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Create a MATLAB sequence from a multi-frame TIFF file.
Geometric Transformations
imtransf orm2
2-D image transformation with fixed output location.
Computes and displays the error between two matrices. Decodes a TIFS2CV compressed image sequence. Decodes a Huffman encoded matrix. Builds a variable-length Huffman code for a symbol source. Compresses an image using a JPEG approximation. Compresses an image using a JPEG 2000 approximation. Computes the ratio of the bytes in two images/variables. Decodes an IM2JPEG compressed image. Decodes an IM2JPEG2K compressed image. Decompresses a 1-D lossless predictive encoded matrix. Huffman encodes a matrix. Compresses a matrix using 1-D lossles predictive coding. Computes a first-order estimate of the entropy of a matrix. Quantizes the elements of a UINT8 matrix. Displays the motion vectors of a compressed image sequence. Compresses a multi-frame TIFF image sequence. Decodes a variable-length bit stream.
Constant membership function (one).
Sigma membership function.
S-shaped membership function.
Trapezoidal membership function.
bandfilt er
Computes frequency domain band filters.
Generates circularly symmetric notch filters.
Computes frequency domain highpass filters
Generates periodic noise.
Linear Filtering dftfilt
Performs frequency domain filtering.
Performs linear and nonlinear spatial filtering.
Linear 2-D Filter Design
Computes frequency domain lowpass filters.
Generates rectangular notch (axes) filters.
Fuzzy Logic aggfcn
Aggregation function for a fuzzy system.
Duplicates pixels of an image in both directions.
pointgri d
Points arranged on a grid.
reprotat e
Rotate image repeatedly.
Visualization transformation effect on set of points.
Creates a multiframe TIFF file from a MATLAB movie.
seq2tifs (DIPUM)
Creates a multi-frame TIFF file from a MATLAB sequence.
tifs2mov ie
Create a MATLAB movie from a multiframe TIFF file.
Computes inverse Fourier descriptors.
im2minpe rpoly
Minimum perimeter polygon.
imstack2 vectors
Extracts vectors from an image stack.
invmomen ts localthr esh mahalano bis movingth resh otsuthre sh polyangl es principa lcomps randvert ex regiongr ow signatur e specxtur e splitmer ge statxtur e strsimil arity x2majora xis Image Compression compare cv2tifs huff2mat huffman im2jpeg im2jpeg2 k imratio jpeg2im jpeg2k2i m lpc2mat mat2huff mat2lpc ntrop quantize showmo tifs2cv unravel Image Enhancement adpmedia n gscale intrans Image Noise
Measure diameter and related properties of image regions.
Computes the Freeman chain code of a boundary.
Computes Fourier descriptors.
Image Registration visreg
Visualize registered images.
Pixel Values and Statistics
localmea n
Computes an array of local means.
statmome nts
Computes statistical central moments of image histogram.
Image Analysis bayesgau ss
Bayes classifier for Gaussian patterns.
bound2ei ght
Convert 4-connected boundary to 8-connected boundary.
bound2fo ur
Convert 8-connected boundary to 4-connected boundary.
endpoint s
Computes end points of a binary image.
Texture Analysis specxtur e
Computes spectral texture of an imputes statistical measures of texture in an image.
Converts a boundary to an image.
Subsample a boundary.
bwbounda ries
Trace region boundaries in binary image.
colorgra d
Computes the vector gradient of an RGB image.
Descript ion
Image Display and Exploration
Interactive Color Editor.
Displays an RGB cube on the MATLAB desktop.
Image file I/O movie2ti fs
Perform adaptive median filtering. Scales the intensity of the input image. Performs intensity (gray-level) transformations.
Generates an array of random numbers with a specified PDF.
Performs segmentation of a color image.
connectp oly
Connects vertices of a polygon.
cornerpr ocess
Processes the output of function cornermetric.
Implication functions for a fuzzy system.
lambdafc ns
Lambda functions for a set of fuzzy rules.
makefuzz yedgesys
Script to make MAT-file used by FUZZYFILT.
approxfc n
Approximation function.
Bell-shaped membership function.
defuzzif y
Output of fuzzy system.
fuzzyfil t
Fuzzy edge detector.
fuzzysys fcn
Fuzzy system function.
Compute invariant moments of image. Local thresholding. Computes the Mahalanobis distance. Image segmentation using a moving average threshold. Otsu's optimum threshold given a histogram. Computes internal polygon angles. Principal-component vectors and related quantities. Adds random noise to the vertices of a polygon. Perform segmentation by region growing. Computes the signature of a boundary. Computes spectral texture of an image. Segment an image using a split-and-merge algorithm. Computes statistical measures of texture in an image. Computes a similarity measure between two strings. Aligns coordinate x with the major axis of a region.
Triangular membership function.
truncgau ssmf
Truncated Gaussian membership function.
Constant membership function (zero).
Morphological Operations (Binary Images)