M,I Lvovotch——1975——Global water balance

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off distribution over an area has substantially improved. Improved world river runoff maps published by the author in 1960 and 1964 are connected with the appear­ ance of new initial data from gauge stations. In fact, now river runoff is much better studied than before the Second World War. However, the important step for­ ward made in the present study is rather the application of a compre­ hensive differentiated method for studying water balance than the use of a greater amount of hydrometeorological information.
I H D Reader's Guide
This report deals with new results in the study of the water balance of the continents of the world carried out by the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The study is aimed at getting to know the mainland link of the water cycle. This grand process on the earth unites into a single whole all sources of water, and connects to­ gether hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. The lithogenetic link is of great importance in the lives of people since it is related to fresh water resources formation. At the same time, the water balance method offers a means for correct comprehensive assessment of water resources. The world water balance, as well as the water balance of the land, has been studied for 60—70 years. Many fundamental investigations have been
Number 23, January 1973
A quarterly survey of programs and findings of the International Hydrological Decade as re­ lated primarily to the United States program. Contributions and suggestions are welcome. Address them to: Editor, U.S. National Committee for the IHD, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418.
U.S. N A T I O N A L C O M M I T T E E FOR T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L H Y D R O L O G I C A L DECADE National Academy of Sciences
1 9 6 5 «• 1 9 7 4
TABLE 1. River Runoff from the Whole of the Land According to the Data of Different Authors Author Year mm E. Brikner R. Fritsche G.Wttst M.I. Lvovitch M.I. Budyko F. Albrecht M.I. Lvovitch I. Marcinec R. Nace M.I. Lvovitch L.I. Zubenok 1905 1906 1920 1945 1956 1961 1964 1964 1968 1969 1970 220*/ 260*/ 249 249 249 224 251 260*/ 285 250 310 River Runoff km 25 30 37 37 37 30 42 38
The Global Water Balance, M.I. Lvovitch 2 8 Meeting Reports 4 3 IFYGL 4 4 Notes and Commentary 4 6 Books 4 8 Foreign Reports Available on Loan 51 Calendar 51
Te eiobal W t r B a c பைடு நூலகம் a a ne e l
M.I. LVOVITCH This paper was originally prepared-in English as well as Rus­ sian-as The Water Balance of the Continents of the World and the Method of Studying It* (Vodnii Balans Materikov Zemnovo Shara i. Metod Polozhennii v Osnovu Yevo Izucheniya) for the Working Meeting on Water Balance Maps of the Conti­ nents of the World, held during the Fifteenth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, in Moscow in August 1971. It has been edited only very lightly for the IHD Bulletin. dedicated to this problem. During t h e previous three decades, the a u t h o r c o m p i l e d three variants [Lvovitch, 1945, 1960, 196%] of maps of the river runoff of the world, and developed three variants of the world water balance [Lvo­ vitch, 1945, 19646, 1969]. Each var­ iant somehow raised the level of knowledge concerning the water bal­ ance and water resources of the world, chiefly due to the appearance of new initial data on precipitation and river runoff. However, the result of the study u n d e r discussion radically differs from what has been done in this re­ spect, due to a new comprehensive differentiated method of studying the water balance. This method, which will be discussed in detail later, was developed at the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sci­ ences of the USSR and was first used to study the water balance of Ro­ mania [Monografia geografica, 1960] and the water balance of the USSR [Lvovitch et al, 1961]. In the past d e c a d e , t h e comprehensive dif­ ferentiated method of studying the water balance became widespread. It differs from the ane used before in revealing the lithogenetic link of the water cycle. Due to this, an approxi­ mate assessment of groundwater dis­ charge into rivers, and of soil mois­ ture, has become possible. The new method makes it possible to roughly assess three more elements of the water balance—groundwater runoff, surface (flood) runoff, and the total moistening of an area in addition to the three elements estimated before, that is, precipitation, river runoff, and evaporation. This paper reports on generalized maps of the water balance elements of the land, and the tabulated data obtained on the basis of these maps. N.N. Dreyer, G.Ya. Karasik, G.M. Nikolaeva, and G.M. Chernogaeva took part in the study. The Development of the Comprehension of the River Runoff Component of the Water Balance The present study of the world water balance was initiated by our countryman, Ya. Brikner [1905]. His. achievement was not limited to the first estimates of the world water balance, which are very near to the present results. Perhaps the set of equations suggested by him for mak­ ing estimates concerning large parts of the world, i.e., the peripheral and closed interior parts of the land, the