳李存贵吴信荣何治亮宋子齐张勇张中伟张来斌张昌民张国伟张洪安张哨楠张善文张强德陈万江陈宗林呼舜兴罗晓容国殿斌金之钧周立宏周延军孟卫工赵化廷赵文智赵贤正胡群爱袁向春耿师江贾承造徐卫东谈玉明黄泽贵常学军康玉柱董月霞韩保清傅强焦大庆舒尚文曾大乾蔡希源蔡其新潘懋戴金星主 编:张庆生常务副主编:张洪安副主编:徐深谋断块油气田Duankuai Youqit ian(双月刊 1994年创刊)第28卷第2期(总第164期)2021年3月25日出版FAULT - BLOCK OIL & GAS FIELD(Bimonthly, Started in 1994)Vol.28 No.2Published on Mar. 25, 2021北京399信箱 邮编100044广告经营许可证号 4109004000001主管单位主办单位中国石油化工集团有限公司中国石化集团中原石油勘探局有限公司主编张庆生常务副主编张洪安副主编徐深谋编辑出版《断块油气田》编辑部地 址河南省濮阳市华龙区中原东路360号邮编457001电 话0393-*******网址E - mail*************.com印刷河南濮阳中原石油报社彩色印刷厂国内发行河南省邮政局邮发代号36-351国外发行中国国际图书贸易总公司Responsible Institution: China Petrochemical CorporationSponsor: Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau Co., Ltd., SINOPECChief Editor: Zhang QingshengVice-standing Chief Editor: Zhang HonganVice Chief Editor: Xu ShenmouPublisher: Editorial Department of Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field Address: No.360, East Zhongyuan Road, Puyang, Henan, ChinaPostcode: 457001Tel: 86-393-4820093Web Address: E-mail: dkyqt@Domestic Distributor: Post Office of Henan ProvinceOverseas Distributor: China International Book Trading Corporation,P. O. Box 399, Beijing 100044, P. R. ChinaAd. Licence: 4109004000001国际标准连续出版物号ISSN 1005-8907 国内统一连续出版物号CN 41-1219/TE定价:国内60元/国外20美元。



断块油气田第28卷第1期2021年1月FAULT-BLOCK OIL&GAS FIELDdoi:10.6056/dkyqt202101011致密储层水平井压裂!补能!驱油一体化重复改造技术白晓虎齐银何善斌',朱西柱',侯正孝',张岩H(1.中国石油长庆油田分公司油气工艺研究院,陕西西安710018;2.低渗透油气田开发国家工程重点实验室,陕西西安710018;3.中国石油长庆油田分公司第十采油厂,甘肃庆阳745000)基金项目:!家科技重大专项课题"超低渗油藏改善开发效果关键技术"(2017ZX05013-004);中;石油科技项目"水平井分段压裂体积改造技术重大攻关专项"(2018CGCGZ004)摘要受储层致密低压、长O注采条件下有效驱替系统难[建]等因素影响,鄂尔多斯gh部分水平井产量l减大,采.速度和累计采出程度较低。





关键词致密储层;水平井;压裂-补能-驱油一体化设计;重复压裂;鄂尔多斯gh中图分类号:TE357文献标志码:AIntegrated re-stimulating technology of fracturing-replenishment-displacement ofhorizontal wells in tight reservoirsBAI Xiaohu1,2,QI Yin1,2,HE Shanbin3,ZHU Xizhu3,HOU Zhengxiao3,ZHANG Yan1,2(l.Oil&Gas Technology Research Institute,Changqing Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Xi"an71001&China;2.NationalEngineering Lab for Exploration and Development of Low-Permeability Oil&Gas Field,Xi"an710018,China;3.No.10OilProduction Plant,Changqing Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Qiangyang745000,China) Abstract:Affected by tight reservoir,low pressure and difficulty in establishing long-term injection-production displacement,the production of some horizontal wells in the Ordos Basin is decreasing gradually,and the oil recovery rate and cumulative recovery are low.Based on the distribution of pressure field and stress field of horizontal wells,the integrated optimization design mode which consist of reservoir volume stimulation,replenishing formation energy and imbibing displacement is carried out,and the large displacement and high efficiency segmented refracturing technology and string with a combination of mechanical packer and dynamic temporary plugging are matched.The test analysis shows that the volume of the re-fracturing reservoir in horizontal wells is more than2times that of the initial fracturing,the fracture complex index FCI is1.3times that of the new wells,and the formation pressure maintenance level is increased from75%to120%.After refracturing of the test wells,the single-well oil production increased from less than2tons per day to10-15tons per day,the flowing period reached more than3months,the average production still reached10-12tons per day after one year of production,and the oil recovery rate was increased from0.22%to1.05%.The predicted cumulative production can be more than doubled.This technology has some reference for otherunconventional reservoirs to improve the production of old horizontal wells and the final recovery.Key words:tight reservoir;horizontal well;integrated design offracturing-replenishment-displacement]refracturing;Ordos Basin0$%收稿日期:2020-07-30;改回日期:2020-11-06&第一作者:白晓虎,男,1986年生,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事低鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系油藏普遍低压致密,基质气渗透油藏储层改造及采油工艺方面的工作&E-mail: baixh_cq@测渗透率小于1.0x10_3|!m2,地层压力系数0.7〜0.8,定。



