Jena 简介
Jena 简介一般来说,我们在Protege这样的编辑器里构建了本体,就会想在应用程序里使用它,这就需要一些开发接口。
Jena 是HP公司开发的这样一套API,似乎HP公司在本体这方面走得很靠前,其他大公司还在观望吗?可以这样说,Jena对应用程序就像Protege对我们,我们使用Protege操作本体,应用程序则是使用Jena来做同样的工作,当然这些应用程序还是得由我们来编写。
其实Protege本身也是在Jena的基础上开发的,你看如果Protege 的console里报异常的话,多半会和Jena有关。
最近出了一个Protege OWL API,相当于对Jena的包装,据说使用起来更方便,这个API就是Protege的OWL Plugin所使用的,相信作者经过OWL Plugin的开发以后,说这些话是有一定依据的。
题目是说用Jena处理OWL,其实Jena当然不只能处理OWL,就像Protege 除了能处理OWL外还能处理RDF(S)一样。
好了,现在来点实际的,怎样用Jena读我们用Protege创建的OWL本体呢,假设你有一个OWL本体文件(.owl),里面定义了动物类(/ont/Animal,注意这并不是一个实际存在的URL,不要试图去访问它),并且它有一些实例,现在看如下代码:OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();File myFile = ...; FileInputStream(myFile), "");ResIterator iter = m.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, m.getResource("http:// /ont/Animal"));while (iter.hasNext()) {Resource animal = (Resource);System.out.println(animal.getLocalName());}和操作RDF(S)不同,com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel是专门处理本体(Ontology)的,它是com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model的子接口,具有Model的全部功能,同时还有一些Model没有的功能,例如listClasses()、listObjectProperties(),因为只有在本体里才有“类”和“属性”的概念。
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伊曼努尔·康德全名伊曼努尔·康德出生学派 / 流派康德主义、唯心主义主要领域形而上学、伦理学、认识论著名思想绝对命令、先验唯心主义、综合命题、本体显示▼受影响于显示▼施影响于目录[隐藏]∙ 1 生平∙ 2 哲学思想综述o 2.1 《纯粹理性批判》的哲学要义▪ 2.1.1 先验感性论▪ 2.1.2 先验逻辑论▪ 2.1.3 先验分析论▪ 2.1.4 先验辩证论▪ 2.1.5 先验方法论▪ 2.1.6 知识论要义与其他o 2.2 《实践理性批判》的哲学要义o 2.3 康德哲学的学说结论∙ 3 名言∙ 4 康德生前发表的著作∙ 5 康德著作的英文翻译∙ 6 参考文献∙7 外部链接[先验感性论主要是阐明,只有通过人的感性知识(接受能力)所先天具有的直观形式即空间和时间两大要素去整理自在之物(的表象即现象界)刺激感官的感觉材料,才能获得确定的感性知识,同时,空间和时间也是数学知识的先天直观形式。
各州名称及首府见下表(按照字母顺序排列,柏林、不来梅和汉堡为市州):各州概况:巴登符腾堡州(Baden-Württemberg, 简称巴符州,BW):本州为德国景色最具魅力的地区之一,著名的黑森林(Schwarzwald)地区有很多人们非常喜爱的疗养院,如巴登巴登(Baden-Baden)。
历史文化名人众多,如席勒(Schiller,1759-1805)、荷尔德林(Hölderlin,1770-1843)、黑格尔(Heger,1770-1831)、谢林(Schilling,1775-1854)、海德格尔(Heidegger, 1889-1976)等。
2.Carl Zeiss Jena(简称“CZJ”),是现在保有量最大,但已经不再生产,将来最容易升值,且价格合理,能出一流照片的镜头,东德品牌。
镜头上打印着Carl Zeiss T*的标志,确实是西蔡正统,出片锐度高,色彩纯正且有着很高的饱和度,焦外过渡自然,用料足,加工精,远胜日系镜头的产品。
后来在新加坡建厂,因为德国本土的真空镀膜炉发生大爆炸,所以后来的HFT 镀膜镜头一般都为新加坡产。
理解SPARQL使用语义Web 建立微型日志博客Andrew Matthews, 架构师和开发人员, 自由职业者简介:代表Web 未来的语义Web 是一个以知识为中心的模型,除了人类可读的文档和XML 消息格式之外,它还增加了机器可以理解和处理的数据。
SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) 对于语义Web 就像SQL 对于关系数据库一样重要。
它允许应用程序对分布式RDF 数据库进行复杂的查询,并得到了互相竞争的多种框架的支持。
开始之前常用缩写词∙API:应用程序编程接口∙DOM:文档对象模型∙FTP:文件传输协议∙HTTP:超文本传输协议∙HTML:超文本标记语言∙OWL:Web 本体语言∙RDF:资源描述框架∙URI:统一资源标识符∙URL:统一资源定位符∙W3C:万维网联盟∙XML:可扩展标记语言本教程是为那些拥有很少或者没有语义Web 应用程序开发经验的开发人员编写的。
不需要任何编程或者开发工具,但是需要对Web 基础有所了解。
阅读完本教程后将能够使用Turtle 语言生成RDF 和OWL 本体(ontology)。
还会学到如何使用Jena 和Joseki 支持本体,以及使用SPARQL 进行查询。
关于本教程本教程介绍了SPARQL 以及基础数据格式。
还涵盖了RDF、RDF Schema、OWL 以及Turtle 知识表示语言。
本教程的例子建立了用于日志和预约系统的本体和查询,可以生成带语义标签的类似twitter 的微型博客。
本教程的主要内容如下:∙介绍语义Web,包括RDF、OWL 和SPARQL∙如何使用Joseki 建立RDF Triple Store∙编写日志系统的SPARQL 查询回页首前提条件要学习本教程,需要下列工具:∙Java™ 环境—Java 运行时环境,用于运行SPARQL 的服务器Joseki。
1987年春, 美国能源部健康和环境研究顾问委员会在听取个种 意见后写了一份报告“Human Genome Initiation”, 肯定人类 基因组测序计划的重要性, 并表示愿意独立承担这一计划. 与此同时,美国科学院生命科学学部基础生物委员会指定15名 科学家组成“全国研究委员会”, 经过14个月的努力写出一份
1988年美国国会正式批准拨出专款资助能 源部和国立卫生研究院同时负责实施人类 基因组计划. 一般以1989年为起始执行年.
