Abstract NetBill Security and Transaction Protocol
三、基于语义的恶意行为分析方法基于语义的恶意行为分析方法主要包括以下几个步骤:1. 数据收集:首先,我们需要从网络中收集大量的数据,包括网络流量、社交媒体数据、用户行为数据等。
2. 数据预处理:对收集到的数据进行清洗、过滤和格式化,以适应后续的语义分析。
3. 语义解析:利用自然语言处理等技术对数据进行语义解析,提取出关键信息和上下文关系。
4. 恶意行为识别:根据提取的语义信息,结合已知的恶意行为特征,进行恶意行为的识别和分类。
5. 行为评估:对识别出的恶意行为进行评估,判断其严重程度和对网络的威胁程度。
6. 响应与防御:根据评估结果,采取相应的防御措施,如封锁IP地址、隔离恶意设备等。
四、方法优势与挑战基于语义的恶意行为分析方法具有以下优势:1. 准确性高:通过对网络数据的深度语义理解,能够准确识别出恶意行为。
2. 效率高:能够快速处理大量数据,提高网络安全防御的效率。
3. 灵活性好:能够适应不同的网络环境和恶意行为模式。
然而,该方法也面临一些挑战:1. 数据质量:数据的准确性和完整性对分析结果有着重要影响。
2. 技术难度:需要结合自然语言处理、机器学习等技术,技术难度较高。
3. 实时性:在处理大量实时数据时,需要保证分析的实时性。
兵工自动化Ordnance Industry Automation 2021-0140(1)・17・doi: 10.7690/bgzdh.2021.01.005网络安全态势感知平台架构设计糜旗(中国航天科技集团第八研究院上海航天动力技术研究所,上海201109)摘要:为提高网络安全防范能力,设计网络安全态势感知平台架构。
详细阐述其架构与功能模块设计,利用大 数据技术将异构日志源数据进行存储、处理,采用数据挖掘、机器学习算法等进行分析、整合,并用可视化技术将 结果呈现给用户。
通过该平台,可建立针对网络未知威胁的动态安全监控与防御体系,避免因网络攻击导致的数据 泄露、信息系统被破坏等安全问题。
关键词:安全态势感知;架构;机器学习中图分类号:TP393.081 文献标志码:ANetwork Security Situation Awareness Platform Architecture DesignMi Qi(Shanghai Space Propulsion Technology Research Institute,No. 8 Academy, CASC, Shanghai 201109, China)Abstract: In order to improve network security prevention capabilities, the network security situation awareness platform architecture is designed. It elaborates its architecture and functional module design, uses big data technology to store and process heterogeneous log source data, uses data mining and machine learning algorithms to analyze and integrate, and uses visualization technology to present the results to users. Through this platform, a dynamic security monitoring and defense system against unknown network threats can be established to avoid security issues such as data leakage and information system destruction caused by network attacks.Keywords: security situational awareness; architecture; machine learning0引言随着互联网技术在我国的快速发展和普及,有组织、有政治目的的网络攻击也明显增多。
长期完整性的分层容错 论文翻译_0
长期完整性的分层容错论文翻译长期完整性的分层容错秉健春,佩特罗斯曼尼阿蒂斯英特尔研究大学伯克利分校斯科特 Shenker,约翰 Kubiatowicz 美国加州大学伯克利分校摘要通常,容错服务有关的假设类型和故障,他们可以容忍的最大数量这种故障时,同时提供其正确性的保证;阈值是侵犯性,正确性丢失。
我们证明了这一点做法 Bonafide,一个长期的 key - value 存储,与所有类似的文献中提出的系统,在保持完整性面对拜占庭故障,无需自我认证的数据。
我们描述了分层容错的概念,设计,实施, Bonafide 和实验1/ 3评价,并主张我们的做法是一个实际仍未显著改善在长期服务的艺术状态。
一,引言当前容错复制服务设计往往不适合长期的应用,如档案,数字文物,这是越来越重要的存储 [42],为企业的监管[5, 6],文化[36]原因。
例如,在典型的拜占庭容错(BFT)系统[13],它是假定复制故障副本的数目总是比一些不太固定阈值,如副本人口的 1 / 3。
在典型的短期的应用,这样一个 uniformthreshold 基于故障假设是合理的,可以实现的。
例如,可以说在一个 wellmaintained 人口多元化,高保证副本服务器,由当时总人口的三分之一被打破生长进入或刚刚出现故障,故障副本的运营商可以修复它们。
CCF推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录修订版发布CCF(China Computer Federation中国计算机学会)于2010年8月发布了第一版推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录,一年来,经过业内专家的反馈和修订,于日前推出了修订版,现将修订版予以发布。
中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物(网络/信息安全)一、 A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TIFS IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics andSecurity IEEE /organizations/society/sp/tifs.html2. TDSC IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure ComputingIEEE /tdsc/3. TISSEC ACM Transactions on Information and SystemSecurity ACM /二、 B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. Journal of Cryptology Springer /jofc/jofc.html2. Journal of Computer SecurityIOS Press /jcs/3. IEEE Security & Privacy IEEE/security/4. Computers &Security Elsevier http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/4/0/5/8/7/7/5. JISecJournal of Internet Security NahumGoldmann. /JiSec/index.asp6. Designs, Codes andCryptography Springer /east/home/math/numbers?SGWID=5 -10048-70-35730330-07. IET Information Security IET /IET-IFS8. EURASIP Journal on InformationSecurity Hindawi /journals/is三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. CISDA Computational Intelligence for Security and DefenseApplications IEEE /2. CLSR Computer Law and SecurityReports Elsevier /science/journal/026736493. Information Management & Computer Security MCB UniversityPress /info/journals/imcs/imcs.jsp4. Information Security TechnicalReport Elsevier /locate/istr中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(网络/信息安全方向)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. S&PIEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy IEEE /TC/SP-Index.html2. CCSACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security ACM /sigs/sigsac/ccs/3. CRYPTO International Cryptology Conference Springer-Verlag /conferences/二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SecurityUSENIX Security Symposium USENIX /events/2. NDSSISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium Internet Society /isoc/conferences/ndss/3. EurocryptAnnual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques Springer /conferences/eurocrypt2009/4. IH Workshop on Information Hiding Springer-Verlag /~rja14/ihws.html5. ESORICSEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer Security Springer-Verlag as.fr/%7Eesorics/6. RAIDInternational Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Springer-Verlag /7. ACSACAnnual Computer Security Applications ConferenceIEEE /8. DSNThe International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks IEEE/IFIP /9. CSFWIEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop /CSFWweb/10. TCC Theory of Cryptography Conference Springer-Verlag /~tcc08/11. ASIACRYPT Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security Springer-Verlag /conferences/ 12. PKC International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography Springer-Verlag /workshops/pkc2008/三、 C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SecureCommInternational Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks ACM /2. ASIACCSACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security ACM .tw/asiaccs/3. ACNSApplied Cryptography and Network Security Springer-Verlag /acns_home/4. NSPWNew Security Paradigms Workshop ACM /current/5. FC Financial Cryptography Springer-Verlag http://fc08.ifca.ai/6. SACACM Symposium on Applied Computing ACM /conferences/sac/ 7. ICICS International Conference on Information and Communications Security Springer /ICICS06/8. ISC Information Security Conference Springer /9. ICISCInternational Conference on Information Security and Cryptology Springer /10. FSE Fast Software Encryption Springer http://fse2008.epfl.ch/11. WiSe ACM Workshop on Wireless Security ACM /~adrian/wise2004/12. SASN ACM Workshop on Security of Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks ACM /~szhu/SASN2006/13. WORM ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode ACM /~farnam/worm2006.html14. DRM ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management ACM /~drm2007/15. SEC IFIP International Information Security Conference Springer http://sec2008.dti.unimi.it/16. IWIAIEEE International Information Assurance Workshop IEEE /17. IAWIEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop IEEE /workshop18. SACMATACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies ACM /19. CHESWorkshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems Springer /20. CT-RSA RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track Springer /21. DIMVA SIG SIDAR Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment IEEE /dimva200622. SRUTI Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet USENIX /events/23. HotSecUSENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security USENIX /events/ 24. HotBots USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets USENIX /event/hotbots07/tech/25. ACM MM&SEC ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop ACM。
浙江工业大学之江学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译毕业设计(论文)题目:基于J2EE的企业电子投票系统开发与设计外文翻译(一)题目:J2EE体系结构外文翻译(二)题目:J2EE项目的选择与风险分院(系):信息工程分院专业:计算机科学与技术班级: 0402 姓名:徐栋杰学号: 200420100219 指导教师:冯志林毕业设计(论文)外文翻译要求1、毕业设计(论文)外文翻译应有两篇,总字符数不少于20000,其文献来源应由指导教师选定后以纸质(复印或打印件)形式随同毕业设计(论文)任务书一并发给学生。
页边距为左3 cm,右2.5 cm,上下各2.5 cm,页面统一采用A4纸。
Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology, the importance of network security has been increasingly recognized. In this paper, we discuss the establishment and implementation of a network security management system, aiming to enhance the security level of network systems and protect the interests of users. This paper is divided into four sections: the importance of network security, the components of a network security management system, the establishment process, and the implementation strategies.I. IntroductionNetwork security refers to the measures taken to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of network resources and data. In recent years, with the rapid development of information technology, network security has become a hot issue in the field of information security. The establishment and implementation of a network security management system is essential for organizations to ensure the safety and stability of their network systems.II. Importance of Network Security1. Protection of information: Network security can prevent the unauthorized access, modification, and deletion of information, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data.2. Protection of network resources: Network security can prevent network resources from being occupied, attacked, or destroyed by malicious software, viruses, and hackers, ensuring the normal operation of network systems.3. Protection of users: Network security can prevent users from being affected by malicious software, viruses, and hacker attacks, ensuring the normal use of network services.III. Components of a Network Security Management System1. Security policies: Establish and implement network security policies, including user access control, information classification, and data backup and recovery.2. Security technology: Utilize various security technologies, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption algorithms, to protect network resources and data.3. Security management: Establish a network security