所以常见的一些逻辑衔接词一定要铭记,常见的有并列(and, as well),比较(than, as.as),因果(because, so, therefore, thus, result from),递进(also, furthermore),转折(but, however, yet)等。
The Extinction of the Dinosaursmillion years ago) and the Paleocene period (65..C55 million years ago) in part by the types and amounts of rocks and fossils they contain or lack. Before the limit of 65 million years ago,marine2.strata are rich in calcium carbonate due to accumulations of fossils of microscopic algaedeposited on the sea floor. Above the 65-million-year limit,sea-floor sediments contain much less calcium carbonate ,and fossils of several families of mollusks are no longer found.In continental sediments ,dinosaur fossils ,though frequent before 65 million years ago ,are totally absent. By3.contrast,new families of mammals appear,including large mammals for the first time.Scientists wondered for many years about what could have caused the dinosaurs' rapiddisappearance at the end of the Cretaceous period,coming up with a great variety of theories and scenarios. For some, it could have been due to unfavorable genetic changes triggered bya dramatic increaseby a factor of 10,100,1,000 in cosmic-ray particles reaching the Earthafter a supernova explosion somewhere in the neighborhood of the solar system. For these high-energy particles to affect life,they would have to get through the protective barrier of the Earth's magnetosphere ,the region of the upper atmosphere controlled by Earth'smagnetic field. That could have happened if the cloud of particles from the supernovaexplosion reached the Earth during a period when the magnetosphere was weakened ,something that may happen when the Earth's magnetic field changes direction. And we know that the magnetic north and south poles of the Earth switch on the average twice everymillion years. However,this is not the only possible explanation for dinosaur destruction . 4.Other theories have raised the possibility of strong climate changes in the tropics (but theythen must be explained) . Certainly,if climate changes,the changed distributions oftemperature and rainfall modify the conditions that favor one ecosystem over another. The extinction of a particular family,genus,or species may result from a complicated chain of indirect causes and effects. Over thirty years ago ,scientist Carl Sagan quoted onesuggestion that the demise of the dinosaurs resulted from the disappearance of a species of fern plant that was important for dinosaur digestion. Other theories involved a worldwidecold wave following the spread of a layer of cold but not very salty water in the world'soceans ,which floated on the surface because,with its low salinity,the water was less dense.5.Proponents of another theory that remains under consideration today postulate that theextinction of the dinosaurs corresponds to a period of intense volcanic activity. It's not a question of just one or even of a thousand eruptions comparable to the explosion of Krakatoa in 1883,one of the largest volcanic events in modern times ,but rather of a prolonged period of activity. On the Deccan plateau in India,basalt (volcanic) rocks cover more than 500,000 square kilometers (nearly 200,000 square miles),and correspond to massive lava outflows occurring precisely at the end of the Cretaceous. This sort of outflow could correspond tovolcanic activity similar to the activity that drives sea-floor spreading ,with lava emerging from elongated fractures in the crust rather than from craters.6.The volcanic convulsion that buried the Deccan plateau in lava must also have changed thecomposition of the atmosphere and severely affected climate. Initially,there must have been strong sudden cooling resulting from the blocking of sunlight by sulfate aerosol veils in thestratosphere (part of the Earth's atmosphere). If strong cooling lasted a year after the formation of the aerosols , it would have been the death of tropical species unable to adapt to such a volcanic winter. 7. However ,a long period of strong volcanic activity (again ,remember thousands of Krakatoas) would at the same time have added a substantial amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere , reinforcing the greenhouse effect. This would gradually warm things up ,ending the extended cold snap and producing global warming together with geographic shifts of humid and arid (dry) zones. Certainly things would change to upset living conditions ,leading to the extinction of some species while others would profit ,if only from the disappearance of predators. 