
同等学力申硕:同等学力英语常用词汇汇总1、applause, acclaim这两个名词均有“喝彩,鼓掌”之意。
applause :侧重以掌声表示喝彩和赞扬。
acclaim :较正式用词,现多用于引申表示赞许。
2、appearance, look, face, aspect这些名词均含事物或人的“外表,容貌”之意。
appearance :普通用词,着重由总体产生的印象。
look :普通用词,多用复数,可与appearance换用,但较口语化。
face :侧重指容貌。
aspect :书面用词,突出人或事物在某特定时间或地点时的外貌。
3、appoint, designate, assign, name, nominate这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。
appoint :通常指不经过选择的官方委任。
designate :书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。
assign :常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。
name :普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。
nominate :通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。
4、application, request这两外名词均有“申请、请求”之意。
application :指用书面形式提出申请或请求。
request :普通用词,侧重指明有礼貌或诚意的请求,能否得到满足并无多大把握。
5、approve, confirm, sanction这些动词均有“批准”之意。
approve :普通用词,常指正式的或官方的批准。
confirm :强调按法律程序提请确认或批准。
sanction :语气最强,多指官方的同意或批准,是书面用词。
同等学力申硕:6、appreciate, enjoy这两个动词均含“欣赏”之意。
appreciate :多用于文学方面,强调对事物有深入的理解能力,且能鉴赏。
enjoy :普通用词,使用广泛,程度不及appreciate,多指从外界事物中得到喜悦与满足,领略到乐趣,享受意味强。

同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解四同义词、近义词替代、辨析ban n.flourish, prosper,thriveTheir business flourished at its new location a year later owing to their joint efforts and hard work.A. prevailedB. failedC. boomedD. shrank(2005)bound a.一定的,必然的 vi.跳跃vt.划界 definite,jumpbound to 一定的,肯定的 certainly If he told his wife about their plan, she was bound to agree.A. would unnecessarilyB. would simplyC. would certainlyD. would alternatively(2000)break n. 休息,破裂,突变v. 打破,违反,超过break in 闯入,打断 break up 分裂,分解 break through 突围,突破break into (因悲痛)突然大哭Mrs. Smith tears when she heard her daughter had died in the road accident.A. broke inB. broke upC. broke throughD. broke into(2005)by accident 偶然,偶尔 by chanceIt’s disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected_________ not by systematic inspections orother security procedures.A. by accidentB. on scheduleC. in generalD. at intervals(2006)by no means adv.决不, in no caseBribing that official is ________ the best solution.A. by all meansB.by each meansC. by no meansD. by such means禁令, vt禁止 forbid, taboo, prohibitionAn international treaty signed several years ago bans trade in plants and animal ofendangered species.A. forbidsB. eliminatesC. promotesD. protects (1999)barrier n. 障碍物,栅栏,屏障 bar, block, impediment, obstacle He must not allow this unusual barrier to stop him from fighting against the enemy.A. interiorB. obstacleC. interruptionD. interference (2002) because con./adv. 因为as, for, in respect that, since,________the impact of the ideas introduced to Europe by soldiers returning from the east, the Wes t was greatly changed.A. Because ofB. By means ofC. In addition toD. In spite of (1997)believe v.相信,认为,想 accept, presume, trust,Those who ___________ women’s liberation movement continue to hope, and work, for a change.A. consist inB. believe inC. indulge inD. result in (2002)boast v.自吹,自夸 brag, self-praiseMary boasted that she would succeed where others had failed.A. boostedB. braggedC. blushedD. blamed (1995)boom v. 繁荣,繁盛同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解五同义词、近义词替代、辨析Ccallcall for 要求,提倡 call off 叫走,放弃,转移 call on 号召,访问 call up 召唤We all know that in a situation like this a cool head is .A. called forB. called offC. called onD. called up(2005)A frequently cited example of the endangered species is thepanda. A. worried B. neglect ed C. reduced D. mentioned chronic adj. 慢性的 continuousMany observers believe that country will remain in a state of chaos if it fails to solve itschronic food shortage problem.A. transientB. starvingC. continuousD. serial (1998)cling v.附着,紧贴,坚持 adhere,stick tocling to 依附,萦绕 linger onHow strange it is that the habit he developed in his childhood still _____________ him.A. takes toB. clings toC. attends toD. adds to (2003)collectively adv. 共同的 commonly,unanimouslyChemists, physicists and mathematicians are ___________ known as scientists.A. collectivelyB. alternativelyC. cognitivelyD. exclusively(2003)combat n./v.战斗,格斗,搏击 action,battle,fightTalks on climate change resumed in the German city of Bonn on July 16 to combat global warming.A. focus onB. settle downC. fight againstD. sum up (2004)compact adj.紧凑的comparable adj.可比较的,比得上的be comparable to 相当于 be equal toOne U.S. dollar is comparable to 131 Japanese yen according to China Daily’s finance news repor t yesterday.A. compatibleB. compactC. equalD. entitled (2003)compatible with 与…一致 amiable, consistentThe State Council will lay down new rules that aim to make management compatiblewith internationally accepted conventions.A. conferencesB. conversationsC. practicesD. formations (2003)compulsory adj. 必需做的,必修的,被强制的,被迫的 necessaryShould English classes be compulsory at the elementary or primary school level incountries where it is not the native language?A. requiredB. necessaryC. selectedD. permanent(2005)concentrate v.