HOW TO PASS A TURING TEST Syntax Suffices for Understanding Natural Language




自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)是一门涉及人类语言与计算机之间互动的领域,其中句法分析是其中一个重要的研究方向。




1. 无歧义性在句法分析中,句子的歧义性是一个很重要的问题。





2. 句法结构准确性句法结构准确性是句法分析中的另一个重要指标。





3. 覆盖范围句法分析的覆盖范围是指句法分析系统对于不同类型的句子能否进行准确分析和处理。




4. 处理速度句法分析的处理速度也是一个重要的评估指标。





5. 对特定语言的适应性句法分析系统对于特定语言的适应性也是一个重要的评估指标。




TCS(Text Classification System)是一种文本分类系统,可以对文本进行分类和分层标记。

1. 数据预处理:首先,对原始文本进行预处理,例如去除特殊字符、停用词和数字等。


2. 特征提取:选择适当的特征来表示文本。

常见的特征包括词袋模型(Bag-of-Words)、TF-IDF(Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)和词嵌入(Word Embedding)等。


3. 训练模型:根据预处理后的文本和提取的特征,训练一个分类模型。

常用的分类模型包括朴素贝叶斯(Naive Bayes)、逻辑回归(Logistic Regression)、支持向量机(Support Vector Machine)和深度学习模型(如卷积神经网络和循环神经网络)等。


4. 分类和分层标记:使用训练好的模型对新的文本进行分类和分层标记。







自然语言处理中的词义消歧方法评估指标自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)是人工智能领域中的一个重要研究方向,涉及到词义消歧(Word Sense Disambiguation,WSD)是其中的一个关键问题。





具体计算公式为:准确率 = 正确决策数量 / 总决策数量然而,准确率并不是唯一的评估指标,因为它无法反映出不同词义的重要程度和难易程度。




精确率 = 真正属于某个词义的样本数量 / 所有被判定为该词义的样本数量召回率 = 真正属于某个词义的样本数量 / 所有属于该词义的样本数量精确率和召回率的计算方式使得它们能够更好地反映出不同词义的重要程度和难易程度。


F1值的计算公式为:F1 = 2 * (精确率 * 召回率) / (精确率 + 召回率)F1值能够更全面地评估词义消歧方法的性能,因为它综合考虑了精确率和召回率。

四、信息增益(Information Gain)信息增益是一种基于信息论的评估指标,它用于衡量一个特征对于分类任务的重要程度。


信息增益的计算公式为:信息增益 = H(词义) - H(词义|特征)其中,H(词义)表示词义的熵,H(词义|特征)表示在已知特征的条件下,词义的条件熵。



英语作文纠正语法的方法Title: Correcting Grammar in English Writing: Methods and Strategies。


Grammar is the backbone of any language, including English. Proper grammar usage not only enhances clarity but also adds credibility to one's writing. However, mastering grammar can be challenging, especially for non-native speakers. In this essay, we will explore various methods and strategies for correcting grammar in English writing, drawing insights from widely downloaded online resources and providing high-quality emulation.Understanding Grammar Rules。

To correct grammar effectively, one must first understand the basic rules of English grammar. This includes knowledge of sentence structure, parts of speech,verb tense, subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and more. Online grammar guides and textbooks serve as valuable resources for learning and reviewing these rules. By familiarizing oneself with the fundamental principles of grammar, writers can identify and correct errors more efficiently.Utilizing Grammar Checkers。



自然语言处理中的词法分析与句法分析词法分析(Lexical Analysis)是指将一个句子或文本切分成一个个独立的词(Token)的过程。


例如,将句子“我爱自然语言处理”切分成["我", "爱", "自然语言处理"]。


2.词性标注(Part-of-Speech Tagging):为每个词标注其词性。






句法分析(Syntactic Analysis)是指对一个句子的结构进行分析,包括短语结构分析和依存关系分析。


在自然语言处理中,句法分析主要包括以下几个步骤:1.短语结构分析(Phrase Structure Parsing):根据语法规则,将句子分解成短语(Phrase)。


2.依存关系分析(Dependency Parsing):确定句子中词与词之间的依存关系。








自然语言处理中的词性标注与句法分析自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,简称NLP)是人工智能领域中的一个重要分支,主要研究如何让计算机能够理解、处理和生成人类语言。



一、词性标注词性标注(Part-of-Speech Tagging,简称POS Tagging)是NLP领域中的一个基础任务,其主要目标是为一个句子中的每个单词确定其词性。


词性标注通常使用词性标记集合(如标注集)来标注每个单词的词性,常见的标注集包括Penn Treebank标注集、Universal标注集等。



而基于统计的方法则是通过学习语料库中单词与其词性之间的统计关系来确定单词的词性,常见的统计方法包括隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)和条件随机场(Conditional Random Field,CRF)等。



