3070讲义 调试手册
Agilent 3070 user manual
Dec 17 21:00 class_bd Nov 12 15:03 Data
1. 在擁有控制權的 BT-BASIC 輸入 testhead power off, 按下鍵盤上的 Enter 鍵, 關閉 testhead 電源。
2. 按下 EXIT 的按鈕,離開 CDE 介面。 3. 在登入視窗輸入 shutdown,按下視窗上的 OK 按鈕。 4. 在登入視窗輸入 password,按下視窗上的 OK 按鈕。 5. 當畫面出現以下訊息時:
cd / /sbin/shutdwon –h –y 0 9. 存檔並關閉即可。
Agilent 3070 Operator Training
第三節 UNIX 簡介
一、 常用的UNIX指令:
Notes: 在UNIX環境中,英文字大小寫有差別。
cd pwd
(Change Directory)更改工作目錄。 (Present Working Directory)列出目前的工作路徑。
owner group other
其中第一個英文字母代表檔案類型(file type)可以為:
− = ordinary
d = directory
l = symbolic link
Filesystem /dev/vg00/lvol4
Kbytes used
avail %used
1502173 116403 186038 88%
Mounted on /home
test powered analog connect s to “A" connect a to “K"
Smart finn
source dcv, amplitude 2.2, terminated 50, icompliance 1, on
auxiliary dcv, amplitude -0.4, icompliance 1, on !!修改这里的电压可能改变LED的亮度
test powered analog
disconnect all
connect s to pins 3
connect i to pins 3
connect l to pins 1
connect a to pins 2
test "Von" test "Voff“ end test
如图9所示,在测试二极管LED16时我们正确的程序应为: disconnect all connect s to “K" connect i to “A" diode 2.4,1.6, idc10.0m, co3.30, ar2
Smart finn需要上5V电压,通过PIN卡驱动LED使其发光,然后测试Smart finn的信号 PIN的频率和电压,频率值为颜色,电压值为亮度
在调试电容时,I BUS,S BUS,G BUS 要设对,RE,FR值要设置合理.(图4是Agilent推荐的参数)
常用debug方法:a,修改RE值 b,加G BUS c,加wait时间 d,加ed或en e,修改fr值
链带式 输送机
链带式 输送机
抑制卸料器装料器Fra bibliotek打印机
图 2.i3070 系列 5i 的在线模式部署
缓冲区 AOI i3070 系列 5i 推杆输送机
屡获殊荣的 ICT 解决方案
i3070 系列 5i 的核心是新型模拟激励和响应单元(ASRU N),针对当前复杂的 PCBA 提供前所未有的测试吞吐量和覆盖范围。
此外,智能夹具识别、电路板定向探测和测试计划版本控制等工具能够帮助您 开发业内一流的自动化解决方案。
P专erso用nal引ity 脚
simplate express 夹具的图解视图。
除了增强易用性和维护性以外,i3070 系列 5i 还保留了 Keysight i3070 系统中 广受欢迎、已获专利的短线夹具技术。短线夹具技术克服了长线夹具的常见问 题,例如噪声和测试稳定性降低。
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如欲获得是德科技的产品、应用和服务信息, 请与是德科技联系。如欲获得完整的产品列表, 请访问: /find/contactus
i3070 系列 5i 精益选件还内置有旁路输送机,可将印刷电路板组件运输到相邻的 ICT 系统或其他测试站。这样 可以避免使用外部的链式输送机,节省更多宝贵空间。
本解决方案满足严格的 SMEMA 兼容性要求,可轻松集成到您的 SMT 生产线。此外,新的 i3070 系列 5i 精益 选件还可以改变输送机流向,因而很容易集成到不同的 SMT 生产线中。
Proprietary and ConfidentialChecked by: 27 Feb 2002 Tatu Qvist Approved by:27 Feb 2002Marko GrundströmVersion:2.0.0Revision:NET/PO B 6W 068312 AEAGILENT3070 ICT GUIDEHISTORYDate Version Author Change Note No./Notes24 Aug 99 0.0.1 MG First Draft8 Jan 00 0.0.2 MG Second Draft18 Feb 00 0.1.0 MG Reviewed by production personneland APK22 Feb 01 1.0.0 MG Approved version19 Dec 01 1.0.1 JM First Draft03 Jan 02 2.0.0 JM Approved versionCONTENTS1. HARDWARE (8)1.1. Agilent3070 In-Circuit tester (8)1.2. J401-03 PCB handler (8)1.3. Bed of nails (9)1.3.1. The JOT bed of nails (9)1.3.2. Vacuum bed of nails (11)1.4. ICT cell (12)SYSTEM (13)2. TESTING2.1. Automated testing system (13)2.2. Manual testing system (13)3. TESTING WITH THE AUTOMATED SYSTEM (14)3.1. J401-03 user interface (16)3.1.1. Menu interface (19)3.1.2. Panel board testing (20)3.1.3. The most common failures (21)3.1.4. Incorrect board (21)4. TESTING WITH THE MANUAL TEST SYSTEM (22)4.1. Manual user interface (22)4.1.1. Menu interface (23)4.1.2. Panel board testing (25)4.1.3. The most common failures (25)4.1.4. Incorrect board (25)4.1.5. Leaking bed of nails (26)5. TESTPROGRAM (26)5.1. Pins test (26)5.2. Preshorts test (26)5.3. Shorts test (26)5.4. Analog unpowered tests (27)5.5. Testjet tests (27)5.6. Power Supplies test (27)5.7. Boundary Scan tests (28)5.8. Digital in-circuit and digital functional tests (28)5.9. Analog functional and mixed tests (28)5.10. Other tests (28)TESTED BOARD (30)THE6. TROUBLESHOOTING6.1. Measurement (30)6.2. Board Graphics or GWS programs use (30)6.2.1. Board Graphics program (30)6.2.2. GWS program (32)6.3. Preshort failure (32)6.4. Shorts/Opens failure (33)6.5. Analog incircuit failure (35)6.5.1. Resistors (35)6.5.2. Capacitors (36)6.5.3. Coils (36)6.5.4. Transistors (37)6.5.5. Diodes (37)6.5.6. FETs (38)6.6. Testjet fault (38)6.7. Power Supplies fault (39)6.8. Boundary Scan fault (39)6.9. Digital in-circuit fault (40)6.10. Analog functional and mixed fault (40)6.11. Pins fault (41)7. BED OF NAILS MAINTENANCE (41)7.1. Changing probes (41)7.2. Changing the probe with Probefinder and Fixture Consultant (43)7.3. Changing the probe with Probefinder and Fixture Graphics (47)7.4. Cleaning the probes (50)7.5. Checking the tooling pins (50)MAINTENANCE (50)8. TESTER8.1. Autoadjust (51)GLOSSARYAD Analog to DigitalTechnologies Agilent AgilentCB CimbridgeDA Digital to AnalogFET Field Effect Transistor GWS Graphical Work StationCircuitIC IntegratedICT In Circuit TestJOT JOT AutomationIntroductionThe purpose of this document is to clarify the ICT testing concept for production personnel. The document is intended for both experienced and inexperienced ICT operators.ICT testing is a part of the PCB testing carried out in the base station plant production lines of Nokia Networks, Product Operations, located in Oulu. Some of the PCBs produced are tested with the Agilent Technologies 3070 series ICT tester. The boards are tested with a bed of nails. The test board is either pressed against the bed of nails or kept affixed by a vacuum. On an automated line, the board is transferred over the bed of nails and it is pressed against the bed of nails by an automatic PCB handler (J401-03). On a manual line, the board is manually placed on the bed of nails and kept on the bed of nails by a vacuum.1. HARDWARE1.1. Agilent3070 In-Circuit testerThe testing device of the ICT testing system is an Agilent Technologies 3070 series tester, which can carry out both analogue and digital measurements directly from the components placed on the board via test points. Figure 1 shows this kind oftester.Figure 1: Agilent3070 tester.1.2. J401-03 PCB handlerThe JOT Automation J401-03 PCB handler is used for moving the PCBs to andfrom the tester. This device transports the board to the correct position on the bed of nails and presses the board being tested against the test probes. Figure 2 shows this kind of device.Figure 2: J401-03 PCB handler and Agilent3070 tester.1.3. Bed of nailsThe most important part of ICT testing, and also the part most subject todisturbance is the measuring instrument, that is the bed of nails. The bed of nails consists of upper and lower sections. Occasionally, the upper section of the bed of nails is merely a tool that presses the board being tested against the needles in the lower section. In some cases, the upper section also includes measuring probes.1.3.1. The JOT bed of nailsThe bed of nails used in the J401-03 PCB handler consists of a separate lowersection (Figure 3) and an upper section (Figure 4). When the bed