集中,全身贯注于 focus on,Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose to _______ on math and theoretical physics.A. imposeB. centerC. overworkD. concentrate (2002)concise adj.简洁的,简明的 laconic, succinct, terseOur readers are comfortable with our clear, ______words that inform and entertain them.A. conventionalB. conciseC. creativeD. crucial (1995) confront v.使面临,对抗 encounter, face,China Daily never loses sight of the fact that each day all of us _______a tough, challenging world.A. encounterB. acquaintC. presideD. confront (1995)consistently adv.一贯,一向地 all along, persistentlyThe El Nino has affected the regional weather and temperature over much of the tropics, sub-tropics and some mid-latitude areas.A. externallyB. consistentlyC. insistentlyD. internally(2005)contact n./v. 接触联系 communicate, meet, touchThey provide a means of keeping ____ of the thousands of journal papers that are published monthly or quarterly.A. trackB. contactC. relationD. steps (2004)此题选C keep track of 追踪convention a. 传统,习俗 practice, traditionThe State Council will lay down new rules that aim to make management compatible with internationally accepted conventions.A. conferencesB. conversationsC. practicesD. formations (2003)convict v.证明…有罪,宣告…有罪n.罪犯。

1. associate :n 同伴、伙伴v .联合,联想adj 副的[例句don ’want to associate myself with them any more .我不愿再和他们交往了。
What do you associate with summer ?对于夏天你有什么联想?2. assume :l .以为;假定为想当然地认为2承担,取得vi1.装腔作势2.多管闲事[例句郇assumed that he had gone for a strol .我想他去散步了。
The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen .王子在十五岁时就掌权了。
3. assure :L .1.向…保证.担保2.使确信.使放心[例句can assure you of the reliability of the informatibn .我向你保证这消息可靠4. astonish :t .使吃惊.使惊讶[例句:We were astonished at the news of her sudden death .她突然去世的消总使我们震惊5. attach ;t . L .装上贴上系上2.使依附:使附属vi .1.附属:附加2.归属[例句Hell attach the label to your luggage .他会把标签系在你的行李上。
6. atain :vi1.达到:获得2到达n .成就.造诣[例句:They are not likely to attain this aim .他们未必能够达到这一日标。
7. atempt :vtl .试图:企图:试图做2.试图攻占n .1.企图尝试2攻击[例句He made an atempt on the world record .他试图打破世界纪录。
8. atribute :vt .1把…归因于:把…归咎于2.认为…是某人所有[例句:He attributed his good health to exercise .他认为自己之所以身体好星因为运Do you think it proper to attribute weakness to women ?你觉得把软弱当作女性的属性适当吗?9 available :dj 可用的,有效的.空闲的[例句:Several cars are available within this price range .在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。

第一部分:名词1. knowledge(n. 知识)例句:He has a wide range of knowledge in various fields.2. ability(n. 能力)例句:His ability to solve complex mathematical problems is impressive.3. research(n. 研究)例句:They are conducting research on the effects of climate change.4. experience(n. 经验)例句:Her years of experience in the industry make her a valuable asset to the company.5. information(n. 信息)例句:I need more information about the project before I can make a decision.第二部分:形容词1. important(adj. 重要的)例句:It is important to establish a good relationship with your colleagues.2. necessary(adj. 必要的)例句:Studying hard is necessary if you want to succeed in the exam.3. valuable(adj. 有价值的)例句:Her advice is always valuable in solving problems.4. academic(adj. 学术的)例句:He has made significant academic contributions to the field of economics.5. relevant(adj. 相关的)例句:The information you provided is not relevant to the topic.第三部分:动词1. achieve(v. 实现)例句:With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your goals.2. improve(v. 改善)例句:He is constantly working to improve his English pronunciation.3. analyze(v. 分析)例句:The data from the survey needs to be carefully analyzed.4. demonstrate(v. 展示)例句:She used various examples to demonstrate her point.5. develop(v. 发展)例句:The company is planning to develop new products for the market.第四部分:副词1. effectively(adv. 有效地)例句:By using this method, you can communicate more effectively.2. accurately(adv. 准确地)例句:It is important to record the data accurately for the experiment.3. efficiently(adv. 高效地)例句:He manages his time efficiently, allowing him to complete tasks quickly.4. thoroughly(adv. 彻底地)例句:Before submitting the report, make sure you have proofread it thoroughly.5. consistently(adv. 一贯地)例句:She has consistently performed well in her studies.第五部分:连词1. however(conj. 然而)例句:The weather was bad; however, they still decided to go for a hike.2. therefore(conj. 因此)例句:He didn't study for the exam; therefore, he didn't perform well.3. moreover(conj. 此外)例句:She is talented, and moreover, she is hardworking.4. on the other hand(conj. 另一方面)例句:He is intelligent. On the other hand, he lacks practical experience.5. in addition(conj. 此外)例句:In addition to the required courses, students can choose elective subjects.通过掌握以上高频词汇,考生可以在同等学力申请硕士学位英语考试中准确使用,并提高自己的词汇水平。

同等学力申硕考试词汇题同等学力申硕考试常用词汇、词组辨析1. abroad, aboard, boardabroad 意为“在国外” 。