二、句法分析句法分析(Syntactic Parsing)是NLP领域中的另一个重要任务,其主要目标是确定一个句子的句法结构,即句子中单词之间的语法关系。




urwtest参数说明English answer:urwtest is a program that tests the functionality of the Unicode Regular Expressions (URE) library. The library is used by many programs to perform complex text processing tasks, such as finding and replacing text, searching for patterns, and validating input.The urwtest program can be used to test the following aspects of the URE library:Character classes: Character classes are used to match characters that have certain properties, such as being a letter, a digit, or a whitespace character.Anchors: Anchors are used to match characters at the beginning or end of a string, or at the beginning or end of a line.Quantifiers: Quantifiers are used to match characters that occur a certain number of times.Grouping: Grouping is used to group characters together so that they can be treated as a single unit.Backreferences: Backreferences are used to match characters that have been previously matched.The urwtest program can be used to test the URE library by providing a regular expression and a string to match. The program will then output whether the regular expression matches the string.The urwtest program has a number of options that can be used to control its behavior. These options include:-v: Verbose output. This option causes the urwtest program to output more information about the regular expression and the string being matched.-i: Case-insensitive matching. This option causes theurwtest program to ignore the case of the characters in the regular expression and the string being matched.-m: Multiline matching. This option causes the urwtest program to treat the string being matched as a multiline string.-s: Dotall matching. This option causes the urwtest program to treat the dot (.) character in the regular expression as matching any character, including newline characters.-x: Extended syntax. This option causes the urwtest program to allow the use of whitespace characters and comments in the regular expression.The urwtest program can be a useful tool for testing the functionality of the URE library. It can be used to verify that regular expressions are working as expected, and to troubleshoot problems with regular expressions.Here are some examples of how to use the urwtestprogram:$ urwtest 'abc' 'abc'。



自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)是一门涉及计算机科学、人工智能和语言学的交叉学科,旨在让计算机能够理解、解释和生成人类语言。


一、测试内容在进行句子生成性能测试时,通常需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 文法正确性:句子生成的基本要求是语法正确,即句子应符合语言的基本语法规则。


2. 语义连贯性:除了语法正确外,句子还需要具备语义连贯性,即句子的意思应该是连贯的、合乎逻辑的。


3. 上下文一致性:在实际应用中,句子通常是处于某个特定的上下文环境中的,因此句子生成模型还需要考虑上下文的一致性。


二、测试方法为了评估句子生成模型的性能,可以采用以下几种测试方法:1. 人工评估:这是最直接、最直观的测试方法。



2. 语言模型评估指标:语言模型评估指标如困惑度(Perplexity)、BLEU 得分等可以用来评估模型生成的句子在语言模型上的性能。


3. 人机对比测试:通过让人类和模型生成的句子进行对比,从而评估模型生成的句子与人类的句子在语法、语义、上下文等方面的差异。


三、常见问题在句子生成性能测试中,常见的问题包括:1. 语法错误:模型生成的句子可能存在语法错误,如主谓不一致、单复数不一致等。


2. 语义不连贯:模型生成的句子可能在语义上不连贯,即句子的意思不合乎逻辑。



Sentence Structure: Syntax
Syntax 句法学
A branch of linguistics that studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences.

no limit on the number of coordinated categories before the conjunction; a category at any level can be coordinated; the categories must be of the same type; the category type of the coordinate phrase is identical to the category type of the elements being conjoined.
Complements 补语
Complements can be phrases Providing information about entities and locations whose existence is implied by the meaning of the head Attached to the right of the head
Adv.: to denote property of verbs e.g., Jenny left quietly.
Not always reliable: He stands still. love – hate be aware of – know about

testyour vocabula语法标答

testyour vocabula语法标答

Test Your Vocabulary: A Grammar Guide1. Introduction测试你的词汇:语法指南在我们的日常生活中,语法是我们交流的重要基础之一。





2. Understanding Vocabulary了解词汇词汇指的是一个人或者一个语言系统掌握和使用的全部词语。




3. Test Your Vocabulary测试你的词汇词汇测试是一种常见的英语水平测验方式,通过测试可以了解自己的词汇量,同时也可以帮助自己在学习中不断扩充词汇。


4. Grammar Guide for Vocabulary词汇的语法指南除了词汇量的大小之外,词汇的使用也需要遵循一定的语法规则。



5. Nouns and Pronouns名词和代词名词和代词是语言中常见的词类,它们用来表示人、事物、地点等。



6. Verbs and Tenses动词和时态动词是句子中最基本的成分之一,它用来表示动作、状态或者是存在。



langchain faiss和句子匹配

langchain faiss和句子匹配

langchain faiss和句子匹配

FAISS(Fast AI Implementation of Sparse Coding)是一种高效的稀疏编码算法,可以用于大规模的图像和文本搜索。

1. 预处理数据:将句子转化为向量表示,可以使用语言链模型或其他预训练的语言模型进行编码。

2. 构建索引:将句子向量输入到FAISS中,构建一个索引。


3. 匹配句子:对于一个给定的查询句子,使用FAISS在索引中搜索相似的句子。


4. 评估匹配效果:可以使用适当的评估指标(如准确率、召回率、F1分数等)来评估匹配效果。












negation test consistency语言学

negation test consistency语言学

negation test consistency语言学


1. 我有一只狗。

2. 我没有一只狗。




1. 这本书很好看。

2. 这本书不是很好看。




























nlp英语语法检查自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)是计算机科学和人工智能领域中的一个重要分支,旨在使计算机能够理解和处理人类语言。