1..According to paragraph 1,which of the following is true of Paleocene sediments A. They lack fossils from some families of mammals found in Cretaceous sediments. B. They contain fossils of dinosaurs. C. They contain fossils of some animals that did not exist during the Cretaceous. D. They contain fossils of more kinds of mollusks than are found in Cretaceous sediments. 2..The word unfavorable in the passage is closest in meaning to A. Unusual B. Disadvantageous C. Sudden D. major 3..The word triggered in the passage is closest in meaning to A. initiated B. intensifie C. followed D. aided 4..Why does the author include the information that the magnetic north and south poles of the Earth switch on the average twice every million years A. To provide evidence showing that Earth's protective barrier is difficult to get through B. To show that it is reasonable to think that particles from a supernova explosion could have reached Earth C. To explain why some scientists believe a supernova explosion may have occurred near our solar system D. To help explain why some scientists have rejected the theory presented in paragraph 2 5..According to the theory discussed in paragraph 2,a weakening of Earth's magnetosphere may haveA. caused a supernova to explode near our solar systemcBBBBB. allowed gene-altering particles to reach Earth's surfaceC. forced Earth's magnetic field to change directionD. allowed clouds of protective particles to escape from Earth's upper atmosphere 6..AII of the following are mentioned in paragraph 3 as possible causes for the extinction of the dinosaurs EXCEPT A. a change in the diet of dinosaurs B. a change in the climate of the tropics C. a decrease in global temperatures D. a decrease in deep ocean salinity 7..ln paragraph 3,why does the author include the quotation by Carl Sagan A. To explain the connection between dinosaur extinction and the extinction of other animal species B. To support the claim about species extinction being due to indirect causes and effects C. To show that scientists have revised their ideas greatly in the last thirty years D. To identify the differences between the various theories for the extinction of dinosaurs 8..According to paragraph 4,what was one unusual aspect of the volcanic activity at the end of the Cretaceous A. Some explosions were much larger than Krakatoa. B. Eruptions occurred over a long period of time . C. Active volcanoes were sometimes separated by many kilometers. D. There were active volcanoes in the sea as well as on land. 9..Which of the following is presented in paragraph 4 as evidence that intense volcanic activity occurred at about the time that the dinosaurs became extinct A. The size of the volcanic craters on the Deccan plateau B. An increase in sea-floor spreading C. The formation in India of large amounts of a type of rock associated with volcanoes D. The occurrence of a thousand or more volcanic explosions the size of Krakatoa 10..The word severely in the passage is closest in meaning to A. certainly B. consequently C. greatly D. permanently11..The word reinforcing in the passage is closest in meaning toA. making possible A9iu ˇBDBcDB. spreadingC. introducingD. strengthening 12..According to paragraph 5,all of the following are theorized to have occurred as a result of volcanic activity EXCEPTA. a decrease in the amount of sunlight reaching Earth's surfaceB. a reduction in the number of sulfate aerosol veils in the stratosphereC. increased dryness in some areas that were once more humidD. changes in the atmosphere's composition resulting in an increase in temperature13.. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Thus ,ecosystems following periods of extensive volcanic activity necessarily had different combinations of species than earlier ecosystems did.Where would the sentence best fit Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.14.. Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong. To review the passage ,click on View Text Answer ChoicesA. Cosmic rays from a nearby supernova explosion may have penetrated Earth's atmosphere ,causing genetic changes that dinosaur populations could not survive.B. Climate changes in the tropics may have set off a chain of indirect effects that negativelyaffected the ecosystems in which dinosaurs lived.C. The spread of lava over large pa 同s of previously favored habitats such as the DeccanPlateau may have made these favored areas uninhabitable for many years.D. Although the volcanic winter resulting from the formation of sulfate aerosols eventuallyended ,temperatures may have remained below levels required by dinosaurs to survive.E. Temperature changes and geographic shifts in climate zones due to the atmospheric effects ofvolcanic activity may have been significant enough to cause extinction.F. To be convincing ,theories about what caused dinosaurs to become extinct must be able toexplain the disappearance of other predators in the food chain at the same time BE A DB。
