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2பைடு நூலகம்
本专业高度重视学科建设向专业建设的渗透和高水平科研成果向本科教学的转化,构建了一套培育系统 设计师的实践教学体系,对学生科研素养和创新能力的培养起到了很大的促进作用。本专业以运动控制系统、 过程控制系统、综合自动化系统以及嵌入式控制系统等专业方向为特色,强化培养学生的系统观念和实践能 力。毕业生适应面宽,具有良好的就业前景。2005 年被批准为江苏省品牌专业,2007 年被批准为国家级特色 专业建设点。
目前,自动化学院师生正以崭新的面貌迎接新世纪的挑战,与时俱进,开拓创新,为再创辉煌而努力奋 斗。
School of Automation
The School of Automation originated from the Dynamic-Transmission and Command-Instrument field in the Department of Artillery-Engineering at the Institute of Military Engineering of the PLA. In 1996, the department of Automation came out directly from the Department of Automatic control at the East China Institute of Technology, which was established in 1984. In 2005, the School of Automation was founded. There is a complete training program and well-known research system that consists of the doctoral program of the general discipline in “Control Science and Engineering” and a post-doctoral program in this major. In these fields, these are five doctoral programs and four master programs such as “Control Theory and Control Engineering”, “Systems engineering”, “Navigation, guiding and controlling”, “Detecting technology and automatic devices”. At bachelor degree level, the school has “Automation”, “Electronic and Information Engineering”, “Electrical Engineering and Automation” specialties. These are six teaching-research groups and the affiliated University Experimental Center for Electric Power and Electricity and six special labs. The faculty-staff body consists of almost one hundred people, among them there are 21 professors and 23 associate professors. There are also 1400 undergraduates, 500 graduates, and 100 Ph.D students. The school has a cooperative tradition in academia and research, yielding a considerable number of teaching and researching accomplishments such as natural-foundation program, the National “863” High-tech Program , some nation-sponsored researches in the fields of military technology. In addition, the school has also undergone around 200 research programs supported by related companies and institutes. The faculty members have gained more than 60 national and provincial awards and have so far published more than 1000 articles and research papers, among which about several hundreds of papers have been cited by SCI, EI, and ISTP systems. The school has also established prominent reputation in the special fields of Stochastic Control Theory and Application, Intelligent Control and Application, descriptor system, Information security, Command Automation. The Teaching facilities are advanced, including labs of about 6000 sq.m., 400 computers, 1500 sets of equipments, etc. The faculty is notable for their devotion to the fields and for their pedagogical skills of high-quality and effectiveness. The students have won the competitions many times at national and provincial levels, such as Mathematics Competition and Physic Competition in Jiangsu Province, National Math-Model Competition and the National Award for the Advanced Class as well as the Provincial Awards for the Advanced Classes. The student employment rate is very high, a large amount of students continue their pursuit in graduate schools. Currently, both faculty-staff and students are well prepared for the coming challenges in the new century and are determined to achieve new contributions to the fields.
自动化学院拥有“控制科学与工程”一级学科博士学位授予权(下含“控制理论与控制工程”、“系统工 程”、“导航、制导与控制”、“检测技术与自动化装置”等五个二级学科博士点)和一级学科博士后流动站以 及相应的硕士学位授予权,具有“电路与系统”,“电气工程”硕士学位授予权。“控制科学与工程”一级学科 中有一个国家级重点学科,四个江苏省重点学科。“控制科学与工程”学科被列为“211 工程”重点建设学科。 学院设有自动化、电子信息工程、电气工程及其自动化三个本科专业,其中自动化、电子信息工程专业为国 家级特色专业建设点、江苏省品牌专业,电气工程及其自动化专业为江苏省特色专业。自动化学院现有在校 本科生 1400 余人,硕士研究生(含工程硕士)500 余人,博士研究生 100 余人。
自动化学院科学研究、教学研究成果丰硕,近年来承担了国家自然科学基金项目、国家“863”高技术项 目、国家型号项目、国防科技预研项目、横向科技项目 200 余项,获国家级、省部级以上各类科技和教学奖 项 60 余项;发表学术论文 1000 余篇,有数百篇论文被 SCI、EI、ISTP 收录。
自动化学院有着优越的实验和科研条件,现有办公室和实验室面积近 6000 平方米,各类计算机近 400 台, 实验设备和专用设备 1500 余台套,为学生的成才创造了极为有利的条件。
本专业学生主要学习电工技术、电子技术、控制理论、信息处理、自动检测、计算机技术与应用和网络 技术等方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到良好的工程实践基本训练,具有系统分析、设计、开发与研究的基 本能力。
自动化学院致力于创造一流的学科专业,一流的师资队伍,一流的创新人才,不断提升在国内外同行中 的地位。
自动化学院现有专兼职教师 100 余人,其中专职教授 21 人、副教授 23 人、兼职教授 10 余人。设有自动 控制系、信息工程系、电气工程系、电工教研部、C3I 系统研究所等 6 个研究所、校电力电气实验中心和院实 验中心。