1. NLP英语语法检查的基本原理NLP英语语法检查基于人工智能和机器学习技术,利用大规模的语料库和语法模型进行语法检查。


2. 错误检测和修复NLP英语语法检查可以标记和修复各种语法错误。



3. 拼写检查和纠正NLP英语语法检查还可以检测和纠正拼写错误。



4. 标点符号规范检查标点符号在英语写作中扮演着重要的角色,正确使用标点符号可以使文章更加准确、连贯和易读。



5. 提供语法建议NLP英语语法检查不仅可以发现错误,还可以提供改进语法的建议。









一、语法正确性的评估1. 语法规则检查在评估语法正确性时,可以首先考虑使用一些语法规则检查工具,如语法检查器或自然语言处理工具。


2. 人工校对另一种评估方法是人工校对。



3. 数据集评估可以使用预定义的语法正确性数据集进行评估。



二、连贯性的评估1. 上下文一致性连贯性意味着回答与上下文之间的一致性。



2. 逻辑关系连贯性还包括回答的逻辑关系。



3. 生成多样性在评估连贯性时,我们还可以考虑回答的多样性。





1. 语法得分根据语法检查结果和人工校对,为每个回答给出一个语法得分。


python 英文语法纠错

python 英文语法纠错

python 英文语法纠错【原创实用版】目录1.Python 的英文语法纠错2.英文语法纠错的原理3.Python 中用于英文语法纠错的库4.使用 Python 进行英文语法纠错的实例正文Python 的英文语法纠错Python 是一种流行的高级编程语言,以其简洁的语法和强大的功能而闻名。

Python 的英文语法纠错是指使用 Python 编写程序来检查和纠正英文文本中的语法错误。





Python 中用于英文语法纠错的库Python 中有许多库可以用于英文语法纠错,其中最常用的是LanguageTool 和 AfterTheDeadline。

LanguageTool 是一个免费的开源库,支持超过 20 种语言,包括英语。


AfterTheDeadline 是一个免费的开源库,支持超过 40 种语言,包括英语。

它使用多个语法检查引擎,包括LanguageTool 和 Google 的语法检查器,来检查文本中的错误。

使用 Python 进行英文语法纠错的实例下面是一个使用 Python 和 LanguageTool 库进行英文语法纠错的简单示例:```pythonimport languagetooltext = "This is a sample text with some grammar errors."# Check for grammar errorserrors = languagetool.check(text)# Print the errorsfor error in errors:print(error)# Correct the grammar errorsfixed_text = languagetool.fix(text)# Print the corrected textprint(fixed_text)```这个程序会检查文本中的语法错误,并打印出错误的位置和类型。