【导语】各位备战托福的考⽣们,考前多做⼏篇托福阅读练习题,有助于在考试中发挥正常⽔平哦!下⾯为您带来2018年托福阅读练习及答案(2篇) 托福阅读考试介绍: 托福考试满分为120分,分为4部分,考试顺序为:阅读→听⼒→⼝语→写作。
PASSAGE 1By the mid-nineteenth century, the term icebox had entered the American language, but icewas still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice tradegrew with the growth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by someforward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861-1865),as ice was used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came into household use. Even before 1880, halfthe ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third of that sold in Boston andChicago, went to families for their own use. This had become possible because a new householdconvenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern refrigerator, had been invented.Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nineteenthcentury, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration,was rudimentary. The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the icefrom melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling.Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept theice from doing its job. Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve thedelicate balance of insulation and circulation needed for an efficient icebox.But as early as 1803, an ingenious Maryland farmer, Thomas Moore, had been on the righttrack. He owned a farm about twenty miles outside the city of Washington, for which the villageof Georgetown was the market center. When he used an icebox of his own design to transport hisbutter to market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff in the tubs ofhis competitors to pay a premium price for his butter, still fresh and hard in neat, one-poundbricks. One advantage of his icebox, Moore explained, was that farmers would no longer have totravel to market at night in order to keep their produce cool.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The influence of ice on the diet(B) The development of refrigeration(C) The transportation of goods to market(D) Sources of ice in the nineteenth century2. According to the passage , when did the word icebox become part of the language of the United States?(A) in 1803(B) sometime before 1850(C) during the civil war(D) near the end of the nineteenth century3. The phrase forward-looking in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) progressive(B) popular(C) thrifty(D) well-established4. The author mentions fish in line 4 because(A) many fish dealers also sold ice(B) fish was shipped in refrigerated freight cars(C) fish dealers were among the early commercial users of ice(D) fish was not part of the ordinary person's diet before the invention of the icebox5. The word it in line 5 refers to(A) fresh meat(B) the Civil War(C) ice(D) a refrigerator6. According to the passage , which of the following was an obstacle to the development of the icebox?(A) Competition among the owners of refrigerated freight cars(B) The lack of a network for the distribution of ice(C) The use of insufficient insulation(D) Inadequate understanding of physics7. The word rudimentary in line 12 is closest in meaning to(A) growing(B) undeveloped(C) necessary(D) uninteresting8. According to the information in the second paragraph, an ideal icebox would(A) completely prevent ice from melting(B) stop air from circulating(C) allow ice to melt slowly(D) use blankets to conserve ice9. The author describes Thomas Moore as having been on the right track (lines 18-19) to indicate that(A) the road to the market passed close to Moore's farm(B) Moore was an honest merchant(C) Moore was a prosperous farmer(D) Moore's design was fairly successful10. According to the passage , Moore's icebox allowed him to(A) charge more for his