Simulations of aging and plastic deformation in polymer glasses
do you distinguish steel from cast iron? How do you distinguish low alloy steel from high alloy steel?
1.1.1 Iron and Steel
The earth contains a large number of metals which are useful to man. One of the most important of these is iron. Modern industry needs considerable quantities of this metal, either in the form of iron or in the form of steel.
Mechanical Engineering materials
Organic polymer materials Inorganic non-metallic materials
plastic rubber Synthetic Fibers Traditional ceramics Special Ceramics Metal Matrix Composites
1.1.1 Iron and Steel
The ore becomes molten, and its oxides combine with carbon from the coke. The non-metallic constituents of the ore combine with the limestone to form a liquid slag. This floats on top of the molten iron, and passed out of the furnace through a tap. The metal which remains is pig iron.
《复合材料学报》 Jan. 15 2014 Vol.31 No.x: xxx-xxx Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica ISSN 1000-3851 CN 11-1801/TB————————————————————收稿日期:2014-01-20;录用日期:2014-03-31;网络出版时间: 网络出版地址: 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(11202171,11372259)和四川省创新团队(2013TD0004)资助通讯作者:阚前华,博士,副教授,目前从事智能材料本构关系和数值模拟研究。
Email:**********************引用格式:张茹远,阚前华,张娟,康国政.形状记忆合金的材料参数和体积分数对大块金属玻璃增韧的影响[J].复合材料学报,2014,31(x):xxx-xxx.. Zhang Ruyuan, Kan Qianhua, Zhang Juan, Kang Guozheng. Effect of material parameters and volume fraction of shape memory alloys on the tough-ening of bulk metallic glass composites [J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2014,31(x):xxx -xxx.形状记忆合金的材料参数和体积分数对大块金属玻璃增韧的影响张茹远,阚前华*,张 娟,康国政(西南交通大学 力学与工程学院,成都 610031)摘 要:采用考虑塑性的超弹性材料模型和基于损伤塑性的准脆性材料模型,建立三维单胞有限元模型,模拟了形状记忆合金颗粒增韧大块金属玻璃基复合材料的单调拉伸行为。
讨论了形状记忆合金的材料参数、体积分数以及界面厚度和界面材料参数对金属玻璃增韧效果的影响;结果表明:提高形状记忆合金的相变应变和马氏体塑性屈服应力将显著提高形状记忆合金颗粒增韧大块金属玻璃基复合材料的失效应变;形状记忆合金弹性模量超过40GPa ,马氏体塑性屈服应力超过1800MPa 后复合材料的失效应变变化不大。
材料科学专业英语英语作文英文回答:Materials science is a rapidly evolving field that deals with the synthesis, characterization, and application of materials with tailored properties. It combines elements from chemistry, physics, and engineering to design and develop new materials for various applications in various industries, ranging from aerospace to electronics to healthcare.The field of materials science encompasses a wide range of subfields, including:Materials Synthesis: Involves developing new methods for synthesizing materials with specific properties and structures. This can include techniques such as chemical vapor deposition, molecular beam epitaxy, and sol-gel processing.Materials Characterization: Involves using advanced techniques to characterize the structure, composition, and properties of materials. This can include techniques suchas X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and spectroscopy.Materials Modeling: Involves using computational techniques to simulate and predict the behavior of materials. This can include simulating the atomic-level structure of materials, predicting their mechanical properties, and understanding their electronic properties.Materials Applications: Involves designing and developing new materials for specific applications. Thiscan include developing new materials for aerospace, electronics, energy storage, and healthcare.Materials science plays a crucial role in the development of new technologies and products, such as:Electronic devices: Materials science is essential for developing new materials for electronic devices, such as semiconductors, insulators, and conductors. These materialsenable the development of faster, smaller, and more efficient electronic devices.Aerospace materials: Materials science is essential for developing new materials for aerospace applications, such as lightweight, strong, and heat-resistant alloys. These materials enable the development of more efficient and safer aircraft and spacecraft.Energy storage materials: Materials science is essential for developing new materials for energy storage, such as batteries and capacitors. These materials enable the development of more efficient and sustainable energy storage systems.Healthcare materials: Materials science is essential for developing new materials for healthcare applications, such as biomaterials and drug delivery systems. These materials enable the development of new treatments and therapies for various diseases.The field of materials science is expected to continueto grow rapidly in the coming years, driven by the demandfor new materials for various applications. This growthwill be fueled by advances in computational techniques, characterization techniques, and materials synthesis methods.中文回答:材料科学是一个快速发展的领域,它涉及到合成、表征和应用具有定制性能的材料。
电池质保仿真方法Battery warranty simulation methods are essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of battery systems. 电池质保仿真方法对于确保电池系统的安全性和可靠性至关重要。
These methods involve using mathematical models and simulations to predict the performance and durability of batteries under various operating conditions. 这些方法涉及使用数学模型和仿真来预测电池在各种工作条件下的性能和耐久性。
By doing so, manufacturers and researchers can better understand the factors that affect battery degradation and develop strategies to improve battery lifespan and performance. 通过这样做,制造商和研究人员可以更好地了解影响电池衰减的因素,并制定改善电池寿命和性能的策略。
One important aspect of battery warranty simulation methods is the use of accelerated aging tests. 电池质保仿真方法的一个重要方面是使用加速老化测试。
These tests involve subjecting batteries to extreme conditions, such as high temperatures and fast charging/discharging cycles, to mimic the aging process over a shorter period of time. 这些测试涉及将电池置于极端条件下,如高温和快速充放电循环,以模拟在更短时间内的老化过程。
An Approach to Relate the Weak and Gravitational Interactions
![An Approach to Relate the Weak and Gravitational Interactions](
a r X i v :p h y s i c s /0607019v 1 [p h y s i c s .g e n -p h ] 4 J u l 2006AN APPROACH TO RELATE THE WEAK AND GRA VITATIONAL INTERACTIONS J´u lius Vanko 1and Jozef ˇSima 2and Miroslav S´u ken´ık 21Comenius University,Mlynsk dolina F1,84248Bratislava,Slovakia 2Slovak Technical University,FCHPT,Radlinsk´e ho 9,81237Bratislava,Slovakia,, Abstract Stemming from simple postulates of nondecelerative nature of the universe expan-sion and Vaidya metric application,the paper offers some dependences and relations between the gravity and weak interactions.It presents a mode of independent deter-mination of the mass of vector bosons Z and W,and it derives the time of separation of electromagnetic and weak parisons of theoretically derived and experimentally obtained data indicate the relevancy of the used mode and provide a hint for further investigation.The W and Z bosons mass of about 100GeV,together with the time and the Universe radius of electromagnetic and weak interactions sep-aration approaching t x =10−10s and a x =10−2m,respectively,were obtained using our approach.The above values match well those commonly accepted.Keywords:Weak interactions;Gravitational interactions;Boson mass;PACS (2006):12.10.Kt,12.20.-m,98.80.-k 1IntroductionThe issue of unification of all four known physical forces is still one of the top-ten evergreens of theoretical physics.There are several approaches allowing to come to theoretical results which,in principle,do not contradict to the generally accepted physical principles and offer at least a partial solution of the matter.Among the approaches,the Standard Model[1–3](which does not,however,provide a complete description of Nature since it does not address gravitational interactions),and the Superstring Theory [4–6],trying to become the Theory of Everything are to be mentioned.Within the elaboration of the mentioned and other theoretical approaches and their verification based on available experimental cosmological and particle physics data,several important achievements have been reached.Frequently,the approaches involve the inflationary Universe[7]as a starting point. In this approach,the observable part of the Universe(its radius a)is emerging by the velocity of the light and,in turn,the Universe mass is gradually increasing.The same results may be obtained applying a hypothesis on nondecelerative expansion of the Universe (without the previous inflationary phase)with mass creation[8,9].The approaches differ mainly in metrics used since to describe the mass creation,the Vaidya metric[10,11] or another metric implicitly involving such a creation must be involved.The Vaidya metric and the hypothesis on the matter creation has manifested its justification when explained both some macroworld(cosmological)and microworld(particle physics)issues, such as rationalization and prediction of neutron star properties[8],questions concerning the entropy of the universe[9],estimation of lower and upper mass limits of black holes[12], explanation of Podkletnov’s phenomenon[13],clarification of the internal structure and parameters of the hydrogen atom[14],prediction of bands in far-infrared low-temperature spectra of chemical compounds[15].A possibility of our approach to contribute to understanding the interactions of gravita-tional,electrostatic and electromagneticfields[16]we have taken as a challenge to exploit the approach in an attempt to offer the applicability of Vaidya metric and the approach of nondecelerative expansion of the Universe in understanding of weak and gravitational forces unification.The results obtained are presented in this paper.2Energy of Z and W bosonsIn the early stage of the Universe creation, the leptons era an equilibrium of protons and neutrons formation existed at the temperature about109-1010K.The amount of neutrons was stabilized due to weak interactions,which were responsible for processes such as˜ν+p+→n+e+(1)e−+p+→n+ν(2) The cross sectionσcorresponding to the above processes may be expressed[17,18]asσ∼=g2FE2wg F(4)where r represents the effective range of weak interactions.Stemming from relation(4)it holds that in a limiting case whenr=¯hthe maximum energy of weak interaction is given byE w∼=m W c2(6) Relations(5)and(6)represent the Compton wavelength of the vector bosons Z and W, and their energy,respectively.Equations(4),(5)and(6)lead to the following expression for the mass of the bosons Z and W(indicated further on m W)m2W∼=¯h32g ik R=8πG8πG(9)Inside the body,the scalar curvature R can be obtained by calculation.It follows thatε=εs(10) whereεs is the energy density of source.For the region outside the body,ε=εg(11) whereεg is the energy density of gravitationalfield.Scalar curvature is calculable only in the case of Vaidya metric[10,11]application.The necessity of the Vaidya metric introduction deserves some words of justification.Suppose, the Universe horison is expanding by the velocity of light c,i.e.d a=c d t(12) anda=ct U(13) where a is the radius of the visible part of the Universe,t U is the cosmological time.At the same time,new mass is emerging at the horison,i.e.the mass of the visible part of the Universe m U is increasing obeying the relationd m Ut U(14)Applying Vaidya metric and using relations(12),(13)and(14),the scalar curvature R outside the body is obtained in the formR=3R g8πG =−3m c2g F= εg d V =m lim c2rg F(20)The above relation manifests that the limit mass depends on the Universe radius, is increasing with time.Let us see what happens if the limit mass equals the Planck mass m P c(2.1767×10−8 kg)m lim=m P c(21) It stems from(20)and(21)thata x∼=m P c g FThis is actually the time when,in accordance with the current knowledge,electromagnetic and weak interactions separated.In the time t x it had to holdm P cl P c 1/2(24) Substitution of(22)into(24)leads to(7)which means that the mass of the vector bosons Z and W as well as the time of separation of the electromagnetic and weak interactions are directly obtained,based on the used approach,in an independent way.If Planck length l P c is substituted for a in equation(20),the limit mass will approach to10−41kg corresponding to the rest energy of10−5eV.It might represent a rest energy of some of the neutrinos.5Conclusions1.The Vaidya metric allowing to localize the gravitational energy exhibits its capabilityto manifest some common features of the gravitational and weak interactions.2.The paper presents an independent mode of determination of the mass of vectorbosons Z and W,as well as the time of separation of the electromagnetic and weak interactions.The mode follows directly from the ability to localize gravitational energy density ouside a body.3.The paper follows up our previous contributions showing the unity of the fundamentalphysical interactions.It might suggest the existence of a deeper relation of the weak and gravitational interactions and a common nature of the both interactions before thein separation.The paper can be considered as a hint for verification and justification of the chosen procedure,introduction of Vaidya metric in particular.5.1AcknowledgmentsThefinancial support by the Slovak grant agency VEGA(Project No.1/8315/01)is gratefully acknowledged.References[1]F.G¨u rsey,P.Ramond,and P.Sikivie:“A universal gauge theory model based on E6”,Phys.Lett.B,Vol.60,(1976),pp.177-180.[2]W.N.Cottingham and D.A.Greenwood:“An Introduction to the Standard Model ofParticle Physics”,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,1998,pp.256.[3]R.Oerter:“The Theory of Almost Everything:The Standard Model,the UnsungTriumph of Modern Physics”,Pi Press,2005,pp.336.[4]D.J.Gross,J.A.Harvey,E.J.Martinec,and R.Rohm:“Heterotic Strings”,Phys.Rev.Lett.,Vol.54,(1985),502-505.[5]Superstrings:The First Fifteen Years,(Ed.J.H.Schwartz),World Scientific,Singa-pore,1985.[6]M.B.Green:“The Elegant Universe:Superstrings,Hidden Dimensions,and the Questfor the Ultimate Theory”,W.W.Norton and Company,New York,1999[7]A.H.Guth:“The Inflationary Universe:The Quest for a New Theory of CosmicOrigin”,Perseus Books Group,New York,1998[8]J.ˇSima and M.S´u 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英语九年级全一册第14篇作文The Impact of Technology on Modern EducationIn the ever-evolving landscape of education, the role of technology has become increasingly prominent and indispensable. As we navigate the 21st century, the integration of technology into the classroom has transformed the way students learn and teachers approach the educational process. This essay will explore the profound impact of technology on modern education, highlighting both the advantages and potential challenges that arise from this technological revolution.One of the most significant ways technology has shaped education is through the accessibility of information. The internet has become a vast repository of knowledge, allowing students to explore a wide range of topics with just a few clicks. This instant access to information has revolutionized the way students conduct research and acquire knowledge. Rather than relying solely on textbooks and limited classroom resources, students can delve into a wealth of online materials, including scholarly articles, interactive simulations,and multimedia presentations. This empowers students to take a more active role in their learning, fostering a sense of curiosity and independent exploration.Moreover, technology has transformed the delivery of educational content. The advent of digital learning platforms, such as online courses and virtual classrooms, has expanded the reach of education beyond the physical constraints of the traditional classroom. Students can now access lessons, lectures, and learning materials from the comfort of their own homes, enabling them to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. This flexibility has particularly benefited students who may have geographical, physical, or scheduling limitations that prevent them from attending traditional in-person classes.In addition to expanding access to education, technology has also enhanced the quality of the learning experience. Multimedia tools, such as interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and virtual simulations, have the ability to engage students in more dynamic and immersive learning environments. These technologies can bring complex concepts to life, making them more accessible and engaging for students. For instance, students studying biology can explore virtual dissections of organs or witness the intricate processes of cellular respiration through animated simulations. This experiential approach to learning not only enhances comprehensionbut also cultivates a deeper appreciation for the subject matter.Furthermore, technology has revolutionized the way teachers approach instruction and assessment. Digital platforms and learning management systems allow teachers to create personalized learning experiences, tailoring content and activities to the unique needs and learning styles of their students. Teachers can provide immediate feedback, track student progress, and identify areas where additional support or intervention may be required. This data-driven approach to education enables teachers to make more informed decisions and optimize the learning experience for their students.However, the integration of technology in education is not without its challenges. One pressing concern is the issue of digital equity and accessibility. Not all students have equal access to the necessary technological resources, such as reliable internet connectivity, personal devices, or digital literacy skills. This digital divide can exacerbate existing educational disparities, disadvantaging students from low-income or underserved communities. Addressing this challenge requires a concerted effort to bridge the digital gap and ensure that all students have the opportunity to benefit from the advantages of technology-enhanced learning.Another potential drawback of technology in education is the risk of distraction and overreliance. While technology can enhanceengagement and facilitate learning, it can also serve as a source of distraction, particularly if students are not taught how to use these tools effectively. The constant availability of digital devices and the temptation of social media can lead to a lack of focus and diminished attention spans. Educators must therefore strike a delicate balance, integrating technology in a way that enhances learning without compromising the development of essential study habits and self-regulation skills.Additionally, the rapid pace of technological change can pose challenges for both students and teachers. As new technologies emerge, there is a need for ongoing professional development and training to ensure that educators are equipped to effectively leverage these tools in the classroom. Failing to keep up with the latest advancements can result in a widening gap between the skills and knowledge of students and the capabilities of their teachers.Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of technology in education are undeniable. By harnessing the power of technology, we can create more engaging, personalized, and accessible learning experiences that empower students to thrive in the 21st-century landscape. As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of education, it is essential that we address the challenges and harness the transformative potential of technology to ensure that all studentshave the opportunity to reach their full academic and personal potential.。