I have decided to study abroad next year. 我已决定明年去国外读书。
It is time to go aboard. 现在该登机了。
We are asked to board half an hour before departure time.起飞前半小时之内,我们必须登机。
2. Abide, adhere, conform, comply都有“遵守”的意思,但是它们的搭配不同。
abide 后接by,表示“遵守,同意”。
I will abide by the director's decision。
adhere后接to, 表示“遵守”(当然,adhere一词的其他意思“坚持;粘附”等也经常被考到)。
Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。
All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their government. 每个人都应该遵守政府制定的法律。
comply 后接with,表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。
Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes.我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。
3. Abolish, cancel, eliminate, dispose, erase, exclude, extinguish这一组动词都有“取消,除掉”的意思。
同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解 .doc

高频词汇详解A 同义词、近义词替代、辨析1. access n.通路,访问,入门vt. 存取,接近approach,close to Finding out about these universities has become easy for anyone with Internet _______.A. entranceB. admissionC. accessD. entry (2003考题)2. accidentally adv. 偶然地,意外地casually, unexpectedlyWhile shopping in a department store, I _______left my purse lying on a counter of handbags.A. initiallyB. fortunatelyC. frustratedlyD. accidentally(1995)3. accomplish vt.完成,达到,实现achieve, complete, fulfillComputers will flourish because they enable us to accomplish tasks that could never before have been undertaken. (1997)A. implementB. renderC. assignD. completeaccount for v.说明,战,解决,得分explain, make out, say, show,The cashier was asked to ________every penny of the money that he took care of.A. account toB. use upC. amount toD. account for (1995) The fruit ___________more than half the country’s annual exports. according to a recent report.A. accounts forB. stands forC. provides forD. makes for(2006)on account of adv. Because ofI would recommend this inn highly on account of its wonderful location. (2004)A. as a result ofB. because ofC. with regard toD. with a view toaddress n.地址,致辞,演说vt.向致辞,演说speaking , speechThe dean can’t see you at the moment. He is addressing the first-year students in the lecture hall.A. complaining toB. arguing withC. speaking toD. consulting with (2002) adverse adj. 不利的,敌对的,相反的bad,disadvantageous,unfavorable Because of adverse weather conditions, the travelers stopped to camp.A. localB. unfamiliarC. goodD. unfavorable(2001) advertisement n.广告ad. commercial,The television station is supported by _______from foundations and other sources.A. donationsB. advertisementsC. pensionsD. accounts (1999) advocate vt. 提倡,鼓吹call for, preach, encourageProfessor Wu traveled and lectured throughout the country to ______education and professional skills so that women could enter the public world.A. prosecuteB. acquireC. advocateD. proclaim (2000)afflunent adj.富裕的,富足的rich, wealthyIn general, the British people belong to one of the more affluent countries of Europeand enjoy a high standard of living compared to the rest of the world.(2005)A. plentifulB. powerfulC. friendlyD. wealthyalike adj. 相同的,相似的same,uniformExercise seems benefit the brain power of healthy and sick, young and old _______.(1997)A. alikeB.aliveC. togetherD. includedambiguous n.模糊的obsure,unclear,blurred,Hague was elected as the Conservative Party leader partly because of his ambiguousviews onBritain’s position in relation to its partners in the European Union.A. ambitiousB. obscureC. appallingD. indifferent amount to 总计,合计,折合be equal toMany youngsters have heard their parents say “You’ll never amount to anything if you keep daydreaming that way!”A. be equal toB. accomplishC. add up toD. pursue (2006)anguishn.痛苦,苦恼vt.使苦恼,使苦闷bitter, misery, poignantI shall never forget the look of intense anguish on the face of his parents when theyheard the news.(2005考题)A. stressB. dilemmaC. miseryD. surprise applicable n. 可应用的,可实践的practical, viableThe recent findings are also applicable to other areas of design engineering. (1997)A. practicalB. relevantC. convenientD. comparable Approach n. 方法,途径,步骤way, meansThus the most logical approach is to focus our analysis on the trade relations of Spainwith other European countries.A. reasoningB. conclusionC. positionD. method(2006) apart from 除…外except , besides_______ being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.A. Rather thanB. Apart fromC. Instead ofD. Owing to (2002) ascertain n. 查明,弄清verify, find out ,solveOn hearing of the case some time later, Conan Doyle was convinced that the man wasnot guilty, and immediately went to work to ascertain the truth.A. exploreB. obtainC. verifyD. search(1997) Aspirations n. 渴望,抱负,志向ambitionThe university offered several more courses for the purpose of furthering the careeraspirations of its students.A. ambitionsB. achievementsC. advantagesD. advancesasset n.