butter(B) travel to market at night(C) manufacture butter more quickly(D) produce ice all year round11. The produce mentioned in line 25 could include(A) iceboxes(B) butter(C) ice(D) marketsAnswers:BBACC DBCDA BPASSAGE 2The geology of the Earth's surface is dominated by the particular properties of water. Presenton Earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous states, water is exceptionally reactive. It dissolves,transports, and precipitates many chemical compounds and is constantly modifying the face ofthe Earth.Evaporated from the oceans, water vapor forms clouds, some of which are transported bywind over the continents. Condensation from the clouds provides the essential agent ofcontinental erosion: rain. Precipitated onto the ground, the water trickles down to form brooks,streams, and rivers, constituting what are called the hydrographic network. This immensepolarized network channels the water toward a single receptacle: an ocean. Gravity dominatesthis entire step in the cycle because water tends to minimize its potential energy by running fromhigh altitudes toward the reference point, that is, sea level.The rate at which a molecule of water passes though the cycle is not random but is a measureof the relative size of the various reservoirs. If we define residence time as the average time for awater molecule to pass through one of the three reservoirs — atmosphere, continent, and ocean— we see that the times are very different. A water molecule stays, on average, eleven days inthe atmosphere, one hundred years on a continent and forty thousand years in the ocean. Thislast figure shows the importance of the ocean as the principal reservoir of the hydrosphere butalso the rapidity of water transport on the continents.A vast chemical separation process takes places during the flow of water over the continents.Soluble ions such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and some magnesium are dissolved andtransported. Insoluble ions such as aluminum, iron, and silicon stay where they are and form thethin, fertile skin of soil on which vegetation can grow. Sometimes soils are destroyed andtransported mechanically during flooding. The erosion of the continents thus results from twoclosely linked and interdependent processes, chemical erosion and mechanical erosion. Theirrespective interactions and efficiency depend on different factors.1. The word modifying in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) changing(B) traveling(C) describing(D) destroying2. The word which in line 5 refers to(A) clouds(B) oceans(C) continents(D) compounds3. According to the passage , clouds are primarily formed by water(A) precipitating onto the ground(B) changing from a solid to a liquid state(C) evaporating from the oceans(D) being carried by wind4. The passage suggests that the purpose of the hydrographic network (line 8) is to(A) determine the size of molecules of water(B) prevent soil erosion caused by flooding(C) move water from the Earth's surface to the oceans(D) regulate the rate of water flow from streams and rivers5. What determines the rate at which a molecule of water moves through the cycle, as discussed in the third paragraph?(A) The potential energy contained in water(B) The effects of atmospheric pressure on chemical compounds(C) The amounts of rainfall that fall on the continents(D) The relative size of the water storage areas6. The word rapidity in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) significance(B) method(C) swiftness(D) reliability7. The word they in line 24 refers to(A) insoluble ions(B) soluble ions(C) soils(D) continents8. All of the following are example of soluble ions EXCEPT(A) magnesium(B) iron(C) potassium(D) calcium9. The word efficiency in line 27 is closest in meaning to(A) relationship(B) growth(C) influence(D) effectivenessAnswers:AACCD CABD留学监理Tips:平时多读多练,扩⼤词汇量,锻炼阅读速度,考试中快速把握⽂章⼤意,做题中再对细节考点进⾏推敲,问题答案要依据原⽂,切记,不可主观臆断!。
新托福阅读分数换算表30题(实用版)目录1.新托福阅读考试简介2.新托福阅读分数换算表3.30 题的具体内容及解题技巧4.备考建议正文【新托福阅读考试简介】新托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language, TOEFL)是由美国教育测试服务机构(Educational Testing Service, ETS)主办的一项全球性的英语能力测试,用于评估非英语母语国家人士的英语能力。
【新托福阅读分数换算表】新托福阅读部分的分数范围为 0-30 分,根据得分情况,可以将成绩划分为以下五个等级:- 低于 20 分:基础较差,需要加强学习;- 20-29 分:较低水平,需要继续努力提高;- 30-39 分:中等水平,基本符合国外高校的入学要求;- 40-49 分:较高水平,具备较好的英语阅读能力;- 50 分以上:优秀水平,具备很高的英语阅读能力。
【30 题的具体内容及解题技巧】新托福阅读考试共包含 30 道题目,分为三部分。