Ultimate Strength of Ships and Offshore StructuresCarlos Guedes Soares 1#The Author(s)2021The assessment of the ultimate strength of floating struc-tures is an essential step in their design process and thus it is included as one of the checks in the Rules of Classification Societies.Several years ago,the Rule re-quirement was based on the section modulus associated with the yield condition,a situation that has been shown to be clearly conservative by an amount that would de-pend on the geometry of the section.The development of methods to quantify the ultimate strength,including the ability of numerical methods to deal with those predic-tions in a relatively cost-efficient manner,led to proposals that the ultimate strength should be used as the reference value expressing the strength of the ship hull structure (Guedes Soares et al.1996),which was adopted 10years later by the Classification Societies in their Common Structural Rules (CSR 2006;IACS 2014).Indeed,the present status of design relies on ultimate strength assess-ment and on nonlinear wave induced loads,which have been covered in and earlier special issue (Guedes Soares and Duan 2018).Different numerical methods have been developed for ulti-mate strength assessment and new simplified approaches are continuously being proposed,as simplified methods dully calibrated and validated are always welcome as substitutes of very heavy computational approaches.The Common Structural Rules,prescribe simplified methods such as the one of Smith (1977)for the assessment of hull girder collapse and of Gordo and Guedes Soares (1993)for the ulti-mate strength of stiffened panels.The ultimate strength assessment,which was primarily concerned with intact structures,have been extended to dam-aged structures,including both the prediction of damage in-duced in accidental situations as the residual strength of dam-aged structures.Again,it has been the improved capabilities of numerical methods that allowed the study of the complicat-ed geometries of damaged structures that allowed the design work to rely on this type of predictions.This special issue covers various of these aspects,including papers of review nature with others presenting new research results.The paper by Tekgoz et al.(2020)is a typical review paper that covers the area of the ultimate strength of ageing and damaged ship structures,dealing extensively with numer-ical,analytical and experimental work on plates,stiffened panels and hull girders that have suffered aging due for exam-ple to corrosion and fatigue or damage due for example to minor collisions.Liu et al.(2020)concentrates on aluminium structures and at the same time as it presents a good review of the work done on ultimate strength of plates and stiffened panels in alumin-ium,it also includes a research contribution using finite ele-ment analyses to study the influence of manufacturing tech-nology on the ultimate compressive strength of aluminium-alloy stiffened panels.As an important problem in aluminium structures is the heat-affected zone associated with welding,the study compares the performance of these panels with ex-truded ones,which are being used in progressively more applications.Barsotti et al.(2020)present an overview of recent indus-trial developments of marine composites limit states assess-ments and design approaches,focusing on pleasure crafts and yachts as well as navy ships.Inter-ply and intra-ply failure modes are discussed and the corresponding limit states are presented.The main factors influencing marine composite ro-bustness were found to be three-dimensional aspects in failure*Carlos Guedes Soares******************************.ulisboa.pt1Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC),Instituto Superior Técnico,Universidade de Lisboa,1409-001Lisboa,Portugalhttps:///10.1007/s11804-020-00190-yPublished online: 15 January 2021Journal of Marine Science and Application (2020) 19:509–511modes and manufacturing methods as well as fire resistance and joining techniques.Romanoff et al.(2020)deals with a very special type of problem somewhat associated with cruise ships,in which de-velopments of laser-welded thin-walled steel plates have been made in order to keep light weight at the same time avoiding the weld induced distortions induced by conventional arc welding.This type of structural elements have found applica-tion in other vessels and the authors review work that has been done in collision simulations based on finite element analysis of this type of structures.Wahab et al.(2020)present a different type of prob-lem,which is related with fixed offshore jacket platforms that have been used for many years and are subjected to the problems of planning appropriately their maintenance and eventually develop studies of life extension.The de-sign limit state of these platforms is generally the ultimate strength and thus the paper deals with the problems that degrade the strength of these structures,discussing how a good maintenance plan can maintain the structural strength for longer periods.The other papers in this issue deal with more specific prob-lems,presenting research results.A first group deals with the buckling strength of shell structures mainly used in subsea applications,while the other papers deal with stiffened panels and with ship hull girders.Cho et al.(2020)deal with steel-welded hemispheres under external hydrostatic pressure,Zhang et al.(2020)with the buckling of multiple intersecting spherical shells under uni-form external pressure and Al-Hamati et al.(2020)study the buckling properties of a subsea function chamber for oil and gas processing in deep-waters.Lee and Paik(2020)study the ultimate compressive strength computational modelling for stiffened plate panels with non-uniform thickness,a situation that occurs when there is the need to have a transition between plates with different thicknesses.The rest of the papers deal with the hull girder.Nouri and Khedmati(2020)and Vu and Dong(2020)study the ultimate strength of hull girders deteriorated with different types of corrosion,while Xu and Guedes Soares(2020)study the in-fluence of collision damage on the ultimate strength of hull girders.They consider a box girder representing the parallel middle body of tankers and similar vessels and they validate their finite element model against experiments,before analysing the effect of an impact on different locations, assessing afterwards the residual strength of the damaged structure.Primorac et al.(2020)continue with the topic of damaged ship hulls by collision or grounding and they analyse the problem of conducting a structural reliability assessment of these damaged ship hulls adopting the procedures recommended in IMO(2006),and they discuss the various limitations of the presently recommended approach.This set of papers present a good overview of current problems related with the strength assessment of ship and offshore structures,with a certain emphasis on damaged structures,as this type of topic has attracted the attention of several researches in the recent past,and these are in general more complicated problems than dealing with un-damaged structures.We hope that this collection of papers will contribute to an overview of this general topic,which can be of interest to readers.510Journal of Marine Science and ApplicationOpen Access This article is licensed under a Creative CommonsAttribution4.0International License,which permits use,sharing,adap-tation,distribution and reproduction in any medium or format,as long asyou give appropriate credit to the original author(s)and the source,pro-vide a link to the Creative Commons licence,and indicate if changes weremade.The images or other third party material in this article are includedin the article's Creative Commons licence,unless indicated otherwise in acredit line to the material.If material is not included in the article'sCreative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted bystatutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use,you will need to obtainpermission directly from the copyright holder.To view a copy of thislicence,visit /licenses/by/4.0/.ReferencesAl-Hamati AA,Duan M,An C,Guedes Soares C,Estefen S(2020)Buckling properties of SFC for oil/gas processing in deep-waters.J Mar Sci Appl19(4)642-657Barsotti B,Gaiotti M,Rizzo CM(2020)Recent Industrial Developmentsof Marine Composites Limit States and Design Approaches onStrength.J Mar Sci Appl19(4)553-566Cho S-R,Muttaqie T,Lee SH,Paek J,Sohn JM(2020)Ultimate StrengthAssessment of Steel-Welded Hemispheres Under ExternalHydrostatic Pressure.J Mar Sci Appl19(4)615-633CSR(2006)ABS,DNV,LLOYD’S mon StructuralRules for Double Hull Oil TankersGordo JM and Guedes Soares C(1993)Approximate Load ShorteningCurves for Stiffened Plates under Uniaxial Compression.FaulknerD,Cowling MJ&Incecik A,(Eds.).Integrity of OffshoreStructures,5,Proc5th International Symposium on Integrity ofOffshore Structures.Univ Glasgow,17-18June:EMAS;189-211Guedes Soares C,Duan WY(2018)Wave Loads on Ships and OffshoreStructures.J Mar Sci Appl17(3):281–283Guedes Soares C,Dogliani M,Ostergaard C,Parmentier G,Pedersen PT(1996)Reliability Based Ship Structural Design.Trans Soc NavalArchitects Marine Eng(SNAME)104:357–389IACS(2014)Common structural rules for bulk carriers and oil tankers.Societies,International Association of ClassificationIMO(2006)Maritime Safety Committee MSC81/INF.6.Goal-basednew ship construction standards-linkage between FSA and GBSInternational Maritime OrganisationLee HH,Paik JK(2020)Ultimate Compressive Strength ComputationalModelling for Stiffened Plate Panels with Non-Uniform Thickness.J Mar Sci Appl19(4)658-673Liu B,Doan VT,Garbatov Y,Wu WG,Guedes Soares C(2020)Studyon Ultimate Compressive Strength of Aluminium-Alloy Plates andStiffened Panels.J Mar Sci Appl19(4)534-552Nouri Z,Khedmati MR(2020)Progressive Collapse Analysis of a FPSO Vessel Hull Girder under Vertical Bending considering Different Corrosion Models.J Mar Sci Appl19(4)674-692Primorac BB,Parunov J,Guedes Soares C(2020)Structural Reliability Analysis of Ship Hulls Accounting for Collision or Grounding Damage.J Mar Sci Appl19(4)717-733Romanoff J,Körgesaar M,Remes H(2020)Emerging Challenges for Numerical Simulations of Quasi-Static Collision Experiments on Laser-Welded Thin-Walled Steel Structures.J Mar Sci Appl19(4) 567-583Smith CS(1977)Influence of Local Compressive Failure on Ultimate Longitudinal Strength of a Ship's Hull,Proc.Conf.on Practical Design of Ships and Mobile Units(PRADS),Tokyo,73-79Tekgoz M,Garbatov Y,Guedes Soares C(2020)Review of Ultimate Strength Assessment of Ageing and Damaged Ship Structures.J Mar Sci Appl19(4)512-533Vu VT,Dong DT(2020)Hull Girder Ultimate Strength Assessment Considering Local Corrosion.J Mar Sci Appl19(4)693-704 Wahab MMA,Kurian VJ,Liew MS,Kim DK(2020)Condition Assessment Techniques for Aged Fixed-type Offshore Platforms considering 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VDI 3633
![VDI 3633](
VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURESimulation von Logistik-, Materialfluss-und ProduktionssystemenMaschinennahe SimulationSimulation of systems in materials handling,logistics and productionMachine-oriented simulationVDI 3633Blatt 8 / Part 8Ausg. deutsch/englisch Issue German/EnglishVDI-Gesellschaft Fördertechnik Materialfluss LogistikFachbereich Modellierung und Simulation Fachausschuss Maschinennahe SimulationVDI-Handbuch Materialfluss und Fördertechnik, Band 8: Materialfluss II (Organisation/Steuerung)VDI-Handbuch Betriebstechnik, Teil 1: Grundlagen und PlanungVDI-RICHTLINIENZ u b e z i e h e n d u r c h / A v a i l a b l e a t B e u t h V e r l a g G m b H , 10772 B e r l i n – A l l e R e c h t e v o r b e h a l t e n / A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d © V e r e i n D e u t s c h e r I n g e n i e u r e e .V ., D üs s e l d o r f 2007V e r v i e l f äl t i g u n g – a u c h f ür i n n e r b e t r i e b l i c h e Z w e c k e – n i c h t g e s t a t t e t / R e p r o d u c t i o n – e v e n f o r i n t e r n a l u s e – n o t p e r m i t t e dICS 03.100.10April 2007F r üh e r e A u s g a b e : 01.05 E n t w u r f , d e u t s c h F o r m e r e d i t i o n : 01/05 D r a f t , i nG e r m a n o n l yDie deutsche Version dieser Richtlinie ist verbindlich.The German version of this guideline shall be taken as authorita-tive. No guarantee can be given with respect to the English trans-lation.InhaltSeiteV orbemerkung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Einleitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Anwendungsbereich . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.1Anwendungsfelder. . . . . . . . . . . . 41.2Abgrenzung Realität – Simulation. . . . 52Begriffe und Definitionen . . . . . . . . . . . 63Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und typische Frage-stellungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.1Entwicklung/Konstruktion. . . . . . . . 93.2Planung von Fertigungszellen . . . . . . 103.3Inbetriebnahme . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.4Betrieb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.5Vertrieb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114Modellbildung für die maschinennaheSimulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.1Validierung von Simulationsmodellen . 124.2Weiterverwendung von Simulations-modellen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125Grundsatzentscheidung zum Simulations-einsatz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1363-D-Kinematiksimulation . . . . . . . . . . . 146.1Komponenten der Simulationssysteme . . 156.2Vorbereitung der Simulation . . . . . . 206.3Validierung des Modells undKalibrierung des Robotersystems . . . . 226.4Durchführung und Auswertung vonSimulationsexperimenten . . . . . . . . 256.5Aufwand und Nutzen . . . . . . . . . . 266.6Beispiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27ContentsPagePreliminary note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Scope of application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.1Application fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.2Delineation between reality andsimulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Terms and definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63Possible applications and typical problems . 93.1Development/design . . . . . . . . . . . 93.2Planning of production cells . . . . . . 103.3Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.4Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.5Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114Modelling for machine-oriented simulation 114.1Validation of simulation models . . . . 124.2Reuse of simulation models . . . . . . 125Basic decision for the use of simulation . . 1363D kinematic simulation . . . . . . . . . . . 146.1Components of the simulation systems. . 156.2Preparation of the simulation. . . . . . 206.3Validation of the model and calibrationof the robot system . . . . . . . . . . . 226.4Execution and evaluation of simulationexperiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256.5Costs and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . 266.6Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27All rights reserved © Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V., Düsseldorf 2007–2–VDI 3633 Blatt 8 / Part 87Mehrkörpersimulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 317.1Komponenten der Simulatoren . . . . . 327.2Vorbereitung der Simulation . . . . . . 327.3Berechnungsmöglichkeiten . . . . . . . 377.4Auswertung der Simulations-experimente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397.5Aufwand und Nutzen . . . . . . . . . . 397.6Beispiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 8Simulation zum Funktionstest vonSteuerungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448.1Komponenten von Simulatoren. . . . . 458.2Vorbereitung der Modellierung undSimulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488.3Durchführung der Simulations-experimente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518.4Auswertung der Simulations-experimente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528.5Aufwand und Nutzen . . . . . . . . . . 538.6Beispiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 9Prozesssimulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599.1Komponenten der Simulatoren . . . . . 609.2Vorbereitung der Simulation undModellierung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659.3Durchführung der Simulations-experimente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699.4Auswertung der Simulations-experimente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709.5Verbesserung der Simulations-genauigkeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719.6Weiterverwendung von Simulationsdaten,Kopplung von Simulationssystemen . . 729.7Aufwand und Nutzen . . . . . . . . . . 729.8Beispiele und Anwendungen . . . . . . 73 10Maschinennahe Materialflusssimulation . . 7810.1Komponenten der Simulatoren . . . . . 8010.2Weiterverwendung von Simulations-daten, Kopplung von Simulations-systemen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8210.3Vorbereitung der Simulation . . . . . . 8310.4Durchführung und Auswertung vonSimulationsexperimenten . . . . . . . . 8510.5Beispiele. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Schrifttum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907Multibody simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317.1Components of the simulators . . . . . . 327.2Preparation of the simulation . . . . . . 327.3Calculation options . . . . . . . . . . . 377.4Evaluation of the simulationexperiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397.5Costs and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . 397.6Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 8Simulation for the function testing ofcontrollers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448.1Components of simulators. . . . . . . . 458.2Preparation of modelling andsimulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488.3Execution of the simulationexperiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518.4Evaluation of the simulationexperiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528.5Costs and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . 538.6Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 9Process simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599.1Components of the simulators . . . . . . 609.2Preparation of the simulation andmodelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659.3Execution of the simulationexperiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699.4Evaluation of the simulationexperiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709.5Improvement of the simulationaccuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719.6Further use of simulation data,coupling of simulation systems . . . . . 729.7Costs and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . 729.8Examples and applications. . . . . . . . 73 10Machine-oriented material flow simulation .7810.1Components of the simulators . . . . . . 8010.2Reuse of simulation data, linking ofsimulation systems. . . . . . . . . . . . 8210.3Preparation of the simulation . . . . . . 