of nails is not in use, it can be stored by placing the upper section over the lower section using aseparate transportation support. Bed of nails settingsThe switches in the upper section of the bed of nails must be set in accordance with the orientation of the boards and the board handler.LTR = left to rightRTL = right to leftFigure 3: The lower section of the JOT bed of nails.Figure 4 :The upper section of the JOT bed of nails.Figure 5: JOT bed of nails with a transportation support.1.3.2. Vacuum bed of nailsThe vacuum bed of nails consists of upper and lower sections, which are joined together by a hinge at the back of the bed of nails. Figure 6 shows the bed of nails with the cover closed and Figure 7 shows it with the cover open.Figure 6: vacuum bed of nails with cover closed.Figure 7: vacuum bed of nails with cover open.1.4. ICT cellIn addition to the tester, PCB handler and bed of nails, various releasers, buffers and conveyors are used in PCB handling. Figure 8 shows all this equipment, which together forms an ICT cell.Figure 8: ICT cell.2. TESTINGSYSTEM2.1. Automated testing systemThe automated testing system is a combination of the J401-03 PCB handler and the Agilent3070 tester (Figure 2). The bed of nails is manually switched. The faultsfound in the boards are printed out on paper and sent to the GWS system.2.2. Manual testing systemThe manual testing system refers to the combination of the Agilent3070 tester(Figure 1), vacuum pump, vacuum container and vacuum control unit (Figure 9).The bed of nails is manually switched. The faults found in the boards are printedout on paper and sent to the GWS system.Figure 9 Vacuum pump, vacuum container and vacuum control unit.3. TESTING WITH THE AUTOMATED SYSTEMBefore starting testing, it is advisable to check that the tester and the J401-03 have their power switched on. In the J401-03, the power switch (Figure 10) is located on the back wall of the left leg.The power switch of the tester is located behind the tester, on the left lower edge, when looked at from behind. The switch is a small tumbler switch (Figure 11). In later tumbler switch models, there is also a LED that indicates the power beside the switch. In the older model, the texts ‘OFF’ and ‘ON’ on the switch indicate thepower.Figure 10: J401-03 power switch.Figure 11: ICT tester power switch.3.1. J401-03 user interfaceYou can access the operating mode of the tester by entering ‘operator’ in the login window of the welcome dialog (Figure 12) and by pressing Enter. This useraccount does not have a password and thus pressing Enter is enough.Figure 12 :Logging in to the tester.After this, the tester enters the operating mode and switches to test mode.The following message appears on the screen (Figure 13).Figure 13: Starting the operating environment.In addition, the upper part of the opened user window shows the message ”booting testhead”. It takes about two minutes to start the tester.The tester is automatically started in the J401-03 user interface. The main menu of the user interface appears in the lower part of the opening Basic window. The main menu has the following options (shortcut key):Runtestplan (F1)Fixturelock (F2)Fixtureunlock (F3)Poweron (F4)Fixture change (F5)(F8)QuitRuntestplan (F1)Starts the testing when the bed of nails has been installed. The Runtestplan option automatically loads and starts the testing program of the bed of nails concerned. After the test program starts, the options Start, Yes, No, Faon, Faoff, Stop and Exit appear on the task bar (Figure 14). Some test programs may also include additional options such as different board options. The user responds to the options concerned before starting the test program.Figure 14: The option bar of the test program.Start restarts the testing if the test has first been stopped by the Stop option. The boards inside the tester have to be removed before starting.The Yes button is used to confirm the ‘Press Yes to continue’ message. Before confirmation, you must check that there are no boards in the tester.The No, Faon and Faoff options are not used.The Stop option switches off the test program. You can use this function for stopping the test program instead of the Emergency – stop switch.The Exit option leads back to the main menu of the J401-03 user interface. Fixturelock (F2)Locks the lower section of the bed of nails to the tester.Fixtureunlock (F3)Unlocks a locked down lower section of the bed of nails.Poweron (F4)Switches on the tester. The upper part of the user window shows themessage ”booting testhead”.Fixture change (F5):The bed of nails change function. When this option is selected, the menu on the lower part of the Basic window changes as follows:YES (F2)NO (F3)Quit (F7)Select Quit (F7), to return to the main menu.The sequence for changing the bed of nails:1. Set the PCB handler switch to position 1 and remove the boards from thehandler. Press YES(F2) when ready.The PCB handler is reset, opens the lock in the upper section of the bed of nails, opens the tracks, presses the front track down and opens the lock in the lower section of the bed of nails.2. Is the lock in the lower section of the bed of nails open? If it is, press YES(F2),if not press NO(F3). NOTE! If you answer YES, and the bed of nails is locked to the tester, the bed of nails, tester or PCB handler may be damaged.If you answer YES(F2), the PCB handler lifts the lower section of the bed of nails.3. Remove the old bed of nails, set the new bed of nails on the handler and pressYES(F2).The PCB handler locks the upper section of the bed of nails and lowers the lower section of the bed of nails.4. Have you placed the lower section of the bed of nails against the tester? If so, press YES(F2); if not, press NO(F3).The lower section of the bed of nails is locked to the tester, the front track is lifted up and the tracks are closed. The J401-03 user interface opens.Quit (F8)Switches off the operating mode of the tester. The start window of the tester appears on the screen (Figure 13)3.1.1. Menu interfaceWhen the tester starts, a Windows-style user interface menu appears on the lower part of the screen. The toolbar of the user interface has a START button and a selection for testing panels of boards. By clicking START with the mouse, a menu appears through which you can start various applications that assist testing.Figure 15: The menu user interface toolbar.When you click the START button, a menu opens containing the following additional options and