资产capital, property,substanceHe misled management by giving it the idea that the older and more experienced menwere not an _______ but a liability.A. assistanceB. advantageC. assetD. award(1999) attribute v. 属性,品质,归结于sum up, in conclusionHow large a proportion of the sales of stores in or near resort areas can be_________to tourist spending?A. contributedB. appliedC. attributedD. attached(1998) awareness n.知道,晓得perception ,know, be consicous ofOne’s awareness, both conscious and unconscious, of what happened in the past has astrong influence on one’s behavior.A. storageB. impressionC. memoryD.perception(1995)近义词替代、辨析deadly adj. 致命的,死一般的fatal, lethalWhen a man knows that he will be put into prison if he uses a potentially deadly object torob or do harm to another person, he will think twice about it .A. passiveB. lifelongC. unhappyD. fatal (2002) decline v/n.下降,下垂drop, fallDoes brain power _______ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers.A. declineB. descendC. deduceD. collapse (1997) deception n.欺骗,诡计befool, cheat, decietFactors leading to the crisis included poor regulation, mismanagement and deceptionin theindustry, and competition from other types of financial firms.A cheating B. pollution C. abuse D. depression (2000) defy v.公然藐视,对抗challenge, confront, disobey, neglectNearly eleven thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading.A. criticizingB. neglectingC. blamingD. disclosing (2003) deliberate adj.深思熟虑的,故意的cogitative, intentional Sometimes the messages are conveyed through deliberate, conscious gestures; other times, our bodies talk without our even knowing.A. definiteB. intentionalC. delicateD. interactive (1998)delicate adj精巧的,脆弱的brittle, fragile , infirmSilk, although it is considered a delicate fabric, is in fact very strong, but it is adversely affected by sunlight.A. softB. sheerC. fragileD. refined(2003)deteriorate v.(使)恶化exasperate, worsenThe patient’s condition has deteriorated since he had a heart attack.A. improved a littleB. remained the sameC. become worseD. changed a lot (2002)device n.设备equipment, gadget,Her husband is interested in designing electronic ______.A. managementB. safetyC. devicesD. routine(2003) dominate v.支配,占绝对优势administrate, control, govern, grip Tennessee’s population is nearly two-fifths rural, and no single city or group of cities ______ the state.A. dominatesB. managesC. manipulatesD. controls (2005) diminish v.(使)减少,变小cut down, lessen, reduceI found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of narrow-minded prejudice.A. lesseningB. reflectingC. removingD. increasing (2002)discipline n.纪律,学科;v.训练punishment, knowledgeWe shouldn’t treat children as peers or friends, but guide them in making their choices, even if itmeans with some discipline.A. persuasionB. punishmentC. rewardsD. criticism(2003) dispatch v.分派,派遣n. 急件send, deliverI ________ a letter to an internet service that distributes journalists’ questions to more than 750 institutions.A. assignedB. detachedC. attachedD. dispatched (1997) disposal n. 处理,处置,安排array, manage, treatThe three disrespectful sons began to feel worried about the ultimate______________ of the family’s property.A. proposalB. disposalC. removalD. salvation (2003) disseminate v. 传播,散布diffuse, spreadApplicant will be asked to provide information on how they will disseminate information to other students at their university or college.A. discloseB. deliverC. spreadD. analyze(2005) diverse adj.不同的,多样的another, dissimilar, distinctPeople of diverse backgrounds now fly to distant places for pleasure, business or education.A. differentB. distinctiveC. similarD. separate (1998) Ffault n. 过错缺点,毛病faulty adj.有过失的,有缺点的blamable, defect ,imperfectIn spite of a problem with the faulty equipment, some very useful work was accomplished.A. imperfectB. temporaryC. emergencyD. reinstalled(2004) flourish v.繁荣,茂盛,兴旺n. 旺盛,兴旺boom, prosperTownship enterprise have flourished over the past10years.A. prosperedB. bloomedC. flowedD. flooded facilitate v. 使容易,使便利promote, to make easy Technology has _______ the sharing, storage and delivery of information , thus makingmore information available to more people.A. finishedB. furnishedC. functionedD. facilitated (1999)The exhibition is designed to facilitate further cooperation between Chinese TV industryand overseas TV industries.A. establishB. maximizeC. guaranteeD. promote (2002)formulate v. 用公式阐明,构思conceive, designHerman’s success is due to his hard work and his ability to formulate plans which will get work done efficiently.A. fulfillB. approveC. conceiveD. conduct (1997)同义词、近义词替代、辨析Ggenerate vt.产生create, produceThis procedure describes how suggestions for improvements to the systems are ______.A. celebratedB. proceededC. generatedD. established (2003) get back 回来,找回retrieveThe police are trying to get back the stolen statue.A. detainB. retrieveC. trackD. detectgo v.