例题:The word "inescapable" in the passage means ______.A.too difficult to avoidB.hard to rememberC.not very importantD.easily forgotten2.事实细节题:考核考生对文章中具体信息的识别能力。
例题:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a reason why people like to read detective stories?A.They are exciting.B.They are easy to understand.C.They are too difficult to put down.D.They help readers to escape from reality.3.推理判断题:考核考生对文章隐含意义的推断能力。
新托福阅读分数换算表30题摘要:1.新托福阅读考试简介2.新托福阅读分数换算表3.30 题的具体考试内容4.如何提高新托福阅读分数正文:【新托福阅读考试简介】新托福(TOEFL iBT)是Test of English as a Foreign Language 的缩写,即英语作为外语的测试,是由美国教育测试服务机构(ETS)主办,用于评估非英语母语国家人士的英语能力。
新托福阅读是新托福考试的四个部分之一,其考试形式为计算机测试,考试时间为60 分钟,共30 道题目。
【新托福阅读分数换算表】新托福阅读的分数换算表如下:- 正确答案数量| 分数范围--------- | ---------0-5 | 20-306-12 | 31-4013-19 | 41-5020-25 | 51-6026-29 | 61-7030 | 71-80【30 题的具体考试内容】新托福阅读的30 道题目分为三类:事实细节题、推理判断题和推断题。
托福iBT 评分标准
评分:39题,基本上每题一分,summary题最多两分,chart题(即多选题)如果有五个选项值三分,chart题如果有七个选项值四分.没有全对也可能得到部分分数. 总分45.根据正确和错误的情况可以知道45分中得了多少分,再按比例换算成30分制-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------听力:包括四(六)段演讲和两(三)段对话,每篇演讲后有6个问题,对话后有5个问题,答题时间为60(90)分钟注:括号里的数据为加试时的情形这些演讲或对话都是基于北美各大学院校的真实交流编制的.每段对话或演讲长度为4~6分钟,具有相当高的真实性.比如,演讲人有时可能会稍稍偏离主题,可能与学生互动,可能做扩展性论述等等.此外,这些段子口语色彩浓厚,比如开头不当,自己纠正自己的错误发音,重复都是可能出现的,也会有停顿,犹豫的情况.在听的时候可以做笔记.考试的其中一种形式是让考生听一段演讲演讲是教师在课堂里给学生授课所使用的语言.内容可能是教师一个人讲,可能是学生问老师问题或者老师问学生问题.演讲的话题可以分为四类:1 艺术 (建筑/个人创作/城市规划/手工艺/洞穴和岩石艺术/音乐和音乐史/摄影/文学和作者/书本,报刊杂志)2 生命科学 (动植物的灭绝或为了防止这一现象的努力/鱼和其它水生物/细菌和其它单细胞生物/病毒/医疗手段/公共卫生/感觉器官的机理/生物化学/动物行为/栖居地和动植物对它的适应/营养和它对身体的影响/动物交流)3 物理(天气/海洋学/冰川/沙漠等极端环境/污染,替代能源,环境政策/大气层/天文学/光的性质/声的性质/电磁波/电视,收音机,雷达技术/数学/无机化学/电脑科学/地震学)4 社会科学(非工业文明人类学/早期创作体系/历史语言学/商业和管理/大众传媒/群体行为/儿童成长/教育/现代史)评分:34道题,一题一分,总分34分,按比例换算成30分制新托福阅读和听力评分标准DETERMINE READINGAND LISTENING COMPLETE TEST SCORES To determine a scaled score in a Reading or Listening Complete Test section, you must first determine the number of points you received in the section. In Listening, you simply need to count the number of questions you answered correctly (out of 34) because the number of points is the number of questions you answered correctly. In Reading, you must determine the number of points you received on the last question of each reading (numbers 13, 26, and 39) before you can determine the total number of points. The last question of each reading is a chart question that is worth more than one point, and you may receive partial credit for a partially correct answer. (For example, perhaps a question is worth three points and has 6 correct answers. If you correctly answer all 6, then you get 3 points. If you correctly answer 4 or 5, then you get 2 points. If you correctly answer 2 or 3, then you get 1 point. If you por tly answer 0 or 1, then you get 0 points.) After you have determined the number of points you have earned on the chart questions, add this number to the number correct on the rest of questions 1 through 39 to determine your total pointsout of 45. When you know the total points you received in a Reading or Listening Mini-Test section, you can refer to the following irt to determine your scaled score out of 30 for this section.口语:IBT口语部分持续时间约为20分钟,共6个问题,每个问题的答题时间为45到60秒.前2题为独立口语项目,要求考生完全以自己的观点和经历为依据作答.后4题为综合口语项目,要求考生在回答前听一段对话或演讲的节选(有时在听之前还要阅读一段文字)——这样就同时考察了听说(读)的能力,你的答案要以你听到(和看到)文章的为依据.独立项目(问题1和问题2)问题1:你将会被要求讲述你熟悉的一个人,地方,物品或事件问题可能包括:一个你去过的地方,一件你生命中重要的事情,一个影响你的人或者一项你喜欢的活动等.在你看到问题后,你有15秒的思考时间,然后有45秒的作答时间.你可以用笔写下简略的提示.答案既需要有描述(比如一件"什么事情"很重要等),也需要有解释(比如"为什么"它很重要等).在答案中应当包括具体的细节或例子,这样使你的描述包含更多的信息,解释让人更容易理解.问题2:在两个可能的行动,境遇或观点中选择一个你偏好的,并用理由,解释,细节或例子来支持你的选择.实际选择哪个并不重要,重要的是你是否能很好地说明你这样选择的理由.这个问题涉及到的话题包括学生感兴趣的方方面面,比如在家学习好还是在图书馆学习好,学生学的课程应该广些好还是专些好,应该要求学生住寝室还是准许他们住校外等.同问题1一样,你有15秒的考虑时间和45秒的回答时间.综合口语项目:问题3:首先,一段和校园生活有关的短文会出现在屏幕上,然后你会听到两个人(某些情况是一个人)讨论这个话题.你将会被问到一个和刚才看到听到内容相关的问题.准备时间为30秒,回答时间为60秒.这个问题的话题可能包括学校的政策,规章制度,计划,校园设施,校园生活质量等.在整个过程中,你都可以记笔记.短文可能是各种形式的,比如来自学校管理部门的一个介绍新停车规则的公告,或者是一封写给校报编辑的关于学校限制寝室收音机使用新政策的书信,或者是一篇发表在校报上讨论建一个新足球场的文章.短文除了描述建议(提议)以外,通常还有两条支持或反对的理由.阅读文章很短,通常是75~100字,你将会有充足的时间去阅读它(40~45秒).读完文章后,会听到两个人对话.讨论你刚才看到的文章所说的内容.其中一个人会强烈地支持或反对这项提议(建议),并且会说明他的理由.这段对话比较短,通常持续60~80秒.接下来你就会问到一个问题.回答这个问题不需要你自己的观点,而是让你阐述某个说话者的观点,并总结他持有那个观点的理由.问题4:先阅读一段学术主题的短文,然后听一段教授的讲话,再回答一个问题.这个问题的话题可能包括生命科学,社会科学,物理科学和人文科学.回答时间为60秒.阅读短文长度为75~100词,它为你理解后面将听到的演讲提供了背景知识.通常阅读短文会概括地抽象地去说明一个问题,而听力短文则会具体地有针对性地去说明它,通常是提供一个拓展的例子,反例或概念的运用.问题仍然是要你总结你所看到的和听到的内容.问题5:先听讨论校园有关情景的一段短对话,然后回答问题.在对话中,两个人会讨论一个难题和两种可能的解决方案.你需要简短地描述一下这个问题,说明你偏好哪一种解决方案,并且对你的选择做出解释.回答时间为60秒.通常对话双方是两个学生/学生和教授/学生和学校工作人员(助教,图书管理员,行政人员等).对话中讨论的难题可能是日程冲突,不可避免的缺席,无法获取的资源,学生选举,经济困难等.有些时候,这个难题同等地影响到对话的两个人,他们必须选择一个共同的解决方案.有些时候,这个难题只与说话者之一有关,此时一个说话者会说明自己的难题,而另一个说话者会提供两种可能的解决方案.对话的时间为60~90秒.问题6:先听一段教授的学术演讲,然后回答问题.回答时间为60秒.演讲的时间从60秒到90秒,集中讨论一个话题.通常开头会以定义一个概念,重点提及一个问题或者是介绍一种现象,然后会讨论关于它的重要方面.演讲会包含有助于阐明概念或问题的例子.问题让你利用所听到的信息解释这个概念或问题.演讲的内容可能包括任何方面的进程,方法,理论,观点或现象.评分:每道题0-4分,再换算成0-30分.因为是6道题,分数平均下来很可能会有小数位,比如3.1分,2.9分.所以口语的分数可能是0-30分里任意一个分数,而不仅仅是0,1,2,3,4所对应的分数评分者重点注意以下三个方面:1 表达:表达的清晰程度,流利程度,以及对发音,自然的节奏和语调的把握2 语言的使用:运用语法和词汇表达意思的准确度,驾驭简单和复杂语言和选用恰当词汇的能力3 话题的展开:回答问题的完整性和连贯性,从一个观点到另一个观点的衔接自然与否,以及各观点之间的逻辑性.新托福口语评分标准-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------写作:作文部分包括两道试题,需在大约50分钟的时间内完成。
