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The literature of colonial America
John Smith
1)The 1st American writer
2)作品“reports of exploration”have been de scribed as the 1st distinctly American literatur e written in English, attracted Pilgrims(朝圣者) &the Puritans.
3)1608,写了封信“A true Relation of Such O ccurance&Accidents of Note as Hath Happen ed in Virginia Since the 1st planting of That c olony”
4)1612,第二本书“A map of Virginia :with a Description of the Country”
5)他一共出版了八本书,公司破产以后做了向导,he sought a post as guide to the pilgrims. 1624,“General History of Virginia”讲述How the Indian princess Pocahonats Saved him. 6)他早期记录和反映的思想慢慢演变成了美国历史的基本思想,这种思想推动了美国边疆的西移。
7)早期英格兰文学主要关于theological(神学), moral(道德), historical and political.
The Puritans in New England embraced hards hips, together with the discipline of a harsh church.They had toughness, purpose and cha racter, they grappled strongly with challenges they set themselves.他们的基本价值观:hard w ork, thrift, piety and sobriety.(也是美国作品的主导思想)
William Bradford & John Withrop
1)William Bradford:“The History of Plymouth Plantation”(从1630年写起,关于一群清教徒从英国出发到Amsterdam最后到新大陆的过程)Cotton Mather评价:“a common blessing and father to them all.”
2)John Withrop:“The History of New England”(1630,登上Arbella号去Massachusetts并keep a journal and to the rest of his life.1826年出版)3)Puritans
-Puritans wanted to make pure their religious beliefs and practices.The Puritan was Would-be purifier.
-Looked upon themselves as a choosen peol
-Anyone who challenged their way of life wa s opposing God’s will and was not to be ac cepted.
-They were zealous in defense of their own beliefs but often intolerant of the beliefs of others
-Made laws about private morality as well as public behavior Nathaniel Hawthorne called them“stern and black browed Puritans”
John Cotton & Roger Williams
1)John Cotton:The patriarch(教父) of New England
2)Roger Williams:“A key into the language of Ameriaca”&“A help to the language of the Natives in That Part of America Called New England”(美洲新英格兰部分土著居民语言指南)
Anne Bradstreet & Edward Taylor
1)Anne Bradstreet:One of the most interest ing of the early poet.(1630乘Arbella到Massa chusetts)
“The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in Ameri ca”(在美洲诞生的第十个缪斯)
2)Edward Taylor:The best of the Puritan Po ets(作品大部分关于宗教)
The Literature of Reason And Revolution
1.American Independence War
Noah Webster评价:American must be as ind ependent in literature as she is inpolitics, as famous for arts as for arms.(文化上的独立,艺术上的著名)
②Thomas Jefferson:”Declaration of Independ ence(独立宣言)”
2.Enlightenment 启蒙运动
1785, Jefferson:“Notes on the State of Virginia.“
1791, Bartram:“Travels”
Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
1)In the colonial period, the only good Ame rican author before the Revolutionary War. -Born in Boston曾创办“Pennsylvania Gazatte”, 1732-1758出版”Poor Richard’s Almanac coll ocation of proverbs”
2)founded the Junto&Established America’s first circulating library& founded the Universit y of Pennsylvania
Aided Jefferson in writting the Declaration of Independence.
3)The 1st major writers.
4)“Autobiography”,编辑了美国第一份殖民杂志“General magazine”
朋友评价:His shadow lies heavier than any ot her man’s on this young nation.