applications.Clock : Clock application. This application shows a clock on the screen, digital or analogue, depending on your choice. You can move the clock on the screen by pressing the Alt key and by dragging the frame of the clock with the left mouse button.PostIt : Messaging application. This application can be used for creating messages on screen for the following shift, among other possible recipients. The desired message is typed into the Message field and by pressing the Postit button, you can view it on the tester screen. The message on the screen can be removed by the Clear button in the message. You can modify the appearance of the message in the Font and Colour menus.Probe-Finder : An application that prints out the test probes related to the given test. There is more information on using the application in the Chapter ‘Changing the probe by using the probefinder and fixture consultant’.Fixture-Cons : Starts the Fixture Consultant application, with which you can search for the desired test probes. There is more information on using the application in the Chapter ‘Changing the probe by using the probefinder and fixture consultant’.Fixture Graphics : A slightly more easy-to-use version of the Fixture Consultant. There is more information on using the application in the Chapter ‘Changing the probe by using the probefinder and fixture consultant’.Board Graphics : Starts the desired board graphics through an option list in the Basic window. The same application automatically starts with most of the test applications.I-Mandis : Starts the telnet program through which you can connect to the QC2 fault report database. The user interface works in the same way as the report user interface of the PC.Help Submenu: You can find the ICT-Help and Man-Page text files in this menu.ICT-Help opens the installed ICT-Help file in the Acrobat program, where you can search for tips in problem situations. This document is found via this button.Man-Page opens the description for a Unix command in its own window. On this page, you enter a command (for example, ll) and the application showsthe Unix manual page concerned on the screen.Utilities Submenu: The menu consists of various applications.Calculator: Calculator applicationCalendar : Calendar applicationReport : Report application. You can make a report on the tested boards on the tester printer. You enter the name of the operator in the application,choose the desired board, the number of boards tested, the number of boards passed, the number of boards failed and the number of other boards. Thesupplied information is accepted with the Accept button and you can print it with the Print button. You can clear the information with the Clear button.Phone Search : With this application, you can search for phone numbers on the Nokia intranet. You enter the name of the person to be searched for in the application, and the application prints out the information found.3.1.2. Panel board testingOn a panel of boards, there is more than one card on the same panel. In some cases it is not necessary to test all the boards on the panel. Scrapped boards, which means that one of the four boards on the panel is faulty, are an example. In this case, the test boards can be selected either by the test program which asks at the beginning of the testing which of the boards on the panel you want to test, or you can switch on the graphical option mode by pressing ‘on’ on the lower part of the tester user interface (Figure 16). You can change the option mode back to testing all boards on the panel by selecting ‘off’ even in the middle of running the program.Figure 16: The graphical option mode buttons for the panel of boards.If the option is selected, the test program shows the following text on the screen (Note: Check the boards to be tested before the board goes to the press):"All boards on the panel are selected for testing. The current board is #1. Use softkeys to traverse the board and toggle their testability.Hit the "Done" softkey (f8) when you have finished.If all boards on the panel should be tested, you can hit "Done" now."In other words, you can select the desired boards for testing with the function keys f2 (next board), f3 (previous board) and f4 (Select/do not select the board). By pressing function key f8, the testing for the selected boards starts. The selected boards are highlighted by guide lines on the Board Graphics screen. You can also click the key functions at the bottom of the Basic window with the mouse. Alternatively, you can select the boards to be tested directly by clicking with the mouse in the Board Graphics window.3.1.3. The most common failuresSometimes, failures may occur in the interaction between the J401-03 and the tester. For example, a board enters the tester in an incorrect orientation or an incorrect board enters the tester, and thus, the board and the bed of nails do not match. Various security sensors are used to prevent possible damage to the board and bed of nails in these kinds of situations. Although several different failure conditions may occur, the working principle is practically the same in all kinds of failures. The incorrect board case is presented as an example of a failure below.3.1.4. Incorrect boardIf an incorrect board enters the tester, and you notice it before the board is pressed against the bed of nails, you can press the Emergency-Stop button on the side of the J401-03 To continue testing after such a stop, you have to start the tester all over again, which means that you exit the test mode in the usual way and start the tester according to Section 2.2. Alternatively, you can use the Stop function for stopping the test program instead of the Emergency-Stop switch.In ICT testers, bar code readers are used to prevent an incorrect board from entering the bed of nails In other words, the fixed part of the board's panel label tells the test program that the board entering the tester is of the correct type. In this way, it is also possible to prevent the board from entering the tester in an incorrect orientation.However, if the incorrect board remains unnoticed, the J401-03 automatic stopping mechanism behaves as follows:1. If the bar code cannot be read, the tester provides a failure printout ‘no read’ tothe board and takes the board to the failed buffer.2. If the bar code can be read, but it does not correspond with the bar code definedin the test plan, the test program stops and the program provides a failuremessage which