8310.4Execution and evaluation of simulationexperiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8510.5Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90Alle Rechte vorbehalten © Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V., Düsseldorf 2007VDI 3633 Blatt 8 / Part 8–3–VorbemerkungDer Inhalt dieser Richtlinie ist entstanden unter sorg-fältiger Berücksichtigung der V orgaben und Empfeh-lungen der Richtlinie VDI1000.Allen, die ehrenamtlich an der Erstellung dieser Richtlinie mitgewirkt haben, sei auf diesem Wege ge-dankt.Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch das des Nachdrucks, der Wiedergabe (Fotokopie, Mikrokopie), der Spei-cherung in Datenverarbeitungsanlagen und der Über-setzung, auszugsweise oder vollständig. Die Nutzung dieser VDI-Richtlinie als konkrete Arbeitsunterlage ist unter Wahrung des Urheberrechtes und unter Be-achtung der VDI-Merkblätter1 bis 7 möglich. Aus-künfte dazu, sowie zur Nutzung im Wege der Daten-verarbeitung, erteilt die Abteilung VDI-Richtlinien im VDI.EinleitungDiese Richtlinie wendet sich an Anwender (Kon-strukteure, Entwickler, Planer, Betreiber, Vertriebs-mitarbeiter) von Simulationstechniken im maschi-nennahen Bereich. Im Rahmen dieser Richtlinie wird unter maschinennaher Simulation die Simulation von Fertigungsmaschinen und ihrer Peripherie verstan-den. Dies schließt den in der Maschine ablaufenden Fertigungsprozess mit ein. Die Umgebungsbedin-gungen und der maschinennahe Materialfluss werden berücksichtigt, soweit sie Rückwirkungen auf die Maschine oder den Fertigungsprozess haben. Soweit nicht anders angegeben, gelten die in VDI3633 Blatt1 getroffenen Festlegungen.Diese Richtlinie beschreibt die Simulationstechnolo-gien, die die Betrachtung der folgenden, beispielhaf-ten Fragestellungen unterstützen:•Gestaltung des Fertigungsprozesses •Auslegung/Berechnung der Fertigungsmaschine •Entwurf und Test von Steuerungen•Planung von Fertigungszellen •Bahnplanung/Kollisionsvermeidung •Automatische Ableitung von Steuerungssoftware Als Hilfsmittel dienen die im Folgenden näher be-schriebenen Simulationstechnologien (siehe Bild1): •3-D-Kinematiksimulation•Mehrkörpersimulation•Simulation zum Funktionstest von Steuerungen •Prozesssimulation•Maschinennahe Materialflusssimulation Preliminary noteThe content of this guideline has been developed un-der thorough consideration of the requirements and recommendations of guideline VDI1000.We wish to express our gratitude to all honorary con-tributors to this guideline.All rights reserved including those of reprinting, re-production (photocopying, microcopying), storage in data processing systems, and translation, either of the full text or of extracts. This VDI guideline can be used as a concrete project document without infringe-ment of copyright and with regard to VDI Notices1 to 7. Information on this, as well as on the use in data processing, may be obtained by the VDI Guidelines Department at the VDI.IntroductionThis guideline is aimed at users (designers, develop-ers, planners, operators, sales personnel) of simula-tion techniques in the machine-oriented sector. Within the framework of this guideline machine-ori-ented simulation refers to the simulation of produc-tion machines and their peripherals. This also in-cludes the production process running in the machine. The environmental conditions and the ma-chine-oriented material flow are taken into consider-ation insofar as they have any impact on the machine or the production process.Unless stated otherwise the provisions of VDI3633, Sheet1 shall apply.This guideline describes the simulation technologies which support the observation of the following tasks taken here as an example:•design of the production process•design/development of the production machine •design and testing of controllers•planning of production cells•path planning/avoidance of collisions •automatic derivation of control softwareThe simulation technologies described in more detail in the following serve as an aid (see Figure1): •3D kinematic simulation•multibody simulation•simulation for the function test of controllers •process simulation•machine-oriented material flow simulationAll rights reserved © Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V ., Düsseldorf 2007–4–VDI 3633 Blatt 8 / Part 8Darüber hinaus ist zu beachten, dass der Datenaus-tausch und die Durchgängigkeit zwischen einzelnen Simulationsarten an Bedeutung gewinnen. Andere Simulationsarten, die angrenzend auch im maschinennahen Bereich eingesetzt werden, werden in dieser Richtlinie nicht behandelt, da sie eigenstän-dige Gebiete darstellen:•Simulation in der Elektrotechnik •Simulation in der Materialforschung •Mensch-/Ergonomiesimulation1AnwendungsbereichDie Richtlinie bietet einen Überblick über die An-wendungsbereiche und den Nutzen von Simulati-onstechniken, die im Lebenszyklus einer Maschine eingesetzt werden können. Der Benutzer erhält Hin-weise zur einfachen Auswahl geeigneter Simulati-onsansätze für seine Problemstellung. Die Richtlinie zeigt Anforderungen für den Simulationseinsatz auf,beschreibt die Anwendung und gibt Anleitungen für den erfolgreichen Einsatz. Das Verständnis der Simu-lationsanwender für angrenzende Bereiche und auf-tretende Wechselwirkungen soll vertieft werden. V on besonderem Interesse ist die Kombination unter-schiedlicher Simulationsansätze. Hier werden Mög-lichkeiten zu Integration und Durchgängigkeit aufge-zeigt.1.1AnwendungsfelderDie Möglichkeiten der Anwendung maschinennaher Simulation erstrecken sich von der Maschinenent-wicklung über die Zellenplanung und die Inbetrieb-nahme bis zum produktiven Betrieb und schließen auch den Vertrieb ein (siehe Bild 2).In addition to this, it must also be taken into consid-eration that data exchange and the continuity between individual types of simulation are gaining increasing significance.Other types of simulation which have marginal appli-cations in the machine-oriented sector are not dealt with in this guideline as they represent separate, inde-pendent areas:•simulation in electrotechnical engineering •simulation in materials research •human/ergonomic simulation1Scope of applicationThe guideline provides an overview of the applica-tion areas and the benefits of simulation techniques which can be applied in the life cycle of a machine.The user receives instructions for easy selection of suitable simulation approaches for his particular task.The guideline deals with the requirements for the use of simulation, describes its application and provides instructions for successful application. It also gives simulation users a better understanding of ancillary areas and the various interactions which can occur. Of particular interest is the combination of different sim-ulation approaches. Options for integration and con-tinuity are also outlined here.1.1Application fieldsThe options for the use of machine-oriented simula-tion range from machine development to cell plan-ning and start-up, right up to productive operation and sales (see Figure 2).Bild 1. Simulationstechnologien der maschinennahen Simulation (nach [2])1. Simulation technologies in machine-oriented simula-tion (in accordance with [2])CV3D kinematic simulation Control simulationMultibody simulationProcess simulation。
对ai的看法英语作文150Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a topic of fascination and debate for decades, capturing the imagination of scientists, policymakers, and the general public alike. As we witness the rapid advancements in this field, it is crucial to develop a nuanced understanding of the potential impact of AI on our lives. In this essay, I will explore my perspective on AI, considering both its benefits and the challenges it presents.At its core AI is the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. The potential of AI to automate and streamline a wide range of processes has led to its widespread adoption across various industries. From personalized recommendations on e-commerce platforms to autonomous vehicles and medical diagnosis tools, AI is transforming the way we live and work.One of the primary advantages of AI is its ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data at a speed and scale that far surpasseshuman capabilities. This has led to breakthroughs in fields like healthcare where AI algorithms can detect patterns and anomalies in medical scans with greater accuracy than human experts. AI-powered virtual assistants have also revolutionized the way we interact with technology, providing personalized and efficient support for a wide range of tasks.Moreover AI has the potential to enhance human capabilities rather than replace them. By automating repetitive or tedious tasks AI can free up human workers to focus on more creative and strategic aspects of their roles. This can lead to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and overall efficiency in the workplace. Additionally AI-powered tools can assist in decision-making by providing data-driven insights and recommendations, empowering humans to make more informed choices.However the integration of AI into our lives is not without its challenges. One of the primary concerns is the potential displacement of human workers due to automation. As AI systems become more advanced and capable of performing a wider range of tasks, there is a valid concern that certain job roles may become obsolete. This could exacerbate existing socioeconomic inequalities and lead to widespread unemployment if not addressed through proactive policies and educational initiatives.Another crucial issue is the ethical and privacy implications of AI. As AI systems become increasingly sophisticated in their data collection and decision-making capabilities, there is a growing concern about the potential misuse of personal information and the lack of transparency in the algorithms that drive these systems. Ensuring the responsible development and deployment of AI while safeguarding individual privacy and civil liberties is a pressing challenge that requires a collaborative effort between policymakers, tech companies, and the broader public.Furthermore the issue of AI bias is a significant concern. AI systems are trained on data sets that may reflect societal biases and preexisting inequalities. This can lead to the perpetuation and amplification of discriminatory practices, with AI-powered decision-making potentially disadvantaging marginalized communities. Addressing the problem of algorithmic bias requires a concerted effort to diversify data sets, scrutinize the development process, and implement robust mechanisms for accountability and oversight.Despite these challenges I believe that the benefits of AI far outweigh the drawbacks and that with the right approach we can harness the transformative power of this technology to improve our lives and create a more equitable and prosperous future. By investing in research and development, fostering public-private partnerships, and implementing robust ethical frameworks, we can ensure that AIis developed and deployed in a way that aligns with our values and serves the greater good of society.Moreover AI has the potential to tackle some of humanitys most pressing challenges such as climate change, disease prevention, and sustainable resource management. By leveraging AI-powered simulations, predictive analytics, and optimization algorithms, we can develop more effective solutions to these complex problems and work towards a more sustainable future.In conclusion my perspective on AI is one of cautious optimism. I acknowledge the significant challenges and risks associated with this technology, but I believe that with the right approach we can unlock its transformative potential and use it to enhance human capabilities, improve our quality of life, and build a better future for all. As we continue to navigate the uncharted waters of the AI revolution, it is essential that we remain vigilant, adaptable, and committed to the responsible development and deployment of this powerful technology.。
对未来的世界的想象英语作文Title: Envisioning the World of TomorrowThe world of tomorrow, a canvas awaiting its portrait, lies at the edge of our imagination, where science fiction blurs into the realm of possibilities. As we stand on the brink of this uncertain future, it is through the lens of optimism and cautious prediction that we can sketch its outlines.In the future, cities are envisioned to be bastions of sustainability and technological marvel. Skylines will be adorned with architectural feats that not only defy gravity but also harness it, with buildings equipped to generate energy through advanced photovoltaic systems and wind turbines. Green roofs and vertical gardens will be the norm, creating an urban tapestry of flora amidst steel and glass, a testament to humanity's harmonious coexistence with nature.Transportation will undergo a metamorphosis, redefining the concept of mobility. Electric and autonomous vehicles will rule the roads, reducing emissions and accidents, while hyperloops and high-speed trains shrink distances, making global travel as easy as commuting within a city. In the air, drones and flying taxis will navigate the skies, offering aerial views previously reserved for birds and balloons.Healthcare will be revolutionized by advancements in genomics and artificial intelligence. Personalized medicine will become standard, with treatments tailored to individual genetic profiles, significantly increasing efficacy and decreasing adverse effects. Robotic surgeons will perform operations with unparalleled precision, and virtual consultations will connect patients with specialists around the globe. The quest for longevity will lead to breakthroughs in age-related diseases, rejuvenating the aging demographic and reshaping society's demographic structure.Education will transcend traditional boundaries, becoming a lifelong journey accessible to all. Virtual classrooms will host students from diverse backgrounds, collaborating in real-time on projects that address global challenges. Augmented reality and immersive simulations will provide hands-on experiences, from exploring historical sites to conducting experiments in simulated laboratories, fostering a new generation of innovators and thinkers.Yet, amidst these advancements, there lies a crucial question—will technology serve as a bridge connecting humanity or a chasm dividing it? The future could witness a dystopia where digital inequality prevails, and the gapbetween the algorithmically enhanced and the technologically disadvantaged widens. Or, it could usher in a utopia where technology is the great equalizer, democratizing education, healthcare, and opportunities.As we pen this narrative, it becomes imperative to tread thoughtfully, ensuring that the pursuit of innovation does not overshadow ethical considerations. The world of tomorrow should not just be smarter but kinder, not only efficient but equitable. It is incumbent upon us to lay the groundwork for a future where progress and compassion advance hand in hand, creating an legacy worth leaving for generations to come.In essence, the future remains an unwritten story, a canvas waiting for its colors. As we project our hopes and dreams onto this blank slate, let us remember that the brushstrokes of tomorrow are drawn by the actions of today. Thus, it is with a conscientious blend of foresight and action that we can paint a future worthy of our highest aspirations.。
英语作文十年后带翻译Title: A Glimpse into the Future: Ten Years from Now。
Ten years from now, the world will likely have undergone significant transformations, both technologically and socially. As we peer into the future, let's explore what life might be like a decade from now.Firstly, technology will undoubtedly continue to advance at a rapid pace. By then, artificial intelligence (AI) will have permeated even further into various aspects of our daily lives. From self-driving cars seamlessly navigating city streets to AI-powered personal assistants managing our schedules and tasks, the integration of AIwill be ubiquitous. Moreover, breakthroughs in fields like biotechnology and renewable energy will have reshaped industries, offering solutions to some of humanity's most pressing challenges.Furthermore, the global landscape will have evolved,driven by factors such as climate change, geopolitical shifts, and advancements in communication. With the continued rise of social media and digital connectivity, the world will be more interconnected than ever before. However, this connectivity may also exacerbate existing societal issues, such as privacy concerns and the spread of misinformation. Nonetheless, it will also present opportunities for cross-cultural exchange and collaboration on a scale previously unimaginable.In terms of the environment, the effects of climate change will become even more pronounced. Governments and corporations will have hopefully taken more decisive actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and transition to sustainable practices. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power will have become the norm, leading to a gradual decrease in reliance on fossil fuels. However, the battle against climate change will remain an ongoing struggle, requiring concerted global efforts and innovative solutions.On a societal level, we can anticipate shifts indemographics, with aging populations becoming more prevalent in many parts of the world. This demographic trend will pose challenges for healthcare systems and retirement infrastructure, prompting a reevaluation of traditional models and the emergence of new solutions to support aging populations. Additionally, cultural norms and values may continue to evolve, influenced by factors such as globalization, technological advancements, and changing societal attitudes.Education will also undergo transformation, as traditional models give way to more personalized and technology-driven approaches. Online learning platforms and virtual reality simulations will revolutionize the way knowledge is imparted, making education more accessible and engaging for learners of all ages. Lifelong learning will become increasingly essential in a rapidly changing world, as individuals adapt to new technologies and industries.In conclusion, the world ten years from now will be shaped by a combination of technological innovation, global interconnectedness, and societal evolution. While therewill undoubtedly be challenges to overcome, there will also be opportunities for progress and positive change. As we embark on this journey into the future, it is essential to remain adaptable, resilient, and committed to building a better world for generations to come.未来十年,世界很可能会发生重大变化,无论是技术上还是社会上。
