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b. Demo of Layered Dynamic Textures
Segmentation of Real Video
c. Kernel Dynamic Textures
We introduce a kernelized dynamic texture, which has a nonlinear observation function learned with kernel PCA. The new texture model can account for more complex patterns of motion, such as chaotic motion (e.g. boiling water and fire) and camera motion (e.g. panning and zooming), better than the original dynamic texture..
时间序列分析方法:由于把产生该动态纹理的动态系统看作一个“黑 箱”,时间序列方法避开了动态系统内部的复杂性,使得该方法能够 有效的合成复杂的动态纹理
基于纹理合成的扩展方法:基于纹理合成的扩展方法,由于其原本只 是针对纹理图像设计的,所以也局限于处理由纹理图像序列所组成动 态纹理 视频纹理方法:通过对动态纹理样本的分析,如内容、相似性结构、 运动结构等,找出视频的帧图像之间的约束关系,合成的过程就是在 约束关系下对视频帧图像播放次序的重组,我们还可以把外界控制也 看作是一种约束关系,为视频纹理加入人工交互能力。由于视频播放 次序的重组总是要求切换帧之间相似,然而许多动态纹理不符合这一 要求,这是第三类方法难以跨越的障碍
Dynamic Textures Model
The goal of this project is to develop a family of motion models that extends and complements the original dynamic texture model. These new models can solve challenging computer vision problems, such as motion segmentation and motion classification, and can be applied to interesting real-world problems, such as crowd and traffic monitoring. /projects/dytex/
c 视频ard提出用时-空自回归(STAR)模型表示动态纹理, STAR模型是自回归(AR)模型的三维扩展形式:
S x, y, z i S x x, y y, t t x, y, t
i 1
动 态 纹 理
动态纹理是指描述某种动态景观的具有 时间相关重复特征的的图像序列。它们 在自然界中广泛存在,比如海浪、瀑布、 飘扬的旗帜、飞翔的鸟群等等。 动态纹理具有重现特定运动现象的特 征。
动 态 纹 理 合 成 方 法 技 术 研 究
时间序列分析 方法 基于纹理合成的 扩展方法
STAR模型要求动态纹理样本图像满足宽平稳特征,这是时间纹 理方法的适用性。
算法由输入纹理样本开始,合成纹理图像初始化为高斯白噪声。按从上 到下,从左到右的顺序,逐个象素的确定合成图像的值。为了确定合成图 像中任一象素P的值,在纹理图像中找出满足以下特征的象素q,它的相邻 区域N(q)和象素P的相邻区域N(P)相似度最高。在搜索过程中,将N(P) 看作一高维空间点,则相邻区域匹配过程转化为最近点搜索问题。在解决 最近点搜索问题时,采用向量量化树( TSVQ)作为最近点搜索的数据结 构。
b. Demo of Layered Dynamic Textures
Segmentation of Synthetic Video Segmentation of Real Video Clustering Example
a. Mixture of Dynamic Textures
b. Demo of Layered Dynamic Textures
Segmentation of Synthetic Circular Motion
b. Demo of Layered Dynamic Textures
Segmentation of Synthetic Texture Database
b. Demo of Layered Dynamic Textures
Segmentation of Synthetic Circular Motion Segmentation of Synthetic Texture Database Segmentation of Real Video
Dynamic Textures Model
b c
Mixture of Dynamic Textures Layered Dynamic Textures
Dynamic Textures Model
Kernel Dynamic Textures
a. Mixture of Dynamic Textures
We introduce the mixture of dynamic textures, which models a collection of video as samples from a set of dynamic textures. We use the model for video clustering and motion segmentation.
Segmentation of Synthetic Video
a. Mixture of Dynamic Textures
Segmentation of Real Video
a. Mixture of Dynamic Textures
Clustering Example
b. Layered Dynamic Textures
One disadvantage of the dynamic texture is its inability to account for multiple cooccurring textures in a single video. We extend the dynamic texture to a multi-state (layered) dynamic texture that can model regions containing different dynamics.