- 1 -。
二、托福阅读分数对照表2023年的托福阅读分数对照表如下所示:分数描述30-34 阅读能力非常弱35-40 阅读能力较弱41-50 阅读能力一般51-60 阅读能力较强61-70 阅读能力很强71-80 阅读能力非常强三、分数解析1. 30-34分:这一分数范围表示考生的阅读能力非常弱。
2. 35-40分:这一分数范围表示考生的阅读能力较弱。
3. 41-50分:这一分数范围表示考生的阅读能力一般。
4. 51-60分:这一分数范围表示考生的阅读能力较强。
5. 61-70分:这一分数范围表示考生的阅读能力很强。
6. 71-80分:这一分数范围表示考生的阅读能力非常强。
2018年3月11日托福听力真题回忆及解析(精准)Conversation 1话题分类:课外活动场景内容回忆:排球场被艺术课展品占了参考听力TPO 16 Conversation 1Conversation 2话题分类:论文作业场景内容回忆:学生找教授询问上课时的一个疑惑,上课时教授提到我们可以观察动物的睡觉行为,学生很困惑如何观察,教授说我们现在有仪器可以观察,而且仪器很小,并且只有1.5公斤重。
参考听力TPO 20 Conversation 2;TPO 19 Conversation 1Conversation 3话题分类:图书馆场景内容回忆:女生采访快退休的图书馆管理员参考听力:TPO 27 Conversation 1Conversation 4话题分类:学习规划场景内容回忆:学生去找院长申请一个campus program,想为学院设立一个信息中心,为一年级学生找工作提供便利,但是院长说学校不是有网站可以给学生提供这样的信息,但是学生说不太合适,院长又说这得花钱,建议学生先提交一个预算。
参考听力:TPO 34 Conversation 2;TPO 18 Conversation 1Conversation 5话题分类:校园生活场景内容回忆:一个女生和cafeteria工作人员建议设计个app,女生和cafeteria的工作人员提建议,工作人员夸了这个女生。
女生表示我来给你个意见,现在的学生关心的是食物从来哪的、营养如何,管理员说以前学生只关心how much,女生表示这是一种另类的how much,管理员说学生可以在网站上查啊,女生:你们网站字太小,需要个app,我同学可以做。
TOEFL新政后阅读和听力的评分标准TOEFL新政后阅读和听力的评分标准先回忆一下TOEFL新政的改革内容考试时间变化TOEFL考试由3.5小时缩短至3小时,题目形式和题型不变,题目数量减少,具体如下:阅读共54分钟,3篇文章,每篇文章18分钟,10道题目;听力共41分钟,对话2篇(每篇7分钟,5道题),讲座3篇(每篇9分钟,3篇)(以上时常算上了听力时间和做题时间) 口语共17分钟,1道独立口语,3道综合口语(据说删掉了Task15,待进一步确定)写作不变,共50分钟,综合写作20分钟,独立写作30分钟加试:阅读1篇文章,18分钟,10题听力1篇对话,1篇讲座,共11题从上表可以看出,听力中减少了1~2个lecture,口语删除了2题(分别为Task1和Task5),写作不变。
可以看出听力对于听力和综合写作integrated writing部分影响其实并没有变化,而口语部分由原先的4篇综合口语减少到了三篇,变相提升了听力在口语中的影响力和权重,具体我们可以通过这样的一场分析图来体会变化??(TOEFL听力影响力变化)从上表中可以看出,较旧版的托福考试,听力从总体分数上来说影响力还是有提升,主要体现在口语部分。
看完你就懂了!托福阅读对多少个分数对照表关于托福阅读错几个得多少分的问题,大家可以参考托福阅读计分方法:正确题目个数得分正确题目个数得分正确题目个数得分正确题目个数得分9 2 21 8 33 19 45 308 2 20 8 32 18 44 297 1 19 7 31 17 43 296 1 187 30 16 42 285 0 176 29 16 41274 0 16 6 28 15 40 263 0 15 5 27 14 39 252 0 14 5 26 13 38 241 0 13 4 25 12 37 2312 4 24 11 36 2211 3 23 10 35 2110 3 22 9 34 201、托福三篇文章(如遇加试时从五篇中随机选三篇)计分,每篇12-14道题。
托福阅读TPO34第2篇:水电的发展托福阅读原文The Development of Steam Power【1】By the eighteenth century, Britain was experiencing a severe shortage of energy. Because of the growth of population, most of the great forests of medieval Britain had long ago been replaced by fields of grain and hay. Wood was in ever-shortersupply, yet it remained tremendously important. It served as the primary source of heat for all homes and industries and as a basic raw material. Processed wood (charcoal) was the fuel that was mixed with iron ore in the blast furnace to produce pig iron (raw iron). The iron industry’s appetite for wood was enormous, and by 1740 the British iron industry was stagnating. Vast forests enabled Russia to become the world’s leading producer of iron, much of which was exported to Britain. But Russia’s potential for growth was limited too, and in a few decades Russia would reach the barrier of inadequate energy that was already holding England back.【2】As this early energy crisis grew worse, Britain looked toward its abundant and widely scattered reserves of coal as an alternative to its vanishing wood. Coal was first used in Britain in the late Middle Ages as a source of heat. By 1640 most homes in London were heated with it, and it also provided heat for making beer, glass, soap, and other products. Coal was not used, however, to produce mechanical energy or to power machinery. It was there that coal’s potential wa d enormous.【3】As more coal was produced, mines were dug deeper and deeper and were constantly filling with water. Mechanical pumps, usually powered by hundreds of horses waling in circles at the surface, had to be installed Such power was expensive and bothersome. In an attempt to overcome these disadvantages, Thomas Savery in 1698 and Thomas Newcomen in 1705 invented the first primitive steam engines. Both engines were extremely inefficient. Both burned coal to produce steam, which was then used to operate a pump. However, by the early 1770s, many of the Savery engines and hundreds of the Newcomen engines were operating successfully, though inefficiently, in English andScottish mines.