X M L ” 、 “ I C卡” 等, 因 文字符不应该作为停用词处理, 如“ 为这些词从某种程度上反映文章的内容, 可以根据 A S C I I 码或机内码单独处理, 而且要把整个单词一起处理。混 在中文中的英文字符与中文一样, 没有空格自然切分, 所 以处理起来与中文一样, 只不过匹配所用的词典不同。
分标志的字或词为停用词, 如只能充当词首字和词尾字
3 ] 。罗杰等人认为, 除数字 的字、 拟声字、 复音单纯字等 [
等切分标记外, 停用词还包括数词、 量词、 代词、 方位词、 拟声词、 叹词等, 没有实际意义的动词, 如“ 可能” 等, 以及
4 ] 一些太过于常用的名词, 如“ 操作” 等[ 。其实, 大多数英
验室的 T i nK a mH o 论述到, 在典型的英文文章中, 停用 词的使用数量占到一半以上, 而这些停用词的数量却不
5 ] 足1 5 0个 [ 。文献[ 6 ] 列出了搜索引擎针对英文的停用
摘要) 经过分词提取, 得到高频停用词如表 1所示。
㊀㊀㊀表 1 ㊀实验中自动提取的停用词表 第一趟统计结果 的 、 和 , 了 与 在 及 。 是 对 中 为 从 等 ; 上 ” 以 “ 下 ( : 其 于 合计 4 84 5 6 1 57 5 6 1 24 9 0 1 19 1 7 62 2 3 59 3 6 34 1 7 29 9 0 29 2 1 24 2 8 22 6 6 15 3 6 13 8 7 12 2 3 11 0 6 8 1 7 4 3 3 4 1 7 4 1 6 3 9 3 3 9 1 3 6 7 3 4 9 3 2 0 3 0 3 1 2 42 5 8 第二趟统计结果 的 , 了 、 和 。 对 在 与 是 中 并 从 及 为 等 一 上 以 “ ” ; 个 种 其 合计 8 13 5 2 5 48 0 6 2 76 2 4 2 15 0 2 1 62 4 1 1 19 0 0 1 04 5 9 95 5 0 78 0 9 71 8 7 66 5 9 62 7 0 47 9 0 42 0 1 40 8 5 38 3 2 36 5 3 32 0 3 27 7 3 26 6 0 25 6 4 25 3 7 24 7 8 24 4 5 24 0 7 3 0 29 8 7
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HOW TO PASS A TURING TEST:Syntax Suffices for Understanding Natural LanguageWilliam J.RapaportDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering,Department of Philosophy,and Center for Cognitive ScienceState University of New York at Buffalo,Buffalo,NY14260-2000rapaport@/rapaport/June8,1999AbstractA theory of“syntactic semantics”is advocated as a way of understanding how computers can think(andhow the Chinese-Room-Argument objection to the Turing Test can be overcome):(1)Semantics,asthe study of relations between symbols and meanings,can be turned into syntax—a study of relationsamong symbols(including meanings)—and hence syntax can suffice for the semantical enterprise.(2)Semantics,as the process of understanding one domain modeled in terms of another,can be viewedrecursively:The base case of semantic understanding—understanding a domain in terms of itself—is syntactic understanding.An internal(or“narrow”),first-person point of view makes an external(or“wide”),third-person point of view otiose for purposes of understanding cognition.The paperalso sketches the ramifications of this view with respect to methodological solipsism,conceptual-rolesemantics,holism,misunderstanding,and implementation,and looks at Helen Keller as inhabitant of aChinese Room.This document is Technical Report99-1(Buffalo:SUNY Buffalo Center for Cognitive Science)and Technical Report99-??(Buffalo:SUNY Buffalo Department of Computer Science and Engineering).1IntroductionIn this paper,I advocate a theory of“syntactic semantics”(Rapaport1988b,1995)as a way of understanding how computers can think(and how the Chinese-Room-Argument objection to the Turing Test can be overcome):(1)Semantics,considered as the study of relations between symbols and meanings,can be turned into syntax—a study of relations among symbols(including meanings)—and hence syntax(i.e., symbol manipulation)can suffice for the semantical enterprise(contra John Searle).(2)Semantics, considered as the process of understanding one domain(by modeling it)in terms of another,can be viewed recursively:The base case of semantic understanding—understanding a domain in terms of itself—is “syntactic understanding”(Rapaport1986b).An internal(or“narrow”),first-person point of view makes an external(or“wide”),third-person point of view otiose for purposes of understanding cognition.I also sketch the ramifications of this view with respect to methodological solipsism,conceptual-role semantics, holism,misunderstanding,and implementation,and briefly look at Helen Keller as inhabitant of a Chinese Room.12The Turing TestIn1950,Alan M.Turing,already well known for his Turing-machine theory of computation(Turing1936), published an essay in the philosophy journal Mind on the topic of“Computing Machinery and Intelligence”. He opened the essay by saying that he would“consider the question,‘Can machines think?’”(Turing 1950:433).But rather than answer this provocative question directly,he proposed an experiment whose outcome would provide guidance on how to answer it.He described the experiment by analogy with something he called“the‘imitation game’”(Turing 1950:433).This parlor played with three people,a man(A),a woman(B),and an interrogator(C)who may beof either sex.The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two.The object of the gamefor the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman.He[sic]knows them by labels X and Y,and at the end of the game he says either‘X is A and Yis B’or‘X is B and Y is A’.The interrogator is allowed to put questions to A and B....It is A’sobject in the game to try and cause C to make the wrong identification....In order that tones of voice may not help the interrogator...[t]he ideal arrangement is to have a teleprinter communicating between the two rooms.1...The object of the game for...(B)[the woman]is to help the interrogator.The best strategy for her is probably to give truthfulanswers....We now ask the question,‘What will happen when a machine[specifically,a digital computer;Turing1950:436]takes the part of A[the man]in this game?’Will the interrogatordecide wrongly as often when the game is played like this as he does when the game is playedbetween a man and a woman?These questions replace our original,‘Can machines think?’(Turing1950:433–434.)At this point in his essay,Turing says nothing about what the suitably-programmed computer is supposed to do.Clearly,the computer is supposed to play the role of the man,but the man’s task in the original imitation game was to fool the interrogator into thinking that he or she is conversing with the woman. Traditionally,this has been taken to mean that the computer is supposed to fool the interrogator into thinking that it is human simpliciter.However,read literally and conservatively,if the computer is supposed to do this by playing the role of the man,then it appears that the computer has a more complex task,namely,to behave like a man who is trying to convince the interrogator that he is a woman!