Thomas Paine 1739-1809
1)“Great Commoner of Mankind”(人类最平凡的人)&Pamphleteer(小册作家)
2)1772, he wrote his 1st pamphlet“The case of the Officers of the Excise”
1774, Franklin给他写推荐信“an ingenious wort hy young man”
He is a political satirist of genius(政治讽刺的天才)
3)1776.1.10 His famous pamphlet“Common Sense”appeared, 署名by an Englishman(书中大胆拥护独立宣言各主张,因此成了美国独立革命思想的代言人)
4)1776-1783,“American Crisis”signed“Com mon Sense”在部队被广泛传阅鼓舞士气
5)1791-1792,“Rights of Man”
6)在法国因反对路易十六和恐怖统治入狱,1793-1 795,“The Age of Reason”a deistic treatise a dvocating a rationalistic view of religion.(注重宗教观念的理性)
7)最后一部作品“Agrarian Justice”
Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826
1)1776,with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R Livingston, he
drafted the Declaration of Independence. 2)1800起担任两届美国总统,建立the Library of Congress,1819创建the university of Virginia 并担任第一任校长
Philip Freneau
1)The most outstanding writter of the Post-Revolutionary period. Double role as poet an d political journalist.
2)1770,“The Power of Fancy”因出版有关讽刺英国人作品而被认可
3)1776,“The House of Night”(the Gothic mood)F·L·帕蒂称它为“the 1st distinctly romant ic note heard in America”and“The Beauties of Santa Cruz”
4)1781,“The British Prison Ship”
5)1786,他的早期作品被收录在“The Poems of Philip Freneau Written Chiefly During the Lat e War”
6)1788,“Miscellaneous Works”.
1791,with Jefferson’s support“National Gaz ette”campaigned against the opinions of the
“Gazette of the United States”
7)教材作品“The Wild Honey Suckle”“The In dian Burying Ground”“To a Caty-Did”
The Literature of Romanticism
1)1828年Andrew Jackson as the 7th Presiden t of the United States标志Virginia王朝的结束1 861年开始Civil War.’[[[‘
2)美国早期的主要文学形式,被长篇、短篇故事和诗歌所取代novels, short stories, and poems re placed sermons and manifestos as America’s principal literary forms.
Washington Irving 1783-1859
1)He was the 1st great prose stylist of Amer ican romanticism familiar style.第一位浪漫主义散文文体作家,大众化风格
2)He was the 1st great belletrist, writing alw ays for pleasure, and to produce pleasure.第一个不折不扣的纯文学作家,他写作只是为了快乐和创造快乐
3)1819-1820,His“Sketch Book”appeared t he 1st modern short stories and the 1st great American juvenile literature to write good hi story and biography as literary entertainment.第一部《见闻札记》是现代文学史上的第一部短篇小说,也是美国第一部伟大的青少年文学读物,他把历史与传说当作娱乐形式来写。
4)19岁发表“Jonathan Oldstyle”, satires of New York lif.讽刺纽约人的生活。
5)1809,“A History of New York”以Diedrich Knickerbocker的名字出版,以轻松幽默的方式讲述早期荷兰殖民者在美洲殖民时的真实历史成为幽默作品中的经典。
6)1822,“Bracebridge Hall”
7)1824,“Tales of Traveler”has the flavor of the German romanticism.
8)With John Howard Payne wrote the brillia nt social comedy:“Charles the Second”or“T he Merry Monarch”
9)1828,“A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus”
10)1829,“A Chronicle of the Conquest of Gr andada”
11)1831,“Voyages and Discoveries of the C ompanions of Columbus”
1832,“Legends of the Conquest of Spain”(i n the“Crayon Miscellany”)收录在
12)1835,“A Tour on the Prairies”;“Astoria”and“The Adventures of Captain Bonneville”. 13)1840,“Life of Oliver Goldsmith”;1855-1 859,“Life of George Washington“.
14)教材作品,“The Author’s Account of Him self”;“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”.
James Fenimore Cooper
1)The 1st imp American novelist began his li terary career on a dare.