management organization, define security roles and responsibilities, and implement security training and awareness programs.4. Security monitoring: Set up a network security monitoring system to detect and respond to security incidents in real-time.IV. Establishment Process1. Needs analysis: Identify the network security requirements of the organization, including the protection of information, network resources, and users.2. Policy formulation: Develop network security policies based on the needs analysis, including user access control, informationclassification, and data backup and recovery.3. Technical selection: Choose appropriate security technologies and products to meet the security requirements of the organization.4. Organization establishment: Establish a network security management organization, define security roles and responsibilities, and implement security training and awareness programs.5. Implementation and testing: Implement the network security management system and conduct testing to ensure its effectiveness.V. Implementation Strategies1. Regularly update and optimize security policies and technologies to adapt to the changing security environment.2. Strengthen security monitoring and incident response capabilities, ensuring timely detection and handling of security incidents.3. Conduct regular security training and awareness programs for employees, enhancing their network security awareness and skills.4. Establish a cross-departmental security cooperation mechanism, ensuring effective communication and collaboration in network security management.ConclusionThe establishment and implementation of a network security management system is of great significance for organizations. By following the establishment process and implementing the corresponding strategies, organizations can effectively enhance the security level of their network systems and protect the interests of users.。
关于网络信息安全专业的知识要点研究邢蕾渊辽宁公安司法管理干部学院,辽宁沈阳110161)摘要:随着科学技术和经济的不断发展,我国已经逐渐发展成为信息化国家,网络成为社会发展必不可少的一种 社交工具和一种新型的工作学习方式。
为了促进国民更好地了解网络信息安全,我国各高校还专门设置了网络信息专 业。
关键词:网络信息安全;专业;知识要点中图分类号:TP393.08-4 文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-980X(2017)04-0209-01 Research on the Knowledge Essentials of Network Information Security MajorX IN G Lei^Liaoning Administration of Public Security A dministration,Shenyang,Liaoning 110161,China) Abstract:With the continuous development of science and technology and economy in our country,China has gradually developed into an informationized country.The network has become an indispensable social tool and a new way of working and learning.In order to promote nationals to better understand the network information security,China's various colleges and universities also set up a special network of information professionals.The paper focuses on the knowledge of the network information profession to help people better understand the information and the necessity of network information security.Key words:network information security;professional;knowledge points现在我国已经普遍实行信息化管理,这都是通过网络来进行的。
第 5 期赵晓晓,等:结合稀疏表示与约束传递的半监督谱聚类算法·863·可信网络交易系统的理论创新与实践推进——《网络交易风险控制理论》书评王怀清香港城市大学信息系统学系,中国香港随着电子商务的迅猛发展,网络交易遭受恶意攻击、网络钓鱼以及交易欺诈等愈加严重。
I G I T C W技术 分析Technology Analysis90DIGITCW2023.011 云计算及其系统概述1.1 云计算技术所谓云计算技术,就是以互联网作为基础,从而实现的各种服务交付、增加以及应用模式。
1.2 云计算特征云计算的主要特征包括两个方面:一是易操控性。
1.3 云计算系统当前,云计算系统结构可划分五层。
二是应用层,通过云计算技术的合理应基于云计算的通信网络安全传输控制技术分析谢延璋,余普兴(武汉烽火信息集成技术有限公司,湖北 武汉 430074)摘要:文章以云计算为基础,对通信网络安全传输控制技术进行研究,包括云计算及其系统概述、通信网络主要安全风险和以云计算为基础的通信网络安全传输控制技术。
信息安全专业评估参考文献信息安全专业领域有很多评估参考文献可供参考,以下是其中一些重要的文献:1. "Computer Security: A Practical Approach" by Wenliang Du -这本书是信息安全领域的经典教材之一。
2. "Introduction to Computer Security" by Michael T. Goodrichand Roberto Tamassia - 这本书是一本全面的介绍性教材,涵盖了计算机安全的各个方面,包括密码学、网络安全和软件安全等。
3. "Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems" by Ross J. Anderson - 这本书是关于建立可靠分布式系统的一本权威参考书。
4. "Applied Cryptography" by Bruce Schneier - 这本书是密码学领域的经典著作。
5. "Principles of Computer Security" by Wm. Arthur Conklin, Gregory White, Chuck Cothren and Roger Davis - 这本书提供了关于计算机安全的基本原则和概念的全面介绍。
6. "The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications" by Michal Zalewski - 这本书着重于Web应用程序的安全性。
一种基于非均匀分簇的无线传感器网路路由协议目录摘要-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ⅠABSTRA CT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ引言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ1相关工作-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2问题描述-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 3基于非均匀分簇的路由机制-------------------------------------------------------------------------------54EEUC的分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------95实验结果及分析----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------116结论和进一步工作-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15致谢---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16参考文献---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17摘要在路由协议中利用分簇技术可以提高无线传感器网络的可扩展性。
现代电子技术Modern Electronics TechniqueMar. 2024Vol. 47 No. 62024年3月15日第47卷第6期0 引 言随着互联网技术的发展,企业的网络资产比重逐渐增大。
知识图谱(Knowledge Graph, KG )通过在特定领域海量数据中抽取的知识构建领域知识图谱,数据规模、特殊语义关系使其实用性变得更强[3]。
知识图谱能够有效地整合这些存在潜在联系的网络安全运维相关知识,将离散的多源异构数据通过基于深度学习的信息提取模DOI :10.16652/j.issn.1004‐373x.2024.06.003引用格式:黄智勇,余雅宁,林仁明,等.基于改进BiLSTM‐CRF 模型的网络安全知识图谱构建[J].现代电子技术,2024,47(6):15‐21.基于改进BiLSTM⁃CRF 模型的网络安全知识图谱构建黄智勇1,2, 余雅宁1, 林仁明2, 黄 鑫1, 张凤荔1(1.电子科技大学 信息与软件工程学院, 四川 成都 610054; 2.四川省市场监督管理局数据应用中心, 四川 成都 610066)摘 要: 针对网络安全领域的图谱构建任务,基于BiLSTM‐CRF 模型引入了外部网络安全词典来加强网络安全文本的特征,并结合多头注意力机制提取多层特征,最终在网络安全数据集取得了更优异的结果。
Recommending Random WalksZachary M.Saul saul@Vladimir Filkovfilkov@Premkumar Devanbudevanbu@ Christian Birdbird@Dept.of Computer ScienceUniversity of California,DavisDavis,CA95616ABSTRACTWe improve on previous recommender systems by taking advantage of the layered structure of software.We use a random-walk approach,mimicking the more focused behav-ior of a developer,who browses the caller-callee links in the callgraph of a large program,seeking routines that are likely to be related to a function of interest.Inspired by Klein-berg’s work[10],we approximate the steady-state of an infi-nite random walk on a subset of a callgraph in order to rank the functions by their steady-state probabilities.Surpris-ingly,this purely structural approach works quite well.Our approach,like that of Robillard’s“Suade”algorithm[15],and earlier data mining approaches[13]relies solely on the al-ways available current state of the code,rather than other sources such as comments,documentation or revision ing the Apache API documentation as an oracle, we perform a quantitative evaluation of our method,find-ing that our algorithm dramatically improves upon Suade in this setting.We alsofind that the performance of tra-ditional data mining approaches is complementary to ours; this leads naturally to an evidence-based combination of the two,which shows excellent performance on this task. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.7[Distribu-tion,Maintenance and Enhancement]:Documentation General Terms:Design,DocumentationKeywords:recommender systems,graph theory1.INTRODUCTIONSoftware Maintainers spend a lot of time trying to un-derstand the software under maintenance.This problem is especially acute in large software systems[4].Even well-designed large systems impose steep learning curves on de-0This material is based upon work supported by the Na-tional Science Foundation under Grant No.0613949(NSF SOD-TEAM)Any opinions,findings,and conclusions or rec-ommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Na-tional Science Foundation.Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.ESEC/FSE’07,September3–7,2007,Cavtat near Dubrovnik,Croatia. Copyright2007ACM978-1-59593-811-4/07/0009...$5.00.velopers.Over the years,tool builders have sought different approaches to ease this learning task.We are particularly in-terested here in large,complex,specialized,application pro-grammer interfaces(APIs),which constitute the basic sub-strate,or platform,upon which large software systems are typically built.Carefully architected,long-lived,expensive systems have extensive collections of APIs,which provide common services specialized for application needs,such as storage,synchronization,communication,security and con-currency.While a developer may be conceptually aware of these services,she still has to learn how a particular service is manifest in a specific large system.Documentation for such APIs may be lacking,and more experienced develop-ers may be too busy to answer questions.In the Apache HTTPD web server,for example,there over300distinct portability layer API functions that form a“virtual machine”layer to simplify portability.We are concerned with a com-mon discovery task:given a particular function,find related functions.For example,a developer may have found the function apr_file_seek,guessed that it is associated with file operations and wish tofind other related functions.In the absence of documentation,the programmer would have to explore the source code directly,seeking other functions invoked along with apr_file_seek that may be related.Our goal is to automaticallyfind and recommend the related API calls to a given call.This problem of mining related API calls has attracted a lot of interest,and a variety of different approaches have been reported[12,13,15,18,19].We now summarize the contributions of this paper.Task Setting:Given a function,wefind the other related functions.We do this using exclusively the structural infor-mation in the call graph;we don’t use version histories,name similarities or natural language(e.g.,API documentation) mining.This is a clear advantage;structural information is always available(and reliable)if the source code is available, but other types of information may not always be available and/or reliable.New random-walk algorithm:We introduce