(Colby et al.1972:202makes a similar observation.)Of course,were the computer to be successful in this very much harder task,it would also,ipso facto,be successful in convincing the interrogator that it was human simpliciter.Later(p.442),Turing has us consider“one particular digital computer C”,and asks:Is it true that by modifying this computer to have an adequate storage,suitably increasingthe speed of action,and providing it with an appropriate programme,C can be made to playsatisfactorily the part of A[i.e.,the man]in the imitation game,the part of B[i.e.,the woman]being taken by a man?If the part of B is taken by a man,then it follows,from the earlier description that the interrogator’s task is to determine which of X and Y is A and B,that B is simply supposed to convince the interrogator that he is the man(or the human)and that the computer’s task is to convince the interrogator that it is the man (or the human).2So it appears that Turing was not overly concerned with the complication discussed in theprevious paragraph(although feminists will note that he apparently thought it important that the human in this human-computer contest be represented by a man,not a woman).In any case,Turing answered this new question as follows:I believe that in aboutfifty years’time[i.e.,by about2000]it will be possible to programmecomputers,with a storage capacity of about109,to make them play the imitation game so wellthat an average interrogator will not have more than70per cent.chance of making the rightidentification afterfive minutes of questioning.The original question,‘Can machines think?’Ibelieve to be too meaningless to deserve discussion.Nevertheless I believe that at the end of thecentury the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one willbe able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.(Turing1950:442;my italics.)3The Use of Words vs.General Educated Opinion:“Thinking”vs.ThinkingThe Turing Test,as the computer version of the imitation game has come to be called,is now generally simplified even further to a2-player game:Can a human conversing with an unknown interlocutor through a computer“chat”interface determine whether the interlocutor is a human or a suitably programmed computer, or—more simply—can a computer convince an interrogator(who is unaware of who or what he or she is conversing with)that its ability to think,as demonstrated by its ability to converse in natural language,is equivalent to that of a human(modulo the—quite low—70%/5-minute threshold)?There is an echo of this in Peter Steiner’s famous New Yorker cartoon(5July1993:61)in which a dog,sitting in front of a computer,observes that“On the Internet,nobody knows you’re a dog”(Fig.1).The success of this cartoon depends on our realization that,in fact—just like the interrogator in a2-player Turing test—one does not know with whom one is communicating over the Internet.This ignorance on our part can have serious real-life implications concerning,e.g.,computer security(if I enter my credit-card number on your Web site,have I really bought a book,or have I given my number to a con artist?)and matters of social welfare or personal safety—even life and death(is my daughter chatting with a member of the opposite sex who is about her age,or is she chatting with a potential sex offender?).But note also that,even though many of us are aware of these possibilities,we normally assume that we are not talking to a con artist,a sex offender,or even a dog.Or—for that matter—a computer.(My mother did not recognize(or expect)the possibility that she was not talking to a human on the phone,and thus regularly tried to converse with pre-recorded phone messages.)We normally are,in fact,fully prepared to accept our invisible interlocutor as a (normal,ordinary)human with human thinking capacities.And this,I suggest,was Turing’s point.3It is,nearly enough,the point of the argument from analogy as a solution to the problem of other minds:I know(or assume)that I have a mind and can think,but,when I converse with you face to face,how do I know whether(or can I assume that)you have a mind and can think?The argument from analogy answers as follows:You are sufficiently like me in all other visible respects,so I can justifiably infer(or assume)that you are like me in this invisible one.Of course,I could be wrong;such is the nature of inductive inference:You could be a well-designed android,such as Star4Trek’s Commander Data.But we make this inference-to-mindedness—if only unconsciously—on a daily basis,in our everyday interactions.Now,in the case of a Turing test,I(as interrogator)have considerably less analogical information about you;I only have our conversations to go by.But,even in a much weaker case such as this,we do ordinarily infer or assume(and justifiably so)that our interlocutor is human,with human thinking(i.e.,cognitive)capabilities.Is there anything wrong with this?Well,if my interlocutor isn’t who(or what)I think he(or she,or it) is,then I was wrong in my inference or assumption.And if my interlocutor was really a suitably programmed computer,then I was certainly wrong about my interlocutor’s biological humanity.But was I wrong about my interlocutor’s(human)cognitive capabilities(independently of the interlocutor’s implementation)?That is the question.Turing’s answer is:No.Perhaps more cautiously,the lesson of Turing’s test is that the answer depends on how you define‘(human)cognitive capabilities’:One way to define them is in terms of“passing”a Turing test;in that case,of course,any Turing-test-passing interlocutor does think(this is essentially