2)1821,“The Spy”(引人入胜的探险故事,事件发生在美国独立战争期间)
3)Cooper launched two kinds of immensely popular stories:the sea adventure tale, and t he frontier saga.(开创两种流传极广的小说题材,海
1824,“The pilot”最为成功
1839,he wrote the 1st official history of the U.S.Navy
4)Cooper的Frontier stories“Leather Stocking Tales”including five novels:“The Deerslayer”;“The Last of the Mohicans”;“The pathfinder”;“The Pioneers”;“The Prairie”.Allan Nevins a ll these five novels“the nearest approach yes t to an American epic”.(美国迄今为止最接近史诗的一部大作)
5)教材作品“The Last Mohicans”
William Cullen Bryant 1794-1878
1)1817,the stately poem called“Thanatopsi s”(Greek, meaning “view of death”)introduc ed the best poet to appear in American up t o that time.(人们一致认为这是当时美国最杰出的一篇诗作)
2)“To a Waterfowl”is perhaps the peak of his work,“Most perfect brief poem in the lan guage”(《致水鸟》是其巅峰之作,“用美国英语写作
3)他用无韵诗的形式翻译了“Iliad”and“Odysse y”.
4)He was the first American to gain the statur e of a major poet. 第一个获得美国主要诗人称号的作家
5)教材作品“Thanatopsis”死之思考,“To a Wa terfowl”
Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849
1)1833,在一次小说比赛中“Ms.Found in a Bot tle”获奖,Then he got a job as editor with t he“Southern Literary Messenger”南方文学信使2)“The Fall of the House of Usher
3)1840,his 1st collection of short stories“Ta les of the Grotesque and Arabesque”
4)1845,“The Raven”
5)教材作品“To Helen”,“The Raven”,“Annab el Lee”,“The Fall of the House of Usher”
Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882
1)He was responsible for bringing Transcend entalism to New England and was recognized throughout his life as the leader of the mov ement.(他是把超验主义思想引入England的先去,被看作是美国内战的领袖)
真正让他功成名就的还是两次演讲“The American Scholar”and“The Divinity School Address”.Many of his lectures were later distilled into his famous“Essays”. Among his most imp works are“Representati ve Men”and“English Traits”.
4)“The American Scholar”被称为“our intell ectual Declaration of Independence”
Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862
1)He was Emerson’s truest disciple, who pu t into practice many of Emerson’s theories.
2)1854,“Walden”, the sperb book came ou t of his two year’s residence at Walden Pon d.(根据他在Walden湖畔居住两年经历写出的名作) 3)1849,“Civil Disobedience”from his experi ence in jail.
4)教材“Walden Where I Lived, and What I Li ved For”
Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804-1864
1.“The House of the Seven Gables”讲述的是自己家族的一段历史
2.His material by observing and listening to others听人家将新格兰口头故事民间传说及各种鬼怪趣事。
3.“The Custom House”
1852,“The Blithedale Romance”
1846,“Mosses from an Old Manse”1860,“The Marble Faun”
4.“The Scarlet Letter”讲述关于罪的、罪对不同人
5.Nathaniel Hawthorne&Edgar Allan Poe并称为“The Art of the short story”美国短篇小说现代艺术大师
7.“Ethan Brand”;
“Young Goodman Brown”;
“Dr.Heidegger’s Experiment”;
“The Ambitious Guest”;
“The Great Stone Face”;
8.教材“The Scarlet Letter”
Herman Melville 1819-1891
1.“Moby Dick”;
1846,“Typee”出版后,他被称为“man who liv ed among cannibals”
1891,“Billy Budd”
2.Two other philosophical(哲学) novels:“Mard i”,“Pierre”;
“Bartleby the Scrivener”(有诗歌风味的短篇故事) Two celebrated short novels:“Benito Cereno”,“Billy Budd”.(“Billy Budd“和“Moby Dick”一样运用船来象征社会)
3.教材“Moby Dick”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
1.1833-1835, his prose romance“Outre-Mer”(浪漫散文)
2.“Hiawatha”(采用芬兰民间故事写作手法追忆美洲印第安人的传说);His greatest virtue is that h e made poetry seem worth reading and wort
h writing(使诗歌成为人人能看能写的)
3.1838,1st collection of poems entitled“Voic es of the Night”;
1839,“Hyperion”the prose romance;1841,“Ballads and other Poems”;
1842,“Poems on Slavery”;
1855,“Song of Hiawatha”;
1858,“The Courtship of Miles Standish”;Dramatic work“Michael Angelo”
翻译作品“Divine Comedy”成就最高.