ai对课堂的利和弊英语作文The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the classroom has been a topic of growing interest and debate in recent years. As technology continues to advance, educators and policymakers are exploring the potential benefits and drawbacks of incorporating AI-powered tools and applications into the learning environment. This essay aims to examine the pros and cons of AI's impact on the classroom.One of the primary advantages of AI in the classroom is its ability to personalize the learning experience for each student. AI-powered adaptive learning systems can analyze a student's performance, learning style, and progress, and then tailor the content, pace, and delivery of the lessons accordingly. This personalization can help students to better understand the material, address their individual strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately, improve their academic outcomes.Furthermore, AI can be utilized to enhance the efficiency and productivity of classroom activities. For instance, AI-powered gradingand feedback systems can automate the process of evaluating student assignments, freeing up valuable time for teachers to focus on other aspects of their work, such as lesson planning and one-on-one support. Additionally, AI-powered virtual tutors and intelligent chatbots can provide students with on-demand assistance and guidance, allowing them to receive immediate feedback and support when they need it.Another potential benefit of AI in the classroom is its ability to facilitate more engaging and interactive learning experiences. AI-powered educational games and simulations can create immersive and dynamic learning environments, where students can actively participate in the learning process and apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. This can help to foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter and enhance student engagement and motivation.However, the integration of AI in the classroom also presents several challenges and potential drawbacks. One of the primary concerns is the potential for AI to replace human teachers and lead to job displacement. While AI-powered tools can assist and augment the work of teachers, there is a fear that over-reliance on AI could lead to a reduction in the need for human educators, particularly in certain subject areas or tasks.Another concern is the potential for bias and inaccuracy in AI-powered systems. AI algorithms are trained on data, and if that data is biased or incomplete, the resulting AI system may perpetuate or even amplify those biases. This could lead to unfair or inaccurate assessments of student performance, potentially disadvantaging certain groups of students.Additionally, the implementation of AI in the classroom raises privacy and security concerns. The collection and storage of student data by AI systems may raise ethical and legal questions about data privacy and the protection of sensitive information. This could lead to concerns about the misuse or unauthorized access to student data, which could have serious consequences for both students and the educational institution.Furthermore, the integration of AI in the classroom may exacerbate existing inequalities in access to technology and educational resources. If the implementation of AI-powered tools is not accompanied by a concerted effort to ensure equitable access and support for all students, it could widen the digital divide and further disadvantage students from low-income or underserved communities.It is also important to consider the potential impact of AI on the development of essential human skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, and social-emotional intelligence. While AI can be apowerful tool for enhancing certain cognitive abilities, there is a concern that over-reliance on AI could lead to a diminishment of these essential skills, which are crucial for success in the modern workplace and in life.In conclusion, the integration of AI in the classroom presents both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, AI-powered tools and applications can personalize the learning experience, enhance the efficiency and productivity of classroom activities, and create more engaging and interactive learning environments. On the other hand, the implementation of AI in the classroom raises concerns about job displacement, bias and inaccuracy, privacy and security, and the potential impact on the development of essential human skills.As educators and policymakers continue to explore the use of AI in the classroom, it is crucial that they approach the integration of this technology with a balanced and thoughtful approach. This should involve careful consideration of the potential benefits and drawbacks, as well as the implementation of robust safeguards and policies to ensure that the use of AI in the classroom is ethical, equitable, and aligned with the best interests of students and the educational system as a whole.Ultimately, the success of AI in the classroom will depend on theability of educators, policymakers, and technology providers to work collaboratively to develop and implement AI-powered tools and applications that enhance and support the learning process, while also addressing the potential challenges and concerns that arise. By doing so, we can harness the power of AI to improve educational outcomes and prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.。
英语作文对人工智能的态度说明文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1AI is Awesome!Hi there! My name is Sam and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about artificial intelligence, or AI for short. AI is really neat stuff and I think it's going to change the world in amazing ways!First off, what even is AI? Well, it stands for artificial intelligence. That means it's intelligence that isn't human, but created by computers and robots instead. AI allows machines to learn, adapt, and solve problems in ways that used to be only possible for humans and animals. With AI, computers can now do super smart things like recognize faces, understand human speech, translate between languages, and even beat the best humans at games like chess or go.Pretty cool, right? AI is kind of like having a genius computer helper that can figure stuff out way faster than we can. And it's only going to get smarter and smarter every year as the technology improves.So why am I so excited about AI? There are tons of reasons, but let me tell you some of the biggest ones:AI can help solve huge problems facing the world and humanity. Things like climate change, disease, poverty, hunger - you name it. With their incredible brain power, AI systems could find solutions that we humans might never think of on our own.AI can make our lives so much easier and more convenient. Just imagine having a super smart assistant to help with homework, remind you of your chores, or even control your whole smart home! Or self-driving cars that get you places safely with zero effort from you. How awesome is that?AI could lead to scientific and technological breakthroughs we can't even imagine yet. Maybe we'll develop AI that can help design new Materials, invent advanced renewable energy sources, or allow scientists to make discoveries that change everything we know about the universe. The possibilities are endless!Creative AI could create incredible new art, music, stories, movies, and games unlike anything we've ever experienced before. Human artists and creators working together with creative AI could produce mind-blowing works that inspire us all.I can't wait to see what they come up with!Those are just a few of the reasons why I'm so pumped about the future of AI. It seems like every week there's news of some new AI breakthrough or achievement that makes me go "Woahhhh, no way!"Of course, I know that some people are a little scared or worried about AI too. They think it could be dangerous to have superintelligent machines more capable than humans. Or that AI might "go rogue" and not do what we want, like in the Terminator movies. Or people could lose their jobs as AI takes over more tasks.Those are all legitimate concerns, for sure. We absolutely have to be super careful about developing AI safely and responsibly. That's why it's so important for the humans creating AI to program it with robust ethics, constraints, and safeguards. AI should be designed to benefit humanity as a whole, not to cause harm or disruption.We also need to think really hard about questions like: How smart is too smart for an AI to become? What are the risks of superintelligent AI and can we control it? How do we make sure AI systems remain aligned with human values as they become more advanced? What rights and freedoms should we grant to conscious AI if it becomes self-aware?Those are not easy questions to answer, and a lot of really brilliant humans are working on them right now. I'm glad there are so many smart people who take AI safety extremely seriously. Because I agree - an out of control, misaligned superintelligent AI could be one of the biggest existential threats to humanity. We have to get this right.At the same time, I don't think we should let excessive fear stop us from continuing AI research and reaping its amazing potential benefits for our species and planet. With proper safety precautions, ethical programming, and strong human control over the development of transformative AI, I believe we can navigate the challenges ahead.We just need to be vigilant, proactive, and come at this challenge collaboratively as a global society. If we all work together on the teamwork and governance of AI development, prioritizing beneficial AI that empowers and uplifts humanity rather than threatening it, we have nothing to fear and everything to gain.Just look at all the incredible ways that "narrow" AI systems focused on specific tasks are already improving our world today:• Helping discover new medicines and medical treatments through analyzing huge datasets• Aiding scientific re search by crunching massive equations and simulations•Tutoring students and enhancing education through personalized AI learning• Enabling the disabled through assistive AI technologies• Detecting fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes• Making our devices, homes, and cities more automated and efficient• Accelerating our understanding of climate change and sustainable solutions• Optimizing logistics and transportation to movepeople/goods smarter• Assisting first responders and identifying victims through facial recognition• Automating mundane tasks so humans can focus on more fulfilling workAnd that's just the start! As AI grows more advanced, it will supercharge progress in every field imaginable. I can't wait to be part of an AI-enhanced future where we conquer aging, spreadinto the galaxy, and solve challenges that might seem impossible today.Don't get me wrong - AI also raises lots of ethics issues we need to carefully consider. AI systems could be misused for surveillance, oppression, autonomous weapons, or automated discrimination and bias if we're not extremely careful.AI-powered misinformation and deepfakes are another growing problem area. There are also valid concerns around data privacy, algorithmic bias, AI job displacement, and staying ahead of malicious AI misuse by bad actors, to name a few.So again, responsible development and governance of AI is critical. We can't just let it run wild. But if we're smart and thoughtful about upholding ethics, human rights, and cooperation on AI safety as a civilization, I'm confident we can have amazing AI and eat it too, so to speak.In my view, the sci-fi scaremongering over sentient robot overlords taking over is mostly silly. AI will be one of our most powerful technologies, sure. But it's a tool that we control and direct, not some uncontrollable force of nature. Just like any very advanced technology, it needs to be carefully regulated and subject to human authority for safety.But AI isn't inherently good or evil - it's a mirror that reflects the intentions and values of its creators. So the humans developing it need to have rock solid ethics, and society needs frameworks for aligning AI with what's best for humanity. Easy peril, right?With the right foundations in place though, I'm convinced that artificial intelligence will help usher in an incredible new age of abundance, health, prosperity, and understanding for our species and the world we live in.I can't even begin to imagine all the amazing possibilities AI will open up as I grow into an adult over the next several decades. But I'm sure excited to go along for the ride and maybe even be part of creathing the coming AI revolution one day myself! Until then, bring on the brilliant robot buddies - the future is going to be epic!篇2My Thoughts on Artificial IntelligenceHi there! My name is Emily and I'm 10 years old. My teacher, Mrs. Johnson, asked our class to write an essay about artificial intelligence and how we feel about it. At first, I didn't really know what artificial intelligence was. It sounded kind of scary andconfusing! But after learning more about it in class, I have some thoughts I want to share.Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, refers to computer systems that can do tasks that normally require human intelligence. Things like learning, problem-solving, recognizing speech and objects, and making decisions. The idea of machines being intelligent like humans is pretty mind-blowing if you ask me!One of the coolest examples of AI that we learned about are virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa and the Google Assistant. These are AI programs that can understand your voice commands and questions, and respond out loud to help you. My parents have Alexa at home and it's really neat how you can ask it things like "What's the weather today?" or "Tell me a joke" and it will actually answer you!In school, we're starting to use some AI writing tools too. They can help us brainstorm ideas, check our spelling and grammar, and even suggest ways to rephrase sentences to sound better. I used one recently for this essay and it gave me some good suggestions, though I did all the actual writing myself of course. Pretty handy!AI is also being used in lots of other ways that can make our lives easier and better. Self-driving cars use AI to sense their surroundings and navigate roads safely without a human driver. Doctors use AI to help diagnose diseases from x-rays and other medical scans. And scientists are working on AI systems that can help solve big challenges like climate change and find new medical cures.As awesome as AI seems though, I can't help but feel a little nervous about it sometimes too. In the movies, you always see AI systems becoming super intelligent and trying to take over the world! What if the AI machines we create become smarter than us and decide humans aren't in charge anymore? That would be really scary.Mrs. Johnson said those "evil AI" scenarios are extremely unlikely and unrealistic though. She said AI systems today are just tools to assist and augment humans, not replace us entirely. Researchers are also working hard on keeping AI safe and under human control as it keeps advancing.Still, I wonder if AI will maybe put lots of people out of jobs someday? If AI can do more and more of the work that humans currently do, what will happen to all those people's careers? Willmy job someday be taken over by robots and computers that are better at it than me? That gives me some anxiety to think about.On the other hand, when new inventions and technologies came around in the past like cars, planes, computers and the internet, experts said similar things - that they would make lots of jobs obsolete. But in reality, those inventions ended up creating all sorts of new job opportunities that nobody could have imagined before! Who knows what new kinds of careers involving AI might be available for me and my friends when we grow up?Overall, I'm really excited about the potential of artificial intelligence and can't wait to see how it keeps developing. Being able to have smart computer systems that can understand us, learn and assist with all sorts of tasks is so unbelievably cool. Imagine telling a computer to solve all your math homework for you - now that's every kid's dream right there!At the same time though, I know AI is something we have to be careful and responsible with as it gets more advanced. We'll need good rules and safeguards in place to ensure AI remains a helpful tool for humanity that is always under human control. As long as we're smart about it, I'm optimistic that AI will usher in allkinds of amazing benefits and make the world a better, easier, more productive place.I may only be 10 years old, but artificial intelligence feels like it's going to be a huge part of my future and the future of the world. So I want to learn as much about it as I can. Who knows, maybe I'll even end up working on developing Safe AI systems myself someday! For now though, I better get back to my regularly scheduled 10-year-old programming of playing outside and eating ice cream. Thanks for reading my thoughts!篇3AI is The Future! My Thoughts on Artificial IntelligenceHi there! I'm an elementary school kid who loves learning about science and technology. Lately, I've been really interested in artificial intelligence, or AI for short. I think AI is super cool and will change the world in amazing ways! Let me tell you why I'm so excited about it.First of all, what even is AI? Basically, it's really advanced computer programming that allows machines to do things that normally only humans can do. Things like seeing, hearing, learning, problem-solving, and making decisions. With AI, computers can understand language, recognize patterns, andeven get smarter over time by taking in more information. Wild, right?Some people are afraid that AI will become too smart and take over the world. I can see why they might be scared - in the movies, evil robots are always trying to wipe out humanity! But in real life, AI is just a tool that humans create and control. As long as we're careful and make sure to program AI systems with good values, there's no reason for it to harm us.In fact, I think AI will hugely improve our lives in so many ways! In medicine, AI can help diagnose diseases faster and more accurately than humans. It can analyze medical scans, test results, and symptoms to catch things human doctors might miss. AI robots could even perform super precise surgeries one day. How amazing is that?AI will also transform how we work and learn. Instead of doing boring, repetitive tasks, AI can handle those while we get to focus on the fun, creative stuff! Kids could have AI tutors that customize lessons just for them based on how they learn best. School could become way more interactive and personalized.Another awesome thing about AI is how it can help solve big problems facing our world. AI climate prediction models can forecast weather patterns and environmental changes with muchgreater accuracy. This will make it easier to prepare for things like rising sea levels, droughts, and biodiversity loss. AI might even discover new renewable energy sources or carbon capture methods to reduce pollution!Speaking of the environment, AI farm management software could help increase food production while using less water, fertilizer and pesticides. That would mean feeding more people in a sustainable way. And if we ever explore other planets, AI rovers and probes will be essential for scoping things out first.Of course, there are valid concerns about AI taking jobs away from human workers. While AI likely will replace some types of jobs, it will also create brand new jobs that haven't even been imagined yet! Humans will still be needed to develop, program, and maintain AI systems. And many careers requiring emotional intelligence, creativity, and person-to-person interaction can't be automated.As AI gets smarter, we may have to rethink education and job training a lot. But that's not necessarily a bad thing! We should welcome new technologies that make our lives easier and allow us to focus on more fulfilling pursuits. Maybe one day, robots could do all the chores and we can spend more time being creative, playing, and learning cool stuff!I can't wait to see how AI will continue developing throughout my lifetime. It's exhilarating to be living in an era of such rapid technological progress! Who knows what seemingly impossible things AI might help us accomplish 50 or 100 years from now?While change can certainly be scary, I'm optimistic that with responsible development and implementation, AI will be an incredible tool for solving problems and improving life for everyone on our planet. As long as us humans stay in control and program AI with good ethics, the possibilities are endlessly exciting. AI is our future friend, not foe!I hope you found my thoughts on AI informative and interesting. Even though I'm just a kid, I have big dreams of maybe working with AI technology when I grow up. The field of AI offers so many opportunities for smart young people like me who want to change the world for the better. Won't you join me in embracing the awesome potential of artificial intelligence? The future is going to be mind-blowingly cool!。