contains the bar code read and the expected bar code. Thefailure message prompts you to either change the bed of nails or press Enter to continue testing with the same bed of nails. The board is taken to the failedbuffer.4. TESTING WITH THE MANUAL TEST SYSTEMBefore starting testing, it is advisable to check that the tester and vacuum pumphave their power switched on. The power switch (Figure 17) of the vacuum pump is located in a separate switch case placed on top of the tester.Figure 17: The power switch of the vacuum pump.The power switch of the tester is located behind the tester, on the left lower edge, when looked at from behind. The switch is a small tumbler switch (Figure 11). In later tumbler switch models, there is also a LED that indicates the power beside the switch. In the older model, the texts ‘OFF’ and ‘ON’ on the switch indicate thepower.4.1. Manual user interfaceYou can access the operating mode of the tester by entering ‘operator’ in the login window of the welcome dialog (Figure 12) and by pressing Enter. This useraccount does not have a password and thus pressing Enter is enough.After this, the tester enters the operating mode and switches to test mode. Themessage shown in Figure 13 appears on the screen.In addition, the upper part of the opened user window shows the message ”booting testhead”. It takes about two minutes to start the tester.The tester is automatically started in the testing user interface. The main menu of the user interface appears in the lower part of the opening Basic window. The main menu has the following options (shortcut key):Runtestplan (F1)Fixturelock (F2)Fixtureunlock (F3)Poweron (F4)(F8)QuitRuntestplan (F1)Starts the testing when the bed of nails has been installed. The Runtestplan option automatically loads and starts the testing program of the bed of nails concerned. After the test program starts, the options Start, Yes, No, Faon, Faoff, Stop and Exit appear on the task bar (Figure 14). Some test programs may also include additional options such as different board options. The user responds to these options before starting the test program.Start restarts the testing if the test has first been stopped by the Stop option. The boards inside the tester have to be removed before starting.The Yes button is used to confirm the ‘Press Yes to continue’ message. Before confirmation, you must check that there are no boards in the tester.The No, Faon and Faoff options are not used.The Stop option switches off the test program. You can use this function for stopping the test program instead of the Emergency – stop switch.The Exit option leads back to the main menu of the J401-03 user interface. Fixturelock (F2)Locks the lower section of the bed of nails to the tester.Fixtureunlock (F3)Unlocks the locked down lower section of the bed of nails.Poweron (F4)Switches on the tester. The upper part of the user window shows themessage ”booting testhead”.Quit (F8)Switches off the operating mode of the tester. The start window of the tester appears on the screen (Figure 13)4.1.1. Menu interfaceWhen the tester starts, a Windows-style user interface menu appears on the lower part of the screen. The toolbar of the user interface has a START button and a selection for testing panels of boards. By clicking START with the mouse, a menu appears through which you can start various applications that assist testing. When you click the START button, a menu opens containing the following additional options and applications.Clock : Clock application. This application shows a clock on the screen, digital or analogue, depending on your choice. You can move the clock on the screen by pressing the Alt key and by dragging the frame of the clock with the left mouse button.PostIt : Messaging application. This application can be used for creating messages on the screen for the following shift, among other possible recipients. The desired message is typed into the Message field and by pressing the Postit button, you can view it on the tester screen. The message on the screen can be removed by the Clear button in the message. You can modify the appearance of the message in the Font and Colour menus.Probe-Finder : An application that prints out the test probes related to the test. There is more information on using the application in the Chapter ‘Changing the probe by using the probefinder and fixture consultant’.Fixture-Cons : Starts the Fixture Consultant application, with which you can search for the desired test probes. There is more information on using the application in the Chapter ‘Changing the probe by using the probefinder and fixture consultant’.Fixture Graphics : A slightly more easy-to-use version of the Fixture Consultant. There is more information on using the application in the Chapter ‘Changing the probe by using the probefinder and fixture consultant’.Board Graphics : Starts the desired board graphics through an option list in the Basic window. The same application automatically starts with most of the test programs.I-Mandis : Starts the telnet program through which you can connect to the QC2 fault report database. The user interface works in the same way as the report user interface of the PC.Help Submenu: You can find the ICT-Help and Man-Page text files in this menu.ICT-Help opens the installed ICT-Help file in the Acrobat program, where you can search for tips in problem situations. This document is found via this button.Man-Page opens the description for a Unix command in its own window. On this page, you enter a command (for example, ll) and the application showsthe Unix manual page concerned on the screen.Utilities Submenu: The menu consists of various applications.Calculator: Calculator applicationCalendar : Calendar applicationReport : Report application. You can make a report on the boards tested on the tester printer. You enter the name of the operator in the application,choose the desired board, the number of boards tested, the number of boards passed, the number of boards failed and the number of other boards. Thesupplied information is accepted with the Accept button and you can print it with the Print button. You can clear the information with the Clear button.Phone Search : With this application, you can search for phone numbers on the Nokia intranet. You enter the name of the person to be searched for in the application, and the application prints out the information found.4.1.2. Panel board testingOn a panel of boards, there is more than one card on the same