Turing’s strategy).Another way is to come up with an antecedently acceptable definition,and ask whether our Turing-test-passing interlocutor’s behavior satisfies it.If it does,we have several choices:(1)We could say that,therefore,the interlocutor does think,whether or not it is biologically human(this is,roughly, Turing’s strategy,where the antecedently-given definition is something like this:convincing the interrogator of your cognitive capacities with the same degree of accuracy as,in the original game,the man(A)convinces the interrogator that he is the woman(B));or(2)we could say that there must have been something wrong with our definition if the interlocutor is not biologically human;or(3)we could say that,while the interlocutor is doing something that superficially satisfies the definition,it is not“really”thinking.In case(3),we could go on to say(4)that that is the end of the matter(this is essentially Searle’s move in the Chinese-Room Argument)or(5)that the interlocutor is merely“thinking”in some metaphorical or extended sense of that parison with two other terms will prove enlightening.3.1‘Fly’Do birdsfly?Of course.Do peoplefly?Of course not,at least not in the same sense.When I say that Iflew to New York City last month,I don’t really mean that Iflew like a bird(“Didn’t your arms get tired?”,joke my literalistic friends).What I mean is that I was a passenger on an airplane thatflew to New York City. Oh?Do airplanesfly?Well,of course;don’t they?Isn’t that what the history of heavier-than-airflight was all about?Ah,but planes don’tfly the way birds do:They don’tflap their wings,and they are powered by fossil fuel.So have we,after all,failed in our centuries-old attempt tofly like the birds?No.But how can this be?There are two ways in which it makes perfectly good sense to say that planesfly:One way is to say that‘fly’is used metaphorically with respect to planes—birdsfly;planes only“fly”—but this is one of those metaphors that have become so ingrained in our everyday language that we no longer recognize them as such. (The locus classicus of this approach is Lakoff&Johnson1980.)Turing may have had this in mind when he spoke—in the italicized passage quoted above—about“the use of words”changing.Thus,we can likewise extend‘flying’to cover hot-air balloons(which don’t have wings at all),spaceships(which don’t travel in air),arrows and missiles(some of which,perhaps more accurately,merely“fall with style”,as thefilm Toy Story puts it),and even the movement of penguins under water(more usually called‘swimming’4).The other way in which it makes perfectly good sense to say that planesfly is to note that,in fact, the physics offlight is the same for both birds and planes(e.g.,shape of wing,dynamics of airflow,etc.).What we may have once thought was essential toflying—flapping of wings—turns out to be accidental.Our understanding of whatflying really is has changed(has become more general,or more abstract),so that more phenomena come under the rubric of“flying”.Turing may have had this option in mind in his remark about “general educated opinion”changing.The same two options apply to‘thinking’:We could say that,insofar as suitably programmed computers pass a Turing test,they do think—extending‘think’metaphorically,but legitimately,just as we have extended‘fly’(which we have always done,even at the very beginnings,centuries ago,of research into humanflight).Or we could say that being human is inessential for thinking,the psychological principles of thinking being the same for both humans and suitably programmed computers(or even animals;cf.Griffin 1976,Allen1997,Allen&Bekoff1997).Note that both the use of the word‘fly’has changed and general educated opinion has changed. Thus,some things(like spaceships and missiles)arguably only“fly”,while others(like planes)definitely fly like birdsfly.But one can in fact speak of all those thingsflying“without expecting to be contradicted”. Moreover,these two ways need not be exclusive;the common physical or psychological underpinnings of flight or thought might be precisely what allow for the seamless metaphorical extension.3.2‘Computer’Another term that has undergone a change of meaning is also instructive and perhaps more to the point:‘computer’.5At the time of Turing’s1936paper on what is now called the Turing machine,a“computer”was primarily a human who computed.6Turing distinguished between a computing machine and a(human) computer:The behaviour of the computer at any moment is determined by the symbols which he isobserving,and his‘state of mind’at that moment....We may now construct a machine to do thework of this computer.To each state of mind of the computer corresponds an‘m-configuration’of the machine(Turing1936[1965:136–137];my italics).By the time of his1950paper on what is now called the Turing test,he posed the question“Can machines think?”and spoke of“digital computers”,“electronic computers”,and“human computers”,only rarely using‘computer’unmodified to mean a computing machine,as if the modifier‘digital’or‘electronic’still served to warn some readers that human computers were not the topic of discussion.Certainly today,‘computer’almost never refers to a human.What happened here?Perhapsfirst by analogy or metaphorical extension,‘computer’came to be applied to machines.And then,over the years,it has been applied to a large variety of machines:vacuum-tube computers,transistor-based computers,VLSI computers,mainframes, workstations,laptops,“Wintel”machines,Macs,microprocessors embedded in our toasters,etc.What do all these(as well as humans)have in common?