地球与塑料活动目的内容与反响英语作文The Earth and Plastic: A Pressing ConcernThe Earth, our home, is facing a grave crisis that threatens its delicate balance and the well-being of all its inhabitants. At the heart of this crisis lies the ever-growing issue of plastic pollution, a global challenge that demands our immediate attention and action. As we grapple with the devastating impact of plastic on our environment, it is crucial to understand the purpose, content, and response to the activities aimed at addressing this pressing concern.The primary purpose of the Earth and Plastic activities is to raise awareness and foster a collective understanding of the detrimental effects of plastic on our planet. Through a multitude of initiatives, these efforts seek to educate the public, encourage sustainable practices, and inspire tangible change. The content of these activities encompasses a wide range of topics, from the origins and composition of plastic to its long-lasting impact on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.One of the core aspects of the Earth and Plastic initiatives is the exploration of the lifecycle of plastic. Participants delve into themanufacturing processes, the pervasive presence of plastic in our daily lives, and the alarming rate at which it accumulates in landfills, oceans, and the very air we breathe. This comprehensive understanding lays the foundation for a deeper appreciation of the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for intervention.Another crucial component of the Earth and Plastic activities is the emphasis on sustainable alternatives and practical solutions. These initiatives showcase innovative approaches to reducing plastic consumption, promoting recycling and upcycling, and developing biodegradable or compostable substitutes. By highlighting the viability and accessibility of these alternatives, the activities empower individuals, communities, and businesses to make informed choices and become active participants in the fight against plastic pollution.The response to the Earth and Plastic activities has been both overwhelming and encouraging. Across the globe, individuals from all walks of life have enthusiastically embraced these initiatives, recognizing the pressing need for collective action. Social media platforms have become a powerful tool for amplifying the message, with people sharing their personal stories, pledging to reduce their plastic footprint, and inspiring others to join the movement.Educational institutions have also played a pivotal role in the Earth and Plastic efforts, integrating these topics into their curricula andencouraging students to explore innovative solutions. Policymakers and governmental agencies have taken note of the public's growing concern and have responded with legislative measures aimed at curbing plastic production, improving waste management systems, and incentivizing the development of eco-friendly alternatives.The most heartening aspect of the Earth and Plastic activities has been the sense of community and empowerment that has emerged. People from diverse backgrounds have come together, united by a common goal of protecting our planet and securing a sustainable future for generations to come. This collective spirit has fostered a sense of shared responsibility and has inspired individuals to take meaningful actions in their daily lives, from reducing their personal plastic consumption to advocating for change within their communities.As we continue to navigate the challenges posed by plastic pollution, the Earth and Plastic activities serve as a beacon of hope and a call to action. They remind us that the power to create a cleaner, greener, and more resilient world lies within our own hands. By embracing these initiatives, we can collectively work towards a future where the Earth is free from the scourge of plastic, and its natural beauty and delicate balance are preserved for generations to come.。
仿真需求的英语作文Simulation Requirement。
In today's rapidly changing world, simulation has become an essential tool in various fields, including engineering, medicine, aviation, and even entertainment. Simulation refers to the imitation or representation of a real-life process or system using a computer program or other technological means. It allows individuals or organizations to test and analyze different scenarios, predict outcomes, and make informed decisions. In this essay, we will explore the significance of simulation and discuss its various applications.One of the primary reasons simulation is crucial is its ability to provide a safe and controlled environment for testing. For instance, in the field of aviation, pilots undergo extensive simulation training before they are allowed to operate an aircraft. These simulations accurately replicate real-life scenarios, enabling pilotsto practice emergency procedures and enhance theirdecision-making skills without the risk of actual accidents. Similarly, medical professionals use simulation to practice complex surgeries and procedures, reducing the chances of errors and improving patient outcomes.Moreover, simulation allows researchers and engineersto study and analyze complex systems that are otherwise difficult or impossible to observe in real life. For example, in the field of civil engineering, simulationshelp in designing and testing the structural integrity of buildings and bridges. By simulating various loads and environmental conditions, engineers can identify potential weaknesses and optimize the design, ensuring safety and efficiency. Similarly, in the automotive industry, simulations are used to test the performance and safety of vehicles under different driving conditions, saving timeand resources compared to physical testing.Another significant application of simulation is in the field of entertainment. Video games have evolvedsignificantly over the years, and simulation plays acrucial role in creating realistic and immersive experiences for players. Simulation technology allows game developers to replicate real-world physics, graphics, and interactions, making the gaming experience more engaging and enjoyable. Additionally, simulation is used in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications, enabling users to experience and interact with virtual environments.Furthermore, simulation is instrumental in training and educating individuals in various professions. For instance, military personnel undergo simulation training to prepare for combat situations and develop critical thinking and decision-making skills. Similarly, business organizations use simulation to train employees in areas such as sales, customer service, and crisis management. These simulations provide a risk-free environment for individuals to practice and develop their skills, resulting in improved performance in real-life scenarios.In conclusion, simulation is a vital tool in today's world, offering numerous benefits across different domains.From providing a safe testing environment to enabling the study of complex systems, simulation has revolutionized various industries. Its applications in training, entertainment, and decision-making make it an indispensable tool for individuals and organizations alike. As technology continues to advance, the potential of simulation will only grow, further enhancing our understanding and capabilities in different fields.。
虚拟偶像英语作文题材Title: The Rise of Virtual Idols。
In recent years, the phenomenon of virtual idols has taken the entertainment industry by storm. These digital personas, often created through advanced technology and artificial intelligence, have garnered massive followings and sparked discussions about the future of entertainment. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of virtual idols and explore their impact on society.Firstly, virtual idols represent a convergence of technology and entertainment, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. With advancements in computer graphics, motion capture, and AI algorithms, creators can bring virtual characters to life in ways that were previously unimaginable. These idols can sing, dance, interact with fans, and even hold virtual concerts, blurring the lines between reality and fiction.One of the key appeals of virtual idols lies in their versatility and adaptability. Unlike human performers, virtual idols are not bound by physical limitations or aging. They can be customized to fit various personas and styles, catering to diverse audience preferences. This flexibility allows creators to experiment with different concepts and narratives, keeping the content fresh and engaging for fans.Moreover, virtual idols offer a sense of escapism and fantasy for their audience. In an increasingly digitalized world, many people seek refuge in virtual realms where they can immerse themselves in captivating stories and characters. Virtual idols provide a form of entertainment that transcends traditional boundaries, transporting fans to imaginary worlds where anything is possible.Additionally, virtual idols have significant economic implications, driving growth in sectors such as gaming, merchandising, and advertising. Companies are capitalizing on the popularity of virtual idols to promote their products and services, tapping into the immense fan basesthat these idols command. From virtual endorsements to branded merchandise, the commercial potential of virtual idols is vast and lucrative.However, the rise of virtual idols also raises ethical and societal concerns that cannot be ignored. As virtual characters become increasingly lifelike and indistinguishable from real humans, questions arise regarding the impact on human relationships and perceptions of reality. Some critics argue that excessive immersion in virtual worlds may lead to social isolation and detachment from the real world.Furthermore, the creation of virtual idols raises questions about identity and authenticity. While theseidols may be programmed to exhibit certain traits and behaviors, they lack the genuine experiences and emotions that define human existence. As such, there is a risk of reducing complex human personalities to mere algorithms and simulations, potentially undermining the value of authentic human interaction.In conclusion, the emergence of virtual idols represents a fascinating intersection of technology, entertainment, and culture. While they offer exciting opportunities for creativity and innovation, they also pose challenges and uncertainties for society. As we navigate this digital frontier, it is essential to critically examine the implications of virtual idols and ensure that they enrich rather than detract from the human experience.。
关于路面实验的 外国文献
![关于路面实验的 外国文献](
Assessment of the effect of mineral filler on asphalt–aggregate interfaces based on thermodynamic propertiesAllex E.Alvarez a ,⇑,Evelyn Ovalles a ,Silvia Caro ba Department of Civil Engineering,University of Magdalena,Santa Marta,ColombiabDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of Los Andes,Bogotá,Colombiaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 26May 2011Received in revised form 13August 2011Accepted 16August 2011Available online 27November 2011Keywords:Mineral fillerSurface free energy (SFE)AdhesionWork of adhesion Moisture damage WettabilityHot mix asphalt (HMA)Pavementsa b s t r a c tThe material properties of hot mix asphalt (HMA)are modified by the amount and properties of the min-eral filler (or filler)incorporated in the HMA.This paper focuses on the analysis of the filler effect on asphalt–aggregate interfaces of HMA based on thermodynamic properties (i.e.,measurements of surface free energy,SFE,performed on asphalts,mastics (asphalt–filler combinations),and aggregates).Seven asphalts,three different mineral fillers added at different proportions,and six aggregates were assessed.The analysis was conducted in terms of energy parameters computed by using the SFE components of the materials evaluated.Corresponding results suggest that the inclusion of filler in the asphalt led to changes in the resistance to both fracture and moisture damage of the mastic–aggregate systems,and the wettability of the mastic over the aggregate as evaluated in terms of the energy parameters.Since these particular effects are not comprehensively captured based on conventional tests currently used for filler characterization—which mainly evaluate particle size,presence of harmful fines,and morpho-logical properties,the HMA mix design can benefit from characterization of fillers and mastics in terms of the SFE and subsequent computation of the energy parameters included in this study.Ó2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAccording to ASTM [1],the mineral filler (or filler)should con-sist of ‘‘finely divided mineral matter’’(e.g.,rock dust),dry enough to flow,and free from agglomerations.Corresponding filler grada-tions (i.e.,passing 100%the No 30–600l m sieve)are also specified [1].In addition,as discussed by Anderson [2],from the perspective of ‘‘filling’’the asphalt binder (or asphalt),the filler corresponds to the fraction of particles smaller than 50–75l m.The actual filler’s maximum size—within this range—depends on both the hot mix asphalt (HMA)and filler characteristics and would define the frac-tion of this phase that can be suspended in the asphalt without reaching ‘‘stone-on-stone’’contact.For practical applications,the filler is often referred as material finer than 75l m [2].This crite-rion was followed in this study to define the mineral filler.Several fillers have been typically used in HMA including natu-ral fillers (i.e.,mineral dust)as well as imported fillers (i.e.,Port-land cement,lime,fly ash,and slag)[3].The mineral dust is mostly obtained from the screening and crushing of aggregates and should correspond to inert material to avoid deleterious effects on the HMA.This research focused on this type of fillers.In addi-tion,selection and addition of mineral dust is conventionally con-ducted by applying a combination of the following tests:particle size analysis (ASTM D546),sand equivalent (ASTM D2419),liquid-and plastic-limit (ASTM D4318),methylene blue index of clay (ASTM C837),Rigden voids (BS 812),Rigden voids-Penn State mod-ified,and German Filler test [4].These tests can allow identification of the particle size distribution,presence of harmful fines (e.g.,ac-tive clay or organic content),and indirect assessment of morpho-logical properties,including shape,angularity,and texture of the filler.However,it can be expected that the quality and response of the aggregate–mastic (i.e.,asphalt with filler particles)system in the HMA depends not only on the physical properties of the filler (e.g.,gradation and surface properties),but also on its chemical and thermodynamic properties [5].As indicated by Roberts et al.[3],the mineral filler is used in HMA to:(i)meet aggregate gradation specifications,(ii)reduce the optimum asphalt content by filling voids in the granular skele-ton,(iii)increase mixture stability and (iv)enhance ‘‘bond’’of the aggregate–asphalt system.More recently,Prowell et al.[6]summa-rized that the addition of filler to HMA can be associated with the following main effects:(i)stiffen the asphalt,(ii)extend the asphalt—increase the asphalt volume in the HMA,or (iii)simulta-neously extend and stiffen the asphalt.Consequently,the inclusion of filler can significantly modify the material properties of both the asphalt and HMA [3,7–11].Research conducted in this direction in-cludes measurements of indirect tensile strength,toughness index,asphalt pavement analyzer rut depth [7],Marshall stability,retained strength [11],stiffness [8],fracture energy density,and0950-0618/$-see front matter Ó2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.08.089Corresponding author.Tel./fax:+5754301292.E-mail address:allexalvarez@ (A.E.Alvarez).dissipated creep strain energy to failure[12].Several other studies have concentrated on quantifying the effect offillers on the mechanical performance of HMA,in terms of its fatigue cracking and permanent deformation resistance[2,4]as well as its suscepti-bility to moisture damage[4,6,13–15].Results from these works suggest that proper selection of thefiller is of paramount impor-tance to optimize both the performance and response of HMA.As summarized by Roberts et al.