离,去,进行n.去,进行go in for参加,追求,从事,进行go over 转变,复习go without没有…也行go out 出去,熄灭Cut off by the storm, they were forced to ________food for several days.A. go in forB. go overC. go withoutD. go out (1995)go in for 参加attend ,join , participate,Senior citizens are advised to go in for some creative activities to keep themselvesmentally young.A search for B. invest in C. engage in D. work out(2003)gratitude n.感谢appreciation, thankfulnessI would like to express my to you all for supporting me this summer as a visiting scholarin your department.A. satisfactionB. gratitudeC. pleasureD. sincerity (2005)同义词、近义词替代、辨析Hhalt n.停止,暂停,中断v.踌躇,停止cease, suspend, call offBob believes that the invasion of the marketplace into the university is underminingfundamental academic values, and that we must act now to halt this decline.A. laceB. plugC. ceaseD. digest (2004) hesitation n. 忧郁,踌躇delay, falter, vacillate Courageous people think quickly and act without hesitation.A. complaintB. considerationC. delayD. anxiety (1999)hit v 打击,击中beat, blow, strikeInitial reports were that multiple waves of warplanes bombed central Baghdad, hitting oilrefineries and the airport.A. beatingB. knockingC. hurtingD. strikinghug n.拥抱embrace, enfoldDuring all these years of absence he had a tender feeling for his mother and the family.A. enclosedB. huggedC. enrichedD. cherished (2005)同义词、近义词替代、辨析ban n.flourish, prosper,thriveTheir business flourished at its new location a year later owing to their joint efforts and hard work.A. prevailedB. failedC. boomedD. shrank(2005) bound a.一定的,必然的vi.跳跃vt.划界definite,jump bound to 一定的,肯定的certainlyIf he told his wife about their plan, she was bound to agree.A. would unnecessarilyB. would simplyC. would certainlyD. would alternatively(2000)break n. 休息,破裂,突变v. 打破,违反,超过break in闯入,打断break up 分裂,分解break through 突围,突破break into (因悲痛)突然大哭Mrs. Smith tears when she heard her daughter had died in the road accident.A. broke inB. broke upC. broke throughD. broke into(2005)by accident 偶然,偶尔by chanceI t’s disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected _________ not by systematic inspections or other security procedures.A. by accidentB. on scheduleC. in generalD. at intervals(2006)by no means adv.决不, in no caseBribing that official is ________ the best solution.A. by all meansB.by each meansC. by no meansD. by such means 禁令, vt禁止forbid, taboo, prohibitionAn international treaty signed several years ago bans trade in plants and animal ofendangered species.A. forbidsB. eliminatesC. promotesD. protects (1999)barrier n. 障碍物,栅栏,屏障bar, block, impediment, obstacle He must not allow this unusual barrier to stop him from fighting against the enemy.A. interiorB. obstacleC. interruptionD. interference (2002) because con./adv. 因为as, for, in respect that, since,________the impact of the ideas introduced to Europe by soldiers returning from theeast, the West was greatly changed.A. Because ofB. By means ofC. In addition toD. In spite of (1997)believe v.相信,认为,想accept, presume, trust,Those who ___________ women’s liberation movement continue to hope, and work, for a change.A. consist inB. believe inC. indulge inD. result in (2002) boast v.自吹,自夸brag, self-praiseMary boasted that she would succeed where others had failed.A. boostedB. braggedC. blushedD. blamed (1995)boom v. 繁荣,繁盛同义词、近义词替代、辨析Ccallcall for 要求,提倡call off 叫走,放弃,转移call on 号召,访问call up 召唤We all know that in a situation like this a cool head is .A. called forB. called offC. called onD. called up(2005)A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda.A. worriedB. neglectedC. reducedD. mentioned chronic adj. 慢性的continuousMany observers believe that country will remain in a state of chaos if it fails to solve itschronic food shortage problem.A. transientB. starvingC. continuousD. serial (1998) cling v.附着,紧贴,坚持adhere,stick tocling to 依附,萦绕linger onHow strange it is that the habit he developed in his childhood still _____________ him.A. takes toB. clings toC. attends toD. adds to (2003) collectively adv. 共同的commonly,unanimously Chemists, physicists and mathematicians are ___________ known as scientists.A. collectivelyB. alternativelyC. cognitivelyD. exclusively(2003)combat n./v.战斗,格斗,搏击action,battle,fightTalks on climate change resumed in the German city of Bonn on July 16 to combat globalwarming.A. focus onB. settle downC. fight againstD. sum up (2004)compact adj.紧凑的comparable adj.可比较的,比得上的be comparable to 相当于be equal toOne U.S. dollar is comparable to 131 Japanese yen according to China Daily’s finance news report yesterday.A. compatibleB. compactC. equalD. entitled (2003) compatible with 与…一致amiable, consistentThe State Council will lay down new rules that aim to make management compatiblewith internationally accepted conventions.A. conferencesB. conversationsC. practicesD. formations (2003) compulsory adj. 