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I still remember the moment I stepped onto the stage to deliver my speech. The spotlight was blinding, and the audience's eyes were fixed on me, waiting for my first words. 我依然记得当我踏上讲台,准备发表演讲的那一刻。聚光灯刺眼,观众的目光紧盯着我,等待我说出第一个词。

I could feel my heart racing in my chest, my palms sweaty as I gripped the microphone tightly. All the hours of preparation and practice leading up to this moment had come down to this one speech. 我感觉到自己的心脏在胸腔里狂跳,手心湿漉漉的,紧握着话筒。那些在这一刻之前投入的所有准备和练习,都将汇聚在这一次演讲中。

As I began to speak, I could feel the weight of my words hanging in the air. Each sentence carried the weight of my emotions and my message, and I could sense the audience hanging on to every word. 当我开始讲话时,我感觉到我的话语挂在空气中。每一个句子都承载着我的情感和我的讯息,我能感觉到观众紧紧抓住每个字眼。

The vulnerability of being on stage, exposed and open to judgment, was both terrifying and exhilarating. But as I continued to speak, I found my rhythm and my confidence grew. I was no longer just delivering a speech, but sharing a part of myself with the world. 登上舞台,暴露在评判之下,那种暴露和开放的脆弱感既令人恐惧又令人兴奋。但随着我继续讲话,我找到了自己的节奏,我变得更加自信。我不再只是发表演讲,而是与世界分享了自己的一部分。

The sound of applause as I finished my speech was a validation of all the hard work and effort I had put into my words. The audience's response was overwhelmingly positive, and I could feel a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over me. 当我结束我的演讲时,掌声响起,这是对我所付出的努力和汗水的肯定。观众的回应是极其积极的,我感到一种自豪和成就感涌上心头。

As I left the stage, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to share my message with others. The experience of speaking in front of a live audience was both nerve-wracking and rewarding, and I knew that I had grown as a person through the process. 当我离开讲台时,我不禁对能够与他人分享我的讯息感到感激。在