4.其他作品“The Wreck of the Hesperus”;“A Psalm of Life”;“Excelsior”;“The Village Black smith”;“My Lost Youth”
5.教材,“A Psalm of Life”;“The Slave’s Dream”;“My Lost Youth”;“The Song of Hiawatha Hia watha’s Fasting”
The Literature Of Realism
1.Civil War 1861-1865
2.realism一词源于法语realisme, 强调“reality an
d truth”,William Dean Howells defined realis m as“nothing mor
e and nothing less than the t ruthful treatment o
f material”.
3. The greatest of America’s realists, Henry Jam es and Mark Twain, moved well beyond a superf icial portrayal of nineteenth-century America.(摆脱了对十九世纪美国描写的局限)
Walt Whitman 1819-1892
1.One of the great innovators in American lit erature.1855,his“Leaves of Grass”he gave A merica its 1st genuine epic poem.(是文学史上极其重要的、具有创新精神的作家之一;是美国文学史第一部真正的史诗)
2.教材“Song of Myself”;“I Sit and Look Out”;“Drum-Taps Beat! Beat! Drums”
Emily Dickinson 1830-1886
她的诗歌极富创造性和想象力The power of her c reativity and iamgination.
教材“I taste a liquor never brewed”;
“I Felt a Funeral, in My Brain”;
“A Bird came Down the Walk”;
“I Died for Beauty-but Was Scarce”;
“I Heard a Fly Buzz when I died”;“Because I Could not Stop for Death”;
Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811-1896
1)1851.6.5,the novel“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
or“The Man That Was a Thing”在National E ra专栏开始连载直到1852年4月1日,Since the n has been published in some forty languag es and has been read by millions of people around the world.
2)1856,“Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal S wamp”
教材“Uncle Tom’s Cabin小屋”
Mark Twain 1835-1910
1.原名Samuel Langhorne Clemens
2.While working for the Virginia City Territori al Enterprise, he adopted the pseudonym“Ma rk Twain”,the way of a boatman taking soun dings, and meaning two fathoms, i.e. twelve f eet.(意为口寻,也就是十二尺深)
3.1865,第一本书“Jumping Frog”出版;1869,“Innocents Abroad”;
1872,“Roughing It”;
1873,“The Gilded Age”;
1876,“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”;1883,“Life on the Mississippi”;
1884,“Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”;1894,“Pudd’nhead Wilson”;
1900,“The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg”;1906,“What is Man”;
1916,“The Mysterious Stranger”
教材“The Adventures of Tom Sayer”
O.Henry 1862-1910
原名William Sidney Porter
1.人们对他写的故事特别感兴趣,“Ainslee’s Mag azine”出版人邀请他到纽约专门写稿。
2.His best volume“The Four Million”;
His best individual stories“Retrieved Reformat ion”,旧知
“The Gift of the Magi”,
“A Municipal Report”,市政报告
“An Unfinished Story”,
“A Lickpenny Lover”,吝啬爱人
“The Furnished Room”装饰过的房
教材“The Cop and the Anthem(赞美诗)”
Henry James 1843-1916
1)1871,1st novel“Watch and Ward”;1875,“Roderick Hudson”
1877,“The American”
1878,“Daisy Miller”, which one American cri tic described as“an outrage to American gi rlhood”but which brought James his 1st int ernational fame.有人评论该作品是“对美国姑娘的嘲弄”,但正是这部作品让他首次获得国际声誉2)二阶段作品1886,“The Bostonians”,“The P rincess Casamassima”;