第一任首席科学家: James Watson
因DNA顺序专利争论 于1992年辞职.
第二任首席科学家 Francis Collins
为核心的“DNA序列”探测和以作图为中 心
Dubecco宣言, 1986
In 1975 Dubcco was awarded the Noble prize for Physiology or Medicine with two of his associates David Baltimore and Howard Temin. In 1986 Dubecco proposed the “Human Genome Project” to map the entire genome and to identify some 100 thousand genes which make up the human genome strucrure. From 1988 to 1992, Dubecco served as the President of the Salk Institute. At present, Dubecco, who returned to Italy to work for CNR is supervisor of the “Human Genome Project”(the Iatlian part of the International Project). Dubecco提出了人类基因组计划作图和测序同时进行的研究路线.
哲学家马克思的简介卡尔·海因里希·马克思(德语:Karl Heinrich Marx,生卒1818年5月5日-1883年3月14日),早期在中国被译为麦喀士,马克思主义的创始人。
Karl Marx,曾有麦客士、马陆科斯、马尔克、马可思、马格斯、马尔格时等译法。
他的祖父洛宾·列维(Rabbin Marc Levy)是一名犹太人律法学家,他的父亲希尔舍·卡尔·马克思,后改名亨利希·马克思(Heinrich Marx)(1817年2月改信__路德教派),生于1782年,同荷兰裔犹太女子罕丽·普列斯堡(Henriette Presborck)结婚,生育多名子女,但从一确定继承人的文件中发现,只有卡尔·马克思和三个女儿索非亚、爱米尔、路易莎存活。
来组 织 和描述 网状 知识 ,因为该 语 言具有 面 向对象 的思 想 , 只需要 关 注与所 建对 象有 直接 联 系 的对 象 : 属性 设 置灵 活 ; 易扩 展 ; 信 息冗 余 : 够从 原 有 容 无 能 知 识 中推导 出来 的知识 不 用再行 组 织 , 更关 键 的是 。
图 2 常 见 的 网状 知识 粳 型
在 图 2中 , B、 A、 C属于 步 骤前 的准 备工 作或 者 要 素 , 为基 础层 ; 归 步骤层 中是 由一 系列具 有先 行后 继关 系 的步骤 组成 ; 顶层 是 目标 层 , 最 是我 们所 要达 到 的 目标 。 若要 对此 网状知识 模型 进行全 方位推 理 , 至少要 分 别在 各层 之 间设 置 两个具 有对 称关 系 的属
作 者 简 介 : 桢 (9 1 )女 , 林 18 一 , 本科 , 教 , 究方 向 为信 息 管理 系统 的应 用 。 助 研
9 4
21 0 0年 4月
桢 : 于 Jn 基 e a的 网 状知 识推 理 与 应用 研 究
第 4期 ( 1 0期 ) 总 5
后 续 ,代 表直 接后 续 ) 等 。 《 学分 析》 复变 函 > ] 如 数 是《 数》 《 变函数》 和 实 的直 接 先 行 课 程 , 复 变 函 数 》 《 是 《 变 函数 》 实 的直 接 先 行课 程 , 规 范 化 处 理 后 并 不 作 会 造成 知识 的缺 失和推 理 的错 误 , 因为 掌握 了《 变 复 函 数 》 代 表 了 掌 握 了《 学 分 析 》 知识 了 ; 3 不 就 数 的 () 能 出现 循环 。虽然 在 进行 系 统分 析 的 时候可 能会 出 现循 环 的步 骤 。 需要 新 的方 法 进行处 理 。 但
近交系动物品系特征及⽤途⼀、⼩⿏近交品系特征及⽤途简介1.A/J:(1)遗传背景:①起源:1921年L.C.Strong博⼠⽤冷泉港Cold Spring Harbor albino⽩化原种和Bagg albino⽩化原种杂交后,近交培育⽽成。
H-1(no a or c)H-3(no a or b)。
②肿瘤:乳腺肿瘤发病率中等,肺肿瘤发病率⾼,原发性肺肿瘤雄性为6%,雌性为32 %,⾮⽣育雌性为26%。
③微⽣物、寄⽣⾍:对伤寒、沙门⽒菌、补体C5有抗⼒,对狂⽝病毒有⼀定的敏感性,对单核细胞增多性利斯特菌敏感,对Calmette-Guerin杆菌有抗⼒,对绿脓杆菌有较强的敏感性,由于其带有Hc°等位基因,因此其对新型隐球菌敏感,其它敏感性见于N.N.Nesbitt and E.Skamene.J.Leuk.Biol.36:357,1984。
下面是小编为你整理的马克思英文简介,希望对你有用!卡尔·海因里希·马克思简介Karl Heinrich Marx (German: Karl Heinrich Marx, May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883), one of the founders of Marxism, the organizer and leader of the first international A great mentor for the proletariat and working people all over the world. The spiritual leader of the proletariat, the pioneer of the international communist movement.Marx is a great German thinker, politician, philosopher, economist, revolutionist and sociologist. The main works are "Capital", "Communist Manifesto" and so on.Marx founded the well-known philosophical thought as historical materialism, its greatest wish is for the individual's comprehensive and free development. Marx founded the great economic theory. In his personal terms, his great work is "Capital", and Marx established his principles of elaboration as "Critique of Political Economy". Marx believes that this is the "political economy principle" thing, this is the "essence", and later people can continue to study on this basis.Marx argues that the demise of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally unavoidable. He and Engels co-founded the Marxist doctrine, is considered to guide the working people around the world to achieve the socialist and communist great ideals of the struggle of the theoretical weapons and action guide.卡尔·海因里希·马克思人物生平Early schoolMarx was born on May 5, 1818 in the German Federal Prussian kingdom Rhine province (belonging to the German Rhineland-Palatinate) Terry City, a lawyer family. His grandfather Rabbin Marc Levy was a Jewish law jurist, his father, Hirsch Karl Marx, later renamed Heinrich Marx, born in 1782, with Dutch Jewish woman Henriette Presborck married, gave birth to many children, but found in a document of the heir, only Karl Marx and three daughters Sofia, Emir, Luisa survived.In October 1830, Marx entered Trier Middle School. After graduating from high school, enter the University of Bonn, 18 years after the transfer to the University of Berlin to study the law, but most of his focus is on the philosophy and history. In 1840, the Prussian New King Frederick William IV ascended the throne, persecuted Liberal Democrats, demanding that all publications must pass a rigorous review, the university lost academic freedom, and the new king appointed the University of Berlin professor FWvon Schelling would review the , But the position of Marx's scholar in philosophy is higher than the theological position can not be accepted by the anti-Hegelian professor, so Marx will be