a fast,simple, accurate algorithm,called FRAN(Finding with RANdom walks)that is based on the steady state of a random walk on the callgraph neighborhood(inspired by[10]).This ap-proach conceptually generalizes the previous purely struc-tural approach proposed in Robillard’s Suade[15].The al-gorithm works by considering a larger set of related items compared to previous algorithms(often too large to exploremanually),but then ranks them using the random-walk al-gorithm.The larger set increases our likelihood offindingrelevant functions;our ranking algorithm increases our abil-ity to narrow in on the most relevant functions in this largergroup.Evaluation:We evaluate this approach on the Apache(C-language)project source code;fortunately,Apache has alarge number of well-documented portability layer APIs thatcan be used for testing.Finding that FRAN returns moreanswers in more cases,wefirst conduct case studies to ex-amine whether the greater number of answers returned byour algorithm are relevant.Next,using the Apache doc-umentation as a yardstick to judge correctness of relevantAPI calls returned by our purely structural approach,wepursue a quantitative comparison of FRAN with a standardmining algorithm and with our own re-implementation ofRobillard’s Suade,based faithfully on the description in thepublished paper.We showfirst that our algorithm’s rank-ing,in a significant number of cases,is statistically betterthan a naive approach which simply returns the randomset of nodes from the callgraph-neighborhood of the originalcall.This indicates that our approach effectively narrowsthe scope of code that a developer must browse tofind re-lated API calls;next,we also show that our approach sub-stantially outperforms both Suade in most cases and(lessdramatically,but still in a majority of cases)the traditionalmining approach on the traditional F1measure.Finally,we empirically determine when the mining approach beatsFRAN,and present and evaluate an evidence-based combi-nation of the two approaches.2.MOTIV ATIONProgramming tasks in large systems are usually contex-tual.Given any artifact or task,a programmer often needsto know the related tasks or artifacts.Given a specific task,or artifact,a recommender system can suggest related itemsfor the programmer’s consideration.The intent is that therecommendations provided will a)save the programmer timeb)ensure that related items are considered,thus potentiallyavoiding defects c)over time,serve as an educational tool,assisting in learning.There has been quite a large body ofwork on this topic,which we discuss further below.First,we motivate the problem.Consider a new developer working on the Apache system,who is writing some multi-threaded code in the server.Inher design,she has created a thread,along with memorypool resources for use by the thread and used the threadin her logic.Now she comes to a point in the code whereshefinds it necessary to kill offa thread.Shefinds aftersome searching that the method that will kill a thread is apr_thread_exit.She puts the call in.Just to be on the safe side,she views the recommendations from a recom-mender tool to examine what the related calls are.In thiscase,the top5recommendations returned by our algorithm,FRAN,are:apr_pool_destroy,apr_pool_clear,destroy_and-_exit_process,start_connect and clean_child_exit.Notic-ing that the destruction of the memory pool was so promi-nent,she looks at the apr_pool functions,and after examin-ing the code,she realizes that the apr_thread_exit call has the side effect of de-allocating and clearing out pool mem-ory.She realizes that she had naively made an incorrect assumption that the pool data could be shared with other threads and goes aboutfixing her code.This example is far from contrived;the relationship between threads and mem-ory pools in Apache is not trivial and has been the subject of debate.1In Apache,as in many large systems,there are a great many such internal library calls,and it is quite a challenge for a newcomer to master their proper use.Apache itself now has good documentation and is reasonably well commented. Using these documents and comments as textual cues,it may,with some effort,be possible tofind related code. Sadly,many large systems do not have good documenta-tion,nor do they have good comments in the code.Even if they did have comments and documents,these may not nec-essarily reflect the reality of the code,since comments and code often get out of sync.However,any system that has code has internal structure,reflecting dependence between modules;this structure can be mined from the code.This internal structure in a way constitutes an implicit“documen-tation”of the relationships that exist between the parts of the system.When the code of one module invokes another module,it is an explicit indication of a relevance.If two modules are invoked by the same module,clearly they are related.If two different modules invoke the same module, they are related as well.Some of these relationships may be accidental or uninteresting;however,considered as a whole, the“neighborhood”of a function f in a callgraph has a lot of implicit(but reliable)information about the relevance of various functions in that neighborhood to f.Our approach,similar to that of[13,15],is based on the assumption that the dependence structure of software is a reliable,useful way tofind related modules.Furthermore, it is always“real”and“code-related”in a way that com-ments and documents cannot claim to be.Our algorithm essentially assigns an equal probability of the“initial rel-evance likelihood”to each link,and(mathematically,using linear algebra)does an infinite random walk of an immediate (closed)neighborhood of a given function in the callgraph; the stationary probabilities of this infinite random walk in-dicate relevance scores.3.RELATED WORKFinding related code in systems is a long-standing problem that has attracted a great deal of attention.Space limita-tions preclude a comprehensive description;we only cover some representative papers here.Data Mining approaches use a collection of co-occurrences of items(e.g.,items in shopping baskets)tofind when cer-tain items tend to co-occur,and these frequent itemsets are inferred to be strongly associated.Michail[13]proposed the use of this approach tofind related calls in reusable li-braries.Precision/recall results were not reported.Xie[19] proposes a similar approach,based on sequence mining,us-ing knowledge of the order in which calls occur;he also reports promising,qualitative results.Some research has focused on code changes,judging that method calls added together are strongly related.Other researchers have mined version histories[23,18].Ying et al.[20]look at co-changes offiles as an indication of close ties betweenfiles and use this for recommendation.A quantitative evaluation is provided. These approaches work well,but rely on version histories, which may not always be available,or sufficiently rich in a way that is relevant to a given query;thus,if certain func-1See /?l=apr-dev&m=99525021009667tions are not changed frequently enough and/or not strongly associated,then there may be insufficient data to provide good answers.Our approach can work with a single version and provide good results.Some researchers have used execution trace collections[1, 3]tofind patterns of usage.This requires a complete set of test cases and run-time tracing;the results will be useful only if sufficient data on the execution of all the different routines in the different possible ways are available.Static approaches don’t require this.There is another line of work[1,6,11]that uses frequent co-occurrence mining tofind defects in software.The goal is to mine patterns of calls that must occur together in the same procedure or in the same execution trace;when such calls don’t occur,it’s a heuristic indication of a defect.In contrast,our goal is tofind closely related functions whether or not they are called from the same function and without any tracing information.Concept Location approaches aim tofind code modules relevant to a particular concept(e.g.“bookmark”)in a large source base.These approaches use information from a va-riety of sources:email messages,cvs logs,bug databases, static analysis,dynamic traces,information retrieval tech-niques,etc.A good survey is available in[17].Some recent approaches use sophisticated information retrieval methods such as latent semantic indexing(LSI).LSI is used on the source code tofind relevant targets.Sometimes,different kinds of information are combined.Sinafl[22]uses a combi-nation of keyword-based retrieval and a special type of call-graph,which preserves control-flow dependencies,tofind relevant code.Poshyvanyk et al[14]use a combination of information retrieval and function tracing.A related sys-tem is Hipikat[5],which attempts tofind artifacts related to a specific project artifact.The Hipikat evaluation reports its performance on helping programmersfix bugs.In con-trast to this,we are interested infinding functions related to a specific function rather than ones related to a specific feature or a reported bug.Structural Approaches There are variety of approaches that make holistic use of the structure of the callgraph to extract useful information.Zhang&Jacobsen[21]use a random-walk algorithm tofind cross-cutting code(aspects) in Java programs.They use a variant of Google’s pagerank algorithm on the entire dependency tree to identify poten-tial aspects.Inoue et al[9]describe how component rank, a version of pagerank on software dependency graphs,can be used as a“true measure of reuse”to identify valuable components.Robillard’s ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper on the Suade method[15],which inspired our own,is also struc-tural.The Suade algorithm takes as input a query set of interest