自动化学院学术氛围浓厚、教风严谨、学风踏实,在各项教学环节中以培养高素质创新型人才为目标, 注重理论联系实际,注重强电与弱电结合,注重硬件与软件并举。大学生科技活动成果丰硕,近四年获国际、 国家级奖励 30 余项,省部级奖励 40 余项。学生就业形势好,考取研究生比例高。
自动化学院与美国、英国、德国、法国、日本、加拿大、新加坡等国家保持着良好的学术交流和科研合 作关系,每年都有教师赴国外进修和合作,不断提升学术水平和扩大其学术影响。
南京理工大学自动化学院的前身是哈尔滨军事工程学院炮兵工程系“指挥仪器”专业和解放军炮兵工程 学院“火炮动力传动”专业。经过专业的不断改造,院系调整,学校迁移等变化,于 1984 年正式成立了华东 工学院自动控制系,1996 年改名为南京理工大学自动化系,2005 年更名为南京理工大学自动化学院。
自动化学院简介.............................................................................. 1 自动化专业.................................................................................. 3 2010 级本科自动化专业教学计划进程表 ......................................................... 5 自动化专业必修课程先修关系图 ................................................................ 8
培养具备良好的科学素质、人文素养、社会责任感和职业道德;具有较强的创新意识和工程实践能力; 具有国际视野和跟踪自动化领域发展的能力;具有团队合作精神和组织管理能力;具有扎实的自动化基础理 论和专业技能,能够从事自动测试系统、嵌入式计算机控制系统、网络化控制系统以及自动化设备的设计与 开发、应用与维护、技术管理与教育等方面工作的高级工程技术人才。
本专业高度重视学科建设向专业建设的渗透和高水平科研成果向本科教学的转化,构建了一套培育系统 设计师的实践教学体系,对学生科研素养和创新能力的培养起到了很大的促进作用。本专业以运动控制系统、 过程控制系统、综合自动化系统以及嵌入式控制系统等专业方向为特色,强化培养学生的系统观念和实践能 力。毕业生适应面宽,具有良好的就业前景。2005 年被批准为江苏省品牌专业,2007 年被批准为国家级特色 专业建设点。
目前,自动化学院师生正以崭新的面貌迎接新世纪的挑战,与时俱进,开拓创新,为再创辉煌而努力奋 斗。
School of Automation
The School of Automation originated from the Dynamic-Transmission and Command-Instrument field in the Department of Artillery-Engineering at the Institute of Military Engineering of the PLA. In 1996, the department of Automation came out directly from the Department of Automatic control at the East China Institute of Technology, which was established in 1984. In 2005, the School of Automation was founded. There is a complete training program and well-known research system that consists of the doctoral program of the general discipline in “Control Science and Engineering” and a post-doctoral program in this major. In these fields, these are five doctoral programs and four master programs such as “Control Theory and Control Engineering”, “Systems engineering”, “Navigation, guiding and controlling”, “Detecting technology and automatic devices”. At bachelor degree level, the school has “Automation”, “Electronic and Information Engineering”, “Electrical Engineering and Automation” specialties. These are six teaching-research groups and the affiliated University Experimental Center for Electric Power and Electricity and six special labs. The faculty-staff body consists of almost one hundred people, among them there are 21 professors and 23 associate professors. There are also 1400 undergraduates, 500 graduates, and 100 Ph.D students. The school has a cooperative tradition in academia and research, yielding a considerable number of teaching and researching accomplishments such as natural-foundation program, the National “863” High-tech Program , some nation-sponsored researches in the fields of military technology. In addition, the school has also undergone around 200 research programs supported by related companies and institutes. The faculty members have gained more than 60 national and provincial awards and have so far published more than 1000 articles and research papers, among which about several hundreds of papers have been cited by SCI, EI, and ISTP systems. The school has also established prominent reputation in the special fields of Stochastic Control Theory and Application, Intelligent Control and Application, descriptor system, Information security, Command Automation. The Teaching facilities are advanced, including labs of about 6000 sq.m., 400 computers, 1500 sets of equipments, etc. The faculty is notable for their devotion to the fields and for their pedagogical skills of high-quality and effectiveness. The students have won the competitions many times at national and provincial levels, such as Mathematics Competition and Physic Competition in Jiangsu Province, National Math-Model Competition and the National Award for the Advanced Class as well as the Provincial Awards for the Advanced Classes. The student employment rate is very high, a large amount of students continue their pursuit in graduate schools. Currently, both faculty-staff and students are well prepared for the coming challenges in the new century and are determined to achieve new contributions to the fields.