sent to the doctoral thesis to the Saxony - Weimar - Eisenach Grand Duchy of the University of Jena ( Jena) examines doctoral qualifications. In 1841 Marx applied for a degree from the distinction between the natural philosophy of Democritus and the natural philosophy of Epicurus, and successfully received the PhD in the University of Jena from the unanimous approval of the committee. After graduation as "Rheinland" editor, met in the history of Marx thought quite famous "forest theft problem".Revolutionary careerAt the beginning of the nineteenth century, the industrialrevolution swept through Germany, which promoted the development of the economy of the country's Junke landlords, and also exacerbated the extreme poverty of the lower working people. Hunger drives the poor to pick up dead branches in the forest, picking wild fruits, and some even break the hunting grounds and ranches. Although the 1826 "Prussian Penal Code" on the unauthorized logging and theft of trees severely punished, but the incident is still increasing. And many people do so in order to be sent to the detention center to receive a prison rations, it is hunger and homeless to force people to violate the forest management regulations.In 1836, there were 150,000 people who were subject to criminal penalties in Prussia, accounting for 77 per cent of all criminal cases. In the face of this rather serious social situation, the Prussian rulers did not find the root of the problem and the solution to the problem from the social system level. Instead, it introduced a tougher bill that would pick up dead branches in the forest, Some other violations of the forest management regulations have also been upgraded to theft and criminal penalties. According to the record of the Sixth Rheinland Parliament in 1841, in October the following year, the article "Debate on the Forest Burglary Law" was written to condemn the legislature's favor of the interests of the owners of the trees, to deprive the poor of the right to pick up dead branches, To put forward their own view of forest legislation.The Prussian government was very angry at the views expressed by the Rheinische Zeitung, who immediately sent a seizure of the Rheinland newspaper to force it to stop printing. Marx angrily resigned from the editorial duties of the newspaper. Marx did not regret his own actions, on the contrary, herecognized the government's ugly. He is looking for the opportunity to continue to resolutely fight against the government.1843 "Rheinische" issue license was revoked by King Prussia, because Marx published in the newspaper criticized the Russian czar article, triggering the dissatisfaction of the Russian Tsar Nicholas I, King of Prussia received a protest after the arrest of the ban Reported that Marx was unemployed. During this period, Marx met Friedrich Engels. Engels is the owner of the factory owner is very much appreciate the idea of Marx, often money to sponsor Marx's activities and life, Marx to do learning seriously serious but life with nature, often delayed to the newspaper to the manuscript, Engels often help Marx's work and pens Some articles.married familyFebruary 14, 1814, Yanni Marx was born in Teller a famous family. Yanni Marx (February 12, 1814 - December 2, 1881, formerly known as Johanna "Jenny" · Bernard Jolie von Weston Warren (Johanna "Jenny" Bertha Julie von Westphalen) is A German sociologist, who is only a few minutes away from the home of Marx.In the late summer of 1836, at the University of Bonn, the first year of the study of Marx, back to Terrier to his girlfriend to marry him. Yanni and 18-year-old Marx agreed for life. In accordance with the custom at that time, this is unprecedented. Aristocratic birth, the daughter of Yan Ni, was recognized as the most beautiful girl and the "Queen of the Queen", many handsome aristocratic youth dumping, suitors who lack some people, no doubt, you can conclude a glory Wealthy marriage. But she is contempt for all the traditional concept of society,without the knowledge of their parents to promise to a citizen of the community, she can not predict and Marx's future life how to live. Marx thought that he could not marry Yanni in front of his father, Yan Ni's father, as a temporary adviser. So at first he could only reveal his secret to his father. He believes that his father will be in front of the parents of Jenny for a successful pro-ready for a variety of preparations.In October 1836, Marx moved from the University of Bonn at home near the University of Berlin at home, which meant that they were to be loyal to each other for a long time. In Berlin, because of the feelings of the mind and "love" and the love and the suspense and anxiety, once influenced the Marx wholeheartedly into learning. He had told his father frankly that he had "fallen into the real tranquility" because he was far from the Moose Valley and was far from his "infinite beauty of Jenny". Troubled him is not a guessing heart, because he had never had the slightest doubt on the love of Jenny, but because of the thought of her and long years in the long years of separation, so that he felt very heavy mood.So, 18-year-old Marx wrote writing poetry, poems to express their feelings and feelings. Most of Marx's poems are singing Yanni and pouring himself into her, but there are many of them that express their own thoughts and aspirations and desire to make a difference.On April 15, 1841, Marx received a Ph.D. degree in advance. Young philosopher had just arrived in Trill, hastened to his most beloved home, the doctoral thesis personally sent to the hands of Jenny's father. Yan Ni and Marx after years of separation, had intended to immediately get married. But there is a doctoral thesis and can not be used as a basis for subsistence, so he andYanni had to cancel the idea of marriage, continue to wait. Beginning in April 1842, Marx began writing for the "Rheinische Zeitung". In October 1842, the shareholders of the Rheinland newspaper appointed Marx as editor, and in March 1843, Marx was forced to withdraw from the editorial board of the Rheinburger. And then with Arnold Luger in consultation with the work on the joint publication of the plan. Then on June 19, 1843 he went to Croznach (Yanni after her father died in March 1842 and his mother moved to this place), and waited for him for seven years, was born 1814 born in the German aristocratic (Baron) family of Jenny von Westphalia married. From their private agreement to life together, Yanni waited for a long seven years. In the past seven years, in addition to her had a few times with the fiance of Marx had a few times together, only from the distant with their thoughts and letters to accompany him. She wrote in a letter to Marx: "How brilliant is your image in front of me, how magnificent it is! How far is it from my heart that you can always be by my side, my heart, How is the joy of joy for your beating, my heart, what is anxious to follow you on the way you follow ... ... everywhere I am with you, walking in front of you, but also with you I hope that I can fill the road where you are going, and clear all the obstacles that will stop you from moving forward. "At the same time, she has to struggle with her aristocratic relatives.After the wedding, Marx and Jenny then set off a short wedding trip. In the autumn of 1843, the young Marx and his wife set foot on the exile journey to Paris. During this period he proceeded to study political economy, the French social movement and the French history, and eventually led to its becoming a communist.At the end of October 1843, Marx and Yanni came to Paristogether, and they came to Luga for two months earlier to organize and publish the magazine "German and French Yearbook". At this point, they opened a life full of hardship and self-sacrifice.Because of Marx's outstanding contribution to the cause of communism and to the landlords and bourgeoisians ruthlessly expose and criticize, so that all the conservative forces to exclude him, expelled him. He had to carry a small home around the transfer of their difficulties sometimes difficult to imagine the point of life. At the end of March 1850, with the death of London in London, Jenny wrote a letter to a friend Joseph Weiderme, depicting her life at that time: "Because here the nurse is too high wages, although I often have a bad chest , But still their own children to feed the poor children from my body sucked so much sadness and anxiety, so he has been frail, day and night to endure severe pain.He has been born since the night, Can fall asleep for two or three hours, and recently with violent ventilation, so the child struggles all day on the death line, because of these pains, he desperately sucked milk, so that my breasts were injured and cracked; blood often flow One day, I was holding him sitting, suddenly the female landlord came, I paid her five pounds of arrears, but we have no money at hand.Then came the two bailiffs, Will be my meager home - bed clothes and so on - and even my poor children's cradle and the better toys are seized. They threatened me to say two hours later to all West and I have to sleep with the shivering children sleep light board. "Marx and Yanni symbiotic four women and two children, for the above reasons, only three daughters (ie eldest