I,and returns a suggestion set S.Suade uses two notions:specificity and reinforcement to rank members of S from among the neighbors of the query set.A method m is a better candidate for the answer S if it is specific to the query set of methods I and is reinforced by it.Method m s is specific to I if any method m i in I that is called by m s is called by few other elements except m s,and also if m s calls few other methods;m r is reinforced by I if most of the methods called by m r are in I.Robillard presents a fuzzy-set based algorithm for calculating such elements y which is quite efficient.This can be viewed in terms of random walks.Consider a random walker W(e.g.,an in-experienced(or drunk)programmer randomly browsing a program by traversing call graph edges).Suppose m s is spe-cific to I.Then,if W were to,in his ignorance,randomly jump forward from m s along a random callgraph edge,he would probably end up at a method in I;if then he jumps backward,he would likely end up at m s.Likewise,if m r is reinforced by I,then if W were to start at the method m in I,then jump forwards to a method called by m and then jump backwards,then he is more likely to end up at m r than other methods that are not reinforced by I.In such cases,Suade considers m s and m r to be possible candidate inclusions into I.We argue that this algorithm can be generalized by con-sidering the steady state probabilities that a node would be reached after an infinite random walk by a naive program-mer in a larger neighborhood.In other words,if we infinitely iterate over specificity and reinforcement of more relation-ships,we would get a better result.Interestingly,standard methods in linear algebra indicate that the probabilities will converge,and can be calculated quickly.4.TECHNICAL APPROACH4.1The FRAN algorithmThe motivation for the FRAN algorithm comes from the observation that there are two distinct types of relevance information readily available in a callgraph.First,if a func-tion,f,calls another,g,it indicates that the functionality of f is related to the functionality of g.Second,assuming some degree of layering,two functions are related if they are in the same layer with respect to their calls(i.e.,they call and/or are called by the same functions).Layered structure is quite common;when searching for code related to a tar-get function f,a human programmer typically would make this assumption,and focus her search on the modules in the same layer as f.Our algorithm consists of two phases,each taking advan-tage of one type of relevance information.First,based on the query function,FRAN limits the set of all the functions in the program to an enriched set of functions from the same layer as the query function.Next,FRAN ranks this result using an algorithm that calculates the relevance of each func-tion based on the link structure(i.e.,which functions call which other functions)of the callgraph.This ranking allows the programmer to consider the most relevant functionsfirst. FRAN’sfirst step identifies the set of functions in the same layer as the query function byfinding two subsets of the callgraph,called the sibling set and the spouse set.First, define the parent set for a query function as the set of func-tions that call the query function,and define the child set as the set of functions that are called by the query function. Continuing the family tree metaphor,define the sibling set as the set of functions that are called by any function in the parent set and define the spouse set as the set of func-tions that call any function in the child set.Arguably,the functions in the sibling set and the spouse set together form a relevant set of functions in either the same or proximate functional layer.Therefore,given a query function,FRANfirst narrows its search to functions contained in the union of the sibling set, the parent set and the spouse set of the query function.The parent set is included because each function in this set calls the query function,indicating thefirst type of relevance.Figure1:An illustration of the various relationships in the callgraph of the parent set,child set,sibling set and spouse set to the query function.Inspired by the web search community,we call this union set the base set.We’re abusing the term somewhat;our base set is not the same set of nodes(relative to the query node) as the base set in Kleinberg’s well-known paper[10].For us,the base set is an enriched set of results related to the query function for the programmer to consider.However, the base set,itself,is frequently too large for a human to easily explore.Therefore,it is desirable to rank the functions in the base set based on their relevance to the query.In order to rank the results in the base set,wefirst ob-serve that software contains functions that aggregate func-tionality and functions that largely implement functionality without aggregating,and we note that there is a circular re-lationship between these two types of functions.Aggregat-ing functions call implementing functions and implementing functions are called by aggregators.A similar relationship exists in the context of world wide web pages where the ag-gregating pages are called hubs and the implementing pages are called authorities.The Hypertext Induced Topic Selec-tion(HITS)algorithm due to Kleinberg takes advantage of this relationship between hubs and authorities to rank a set of web pages based on degree of authority.In FRAN,we use HITS on the subgraph of the callgraph induced by the base set to assign ranking scores to the nodes in the base set,allowing us to sort the elements of our base set.HITS applied to software callgraphs works as follows.For a collection of functions in a callgraph assign each function,f,an authority score,x<f>,and a hub score, y<f>.As noted above,strong hubs(aggregators)call many strong authorities(implementors).To capture this relation-ship,define two operations I and O.I updates the authority weights based on the hub weights,and O updates the hub weights based on the authority weights.I:x<f>=X{g|g calls f}y<g>(1)O:y<f>=X{g|f calls g}y<g>(2)In HITS,these two rules are applied one after the otheriteratively:Algorithm4.1:HITS Algorithm()repeatx i+1←I(y i),updating the authority scores.y i+1←O(x i+1),updating the hub scores.Normalize x i+1and y i+1until x i−x i+1<a stopping threshold.Let A be the adjacency matrix of the graph in question.If there exist two functions represented by numerical ids fand g,and if f calls g,then the(f,g)th entry of A is1;every other entry of A is0.Kleinberg gives a proof thatthat the sequence lim x i−→x∗and lim y i−→y∗wherex∗is the principal eigenvector of A T A and y∗is the princi-pal eigenvector of AA T[10].Therefore,the HITS algorithmconverges and could,in fact,be implemented using any stan-dard eigenvectorfinding method.This convergence result has an interesting interpretationin the context of Markov chains.The matrices A T A andAA T can be thought of as reachability matrices.The matrixA T A has a1in position(i,j)if j is in the sibling set ofi.Another way of saying this is that the i th row of A T Aindicates all of the functions reachable from i by traversingback a function call to a parent,and then,traversing forwardto a sibling.Similarly,the i th row in AA T gives the spouseset of i.If the rows of A T A and AA T are normalized to sum to1,they can be thought of as transition matrices for Markovchains describing the actions of two programmers randomlyattempting to understand a program,and the eigenvectorsof these matrices indicate the steady-state probabilities ofthe Markov chains.Thus,the authority score of a functionrepresents the probability that the random programmer whoalways investigates sibling functions will end up in the func-tion,and the hub score is the probability that the randomprogrammer who only considers spouse functions will endup in that function.The FRAN algorithm simply returnsthe top n authorities,where n is selected by the user.FRAN performs better in this setting than Suade;theSuade algorithm only returns results that are adjacent tothe query function in the graph.However,if more data areavailable,Suade does allow graphs other than the callgraphto be used as the basis for the search(e.g.the“member refer-enced by”graph).In the callgraph,only functions called byor called from the query function are returned.Hence,Suadeonlyfinds the results that a programmer might quicklyfindusing“grep”,and in addition it onlyfinds results in the lay-ers above and below the query function rather thanfindingthe most relevant results,which lie in that layer.It is also important to note that FRAN is fast.The imple-mentation for this paper returns query results interactivelywith no perceptible wait time.4.2The FRIAR algorithmOur second algorithm,Frequent Itemset Automated Rec-ommender(FRIAR)is inspired by the data mining practiceAssociation Rule Mining.Association Rule Mining was de-veloped to analyze purchasing patterns[7].Define a trans-action as a set of items purchased together.Then,given aset of transactions,association rule mining attempts to dis-cover rules of the form A=⇒B,where A and B are smallsets of items,and the=⇒relation indicates that if A is seen in a transaction,then B will also(often)be seen.A problem related tofinding association rules is to list the frequent itemsets.A frequent itemset is a set of items that appears in at least s transactions for some threshold, s,and the support of a frequent itemset,F,is defined as the fraction of transactions in which F appears.In FRIAR,we used sets of functions that were commonly called together to predict functions related to a particular query function.To do this,we defined a transaction as the set of functions called by a particular function,and then created a transaction for every function in Apache that calls at least one function.We