1890,“The Tragic Muse”
3)三阶段作品(因写法日渐成熟,许多评论家称此阶段为他的“The Major Phase”)
1902,“The Wings of the Dove”;
1903,“The Ambassadors”;
1904,“The Golden Bowl”
教材“The Portrait of A Lady”
Jack London 1876-1916
1)1900,第一本故事集“The Son of the Wolf”;
1903,“The Call of the Wild”;
1904,“The Sea Wolf”;
1905,“The War of the Classes”;
1906,“White Fang”;
1908,“The Iron Heel”;
1909,“Martin Eden”a central document for L ondon scholars(是作者的核心学术文献)
其他作品,“The Law of Life”
教材“The Sea Wolf”,“Martin Eden”
Theodore Dreiser 1871-1945
(Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser)
1)1900,His 1st novel“Sister Carrie”
2)His best short fictions“Nigger Jeff”and“B utcher Rogaum’s Daughter”;
1910,“Jannie Gerhardt”;
1912,“Trilogy of Desire”
1914,“The Financier”,“The Titan”
1925,最为成功的小说“An American Tragedy”
1928,“Dreiser Looks at Russia”
教材“Sister Carrie”
Twentieth-Century Literature
Ezra Pound 1885-1972
Ezra Loomis Pound
1)“Homage to Sextus Propertius”;“Personae”or“Masks”;
1920,“Huge Selwyn Mauberley”,considered as a satire of the materialistic forces involved in World War I;(被看作是一战讽刺类代表) 1917,“The Cantos”by 1959诗集总首数达109首
教材“A Virginal”;
“Salutation the Second”;
“A Pact”;
“In a Station of the Metro”;
“The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter”
Edwin Arlington Robinson
1)One of the most productive of the new p oets of the 20th century. 以出生的Gardiner镇为背景创作了一部叫“Tilbury Town”的诗集,随后此镇也改名为Tilbury.
2)1904,“Captain Craig”
3)1922,1925,1928连续三次获得Pulitzer Priz e.
“Richard Cory”&“Miniver Cheevy”are good example of his realistic attitudes.
“Ben Jonson Entertains a Man from Stratfor d”a brilliant commentary on Shakespeare’s character.(对莎士比亚性格特点的一个精彩评论) “Merlin”,“Lancelot”,“Tristram”were about Arthurian legends.
教材“The House on the Hill”;
“Richard Cory”;“Miniver Cheevy”
Robert Frost 1874-1963
1)In 1912,he decided to venture everything on a literary career.He sailed for England. 19 13, in London, his 1st book“A Boy’s will”w as published.
2)1914,a second volume of poems“North of Boston”, then frost returned.(回美国) 1916,“Mountain Interval”;
1923,“New Hampshire”;
1928,“West-Running Brook”;
1936,“A Further Range”;
1942,“A Witness Tree”;
1947,“Steeple Bush”;
1962,“In the Clearing”
教材“After Apple-Picking”;
“The Road Not Taken”;
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”;“Departmental”;
“Design”;“The Most of It”;
Carl Sandburg 1878-1967
1)1914,“Chicago Poems”;
1919,“The Chicago Race Riots”,“The Rootab aga Stories”
1920,“Smoke and Steel”;
1922,“Slabs of the Sunburnt West”
1927,“The American Songbag”;
1936,“People, Yes”
其他诗作,“Cool Tombs”;“Flash Crimson”
2)his two biographies(传记)1929“Steichen th e Photographer”and 1932“Mary Lincoln”. His major work in prose was monumental an d celebratory biography of“Abraham Lincoln”(他的散文代表作,是一部纪念性的颂扬类传记)
教材“Chicago”;“The Harbor”;“Fog”;“Cool Tombs”;“Flash Crimson”;“The People, Yes”.