daughter Jenny Marx, second daughter Laura Marx, Three daughter Elena Marx) grew up [at that time thanks to Helen de Mute Lin Heng, Yanni if thereis no such a loyal assistant, it is difficult to imagine her and her children later how to go down] TheIn this situation, Yan Ni is still deeply in love with Marx. In addition to her mother and housewife's responsibility, in addition to worry about the daily life, but also take on a lot of other work. Yanni is an indispensable secretary to Marx, and almost all manuscripts of Marx - most of which are hard to recognize - must be clearly written by her before being sent to a printing or publishing house.And publishers and editorial office negotiations, some cumbersome procedures, it is difficult to deal with the affairs, must write the situation, many by her agent. Marx was not the kind of person who was easily present in his mouth, but when Yanni left him for a few months because of his mother's death, he wrote in her letter: "Deep passion Because of the close proximity of its object The performance of the daily habits, and in the next resort under the influence of magic will grow up and re-have its inherent strength of my love is the case.As long as we are forced for the space, I immediately understand that time in my Love is like a sun and rain in the plant - to grow.I love you, as long as you stay away from me, it will show its true colors, like a giant face. In this love focused on all my energy and all the feelings. ... ... if I can put your gentle and pure heart close to his heart, I will be silent, not for a cry. I can not kiss you with lips, but have to resort to the text, to the text to convey the kiss. "The love of Marx and Jenny's dusk is more intense. 1880, may suffer from liver cancer, she with amazing restraint ability, endured great pain. In this scared of the years, Marx took care of his wife, not left or right in order to make her happy, Marx in 1881in July and August, accompanied her to France to see the eldest daughter and a few grandson. In the fall of 1881, due to anxious and insomnia, excessive physical exertion, Marx was ill. He is suffering from pneumonia, life is dangerous, but he still can not forget the yanni. Their little daughter talked about her parents' life, "I will never forget the scene of the morning." He felt that he was much better and had gone to the mother's room. Young people, like a pair of young men and women who are beginning to live together, are not like a sick man and a dying old woman, unlike a man who is about to farewell.December 2, 1881, Yan Ni sleepy. This is the biggest blow that Marx has never suffered. On the day of his death, Engels said: "Moore (from India, who describes the dark skin) is also dead." In the next few months, he accepted the doctor's advice, to the mild climate to rest. But no matter where they can not forget Yan Ni, could not stop grief. He wrote to the best friend, "By the way, you know that few people are more disgusted than I am sad, but if I do not admit that I miss my wife at all times - she is the best of my life Everything is inseparable - that 's how I'm lying. "How awesome these words are.January 11, 1883, came the sudden death of the eldest daughter of the bad news, Marx's condition increased. At noon on March 14, 1883, Marx resigned peacefully. On March 17, 1883, Marx was buried next to the grave of Haget's Cemetery, Jenny.Great friendshipIn 1844 September, Engels visited Paris, the two sides began to study the scientific socialism, and formed a deep friendship. Marx wrote the "Economic Philosophy Manuscript", the manuscript until 1933 was discovered and published, known as the "1844 economic philosophy manuscript." In 1845, Marxparticipated in the preparation of "forward magazine", in which the authoritarianism of Germany made a sharp criticism. The Prussian government was very dissatisfied and asked the French government to expel Marx. In the autumn of the same year, Marx was beaten by the French government rogue, deported, forced to come to Brussels, Belgium. In December 1845, Marx declared his departure from Prussian nationality.And then Engels completed with the "German ideology." The book criticizes Hegel's dialectics and analyzes the incompleteness of Feuerbach materialism, which for the first time systematically expounded the historical materialism they founded and made clear that the proletariat seized power The historical task laid the initial theoretical foundation for socialism from fantasy to science. At the beginning of 1846, Marx and Engels established the Brussels Communist Communications Commission. In 1847, Marx and Engels were invited to the righteous