第21卷第2期有机地球化学方法识别中等生物降解油藏油水界面江凯禧1,2,彭丽3,何文祥2,陈祖林2,朱俊章4,姚长华1,葛岩1(1.中海油能源发展股份有限公司工程技术分公司非常规技术研究所,天津300452;2.长江大学地球环境与水资源学院,湖北武汉430100;3.中海油实验中心,天津300452;4.中海石油有限公司深圳分公司技术部,广东广州510240)基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“流体活动在多种碳酸盐岩储层形成中的作用机理研究”(2005CB422103);国家科技重大专项课题“细粒、低渗透储层沉积成因类型与分布地质预测研究”(2009ZX05009 ̄002)摘要利用有机地球化学方法确定中等生物降解油藏LH11 ̄1的油水界面深度,以取心率高的LH11 ̄1 ̄2井为实验对象,对35个岩心和岩屑样品进行Rock -Eval 和GC/MS 实验分析。

岩心样品饱和烃GC/MS 分析表明,其生物降解程度为3—5级,且随深度增加而逐渐加强。

样品含油量、Pow 值、(S 1+S 2)/R 、重质油指数、饱和烃生物降解特征、伽马蜡烷/奥利烷等6个有机地化参数均在1250.9m 处异常变化,揭示储层岩石烃类含量、组成、物理化学性质及生物降解级别沿油水界面方向具规律性变化,但在油水界面处异常,据此可判定1250.9m 是LH11 ̄1 ̄2井新确定的油水界面深度,与测井解释相差3.8m ,可能与油水过渡带范围较大有关。


关键词有机地球化学;油水界面;生物降解;饱和烃GC/MS中图分类号:TE122.1+13文献标志码:AOrganic geochemistry method to identify oil -water contact in mediumbiodegraded reservoirJiang Kaixi 1,2,Peng Li 3,He Wenxiang 2,Chen Zulin 2,Zhu Junzhang 4,Yao Changhua 1,Ge Yan 1(OOC Energy Technology &Services Technical Institute of Unconventional Hydrocarbon,Tianjin 300452,China;2.School of Earth Environment and Water Resources,Yangtze University,Wuhan 430100,China;3.Experimental Center of CNOOC,Tianjin300452,China;4.Shenzhen Branch of CNOOC Ltd.,Shenzhen 510240,China)Abstract:In order to determine the oil -water interface of medium biodegraded LH11-1reservoir using the method of organic geochemistry and taking the high coring rate well LH11-1-2as the experimental object,thirty -five cores and cuttings samples are analyzed by Rock -Eval and GC/MS.The analysis of saturated hydrocarbon GC/MS in core samples shows that the biodegradation grade is 3to 5and gradually increases with depth.Six organic geochemical parameters as oil content,Pow values,(S 1+S 2)/R ,heavy oil index,the biodegradable characteristics of saturated hydrocarbon and Gammacerane/Oleanane are significant changes at 1,250.9m.It reveals that the hydrocarbon content,constitute,physicochemical properties and biodegradation grade in reservoir rock change regularly along the oil -water interface and abnormality in the oil -water interface.Hereby,the depth of 1,250.9m is the new oil -water interface ,which is 3.8m deeper than that of log interpretation ,being related to the large oil -water transition zone.This study shows that the organic geochemistry method can identify the oil -water interface in medium biodegraded reef reservoirs.Key words:organic geochemistry;oil -water interface;biodegradation;saturated hydrocarbon GC/MS引用格式:江凯禧,彭丽,何文祥,等.中等生物降解油藏油水界面识别的有机地球化学方法[J ].断块油气田,2014,21(2):187 ̄190,216.Jiang Kaixi ,Peng Li ,He Wenxiang ,et anic geochemistry method to identify oil -water contact in medium biodegraded reservoir [J ].Fault -Block Oil &Gas Field ,2014,21(2):187 ̄190,216.0引言油水界面是指带气顶油藏或油藏中纯油层的底部界面(SY/T 6313.1—1998),确定油藏油水界面关键是识别油层、油水层、水层、干层。

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