Diverse workforce
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A Diverse workforce
Name: HuangShan
Subject: HRM
Intake: BSC18B
Pathway: Management Lecture’s name: Mr. DipanKmehta Words: 1100
1. Introduction of a diverse workforce
2. Advantages of a diverse workforce nowadays
2.1different skill and experience
2.2broader service range
3. Problem of a diverse workforce these days
3.1 hinder sharing the formation of enterprise culture
3.2 reduce the enterprise culture execution
4. Solution of deal with the problem
5. Conclusion
6. Reference
1. Introduction
In 1964, the Congress of the United States passed the Civil Rights Act. Title VII of this act prohibited employers from engaging in employment discrimination based purely on race, color, religion, gender and national origin. Such a national policy marked the beginnings of a culturally diverse workforce.
A diversity workforce exists in a group or organization when its members differ from one another along one or more important dimensions. The diverse workforce include there mains components which are racial and ethnic minorities in the United States; people emigrate from their own country to another country; and people who have physically or mentally disabled. The gender, age and other aspect also are components of a diverse workforce.
Workforce diversity is of great significance to management practice. Managers need to change their management philosophy, from treat the employees as the same, convert to acknowledge the differences, and to ensure that staff to stabilize and improve the productivity to respond differences.
2. Advantage of diversity workforce
A diverse workforce has some advantages that can affect the formation of modern enterprise culture and construction. First of all, to organize the diversity workforce brings different skill and experience. Different geographical environment, customs, economic and political system is made with different traits and different experience.When organization puts employees from diverse backgrounds in one group as a team to deal with problems,stuffs will bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to solve those problems.
For example, Apple Company wants to invent new technology, the manager will put some people from the US, and some people may from Asia and Europe in a group. From diverse backgrounds of thesestuffs can have more new ideas, and the technology can be more popular in the market. So,a diverse workforce that feels comfortable communicating varying points of view provides a larger pool of ideas and experiences. The organization can draw from that pool to meet business strategy needs and the needs of customers more effectively.
Then, another advantage of diversity workforce is that company can have broader service range. Company which is an international corporation can easier serve people when they have a diverse workforce. Nowadays, many companies do not only have customers who are belongs the same country, they also have customers from other countries. If these companies have diversity workforce, they can easier communicate with the customers and the business will be more success. For instance, Kaplan school has students from many countries, and for easier to get school and students better, the school also hires diversity stuffs.Obviously, Kaplan is succeed because of their human resource manage. As we know, diverse workforce is become more general and important in many companies.
3. Problems and challenges of diverse workforce
However, there are some problems and challenges of diverse workforce. Firstly, enterprise staff sources of universality hinder sharing the formation of enterprise culture.When organization hiring a variety of staff, and trying to make them fitting into the organization, the problems come out. Managers want to let the staff to accept the organization of share values, however, these values may be with some staff values phase against, they will always conflict.For managers, the more difficult is that they must publicly admitted, accept and support the various opinions and views of this stuff, and restructure and integrate according the organization’s corevalues. Organization recruiting all kinds of employees is according to the unique advantages of these stuffs. But when they are accepted and fit into the organization, their diversity behavior and strengths in strong organization culture may be impaired.
The second problem is that employee value orientation diversification will reduce the enterprise culture execution. The lack of a common point of view can cause more time about discuss a problem. Also, communication will be a problem in stuffs, especially when there is a language barrier. And, seeking the opinions of the diversification can feel that process becomes more complex and has more fuzziness. Both the understanding of decision and difference of work mode will make the execution of decision very difficult to implement the unified action.
4. Solution of deal with the problems
To solve the first problem which the diversity stuff may hinder sharing the formation of enterprise culture because of their backgrounds, we can ward off change resistance with inclusion. Change resistance will happen in many companies in these days, and that it’s not rightness for company to against with this problem directly. The best way is that managers need to communicate with diversity stuff, and formulate an employee satisfaction survey for getting known the employees. At the same time, manager also can train stuffs, and make them fitting into the organization.
Many top companies make assessing and evaluating their diversity process an integral part of their management system. A customizable employee satisfaction survey can accomplish this assessment for company efficiently and conveniently.It can help management team determine what kinds of problem do the stuffs have, and they can know how to deal with these problems as possible as fast.
To deal with the second problem, managers can utilize diversity training. First of all, managers should launch a customizable employee survey for getting the fundamental information of diversity stuffs. Next, managers can formulate a training plan for those employees basic on this information. For stuff who lack of a common point of view with organization, managers can train them to get to know about company by showing the corporate culture and the goals of company. For stuff that exist language barrier, manager can make those employees to take a refresher course of language learning. Also, for other stuffs that have other problems, management teams can formulate related training courses to solve.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, the main characteristic of modern enterprise isdiversity workforce nowadays, namely staff in gender, race, nationality, age, cultural structure, ability structure and characteristics and so on various aspects more diversified.As the economy becomes increasingly global, our workforce becomes increasingly diverse. Dealing well with diverse workforce, the organization will be more success and efficiency.
6. Reference
/recruit/diversity/Diversity-in-the-Workplac e-Benefits-Challenges-Solutions.asp
2. /hrdisciplines/Diversity/Pages/default.aspx
3. /service/baike/1883.html
4. /view/19ef2ebe7d7061e09ac5a1a9a8a8c06c.html
5. /view/8519059a99384ead44e2449b36e3a6f7.html
6. ‘Managing Human Resources’; Chapter2 P5-P6。