found1919functions that made at least one function call;therefore,we had1919transactions. Using these transactions and the arules package[7]in R,2 we found all56,022itemsets that have a support of at least 0.001.We found these itemsets so that we could use them as a representation of which functions are called together in the Apache callgraph.Typically in data mining,much higher support thresholds are used.This is because a data miner is interested in statistically significant data trends. However,in related functionfinding,it is not the trend we are looking for,but,rather,a searchable representation of the“called with”relationship.Therefore,in order to capture most of the instances of this relationship,we use a very low support value,requiring only2( 1.919 )out of1919trans-actions contain an instance of a itemset.To make a query for a particular function,we searched for all of the itemsets that contained that function,returning the union of all these itemsets as the result set.Then,we assigned each result function a score based on the maximum observed support value associated with that function,and we ranked the result set using these scores.For example, if apr_file_open was seen in3itemsets which had support values0.1,0.3and0.2,the value0.3would be used to rank apr_file_open.4.3Data ExtractionFor the evaluation of our approach,we used a callgraph of the Apache web server.We have downloaded the entire source code repository for the2.0version of Apache(httpd-2.0).For our analysis,we checked out the source code from October1st,2003.The motivation for using this version is that it is near the middle of the life of httpd-2.0and thus is fairly mature and stable,but at the time was undergo-ing continued rapid development.In order to build the web server,we also checked out matching versions of supporting libraries such as the Apache Portable Runtime(apr)from other modules within the repository and built the versions of tools(e.g.gcc,as,ld)that were used at the time.The callgraph for this version of the web server source code was generated by using CodeSurfer,a commercial source code analysis and inspection tool from GrammaTech.3Because CodeSurfer links with gcc at build time and accesses its in-ternal symbol tables and data structures,we’re very confi-dent of it’s results.One of the benefits of this tool is that it uses points-to analysis to determine what functions are called indirectly through function pointers.The result of this analysis is a labeled,directed graph,with nodes rep-23See /products/codesurfer/ overview.html.We are grateful to GrammaTech for the use of this tool.resenting functions and edges representing calls from one function to another.The functions in the graph represent all functions calls(including those to stdlib such as strlen, printf,etc.)and are not limited to just those defined within the Apache code base.5.EV ALUATIONPapers on recommender systems thatfind functions re-lated to a particular function,in the past,have generally used case studies for evaluation.By contrast,systems that recommendfiles to be changed tofix a reported bug[5]or files whose changes are strongly associated historically with a givenfile[20,23]have been evaluated quantitatively using historical data.We seek here to evaluate recommenders that retrieve functions strongly associated with a given function; case studies are de rigueur in this setting.Thefinal arbiter of whether a recommendation is relevant is a human focused on a specific task.As a result,most influential prior papers on systems that recommend related functions have focused on case studies,or small-scale human subject studies,as in Robillard’s recent ACM SIGSOFT Dis-tinguished paper[16]and other similar works[13,19].While this type of evaluation is quite useful,there are limitations. First,it is very difficult to scale human experiments to get quantitative,significant measures of usefulness;this type of large-scale human study is very rare.Second,comparing different recommenders using human evaluators would in-volve carefully designed,time-consuming experiments;this is also extremely rare.Finally controlling for the factors that determine which algorithm performs better would be harder still,since more experimental data would be needed to get sufficient variance in the predictive factors.Quan-titative approaches,on the the other hand,can allow tests of significance,comparison of performance and determining predictive factors.However,to use quantitative methods,on a statistically significant scale,we need a sufficiently large and varied test example,and an oracle to decide which an-swers are correct.In practice,this is very difficult come by, which perhaps accounts for the rarity of quantitative eval-uation.In our work,we have found a specific task where results can be evaluated quantitatively.For our evaluation,we use the330functions that consti-tute the Apache portability layer.Each of these functions is given as a query to FRAN,FRIAR and Suade,and we sim-ply count the number of answers to see which algorithm gives more answers.Generally speaking,by this metric we found that FRAN outperformed both Suade and FRIAR.Thus, in239cases,FRAN retrieves more answers than Suade;in 64cases,it retrieves exactly the same number;and in27 cases,Suade retrieves more.When we compared FRIAR and FRAN,FRAN retrieved more answers304times;the two methods tied24times;and FRIAR retrieved more an-swers3times.However,this is a very crude comparison. Given that FRAN retrieves more answers in a majority of the cases,we should like to know,are these answers rele-vant,and how often are they relevant?To do this evalu-ation,we take a two-pronged approach,first using a case study approach to evaluate a number of retrieved answers, by hand.We also then follow with a quantitative approach evaluating a large number of queries on a specific task.The quantitative part of our approach focuses on a very specific, targeted requirement of a recommender:given a function,find the most closely related functions.We were able to do a。
P2P 互联网金融作为其中的重要组成部分,引起了广泛的关注和研究。
本文旨在对相关的外文文献进行翻译和梳理,以加深对 P2P 互联网金融的理解。
P2P 互联网金融,即 peertopeer lending,是指个人通过互联网平台向其他个人或企业提供贷款的一种金融模式。
与传统金融机构不同,P2P 平台主要依靠互联网技术和大数据算法来实现借贷双方的匹配和风险管理。
在众多外文文献中,学者们对 P2P 互联网金融的发展历程、特点、优势和风险进行了深入的探讨。
一些研究指出,P2P 互联网金融的出现打破了传统金融机构的垄断,为投资者提供了更多的投资选择,同时也为借款人提供了更便捷、高效的融资渠道。
而 P2P 平台通过简化审批流程、降低门槛,使得这些群体能够更容易地获得所需资金,从而促进了经济的发展。
然而,P2P 互联网金融也并非完美无缺。
一方面,由于缺乏有效的监管和规范,一些 P2P 平台存在欺诈、跑路等风险,给投资者带来了巨大的损失。
另一方面,P2P 平台的信用评估体系尚不完善,难以准确评估借款人的信用风险,从而增加了平台的坏账率。
此外,网络安全问题也是P2P 互联网金融面临的一大挑战。
首先,政府应加强对 P2P 互联网金融的监管,建立健全相关法律法规,明确平台的准入标准和运营规范。
其次,P2P 平台应加强自身的风险管理能力,完善信用评估体系,提高风险识别和控制能力。
在对 P2P 互联网金融的研究中,国外学者还运用了多种研究方法和模型。
译文一种新型的基于Web的在线考试系统的计算机科学教育Yuan Zhenming1, Zhang Liang2, Zhan Guohua3摘要:基于Web的网上考试系统是一种为大众教育的评价有效的解决方案。
我们已经开发一种在线考试系统,它是基于浏览器/服务器架构.该系统已经发布了考试和自动评级;是关于客观的问题和操作问题,以供客观的问题和经营问题他作为一个程序,经营的Microsoft Windows ,编辑的Microsoft Word ,Excel和PowerPoint等等。
1. 导言:在中国,基本电脑操作技能的教育已广泛展开.这项技术包括经营的Windows的MS Office ,网络技巧等等,这是结合不同的课程,以及作为电子政府的基础。
几个基于Web的学习和测试系统已经被设计完,比如说WebCT [1],QUIZIT [2] ,ASSYST[3]和PILOT[4]。
在线可以很容易使用最广泛的问题类型的基于Web 的考试制度是客观的测试和测验,其中承担简单的答案可以正式检查和评估。
计算机工程与应用2003.51引言随着Internet 与电子商务的发展,网上拍卖与网上证券交易等新型的交易模式应运而生,基于Web 的软件结构也为许多信息系统所采用[1]。
若采用浏览器/Web 服务器/数据库的三层模型,将应用处理纳入Web 服务器,直接访问数据库,虽然易于实现,但增加了Web 服务器的负担,不仅不利于系统的安全控制,而且降低了系统的可扩展性和代码的可移植性[2]。
另外,随着交易客户数量的增加,Web 服务器将承受日益膨胀的压力,系统的设计方案必须要考虑到能适应交易客户增加而带来的负载问题,同时应具有较强的可扩展性。
因此,将处理核心业务的应用服务器从Web 服务器中分离,选择基于浏览器/Web 服务器/应用服务器/数据库的多层结构,配置协同工作的多个Web 服务器与多个应用服务器,以提高系统的安全性与灵活性。
其次,设计一个独立于DBMS 的通用数据库接口,以提高系统的可移植性与代码可重用性。
系统包括下列4层:2.1人机交互层以浏览器作为用户界面,实现与Web 服务层的交互和数据显示。
2.2Web 服务层由分布在多台计算机上的Web 服务器构成,负责客户与后台应用服务器之间的信息转发。
在Windows NT /2000环境下,以IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Server )作为Web 服务器,以Web 扩展(Extension )模块作为浏览器与应用服务器之间的接口,接收来自浏览器的客户请求,由消息转发模块将请求的参数解释、重组为特定格式的请求消息后,传送给应用服务器,并将应答返回相应的浏览器。
首先,ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC)是ACM旗下的期刊,专注于信息和系统安全领域的研究。
例如,Lampson等人在该期刊上发表了一篇题为《Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance》的论文。
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)是IEEE的核心期刊之一,关注可靠和安全计算领域的研究。
另一个重要的期刊是Journal of Computer Security (JCS),它专注于计算机安全领域的研究。
此外,Computers & Security是一本综合性的期刊,涵盖了各个方面的计算机安全研究。
综上所述,网络安全方面的核心期刊包括ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC),IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC),Journal of Computer Security (JCS)和Computers & Security。
作者: 张博[1,2];刘亚军[1]
作者机构: [1]吉林大学法学院,吉林长春130012;[2]内蒙古民族大学法学与历史学院,内蒙古通辽028000
出版物刊名: 社会科学家
页码: 131-136页
年卷期: 2021年 第10期
主题词: 自由贸易协定;传统知识;知识产权;"一带一路";条款完整性