【4】In the early 1760s, a gifted young Scot named James Watt was drawn to a critical study of the steam engine. Watt was employed at the time by the University of Glasgow as a skilled crafts worker making scientific instruments. In 1763: Watt was called on to repair a Newcomen engine being used in a physics course. After a series of observations, Watt saw that the Newcomen’s waste of energy could be reduced by adding a separate condenser. This splendid invention, patented in 1769, greatly increased the efficiency of the steam engine. The steam engine of Watt and his followers was the technological advance that gave people, at least for a while, unlimited power and allowed the invention and use of all kinds of power equipment.【5】The steam engine was quickly put to use in several industries in Britain. It drained mines and made possible the production of ever more coal to feed steam engines elsewhere. The steam power plant began to replace waterpower in the cotton-spinning mills as well as other industries during the 1780s, contributing to a phenomenal rise in industrialization. The British iron industry was radically transformed. The use of powerful, steam-driven bellows in blast furnaces helped iron makers switch over rapidly from limited charcoal to unlimited coke (which is made from coal) in the smelting of pig iron (the process of refining impure iron) after 1770 in the 1780s, Henry Cort developed the puddling furnace, which allowed pig iron to be refined in turn with coke. Cort also developed heavy-duty, steam-powered rolling mills, which were capable of producing finished iron in every shape and form.【6】The economic consequence of these technical innovations in steam power was a great boom in the British ironindustry. In 1740 annual British iron production was only 17:000 tons, but by 1844: with the spread of coke smelting and the impact of Cort’s inventions, it had increased to 3,000:000 tons. This was a truly amazing expansion. Once scarce and expensive, iron became cheap, basic, and indispensable to the economy.托福阅读TPO34第2篇题目:水电的发展1.What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about Britain's short supply of wood in the eighteenth century?A.Wood from Britain’s great forests was being exported to other countries for profit.B.A growing population had required cutting down forests to increase available land for farming.rger families required the construction of larger homes made from wood.D.What was left of the great forests after the medieval period was being strictly protected.2.Select TWO answer choices that, according to paragraph 1, are true statements about Russia’s i ron industry in the eighteenth century. To obtain credit, you must select TWO answer choices.A.Russia reached its maximum production of iron at the same time as Britain.B.Russia exported much of its iron production to Britain.C.Russia’s appetite for iro n increased rapidly after 1740.D.Russia’s energy resources eventually became insufficient and limited the growth of its iron industry.3.The word "abundant" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.reliableB.plentifulC.well-preservedD.existing4.Why are "beer, glass, soap, and other products" mentioned in the discussion of Britain’s energy?A.To help explain why the energy crisis was so severeB.To show that despite the energy crisis and as early as 1640, London homes were advanced and well suppliedC.To emphasize that after 1640, British homes required energy for more than heatD.To indicate that coal had been used for the production of certain products before the eighteenth century5.According to paragraph 3, all of the following are ways in which the Savery and Newcomen engines were similar EXCEPT:A.Both became relatively inexpensive after the 1770s.B.Both produced steam by burning coal.C.Both were used to operate pumps.D.Both were very inefficient.6.The word "gifted" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.independentB.talentedC.famousD.ambitious7.According to paragraph 4, what was James Watt’s major achievement?A. He was able to apply his understanding of physics to invent a variety of scientific instruments and tools for skilled crafts workers.B.He taught university physics courses to outstanding students whose observations led to many patented inventions.C.He improved the efficiency of Newcomen’s engine bypreventing energy from being lost.D.He redesigned Newcomen’s engine so that it n o longer needed a separate condenser.8.The word "splendid" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.originalB.necessaryC.magnificentD.popular9.