必需做的,必修的,被强制的,被迫的necessaryShould English classes be compulsory at the elementary or primary school level incountries where it is not the native language?A. requiredB. necessaryC. selectedD.permanent(2005)concentrate v.集中,全身贯注于focus on,Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose to _______on math and theoretical physics.A. imposeB. centerC. overworkD. concentrate (2002)concise adj.简洁的,简明的laconic, succinct, terseOur readers are comfortable with our clear, ______words that inform and entertain them.A. conventionalB. conciseC. creativeD. crucial (1995) confront v.使面临,对抗encounter, face,China Daily never loses sight of the fact that each day all of us _______a tough, challenging world.A. encounterB. acquaintC. presideD. confront (1995) consistently adv.一贯,一向地all along, persistentlyThe El Nino has affected the regional weather and temperature over much of thetropics, sub-tropics and some mid-latitude areas.A. externallyB. consistentlyC. insistentlyD. internally(2005) contact n./v. 接触联系communicate, meet, touchThey provide a means of keeping ____ of the thousands of journal papers that are published monthly or quarterly.A. trackB. contactC. relationD. steps (2004)此题选C keep track of 追踪convention a. 传统,习俗practice, traditionThe State Council will lay down new rules that aim to make management compatiblewith internationally accepted conventions.A. conferencesB. conversationsC. practicesD. formations (2003)convict v.证明…有罪,宣告…有罪n.罪犯Tom was ___________ of a crime he didn’t commit. He fought for many years to clear his name.A. convictedB. convincedC. conceivedD. condemned (2003)conviction n.深信,确信viewMrs. Brown couldn’t shake the _______ that these kids were in deep trouble and it was up to her to helpthem.A. conversionB. convictionC. conservationD. convention convince vt. 使确信,使信服assure, believe, persuade,You can use the Course Calendar to help ____ your students of important dates in thecourse, such as test dates.A. warnB. remindC. convinceD. deprive(2004)答案Bcount on 指望,依靠rely onYou can always _______ Jim in a crisis, for he is simply the most helpful person I’ve ever known.A. refer toB. count onC. cope withD. run into(2006) creative adj.创造性的creationary, unprecedented crucial adj.关键性的urgentOur readers are comfortable with our clear, ______words that inform and entertain them.A. conventionalB. conciseC. creativeD. crucial (1995) criteria n. 标准standard, criterionThe accepted criteria of adequate diet have been challenged by new discoveries innutrition.Eelaborate adj.精心制作的vt.详细描述complicated, detail ______ preparations were being made for the Prime Minister’s official visit to the four foreign countries.A. WiseB. ElaborateC. OptionalD. Neutral(2001)elaborate adj.精心制作的vt.详细描述complicated, detailMany birds and insects an build _____ nests to provide shelter for their young. A. glories B. elaborate C. splendid D. advanced(2006)embark v.着手,从事commence, initiate, set about,The new government embarked upon a program of radical economic reform. A. initiated B. produced C. adopted D. implemented (2003) enclosed 随附的attachedeventually 最后,最终的finally ,ultimatelyenhance v.增加,增强,提高enlarge, expand, extendMany women prefer to use cosmetics to enhance their beauty and make them lookyounger.A. enforceB. magnifyC. improveD. polish(2006)execute vt.执行,完成enforce, complete, fulfillThe national government is to make every effort to ______________ the will of the people.A. executeB. exceedC. exciteD. exhaust(2003)exerciseThis is the sort of case in which judges must exercise the arbitrary power described a moment ago.A. availB. useC. haveD. display(1998)expose v. 暴露,揭发.exposure n 暴露uncover, discloseMore international trend for business and pleasure brings greater _______to other societies.A. exchangeB. exposureC. expansionD. contribution (1997)extend v.扩充,延伸I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my heart-felt gratitude to the host .A. increaseB. prolongC. intensifyD. express(2002)extensive a. 广阔的,广泛的,宽广的vast, spacious, wideThe Adult Vocational College is an opportunity to gain the right qualifications for various careers for it offers an________ range of subjects and courses.A. additionalB. excessiveC. adequateD. extensive(2006)exterminate v 消除annihilate, kill, slaughterHunters have almost exterminated many of the larger animals while farmers destroyed many smaller animals.A. woundedB. reducedC. killedD. trapped (1996)。

distinction 区别,特质,荣誉,n
对应形容词 distinctive 有特质的,与众不同的。
She is obsessed with the rock band with a distinctive sound. 她迷上了那个音色独特的摇滚乐队。
constant 不断的,持续的,adj
常考副词 constantly 不断地,总是。
There was a constant stream of visitors to the house.
unlikely 不太可能的,未必的,adj
likely 可能的。
The weather is unlikely to improve over the next few days. 接下来的几天,天气不太可能会好转。