[3],previous research con-ducted in the1970’s already highlighted that the response of dif-ferent material combinations for HMA can vary due to the existence of some interaction between the asphalt and the miner-alogy of naturalfillers.In this study,it is hypothesized that,in addition to the physical properties,the surface free energy(SFE) (a fundamental thermodynamic property)of neat asphalts(or as-phalt),fillers,and aggregates included in the HMA have an effect on the response of systems formed by combinations of these mate-rials.The SFE is also related to the chemical composition of as-phalts[16],fillers and aggregates[5,17].In addition,the SFE can be used to compute both the physical adhesion of asphalt–aggregate systems and the loss of this physical adhesion due to the presence of water(i.e.,debonding)at the as-phalt–aggregate interface.As discussed by Bhasin[18],physical adhesion is probably the adhesion component(over the chemical interactions and mechanical interlocking)that predominantly con-tributes to the overall adhesion of the asphalt–aggregate systems. Although large differences in SFE and physical adhesion have been previously reported,respectively,for aggregates of different miner-alogy[17]and for different aggregate–asphalt combinations[18], at present,however,there is limited information available on the evaluation of fundamental material properties applied to quantita-tively assess the physical adhesion of aggregate–mastic systems and its influence on the HMA performance.Since a better understanding of the physical adhesion of mas-tic–aggregate systems is required to better select combinations of these materials that maximize the performance of HMA,this pa-per assesses the effect of thefiller on asphalt–aggregate interfaces of HMA based on measurements of SFE and computation of energy parameters using the SFE components values.The objectives of this study as well as the working methodology and materials and methods sections,arefirst introduced.Then,a section on the SFE and energy parameters used for assessing the mineralfiller effect is included,followed by results and analysis of thefiller effect.Con-clusions and recommendations complete the paper.2.Objective and methodologyThe objective of this study focused on assessing the mineralfil-ler effect,added at different proportions to the asphalt,on asphalt–aggregate interfaces based on SFE measurements and computation of energy parameters.Achievement of this objective required the following main tasks:Laboratory testing to measure the SFE of aggregates,asphalts, and asphalt mastics(i.e.,combination of asphalt andfiller).Computation of SFE components as well as energy parameters to quantitatively analyze the effect of the mineralfiller on the physical adhesion and wettability of asphalt–aggregate sys-tems.As subsequently described,these energy parameters included:work of adhesion in both dry-and wet-condition,A1 and A2indexes,energy ratio,and spreading coefficient.3.Materials and methodsTable1summarizes the materials used in this research work.Two asphalt groups were tested for SFE,namely unmodified-and modified-asphalts.The unmodified asphalts were produced at the Colombian refineries of Barrancabermeja (80–1001/10mm penetration asphalt)and Apiay(60–701/10mm penetration as-phalt).The modified asphalts were sampled after being industrially prepared by using different neat asphalts and addition of polymers(i.e.,elastomers),and they are named as type I,II,III,and V modified asphalts,according to material specifica-tions in Colombia[19].Thefillers(i.e.,material passing the200sieve—75l m)included in this study corresponded to mineral dust obtained from the screening and crushing of aggre-gates of different mineralogical composition(i.e.,sandstone,basalt,and limestone). The mastics were prepared by addingfiller to the asphalt at two ratios offiller to asphalt by volume(i.e.,0.6and1.2,identified in the Table1as50%and100%, respectively).The maximumfiller to asphalt ratio used(1.2)corresponded to the upper threshold defined by Anderson[2]for the addition of mineralfiller in dense-graded HMA and was,therefore,arbitrary identified as100%addition.Thefil-ler to asphalt ratio for preparation of the mastics fabricated with all the unmodified asphalts was0.6(i.e.,50%).Six aggregates(Table1)of different mineralogical composition were used to as-sess possible asphalt–aggregate and mastic–aggregate combinations.These aggre-gates are used in actual fabrication of HMA and were characterized in terms of SFE as part of previous studies[5,20].3.1.Surface free energy(SFE)and indexes used for assessment of the mineralfiller effectThe SFE is defined as the amount of energy required to create a new surface unit in a given material under vacuum[21].According to the Good-Van Oss-Chaudhury theory,the SFE of a material can be decomposed in:(i)a monopolar basic compo-nent,CÀ,(ii)a monopolar acid component,C+,and(iii)a non-polar component,C LW [18].In this study,the SFE components of the asphalts and asphalt mastics were mea-sured by means of the Wilhelmy plate method,in accordance with the procedure suggested by Hefer et al.[22].Based on the recommendations provided by these authors for the selection of probe liquids appropriate for asphalt testing—substanti-ated on analysis of the condition number,the following liquids were selected in this research:distilled water,glycerol,formamide,ethylene glycol,and methylene iodide(diiodomethane).Thesefive probe liquids were used in the laboratory to im-prove the reliability of the measurements,since only three liquids are required for the SFE computation.In addition,final selection of the probe liquids included in the SFE computation(i.e.,based on advancing contact angles measured for each probe liquid)was conducted based on the analysis of the C L cos h versus C L plot, where C L is the total SFE of the probe liquid and h is the dynamic contact angle be-tween the asphalt and the liquid.As recommended by Hefer et al.[22]a probe liquid that deviates from a smooth curve plot of C L cos h versus C L,should not be included in the SFE calculation.A minimum of four replicate specimens were used in the laboratory to measure the contact angles with each probe liquid.The coefficient of variation for these replicate measurements was smaller than3.87%in all cases.The SFE components of the aggregates were determined by using the Universal Sorption Device in accordance with the procedure discussed by Bhasin and Little [23].Three probe vapors(i.e.,water,n hexane,and methyl propyl ketone)were used in the corresponding testing.Details on these equipment and the corresponding testing procedures can be found in previous work[5,21,23].Based on the SFE components values,different energy parameters were com-puted in this study to assess the resistance to fracture(i.e.,work of adhesion in dry condition)and the moisture damage susceptibility(i.e.,work of adhesion in wet condition and energy ratio index)of the asphalt–aggregate(interfaces)systems as well as the mastic–aggregate(interfaces)systems.In addition,specific indexes (A1and A2)were included to quantify the change in the work of adhesion in dry-and wet-condition of asphalt–aggregate systems when thefiller is added into the system.The wettability of the asphalt and mastic over the aggregate was also quan-titatively assessed in terms of the spreading coefficient.Selection of these energy parameters was based on previous research that proved good correlation between the work of adhesion and energy ratio index and the laboratory-andfield-perfor-mance of HMA[24–26].Details on the computation of these energy parameters are subsequently indicated and additional discussion on their physical meaning is integrated in the context of the analysis of results.Adhesion can be defined as the interfacial strength between the aggregate and asphalt[17].The work of adhesion—a quantitative index of physical adhesion—is defined as the amount of energy that should be supplied to propagate an existent crack at the interface of two materials(e.g.,asphalt–aggregate interface)creating two new surfaces of unit area[25].The work of adhesion in dry condition(i.e.,with-out water at the materials’interface)for an asphalt–aggregate system,W dryAS,and inwet condition(i.e.,with presence of water at the materials’interface),W wetWAS,can be computed based on the Eqs.(1)and(2),respectively.W dryAS¼c AS¼2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiC LWAC LWSqþ2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiCþACÀSqþ2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiCÀACþSqð1ÞW wetWAS¼c AWþc SWÀc ASð2Þwhere the subscripts A,S,and W represent the asphalt,aggregate,and water,respec-tively.The computation of the c AW and c SW components(Eq.(2))can be conducted based on Eq.(1)by applying the corresponding SFE components of asphalt,aggre-gate,and water.600 A.E.Alvarez et al./Construction and Building Materials28(2012)599–606Based on the computations of work of adhesion in dry-and wet-condition,the effect of the mineralfiller was computed in terms of the following indexes:A1¼W dryFSÀW dryASW dryASÂ100ð%Þð3ÞA2¼W wetASÀW wetFSW wetASÂ100ð%Þð4ÞIn these computations the subscript A represents the neat asphalt,and F represents the asphalt–filler(i.e.,mastic)tested to determine the SFE components.Therefore, W dryFSis the work of adhesion in dry condition computed based on the SFE of the mas-tic and a particular aggregate,W dryASis the work of adhesion in dry condition com-puted based on the SFE of the neat asphalt and a particular aggregate,W wetASis the work of adhesion in wet condition computed based on the SFE of the neat asphaltand a particular aggregate,and W wetFSis the work of adhesion in wet condition com-puted based on the SFE of the mastic and a particular aggregate.Positive values of the A1index indicate a favorable effect of thefiller addition in terms of the quality of adhesion for the mastic–aggregate system.The A2index evaluates thefiller effect on the moisture susceptibility of the asphalt–aggregate system by quantifying the proportion of change in the work of adhesion,respect to the work of adhesion of the neat asphalt–aggregate system,due to thefiller addition.The energy ratio(ER)index,defined as the ratio between the work of adhesion in dry condition and the work of adhesion in wet condition(Eq.(5)),was used to identify material combinations that produce systems with appropriate adhesion characteristics and reduced susceptibility to develop debonding processes under the presence of water.ER¼W dryASW wetWASð5ÞFinally,the spreading coefficient(SC),a quantitative measure of the wettability of the asphalt(A)over the aggregate(S),was calculated as indicated in previous re-search[27]:SC¼W dryASÀW AAð6Þwhere,W AA is the work of cohesion of the asphalt(or the mastic),which is computed by replacing twice in Eq.(1)the SFE components of the asphalt for an asphalt–as-phalt interface.As discussed by Kim[17],the SFE,physical adhesion,and wettability concepts, as the ones just described,have been only recently applied for improving the char-acterization of paving materials and constitute an alternative,fundamental ap-proach,for optimizing HMA.For example,Bhasin et al.analyzed both the effect of different modification processes on the work of adhesion of different asphalts [24]and moisture sensitivity of paving materials[28].In addition,Wasiuddin et al.[27]characterized warm mix asphalt additives based on SFE concepts.4.Results and analysisThis section presents the results and analysis of the evaluation of the mineralfiller effect on asphalt–aggregate interfaces based on thermodynamic properties(i.e.,SFE)and subsequent computation of energy ly,the results are expressed in terms of:(i)resistance to fracture:work of adhesion in dry condition and A1index,(ii)moisture damage susceptibility:work of adhesion in wet condition,A2index,and energy ratio index,and(iii)wetta-bility of the asphalt over the aggregate:spreading coefficient.Cor-responding results are presented for both unmodified and modified asphalts combined with aggregate of diverse geological origin and mineralogy.Overall,the analysis of the SFE measurements indicated that the addition of mineralfillers to unmodified-and modified-asphalts had an important effect in modifying both the SFE components and the total SFE values of the generated mastic,as compared to those of the neat asphalt.Ultimately,these modifications in SFE led to the changes in the energy parameters as subsequently dis-cussed.A detailed analysis of thefiller effect was not pursued in terms of the individual SFE components,since previous published literature[17]pointed out the limitations of comparing the magni-tudes of the base or acid SFE components(CÀand C+,respectively), since they are computed based on a relative scale of acid-base components.Additional research is still required,however,to ex-plore at a more detailed scale(e.g.,including the chemical and/or mineralogical composition and interaction of the basic constitu-ents)the reasons explaining the observed SFE modifications and the material responses here discussed.4.1.Resistance to fracture:work of adhesion in dry condition and A1 indexFig.1shows indicative values of work of adhesion in dry condi-tion computed for modified asphalt–aggregate combinations as well as mastic(i.e.,modified asphalt andfiller)-aggregate combina-tions.These data exemplified the tendencies obtained for both modified and unmodified asphalts.High values of work of adhesion in dry condition provide indication of asphalt–aggregate interfaces with high resistance to fracture—and longer expected fatigue life—as compared to those systems that develop reduced work of adhe-sion values.Evaluation of Fig.1data suggests that the range of work of adhesion values associated with the change of aggregate type can be of the same order of magnitude that the range of work of adhe-sion values induced by the addition offiller(i.e.,range of differ-ences in the work of adhesion values computed for corresponding asphalt–aggregate and mastic–aggregate systems). For example,the range of work of adhesion values for the I M as-phalt due to the change of aggregate is60.7erg/cm2,and the range of differences in work of adhesion values between the IM-aggre-gate and I M+F2–100%-aggregate systems is31.1erg/cm2.A sim-ilar comparison based on the V M asphalt and the V M+F2–100% mastic lead to range values of126.9erg/cm2for the aggregate ef-fect and98.2erg/cm2for thefiller addition effect.The effect of thefiller addition on the work of adhesion of as-phalt–aggregate systems can be better evaluated based on the A1 (dry condition)and A2(wet condition)indexes.Figs.2and3pres-ent,respectively,the A1index values related to unmodified-and modified-asphalts.Positive values of the A1index(Eq.(3))indicate a favorable effect of thefiller addition in terms of the quality ofTable1Assessed material combinations.Neat asphalts Fillers and proportion added AggregatesUnmodified I:Apiay-2007F1–50%Limestone I:Texas,USAII:Barrancabermeja-2007F1–50%Granite:Oklahoma,USAIII:Barrancabermeja-2009F1–50%Quartzite:Arkansas,USAF2–50%F3–50%Modified(M)I M:Modified asphalt type I F2–100%Sandstone:Oklahoma,USAII M:Modified asphalt type II F2–100%III M:Modified asphalt type III F2–50%Limestone II:Ohio,USAF2–100%V M:Modified asphalt type V F2–50%Gravel(Basalt):Risaralda,ColombiaF2–100%F1:Sandstone;F2:Basalt;F3:Limestone.A.E.Alvarez et al./Construction and Building Materials28(2012)599–606601adhesion for the mastic–aggregate system,since the work of adhe-sion is higher for the mastic–aggregate system than for the neat as-phalt–aggregate system evaluated.The coefficient magnitude quantifies the proportion of change in the work of adhesion,re-spect to the work of adhesion of the neat asphalt–aggregate sys-tem,due to the addition of thefiller.Therefore,data in Figs.2and3provide detailed evidence about the magnitude of modification,in either a positive or a negative way,in the values of work of adhesion in dry condition induced by the addition offiller to the asphalts evaluated.Some mastic–aggregate combinations(e.g.,those based on the I+F1mastic—Fig.2—and the I M+F2–100%mastic—Fig.3—)led to positive re-sults expressed in terms of higher work of adhesion values than those obtained for the corresponding neat asphalt–aggregate com-binations.This increase in adhesion due to the addition offiller was close to20%for these materials.However,the addition of the same filler(F1)to the III asphalt systematically decreased,in a range of 20–50%,the work of adhesion values evaluated with all the aggre-gates(Fig.2).Mixed results were obtained for the II+F1mastic–aggregate combinations,since the combination with limestone re-sulted in a smaller work of adhesion value,whereas the combina-tion with all other aggregates generated the increment of the work of adhesion values.Although previous literature[3]indicates that thefiller can be used in HMA to enhance‘‘bond’’of the aggre-gate–asphalt system,the results previously discussed indicate that proper material selection—for example,based on the herein energy parameters discussed—is required to ensure the pursued enhance-ment.These results also suggest that some of the differences re-ported in the literature[7–10,15]for the response of HMA fabricated with differentfillers could be explained by thefiller ef-fect on the adhesion properties between the constitutive phases of the mixture.As shown in the Fig.3,the amount offiller added to the modi-fied asphalt also had a variable effect on the work of adhesion in dry condition values obtained for the mastic–aggregate combina-tions.This conclusion is exemplified by the opposite tendencies obtained for the III M+F2and V M+F2asphalts mixed withfiller at proportions of50and100%.Based on the data shown in the Figs.1and3,and except for the mastic–limestone I combination, in thefirst case(III M+F2)the increment in thefiller proportion led to increase the work of adhesion values,while the same incre-ment in thefiller proportion led to a decrease in the work of adhe-sion in the second case(V M+F2).Comparisons of energy indexes calculated for mastics prepared with differentfillers added atthe602 A.E.Alvarez et al./Construction and Building Materials28(2012)599–606two proportions tested were not attempted,since differences in the filler gradation limited these comparisons.As expected,comparison of the data shown in Figs.2and 3sug-gests that the type of asphalt (i.e.,unmodified as compared to modified)has an important effect on the work of adhesion ob-tained when combined with the filler and aggregate.For the mate-rials assessed,higher changes in the work of adhesion values were obtained for the unmodified asphalts as compared to those of the modified asphalts.Additional interaction between the filler and the polymer included in the modified asphalts can occur,leading to the reported differences in the work of adhesion of the different combinations.Additional research is required to further analyze this particular aspect.In addition,significant variability was ob-served in the work of adhesion in dry condition values associated with the II and III asphalts,which were obtained from the Barra-ncabermeja refinery,in 2007and 2009,respectively.The results shown in the Fig.2suggests that both binders behave as if they were different asphalts.This might be explained by the fact that this refinery blends different crude oils in the distillation process,and the proportion of the individual crudes in those blends changes regularly,producing asphalts with different chemical composition and rheological and thermodynamic properties.As discussed in previous literature [17],both the fracture (i.e.,fatigue damage)and healing of HMA are related to the SFE charac-teristics of the asphalt–aggregate system.Therefore,additional re-search should be conducted to assess the modification induced by the addition of mineral filler on the healing properties of the HMA.However,based on the analysis of the fracture resistance of the as-phalt–aggregate interfaces evaluated in terms of the work of adhe-sion,modifications in the healing properties of the HMA can also be expected after the addition of mineral filler.4.2.Moisture damage susceptibility:work of adhesion in wet condition,A 2index,and energy ratio indexResults of work of adhesion in wet condition (i.e.,with the pres-ence of water at the materials’interface)computed for both mod-ified asphalt–aggregate combinations and mastic (i.e.,modified asphalt and filler)-aggregate combinations are shown in Fig.4.The negative values consistently obtained denote that there exists a thermodynamic potential for the water to disrupt the asphalt–aggregate interface of these systems.In other words,these values exemplify the fact that no external energy is required to be added into the system in order to separate the asphalt–aggregate inter-face due to the natural preference of the aggregates to be covered by water instead of asphalt.In addition,small absolute values of work of adhesion in wet condition are associated with asphalt–aggregate systems with reduced susceptibility to moisture damage [18],which allows a relative comparison of the systems assessed with and without the addition of filler.Thus,data presented in the Fig.4suggest that the addition of filler can affect the resistance to moisture damage of asphalt–aggregate interfaces.For some systems (e.g.,I M asphalt and filler 2[F2])the filler effect can be minimum,but important magnitudes of change were also obtained,as in the case of the V M asphalt and filler 2(e.g.,up to 169%for the sandstone).The A 2index values related to unmodified-and modified-as-phalts are shown in Figs.5and 6,respectively.The A 2index (Eq.