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cyberspace with no easily identifiable place of business for the merchant or physical delivery site for the customer. Transactions are subject to observation by third parties sharing the network. And the use of computers to support transactions makes record keeping easier, exacerbating privacy problems arising from transaction data collection by merchants.Supporting transactions in cyberspace requires electronic analogs for many familiar procedures from face-to-face transactions. Parties need to know with whom they are dealing, or at least verify their creditworthiness. They need to be able to negotiate prices, perhaps providing credentials entitling them to special discounts, such as a student ID. Parents need methods to control where their children shop in cyberspace. In the case of information goods, the value of an item may be as low as a few cents, requiring transaction mechanisms which impose per-transaction overheads much smaller than those for typical check and credit card purchases. Merchants need to restrict the class of customers they support based on their credentials, to restrict distribution of sensitive materials.We are building a system called NetBill which is optimized for the selling and delivery of low-priced network goods. A customer, represented by a client computer, wishes to buy information from a merchant’s server. An account server (the NetBill server), maintains accounts for both customers and merchants, linked to conventional financial institutions. A NetBill transaction transfers information goods from merchant to customer,debiting the customer’s NetBill account and crediting the merchant’s account for the value of the goods. When necessary, funds in a customer’s NetBill account can be replenished from a bank or credit card; similarly, funds in a merchant’s NetBill account are made available by depositing them in the merchant’s bank account. NetBill acts as an aggregator to combine many small transactions into larger conventional transactions,amortizing conventional overhead fees.The transfer of an information good consists of delivering bits to the customer. Users may be charged on a per item basis, by a subscription allowing unlimitedNetBill Security and Transaction ProtocolCarnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, P A 15213–3890Benjamin CoxJ. D. TygarMarvin Sirbuthoth+@tygar@sirbu+@AbstractNetBill is a system for micropayments for information goods on the Internet. This paper presents the NetBill protocol and describes its security and transactional features. Among our key innovations are:•An atomic certified delivery method so that a cus-tomer pays if and only if she receives her informa-tion goods intact.•Outsourcing access control: different users can use different access control servers.• A credential mechanism allowing users to prove membership in groups. This supports discounts.• A structure for constructing pseudonyms to protect the identities of consumers.1. Introduction and OverviewBuyers and sellers increasingly want to use the Internet to conduct their business electronically. As a base for commerce, the Internet poses special challenges due to its lack of standard security mechanisms. At the same time, the ease with which buyers can peruse catalogs published via the World Wide Web makes the Internet attractive for commerce. Consumers will want to use the Internet as a means for multiple phases of the purchase process: searching for suppliers, price negotiation,ordering, and payment for goods. In the case of information items, such as software or journal pages, the Internet can deliver the items.Using the Internet for commerce poses new variations on traditional issues. Transactions occur inSponsored by the Air Force Materiel Command, under Advanced Research Projects Agency contract No. F19628–95–C–0018, “Elec-tronic Commerce: The NetBill Project.” Additional support was received from the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement No. IRI–9411299, and from Visa International.The views and conclusion contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official poli-cies, either expressed or implied, of the Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Science Foundation, or the U.S. Government.access, or by a number of other pricing models. A more detailed examination of the NetBill model may be found in [10].NetBill requires an efficient set of protocols to support price negotiation, goods delivery and payment. This paper outlines our protocols.Among our key innovations are:• A method of (atomic) certified delivery so that a customer pays if and only if she receives her infor-mation goods intact.• A system for allowing access control to be out-sourced—so that different users may use different access control servers. (For example, some chil-dren’s accesses may be governed by a PTA access control server, while other children may be under the domain of access control servers set up by a church group.)• A credential mechanism for allowing users to easilyprove membership in groups, to qualify for dis-counts or for other purposes.• A structure for easily constructing pseudonyms so that buyers of information can protect their identi-ties.2. The NetBill Transaction ModelThe NetBill transaction model involves three parties: the customer, the merchant and the NetBill transaction server. A transaction involves three phases: price negotiation, goods delivery, and payment. For information goods which can be delivered over the network, the NetBill protocol links goods delivery and payment into a single atomic transaction.In a NetBill transaction, the customer and merchant interact with each other in the first two phases; the NetBill server is not involved until the payment phase, when the merchant submits a transaction request. The customer contacts the NetBill server directly only in the case of communications failure or when requesting administrative functions. Figure 1 shows the relationships among parties in a NetBill transaction. 2.1. Transaction ObjectivesFor a NetBill transaction, we have the following set of objectives. (Similar versions of objectives (a)–(d) below can be found in [2].)a)Only authorized customers can charge against aNetBill account.b)The customer and merchant must agree on the itemto be purchased and the price to be charged.c)A customer can optionally protect her identity frommerchants.d)Customers and merchants are provided with proofof transaction results from NetBill.In addition, we have the following objectives to support price negotiation and goods delivery.e)There is an offer and acceptance negotiation phasebetween customer and merchant.f)A customer may present credentials identifying heras entitled to special pricing or treatment.g)A customer receives the information goods she pur-chases if and only if she is charged (and thus the merchant is paid) for the goods.h)A customer may need approval from a fourth(access control) party before the NetBill server will allow a transaction.Finally, we add as a general objective for all phases of the purchase process:i)The privacy and integrity of communications isprotected from observation or alteration by external parties.To achieve these goals, the NetBill protocol provides for strong authentication and privacy, atomic payment and delivery protocols, and a flexible access control system.In the price negotiation phase, the customer presents evidence of her identity, and (optionally) supplemental credentials, and requests a price quote on an item. The customer may also include a bid for the item. The merchant responds with a price offer.Customer MerchantNetBillFigure 1: Parties in a NetBill Transaction.Transaction ProtocolAuxiliary MessagesIn the second phase, the customer accepts or declines the offer. In the case of information goods,acceptance constitutes an order for network delivery.The merchant provisionally delivers the goods, under encryption, but withholds the key.Key delivery is linked to completion of the third phase, the payment protocol. In this phase, the customer constructs, and digitally signs, an electronic payment order (or EPO ) and sends it to the merchant. The merchant appends the key to the EPO and endorses (digitally signs) the EPO, forwarding it to the NetBill server. The NetBill server returns a digitally signed receipt, which includes the key, to the merchant, who forwards a copy to the customer.3. The Transaction ProtocolWe use the notation “X ⇒ Y” to indicate that X sends the specified message to Y . The basic protocol consists of eight steps, which are:Objective (a) from Section 2.1 is realized because the customer must be authenticated to NetBill before the EPO (generated in step 5) will be accepted (in step 6).Objective (b) is achieved because the relevant information is included in the EPO which must be signed by the customer in step 5 and endorsed by the merchant in step 6.Section 4.2 presents a mechanism implementing objective (c).Objective (d) is realized through the digitally signed receipt from NetBill in step 7.Objective (e) is achieved by the exchange in steps 1and 2 of the protocol.Section 5.1 presents a solution implementing objective (f).Objective (g) is realized by the exchange in steps 4–8, which we call certified delivery . The customer first gets a version of the goods encrypted with a key K . The1.C ⇒ M Price request2.M ⇒ C Price quote3.C ⇒ M Goods request4.M ⇒ C Goods, encrypted with a key K5.C ⇒ M Signed Electronic Payment Order6.M ⇒ N Endorsed EPO (including K )7.N ⇒ M Signed result (including K )8.M ⇒ CSigned result (including K )goods are also cryptographically checksummed. In this way, the customer uses the checksum to confirm that she received the goods without transmission error. The customer returns the checksum to the merchant together with other information, and that message is forwarded to the NetBill server. The key K that is needed to decrypt the goods is registered with the NetBill server and also sent to the customer (step 8). The exchange in steps 4–8provides protection to the customer against fraud by the merchant. For example, suppose there is a discrepancy between what the customer ordered and what the merchant delivered. The customer can easily demonstrate the discrepancy to a third party (such as a judge). The customer has NetBill’s receipt (step 7,forwarded in step 8) indicating what was ordered, the amount charged and the key K reported to NetBill by the merchant. The customer also has registered with NetBill the checksum of the encrypted goods. Thus if the goods are faulty (e.g., purchased software doesn’t run), it is easy to demonstrate that the problem lies with the goods as sent and not with any subsequent alteration. This certified delivery technique also protects the merchant by requiring the customer to pay and the payment to clear through the NetBill server before the customer gets the use of the goods. (A more general discussion of the role of certified delivery and atomicity in general for electronic commerce can be found in [13].)Section 5.2 presents a solution for objective (h).Objective (i) is realized by encrypting communications between all pairs of parties and providing integrity checks on those messages.3.1. NotationWe use the following notation to denote cryptographic operations.X and Y always represent communicating parties.K always represents a cipher key. The protocol is a sequence of messages exchanged among three parties:C , the customer;M , the merchant; and N , the NetBill server.T XY (Identity)A Kerberos ticket proving to Y that X is named by Identity , and establishing a session key XY shared between (Message )A cryptographic checksum of Message , using an algorithm such as the Secure Hash Algo-rithm (SHA) hash function pre-sented in [5].3.2. The Price Request PhaseThis section assumes possession of tickets; the method for obtaining tickets is shown in Section 4. The Identity item may actually be a pseudonym, as shown in Section 4.2.E K (Message )Message , encrypted by a sym-metric cipher using key K . Thekey K may be denoted as XY ,meaning that it is known only to parties X and Y . The encrypted message implicitly includes a nonce.E X-PUB (Message )Message , encrypted in party X ’s public key using the RSA cryp-tosystem as presented in [8].E X-PRI (Message )Message , encrypted in party Y ’s private key using RSA.