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 5 as a development that greatly changed the production of iron?A.The use of coke in the smelting of pig ironB.The invention of a furnace that used coke to refine ironC.The discovery of a method for increasing the production of charcoalD.The invention of powerful machinery that could shape, form, and finish iron10.In paragraph 6, why does the author compare British iron production in 1740 with that of 1844?A.To contrast the amounts of iron needed in Britain in two different centuriesB.To illustrate how easy it was to make money using Cort’s inventionC.To demonstrate the tremendous growth of the iron industry in BritainD.To demonstrate how inexpensive coal had become11.The word "indispensable" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.advantageousB.essentialC.less costlyD.highly stimulating12.According to the passage, which of the following is true about the development of steam power?A.The steam engine’s basic technology can be traced back to medieval Britain when steam-powered machinery was being tried in farming activities.B.Although Russia and Britain developed steam-power technology simultaneously, Britain was first to try it in a large-scale industry due to a greater need for iron.C.Steam-power technology was largely the result of improvements developed to increase the supply of coal as a primary source of energy.D.Adaptations to steam engines required for their use in cotton-spinning mills led to radical developments in machinery used in the iron industry.13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Energy had not been a problem for Britain in the past because it relied on a rich source of energy: its vast forests.By the eighteenth century, Britain was experiencing a severe shortage of energy. ■【A】 Because of the growth of population, most of the great forests of medieval Britain had long ago been replaced by fields of grain and hay. ■【B】Wood was in ever-shorter supply, yet it remained tremendously important. ■【C】It served as the primary source of heat for all homes and industries and as a basic raw material. ■【D】Processed wood (charcoal) was the fuel that was mixed with iron ore in the blast furnace to produce pig iron (raw iron). The iron industry’sappetite for wood was enormous, and by 1740 the British iron industry was stagnating. Vast forests enabled Russia to become the world’s leading producer of iron, much of which was exported to Britain. But Russia’s potential for growth was limited too, and in a few decades Russia would reach the barrier of inadequate energy that was already holding England back.14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This questions is worth 2 points.By the eighteenth century, Britain was experiencing a severe shortage of energy.A.The development of blast furnaces for the manufacture of pig iron made the Britain less dependent on wood.B.After the medieval period, both Russia and Britain began to look for alternative sources of energy, such as steam power, in order to maintain the growth of their iron industries.C.Two inventors designed the first steam engines in order to overcome the disadvantages of relying on horses to power the pumps used in mining coal.D.James Watt was able to improve upon the efficiency of the steam engine and make it useful to several industries.E.The puddling furnace increased the availability of charcoal to a variety of industries from cotton to iron production.F.Steam power increased coal production, which in turn allowed extraordinary growth of the iron industry and the British economy.托福阅读TPO34第2篇:水电的发展参考答案1.B2.BD3.B4.D5.A6.B7.C8.C9.C10.C11.B12.C13.A14.CDF。
TPO 15 Mass Extinction
TPO33 Extinction Episodes of the Past
Devastated = severely damaged
Inherently = naturally
Prolonged = extended
Boosting = increasing
TPO67 Coral Reefs
Passage three
Species Extinction
TPO26 Energy and Industrialization
TPO33 Railroad and Commercial Agriculture in 19th Century US
TPO34 The Development of Steam Power
TPO35 Population Growth in 19th Europe
托福阅读多选题常见评分标准填表题,SUMMARY 3空2分,答对2题给1分。
CHART 5空3分题对4拿2分对3拿1分。
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