panel. In some cases it is not necessary to test all the boards on the panel. Scrapped boards which means that one of the four boards on the panel is faulty, are an example. In this case, the test boards can be selected either by the test program which asks at the beginningof the testing which of the boards on the panel you want to test, or you can switch on the graphical option mode by pressing ‘on’ on the lower part of the tester user interface (Figure 16). You can change the option mode back to testing all boards on the panel by selecting ‘off’ even in the middle of running the program.If the option is selected, the test program shows the following text on the screen (Note: Check the boards to be tested before the board goes to the press):"All boards on the panel are selected for testing. The current board is #1. Use softkeys to traverse the board and toggle their testability.Hit the "Done" softkey (f8) when you have finished.If all boards on the panel should be tested, you can hit "Done" now."In other words, you can select the desired boards for testing with the function keys f2 (next board), f3 (previous board) and f4 (Select/do not select the board). By pressing function key f8, the testing for the selected boards starts. The selected boards are highlighted by guide lines on the Board Graphics screen. You can also click the key functions at the bottom of the Basic window with the mouse. Alternatively, you can select the boards to be tested directly by clicking with the mouse in the Board Graphics window.4.1.3. The most common failuresThe operator is a significant factor in failure occurrences in a manual testing system, because the boards are manually placed for testing and the tested boards are manually removed from the bed of nails. In addition, scanning the bar code of the board is one of the operator’s tasks. Due to the considerations mentioned above, a board may be placed in the tester in an incorrect orientation or an incorrect board may be placed in the tester, and thus the board and bed of nails will not match. Although several different failures may occur, the working principle is practically the same in all kinds of failures. An incorrect board and a leaking bed of nails are presented as examples of a failure below.4.1.4. Incorrect boardIn ICT testers, bar code readers are used to prevent an incorrect board from entering the bed of nails In other words, the fixed part of the board's panel label informs the test program that the board entering the tester is of the correct type.If the bar code read does not match the bar code defined in the test plan, the testprogram asks for the bar code to be rescanned.However, if an incorrect board still enters the tester or the board is placed on the bed of nails in an incorrect orientation, you can stop the test program with the Stop button in the option bar (Figure 14) of the test program. After this, when you first have checked that the bed of nails is not damaged, and that any potential damage has been repaired, you can continue the test program by pressing the Start button.4.1.5. Leaking bed of nailsIf you receive a long failure list in the pins test, it is worth checking the meter of the vacuum control unit and ensuring that it shows >20 when not testing, or >10 when testing. If the meter shows values below these, there is a leakage in thetesting system, the most common cause for the leakage being the bed of nails.Contact the ICT service desk.PROGRAM5. TESTAll board test programs mostly follow the order of the following subheadings. If one of the test phases locates a fault, a so-called Pins test is always carried outautomatically. This test checks the probe contacts of the bed of nails to the board being tested. The Pins test can also be the first test carried out. All subsequent test phases are skipped if one of the first test phases locates a fault on the board. Thus, after corrective actions, the board has to always be retested to ensure the condition of the board. Figure 19 shows the flow of the test program as a flow chart.5.1. Pins testThe Pins test is usually the first test carried out. The test checks the contacts of the probes in the bed of nails to the board being tested. This tests the condition of the bed of nails. In the flowchart in Figure 19, the Pins test is the last phase, but weusually carry out the Pins test at the beginning of the program in order to locate the potential faults resulting from the condition of the bed of nails at once.5.2. Preshorts testThe Preshorts test phase is the first subprogram of the test program. During thisphase, fuses, small resistors, jumpers, switches and other components with low-ohm values can be tested. The passing of the tests depends on the impedancethreshold. The test result has to remain below the threshold concerned in order for the test result to be a so-called Preshort result, that is pre-short-circuit.5.3. Shorts testAs the name implies, the Shorts subprogram checks the board for potential short-circuits. In the same test, Shorts also checks for potential ‘opens’, that is open。
目录第一章:如何开关机 (2)第二章:U N I X简介 (5)第三章:大体接口介绍 (8)第四章:B T-B a s i c接口简介 (11)第五章:改换治具 (13)第六章:F i x t u r e C o n s u l t a n t (14)第七章:E r r o r M e s s a g e (16)第八章:利用Operator Mode (18)附件附件一:HP3070软件安装程序 (21)附件二:关于Error Message (24)附件三:如何调整analog组件(OPTIONAL) (26)附件四:board configuration第一章:如何开关机A:HP 3070 Series 3开机程序1.将治具放在 HP 3070 testhead 上。
3.打开 HP 3070 硬件的电源。
5.直到Login窗口显现后,输入 user1,按下窗口中的OK按钮或是按下键盘上的Enter 键。
(*:注意:自打幵工作站电源到屏幕显示Login窗口这段时刻系统会自检程序,现在手指不要敲击键盘任何键)6.再输入Password,按下窗口中的OK按钮或是按下键盘上的Enter 键。
7.利用鼠标右键,开启一个BT-BASIC 窗口。
8.6在BT-BASIC 窗口的命令列上(command line)输入testhead power on 再按下键盘上的Enter 键9.利用MSI命令打开测式程序,测式程序途径为”/HP3070/boards/pab model/pca ver /program name”如8826—160(ECN为007)的SMT 半成品板测式程序名称为502—8826—160—007—01,打开程序的命令为msi”/hp3070系统测试完后显示: press F2 to continue,F3 to ignore record and re-test.ICT待测板正常测试完后键F2,ICT维修OK 板键F3, 功能测试不良板维修OK后要回测ICT ,ICT测试OK 后要加盖ICT OK 章。
系统在执行faon、faoff、unpowered, verify nodes 和dps命令时会自动调用discharge测试。
这个电压是所有电源电压(在Board 文件中定义的power supply)绝对值的和。
(备注:如果IPG计算出来的放电点没有植针,那么在discharge 文件仍然会产生对此点的放电步骤,只是会被skip 掉)如果在一个程序中没有定义上电点,或者在测试机的系统config 文件中没有DUT电源,那么系统在计算discharge时就按默认的5V计算。
1/2*C*V*V = 200uJ, 即对所有电容值大于16uF的电容进行放电。
如果板子上有升压电路,如对板子上24V的电,但经过变压器后有的节点电压变为60,那么在产生IPG程序前要单独设定discharge 文件,由于Agilent 3070 系统放电的最大电源是100V, 所以此设定值的电压范围为1 - - 100。
如下图:不过最好的方法是在board文件中虚拟对此60V的电加一组电,这样就会产生正确的discharge 文件,不过要确保此虚拟的电源绕线实际在治具上是没有绕的,否则也有可能会damage 板子。
Agilent 3070Manual(new user)
4. 5. 6.
