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1 建表语句
Create table minf
(mnum numeric(4,0) not null unique,
major varchar(10) not null unique,
mintro varchar(100),
primary key (mnum));
Create table s
(snum numeric(10,0) not null unique,
Sname varchar(4) not null ,
Birthd datetime not null,
Sex varchar(1) ,
Mnum numeric(4,0)
Primary key (snum),
Foreign key (mnum) references minf(mnum));
Create table c
(cnum numeric((10,0) not null unique ,
Cname varchar(10) not null ,
Primary key (cnum));
Create table mtrain
( mnum numeric(4,0) not null unique,
Cnum numeric(10,0) not null unique,
Ccredit numeric(2,2) not null,
Ckind varchar(2) not null,
Cdate datetime ,
Primary key (mnum,cnum),
Foreign key (mnum) references minf(mnum),
Foreign key (cnum) references c (cnum));
Create table tea
(cnum numeric(10,0) not null unique,
Teacher varchar (4) not null,
Primary key (cnum,teacher ),
Foreign key (cnum) references c (cnum));
Create table sc
(snum numeric(10,0) not null unique,
cnum numeric((10,0) not null unique ,
Teacher varchar (4) not null,
Score numeric(3,0) ,
Primary key (snum,cnum),
Foreign key (snum)references s(snum),
Foreign key (cnum) references c (cnum));
2 建视图语句
Create view sc_sview as select
s.snum,sname,um,cname,teacher,score,ccredit,ckind,cdate from sc,s,c,mtrain
where sc.snum=s.snum and um=um and um=um
create view s_view as nl select snum,sname,birthd,sex,mnum,year(getdate())-year(birthd) from s
1. 检索学号为‘160505xxxxx’的学生所学必修课程的课程名与任课教师名
Select cname,teacher from sc,c, where snum like’%160505%’and um=um and um in (select um from sc,mtrain where ckind=’必修’);
2. 检索至少选了‘刘兴’老师所授课程中一门课程的男学生姓名
Select sname from s where snum in (select snum from sc where teacher=’刘兴’)and sex =’男’;
Select snum,sname from s where sex =’女’and snum in (select snum from sc where teacher !=’刘兴’)
Select um,cname,score from c,sc where um=um and snum in (select snum from s where sname=’王丽’)and 色彩。cnum in (select cnum from mtrain where cdate=’第四学期’and ckind=’选修’)
select sname,snum from s where s.snum in(select snum from s where snum like '%07%' and s.mnum in (select mnum from minf where major='工商管理')) and s.snum in(select snum from sc group by snum having count(distinct cnum)>=3) and s.snum in(select snum from sc where um in (select cnum from mtrain where ckind='选修'))
Select cnum,cname from c where cnum in (select cnum from sc where snum like ‘%160807%’)and cnum in (select cnum from mtrain where ckind=’选修’)
Select count(diatinct teacher) as count_tea from sc;
create view gs07 (snum,sname,age,sex) as select
snum,sname,year(getdate())-year(birthd),sex from s where s.snum like '%07%' and s.mnum in (select mnum from minf where major='工商')
select count('男') as m,count('女') as wm from gs07 group by age 9.统计每个学生选修课程(已有成绩)的门数,必修学分,选修学分,及平均
Select count(um)as count_cnum,sum(ccredit)as sum_ccredit1 from sc,mtrain,s where ckind=’选修’and score is not null andsc.snum=s.snum