demonstrate 阐述,说明,论证, v
近义词 illustrate,举例说明,阐明。
She began to demonstrate a new-found confidence.

一、词汇详解1. comprehend词义:理解、领会例句:It is important to comprehend the instructions before starting the experiment.词性:动词2. diverse词义:多样的、不同的例句:The university offers a diverse range of courses for students to choose from.词性:形容词3. analyze词义:分析例句:The researcher spent hours analyzing the data collected from the surveys.词性:动词4. significant词义:重要的、有意义的例句:There has been a significant improvement in the students' test scores this semester.词性:形容词5. acquire词义:获得、取得例句:It takes time and effort to acquire a new skill.词性:动词6. evaluate词义:评估、评价例句:The teacher will evaluate the students' performance based on several criteria.词性:动词7. demonstrate词义:展示、证明例句:She used a PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate her research findings.词性:动词8. hypothesis词义:假设例句:The scientist proposed a new hypothesis to explain the phenomenon.词性:名词9. facilitate词义:促进、帮助例句:The new software will facilitate the process of data analysis.词性:动词10. concept词义:概念、观念例句:The students had difficulty understanding the concept of relativity.词性:名词11. enhance词义:增强、提高例句:Regular exercise can enhance physical fitness.词性:动词12. implement词义:实施、执行例句:The company plans to implement a new marketing strategy next month.词性:动词13. accurate词义:准确的、精确的例句:The scientist's measurements were accurate to the nearest millimeter.词性:形容词14. strategy词义:策略、战略例句:The company developed a new marketing strategy to increase sales.词性:名词15. evaluate词义:评估、评价例句:The teacher will evaluate the students' performance based on several criteria.词性:动词二、词汇运用1. It is necessary to ___________ the benefits and risks before making a decision.2. The students were asked to ___________ the experiment results and draw conclusions.3. The research findings ___________ that there is a correlation between stress and health problems.4. The professor used a diagram to ___________ the complex scientific concept.5. The company plans to ___________ a new training program for its employees.6. The students need to ___________ the main points of the text to answer the questions.7. The scientist proposed a ___________ to explain the sudden change in temperature.8. The new software will ___________ the process of data analysis, making it faster and more efficient.9. The teacher asked the students to ___________ their answers to the questions on the test.10. The journalist's ___________ reporting of the event helped the public better understand the situation.三、结语通过掌握同等学力英语真题高频词汇,考生能更好地理解和应对同等学力英语考试。

同等学力英语考试常用词汇(一)1、abide by 忠于;遵守(法律、承诺)同义替换:be faithful to , obeyabide 原始涵义:Vt.忍受;屈从于I am unwilling to abide the decision of the court.我不愿意服从法庭的裁决。
vi.等候;继续下去,继续存在Though many features were abiding, the changes were much felt.尽管许多特征依然存在,仍可感到发生了各种变化。
真题重现:Californians and New Englanders speak the same language and abide by the same federal laws.加利福尼亚人和新英格兰人讲同一种语言,并遵守同样的联邦法律。
(1992年完形) 造句:I abide by\obey\am faithful to what I said.我遵守诺言。
2、be absent from…. 缺席,不在,没到场、没参加同义替换:defaultabsent原始涵义:adj.缺席的, 不在场的At times he would be absent for a couple of days.他有时会离开几天。
心不在焉的, 恍惚的He listened with an absent air and kept glancing at the door.他一副心不在焉的样子听着, 不时地瞥一眼门。
Vi缺席,不在造句:I will be absent from work tomorrow.我明天不上班3、absence of mind心不在焉同义替换:being absent-mindedabsence 原始涵义:n. 缺席,不在I want to ask for leave of absence for several days. 我想请几天假。

(1)abroad adv. /aboard adv. /board n.&v.前两个词是副词,词形相近,容易记混。
例:I have decided to study abroad next year.我已决定明年去国外读书。
It is time to go aboard.现在该登机了。
We are asked to board half an hour before departure time.起飞前半小时之内,我们必须登机。
(2)absorb v. /concentrate v.absorb原义为“吸收”,引申词义为“吸引(注意力,精力等)”,常用于be absorbed in sth. 表示“被……吸引住,专注于”;concentrate的意思是“集中精神,全神贯注,聚精会神”,多与on或upon连用。
例:The picture absorbed my attention.我被这幅画迷住了。
He found his brother absorbed in the watching of the match.他发现弟弟在聚精会神地看比赛。
She tried to concentrate on her work in the university.她试图专心致志地在大学里工作。
(3)accomplish vt. /complete vt.&a. /achieve vt.accomplish的词义是“成功地完成每项任务”,尤其指经过一定努力后完成;complete 主要指“全部完成了,没有剩下”,另外complete也是形容词,意为“完整的,完全的”;achieve与accomplish相近,指“经过努力最终达到预期的目标”。

2012年同等学力英语申硕核心词汇核心词汇A部分a/an当不定冠词讲的时候,an用在元音的前面an hour / an apple a bed / a man不定冠词a/an 使用时应该注意的几点:1)用于第一次提及某人或某事物表示有个、某个或一个一个男人走出了房间A man came out the room.您能来真是荣幸啊!It has been an honor to have you.我们需要有语言知识的人。
We need people with a knowledge of language.2) 与度量单位连用的时候表示一个单位一百 a hundred 一刻钟 aquarter of an hour3)或者表示一个或任何一个,用于提及说话者不认识的人,表示某一个人一个名字叫做斯密斯的先生打来电话。
A Mr. Smith telephoned.4) 用于表示某一类人或者事物他是一名律师。
He is a lawyer.这辆车是辆宝马车。
This car is a BMW.5)表示速度、速率、比率每分钟打六十个字。
Typing sixty words a minute.将汽油的价格每升提高到三便士的动议。
