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• Work out a reason for each question. • Prepare to write the first draft. Use the
questions you have worked out, and then finish the letter politely by thanking Freddy for his help. • Swap the writing with your partner and improve each other’s work. • Write the second draft.
Freddy’s reply
Dear Li Hua, I’m honored that you would ask me for
advice. As you know, our band was formed in a very unusual way. However, we have learned a lot about being a band since then.
其次,有针对性地提出问题,能够获 得有效的建议和更好的解决方案。应注意 表述清晰,条理分明,重点突出。
此外,本题以咨询为主,写作中应注 意疑问的多种表达形式,灵活使用疑问词、 情态动词等。恰当使用主从复合句,或以 陈述句形式表达疑问,使得篇章语言富于 变化,行文自然。
Could you please give us some advice? Could you tell me how to...? I’m not sure ... I would like to know ... I wonder ... What’s your opinion on this matter?
The Beatles Today I am going to talk about my favorite Western band --- the Beatles. There were four members of this band: their names were John, Paul, George and Ringo. The song that they wrote which I really love is Yesterday. It has such a beautiful tune and always makes me feel a little sad.
It makes me feel happy and sad at the same time.
I think that they are an exceptional band who produced outstanding music. I hope you will enjoy listening to this song which I am going to play …
I don’t know what we should do to achieve this goal. Please give me some advice and I will appreciate it very much.
Dening a
First, you will need to agree on what kind of music you want to write and play.
You had better play one kind of music if you want to become famous. Next you will need to come up with a name for your band — something that is different.
1. 确定文体:注意书信写作的形式特 点。
2. 主体时态:以一般现在时为主。 3. 主体人称:就自己遇到的问题向对方
征求建议,多用第一人称。 4. 内容要点:说明主旨;提出问题;感
要求针对组建乐队一事写一封信征求 建议,任务明确,需要将咨询内容进一 步细化。谋篇布局时应注意:
首先,提出具体问题之前应简要说明 写信的目的及咨询事宜。
There are several bands in our school. How can we make our band well-known quickly? Do you think a special name for the band will be helpful? Besides, I’m not quite sure what we are supposed to do in the daily practice. Which is the best way to improve our musical ability?
Then, make a special time for practising and stick to it. You will also want to give several performances for friends and family to get their ideas on your musical ability.
• In pairs, read the beginning of the letter and Freddy’s reply.
• Work out the questions that may be asked. For example: Is it best to play one kind of music or different kinds to start with?
Write a short passage about your favorite band and tell why you like them.
Write an email to Freddy. Based on your discussion about how to form your own band, tell him your ideas and ask him for advice on how to make your band successful. Here are some help.
Do you have any suggestions for doing ...? How can I give a better performance? What kind of preparation can be made? Is there anything else we should do? What do you think is the best way for us? Do you think it’s a good idea to ...?
band with my friends. However, we have never been in a band before. Could you please give us some advice? I would like to know what we should do to make our band successful.
•1、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音,集体的动作,集体的表情,集体的信念。 •2、知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。 •3、反思自我时展示了勇气,自我反思是一切思想的源泉。 •4、在教师手里操着幼年人的命运,便操着民族和人类的命运。一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。 •5、诚实比一切智谋更好,而且它是智谋的基本条件。 •6、做老师的只要有一次向学生撒谎撒漏了底,就可能使他的全部教育成果从此为之失败。2021年11月2021/11/22021/11/22021/11/211/2/2021 •7、凡为教者必期于达到不须教。对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。2021/11/22021/11/2November 2, 2021 •8、教育者,非为已往,非为现在,而专为将来。2021/11/22021/11/22021/11/22021/11/2
Dear Freddy, My name is Li Hua. I’m
beginning a band with my friends. However, we have never been in a band before. Could you please give us some advice? I would like to know...
Please give me some advice and I will appreciate it very much. I’m looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely, Li Hua
Use the information and ideas you have collected to write about the musician you have chosen. There are some more information on page 74.
I got to know their music when I saw them on television. They seemed so kind and friendly to their fans. They had such a good sense of humor too. Their songs seem to talk about things that I feel strongly about like growing old or being lonely. Their music is always so beautiful.
Above all, just have fun! Yours sincerely, Freddy
根据讨论的内容和结果给Freddy写一封 信,询问如何组建一个成功的乐队。体 裁属于实用性写作 (practical writing) 中 的征求建议 (asking for advice)信。话 题组建乐队与单元话题贴近,有趣味性, 可以提供较为真实、具体的语言使用情 景。