—the ability to compute(in,say,the Turing-machine sense).7 Thus,“general educated opinion”has changed to view‘computer’,not so much in terms of an implementing device,but more in terms of functionality—input-output behavior,perhaps together with general algorithmic structure.This change in‘computer’to focus on computational essentials parallels the change in‘fly’to focus on aerodynamic essentials.And it parallels a change in‘think’(and its cognates)to focus on the computational/cognitive essentials.So it is quite possible that Turing was suggesting that the use of‘think’(and its cognates)will undergo a similar conversion from applying only to humans to applying also(albeit not primarily)to machines.“But,”the critic objects,“it isn’t really thinking;there’s more to thinking than passing a Turing test.”This is the gut feeling at the heart of Searle’s Chinese-Room Argument(Searle1980,1982,1984,1990, 1993),to which we now turn.4The Chinese-Room ArgumentThe Chinese-Room Argument focuses on language as the expression of thought,and sets up a situation in which an entity passes a Turing test but,by hypothesis,cannot“think”—or,in the envisaged situation,cannot understand language.In this section,I present the argument and two objections.4.1The ArgumentThe situation is this:Searle,who by hypothesis cannot understand written or spoken Chinese,is sealed in a room supplied with paper,pencils,and an instruction book written in English(which he does understand).(1)Through an input slot come pieces of paper with various marks(“squiggles”)on them.(2)Searle-in-the-room manipulates the squiggles according to the instructions in the book,and outputs other pieces of paper with squiggles on them that he wrote following the instructions.Steps(1)and(2)are repeated until the experiment stops.From Searle-in-the-room’s point of view,that’s all he’s doing.Unknown to him,however, outside the room(playing the role of interrogator in a Turing test)is a native speaker of Chinese.This native speaker has been inputting to the room pieces of paper with a story(written in Chinese),sufficient background information(written in Chinese)for whoever(or whatever)is in the room to understand the story,and questions(written in Chinese)about the story(perhaps of the sort onefinds on an SAT-type test of reading ability).And the native speaker has been receiving,as output from the room(or from whoever or whatever is in it),pieces of paper with excellent answers to the questions,written influent Chinese.From the native speaker’s point of view,whoever or whatever is in the room understands Chinese(and thus has passed this Turing test).But the native speaker’s and Searle-in-the-room’s points of view are inconsistent; moreover,Searle-in-the-room’s point of view is,by hypothesis,the correct one.Therefore,it is possible for an entity to pass a Turing test without being able to think.More precisely,it is possible to pass a Turing test for understanding natural language without being able to understand natural language.(I return to the differences in point of view in7.1,below.)4.2Two ObjectionsThere have been numerous objections to the Chinese-Room Argument right from the beginning(cf.Searle 1980),but this is not the place to survey them all(a useful compendium may be found in Hauser1996).I will focus on only two of them.At its core,there are two components to“the”Chinese-Room Argument:an argument from biology and an argument from semantics.4.2.1The Argument from BiologyThe argument from biology is this:(B1)Computer programs are non-biological.(B2)Cognition is biological.(B3).No non-biological computer program can exhibit cognition.7I claim that(B2)is wrong:It assumes that cognition(or,in particular,understanding natural language)is not something that can be characterized abstractly and implemented in different(including non-biological) media(cf.Rapaport1985;1986a;1988a;1996,Ch.7;and1999).But if—and I readily admit that this is a big “if”—computational cognitive science succeeds in its goal of developing an algorithmic theory of cognition, then those algorithms will be able to be implemented in a variety of media,including non-biological ones.8 And any medium that implements those algorithms will exhibit cognition(just as airplanes,as well as birds, dofly).(For a defense of this against two recent objections,see Rapaport1998.)4.2.2The Argument from SemanticsThe central concern of the present essay is the argument from semantics:(S1)Computer programs are purely syntactic.(S2)Cognition is semantic.(S3)Syntax alone is not sufficient for semantics.(S4).No purely syntactic computer program can exhibit semantic cognition.I claim that premise(S3)is wrong:Syntax is sufficient for semantics.Now,anyone who knows what“syntax”and“semantics”are knows that they are not the same thing—indeed,I spend hours each semester trying to drive home to my students what the differences are.So how can I turn around and say that one suffices for the other?To begin to see how,consider that what Searle alleges is missing from the Chinese Room is semantic links to the external world,links of the form that such-and-such a squiggle refers to,say,hamburgers:“ (I)still don’t understand a word of Chinese and neither does any other digital computer because all the computer has is what I have:a formal program that attaches no meaning,interpretation,or content to any of the symbols”(Searle1982:5).Note that Searle makes two assumptions:that external links are needed for the program to“attach”meaning to its symbols,and a solipsistic assumption that the computer has no links to the external world—that all is internal to it.Now,first,if external links are needed,then surely a computer could have them as well as—and presumably in the same way that—humans have them(this,I take it,is the thrust of the“robot”reply to the Chinese-Room Argument;Searle1980:420).But are external links needed? How might we provide Searle-in-the-room with such links?One way would be to give him,say,a hamburger (i.e.,to import it from the external world)clearly