按下 EXIT的 按鈕,離開CDE介面。
在Login視窗輸入shutdown,按下視窗上的OK按鈕。 在Login視窗輸入Password ,按下視窗上的OK按鈕。 當畫面出現以下訊息時:
system has halted
OK to turn off power or reset system UNLESS “WAIT for UPS to turn off power “ message was printed above 此時即可關閉工作站及螢幕電源。 1.Open another SHELL window 2.Enter “#su”, “#password : 3.當畫面出現以下訊息時: system has halted OK to turn off power or reset system UNLESS “WAIT for UPS to turn off power “ message was printed above 此時即可關閉工作站及螢幕電源。 21 ” “$shutdown –hy 0”
Compile “config”;testhead
“…/<board directory>/config
5 .HP 3070開關機程序 A: HP 3070 Series 3開機程序
1. 2. 1 將治具放在 HP 3070 testhead 上。 2 打開空壓機的電源。
3 打開 HP 3070 硬體的電源。(開關位置如下圖所示
( For
3070 systems, allocate no more than three STCs per module or 12 STCs per testhead. )
3070 调试手册
夹具特殊绕线 (2)
Fixture GP-relay: Half Bank: 共16组GP-RELAY. Full Bank: 共32组GP-RELAY. 每相邻两根Pin为一组. Bank1:10616-10631,11816-11831.
Bank2:20648-20663,21848-21863. 夹具的21848-21849为一组,依此类推.每个Module有8 组.GP-RELAY分布在夹具的Control Card.
2014-8-26 21
以上是主程序的一部分 , 它列举了各段程序的执行过程 . 包括 preshorts, shorts, analog, testjet , power on, digital, analog function, mixed等等程序.我们以 analog 为例 : 主程序从头开始运行 , 当执行到 Call Analog 时 , 程序就跳到 Sub Analog_Tests 这一步,如 所指,然后进入内循环执行Test
………… Report _ Printer$ =“dev/tty” Report _ Printer$ =“dev/rpr”&th$ ……… vacuum well a is 2, 3 !vacuum well a is 0, 1 …… call Analog_Tests call Update_Status (Failed_In_Analog,All_Failed) if All_Failed then subexit end if …… cps sps 1, 12, 1.0,wa50m!;optimize rps 1 ,v,i sps 2,3.30,1.5,wa100m;optimize ……… Test “digital/u2” call Tup(“digital/u13”,5) …… 把Fail的信息打印在显示屏上. 把Fail的信息打印在打印机上.
Agilent3070 程式开发培训
Test Consultant: Generate Tests Using IPG
Generate Tests Using IPG : 产生测试文件
Test Consultant: Generate Test Requirements Files
Generate Test Requirements Files : 产生测试资源需求文件
Enter Fixed Node Data: 固定电压点
Board Consultant:系统数据编辑
Enter IPG Global Options: 测试选项
精确测试乘数 可调元件选项
是否产生Disable程 式 是否需要电容补偿 治具阻抗感抗
Disable 层 级 外接电压
是否用 drivethru DriveThru 最大阻抗
Board Consultant:系统数据编辑
Enter Fixture Options: 治具选项
是否允许上摸植针 绕线方式 是否用公制单位
默认Testjet 外框选择方式
Actions -> Execute All Steps To Stop Mark: 执行所有步骤
Test Consultant: Generate Initial Fixture Files
Generate Initial Fixture Files: 产生初始治具文件
执行这个步骤 忽略这个步骤 展开这个步骤
Generate Test Object Files : 产生测试目标文件
PNY 极力力量 GEFORCE RTX 3070 8GB 双风扇图形处理器:逼格再升级说明书
ver. 03-21-22PNY GEFORCE RTX™ 3070 8GBDual FanGRAPHICS REINVENTEDThe GeForce RTX™ 3070 is powered by Ampere—NVIDIA’s 2nd gen RTX architecture. Built with enhanced RT Cores and Tensor Cores, new streaming multiprocessors, and high-speed G6 memory, it gives you the power you need to rip through the most demanding games.The all-new NVIDIA Ampere architecture features new 2nd generation Ray Tracing Cores and 3rd generation Tensor Cores with greater throughput. The NVIDIA Ampere streaming multiprocessors are the building blocks for the world’s fastest, most efficient GPU for gamers and creators.GeForce RTX™ 30 Series GPUs are powered by NVIDIA’s 2nd gen RTX architecture, delivering the ultimate performance, ray-traced graphics, and AI acceleration for gamers and creators.NVIDIA Ampere Streaming MultiprocessorsThe building blocks for the world’s fastest, most efficient GPU, the all-new Ampere SM brings 2X the FP32 throughput and improved power efficiency.2nd Generation RT CoresExperience 2X the throughput of 1st gen RT Cores, plus concurrent RT and shading for a whole new level of ray tracing performance.3rd Generation Tensor CoresGet up to 2X the throughput with structural sparsity and advanced AI algorithms such as DLSS. Now with support for up to 8K resolution, these cores deliver a massive boost in game performance and all-new AI capabilities.PNY