A move to raise portal prices by three pie a liter.abandon 放弃指因为外界的压力或影响完全或永久性的舍弃自己感兴趣的人或事Abandon oneself to 放纵于沉溺于ability才能、能力或特殊的本领一个非常有能力的人A man of great abilityable形容词做定语来用,表示有能耐的人一个有能力的人an able man当作为表语的时候,都用于短语be able to do sth.当形容词使用的时候其反义词为Unable be unable to do sth.disable 及物动词使…不能够,使…失去了工作能力、使…残废abound不及物动词丰富、盛产、富裕常用搭配:物产+ abound + in +一个地方表示…物产在某个地方非常丰富。

比如:“He acquired a good knowledge of English by hard study”(他通过努力学习获得了良好的英语知识。
)“accommodate”有“容纳;提供住宿;适应”等意思,例如:“The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests”(这家旅馆可容纳 500 位客人。
)“analyze”意为“分析”,如:“We need to analyze the problem carefully”(我们需要仔细分析这个问题。
“access”表示“通道;接近的机会”,“Everyone has access to educati on”(每个人都有受教育的机会。
)“accuracy”指“准确性”,“The accuracy of the measurement is very important”(测量的准确性非常重要。
)“advantage”大家都很熟悉,意思是“优势,优点”,“One advantage of this method is its simplicity”(这种方法的一个优点是简单。
“adequate”表示“足够的;适当的”,“The supply of food was not ade quate”(食物供应不足。
)“available”意思是“可获得的;可用的”,“Is there a room available?”(有可用的房间吗?)“compatible”意为“兼容的;和谐的”,“The new software is compatible with the old system”(新软件与旧系统兼容。

同等学力英语考试历年高频词汇汇总(一)1. abandonvt. 1. 丢弃;抛弃,遗弃 2. 放弃,中止 n. 放纵,放任;狂放[例句]: The crew abandoned the burning ship. 水手们离弃了燃烧中的船。
2. aboundvi 1. 大量存在2. 富足[例句]: Wildlife abounds in the forest. 森林里多野生动植物。
3. absorb:vt. 1. 吸收(液体,气体,光,声等) 2. 汲取,理解(知识等)[例句]: Cotton gloves absorb sweat. 棉手套吸汗。
4. abstract:a. 1. 抽象的 2. 难懂的,深奥的 n. 1. 摘要,梗概 2. 抽象派艺术作品[例句]:Some people say beauty itself is abstract. Do you agree? 有些人认为美本身是抽象的。
你同意吗?5. accelerate:vt 1. 使增速2. 促进;促使...早日发生 vi. 1. 加快;增长;增加[例句]: The car suddenly accelerated. 汽车突然加快了速度。
6. access:n. 1. 接近,进入;接近的机会,进入的权利;使用 2. 通道,入口,门路vt. [电脑]取出(资料);使用;接近[例句]: Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case. 只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。
7. accommodate:vt. 1. 能容纳; 能提供...膳宿 2. (飞机等)可搭载[例句]: The hotel can accommodate 500 tourists. 这家旅馆可住五百名观光客。
8. accompany:vt. 1. 陪同,伴随 2. 随着...发生,伴有 vi. 伴奏,伴唱[例句]: Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 电闪通常伴着雷声。

同等学力英语考试历年高频词汇汇总(二)1. amend:vt. 1. 修订,修改;订正2. 改进,改善vi. 1. 改进,改善2. 改过自新[例句]:The constitution was amended in 1920 to give women the right to vote.美国宪法于一九二○年修订,赋予妇女投票权。
He was determined to amend. 他决心改过自新。
2. amusement:n. 1. 乐趣;兴味2. 娱乐,消遣;娱乐活动[例句]:Reading and seeing movies are among my amusements. 阅读和看电影也是我的娱乐活动。
They often sing for their own amusement. 他们常常唱歌自娱。
3. amusing:a. 1. 有趣的,好玩的2. 引人发笑的[例句]:He told amusing jokes after dinner. 他在饭后讲了几则令人捧腹的笑话。
4. analyze:vt. 1. 分析2. 对...进行心理分析[例句]:He analyzed the various factors. 他分析了各种各样的因素。
5. angle:n. 1. 角;角度2. (建筑物,家具等的)角落,突出部分vt. 1. 使成角度移动(或转向) 2. (常含贬意)使带某种倾向,歪曲vi1. 钓鱼2. 谋取,猎取(+for)[例句]:These novels mirror life in today's Japan from various angles.这些小说从不同角度反映了当代日本的生活。
6. annoy:vt. 1. 惹恼,使生气;使烦恼2. 打搅,困扰vi. 令人讨厌(或不快)[例句]:His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors.他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气。
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1. significant,vital,serious,important
The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health 天气稍有变化就会影响她那脆弱而娇嫩的身体。
Humanity is profoundly influenced by what you do.你的所作所为深刻地影响人类。
The Tibetan landscape particularly impessed him.西藏的风光给他留下了非同寻常的印象。
The tributes were fitting and touching。
The account of her experiences as a refugee moved us to tears. strike暗含对刺激反应的强烈感情或心理力量,来自打击的根本含义
I was struck by the sudden change in his behavior。
The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations。
Middle Eastern politics is so complicated that even experts cannot agree on a cohesiv e policy.中东政治如此复杂以至于专辑们也难以制定出统一的政策。
The plot of the play has been criticized as being too involved这个剧本的情节因过于混乱而遭到了批评。
5.difference,dissimilarity,unlikeness,divergence,variation,distinctio n,discrenpancy
a striking dissimilarity between the personalities of the sisters unlikeness经常暗含着较大和较明显的差别
more likeness than unlikeness among children of that age divergence是指原来相似的事物间逐渐增加的差异
points of divergence between British and American English variation是指相同等级或种类的差异,通常指原始的,指定的或典型的事物的变更。
variation in temperature
the distinction in meaning between Good and Excellent
a discrenpancy between what was promised and what was done
2.final, last, concluding,ultimate
final 简单的表示结束,经常哈有决定或确定的意思,last表示一系列中最尾,即时间上或顺序的最后,conculding表示结束,含有决定或安排的意思,ultimate表示达到最后的极限。
3.injure, harm,hurt,damage,spoil
injure表示对外貌,健康造成伤害:She was badly injured in an accident
harm与hurt主要指那些带来痛苦,悲伤,损失或损害的:my feelings are hurt.
damage通常指那种使价值降低,有用性和有效性减少的损害:a falling tree damaged the roof
impair指的是减低减损:the patients' intelligence has been impaired by a brain injury.
spoil是损坏和彻底摧毁价值,优点和力量,表示无可挽回的损坏:worring about business spoiled our evening.
option常常侧重于已经被权威等所授予的一种选择能力或自由:the option lies between acceptin g the candidate the administration proposes and reconstituting the search committee
reasoning 指利用正确地思维方法通过逻辑推理对事实得出客观结论;inference特指得出结论的推导过程;deduction指由证明无误的前提得出特殊结论;induction指归纳法,从事实得出结论