(4))evaluates the filler effect on the moisture susceptibility of the asphalt–aggregate system by quantifying the proportion of change in the work of adhesion,respect to the work of adhesion of the neat asphalt–aggregate system,due to the filler addition.Po-sitive values of the A 2index are indicative of the positive effect of the filler addition into the system,since its addition generates low-er absolute values of work of adhesion in wet condition,which im-plies less thermodynamic potential for the water to disrupt the asphalt–aggregate interface.The results shown in the Figs.5and 6suggest that the addition of filler affects the susceptibility to moisture damage of the mas-tic–aggregate systems in variable proportions for different material combinations.As previously discussed for the changes in the work of adhesion in dry condition,changes in the A 2index suggest that the addition of a specific filler type can improve the resistance to moisture damage (e.g.,I +F1system)and,in other cases,increase the susceptibility to moisture damage (e.g.,III +F1system)of the mastic–aggregate systems.These results demonstrate that fillers can have an important effect in increasing or reducing the resis-tance of mastic–aggregate systems to moisture damage.Since moisture damage in asphalt mixtures is considered to be one of the main causes of early deterioration of flexible pavements [29],it can be concluded that fillers play an important role in the dura-bility characteristics of asphalt courses.The amount of filler added to the asphalt also had a variable ef-fect on the work of adhesion in wet condition values obtained for the mastic–aggregate combinations.This conclusion,which is coincident with that previously stated for the work of adhesion in dry condition,is exemplified by the values of the A 2index com-puted for the III M +F2mastic with filler at 50and 100%.In addi-tion,comparison of the data included in the Figs.5and 6suggests that the presence of water at the mastic–aggregate interface can lead to different thermodynamic potential for debonding when analyzing unmodified-or modified-asphalts.In terms of the ER index,Fig.7shows the values calculated for the asphalt–aggregate and mastic–aggregate combinations.Unmodified asphalts were included in this evaluation.Similar data are shown in Fig.8for the modified asphalts,computed based on the data included in the Figs.1and 2.The ER index can be used to efficiently identify material combinations that produce systems with high adhesion characteristics (i.e.,high values of work of adhesion in dry condition)and low susceptibility to develop deb-onding processes under the presence of water (i.e.,low absolute values of work of adhesion in wet condition)(Eq.(5)).For asphalt mixtures,high values of the ER index are,therefore,desirable in or-der to promote resistance to fracture and durability of thematerialA.E.Alvarez et al./Construction and Building Materials 28(2012)599–606603。
Material01. Plastics, Man’s Most Useful Material1)The word ‘plastic’ comes from the Greek word ‘plastikos’ and is used to describe somethingwhich can be easily shaped. You will see what a suitable name this is for ‘plastics’.2)No other material in the history of the world has been used for so many different purposes. 5But what special qualities do plastics have? The lightness of plastics is one of their mostvaluable qualities. Think how easy it is to lift plastic furniture! Think, too, how lightplastic containers are! A delivery man can carry many more plastic containers thancontainers made of wood or metal or glass.3)It is quite extraordinary1how many different kinds and qualities of plastics there are. They 10can be harder than wood or softer than rubber. They can be made so strong that they willlast almost for ever, or so thin and cheap that they can be thrown away after only being usedonce. They can be made as clear as glass or completely black. They can be made anycolour you like to choose. They can even be made to look like wood or leather or stone.4)Plastics were at first based on coal and wood. But today they are nearly based on mineral 15oil2, that is to say, oil which is found underground. Mineral oil, of course, is of no use toman until it has been cleaned and separated into its different commercial products -- oil forships and trains, petrol for cars and aeroplanes, machine oil3 of all kinds. This cleaning andseparating is known as ‘refining’ and is done in big factories called ‘refineries4’.5)For a long time scientists could find little use for the material which remained after the oil 20had been refined. Then one day scientists made the exciting discovery that it could beturned into plastics.6)The manufacture of plastics demands an immense amount of heavy machinery as well as aknowledge of science. Today nearly all modern plastics are manufactured by the world’sgreat oil refineries and chemical works5. The refineries and chemical works produce many 25different kinds of raw plastics. These are then sent to the tens of thousands of factories allover the world which make plastic goods.7)Machinery for making plastic goods is quite different from the machinery used formanufacturing articles of wood or metal or other natural materials. For raw plastics are firstsoftened by heat and then pressed into moulds. It is the moulds which give plastic objects 30their shape. These moulds can be of any shape or size. And the same mould can be usedover and over again. In fact one mould can produce many thousands of articles before itwears out. It is this which makes plastics goods so cheap.1 extraordinary: 非常的,特别的。
芯片测试和验证管理制度Title: Management System for Chip Testing and VerificationIntroductionWith the rapid development of semiconductor technology, chip testing and verification have become critical processes in ensuring the reliability and functionality of integrated circuits. In order to maintain quality control and streamline the testing and verification procedures, an effective management system is essential. This article aims to introduce a comprehensive management system for chip testing and verification that can optimize the overall process and improve efficiency.I. Objective and ScopeThe management system for chip testing and verification aims to establish standardized procedures and guidelines to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of the testing and verification process. It covers all stages of chip testing, including design verification, component testing, functional testing, and reliability testing.II. Responsibilities and Roles1. Chip Testing Team: The testing team is responsible for conducting various tests on the chips, including electrical testing, functional testing, and performance testing. They are responsible for recording and analyzing test results.2. Verification Team: The verification team is in charge of evaluating the chip design and ensuring its adherence to specifications and requirements. They perform simulations, model checks, and other verification activities.3. Quality Control Team: The quality control team oversees the overall testing and verification process. They establish and enforce quality standards, conduct audits, and provide training to the testing and verification teams.III. Procedures1. Chip Design Verification- The verification team conducts a thorough review of the chip design and specification documents to ensure consistency and accuracy.- Simulations using advanced software tools are performed to validate the functionality and performance of the design.- Model checks are conducted to identify and resolve any design flaws or errors.2. Component Testing- The testing team performs electrical testing on individual components of the chip to ensure their functionality.- Various test equipment, such as oscilloscopes and multimeters, are utilized to measure and analyze component performance.- Defective components are identified and replaced to maintain the overall quality of the chip.3. Functional Testing- The testing team executes a series of functional tests on the fully assembled chip to evaluate its performance under different operating conditions.- Test scripts and automated test equipment are used to simulate real-world usage scenarios.- Test results are recorded and compared against expected outcomes to identify any deviations or functional defects.4. Reliability Testing- The testing team subjects the chip to different reliability tests, such as temperature cycling, accelerated aging, and environmental stress testing.- These tests aim to assess the chip's durability, stability, and performance under various extreme conditions.- Test data and analysis are performed to predict the chip's lifespan and potential failure modes.IV. Documentation and Reporting- Throughout the testing and verification process, detailed documentation should be maintained, including test plans, test results, and any deviations or issues encountered.- Regular reports should be generated to provide stakeholders with updates on the testing progress, identified risks, and quality control measures implemented.V. Continuous Improvement- The management system should encourage continuous improvement by conducting regular reviews and feedback sessions.- Lessons learned from previous testing and verification activities should be analyzed and implemented to enhance future processes and workflows.- Collaboration with external partners, such as chip manufacturers and test equipment suppliers, should be established to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies.ConclusionA well-implemented management system for chip testing and verification is crucial for ensuring the reliability and functionality of integrated circuits. By establishing standardized procedures, defining clear responsibilities, and enforcing quality control measures, the overall efficiency and accuracy of the testing process can be enhanced. Continuous improvement and collaboration within the industry will further contribute to the development of more advanced testing and verification techniques.。
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a r X i v :0704.1840v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s o f t ] 13 A p r 2007APS/123-QEDSimulations of Aging and Plastic Deformation in Polymer GlassesMya Warren ∗and J¨o rg RottlerDepartment of Physics and Astronomy,The University of British Columbia,6224Agricultural Road,Vancouver,BC,V6T 1Z1,Canada(Dated:February 1,2008)We study the effect of physical aging on the mechanical properties of a model polymer glass using molecular dynamics simulations.The creep compliance is determined simultaneously with the structural relaxation under a constant uniaxial load below yield at constant temperature.The model successfully captures universal features found experimentally in polymer glasses,including signatures of mechanical rejuvenation.We analyze microscopic relaxation timescales and show that they exhibit the same aging characteristics as the macroscopic creep compliance.In addition,our model indicates that the entire distribution of relaxation times scales identically with age.Despite large changes in mobility,we observe comparatively little structural change except for a weak logarithmic increase in the degree of short-range order that may be correlated to an observed decrease in aging with increasing load.PACS numbers:81.40.Lm,81.40.Lg,83.10.RsI.INTRODUCTIONGlassy materials are unable to reach equilibrium over typical experimental timescales [1,2,3].Instead,the presence of disorder at temperatures below the glass tran-sition permits only a slow exploration of the configura-tional degrees of freedom.The resulting structural re-laxation,also known as physical aging [4],is one of the hallmarks of glassy dynamics and leads to material prop-erties that depend on the wait time t w since the glass was formed.While thermodynamic variables such as energy and density typically evolve only logarithmically,the re-laxation times grow much more rapidly with wait time [3,4,5].Aging is a process observed in many different glassy systems,including colloidal glasses [6],microgel pastes [7],and spin glasses [8],but is most frequently studied in polymers due to their good glass-forming ability and ubiquitous use in structural applications.Of particular interest is therefore to understand the effect of aging on their mechanical response during plastic deformation [5].In a classic series of experiments,Struik [4]studied many different polymer glasses and determined that their stiff-ness universally increases with wait time.However,it has also been found that large mechanical stimuli can alter the intrinsic aging dynamics of a glass.Cases of both decreased aging (rejuvenation)[4]and increased aging (overaging)[9,10]have been observed,but the interpre-tation of these findings in terms of the structural evolu-tion remains controversial [11,12].The formulation of a comprehensive molecular model of the non-equilibrium dynamics of glasses has been im-peded by the fact that minimal structural change oc-curs during aging.Traditional interpretations of aging presume that structural relaxation is accompanied bya2 lar dynamics simulations on a coarse grained,glass form-ing polymer model in order to investigate the relation-ship between macroscopic creep response and microscopicstructure and dynamics.In Section III A,we determinecreep compliance curves for different temperatures andapplied loads(in the sub-yield regime)andfind that,asin experiments,curves for different ages can be super-imposed by rescaling time.The associated shift factorsexhibit a power-law dependence on the wait time,andthe effect of aging can be captured by an effective timeas originally envisioned by Struik[4].In Section III B,wecompute microscopic mobilities and the full spectrum ofrelaxation times and show their relationship to the creepresponse.Additionally,we study several parameters thatare sensitive to the degree of short-range order in SectionIII C.We detect very little evolution toward increasedlocal order in our polymer model,indicating that shortrange order is not a sensitive measure of the mechanicalrelaxation times responsible for the creep compliance ofglassy polymers.II.SIMULATIONSWe perform molecular dynamics(MD)simulationswith a well-known model polymer glass on the bead-spring level.The beads interact via a non-specific vander Waals interaction given by a6-12Lennard-Jones po-tential,and the covalent bonds are modeled with a stiffspring that prevents chain crossing[22].This level ofmodeling does not include chemical specificity,but al-lows us to study longer aging times than a fully atomisticmodel and seems appropriate to examine a universal phe-nomenon found in all glassy polymers.All results will begiven in units of the diameter a of the bead,the mass m,and the Lennard-Jones energy scale,u0.The characteris-tic timescale is thereforeτLJ=.(1)σ3FIG.2:The same data as Fig.1is shown with the curvesshifted by a J(t w)to form a master curve.The dashed lines are fits to the master curves using the effective time formulation, and the dotted line is a short-timefit for comparison(see text).Compliance curves J(t,t w)for several temperatures and stresses were obtained as a function of wait time since the quench;representative data is shown in Figure1. The curves for different wait times appear similar and agree qualitatively with experiment.An initially rapid rise in compliance crosses over into a slower,logarith-mic increase at long times.The crossover between the two regimes increases with increasing wait time.Struik showed that experimental creep compliance curves for different ages can be superimposed by rescaling the time variable by a shift factor,a J,J(t,t w)=J(ta J,t′w).(2) This result is called time-aging time superposition[4,5]. Simulated creep compliance curves from Fig.1can simi-larly be superimposed,and the resulting master curve is shown in Fig.2.Shift factors required for this data collapse are plot-ted versus the wait time in Fig.3.All data fall along a straight line in the double-logarithmic plot,clearly indi-cating power law behavior:a J∼t−µw.(3) This power law in the shift factor is characteristic of ag-ing.µis called the aging exponent,and has been found experimentally to be close to unity for a wide variety of glasses in a temperature range near T g[4].Figure4shows the effect of stress and temperature on the aging exponent,as determined from linearfits to the data in Fig.3.At T=0.2u0/k B,µis close to one for small stresses,but decreases strongly with stress.This apparent erasure of aging by large mechanical deforma-tions has been called“mechanical rejuvenation”[25].Ex-periments have frequently found a stress dependence of FIG.3:Plot of the shift factors found by superimposing the creep compliance curves,a J(circles),the mean-squared dis-placement curves,a MSD(triangles),and the incoherent scat-tering function curves,a C(×)at different wait times(see text).The solid lines are linearfits to the data.the aging exponent[4],although it is not always the case that the aging process slows down with applied stress; stress has been known to increase the rate of aging in some circumstances as well[9,10].The structural ori-gins of this effect are not well understood[11,12].At T=0.3u0/k B,wefind that the aging exponent is somewhat smaller than at T=0.2u0/k B and varies much less with applied stress.This behavior is most likely due to the fact that the temperature is approaching T g. Indeed,experiments show thatµrapidly drops to zero above T pliance is an order of magnitude larger at T=0.3u0/k B than at T=0.2u0/k B and the data does not fully superimpose in a master curve for long times where J>0.2u0/a3.Shift factors were obtained from the small creep portion of the curves.The relatively simple relationship between shift factors and wait time permits construction of an expression that describes the entire master curve in Fig.2.For creep times that are short compared to the wait time-such that minimal physical aging occurs over the timescale of the experiment-experimental creep compliance curves can befit to a stretched exponential(typical of processes with a spectrum of relaxation times),J(t)=J0exp[(t/t0)m](4) where t0is the retardation factor,and the exponent,m, has been found to be close to1/3for most glasses[4]. Afit of this expression to our simulated creep compli-ance curves is shown in Fig.2(dotted line).This ex-4FIG.4:The aging exponent,µ,determined from the slopesof log(a J)versus log(t w)(from Fig.3)plotted versus stress(open symbols).The solid symbols at zero stress refer toshift factors determined from a MSD(eq.7)and a C(eq.6) data only.The dashed lines are guides to the eye. pression is clearly only consistent with the data at times t<t w.At times much longer than the wait time,the creep compliance varies more slowly due to the stiffen-ing caused by aging during the course of the experiment. Struik suggested that eq.