Wallace Steven 1879-1955
1935,“Ideas of Order”
1937,“The Man With the Blue Guitar”;1942,“Parts of a World”;
1947,“Transport to Summer”;
1950,“The Auroras of Autumn”;
1951,“Necessary Angel”;
1954,“Collected Poems”, he received the Na tional Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize;1957,“Opus Posthumous”
其他作品“Harmonium”,“Sunday Morning”;教材“Peter Quince at the Clavier”; “Anecdote of the Jar”;“The Emperor of Ice-cream”.
Thomas Stearns Eliot 1888-1965
Won the Nobel Prize in 1948
1917,his 1st book of poems“Prufrock and O ther Observations”
1920,his fourth volume“Poems”, with“Ger ontion”as it’s leading poem,published.
1920 also appeared“The Sacred Wood”, con taining, among other essays,“Tradition and t he Individual Talent”(其中还收入了几篇杂文)“The Weste Land”, one of the major works of modern literature.
2)1924,his second volume of criticism,“Ho mage to John Dryden”
1925,“The Hollow Men”;
1932,“Sweeney Agonistes”,“Ariel Poems”;1933,“The Uses of Poetry and the Uses of C riticism”
1935,“Murder in the Cathedral”;
1936,“Collected Poems”,“Collected Essays”,“Ancient and Modern”.
1943,“Four Quartets”;
1952,“The Complete Poems and Plays”.
3)他的戏剧作品:1939,“The Family Reunion”;1949,“The Cocktail Part”;
1953,“The Confidential Clerk”;
1958,“The Elder Statesman”;
教材“The Love Song of J·Alfred Prufrock”,“P
reludes”,“Journey of the Magi”,“The Hollow Men A Penny for the Old Guy”.
F·Scott Fitzgerald 1896-1940
1)His 1st novel“This Side of Paradise”won s uccess, fame, and Zelda.(取得名声后迎娶美人Ze lda)
2)第二本小说“The Beautiful and Damned”,“T ales of the Jazz Age”;
“The Vegetable”or“from Postman to Presid ent”.
3)1925,“The Great Gatsby”
1934,“Tender Is the Night”.
Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961
He was awarded a Nobel Prize for his“maste ry of the art of modern narration”.(因现代叙述艺术的精湛技巧获奖) 1961年在家自杀.
1)1923,第一本书“Three Stories and Ten Poe
1926,“The Sun Also Rises”
Hemingway became the spokesman for what Gertrude Stein had called“a lost generation”. 2)1929,“A Farewell to Arms”;
1932,“Death in the Afternoon”;
1935,“The Green Hills of Africa”;
1940,“For Whom the Bell Tolls”;
1950,“Across the River and into the trees”;1952,“The Old Man and the Sea”(triumpha nt even in defeat)
教材“A Farewell to Arms”
John Steinbeck 1902-1968
1)Steinbeck’s treatment of the social proble ms of his time, particularly the plight of the dispossessed farmer, earned him a Pulitzer Pr ize in 1940, and, in 1962, a Nobel Prize for li terature.
2)He was the formost novelist of the Americ an Depression of the 1930s(20世纪30年代,美
3)1935,“Tortilla Flat”,“In Dubious Battle”;1937,“Of Mice and Men”;
1938,“Rhe Long Valley”;
1939,“The Grapes of Wrath”;
1941,“The Sea of Cortez”
教材“The Grapes of Wrath”讲述“Okies”奥克斯人从一个长期遭受干旱沙暴袭击的“Dust Bowls”沙尘谷地区移民到California的一段故事。
William Faulkner 1897-1962
1929,“The Sound and the Fury”;
1930,“As I Lay Dying”;
1932,“Light in August”;
1934,“Doctor Martino and Others Stories”;1936,“Absalom, Absalom”;
1942,“Go Down, Moses”;
1949,“Big Woods”;
The trilogy on the Snopes family:“The Haml et”(1940),“The Town”(1950),“The Mansion”教材:“A Rose for Emily”.。