alliance. In June 1847, the reorganization of the alliance and renamed the communist alliance, Marx and Engels drafted the alliance program "Communist Manifesto." Since then the revolution of 1848 swept through Europe, also spread to Belgium. In March 1848, Marx was expelled by the Belgian authorities. At the invitation of the French new government, the Marxist couple returned to Paris, France, Engels arrived in Paris.In April 1848, under the auspices of the German proletariat, Marx and Engels returned to Prussia Cologne and founded the "New Rheinische Zeitung". Followed by almost all editors or judicial arrests, or deportation. On May 16, 1849, Marx received a deportation order from the Prussian authorities. May 19, published in the red ink published "New Rheinische" the last one No. 301 published. In early June, Marx came to Paris. He wasforced to choose or be imprisoned in Brittany, France, or was forced to expel again. In August, Marx was expelled from the French government to London, England. From the Prussian stationed in the British spy report that Marx seems to never scratch the beard, Marx is still in the UK by the Prussian government to monitor.In London, Marx spent the most difficult day of his life. In five years, Marx because of economic and debt problems, mental anxiety, suffering from the poor mood of the disease, four children in three deaths. But during this period, Marx wrote his most important work - "Capital" (Volume 1). Marx is thought to be rich, economically poor and poor, and the great economist who has a thorough study of the capitalist economy is itself poor, and his life is almost in poverty. Marx did not have a fixed job, and the family's economic origins was mainly due to his extremely unstable and extremely meager royalties, coupled with the persecution and blockade of the bourgeoisie, which had always plagued the Marxist family with hunger and survival. To death. In the life of the displaced, he is often empty, clean clothes, struggling in the dilemma of the struggle. If not Engels in economic long-term selfless assistance, Marx can not engage in leading the international proletarian movement and concentrate on theoretical creation.From the letter to Engels on February 27, 1852, we saw the plight of the world famous theorist, Marx wrote: "A week I have reached the point of great pain: because the coat into the pawn shop, I can not And then go out, because not to credit, I can not eat meat. "Soon wrote to Engels talked:" My wife is sick, little Yanni disease, Linheng suffering from a nerve heat, the doctor I can not please , And now can not please, because there is nomoney to buy medicine. Eight to ten days since the home to eat bread and potatoes, whether today can get these, but also a problem. "Hungry poverty and housework trivia, troubled Marx, he Feeling angry and irritable, unable to concentrate and wisdom to carry out theoretical creation. On the plight of Marx, Engels as their own difficulties. "I will send you five pounds in early February," he wrote in a letter to Marx. "You can receive this number every month, even if I do not have a debt to the new year." ... of course, you do not because I promised to pay 5 pounds a month in the difficult time no longer write to me to ask for money, because as long as possible, I must do so. "At this time Engels in the door - Engels The company is just an ordinary small clerk, the income is very low.Engels later made the company's care, the monthly salary has improved. From 1860 onwards, the support of Marx increased to 10 pounds per month, but also often "other" to give some funding. From 1851 to 1869, Marx received a total of £ 3121 remittances of Engels. For Engels at the time, it was a matter of course. It is precisely because of the generosity of Engels, so that Marx relentlessly survived, to be engaged in long-term scientific writings, writing for the "capital" for extensive and in-depth economic research. Just as Lenin said: "If not Engels sacrificed himself and continue to give funding, Marx not only can not be written as" capital "and is bound to die from poverty." Engels's selfless dedication, Marx was very moved, and very disturbed, in 1867 Wrote to Engels' letter: "frankly told you that my conscience is often as heavy as the dream of the devil, because your excellence is mainly for me to waste in business, only to let them deserted, and But also to share all my trivial worries. "This is the words of Marx's heart. The concern of Marx and his family life,Engels is meticulous. Marx's life is suffering from hardships, whenever Marx suffered setbacks and blows, thoughts and feelings with grief and depression, Engels