[Message ]XMessage , clearsigned by X using RSA public key cryptog-raphy. Clearsigning is imple-mented by forming Message ,Timestamp, E X-PRI (CC(Mes-sage ,Timestamp )). This is com-putationally efficient and allows any party to read the Message text without needing X ’s public key. The clearsigned item implicitly includes a nonce.[Message ]X-DSAMessage , signed and times-tamped by X using the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) as described in [6].{Message }XMessage , encrypted for X using RSA public key cryptography.For computational efficiency,this is implemented by forming E K (Message ), E X-PUB (K ). The encrypted message implicitly includes a nonce.1.C ⇒ M T CM (Identity), E CM (Credentials,PRD, Bid, RequestFlags, TID)2.M ⇒CE CM (ProductID, Price, Request-Flags, TID)These two steps represent a request/response message pair in which the customer requests a price quote of the merchant. The customer presents an identifying ticket (the identity presented may be apseudonym; see Section 4.2 for details on pseudonyms)to the merchant, along with some optional credentials establishing her membership in groups which may make her eligible for a discount. (We discuss these credentials in Section 5.1.)The customer passes parameters indicating Product Request Data (PRD , an arbitrary stream of application-specific data which the customer and merchant use to specify the goods) and some flags. These RequestFlags are the customer’s indication of her request for the disposition of the transaction (i.e., delivery instructions;see Section 3.6 for different transaction options).The customer may also optionally include a Bid,indicating to the merchant a price she may be willing to pay for the item.The Transaction ID,TID , is optional in step 1. Steps 1 and 2 may be repeated as needed until the customer and merchant can agree on a price; the TID is present to indicate to the merchant that this is a repeated request.The merchant stores the PRD for later use in delivering the goods, generates a new set of RequestFlags based on its response to the customer’s RequestFlags , and generates a price quote and a TID (if one was not supplied in step 1) to identify this transaction in later steps. The TID is not globally unique; it is used only by the customer and merchant to maintain context between them.The ProductID returned by the merchant in step 2 is a human-readable product description that will appear on the customer’s NetBill statement.3.3. The Goods Delivery PhaseOnce the customer and merchant have negotiated a price for the goods in question, the customer directs the merchant to deliver the goods by supplying the TID that was used in the price request phase:The merchant generates a unique symmetric cipher key K , encrypts the goods using this key and sends the encrypted goods to the customer, along with a cryptographic checksum computed on the encrypted goods, so that the customer will immediately detect any discrepancy before proceeding. The merchant also sends3.C ⇒M T CM (Identity), E CM (TID)4.M ⇒ CE K (Goods),E CM (CC(E K (Goods)), EPOID)an Electronic Payment Order ID, or EPOID, with the goods.The EPOID is a globally unique identifier which will be used in the NetBill server’s database to uniquely identify this transaction. It consists of three fields: a field identifying the merchant, a timestamp marking the time at the end of goods delivery, and a serial number to guarantee uniqueness.The specification that the EPOID must be globally unique is used to prevent replay attacks, in which unscrupulous merchants reuse customers’ old signed payment instructions. The timestamp portion of the EPOID is used to expire stale transactions; it must be generated at the end of goods delivery because the delivery (especially for very large goods) may take longer than the payment expiration time.Because the goods are delivered encrypted in step 4, the customer cannot use them. The key K needed to decrypt the goods will be delivered in the payment phase, which follows.3.4. The Payment PhaseAfter the encrypted goods are delivered, the customer submits payment to the merchant in the form of a signed Electronic Payment Order, or EPO. At any time before the signed EPO is submitted, a customer may abort the transaction and be in no danger of its being completed against her will. The submission of the signed EPO marks the “point of no return” for the customer.An EPO consists of two sections, a clear part containing transaction information which is readable by the merchant and the NetBill server, and an encrypted part containing payment instructions which is readable only by the NetBill server. The clear part of the EPO includes:•The customer’s (possibly pseudonymous) identity •The human-readable Product ID (from step 2)•The negotiated price (from step 2)•The merchant’s identity•The cryptographic checksum of the encrypted goods, to forestall debate over the content of the goods or whether they were received completely and correctly•The cryptographic checksum of the Product Request Data (from step 1), to forestall debate over the details of the order•The cryptographic checksum of the customer’s account number with an account verification nonce, so that the merchant may verify that any supplied credentials (see Section 5.1) were used correctly•The globally-unique EPOIDThe encrypted part of the EPO includes:• A ticket proving the customer’s true identity •Any required authorization tokens (see Section 5.2)•The customer’s NetBill account number•The account verification nonce• A customer memo fieldThe EPO is a tuple:Identity,ProductID,Price,M,CC(E K(Goods)),CC(PRD),CC(CAcct, AcctVN),EPOID,T CN(TrueIdentity),E CN(Authorization,CAcct,AcctVN,CMemo)Henceforth, we use the terminology EPO to denote this tuple.After the customer presents the signed EPO to the merchant, the merchant endorses it and forwards the endorsed EPO to the NetBill server. The endorsed EPO adds the merchant’s account number, the merchant’s memo field, and the goods decryption key, as well as the merchant’s signature:[[EPO]C, MAcct, MMemo, K]MAt any time before the endorsed EPO is submitted to the NetBill server, the merchant may abort the transaction and be in no danger of its being completed against his will. The submission of the endorsed EPO marks the “point of no return” for the merchant.The phase containing the submission and endorsement of the EPO is denoted:Upon receipt of the signed and endorsed EPO, the NetBill server makes a decision about the transaction and returns the result to the merchant, who in turn forwards it to the customer.5.C⇒M T CM(Identity), E CM([EPO]C)6.M⇒N T MN(M), E MN([[EPO]C, MAcct,MMemo, K]M)The NetBill server makes its decision based on verification of the signatures, the privileges of the users involved, the customer’s account balance, and the uniqueness and freshness of the EPOID. It then issues a receipt containing the result code, the identities of the parties, the price and description of the goods, the EPOID, and the key K needed to decrypt the goods. The receipt is digitally signed by the NetBill server, using the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). The receipt is denoted:Result, Identity, Price, ProductID, M, K, EPOIDFor this step, DSA is used rather than RSA because of its relative performance. While RSA signatures may be verified quickly, they are time-consuming to create;DSA signatures, on the other hand, may be created quickly. By using RSA for customer and merchant signatures and DSA for NetBill signatures, we may shift some computing load away from the NetBill server.Some of the resulting burden on the merchant can be lifted by recognizing that, from a business risk perspective, it may be sufficient for a merchant to verify only a random sample of receipts signed by the NetBill server. Since integrity and authenticity are assured by the symmetric key encryption protocol, only accountability is at stake.This receipt is returned to the merchant, along with an indication of the customer’s new account balance (encrypted so that only she may read it). The EPO ID is repeated in the customer-specific data to ensure that the merchant cannot replay data from an earlier transaction.The Flags included in the customer-specific data indicate simple messages from the NetBill server to the customer; for example, that the account balance has reached a “low-water mark” and should be replenished soon.In step 8, the merchant responds to the request from the customer in step 5, forwarding the messages returned by the NetBill server in step 7.3.5. Status Query ExchangeIn the event of communications failure after step 5 of the protocol, the customer or merchant may be unaware of the transaction’s status. (Before step 5, the transaction7.N ⇒ME MN ([Receipt]N-DSA ,E CN (EPOID, CAcct, Bal, Flags))8.M ⇒CE CM ([Receipt]N-DSA ,E CN (EPOID, CAcct, Bal, Flags))may be aborted with no difficulty, as no parties have yet signaled their commitment.) The system supports a status query exchange for delivery of this information.The request and response proceed as one of the following exchanges, assuming the information is available. In each case, an alternate response is possible,indicating that the queried party does not have therequested information (possibly indicating why).