自动化学院拥有“控制科学与工程”一级学科博士学位授予权(下含“控制理论与控制工程”、“系统工 程”、“导航、制导与控制”、“检测技术与自动化装置”等五个二级学科博士点)和一级学科博士后流动站以 及相应的硕士学位授予权,具有“电路与系统”,“电气工程”硕士学位授予权。“控制科学与工程”一级学科 中有一个国家级重点学科,四个江苏省重点学科。“控制科学与工程”学科被列为“211 工程”重点建设学科。 学院设有自动化、电子信息工程、电气工程及其自动化三个本科专业,其中自动化、电子信息工程专业为国 家级特色专业建设点、江苏省品牌专业,电气工程及其自动化专业为江苏省特色专业。自动化学院现有在校 本科生 1400 余人,硕士研究生(含工程硕士)500 余人,博士研究生 100 余人。
自动化学院科学研究、教学研究成果丰硕,近年来承担了国家自然科学基金项目、国家“863”高技术项 目、国家型号项目、国防科技预研项目、横向科技项目 200 余项,获国家级、省部级以上各类科技和教学奖 项 60 余项;发表学术论文 1000 余篇,有数百篇论文被 SCI、EI、ISTP 收录。
自动化学院有着优越的实验和科研条件,现有办公室和实验室面积近 6000 平方米,各类计算机近 400 台, 实验设备和专用设备 1500 余台套,为学生的成才创造了极为有利的条件。
本专业学生主要学习电工技术、电子技术、控制理论、信息处理、自动检测、计算机技术与应用和网络 技术等方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到良好的工程实践基本训练,具有系统分析、设计、开发与研究的基 本能力。
自动化学院致力于创造一流的学科专业,一流的师资队伍,一流的创新人才,不断提升在国内外同行中 的地位。
自动化学院现有专兼职教师 100 余人,其中专职教授 21 人、副教授 23 人、兼职教授 10 余人。设有自动 控制系、信息工程系、电气工程系、电工教研部、C3I 系统研究所等 6 个研究所、校电力电气实验中心和院实 验中心。
自动化学院学术氛围浓厚、教风严谨、学风踏实,在各项教学环节中以培养高素质创新型人才为目标, 注重理论联系实际,注重强电与弱电结合,注重硬件与软件并举。大学生科技活动成果丰硕,近四年获国际、 国家级奖励 30 余项,省部级奖励 40 余项。学生就业形势好,考取研究生比例高。
自动化学院与美国、英国、德国、法国、日本、加拿大、新加坡等国家保持着良好的学术交流和科研合 作关系,每年都有教师赴国外进修和合作,不断提升学术水平和扩大其学术影响。
南京理工大学自动化学院的前身是哈尔滨军事工程学院炮兵工程系“指挥仪器”专业和解放军炮兵工程 学院“火炮动力传动”专业。经过专业的不断改造,院系调整,学校迁移等变化,于 1984 年正式成立了华东 工学院自动控制系,1996 年改名为南京理工大学自动化系,2005 年更名为南京理工大学自动化学院。
自动化学院简介.............................................................................. 1 自动化专业.................................................................................. 3 2010 级本科自动化专业教学计划进程表 ......................................................... 5 自动化专业必修课程先修关系图 ................................................................ 8
培养具备良好的科学素质、人文素养、社会责任感和职业道德;具有较强的创新意识和工程实践能力; 具有国际视野和跟踪自动化领域发展的能力;具有团队合作精神和组织管理能力;具有扎实的自动化基础理 论和专业技能,能够从事自动测试系统、嵌入式计算机控制系统、网络化控制系统以及自动化设备的设计与 开发、应用与维护、技术管理与教育等方面工作的高级工程技术人才。