Technologies, Inc. 100 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 | Tel 973-515-9700 | Fax 973-560-5590 | Features and specifications subject to change without notice. The PNY logo is a registered trademark of PNY Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2022 PNY Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.KEY FEATURES• 2nd Gen Ray Tracing Cores • 3rd Gen Tensor Cores • PCI Express ® Gen 4• Microsoft DirectX ® 12 Ultimate • GDDR6 Graphics Memory • NVIDIA DLSS• NVIDIA ® GeForce Experience™• NVIDIA G-SYNC ®• NVIDIA GPU Boost™• Game Ready Drivers• Vulkan RT API, OpenGL 4.6• HDCP 2.3• VR Ready• Supports 4k 120Hz HDR, 8K 60Hz HDR and Variable Refresh Rate as specified in HDMI 2.1SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS• PCI Express-compliant mother -board with one triple-width x16 graphics slot• Two 8-pin supplementary power connectors• 650 W or greater system power supply• Microsoft Windows ® 11 64-bit, Windows 10 (November 2018 or later) 64-bit, Linux 64-bit • Internet connection¹1 Graphics Card driver is not included in the box; GeForce Experience will download the latestGeForce driver from the Internet after install.PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSNVIDIA ® CUDA Cores 5888Clock Speed 1500 MHz Boost Speed 1725 MHzMemory Speed (Gbps) 14Memory Size 8GB GDDR6Memory Interface 256-bitMemory Bandwidth (Gbps) 448TDP 220 WNVLink Not SupportedOutputs DisplayPort 1.4 (x3), HDMI 2.1Multi-Screen 4Resolution 7680 x 4320 @60Hz (Digital)Power Input One 12-PinBus Type PCI-Express 4.0 x16PRODUCT INFORMATIONPNY Part Number VCG30708DFMPB UPC Code 751492639833Card Dimensions 10.43" x 5.51" x 2.24"; 3-SlotBox Dimensions 7.48" x 14.96" x 3.54"。
根据需求分析结果,选择适合的测试 方案和测试方法。
为存储和管理测试数据,需要设计合 适的数据库结构。
确定测试步骤、测试顺序和测试数据 采集方式等。
开发人员应保持对新技术、新方法的关注,及时将适用 的技术引入到测试程序的开发中,提高测试程序的效率 和准确性。
制定统一的测试程序开发标准和规范,可以减少开发过 程中的重复劳动和错误,提高测试程序的可靠性。
针对分析出的问题和不足,提出相应的优化方案 和改进措施。
对测试程序进行改进和优化,提高测试效率和准 确性。
根据测试需求,选择合适 的脚本语言进行测试程序 的编写,如Python、C等。
遵循统一的脚本编写规范, 确保测试程序的易读性和 可维护性。
应采用合适的算法和工具对测试数据进行滤波、去噪、统计分析等 处理,以便更准确地反映被测设备的性能。
随着人工智能和机器学习技术的发展,未来测试程序可 以利用这些技术进行自动化测试、智能分析和预测性维 护。
1296 nodes
Agilent 3x7y 系列(xìliè)
Test Capabilities & Standard Products: ✓ Shorts ✓ Analog ICT ✓ Quick70 ✓ Short-wire fixturing ✓ Panel Test ✓ TestJet
Hybrid Double Density Card
Two sides: Side A, Side B
MUX ratio (MINT pins : D/R lines): 9:2 16 channels x 9 pins = 144 MINT pins
Hybrid32 Card
Anatomy of Agilent 3070
Anatomy of Agilent 3070 (Cont.)
DUT Power Supplies
Agilent 6621A
Agilent 6624A
Agilent 6634A
Agilent 6642A
High Medium
Control XTP
提供正确的激励信号 Applies the appropriate stimulus
使用(shǐyòng)测量运算放大器进行电压信号的测量 Makes a voltage measurement with MOA
(Measuring Operational Amplifier) 提供直流点信号和波形发生器 Provides DC source and a waveform generator 分配在1号槽 Resides in slot 1 有 A, B, C 三个版本
3070 Training Level 1
save “file1”
基于windows的3070 文件系统
System files
Devices libraries
Wang Kai / iNETest
Part 2 3070 软件
软件快捷图标 常用软件介绍 用户手册 系统文件结构 BT-Basic窗口 软件综述
Wang Kai / iNETest
Wang Kai / iNETest
copy over
copy to
Copies a file or device to another file or device
Creates a file and copies another file or device to it Create a directory Brings the contents of a file into the system workspace Enables you to merge all or part of one or more files into another file
Wang Kai / iNETest
Part 4 3070 file system