•The merchant requests the transaction status from the NetBill server:•The customer requests the transaction status from the merchant:•The customer requests the transaction status from the NetBill server:•The customer requests the transaction status from the merchant for a Non-NetBill transaction (see Section 3.6):3.6. Handling Zero-Priced GoodsWe anticipate that many NetBill transactions will be for subscription goods ; i.e., goods for which the customer’s marginal price is zero. With zero-priced goods, fraud is less important, and so we make several refinements to make our protocol more efficient in these cases.First, we include a flag in the RequestFlags field of the price request (step 1) informing the merchant “If the price for this product is zero, treat this message as an automatic request for the goods.”1.M ⇒ N T MN (M), E MN (EPOID)2.N ⇒ M E MN ([Receipt]N-DSA ,E CN (EPOID, CAcct, Bal, Flags))1.C ⇒ M T CM (Identity), E CM (EPOID)2.M ⇒CE CM ([Receipt]N-DSA ,E CN (EPOID, CAcct, Bal, Flags))1.C ⇒N T CN (TrueIdentity), E CN (EPOID)2.N ⇒CE CN ([Receipt]N-DSA ,EPOID, CAcct, Bal, Flags)1.C ⇒M T CM (Identity), E CM (EPOID)2.M ⇒CE CM (Result, K)Zero-priced transactions do not need to go through the NetBill server, as long as both parties agree. We can put another flag in the RequestFlags that informs the merchant “I require a NetBill receipt for this transaction.” If this flag is present, the merchant must submit the transaction to the NetBill server, even if the price is zero. (The merchant may also decide to submit azero-price transaction to the NetBill server.)A customer or merchant may want to use the NetBill server on a zero-priced transaction if they require a signed receipt from a third party confirming the transaction. While subscription goods may not require a receipt, a merchant may decide to put a zero-priced purchase through NetBill in a “buy ten, get one free” situation so as to be able to prove that he actually provided the free item.The merchant may change his price quote depending on this flag; if NetBill charges the merchant for billing services, the merchant may want to recover this cost if the customer requests a NetBill receipt for what might otherwise be a zero-priced transaction.Combinations of these flags allow us to support four basic types of zero-price delivery:3.6.1. Type I: Zero-Price Certified DeliveryThis protocol eliminates the separate product request phase. Because steps 2 and 4 from the original protocol are combined, we indicate that by making steps 2 and 4into a single step labeled 2/ Type II: Certified Delivery without NetBill ServerThis protocol improves on Type I by further eliminating the call to the NetBill server. With this modification, the1.C ⇒M T CM (Identity), E CM (Credentials,PRD, Bid, RequestFlags, TID)2/4.M ⇒CE CM (ProductID, Price(=0),RequestFlags, TID), E K (Goods),E CM (CC(E K (Goods)), EPOID)5.C ⇒M T CM (Identity), E CM ([EPO]C )6.M ⇒ N T MN (M), E MN ([[EPO]C , MAcct,MMemo, K]M )7.N ⇒M E MN ([Receipt]N-DSA ,E CN (EPOID, CAcct, Bal, Flags))8.M ⇒CE CM ([Receipt]N-DSA ,E CN (EPOID, CAcct, Bal, Flags))payment phase becomes little more than an acknowledgment.3.6.3. Type III: Verified DeliveryThis protocol is nearly the same as the Type II protocol,except that the goods are encrypted in the shared session key CM . This bypasses the certified delivery mechanism, allowing the customer’s software to begin streaming the goods to a viewer rather than being obliged to wait until all the goods have been delivered before receiving the key.3.6.4. Type IV: Unverified DeliveryThis protocol improves on Type III by eliminating the acknowledgment of goods delivery in the payment phase if the merchant does not need it.4. Identities and AuthenticationWhen a customer creates a NetBill account, she receives a unique User ID and generates the RSA public key pair1.C ⇒ M T CM (Identity), E CM (Credentials,PRD, Bid, RequestFlags, TID)2/4.M ⇒CE CM (ProductID, Price(=0),RequestFlags, TID), E K (Goods),ECM(CC(E K (Goods)), EPOID)5.C ⇒ M T CM (Identity), E CM (EPOID,CC(E K (Goods)))8.M ⇒CE CM (Result, K)1.C ⇒ M T CM (Identity), E CM (Credentials,PRD, Bid, RequestFlags, TID)2/4.M ⇒CE CM (ProductID, Price(=0),RequestFlags, TID, Goods,CC(Goods), EPOID)5.C ⇒ M T CM (Identity), E CM (EPOID,CC(Goods))8.M ⇒CE CM (Result)1.C ⇒ M T CM (Identity), E CM (Credentials,PRD, Bid, RequestFlags, TID)2/4.M ⇒CE CM (ProductID, Price(=0),RequestFlags, TID, Goods,CC(Goods))associated with that User ID. This key pair is certified by NetBill, and is used for signatures and authentication within the system. (See [4] for a discussion of public key certification.)Section 3.4 showed how these signatures will be used in the payment phase of the protocol. However, our protocol also uses Kerberos tickets. The NetBill transaction protocol involves several phases, for price negotiation, goods delivery, and payment; only the last of these phases requires nonrepudiable signatures. Instead of using public key cryptography for message authentication and encryption throughout the NetBill system, we use symmetric cryptography because it offers significant performance advantages.We use the public key cryptography infrastructure to alleviate problems with traditional symmetric-key Kerberos (see [12]):Kerberos uses a two-level ticket scheme; to authenticate oneself to a Kerberos service, one must obtain a service ticket, which establishes a shared symmetric session key between the client and server, and establishes that the Kerberos Ticket Granting Server believes the client’s identity. To obtain a service ticket, a client must first obtain a ticket-granting ticket (or TGT), which proves the client’s identity to the Ticket Granting Server. A client obtains a TGT via request from a Key Distribution Center, or KDC.The Kerberos KDC/TGT arrangement introduces two significant problems that we may alleviate using public key cryptography. First, because it maintains a shared symmetric cipher key with every principal in the system, it is an attractive target for attack; recovering from compromise of the KDC requires establishing new shared keys with all users of the system. Second, a KDC and TGT will be a communications or processing bottleneck if a large number of users present a heavy traffic load.To eliminate the Ticket Granting Server, we replace the TGT with a public key certificate, allowing each service to act as its own Ticket Granting Server. That is, a user presents a service ticket request encrypted with a certified public key (we call this a Public Key-based TGT, or PKTGT), and receives in response a symmetric-cipher-based service ticket. This service ticket is identical in form to a Kerberos service ticket. The Key Distribution Center is replaced by a key repository. The protocol for a customer to obtain a service ticket for a merchant M is as follows (before this step occurs, the customer requests the merchant’s public key certificate over any available channel—such as an unsecured remote procedure call):This model preserves the efficiency of symmetric ciphers for most communication and repeated authentication, and isolates the computational expense of public key cryptography to initial authentication between parties. We refer to this model as “Public Key Kerberos,” or “PK Kerberos.”In the NetBill system, a customer obtains Kerberos tickets for the NetBill transaction server at the beginning of a session and obtains Kerberos tickets for merchants as she needs them. Merchant servers will continually maintain their own tickets for the NetBill transaction server.4.1. Key RepositoryPrivate keys are large, so users cannot be expected to remember them. Permanently storing private keys at a user’s workstation poses security risks and restricts the user’s electronic commerce activities to a single workstation. NetBill uses a key repository to optionally store customers’ private keys. These keys are encrypted by a symmetric key derived from a passphrase known only to the customer.4.1.1. Key Validation and Revocation Cer-tificatesWe use a public key certificate scheme (like that presented in [4]) to bind User IDs to keys, with NetBill as the certifying authority. NetBill generates a certificate when a customer first proves her identity and begins using NetBill.However, allowing merchants, as services, to grant their own tickets based on these certificates poses a problem: NetBill is no longer involved in ticket-granting, and cannot prevent a ticket from being issued to a user with a compromised key. NetBill needs to invalidate compromised keys as quickly as possible.NetBill maintains a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) at its server. When a key is compromised, the owner creates a Revocation Certificate and places it in the key repository along with her key. Any party can check that a given key has not been compromised by examining the revocation list.Initially, it would seem that it is necessary for the customer and merchant to contact the server to check CRLs on each transaction. However, it is possible to1.C⇒ M[{Identity, M, Timestamp, K}M]C2.M⇒C E K(T CM(Identity), CM)。