labeled with the appropriate squiggle(`a la Helen Keller; see9.2.6,below).But now the hamburger is in the room;it is no longer part of the external world.Sure—it came from the external world,but so did the squiggles.Searle-in-the-room could just as well have been antecedently supplied with a stock of sample objects9(and much else besides,for word-object links won’tsuffice;abstract concepts such as love,number,etc.,will require word-concept links).10In either case(an imported hamburger delivered from outside or a previously-supplied one stored in the refrigerator at home), the word-meaning links would be internal to the room.As I will argue below,this makes them part of a (larger)syntactic system,and so syntax will have to suffice for semantics.To see how,it will help if we review the classical theory of syntax and semantics.5Semiotics:Syntax,Semantics,and PragmaticsConsider some symbol system,i.e.,some set of symbols that may or may not be“meaningful”.Now,I am stepping on some semiotic toes here when I talk like this,for,in the vocabulary of many(if not most)writers on the subject,symbols are,by definition,meaningful.So,instead,consider a set of“markers”(let us call them)that do not wear any meaning on their sleeves(cf.Fetzer1994:14;Rapaport1998).Think of marks or patterns on paper(or some other medium)that are easily re-identifiable,distinguishable one from another, and relatively unchanging,and do not(necessarily)come already equipped with a semantic interpretation.According to Charles Morris’s classic presentation of semiotics(1938:6–7;cf.Posner1992),syntax is the study of relations among these markers.Some,for instance,are proper parts of others;certain combinations of them are“legal”(or“grammatical”),others not;and whenever some are in proximity to each other,certain others can be constructed or“derived”from them;etc.(This characterization is intended to cover both the well-formedness and inference rules of complex markers as well as proof-theoretical rules of inference.)Crucially,syntax does not comprise any relations of the markers to any non-markers.Semantics,according to Morris,is precisely what syntax is not:the study of relations between the system of markers and other things.What other things?Traditionally,their“meanings”:Traditionally, semantics is the study of the relation of symbols to the things(in the world)that the symbols mean.Pragmatics will be of less concern to us,but,for the sake of completeness,let me mention that pragmatics is,according to Morris,the study of the relations between markers and their interpreters.Note that this tripartite analysis of semiotics omits a study of the relations between interpreters and symbol-meanings.11 Perhaps as a consequence,pragmatics is often described as the study of the relations among markers,their meanings,and users of the markers.This somewhat more vague study has variously been taken to include the study of indexicals(symbols whose meaning depends on speaker and context),speech acts,discourse phenomena,etc.;it is often characterized as a grab bag of everything not covered by syntax and semantics as above defined.What is not usually noticed in these definitions is this:If the set of markers is unioned with the set of meanings,12and the resulting set considered as a set of(new)markers(i.e.,if the“meanings”are made internal to the symbol system),then what was once semantics—viz.,relations between old markers and their meanings—is now syntax—viz.,relations among old and new markers(see6;these new relations are in addition to the old ones that classify markers and provide well-formedness rules).Furthermore,as noted inmy discussion of pragmatics,it is left open how the symbol-user understands the symbol-meanings.I shall argue that this must be done in a syntactic fashion(see8).It is in these ways that syntax can suffice for semantics.But a lot more needs to be said.6Syntactic Semantics:I—Turning Semantics into SyntaxOne thing that is needed is an argument that the set of(old)markers can be unioned with the set of meanings.Insofar as the markers are internal to a mind,we need an argument that the semantic domain can be internalized,so to speak.This can happen under certain conditions.In particular,it can happen(and, I claim,does happen)under the conditions obtaining for human language understanding.For how do I learn the meaning of a word?Let us,for now,consider only the very simplest case of a word that clearly refers.13 How do I learn that‘tree’refers to that large brown-and-green thing I see before me?Someone points to it in my presence and says something like“This is called a‘tree’”.Perhaps numerous repetitions of this,with different trees,are needed.I begin to associate14two things,but what two things?A tree and the word‘tree’? No;to paraphrase Walker Percy(1975:43),the tree is not the tree out there,and the word‘tree’is not the sound in the air.15Rather,my internal representation of the word becomes associated(“linked”,or“bound”) with my internal representation of the tree.16Light waves reflected from the tree in the external world enter my eyes,are focused on my retina,and are transduced into electrochemical signals that travel along my optic nerve to my visual cortex.No one knows exactly what goes on in visual cortex(or elsewhere)at that point. But surely some nerves are activated that are my internal representation(perhaps permanent,perhapsfleeting) of that tree.Likewise,sound waves emanating from the‘tree’-speaker’s vocal tract reach my ears and,via my auditory nerves,ultimately reach my auditory cortical areas,where surely the story is the same:Some nerves are activated that are my internal representation(for the nonce,if not forever)of the word‘tree’.And these two sets of activated nerves are,somehow,associated,or“bound”.17That is the semantic relation,。