always think of ways to soothe, he has become a Marx to avoid the storm of life in the harbor, Marx arrived in this harbor, Quiet and happy. Poverty and suffering have claimed the four children of Marx.In April 1855, Marx's favorite son, Edgar, died, which gave Marx a heavy blow, and he felt he could not support it. In the letter to Engels, Marx talked about the infinite sadness: "In these days, I have been able to bear all this terrible pain, because always miss you, miss your friendship, always hope that the two of us also To make some meaningful things together in the world. "Engels brought the couple to Manchester, in Engels's careful arrangements and care, the Marx and the couple spent the most difficult moments of life. Engels is a "supernumerary" member of Marx's house, and every time he goes to Marx's house, the whole family is as happy as the holidays, and Marx's daughters see Engels as "the second father". Of course, the Marx family of Engels on the health concerns, it is worrying. In 1857 July, when Engels was sick, Marx wrote a letter of comfort: "Dear Engels, you can believe that no matter how unfortunate we are, my wife and I are more concerned about your recent health situation than our own. "Two old comrades in the work of different places, often communicate with each other ideas, without reservation to talk about personal life and political life in the emotions, in their more than 1,000 communications, we see the two comrades Deep Yi Benedict, a few days can not get each other letters, each other to each other up. In his letter to Engels, Marx wrote, "Dear Engels, are you crying or laughing, sleeping or awake? In the last three weeks, I sent a variety of letters to Manchester, but Did notreceive a reply, but I believe are sent to. "Similarly, if you can not hear a few days of Marx's audio, Engels will be issued" even the gun "like questioning" old Moore, old Moore, big beard old Do you have anything to do? What are you doing, what are you doing? Are you sick or falling into the abyss of your political economy? "They are doing nothing Said, nothing to talk about. And the friendship between Engels, Marx made a high degree of evaluation, February 20, 1866 to Engels in the letter said: "This friendship between us is how happy, you have to know that I am any relationship Have not made such a high evaluation. "Engels and Marx's noble friendship, for the human to establish a brilliant example, the two great great friendship to tell the world: based on common faith and the pursuit of the foundation of friendship, is evergreen, unbreakable.Old age and deathSeptember 28, 1864, Marx participated in the first international congress, was elected to the leadership committee. He drafted the Declaration on the Establishment of the International, the Provisional Constitution and other important documents. September 14, 1867, "Capital" first volume published. After the two volumes for the death of Marx, by Engels finishing its legacy, respectively, in 1885, published in 1894. In October 1870 Marx reunited with Engels in London. As many countries were expelled and exiled everywhere, he claimed to be "the world's citizens".On December 2, 1881, Yanni Marx died. March 14, 1883 at 2:33 pm, the great thinker of Marx died in London, at the age of 65 years old. And later with Yanni buried in the northern suburbs of London Haget cemetery. Engels published the tomb speech, about 20 people attended the funeral.。
诚实,可靠而且喜欢摸索新事物。 有极佳的性格,但不稳定。凭热情做事,不是兴高采烈就是伤心绝望。太理想化所以经常失望。思维敏捷,但没有耐心。厌倦程序化的东西。
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卡尔蔡司 Carl Zeiss Jena
简介卡尔蔡司Carl Zeiss Jena德国镜头专门企业,且是制造照片和胶片镜头的世界级企业之一。
但是德国人的技术好像抢不走,在耶拿大学的支持下“Carl Zeiss Jena”的标志很快又出现了。
● 原子吸收分光光度计
原子吸收光谱法是一种根据基态原子对特征波长光 的吸收,测定试样中元素含量的分析方法。
由光源发出的被测元素的特征波长光(共振线), 待测元素通过原子化后对特征波长光产生吸收,通过测 定此吸收的大小,来计算出待测元素的含量。
•基本原理 •仪器构造 •常用附件 •发展现状 •产品简介
分辨率反映仪器分•辨基相本临谱原线理的能力 计为量0.2检n定m分时辨,率可规分•程仪辨规锰器定双:构线光2造7谱9.带5,宽 24079%.8nm,二者能•常量的用峰附谷差件< 光光谱谱带带宽宽可不以尽控相•制同发入。展射光现的状强弱,不同元素在测量时使用的 如宽:下测测量量,K需M要n在在•产02.n2品mn光m简光谱谱介带带宽宽下下测测量量,。Cu在0.4nm光谱带
标原点的距离Cx即是被测元素经 稀释后的浓度。
● 紫原外子可吸见收分光光度计
由光源发出的光,通过原子化器产生的被测元素的基态原 子层,经单色器分光进入检测器,检测器将光强度变化转变 为电信号变化,并经信号处理系统计算出测量结果。
高功率光纤激光器的研究进展 - index 清华大学网络资源
第37卷 第7期 激光与红外Vol .37,No .7 2007年7月 LASER & I N FRARE DJuly,2007 文章编号:100125078(2007)0720589204高功率光纤激光器的研究进展陈苗海(华北光电技术研究所,北京100015)摘 要:文章扼要地介绍国际上高功率光纤激光器的进展状况,重点介绍近几年国内外高功率光纤激光器与放大器的发展水平和动向。