HLW3070用户手册24-bit Sigma-Delta ADC Rev 1.3版本历史目录版本历史 (2)目录 (3)1芯片功能说明 (5)1.1芯片主要功能特性 (5)1.2芯片应用场合 (5)1.3芯片基本结构功能描述 (6)1.4芯片绝对最大极限值 (7)1.5HLW3070 数字逻辑特性 (7)1.6HLW3070电气特性 (8)1.7芯片引脚 (9)2芯片功能模块描述 (10)2.1模拟输入前端 (10)2.2温度传感器 (10)2.3低噪声PGA放大器 (11)2.4时钟信号源 (12)2.5复位和断电(POR&power down) (12)2.6SPI串口通信 (13)2.6.1建立时间 (13)2.6.2ADC数据输出速率 (14)2.6.3数据格式 (14)DRDY/) (14)2.6.4数据准备/数据输入输出(DOUT2.6.5串行时钟输入(SCLK) (14)2.6.6数据发送 (15)2.6.7功能配置 (16)命令字 (16)寄存器 (17)2.6.8Power down模式 (18)3芯片的封装 (19)图目录图1HLW3070原理框图 (6)图2HLW3070芯片引脚图 (9)图3模拟输入结构图 (10)图4PGA结构图 (11)图5HLW3070数据建立过程1 (13)图6HLW3070数据建立过程2 (13)图7HLW3070读取数据时序图1 (15)图8HLW3070读取数据时序图2 (15)图9功能配置时序图 (16)图10HLW3070 PowerDown模式示意图 (18)图11芯片SOP8封装尺寸信息 (19)表目录表1HLW3070 极限值 (7)表2HLW3070数字逻辑特性 (7)表3HLW3070电气特性(VDD = 5V、3.3V) (8)表4HLW3070电源电气特性(VDD =5V) (8)表5HLW3070电源电气特性(VDD = 3.3V) (8)表6PIN脚说明 (9)表7输出速率设置 (14)表8理想输出码和输入信号(1) (14)表9读取数据时序表 (15)表10HLW3070命令字说明表 (16)表11Config寄存器说明表 (17)1芯片功能说明HLW3070是一款高精度、低功耗模数转换芯片,一路差分输入通道,内置温度传感器和高精度振荡器。
Dell戴尔 OptiPlex 3070 Tower 设置和规格手册
Dell OptiPlex 3070 Tower 设置和规格注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。
© 2018 - 2019 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。
保留所有权利Dell、EMC 和其他商标均是 Dell Inc. 或其子公司的商标。
章 1: 设置您的计算机 (5)章 2: 机箱 (7)前视图 (7)塔式计算机视图 (8)章 3: 系统规格 (9)芯片组 (9)处理器 (9)内存 (11)英特尔傲腾内存 (12)存储 (13)音频和扬声器 (13)显卡和视频控制器 (14)通信 - 无线 (14)通信—集成 (15)外部端口和连接器 (15)系统板连接器允许的最大附加卡尺寸 (16)操作系统 (16)功率 (16)系统尺寸 - 物理 (18)管制和环境合规性 (18)章 4: 系统设置程序 (20)引导菜单 (20)导航键 (20)系统设置选项 (21)一般选项 (21)系统信息 (21)视频屏幕选项 (22)安全性 (23)安全引导选项 (24)Intel 软件防护扩展选项 (24)Performance(性能) (25)Power management(电源管理) (25)POST 行为 (26)Manageability(可管理性) (27)Virtualization support(虚拟化支持) (27)无线选项 (27)Maintenance(维护) (27)System logs(系统日志) (28)高级配置 (28)在 Windows 中更新 BIOS (28)目录3在已启用 BitLocker 的系统上更新 BIOS (29)使用 USB 闪存驱动器更新您的系统 BIOS (29)在 Linux 和 Ubuntu 环境中更新 Dell BIOS (29)从 F12 一次性引导菜单快擦写 BIOS (30)系统密码和设置密码 (32)分配系统设置密码 (33)删除或更改现有系统设置密码 (33)章 5: 软件 (34)下载驱动程序 (34)系统设备驱动程序 (34)串行 IO 驱动程序 (34)安全保护驱动程序 (34)USB 驱动程序 (34)网络适配器驱动程序 (35)Realtek 音频 (35)存储控制器 (35)章 6: 获取帮助 (36)联系戴尔 (36)4目录设置您的计算机1.连接键盘和鼠标。
戴尔Vostro 3070服务手册说明书
Dell Vostro 3070服务手册Identifier GUID-5B8DE7B7-879F-45A4-88E0-732155904029Status Translated注、小心和警告注: “注”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。
小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。
警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
Identifier GUID-089FFA4B-3A62-4B51-BDE1-309C58A451D9Status Translated© 2018 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。
保留所有权利Dell、EMC 和其他商标为 Dell Inc. 或其子公司的商标。
2018 - 04Rev. A001 拆装计算机内部组件 (5)安全说明 (5)关闭计算机— Windows 10 (5)拆装计算机内部组件之前 (6)拆装计算机内部组件之后 (6)2 技术和组件 (7)HDMI 1.4 (7)HDMI 1.4 功能 (7)HDMI 的优点 (7)USB 功能 (8)USB 3.0/USB 3.1 Gen 1 (SuperSpeed USB) (8)速度 (8)应用程序 (9)兼容性 (9)3 卸下和安装组件 (11)建议工具 (11)螺钉列表和图像 (11)系统板布局 (12)主机盖 (13)卸下护盖 (13)安装护盖 (14)前挡板 (16)卸下前挡板 (16)安装前挡板 (18)硬盘驱动器 (20)卸下 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器部件 - 可选 (20)安装 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器部件 - 可选 (23)内存模块 (26)卸下内存模块 (26)安装内存模块 (27)电源设备 (27)卸下电源装置 (27)安装电源装置 (31)冷却导流罩 (36)卸下冷却导流罩 (36)安装冷却导流罩 (37)散热器部件 (39)卸下散热器部件 (39)安装散热器部件 (41)目录3币形电池 (44)卸下币形电池 (44)安装币形电池 (45)处理器 (46)卸下处理器 (46)安装处理器 (47)系统板 (49)卸下系统板 (49)安装系统板 (55)4 故障排除 (62)增强型预引导系统评估— (ePSA) 诊断程序 (62)运行 ePSA 诊断程序 (62)诊断程序 (63)诊断错误消息 (63)系统错误消息 (66)5 获得帮助 (67)联系戴尔 (67)4目录拆装计算机内部组件IdentifierGUID-6678B449-E61B-463B-A9D1-AB5A04B63651Status Translated安全说明遵循以下安全原则可防止您的计算机受到潜在损坏并确保您的人身安全。
1 目的 PURPOSE2 参考 REFERENCE2.1 垂直流洁净工作台用户手册3 职责 RESPONSIBILITIES4 程序 PROCEDURE4.1 介绍4.1.1 技术参数4.1.1.1 气流工作方式:气流70%循环,30%外排。 工作区域层流风风速:0.4m/s前窗进气风速:>0.5m/s 工作区洁净等级:美联邦209E 标准,洁净度10级 4.1.2控制面板4.1.2.1控制面板示意图12 3 47 8 9 10 12115 6控制面板说明:1—风扇开关键;2—照明灯开关键;3—紫外灯开关键;4—预留开关键;5—上翻键;6—下翻键;7—风扇状态显示灯;8—照明灯状态显示灯;9—紫外灯状态显示灯;10—预留开关状态显示灯;11—过滤器堵塞报警;12—紫外灯报警;13—显示屏。
显示屏显示“VER 01BTELSTAR”。
风扇状态显示灯亮,显示屏显示“FAN VEL. STD”键,风速减小,显示屏显示“ALARM FAN VEL 1/2”。
再次按FAN VEL.STD”。按显示屏显示“ALARM U.V. ON”。
器,显示屏显示““ALARM U.V. 30min”。