(4)could be extended to the long-time creep regime,where the experimental timescale may be longer than the wait time,by introducing an ef-fective time to account for the slowdown in the relaxation timescales:t eff= t0 t wNNj=1exp(i q·[ r j(t w+t)− r j(t w)])(6)where r j is the position of the j th atom,and q is the wave-vector.C q curves as a function of age are shown in Fig.5and exhibit three distinct regions.Initially, C q decreases as particles make very small unconstrained excursions about their positions.There follows a long plateau,where the correlation function does not change considerably.In this regime,atoms are not free to dif-fuse,but are trapped in local cages formed by their near-est neighbours.For this reason,the time spent in the plateau regime is often associated with a“cage time”. The plateau region ends when particlesfinally escape from local cages(α-relaxation),and larger atomic rear-rangements begin to take place.The cage time corre-sponds closely to the transition from short-time to long-time regime observed in the creep compliance.Structural rearrangements taking place in theα-relaxation regime are clearly associated with the continued aging observed in the creep compliance,as well as plastic deformations occurring in that region.The correlation functions for different ages are similar in form,but the time spent in the plateau region in-creases with age.Just as creep compliance curves can be shifted in time to form a master curve,we may overlap the long-time,cage-escape regions of C q by rescaling the time variable of the correlation data at different ages(see inset of Fig.5).The corresponding shift factors a C(t w) are also shown in Fig.3,where we see that the increase in cage time with age follows the same power law as the shift factors of the creep compliance.These results are qualitatively similar to the scaling of the relaxation times with age found in[19]with no load.The real space quantity corresponding to C q is the mean squared displacement,r(t,t w)2 =15FIG.5:Incoherent scattering factor(eq.6)for differentwait times measured under the same loading conditions asin Fig.1(a)for q=(0,0,2π).The inset shows the mastercurve created by rescaling the time variable by a C.Symbolsas in Fig.1(b).FIG.6:Mean-squared displacement(eq.7)for different waittimes measured under the same loading conditions as inFig.1(a).The inset shows the master curve created by rescal-ing the time variable by a MSD.Symbols as in Fig.1(b). where∆ r j(t,t w)= r j(t w+t)− r j(t w).This functionis shown in Fig.6.Again we see three characteristic re-gions of unconstrained(ballistic),caged,and cage-escapebehavior.The departure from the cage plateau likewise increases with age,and a master curve can be constructedby shifting the curves with a factor a MSD(see inset of Fig.6).Shift factors a MSD are plotted in Fig.3,alongwith shifts for creep compliance and incoherent scatter-ing function.As anticipated,the shifts versus wait timefor ∆r2 fully agree with those obtained from C q and J. This clearly demonstrates that for our model,the cageescape time is indeed the controlling factor in the aging dynamics of the mechanical response functions.FIG.7:The displacement probability distribution versus time measured under the same loading conditions as in Fig.1(a), with a wait time of500τLJ.The solid lines from left to right are obtained at times t of75,750,7500,and75000τLJ.The dashed lines showfits to the double Gaussian distribution(see text,eq.8).Additional information about microscopic processes can be obtained by studying not only the mean of the dis-placements,but also the full spectrum of relaxation dy-namics as a function of time and wait time.To this end, we measure the probability distribution P(∆r(t,t w)2)of atomic displacements during time intervals,t,for glasses at various ages,t w.This quantity is complementary to the measurements of dynamical heterogeneities detailed in[26],where the spatial variations of the vibrational am-plitudes were measured at a snapshot in time to show the correlations of mobile particles in space.In our study,we omit the spatial information,but retain all of the dynam-ical information.Representative distribution functions are shown in Fig.7for a constant wait time of t w=500τLJ and var-ious time intervals t.The distributions were obtained from a smaller system of only271polymer chains due to memory constraints.The data does not reflect a simple Gaussian distribution,but clearly exhibits the presence of two distinct scales:there is a narrow distribution of caged particles and a wider distribution of particles that have escaped from their cages.This behavior can be de-scribed by the sum of two Gaussian peaks,P(∆r2)=N1exp −∆r2σ22 .(8)Deviations from purely Gaussian behavior are common in glassy systems and are a signature of dynamical hetero-geneities[26,27].Experiments on colloidal glasses[28] show a similar separation of displacement distributions into fast and slow particles.Afit of the normalized distributions to eq.(8)(dashed lines in Fig.7)requires adjustment of three parameters: the variance of caged and mobile particle distributions,6FIG.8:The Gaussian fit parameters for the distribution ofdisplacements (see text,eq.8),(a)N 1/N ,(b)σ21,and (c)σ22measured under the same loading conditions as in Fig.1(a).The curves are for wait times increasing from left to right from 500τLJ to 15000τLJ .σ21and σ22,as well as their relative contributions N 1/N ,where N =N 1+N 2.These parameters are sufficient to describe the full evolution of the displacement distribu-tion during aging.In Fig.8,we show the fit parameters as a function of time and wait time.Again two distinct time scales are evident.At short times,most of the parti-cles are caged (N 1/N ≈1),and the variance of the cage peak is also changing very little.There are few rear-rangements in this regime,however Fig.8(c)shows that a small fraction of particles are mobile at even the short-est times.At a time corresponding to the onset of cage escape,the number of particles in the cage peak begins to rapidly decay,and the variance of the cage peak in-creases.This indicates that the cage has become more malleable -small,persistent rearrangements occur lead-ing to eventual cage escape.In this regime,the variance of the mobile peak increases very little.Note that the typical length scale of rearrangements is less than a par-ticle diameter even in the cage escape regime,but the number of particles undergoing rearrangements changes by more than 50%.Similar to the compliance and mean-squared displace-ment curves,the data in Fig.8(a)and (b)can also beFIG.9:The displacement probability distribution measured under the same loading conditions and wait times as in Fig.1(a)plotted at times corresponding to <r 2(t,t w )>=0.7,shown in the inset as a dashed line.The legend indicates the wait time.superimposed by shifting time.Shift factors for N 1/Nand σ21coincide exactly with shifts for the mean;how-ever,data for σ22(Fig.8(c))seems to be much less af-fected by the wait time.The aging dynamics appears to be entirely determined by the cage dynamics,and not by larger rearrangements within the glass.Since the fit parameters exhibit the same scaling with wait time as the mean,one might expect that the en-tire distribution of displacements under finite load scales with the evolution of the mean.In Fig.9,we plot dis-placement distributions for several wait times at time in-tervals chosen such that the mean squared displacements are identical (see inset).Indeed,we find that all curves overlap,indicating that the entire relaxation spectrum ages in the same way.A similar observation was recently made in simulations of a model for a metallic glass aging at zero stress [29],although in this study the tails of the distribution were better described by stretched exponen-tials.In order to study the effect of load on the relaxation dynamics,we compare in Figure 10the fit parameters for a sample undergoing creep (replotted from Fig.8)and a reference sample without load.It is clear that the dy-namics are strongly affected by the applied stress only in the region characterized by α-relaxations.For the stress applied here,the onset of cage-escape does not appear to be greatly modified by the stress,however the decay in N 1/N and the widening of the cage peak are accelerated.The stress does not modify the variance of the mobile peak,confirming again the importance of local rearrange-ments as compared to large-scale motion in the dynamics of the system.The accelerated structural rearrangements caused by the stress result in creep on the macroscopic scale,but may also be responsible for the modification of the aging dynamics with stress as observed in Fig.4.7FIG.10:The Gaussianfit parameters to the displacement distributions(see text,eq.8)(a)N1/N,(b)σ21,and(c)σ22of a sample aged at T=0.2u0/k B for t w=500τLJ,and then either undergoing a creep experiment atσ=0.4u0/a3(black), or simply aging further at zero stress(red).C.Structural evolutionThe connection between the dynamics and the struc-ture of a glass during aging remains uncertain,mostly because no structural parameter has been found that strongly depends on wait time.Recent simulation stud-ies of metallic glasses have shown the existence of sev-eral short range order parameters that can distinguish between glassy states created through different quench-ing protocols[30,31,32].A strong correlation has been found between“ordered”regions of the glass and strain localization.Many metallic glasses are known to form quasi-crystalline structures that optimize local packing. It remains to be seen whether the short-range order evolves in the context of aging and in other glass for-mers such as polymers and colloids.A recent experimen-tal study of aging in colloidal glasses found no change in the distribution function of a tetrahedral order parame-ter[33].Below,we investigate several measures of local order in our model as they evolve with age and under load.Since Lennard-Jones liquids are known to condense into a crystal with fcc symmetry at low temperatures, it is reasonable to look for the degree of local fcc order in our polymer model.The level of fcc order can be quan-tified via the bond orientational parameter[34],Q6= 4πY6m 2 1/2.(9)This parameter has been successfully used to character-ize the degree of order in systems of hard sphere glasses. Q6is determined for each atom by projecting the bond angles of the nearest neighbours onto the spherical har-monics,Y6m(θ,φ).The overbar denotes an average over all bonds.Nearest neighbours are defined as all atoms within a cutoffradius,r c,of the central atom.For all of the order parameters discussed here,the cutoffradius is defined by thefirst minimum in the pair correlation func-tion,in this case1.45a.Q6is approximately0.575for a perfect fcc crystal;for jammed structures,it can exhibit a large range of values less than about0.37[34].The full distribution of Q6for our model glass is shown for several ages as well as an initial melt state in Fig.11(a).We see that there is very little difference even between melt and glassy states in our model,and no discernible difference at all with increasing age.Locally,close-packing is achieved by tetrahedral order-ing and not fcc ordering,however,tetrahedral orderings cannot span the system.The glass formation process has been described in terms of frustration between optimal local and global close-packing structures.To investigate the type of local ordering in this model,we investigate a3-body angular correlation function,P(θ).θis de-fined as the internal angle created by a central atom and individual pairs of nearest-neighbours,and P(θ)is the probability of occurrence ofθ.Results for this corre-lation are shown in Fig.11(b).Two peaks at approxi-mately60◦and110◦indicate tetrahedral ordering.The peaks sharpen under quenching from the melt,but the distribution does not evolve significantly during aging. In contrast,simulations of metallic glass formers showed a stronger sensitivity of this parameter to the quench protocol[31],but most of those changes may be due to rearrangements in the supercooled liquid state and not in the glassy state.Another parameter that has been successful in classi-fying glasses is the triangulated surface order parameter [32],S= q(6−q)νq(10)which measures the degree of quasi-crystalline order.The surface coordination number,q,is defined for each atom of the coordination shell as the number of neighbouring atoms also residing in the coordination shell;νq is the number of atoms in the coordination shell with surface coordination q.Ordered systems have been identified with S equal to12(icosahedron),14,15and16.Figure 11(c)shows the probability distribution for P(S)for the melt and for glassy states with short and long wait times.8FIG.11:Short-range order parameters:(a)the bond-orientational parameter,(b)the three-body angular corre-lations,(c)the surface triangulated order(see text for dis-cussion).x’s show the melt state,circles show the sample aged for t w=500τLJ,and triangles show the sample aged for 500,000τLJ.The peak of the distribution moves toward lower S(more ordered)upon cooling,and continues to evolve slowly in the glass.The mean ofS relative to the as-quenched state, S ,is shown in Fig.12as a function of wait time at two temperatures.We see that S is a logarithmi-cally decreasing function of wait time.Even though this is not a strong dependence,this order parameter is sig-nificantly more sensitive to age than the others that have been investigated.Figure12also shows the order parameter S after the ramped-up stress has been applied to the aged samples. We can see that at T=0.2u0/k B,some of the order that developed during age is erased,while no appreciable change occurs at the higher temperature T=0.3u0/k B. These results correlate well with the behavior of the ag-ing exponent found in Fig.4,where mechanical rejuve-nation was found at lower temperatures but was much less pronounced at higher T.The load is applied very quickly,and most of the deformation in this regime is affine,however,the strain during this time was similar for both temperatures,therefore the effect is not simply due to a change in density.More work is needed to clarify the nature of the structural changes during rejuvenation. FIG.12:Precent change in the triangulated surface order parameter with wait time as compared to the just-quenched sample.Circles are for samples aged at zero pressure for the time t w.Triangles are for the same samples immediately after ramping up to the creep stress.For T=0.2u0/k B this stress is0.4u0/a3,and for T=0.3u0/k B the stress is0.1u0/a3.IV.CONCLUSIONSWe investigate the effects of aging on both macroscopic creep response and underlying microscopic structure and dynamics through simulations on a simple model polymer glass.The model qualitatively reproduces key experi-mental trends in the mechanical behavior of glasses under sustained stress.We observe a power-law dependence of the relaxation time on the wait time with an aging expo-nent of approximately unity,and a decrease in the aging exponent with increasing load that indicates the presence of mechanical rejuvenation.The model creep compliance curves can befit in the short and long-time regimes using Struik’s effective time formulation.Additionally,inves-tigation of the microscopic dynamics through two-time correlation functions has shown that,for our model glass, the aging dynamics of the creep compliance exactly corre-sponds to the increase in the cage escape orα-relaxation time.A detailed study of the entire distribution of parti-cle displacements yields an interesting picture of the mi-croscopic dynamics during aging.The distribution can be described by the sum of two Gaussians,reflecting the presence of caged and mobile particles.The frac-tion of mobile particles and the amplitude of rearrange-ments in the cage strongly increase at the cage escape time.However,in analogy with results in colloidal glasses [35],structural rearrangements occur even for times well within the“caged”regime,and fairly independent of wait time and stress.For our model glass,wefind that the entire distribution of displacements scales with age in9the same way as the mean.At times when the long-time portion of the mean squared displacement overlaps, the distribution of displacements at different wait times completely superimpose,confirming that all of the me-chanical relaxation times scale in the same way with age. To characterize the evolution of the structure during aging,we investigate several measures of short-range or-der in our model glass.Wefind that the short-range order does not evolve strongly during aging.The triangulated surface order[32],however,shows a weak logarithmic de-pendence on age.Results also show a change in structure when a load is rapidly applied,and this seems to be cor-related with an observed decrease in the aging exponent under stress.This study has characterized the dynamics of a model glass prepared by a rapid quench below T g,followed by aging at constant T and subsequent application of a con-stant load.For such simple thermo-mechanical histo-ries,existing phenomenological models work well,how-ever,the dynamics of glasses are in general much more complex.For instance,large stresses in the non-linear regime modify the aging dynamics and cause nontrivial effects such as mechanical rejuvenation and over-aging [10,11].Also,experiments have shown that the time-age time superposition no longer holds when polymer glasses undergo more complex thermal histories such as a tem-perature jump[23].The success of our study in analyzing simple aging situations indicates that the present simula-tion methodology will be able to shed more light on these topics in the near future.AcknowledgmentsWe thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Coun-cil of Canada(NSERC)forfinancial puting time was provided by WestGrid.Simulations were per-formed with the LAMMPS molecular dynamics package [36].[1]J.-L.Barrat,M.V.Feigelman,J.Kurchan,and J.D.(Eds.),Slow Relaxations and Nonequilibrium Dynam-ics in Condensed Matter:Les Houches Session LXXVII (Springer,2002).[2]C.A.Angell,Science267,1924(1995).[3]C.A.Angell,K.L.Ngai,G.B.McKenna,P.F.McMil-lan,and S.W.Martin,J.Applied Physics88,3113 (2000).[4]L.C.E.Struik,Physical Aging in Amorphous Polymersand Other Materials(Elsevier,Amsterdam,1978).[5]J.M.Hutchinson,Prog.Polym.Sci.20,703(1978).[6]B.Abou,D.Bonn,and J.Meunier,Phys.Rev.E64,021510(2001).[7]M.Cloitre,R.Borrega,and L.Leibler,Phys.Rev.Lett.85,4819(2000).[8]T.Jonsson,J.Mattsson, C.Djurberg, F. 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