关键词:光纤激光器;高功率光纤激光器;掺镱双包层光纤;大模面积;光子晶体光纤中图分类号:T N248.1 文献标识码:AResearch Progress of Hi gh 2power Fi ber LasersCHE N M iao 2hai(North China Research I nstitute of Electr o 2op tics,Beijing 100015,China )Abstract:The research p r ogress of high 2power fiber laser are su mmarized in brief,and the devel opment level and re 2cent trends of high 2power fiber laser within China and abr oad are intr oduced with e mphasis .Key words:fiber laser;high 2power fiber laser;Yb 2doped double -clad fiber;L MA;PCF1 概 况高功率光纤激光器与传统固体激光器相比具有转换效率高、光束质量好、散热方便等优势,是国际上激光技术研发领域的最大热点之一。
自17世纪胡克把在显微镜下看到的木栓薄片中的小室称为“细胞”以来不少学者对许多动,植物的显微结构 都进行过描述,但并未引出规律性的概念。施莱登根据他多年在显微镜下观察植物组织结构的结果,认为在任何 植物体中,细胞是结构的基本成分;低等植物由单个细胞构成,高等植物则由许多细胞组成。1838年,他发表了 著名的《植物发生论》一文,提出了上述观点。该文刊登在1838年出版的《米勒氏解剖学和生理学文集》上。德 国动物学家施旺将此概念扩展到动物界,从而形成了所有植物和动物均由细胞构成这一科学概念即“细胞学说”, 并首次载于1839年发表的施旺所著的《动物和植物的结构与生长的一致性的显微研究》一文中。“细胞学说”被 恩格斯誉为19世纪自然科学三大发现之一,对生物科学的发展起了巨大的促进作用。施莱登也认识到细胞核的重 要性,并观察到细胞核与细胞分裂有关。他还描述过细胞中活跃的物质运动,即现在所说的原生质川流运动。他 是首先接受达尔文进化论的德国生物学家之一。
在细胞的生理过程方面,施莱登提出了新细胞是从旧细胞分裂而来的理论。他认为细胞核是产生新细胞的母 体;一个新细胞起源于一个老细胞的核,接着便成为老细胞的球体中的一个裂片,然后分离出来又形成一个独立 而完整的新细胞:一代代的新细胞就这样不断从老细胞中产生出来。
在细胞的生理地位方面,施莱登提出:细胞是一切植物有机体生命的基本单位,是一切植物体借以生存和生 长......
德国最早接受达尔文进化论的植物学家之一,与施旺(Theodor Schwann)共同创立细胞理论。1824~1827 年于海德堡求学,后于汉堡做律师。但是他的的工作很失败,以至于他决定自杀,然而即使用枪对准自己的前额, 也没有自杀成功。后来,他决定放弃法律而从事自然科学的研究。在获得医学和哲学双博士学位后,被聘为耶拿 大学的生物学教授。很快就对植物学发生兴趣,并以全部时间从事植物学研究。不满同时代植物学家的强调分类 学,他热心于用显微镜研究植物的结构。后任耶拿(Jena)大学植物学教授,1838年著《植物发生论》,说明植物 体各部分均由细胞或细胞产物所组成。于是他就首次提出一条生物学原则,这在当时还只是一种非正式的信念, 而 其 重 要 性 则 堪 与 化 学 上 的 原 子 理 论 相 提 并 论 。 他 也 认 职 1 8 3 1 年 苏 格 兰 植 物 学 家 罗 伯 特 ·布 朗 发 现 的 细 胞 核 的 重 要性,并意识到细胞核与细胞分裂的关系。1863年于俄国多尔帕特(Dorpat)任植物学教授。
财务管理、采购管理、销售管理用友ERP-U8与致远OA集成应用案例目录一、卡尔蔡司信息化描述 (3)二、企业信息化运用中困扰 (4)1、OA与ERP数据脱节,形成信息孤岛 (4)2、信息系统和高管层的距离 (4)三、需要解决的问题 (4)四、卡尔蔡司C2 ERP集成应用介绍 (5)1、卡尔蔡司员工报销单据的审批与流程描述: (6)五、C2集成套件给企也管理带来的价值呈现 (6)企业简介卡尔蔡司(Carl Zeiss Jena)是一家制造光学系统、工业测量仪器和医疗设备的德国企业,且是制造相机镜头的世界级企业。
一、卡尔蔡司信息化描述广州郎恒为卡尔蔡司搭建ERP系统使用用友U8 10.1,使用了总账,报表,采购,销售,库存,存货模块,是标准的财务业务一体化应用。
关于j开头的女孩子英文名字(j开头的英文单词好寓意) 59个
关于j开头的女孩子英文名字(j开头的英文单词好寓意) 59个精选J开头的常见女孩子英文名共计59个,每个英文名都标记了中文音译,而且发音动人,都是比较冷酷的英文名,给人一种沉静自信的印象,有很多女孩子给他们的爱宠取英文名字,一个吸引人的英文名通常都能带来意想不到的效果,比如Jaelyn(杰琳)、Jasmine(贾斯敏)、Joatham(约瑟姆)、Jaak(雅克)、Jaddua(贾杜瓦)等等,英文名好起,常见的英文名应该怎样起呢,一起聊一下j开头的英文单词好寓意。
1. Jaelyn(杰琳,杰林) 音标为[jae-lyn],中文读作杰琳,该名听起来很响亮大气,也很顺口,这样给女生起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望女生有学问,无忧无虑、秀气,在各个方面有所成就。
2. Jasmine(贾斯敏,杰丝敏) jasmine音标为[ˈdʒæzmɪn],该名由3个音节组成,看起来常用寓意好,小女性运用此英文名起名,可彰显出忠心,可靠、耀眼的性格!jasmine来源于上天伯语、波斯语,这个名字在国外较为常见。
3. Joatham(约瑟姆) 此英文名字翻译为约瑟姆,共有3个音节,听起来好听便于书写,作为女生英文名,第一印象是本人率性,娇美、时髦。
joatham 在国外评论中,认为这个人是精力充沛、多才的,这个名字在国外超级流行!约瑟姆的意思是主的完美。
耶拿大学关键词:公立.院校简介:耶拿大学全名耶拿市弗里德里希·席勒大学(Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)位于德国图林根耶拿市,原名耶拿大学,创立于1558年,是德国最古老的大学之一;1934年改名为弗里德里希·席勒大学以纪念德国诗人弗里德里希·席勒。
到2005年为止,耶拿大学有学生20500名,教授340名,现任校长Klaus Dicke,是大学历史上第317届校长。
创立者:校训和校徽:官网:www.uni-jena.de办学条件综合排名:30办学理念:学术声誉:1800 年前后在德国“古典主义时期”成为德国理想主义的中心,并获得很高的世界荣誉。
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Jena 简介
通过Jena Semantic Web Framework 在Jave 应用程序中使用RDF
Philip McCarthy (phil@), 开发人员, SmartStream Technologies Ltd
简介: RDF 越来越被认为是表示和处理半结构化数据的一种极好选择。
本文中,Web 开发人员Philip McCarthy 向您展示了如何使用Jena Semantic Web Toolkit,以便在Java 应用程序中使用RDF 数据模型。
本文的标签:best_practices, jena, qq:326445431, 应用开发, 项目
发布日期: 2004 年7 月01 日
访问情况: 8432 次浏览
评论: 0 (查看 | 添加评论 - 登录)
“资源描述框架(Resource Description Framework,RDF)”最近成为W3C 推荐标准,与XML 和SOAP 等Web 标准并排。
RDF 可以应用于处理特殊输入数据(如CRM)的领域,已经广泛用于社会网络和自助出版软件(如LiveJournal 和TypePad)。
Java 程序员将越来越多地得益于具有使用RDF 模型的技能。
在本文中,我将带您体验惠普实验室的开放源代码Jena Semantic Web Framework(请参阅参考资料)的一些功能。
您将了解如何创建和填充RDF 模型,如何将它们持久存储到数据库中,以及如何使用RDQL 查询语言以程序方式查询这些模型。
最后,我将说明如何使用Jena 的推理能力从本体推断模型知识。
本文假设您已经就图形、三元组和模式等概念方面对RDF 比较熟悉,并对Java 编程有基本的了解。
创建简单的RDF 模型
我们从基本操作开始:从头创建模型并向其添加RDF 语句。
本节,我将说明如何创建描述一组虚构家庭成员之间关系的模型,如图1 中所示:
图 1. 虚拟家庭树
图 2. 合并的WordNet nouns 和glossary 模型的结构
创建数据库后台模型的第一步是说明MySQL 驱动类,并创建DBConnection实
DBConnection构造函数使用用户的ID 和密码登录到数据库。
它还使用包含Jena 使用的MySQL 数据库名称的数据库URL 参数,格式
Jena 可以在一个数据库内创建多个模型。
然后DBConnection实例可以与Jena 的ModelFactory一起使用来创建数据库后台模型。
创建了模型后,可以从文件系统中读入WordNet RDF 文档。
可以通过Notation3 、N-Triples 或默认情况下通过RDF/XML 语法解析模型。
WordNet 作为RDF/XML 进行序列化,所
基准URI 用于将模型中的任何相对URI 转换成绝对URI。
因为WordNet 文档不包含任何相对URI,所以此参数可以指定
清单 4 显示了将WordNet RDF/XML 文件导入到MySQL 持久化模型的完整过程:
清单 4. 导入和持久化WordNet 模型
// Instantiate the MySQL driver
// Create a database connection object
DBConnection connection = new DBConnection(DB_URL, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_TYPE);
// Get a ModelMaker for database-backed models
ModelMaker maker = ModelFactory.createModelRDBMaker(connection);
// Create a new model named "wordnet."Setting the second parameter to "true" causes an
// AlreadyExistsException to be thrown if the db already has a model with this name Model wordnetModel = maker.createModel("wordnet",true);
Philip McCarthy 是一名Web 开发人员,专门研究J2EE 和前沿技术。
他有四年的Java 编程经验,曾在Orange 从事客户Internet 应用程序开发。
他目前在SmartStream Technologies 开发基于Web 的财务应用程序。